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The Leaky Gut Protocol

A Holistic Guide to Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome

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Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2015 by Joe Conroy,

All rights reserved.

All content within the “The Leaky Gut Protocol” is copyright © 2003-2015 by Joe

Conroy of Higher Ways Publishing, Inc.

All literary work contained within The Leaky Gut Protocol belongs to and is the sole

property of its respective authors and is reprinted with permission. Reproduction,

copying, or any other form of use of the pieces contained within the book is strictly

forbidden without express permission from the author.

Note: The owner of this book is permitted to print one hardcopy of this e-manual for

personal use. These rules have been established to protect the rights and ownership of the

author and to ensure that the author’s work is upheld as his own.

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Disclaimer While all attempts have been made to verify information that has been provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretations of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. The Author neither makes, nor attempts to make, any diagnosis or cure to prevent any disease. This publication is an informational product based on my own experience and research, and it has not been evaluated by either the FDA or the medical profession, and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical practitioner. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. The author is not a doctor, nor does he claim to be. Please consult your primary care physician before beginning any program of nutrition, exercise, or remedy. By consulting your primary care physician, you will have a better opportunity to understand and address your particular symptoms and situation in the most effective ways possible. As always, before applying any treatment or attempting anything that has been mentioned in this book, or if you are in doubt, you should consult your physician and use your best judgment. If you fail to do so, you are acting at your own risk. You, the buyer or reader of this book, alone assume all risk for anything you may learn from this book., Higher Ways Publishing Inc., the publisher, and Joe Conroy are not liable or responsible for any increase in severity of your leaky gut, or for any health problem you may encounter should you give up medical treatment.

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Chapter One: What is a Leaky Gut?

A new malady is sweeping through the medical community at an alarming rate. Despite

its epidemic proportions, most doctors deny its existence. Its critics call it everything

from a fad to a nonexistent psychosomatic plethora of disconnected symptoms. So, what

is this “invisible disease?” It is best known among the general population as Leaky Gut


Considered by many to be the newest “fad disease” striking millions, Leaky Gut

Syndrome has been around for decades, maybe longer. People have, for years, suffered

with its inconsistent and varied symptoms, but they simply did not have a name to call

their disorder – until recently. Although the medical community as a whole still does not

acknowledge Leaky Gut Syndrome as a real disorder, those who suffer with it – and the

handful of inventive doctors who treat it – know that Leaky Gut Syndrome is real, and

they are doing everything they can to bring it and its treatments to the forefront of today’s

medical teams.

Those who believe in (and treat) the condition insist that just because it was virtually

unheard of until a few years ago does not mean that it does not exist. With its long list of

symptoms, it is surprising that the medical community has taken so long to acknowledge

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it as a legitimate health concern. Perhaps since its mechanism of attack has confounded

physicians for so long they have not acknowledged it as a real disease.

My Battle with Leaky Gut Syndrome If Leaky Gut Syndrome is a new term to you, don’t worry. I wasn’t familiar with it either

until I started looking for answers to my own health problems. For years I had suffered

from periodic bouts of stomach pains, constipation, followed by diarrhea, achy joints, and

an overall blah feeling.

Multiple trips to my doctor’s office always resulted in the same answer: “Nothing is

wrong with you. Your tests came back negative for everything.” So why was I feeling so

horrible? No one seemed to know. I felt as if I was crazy, and my doctor’s attitude only

reinforced those feelings.

Although I wanted answers, after a few weeks my symptoms would seem to go away, so

I simply pretended that nothing was wrong – until they returned. What I realize now was

that those early symptoms were a sign that something within my body was amiss. My

digestive tract was out of whack, and my failure to find out why resulted in the eating

away of my intestinal lining, creating an opening for toxins to invade every organ in my


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What made my diagnosis so tricky was that while experiencing my symptoms I would eat

differently, relying on softer, more easily digestible foods (which also helped to begin

healing my gut). Of course, once I felt better I would resume my old eating habits only to

have the symptoms return weeks or months later. It wasn’t until I began to experience

signs of food allergies and intolerances that I started to link my diet with my symptoms.

That realization started when my doctor noticed a pattern with my symptoms that seemed

to indicate a dairy intolerance. Type casting me as “lactose intolerant” and giving me

pills to take when I ate any dairy products, I felt that I was on the mend. And I seemed to

be. Then I started to experience a variety of skin rashes and acne. In my 30s by this point,

it seemed ridiculous to have to deal again with teenage-like acne. Little did I realize that

this was my body’s way of trying to release some of the toxins being leaked into my

bloodstream from a damaged intestinal lining.

Finally getting my skin conditions under control, I then experienced bouts of gas and

bloating. Some days I could not even button my pants and had to buy a bigger size. I felt

swollen and gained weight quickly. Indigestion, too, haunted me day and night. I craved

sweets and carbohydrates and lacked energy and motivation.

To put it bluntly, I was a mess. Still, my doctor did not seem concerned. My blood work

still showed normal ranges except for a few vitamin deficiencies and a higher SED rate

(which gauges inflammation in the body), although not dangerously high. It was that

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SED rate that finally grabbed my doctor’s attention. Although he wasn’t really

concerned, he thought that might be a good place to look for other problems.

After realizing that my food sensitivities were worsening, he did several allergy tests,

only to learn that I showed symptoms from more foods than I had realized. He tested my

urine and my saliva and saw some patterns. My body was not absorbing the right amount

of nutrients and was fighting off some sort of invisible infection.

Countless more tests gave no real answers, and finally my doctor simply said that this

was how my body worked, and I needed to get used to eating differently. He prescribed

some medications to help stave off my digestive discomfort and told me to watch my


Not at all satisfied with that answer, I visited several more doctors while doing my own

sideline investigation. Although I kept running into stories similar to mine and an

explanation of something called “Leaky Gut Syndrome,” I could not find a single doctor

who took these claims seriously. That is, until I finally met a naturopath who agreed that

my symptoms perfectly matched a leaky gut.

This doctor was the one to finally explain to me how the foods we eat over a long period

of time can damage the intestinal lining, allowing toxins to poison the entire system,

throwing the body into a sense of emergency, and causing all sorts of seemingly

unrelated symptoms.

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Finally, I had a name for my problem and someone willing to work with me to find a way

to heal the damage and reverse my symptoms. I’m going to be honest. It took a while for

us to figure out how to stop the damage and heal my intestinal lining so that those trapped

toxins could no longer infiltrate my bloodstream. We tried out lots of different remedies

until we found a protocol that worked for me. It is that same protocol that I have outlined

in this book. I hope you too can find relief from your multitude of symptoms as I have.

One thing I have learned through this process is that Leaky Gut Syndrome does exist –

and it can be treated. Its victims no longer have to suffer with these detrimental effects

and can experience pain-free and symptom-free days once again. The key is learning

what Leaky Gut Syndrome is all about and discovering your own personal triggers so that

you can heal your gut and resume a normal life.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? To the average sufferer, Leaky Gut Syndrome seems to be an outpouring of unrelated

symptoms and disorders. Experiencing everything from severe constipation to

uncontrollable diarrhea, food allergies to gluten/dairy sensitivities, recurring infections

and osteoporosis, to muscle and joint pain to fibromyalgia, Leaky Gut victims often find

it difficult to pinpoint exactly what is wrong. One day they may experience the effects of

unstable blood sugar and the next find themselves battling incapacitating pain. This can

leave both doctor and patient scrambling to determine the root cause of their complaints.

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To the untrained eye, victims of Leaky Gut Syndrome may appear to suffer with a

multitude of medical maladies or simply be a hypochondriac. Yet, those who have

studied the disorder know full well that every symptom (no matter how seemingly

unrelated) associated with leaky gut can be explained by the outpouring of toxins being

released into the system by a too porous digestive tract.

The biggest misconception about Leaky Gut Syndrome is that it is a disease in and of

itself. It is not. In reality, Leaky Gut Syndrome is a pathological condition that crosses the

boundary lines of any specific disease, occurring as part of many different diseases and

syndromes. That is why the symptoms vary so greatly from person to person. When

people suffer from Leaky Gut Syndrome, they may actually suffer from several other

disorders being caused – or exacerbated – by the “leaking” that is occurring in the

gastrointestinal system. Let me explain.

The small intestine is an integral part of the body. It is actually considered the largest

organ, housing two thirds of the immune system. Within the 22 feet of walls of the small

intestine are small molecules that pass through its lining, going straight to the

bloodstream. When this lining thins, it allows molecules, bacteria, fungi, and worse to

“leak” into the bloodstream, making their way throughout the body. This causes the

immune system to go into overdrive as it tries to stop this “gut leakage” and stop

dangerous pathogens from attacking other parts of the body.

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Of course an immune reaction this strong does not come without its own detrimental

effects. Anytime the immune system is called into action, its first response is to incite

inflammation at the attack site. This is done to help prevent damage; yet when this type

of inflammation is severe enough and becomes chronic, it can actually hurt the organs

and systems it is trying to protect. This is why patients of Leaky Gut Syndrome can

experience symptoms anywhere in the body. From headaches to stomach aches, acne to

infection, a leaky gut can cause trouble to virtually any organ or bodily system.

How Normal Damage Control Actually

Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome Now that you know the basics of how Leaky Gut Syndrome gets started, let’s take a

closer look at how the disorder disrupts the way the intestinal tract works and why it can

become so dangerous to its victims.

Your body needs a strong intact intestinal lining to move food particles through your

system and keep your body free from harmful bacteria and viruses. Unfortunately, when

inflammation occurs in the intestines, two of its most important parts can be damaged:

the mucosal barrier and the microvilli.

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What is the Mucosal Barrier? The outermost part of the intestinal lining (sort of like the skin of the intestines), this

single layer mucous membrane has one major job: to keep everything found in the

intestines (food and drink particles) away from the bloodstream. Just as the epidermis

keeps harmful bacteria from infiltrating the skin, the mucosal barrier keeps harmful

agents like bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and other toxins from infiltrating our

bloodstream and directly infecting the body’s cells.

What are the Microvilli?

Right beneath the surface of the mucosal barrier are tiny finger-like projections lining the

intestinal wall. By secreting enzymes, microvilli break down food particles in your

digestive tract, and your cells absorb the nutrients.

Both of these intestinal layers are extremely important to keeping your entire body

healthy. Anything that damages either of these layers can have a detrimental effect to

your immune system, allowing toxins and unhealthy pathogens to attack. This causes

your immune system to come to the rescue, causing inflammation in your gut and thus

making the entire problem worse. If left untreated, an attack on the mucosal barrier will

lead to microvilli damage, and this can leave you unable to absorb nutrients properly. Not

only does this leave your entire body starving for nutrients, but it can also leave

undigested food particles sitting in your gut. This makes a perfect environment for

parasites, fungi, yeast, and bad bacteria to grow. Once these bad microorganisms grow,

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the good bacteria in your gut become overwhelmed and your entire intestinal flora

becomes unbalanced.

How a leaky gut affects your liver Of all the damaging effects Leaky Gut Syndrome can have on your body (and health),

one of the most dangerous is its effect on the liver. Research has shown that nonalcoholic

steatohepatitis (NASH) – a type of liver disease found in non-drinkers – is a direct

complication of bacterial overgrowth, immune dysfunction, alteration of the luminal

factors, and altered intestinal permeability. All of these problems begin when the

intestinal lining is compromised and toxins are allowed to seep into the system.

In other words, the liver is unable to completely detoxify itself of the added leakage and

becomes damaged from the overabundance of toxins and bacteria there. Over time, these

leftover pathogens build up in the fatty tissue of the liver, causing serious problems,

including cirrhosis.

Of course, whenever the liver is left incapacitated, the whole body suffers as the toxins it

is meant to filter out are allowed into the bloodstream, infecting virtually every organ and

system in the body. The results can be devastating, as any patient with long-term Leaky

Gut Syndrome knows well.

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What Causes a Leaky Gut? Now that you know how dangerous a leaky gut can be to your health and wellbeing, you

are likely wondering how it all started in the first place? After all, your symptoms

probably snuck up on you rather slowly – and quietly. Maybe you noticed a bit of

bloating or constipation, but then it went away. A few weeks later you began

experiencing some allergy-like symptoms and maybe a skin rash or acne. You gave it

little thought until those frequent colds became more intense and you seemed “to catch”

every infection making the rounds. Over the course of months (or even years) you

couldn’t deny the fact that something was awry in your body. Eventually your symptoms

seemed to take on a life of their own with aches and pains, fatigue, and the onset of more

distressing afflictions like irritable bowel syndrome or even Celiac disease.

That is exactly how Leaky Gut Syndrome works: it begins slowly with sporadic

symptoms that increase in intensity and duration until you can’t ignore them anymore –

you are sick! By the time you realize that something is wrong (really wrong), the damage

has already been done. Leaky Gut Syndrome has created havoc in virtually every system

throughout your body!

So how does it all start anyway? There is rarely a single cause to Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Once they become aware of it, most patients realize that their leaky gut was the

consequence of a variety of stressors on the digestive tract. Left unrecognized and

untreated, these individual stressors accumulated, and the resulting damage was a

thinning of the intestinal lining.

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Understanding what caused your gut to begin leaking in the first place is the first step to

stopping it. Now, let’s look at some of the top stressors that can cause the intestinal lining

to thin:

Your Diet Let’s face it, most of us do not eat a healthy diet. For most of us, breakfast consists of a

bagel, coffee, sugared cereal, or maybe even a donut. Lunch is a sandwich (on white

bread) or a quick fast food meal, and dinner seldom consists of fresh organic veggies and

lean organic meats.

No matter who you are or where you live, most of us rely way too much on processed

foods riddled with trans fats, processed sugar, refined grains, salt, hormones, and

preservatives. Unfortunately, the more packaged foods, fast foods, and refined foods we

eat, the fewer nutrients our bodies get and the more toxins they absorb.

Failing to give your body whole wheat grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean

organic meats not only strips away the important nutrients required to battle outside

toxins, but also breaks down the intestinal lining and allows a leaky gut to develop.

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Stress Is there anyone these days who can honestly say they are not stressed and overwhelmed?

Stress may be the #1 health killer in today’s modern world. Just ask anyone who has had

to deal with any degree of ongoing stress, and they will likely say they experience

stomach pains, indigestion, and other stomach-related ailments on a regular basis. What

may seem like a normal reaction to the stress in your life may actually be the beginnings

of a leaky gut.

Whether it is physical, emotional, or mental stress, constantly living in a state of chaos

and burden can leave the body in a chronic state of alert, which exhausts it and renders it


Maybe you have worked hard at easing your stress burdens at home and in the office.

That’s wonderful. But have you also considered the effects that physical stress (chronic

pain, overworking, excessive exercise, etc.) can have on your health? It has even been

shown that those who work at physically demanding jobs can suffer the same high level

of physical stress as those suffering with high levels of emotional stress.

Mental stress, too, can have a detrimental effect on your health.

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Medication Every time you get a prescription filled, your pharmacist likely hands you a paper listing

all of the possible side effects. There is good reason for the warning: medications (any

medication) can cause some harm. Even non-prescription medications can negatively

affect your body. Some of the biggest culprits that affect the intestinal lining include anti-

inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, Aleve and Celebrex, birth control pills, steroids, and


Does this mean you should stop taking all medication? Of course not! The key to using

them properly is to pay attention to the effects they are having on your body and to limit

those effects by working with your doctor to find alternative treatments or lowering doses

or changing prescriptions should you notice an adverse effect on your stomach.

Your Environment The average person comes into contact with as many as 10,000 environmental toxins

each and every day. Many of them are found in your own home! Of course, the constant

bombardment of these toxins can leave your body struggling to keep them from causing

harm to your health.

Some of the environmental toxins that may affect your gut health include:

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• Food preservatives: additives and preservatives are found in most non-organic

foods these days and should be avoided as much as possible.

• Household chemicals: cleaning products are notorious for putting dangerous

chemicals into your living environment.

• Toxic pathogen byproducts: whenever you have any degree of fungi, bacteria, or

yeast in your intestinal tract, they leave behind byproducts that can further

damage the intestinal lining.

Bacteria/Fungi/Yeast and Parasites Infestation No one likes the thought of parasites, fungi, yeast, and bacteria taking up residence in

their body, but the fact is that the human body always has some degree of each of these

microorganisms living in it. The key to good health is maintaining the right balance

between the bad pathogens and the good pathogens in the digestive tract.

Who’s at Risk for a Leaky Gut? Anyone – and everyone – is at risk for Leaky Gut Syndrome. Still there are some people

at a higher risk of intestinal damage than others. Look to see if you fall under any of these


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• People with autoimmune disorders: when your immune system is threatened, you

have a much higher chance of your intestinal lining being compromised.

• People with poor diets: if you live on processed, chemical-laden, and high sugar

foods, the odds are good that your gut is paying the price.

• People experiencing chronic stress in their lives: when everyday stress becomes

an “everyday” occurrence, then your risk of contracting Leaky Gut Syndrome


• Women on birth control pills: some birth control medications can interfere with

the way the digestive tract works.

• People with allergies.

• People on steroids.

• People suffering with any type of gastrointestinal diseases like Celiac disease,

colitis, IBS, etc.

Chapter Two: Do You Have a Leaky Gut? Let’s Find


Leaky Gut Syndrome may seem easy to diagnose, but that is not always the case. With

patients presenting such varied symptoms that may be overlooked or possibly suggest a

different pathology, doctors often miss a leaky gut diagnosis until the disease has

progressed to the point where it is impossible to miss.

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So how can you know if your symptoms are associated with a leaky gut or some other

malady? The first step is to ask yourself a few simple questions.

Step 1: Take This Simple Questionnaire

When determining if you may be suffering from Leaky Gut Syndrome, begin the

diagnostic process by asking yourself these basic questions:

• Have I been suffering with varied gastrointestinal issues over a long period of

time that my doctors cannot diagnose (this includes constipation, diarrhea, upset

stomach, abdominal pains, bloating, gas, indigestion, etc.)?

• Do I suffer from periodic bloating?

• Is my abdomen distended?

• Do I suffer from bouts of acne, psoriasis, eczema, or other skin irritations?

• Do I suffer from food allergies or intolerances?

• Do I have seasonal allergies?

• Am I always tired?

• Do I lack motivation?

• Do I suffer with a foggy brain?

• Do I often experience joint pain or muscle aches?

• Do I seem to catch every bug or virus going around?

• Do I eat an unhealthy diet?

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• Do I find it difficult (or even impossible) to shed those extra pounds?

• Do I suffer with periodontal disease?

• Do I have an autoimmune disorder?

• Do I have to take anti-inflammatory or pain medications (even over-the-counter

ones) on a regular basis just to make it through the day?

Now look at how many questions you answered with “yes.” If it is more than one quarter

of the questions, you will want to move to step 2 of our plan to diagnose Leaky Gut


Step 2: Make a Symptoms Checklist Answering the questions above may have highlighted your need to have your doctor

investigate the possibility that you suffer from a leaky gut. But until you can give your

doctor a solid list of your symptoms and complaints, the odds are he or she is not going to

take your “self-diagnosis” seriously. Next, begin listing your symptoms on a sheet of

paper using the symptoms checklist below.

Mark off any symptoms you have experienced in the last year or so. Be sure to write how

often you suffer from these symptoms and when (this week, last month, six months ago,

etc.). The more information you can give your doctor, the better able he or she will be to

give you a solid (and correct) diagnosis:

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Leaky Gut Symptoms Checklist: • Abdominal pain

• Diarrhea

• Constipation

• Abdominal distention

• Bloating

• Indigestion

• Heartburn/GERD

• Ulcerative colitis

• Irritable bowel syndrome

• Crohn’s disease

• Celiac disease

• Gluten intolerance

• Lactose intolerance

• General food intolerances/allergies

• Unstable blood sugar

• Repeated urinary tract infections

• Yeast/fungal infections/overgrowth

• Parasites

• Recurring infections

• Candida

• Asthma

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• Recurring bacterial infections

• Bronchitis

• Recurring colds and flu-like symptoms

• Arthritis

• Joint pain

• Muscle aches

• Fibromyalgia

• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

• Insomnia

• Infertility

• Diabetes (Type 1 or type 2)

• Multiple sclerosis

• Osteoporosis

• Thyroiditis

• Eczema

• Dermatitis

• Autism

• Mood swings

• Aggressive behavior/foggy brain

• Confusion

• Toxic feelings

• Depressions

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• Inability to lose weight

• Adrenal malfunction

• Mouth sores

• Periodontal disease

• Headaches (or migraines)

• Inflammation

• ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

• Autoimmune dysfunction/disease

• Lack of energy

• Inability to concentrate

Be sure to highlight every symptom you ever experienced and give as many details as

you can about each one, including:

• How often you experience these symptoms.

• How severe your symptoms are.

• Any changes in their occurrences and severity.

• Medications you may take to ease your symptoms (and how well they work).

Step 3: Make an Appointment with Your Doctor Armed with more information about your symptoms, it is now time to make an

appointment with your doctor to discuss what you have uncovered. Unless the doctor can

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begin to put the pieces of your symptom puzzle together, he or she will be unable to see

the connection between what you are experiencing and Leaky Gut Syndrome.

So what should you expect during your visit? Here is a basic rundown of what a typical

visit should look like:

The Pre-Exam Interview By now you have already answered many questions regarding your symptoms and their

onset. Be patient, as you have a few more questions to answer. Before your doctor begins

your physical exam, the nurse will likely ask you more questions about your health

history, including:

• What diseases and/or procedures/surgeries you have had in the past? Other

medical conditions may result in some of the same symptoms as Leaky Gut


• What medications you are currently taking (or may have been taking at the onset

of your symptoms)? Different medications affect the body in different ways.

Some may even thin the lining of the intestines causing leakage.

• Your family health history. Genetics may play some role in Leaky Gut Syndrome,

especially when autoimmune disorders are present.

• Your diet. A diet high in refined grains and sugars has been linked to intestinal


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• Stress. Stress overload can cause intestinal thinning.

The Physical Exam Once a thorough medical history has been taken and your symptom checklist reviewed,

your doctor will proceed to the physical examination. This should include an indepth look

at all of your body’s systems including your heart, lungs, teeth, neurologic function, skin,

and more. Be prepared for the most comprehensive physical exam you may have ever


Not only is your doctor looking to physically see symptoms but also to check for any

underlying medical condition that could be causing them. Once the doctor has ruled out

other medical problems, the doctor can begin to concentrate more on leaky gut as the

culprit for your illness.

Tests to Diagnosis Leaky Gut Syndrome Diagnosing Leaky Gut Syndrome takes more than just running a few blood tests. It

requires a multi-pronged approach by taking a complete medical history, looking for

signs and symptoms of the disease, calculating a patient’s overall risks, and validating

those results with some basic testing.

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Once your doctor suspects Leaky Gut Syndrome, he or she may opt to run a few

diagnostic screening tests looking for a definitive diagnosis.

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Test The most common test given to check for a leaky gut is the PEG, a type of intestinal

permeability test. A non-invasive procedure, the test requires the patient to ingest a drink

that contains two non-digestible sugars called lactulose and mannitol. Then over a few

hours, several urine tests will be taken to check for levels of both sugars. When your

digestive system is working well, the results will be high lactulose levels and lower

mannitol levels; but when the intestines are “leaking,” the urine will contains high levels

of both.

Digestive Stool Analysis This is a simple stool test that can tell your doctor how well your digestive tract is

working, how well nutrients are being absorbed into the bloodstream, whether you suffer

with a bacterial imbalance, and whether high levels of fungi or parasites are present in

your intestines.

Intestinal Barrier Function Test Used to determine your stage of Leaky Gut Syndrome, the intestinal barrier test analyzes

saliva and blood serum to discover the level of immune antibodies in your body. It can

also detect high levels of bacteria, Candida, fungi, and even intolerant dietary proteins in

the body.

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Candida Testing The tests most commonly used involve testing the blood for high levels of antibodies

such as IgG, IgA and IgM, which could indicate Candidiasis (an infestation with the yeast

strain Candida albicans).

Intolerance Sensitivity and Allergy Testing Leaky Gut Syndrome can also cause a variety of food intolerances and allergies, so it

makes sense that your doctor checks you for sensitivities and allergies when trying to

diagnose Leaky Gut Syndrome. Here are some of the tests that may be ordered:

A scratch test: The most common type of allergy testing, this skin-pricking test requires

scratching the skin with a needle and administering a small amount of a suspected

allergen on the skin. This is usually done on the back or arm. If the area being tested

swells, develops a rash, or becomes itchy or otherwise irritated, a sensitivity or allergy

may be present.

A blood RAST (radioallergosorbent test): Is used to measure the amount of IgE in the

blood when exposed to various allergens.

Patch test: This is a type of test used to check for food allergies or delayed reactions. It is

performed by taping an allergen to the skin for about 24 to 48 hours to see if a rash

appears at the site.

Blood Tests: There are blood tests available to test for food intolerances, which test a

pinprick blood sample against a number of foods for various antibody reactions.

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Blood Cell Analysis

Another test – a blood cell analysis – is not a way to diagnose any specific health ailment,

but rather a way to see where problems may be in the way the body is working. A blood

cell analysis is a way for your doctor to see how healthy you are. Looking at live blood

cells through a microscope can help a health practitioner see if pathogens and free

radicals are present in the bloodstream; how the immune system functions; how the

digestive system functions; whether liver or pancreatic problems exists the presence of

oxidative stress, bacteria, parasites and fungus, malnutrition, vitamin or mineral

deficiencies, along with other indicators of poor health and disease.

Amino Acid Analysis

Used to detect digestive disorders, an amino acid analysis is a simple urine test that

measures the amino acids in your body. Low levels can indicate a variety of ailments

including Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Of course, testing for Leaky Gut Syndrome isn’t just for diagnostic purposes. It may also

help to rule out related medical disorders.

Related Disorders One of the most important things to remember when looking for a leaky gut diagnosis is

that there are other medical maladies that can mimic Leaky Gut Syndrome. Here are just

a few that need to be ruled out:

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Celiac Disease

Also linked to the small intestine, Celiac disease keeps nutrients from being absorbed into

the bloodstream from the intestine. Some of the symptoms of Celiac disease include

bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and stomach distention.


When the microbial balance in the digestive system becomes imbalanced, the mucous

membranes in the intestines can become inflamed (which is what happens when Leaky

Gut Syndrome is present). This can cause an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the system,

creating the same symptoms as Leaky Gut Syndrome.


Causing the same type of muscle and joint pain as a leaky gut, this autoimmune disease

can cause leaky gut due to the types of medications used to relieve arthritic discomfort.

Candida (Yeast)

Very much related to leaky gut, Candida overgrowth can cause both leaky gut and be a

symptom of it. It can also be a problem in and of itself.

Now that you have a better idea of what is causing your gut-wrenching symptoms, it is

time to learn how to alleviate the pain and discomfort. Next, let’s discuss my 5-step plan

for stopping your gut from leaking and restoring your entire body to optimal health.

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Chapter Three: The 5-Step Leaky Gut Protocol


Healing a leaky gut takes a more proactive approach than simply getting a prescription

filled. It requires changing the way you eat – and the way you live – to better balance

your intestinal flora and keep your symptoms from returning.

While it may take a few weeks to begin to heal your injured and thinning intestinal lining,

you will begin to feel much better if you follow the simple steps outlined in the program.

For many people suffering with Leaky Gut Syndrome, the return to real health is

shocking. Often victims of the disorder have felt so poorly for so long they have no idea

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what it feels like to be healthy again. The change in the way they feel, look, and even

think is dramatic.

Here are just some of the changes you can expect while undergoing treatment:

• More energy: Almost immediately, sufferers report a return of their energy when

their leaky gut is treated. As your body is better able to absorb the nutrients and

minerals it has been lacking, every cell is rejuvenated and your system begins to

work properly. This gives you more energy to get through the day.

• A better attitude: When your intestinal health is compromised, you intestines are

unable to produce the right level of serotonin, which helps to regulate your mood.

Once your gut begins to heal, this chemical is able to be produced and released

into your system, alleviating feelings of depression, sadness, a lack of motivation,

and even moodiness.

• More calmness: As the stress on your body is alleviated, you will begin to feel

calmer and better able to handle the everyday stresses of life. Stress will no longer

rule your life as brain chemicals and hormones are better balanced thanks to a

fully functioning gut.

• More clarity: Most people who suffer with Leaky Gut Syndrome report brain

fogginess and an inability to concentrate. This is due to chemical imbalances as

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well as glucose fluctuations in the bloodstream. Once intestinal health is restored,

these issues are resolved, allowing your brain to become fully functioning again.

• A flatter stomach: When a leaky gut causes intestinal inflammation, your stomach

may protrude unnaturally. Of course, once this inflammation is taken care of, your

stomach will revert to a flatter state – without the torture of endless stomach


• Less pain: The more your intestines heal, the less muscle and joint pain you will

experience. As Leaky Gut Syndrome progresses, the body fights back with

inflammation throughout; when that gut is healed, the inflammation and pain

associated with it goes away.

• Fewer digestive issues: A healthy gut is able to digest foods properly, freeing you

from those gastrointestinal symptoms.

• Fewer allergies and sensitivities: Once your body is free of the toxins infiltrating

your bloodstream from your intestines, it can once again handle the foods you

have always eaten without producing an allergic reaction or intolerance.

• Clearer skin: The skin works hard to free the body of toxins and this can lead to

all sorts of skin conditions. Once those toxins are stopped from getting past the

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intestinal wall, your skin doesn’t have to work so hard to purge them, thus

clearing up that acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

• Less overall illness: Freeing your body of the toxins, bacteria, fungi and more that

have been leaking from your damaged gut allows your immune system to work

better. This will allow it to attack any germs trying to harm you and keep you

from catching every “bug” that’s making the rounds.

Now that you know the many benefits of the Leaky Gut Syndrome solution, it is time to

get started on the road to a healthier you. Let’s begin by tackling the importance of the

right attitude.

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Step 1:

Creating the Right Mindset for Healing and Lifestyle


Before you can begin any healing program, you have to first prepare your mind. The

mind is a powerful healing tool. Doctors have seen it time and time again: a patient they

did not think could survive does simply because they made up their mind to do so;

meanwhile, a patient not nearly as ill falls victim to their disease because they simply

gave up the fight.

The right mindset might not always be able to “save” you, but it certainly can help your

body along the way. That is why I have begun this protocol by learning how to create the

right mindset for healing.

Allow your mind to give your body the push – or motivation – it needs to heal. Begin

with these simple steps:

Take on a Victor’s Role Nothing will thwart your healing faster than adopting a victim’s mindset. First, it depletes

your body of important energy that it needs to heal. Secondly, it strips away your

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motivation to get well, and that leaves you open to making the wrong choices regarding

your health and well being.

Begin your road to recovery by adopting a victor’s attitude. Let yourself believe that you

can overcome your symptoms and heal your body. It may not be all that is needed to get

well, but it is a great first step!

Don’t Allow Your Symptoms to Rule Your Life This is a common dilemma people fall into: first they try to control their symptoms and

then eventually they wear down and allow those symptoms to control them – and their

lives. This can be a dangerous road to follow. Once you allow your life choices to follow

the lead of your symptoms, you have given up on healing, and that attitude will keep you

from ever getting well.

Believe that You Deserve to Be Healthy! Once you are stuck in the muck of unhealthiness, it can be difficult to break free from its

bondage – both mentally and physically. But until you can grasp the idea that you deserve

to feel well again, you will find it difficult to heal. Stop allowing negative thoughts to

guide you through your life. Believe that you deserve to be healthy again and then do

whatever is necessary to strengthen your body and heal yourself of that leaky gut.

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Get Motivated! Whether you want to land a new job, buy a bigger house, lose a few pounds, or heal your

declining health, without the motivation to do something to attain your goals, you will

remain stuck just where you are – sick and miserable.

Get Support Healing your leaky gut and overcoming its devastating effects is not going to be easy, and

you will need some help along the way. Find the support you need to get on the road to

recovery and stay there. That may mean finding a new doctor who believes in your

condition and is willing to work with you toward a healthier you; or finding a nutritionist

who can show you how to get the nutrients your body needs; or locating a support group

for people dealing with chronic illnesses like Leaky Gut Syndrome; or simply finding a

friend to talk to. No matter what level of support you need to succeed, get out there and

find it!

Remain Balanced Leaky Gut Syndrome did not suddenly attack like some other bacteria or virus. The

condition eats away at your gut over a long period of sustained irritation. Your symptoms

did not just appear overnight – they took time to develop. How? Because something in

your body became unbalanced. Maybe life became so busy you forgot to eat properly; or

maybe stress ate away at your energy and your gut. Or maybe some other illness

precluded your leaky gut symptoms. Regardless of how it started, you must work hard to

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keep your entire body (including your mind) balanced to keep your symptoms from


Not sure how to do that? Here are a few ways in which you can keep your emotions in

check, your stress levels low, your mind clear, and your body working at peak capacity:

Meditation Although meditation originated as a religious practice in the Far East, its benefits for

relieving stress have been touted around the world for centuries. Today it is used

regularly as a way to relieve stress and anxiety in almost any setting. The way meditation

works is simple: it involves clearing the mind of any invasive thoughts, using correct

posture and breathing techniques, and practicing a mantra (or specific string of words) to

calm and focus the spirit.

Breathing 101 Without air our bodies cannot function. As a matter of fact, if we don’t breathe, we would

die! Breathing allows our lungs to take in the oxygen that our body requires to function

and exhale unnecessary byproducts. The problem is that it is easy to stop breathing

correctly during times of extreme stress. Our autonomic nervous system can easily

become affected by muscular tension and other stress symptoms, altering our breathing

patterns and causing these common symptoms:

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• Increased blood pressure

• Increased metabolism

• Increased muscle pain

• Decreased circulation

• Dizziness

• Shortness of breath

• Shaking

• And more…

Never underestimate the act of proper breathing, especially in connection with your

health. The act of rebalancing your breathing can have a dramatic effect on how you feel

and how your body works.

By learning how to breathe in regular, light, relaxed breaths you can – and will – regain

control of your body and your mind. The most important thing to remember when

breathing is to inhale fully (remaining relaxed) and then, without pause, to exhale slowly.

Here are two very simple breathing exercises that can help you lower your stress levels

and keep them from eating away at your gut:

Exercise 1: Sit comfortably in a chair, making sure that you are relaxed. Place overlapping hands

over your stomach, imagining that your head is attached to a cord that is pulling it up

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slightly, stretching out your spine and opening your chest cavity. Facing forward, close

your eyes. Take a deep breath and count to three. Be sure that you are breathing in deeply

enough to raise your hands on your belly. As you reach three, hold your breath briefly

and then slowly exhale to the count of five. Repeat. Practice this entire exercise three

times a day for a total of five minutes each time.

Exercise 2: Stand with your legs a shoulder width apart and relax your shoulders. Be careful to keep

your back and head upright! Now inhale slowly to the count of three as you raise your

arms slowly while you also rise up on tiptoe. Hold at the maximum height for two counts,

and then exhale and drop your arms as you drop down to a flat foot (this should be

complete by the count of five). Repeat five times. This is a great way to battle both

fatigue and anxiety.

As is the case with any type of exercise, these breathing techniques must be practiced to

become natural and offer the best results.

Exercise and Sleep Optimization We all know that exercise is good for us. Still, did you know that even just a half hour of

exercise several times a week can help to:

• Reduce your stress level.

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• Improve your immune system.

• Give you more energy – which can help you cope better with your symptoms.

• Increase your circulation.

Getting Enough Exercise Every Day Exercise does not have to mean hitting the gym at 5 o’clock every morning. It does mean

making an effort to get off the couch and do something! That may mean taking an

aerobics class, but it may also mean taking a walk around the neighborhood every

morning and every evening, taking a dance class, finally planting that garden, playing

tennis, swimming, or a number of other exercise-based activities. Even riding your bike

with your kids and playing a game or two of old-fashioned sand lot baseball will do. It’s

okay to put together your own exercise routine as long as you do something three or four

times a week for at least 30 to 45 minutes.

Still not sure how to make enough time for a regular exercise regimen? Start with these

simple lifestyle changes:

• Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

• Park in the furthest spot at the mall, grocery store, work place, etc.

• Use the bathroom on a different floor at work (and take the stairs to get there).

• Do some stretching or aerobic exercises while watching your favorite TV show.

• Walk the dog (or someone else’s).

• Get down on the floor and roughhouse with your kids (or grandkids).

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Sleep Optimization Your body cannot function properly without enough sleep. Every organ and cell in your

body (including your gut) uses sleep time to repair and rejuvenate itself. The best way to

help your body heal is to give it enough sleep. Most experts agree that you need at least 8

solid hours of quality sleep for your body to rest and relax. One of the best ways to

accomplish this feat is to establish a bedtime routine. This signals your brain that rest is

pending. Also, take time throughout the day to relax, rest, or even meditate to keep both

your body and mind in perfect stress-less harmony.

Aromatherapy Massage Aromatherapy and massage have been used for thousands of years to reduce stress and

treat everything from stomach ailments to infertility. The medicinal use of aromatherapy

massage has been clearly documented in recent years, with many doctors preferring it

over pharmaceuticals.

Using the concentrated essential oils of various plants, administered through eastern

massage techniques, aromatherapy has a profound effect on the entire body. Mixing and

blending the right combination of oils can relieve many health-related symptoms. While

it is seldom used alone as the only form of treatment for any disease, massage therapy

works well in conjunction with the other treatment methodologies found in this book.

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Reiki A faith-healing type of touch therapy that originated in the Far East, Reiki involves the

laying of hands either on or above various body parts to redirect energy and soothe

injuries. Many people report feeling heat and relaxation during the experience. It is often

used on cancer patients to help them recover quicker from chemotherapy and radiation

treatments, and it is a wonderful form of relaxation.

Reflexology Widely available at most alternative health clinics these days, reflexology believes that

all of your internal organs have nerve endings that terminate in the feet. When the body’s

energy (chi) is disturbed in any way (as is often the case with severe anxiety), massaging

the foot in a specific manner can release that pent-up energy and free the body of the

stress and anxiety that has built up internally. A simple procedure that causes no adverse

side effects, it’s easy and effective in treating any kind of internal chaos, including Leaky

Gut Syndrome.

Yoga Using the concept that exercise can be used to promote internal healing, yoga was

devised to increase circulation and blood flow and open up gaps between muscles and

bones to allow the body to breathe efficiently. Yoga involves meditation, stretching, and

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exercise that help to train the body to breathe correctly and heal itself. It is a wonderful

relaxation technique.

Using a combination of all of these tips, you can help to prepare yourself for healing and

handling the lifestyle changes that will be necessary to treat your leaky gut and regain

your health.

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Step 2:

Colon Cleansing Many holistic health practitioners believe illness and disease begin with a toxic colon.

Use this colon cleanse recipe to help clean out and detox the colon and intestinal tract.

Whether fasting or not, it’s important to ensure that our colons are functioning properly,

especially when a leaky gut is suspected.

One of the plagues of our modern society is a sluggish, underactive colon. Thanks to

over-processed, denatured foods, overeating, slow-to-digest meats, and not getting

enough fiber, many of us have bowels that aren’t working at their peak of performance.

But even if we eat a diet of carefully chosen healthful and natural foods, we still benefit

from an occasional colon cleanse.

Fasting in general enhances colon activity. The break from food allows for a resting

period of the whole intestinal tract, offering a time for these organs to “catch up” and

self-heal. Before, during, and after a fast, depending on what type of fast you’re doing,

are good times to cleanse the colon. Many people use enemas or colonics for this purpose

with good results, although it isn’t necessary if these aren’t practical for you.

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In our normal eating patterns, when waste matter doesn’t move along quickly through the

colon, it dehydrates and hardens, becoming a thick and sticky mass. This old, undigested,

and putrid matter becomes more and more difficult for the body to eliminate and can

harbor unwanted bacteria, toxins, and parasites. It can also hinder the flow of normal

digestive fluids from the liver and pancreas.

Rehydration and removal of this waste matter is paramount to a healthy gut function and

to optimum physical health. Two of the best products for cleaning out the colon are

psyllium and bentonite clay.

Psyllium Husks

Psyllium husks have a unique characteristic in that when mixed with water they swell up,

creating a slippery, gelatin-like substance. This “gelatin” holds a great deal of water in

the bowels, helping to soften the feces. Its slipperiness then acts as a lubricant for easier

elimination. The extra bulk created by the psyllium will stimulate better peristalsis, the

movement of the muscles in the walls of the intestines that “pushes” the matter along.

Psyllium husks are an all-natural product, being the outer hull of the seeds of the ispaghul

plant (Lat. Plantago ovata). While they have been used for hundreds of years in Europe

for treating bowel problems, the West has only recently caught on. Nowadays, many

over-the-counter laxatives contain forms of psyllium.

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For our purposes in detoxing, we want to use the highest quality, preferably organic,

psyllium. Drinking plenty of water along with the psyllium is a must, otherwise it can be

dehydrate the rest of the body as it absorbs and holds water in the intestines.

Bentonite Clay

Bentonite is a naturally occuring and highly absorbent earthen clay. Not assimilated by

the body, it absorbs and binds toxins in the intestinal tract and then passes them out with

the feces. Clays are frequently used externally in facial masks and other skin treatments

for the same purpose of drawing out impurities.

Bentonite clay is available in both dry (powdered) and liquid form, and either form will

work for colon cleansing. Plenty of water should be consumed with bentonite to avoid

any dehydrating effects.

Colon Cleanse Recipe

You can vary quantities to some degree to suit your personal preferences, but the general

recipe is as follows:

Psyllium and Bentonite Colon Cleanse

1 rounded teaspoon psyllium husks

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1 teaspoon bentonite clay powder (or 1 tablespoon liquid bentonite clay)

8 ounces water or juice

Place the psyllium and bentonite in an empty glass, and then add the water and stir


Drink quickly, before it thickens.

Follow with another 8 ounces of plain water or juice. Plenty of fluid is important.

You’ll want to drink 2 or 3 glasses every day, but begin slowly by drinking only one

glass the first day, allowing your system to adjust to the greater bulk. Take in between

meals, at least 2 hours apart from any supplements or medications. Most drink it morning

and evening, with the optional third glass in the afternoon. Drinking a glass an hour

before a meal may make you feel fuller and eat less.

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Step 3:

Relieving Gut Inflammation and Easing Constipation When your digestive tract becomes irritated it reacts by causing inflammation in the

intestines. Something as simple as a food item you are overly sensitive to can cause a

fungal or bacterial buildup, which can make your immune system overreact.

Whenever the body is threatened by a pathogen, the immune system reacts by sending

helper cells to the affected area. This causes a certain amount of inflammation.

Completely natural, this reaction is meant to help the body. But left untreated, it can

cause irreparable harm. Leaky Gut Syndrome is the effect of unresolved inflammation.

Of course, the more unwanted pathogens you have in your body, the worse it will react,

making it impossible to actually heal your leaky gut. For instance, if your digestive tract

is overrun with Candida (a yeast fungus) or some other bacteria, it will be unable to clear

out the bad substances and replace them with good ones. The liver, too, can become

overworked, leaving some pathogens in the intestines where they can begin to thin the

mucous lining that prevents toxins from entering the bloodstream.

When all of this is happening, the immune system continues to react with more

inflammation, which continues the cycle and contributes to further disintegration of the

intestinal lining. The result: a leaky gut.

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What Is Causing Your Intestinal Inflammation?

If Leaky Gut Syndrome is the result of chronic intestinal inflammation, then it makes

sense that the only way to heal your gut and recover from the disorder is to eliminate

inflammation in your digestive tract. That can only be done by finding the source:

Pathogens Pathogens are live active substances in your body that play havoc with your health. They

often include harmful bacteria, parasites, and fungi. Although each of these can be found

throughout your system all of the time (which is completely normal), when pathogens

become overabundant in an organ or system, trouble ensues.

So how can you know when these types of organic pathogens are taking over? Look for

these common signs:

• Chronic diarrhea – anyone who has experienced a bout with food poisoning or a

typical stomach bug knows that diarrhea is the body’s way of flushing out the bad

stuff. The problem is that some parasites and other infections may linger, causing

periodic bouts of diarrhea to help cleanse the digestive tract.

• IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) – these are

two serious digestive disorders that are often the result of too many pathogens in

the gut. The digestive tract fails to work properly, making it a breeding ground for

pathogens, which only makes the problems worse.

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• Bloody stools – blood in the stool is always a serious concern. It can be the result

of something simple like hemorrhoids or more complicated like cancer. Typically

though it is simply the result of a bacterial or parasitic infection.

• Gas and bloating – when your digestive tract is overridden with pathogens, they

begin to eat the food in your intestines. After doing so they produce gas as part of

their byproducts, which then leaves you feeling bloated and gassy.

• Constipation – certain bacteria, but also Candida and other fungi, can cause

constipation. This of course allows even more toxins into your bloodstream as

your body fails to purge them and instead begins to reabsorb them.

Food Allergies/Intolerances Another common source of internal inflammation is your body’s reaction to certain food

items. Every time your body ingests a food item that it is intolerant or sensitive to, your

immune system sets up an inflammatory response. Continuing to eat these products can

cause such an influx immune response that your immune system actually can become

either overactive (causing more inflammation) or underactive (setting you up for disease

and illness).

When you eat something your body cannot handle well, it tries to get rid of it. This can

result in all sorts of problems like diarrhea, nausea, and even reabsorption. If left

untreated, the body’s reaction can hinder the immune system’s efficiency or it can make

it go into overdrive, where it begins to attack even the good cells within the body. This is

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what causes a variety of autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and

chronic fatigue syndrome.

Unlike food allergies (which often have a quick and severe reaction), food intolerances

are a bit harder to recognize since they can show up hours after the food has been

ingested. So what kind of reactions should you be looking for? Here are a few of the most


• headaches/migraines

• chronic diarrhea

• irritable bowel

• heartburn/GERD

• arthritis

• joint and muscle pain

• skin irritations

• fatigue

• weight imbalances

• chronic sinusitis

• insomnia

Determining food allergies and intolerances isn’t always easy, but using some of these

diagnostics can help:

• blood testing

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• skin tests

• muscle testing

• food elimination diets

• food journaling (this can help you see patterns in what you eat vs. how you feel)

Toxins Environmental toxins have been shown to affect the gut in dramatic ways. Bombarded

with toxins on a daily basis, our bodies are constantly struggling to purge them through

the liver, which can become overloaded. Some of the signs of over-toxicity include a foul

body odor, foggy brain, lack of concentration, and excessive sweating.

Although it is virtually impossible to avoid all toxin exposure in today’s environment,

there are some steps you can take to limit your exposure:

• Go green: This means switching to all-natural cleaners and beauty products. The

fewer toxins you breathe in and put on your skin, the less work your body has to

do to cleanse itself.

• Eat organic: Avoid fruits and vegetables grown with pesticides and other

chemicals, and meats that come from animals fed hormones and antibiotics, or

which had been feeding from pesticide-ridden grains and grasses.

• Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

• Use common detoxification methods regularly.

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Once you know what may be causing your intestinal inflammation, you can take the

steps necessary to relieve it.

Relieving Constipation When your digestive system is not working properly, it may fail to release toxins through

evacuation. This will cause you to feel constipated. While many people don’t worry

much when they are constipated, think of it this way: the less you “go,” the more toxins

build up in your body. Failure to evacuate waste can actually result in your body

reabsorbing it (yuck!).

Here is another thing to consider: even if you are having a bowel movement daily, if you

are not releasing at least 12 inches of well-formed stool every 24 hours, then you are

constipated. One way to determine if your stools are sitting around in your colon too long

is to eat a good amount of beet or drink beet juice and then wait to see if you notice a

change in your stool’s coloring. If you do not notice dark red stools within 24 hours, then

your digestive tract is not removing toxins regularly (or fast) enough.

Why Being Constipated is Bad For You

When constipation occurs, you can feel lousy. But that’s not all. Those stuck stools

become a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria in your system and that can cause a

host of health problems, including Leaky Gut Syndrome.

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Getting Things Moving

One of the best ways to begin healing your leaky gut is to alleviate any signs of

constipation. That does not mean taking a daily laxative to ease your discomfort but

attacking the problem from several angles. Otherwise your body will become dependent

on these types of medications and will be unable to go without them. Instead, try these


Drink More Water

One of the biggest causes of constipation is dehydration. Few people actually drink

enough water. If you are not taking in at least 64 ounces a day, then the odds are good

that your body is starving for hydration. Remember: any liquid that contains caffeine

(coffee, tea, soft drinks) is actually working as a diuretic, which is dehydrating you more.

What you need is fresh, clean water!

Improve your Diet

Not getting enough fiber and nutrients is the second major cause of constipation. Without

enough whole foods like lean meats, fruits, nuts, fresh veggies and other non-processed

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foods in your diet, your digestive tract is going to suffer. Stay away from processed and

prepared foods high in sodium, chemicals, and preservatives.

Take in More Fiber

Adding a stool-building agent (i.e. fiber) to your recipes is a great way to keep your colon

clean. Some people prefer taking a fiber supplement, while others prefer adding

powdered fiber to the foods they eat.

Add Probiotics to Your Health Regimen

Sometimes constipation occurs because of a lack of good bacteria in the colon. In this

case, probiotics can help.

Take a Magnesium Supplement

Did you know that magnesium is a natural laxative? It works by relaxing the walls of the

colon and attracting water to it. This helps to soften the stool and make it easier to pass.

Helping your colon rid itself and your digestive tract of dangerous toxins begins by

easing any signs of constipation. Once you can start releasing these toxins from your

body, your gut will have a better chance of healing.

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Step 4:

The Leaky Gut Cure Nutrition and Allergy Elimination

Plan When it comes to curing Leaky Gut Syndrome, your best defense is to clean up your diet.

The simple fact is that what you eat can (and will) affect your digestive health. Too much

“bad food” and your gut will suffer.

But before we begin talking about how to eat, let’s first discuss how to find trigger foods

(allergies and sensitivities) and how to best eliminate them from your diet.

When it comes to detecting food allergies and intolerances, symptoms may vary (see

section above). That is why it is important to know what foods most commonly cause

digestive distress so you can watch for symptoms. Here are the top foods that may be

causing an allergic reaction:

• wheat (gluten)

• seafood

• eggs

• dairy

• soy

• nuts

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Getting a blood test or skin prick test may tell you if you suffer from a food allergy or

intolerance, but for some people the problem does not show up on either test. That does

not mean those foods are not causing you intestinal problems. So how can you know for

sure if the foods you are eating are causing your leaky gut? Here are a few ways to find


Food Elimination

One of the most successful ways to see if food is causing your symptoms is to try

eliminating all major allergens (see list above) from your diet for about three months. The

odds are you will begin to feel much better after a few weeks (when your gut has a

chance to heal a bit). After giving your system this break from these substances, begin

reintroducing each food item (one at a time!) into your diet. The most common allergens

include wheat, dairy and soy, so I recommend beginning with these items. Watch for any

recurring symptoms (bloating, pain, diarrhea, rashes, etc.). It may take 7 to 10 days for

the food to build up in your system enough to cause any distress. If you notice symptoms,

then put that food on your allergy/intolerance list and avoid it. Move onto the next item

for reintroduction.

Food Rotation

Some people find it unnecessary to completely avoid certain food items but can instead

practice food rotation. This allows them to eat small amounts of the foods they like and

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avoid the damage to the intestines. Of course those with true allergies – as opposed to

intolerances – will probably have to cut their problem foods completely from their diet.

Food rotation keeps certain foods and ingredients from building up in the system, thus

alleviating their negative effects. The process is simple: rotate the foods you eat, only

eating certain items every 3 to 5 days. For instance, if you have a dairy product on

Monday, then you will avoid dairy until Wednesday or Thursday to give your digestive

tract a chance to rest and recover from the exposure.

The Importance of a Food Diary

Keeping a detailed food diary is essential if you hope to understand how the foods you

eat affect your health – and your gut. It may seem like a bother at first, but once you get

used to the process, it will become second nature.

The point of the food diary is to list everything you eat each day along with any

symptoms you experience throughout the day. Be sure to mark the time you eat each item

and the time you experience any symptoms. This will allow you to see patterns in the

way you eat and the symptoms you experience.

I had one client years ago who never connected her symptoms to a dairy intolerance

simply because she experienced her symptoms about 12 hours after eating a dairy

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product. The long delay between the ingestion and the symptoms meant she could not

connect the two until she saw it in her food diary. Once she realized how long it took to

feel the pain, she realized that dairy was indeed the culprit of her distress.

Food diaries can also help you create a usable rotation schedule. By having a list of what

you regularly eat, you can begin to develop a plan for rotating your favorite foods.

Learning How to Eat for Better Gut Health A lot of things can help to heal your aching gut: exercise, supplements, medications,

stress relief, and more. But among the many “remedies” for Leaky Gut Syndrome,

nothing surpasses the benefits of the right diet.

In today’s fast-paced world, most of us tend to reach for the quick snack or fast meal to

get us moving onto the next thing on our to-do list. Few of us take the time to make (and

enjoy) a freshly cooked meal these days. Unfortunately, this penchant for quick and easy

has led us to feeling lousy. By reinventing the way you eat, you can enjoy more energy,

have fewer headaches, body aches, and pains, and experience more emotional stability,

improved sleep, and overall better health.

Right now, you may be worried that the leaky gut eating plan is going to strip you of your

favorite foods. That is not the case. In fact I want you to enjoy your favorite foods – just

in moderation and in a bigger variety. For instance, this new eating plan isn’t going to

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take away all of those sugary snacks, but it will limit your exposure to refined sugars.

Instead of eating a cream-filled donut for breakfast, substitute a tasty wheat bagel with

fresh fruit topping. Or you may learn to opt for a piece of fresh fruit pie instead of a

processed pie from a package.

Food should be enjoyed, and by no means am I advocating taking away that joy. What I

am saying is that changes need to be made to feel your best. Once you begin to

experience real health again, these changes will be treasured ones.

Where to begin? While you work on the program described below, start to take notice of

what is on your plate at each meal. Try your best to integrate the following “rules” into

your diet:

Rule 1: Limit your protein to 3 to 5 ounces at each meal.

Rule 2: Eat plenty of non-starchy vegetables (avoid acidic veggies).

Rule 3: Eat plenty of fresh fruit (avoid acidic fruits).

Rule 4: Eat every 2 to 3 hours.

Rule 5: Avoid any foods that tend to give you an adverse reaction (even a small one).

Rule 6: Eat every meal in accordance with your individual metabolic type.

What Is Metabolic Typing?

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Have you ever wondered how one person can eat certain foods and not gain weight, while

another person will gain two pounds by simply tasting it? Or why one person craves

more protein than another? It has a lot to do with their individual metabolic type.

When it comes to eating the right mix of foods, our genetic and ethnic typing will dictate

what is best for our diet. The best food ratios for an individual have a lot to do with their

metabolic type (or the kinds of foods their genetic makeup requires for survival). This is

generally dictated by the environment in which they live. For instance, someone who

lives in the depths of Alaska will need a different ratio of protein and starches versus

someone who lives in the Caribbean. In other words, their environment dictates what they

should eat – and in what amounts. Feed them too much or too little of certain things and

their body will rebel.

Learning your personal metabolic type is going to help you devise a healthy eating plan

that your body can live – and thrive – on. Here are the basic types to look at:

Type A: The Protein Type

People who live in northern, colder climates have traditionally needed more protein in

their diets to survive. This is due to the cold climate as well as the scarcity of vegetation

during the winter months. Even though we can get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

year-round now, people in these areas of the world still require a higher protein ratio in

their diet.

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The perfect food ratio for the protein type = 45% protein, 20% oils/fats, and 30%


Type B: The Carbohydrate Type

Southern and subtropic regions have an abundance of vegetation available year-round

and fewer larger animals (like beef). For that reason they rely on a largely vegetarian diet

with a smaller amount of meat proteins usually found in smaller animals like chickens

and sheep. Needing higher levels of carbohydrates and smaller amounts of animal

proteins, this carbohydrate type does better on a more vegetarian diet.

The perfect food ratio for the carbohydrate type = 20% proteins, 70% carbohydrates, 10%


Type C: The Mixed Type

Most of us fall under this metabolic typing category, needing a more balanced diet of

roughly equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates.

The perfect food ratio for mixed types = 50% carbohydrates, 40% protein, 10% fats/oils.

What to Eat for a Healthier Gut Now that you have a better idea of the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that you

should be including in your diet, you may be wondering why they are each so important,

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and exactly how to best meet the ratios suggested. Here is a rundown of individual

categories and the types of foods that you should be eating to heal your leaky gut and

keep it from deteriorating again.


What’s so important about protein? Made up of a chain of amino acids, protein is

considered the building block for cell and tissue repair. Without enough protein in your

diet, it will be impossible to heal the intestinal lining of your gut and return your

digestive tract to a healthier and more efficient state.

When most of us think of protein we think of eating a big juicy steak. Yes, that is one

type of protein, but it isn’t the only one. Here are some other protein-rich foods to

consider adding to your plate:

• Lamb

• Pork

• Fish: It is best to eat “wild” non-oily fish, either poached, steamed, or broiled.

• Poultry: Try grilling or roasting chicken, turkey, or Cornish hens.

• Eggs: The best way to get the most from your eggs is to eat them soft boiled,

poached, or sunny side up.

• Dairy & Cheese: If you can handle dairy products, then yogurt, milk, and cheese

are good protein sources. However, most leaky gut patients need to completely

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avoid all dairy products during the healing process. In some cases, small amounts

of dairy may be reintroduced to the diet after the intestinal lining has healed and

all symptoms have gone away for six months or more.

Note: While soy and tofu are high in protein, they also tend to cause the most allergies

and sensitivities, so they should be avoided until your gut has had a chance to heal.


Vegetables are rich in all sorts of nutrients that your body needs. They give us a rich mix

of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that every cell in the body needs to keep

working. More than that, though, vegetables also contain a lot of fiber, which is great for

the digestive tract. Without a fiber rich gut, food stagnates, unable to pass through. As the

food sits in the digestive tract, it can begin to eat away at the intestinal lining, which will

ultimately lead to a leaky gut. By adding plenty of fiber rich vegetables to your diet, you

can help other (more damaging foods) make their way through the intestines without any


To help keep your entire digestive tract working at peak capacity, be sure to add plenty of

these to your plate at each meal:

• Swiss chard

• Collard greens

• Beets

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• Spinach

• Bok choy

• Dark green lettuces

• Broccoli

• Leeks

• Asparagus

• Yams

• Carrots

• Onions

• Tomatoes

• Garlic


For those who do not eat enough vegetables, fresh fruits may be the answer. Working in

much the same way as vegetables to aid the digestive process and keep the gut clean of

damaging “leftovers,” fruits can give you many of the vitamins, minerals, and fiber you

need to keep your gut healthy.

Keep in mind though that fruits contain a lot of natural sugar, which could cause a

glucose imbalance if eaten in larger quantities. To avoid this, be sure to counterbalance

your diet with plenty of protein.

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Here is another tip for people who find it difficult to digest fruits while healing their

intestinal lining: Cook them first.

Note: Avoid bananas and dried fruits during the healing process.

Fats and Oils

While many diets limit your intake of fats and oils, the body does need a certain amount

of both to work properly. As a matter of fact, without enough fats in your diet, your entire

body is at risk – even your digestive tract. Here are just some of the important benefits

fats offer:

Fats provide energy. Fats are a much more efficient energy source than either protein or carbohydrates. Each gram of fat provides nine calories of energy for the body compared with four calories per gram of carbohydrates and proteins.

Fats build healthy cells. Fats are a vital part of the membrane that surrounds each cell of the body. Without a healthy cell membrane, the rest of the cell couldn’t function. This is especially true in the intestinal lining. Once compromised (as is the case with Leaky Gut Syndrome), the body needs fats to fix the damage and reverse your condition.

Fats help the body use vitamins more effectively. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble vitamins, meaning that the fat in the foods you eat helps the intestines absorb them into the body more efficiently. This is especially necessary when Leaky Gut Syndrome is present, since the leakage can keep nutrients from being absorbed properly.

The key to maintaining a good balance of fats in your system is to stick to healthier

varieties such as coconut oil, olive oil, and real butter.

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Be sure to balance your snacks in accordance with your metabolic type and include some

of these healthy varieties:

• Almond butter

• Goat cheese

• Fresh fruit

• Hardboiled eggs

• Lean protein (1 to 2 ounces per serving)

• Raw carrots


Plain water is always best. Fruit juices can be used in moderation and as a substitute for

fresh fruit during a meal. Herbal teas are also allowed.

Foods to Avoid While there are hundreds of tasty foods that you can safely eat while on the leaky gut

healing program diet, you must avoid some food items to give your gut a chance to heal

itself. They include:

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• Alcohol: A continuing factor in Leaky Gut Syndrome, alcohol-based products

like beer, wine, and other spirits tend to disrupt normal blood sugar levels, which

can increase your symptoms.

• Caffeinated drinks: During the healing protocol it is very important to keep

blood sugar levels stable. This is virtually impossible when ingesting caffeinated


• Wheat and wheat products: It has been estimated that the vast majority of

people suffer from some sort of wheat allergy or intolerance. Even if you can eat

these products, they could be causing inflammation in the intestines.

• Pasteurized milk: The proteins in milk and other dairy products can make it

difficult to digest properly. This is often caused by pasteurization, which kills off

some important digestive enzymes.

• Soy: Many people are intolerant to soy without even realizing it. This can cause

dangerous inflammation in the gut. It also contains nutrient inhibitors, which can

keep your body from absorbing the right amount of nutrients from your food.

• Sugar: Leaky Gut Syndrome can leave your intestinal tract unable to break down

complex sugars. Left undigested, those sugars ferment in your digestive tract,

becoming food for dangerous parasites and bacteria.

• Artificial sweeteners: Toxic synthetic substances, artificial sweeteners can

disrupt all sorts of bodily functions, including hormone release, brain function,

neurological function, and digestion.

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• Beans and lentils: Often leading to digestive problems, beans and lentils can be

hard to digest, especially for a compromised digestive system.

• Mayonnaise: Made with rancid oils and artificial ingredients, mayonnaise can

lead to poor digestive health.

• Grains and their glutens: Containing few nutrients and causing an increase in

blood sugar levels, grains and their glutens should be avoided during the healing


• Table salt: Often creating inflammation in the digestive tract, table salt (sodium

chloride) can induce leaky gut symptoms.

• Processed foods: Packed full of chemicals, preservatives and other unhealthy

ingredients, processed and fast foods do nothing for your proper nutrition and can

in fact stall your gut from healing.

• Acidic Foods: When the pH level in your gut is off, inflammation will occur.

Often, a high acidic diet can increase this problem. That is why it is so important

to avoid acidic foods as much as possible. This includes such items as cranberries,

blueberries, citrus fruits, corn, lentils, squash, olives, nuts, pistachios, walnuts,

pecans, cashews, avocado, olive oil, white grains, and all dairy.

So what can you eat to ease your cravings for these “bad gut foods”? Here are some

replacement foods to add to your diet:

Wheat Replacement

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When trying to heal a leaky gut, it is vital that you avoid all wheat products for a while.

This includes both whole wheat and white flour products like pastas, breads, crackers,

pastries, and more. But don’t worry, there are replacement foods like these:

• Wheat and white bread can be replaced with rice or millet bread.

• Pasta can be replaced with rice or quinoa pasta.

• Cereals can be replaced with oats, millet, and buckwheat.

• Wheat or white flour can be replaced with rice or buckwheat flour.


Dairy is a big problem for many people but especially those with a thinned intestinal

lining. Pasteurization tends to strip away the enzymes that help the body digest dairy,

and since virtually all milk products are pasteurized these days, more and more

people are finding it difficult to tolerate dairy. Lucky for you, some good alternatives

are on the market.

• Pasteurized cow milk can sometimes be substituted for raw cow milk. If not, try

raw goat or sheep milk for easier digestion. For those who cannot handle any

dairy products (pasteurized or unpasteurized), try some of these dairy-free

alternatives: unsweetened rice, oat, or almond milk.

• Pasteurized cow milk cheese can sometimes be substituted for raw goat cheese.

Stick with harder cheeses since they contain less milk proteins and can often be

tolerated better by the digestive system.

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Did you know that most salad dressings and vegetable oils contain soy? Well, they do!

Many people mistakenly believe that they are free of soy when in fact they are not. Here

are a few good substitutes for common soy products:

• Soy and tofu can be substituted with real meat and eggs.

• Vegetable oils can be substituted with coconut oil.

• Salad dressings can be homemade using balsamic vinegar.


Our diets are laden with excess sugar. This can make it difficult to free ourselves from its

addicting qualities – and great taste. Still, here are some replacements for sugary items:

• Soda pops can be replaced with fresh herbal teas.

• Fruit juices and/or energy drinks can be replaced with freshly prepared fruits or

vegetable juices.

• Processed snack foods can be replaced with fruits, nuts, and seeds.

• Pastries can be replaced with fresh fruits or fruit smoothies/drinks.

Sugar Substitutes

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When trying to rid their diet of sugar, many people reach for a sugar substitute to

satisfy their sweet tooth – don’t! They can be just as dangerous to your digestive tract

as regular sugar. Instead, try these all-natural sugar replacements:

• All-natural sweetened yogurt

• Xylitol

• Raw organic honey

Leaky Gut Food Savers In addition to the food items listed above, anyone suffering with Leaky Gut Syndrome

should add these important healing foods to their daily eating plan:

• Coconut oil – Not only does coconut oil help to stabilize blood sugars and

improve thyroid function, but it also works as an anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial, and

anti-fungal agent.

• Bone broth – A wonderful gut healer, you can find all sorts of bone broth recipes


• Garlic – Full of antioxidants, this anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial vegetable is

known for its immune-building properties. Garlic is beneficial to healing a leaky

gut and should be added to recipes as often as possible.

• Cod liver oil – One of nature’s most potent anti-inflammatory substances, cod

liver oil contains many vitamins and minerals used by the intestines to heal a

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weakened lining. Fermented cod liver supplements are best. Note: Freeze the

capsules before taking to stop unwanted burping afterward.

• Ginger – Offering real anti-inflammatory help in the digestive tract, ginger is very

useful in healing Leaky Gut Syndrome and can be taken in supplement form or

used regularly in recipes.

Healing your leaky gut through food does not have to be a struggle. Following some

simple rules as outlined here and adding some of the super food savers to your diet can

go a long way to getting your digestive tract back to full health. To help you get started

adding some of these important foods to your diet, here are a few sample meal plans to


Day One: Breakfast: Start your day with scrambled eggs sautéed with vegetables in coconut oil.

Add some yams or potatoes with herbal tea.

Note: While small amounts of olive oil may be used for cooking, try to use other safe oils

instead due to the acidic nature of olive oil.

Lunch: Salad featuring a good mix of fresh vegetables, chicken, and egg with vinaigrette


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Dinner: Grilled chicken with steamed vegetables and yams.

Day Two:

Breakfast: Omelet using plenty of your favorite veggies, feta cheese, peppers, and more.

Feel free to add some lean sausage.

Lunch: Beef or chicken stir-fry and side salad.

Dinner: Grilled salmon with sautéed vegetables and fresh fruit cup.

Day Three: Breakfast: Sausage links and eggs (sunny side up). Fresh fruit of your choice.

Lunch: Lettuce sandwich with your choice of meat and veggies wrapped in lettuce leaves

with an apple.

Dinner: Marinated steak, baked yams, and fresh salad or mixed vegetables (steamed).

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Day Four: Breakfast: Eggs (your choice), fried potatoes (in olive oil).

Lunch: Hardboiled eggs, turkey, and side salad.

Dinner: Lamb, salsa, fresh fruit cup.

Day Five: Breakfast: Omelet, fresh fruits (your choice).

Lunch: Cob salad.

Dinner: Roasted turkey, peas, and baked potatoes.

Step 5:

Fixing Your Intestinal Lining and Improving Digestive

Function Learning how to avoid further gut damage and begin the healing process is a great way to

begin reversing the effects of Leaky Gut Syndrome. But rebuilding the mucous lining in

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your intestines and restoring the integrity of this important lining are integral to getting

your gut back in shape.

Leaky Gut Syndrome does more than simply allow toxins to enter your bloodstream; it

kills off microvilli and destroys cells in the intestines. These must be rebuilt to stop future

leakage and the damage it causes throughout your body. Of course, healing to this extent

takes time. Once you stop the leakage and heal the damage in your intestine, your

immune system will be able to rebalance itself and function properly again.

So how can you help the healing process? In addition to the steps already discussed, you

are going to have to give your intestines the amino acids and digestive herbs it needs to

alleviate damaging inflammation and rebuild those lost cells. Repairing the damage to

your intestinal lining caused by Leaky Gut Syndrome includes:

L-Glutamine The very best amino acid shown to aid digestive tract healing is L-Glutamine. Using the

powder form of this potent amino acid is best since it is most easily (and quickly)

absorbed by the system.

Recommended dose: 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening.

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Quercetin (anti-inflammatory) A good anti-inflammatory compound, Quercetin also seems to work as an antioxidant,

strengthening the overall immune system.

Recommended dose: 500 mg per day.

Nacetyle-D (anti-inflammatory) Used to treat autoimmune response and inflammation, the recommended dose is 600 mg

per day.

Licorice Root (healing of intestinal lining) One of the most overlooked (yet effective) herbal remedies on the market, licorice root

contains dozens of potent vitamins and minerals that have been shown to heal digestive

issues, including weakened intestinal walls and even ulcers, by increasing the mucous

membrane that lines the intestinal wall. It is also known as a great immune booster.

Recommended dose: 1 to 3g daily for 4 to 6 weeks.

Larch Arabinogalactan (immune booster) A great immune booster, it is known to increase the intestinal levels of probiotics, which

can help to rebalance bacteria levels in the gut.

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Recommended dose: There is not enough information right now to offer dosage

suggestions. See your doctor or read the supplement bottle label for appropriate dosing


Omega-3 Fatty Acids While several different types of omega-3 fatty acids are available in both foods and

supplement form, cod liver oil seems to work best for healing a leaky gut and reducing

intestinal inflammation.

Recommended dose: 2 ml twice a day for 10 weeks, and then 2 ml once a day for


Therapeutic Enzymes Your digestive tract needs a certain amount of natural enzymes to break down the foods

you eat and properly digest them. Unfortunately, when a leaky gut has damaged the

intestinal lining, the microvilli are unable to produce the right amount of these enzymes,

which can worsen your condition.

The best way to battle this problem is to take in pancreatic, digestive, and liver enzymes

in combination with hydrochloric acid (HCl) to give the digestive tract what it needs to

process the food you eat. Eventually, it will be healthy enough to produce proper amounts

of these enzymes on its own. Plus, by supplementing with these vital enzymes, you can

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give your gut a much-needed break from having to produce them by itself, which will

help it heal more quickly.

Finding the right enzyme is not always easy, so be sure that whatever product you choose

contains ox bile and HCl in the ingredient list. Both help to balance pH levels in the gut

and aid digestion. Ask your doctor or naturopath for dosage recommendations.

Therapeutic Probiotics Once the healing process has begun, it is vital to add plenty of good bacteria or

therapeutic probiotics to your supplement list. A healthy gut should contain at least 80%

to 85% good bacteria, and supplementing with both prebiotics and probiotics can help to

raise your levels.

Probiotics can be ingested via raw yoghurt, but since dairy products are often off-limits

for those suffering with a leaky gut, taking it in supplement form may be recommended.

When choosing a probiotic product, look for one that contains a variety of bacteria

strains. The greater the variety of good bacteria you can introduce into your system, the

healthier it will become.

In addition to taking probiotics, it is also important to take a prebiotic supplement to

ensure that the good bacteria in your gut have the food they need to survive – and thrive.

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If your intestinal tract is missing the nutrients the good bacteria need to survive, they will

continue to die off, leaving the bad bacteria continuing to overrun your system. This can

leave you suffering with a leaky gut for a long time. By taking a prebiotic, you are

supplying the good bacteria with nutrients so they can continue to grow naturally,

stabilizing your bacteria ratios and healing your damaged intestines.

Getting Your Digestive System to Work Better When your digestive system isn’t working properly, it is leaving too many toxins in your

gut that may be leaking into your bloodstream. By adding new enzymes and good

bacteria to the digestive tract, you can help it work more efficiently, keeping undigested

food from sitting in your gut and then leaking into your bloodstream.

How Digestion Works

During digestion, your body breaks down the things you eat and drink so that those

nutrients can be absorbed into your body. The entire process begins in your mouth where

your saliva begins to break down the foods you take in before they are actually

swallowed. Once you do swallow the food, it makes its way down your esophagus into

your stomach, where acids churn the food into smaller and smaller pieces, which are then

transferred to the intestines. This is where problems with Leaky Gut Syndrome occur.

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Measuring about 22 feet long, the small intestine works hard at breaking down food

particles even more, leaving only nutrients that are sent to the body through three

important organs: the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. Each of these organs breaks down

specific nutrients to be absorbed by the body. Leftover waste is sent to the liver for

detoxification and then on to the large intestine where it will eventually make its way to

the colon and be excreted.

But trouble ensues when the lining of the small intestine is damaged. When this happens,

the intestines stop making the right amount of enzymes needed to break down the foods

you eat and that can leave you unable to absorb the proper amount of nutrients to keep

your body working. To make matters worse, this thinning of the mucous lining of the

intestines can allow small amounts of bacteria and other elements to leak into the system

without proper filtration.

In addition to the enzymes used in digesting foods, the digestive tract also needs the

proper amount of good bacteria (about 85%) to keep things moving through the system

properly. Unfortunately for most of us, the bad bacteria seem to override the good

bacteria due to our lousy diets. This of course only adds to the inflammation and damage

being done to the intestinal wall.

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How to Fix a Leaky Gut When trying to fix a leaky gut, it is imperative that you replace those lost enzymes and

increase the good bacteria in your digestive tract. This will not only relieve the

inflammation causing so many problems, but also it will help heal damaged cells.

Under normal conditions, your body should produce enough enzymes to keep your

digestive tract working well. But when inflammation occurs, that process can be

impeded. By taking supplements of pancreatic, digestive, and liver enzymes and

hydrochloric acid (HCl), you can help your body heal itself more quickly.

With so many different enzyme products available in stores today, you may be

overwhelmed and unable to make a good decision. Just be sure to check the ingredients

for ox bile and HCl to make sure you are getting a good mix of the enzymes you need to

repair the intestinal lining.

Also, adding food bacteria is essential to your healing protocol. This is done by taking

both probiotics (good bacteria) and prebiotics (the food the good bacteria need to

survive). Be sure to look for supplements that contain different strains of good bacteria to

give your body the best chance of healing.

Of course supplements can be helpful, but they should not completely replace a healthy

probiotics-filled diet, so be sure to add plenty of these foods to your daily eating plan (be

sure they are uncultured and raw):

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• Yogurt

• Cottage cheese

• Sauerkraut

• Kimchi

• Kefir

Note: Early in the healing plan all dairy should be avoided. However, once your gut has

had a chance to heal, adding yogurt (which is high in natural probiotics) is fine.

Increasing your body’s store of digestive enzymes and good bacteria is essential to

restoring health to your intestinal tract.

Leaky Gut Syndrome can be a very serious disorder. Not only can it make you feel lousy,

but it can send your entire body into a tailspin. For some, the results are devastating and

can take months (or even years) to reverse. The good news is that the body is an amazing

instrument that can – and will – heal itself given the proper tools and enough time.

Utilizing the tips and strategies in this book will help you heal that leaky gut and restore

wellness to your mind, body, and spirit.

You don’t have to live with a leaky gut and the medical issues it causes. There is help –

and there is hope. Use what you have learned here to begin your journey back to health. It

may take some time, but those intestinal issues will get resolved – and yes, you will be

able to enjoy life as you once did.

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You have learned a lot about healing Leaky Gut Syndrome thus far, but wait, there’s

more! In the following appendices, we will discuss some individual aspects of leaky gut

and what to do about them.

Appendix One: Maintaining Your Gut Health Now that you have had a chance to begin the healing process, you may be wondering

how to keep your gut in good shape. The first thing to remember is that your lifestyle

choices had a big impact on your health in the first place and likely contributed to that

intestinal damage. Now that you are feeling better, be wary of falling back into bad


Keep Eating Properly

One of the biggest mistakes patients make is going back to eating those danger foods

once they begin to feel better. Remember: Those foods caused your leaky gut once and

they will do so again! The fact is that the leaky gut healing diet we discussed earlier is

the best diet for optimal health. Not only will it help keep your intestines strong, but it

will also keep your entire body functioning well.

Does that mean you can never indulge in danger foods at all? Of course not! Enjoying a

special treat or a few glasses of wine from time to time is perfectly fine. Just be sure not

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to overindulge on a regular basis. Take note of your trigger foods and avoid them as

much as possible – and when you do indulge, be sure to eat plenty of gut-replenishing

foods later.

The key to staying healthy is to try to eat well 80% of the time. That leaves 20% for


One note here: If you find that you are allergic or overly sensitive to certain foods, then

cut them completely from your diet. Otherwise you risk inflammation and experiencing

symptoms again.

Keep Your Stress Levels Low

If stress contributed to your leaky gut, be sure to take the time to de-stress on a regular

basis. That may mean adding regular exercise to your daily routine, like enjoying

medication or yoga, taking time to relax, indulging in a fun activity at least once a week,

or even cutting back on your hectic lifestyle.

By doing what is necessary to reduce your stress levels, you can prevent that leaky gut

from returning!

Add Supplements to Your Health Regimen

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No matter how hard you try, you still may be unable to get the right mix of vitamins,

minerals, enzymes, and probiotics through your diet. If this is the case, then be sure to

develop (with your doctors’ help) a permanent supplement regimen. This may include

things like cod liver oil capsules, probiotics, magnesium, and a good overall multi-


Enjoy Your New Health

Once you have been able to heal your intestinal lining, most of your symptoms should

disappear. Enjoy this newfound health! Do the things that you were unable to do while

sick and use all of that new energy to go after your dreams.

Feeling ill all of the time can drain you of your energy and your motivation. Now that

you are feeling better, get out there and enjoy life once again – you deserve it!

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Appendix Two: The Adrenal Stress Protocol Leaky Gut Syndrome can cause all sorts of other medical conditions, including adrenal

burnout. Known as “the glands of stress,” the adrenal glands are meant to help you use

stress to your advantage – not your disadvantage. Unfortunately, if you live in a constant

state of stress, even these glands can get tired and “burn out.” That leaves you open to

chronic fatigue and impaired immunity.

What kind of stress can cause the adrenal glands to fail? Emotional stress and physical

stress are big culprits, but so is medical stress, or the kind of stress that a leaky gut can

cause. When the body is riddled with a toxic overload, the entire system goes into high

alert, including the adrenal glands. As your immune system tries to fight off these

invaders, every organ and system is stressed. Eventually, this type of prolonged stress can

begin to take a toll. Adrenal fatigue is one of them.

What are the signs of adrenal fatigue? Extreme physical and mental fatigue is the biggest

sign that something is wrong. An inability to concentrate, mood swings, decreased

motivation, decreased sex drive, an inability to handle everyday stressors, mild

depression, increased body weight, more frequent colds and flu, and memory loss are all

signs that your adrenal glands are not working properly. The good news is that you can

heal your adrenal glands as you heal your leaky gut.

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So what can you do to heal your adrenal glands? Here are a few things to begin right


Take the Right Supplements

Sometimes we have to give our bodies a boost by supplementing with vitamins and

minerals that we do not regularly get in our diets. When suffering with impaired adrenal

functioning, it is especially important to get enough of these vital supplements:

• Vitamin C – Vital for properly working adrenal glands, Vitamin C may be the

most important vitamin you need to recover. Since dosing can vary from 500 mg

to 20,000 mg per day depending on your level of adrenal shutdown, be sure to ask

your doctor for proper dosing suggestions.

• Vitamin E – Although not specifically needed by the adrenal glands, it is

necessary for at least six different enzymatic reactions those glands need to

function properly.

• B Vitamins – All of the vitamins in the B group are needed to help the adrenal

glands work properly, so be sure to take a B vitamin complex daily.

• Magnesium – It works like a spark plug, giving your cells energy. Dose: 400 mg

per day.

• Calcium – Helps to settle your nervous system and creates a sense of inner clam.

Dose: 1,000 mg per day.

• Fiber – Adrenal fatigue can sometimes lead to constipation, which makes the

detoxification process even harder on the liver. Taking in more fiber with your

diet can help rectify this situation.

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• Healing herbs – Several healing herbs can help strengthen adrenal production.

They include: licorice root, ashwagandha root, Korean ginseng, ginger root, and

Gingko leaf.

Eat properly

A well balanced diet void of processed foods and preservatives is essential to good

adrenal health. Be sure to include a good mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats

in your eating regime. Note: Stay clear of acidic foods and dairy products, especially

during the healing process.

Reduce Your Stress

Stress can be a real drain on your adrenals. Take some time to figure out what your

biggest stressors are and tackle them one at a time. If you live a hectic lifestyle running

from one activity to another, it may be time to trim your schedule (and your kids’


Enjoy Mild Exercise

Exercise is a wonderful stress reducer and immune builder! Find an activity you enjoy,

like biking, walking, playing tennis or even gardening, and then give yourself at least half

an hour every day to enjoy it.

Learn to relax

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No one can go, go, go without taking time out to relax without serious repercussions on

their health. Be sure to schedule at least one hour every week to enjoy something you

love and to simply relax. Maybe you could eat your lunch outside of the office every

Friday or sit on your patio in the evenings listening to the birds. Even something simple

like a bubble bath or a long swim is a great way to relax. Find simple ways to rewind

throughout your day and watch as your health improves.

Appendix Three: Your Environmental Toxin Checklist There is no escaping it – we are being attacked by toxins each and every second! From

the air we breathe, the foods we eat, the water we drink, and even the homes in which we

live, our environment is riddled with chemicals and toxic metals attacking our bodies.

Think you can escape? Consider this: Right now the Environmental Protection Agency

has 34,000 pesticides and 65,000 other chemicals registered as toxins that are used every

day in the U.S. alone.

Recent research shows that the average person has between 400 and 800 dangerous

toxins and chemicals stored in their cells all the time. Your body is fighting these toxins

on a regular basis. No wonder so many of us feel so horrible most of the time!

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So what can you do to limit your exposure? Here is a list of things you can begin

weeding out of your home right now. Even substituting a few dangerous chemicals with

safer alternatives can ease the stress your body is under while fighting their attack:

• Cleaning supplies: Notorious for the chemicals contained in them, replace all

cleaning supplies with organic alternatives.

• Carpets: Containing stain repellents and bromated flame retardants, carpets made

of artificial fibers can be hazardous to your health. Replace with natural fiber

carpets such as wool, cotton, or rattan.

• Upholstered furniture.

• Curtains: Be sure that the ones you use do not contain any flame retardants or

stain repellents.

• Chemical air fresheners: Use baking soda or potpourri instead.

• Wrinkle-free sheets: They contain formaldehyde. Choose 100% cotton or hemp

sheets instead.

• Mattresses: Be sure to look for ones stuffed with cotton, or wrap your current

mattress in a barrier sheet to keep chemical leakage at a minimum.

• Canned foods: Eat fresh or deep-frozen foods instead.

• Plastic food wrap: May contain bisphenol-A. Use glass containers instead.

• Plastic containers.

• Non-stick cookware: Opt for cast iron or stainless steel cookware instead.

• Crystal tableware: May contain lead. Use glass tableware instead.

• Antibacterial soaps: They often contain tricosan.

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• Cosmetics and toiletries: They contain multiple parabens. Opt for organic ones


• Sanitary products: They are bleached with chlorine. Use organic brands only.

• Vinyl shower curtains or fabric ones with water-repellent coating: Use hemp

shower curtains instead.

• Disposable diapers: Contain dyes, fragrances, and plastics.

• Laundry detergents and fabric softeners: Contain synthetic fragrances.

• Dry cleaning: Most dry cleaners use PERC (perchlorethylene).

• Clothing impregnated with stain repellents, flame retardants.

Appendix Four: The Leaky Gut Cure Shopping List When you have Leaky Gut Syndrome, you have to be careful what you eat (especially

while trying to heal your gut). Here is a basic shopping list that you can take with you to

the store to help you remember which food items to add to your cart:


• Beef

• Chicken

• Turkey

• Lamb

• Fish

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• Eggs

• Feta cheese

• Goat cheese

• Other


• Brown rice

• Wild rice

• Buckwheat

• Millet

(Note: Avoid any refined grains)


• Arugula

• Asparagus

• Bell peppers

• Beets

• Broccoli

• Cabbage

• Cauliflower

• Celery

• Collard greens

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• Eggplant

• Garlic

• Green beans

• Kale

• Leeks

• Lettuce (no iceberg)

• Onions

• Spinach

• Yams


• all varieties are allowed

(Note: But avoid bananas and any acidic fruits.)


• Extra virgin olive oil (Only to be used in small quantities, and only after the

healing process is well underway.)

• Coconut oil

• Cod liver oil


• Basil

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• Cilantro (coriander)

• Dill

• Ginger

• Oregano

• Rosemary

• Thyme


• Water

• Herbal tea

• Non-caffeinated drinks

• Fruit juices (in moderation)

Appendix Five: Glossary of Terms Adrenal glands: Two glands that sit over the kidneys and are responsible for allowing the

body to adapt to stress.

Adrenal fatigue (burnout): A syndrome that causes the adrenal glands to slow down.

Anti-inflammatories: Hormones like cortisol that decrease inflammation in the body’s


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Autoimmune disorders: The process that occurs when the immune system attacks some

part (or organs) of the body.

Detoxification: The process of removing toxins from the body.

Inflammatory reaction: Reactions of the body that result in redness, swelling, heat, and

sometimes pain.

Intestines: The portion of the digestive system extending from the stomach to the anus

and, in humans and other mammals, consisting of two segments, the small intestine, and

the large intestine.

Intestinal Barrier Test: A saliva or blood test used to detect high levels of bacteria, yeast,

and fungi in the bloodstream.

Intestinal Permeability Test: A urine test used to detect leakage in the intestines.

Lactose: Milk sugar.

Lactose intolerance: The inability to process milk sugar in the intestines.

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Liver: An organ found in the upper portion of the stomach cavity that produces bile and

helps remove toxins from the body.

Mucous barrier: The outermost part of the intestinal lining.

Microvilli: Fingerlike projections of the intestinal lining that help the body absorb


Nutrient: Any food or substance that nourishes the cells in the body.

Stressor: Anything that causes an imbalance in the body.

Syndrome: A collection of symptoms that occur simultaneously due to a disease or


Symptom: A sign of a disease.