the lca of a crystal production: methodological aspects r. ridolfi, b. rugani, s. bastianoni...

The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University of Siena.

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Page 1: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

The LCA of a crystal production:

methodological aspects

R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni

Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University of Siena.

Page 2: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

PROJECT: CIVIC (italian acronymus)

The life cycle assessment of crystal production

FUNDERS & PARTNERS•Consorzio del Cristallo di Colle Valle d’Elsa

•Province of Siena•Monte dei Paschi Foundation•University of Siena

Page 3: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University


•ISO 14040: 1997 •ISO 14041: 1999•ISO 14042: 2000•ISO 14043: 2000

CIVIC project

Page 4: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

ISO 14040: 1997 Life cycle assessment:

principles and framework

In this rule the main aspects of ISO 14040 series and the

phases of an LCA are reported.

CIVIC project

Page 5: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Goal of the study

From ISO 14040:

“The goal of an LCA study shall unambiguously state the intended application, the reasons for

carrying out the study and the intended audience, i.e. to whom the results of the

study are intended to be communicated”

The goal of our project is:to quantify the energetic and environmental

impact of the crystal production and to develop the LCA application in our research

group.CIVIC project

Page 6: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Function and functional unit

From ISO 14040: “The functional unit is a measure of the

performance of the functional outputs of the product system”

The functional unit is:The kg of crystal object produced

CIVIC project

Page 7: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

System boundaries

From ISO 14040: “The system boundaries determine

which unit processes shall be included within LCA”

System boundaries:

The crystal production has been studied from the “cradle to the grave”. The LCA

includes the end-life of the crystal object.

CIVIC project

Page 8: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Data In this analysis we used three types of


1.Direct measurements from companies2.Data from a database3.Data from literature

The data (1) are mainly material and resource consumptions for the crystal manufacture. Data (2) and (3) are relative to the process of preparation of raw materials or resources and in general to each process that can not be analyzed directly.

CIVIC project

Page 9: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Phases of LCA

CIVIC project

Goal and scope definition




Direct applications:

- Product developmentAnd Improvement-Strategic plannig- Public policy making-Marketing-Other

Inventory analysis involves data collection and calculation

procedures to quantify relevant inputs and outputs

of a product system

The impact assessment phase of LCA is aimed at evaluating the significance of potential

environmental impacts using the results of the life cycle

inventory analysis

Interpretation is the phase of LCA in which the findings from the inventory analysis and the

impact assessment are combined together.

Page 10: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

The model of the LCA

CIVIC project

The crystal production process has been divided in four main phases according to what is suggested by LCA rules:

1.Acquisition of materials2.Production phase3.Use phase4.End life phase

Page 11: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

The model of the LCA

CIVIC project

Manufacturing process

Materials acquisitions

USE phase

END phase

mixing melting moulding

Temperingpolishing cutting


Page 12: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Analyses of the unit processes of manufacturing (1)

CIVIC project


Lead oxide



Other chemicals





Direct emissions (dust)

Mixed materials

Indirect emissions (e.g. from electricity)

Waste (packaging materials)

Page 13: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Analyses of the unit processes of manufacturing (2)

CIVIC project


Mixed materials


Refractory materials





Direct emissions (e.g. nitrous oxide, dust)

Melted material

Indirect emissions (e.g. methane extraction)

Waste (refractory materials)

Page 14: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

The LCA inventory (1):

CIVIC project

In order to account for direct and indirect emissions (to the emissions due to the

production process of raw materials) we have to use a Database and a software. The

former permits to close the LCA, the latter permits to combine the various flows entering

in the single unit process.

In this analysis we have used the database EDIP and the software GABI4. However for

processes not present in the database we had to calculate it from literature

Page 15: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

The LCA inventory (2): Processes Sources and year of data Country/Region of origin data


Raw materials extraction and manufacturing (output tracked flow unit: kg)


Oxygen (O2), global

Steel, cold rolled plate (89% primary), Aggregated

Lead (Pb), 100% primary, EU


[EDIP], 1997 Europe

Lead oxide [Producer], 2006 Europe, Italy

Raw materials acquisition (output tracked flow unit: kg*km)

Bulk carrier, 2000t diesel, 75 % load

Goods train, diesel DK, medium-high load

Truck >16t diesel, motorway, Aggregated

[EDIP], 1997 Europe


Mixing of raw materials [Company], 2007

Melting in the furnace [Corinair], 1999 – [Company], 2007 Europe, Italy

Refractory (Pot clay) [IPPC], 2006 Europe

Mould preparation [Company], 2007 Europe, Italy

Oxygen (O2), DK [EDIP], 1997 Europe, Denmark

Tempering processes

Cutting processes


[Company], 2007 Europe, Italy


Cardboard/carton for packaging (primary)


Plastic, PUR, estimated data

[EDIP], 1997 Europe

Polishing [Company], 2007 Europe, Italy

Sulphuric acid (H2SO4), [EDIP], 1997

Hydrogen fluoride (HF) [IPPC], 2006 Europe

Calcium fluoride (CaF2) extraction [McCulloch et Al.], 2003 -

Calcium oxide CaO

Calcium carbonate (extract), Aggregated [EDIP], 1997 Europe

Sludge treatment [Sangho Lee et Al.], 1997 – [U.S.P.], 2003 -

Landfilling of hazardous waste [Company], 2007 Europe, Italy

Page 16: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

The LCA inventory (3): USE STAGE

Plane, mid sized jet, cruise, Aggregated

Truck 3,5t-16t diesel, urban, Aggregated [EDIP], 1997 Europe


Glass for recovery

Unspecified waste for disposal [Company], 2007 Europe, Italy

Glass scrap collection

Incineration, PUR (polyurethane) 2000

Paper and board collection

Recovery, Plastic (PE)

Combustion of wood, soft dry matter chips

[EDIP], 1997 Europe

* processes used commonly in more than one stage

*Diesel, EU, Aggregated

*Fuel oil, heavy

*Heavy fuel oil, EU, Aggregated

*Combustion of diesel oil in small diesel engine

*Combustion of diesel oil in large diesel engine, 4-stroke

*Combustion of gasoline in gasoline engine

*Unspecified primary energy

*Heating with fuel oil 1->100MW

*Heating with natural gas <1MW – aggregated

*Heating with coal 1-80MW

*Electricity, 400 V for industry, EU 1994. Aggregated

*Treated water (stream)


*Natural gas (fuel), North sea 2001, Aggregated North Europe

*Water from water works, Denmark

*DK: Power grid mix by production, 2001

[EDIP], 1997

Europe, Denmark

*Cooling water [estimated], 2007 Europe

Page 17: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

The GABI4:

CIVIC project

Page 18: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University


GaBi4 softwareGaBi4 software…general plan

Plan NestingPlan Nesting



Lead polishing (sub-plan)




Page 19: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

The GABI4:

CIVIC project

Page 20: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Each time that neither EDIP nor Company is written, the process of production has been estimated according to literature (e.g. HF).

Processes Sources and year of data Country/Region of origin data UPSTREAM STAGE

Raw materials extraction and manufacturing (output tracked flow unit: kg)


Oxygen (O2), global

Steel, cold rolled plate (89% primary), Aggregated

Lead (Pb), 100% primary, EU


[EDIP], 1997 Europe

Lead oxide [Producer], 2006 Europe, Italy

Raw materials acquisition (output tracked flow unit: kg*km)

Bulk carrier, 2000t diesel, 75 % load

Goods train, diesel DK, medium-high load

Truck >16t diesel, motorway, Aggregated

[EDIP], 1997 Europe


Mixing of raw materials [Company], 2007

Melting in the furnace [Corinair], 1999 – [Company], 2007 Europe, Italy

Refractory (Pot clay) [IPPC], 2006 Europe

Mould preparation [Company], 2007 Europe, Italy

Oxygen (O2), DK [EDIP], 1997 Europe, Denmark

Tempering processes

Cutting processes


[Company], 2007 Europe, Italy


Cardboard/carton for packaging (primary)


Plastic, PUR, estimated data

[EDIP], 1997 Europe

Polishing [Company], 2007 Europe, Italy

Sulphuric acid (H2SO4), [EDIP], 1997

Hydrogen fluoride (HF) [IPPC], 2006 Europe

Calcium fluoride (CaF2) extraction [McCulloch et Al.], 2003 -

Calcium oxide CaO

Calcium carbonate (extract), Aggregated [EDIP], 1997 Europe

Sludge treatment [Sangho Lee et Al.], 1997 – [U.S.P.], 2003 -

Landfilling of hazardous waste [Company], 2007 Europe, Italy

European Commission, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC), Directorate-General JRG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Manufacture of Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals - Solids and Others Industry. Dated October 2006.

Page 21: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

1) Estimation of HF production process:

2) Inclusion of the process in the GABI4

Page 22: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

The impact assessment:

CIVIC project

•Global warming

•Acidification potential

•Stratospheric ozone depletion

•Heavy metals

Page 23: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

First resultsThe impact assessment (acidification potential, Kg

SO2 eq.):

CIVIC project

Page 24: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

CIVIC project

First resultsThe impact assessment (greenhouse gas emissions, kg CO2


Page 25: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

First resultsThe impact assessment

(stratospheric ozone depletion potential, kg R11 eq.):

CIVIC project

Page 26: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

First resultsThe impact assessment (heavy metals, kg-Pb eq):

CIVIC project

Page 27: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Final remarks:

CIVIC project

• LCA can be a valid method to identify the critical aspects from an energetic and environmental point of view.

• Moreover LCA is able to correlate a critical aspect to a unit process.

• LCA is a complex assessment tool and then requires much time for data searching and processing.

• Results from an LCA should validate in order to see if some assumptions or estimation could bring error or bias in the final results.

Page 28: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Final remarks (work in progress):

CIVIC project

• We have to estimate the type of Data used (% from literature, % as direct measurements, % from database).

• We have to apply a sensitivity analysis (identification of critical parameters).

• We have to refine data (optimization of processes that are much more affected by bias).

• We have to evaluate possible improvements or development of the production.

• We have to evaluate the opportunity of beginning an environmental certification (like EPD).

Page 29: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Future references:

CIVIC project

• Prof. Simone Bastianoni – University of Siena, e-mail: [email protected].

• Phd student, Benedetto Rugani – University of Siena e-mail: [email protected], +390577234356.

Page 30: The LCA of a crystal production: methodological aspects R. Ridolfi, B. Rugani, S. Bastianoni Department of Chemical and Biosystems Sciences, University

Thanks for the


CIVIC project