the largest circulated english daily in south india

c m y k c m y k COUNTER POINT M a x : 35.8 O C M i n : 20.0 O C R H : 25% R a i n f a l l : Nil F o r e c a s t : Cloudy sky. Misty morning. Max/Min temp. 36/20ºC WEATHER ASTROGUIDE Sarvari; Uttarayana Tithi: Magha Shuddha Padyami till 11.17 am Star: Pubba till 9.33 am Varjyam: 4.10 pm to 5.38 pm Durmuhurtam: 4.45 pm to 5.31 pm Rahukalam: 4.30 pm to 6 pm HIJRI CALENDAR Rajab 15,1442 AH PRAYERS Fajar: 5.36 am Zohar: 12.39 pm Asar: 4.44 pm Maghrib: 6.28 pm Isha: 7.36 pm SUNSET TODAY 6.22 PM SUNRISE TOMORROW 6.34 AM MOONRISE TODAY 7.23 PM MOONSET TODAY 7.31 AM Kuldiep Singh is CRPF in charge N e w D e l h i : IPS officer Kuldiep Singh has been assigned to “look after” the charge of CRPF director general (DG) after incumbent chief A.P. Maheshwari retires on Sunday, an order issued by the Union home ministry said on Saturday. It said Singh will hold the additional charge of the CRPF head till “the appointment and joining of the successor or until further orders.” 50 lakh users set as SM threshold N e w D e l h i : The govern- ment has fixed 50 lakh registered users as the threshold for defining ‘significant social media intermediary’, which will have to adhere to addi- tional obligations and compliance under the new IT rules that seek to crack down on misuse of social media platforms. The rules require ‘signifi- cant social media inter- mediaries’ to appoint a chief compliance officer, nodal contact person and resident grievance officer. Vol. 84 No. 58 Established 1938 | 24 PAGES | `7.00,, TABLOID SPORTS| 13 Fitness the gardening way Motera pitch to favour batsmen US indicts Saudi for Khashoggi murder WORLD| 13 THE LARGEST CIRCULATED ENGLISH DAILY IN SOUTH INDIA HYDERABAD I SUNDAY I 28 FEBRUARY 2021 SHORT TAKES Snow scuttles Gulmarg Games Skiers during a heavy snowfall at the ski resort of Gulmarg on Saturday. Most eve- nts of 2nd Khelo India winter games were cancelled due to heavy snowfall. — PTI G . B A B U J A Y A K U M A R a n d D . S E K A R | D C CHENNAI, FEB. 27 The Election Commission of India’s announcement of April 6 as the date for elections in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry triggered hectic discussions on seat sharing between the vari- ous parties in the two major alliances led by the Dravidian majors, DMK and AIADMK, on Saturday. BJP leaders in Tamil Nadu, including G. Kishan Reddy, L. Murugan and C. T. Ravi, too held talks with AIADMK leaders and demanded at least 25 seats for their party. It was indeed a big climb down as the BJP was initially asking for 40 seats. However, it is believed that Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami and Deputy Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam would call on Union Home Minister Amit Shah when he visits Chennai and finalise the seat sharing. When Kamal was asked about the Congress join- ing it, he gave an ambigu- ous answer that triggered speculations of the Cong- ress tying up with MNM. Also the possibility of the third coalition emerg- ing was visible with the actor Sarathkumar’s All India Samathuva Makkal Katchi calling on Makkal Needhi Miaam (MNM) founder Kamal Haasan and exploring the poten- tial for a third front in Tamil Nadu. Sarathkumar claimed that the AIADMK did not even call the party for talks. Leader of the India Janayaka Katchi (IJK), who are now part of the DMK-led coalition, are also negotiating with the MNM for an alliance as the party is peeved over the less number of seats offered. Similarly, the DMDK, founded by actor Vijayakanth, is also angry with the AIADMK, protested against the hike in petrol and diesel prices. But later on top leaders of the AIADMK called on Vijaykanth to appease him and request him to continue with the alliance. The PMK, an ally of the AIADMK, was the only party that finalised its alliance by agreeing for 23 seats, which would be identified later on, and thanking the ruling party for bringing in the 10.5 per cent reservation for the Vanniyar community. The meeting between the PMK and AIADMK was held at a star hotel in Chennai. The two parties are fighting an Assembly election together after 2001, pointed out Anb- umani Ramadoss, who said that the PMK agreed for lesser number of seats because the 10.5 per cent exclusive quota for Vanniyars was announced by AIADMK government. In the DMK camp, the talks with the Congress have been put on hold as the TNCC leaders have rushed to southern Tamil Nadu in view of Rahul Gandhis’ visit. Their talks on seat-sharing had hit a road block as the DMK had only offered them only 15 to 20 seats and the Congress had told them that they will get back after discussing the issue with the high command. BJP seeks 25 seats from AIADMK in TN PMK given 23 seats, DMK-Cong. talks on hold L . V E N K A T R A M R E D D Y | D C HYDERABAD, FEB. 27 Despite the Covid- induced financial crisis and cuts in Central grants, the Telangana state government is inch- ing closer to meet its bud- getary targets for the cur- rent fiscal. Officials said the state government was success- ful in implementing the welfare schemes for the poor and needy without imposing any cuts, on the back of increased rev- enue earnings here for the past three months. Adequate funds were sanctioned for the TRS government’s flagship schemes like Rythu Bandhu, Rythu Bima, 24x7 free power to agri- culture, `1 per kg rice scheme, the Aasara pen- sions, the Kalyana Laks- hmi, the Shaadi Mubarak etc. Hence, “beneficiaries did not face any difficulty even during the corona crisis”. The government pre- sented the annual budget for 2020-21 with an outlay of `1.82 lakh crore in March 2020. But the out- break of Covid-19 and the subsequent lockdown and economic slump meant the Budget esti- mates went haywire in the 2020-21 fiscal. However, the state could overcome the financial crisis by improving its tax collections. This is witnessing an upward trend since December 2020, when it crossed the `7,000 crore mark. The tax revenues had dipped to `1,700 crore in April and `3,682 crore in May due to the lockdown. After lifting of the lock- down restrictions from May, the tax revenues witnessed a steady increase through succes- sive months at the rate of `6,500 crore per month on an average. P a g e 2 : T a x r e v e n u e s c l o s e t o ` 8 , 0 0 0 c r TS able to meet budget targets despite Covid D C C O R R E S P O N D E N T w i t h a g e n c y i n p u t s NEW DELHI, FEB. 27 Intensifying the slogan war in West Bengal, which faces an eight-phase election from March 27 to April 29, ruling Trinamul Congress and the Opposition BJP are now emphasising on who is the “real daughter” of the state. After TMC countered the BJP’s assertion that only a “son of Bengal” will be the next chief minister once it comes to power, with the slo- gan of “Bangla nijer meyekei chay (Bengal wants its own daughter)” on posters that had Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s photo, the BJP has now come out with the slogan “Bangla nijer meyeke chai, Pishi nai (Bengal wants its own daughter, not pishi (paternal aunt).” The BJP’s poster carrying this slogan has nine women leaders of the state, includ- ing Rupa Ganguly, Debo- shree Chaudhary, Locket Chatterjee, Bharti Ghosh, Agnimitra Paul and Mafuja Khatun among others. Poll strategist Prashant Kishor, assisting Ms Banerjee in her bid to stop the BJP, on Saturday reiter- ated the challenge he laid down to the BJP in Dece- mber — that if the Oppo- sition party crossed the dou- ble-digit mark he would “quit this space”. BJP COUNTERS MAMATA WITH ‘REAL DAUGHTERS OF BENGAL’ D C C O R R E S P O N D E N T HYDERABAD, FEB. 27 The Covid-19 situa- tion in Telangana state is fully under co- ntrol and the state is fully prepared to roll out the third phase of the vaccination from March 1, chief secre- tary Somesh Kumar informed Union Cab- inet secretary Rajiv Gauba on Saturday. Participating in a video conference from BRKR Bhavan here that was conducted by Rajiv Gauba with chief secretaries of all states, Kumar said the positivity rate in Telangana was 0.43 per cent. Less than 200 Covid positive cases were being reported daily from the state. The occupancy in hospitals was also low. P a g e 2 : R a p i d a n t i g e n t e s t s g a m e c h a n g e r COVID IS UNDER CONTROL IN TS, SAYS CHIEF SECY Covid vax to cost ` 250 in pvt hosp P A T H R I R A J A S E K H A R | D C NELLORE, FEB. 27 All remained set for a rock- et launch with a big differ- ence from the Sriharikota spaceport on Sunday. The first-time launch of a Brazilian satellite Ama- zonia-1, this being the first launch of Isro in 2021, will also see the sacred Hindu text, the Bhagavad Gita, being carried to the Space in secured digital (SD) card format. This apart, a picture of Prime Minister Narendra Modi will remain engraved atop the panel of a co-pas- senger satellite. There will also be some 25,000 names on board SD SAT, all sent in by people on request from Space officials for place- ment in Space. Subject to weather condi- tions, the blastoff is sched- uled at 10.24 am from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, where the countdown for the mis- sion commenced at 8.54 am on Saturday. The PSLV-C51 rocket, which is the 53rd mission of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, will launch Amazonia-1 of Brazil as the primary satellite and 18 co- passenger payloads from the first launch pad of the Sriharikota spaceport in Nellore district. These co-passenger satel- lites include the Satish Dhawan Sat (SD SAT) from Chennai-based Space Kidz India (SKI). The picture of PM has been engraved atop the panel of this spacecraft. The 18 co-passenger satel- lites include four from the Indian National Space Promotion and Authoris- ation Centre (IN-SPACe). Among the four, three are UNITYsats from a consor- tium of three Indian acade- mic institutes and one of the Satish Dhawan Sat from Space Kidz India, and 14 from NSIL. Among the 14 satellites, 12 USA satellites are chris- tened as SpaceBEEs meant for 2-way satellite commu- nications and data relay. ISRO officials including its chairman Dr K. Sivan were camping at Shar to oversee the launch. Gita on Isro’s first 2021 launch Modi’s photo, names of 25k people atop satellite COUNTDOWN | STARTS CITY... PAGE 2 No plan to ease parking woes CITY... PAGE 3 Maximum temperature to rise in Hyderabad INSIDE D C C O R R E S P O N D E N T NEW DELHI, FEB. 27 Covid-19 vaccines in the private sector will be priced at `250 per person, per dose. Accordingly, the two-dose immunisation schedule will cost a per- son `500 in private hospi- tals and clinics while it will be free in all govern- ment (both Central and state) healthcare centres, with the Central govern- ment bearing the vaccina- tion cost. From March 1, all citi- zens above 60 years of age, and those within the age bracket of 45 to 59 years with specific comorbidi- ties will be able to get the vaccine. To ramp up the Covid vaccination capaci- ty, a large number of pri- vate facilities are being involved. Around 10,000 private hospitals empan- elled under Ayushman Bharat PMJAY, more than 600 hospitals empan- elled under CGHS and other private hospitals empanelled under state government’s health insurance schemes can participate as Covid Vaccination Centres. Government health facili- ties which will be used as CVCs include medical col- lege hospitals, district hospitals, sub divisional hospitals, CHCs, PHCs, health sub centres and he- alth and wellness centres. Meanwhile, alarmed by the surge in Covid cases, the Union Cabinet secre- tary on Saturday held a meeting with the chief secretaries of Telangana, Maharashtra, Chhatt- isgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, and West Bengal. These states/UT were asked not to lower their guard, enforce Covid-appropriate behav- iour and deal firmly with the violations. States were also told to follow effec- tive surveillance and tracking strategies in respect of potential super- spreading events. I T I S believed that Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami and Deputy Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam would call on Union home minister Amit Shah when he visits Chennai and finalise the seat sharing.

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Post on 14-Jan-2022




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c m y k c m y k


Max: 35.8OCMin: 20.0OC RH: 25%Rainfall: Nil

Forecast: Cloudy sky.Misty morning. Max/Min

temp. 36/20ºC


ASTROGUIDESarvari; Uttarayana

Tithi: Magha Shuddha Padyamitill 11.17 am

Star: Pubba till 9.33 amVarjyam: 4.10 pm to 5.38 pm

Durmuhurtam: 4.45 pm to 5.31 pm

Rahukalam: 4.30 pm to 6 pmHIJRI CALENDAR

Rajab 15,1442 AHPRAYERS

Fajar: 5.36 amZohar: 12.39 pm

Asar: 4.44 pmMaghrib: 6.28 pm

Isha: 7.36 pmSUNSET TODAY 6.22 PM


Kuldiep Singh isCRPF in charge

New Delhi: IPS officerKuldiep Singh has beenassigned to “look after”

the charge of CRPFdirector general (DG)after incumbent chief

A.P. Maheshwari retireson Sunday, an orderissued by the Union

home ministry said onSaturday. It said Singhwill hold the additional

charge of the CRPF headtill “the appointment and

joining of the successoror until further orders.”

50 lakh users setas SM thresholdNew Delhi: The govern-ment has fixed 50 lakhregistered users as thethreshold for defining

‘significant social mediaintermediary’, which willhave to adhere to addi-

tional obligations andcompliance under the

new IT rules that seek tocrack down on misuse of

social media platforms.The rules require ‘signifi-

cant social media inter-mediaries’ to appoint a

chief compliance officer,nodal contact person

and resident grievanceofficer.

Vol. 84 No. 58 Established 1938 | 24 PAGES | `,,

TABLOIDSPORTS|13Fitness the gardening way

Motera pitch to favour batsmen

US indicts Saudi forKhashoggi murder




Snow scuttles Gulmarg Games

Skiers during a heavy snowfall at the ski resort of Gulmarg on Saturday. Most eve-nts of 2nd Khelo India winter games were cancelled due to heavy snowfall. — PTI


The Election Commissionof India’s announcementof April 6 as the date forelections in Tamil Naduand Puducherry triggeredhectic discussions on seatsharing between the vari-ous parties in the twomajor alliances led by theDravidian majors, DMKand AIADMK, onSaturday.

BJP leaders in TamilNadu, including G. KishanReddy, L. Murugan and C.T. Ravi, too held talks withAIADMK leaders anddemanded at least 25 seatsfor their party. It wasindeed a big climb downas the BJP was initiallyasking for 40 seats.

However, it is believedthat Chief MinisterEdappadi K. Palaniswamiand Deputy Chief MinisterO. Panneerselvam wouldcall on Union HomeMinister Amit Shah whenhe visits Chennai andfinalise the seat sharing.

When Kamal was askedabout the Congress join-ing it, he gave an ambigu-ous answer that triggeredspeculations of the Cong-ress tying up with MNM.

Also the possibility ofthe third coalition emerg-ing was visible with theactor Sarathkumar’s AllIndia Samathuva MakkalKatchi calling on MakkalNeedhi Miaam (MNM)founder Kamal Haasanand exploring the poten-tial for a third front inTamil Nadu. Sarathkumarclaimed that the AIADMKdid not even call the partyfor talks. Leader of theIndia Janayaka Katchi(IJK), who are now part ofthe DMK-led coalition, arealso negotiating with theMNM for an alliance asthe party is peeved overthe less number of seatsoffered. Similarly, theDMDK, founded by actorVijayakanth, is also angrywith the AIADMK,protested against the hikein petrol and diesel prices.But later on top leaders ofthe AIADMK called onVijaykanth to appease

him and request him tocontinue with the alliance.

The PMK, an ally of theAIADMK, was the onlyparty that finalised itsalliance by agreeing for 23seats, which would beidentified later on, andthanking the ruling partyfor bringing in the 10.5 percent reservation for theVanniyar community.

The meeting between thePMK and AIADMK washeld at a star hotel inChennai. The two partiesare fighting an Assemblyelection together after2001, pointed out Anb-umani Ramadoss, whosaid that the PMK agreedfor lesser number of seatsbecause the 10.5 per centexclusive quota forVanniyars was announcedby AIADMK government.

In the DMK camp, thetalks with the Congresshave been put on hold asthe TNCC leaders haverushed to southern TamilNadu in view of RahulGandhis’ visit. Their talkson seat-sharing had hit aroad block as the DMKhad only offered them only15 to 20 seats and theCongress had told themthat they will get backafter discussing the issuewith the high command.

BJP seeks 25 seatsfrom AIADMK in TNPMK given 23 seats, DMK-Cong. talks on hold


Despite the Covid-induced financial crisisand cuts in Centralgrants, the Telanganastate government is inch-ing closer to meet its bud-getary targets for the cur-rent fiscal.

Officials said the stategovernment was success-ful in implementing thewelfare schemes for thepoor and needy withoutimposing any cuts, on theback of increased rev-enue earnings here forthe past three months.Adequate funds weresanctioned for the TRS

government’s flagshipschemes like RythuBandhu, Rythu Bima,24x7 free power to agri-culture, `1 per kg ricescheme, the Aasara pen-sions, the Kalyana Laks-hmi, the Shaadi Mubaraketc. Hence, “beneficiariesdid not face any difficultyeven during the coronacrisis”.

The government pre-sented the annual budgetfor 2020-21 with an outlayof `1.82 lakh crore inMarch 2020. But the out-break of Covid-19 and thesubsequent lockdownand economic slumpmeant the Budget esti-mates went haywire inthe 2020-21 fiscal.

However, the state couldovercome the financialcrisis by improving itstax collections. This iswitnessing an upwardtrend since December2020, when it crossed the`7,000 crore mark. Thetax revenues had dippedto `1,700 crore in Apriland `3,682 crore in Maydue to the lockdown.

After lifting of the lock-down restrictions fromMay, the tax revenueswitnessed a steadyincrease through succes-sive months at the rate of`6,500 crore per month onan average.

■ Page 2: Tax revenuesclose to `8,000 cr

TS able to meet budgettargets despite Covid

DC CORRESPONDENT with agency inputsNEW DELHI, FEB. 27

Intensifying the slogan warin West Bengal, which facesan eight-phase election fromMarch 27 to April 29, rulingTrinamul Congress and theOpposition BJP are nowemphasising on who is the“real daughter” of the state.

After TMC countered theBJP’s assertion that only a“son of Bengal” will be thenext chief minister once itcomes to power, with the slo-gan of “Bangla nijer meyekeichay (Bengal wants its owndaughter)” on posters thathad Chief Minister MamataBanerjee’s photo, the BJPhas now come out with theslogan “Bangla nijer meyekechai, Pishi nai (Bengalwants its own daughter, notpishi (paternal aunt).”

The BJP’s poster carryingthis slogan has nine womenleaders of the state, includ-ing Rupa Ganguly, Debo-shree Chaudhary, LocketChatterjee, Bharti Ghosh,Agnimitra Paul and MafujaKhatun among others.

Poll strategist PrashantKishor, assisting MsBanerjee in her bid to stopthe BJP, on Saturday reiter-ated the challenge he laiddown to the BJP in Dece-mber — that if the Oppo-sition party crossed the dou-ble-digit mark he would“quit this space”.



The Covid-19 situa-tion in Telanganastate is fully under co-ntrol and the state isfully prepared to rollout the third phase ofthe vaccination fromMarch 1, chief secre-tary Somesh Kumarinformed Union Cab-inet secretary RajivGauba on Saturday.

Participating in avideo conference fromBRKR Bhavan herethat was conducted byRajiv Gauba withchief secretaries of allstates, Kumar said thepositivity rate inTelangana was 0.43per cent.

Less than 200 Covidpositive cases werebeing reported dailyfrom the state.

The occupancy inhospitals was alsolow.

■ Page 2: Rapid antigentests gamechanger


Covid vax to cost`250 in pvt hosp


All remained set for a rock-et launch with a big differ-ence from the Sriharikotaspaceport on Sunday. Thefirst-time launch of aBrazilian satellite Ama-zonia-1, this being the firstlaunch of Isro in 2021, willalso see the sacred Hindutext, the Bhagavad Gita,being carried to the Spacein secured digital (SD) cardformat.

This apart, a picture ofPrime Minister Narendra

Modi will remain engravedatop the panel of a co-pas-senger satellite. There willalso be some 25,000 nameson board SD SAT, all sent inby people on request fromSpace officials for place-ment in Space.

Subject to weather condi-tions, the blastoff is sched-uled at 10.24 am from theSatish Dhawan SpaceCentre, Sriharikota, wherethe countdown for the mis-sion commenced at 8.54 amon Saturday.

The PSLV-C51 rocket,which is the 53rd mission of

the Polar Satellite LaunchVehicle, will launchAmazonia-1 of Brazil as theprimary satellite and 18 co-passenger payloads fromthe first launch pad of theSriharikota spaceport inNellore district.

These co-passenger satel-lites include the SatishDhawan Sat (SD SAT) fromChennai-based Space KidzIndia (SKI). The picture ofPM has been engraved atopthe panel of this spacecraft.

The 18 co-passenger satel-lites include four from theIndian National Space

Promotion and Authoris-ation Centre (IN-SPACe).Among the four, three areUNITYsats from a consor-tium of three Indian acade-mic institutes and one ofthe Satish Dhawan Sat fromSpace Kidz India, and 14from NSIL.

Among the 14 satellites, 12USA satellites are chris-tened as SpaceBEEs meantfor 2-way satellite commu-nications and data relay.

ISRO officials includingits chairman Dr K. Sivanwere camping at Shar tooversee the launch.

Gita on Isro’s first 2021 launchModi’s photo, names of 25k people atop satelliteCOUNTDOWN | STARTS

■ CITY... PAGE 2No plan to ease

parking woes■ CITY... PAGE 3

Maximum temperatureto rise in Hyderabad



Covid-19 vaccines in theprivate sector will bepriced at `250 per person,per dose. Accordingly, thetwo-dose immunisationschedule will cost a per-son `500 in private hospi-tals and clinics while itwill be free in all govern-ment (both Central andstate) healthcare centres,with the Central govern-ment bearing the vaccina-tion cost.

From March 1, all citi-zens above 60 years of age,and those within the agebracket of 45 to 59 yearswith specific comorbidi-ties will be able to get thevaccine. To ramp up theCovid vaccination capaci-ty, a large number of pri-vate facilities are beinginvolved. Around 10,000private hospitals empan-elled under AyushmanBharat PMJAY, morethan 600 hospitals empan-elled under CGHS andother private hospitals

empanelled under stategovernment’s healthinsurance schemes canparticipate as CovidVaccination Centres.Government health facili-ties which will be used asCVCs include medical col-lege hospitals, districthospitals, sub divisionalhospitals, CHCs, PHCs,health sub centres and he-alth and wellness centres.

Meanwhile, alarmed bythe surge in Covid cases,the Union Cabinet secre-tary on Saturday held ameeting with the chiefsecretaries of Telangana,Maharashtra, Chhatt-isgarh, Madhya Pradesh,Gujarat, Punjab, Jammuand Kashmir, and WestBengal. These states/UTwere asked not to lowertheir guard, enforceCovid-appropriate behav-iour and deal firmly withthe violations. States werealso told to follow effec-tive surveillance andtracking strategies inrespect of potential super-spreading events.

● ● IT IS believed thatChief Minister Edappadi K.Palaniswami and DeputyChief Minister O.Panneerselvam would callon Union home ministerAmit Shah when he visitsChennai and finalise theseat sharing.






Kumar said the governmentwas conducting rapid antigentests in 1,100 locations. Thishas proven to be a game-changer in controlling Covid.“If anyone is found positive, amedicine kit is given immedi-ately.”

Referring to the Covid vacci-nation drive, the CS said morethan 75 per cent of the healthworkers and frontline workershave been vaccinated and thestate is fully prepared to rollout the third phase.

Rajiv Gauba emphasised theneed to act decisively in termsof containment, surveillanceand large-scale vaccination,saying this would help inchecking the rising trend inCovid cases.

Health secretary S.A.M.Rizvi, director of public healthSrinivas Rao and director ofmedical education RameshReddy were among the offi-cials who participated in themeet.



Atumobile Pvt. Ltd., a city-based electric vehicles start-up, commenced delivery ofAtum 1.0, a new generationelectric bike. The cost-effec-tive, performance-oriented,café-racer styled electric bikewas handed over to the first 10customers by Vamsi Gaddam,founder-CEO of AtumobilePvt. Ltd at the manufacturingplant in Patancheru.

Vamsi said Atum1.0 e-bikelaunched on September 1, lastyear, had generated wide-spread interest in the market.This bike was specificallydesigned for the needs of theupwardly mobile Indian con-sumer, and with a base price ofRs. 50,000, Atum1.0 has rede-fined e-mobility with its stur-dy built and a retro, vintagedesign.

Since its launch, the compa-ny has received over 400 book-ings from across India, hesaid.

He said the bike is poweredby a portable lithium-ion bat-tery pack that charges in justunder four hours and offers arange of 100 kmph in a singlecharge.

The vehicle does not needregistration and the persondriving it does not need alicense, he said.


CROREFrom Page 1

However, the tax revenuescrossed the `7,000crore markand reached close to the `8,000crore mark in December 2020and January 2021 respectively— when they stood at`7,707crore and `7,812crorerespectively.

Due to the corona-inducedfinancial crisis, the state gov-ernment has missed its budgettargets by a wider margin inthe current fiscal. As per thebudget estimates, the stategovernment earningsshould have been `1.76lakh crore and expendi-ture `1.60 lakh crore tillJanuary 2021-end.However, the governmentearnings stand at `1.18 lakhcrore and expenditure at `1.10lakh crore, according to thelatest report released by theComptroller and AuditorGeneral (CAG).

With just a month to go forthe current fiscal to end, thefocus has now shifted to stategovernment's upcoming budg-et for fiscal 21-22, likely to bepresented in the Legislature inthe second week of March.


Being an ally of the rulingTelangana Rashtra Samiti,puts lots of pressure to walk

on a tightrope on president of theAll-India MIM, Asaduddin Owaisi.The usually super vociferousOwaisi was once again put in a spotby Chief Minister and TRS supre-mo K. Chandrashekar Rao, who inpulling a rabbit out of the hat forthe Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy andMahbubnagar graduate constituen-cy and naming Surabhi Vani Devi,daughter of former prime ministerlate P.V. Narasimha Rao.

Owaisi, a well-known bitter criticof Narasimha Rao, who oncefamously threatened to break theflyover from Mehdipatnam to thenew airport before it was inaugu-rated if it was named afterNarasimha Rao, while being an allyin those days of the Congress, hasnot reacted so far on Vani Devi’snomination.

His brother Akbaruddin Owaisi,floor leader of the party in theTelangana legislative Assembly, hadalso threatened to break theSamadhi of Narasimhar Rao atNecklace Road before the GHMC


Will Owaisi put his friendshipwith Chandrashekar Rao in jeop-ardy by giving a call to his party fol-lowers and fans to vote against her?If so, will he support the Congresscandidate or some independent? Orjust maintain a strategic silence onthe issue and keep the mediafocussed on the West Bengal elec-tions?

Interestingly, while Owaisi pri-mary grouse against NarasimhaRao is over the demolition of theBabri Masjid in 1992, he maintainedreasonable distance over the issueof demolition of two mosques in theold Secretariat complex by his part-ner TRS government. Either way,the problems for Owaisi keepmounting, with the Congress andother anti-BJP parties constantlyaccusing him of being a ‘closet part-ner’ of the BJP and the BJP con-stantly calling him a friend andpartner of theTRS. But if any-one can han-dle thepressurew i t hgrace, itis him.

The withdrawal of nominationsfrom Mahbubnagar-RangaReddy-Hyderabad graduates

constituency witnessed a sensation-al revalation. Kapilvail DileepKumar, long-term associate of ChiefMinister K. Chandrashekar Rao andactive participant in the separateTelangana agitation, filed his nomi-nation as a independent candidate.However, he changed his mind anddecided not to contest in the MLCpoll. This has left many ofthem clue-less and then question arised,why he file the nominationif he wants to withdraw?Many speculated that MrDileep withdrew hisapplication to help hisold friend since TRSfielded S. Vani Devior citing thecompetitionb e t w e e nBJP candi-date N.R a m c h a n -dar Rao andProf. K.Nageshwar,he mightthought he

would be irrelevant in the contest. However, putting speculations to

full he made a surprise relavation tothe media persons during his brieftalk after withdrawing his nomina-tion at GHMC headquarters. MrDileep, with a dissappointed facialexpression, said, “KCR might bejailed very soon. BJP government,through ED, is all set to fix him forrampant corruption in the state.Which is making me really wor-ried”. This not only stunned themedia persons but gave a scope formultiple speculations. Several ques-

tions araised in media circles oncehe left the place in stunning

silence. Is he in touch with EDofficials? Did BJP chief Bandi

Sanjay reveal the informa-tion during his last

visit prior to thewithdrawal of

n o m i n a t i o n ?Will he join

TRS tosave hiso l dbuddy?


Traffic police is troublingthe citizens with a profu-sion of challans while theauthorities are evincinglittle interest in findingsolutions to the steadilyworsening parking woeshere.

Today, a challan isslapped on motorists atevery turn. This is so asmany banks, hospitals,malls and supermarketsdo not have own parkingfacility. If vehicles areparked on the road-side,traffic cops are waitingwith an eagle’s eye to slapa fine. Traffic police arguethat it is the responsibilityof motorists to find a park-ing space even at a dis-tance and visit the destina-tion by foot from there.

The state governmenthad named the HyderabadMetro Rail Ltd as a nodalagency to undertake con-struction of multilevelparking complexes. It had

released GO187, creating aprovision for setting upthese complexes at suit-able locations.

For this, the governmentconstituted a five-membercommittee with HMRLmanaging director as itsconvener. It has listed theGHMC commissioner, theHMDA commissioner, theTSIIC MD and the TSRTCMD as members. The GOstated that HMRL MDNVS Reddy has prepared ascheme for development ofmultilevel parking com-plexes in public privatepartnership (PPP) modeon build, operate andtransfer (BOT) basis, atNampally.

It stated that the multi-level parking complexeswill have a concessionalperiod of 50 years and thebidder will be allowed toconstruct a commercialspace (floor area) equiva-lent to the parking spacehe created in accordancewith the parking policyand building rules.

The government hasasked HMRL to managethe bid process and askedGHMC, HMDA, TSRTC,TSIIC and other depart-ments to provide suitablevacant lands at metro,MMTS, railway and busstations in the city.

The government hasasked the committee tostudy successful MLCPmodels such as DLF underthe PPP module with theNew Delhi MunicipalCouncil (NDMC). The

NDMC had developed theautomated multi-level carparking facility, SouthSquare, at Sarojini Nagar.The state government hadasked the committee mem-bers to send a detailedproject report within threemonths in 2018.

The committee has, in aknee-jerk reaction, identi-fied 42 locations suitablefor erecting parking com-plexes. It started construc-tion of a multi-level park-ing complex at Nampally

that can accommodate 250cars and 100 two-wheelersin three cellars and sevenabove-the-ground floors.

The authorities said theconstruction of one MLCPwas delayed due to Covid-19.

This apart, a proposalwas to develop an automat-ed MLCP at Khilwat. Thatwas a non-starter. Theauthorities say no bidderresponded to the projectproposal. It was plannednear the CharminarPedestrianisation Projectarea.

An HMRL official saidthe MLCP was under theconsideration of the gov-ernment. There is no wordon how many of them areunder the consideration.

With a mere 25 paid park-ing space, 510 free spaceand 15 GHMC-authorisedspaces, motorists faced thebrunt.

Most of these parkingspaces are located on theroad-side and very fewamong the traffic police

have clarity about what isa free parking area andwhat is not. They click thepicture, generate an e-token and send it to thevehicle owner's mobilenumber. Vehicle ownerswould need to pay up. Ifnumber violations werereported, his/her vehiclewould be seized and itshould be collected fromcourt after clearing thefines.

Avinash Kulkarni, amotorist with a marketingfirm, said, “My two-wheel-er got 21 traffic challansand all of them were gen-erated without any mis-take on my part. Some ofthem are generated atKIMS hospital where Ihave been attending to myfather who was hospi-talised for Covid19. Sincethe hospital was full withpatients, I was forced topark the vehicle outsidethe hospital”.

Pavithran Reddy said thetraffic police generated ane-challan on his vehicle for

parking at SBI Bank prem-ises in Ramnagar X Road.There was no parkingspace in the bank premis-es and he parked his vehi-cle on the roadside.Though there was no lane-marking in the Secretariatarea near the Ambedkarstatue, the authoritiespenalised him for a signaljump.

“I got multiple challansthere since I take thisroute regularly. Lastmonth, I paid `3,000towards traffic penaltieswithout any rule violation.My salary is only `30,000. Iwould rather leave thiscity than bearing withsuch cuts,” he said.

Additional CP (traffic)Anil Kumar said if rulesare not enforced, roadside-parking wouldobstruct the free flow oftraffic. Motorists have toobey the rules and regula-tions. Find a parking spacein the vicinity and walk upto your destination,” heproposed.

No parking space, traffic challan at every turnEven if a vehicle is parked on the road-side, traffic police harass motorists and issue challan to them


An open plot along theroad that leads fromCharminar past MeccaMasjid and was used as abus stand and subse-quently as a parking lot,has now become agarbage dump.Shopkeepers in thevicinity accuse GHMCworkers of dumpinggarbage because ofwhich the surroundingshave become unhygienicand a nauseating smellthat emanates fromthere is making it amajor health hazard.

It may be recalled thatthe bus stand was demol-ished when the govern-ment proposed to con-struct a multi-level park-ing complex.

Locals complain thatGHMC workers are col-lecting waste fromhotels and overflowinggarbage bins on theirrickshaws, whichinstead of being taken tothe Imlibun dumpingyard are being thrown inthe open place.

With garbage not beinglifted for days together,the place has turned intoa breeding ground forinsects and mosquitoes.

Dr Iqbal Jaweed, a resi-dent of Purani Haveli,said that heaps of wastefrom nearby food jointsis rotting and vehiclesare parked haphazardly.





A complaint has beenlodged at the Bowenpallypolice station by a parentof St. Andrew's School’sBowenpally branch, alleg-ing harassment by themanagement over fee col-lection, “resulting in thechild running away” fromthe school.

As per the complaint,the student and the par-ents were denied the rep-ort card and promotion tothe next class in ways asto target them becausethey are the principalpetitioners in a writ peti-tion pending in a court ona sub judice matter.

The parent alleged that,following the humilia-tion, her child along witha friend abruptly left theschool premises and thetwo were later found atEast Marredpally.

The parent also allegedthe school was facing con-tempt of court fordemanding more moneyas fees than what thecourt has fixed.

The parent said the fam-ily was worried that if theschool continued toharass the student, shecould take more drasticsteps, as was the casewith a 16-year-old inNeredmet who allegedly

committed suicide onFebruary 13 followingsuspected harassment bythe school.

The cops have, however,not registered a case andsought legal opinion.“According to the legalopinion, the complainantwill be advised to seekremedial measures viathe court,” Inspector RaviKumar at the Bowenpallypolice station said.

The school authoritiesrejected the allegationsand said the complainantcame to the school dur-ing the parent-teachermeeting and created aruckus over fee collec-tion.

School principalShamita Bhattacharyasaid the video evidencewith them showed thatthe students left theschool at their own willand were found in afriend's car when theschool deputed its securi-ty personnel on a search.The security broughtback the students to theschool, it was explained.

Parent lodgesharassment caseon St Andrew’s



Telangana has reported 178new cases of Covid-19 and onemore death from the disease inthe state.

According to the state healthdepartment, as on Friday, thenew cases and the death tookthe total cases to 2,98,631 anddeaths from the disease to1,633 so far in the state. Therewere 1,939 active Covid-19cases in the state, it said.

The Greater HyderabadMunicipal Corporation areacontinued to report most cases– 30 – from Friday, followed by20 in Medchal-Malkajgiri, 15 inRanga Reddy, and 10 inKarimnagar districts.

● ● SCHOOL AUTHORITIESrejected the allegationsand said the complainantcame to the school duringthe parent-teacher meet-ing and created a ruckusover fee collection.

Owaisi’s PV, and Vani Devi, problem Baap of surprises

The efforts to promote Y.Srilakshmi as specialchief secretary are fac-

ing some hurdles. The 1989-batch IAS officer had beentransferred to AP cadre fromTelangana in December 2020after she secured an orderfor this from the CentralAdministrative Tribunal.The YSRC government wel-comed the official and soonposted her as principal secre-tary in the municipal admin-istration and urban develop-ment (MAUD) department.

Now, the buzz in AP

bureaucratic circles is thatthe Jagan-led government islikely to promote her as spe-cial chief secretary.

Another rumour taking therounds of these circles awhile ago was thatSrilakshmi would eventuallybe promoted as chief secre-tary after incumbent CSAdityanath Das retires onJune 30. The rank of specialchief secretary is cited a pre-requisite for an official to getpromoted as CS.

The departmental promo-tion committee is examining

the issue of promotingSrilakshmi as special CS.DPC has a representativefrom DoPT alongside stategovernment representatives.

It is pointed out that somecharges are pending againstSrilakshmi in the Jagan'sdisproportionate assets case.The state governmentresponded to this by sayingIAS officers ManmohanSingh and BP Acharya, whotoo were facing charges inJagan's case, had been pro-moted as Special chief secre-tary.

Meanwhile, ReddySubrahmanyam, an APcadre IAS officer currentlyon central deputation andrepresenting DoPT in theDPC, reportedly expressedreservations overSrilakshmi's promotion asSpecial CS.

He is favouring a regularpromotion for Srilakshmiand not ad hoc promotion asper the DoPT rules framed in2000. It remains to be seenhow the Andhra Pradeshgovernment will handle thismatter.

Srilakshmi’s promotion as Special CS hits roadblock

Sycophancy and politics are inter-twined. Many see sycophancy as thegrease that helps Indian politics roll.

Leaders go any extent to please their ‘highcommand’ and secure plum posts or retainposts even if it meant a violation of norms.Transport minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar,who defected from the Congress to the TRS,is no exception.

Puvvada is currently on a mission topaint CM-KCR pictures on MissionBhagiratha tanks across the Khammamtown. The municipal corporation is set forpolls. It’s clear to all that the state electioncommission will not allow such indul-gences on government or public properties.Yet, bent on pleasing his boss, Ajay wouldgo any length. He’s cooing about his plansto paint KCR pictures on 30 more MissionBhagiratha tanks soon.

Ajay seems maniacal about this. He hadreceived a drubbing from the CMO forsending a proposal seeking its permissionto put up KCR pictures on TSRTC cargobuses. That was in February last year. TheCMO had rejected it saying KCR wasagainst gaining such ‘cheap publicity’.Ajay would have a try at least on MissionBhagiratha tanks. What now will be thereaction of KCR or CMO is unclear.

Minister PuvvadaAjay at it again

Traffic police argue that it is the responsibility ofmotorists to find a parking space and visit the destina-tion by foot from there. — S. SURENDER REDDY

Helping women get jobs

Hyderabad police commissioner Anjani Kumar speaks to a candidate during the Job Mela for women organised bythe SHE TEAMS at the Osmania University on Saturday. Around 25 companies, with around 3,000 vacancies, attend-ed the event. — S. SURENDER REDDY

HC directive on Hanuman temple DC CORRESPONDENTHYDERABAD, FEB. 27

Telangana High Court hasdirected commissioners ofGreater HyderabadMunicipal Corporation(GHMC) and EndowmentsDepartment to ensurethat no further construc-tions are raised withinthe Hanuman Templepremises at Sukhadev

Nagar on Road No. 4 ofBanjara Hills inHyderabad.

The order was passed bya division bench headedby Chief Justice HimaKohli and Justice B.Vijaysen Reddy whilehearing a public interestlitigation (PIL) filed byMarati Rajaram and fourothers. They alleged thattemple authorities, in con-

nivance with endowmentsand GHMC officials, areresorting to illegal con-structions within the tem-ple premises. These are insheer violation of provi-sions under TelanganaCharitable and HinduReligious Institutions andEndowments Act, 1987.

After hearing con-tentions by petitionerscounsel, the division

bench issued notices toprincipal secretary,endowments, and com-missioner, GHMC, direct-ing them to respond, dulyexplaining reasons foralleged illegal construc-tions. The bench also cau-tioned that officials willface serious conse-quences, if any construc-tion activities are seen onthe temple premises.






A Rasta roko was staged inSalura and Yedapally ofNizamabad district on Narsi-Nizamabad inter-state high-way on Saturday. The vehicu-lar traffic was halted for a half-an-hour. In Salura, farmersstaged rasta roko, demandingthe setting up of Bengal grampurchasing centres in the dis-trict. They said that the prod-uct is ready for sale and pri-vate traders offering the low-est price.



Easterly and southern windmovements have led to mini-mum and maximum tempera-tures in Telangana rising byone to two degrees, resultingin dry weather in the state.These dry weather conditionsare expected to last over thenext four days.

Rise in minimum tempera-tures means nights will bewarmer too. IndianMeteorological Department inHyderabad stated that maxi-mum temperatures will see arise from 34 degrees C to 38degree C in the next few days.This will lead to increasedheat during the day time.

Adilabad district is seeing ahigher minimum temperatureof 15 degrees C. Other districtswill also see a two-degree risein temperatures, with hotwinds blowing in the after-noon. People are advised todrink sufficient water andavoid direct heat during after-noons, as the summer heat issetting in.



At least 12 students at aKasturba Gandhi BalikaVidyalaya in Sangareddy dis-trict’s Jharasangam villagehave tested positive for Covid-19 on Sunday. The discovery ofa clutch of cases in theschool’s 132 strong studentcommunity and 18 staff,spread fear among the stu-dents and staff of the school.

It may be recalled that onlyrecently, the governmentordered that physical classesfor students from Classes 9 and10 be conducted. A couple ofdays ago, the government saidclasses for students from class-es 6 to 8 can also be held atschools. According to Sanga-reddy district health officials,following reports that somestudents were unwell at theschool, rapid antigen testswere conducted following whi-ch 12 were found to be Covid-19positive. None of the childrenhave any serious symptomsand have been placed in homeisolation. Three were found tohave some symptoms whilethe rest were asymptomatic.

The rest of the students andstaff have undergone RT-PCRtests and the results of thesetests are expected to be avail-able on Monday. Rapid antigentests are expected to be con-ducted on others in the villageto identify anyone else whomay have contracted the dis-ease.


Constant rise in cost ofpetrol and diesel, as wellas increased price ofdomestic cooking gascylinders, have left peo-ple crying hoarse aboutthey being fleeced by thegovernment. A litre ofpetrol was priced `94.79and diesel `88.86 a litre inthe city on Friday.

While people used todriving their vehicles towork cannot do withouttheir personal transport,particularly with fears ofCovid-19 still lurking,those like SantoshKumar, an autorickshawdriver, are at their witsend. “Petrol prices arerising continuously. Butthere is no revision inour meter charges.Unless we negotiate witha passenger withoutusing the meter, there isno saving for us. At best,whether it is me or otherauto drivers, we are ableto take home only`100–200 a day after allcosts. This is just notenough to manage a fam-ily,” he pointed out.

Adding to the burden offamilies is the steep `100hike in price of domesticcooking gas cylinders injust over a month. That

too after a majority ofthem have sufferedincome loss following theCovid-19 pandemic due tolockdowns and 20 percentcut in their salaries.

Soujanya Vardini, whoworks in a private compa-ny, says she is a singlemother, who needs toplan her monthly budgetcarefully. “We plan asmeticulously as we can.But the extra fuel costsare a huge burden on us.Even prices of essentialcommodities are goingup,” she stated.

Chandrasekhar, a driv-er by profession, said,“The common manalways suffers in the end.Governments never both-

er about us. By increas-ing the price of cookinggas, the government ismaking more money atour expense. This is thesaddest part.”

The price of domesticcooking gas cylinder was`589.50 in May 2020. But ithas now reached `846.50.In January, a refill cylin-der cost `746.50. Februaryhas witnessed three pricerises in the cylinder costby `50, `25, and another`25. Meanwhile, MarriAmarender Reddy, presi-dent of Telangana PetrolDealers Association,regretted that there is aperception among peoplethat fuel station ownersare raking in profits. But

that is far from the truth.He explained: “The basicprice of petrol is `33.60and diesel `35.40 a litre.On this, dealers get amargin of `3.24 on petroland `2.02 on diesel and 19paise are spent on trans-portation of each litre.Rest of the amount thatconsumer pays goes tothe state and central gov-ernments.”

Fuel dealers, he said,are actually in an unhap-py situation, as theirworking capital require-ments have risen, buttheir commission has notincreased since 2017.Many petrol pumps areactually running in loss-es,” he maintained.

Steep hike in prices offuel, gas angers people


The urban forest parksaround the city, are not justproviding much neededgreen lungs for Hyderabadand its residents, they alsoseem to be attractingunusual visitors.

At the Konda GorreWildnerness Park atLalgadi Malakpet villagenear the Outer Ring Roadnear the KarimnagarHighway, one such visitor, abird that has not beenrecorded this far south inIndia, was photographed afew days ago.

It was a Crow-BilledDrongo, normally found inthe north and northeast ofthe country inUttarakhand, UttarPradesh Bihar, northernWest Bengal, Sikkim,

Assam, Meghalaya,Arunachal Pradesh,Nagaland, Manipur,

Tripura, and Mizoram.“This is the first time that

it has been seen in south

India,” AnandViswanathan, a birdwatch-er and bird photographerwho clicked its picture onFebruary 24 at the park,said. Viswanathan, also theChief SustainabilityOfficer for the park, said he has checked withquite a few birders and theconsensus was that thereare no records of the theCrow-Billed Drongo beingseen this far south in theplains area of India before.“I am told this is an excep-tional record,” he toldDeccan Chronicle.

The Crow-Billed Drongo,that stands between 25 and30 cm, is found in India,Nepal, Bhutan,Bangladesh, southeast Asiaand China and normallyfound in the lower foothills of the Himalayasin India.

Crow billed Drongo, a rare sub species, sighted in city

Consumers: Amidst virus, rising prices are wreaking havoc

The first concert at Ravindra Bharathi since the lockdown, held here onSaturday, was dedicated to legendary classical singer Pandit Bhimsen Joshi.The sell-out crowd was captivated by the scintillating performers of ‘UttarDakshin’, a unique jugalbandi of Hindustani and Carnatic, including Hindustanivocalist Jayateerth Mevundi and Carnatic vocalist Abhishek Raghuram andNarendra Nayak on the Harmonium. It was organised by Vivid Arts &Entertainment. — DEEPAK DESHPANDE


The oldest resident ofthe Nehru ZoologicalPark, a 121-year-old Ga-lapagos Giant Tortoise,was on Saturday adopt-ed by a couple — SarojDevi and her husbandAshish Kumar — andtheir family for a year.

They handed over acheque for `30,000 tow-ards adopting the tor-toise to the zoo’s deputycurator A Nagamani.“Support like thisstrengthens wildlifeconservation initiativesin the zoo,” Nagamanisaid, while Saroj Deviappealed to people tostep forward and adoptanimals at the zoo.

Crow-Billed Drongo photographed on February 24 at KonaGorre Wilderness Park near Hyderabad.


Concerts are back

The 121-year-old Galapagos Giant Tortoise (left),was adopted on Saturday in Nehru Zoological Park.

Motorists fill petrol at a bunk in Hyderabad on Saturday. The steady rise in fuelprices had led to budget of people going haywire. — R. PAVAN





Union minister forinformation and envi-ronment PrakashJavadekar on Saturdayexuded confidence thatBJP will repeat itsDubbaka and GHMCshowing in the upcom-ing MLC polls for twoseats in Telangana.

He said people ofTelangana were fed upof the TRS ‘family rule’of TRS and wanted achange, he said at ameeting organised byBJP Telangana unit on‘Towards BuildingAtmanirbar Bharath-The Role of Graduates’here on Saturday.

Addressing the gather-ing Javadekar said“People of Telanganahave dealt blows to TRSin Dubbaka and GHMCelections. I am confidentthat the voters willagain teach a fitting les-son to the family party.People across India pre-fer BJP because it is anon-family party. ForBJP and Prime Minister

Narendra Modi, it’s'nation first'.”

Javadekar called uponBJP cadre not to takeMLC elections lightlysaying that a victory inevery election will con-tribute to strengtheningthe party.

Party candidate forH y d e r a b a d - R a n g a

Reddy-MahabubnagarGraduate MLC election,N. Ramchandar Raoappealed to graduates toelect him so that he canfight the failures of TRSgovernment in theLegislative Council.

“I will be the voice ofthe youth, graduatesand common people in

the Council and willbring pressure on TRSgovernment to fulfill itspromises on providingjobs. I will question theTRS government on itsfailures and safeguardthe interests of the peo-ple in general and grad-uates and youth in par-ticular,” Rao added.

BJP will win both MLCseats, says JavadekarPeople of Telangana fed up of TRS ‘family rule’: Minister

Union minister Prakash Javadekar along with MLC candidate N. RamchandarRao in Hyderabad on Saturday. — DEEPAK DESHPANDE


Telangana PradeshCongress Committee(TPCC) president N.Uttam Kumar Reddyasserted that Congressparty will not keepquiet until all culpritsinvolved in murders ofadvocate couple GattuVaman Rao andNagamani are pun-ished by a court of law.The duo had been bru-tally murdered inbroad daylight atPeddapalli onFebruary 17.

Kishan Rao, father oflate Vaman Rao,informed the TPCCchief that he does nothave any confidence inthe investigation beingcarried out by localpolice. Responding tothis, Uttam KumarReddy informed himthat Congress leadershave already metGovernor TamilisaiS o u n d a - r a r a j a ndemanding a court-monitored CBI investi-gation.

He said it is highlyunfortunate that ChiefMinister K.Chandrashekar Raohas not even con-

demned the murder orassured speedy justicein the matter. Hedescribed the doublemurder as a high-levelconspiracy hatched byTRS leaders in con-nivance with sand andland mafia.Expressing dissatis-faction over the pace ofinvestigation, healleged that a fewpolice officials, includ-ing police commission-er Satyanarayana, areacting as TRS agents.Local police have notyet gathered call datarecords of the accusedand victims to unearththe larger conspiracyand unmask the actualpeople involved in the

double murder. The TPCC president

feared that investiga-tion into the doublemurder might gethushed up, as KCRappears reluctant inordering a CBI probeinto the matter. Hesaid the Congressparty will take up thematter with chief jus-tices of SupremeCourt and High Court,besides raising theissue in theParliament.

The state Congresschief was accompa-nied by MLA D.Sridhar Babu, DCCpresidents Komaraiah,Laxman and PrakashReddy, among others.

Uttam assures aid tomurdered lawyers’ kin


Finance Minister T. HarishRao on Saturday appealed tograduate voters ofHyderabad, Ranga Reddyand Mahabubnagar to electTRS candidate Surabhi VaniDevi in the forthcoming MLCpolls.

Holding a meeting withTRS cadre in Uppal zone ofHyderabad, Harish said thearea has 30,000 graduate vot-ers. “Uppal is crucial for us.Vani Devi is from a tradition-

al family and the onlywoman candidate. Congressand BJP are thus unsettled,”he remarked.

The minister asked whygraduates would vote for BJPwhen the party governmentat the centre has beenincreasing fuel prices by theday. Congress party, whichdid not give even the mini-mum respect former primeminister P. V. NarasihmaRao, needs to be defeated byelecting PV’s daughter forthe MLC post, he said.

“Should we cheat voters by

saying we will include sevenzones of Andhra Pradeshinto Telangana,” heremarked.

Harish asked TRS cadre tomeet every voter and explainthem the situation thatTelangana is the only state inIndia to provide water tohouseholds through taps.Bhagiratha and KalyanaLakshmi are role models forthe country, he stated.

The minister said BJP andCongress have a high com-mand in Delhi, but TRS isbased within the state.

Harish Rao appeals for Vani’s win


Home MinisterMohammed MahmoodAli on Saturdayexhorted the teachingfraternity to adoptmodern methodologywhile imparting reli-gious education.

He was addressing ateachers training pro-gramme organized byJamiat-ul-Mominath (adeeni Madarsa forgirls). Mahmood Alisaid a teacher canshape up the society.He said there was aneed to focus on mod-ern education along

with religious educa-tion. He said educationwas essential for girlsas an educated mothercan imbibe in her chil-dren moral and ethicalvalues. There will befewer disputes if bothhusband and wife areaware of their reli-gious teachings. It isobserved that thedropout rate is veryhigh, which is not agood sign, he said.

The minister said thestate government wasalso focusing on educa-tion of minorities.

“We have opened over200 residentialschools,” he said.

Modern teachingmethods must:Mahmood Ali


AICC national spokesper-son Sravan Dasoju hasobjected to derogatoryremarks made against himby ministers TalasaniSrinivas Yadav andSrinivas Goud. He accusedTRS working president K.T. Rama Rao of encourag-ing “such street rowdies”instead of focusing on cre-ating employment for over

40 lakh unemployed youthin the state.

“A 10th fail street rowdyand land grabber TalasaniSrinivas Yadav, who sur-rendered to ChandrababuNaidu and attackedTelangana agitators,including KCR, in the pastis now a minister. Such peo-ple being used to criticiseopposition leaders isshameful. KTR must feelashamed of it,” Sravanremarked.

Dasoju slams ministersfor derogatory remarks

T-Hub signs MoUto boost start-ups

Hyderabad: T-Hub, aninnovation intermediaryand business incubator

and TFMC(TelanganaFacilities Management

Council), a professionalbody of Facilities

Management professionalsinked a MoU on Fridayevening. The MoU was

signed betweenSatyanarayana Mathala,President of TFMC and

Ravi Narayan, CEO of T-Hub. The documents were

exchanged bySatyanarayana Mathala

and Srinivas Taluka.—INN



A division bench ofTelangana High Court, com-prising Chief Justice HimaKohli and Justice B. VijaysenReddy, directed the State gov-ernment to take steps for con-stitution of appellate tri-bunals to deal with issues per-taining to pollution controlboards (PCB) of their respec-tive states within two weeks.

The bench was dealing withpetitions filed by a farmerfrom Yadadri Bhuvanagiridistrict challenging the nodgiven to some pollution-caus-ing industries in their area.Without considering theobjections and our submis-sions, the PCB had permittedthem, the petitioner said.

Reacting to the submission,the bench made it clear thatthe petitioners/aggrieved par-ties should first approach theappellate authority instead ofmoving the High Court direct-ly.

Knowing that appellateauthority has not been consti-tuted since two years, thecourt directed the State to con-stitute the Authority within afortnight.



In a significant move, the TTDTrust Board has resolved toconstruct either a Srivari tem-ple, Bhajana mandiram or pil-grim amenities complex inAyodhya if the Ram MandirNirman Trust offered a plot ofland for the TTD.

The board under the chair-manship of Y.V. Subba Reddypassed this as also some otherresolutions at its meeting inAnnamayya Bhavan inTirumala on Saturday. Afterapproving the annual budget-ary estimates for financialyear 2021-22, the board alsoresolved to soon perform the‘bhumi pujas’ for constructionof Srivari temples in Mumbaiand Jammu. The board urgedthe Centre to declare cow as anational animal.

The trust board resolved toinstall APSPDCL meters at allrest houses, cottages andchoultries in Tirumala toensure checks on power con-sumption. It decided to pro-duce 50 megawatts of greenpower or conventional energyin Tirumala. The board gaveits nod to resume arjitha sevasat Tirumala temple from April14 and allow devotees’ physi-cal presence for advance book-ings of arjitha sevas. Devoteeswith arjitha seva ticketsshould observe Covid-19guidelines and get Covid-19test done three days ahead oftheir Tirumala visit.

The board decided to providefree Covid vaccination to allTTD employees.

TPCC chief N. Uttam Kumar Reddy, along withCongress leaders, meets parents and family members of the murdered lawyer couple G.Vaman Rao and Nagamani on Saturday. — DC

R. THIYAGARAJAND.O.D: 28.02.2017Founder Director -

Microtorr Vacuum Systems (P) Ltd.Managing Partner -

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Dear Thatha,

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Love, Vignesh, Sumedha &FamilyR. THIYAGARAJAN




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Inserted by: Mrs. Mercy Sulochana(Wife), Children, Grand Children &

Great Grand Children.(S/2021/D01288)

1st DEATH ANNIVERSARYI am the resurrection and life. The onewho believes in me will live and not die.

John 11:25

Late KUMARI GOVADAPADMA SUDHARSHANAMD/o Late Govada Sudharshanam RaoDOB: 25-11-1935 DOD: 29-02-2020

WE MISS YOUMemorial Service to be held at 11.00a.m. on 28-2-2021 at 21-1-4/81, LIG 43,Lalapet, Secunderabad.

Inserted by:GOVADA GIRIRAJ MAHENDER (Brother) &


6th DEATH ANNIVERSARYIn Loving Memory Of

Late THAKUR A. SHANKER SINGHD.O.B: 01.04.1939 D.O.D: 28.02.2015

Inserted by: Wife: Smt. SarojSon: Thakur S. Shailender Singh

Sushma Rani, Ajay Singh, Angad AsthaDaughter: Sapna Thakur, Sagar,

Nandini, Khushi(S/2021/D01287)

3rd DEATH ANNIVERSARYI will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Ps: 23:6In ever loving memory of our beloved Father


Retd. ‘A’ Grade Special Guard (HYD) SCDOB: 26.07.1930 DOD: 28.02.2018

We miss you Dad.Inserted by:

Mrs. VIPPARTHY ESTHER ABRAHAM (Wife)Children and Their Families.

The righteous shall be in everlastingremembrance. Ps. 112:6


Fog delayed landing oftwo aircrafts inV i j a y a w a d aInternational Airportcausing concern to thepassengers on boardfor some time here onSaturday.

A flight fromBengaluru carryingthe passengers arrivedat the Vijayawada air-port and as there was

heavy fog at that time,there was some delayin getting clearancefor landing. Similarly,another flight fromNew Delhi carryingthe passengers alsoarrived at the airportonly to be delayed forlanding for some timedue to heavy fog. It hasbecome a regular prac-tice of late for aircraftsto get delayed for land-ing due to inclementweather conditions.








Tuticorin/Tirunelveli,Feb27:Congress leader RahulGandhi on Saturday hit out atPrime Minister NarendraModi over issues including theSino-India standoff andsought to establish an emo-tional connect with the peopleof poll-bound Tamil Nadu, say-ing he wants to have a rela-tionship with them markedonly by respect and affection.

Launching his three-dayTamil Nadu tour ahead of theApril 6 assembly elections, heattacked Modi, BJP and theRSS on a number of issues andcharged the Prime Ministerwith seeking to “remote con-trol” Tamil Nadu throughChief Minister KPalaniswami.

He also billed himself as a‘honest’ man and thereforeModi “cannot control me” butwas being targeted by him.

At public interactions andmeetings at different locationsin Tuticorin and Tirunelveidistricts, during some ofwhich he mingled with thepublic, Gandhi missed nochance to take a swipe at Modiand also hit out at the ‘corrupt’ruling AIADMK.


After its resounding per-formance in the recentlyconcluded Bihar polls,the RJD is eyeing Hindispeaking voters in WestBengal, Assam andKerala.

The RJD which hasbeen trying to expand itswings outside Biharhopes to give a toughfight to BJP. Politicalanalysts said that theparty has been eyeingsizable “Bihari voters”in West Bengal, Assamand Kerala in order toexpand its base outsideBihar.

Talking to this newspa-per a senior RJD leadersaid, “Our party’s deci-sion is based on the feed-back from the people

who have been urgingour leaders to contest inareas where Hindispeaking voters mostlyfrom Bihar and easternUttar Pradesh stay. Oursenior party leaders arealready in touch withlike-minded politicalparties in West Bengaland Assam and willmake a final announce-ment soon”.

Reports suggest thatsenior RJD leaders arein touch with BadruddinAjmal of All IndiaUnited DemocraticFront, Congress statepresident Ripun Bora inAssam and MamataBanerjee’s TMC in WestBengal.

Political analysts are ofthe view that RJD’s maininterest in AIUDF couldbe its popularity among

Muslim voters in Assam.On Friday after the poll

dates were announced bythe ElectionCommission, RJD leaderTejashwi Yadav and theparty’s national generalsecretary landed inGuwahati and held aseries of meetings withtop leaders of someregional parties inAssam.

Sources said that afterAssam Tejashwi Yadavalong with other seniorleaders of the RJD willalso visit Kolkata to dis-cuss the poll relatedissues with politicalleaders.

Meanwhile, the JD(U)which is an alliancepartner of the BJP inBihar is also gearing toup to field candidates inWest Bengal and Assam.

Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi has langar after paying tribute on the occasion of Ravidas Jayanti inVaranasi. - PTI


A day after the ElectionCommission announcedthe dates for Assemblypolls in Kerala, the prin-cipal political formationsled by CPM, Congressand BJP began prelimi-nary discussions on seatsharing, probable candi-dates and manifesto.

The CPM-led ruling LDF

The CPM leadershipsaid the talks with coali-tion partners on seatsharing will be complet-ed in two days. The cru-cial CPM state committeemeeting will be held onMarch 4. Prior to themeeting, the districtcommittees will finalisethe preliminary list ofcandidates. The listwould be placed beforethe state committeewhich will take a finalcall. The CPM and otherconstituents are hopefulof finalising their candi-dates within 10 days.

In 2016 assembly polls,the CPM had contested 92seats and the CPI 27. Withnew parties like KeralaCongress (M) andLoktantrik Janata Daldemanding 15 and 7 seatsrespectively, the CPMwill have to part withsome of its seats.

CPM acting state secre-tary Mr A

Vijayaraghavan said theparty enjoyed the good-will of people and it willreflect in the polls.

Congress-led UDF

AICC general secretaryincharge of Kerala MrTariq Anwar has saidthat the high commandwill announce thescreening committeemembers soon for final-ising the candidates.

The Congress will givepriority to new faces,youth, women and promi-nent people from varous

fields,he said.The Congress State

leadership will completebilateral talks with UDFcoalition partners onseat sharing by nextweek.

This will be followed bymeetings of DCC, stateelection committee, PCCexecutive, working com-mittee to finalise list ofcandidates. The nameswill be sent to screeningcommittee for approval.

The Congress is likelyto contest more seats thistime as two of its majorallies - Kerala Congress(M) and Loktantrik

Janata Dal - have quit theFront.

Former union ministerand veteran Congressleader A K Antony cau-tioned the UDF leader-ship against over confi-dence.

“Gone are the dayswhen anyone could winon the UDF ticket. Thecandidates must bedecided after due discus-sion, considering theirvictory prospects,” hesaid.

BJP-led NDA Senior BJP leader and

Union minister VMuraleedharan said thefirst list of candidateswould be finalised withina week. The BJP is plan-ning to field all its topleaders in the state.

‘Metroman’ ESreedharan is likely to befielded from Palakkad orThrippunithura.

The party is planning tobring more prominentfaces in electoral frayincluding actors, formerjudges, former DGP rankofficers.

Muraleedharan allegedunderstanding betweenCPM and Congress on 20

seats to defeat the BJP.Meanwhile, BJP leader

Shobha Surendrancaused embarrassmentto the leadership whenshe said that evenMuslim League was wel-come to join hands withthe party if it shed it'scommunal ideology andaccepted Modi's policies.

Soon other leaderscame out with a clarifica-tion that there was nomove to have any tie upwith the Muslim League.

Meanwhile, ChiefElectoral Officer ofKerala Mr Teeka RamMeena on Saturday saidthat central paramili-tary forces would bedeployed in pollingbooths while Keralapolice will be deputed forexternal duties.

The first batch of 5companies of BSFarrived in the state onSaturday.

The CEO directed thepoll officials to dischargetheir responsibilitieswithout succumbing tothe threats of govern-ment and political par-ties

He said the poll officialsneed not be afraid by theincumbent governmentor the future governmentwhile discharging theirduties.

The election commis-sion will provide protec-tion to the officials, hesaid.

Parties begin seatsharing talks in KeralaLDF, UDF to finalise their candidates by next week


The Election Commissionof India has kept inabeyance the transfer andpostings of the 12 IPS and6 APS officers in Assam.These transfers wereordered by the state gov-ernment on February 26,the same day when theECI announced the sched-ule of the assembly polls.

“The Commission videits press note dated 26thFebruary, 2021, hadannounced the scheduleof General Elections toLegislative Assemblies ofAssam, Kerala, TamilNadu, West Bengal andPuducherry. With thisannouncement, the provi-sions of Model Code ofConduct has come intoforce with immediateeffect, which includestotal ban on the trans-fers/postings of all offi-cers connected with con-duct of elections. It hascome to the notice ofCommission that Govt. ofAssam has, on 26thFebruary 2021, orderedthe transfer of 12 IPS and6 APS officers. TheCommission has, there-fore, decided to keep thetransfer/posting of thesepolice officers inabeyance,” the ECI said.

In West Bengal, the ECIhas replaced the top copin charge of law andorder. Mr Jag Mohan, whopreviously held the rankof DG (Fire Services) hasbeen named as the newAdditional Director-General and Inspector-General (Law and Order),replacing Jawed Shamim.


Kolkata, Feb 27: TheL e f t - C o n g r e s s - I S Falliance will kick-off itscampaign for the upcom-ing assembly electionsin West Bengal with amega rally at theBrigade Parade Groundsin Kolkata on Sunday.

The CPI(M)-led LeftFront and the Congresshave already sealed aseat-sharing agreement,while the talks betweenthe Left and PirzadaAbbas Siddiqui’s ISFhave concluded withboth agreeing on 30 seatsfor the newly-floated out-fit. The negotiationsbetween Congress andthe Indian Secular Frontare at present underway,and both sides are hope-ful that the differencesover a few seats would beresolved, sources said.

“The mega rally atBrigade will mark thebeginning of our cam-paign for the assemblyelections. We want toprovide an alternative tothe anti-people and com-munal politics of theTMC and the BJP,” sen-ior Congress leaderPradip Bhattacharyasaid. “A section of thepress, and the TMC andthe BJP are trying toproject it as a two-cor-nered contest, but it willbe a three-way fight inBengal,” he added.

CPI(M) general secre-tary Sitaram Yechury,state Congress presidentAdhir Chowdhury, ISF’sSiddiqui will be themain speakers at therally. - PTI


Children play near wall graffiti with slogan ‘Khela Hobe’, in support of TMC, aheadof the Assembly elections in Kolkata on Saturday. - PTI

RJD gearing up tocontest in WB, Assam

● ● CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER of Kerala said thatcentral paramilitary forces would be deployed inpolling booths while Kerala police will be deputedfor external duties. The first batch of 5 companies ofBSF arrived in the state on Saturday.


Jammu, Feb 27: SeniorCongress leader Kapil SibalSaturday said here the partywas “getting weak”, but wasnot utilising the vast politicalexperience of veteran leaderGhulam Nabi Azad, whorecently retired from RajyaSabha.

Sibal was among severalparty leaders includingManish Tewari, formerHaryana chief ministerBhupinder Singh Hooda, RajBabbar and Anand Sharmawho joined Azad at a functionorganised by the GandhiGlobal family in a show ofstrength by the ‘G-23’ faction ofthe party. These leaders wereamong the 23 Congress mem-bers who had recently writtento party chief Sonia Gandhiseeking an organisationaloverhaul. “We feel theCongress is getting weak andtime has come to rejuvenatethe party to make it regain itslost glory,” Sibal said in hisaddress to the function.

“Why we came togetherhere?” Sibal questioned toanswer, “The truth is that weare feeling the Congress is get-ting weak. And therefore wecame together, like in the past,to work for strengthening theparty.”

Taking a pledge from thepodium, he said there aremany leaders who were notpresent at the function whosupport them, and “we willsacrifice whatever is neces-sary to make the nation andthe party strong.”


The Toyota Innova linked to abomb scare near industrialistMukesh Ambani's home inMumbai on Thursday hasbeen spotted on CCTV feed asit leaves the city via the Thane-Mulund toll plaza earlier thatsame day, Mumbai Police'sCrime Branch said onSaturday. According to thepolice, the suspects had done athorough recce.

The CCTV feed shows awhite Innova pulling up to thetoll gate at around 3 am onFebruary 25 - the day that anabandoned SUV filled withexplosives - 20 gelatin sticksand several detonators - wasfound metres away fromAntilla, Mr Ambani's home.

According to police, the twocars, which were captured onCCTV footage, were deployedin tandem - with both drivingup to Mr Ambani's residencethe day before. The driver ofthe SUV - a Mahindra Scorpio -got out of that car and into theInnova after parking it at thespot from which it was laterrecovered.

On Thursday, Mumbai Policerecovered 20 gelatin sticksfrom a Scorpio car foundparked outside MukeshAmbani's home Antilia. Thepolice also found several num-ber plates inside the vehicle,some of them matching thenumber plates of vehiclesused by the Ambani family'ssecurity team. A threateningletter addressed to MukeshAmbani and his wife NitaAmbani was also recoveredfrom the Scorpio. The lettersaid that the unassembled gel-atin sticks and the SUV out-side Antilia were just a "trail-er".



Seoni, Feb 27: Adecomposed carcass of atiger was found in a for-est in Madhya Pradesh’sSeoni district onSaturday and two per-sons have been detainedin connection to thedeath, a forest officialsaid. - PTI


FOR SALE Mahendra Tourist SchoolBus, 2009 Model, in good condition.Contact 9866191066. (B/2021/C01065)

28 SEATER, 2018 model SwarajMazda School Bus for sale. Contact:9848064664. (HYCL/2021/C03099)

BEGUMPET REPUTED TravelAgency: Commercial Innovas 8 seaters2014, 2015 for sale. Contact:9848278640, 9246396305(HYMM/2021/C06978)

HYUDAI, CRETA 2016 model, Diesel,Automatic, White & Hyundai I-20, 2013model, Grey, both company owned &maintained, Single hand driven withFull Insurance for Immediate sale.Ph:9848005130, 9912612345.(A/2021/C00636)

2004 HONDA ACCORD 3.0 V6 Blackcolour, 1st owner, 145K driven,showroom condition. Contact Number:9550855374/ 9966804598.(HYCL/2021/C03126)

DOCTORS PERSONAL used, 2017Renault Lodgy diesel for sale 35,000kms driven Rs.7.40lakhsph.9849271323, 9441340044(HYMM/2021/C06947)

2015 BMW 530d MS Port,Mediterranean Blue, 49K Driven, 3.0V6Biturbo Diesel, Showroom condition,Brokers Excuse. Price 32 lacks.Ph:7288888785 (HYMM/2021/C07216)

✔HONDA CITY-V 2017 petrolsingle owner white only

18000Km run showroom condition.Genuine buyers Contact:9848131610. (HYMM/2021/C07505)

LADY OWNED & Driven Grand i10sportz Hyundai 2016 Model, 10,000kilometers in excellent condition,please Contact: 9392444710.(S/2021/C02415)

JEEP COMPASS, 2019 limited plus4x2 AT with panoramic sunroof inpristine condition for sale, 42000 Kmdone, cont- 9100005744(W/2021/AT001193)

MAHINDRA XUV500 W8 2013 modelsingle owner running in condition.Contact 7680848777(W/2021/AT001194)

10 GUNTAS Farm Land Suitable forFarmhouse in Peaceful GatedCommunity, Chilkur, Behind MoinabadPolice Station, Near Global College. NoAgents. 9963870812.(HYCL/2021/C02990)

12ACRES 22GUNTAS AgricultureLand For Sale in Vantimamidi Village,Siddipet Dist. on Karimnagar NationalHighway. Contact: 9849245342.(HYMM/2021/C07164)

BANK TENANTED Property nearMoosaram- Amberpet X-Road. Groundfloor 1920sft/ new nine yrs lease/ Rent1.60Lacs/ price 3.60Cr. Slightnegotiable. Contact:9989702556(Consultant) (HYMM/2021/C07571)

✔1.GACHIBOWLI COMMERCIALSpace for Sale 3600sft, 1st

floor G+4 only great UDS primelocation good rental income andother commercial space availablewith rental income in GachibowliSurroundings& Lands also available.2.Commercial Plot for Sale inGachibowli Prime location.3.Jubileehills flat for sale 2400sftE/f. Brokers excuse contactPh:9949935533, 9059370633(HYMM/2021/C07570)

ALWAL- FATHER Balaiah NagarCommercial Building on Suchitra To OldAlwal Road, S/F And W/F 310 Sq.yardsPlot 11000Sft, 2.5Lakhs Rent PerMonth. Contact Lipi Reddy PropertyConsultants. Ph:6301078430/8886781661 (HYMM/2021/C06944)

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. G+3,Badi Chowdi, Sultan Bazar, MetroPillar No.1193, East Face Shop onMain Road available for Sale.Ph:9949361139, 9247190691.(S/2021/C02503)

LAND AT Balanagar, kukatpally,Hyderabad industrial area 1600sqydsfor sale with power, shed. Contactsrikishan Agarwal. 9849013260(HYMM/2021/C07304)

S.R.NAGAR BALKAMPET 636ydsOld Building G+4, 20,000sft Buildingwith Permission Rent Coming 3lacks P.M. Good parking space NiceLocation. Immediately sale.Ph:9701996999. (HYCL/2021/C02952)

BANJARA HILLS Ground Floor Shopfor Sale, Road No.11, Builtup area2500sft., Included 2 Parking. Seriousbuyers contact: 9985657537.(HYMM/2021/C07592)

BANJARAHILLS ROAD no.1 615yards, JubileeHills 720 yards, Roadno.45 1,000, Road No.36 1200 yards& 8200 sft Ground and Mezzanineshowroom, Madhapur Main RoadGround Floor 3050 sft, Kondapurmain road 1400 yards & Jayabheri934 yards N/E & Rental incomeproperties 5Cr to 50Cr 9966991449,9394022449. (W/2021/AT001052)

✔BANJARAHILLS ROAD No:12, S/F1200sqyds, Jubileehills

commercial plot sale road no.45,N/f1200sqyds, N/F 900sqyds, S/F1200sqyds, N/F 2400sqyds, road no.10,S/W 1200sqyds, road no.36, N/f1100sqyds, Madhapur N/F 500sqyds,N/F 1000sqyds, Gachibowli N/F7500sqyds, more semi commercial&residential rental income property onlybuyers ph.9666662598.(HYMM/2021/C07546)

✔2212 SQ.YARDS commercial plotfor sale at lahari resorts, near

prachin global school, Bhanurvillage contact: 9849244555(HYMM/2021/C07195)

BOWENPALLY: 2SHOPS for sale.Each shop 800sft, Opp: Bowenpallyvegetable Market, Beside IDBI Bank,Rent:45,000/- Month Each shop.Contact: 9348934844(HYMM/2021/C07533)

500 YARDS 10000 square feet ChandaNagar main road second semicommercial running hostel 6.0crnegotiable 9963432646.(HYMM/2021/C07553)

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY For Sale@Gachibowli (PSR Prime Tower) 2ndfloor 6800sft., With 7 Car Parkings forSale. Ph:9703921712, Email:a s a d r a z a 1 9 7 4 @ h o t m a i l . c o m(HYMM/2021/C07454)

GACHIBOWLI: RAIDURGAM Mainroad Sandhya Techno-one; 1st floor1070Sft commercialSpace for sale9989803399 (HYMM/2021/C07488)

RENTAL INCOME PropertiesHabsiguda main road on 60 yards,C+G+4 floors Rent: 1.46k, Rate 3.20Cr.Begumpet G.floor 3000 sft Rent: 1.15k,Rate: 2.50Cr. Only genuine buyerscontact: 8885540889. (S/2021/C02490)

FULLY FURNISHED 1750 square feetoffice with car parking near TeluguAcademy, Himayath Nagar for sale.Contact: 7285973682.(S/2021/C02472)

COMMERCIAL& SEMI- Commercialbuilding on 800sq.yds with tenantsat Sundar Nagar, Adjacent Metro ESIHospital, 2000sft. commercial spaceat 5th Floor, Himayathnagar aboveDominos Pizza. Call:9849018243/9059357760/ 8712705119.(HYMM/2021/IC0277)

COMMERCIAL G+2 Building305sq.yds, at Masab Tank MainRoad, Hyderabad, Property for sale.Cell & W/A: 9849275506.(HYMM/2021/C06960)

COMMERCIAL PLOT ECIL Center,North Kamala nagar, 4444Sq.yards,34000sft building, suitable for corporatehospitals, offices, educationalinstitutions, price 37crores.Ph:9949406068 (HYMM/2021/C07477)

KACHIGUDA SHOPS for Sale 270 Sft,550 Sft, 650 Sft beside nrupatungaschool, basant talkies road.Ph:9391012584. (B/2021/C01071)

KACHIGUDA SALE C+ G+4 Floors,735 Sq.yds, 30,000 Sft, 100 ft insidelane opp Bank of India, Presentlyrunning Hotel with 50 Rooms.Ph:9391012584. (B/2021/C01072)

KONDAPUR& GACHIBOWLI officespaces for sale 2200 sft to 20k sft. Call:9703066669. (HYMM/2021/C07266)

KUKATPALLY, KPHB, Highway facing5 floors Commercial Building withSingle Tenant, available for sale@23Cr. Ph:9908193007/ 8074582674.(HYMM/2021/C07586)

✔17500SFT LB Nagar Main Road,Hyd 4Floors with Stilt Parking,

East Facing, 2 Side Roads, GoodTenant with Long Lease, GettingRs.4,60,000 rent +GST. From March21. Price: Rs.11.25 Crores ContactMachagiri 9652214887, 9949099242Supergas Office(HYMM/2021/C07503)

MADHAPUR 12000SFT Stilt plus fourfloors new Independent office Buildingin Shilpi Layout near fresh LivingApartments Contact: 9951149478/9346472367 (HYCL/2021/C02943)

INDIVIDUAL APARTMENT for sale,manikonda, 1year old, HMDA layoutwith HMDA Permission.311sqyds,8700sft. Running Rental Income:1,25,000/- Pm Price: 4cr.P h : 9 8 4 9 8 3 7 8 1 0 , 9 9 6 3 9 9 8 8 4 5(HYMM/2021/C07572)

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY for Saleat Medchal Industrial Area, totalbuilding builtup area 60,000 Sft. GuestHouse for Sale at Vijayawada HighwayRoad, Malkapur Village, total area 1500Sq.yds. No brokers, Direct Owner, ForSite Visit Contact 9246351219.(B/2021/C01073)

NACHARAM 1,2,5,10 Acres&4338sq.yds with building permission,Vikrampuri 652 &714 &1000sq.yds &Post 5BHK Duple House.Ph:9848997801 (HYMM/2021/C07531)

225SQYDS VASTU Compliantrectangle shape Commercial Buildingin Nampalli, 33feet Wide RoadFrontage, Suitable warehousing/constuction of commercial complexPh:9100836292, 9676480786(HYMM/2021/C07417)

NEW COMMERCIAL Space 2000-5000Sft 3rd&4th Floor, N/E Entrance,Ample Parking, Good Vastu, 100%Clear Title @Ramkote (Mani RatanTowers) Only Genuine BuyersC a l l : 9 1 0 0 0 1 5 5 5 9(HYMM/2021/C06928)

RAMKOTE FOR sale 270syds Westfacing Opposite lane to Shakti GaneshTemple 20ft road. Suitable forDomestic/ Commercial/ Godowns/Hostels. Contact: 7989699181,9440829424. (HYMM/2021/IC0290)

RASOOLPURA SARDARPATELRoad 1500 sq.yds land with shed 8000sq.ft, near Main Road. ContactConsultant Koka and Katie.Ph:9866363700/ 9885036370.(S/2021/C02443)

REDHILLS, G+3, 40sq.yardsCommercial Property with one Shop atG.floor 2side Road Rs.95Lacs, gettingrent 50k, For Sale. Ph:9030781030,8639396332. (HYMM/2021/C07575)

RTC CROSS Road Main RoadCommercial building G+3 each floor2000 sft. for sale. Contact:9063687878, 9866642240,9866885173. (HYCL/2021/C02930)

SEMI COMMERCIAL IndependantHouse Fetching Rent 96000/-, ShivamRoad, 5500Sft Brs Paid, 213Yards,2.90Cr Negotiable On Payment TermsCnt: 8121666666(HYMM/2021/C07516)

LEGEND ESTATES Main Road 3rdFloor Commercial Flat for sale/ Leaseat Raj Bhavan Road, Somajiguda-Hyd-Area 3030Sqft. Contact:9346459614, 9959553697.(HYMM/2021/C07491)

✔FOUR STORIED building plintharea 9000sft 3 sides road 220

sqyrds Commercial use for sale -Srinagar colony YellareddigudaHyderabadContact: 9848014329 -9.00am to 6.30pm (W/2021/AT001183)

✔SUCHITRA @JAINS FriendsSquare, G+5 Floors Commercial

Property in Prime Location at SuchitraCircle, Best Suitable for OfficeSpaces. Available Units -2000sqftto 4000sqft. Handover in6Months. Call:9010755552.(HYMM/2021/C07445)

TIRUMALGIRI: 900SFT shop for sale/lease, 100’ main road, Opp: MaruthiAccer Moters. Tirumalgiri,Secunderabad. Contact: 9348934844(HYMM/2021/C07534)

COMMERCIAL BUILDING for sale,on Yousufguda main road, oppositeSavera Function Hall, G+2+PH,constructed with GHMC permission,Bank loan facility available, gettingRent Rs.1lakh per month, with cleartitle documents. Contact:9247825203. (HYMM/2021/C07467)

3 SHUTTERS/ Shops near MondaMarket, Station Road, Secunderabadfor Sale 450 sft, Approximately forWholesale, Marketing, Retail.Contact Agents: 9291366399,8885510901. (S/2021/C02484)

EAST GODAVARI, 2500 Sq.ydsLand, near NH5 & GIET EnggCollege, 4 kms from GSL MedicalCollege. Suitable for Farm house,Villas & Commercial at RajanagaramMandal (under GUDA). Contact:8247700389/ 8099047505.(A/2021/C00621)

GANDIPET TO SHANKERPALLY road,near ICFAI Business School, 1Acre,2Acre &30 Guntas, Farm landsavailable for sale separately.Ph:9908193007/ 8074582674.(HYMM/2021/C07585)

BARKATHPURA, BJP office lane1BHK, 700Sft Flat for sale. Road facing1st floor suitable for residence/ office forRs.35Lacs. Ph:9440903906.(HYCL/2021/C03091)

2 BHK New deluxe flats for sale East &West facing, Alwal Hills High TensionRoad, prime location. Ph:9848267855,9000969032. (S/2021/C02348)

1ST FLOOR 2BHK 1160SftApartment, 50 Sq.yds UD Share,Suitable for Office/ Clinic/ House,Behind RS Brothers, Ameerpet. NoAgents. 9963870812(HYCL/2021/C02989)

FLAT FOR sale: 2BHK, 24 hour water,lift, 800sft, old apartment, near bigbazaar, Ameerpet. Phone no:7670872042. (HYMM/2021/C07495)

BANJARA HILLS, Road No.12:1050Sft 2BHK, N/E Face, SemiFurnished, Close 2 Main Road @68L.M: 9701050609/ 9948888808(HYMM/2021/C07131)

BANJARAHILLS JOURNALISTcolony 2Bhk south face semi furnished1000sft boutique flat newly done withcarpark in posh locality for sale.Ph:7660906993/ 9666414142(HYMM/2021/C07582)

2 BHK above stilt for sale.Begumpet, Gurumurthy lane.One car parking, carpet area 890.5.Contact: 8008614527, 8309091530,9966553139, 7032383335.(S/2021/C02434)

2BEDROOM FLAT East MarredpallyComplete Renovated 40sq.ydsUndived Land Share twenty-four hourswater, no car parking. Ph:9346248376.(HYCL/2021/C03060)

✔2BHK FLAT for sale inFilmnagar, 1175sft,west face,

one car parking, 12years old, price60Lacs. Contact @7893220040,9866018020. (HYMM/2021/C07179)

GACHIBOWLI, FINANCIAL District,15 mts drive 2 & 3 BHK luxury flats ingated community @ just Rs.2750/-per sft in pre-launch offer includingclub house, swimming pool, freeamenities & car parking in the heartof Tellapur, Hyderabad near 200 ftroad surrounding upcoming Villas &Apartments. Call: 7995108999.(S/2021/IC00188)

2BHK FLAT For Sale. 1190 Sft InHafeezpet, Serilingampally, BhanuTown Ship West Face, Lift &Parking. Contact: 7032058711.(HYCL/2021/C03067)

HUMAYUN NAGAR oppositeInternational Bright School, NasirResidency, 900sft, 2BHK, Balcony, 5thfloor, flat no.404, lift, car parking,Ph.9347444048 (HYMM/2021/C07573)

2BHK 1150SFT Flats, NearShilparamam, HITEX Road, for 86Lakhs Only, Premium Specifications,Loans Available. Contact: 9941-62-6666 (HYMM/2021/C07100)

SRINAGAR COLONY Jubilee Hills,2BHK Flat (North facing) for sale @42lakhs (neg). Car parking, 24hrs water,lift. Ph:6304522202, 9866043024.(HYMM/2021/C07576)

KAPRA FLATS for Sale Opposite toSaket towers Double Bedroom1195sqft &3BHK 1555sqft with allAmenities Contact: 9494400330,9490618619. (HYMM/2021/C07320)

KHAIRATHABAD 2 BHK 1200 Sft & 3BHK 1400 Sft North facing Flats forSale, Third Floor, 5800 per Sft, Carparking & amenities 4 lacs, 100%Vaastu. Ph:9966049255, 9949577177.(B/2021/C01079)

KOMPALLY 2BHK 1340sft. withcupboards, false ceiling, car parking,Centrally located etc., contact no.9246152949 (HYMM/2021/C06757)

✔KPHB VI-PHASE, Near ForumMall 2BHK Flat 1070sft, W/F with

all amenities &Carparking. Rs.59LNegotiable. Immediate Possession.Ph:9959946668. (HYCL/2021/C02846)

KUKATPALLY 2 BHK (1083) sq.ft twosides open to road, 1st floor flat with carparking for Sale at Vijayanagar Colony.Ph:9849724100. (B/2021/C01061)

✔ECIL- KUSHAIGUDA, Sri SaiKrishna Nagar, D-Mart Lane,

2BHK, 1040, 900sft, 5thFloor, 3sideRoads, N/E, Generator, Car Park, Liftfor Sale. Ph:8333053344.(HYMM/2021/C07510)

L.B.NAGAR, CHINTALKUNTA,Vijayawada Highway 176 Flats 2,3BHK, 1250- 1810sft, G+5 UpperFloors Premium Flats GatedCommunity with all amenities. Ph:040-66313144, 8297979944.(HYCL/2021/C02873)

LALAPET, NEAR Tarnaka, New Flats,3rdfloor 2BHK, 800sft, (301) @27L,850sft, (302) @28L, No Lift, Bank loanavailable. Contact: 9849344771(HYMM/2021/C07562)

✔MANIKONDA 2BHK 1,200 SftFlat For Sale. HMDA Approved,

North Facing, Good Vastu, GoodVentilation. Contact: 8885852222.(HYCL/2021/C03021)

✔MIYAPUR: 2BHK Corner Flat,30Lakhs, 685sft, W/f, Ground

Floor with safety grills, full water&ventilation. 2004built. Loanavailable. Ph:9885572912(HYMM/2021/C07432)

MOOSAPET ANJENYANAGAR RoadNo-9, GHMC Approved 2B/RDeluxe Flat E/F: 1080sft & N/F: 1000sft.Ph:8463940767, 9440382528,7207281488. (HYCL/2021/C02849)

NAGOLE, OPP. Kalyana LakshmiGardens, GHMC-RERA Approved2BHK Deluxe Flats For Sale, 1287 Sft,E/W, Ph.9505770733 /9440217828(W/2021/AT001177)

AT NARAYANAGUDA, nearFlyover, beside Mehfil Hotel, 1 BHK(18.5 Lakhs), 2 BHK (35 Lakhs) forurgent sale all inclusive with100% vasthu, 100% clear title. Bankloan eligible. Ph:9481260314,9490701009. (S/2021/IC00184)

NEREDMET, RAMAKRISHNAPURAMVenkateswara officers colonynew flats, 2BHK, 1100sft,3BHK 1350sftand Bank colony, 2BHK, 1000sftwork in progress. Ph:9515273759(HYMM/2021/C07205)

SEMI FURNISHED 2BHK 1135 Sft,East facing, first floor, near JNTUMetro station, Nizampet. Contact:9985657255 / 9985545486.(S/2021/C02426)

TWO BHK in Nizampet, 3rd Floor, CarParking, 1030 sft, Woodwork. Contact:9490608205. (S/2021/C02498)

PICKET CASTLE Apts, 2 BHK flat sale1060 sq.ft, 3rd floor, North East behindK.V.School, Picket, Secunderabad.Rs.44 Lakhs. Ph:9959975635.(S/2021/C02452)

TWO 2BHK Flats E/f on the 5th FloorG-Commty in Rajendranagar @Pillar-295 with all amenities area 1007&1000sft. Ph:9347514121, 9986365067.(HYMM/2021/C07409)

HIMA SHIVA Apartment OppositeSarath College, Shivam Main Road,2BHK, 1146sqft, three balconies, poojaroom car parking, 70lakhs negotiable8978885168. (HYMM/2021/C07175)

TARNAKA 2 & 3 BHK flats,1225 to 1725 sft, 100% vasthu.Ready to occupy with allamenities, gated community.www.happyhomeshyderabad.comPh:7729999728, 7729999732.(S/2021/C02495)

ABIDS 4BHK Flat with AttachBathrooms for Sale, 4th FloorIndependent, 2785 Sft, 2 Big Halls, 1Car Parking, 12 years old,24 hours Water/ Full Ventilation,Excellent Condition. Ph:9000377005/9701514752. (S/2021/C02277)

3 BHK Luxury flats for sale at Alwal.Next to Vaisnu Mata Temple with 100%vastu along with pop work, lappum,painting, lift, power backup, 24 hrssecurity, Manjir + bore water and homeloan also available. Call: 7995460016,7993634880, 7842332898.(S/2021/C02466)

ALWAL HILLS, 3bhk 1620sft, 82Lakand 2bhk 1060sft, 54Lak, East andWest Face Near St. Pious school&pallavi model school, Road No:15, NoGST. Ph:9000999415, 9704729240(HYMM/2021/C07232)

ALWAL HILLS Rd#12, near Hightension road, 3BHK Super Deluxe Flats1805sq.ft., RERA approved,Occupancy certificate obtained, withMunicipal water connection& generator.Call:9246366920, 9618701969.(HYMM/2021/C07264)

✔ATTAPUR, HAPPY HomeFortuna, Pillar No.175, Near

Mantra Mall, 6Kms fromMehdipatnam, 2400SFT Spacious3BHK Flat on 12th Floor,Gated Community, Rs.3800per Sqft (Non-Negotiable)Ph:9177127860/ 9177257860.w w w. h a p py h o m e fo r t u n a . c o m(HYCL/2021/C03124)

BRAND NEW Flats Banjarahills Rd.53400sft-4bhk, Rd No.12 4300 sft-4bhk, MLA colony Near Lotus pond2900sft-3bhk, MLA Col Duplex flat4600sft-4bhk, 2300sft-3bhk,JubileeHills MP mla Col 3600 sft,Madhapur 3300sft-4bhk, 5800sft-4bhk, Kondapur 3600sft, Moreflats/ Sales/Rentals 8884872389,9985888511. (W/2021/AT001148)

1720 SFT 3 BHK Luxury Flat for Sale.Fully furnished with all Amenities, primelocation, Road No:3, Banjarahills.Contact Genuine buyers: 99490752999am-3pm (L/2021/C00037)

BANJARAHILLS RD No:14, 3BHK,1850Sqft, 2 car parking, excellentcondition for residential use.Flat for sale Contact: 9603849786(HYMM/2021/C07475)


Colony, Road no:12, Around 3000sft,East facing, in Cellar, with false ceilingand woodwork. Ph:8886858862.(HYMM/2021/C07603)

BANJARAHILLS 3BHK Flat SaleNorth 86 Lakhs. Banjarahills North Villa4.5cr. Jublihills 800yds 16cr.Ph:9949169535. (HYCL/2021/C03081)

BEGUMPET NEWLY constructed 3BHK, 2899 sft, 3rd floor, AgrasenArcade, Brahmanwadi, 2 car parking,only serious buyers contact:9848025252. (A/2021/C00619)

EAST FACING flat for sale @ Sky Cityopp Senthia School, Miyapur BolaramRoad, gated community “A” Block with2 car parking, 1795 sft. Expected rateRs.94 lakhs. Contact 7382228090.(B/2021/C01016)

✔FLAT FOR sale. 4 bedroom3500sft penthouse New

Bowenpally very near to Paradise crossroads. 3big halls granite flooring falseceiling own private terrace. 100%vastu.. flat totally renovated. competitiverate contact 90630123456./9063022222 (HYMM/2021/C06913)

✔CHANDANAGAR, HMDAApproved Premium Gated

Community Flats in Ameenpur withClubhouse, Swimming Pool, Gym,24/7 Security, Car Parking. Call SalesPresident 8008076535(HYMM/2021/C07405)

FLATS 2/ 3BHK @Chandanagar nearJanapriya Apartments GatedCommunity Sft 3500 (100% Payment)Buy Back For Bulk Bookings.Ph:7337519977. (HYCL/2021/C03085)

FLATS FOR Sale @Chandanagarnear Jana Priya Apartments GatedCommunity Sft 3500 (100% Payment)Few Flats Only. Ph:9398342641,7671882889. (HYCL/2021/C02962)

NEW 2 & 3BHK Flats for sale@Moosarambagh Opp: HegdeHospital, Dilsukhnagar, near to MetroStation and Highway. Ph:9848711112,9885116311. (HYCL/2021/C02593)

DILSUKHNAGAR, KOTHAPET X Road,3BHK Deluxe Flats for sale. 1407sft, E/F,behind Bakers-Q, very near to MetroStation, newly constructed ready move.Ph:9866771333, 8328500156.(HYCL/2021/C02991)

✔FILM NAGAR Main Road withfurniture, cupboards &

wardrobes, 3 Bedroom, 1930 Sft Eastfacing, Spacious Flat, 1 car parking,lift, Jubileehills Road, Suitable forResidential purpose, Prime Cost1.50 Cr Negotiable. Serious buyers,No brokers. Contact Jeevan8008888199, Bhavesh 7993988790,9600631113. (B/2021/C01057)

GATED COMMUNITY Ready tooccupy semi furnished 2400sft 3bhkflat for sale in DSR Aditya lake sideat Gachibowli for more, 9885133357(HYMM/2021/C07337)

PRE-LAUNCH OFFER Sft @2399/-2&3 BHK Flats At Ghatkesar toRampally Road, Infosis Backside. AllAmenities Free. Ph:7989266135.(HYCL/2021/C02935)

HAFEEZPET RESALE 3BHK Eastface, top floor 5th (last floor), 7years old1535 sft in, no agent. Ph:6304886081.(HYCL/2021/C03094)

✔HIMAYATHNAGAR, FASTCompleting 3 to 5Bedrooms

Luxurious Highrise Apartments withSwimming pool, Gym, Vastu Etc.Possession in December 2021 Contact9849023453 (HYMM/2021/C06934)

HITECHCITY LAND Lord Flats, 3BHK1715SFT, 2BHK 1250SFT, (2) ResaleJain Silpa 3BHK 1650SFT+ GardenPh:7702355229 (HYMM/2021/C07610)

2B/R FLATS & 3B/R Pent house atHumayun Nagar, G+2 Floor villa3000sft., gated community at HUDAEnclave, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.Call:9849018243/ 9059357760/8712705119. (HYMM/2021/IC0276)

✔SUNCITY, NEW construction2BHK &3BHK, 100% vasthu,

East &North facing flats, from1250sft to 2500sft, Price startsfrom 45lakhs. Call:8179588222.(HYMM/2021/C06962)

A.C. GUARDS 2BHK &3BHK flats forsale red brick work, possesion in6months easy registry withinpermission @4500/per sft.Ph:9849077867, 8639583358.(HYMM/2021/C07587)

3 BHK flat for sale MajesticHeights, Old MLA Quarters,Hyderguda, 1650 sq.ft with one carparking, all amenities, 1st floor.Contact: 9030377443, 9666456856.(B/2021/C01009)

JUBILEEHILLS, ROADNO.7,Women’s Co-Operateivey Society, WellFurnished 3BHK Flats, 3320sft&1692sft in 1st Floor, North-EastPlot#82. Ph:9848148858, 9440782876.(HYMM/2021/C07021)

JUBILEEHILLS, LUXURIOUS 3 BHK2360 Sft Flat Brand NewConstruction, Ready to Move,woodwork & without woodwork (onlytwo flats available) LED lighting,false ceiling, all done with best ofworld class amenities, excellentlocation, premium standalonebuilding only 10 flats, having indoorswimming pool, gym, 100% vaastu,power backup. Ph:7799988898.(B/2021/C01093)

KAKATIYAHILLS 3BHK Flat for sale2875sft ultra modern brand new semifurnished fully automated With high endspecifications. Ph:9640100695/9666414142 (HYMM/2021/C07583)

KARDHANUR, NEAR Kollur Pre-Launch Offer Per Sft @ 2199/-including All Amenities, GatedCommunity 2 & 3B/R Flats, 9 Acers 11Towers G+5. Ph:7075163678.(HYCL/2021/C03070)

FLAT FOR Sale, 2400 Sft, UrgentOwner Leaving, 4 BHK, 3 bath,A.C.Guards, Khairtabad. Please Call9701253495. (B/2021/C01076)

✔KHAIRTABAD, 600M from MetroStation, 1850sft. Premium Flats

with Car Parking, CommunityHall and Generator. Underconstruction, Ready by Oct’21. Eastand West facing. Ph:8886858862.(HYMM/2021/C07604)

2215 SFT 3 BHK fully furnished flatwith 2 car parkings, three sides roads,one side park, third floor, in CentralPark, Kompally. Contact 8500289915.(S/2021/C02329)

✔KONDAPUR, RAGHAVENDRAColony Opp: RTA Office, Modern,

Ready to Occupy, 3 BHK,1530sft, N/Flast few Flats. Ph:9000925730.(HYCL/2021/C02953)

KONDAPUR SPACIOUS new 3 BHKCorner Flat 1630 sft, 4th Floor, WestFacing in 2.2 Acres GatedCommunity with Club House,Garden, Swimming Pool. Price 1.25Cr Negotiable (Includes GSTAmenities with Two Car Parking,Corpus Fund). Ph:9246549123,9885748777. (S/2021/IC00191)

✔KONDAPUR BOTANICALgarden road Brandnew

East/F 3-BHK home theater with topclass interiors 5665sft, flat for Sale11K Per/Sft. 2) Somajiguda North &East/F 2-Flats 3-BHK 2350sft flat with2-car parkings for sale 9K Per/sft.more details contact OmkarProperties: 9849577643, 8885998822.(W/2021/AT001195)

✔NEW APARTMENT for sale3BHK, 1567sft, new cybervally

1000 pillers Happy Homes, goodcommunity with all 40feet roads,near to 100feet road of high-techrailway station, full ground water,new hafeezpet, Kondapur, near worldone school, call:9652123441.(HYMM/2021/C07584)

KONDAPUR READY to occupy gatedcommunity 3BHK flats for sale. 1700sftto 3000sft., with all amenities. Call:9703066669. (HYMM/2021/C07265)

KONDAPUR WHITE Fields Smr VinayAcropolis 3.5 BHK East facing 2000Sft.Semi Furnished Deluxe Corner Flat.9440665668/ 9441218603.(HYMM/2021/C07293)

KONDAPUR READY to move 3BHkcorner Deluxe flats 1657, 1702 sft ,East & West facing 100%, 9100774959(HYMM/2021/C07535)

KOTHAPET, HARIPURI Colonywalkable to metro Station 1343 sft3bhk, 3-Balconies, S/F, with Car& bikeParking Builder living flat.Ph:7013831019. (HYCL/2021/C02988)

L.B.NAGAR GREEN Hills Colony,beside Ozone Hospital, Highway 2ndbit, Brand New Luxury 3BHK Flats1745 Sq.feet 2nd Floor (Ready to movein). Ph:6305242154(HYMM/2021/C07373)

3 BHK Luxury Flats @ 3625/- Sft ingated community with club house &amenities @ Hayathnagar nr LB Nagar3 BHK starts from 43.35 lacs onwards.Modi Builders 7677120120.(B/2021/C01075)

MADHAPUR, JAIHIND Enclave 2100sft Commercial Flat for sale. Contact:9849019992, 9848649889.(HYCL/2021/C02955)

✔3BHK, 1580 sft, East Facing,Ground Floor, Begonia

Homes, Puppalguda, Manikonda.Woodwork done, mosquito meshes,Manjeera Water, Rs.98Lakhs. Contact:9246529924.(W/2021/AT001142)

MANIKONDA- PANCHAVATIColony, Road No.10, NearRamalayam, HMDA Approved3BHK 1650Sft East Facing,0.4Km To Gachibowli Main Road,Ready To Occupy, Ph:9848456899/9848964499 (HYMM/2021/C07352)

✔PENTHOUSE FOR Sale @Manikonda Well Furnished

3BHK 1,550 Sft (BRS Completed)10 years old Flat @65 Lakhs Ph:9849220948.(HYCL/2021/C03020)

FLAT FOR sale “Elegant Floatilla”Apartments, 1845 sft, fully furnished3BHK, Neknampur, Manikonda. PriceRs.5700/- per sft Negotiable. Contact:9849042879. (HYCL/2021/C03049)

✔3BHK NEW Ready to Move-inflats perfect Vasthu, East/ West

facing @Marredpally 24hrs Water/Party hall/Gym/ Generator Backup/Play area. For detailscall:9963814987/ 040-27803848.(HYMM/2021/C07411)

3BHK SEMI-FURNISHED1436sq.ft., apartment withone car park for sale besides SDEye Hospital, Mehdipatnam.Call:9347514121, 9986365067.(HYMM/2021/C07410)

MUSHEERABAD -3BHK DeluxeFlats at Prime Location 1600Sft, E/F,3rd Floor, Ready to occupy, NearRaja Deluxe Cinema, Perfect Vasthu,Car parking for sale. Contact:9866663300. (HYMM/2021/C07292)

NIZAMPET, 3KM from Metro Station,3BHK, 1450 Sqft, East, new Flat,Road#9B, Vasanthnagar. Ph:8790342235 (HYMM/2021/C07474)

PANJAGUTTA, DWARAKAPURIColony, Rank Residency 2340 Sft,4BHK Flat for Sale. Contact:9908856565, 8801774807(HYMM/2021/C07479)

PANJAGUTTA, NEAR SaibabaTemple, 3 Bedroom flat for sale,1616sft, 3rd floor, beautiful location, wellmaintained flat, 2 car parking,cupboards, price 1.5 Crore. Contact:8885527279. (A/2021/C00625)

STERLING HEIGHTS 3 BHK LuxuryFlats @ 3650/- Sft in Gated Communitywith club house & amenities at GundlaPochampally near Kompally,3 BHK starts from 56.57 lacs onwards.Modi Builders 7677120120.(B/2021/C01074)

PRENDERGAST MAIN Road 4000sq.ft beautiful lake view, 4 Bedroomswith Attached Bath, Well Ventilated Flat,6th Floor with Additional Terrace Rightsof Equal Area on 7th Floor. ContactConsultant Koka and Katie9866363700/ 9885036370.(S/2021/C02444)

SAINIKPURI 3 & 4 BHK deluxe flats 1500to 2460 sft with all amenities. 100% vasthu.Ready to occupy, gated community.w w w. h a p py h o m e s hy d e r a b a d . c o mPh:7729999728, 7729999732.(S/2021/C02496)

3BHK 1925SFT Flat in first Floor,near (Diamond Point), Secunderabadfor immediate sale 1Cr GenuineBuyers only. Contact: 9246262609/9848258650 (HYMM/2021/C07359)

2/3 BHK Apartment in a Luxurious GatedCommunity @ Shankarpally, 40LacsOnwards, Call for Exciting Offers-7680889994 (HYMM/2021/C07517)

RENT/ SALE: Somajiguda, behindYashoda hospital, Cosmopolitanapartment, 1900Sq.feet, South facing,has good common facility, 3BR &Bath,Semi furnished with AC, 2Parking,looking for corporate lease.Ph:8333040266. (HYMM/2021/C07458)

✔SOMAJIGUDA NEAR ErramanjilMetro Station, 3Bhk, 2nd&3rd

Floor New Super Deluxe Flats EastFace for sale, 2300sft, 100% as perVaasthu. Ready to OccupyPh:7569211327, 9391428899,9705365633, (HYMM/2021/C07482)

SOMAJIGUDA, RAJBHAVAN Road,Near Coffee Day, 2800sft, 3BHK, EastFacing, Each Floor one Flat, NewDeluxe Construction, 100% Vasthu.Contact: 9177541899/ 9121627516.(HYCL/2021/C03086)

UPPAL DEPOT New Flats 2&3bhkavailable, Contact: VasaviConstructions. Ph: 8340000337/8340000336 (HYMM/2021/C06828)

VANASTHALIPURAM, NEARPanama Godowns Highway 2nd PlotNew 3BHK 1500 sft, 4 Floors, 8 Flatsonly. Ready to occupy. Ph:9908544466.(HYCL/2021/C02958)

NEW 3BHK in P.S.Nagar colony,behind St.Ann’s school, Vijay Nagar,1450sft, Car parking, Lift, Generator,CCTV, 24hrs drinking and bore water.Price: 75Lakhs. Call:9866217486.(HYMM/2021/C07597)

YAPRAL: GK BUILDERS, 2 and 3BHKReady to move-in flats are available forsale in prime locations (In Gatedcommunity also). Contact: 9741157157(HYMM/2021/C07525)

SAFILGUDA, INDEPENDENT HouseAdjacent Railway Station, 135 YardsThree Storied Building Four SingleBedroom Portions, Four Single Room,Kitchen. Good rental income.Ph:9848048211. (B/2021/C01070)

ALWAL INDEPENDENT House forsale. Sai Reddy Colony, 100 sq.yardsG+1, South West Corner 61LakhsPh:9948316669, 9010781189.(HYCL/2021/C03066)

INDEPENDENT HOUSE 202 sq.yds,Pragathi Nagar near A.S.Raonagar,Plot No.235, South face sale. ExpectedRs.90 Lakhs. Interested contact9030026266. (S/2021/C02497)

BEGUMPET, AIRLINE Colony,Opposite Airport, 280 Sq.Yds, Groundfloor Old House for sale. Genuinebuyers Contact: 9849071840. Brokersexcuse. (A/2021/C00611)

✔FOR SALE 2BHK IndependentHouse Near Electric Sub Station

Boduppal Fully Renovated WithWardrobes Kitchen Cabinets etc. Call:9246245657 (HYMM/2021/C07054)

FABULOUS HOME prestigious,peaceful residential area, recentlyconstructed, 4 portions 2 BHKeach, spacious rooms, 340 sq.yds,5000+ sq.ft builtup with setbacksG+1, Bowenpally, Secunderabad.Ph:9502649779. (S/2021/IC00186)

NEAR ECIL, Dammaiguda, NagaramGHMC Limits and Keesara GatedCommunity Independent Houses Startsfrom 25Lacs to 40LacsPh:9100995551, 9100996662,9100885551. (HYMM/2021/C07438)

INDEPENDENT HOUSES@44,00,000/-, 102Sq.yds, 830Sft,2BHK W/F, Gated Community,EDEN Gardens, ECIL, Cheeryal,Loan Available, Ph:7780702296,7780777809 (HYMM/2021/C07319)

HASTHINAPURAM, READY to occupyIndependent Houses, 200sqyds, W/F&220sqyds E/F, G+2 Ground Floor, 4carParking, Watchman room, 2BHK In 1st&2nd Floors. Lift, HMDA/ GHMC ApprovedLayout,100% vasthu At Devakammathota, on Zp Road, T.K.R Road toB.N.reddy colony. Ph:9985099717/9394009596. (HYMM/2021/C06833)

AT ISNAPUR, Near Main Road, 111yds, G+1 Independent House, price 50lakhs. Ph.7995011657.(HYCL/2021/C03038)

MALLAMPET (BACHAPALLY)Proposed 2BHK Independent Housesin100 Sq.yds 800sft 45Lakhs,133Sq.yds 900sft 60Lakhs, 150Sq.yds1000sft 70Lakhs. Ph:7702064848/9849454260 (HYMM/2021/C07579)

S.R.NAGAR, B.K.GUDA 125 Sq.ydsNr.Park 5 Floors Residential building forsale. Getting rents 70000/- per month.Interested buyers contact: 9490988719.(HYCL/2021/C03113)

AT SAINIKPURI AFOCHS Society,North East Corner, Hitention MainRoad, 2nd Plot, Prop New INDP 2BHK/3BHK House In 602/Sqyds 2000/[email protected] & G+1/Duplex 3600/sft @3.2CrOnly Ph:7331183679/ 8367456799(HYMM/2021/C07618)

VIJAYANAGAR COLONY,independent house for sale, G+1, Eastfacing 167 sq.yds 30x50, vaastu.Clear title, (New Mallepally), 1 kmfrom Road No.1, Banjarahills, 2 kmsfrom Nampally, Lakdikapool, PVNRExpress Way to InternationalAirport, Mehdipatnam. Consultant:9533563388. (B/2021/IC00108)

✔SAINIKPURI BASHKAR RaoNagar colony plot 33 fully

furnished villa 4BHK 3 to 4 carparking 404sq.yds 5500sft southfacing in good location contact:9666499959 (HYMM/2021/C07127)

A.S.RAONAGAR, CREATIVE Nagar,Railway Reservation Counter lane, 100Sq.yds, G+2, West facing, IndependentHouse for Sale, Eligible for Loan.Contact 9247321450, 8790870020.(B/2021/C01092)

ALKAPUR NEKNAMPUR 5 bhkvilla 4500sft 380 sqydâ ™s east

& west facing for sale total 40 villasGated community 2km to ORRNarsing circle contact; 9848055550(W/2021/AT001101)

✔NEW HOUSE 135Sq.yds, G+1ready to occupy South Facing

with Car parking, 2100sq.ft built uparea, Huda layout, Manjeerawater, Near Bus Stop, BhudeviNagar, Alwal. Ph:9573743236/9550526032. (HYMM/2021/C07294)

EAST FACING Duplex House atVenkatapuram, Alwal, six bedrooms,270sq,yds, 4100sq.ft, constructionsemi furnished, 100% vastu for sale.Genuine buyers please contact:8142650007, 9959427770.(HYMM/2021/C07433)

✔ALWAL WEST venkatapuramEAST facing duplex house

for sale, Ready to Occupy.6km from Jubilee Bus stand. Call:9160636480/ 9246379990(HYMM/2021/C07117)

AMEERPET, D.K.ROAD Old houseconstructed 392 Sq.Yds for sale.Interested parties contact9502001238, between 7pm to 11pm.Brokers & Mediators sorry.(A/2021/C00637)

AMEERPET YELLA Reddy Guda110squared G+3 Penthouse and20square yards G+1,2 shatter east&north facing corner Bittucommercial shop For Sale contact:9440310393/ 9676051988(HYMM/2021/C07569)

ROW HOUSE for Sale, SunriseValley Villas, near Pillar No.179,Attapur, furnished 4 BHK, Gatedcommunity, 5 Bathrooms & Separateservant room, Store room, 4 Pax lift,complete false ceiling, LED Lights,G+2, North facing, east entrance, 355Sq.Yds, 4000 sft, garden & Lakefacing, covered car parking, Vaastucompliant. Ravi: 9652886828.(A/2021/C00630)

INDEPENDENT HOUSE: 289Sq.yds, Old House, 3 Rooms Slab+ 3Rooms Penku, 35,000/- per Sq.yard,Beside Hayagreevachary Compound,Srinivasa Colony, Balasamudram,Hanmakonda, Warangal.Ph:9949424759, 9989749355.(HYCL/2021/C03057)

✔3BHK EAST Facing 2nd FloorFlat, near Appa Junction,

Bandlaguda Jagir for Sale.Possession by Feb 2018.Genuine Buyers Only Contact:7032023163 (HYMM/2021/C07514)

BANJARA ROAD 3 and5 luxury independent brandnew villas. 250 yards, 4000 sft4.5 cr onwards. R.K.Estates(Builders Contractors Interiors)9391015374.

BANJARAHILLS 600 Sq.Yds E/F,440 Sq.Yds W/F, 545 Sq.Yds S/W/F,1000 Sq.Yds E/F, 285 Sq.Yds N/E/F,320 Sq/Yds N/F, 400 Sq.Yds, S/F,600 sq.yds S/F, 250 sq.yds E/F andmany more properties available forsale. Genuine buyers onlyContact: Agent: 9703737379.(A/2021/C00622)

✔BANJARAHILLS INDEPENDENThouse sale North facing

2000sq.yds 6bedroom price@65cr, N/F1100 yds 5bhk @25crs, jubilee hills E/F900 yds 5bhk @22crs, S/F2200 yds6bhk @60cr, S/F 1700sq.yds5bhk @50cr, N/E 1000yds 4bhk@18cr, more houses pleaseonly buyers Ph:7995125559(HYCL/2021/C02882)

INDEPENDENT HOUSE G 2 WithBuilt-Up Area Of 5200Sft InPrakasam Nagar Opp BegumpetAirport. 300Meters From BegumpetMain Road. Corner Banglow WithBoth Side Road. ExcellentLocation For Residential AndCommercial Activity. ContactMobile No. 9949339415(HYMM/2021/C07404)

CHENGICHERLA HOUSE 167sq.yds, east face, G+2, NarapallyHouse, 185 sq.yds, 3 BHK, east face,HMDA. Ph:6305946340.(S/2021/C02429)

CHERLAPALLY 3BHK Duplex Villas- 2040 Sft on 161 Sq.Yds. First phasecompleted and sold out! Gatdcommunity wit clubhouse &swimming pool. Visit now Call:9502200711. (S/2021/C02427)

CHIKKADPALLI BUILDING onapprox 290sq.yds on Tyagaraya ganasabha main road G+2 floors 6650sq.ft2bhk (x) 6portions North westCorner Semi Commercialwith good rental returns is for Sale4.8Cr. persons seriouslyinterested may Contact: 9704064463,9701513010 (HYMM/2021/C07522)

DAIMONDPOINT 367 sq.yds, NorthFace, 300 sq.yds South Face & 400sq.yds North Face Buildings, 390sq.yds, 3 floors Commercial Building,250sq.yds North Face, 86 sq.yds3/BHK Duplex East Face Plots &Independent Houses available:Vikrampuri, Tadbund, Trimulgherry,Bowenpally Budget 1Crore to 10Crore. Sree Balaji Real Estate.Ph:9848258650, 9246262609,9290048650, 8328061425.(S/2021/C02362)

5 YRS old 240 sqyd independenthouse at dammaiguda forsale Cost 1.80 cr. Contact9966607789. (HYMM/2021/C06492)

DILSUKNAGAR, SIVA GangaTheatre Opposite, North Facing, G+3House in 150 sq.yds for Sale with Lift,Car Parking etc., allamenities, 2 Crore, 7396076579,98490100049 (VJ/20-21-00200)(S/2021/C02402)

✔FOR IMMEDIATE sale, Primeproperty in Domalguda, 336

sqyd G+2 independentbungalow. Contact: 8500306359(HYMM/2021/C07397)

4 BEDROOM premium triplex Villa atGachibowli Financial DistrictBabukhan Lake Front Kokapet.Ready to occupy with all amenitieslike swimming pool, club house,gym, 100% power backuplandscaping etc., 386 Sq.yds- 3884Sft & 400 Sq.yds- 3060 Sft. Contact9963163336. (B/2021/C01081)

BEAUTIFUL VILLA IN Big gatedcommunity, Gandipet, 4Bedrooms,Home Theatre, Poojaroom, 6500sft,950sqyds, East Facing, Serventquarter, No agents please.9494383784/ 9290713353(HYMM/2021/C07221)

✔GANDIPET, NORTH Star Gatedcommunity 4BHK Villa For Sale

(350Sq.yds, 6500sft, W/F) Ready ToMove GST Paid, Loan AvailablePh:9948576326 (HYMM/2021/C07478)

FOR IMMEDIATE Sale IndependentHouse, 3 Bedroom, Prime Propertyin Street No.3, 3-6-420/B/1,Himayathnagar. Contact RavinderReddy 9963978545, 8985970970.(B/2021/C01067)

INDU FORTUNE Fields Villas nearHitech City, 4BHK 325sq.yards semi-furnished villa with swimming pool,gym, clubhouse gated community.Ph:9666736303, 9246378812.(HYMM/2021/C06922)

INDEPENDENT CORNER HouseDouble Storied West Facing218sq.yards in Decent Colony close toMain Road in Humayun Nagar.Contact:9866199350, 9440395355.(HYMM/2021/C07519)

✔DIAMOND POINT, Open Plots1)Jupiter colony 200sq.yrds

Old House, N/F, 2)Jawahar RailColony 334sq.yrds E/F, Old House167sq.yrds W/F, 5BHK, G+2,3)Railway Colony 233sq.yrds, 200N/F, 4)R.T.C colony 249sq.yrds, W/F,5)Flat for Sale, 3BHK, 2200sft, E/F,1st Floor 6)Royal Enclave143sq.yrds, E/F. Call:9391314112,9989244401, 9866605529.(HYMM/2021/C06756)

2BHK FULLY furnished, 5yrs old @gulzar houz, 1000sft, brs applied,2wheeler parking, genuine buyersonly 55lc, 7032136119(HYMM/2021/C07447)

INDP HOUSE at Suncity G+1 BUA3500Sqft Plot Area 321Sq.yds, 24Hrswater ample parking space, ready tomove 10yrs old const recentlyrenovated for sale, price 1.6Crnegotiable, Contact: 9849099881,9949888852. (HYMM/2021/C07493)

INDEPENDENT HOUSE for Sale.West facing at Srinagar Colony,Behind Ganapathi Complex withGround floor 5Bedrooms, 1stFloor4Bedrooms, Constructed on861sqyds and Open Plot 819sq.ydsBeside Independent House for Sale.Contact: 9849023187.(HYMM/2021/C07530)

HOUSE FOR Sale, 267Sq.Yds, NorthFacing Road, 2.20cr. Shalivahananagar DSNR- will Take CommFrom Seller- Ph:8885544259(HYMM/2021/C07607)

NARSHINGI -BESIDE ORR, AparnaElixir Villa 400Sq.yards 4800 BuiltupArea 4BHK And Home Theatre DuplexHouse With Lift. Geted Community AllAminites Prim Location East Facing,Fully Furnished, Brand NewPraparty. Contact Ph:7893927160(HYMM/2021/C07609)

✔JUBILEEHILLS 900 Sq.Yds, 400,450. Madhuranagar 600, 240.

Srinagar Colony 720 Sq.Yds. KondapurCommercial 1110, 1100. Gachibowli1000. Panjagutta 340. Madhapur 1640.B.N.Reddy hills 1000, 500 Sq.Yds forSale. Contact: 8520894739.(A/2021/C00628)

GATED COMMUNITY villasJubileeHills Whisper valley 475yards, Hitech city 350yards,Gachibowli IVR Hill Ridge 490 yards,Financial District & kokapetsurroundings areas, Vessellamedows 310 yards, 360yards, Adityacasa grande, Ekta Highland, Edengarden, River edge, and more villasin Gandipet, Tellapur, kollur8884872389, 9985888511.(W/2021/AT001054)

JUBILEE HILLS Road No 33 Deadend lane, Brand new designerbungalow, South facing, 676 Sq yards,9,900 Sq feet built up, Clear title,Jubilee club membership, 100% vastu,4 bedroom, Home theatre, Central Ac,Lift, Swimming pool, 3 servantquarters, 4 car park, Price 19 Cr,Owner, Whatsapp +918096271661(W/2021/AT001150)

KACHIGUDA 110, 200, 370, 90,Domalguda 270, 200, Nallakunta 500,270, 170. Open Plots& Flats,Agriculture Lands in Telangana.Ph:9059872377. (HYCL/2021/C02970)

KAVAADIGUDA 370SQ.YRDS westG+4 Floors, each floor 3BHK totallyfurnished each floor 2200sft, 4carparking with lift, sale each floor bepossible. Deepika Real Estate9849137724. (HYMM/2021/C07275)

GATED COMMUNITY Ready to occupyNorth facing 360sqyds 4000sft 4bhkvilla for sale in Prestige Royal wood atKishmatpur APPA Junction for 9908505357, 9885133357,(HYMM/2021/C07338)

✔KOMPALLY, READY to Movein 3 and 4 bedroom Luxury

Duplex Villas with home theater andservant room available in a premiumoccupied Luxury Villa Community.20000 sft Clubhouse with allmodern amenities. #9701117979.(HYCL/2021/C03019)

KOMPALLY, GREATER Community,Splendid Aparna, North facing,40 feet Road, 221 Sq.yds, G+1 withpent house, ground floor DoubleBedroom, two car parking, 1stfloor Three Bedroom, Pent HouseDouble Bedroom, total 4600 Sft.Ph:9246501509, 9246742509.(B/2021/C01088)



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KOMPALLY 4BHK Luxury Villa 200Sq.yds 3800 Sq.ft in Gated CommunityEast and West Facing for SalePh:9849007237. (HYCL/2021/C03074)

KOMPALLY, SRC Luxury TriplexVillas, beside Nuziveed Seeds, ingated community. Built-up area 3076sft. 4 BHK with lift facility, all modernamenities. Lumpsum amount 1.5 Cr.Ph:9550155023, 9481260314.(S/2021/IC00196)

S.R.NAGAR 270 Sq.Yds Old house,Madhuranagar 267, 3 Bedroom.Jubileehills commercial & residentialold house 400, 1200. Kajaguda openplot 1000 Sq.yds, B.N.Reddy 500Sq.Yds Plots. Venkataramana colony400 Sq.yds old house. Ph:7793975775.(A/2021/C00633)

MALAKPET: SIRIPURAM Colony,Near Venkateswara Temple, 288sq.yd,G+2 7000sq.ft builtup area. North Eastcorner building for sale.Ph:9849750630/ 9666329393(HYMM/2021/C07485)

BHEL, MIG, Phase-2, Road No.15,House No:4617, Independent House200Sq.yds G+1, 2 BHK in Ground and2BHK in First Floor Plus Maid Room,Kitchen, Bathroom& Manjeera,Borewell. Contact: 9599661677/9490165795 (HYMM/2021/C07529)

✔HOUSE FOR sale 4BHK 65Sq.Yds. Only land value. Behind

St.Anthony Church, New MettugadaMetro Station, Raju Compound,Secunderabad. Ph:9963784150.(S/2021/C02439)

✔MOKILA, READY to Move-InLuxury Triplex Villa, 421

sq.yds, 5,000 sq.ft, 4 bedroom &home theater area with VRV DaikinAC, Interiors and Italian MarbleFlooring available in a premiumgated community. Swimming pool,15,000 sq.ft clubhouse spread over 3acre Central Park. Bank Loanavailable. #9177793070.(HYCL/2021/C03018)

PREMIUM VILLAS in Gatedcommunity for Sale at Mokila @ 1.70crs (Special Offer available). Contact:7353585358 (HYMM/2021/C07395)

MOOSAPET MAIN Road 400sq.yardhouse, S/F, Rs.95000/- per.sq.yard &Erragadda 3BHK Flat for sale,1685sft, E/F, G.Floor, Rs.7500/-per.sft Negotiable Ph:8555900837.(W/2021/AT001198)

G+2 PENT Fully Furnished, 2-2BHK,3-1BHK, 1 Shutter S/W Corner,5500sft, 168 Sq.yds behind MVSRCollege, Nadergul 1.80cr.Ph:7013104264, 7893051786.(HYCL/2021/C02807)

✔NAGOLE, BANDLAGUDA,Krushinagar, Indp. House

244Sqyds E/F, 4580Sft. (G+2 PentH o u s e ) . 9 8 4 9 0 2 2 3 5 9(HYMM/2021/C07162)

INDEPENDENT BUILDING,Nallakunta Mainroad, North Eastfacing, 419sqyrds, G+5& penthouse,2Godowns, 1Commercial shutter, Carparking, Bore, Manjeera, CC-Camera,lift, Generator. For sale. Contact:7842363173. (HYMM/2021/C07548)

READY TO move in 4BHK W/F 4655Luxury premium villa in KeerthiWestwinds, Narsingi for sale.Call: 09908344889, 08688853354(HYMM/2021/C07621)

NEW MALAKPET House for sale 152sq.yds., G+2 Building, area 4000 Sft.,near Malakpet Railway Station.Rental value 60,000/- per month. Price2.10Cr negotiable. Genuine Buyerscontact:- 9885389488, 9849411644(HYCL/2021/C03089)

DESIGNER 3 bedroom villa, two halls,kitchen, dining, servant quarter, 400sq.yds, 4800 sq.ft constructed villa withgarden, semi furnished with AC’s, falseceiling, lighting, wardrobes, ready tooccupy for sale. Located on the mainroad of Old Bowenpally, MallikarjunaColony, Road No.1, expected price3.6Cr. Interested may contact:9849004060. (S/2021/C02447)

3 BEDROOM Villa, Two Halls, Kitchen,Dining, Servant Quarter, 234 sq.yds,4800 sq.ft Constructed Villa, Semi-Furnished with AC’s, False Ceiling,Lighting, Wardrobes, Ready to Occupyfor Sale. Located on the Main Road ofOld Bowenaplly, Mallikarjuna Colony,Road No.1, Expected Price 2.5 Cr.Interested May Contact 7337323456.(S/2021/C02462)

✔311SQUARE YARDS OldHouse For Sale in Panjagutta

South Facing Commercial andResidential Use Prime LocationContact Agent Ph:-7093184957.(HYMM/2021/C07508)

PUNJAGUTTA, DWARAKAPURIcolony, Walking Distance from BanjaraHills Rd no1, 1274 Sqyds Independenthouse for sale. 9866354207(HYMM/2021/C07192)

SAINIKPURI NORTH facing143sq.yrds independent duplex Villa1800sft 3bhk. Contact: 7337425625.(HYMM/2021/C07490)

300 SQ.YDS West facing independenthouse ground and first floor 3400 sftconstructed in 1991, plot dimensionsroad side 30/60 with all amenities @ 3Crores, situated in SecunderabadCantonment area in a colony at WestMarredpally. Ph:9393199193. Site visitonly on Monday and Thursday. Nobrokers. (S/2021/IC00189)

SERILINGAMPALLY 3BHK RowHouse, Villa, Built up area, 2700sft,Prime Locations as per vaastu. ForSale. Contact: 9985657537,9949806810. (HYMM/2021/C07591)

SHAIKPET BRINDAVAN ColonyHUDA Layout independent house200sq.yards, G+1, GHMCpermission, North facing, 150ft frommain road for sale @land value.Genuine buyers cancall:8330941235, 9391386183.(HYMM/2021/C07133)

4 BHK Luxury Villas In GatedCommunity For Sale @Mokila-Shankarpally Main RoadTSRERAP02400000344 LimitedInventory available. 7680889977(HYMM/2021/C07518)

SUPER GROWTH Corridor AirportNovotel to Tukkuguda toMaheshwaram. Prelaunch offer for ourjust started Villa Venture 267 sq.yds,3480 ft, 3 BHK, Home Theatre, Bigsitout, servant quarter, E/W face,exclusive elevation. Call: 9849002667,6305150227. (S/2021/IC00195)

YAPRAL, SHAILIGARDEN, Jupallyhills Gated Colony, Independent HouseFor sale 2BHK 177 S/F 1460Sft HudaLayout, Ready to occupy 9399944482,9666261003 (HYMM/2021/C06919)

✔YAPRAL NEAR Shaili Gardens160Syds 2600sft new ready to

occupy Duplex House for Urgentsale less than market price contact:9398261626, 9989654648(HYMM/2021/C07234)

INDEPENDENT BUNGALOW for saleon 358 sqyds. Duplex plus 2 floors.Banjara Hills RD-10. Call after 2Pm Only-9949964985. (HYMM/2021/C07499)

PROPERTY FOR sale, Total area529sq.yd’s, 4761sq.ft located behindSBI PG Road, park avenue colony,Secunderabad, contact owner no:9898143550. (HYMM/2021/C07494)

P A D M A R A O N A G A RSURROUNDINGS, Chilkalguda 211,220, 346, 190, 368, 72, 275, 140, 281sq.yds. Ph:9640407779, 9989236007.(S/2021/C02477)

✔CHERLAPALLY- FOR Sale- EastFace 2400SqYards Site (150ft

Front side); For Lease- 24,500SqftFactory Shed (under construction).Directly by Owner Contact9866182229/ 7032660011.(HYMM/2021/C07504)

INDUSTRIAL LAND For Sale AtIDA Jeedimetla Fase-I, 3500sq.yardswith Shed 9000Sft 75 HP. powercontact: 9246357242(HYMM/2021/C07115)

✔INDUSTRIAL LANDS -Medchal/Rajbollaram/ Kistapur/

Bandamylaram (Near Seed Park)/Kokonda/ Kucharam/ IDA-Bollaram/IDA-Patancheru/ Balanagar/Shamshabad &Other Areas For 9652900045.(HYMM/2021/C07598)

✔PATANCHERU, INDUSTRIALarea, IDA Pashamylaram 3.5

Acres, (Phase-3), East Facing,25000Sft Godown, Ready to move.Contact: 8522015555/ 9704222345.(HYCL/2021/C03053)

✔FOR SALE: Industrial landand Building for Sale at

Kalwakurthy, Ready to Move,Dedicated Power line, WaterFacility Best for IndustrialEstablishment, Interested Peoplecan Contact Ph:7995216835(HYMM/2021/C07247)

FARM LAND For Sale: 20Km FromAPPA Junction, Entrance Arch,Compound Wall, Borewell With DripIrrigation, 10 Variety Of Fruit Plants,Security Room, Well DevelopedFarm Land, Half Acre (2000 Sq.yds).Price Rs.1Crore Ph:9963038315.(HYCL/2021/C03109)

FARMLAND FOR sale 20kms FromAppa Junction, Entrance Arch,Compound wall, Borewell with DripIrrigation, 10 Varieties of FruitPlants, Security Room, WellDeveloped Farmland For sale. 1/2Acre( 2000sq.yds), Rs.1CR.Ph:7997583777, 9963038315(HYCL/2021/C03077)

LAND FOR Sale: 25 Acres Land,100km from Hyd- Bangalore NH-44,near Bhoothpur, 4km from Highway,with fully developed Mango Orchid,Paddy Fields, with plenty of Water ForSale. 33L /Acre. Brokers Excuse,Genuine Parties may Contact:8008333869. (HYCL/2021/C03050)

LAND FOR sale at Bombay Highway,Budera main road, 4 Acres land, cleartitle, immediate sale. Owner Contact:9493818415/ 8019470515.(S/2021/C02276)

CHEEP &BEST @6L per Acre. 5-1000 acres Land for sale at NH-44,Chegunta, Ramayampet,Kamareddy, Bhainsa, Nirmal,Adilabad. Contact only genuinepersons. Clear title withpossession. Ph:9949148080.(HYCL/2021/C02806)

✔CHEVELLA 20ACRES Nalaconverted connecting to 4

lane road at upcoming RRR.Contact Devender: 9848681897(HYMM/2021/C07521)

CHOUTUPPAL 3.5 Acres land forsale on Vijayawada highwaynear Pantangi toll Plaza.Contact: 9246212950, 9910032889(HYMM/2021/C06302)

✔DUBBACHARLA, 5ACRES inMaheshwaram Mandal, 1km

from Mainroad, West facing. Ph:8886858862. (HYMM/2021/C07602)

GACHIBOWLI 6ACRES 14acresTellapur 12acres kukatpally 3acresMokila 7acres Shamshabad23acres kadtal 35acressangareddy 55acres shadnagar25acres.. Buy/Sale/Developmenthyd Ph:8790540209(W/2021/AT001096)

12ACERS 22GUNTAS AgricultureLand For Sale at Vantimaamidi onKarimnagar Highway Contact:9849245342 (HYMM/2021/C07450)

LAND FOR Sale: Half Acre land,facing 30ft road and 10Guntas(1100sq.yards) land, facing 40ft roadin Kondapur, Ward-1, GhatkesarMunicipality. Serious buyers maycontact on mobile: 6300709830.(HYMM/2021/C07384)

KOTHAGUDEM ON VijayawadaHighway Facing NH-65 just300Meters from Logistic park2420sq.yds (NALA Conversion)Commercial land for sale. Contact:8885543189. (HYMM/2021/C07480)

1.5 ACRE Conversion Land for Salenear Banglore Highway at Nandigam,Kothur, R.R.District. Suitable forIndustry, Godown, Venture, etc.Contact: 9000529001.(L/2021/C00035)

AGRI LAND 3 acres for Sale (SingleRectangle Bit 30ft road marked). 2kmfrom NH-44, Just 2.5km fromupcoming Regional Ring Road, Nearto Manoharabad Toll plaza. NoAgents, only genuine Buyers Contact:9652787999. (HYCL/2021/C03063)

REGIONAL RING Road (2.5 km)Agricultural Land 16 acres for sale @1.20Cr Per Acre (Negotiable) 2kmfrom NH-44, Near to ManoharabadToll Plaza. No Agents, only GenuineBuyers. Contact: 9652787999.(HYCL/2021/C02975)

40ACRES LAND for sale inSadasivapet per acre 45lakhs usefulfor layouts Contact: 9581175175 /9059761221 (HYMM/2021/C07469)

SHADNAGAR, BURGULA Village, 4Acres land for sale. Balanagar 90Acres Sale. Hayitabad, Shabadmandal near Amazon Company 1Acre, 2 Acres & 3.5 Acres, Chevellato Shadnagar RRR road main roadfacing 3 Acres, 4 Acres & 2 Acres, 14Acres Road facing. All area landsAvailable. Contact: Khatal:8885527279, 9848522277.(A/2021/C00626)

LAND FOR Sale Shadnagar1,2,3,5,10 Acres price, 50Lakhs to75Lakhs useful for agriculture,farmhouse, and venture.Ph:9948920650, 9676764567.(HYMM/2021/IC0291)

✔400 SQ.YARDS RegisteredOpen-Plot for sale at

Shamshabad Road. 4.5kms fromAram Ghar; 7799779489(HYMM/2021/C07528)

HMDA APPROVED Industrial Land forSale: Ac 1.10Gunta, Road Face 340feeton Kandi to Shankarpally 4 Lane nearEddumailaram Ph:6301893483(HYMM/2021/C07323)

LAND FOR sale Siddipet District,Mandal Dubbak, 19 acres agricultureland, Red soil, Road bit. Contact:9052053454, 9949642237.(S/2021/C02369)

9ACRES AGRICULTURAL land salefull/ partial @28lacs/ acre (Nego) inMarpally mandal, Vikarabad. 50kmsfrom Mokila. Genuine buyers,call:9701624314 (HYMM/2021/C07442)

INDEPENDENT NEW House, 1)152sq.yds, G+2 Pent house, East Facing:Bowenpally. 2)240 sq.yds: WestMarredpally. 3)161 sq.yds, East Facing:Padmaraonagar. Flats: 1)3 BHK 1715sft, East Facing: West Marredpally, 2)3BHK 1760 sft at Begumpet,3) 4 BHK,2285 sft, North East Facing atBowenpally. Sree Properties9985286238, 7396260111. BrokersExcuse. (S/2021/C02487)

SITE FOR sale: Hyd, Aditya Nagar,east facing (36’X60’), 240 sq.yds, opp.Adibhatla P.S Road, near TCS.Ph:9866561144. (VJ/2021-00195)(S/2021/C02367)

REDDY ENCLAVE, Alwal 220 Sq.yds.fully developed layout North facing Plotfor Sale. Contact: 9052055334(HYMM/2021/C07578)

NALANDA NAGAR, Plot no:35,St.No:15, AG Office Society,Upperpally, near Attapur. North facing,Admeasuring, 293 Sq.yds, Rs.2.25 Cr.Negotiable. Ph:9440302220.(HYCL/2021/C03031)

PADMANAGAR COLONY 1, Near IDPLTownship, Balanagar. 500Sq.Yards, WestFacing, ULC Cleared, Plot suitable forFlat System. Contact : 9849093636.(HYMM/2021/C07187)

BANJARAHILLS, 300 Sq.yards, 450,600, 900. Jubilee Hills, 300 Sq.yards,500, 720, 1000, 1500. BNR Hills: 1000Sq.yards Plots for sale. Commercialplots & Independent Houses alsoavailable. Any queries (Agents Excuse)Ph:9849033349. (HYCL/2021/C02736)

BANJARAHILLS BEAUTIFUL villa in600sqyd west-facing plot@Road no.10in prime residential location for sale.Contact Harish @PrimeProperties9849591338. Brokers Excuse.(W/2021/AT001199)

PRE-LAUNCHING OFFER 5299/-Batasingaram Nerrapally 80AcresMegha Farm Land and Villa Plot’s onHyderabad -Vijayawada NH HighwayNear By RRR, Ramoji Filmcity,Greenfield SEZ. Ph:9652417151,7386224903. (HYCL/2021/C02977)

GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY (A) Bhongiri,Yadadri HMDA Villa Plots ApprovedLayout With L.P.No.Residential/Commercial Plots Available,Spot Registration, Loan Available, HighAppreciation. (B) Mansanpalli ‘X’ Road,Shamshabad Zone, DTCP ApprovedLayout, Ready For Construction,Minimum 222Sq.yards To 1700Sq.yards,Near Electroniccity &Fabcity.Ph:8374399578/ 6303107421.(HYMM/2021/C07334)

PLOTS FOR Sale/ Purchase inGhatkesar, Aushapur, Nemaragomula,Bibinagar Near Warangal High way.Contact: ‘Ghar’ Realtors. Nabi:9394098924 (HYMM/2021/C07246)

OPEN PLOT LRS paid, 875 sq.yardsMacha Bolaram @ 42000/- Per Sq.yd,Suitable for Apartments. No Agents,Genuine Buyers Contact: 9652787999.(HYCL/2021/C03064)

HMDA/ DTCP Plots Sale &Pre-Launch Flats @Sangareddy,Sadashivapet, Budhera, Isnapur,Kothur, Shadnagar &Yadadri.Ph:9177474487. (HYCL/2021/C03037)

PATANCHERU- SULTANPUR OpenPlots HMDA Gated Community, 6kmsfrom BHEL & Chandanagar, 8kms fromMiyapur, 11kms from JNTU, 80% Loanavailable. Ph:8688023402/8688021020. (HYCL/2021/C03011)

NEAR ECIL, Dammaiguda, Nagaram‘X’ Roads and RLNagar Open Plots forSale in Gated &Non Gated Venture@21,999/- to @29,999/- Per Sq.Yd,Ph:9100995551, 9100885551,9100996662 (HYMM/2021/C07437)

DOLLAR HILLS ; Residential OpenPlot of 1000 sqyrds for Sale at

Reasonable Price.Contact;9347048929 (W/2021/AT001203)

ECIL, MAPLE Homes, 267 sq.yds W/F@ 70K negotiable & Saket, Sree Yugha237 sq.yds E/F @ 42K negotiable.Ph:9959139666, 8074021607.(S/2021/C02453)

AT GACHBOWLI main road 93 Sqyards registered clear title plot withdouble road Ph:7075867086(HYCL/2021/C03105)

✔245YARDS HIG Layout plot withcommercial permission for

immediate sale Gachibowli adjacentto DLF. suitable for hostel/ hotel/IT2lakh per yard 9849006415/7893177000. (HYMM/2021/C07507)

GHATKESAR ADJACENT NFC,Lakshmi Nagar, Six Plots 1303 Yards,surrounding wall, bore, Medchaladjacent Ravalkal Village, ImperialGarden 500 yards. Owner 9848048211.(B/2021/C01069)

NORTH FACING Plot measuring4445sqyrds in Ghatkesar. Ghatkesar tokarimguda Road. Contact:9948096176. (HYMM/2021/C07545)

GURRAMGUDA, TEACHERS ColonyPlot no. 10, 11& 64; West &Northfacing; 300sqrd each; 38000-42000/sqrd; LRS paid; boundary wall;Room with electricity and water; Call9701064446; Brokers Excuse(HYMM/2021/C07502)

HITECH CITY, Madhapur 267 Sq.Ydswith GF Old House & permission GHMC1986, opp Karachi Bakery, near CoffeeDay @ Rs.1,50,000/- per Sq.Yard.Interested parties Ph:9959999983/7989070890. (A/2021/C00620)

✔COMMERCIAL PRIME Plot@prime Location Main Road

facing Husmathpet sec. Plot size523s.yds. Hospital, Bank, Shoppingmalls for Suitable place. Genuinecustomer Call please. 6300306926/.9848590299 (HYMM/2021/C07524)

OPEN PLOT for sale 657sq.yards,Opposite Park, Ashwani Layout,Journalist Colony, Jubilee Hills.Interested Person Can Contact:9849037905. (HYMM/2021/C07284)

WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY.Purchase 100Sq.yards Plot with 7Years6Red Sandal Trees @6499/- (LimitedPlots) Contact: 9000769306,9666984686. (HYMM/2021/C07473)

PICKET, DR.SUBBARAO Colony400sq.yds Open Plot East facing,Corner Plot for sale. 50,000/- per sq.y.Negotiable. Contact: 9885035479,8886860009 (HYMM/2021/C07523)

P&T COLONY Suncity, Hyderabad300 sq.yards Plot for sale. Brokersplease excuse. Please contact:9849404176. (HYMM/2021/C07542)

ATTAPUR, HYDERGUDA,bandlagudajagir Padmasree layout,Hydershahkote 200, 300, 400, 500,600, 1000Sq.Yards plots for sale andindependent houses for salePh:9494241105/ 8309035588(HYMM/2021/C07627)

RAJENDRA NAGAR: Budvel, Westfacing 706sq.yds, West 40ft Road,Jallpally 400sq.yds. North 30ft Roadplots for sale. Contact: 9848278640/8008596333 (HYMM/2021/C06979)

JANACHAITANYA HOUSING OldVenture Sai Bhavani, Sai Rajeswari,Saideva & Other Plots Buy & Sell. 1-15Acers Land Wanted Ph:9246182178.(HYCL/2021/C02856)

✔JUBILEEHILLS 1450 Sq.YdsN/F, 500E/F, Filmnagar 666S/F,

405 N/W corner with buildings semicommercial. Madhapur 365 N/F,Kondapur 400,500,700. GopanpallyJournalist Colony 267 N/F, 410 N/F,270S/F Commercial 60ft Roads.Jayabheri 350,450 W/F. Nallagandla &Tellapur HUDAs 258,430,516, 1050Sq.Yds. All facing Plots for Sale &Purchase. Contact: “SevenhillsRealtors” Ph:99499-77477, 99599-77577. (A/2021/IC00112)

JUBILEEHILLS NORTH 1250 Yards,Kavurihills N/E Corner 1100 Yards,Mezanine showroom 5400 Sft,Jubileehills 45,000 sft commercialbuilding. Genuine buyers only contact:S.V.B.Raju: 9848037173.(A/2021/C00614)

✔NANDAGIRIHILLS, 600 Sq.YdsNorth. Journalist colony 400

West. & Jubileehills 785 Sq.YdsSouth. Kakatiyahills 500 Sq.Yds EastIndependent house. Ph:8008119331,8822369369. (A/2021/C00617)

JUBILEEHILLS, ROAD No.55, Westfacing, 1173 sq.yds, perfect vasthu,Semi commercial. Jubileehills, RoadNo.24, West facing, 1309 sq.yds.Owner: 7093206706, 8008018500.(A/2021/C00623)

JUBILEEHILLS 1100 sqydsFilmnagar 1000sqyds gachibowli4000 sqyds Narsingi 5200sqydsMadhapur 3000 sqyds... Buy/sale/jvHyderabad. Ph:8790540209(W/2021/AT001095)

✔JUBILEE HILLS, 500 Sq.YardsEast, 720 East, 1100 North, 1500

East, 2200 South. MadhapurKaakatiya Hills 6200yds, North-EastCorner. commercial plots alsoavailable. Contact: 8522015555/9704222345. (HYCL/2021/C03052)

JUBILEEHILLS PRIME LocationRoad No-30, 1300yds Top Location(b) Road No-45 Commercial 950ydsN/F Perfect Vaastu (c), Film Nagar1200yds E/F Mainroad Bit, (d) RoadNo-10c Commercial 1200yds.Ph:9701996999. (HYCL/2021/C02951)

JUBILEEHILLS 1200, 1400, 1600,2800sq.yds New Houses AlsoAvailable, Kakateeyahills 500 East,500 West Corner Plots AlsoAvailable Ph:9949053522.(HYMM/2021/C07341)

PLOTS &VILLAS for sale, IntegratedTownship at Kadthal on srisailamHighway, Opp. Mucharla Pharmacity,Near Airport, Bank Loans Available.Ph:9704384222 (HYMM/2021/C07303)

KANAJIGUDA, ALWAL, Military DiaryFarm Rd, 245 sqyds, West Facing 30ftroad, 40ftX50ft LRS Paid. 7075512903/9346802257. (HYMM/2021/C07189)

HMDA OPEN Plots sale at KandukurHighway Face near Pharma City, fullydeveloped, ready to construction.Contact Ph:6302066966.(HYCL/2021/C03080)

KEESARA BOGARAM opp. LiqourGodown, 671yds E/N/S, 857yds N/W/S,100’ Road Commercial Bits NarapallyHuda 200E, 200W, 230W, 253N/W,265N/F, T.Venkatreddy @9866429807(HYMM/2021/C06885)

KHAJAGUDA DELHI Public SchoolOpposite Semi Commercial MainRoad 2nd Plot FOR Sale SouthwestFacing Corner 564 Sq.yards,Dimensions 136X38 WithPermission, Suitable For Hospitals,School, Offices, Hostels.& Also PlotIn Lanco Hills 1200Sq.yards LRSClear. If Any InterestedCall:9908501333, 9885604017.(HYMM/2021/C06961)

HOUSING PLOT for sale 270 sq.ydsAparna Palm Grove GatedCompound Kompally. Walkable from,Medchal Road, Serene Locality.Rs.65,000/- per sq.yd. Ph:9985138260.(S/2021/C02130)

✔JAYA DARSHINI Enclave,Kompally For Sale Two Plots

measuring 200 Sq.yards each,adjacent to each other. Contact:8790006899, 9966173355(W/2021/AT001134)

KOMPALLY HUDA approved Plots500 to 1000 Yards. 1 Acre to2 Acres, near Cine Planet. MokilaGated Community Villas 270 Yards,3400 sft. Genuine buyers onlyContact: S.V.B.Raju: 9848037173.(A/2021/C00615)

✔KOMPALLY, 800 sqyds E/NCorner, 40 Feet Road, LRS token

Paid, opp Vaisnavu Enclave, DmartBack side road. Ph:9949798430,9700337641 (HYMM/2021/C07484)

PLOTS FOR sale at Kompally 354,418, 772 sq.yds, behind Runway 9,LRS and permission done. Per sq.yd60k, not negotiable, good location.Contact: 8309943381.(S/2021/C02494)

KOMPALLY- ALWAL -Panchasheel167Sq.Yards 3 W/F Open Plots With30X50 Or 500Sq.yards With 90X50Dimensions Are For Sale Contact: LipiReddy Property Consultant Alwal.Ph:6301078430/ 8886781661(HYMM/2021/C07580)

HYDERABAD NEAR Kompally ITParks @Medchal Just 5Km fromORR.18,000/- per sqyd HMDA, FullyDeveloped, Gated Community, BankLoans Available Contact: 8886785050(HYMM/2021/C07396)

SOUTH FACING Kompally Hmdagated Community plot immediate sale,30 minute from Paradise Hotel, Bankloan available, Contact: 9963646363.(HYMM/2021/C07406)

SAWERA TOWNSHIPS Ltd, HMDALayout, At Thimmapur, Near Kothur,8000/- per yd, Gated Community, 24hrsSecurity, EMI facility, Opposite MyHome Smart City, Railway Station,Khana, &Chandanvelly SEZ’s.Ph.9177288377. (HYCL/2021/C03034)

PLOTS FOR Sale 36x60 size 240Sq.yds., Double Road. 36x30, size 120Sq.yds near Lords EngineeringCollege, LV Prasad Eye Institute.Middle person please excuse.Ph.9030452020 (HYCL/2021/C03096)

HI-TECH CITY MadhapurPathrekanagar West facing OpenPlot 300Sq.yards Prim Location.Contact Ph:7893927160(HYMM/2021/C07608)

SRISAILAM HIGHWAY, Facingcommercial plot, Maheswaram, NearMohabathnagar, Adjecent toKandakatla valley and BhashyamBlooms school, Before Banyan treeretreat resort. 2 plots each1400sqyds. East facing. 9866354207(HYMM/2021/C07220)

585 SQ.YDS corner plot. Road oneast and south sides in DhanalaxmiHousing Society, Mahindra Hills,East Marredpally, Secunderabad.Call: 9440710974. (S/2021/C02463)

HYDERABAD NEAR, HMDAApproved Plots, Near Srisailam High-Way, Pharma City & Amazon DetaCentre, Plots located at Meerkhanpet,Kandukuru, Kadthal, Mucharla.Ph:7386293999 (VJ/2021-000199)(S/2021/C02401)

HUDA MAYURI Miyapur Near MetroStation 1990 Sq.yards North EastCorner Open Plot For Sale, ContactPh:7893927160 (HYMM/2021/C07613)

NAGARAM, RAJSUKHNAGARColony, Plot No.314, W/F, 30’ Road,Near 100’ Road, Temple Park, SchoolZone @ 25000/- per yard. No Brokers.Ph:8555966748. (HYCL/2021/C02881)

NALLAGANDLA MIG 258 SQ.yds,close to Sadhana School. seriousbuyers contact: 9246506485. Brokersexcuse. (S/2021/C02486)

620 SQ yards commercial open plot,facing Warangal high way, at Narapallyis for sale. contact no 9703099299(HYMM/2021/C07240)

HMDA APPROVED Lay-Out Plots forSale@ Pedda Amberpet, KohedaRoad, Sizes:150&167 sq.yds,LP.NO:000215/Lo/PLG/HMDA/2019.Contact: 9000673333.(HYMM/2021/C07619)

133 SQ yard plot for saleRamannapet Gram panchayat,Nalgonda District Naidu: 7416487278(W/2021/AT001115)

RAMOJI FILM CITY Prime LocationHMDA Approved Premium GatedCommunity layout plot Sizes, 267, 300,360, 600 to 1200 sq.yards, Rate persq.yard 21K, All 60, 40Feet CC Roadsand Modern Developments. Just 17kmsfrom L.B.Nagar and 500Meters fromVijayawada Highway. Serious BuyersContact. 9866100245/ 9849458014.(HYMM/2021/C07002)

✔RAMPALLY 1000 Sq.Yds, North,90X100 feet Plot, LRS paid, all

clear, 30 feet road, outright sale only.Rs.35,000/- Sq.Yard. Ph:9491035168.(A/2021/IC00119)

450 SQ.YDS East facing plot for salewith approved cantonment sanctionplan near Asha Officers Colony,Ramakrishna Puram. Contact9346855235. (S/2021/C02464)

SAINIKPURI EASHWARIPURI colony350sq.yds N/F 30ft road, cherlapallyshastrinagar 2340sq.yds industrial land3roads, no brokers. ph:9908347284.(HYMM/2021/C07443)

ADJACENT SAINIKPURI, Yapral,Indus School & Kapra Huda layouts &gated community, 166, 178, 240, 266,290 upto 500 sq.yds East, West, North,South facing. Ready to constructions.Contact 9849042108.(S/2021/IC00194)

AT SAINIKPURI AFOCHS Society,Hitention Main Road, 2nd plot N/ECorner Open plot 602/ Sqyds 2.6CrOnly Ph:7331183679/ 8367456799(HYMM/2021/C07620)

BOMBAY HIGHWAY @ KANDI TOSankarapalli road, HMDA layout with 2years instalment (EMI) 14900/- sq.yard,RRR facing, Ph:9348012357.(HYMM/2021/IC0288)

PRE LAUNCHING @Polepally Sez@4999/- p.s.yard Close to BangaloreHighway Shadnagar, 120Acres, DTCPGated Community Club House.Contact: 7799670115.(HYMM/2021/IC0289)

SWARNA BHOOMI Infra: DirectCompany Sale of Fully DevelopedDTCP Approved Open Plots nearShadnagar. Loan Facility Available.G M - M k t g - 9 7 4 0 8 2 8 8 7 7 .(HYMM/2021/C07459)

HMDA APPROVED Layout atS h a d n a g a r ,LP.No:000046/LO/Plg/HMDA/2021with Plots size 150 Sq.yds, 250Sq.yds, near to RRR &Surroundedby all facilities &amenities with fulldevelopments &bank Loan facility.Ph:9392241880, 8686229114.(HYCL/2021/C03033)

BIBINAGAR RAILWAY Station 300sq.yds north east facing & Shadnagar,Faruk Nagar 368 sq.yds, south eastplot for sale. Contact: 9885319967.(S/2021/C02479)

AT SHADNAGAR HMDA approvedplots with all modern amenities, Eastand North 150ft wide Roads. 20K/yardfor sale. Contact: 8008333869.(HYCL/2021/C03051)

PLOT FOR sale 500 Sq yards atMillinium residency venture adjacent tobangalore highway at Pedda Shahpoor6 km from Airport cross Rs 7000/ yardcall +918143261356/ +919493406510(W/2021/AT001200)

SHAMEERPET, H.M.D.A FinalApproved and ImmediateConstruction Villa Plots for sale@Shameerpet Town. From ORR3kms, from Secunderabad 20kms.Contact: 9866993399.(HYCL/2021/C03001)

SHAMEERPET, BESIDE Exit#7, ORRFacing HMDA (RERA), Serene Park,23Acres Luxury Gated CommunityResidential Villa Plots For Sale.Ph:8122349999 (HYMM/2021/C07468)

HMDA LAYOUT 2-4plots in one row of250-270sq.yds, before Airport in ProperShamshabad, close to Rly Stn, busstop, and highway 7893478226.(HYMM/2021/C06968)

SHAMSHABAD AMITY park 500square yards plot for sale west facingwith teak plants 5km from InternationalAirport, 1km from highway clear title rate5500/- per square yard contest Srihari9885516833 (HYMM/2021/IC0250)

SHANKARPALLY VELLIMALA 1.5kmfrom sub registrar office 200sqyards&above east &west facing plots inHMDA Layout ph:9989803399(HYMM/2021/C07487)

SHANKARPALLY HMDA ApprovedLayout in 102Acre with 167-200 &267yds &above. 30mins drive 2Kokapet SEZ, Financial District.7095888808, 7013550080.(HYMM/2021/C07132)

SUNCITY 569 sqyrd @65K besidebata showroom lane opp Qutub Shahimasjid hydershakote, walkable distancefrom main highway road only genuinebuyers. Shaik MahmoodPH:9866219875 (HYCL/2021/C02869)

OPEN PLOTS (North East Corner) inHMDA Layout Bangalore HighwayTimmapur to Chegur Road Near KanhaShanthi Vanam 6305161882,9705241000. (W/2021/AT001179)

TUKKUGUDA, MAHESHWARAMMandal very near to RGI Airport,439sq.yards, East Face Plot, in HPRGateway Venture, HMDA ApprovedLayout. Ph:9949904786.(HYMM/2021/C07267)

RESIDENTIAL PLOT 2100 sq.yds forsale at Tumukunta (north point), on theway to Shamirpet. Rate: Rs.35,000/-per sq.yd. Genuinely interested contact:9989826886. No mediators please.(S/2021/C02416)

DIAMOND POINT near Gunrock 450,VahiniNagar 220, Vikrampuri 165, SBH293, ICRISAT 500, Dairyfarm 500,Aruna Enclave 176, Royalenclave 200,Kiranenclave 235 plots housesavailable. Deepika Real Estate9390829167. (HYMM/2021/C07543)

1600SQYDS 59.99 lacs proposed.D.T.C.P. Layout yacharam sagarhighway. pharmacity amazon double urinvestment 5months. 7416613247(HYMM/2021/C07078)

YADADRI, WARANGAL Highway,Golden Investment, Near worldfamous Temple Jain Mandir. Only3Lakhs for 120Sqyds Plot. SmallInvestment Big Returns. AssuredDouble Amount in 3years. Contact:9505020202 (HYMM/2021/C07414)

✔YAPRAL VILLA Plot HMDADHARA enclave 203 sq.yds direct

owner 8985927301 agents excuse(W/2021/AT001197)

800 SQ.YDS plots at BowrampetVillage, Quthbullapur for sale. 403sq.yds plot at Pedda Amberpet,Hayathnagar for sale. 150 sq.yds plot atGhatkesar, Medchal for sale. Contact:9848039849, 040-27561686. Nobrokers. (B/2021/C01011)

WE PURCHASE A.C, U.P.S, Battery,House & Office furniture, wire, Almara,locker, electrical, all items A-Z.Ph:9666786441, 7032847037,6304439168, 8309944063, 9381316699,9398874771, 9391071633, 8688786631,8179224792, 9949467093(B/2021/C01036)

OLD ANTIQUE Furniture forImmediate Sale. Item wise or alltogether. Interested parties contact9959158789. (B/2021/C01077)

MONTREAL OLYMPICS OmegaWatch, Jagear Le Coultre, Omega SeaMaster, Omega Geneva, VintageOmega Watches 10 Nos, GermanCuckoo Clock, Cheming Wall Clock,Swiss Revue Thoman Moon PhaseWrist Watch, German Table 10 NosClocks. Contact 9246286263.(B/2021/C01086)

CYLINDRICAL GRINDING Machine,Center-less Grinding Machine for sales,both are in very good workingcondition. Contact: 9440048236.(S/2021/C02374)

WE UNDERTAKE disputes propertiesworks from government offices& legallyland demarcation land mutationidentification of plots land illegal namesentry in pahanies clearance patta landissued by Govt to persons of ex-servicemen& freedom fighter NOC willclearance enami Lovani land in the year1969 clearance. Contact 7730806155.(HYMM/2021/C07588)

GENUINE PROPERTIES Buying&selling of Residential, Commercial&Agriculture lands aroundSuchitra, Kompally, Medchal &ToopranCell:9989013353, 9505550182(HYMM/2021/C07345)

REQUIRED 3ACRES To 300AcresImmediate Payment, For Out/RatePurchase Or Development, For AReputed Organisation, In AndAround Hyderabad. (B) Required500Sq.yards To 20,000Sq.yards Within Hyderabad For ImmediatePurchase Or Development. ZonesLike R1, 111GO, Commercial,Agriculture, Industrial Any zone IsOk Ph:8374399578/ 6303107421.(HYMM/2021/C07335)

REQUIRED LAND in Acres any wherewith the price approximately 5 lakhs perAcre. Please contact @ 7780643027(HYMM/2021/C07428)

✔REQUIRED LAND 30Acres inHMDA Limits, 5-6Kms from ORR

for Outright purchase. Zone:Manufacture/ Public-Semi Public/Multiple Use Zone/ Commercial.Call:9494334334 (HYMM/2021/C07441)

✔MEDCHAL AREA,Maheshwaram area,

Patancheru area, Shamirpet area andSurroundings R1 Zone Landsrequired for Outright/Developmentor either part outright and partdevelopment for Plotting Purposefrom 10-40 Acres required.9963616777. (W/2021/AT001102)

LEADING DEVELOPER in Indiarequired Land on Development/ Salein& around Kondapur, Lingampally,Kollur, Kokapet, Tellapur, Velimala,Bowrampet, Patancheruvu,Gaganpahad, Satamrai, etc. RequiredMinimum 4 Acres extent till 30 Acre forHighrise Apartment& Villa.Ph.8686959668 (HYCL/2021/C02839)

WE ARE interested to Aquire Land/Land Banks for top national/ statelevel builders/ Constructioncompanies in Hyderabad ondevelopment/ Outright. Anyone withclear title land from 1000 Sq.Yds to20/30 Acres, Suitable for apartments/villas in & around hyderabad mayContact Gangadhar (RERAno.02500000559) Adveta PropertiesPvt ltd. Ph:9848005130/ 9912612345.(A/2021/C00635)

LOOKING FOR residential/commercial plots above 600sqyds inPrime Locations and Lands suitablefor Construction/ Layout in & aroundHyderabad on sale or developmentboth. Call/WhatsApp 9885122633(W/2021/AT001104)

✔JUBILEE HILLS Society,Residential Plot Required, Size

1100 to 1400Sq.Yards, Facing Northor East only. Contact: 9849155045.(HYMM/2021/C07453)

WANTED OPEN Plots/ Lands AtMadhapur, Ayyappa Society, Kondapur,Gachibowli, Nallagandla, Surroundings,For Our Clints, Development/SalePlease Ph:9959998796/9985648859 (HYMM/2021/C07483)

REQUIRED PLOTS Out rate/Development in Nallagandla, Tellapur,Gopanpally, Velimela, Mokila,Shankarpally, Surrounding area onlyHUDA/ HMDA approved.Ph:9848681178. (HYMM/2021/C07206)

PLOTS PURCHASE Kowkoor,Priyadarshini Enclave, Golf Enclave,Yapral, Sai Krishaa, Indus School, SreeEnclave, Registration Colony, Kapra,Saket, Silent Wald, Oorjita Projects,Thumkunta Shamirpet, andSurrounding areas Contact:8074203475. (HYMM/2021/C07416)

PLOTS REQUIRED in Hyderabadsurroundings Hayathnagar, Amberpet,Abdullapurmet, Manneguda,Ragannaguda, Kuntloor, Munaganur,Torrur, Koheda, Turkayamjal,Mangalpally, Batasingaram,Brahmanapally, Ibrahimpatnam.Ph:9666660371. (HYCL/2021/C02785)

WE ARE looking to purchaseopen plots near Gurramguda,Imzapur, Janachaithanya, Medipalli,Vanasthalipuram surrounding area.Interested sellers please contact:9989735599. (HYCL/2021/C03024)

REQUIRED NEW &ready to occupy1200-1400Sft. Office space with 2CarParking in and around Himayatnagar,Barkatpura, Hyderguda, Narayangudaon Sale basis. Contact: 9000002690.(HYMM/2021/C07141)

✔MAHESHWARAM: ANY DTCP orHMDA Plots in Mansanpally,

Maheshwaram, Tukkuguda we buy andsale. Contact for fair dealsPh:9908224832. (HYCL/2021/C02894)

WANTED URGENT 200yds to20Acers Residential and CommercialJubileehills, Gachibowli Narsingi,Mokila, Kollur, Tellapur, Shankarpally,Maheshwaram Srisailam Highway.Ph:7993744469, 9849587323(HYCL/2021/C03041)

SPACIOUS 1 Room Penthouse withattached bathroom, semi furnished in adecent colony at Begumpet for rent.Contact: 9866271474/ 8977238713.(S/2021/C02438)

BEGUMPET ROOMS- Single/ double/Triple sharing for bachelors. IT/BANK/Private Employees (Male/Female) forshort/ long term stay. attachedbathroom, with/ without food. Call:9963019632 (HYCL/2021/C02851)

ROOMS AVAILABLE for bachelorsworking in reputed companies orstudents in a decent colony with goodambience in marredpallysecunderabad. Contact: 7032909015.(HYMM/2021/C06887)

ABIDS, CHAPEL Road 40,000sq.ft.Commercial Building for Lease orRent. Contact: 9959007383(HYCL/2021/C03116)

BANJARAHILLS ROAD No.12, fullyfurnished 2nd floor, 2500 Sft, Plug &Play, 45 Workstation, 2 cabins,Reception, Pantry, Conference hall, 2car parking, 20 two wheeler parking,power backup. 2. Panjagutta,Banjarahills, 1000 Sft, Fullyfurnished, Plug & Play, 10workstations, 1 Reception, 2 cabins,conference hall, pantry, parking,power backup. Ph:9346384904.(B/2021/IC00114)

CHAPEL ROAD, Abids spaceavailable for Rent suitable office/boutique/ beauty parlour/ storage inContact: 9949215686.(HYCL/2021/C02945)

AMBERPET MAIN Road CommercialProperty G+1+ Cellar 6000sft(2000sft each)& 16000sft Shed land2300sq.yds for Lease/ Rent. Full or Partavailable as required. Suitablefor Car/ Bike Showroom, ServiceCenter, Warehouse, Function Hall,Etc. Ph:9885019687.(HYMM/2021/C07249)

CLINIC SPACE available with DoctorsCabins & Medical Shop, AmeenpurRoad, Chandhanagar, Hyderabad.Ph:040-48576911, 8106111392(VJ/2021-000212) (S/2021/C02493)

✔COMMERCIAL SPACE AvailableFor Rent At RP Road

Secunderabad Opposite Arya SamajLane Ground Floor 1600sft &1st Floor1400sft Ideal For Office, Godown’s,Banks. Genuine Parties.Ph:9177620556. (HYCL/2021/C02938)

COMMERCIAL OFFICE Space Rent11000Sft, Each Floor 2500Sft, UsefulSoftware Offices, Coaching CentersAnd Etc.. At Balkampet Main Road,Near SBI, S.R.Nagar. Ph:9848029170.(HYMM/2021/C07351)

NAGOLE/ BANDLAGUDACommercial Space 500Sft Gf And1800Sft Cellar Ph:9494974192(HYMM/2021/C07034)

✔BANJARA HILLS, Road number12, 16Bedroom apartment

building. Suitable for office, cliniccompany guest house,hospitals. Rent 3Lakhsnegotiable. Ph:9177780006.(HYMM/2021/C07003)

BANJARA HILLS, Road No.2 primeposh G/F Opp. KBR Park 1780Sft 100percent power backup car parking forshop /office/ clinic Contact :9394560077 (HYMM/2021/C07124)

✔COMMERCIAL SPACE availablefor Rent /Lease in Banjara Hills,

RoadNo.10, Near Our PalaceRestaurant, Hyd-34, 1st Floor-3200sft, 2nd Floor- 3300sft, 3rdFloor-1040sft &Lower Ground-2400sft, Suitable for Bank, Lawyer,CA, Architect, Interior Designers,Gym, Doctors, Jewelers, Designers,Salon, Gyms, Stores etc.. Brokerswill not be entrained, ContactSheeraz on 9949417777.(HYMM/2021/C07472)

BANJARAHILLS NORTH & Eastroads, glass elevation, primecommercial, retail/ office space, firstfloor- 2500 sft, 3rd floor- 1950, 800 sft.Call: 98493-44544. (S/2021/C02388)

1) BANJARAHILLS, Road No.2,Plug & play 2,000 sft, North, Vasthu,Lift, Genset backup. 2) Co-workingspace, small cabins, 1 seaters. 3)Khairtabad, 1200 sft, plug & play,Pawani Plaza. Owner: 7093206706,8008018500. (A/2021/C00624)

COMMERCIAL SPACE For Rent atANK Olbee Plaza 3rd Floor 1522SFT@Road No.11, Banjarahills Oppo.Care Hospital, Hyderabad,Plug in Play 2Car Parkings,Suitable For Office, InstitutionEtc.. Ph:9849516256(HYMM/2021/C07581)

✔LEASE/ RENT 2152sft &1636sft commercial space

area. Basheerbagh, HyderabadRoad near CommissionerateBuilding. Ph:+91 8699908680.(HYMM/2021/C07182)

BUILDING FOR rent 3 floors forhostel and tutorial near aurora

degree college Chikkadpallyintrested person can contactPradeep agarwal 9391039861(W/2021/AT001182)

COMMERCIAL SPACE 60feet roadKuntloor Road Hayathnagar suitablefor banks, offices, Financialinstitutions, show rooms, Contact:9177017774 (HYMM/2021/C06881)

COMMERCIAL SPACE for Ready toUse Salon, Space of 600 Sft atHimayathnagar Main Road. PleaseContact 9959533446, 9701959500.(B/2021/C01047)

✔HIMAYATHNAGAR MAIN road2nd & 3rd floor 1000 Sft, 100 Sft

Cabin 1st floor, for any Commercialpurpose. Ph:8712366000.(B/2021/C01056)

✔HIMAYATHNAGAR MAIIN road800sft East facing 100% Vastu

for designer boutique/ saloon/advocate/ studio clinic/ CA.9949518060 (W/2021/AT001174)

AVAILABLE 1200 Sft CommercialSpace for Rent on Liberty Main Road,Situated at Jamuna Plaza,Himayathnagar. Ph:7989827549.(B/2021/C01078)

BANJARAHILLS ROAD :12 building1st &2nd (Each floor 2500sft) officespace for lease with 4car parking&Ashoknagar Ground floor 900sftshops &Himayathnagar (each floor2000sft )4 floors 3000sft car parkingContact ph:9246525454(HYMM/2021/C07544)

HIMAYATNAGAR FOR Office use 2rooms,hall, kichen, balcony,with allamenities, neat with vetrified tiles,spacious,near Legend Apts 3,st.no17, Contact 9704935081(W/2021/AT001206)

110000SFT BUILDING Available forrent for international residential school/college with full of greenery near to thecity Contact 9502207006/ 7989522481.(HYMM/2021/C07171)

JUBILEEHILLS 36, main road face,opp Neerus, Ground- 1096 sft, First-1096 or G+1- 2192 sft. Call: 98490-44544. (S/2021/C02387)

✔ROAD NO.36, Jubileehills,Plug and Play Office Space

For Rent, 2700Sq.ft Main Road WithExcellent Metro Access. 4th Floor,North Facing, 24HoursPower Backup And ExcellentParking. Ph:7995599955(HYMM/2021/C07476)

KAMALAPURI COLONY, SrinagarColony Ground+ DuplexIndependent House, adjacent toMain Road With lappam finish andCup-boards & also IndependentHouse with false ceiling forCommercial purpose.Ph:9160066679. (HYCL/2021/C02980)

✔2250-4500 SFTCommercial/office space

very near to KBR park & 2500 sftplug & play with beautiful interiorsnear Durgam Cheruvu bridge. Ideal forBank, IT, Diagnostic centers,offices. Contact:9949000222(W/2021/AT001116)

3000 SFT of Space available forLease/ Rent at Khairtabad, Prime Area,Suitable for Warehouse, Workshop,Godown, Commercial, ManufacturingUnit, Printing Press or other Officepurpose. Call 9441040356. forEnquiries. (B/2021/C01080)

2650 SFT commercial space flat forrent/ lease. F-202, Sirisampada,Arcade, Khajaguda main road,behind Union Bank, Hyderabad.Ph:8008801018. (S/2021/C02366)

WAREHOUSE 15,300 Sft availablefor Lease at Kompally. Contact9963531567 (W/2021/AT001189)

WAREHOUSES AT Kompally NCLNorth Avenue 52,000sqft RCC10’Height 2000’ to 6800’Rent Rs 20/- sqft. 9848012369.(HYMM/2021/C07190)

COMMERCIAL BUILDING for Lease/Rent at Kothapet, SaroornagarMain Road suitable for Colleges,Institutes, Banquet Halls, IT Office.Ph:9391551972, 9848055592.(HYCL/2021/C03025)

KRISHNA NAGAR main road,yousufguda, 2 shutters and it’sabove 5 floors in independentbuilding available for showrooms,Restaurants, lodge, hostel, plywoodshop, sanitary shop, atm.9700906132 (W/2021/AT001204)

1100 SFT for Office or Light weightgodown on First floor at IDa Prashantinagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad. Contact:8143785000. (A/2021/C00610)

6000 SFT Godown with 30HP Rent/Lease for Industry/ Warehouse, besideMother Dairy Gate, Kuntloor Road,Hayathnagar. Contact 9441069199.(B/2021/C00999)

COMMERCIAL SPACE for Rent atLakdikapul for Office, Shops,Banquets Halls, Diagnostic Centre orPlay Schools, each floor area 2300SftX 3 floors. Ph:9951041304,9848487702. (B/2021/C01085)

3 FLOORS of Independent House atVittalrao Nagar, Madhapur. 4500sft,For Rent Suitable for Offices & Etcpurposes. Ph:9010332669(HYMM/2021/C07440)

NEWLY BUILT, fully furnished, plug& play office space. 2700sft in eachfloor(1/2/3). 8mins walk tometro/madhapur PS bus station.Contact: 7731930131(W/2021/AT001184)

NURSING HOME for Lease or Rent:Well furnished with all modernequipped new Nursing Home atMahabubnagar Town, Rajendranagarfor Lease or Rent. Interested maycontact cell: 9959912169,9502114696. (HYCL/2021/C02847)

OFFICE GUESTHOUSE residencepurpose 3 BHK 2500 sq.ft groundfloor furnished, ample parking andwater, as per vastu, Balamrai Society,Mahendrahills, Marredpally,Secunderabad. Ph:9000018486,9502290554. (S/2021/C02481)

1600 SQ.YDS Warehouse for rent atRing road, Pillar No.102, MehdiColony, near Langerhouse. Contact:9885858938/ 9000151214.(S/2021/C02347)

PADMARAONAGAR MAIN Roadfacing, ground floor, north eastcorner, 2000 sq.ft, AmidstApartments, Supermarkets, Hotels,Colleges, suitable for any businessoffice, Banks. Ph:9848814563.(S/2021/C02192)

1330 SQ.FT Raj Bhavan Roadearlier tenant Food Court paying 70K.Ideal for offices, workshop, distributor,clinics, etc. Ph:9700123552.(S/2021/C02482)

18000 SQ.YDS part/full open landfor Lease/Rent between RL.Nagar& Rampally facing 100ft Main Roadin front of KGR Institute oftech&mgmt Cont: 9666339030(W/2021/AT001201)

HYDERABAD RTC Cross Roads,Jawahar Colony, 4th line beside ArunIcecreams, Vasantha Nilayam, 900 sft(Commercial) ground floor, Flat No.SRT.47 for rent. Contact:9440487777. (S/2021/C02470)

S.R.NAGAR, ANDHRA Bank Laneproposed to construct as for choice12000sft G+3 Floors Suitable perHospitals & Colleges for Rentalspurposes only Ph:9849919293/8500922222. (HYCL/2021/C03108)

COMMERCIAL SPACE for Rent onMain Road, Ground floor 1200 Sft 04Shops, 1st floor Space 2000 Sft, 2ndfloor Space 5700 Sft, 3rd floor Space5700 Sft Showroom, Super Market,Restaurant, Hospital etc., besideKamat Hotel, Saifabad, Hyderabad.Ph:9246535197, 9849267086.(B/2021/C01090)

ATM SPACE for rent available oppSainathpuram Bus stop 16c. BehindDr A S Rao nagar: 7396609626(HYMM/2021/C06920)

SAINIKPURI 6000SFT G+1 12B/Rwith trendy interiors in green quietsociety ideal for office/ residence/guest house 9347015019/7639002737. (HYMM/2021/C07551)

OFFICE SPACE available, fullyfurnished, 2400 sft, for Rent/ Leaselocated at Secunderabad, near JBSMetro Station. Call Mahesh:9292206648. (S/2021/C02365)

19000 SFT space including cellaravailable for Rent/ Lease inShadnagar on Bangalore Highway.Ideal for Showrooms, Banks,Hotels, Banquet Halls. Contact:9949766969. (S/2021/C02454)

SOMAJIGUDA MAIN road 450 sftoffice space North facing, 5th floor inMaheshwari Chambers, AdjacentMedinova Hospital. Call:9290126104. (B/2021/C00993)

✔SOMAJIGUDA, PRIME Officespace for Lease, Posh

Independent G+ 2Bldg, Each Floor3000Sq.ft, 7 Car+20 Two wheelerParking, Suitable for clinics,Institutions, Offices, ServiceCenters. Contact- 7036177711,8885525437. (HYMM/2021/C06893)






















SOMAJIGUDA COMMERCIAL office3000sqft with work stations,3Executive cabins, Board meeting,Reception, Pantry room, ACs, Officefurniture, false celling. 9848012369.(HYMM/2021/C07191)

✔OFFICE SPACE/GODOWN 2500sq.ft available with Lift &

Parking at Tirumala nagar,Amberpet adjacent to MRF tyresshop. Contact:9848465586(W/2021/AT001097)

MODERN OFFICE Availableimmediately for Lease/ Rent: Fullyfurnished, Air Conditioned, Posh Plug &play office on Shaikhpet/ TolichowkiMain Road, Pin: 500008, Space2250Sq.ft. Separate Bathroom,Kitchen, Carparking, 24/7 CCTVcameras. Contact: 7799225863,8008663851. (HYCL/2021/C03106)

1)TRIMULGHERRY MAIN RoadFacing Building Shops available forRent/ Lease 500 sft Lower GroundFloor Ideal for Retail Showrooms. 2)500sft Upper Ground Floor Ideal for RetailShowrooms. 3)2000 sft Second FloorIdea for Offices Educational Institutions,Finance Offices, Gyms, etc., Contact:8886121111, 9393050051.(S/2021/C02467)

✔VAYUPURI- A.S.RAO NagarMain Road, Standalone

Commercial Complex North EastRoad, Ground, Lower Ground, 1st2nd 3rd Floors About 1500Sq.ft EachFloor. Floor Wise Or Whole Building.Contact Chandrakant 9666350451.(HYMM/2021/C06599)

PRIME PROPERTY upscale areaWest Marredpally, 900 sq.ft withwashrooms, toilets. Strategicallylocated front of West Marredpally Park.Schools, nursing homes both sides. 5minutes to Metro Station and bus-stops, multiple food centers, supermarket 5 minutes. Ideal for CorporateGuesthouse or Offices. Contact9866082624 between 8.00 to 10.00mornings. (S/2021/C02471)

SPACIOUS INDEPENDENT Housenear Yousufguda Check Post, suitablefor Godown/ Office/ Residence forRent. Ph:8885553568, 9949597070.(HYCL/2021/C02850)

OFFICE SPACE 2300 sft for Lease,Opposite Wesley Girls College, St.John’s Road, Secunderabad, Very nearMetro Stations. Contact: 9849027748.(S/2021/IC00179)

✔DECENT OFFICE/ Shop, No.166,Block A, Area 381 Sft including

toilet at 1st floor, Babukhan Estate,Basheerbagh. Contact 9848042674,7893530194. (B/2021/C01045)

1 BHK 500 sft, North facing behindNizam College, near SBI, Abids, Hyd.Ph:9849390001, 9908217712.(W/2021/AT001173)

BANJARA HILLS Road No.12, 1BHK& 2BHK flats for rent, semi or fullyfurnished in gated community. Contact:8309357467, 7997827038.(HYMM/2021/C07260)

AOC GATE 2 BHK fully furnished, TV,sofa, dining table, fridge, AC.Contact: 9347060787, 8639641053.(S/2021/C02364)

2BHK SEMI-FURNISHED flat on 2ndFloor of Independent house in gatedcommunity for Vegetarians at PrashantColony, Balkampet. Contact9246165331 (W/2021/AT001094)

BANJARA HILLS, ROAD#10, LaneBeside Old Star Hospital, 2BHKSemi/Fully Furnished, All Amenities,Less than Reasonable Rent. Owner:9848057849, 7075864620.(HYMM/2021/C07274)

BANJARA HILLS, MLA Colony, RoadNo.12, near Anti Corruption Bureau,2BHK, 2-Bath, with all amenities forrent. Contact Wali: +919676519516.(HYMM/2021/C07537)

BANJARAHILLS, ROAD No.3, behindTV9, 2 BHK & 1 Bedroom (furnished-bachelors), 2 BHK near PanjaguttaCross Road, all amenities, 24 hrs water,excellent location. Ph:9642584383,9966819130. (A/2021/C00602)

AT BANJARAHILLS, Road No.12,Amruta Valley with all facilities. Contact:9866568616, 9652044296.(HYCL/2021/C03117)

2 BHK 1900 sft First Floor & SecondFloor for Rent @ Near Lotus PoundInfront AP CM House Banjarahills RoadNO 12. Call: 9052344140, 8919531287.(HYCL/2021/C03100)

2BHK 1450SQFT Flat near Begumpetairport with 24*7 water and covered carparking. Family and Bachelors.Contact- 9849676446, 8885030999.(HYMM/2021/C07497)

✔BOWENPALLY 2BHK flat 1stfloor 756sft with all amenities

including Car parking at JayamResidency Hasmathpet,Ph:9618961567, 7893648826(HYMM/2021/C06950)

✔CHIKKADPALLY 2ND floor, 2Bedroom Flat 201, Lift, 24 hrs

water, fully ventilated, car parking, stiltfloor, 100’ away main road, MetroStation. R.K.Apartments, Street 1.Ph:9393343189. (B/2021/C01068)

CHIKKADPALLY PILLER No B1114Pista House Lane First Floor 2bhk Rent17000/Pm Family Only Contact9440608328/ 9441415657/ 040-40101272 (HYMM/2021/C07614)

2 BHK Semi Furnished Flat as pervaastu, 24 hrs water, lift & security. RentRs.15K fixed. Gaganmahal Road,Domalguda. Ph:9177091972.(B/2021/C01060)

DOMALGUDA, GAGANMAHALColony, Flat D6, Raghvendra Kripa,Spacious 2 BHK, 24 hrs water, carparking. Rent Rs.14K. Contact9849948445, 9618694350.(B/2021/C01033)

GANDHINAGAR, EAST facing 2BHKtwo bathrooms, second floor,semifurnished wardrobes, vitrifiedflooring, plenty of water 9963552315/9177225370. (HYMM/2021/C07460)

TOLET TWO bedroom flat atHimayathnagar Pentoji Enclave, oppositeTelugu Academy. Contact: 9885968395 /8106988260. (S/2021/C02391)

HIMAYATNAGAR NEAR bank ofBaroda 2BHK Flat Two Balconies 3rdFloor For Rent For Vegetarian SmallFamily Expected rent 15000/ negotiablecontact sms 9848047892(HYMM/2021/C07355)

MALESHIYA TOWN Ship, KPHB,2.5BHK (1st floor) flat for rent in Gatedcommunity with wood work, 18K rent+maintenance: 9346141116.(HYMM/2021/IC0287)

DOUBLE BEDROOM flat with carparking for rent flat no.1005 mishamansion krishnapuri west marredpallyphone 996603030, 9000209438.(HYMM/2021/C07498)

AT LAKDI-KA-POOL, 2BHK Flat ForRent. Built In Cupboards, 24HoursWater, 2nd Floor. AvailableImmediately. Contact: 7702422005(HYMM/2021/C07511)

FOR RENT: Miyapur Main Road, LittleRock Apartments, Opp: Sitara Hotel,Two Bed Room Flats 4th Floor, No Lift,One Bath/ Toilet. 5KM’s To Hitec-city.Rent: 7000 Plus 3Months Deposit. CallPh:8464922937/ 8011254892(HYMM/2021/C07421)

MOTHINAGAR CROSS Roads, 2BHKFurnished Decent Flat, For Rent,(Vegetarians only) Contact:9346946603 (HYMM/2021/C07451)

2BHK SPACIOUS Flat withcarparking, 24Hrs water in centrallylocated Punjagutta, near SaibabaTemple. Vegetarians preferred. Contact:9848155827/ 9848994415.(HYCL/2021/C02978)

2BHK FLAT on Second Floor at SamtaColony, 7 Tombs Road beside Al-Ameen Meat Shop, Shaikpet. Contact:8374435135. (HYCL/2021/C03122)

SOMAJIGDA 2 BHK flat withspacious balcony for rent/ Lease,lane adjacent to Irrumanzil MetroStation, opposite KritungaRestaurant. Contact 9441207684,7815816568. (B/2021/C01012)

TWO BHK Flat 301 Chabras UrmilaApartment 24hrswater Car parking liftcupboards besides Kirtilal jewellers bsmakhta Somajiguda rental9951669206. (HYMM/2021/C07177)

✔2BHK FLAT for rent on first floor.Water, power, lift all available, only

for families subashanagar,sanathnagar,Hyderabad. Contact 9959874978.(W/2021/AT001181)

AT SUNCITY, opp: Glendale School,with all facilities. Contact: 9866568616,9652044296. (HYCL/2021/C03120)

VIJAYANAGAR COLONY(Masabtank) 2 BHK, 2nd floor. RentRs.14,000/- PM plus maintenanceRs.1100/- PM, car parking, vasthu, lift,water. Preferred employees/ smallfamily. Ph:9704277252.(S/2021/C02476)

FULLY FURNISHED Wardrobes,Beds, AC’s, TV, Fridge, parking, twoBHK West Marredpally, Secunderabad,Tirumala Apartments. Contact: Arvind:9000157797/ 9959976506.(S/2021/C02363)

3BHK, 1750+ Sft for rent Road No.11,near Karvy Banjara Hills, 3rd Floor, Lift,Two Car Parking.Contact: 9014830226,9550974063 (HYCL/2021/C03092)

BANJARAHILLS, ROAD No.5, OppGVK 2250 Sft Semi Furnished, 3Bedrooms, 3 attached baths,drawing, dining, living, Pooja room,modular kitchen, 2 car parking,power backup. 2. Domalguda,Basheerbagh, 2000 Sft, Semifurnished, 3 Bedroom, 3 baths,drawing, dining hall, modularkitchen, pooja room, car parking,power backup. Ph:9346384904.(B/2021/IC00115)

BANJARAHILLS, ROAD No.5, RockView Residency, 2200 Sft 3 BHK 24 hrswater, lift, power backup, 2 car parking,wardrobes, modular kitchen.Ph:9908649671, 8179311202(S/2021/C02298)

1 BHK, Banjarahills, opp Virinchi Hospital& 3 BHK Lanco Hills, Manikonda, RoadFacing, Semi Furnished, Parking, 24X7water, security, centrally located.Ph:7995576194, 9989187966.(B/2021/C01040)

DELUXE FLAT 3BHK On 3rd Floor,Road No.12, Banjara Hills is For Rent.(Brokers Excuse) Ph:9885970834.(HYCL/2021/C02996)

BANJARAHILLS MLA’S Colony3300sft Northfacing, SuperLuxury,4Bhk, ItalianMarble, Lift, 100% Powerbackup, 24hrs Water & Security, Preferfor: Family’s, MNC Guesthouse, IPCConsultancy: 9000196888,9000536777 (W/2021/AT001186)

BANJARAHILLS, ROAD no.12, nearMain road, 3 BHK Flat, 2000 sft, semifurnished. Residential/ Commercial, 2car parking. Ph:9000009096,9948877027. (A/2021/IC00120)

3BHK APARTMENT of 1550sft, EastFacing, Perfect Vasthu, Furnished withWardrobes is for Rent at Road No:13A,Banjara Hills, Hyd. Comfortable for aFamily of 2+2. Contact: 9989083999/9849167072. (HYCL/2021/C03029)

BARKATHPURA, SEMI Furnished 3Bedroom flat, 1st floor, E/F, car parking,Rent Rs.24,000/+ maintenanceRs.2,300/- in NLG Residency. Contact:9844020784. (A/2021/C00627)

BEGUMPET: 3BHK, 1650sft atMayuri Marg, Near HPS & GitanjaliSchools is for Rent. Ph:9849091342.(HYCL/2021/C03087)

DOMALGUDA/ HIMAYATH Nagar-Nagilla SriRanga Nilayam, 1400 sq.ft,5th floor, N/E corner. Begumpet/Nagilla Towers- 1200 sq.ft/ 5th floor,vastu adhere cupboards, carparking, gated community, 24 hrswater, family only. brokers. (S/2021/C02403)

EAST MARREDPALLY Sai LeelaAbode near Shenoy Hospital 3BHK Flatwith Wardrobes Car parking 24 HrsWater Contact 9347064974(W/2021/AT001087)

FILMNAGAR RENT east facing vastuindependent house 1st floorspacious 3BHK puja 1800sqft 1carpark Rs.25000 only for family9490115271 (HYMM/2021/C07401)

GACHIBOWLI, JANARDHANA Hills,Opp Cyberbad Commissionerate ofPolice. Flora Essence Apartments, 3BHK, flat No.502, 1685 sft.Ph:9989060606. (S/2021/C02299)

3BR/2BR FULLY furnished 24hrswater, car parking, Hall, kitchen,Dinning, Poojaroom, soft ware/Bank employees, Gudimalkapur,Mehidipatnam. Ph:9391008292.(HYMM/2021/C06951)

HIMAYATHNAGAR 3 BHK 1420 Sft,1st floor, east facing, fully furnished,can move with cloths, 24 hrs water,100% vastu. Ph:7674990099.(B/2021/C01041)

HITEC CITY 3BHK deluxe flat first floorgated community oppositeShilparamam 1800Sft north facingsemi-furnished, cupboards, fans, falseceiling, geysers, 2car parkings, 24/7water power, security, gym swimmingpool, play area. Ph:9396543475(HYMM/2021/C07398)

HITEC CITY, near Lodha, 3 BHK, EastFacing in a gated Community, RentRs.22,000/-. Call: 98497-44544.(S/2021/C02478)

FOR TO-LET 2BHK ground floor 3BHK1floor with woodwork open forresidence &office Opp Gandhi hospitalK Nagar colony cont: 8099188688(HYMM/2021/C07593)

3BHK FLAT, 2car parking, for rent atJubileehills, road No.32, Hudaresidency, Contact: 040-23608486/9676507869. No brokers please.(S/2021/C02294)

IN THE heart of city Kachiguda KumarTalkies, main road 3 BHK, 3 A/c, 3beds, 2 parking, lift, fridge, oven, gas,etc well furnished, 100% vasthu.Negotiable. Ph:9246527158,9391032509. (S/2021/C02412)

KHAJAGUDA, PRASHANT Hills,newly constructed 3 BHK flat 202, SahlResidency behind Kangaro KidsSchool. Contact Mr.Mubeen9849442245. (B/2021/C01005)

KPHB LODHA Meridian 3BHK FlatSuper Luxury semi furnished 34thFloor, carparking, 1854 sft, modularkitchen & All amenities.Ph:9866675113. (HYCL/2021/C03083)

FLAT 850 Sq.Ft, Two Bedroom,Kitchen, Study and exclusive terrace inMethodist Colony, Kundanbagh, behindSt.Francis College. Contact:9177849074. (A/2021/C00567)

LANCOHILLS 3654 sft, 4 BHK Flat,15th floor, 2LH #1502, well furnishedwith beautiful interiors, Two carparking. Ph:9848498990,9100358019. (A/2021/C00634)

3 BHK 1750 sft, E/F, cupboards, carparking, Flat No.201, Vishnu PearlApartment, Benz showroom backsidelane, Kavurihills, Madhapur.Ph:9000246222. (A/2021/C00618)

WEST MAREDPALLY 3 BHK Flat,Cupboards in all rooms, Carparking, lift,no water problem.Contact OwnerPh:9000615999. (HYCL/2021/C03007)

EAST MARREDPALLY: Srila Heights,the best community in Secunderabad,2200Sq.feet, 7th Floor, Private gardento apartment, 3BR& Bath, Living andfamily room, big balcony, 4Car parking,additional big servant quarter down incellar. Corporate lease preferred, Pmrent: Rs.64K , #8333040266.(HYMM/2021/C07457)

MEHDIPATNAM CENTRALLY located1,400sft., 3BHK flat in STR Plaza, afterAmba theatre on Gudimalkpur road, 1stright lane after Heritage/ More,adjacent to LIC office. For Government/Bank Officers/ Professionals.Vegetarians preferred. Contact:9848354569. (HYMM/2021/C07574)

MEHDIPATNAM NEAR St.Ann’sCollege 3BHK with 2Balconies,2Entrance, tap & Bore Water, Lift,Inverter Connection. Call: 7075498131,7702190870. (HYMM/2021/C07577)

✔2 NO’S- 1800sft 3bhk, with 2balconies, deluxe vaasthu

flats for rent in Revanth Residency,Indraprastha Enclave, RockTown Colony, Nagole. Contactno.040-24038822/ +917729087590(HYMM/2021/C07233)

PANJAGUTTA DWARAKAPURIcolony 3BHK Premium Fully furnished2600sft Flat for Rent. Ph:7660906993,9666414142. (HYMM/2021/C07601)

3 BHK ground floor on 2 floor building,24hrs water at P.G.Road, SindhiColony, Secunderabad. Veg only.Contact 9849423221. (S/2021/C02455)

AT PILLAR No.270, opp Best Pricewith all facilities. Contact: 9866568616,9652044296. (HYCL/2021/C03119)

SANJEEVA REDDYNAGAR 3BHK1800Sft New Flats west face, Ready toMove with Cupboards, Poojaroom,100% Vasthu for rent Ph:9849919293/8500922222. (HYCL/2021/C03069)

FOR RENT 3BHK West Facing Flat1500sft In Central Excise Colony NearShivam Road, Legend Apartments,Only Whatsapp Message -9391557638(HYMM/2021/C07423)

SOMAJIGUDA RAJBHAVAN road,Lane beside Jaya Gardens, 3Bhk2000sqft, NE 100% Vastu,Woodwork, 24x7 Water,Car Parking. Ph:9866308389(HYMM/2021/C07086)

SOMAJIGUDA ALPINE Height B-Block, Fourth Floor semi-furnished,swimming pool facility on rentRs.35,000/-. Contact: 9866102131/9177507801. (HYMM/2021/C07130)

THREE AND Four Bedroom flat third &fourth floor at S.P.Road, R.P.Roadcrossing. Residential/ Software/Service Apartments. Lift, Car parking.Ph:8500289801. (S/2021/C02280)

3BHK +DRAWING Srinagar colony1330sft, 2 Bath, 3AC’s, E/Fsemifurnished, 2 Entrys 25000 Rentph:8143374044 (HYMM/2021/C06617)

✔AT (DELUX colony, Tolichowki)2BHK 1000sq.ft/ 900sft flats,

available on rent. Service holders withfamily pref. contact: 9550087147/9676209043 (HYMM/2021/C07426)

✔TRIMULGHERY, MANSAROVARheights phase3, 3+BHK 2010Sft well

furnished, perfect Vastu, 7th of 10 floors,modular kitchen, covered balconies&carpark. Rent: 23000/- Pm fixCall:8074086195. (HYMM/2021/C07463)

✔JUBILEE HILLS, Film Nagar,3BHK Flat, 2000Sft, available for

Rent preferred for families only.Contact: 9908995588, 7386178485(VZ/2021/C00008)

SINGLE BEDROOM, 1st floor,Bowenpally, near Shobha Gardens,Military Dairy Farm Road, 24hrs water.Suitable for small family- IT/ Bankprofessionals. Ph:8897774999,9985168178. (S/2021/C02485)

SINGLE BEDROOM first floor withSpiral/ Round steps, for 2 persons,House No.26, L.I.C. Colony, OppositeIndira Park, behind NTR Stadium,10am- 5pm. Veg only. Brokers excuse.(B/2021/C00997)

WEST MARREDPALLY, SingleBedroom Independent House with TapWater for Small Family available onRent. (Near Axis Bank, Secunderabad).Ph:9505041411, 8978927974.(S/2021/C02504)

TWO SPACIOUS BHK havingwooden cupboards, attachedbathrooms, marble flooring, modularkitchen fitted with Chimney & Waterpurifier, Vastu Compliant, MajeeraWater available well ventilated on2dn floor, H.No.58, Sai SagarEnclave, Military Dairy Farm Road,Kanajiguda, near Relcon MarvelVillas. Contact: 9848045717,9866445717. (S/2021/C02309)

LALAPET: 2BHK Independent House,Ground Floor, East Facing, 1650sft forrent. 24hours water, 1carparking,100%vastu, Bighall kitchen,Vegetarians preferred. Ph:9030738081(HYMM/2021/C06914)

2BHK WITH attached BathroomsIndependent House on 2nd Floor,excellent condition, decent environmentwith 24 hours water facility atPadmanabha Nagar Colony behindOlive Hospital, Nanalnagar.Ph.6309277278 (HYCL/2021/C03098)

TARNAKA INDEPENDENT house 1stfloor 2 bedroom 1650 sft, furnishedhouse for rent. For Families. Contact:9246543633. (S/2021/C02322)

FURNISHED DECENT 2 BHK big hall,sitout, 1st floor, Independent House,small family, strictly vegetarian only.Walkable distance JBS, 2 MetroStations, West Marredpally, Picket.Ph:9394702326. (S/2021/C02246)

WEST MARREDPALLY, Modern 2BHK flat, 2nd Floor, East Facing at PlotNo.30, LIC Colony. Ph:9440066155.(S/2021/C02457)

INDEPENDENT 2ND floor, 2 BHK,Centrally located in Gunfoundry, Abids,close to Renowned schools forimmediate occupation. Contact9394705831. (B/2021/C01059)

ADARSH NAGAR 3 BHK, 2400 Sft,2nd floor, 100% vastu, 24 hrs water,semi furnished, full security, balcony,wash area. Contact 9951906655,9848456690. (B/2021/C01062)

✔ADARSHNAGAR 3BHK2250sqft 2ndfloor Only Portion

Lift 100%Vastu 24hrswaterWardrobes Semimodular KitchenBalconies Service Area CarparkingContact: 9701157773/ 7798554441.(HYMM/2021/C07311)

BANDLAGUDA NEAR Appa Junction,Gated Community, New Villa No.81,3450 Sft Triplex 4 Bedroom+ HomeTheater, Furnished with interiors,Ready to occupy. Rent Rs.60,000/-pm.Ph:9989163922. (B/2021/C01044)

✔3 BHK, 3 beds, 3 baths, coveredparking at pose location in Banjara

Hills for immediate rent. Contact-7702254440 (HYMM/2021/C07513)

BANJARAHILLS ROADNO1, 3BHK,2700sft, Independent house in 1st floorsuitable for offices/ guesthouses/company lease. 9246156359/42603472 (HYMM/2021/C06939)

BANJARAHILLS ROAD 12,PrimeLocation, 350S.yards 3800sft,3A.c,s Eastfacing, Rent: 62,000/-,Prefer for: Family’s, Offices, MNCGuesthouse, IPC Consultancy:9000196888, 9000536777(W/2021/AT001190)

BANJARAHILLS OPPOSITE HotelTaj-Krishna 4BHK west Facing DuplexHouse 100% Vasthu Close to StarHotels, Malls, Suitable for GuestHouse, Office and Residence. Fullyfurnished Available from March 1stWeek Contact: 8978258383,9959893467 (HYMM/2021/C07245)

BANJARAHILLS INDEPENDENTHouse for Rent. East face 4bhk 3 carparking. 2.5 Lakh monthPh:9949169535. (HYCL/2021/C03079)

FILM NAGAR 5 BHK with four carparking servent room close to appolohosp and schools ph.9297406345 Text.7893199977 (W/2021/AT001122)

✔3BHK NEW semi furnished Villain Sahiti Abode Gollapudi

immediate occupancy Vegetariansonly Ph:7022596444; BrokersExcuse (HYMM/2021/C07172)

SEMI FURNISHED IndependentDuplex House Constructed In 200YrdsFive Bedroom Near To MansarovarHeights Hasmathpet. Contact-9848057177 (HYMM/2021/C07599)

BHILLS RD.NO.3, Spacious, 3300sftEntire Floor, TV9 Office for Comm/ ResiPurpose, 2Car Parking, Servant Room,Rent 90,000/- Contact 9849019872.(HYMM/2021/C07142)

✔JUBILEE HILLS independenthouse rent 5bedroom 6car parking

East facing 100%vastu, 6bedroom 5caroffice and guest houses more rent 1lakh to 10 lakh interested parties ph:8074666861 (HYMM/2021/C07356)

JUBILEEHILLS, ROAD No.76,Independent House, 1st Floor, 3 BHK.Available from 1st March for Rent.Contact Ph:9948455114.(HYCL/2021/C02956)

N/E CORNER 3 bedroom, spacious,first floor, separate entrance, wellventilated, two ac’s, partly furnished,Jyothi Colony, Near Secunderabadclub. Ph:9490484887.(S/2021/C02301)

ANANDNAGAR KHAIRATABADIndependent 5bhk G+2 building3000sft with covered parking andsecurity room. Contact: 8374867407(W/2021/AT001140)

6BHK VILLA 7200sft in manikondafor rent. large lawn and servantquarters. The Trails gated communitywith large club house, manicuredgardens& amenities. Ph:8008799115.(HYCL/2021/C03028)

MLA COLONY, Road No.12,Banjarahills Independent 4Bedroom House for Rent. 300yards. Close to Omega Hospital,Ideal location for Office orResidence. Ph:9963163336.(B/2021/C01082)

NIZAMPET ROAD, BehindSanghamithra Public School, NearBrindavan Colony Arch F 109 Semifurnished 3BK for Rent. 9849488036(HYMM/2021/C07444)

THREE BEDROOMS attached bathrooms, hall, dining, kitchen at B.H.E.LEnclave, Madhupala Colony,Secunderabad. Plot no.36.Contact:9848834547. (S/2021/C02456)

FULLY FURNISHED 4 Bedrooms,Gated community Villa with Hometheatre, Study room, living area,Garden & Servant bathroom atShaikpet. Contact: 9603197917,9966088466. (A/2021/C00596)

GROUND FLOOR for rent. NewFurnished House with 3BHK @Tolichowki, Rahul Colony close toMain Road. Ph:7093920166.(HYCL/2021/C02926)

VIKRAMPURI 3 BHK 2000sft 1stfloor Independent house 2 attachedbaths 1 conman bath AC Fullyfurnished vasthu 24hours water Rent25000/- negotiable. Contact:9849698598 (HYCL/2021/C02855)

KHAIRATHABAD STREET no.8,near.metro station 2rooms withkitchen+balcony semi furnished onlyone employed person and 2BHK 1stfloor semi furnished employedhindhu for a small Family or 3bachelors pH :7680939611/040-23307169 (HYMM/2021/C07624)

BALANAGAR, APIIC Gate no5,B83, RCC 10’ height 45000sqft in3040sqyds with250HP, Manjira, RentRs 25/- sqft. Sale Rs.30cr.9848012369 (HYMM/2021/C07194)

TWO SPACIOUS sheds of size15000 & 7500 Sft. with 30 centerheight, 100% Vaastu and 27,000 Sftopen area, available for longlease at Boduppal adj. MallapurIDA. Suitable for Industries/Hyper Markets/ E-commerceWarehouses/ Godowns/Automotive workshops/ Functionhalls etc. Contact: 9848050625.(W/2021/AT001188)

4500 SFT X2 industrial Sheds ForRent with or without Power,Available at TSllC, IDA,Mankhal,maheshwaram Dist, Shamshabadzone. cont: 7780647580,9000529031. (HYCL/2021/C02965)

WANT INDUSTRIAL shed (3000 to6000 sq.ft) lease 25HP Power/Industrial open plot between 1500 to2000sq.yards at Jeedimetla/Dullapally/ Balanagar/ Chintal9440023074. (HYMM/2021/C07550)

✔REQUIRED OFFICE Space ForRent Around 1000 to 1500Sft.

Space at Kachiguda, HimayatNagar, Rtc Cross Roads,Hyderguda, Ashok Nagar andSurrounding Areas. North Facingand Ground Floor Must. Contact:9676712033. (HYMM/2021/C07009)

REQUIRED FOR Rent Shop/ Godown500- 1000Sft Nr Jntu KukatpallyPragati Nagar Ph: 9399981630.(HYMM/2021/C06975)

WANTED MINIMUM 15000sftbuilding for longterm lease foreducational institution in and aroundKPHB and kuktapally. Agents,owners may contact: 8500841158(HYMM/2021/C07419)

✔REQUIRE INDUSTRIAL Shedfor Lease/ Purchase for MNC

company immediately, Shed Area:-Single shed 35,000 to 50,000sqft.,with no columns in centre, Power:-150KVA Crane Provision with 25 &10tonnes. Location:- Pashamylaram,Kallakal, Kucharam, Medchal,Shamshabad, Kothur, Kazipally orany other industrial estate.Call:9652255488, 9849155045.(HYMM/2021/C07271)

G+3 3000 sq.ft total, newly constructedbuilding, 2BHK each floor with all basicfacilities, good ventilation & sunlight.Suitable for commercial and residentialpurposes. Esamiya Bazar, Koti.Ph:8790730507 (W/2021/AT001163)

2 BHK ground floor, Maruthinagar,near Raghavendra Theatre, Malkajgiri,Hyderabad, 24hrs water, E/F,commercial and family use. Contact:9441300586. (S/2021/C02492)

POSH TWO Portions 2500 Sft with A/Ceach available for Residential, Semifurnished & Commercial OfficeSpace, Ground Floor, Domalguda.Ph:9440055017. (B/2021/C01054)

✔ERRAMANJIL 2+1 BHK on 1stfloor, Opp Lane of Hotel Taj

Deccan, Banjarahills, CentrallyLocated for Residence/ OfficePurpose. Ph:7995476971.(S/2021/C02459)

COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL 3 BHKindependent house, 2200 sft, FF,Diamond point main road. 24 hrswater, AC’s, Cupboards/ wardrobes.Ph:9392007717. (S/2021/C02458)

✔BANJARA HILLS 2100 &870sqftPlug &Play Office Space

available for Rent at Maas Heights5th Floor opp GVK Contact9885644444. (HYMM/2021/C07091)

✔BANJARAHILLS, ROAD No:2,Opp. KBR Park, Ashoka

Capitol 3400 sft with 3 Car Parkingand Ground Floor 1400 sft with 2 carparking. Contact: M.V.Rao9985306377. (HYCL/2021/C03017)

FULLY FURNISHED Office space of2850 Sq. feet with plug and play facilityavailable in Prime location atBegumpet, Hyderabad. The premises iscentrally air conditioned, with lift facility,100% DG backup power, proximity tobus, train and metro facilities. Interestedmay Contact following: 7032808057.(S/2021/C02451)

✔INDEPENDENT BUILDING@Gachibowli Mainroad,

Diagonally Opp Central mall,Beautiful glass& Marble elevation,total 12000sft sbp area, G+3 plus2bnk Penthouse/ office, 2side roads&entrance, lift. Each floor 2750sft.sbp. Suitable Software Companies,Furniture, furnishing, lights,jewellery showroom/mall concept,hospitals, clinics. Clear title, ForLease Total Building/ Floor Wise/G+1. Ph:9502032226.(HYMM/2021/C07605)

✔GACHIBOWLI MAINROAD,3rdfloor fully furnished with

10Ac’s, 40Chairs, 10Work station&Cabinets) and 4rth floor (open Hallwith washrooms and shutter) @Surajbhan jewellery hub building diagonallyOpp. Al-Saba Restaurant, BeautifulElevation, Automatic lift. Ampleparking, Generator back-up Each floor2750sft. sbp. Suitable for SoftwareCompany, Clinics, Architects,Cinics, Offices. Ph:7997995592(HYMM/2021/C07606)

✔HITECH CITY: Stilt +5Floors,15,030Sft, 50 Rooms with

attached toilets for lease, ideal forcorporate guest house/ serviceapartment/ Exclusive hostel.Contact Details Ph:9885448055.(HYMM/2021/C07500)

CYBER TOWER KPHB road besideSmiline Dental Hospital, opp: King’sDrive-in G+5, 17, 280sft building withcellar for Lease/ Sale. Suitable foreducational institute, hospital,residential school, IT office.Contact: 7207107999, 7702907020,7702986786. (HYMM/2021/C07385)

HOSPITAL FOR Lease, wellestablished 80 bedded maternityand general hospital @IDAJeedimetla. 9676802394, 8121629954.(HYMM/2021/C07315)

JUBILEE HILLS Road No.36,commercial space for lease. Suitablefor Polyclinic, Offices, FiveConsultation Rooms, partiallyfurnished. Contact: 7032101675/7702666607. (S/2021/C02425)

EAST FACING 70Guntas (1.75 Acres)Commercial land, Nearby IT park(Manair Dam) in Karimnagar for lease.suitable for Godown Restaurant/Showroom/ Educational Institution/Gaming zone, etc, if interested, we willconstruct and lease out on mutuallyagreed terms, interested parties cancontact: 9849037115, 9652533309(HYMM/2021/C07158)

✔PLUG AND play office spaceavailable for lease in Kavurihills

Madhapur. 4617sqft space in 2ndfloor of kkr square.Please contact9885398242 or whatsapp @+12039979015 for further details.Expected rent Rs.60/sqft(negotiable) (HYMM/2021/C07492)

PRIME LOCATED office space forLease/ Sale (1800 sq.ft) Semifurnished, vastu. JNTU road.Kukatpally.. Call:9000446664,9866685737. (HYMM/2021/C06886)

COMMERCIAL SPACE for Lease in1st floor 2000sqft suitable for Colleges/Institutes/ Offices etc at Bhagyanarcolony, Opp Kphb colony,, 9100032646(HYMM/2021/C07342)

INDUSTRIAL BUILDING for Lease5000/7000 Sqft 1st floor suitable forLight industry, R& D Lab, Electronicindustries etc. at Prasanth Nagar IEkukatpally ph.9100073161,9100032646 (HYMM/2021/C07344)

✔OFFICE SPACE for lease 5500 sqft,ready to work, 60 workstations (3rd

floor north east corner) in 3 cube towersat Madhapur. Contact: 9052443312.(S/2021/C02461)

WAREHOUSE SPACE available atMedchal &kalakal main road 30,000 to2 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 s f t P h : - 9 3 9 3 8 3 4 3 2 1(HYMM/2021/C07448)

M.G.ROAD 1000 sqft X 2, 3 side road(north east) with water, power & 2bathrooms For company leaseimmediate possession suitable forresidence also. Ph:9866034567,9958544778 (S/2021/C02372)

COMMERCIAL SPACE with BUA600sft to 1200sft for Lease/Rent for office or godown purposein defence colony/ Sainikpuri.Contact: 9391061263, 7729077297,9000084372 (HYMM/2021/C06907)

GODOWNS SPACE For Lease OnWarngal Highway 100000(One Lakh) Sft, 10km FromUppal Circle, 2km From ORR.With Good Parking Space.Ph:9392482562 /7891400285(HYMM/2021/C07328)

AN EDUCATION MNC lookingfor an accountant. Must have min2years accounting experience&be proficient with all labour& GSTrules. Starting salary of 3lakh rupeesper year. Office in Erramanzil,Hyderabad. Kindly sendresume to [email protected](HYMM/2021/C07415)

IMMEDIATE REQUIRED foraccountant with 3 to5 yearsexperience Location; GachibowliMobile: 7337776580 MailI D : a s h o k @ b y t e a l p h a . c o m(HYMM/2021/C07418)

WANTED COMPUTER OperatorWith B.Com Degree, With Minimum2Years Experience In Ms office,Tally,Income Tax And Gst Filings ForD.Goutham &Co, CharteredAccountants, Himayatnagar,Hyderabad. Salary Upto 15kIntrested Candidates Can Walk In ForInterview On 03-03-2021 From 11am-2pm Ph:9989999494, 9542475999(HYMM/2021/C07622)

WANTED ACCOUNTS andComputer Operator for ExportCompany, Min 5years Experience.Fast in MS Office, Computers. Salary:20K+ Call:9160377039 email:t r a d e @ g b s g l o b a l . c o . i n(HYMM/2021/C06973)

ULTRA INSTRUMENTS a leadingDistributor of Laboratory Instrumentsrequires -Manager Accounts -MaleMinimum 5years Experience in ManagingAccounts in Tally upto finalization, GST,PF, Labour etc. Qualification -M.Com withTally. Package 3.8lac PA. Excellentknowledge of English a mustApply to: [email protected]:7331154127. (HYMM/2021/C07389)

“PROPOSALS ARE invited fromeligible Chartered/ Cost AccountantFirms for engagement as InternalAuditors for Advocates MutuallyAided Co.op Society Ltd.,Hyderabad Interested Firmscan send their proposal to SocietyMail Id: [email protected] or before 08.03.2021”.(HYMM/2021/C07439)

URGENTLY REQUIRED CostAccountants having 1-2yrsexperience & good knowledge incosting of dairy & dairyproducts can send Resumes toMasqati Dairy Products Ltd.Email: [email protected](HYCL/2021/C03026)

✔REPUTED SOFTWARECompany requires

experienced Accounts personnelwith knowledge of Stock Market. e-mail biodata tocareers@hypersof t india .net .(HYMM/2021/C07496)

✔ACCOUNTANT WITH 3yearsexperience in Accounting,

Tally and GST neededurgently. Location: Near HighCourt. Email resume toj o b s 2 0 2 1 . j e w e l @ g m a i l . c o m(HYMM/2021/C07566)

URGENTLY REQUIRED CA ArticleTrainees For P.S.N. Ravishanker&Associates, Long Standing AuditFirm since 3Decades in HyderabadExposure to Different Kinds ofCorporate and Bank Audits Stipend+Allowances will be Paid. EligibleCandidates Can Send Their Resumeto [email protected] or call onP h : 9 5 2 7 8 8 8 9 8 3(HYMM/2021/C07612)

WANTED JR.ACCOUNTANT(B.Com) for Construction company atMiyapur. knowledge in Tally, Goodcommunication skills.Ph:9440478224, 9010421323. e-mail: [email protected](HYMM/2021/C07616)

✔FOR A large Housing Society inSecunderabad require

immediately Accountant. Should be aCommerce graduate with 3 to 4yearsexperience in book keeping andaccounting. Should have goodCommunication skills andwell versed with MS Officeand Tally. Send Cv to:r e c r u i t m e n t s m h @ g m a i l . c o m(HYMM/2021/C07512)

ICA EDU Skills, Kukatpally &Tolichowki Centers urgently requireFaculty with min 2 yrs experience insame job role. Required skillssound knowledge of AccountingIncome Tax, TDS & GST upto E-filing.Qualification: M.Com/ CAInter. Salary as per Industrystandards. Please send CV:[email protected] Call:9963428418. (A/2021/C00609)

GITANJALI SCHOOL requiresfemale front office accounts/adminstaff. 5+years customer facingexperience required withstrong organizing andcommunication skills. locationsBegumpet, [email protected] (W/2021/AT001168)

WANTED MBA Marketing/ Financeat Cherlapally, For SellingCommemorative Coins. Contact7039028850 Send Cv [email protected](HYMM/2021/C07617)

✔SUPERGAS DISTRIBUTORSat Gachibowli &LB Nagar is

Looking to appoint ExperiencedField Sales Executives With2wheelers &DL, for BookingCommercial LPG Connections.Aged 25-33 Years only shouldapply. Salary Rs.20,000+ TA&Incentives. send [email protected]. Mr.Pritviraj Reddy M/P(HYMM/2021/C07501)

RG DRY Mix Green Product buildingmaterial marketing in Hyderabad &surrounding 50km radius. Age:- 24-40. Walk-in 22-2-21, 11am-3pm.Contact: SR Steel, opp: MCube Mall,Attapur, Pillar No.121.Ph:9160899901, 9848689901.(HYCL/2021/C02914)

REQUIRED EXPERIENCED SalesExecutive for Real Estate Pvt Ltd firmExperience Preferred. Call:8886068880 (HYMM/2021/C07370)

WANTED SALES Managers (withexperience only) &Sales Executives(including freshers), Male/ Female.experience in Media Sellingsuch as Print/ Electronic/ Airport/OOH is preferable. Candidateshould be self driven andpassionate in sales. InterestedCandidates Call: 9133411111,9948990775 for interview schedule.(HYMM/2021/C07435)

WANTED MARKETING executivefor Packaging company.Experience 2-4years withbike. Cell 9500183745.(HYMM/2021/C07489)

✔REQUIRED COUNSELOR withgood communication skill and

one year of experience inOverseas Educational consultancy.preferably Ladies. Contact:9885581536. (HYMM/2021/C07506)

WANTED SALES Manager&Executives with experience in fieldsales for FMCG, F&B products. ForInterview location &sending resumeWhatsApp: 9000014083.(HYMM/2021/C07547)

REQUIRED AN Experienced areaSales Manager for TelanganaDistricts (Minimum of 5yearsExperience) experienced in Grocery/Kirana Market (FMCG). SalaryRs.20,000- 30,000 (Based onexperience) Contact: 9701592445/9502764563. (HYCL/2021/C03075)

WALK-IN-INTERVIEW: WANTEDFresh & experienced SalesExecutives to visit ConstructionsSites for Marketing. Concrete Mixers,Construction Lifts, Bar Cutting nBending Machines at Telangana & APOffice at Masab Tank, 2 Wheeler &Telugu Spoken Must. Timings 11:30AM to 2:30 PM. Phone: 9246365055.(HYCL/2021/C03076)

WANTED EXPERIENCE sale Girlsand boys for Sona Cosmetics andLadies wear podium mall Tolichowki.Ph:9700923196/ 9989491586(HYMM/2021/C07471)

REQUIRED MARKETING Executives /Site Supervisors with 2-3 years ofexperience in Modular Furniture andKitchens for Vishakhapatnam andVijayawada. Relevant candidates apply.Contact: 9010252680, Email:h r d e p t 2 6 2 @ g m a i l . c o m(W/2021/AT001137)

CHEMOLEUMS INDIA PrivateLimited leading lubricants companyrequires Sales Officers in twin cities,minimum 2 years experience in LubeOil Industry. May apply:app l ica t [email protected](S/2021/C02440)

WANTED FOR Real EstateCompany- Experienced MarketingTeam/ Executives, Agents, Tele-marketers to promote Farm Plotsnear Sadasivapet, Aroor Village.Ph:7836020420. (A/2021/IC00118)

WANTED UPTO minimum 2 yearsexperienced Architects and InteriorDesigners, Diploma Holdersfor Enjamuri Associates,Himayathnagar, Forward resume toe n j a m u r i . 1 8 e n j @ g m a i l . c o m(B/2021/C01050)

WANTED EXPERIENCED Male &Unisex Hairdressers, FemaleBeauticians. For Unisex Salon @Kondapur. Contact: 9000591853,9121008577. (HYCL/2021/C02937)

WANTED MALE Hair Stylist andFemale Beautician (Beauty cum Hair)in Studio No.1 Salon. Salary: 15k to35k. We will provide accommodationto Male Hair Stylist. Contact:7993590967. (HYCL/2021/C03062)

WANTED BEAUTICIAN for reputedspa in Manikonda ph: 8184851430,9000256364 (HYMM/2021/C07424)

URGENT REQUIREMENT-Telecaller Fresher or Experiencedwith Attractive Salary +Incentives.Contact: 9154794674.(HYMM/2021/C07228)

✔COMPUTER OPERATOR,SEO, Receptionist, Secretary

having minimum 5yearsexperience in Microsoft, Excel, andGoogle business search. Goodcommunication, intelligent,Secunderabad residing only needapply. Best salary, working lunchprovided. Contact: 9399992007.(HYMM/2021/C07563)

WANTED PART time ComputerAssistant, Male/ Female for CAOffice at Himayathnagar. Nearbyperson will preferred.Ph:9849555254. (B/2021/C01091)

✔[COMPUTER OPERATOR]:Graduate with 1-2 years

experience, proficiency in computerskills, Software MS- Office and net-browsing, online transactions,photoshop, computerHardware/Networking etc may walk-in for Interview at OxeecoTechnologies Pvt Ltd, B-6/4, IDA,Uppal, Hyderabad. Ph.No.27201898,Email: [email protected], (W/2021/AT001202)

SKETCHUP PRO and Auto CADdesigner. Only experienced needto apply for a leading Interiorscompany at Banjara Hills. Contact:9908000555 mail your profilem o h a n @ g o g r e e n p ro j e c t s . i n(HYMM/2021/C07168)


wanted. Freshers certified trainingprovided. Also Recovery Agents,Field Security officers,Multitaskers, Drivers, Body Guardswanted. Minimum 5yrs experience,Age limit 40yrs. Best salary&Bachelor Accommodationprovided. Contact: 9399992007.(HYMM/2021/C07565)

WANTED EXPERIENCED DiplomaHolders/ M.Tech In Civil EngineeringShould Also Haveexpertise InHandlingmep Projects With Minimum10Years Of Experience (Site AtAramgharkatedan). CandidateShould Speak In Hindi English&Telugu- Canmailresume Tomapmyprope r t i es@gma i l . comContact 040-23312183.(HYMM/2021/C06807)

WANTED CIVIL Tender Estimator,Planning Engg, Billing Engg,Foreman, Site Engg (BBS), Stores,Safety. [email protected],[email protected]. Mob:9491668798 (HYCL/2021/C03112)

URGENT MALE/ FemaleMechanical Graduate Engineer forFast Growing Organisation-Sanathnagar For Autocad/Business Executive/ Front Office/Preference Given to GoodCommunication Skills in English.Experience 0-2. Mail Your Resume:g g m e n e r g y @ g m a i l . c o mPh:8498054613/11, 040-29562537.(HYCL/2021/C02573)

REQUIRED DIPLOMA or B.TechCivil Engineer Experience Personalso Compulsory Computerknowledge and Total StationSurvey Experience Sendresume: [email protected] h : 9 9 0 8 5 9 5 6 6 7(HYMM/2021/C07556)

WANTED LADY Electrical Engineer(B.Tech) With 2Years Experience ForOffice Work. Pioneer Engineers,Secunderabad. Ph:7673902510/ 040-40214795 (HYMM/2021/C07557)

✔DESIGNER AND ProductionManager at Designer Boutique

Banjara Hills. 8008000707V R P I T A R A @ G M A I L . C O M(HYMM/2021/C07552)

✔WANTED LADY ComputerGraduate apply with two

Photographs and Biodata to RaamaB-9, Vikrampuri, near KFC, RoadNo.4, Gate No.4, near Karkhana,Secunderabad. Ph:9849899000.Email:[email protected](S/2021/IC00187)

BDS/ MDS Doctors and computeroperator, receptionist required at Dr.Seenu Naik Dental Hospital,Nizamabad. Cont.: 7799050505,9440195525 (W/2021/AT001196)

RESTAURANT AT Ameerpet RequireChinese continental head chef,assistant, juice shakes maker, cashier,sales persons, housekeepingsalary as per eligibility.8978600093.(HYMM/2021/IC0282)

WANTED TANDOOR indian shwarmajuce tiffin masters and driver for runninghotel Gachibowli contact: 7039899999(HYMM/2021/C07594)

WE ARE Hiring AdministrativeAssistant must be 20 Years Old andable to Perform Basis Administrativeand other Duties Assigned. CoordinateMail Distribution and Orders. ReportDaily Activity. Strong Verbal/ WrittenEnglish Communication Skills andProficiency with Microsoft Office.Send Your Resumes/ CV to:[email protected] or Contact:7075943331. (HYCL/2021/C03042)

WANTED OFFICE Assistant Femalefor Educational Academy @Mehdipatnam With MS-Office, Fluencyin English/ Telugu/ Hindi.Ph:9640180124. (HYCL/2021/C03082)

URGENTLY REQUIRED: Female HRExecutive for eZone Staffing. Candidatesmust have good communication skills,experience in US staffing company. Officelocated in L.B.Nagar. Ph:9032322547,h r @ e z o n e s t a f f i n g . c o m(HYCL/2021/C03111)

WANTED FEMALE Administrator,Qualification: Graduate, handsomesalary, (Part/ Full-time) for SameerHospital at Mehdipatnam, Opp: AndhraBank, Asif Nagar Road. Contact:9246549091. (HYMM/2021/C07152)

✔REQUIRED EXPERIENCED HRManager for Karnool Ramesh

Hospitals. Contact: 9440225328.(S/2021/C02313)

WANTED JR/EXPERIENCEDAdvocates for Representing Cases anddrafting for Civil, Criminal Courts andHigh Court. Salary 10-45K. Apply:v l awassoc ia tes999@gma i l . com(HYMM/2021/C07561)

REQUIRED ADVOCATES with GoodSkills in Civil Cases for a ReputedOffice at Suchitra Circle, Secundrabad.Attractive Remuneration. Contact:9848362904. (HYCL/2021/C03065)

✔LAW OFFICER, Legal Assistant,Computer operator having

knowledge &experience asassistance, Minimum 5yearsexperience essential. Candidateshaving own vehicle, Good English,pleasing personality, hardworking,Secunderabad residing 9399992007.(HYMM/2021/C07564)

RUKMINI COLLEGE of Managementand Commerce affiliated to OsmaniaUniversity applications are invited fromeligible candidates for the followingpositions Lecturers in: Commerce,Computer Science, Accounts,Taxation, English. Eligiblity P.G. with55% marks &above email:ca reersa tcogn izan t@gmai l . comPh:040-66462244, 040-64562244,9390385209. add: lane beside AnilTrading, opp. Big Bazar, Ameerpet,Hyderabad (HYMM/2021/C07449)

WANTED PART/ Full Time Lecturersfor English, Computers, Commerce,Nutrition, Statistics, Chemistry, LabAssistants, Librarian &Receptionist.Send Resume to:[email protected] Director,Pragathi Women’s Degree College,Vivekanandanagar, Kukatpally.Ph:040-23065702, 9849500392.(HYCL/2021/C03003)

WANTED CIVICS, Statics, CommerceComputer Science MathsEnglish & Other Subject Lecturersto Teach Inter & Degree.S h a m s h a b a d . P h : 9 9 5 1 9 5 5 5 5 9 /7730011677. (HYCL/2021/C03004)

WANTED LECTURERS in Statistics,Computers, Commerce, Management,English, Sanskrit, Comp.labAssistant with hardware knowledge.Send Resume to:siddar [email protected],immediately notify walk-in Interview.Contact: Director, Siddartha DegreeCollege (Co-Ed), Ameerpet, Ph:040-23756755,56, 9396656056.(HYCL/2021/C03036)

WANTED EXPERIENCED Lecturers inthe fields of Management, Commerce,Computers and Life Sciences,Accounting, GST, JAVA, AI &Telecaller’s. Ph:9100891555. NewScience College, Ameerpet.(HYCL/2021/C03110)

REQUIRED SENIOR and JuniorLecturers- Physics & Zoology forresidential junior college at Vikarabad.Candidates with minimum 5 to 10 yearsof experience in IPE, Mains & NEETCompetitive Exam preferred. Candidatewith proficiency in EnglishCommunication & Management Skills.Attractive salary & Perks offered. MailCV: [email protected] Ph:9652699811.(B/2021/C01084)

WANTED MANAGER/ Accountantwith minimum experience for abusiness center in Begumpet area.Please contact: 9851117500.(HYMM/2021/C07452)

REQUIRE FINANCE Manager atReputed Construction Company WithPrimavera Knowledge. MBA WithMinimum 5Years ExperienceNeeded. Contact: 9000654411e a p l g r o u p 9 @ g m a i l . c o m(HYMM/2021/C07224)

✔WANTED STORE MANAGER in areputed supermarket with a work

experience of 5-10 years in Hyderabad.Salary up to 35000. Call:7386645506(HYMM/2021/C07436)

REQUIRED EXPERIENCED SalesManagers, Real Estate Company, 25K,Salary+ Incentives and Bonus, Male &female, Contact: 9948070581,7799983839. (HYCL/2021/C03043)

WANTED HR Manager in F&B Field.Mail id: [email protected](HYCL/2021/C03068)

WANTED ACTIVE & Good LookingLady Telecalling Come BranchManager & Motivation Skills.Salary 30K Ph:6309732999.(HYCL/2021/C03128)

WANTED CEO for packers andmovers company Graduate minimum 7to 8years Experience H Q Hyderabadsalary as per industry Email:g r e a t r e l o c a t o r s @ g m a i l . c o m(HYMM/2021/C07183)





































WANTED MANAGER for 34 Villas atMadhapur with Minimum 5YearsExperience, Age Around 35Yrs. PleaseSend Resume With Photo to:[email protected] Salary: 30000 ForSuitable Candidate Ph:9347968390(HYMM/2021/C07596)

ASSISTANT MANAGER Operations.Persons having sound Knowledge inMS Word with atleast 10 yearsexperience, Apply Complete Bio-dataExpected Salary email:[email protected] (W/2021/AT001160)

WANTED EXPERIENCEDGynaecologist, Paediatricians, LadyDMO’s, Physician, Sisters. VivekHospital, Saidabad main Road,Saidabad. Please Contact: Dr.KrishnaReddy 9246566988, 8885816167.(HYCL/2021/C03046)

URGENTLY REQUIRED Nurses(GNM/ B.Sc) OP/ IP-TPA Billing,Housekeeping (M/F), SecurityPersonal. Qualified staff with Hospitalexperience & Interested candidates arerequired to send their CV’s to Email:[email protected] OR call onPh:9390538368. (HYCL/2021/C02946)

WANTED MBBS Doctors to work inChattisgarh Municipal CorporationMMU’s Salary 70k Negotiable&Accommodation Terms &ConditionsApply. Contact: 9440048509, Mr.Satish,Project Head (HYMM/2021/C07400)

WANTED URGENT Staff Nurses(GNM/ B.Sc), Pharmacist andReceptionist for Preeti Urology &KidneyHospitals, KPHB. Email:p r e e t i h o s p i t a l h r @ g m a i l . c o mPh:9959929256, 7981343832(HYMM/2021/C07429)

DMO’S WANTED in Rural Areas 100Kms from L.B.Nagar. Contact:6309138488. (HYCL/2021/C03048)

WANTED PHARMACIST For OldAlwal Store of India’s leading GenericPharmacy Chain. B.Pharm/ D.Pharmwith 0- 5years experience.Ph:8106944559. (HYCL/2021/C03058)

FEMALE DENTAL Surgeon MDS/BDS with minimum 2years experienceneeded for Dental Clinic at Jubilee Hills,Road No.72. Contact: 9000721111.(HYCL/2021/C03061)

WANTED DOCTORS. M.S.Gen.Surgeon& Laparoscopic, M.S. ENT,M.S.Ortho, Cardiologyst (PGDCC)New Hope Hospital, Khammam,7993670517, 9705930942.(HYMM/2021/C07567)

WANTED LAB/ Xray technicians,nursing staff, mktg mngr/executivesRadiologists, Physicians, Urologist,cardilogist. G.M. Diagnostics Motinagar,Kukatpally. Ph.9848096359,9494496111. (HYMM/2021/C06379)

WANTED MD, DM Nuro physician andMD Gen. Physician Doctors to work atNizamabad attractive pay andallowance. Vedansh HospitalNizamabad 9010177747(R/2021/C00021)

MD GENERAL Physician and MBBSDoctors wanted for running Hospital inTandur, Vikarabad Dist. 8341462928/8019550108 (HYMM/2021/C07193)

WANTED FEMALE MBBS DGO/ MSfull time/ part time, Female MBBSRMO for a running hospital inTukkuguda. Freshers can also apply9010399454 (HYMM/2021/C07120)

WANTED DOCTORS DMRD or M.DRadiologist to work in ScanningCenter in Metapally. ContactNo.9440071004, 9848276434.(S/2021/C02442)

URGENTLY REQUIRED Marketingteam/ Executives, Receptionist/ PRO’s,Billing managers, Cash/ Corporate,financial Counselors. Nikhil Hospital.Dilsukhnagar, Srinagar colony.Ph:9989801784/ 9948262231.(A/2021/C00632)

URGENTLY WANTED Radiologists(part time/ fulltime), experiencedReceptionists, Lab Technicians andNurses at Langer Houz and Attapur.Contact: 8297081558, 9849090378(HYCL/2021/C03095)

A LEADING Construction CompanyRequires Freshers/ Experienced Male/Female, GM,AGM, Sales/ MarketingManagers, Team Leaders PropertyAdvisors, Tele Callers, Site Engineers,Salary (Min.20,000/- to 50,000/-PM)+2% Commission. On sale value, forReal Estate &Constructions Com. officeat ECIL Ph:9100995553, 9100887772,9121022275, Interviews on Sat to Sunfrom 10am to 6pm.(HYMM/2021/C07241)

FULL TIME Housemaid/ Nanny Job inQatar:for a Muslim Female cooking&expert in babysitting& child care skillsfor a Hyderabadi family in Qatar.knowledge of household, able tospeak& understand English& Urduwell& have good previous experience.Good salary, accommodation& food provided with extra perks/benefits. Ph:+919100551860,+918367717861, W/A+85261033057.(HYCL/2021/C02867)

STAR HOMEOPATHY, CorporateClinic Requires Team Leaders No-5,Call Center Executives No-30, FrontDesk Officers No-5, for Telugu&Kannada process. And DigitalMarketing No-3, Age upto 35yrs. Walk-in Interviews Daily at SecunderabadCorporate Office. Timing:10am-04pm.Call: 7680821188. Send Resume to:[email protected] (HYCL/2021/C03008)

URGENTLY REQUIRED Receptionist,Sales Executives, Experience PhotoShop Worker’s, Office Boy@Shakti Digipress, Chikkadpally.Ph:9246526800, 9885672435.(HYCL/2021/C03071)

REQUIRED SR Accountant, Sr CivilEngg, QS and planning, QA/QCEngineer for Compass Engineering.Ph:8019810999, 9959611474(HYCL/2021/C03073)

URGENTLY REQUIRED UltrasoundTechnician and Typists, front officeexecutives (Female) for Diagnostic inHyderabad Contact Number:9700634690 (HYCL/2021/C03103)

WANTED NUTRITION & commerceLecturer and also floor incharge cumlibrarian for a reputed junior and degreecollege at shaheen NagarChandrayangutta Hyd Ph:9121013629(HYCL/2021/C03107)

REDDY LABS Require Sales manager/officer experience in FMGC industry.BSC Graduates Microbiology/chemist(BA/ B.Com) with computer knowledgePlotNo.A7, IDA, Moula Ali. Contact:9441887082 (HYMM/2021/C07015)

REQUIRE “FOOD technologist forbakery division, degree/ diploma in foodtechnology, with minimum oftwo years of experience Gmail:[email protected] Contactno 9246342148 (HYMM/2021/C07239)

✔TELANGANA MEDIA englishpaper urgently required

experience page layout designers.subeditors video editors cum graphicdesigners. Web desiner reporters in allover telangana and hyderabad femaleoffice incharge cum personal secretary.Marketing team house keeping boysare ladies call. 09390022214.09032722214 office sr nagar(HYMM/2021/IC0286)

A LEADING insurance brokingcompany requires graduates to Work intheir corporate office located onRajbhavan road. Walk interviews on 1stMarch. Ph:7993816111, 9100089689.(HYCL/2021/C03009)

AN ISO Certified Facility ManagementOrganization Required SeniorManagers, Facility Managers and SalesProfessionals having experience inFacilities segment. Contact:9989806121. (HYCL/2021/C03012)

IMMEDIATE OPENING for DomesticVoice Process. Cafe Desire, GlobalVending Brand is hiring Tele callers.Requirements: Good communicationskills, Fluency in English, Hindi and anyone regional language, BasicComputer Knowledge, Agebelow 25years, Location:Hyderabad. Call:9676304007Freshers can also apply. EmailCV’s to [email protected](HYMM/2021/C07422)

WANTED TELECALLER/ Executiveswith Good Communication Skills forReal Estate Business. Salary not aConstraint for Right Candidate.Attractive Incentives. 9642563133(HYMM/2021/C07466)

WANTED OPERATOR & Helpers Forfully Automatic Bag Making Machine atHyderabad. Qualification: 10th/ Degree.Salary: Rs.12,000- Rs.15,000.Ph:9963784311, 9848484249.(HYCL/2021/C03055)

WANTED RECEPTIONIST,Telecallers, Manager, MarketingExecutives (M/F) at Tarnaka office.Good salary. Ph:7569777191(HYMM/2021/C07626)

WANTED SALE boys /girls/ cashierand store manager for Super Market inSuncity Jeedimetla.Contact:-9666286304/ 9849593661(HYMM/2021/C07625)

REQUIRED EXPERIENCED FacultyFor C, C++, Java Python &WebTechnologies For A Computer TrainingInstitute in Mehdipatnam.Call:9985153068/ 8142320923.(HYMM/2021/C07386)

WANTED 1.SALES Manager,Automobiles experience mandatory,2.Sales Executives, 3.Telecallers4.Service Advisors, 5.Mechanics/Technicians For Deccan Bajaj R.P.Road&Mettuguda, Secunderabad.9652600073 (HYMM/2021/C07080)

WANTED ELECTRICAL EngineerExp. with Maintenance Dept. &Sr.Accountant for Classic Pavers andTiles, IDA Nacharam. Contact:9948553964/ 8008675959.(S/2021/C02502)

WANTED SITE Incharge with 6-10yrsexperience in Real Estate Sector (FarmPlots with Sandalwood Plantationmaintenance). Must be able to leadteam &independently get the job donefrom the civil workmen. ContactPh:9618995385, Email:[email protected]. Walk-ins from Mon-Sat (10.00am-6.00pm).(HYCL/2021/C02957)

URGENT REQUIREMENT forWaterproofing Company as SiteSupervisor 1-2 Yrs Exp Sal 14KCompany Name PVP Enterprises.Send Resumes To Email:pvpenterpr ises2017@gmail .com.Contact: 9885354285(HYCL/2021/C03030)

WALK-IN INTERVIEW PRO’s Male/Female Required for Arka Internationalschool. Date: 28/02/2021. Time: 09AMto 1PM, H.No: 23-4-89/90, Near B.NReddy Nagar, Almasguda, Balapur (M),Ranga Reddy District-500058.Ph:91-6309926664/ 040-29888881.a r k a s c h o o l 2 0 1 8 @ g m a i l . c o m(HYCL/2021/C03006)

✔LOOKING FOR experienced USIT Recruiters/ Sales Manager

with good experience of 5-6 years inmarketing. Please send yourresumes: [email protected]: 919618728211.(HYMM/2021/C07536)

LOOKING FOR English and Telugucontent writers for our news andentertainment website. Bothfreshers and experienced can apply.Interested candidates can send theirresumes to [email protected](S/2021/C02312)

REQUIRED PURCHASE Officer with5+ years of experience for ModularFurniture and Kitchens manufacturingunit at Hyderabad. Relevant candidatesapply. Contact: 9010252680,Email: [email protected](W/2021/AT001136)

REQUIRED BACK end staff ( M/F) atSAMSUNG services, Gachibowli,Salary 12K to 15K. Age 30Yrs Below,able to speak Telugu, Hindi& Ms-officeknowledge. ph:9849253502,9985341264 (HYMM/2021/C07340)

WANTED FEMALE telecallers/Receptionist Qualyfication: Degree,must computer knowledge, Goodloking, Fluent in English/ hindi @madinaguda 9652785555/ 8008236666(HYMM/2021/C07559)

WANTED FEMALETELI counsellor,@Banjarahills, Exp 3+yrs must,Languages known Telugu Hindi EnglishSalary upto 25k+incentives ph9392084476, 9490751665(W/2021/AT001187)

WANTED FRESHERS/ ExperiencedStenographers/ Typists for drafting forCivil, Criminal Courts and HighCourt. Salary10 to 45K. Applyv lawassoc ia tes999@gma i l . com(HYMM/2021/C07568)

LADY TEACHERS for all Classes from6th to 10th classes. For All Subjects.St.Aloysius High School Chaitanyapuri.Ph:9347624861/ 9392929191(HYMM/2021/C07391)

SRI SARASWATHI Vidhya MandirRequired Teachers to Teach Primary&High School, For All Subjects EnglishMedium, Accountant With ComputerKnowledge Contact: 040-23748736/8297444406. Kesavnagar(HYCL/2021/C02976)

REQUIRED A Senior ComputerScience Faculty Capable of Teaching.UG & PG Salary Negotiable,ShantiNiketan Women College,Erragadda, Hyderabad [email protected](HYCL/2021/C03084)

REPUTED SCHOOL in Miyapurlooking for Maths, Social, English, 6-10th Grade& Pre-primary Teachers,Immediately. BEd, MEd and previousExperience is an advantage. Daycarestaff also required. Only Female Staff.Ph:9701511567. (HYCL/2021/C03013)

WANTED WELL& ExperiencedTeachers Immediately to Teach FromNursery to 10th Classes. Salary: FromRs.10K to Rs.18K Contact@Sanathnagar, Begumpet Branches ofSri Vishwa Bharathi High School:9490453777, 8008178085. Pls PostYour Resumes @[email protected] Walk-inInterviews: 10:00AM to 3:00PM(HYCL/2021/C03014)

JOHNSON GRAMMAR School, ICSEMallapur requires- TGT/ PGT with2years experience at Primary & MiddleSchool English (B.A.& M.A. in English),Science, Maths & Social; 2).PhysicalEducation Teacher; 3).History; 4).PGTwith 5years experience in an ISCSchool to teach Psychology. Mail to:jgsen io rschoo l i cse@gmai l . com.Ph:7661046622/ 33.(HYCL/2021/C03056)

WANTED FEMALE Teachers for HighSchool subjects. Urgent requirementJust walk in at Amida EdutechMadhapur Mob: 9951188970(HYMM/2021/C07427)

KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA No.2 Uppal,Hyderabad-39. For preparing acommon panel of Part-time ContractualTeachers for 2021-22 for the posts PRT,TGT(English), PGT (Hindi, ComputerScience), Vocational Courses, Coaches(Yoga/Taekwondo), ComputerInstructor & Educational Counsellor.Interviews will be held at KV2Uppal on 09/03/2021 from9:00AM onwards. For Registrationvisit,

WANTED EXPERIENCED andQualified Teachers (Graduate/ Post-graduate with B.Ed) with fluency inEnglish for a reputed higher secondaryschool in Mehdipatnam, following statesyllabus. Call/ Whatsapp: 9989800250.(HYMM/2021/C07408)

REQUIRED TEACHERS (Female only)who can handle classes LKG &UKG,Class 1 to 6 Telugu, English &Social,Class 7 to 10 Hindi& Class 4 to 10Computers for a School at PadmaraoNagar within 5kms distance. Fresherscan also apply. Forward your resume tos a n k a rav i d ya l aya 8 @ g m a i l . c o m(HYMM/2021/C07532)

WANTED EXPTEACHERS for HighSchool English-3posts, Telugu-2,Maths-2, Social-2, Phy&Bio Science-3, &Academic Inchargers, Fluency inEnglish is must. Cont:St Johns HighSchool, Bharat Nagar, Ramanthapur.Ph:9154818287 (B.O)Jaipuri Colony,Bandlaguda, Nagole.Ph:9550665246& Sri Chaitanya ETechno School, Indu Aranya:Ph:9154372693. &Hari Hara School,Arunodaya Colony, Nagole.7386739198. (HYMM/2021/C07558)

EXPERIENCED TEACHERS to TeachAll Subjects for Higher Classes forSchool in Sainikpuri, Sec-bad. Alsowanted Prinicipal and VicePrincipal. Contact: 9247263145(HYMM/2021/C07595)

WANTED TEACHERS For Classes Vto X all Subjects (EM) For St.marksSchool East Marredpally,Secunderabad. Ph:9553296845/8885088044. (HYMM/2021/C07446)

✔WANTED TEACHERS Pre-Primary To High School,

Co-Curricular Teachers Degree OrPG With B.Ed Minimum 5years OfTeaching Experience In CBSESchools. Oasis Schools, Raidurg&Shamshabad. Email ID:[email protected], Website: oasisschoolonline.inAdmissions Are Open 2021-22.Contact: 8125874556, 8125240950(HYMM/2021/C07509)

REQUIRED HOME Tutor English WithGrammar Telugu &Social For 4th &10thClasses SSC English Medium 6Days AWeek From 2:Pm To 5:PmNear Vijaynagar Colony IntrestedCan Call:9848014835(HYMM/2021/C07611)

✔QUALIFIED/ EXPERIENCEDteachers wanted/ nursery to x

classes/ part time/ full time/ onlineclasses. contact SGB high schoolcheckpost yousufguda,, 6304234822.(HYMM/2021/C07461)

REPUTED SCHOOL in Secunderabadrequired Teachers very good in Englishand Hindi pundits for classes fromprimary to High School.Ph:9866620114. (S/2021/C02320)

REQUIRED TRAINED SeniorExperienced Graduate/ Post Graduatelady teachers to teach Science,English, Social, Hindi & Computers forhigher classes for Alkapur branch.Attractive Salary offered. Contact withtestimonials. Azra Public School,Asifnagar, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad.Ph:23530453, Cell 7288888281.Email: [email protected](B/2021/C01032)

GITANJALI SCHOOL Primary,Begumpet (ICSE) requires foryear2021-22 trained B.Ed. and2+years experienced excellentEnglish communication 1) primarymother teacher grade1, 2)English&Social Studies grade5 3)English&Science grade6, 4)Part-timecomputers grade 3-6 5)Part time Telugu grades 1-6walk-in interview 9393418425careers@

GITANJALI SCHOOL Senior,Begumpet (ICSE/ISC) requires foryear2021-22 trained B.Ed. 2+ yearsexperienced teachers 1)Physics&Chemistry middle school,2)English middle school3)Commerce &Business StudiesISC/College level walk-ininterview 9032540789careers@gitanjal

GITANJALI DEVAKUL VVnagarKukatpally CBSE requires forYear2021-22 trained B.Ed. 2+yearsexperienced Primary mother teachergrade2, qualified librarian.walk-in interview 9705698155o f f i c e @ g i t a n j a l i d eva k u l . c o m(W/2021/AT001157)

GITANJALI VEDIKA School, Narsingirequires for year2021-22 trainedB.Ed. 2+years experienced teachersfor 1)Pre-primary PPT 2)Class1-2 &Cambridge motherteachers 3)Music, Art teachers4)Librarian 9553165316o f f i c e @ g i t a n j a l i v e d i k a . c o m(W/2021/AT001158)

WANTED URGENTLY trained ladyteachers for primary classes andPhysics/ Chemistry/ Biology for VI - Xstd. English fluency must. Geeta HighSchool, Alwal. 9948873748 /9949179264. (W/2021/AT001175)

WANTED LADY Teachers to teachTelugu for VIII to X Classes. English,Hindi, Maths, Science, Social for VI toVIII Classes. Contact Personally withBiodata Cambridge High School,Karanbagh, Saidabad Hyderabad.Between 11am and 2pmPh:24150053, 24150054, 9490666846,9573222266. (B/2021/C01058)

✔WANTED DYNAMIC Principalsskilled Teachers of High School

for all the subjects (Min. qualificationB.ed. must) . Pre-Primary, Primarytrained teachers, P.E.T. and Admin.Immediate recruitment NewHafeezpet 9652166684/ 85,Chandanagar 9652166611/ 22,Attapur 9652166681/ 91.(W/2021/AT001178)

KVCRPF, BARKAS, HYD-5. EligibleCandidates may attend Walk-in-interview on 04.03.2021 from 8.30am to02.00pm in the Vidyalaya for engagingall PGTs, TGTs, PRTs, ComputerInstructors & DEO, Sports, Coaches andCounselors, Purely on Contractual basisfor the session 2021-22. For furtherdetails visit our Vidyalaya Notice Boardand Website:

✔WANTED EXPERIENCED ladyTeachers fluent in English to

teach Science for Upper Primary andHigher Classes. Contact immediatelyPrincipal St.Little Theresa’s HighSchool, Sharadanagar, Safilguda,Malkajgiri, Secunderabad.Ph:9866114716. (S/2021/C02469)

SAI MODEL High School, OldBowenpally, Secunderabad requiresHigh School Teachers for Mathematics,Social Biology, Part-Time and FullTime. Contact: 9948487626.(S/2021/C02468)

CBSE SCHOOLS, Chandanagar,Shamshergunj, Dilsukhnagar is lookingfor young & passionate educators(Female) as our Team Member. TGT &PRT for all subjects, PGT (English,Economics, Accountancy, BusinessStudies, Informatics Practices. RequireAdmission Counselor, AccountsCoordinator, Office Assistant.Send resume with Photoon [email protected]@yahoo.comPh:9246246406, 7680804567,8464001100. (B/2021/C01087)

WANTED EXPERIENCED TeachersPhysics, Biology, Maths, English,Social. Salary 20k plus. Pre-Primaryteachers. English Union High School,Kavadiguda, Hyderabad. Contact9849546713. (S/2021/C02500)

TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY Havecontact with defence organisation fordesign and development of sheet metalprogressive compound dies &all kindsof jigs and fixtures. I have 55years oftechnical experience have successfullydeveloped many critical components forsome companies in BalanagarIndustrial Area for defenceOrganization. Gopalan: 9618654148(HYMM/2021/C07555)

DIPLOMA/ITI AS Operators AndTechnicians For Solar ModuleManufacturing Unit, NearShamshabad. Expertise: Tabber AndStringer, Bussing, Layup, Pre EL,Testing, Packing &Quality.Ph:7032297171. (HYCL/2021/C03127)

SOLAR (PV) Design/ Project/Business Development engineerswith engineering degree/ diploma2/3years experience for a startup.Excellent professional atmosphere,learning, growth for rightcandidates; office at Secunderabad.Powertheme Renewables; SMS/whats app:9849023100(HYMM/2021/C07361)

WANTED FITTER, drilling MachineOperator for Bore-well button-bitmanufacturing company in Hyderabad.Good salary for experienceOperator. Contact: 9440048236.(S/2021/C02373)

DATA COLLECTION from SCADAequipment in Hyderabad city area.Eligibility: Diploma/ ITI candidates(Electrical). Salary: around 15K. Email:[email protected] Ph:9440480345.(A/2021/C00612)

CUSTOMER SERVICERepresentative Wanted.Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree orMore. Fluency with English:If you arenot Fluent, don’t bother wasting ourtime &your time. ComputerHardware Knowledge, PC OperatingSystem Basic Knowledge.Experience with US basedcustomers Mandatory. You will beworking night shifts US EasternTime. Send Resume:h r @ w f m t e c h n o l o g i e s . c o m .Ph:9618811192. (S/2021/IC00192)

WANTED HYDRAULIC Technician, Liftelevator technician, Material Handling,Diesel Mechanic, Crane Operator,Helpers, Works at Patancheru.Ph:9849014902. (A/2021/C00631)

WANTED MMI Qualified Home Tutorfor Nursery Grade Mon-Sat Contact:7330655571 (HYCL/2021/C03115)

✔COMPUTER OPERATOR withExcellent commn skill in English

Hindi min exp 2to3 yrs salary range12000-18000 Contact no9391043059 (W/2021/AT001169)

HAVING 25 years of experience inHospital and Office fields, HR & Admin/Facilities and Maintenance. Pleasecontact Francis 9908191152.(S/2021/C02433)

VIDIKA BRAHAMAN, Kashibagothram, 35, 5’4” Inter Boy, business,wanted Girl. We pay marriageexpenses. No Brokers/ Bureaus.Ph:9989132047/ 9515471400.(S/2021/C02318)

HINDU BC Veg Age 55 Hight 5.6”Business Hyderabad Wants W/D WellSettled Broud Minds Only NoBrokers Call: 9550982269(HYMM/2021/C07615)

SUNNI MUSLIM boy 30yrs, 5’11”, fair,handsome Australian PR holder,divorcee in one month, Seeksunmarried girl v.fair, 22yrs, ht:5-7”,slim, P.graduate from decentfamily. Ph:9700936786.(HYMM/2021/C07211)

NRI/SM PARENTS invite alliance fortheir son 28yrs, Ht:5’9”, MS(Australia),working as Data Analytic Consultant inMelbourne holding Australian PR seekingfor fair& beautiful professionally qualifiedgirl below 26yrs, minimum 5’3” from adecent family. Please forward CV/Biodatawith recent photos on whatsapp: 00968-92279480 or email:[email protected] Ph:7702039426.(HYMM/2021/C07541)

SM BOY age 31years, ht 5.11, very fairhandsome, M.Tech structures wellsettled in Qatar seeks alliance with Girl,MBBS, MD, BDS, Engineers, verybeautiful, from a well respected andreligious family, Ph:9985853875,9573783704,[email protected] (HYMM/2021/C07623)

AYESHA MARRIAGES (WorkingGrooms) 28/ 5’11” ME Prakasham. 28/5’9” B.Com CIA Nellore. 26/ 5’10” B.TechVijayawada. 28/ 5’7” M.Tech Guntur. 28/5’9” M.Tech Anantapur. 29/ 5’8” B.EVishakapatnam. 29/ 5’8” B.Tech Kurnool.30/ 5’10” BE Kadapa. 30/ 5’8” B.TechEluru. 30/ 5’8” B.Tech Guntur. SeekingSuitable Brides. Ph:9392420344.Whatsapp. (B/2021/IC00098)

SMP INVITES alliance Son 32 years(RMP Doctor). Well settled. LookingBeautiful girl from good family &working also. Ph:9966650543Whatsapp (S/2021/C02337)

ANDHRA SUNNIMUSLIM seekingalliance for their Son 30-5.6 ,B.Tech,working @Bangalore, looking forB.Tech, Bride. Contact:9866901525, 8985884782,Mail: [email protected](VZ/2021/C00007)

SMP INVITE alliance for their SonB.Tech ECE, 27 yrs, Ht 5’9” fair,handsome, Co Owner of PvtConstruction Company. Girl should bevery fair, Ht 5’4” & above, Age 21- 24yrs with sharp features. Any Bachelorsfrom New City only. Please Contactbetween 12pm to 5pm only.Ph:9985291276. (B/2021/C01066)

RAYALASEEMA SM Parents settled inHyderabad invite alliance for handsomeSon 1983 Born, 5’11” (Divorce/ NoIssues) MBA (HR) Founder+ ManagingDirector Own Consultancy CompanySeeks Engineer/ PG Unmarried,Divorce, Beautiful Girl from Andhra/Rayalaseema Family. Ph:9030855437.(B/2021/IC00113)

ENGINEERING BOY very very urgentSunni Muslim parents invite alliance fortheir Son aged 30 yrs, well settled,software eningeer. Height 5-8, very fair,looking for Professional Graduate ageupto 25 yrs, Ph:9502011635.Email: [email protected](B/2021/C01083)

B.TECH-IT, SAUDI Arabia, FamilyVisa, Well Settled Alhaj Boy age:31,ht:5’-7”, Seeks religious, deendar,educated family girl. Note: Boy isleaving with 1st wife only 25 days, afterthat no relationship with her, no issuesfrom boy. C/W: 9618809760(HYCL/2021/C03101)

MY AGE Exact 56yrs ProfessionArchitect Private Construction worksHeight-5’10’’ Colour Fair EducatedGroom Require, Divorcee Widow Brideage shouldbe 48-55years. InterestedPerson can Contact: 7731828195(HYCL/2021/C03123)

TAMIL SOLIA Vellalar (Pillay) Briderequired age upto 31 years from TamilPillay/ Mudliar. Boy (B.Tech) 32 years-self employed at Hyderabad.Ph:9701370269, 9959556605.(S/2021/C02339)

GOVT JOB Bride, 46years, LateMarriage, Christian Mala, Upper MiddleClass Family. Wanted Suitable Groom.Contact Matrimony Consultant6304826162 (HYMM/2021/C06996)

FAIR, SLIM 26, 5’3”, working ADPSeeks Protestant born-again believer27-30, with good job. Whatsapp Photo& Biodata: 9490166468.(A/2021/C00629)

S.M (AHLE Hadees) Parents InviteAlliance for Daughter’s SecondMarriage, Beautiful age 34yrs 5’2”, Veryfair, Intermediate/Alima, Husbanddemise (2 Daughters& 1 son) seekingwell Settled Groom in India/ AbroadContact: 9000596006/ 9394035759.(HYCL/2021/C02944)

ALLIANCE FOR daughter 29y’ 5’.5”MBA looking for groom settledin India 9490261147(HYMM/2021/C07035)

SUNNI MUSLIM parents seeks Groomfor daughter age 23yrs, 5’5”, B.Tech,Telangana Govt. Job, preferredLecturers & Engineers.W/A:9494242182/ 9866353407.(HYMM/2021/C07538)

SMP INVITES alliances for theirdaughter MBBS pursuing MD (Osm.)1992, height 5.2, fair religious hijabi,looking MBBS MS MD DNB or anymaster degree from well settled boy inHyderabad. Not from any other countryor state. Whatsapp: 8686130547, Callon 9346545022. (HYMM/2021/C07540)

SM PARENTS invite alliance for V.Fairbeautiful daughter 28, 5’3”, BEpursuing MBA 1st year seeking BE/M.Tech/ MS/ MBA boy working in India/Abroad or well settled business. (Earlymarriage preferred) Ph:8885579001/9849258377. (S/2021/IC00170)

ANDHRA SM Parents settled inHyderabad invite alliance for daughter1994, 5’4”, V.Fair M.Arch (InteriorDesigner) seeking M.Tech/ MS/ BE boyworking in India/ Abroad from Andhra/Rayalaseema family. Ph:7093190402/9849655913. (S/2021/IC00171)

RAYALSEEMA SM Syed Family invitealliance for their very fair beautifuldaughter 28, 5’7” MBA Religious,Seeking Engineer/ Post Graduate Boyworking in India/ Abroad from decent,educated family (Most Urgent)Ph:7396712266, 9030855437.(B/2021/IC00112)

SMP SEEKS suitable Alliance for herDaughter (Late Marriage) age 42 veryfair, tall, beautiful, PG. Grooms ageshould not be more than 48.Ph:8367049077. (B/2021/C01055)

RSM FAMILY settled in Hyderabad,Looking for Boy: Girl working in Saudias Teacher MA, B.Ed, aged 37 yrs,height 5’3”. Looking for any PG orProfessional, No Second marriageproposal, Hyd settled family. NoAgents, Send Biodata, Photosto: [email protected](A/2021/C00616)

I, SM my age Exact 46yrs WidowQly:B.Com Colour Fair having 2sons,1daughter Require Educated settledAbroad & India Groom Age shouldbe55yrs. Interested PersonsCan Contact: 9640901220.(HYCL/2021/C03121)

CHRISTIAN: BRIDE &GroomWanted:M.Tech, Ph.D, Doctorate inComputer Engineering, 5’4” 1986born Mala, Fair Girl from richbackground wanted Civil ServiceOfficers/Group One Officers Groomin Gowernment. 1984 born Mala Fair,5’10” M.Tech, Ph.D, Doctorate in BioTechnology boy from richbackground. Wanted Post GraduateMedical Doctor/Group One OfficerBride. Ph:7013382931.(S/2021/C02501)

ELITE MATRIMONY Services. Rich,Affluent Matches. Verified, GenuineProfiles. Trusted, Confidential, FastService. Ph:9347668696,Personalised Match Making byMatrimony

#SINCE-1993. THE Most TrustedMuslim Matrimonial Service withThousand’s of Success Storie’s. wehave Verified Profiles ofBusinessman’s, Engineers, M.S,Doctor’s, Graduates and AlsoSecond-Marriages. From Hyderabad/Secunderabad/ Gulf/ Western.Whatsapp- “8686269636”.(HYMM/2021/C07312)

LORDS CHRISTIAN marriagebureau for all casts: Contact:Proprietor Benhur Vijay, 16No. Uppalbus-stop, Opp: Blue-sea Hotel behindtransformer 2ndfloor RezimentalBazar Secunderabad. 9542943017(HYMM/2021/C07430)

CONSULT SWAYAMVARAMMarriage Bureau for all your MarriageAlliances @31-382/14/4A, near FeverHospital, Nallakunta, Hyderabad-44.Ph:6309712052, 8464967126,7093980435. Join Today.(HYCL/2021/IC0029)

SINCE 1989 All Caste India, Abroad,Late Marriage, Inter-caste, North,South Indian Velupula Bikshapathi,Hyderabad. Ph:040-27619998,9849027778, 9347009998,9396617778. (S/2021/C02172)

WITH/ WITHOUT Income proof&Building permission plan, plot orHouse purchase/ construction/Mortgage/ NRI/Existing Industry. Withlatest 2yrs regd docts &Without oldlink docts, loan can be processed.Ultimate Fin’Ser’s, 9246578746(HYMM/2021/C07628)

LOAN FOR High Level Projects &Properties from 10Cr to 1000CrR.O.I @ 3.5% to 8% with feasibletenure. No prepayment.Ct:09884327792. Email:h i r i seven turess@gmai l . com(CHSD/2021/C00010)

✔FUNDS IN Crores for High valuebuilders projects Industries,

Corporate companies, businessgroups, purchase of propertis,Educational Institutions, Takeoverloans, No Processing Fee.Ramallingam Retd Banker-9176058736. (ADVIKA ADS)(S/2021/C02272)

✔SBI LIFE: Looking Sales Staff(M/F). Salary+Inc, p/f, work from

home. 30K-1L. Healthcard/ petrol free& Foreign Trips. VRS/CA/Housewives/ Teachers/Chitfund/ R.E &other insurancestaff. Ph:9885572912(HYMM/2021/C07431)

GEOLOGIST PH.D with 40+ years FieldExperience in ground water feasibilitysurveys. Contact 9866137044 or9347177958. (S/2021/C02186)

WANTED INVESTOR for our company.Good returns, 200% profit. Daily/weekly/ Monthly incomes. RequireDealers, Distributor for Alkaline waterpurifiers, Home appliances, Mobilesetc. 100% cash back offers available.Welcome MLM Leaders, Freelancers,Real Estate Agents for marketing.9390940959. (HYMM/2021/C07222)

VISIT TO Learn Victorious EarnRevolution In E-commerce History,legal Digital Structured platform, ToEarn Idepth Income With smart Phone.Convert Ur Free Time Into Currency.Free Trainings Call.7386547605,7893488936, 8341058679(HYMM/2021/C07527)

NEW OXYGEM Mineral water islooking for 20 liter water SupplyDistributors in Hyd near by yourarea. 6301854946, 9542666649.(HYMM/2021/C07554)

EARN DAILY thru Share market, RealEstate, Tourism, Media, Kirana,Chitfund etc. 7659977788(HYMM/2021/C07026)

EARN DAILY unlimited income withour membership cash back offer smallinvestment thru BankFDs, E-Commerce, Electronic gift items,Insurence policies, Sharemarket,Realestate, Tourism, Media, OTT,Films, Kirana, FMCG, Chitfund,Finance, Manymore fields like Crypto&Forex trading. Wanted franchises.7659977788/ 9502993856(HYMM/2021/C07470)

OFFER THIS week only Invest 10Lakhs& get 20Lakhs within 36 Months only inReal Estate 100% Legality, Guaranteewith ROI minimum Investment 10 to50Lakhs. Details contact: 9010594457.(HYCL/2021/C03022)

INVESTOR/ PARTNER Invest in ourPvt. Ltd. Company & get high return.Monthly, half yearly, yearly. Ph:040-23516035/ 9550656035.(HYCL/2021/C03059)

FEELING HARASSED by bankRecovery Agents? Stuck in debt? areyou looking for a debt free life, get ahelping hand to reduce the abuse fromcreditors, learn how to use yourresources and life energy to solve allthe financial problems. Ph:9603751061/8328074050. (HYCL/2021/C03125)

I HEREBY Declare, Change my OldName from Habeeb Begum W/o.HABEEB KHAN to HABIB BEGAMW/o.HABEEB KHAN R/o.9-4-5/5,Tolichowki, Hakeempet, Hyderabad-500008 (HYCL/2021/C03118)

COMPUTERS LAPTOPS Services:(@ your Doorstep Rs.200/-) TroubleShootings, Virus Cleaning, SoftwareInstallation, Printers, LCD/ LED. AllAccessories available. Ph:9949102118.(S/2021/C02488)

BEAUTIFUL DESIGN QualityConstruction, perfect execution, fromexcavation to complete Structure,brickwork, finishing, flooring, paintingfor your dream house, duplex,apartments on turnkey basis byProfessional Engineer- 9052279924.(HYMM/2021/C06923)

UNDERTAKEN BY 30yrs experienceengineer& architect construction workswith materials& without materialsalterations& renovations works oldbuilding dismantle works architectplanning works flat portions planningresidential& commercial complexplanning independent house planningfunction hall mosque plan+construction works. Ph:7730806155.(HYMM/2021/C07590)

MS CONSTRUCTION and Interiors. Weundertake, independent houses, villas,apartments all construction works &oldbuildings, flats renovation works alongwith materials. Architect planning, interiordesigning with vastu. Ph:9121352376.(HYMM/2021/C07539)

WE UNDERTAKE GHMC/HMDAbuilding permission works preparepermission plans& permissionproceedings with responsibilities forG+2, G+5 upper floors GHMCmutations assessment works,engineers, architect firm, license worksalso architect planning& constructionworks with 30yrs experienced, oldbuilding demolition. Contact:7730806155. (HYMM/2021/C07589)

ONLY 1350/- per sft. as per vasthu.quality material, well experiancedworkers. around secundrabad andhyderabad. Contact: 8074822259(HYMM/2021/C07549)

✔WE UNDERTAKE BuildingConstruction Contract with best

quality materials all over Hyderabad. Tata/Jindal TMT, Ultratech cement, river sand,Red Bricks,Teak wood doors &windows,Vitrified Tiles, Hindware sanitary,Aashirvaad Cpvc pipes, Best ElectricalWires,Putty finish walls, Asian Paints,Aesthetic Elevation,@1500/- per sq.ft.Call9515346397 (W/2021/AT001130)

IMMIGRATION TO CANADA, UK,Australia made fast easy. All Visas allcountries. Education Abroad. AuthenticGuidance. Ph:7989125889, 9398438600.Seek counsellor. (B/2021/C01064)

ENGINEERING STUDENTS, Are YouPlanning to Go Abroad for HigherStudies or Job? Do You Want yourprofile to be attractive then otherstudents/ employees. Contact OscarGlobal Research, Banjarahills.Ph:6309512121. (S/2021/C02480)

FREE PROCESSING. UK withoutIELTS pay only 1Lakh fees & getvisa, USA without IELTS, processingunder 1Lakh only. May & SeptemberIntakes. Cubez Overseas, 1st Floor,Twin City Complex, MJ Market Road,Abids, Hyd. Ph:9391465262.(HYCL/2021/C03072)

SPECIAL MACHINE DesignConsultancy Services for IndustrialAutomation and Mechanization forManufacturing Processes includingSpecialty Cables. Contact Email:[email protected] or Mobile:9849190744 (HYMM/2021/C07038)

✔ONE-SITTING / Fasttrack:-Graduations (All), Post-

Graduations (All), PG Diplomas,Polytechnic Diplomas, Secondary(10th) & Senior Secondary (12th),Provided Online results & Onlineverifications, Eligible for Private &Abroad. Ph:9912540011,7337291133,

DIRECT FINAL Year Admission for10th &Inter (only 5 Papers) BA, B Com,B.B.A. Exams in May 2021.Ph:9032077551, 9640180124.(HYCL/2021/C03035)

✔ONLY FOR EducationalConsultants/ Academies. No

Advance Fee. Students please nocall. Contact for Verifiable +FastTrack :Graduation (15,000)/B.Ed.-M.Ed. -NCTE-Recognised(30000)/BBA-MBA- BCA-MCA (20-25,000)from Government University.WES Documentation &AttestationSupport Available. 47-yearsEducational Experience. ShikshaBharti. Varanasi. Mobile:9519759663, 9915103781.Email:[email protected](HYMM/2021/C07412)

ONESITTING 10TH/ Inter 100% PassOriented Programme. Eligible for allGovt. Jobs. Low Fee. S.R.NagarPh:9515175008, 9515176008.(HYCL/2021/C02860)

COLLEGE ESTD: 2001 Full/ Part timecourses. Spot Admissions. Degree, PG,MBA, B.Ed (OU), M.Sc & Ph.D. ContactPrincipal 8186047777, 040-27705677.(S/2021/IC00178)

MEDICAL COURSES Complete in6months/ 1year/ 2years. DMLT,Optometry, Operation Theater, CSSD,DMIT, Nursing, DOA, Anasthesia, ECG.Sadhana. Ph:9247476873(HYCL/2021/C03010)

LAST CHANCE for 2021 May Exams-100% pass guaranteed. Direct SSC,One sitting Inter, any Degree, PG,B.Tech, BED, PHD RMP Diplomas,M.PHIL, D.pharm, BPT. Lastdate: 3/3/2021. Ph:9014835980.(HYCL/2021/C03104)

BIZZ EXPO (Exhibition Cum Sale)Venue: Country Club, Begumpet,Timing 9am to 9pm on 7th March 2021,Sunday. Different Categories ofBusiness Expo. Entry is Free. For Stallbookings Call: 7702807577.(HYCL/2021/C03054)

CONTAINER FARMHOUSE FullyFurnished, Livingroom with OpenKitchen and bedroom with attachbathroom. Only for 4 Lakhs. Call7277331199 (S/2021/C02360)

FURNISHED OFFICE Space 1160sr.ft, Est, Srinagar Colony Main Road, BigBite Bakers, Cell: 9849210832.(HYMM/2021/C07314)

✔FS PLANT’S Land.. Contact forFruit Flowers and Ornamental

Plant’s.. We UndertakingMaintenance of House Garden andFarm House Garden.. We DevelopHouse Garden and Farm HouseGarden Hotels n Terrace Gardens.Whatsapp 9666378934.(HYMM/2021/C07465)

PRIME GERIATRICS & Old AgeHomes, Mehdipatnam Ringroad Pillar-no.93 (Orchid block) & (Tulip block) @Suncity near Langerhouse offers Careof Elders, Bed-ridden, Paralysis,Mentally Disabled care, Post-Operativecases, Rehabilitations with QualityHealth Care @ Affordable price.Ph:9849001530. (HYCL/2021/C03114)

TWO POMERANIAN Male, one yearold, Rs.2500 each. ContactPh:9849091342. (HYCL/2021/C03088)

CABINS AVAILABLE For Doctors andMedical Shop in New Polyclinic atChaitanyapuri, Dilsukhnagar ForDetails Contact: 9000200007.(HYCL/2021/C02979)

MOSQUITO MESH: Glass Fiber,Aluminium meshes with differentsystems. Detachable: Velcro, openable:with Aluminium powder coated frames forwindows, Doors, Roll-on, U-PVC Slidingsystems. For Estimation, Installation.Call:Satya Creations. Ph:8328647852/9849057513.

EGG DONOR wanted for HYD basedveg couple. Healthy women, around25years, willing to donate eggs mayemail their details oneggdonorwantedhyd@gmai l .comPh:6281317273 (W/2021/AT001132)

VENCOBB CHICKEN rich in protein,great in taste eat & enjoy. Vencobb’sBroiler Hyderabad Zone price per kg.Farm Gate Rs.89, Retail Live BirdRs.111, Dressed with Skin Rs.161,Skinless Rs.183, Ph:27992239.(HOPE) (S/2021/C02244)

J.V. PEST Control Bayers Chemicalsprofessional Management ISOCertificate organisation specialist,Termites, Cockroach, etc. 15 yrsexperience. Ph:9573900122 forInspection. (S/2021/C02368)

OM SRISATYA Sai PrashanthiNilayam. “Day Care centre”. Goodopportunity for corporates &job holdersto look after their kids. Age: above 5yrs.(Weekends also). Near Sainikupuri,Defence Colony. Ph:8074710401(HYMM/2021/C06650)

✔S.K.PACKERS & Movers are hereto pack & move household goods,

cars & industrial, all over India & localalso. www.skpackersandmovers.comDial: 9948822826, 8686337778,s k p a c k e r s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m(L/2021/IC00012)

UNLOCATED PLOTS, AgricultureLands, Old Documents Individual PlotsDisputed Properties DevelopmentLands Buy & Sell. Srikanya RealEstates. Ph:9849027778, 9396617778,040-7619998, 9347009998.(S/2021/C02171)

SAIRAM ELECTROICS LED, LCD andAll Branded TV Repairs (DoorstepService Available) 30 Years ofExperience. Contact: 9346321448.(HYMM/2021/C07600)

LIMITED COMPANY For Sale with allstatutory requirements, IT accountsand ROC updated and no outstandingor Loans. Ph:9989976592(HYMM/2021/C06984)

SCHOOL FOR Sale: Over FiveDecades Old, well established, highlyReputed School: Nursery to Class X,well equipped in a good locality with aStudent strength of 700 with ownbuildings for sale. Genuinely interestedonly may Contact throughEmail: [email protected](S/2021/C02385)

NEW PIZZA Business for sale,interiors, pizza machine, deepfreezer, refrigerator, softy tables, ikeachairs, Rd. No.2, Banjarahills, nearTV9. Visit. Call: 9849032272.(S/2021/C02436)

RESTAURANT FOR sale@Malkajgiri main road beside Hp PetrolBunk with running condition9393006688 (HYMM/2021/C07560)

SALE OFFICE Tables, Chairs,Desktops, Laptop (Macbook- Apple),Large Travel Bags, Wrist Watches,Lady Bags, Bajaj Cooling Fan. Call:9392604237 (HYCL/2021/C03090)

TILL (POS) Software with TouchComputer, Receipt Printer, BarcodeScanner provider @affordable pricesfor Restaurants, Supermarkets, Cafes&General Stores. Contact9059361485, 9701417215(HYCL/2021/C03093)

100% ANY dispute solution. AnyLand dispute, Bank Loans, any court,police cases, any marital dispute, anypending work with Govt, job guidancecontact: 9013175979.(HYCL/2021/C03102)

ANYTYPE OF recovery chequebounce property litigation familyproperty litigation illegal landgrabbing court cases dowry casesand GHMC work 100% recovery9642150000 (W/2021/AT001192)

HOME/ CLASS Room Tuition 100%guarantee results, Intermediate,MPC, Bi.Pc, 10th, If no results totalfee return. Provide bond agreement15 years experience.Ph:8639305868. (S/2021/C02448)

DVR NEET Physics Academyoffers Excellent Class RoomCoaching, Online/ Home Tuitionsfor NEET (Regular & Long Term).Short Cut Methods to SolveProblems by 25Years ExperiencedFaculty. Contact: 7032669579/6281402443. (HYMM/2021/C07050)

PHYSICS COACHING classes(Offline mode) with most expertisementor Dr.ESR Sir for IIT-JEE Mains(definite score), NEET @120-150(sure marks), Sure tipsand tricks ph:9052423155(HYMM/2021/C07238)

NEET & MAINS Short Term TARGETOriented Coaching by 20yrs.Exp.Lectures with Individual care. @Dilusknagar. ph:7013245635/8247581335 (HYCL/2021/C03045)

✔HOME TUTOR, Khan Academypattern wise teaching for Algebra

1 and 2 Fee 20k/ Month Near Masabtank cell: 9951624494(HYMM/2021/C07402)

AAKASH ONLINE/ Home/ ClassRoom Tuitions, 1st to XII, Maths/Physics/ Chemistry For Inter/IIT/NEET/ Mains/ Advance/ B.Tech/Accounts /CA/CPT. at ourBranches, Dilsukhnagar,Secunderabad, Kukatpally,Mehdipatnam. ph:8466842225, 040-40202009 (HYMM/2021/C07526)

MATHS HOME Tutor for ExcellentCoaching. Only for Maths with Basics.I.C.S.E., C.B.S.E., S.S.C. From V to X.Contact Ph:8179064374.(HYCL/2021/C02803)

CHEMISTRY HOME Tuition Online/Offline for Classes X, XI & XII. CBSE,SSC, ISC, EAMCET, NEET, IIT byexperienced Faculty. Ph:8125228562,7981783951. (S/2021/IC00193)

EXPERIENCED M.SC B.Ed (Maths)Specialized in Mathematics HomeTutors available at your Home, 5th to10th Classes, Inter MPC & BPC &Degree. Tutors welcome (Ladies &Gents). Contact 7093585378.(B/2021/C01089)

WANTED SALESMEN cum AutoDriver required for our lotus coffeepowder salary and commission. LotusTrading, Amberpet, mob 9849597547(W/2021/AT001176)

RAJKAMAL WATERPROOFINGSidewalls, Bath Rooms, Terrace, KrackFilling, Tank Leakage (withoutBreaking), Pressure Grouting Controlwith Branded Chemicals. 10yearsGuarantee. 32years Experience.Ph:8121107040 (HYMM/2021/C07135)

SRISIVA SANTHU water Proofing.watertanks, sumps, Bathrooms,outside&inside Crack filling, Brushbond& Pressure groutingby FOSROC Chem. 10yrsGuaranty Ph:9959967380.(HYMM/2021/C07354)

WE DO All kind of Building StructuralProblems including Retrofitting,Waterproofing, Walls Repairs andRoof Repairs are analysedthoroughly using (Profometer, Rebarscanner, Ulta sounds, Reboundhammer, Corrosion Meter, Moisturemeter) and restore with internationalstandards and equipment’s,Ph:9347532044, 7791079999,9985561924. (HYMM/2021/C07379)

KANAKADURGA WATERPROOFING,Watertanks, Sumps, Ceilings,Bathrooms, Walls Crack-filling, Roofleakages, Pressure grouting &Paintingwith Chemicals. 10yrs Guarantee.Ph:9000085850, 9299700151.(HYCL/2021/C02704)

NOTICEReaders are advised to makeappropriate enquiries whileresponding to advertisements inthese columns. Deccan ChronicleHoldings Ltd. does not vouch forany claims made by theAdvertisers. The Printer, Publisher,Editor and Owner of DeccanChronicle Holdings Ltd. shall notbe held responsible / liable for anyconsequences, in case suchclaims are found to be false.































































So many of us have struggled to slumber in lockdown. Here in England,we are locked into one still, and its inertia, the absence of change in theday, has changed our body clock. It’s broken it. It’s resulted in hours oftossing and turning before we are able to settle down at night, leaving

us exhausted in the mornings, and somnambulating through the rest of theday. My children’s sleep has been shattered to the extent that I had to seekmedical advice. On the phone of course, because face-to-face meetings are his-tory. Lockdown, they explained, has affected all our routines, and thereforeour physiological rhythms. Sleep has been one of the biggest casualties. Soprevalent is this new disturbed sleep, affecting a quarter of the world popula-tion, they’ve given it a name — Coronasomnia. Even out of lockdown, as younow are in India, you might continue to feel its effect on your body’s workings.

Of course insomnia is not peculiar to lockdown, though impacting fewer peo-ple outside it. For those of us already struggling to snooze, it has done theunthinkable – made it worse! Voltaire, Tesla, and Edison, famously couldn’tsleep. George Clooney, Mariah Carey, Roxane Gay and Indra Nooyi, amongstcontemporary heroes, have found the Land of Nod the one unconquerable ter-ritory. But hadn’t Churchill suggested it was because he couldn’t nap that hisconquests were so vast (Or was it Shrek who said that)? Did these lions ofindustries and nations,lords of our jungle, turninsomnia, that waking tor-ment, to their advantage,whilst us sheep-like com-moners slept?

Another lion, with amane to match, Jon BonJovi, sang at the height ofhis fame in 1993, that hewould “live while he’salive, and sleep when he’sdead.” Nineteen and brim-ming with energy, barelyin need of sleep, this madeperfect sense to me. Overthe next decade, burningthe midnight oil, or thecandle at both ends, provedno problem at all. I oftendid my best writing in thedead of night. Nor did you need to like nightclubs to go clubbing all night;t’was just a rite of passage. In New Delhi in my early twenties, I’d tag alongwith my television friends to Fireball, a Darth Vader’s helmet-shaped night-club. I didn’t care for the lame music or the frenzied dancing, but the people-watching was a blast, and fabulous grist for the writing mill. Imprinted on mymind to this day is the hulking, scarlet-trenchcoated mass of Biddu Kung FuFighting, or dancing to his own tune!

Fast forward 25 years and I no longer agree with Bon Jovi. Rather, I’m withWilliam Wordsworth who lamented that he could not “win sleep” howeverhard he tried. Whilst Keats, comparing it to death, entreated it still to “seal thehushed casket of his soul”. Dark as that may be, I’m almost inclined to agree,so elusive has slumber become. In a road accident in my twenties, that left mewith fractured bones, I was prescribed drugs that ruptured my sleep too.Particularly deep through my childhood, I then merely skimmed its surface.Treating it as an interesting new experience, I did get back some semblance ofsleep in the succeeding years.

When I lost my sleep again in my mid-thirties it was not the result of an acci-dent, but planned parenthood. Two babies in quick succession meant nightlyfeeds, soothing night terrors, even the occasional midnight storytelling, andyears before I could expect to slumber successfully. They grew well; bright,loving and creative, but they never learnt to sleep. Though one, subjected toyears of school-bullying, despite our best efforts to prevent it, has struggledmore than the other with snoozing. And I never really slept again. Even nowwhen both unexpectedly drift to the Land of Nod, and I have no deadlines tomeet or other reasons not to catch forty winks, I still cannot. My body’s dis-rupted rhythms refuse to fall back in step. Not that different from what’s hap-pened to many in the lockdown months; their physiologies have grownunused to so much.

Lack of sleep not only fuels fatigue however, and bodily dissonance, it couldalso introduce a psychological kink. You might find yourself rabbit-holing forexample; dipping your toes into unlikely puddles you’d skip right over in themorning. Those breathless, deathless hours when all else is asleep, are thedevil’s workshop. “Sleep is the most innocent creature there is and a sleeplessman the most guilty,” Franz Kafka said, meaning many things as he did, butit does hint at his familiarity with the impish side-effects of not sleeping. Isn’tthere an implication of mischief to “sleeping together” when it involves any-thing but? Don’t burglars strike in the wee hours? Saboteurs and serialkillers? Isn’t there a supervillain actually called Insomniac!?

I am past becoming a supervillain; after all, doesn’t world-domination haveto be embarked on early (but, psst, should I worry about the potential threatposed by my nap-dodging children)? Very much a petty misdemeanours per-son myself, to help me sleep or fill sleepless nights, I’ve tried reading, herbalremedies, the occasional tipple, and (some, not all, of) the internet’s ‘delights’,including random chats with strangers. But, trust me, peeps you encounterpast the witching hour are very unbewitching indeed. So now I count sheep,or my version of it — I decorate houses in my head. Not a thwarted interiordesigner, I have no clue why I do this. I suspect I’m looking for the perfect bed,with that gentle, form-hugging dip in the middle that will cradle me to sleep.Like fairy tale insomniac Goldilocks braving a den of bears to find sleep, I’vetried this solution and I’ve tried that. But when all’s said and done, through-out my life, what’s worked best on restless nights is the soothing act of writ-ing. Sometimes about sleep.

Shreya Sen-Handley is the author of the recently published Strange:Stories, the award-winning Memoirs of My Body, and a forthcoming book of

travel misadventures. Her Twitter and Insta handle is @shreyasenhan.


Shreya Sen-Handley

Off the beaten track

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Ode to sleep, andsleepless spirits

Are we failures?How 3rd World

has copied itspast oppressors

You praise the firm restraintwith which they write — / I’mwith you there, of course: /They use the snaffle and the

bit all right, / But where’s the b-----horse?” Roy Campbell’s critique ofSome South African Novelists makesone wonder if it was not true of theleaders of the freedom movement asthey began constructing their brandof the democratic state after they wonindependence for their countries.

They drank freely at the fount ofdemocratic states and admired huge-ly the working of democracy in theEuropean countries which hadoppressed them. Unforgivable, how-ever, is their donning the mantle ofCaesar after their countries’ indepen-dence. The leaders of the Third Worldwere not shining examples of democ-ratic rule. They emulated their erst-while oppressors.

A former foreign secretary of Indiawho fancied himself as an ‘intellectu-al’ delighted in asserting sweepinglythat “decolonisation was a failure”.None shed any tears when the rankcourtier was booted out of his post byIndira Gandhi.

It is not altogether correct to lay theblame on the inexperience of the peo-ple of the developing states. The con-duct of the leaders of Hungary andPoland in recent years have not beenshining examples of democratic lead-ership. The truth is that those twocountries departed from democracy.So did Italy under Silvio Berlusconi— but only to return to democraticfunctioning.

The Third World shared somecommon threads. Their leaderswere deluded by the huge praisethey received at home and abroad —especially from the US. They knewperfectly well that they faced enor-mous challenges, not least in build-ing a democracy. In this, those lead-ers of newly independent statesfailed. Obsessed with the trappingsof power, they were content to havethe skeletal framework of a democ-racy without the flesh and blood —elections (though not always freeand fair), prime ministers and therest. Avid for power, they did noteducate the people in the democrat-ic system’s core lest their ownpower was curbed. Most did not

shun corruption.The wise C. Rajagopalachari, as

early as the 1920s when he was lan-guishing in prison, wrote in hisdiary: “Elections and their corrup-tions [sic], injustice and life powerand tyranny of wealth, and ineffi-ciency of administration will makea hell of life as soon as freedom isgiven to us. Men will look regretful-ly back to the old regime of compar-ative justice and efficient, peaceful,more or less honest administration.The only thing gained will be that asa race we will be saved from dishon-our and subordination.”

On December 19, 1930, the Liberalleader, Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru wroteto a friend in India just as he wasabout to leave London after attend-ing the Round Table Conference: “Iam coming back with an absolutelychanged outlook, for while theCongress people may talk of inde-pendence and others may talk ofdominion status, just to spite theBritish, I do not think that we haveyet got the necessary mentality fordemocratic form of government. Itmay be a bitter confession to make

to personal friends, but there it is.”The framer of India’s constitution,

Dr B.R. Ambedkar was acutelyaware of those problems. He toldthe constitutional assembly ofIndia on Nov 25, 1949, “…howevergood a constitution may be, it issure to turn out bad because thosewho are called to work it, happen tobe a bad lot. However bad a consti-tution may be, it may turn out to begood if those who are to work ithappen to be a good lot. … The con-stitution can provide only theorgans of state such as the legisla-ture, the executive and the judicia-ry. The factors on which the work-ing of those organs of the statedepend are the people and the polit-ical parties they will set up as theirinstruments to carry out theirwishes and their politics.”

The real test was prevalence of‘constitutional morality’. But inIndia and elsewhere in the ThirdWorld there was another seriousproblem — communal diversities,caste and tribal loyalties. The lead-ers profited by all these and perpe-trated their hold on power. It is

necessary to be realistic butunwise to be despondent. TheThird World does have achieve-ments.

During Indira Gandhi’s emer-gency some in the UK were fond ofchattering about the lack of democ-racy in the Third World. Prof W.H.Morris-Jones retorted in a letter toThe Times in June 1976 that the“jibe about ‘exhibit A of theWestminster model abroad’ missesthe point that it had become a specif-ically Indian achievement; it onlyadds insult to the injury already suf-fered by Indian democrats. … Arehabits never modified?

Had not growing numbers ofIndians begun to make the habits ofliberal democracy indigenous?Surely it is a ‘massive’ loss whendamage is done to a way of politicallife which in two decades had alreadyconverted into citizens so many whohad subjects beyond the politicalpale.”

Moral: Do not lose heart in the pur-suit of reform.

By arrangement with Dawn

A.G. Noorani

With the disen-g a g e m e n tprocess bet-ween thePeople’s Lib-

eration Army (PLA) and theIndian army on the northand south banks of PangongLake winding down and therest of the disentanglementstalled because of allegedChinese unwillingness totake the process any fur-ther, the time has come toask a fundamental question,why didn’t Pakistan takeadvantage of the Sino-Indian stand-off? After all,the relationship betweenthe Pakistani military brassand the PLA leadership is ashistorical as is the relation-ship between the Pakistanidefence establishment andthe US Pentagon.

Pakistan has very success-fully finessed these two rela-tionships. While, on onehand, it became a memberof the US anchored andbacked SEATO (South EastAsia Treaty Organisation)and CENTO (Central TreatyOrganisation) way back in1954 and 1955, respectively,on the other hand, it sealedits relationship with Chinaby ceding the Shaksgam val-ley to it in 1963 in terms ofthe Sino-Pak boundaryagreement.

Lest it be forgotten, it isPakistan, and specificallyGeneral Yahya Khan, whofacilitated Henry Kissin-ger’s visit to China in July1971 Interestingly, the US U-2 spy flights over the SovietUnion were based out ofBadaber in the erstwhileNWFP (North WestFrontier Province) ofPakistan. This was at apoint in time when theSoviet Union and Chinawere still allies till the Sino-Soviet split of 1960 that real-ly exacerbated during themiddle of that decade.

Over the years, thePakistani-Chinese relation-ship has deepened political-ly, economically and, ofcourse, in strategic terms.As the bond with the USsoured, its dependence onChina only increased fur-

ther. The China PakistanEconomic corridor (CPEC)that traverses the length ofPakistan has become theproverbial umbilical cordthat ties Pakistan inextrica-bly to China now. About 15per cent of its foreign debtamounting to over USD$17.1 billion (6.15 per cent ofthe total GDP) is owed toChina. It would not be veryfar in the future thatPakistan goes the Sri Lankaway with Gwadar becominganother Hambantota.

Pakistan has been waginga proxy war against Indianow for over four decades. Itwent ballistic when theNDA/BJP government deci-ded to change the adminis-trative architecture of Jam-mu & Kashmir in theAugust of 2019. However, ithas been strangely quietsince the Sino-Indian standoff commenced in April2020.

There is no credible expla-nation for this behaviourdespite various theoriesbeing propounded. Onehypothesis holds that it isprimarily because ofWestern pressure thatPakistan held its hand. Thisdoes not seem to be correctfor the West’s influence hasbeen on the wane despitePakistan’s reluctant or evenforced acquiescence tobecome a cat’s paw onceagain in the West’s moveagainst the Taliban regimein Afghanistan since 2001.

However, the neutralisa-tion of Osama bin Ladennine years later inAbbotabad only served tounderscore the elasticimperatives of Pakistan’sAfghan strategy. The factthat the Pakistanis wereinstrumental in facilitatingthe Doha engagementbetween the US administra-tion and the Taliban makesit self-evident that it neverever gave up on its erst-while progeny the Talibs.Rather than the West hav-ing leverage on Pakistanthe shoe seems to be on theother foot.

Another theory that hasbeen bandied about is that

the surgical strikes of 2016and the Balakot-Jabba TopAir strikes of 2019 have hada salutary impact onPakistan. However, the factremains that Pakistan bare-ly acknowledged the strikesand non-partisan analystsalso did not find it to be ofany serious deterrent valuebeyond optics for domesticconsumption.

One plausible reasoncould be that China itselfhas told Pakistan to hold off.Pakistan’s involvementwould have made the situa-tion unstable and compli-cated. It would not haveallowed China to calibratethe situation in line with itslarger geo-strategic designs.For no one in the Indianstrategic community hasbeen able to answer thequestion with any degree ofconviction as to why Chinatransgressed into Indianterritory and that too dur-ing Covid-19 times.

As I had argued even inmy last piece in thesecolumns that the tripleinflection points that Chinacreated by declaring admin-istrative districts in theSouth China Sea, moving onthe political sovereignty ofHong Kong and raising tem-peratures on the Sino-Indian border in EasternLadakh, was to send out abroader message. The mis-sive being that if the worldbeat down too hard onChina for being the irre-sponsible proliferator of thecoronavirus China wouldthen play hardball acrossthe board.

It would be instructive tonote that the transgressionsinto Indian territory hap-pened exactly a monthbefore India took over as thecurrent chair of the WorldHealth Organisation(WHO). All these things are,of course, settled much inadvance and known to thestakeholders.

The intrusion, therefore,

was never about capturingand holding frozen rocks ina windswept countryside;the intent was somethingelse. Two days after Chinagot a clean chit from theWHO that it wasn’t the“deliberate” spreader of theCovid-19 virus the disen-gagement deal was set inmotion. If Pakistan wouldhave been another joker inthis pack the dynamic couldthen have become volatileand the situation may haveescalated beyond evenChina’s control.

There could also be anoth-er reason. Pakistan haslearnt much to its own perilthat no purpose is served bybecoming someone else’s“agent provocateur”. Itcomes at a cost. It becamethe frontline ally of the USand the West in the AfghanJihad of the 1980’s and it isstill bearing the brunt ofthat adventurism. That iswhy from 2001 till now itchose to hedge its bets inAfghanistan. It ran with thehare and hunted with thehound simultaneously forthat it is where it thought itsnational interest lay.

Similarly, the China-Pakistan relationship isfraught with heavy tensionstoday if not stretched to abreaking point. For,Pakistan is cognisant of thefact that its economic depen-dence will come at cost of itspolitical sovereignty quaChina. It perhaps wants tohedge its bets vis-a-visChina by seeking a new nor-mal with India. In any casePakistan’s behaviour dur-ing the preceding ninemonths should merit a rig-orous examination by theIndian strategic communityrather than being dismissedat the altar of some jingois-tic brouhaha.

The ceasefire agreementbetween India and Pakistanannounced on Thursday,the 25th of February 2021,after a meeting or a conver-sation between the respec-tive DGMOs further rein-forces the above hypothesis.For India, this is also a wel-come step. With a batteredeconomy, it is hardly thetime to engage in a two-front brinkmanship.

The author is a lawyer,Member of Parliament andformer Union information

and broadcasting minister.The views expressed are per-

sonal. Twitter handle@manishtewari.

Manish Tewari

Pakistan is cognisant of thefact that its eco-

nomic dependencewill come at cost of

its political sovereignty qua

China. It perhapswants to hedge its

bets vis-a-vis Chinaby seeking a newnormal with India.

The Pak arithmetic:Strategy over ideology

State of the Union

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Bedroom inArles, 1888

28 FEBRUARY 2021

LETTERSSYCOPHANCYI fail to understand how aman of principles likePrime Minister NarendraModi agreed to the pro-posals to name a stadiumafter his name in the firstplace (An act of syco-phancy, DC, Feb. 27). Itsends a wrong signal tothe people. Recently, heblamed the fuel price riseon previous governments.The Prime Minister mustimmediately restore thename of stadium.

Manik SatheHyderabad

DRINKING WATERThe state government’s free drink-ing water scheme is not all thatgreat. They must increase dura-tion of water supply, even if it is onalternate days. The recent floodsmust have helped bolster storagein reservoirs. However, despitegood rains, the water departmentis continuing to supply water onalternate days for a few hours.

A.J. AkbarHyderabad

DHARANI PORTALThe move to launch Dharani por-tal to check corruption andincrease transparency was a wel-come one. But the execution hasleft a lot to be desired (MakeDharani portal easy to use, KCRtells officials, DC, Feb. 27).Addition and retraction of fea-tures and various other bugs havecaused distrust among public. It isessential to iron out all the issuesbefore bringing non-agricultureproperties under Dharani.

Hanisha BhupathirajuHyderabad

EC SCHEDULEComparatively, the West Bengalelection schedule in eight phaseslooks stretched even assumingthat the CEC might have taken allinputs on security, violence, etc.But then it is imprudent if the ECis not allowed to do its duty.

D. NagarjunaHyderabad

PUDUCHERRY FALLPuducherry government’s fall wasimminent after it ignored defec-tions. It has nearly 10 lakh popula-tion in four districts. A three-in-one monolith with three officiallyrecognised languages and an elect-ed government that was forced tofunction at the behest of an all-powerful non-elected LG, why nottrifurcate it and end the UT status.

Thomas K.E.Hyderabad

Fifth generalelections

NEW DELHI, FEBRUARY. 27Pre-poll lull descended on 101 ofthe 518 Lok Sabha constituen-cies of the country and parts of79 others this evening in prepa-ration for the first round ofpolling in the fifth general elec-tion on Monday.

Nearly 73 million of the totalelectorate of about 275 million,which makes this country theworld’s largest democracy, willfigure in the first day’s polling.

Voters in the 101 constituen-cies where polling will be com-pleted in a day have a widechoice with 564 aspirants in thefield. Top leaders like Mr.Jagjivan Ram, Mr. Y.B. Chavanand Mr. K.D. Malaviya of theCongress (R), Mr. Morarji Desaiand Mr. K. Kamaraj of theCongress (O), and Mr. A.B.Vajpayee (JS) are among them.





c m y k c m y k





London, Feb. 27: UK PrimeMinister Boris Johnson hasreiterated Britain's support toAfghanistan in its fightagainst the Taliban, as part ofthe wider North AtlanticTreaty Organisation (NATO)alliance. In a phone call fromDowning Street in Londonwith Afghan President AshrafGhani on Friday, Johnson also

agreed on the importance ofmaking progress in peacetalks to secure a sovereign,democratic and united Afgha-nistan. "He [Johnson] reiterat-ed the UK's longstanding sup-port for the Afghan governme-nt's fight against the Talibanas part of the NATO coaliti-on,” a Downing Street spokes-person said.

In February last year, the USand Taliban signed a peacedeal in Doha, Qatar, which pro-visioned withdrawal of allAmerican and NATO troopsfrom Afghanistan by May 1.“They agreed on the importan-ce of making progress in peacetalks to secure a sovereign,democratic and united Afgha-nistan, and to preserve the ga-

ins made by civil society andwomen and girls,” the Dow-ning Street spokesperson said.

The US-Taliban Peace Agree-ment also mentioned a pledgefrom the Taliban to preventmilitant forces from operatingin its areas, and dialogue bet-ween the Taliban and the Af-ghanistan government.


Boris reiterates Britain’ssupport against TalibanUK PM holds telephonic conversation with Afghan Prez Ghani

Armenia Prez blocks PMorder to fire army chiefYerevan, Feb. 27: Ar-menian President Arm-en Sarkisian said Satur-day he had refused tosign a prime ministerialorder to dismiss the ar-my's chief of staff, deep-ening an entrenchednational political crisis.

The move came as sev-eral thousand opposi-tion protesters took tothe streets of Armenia'scapital Yerevan for thethird day running to callfor the resignation ofPrime Minister NikolPashinyan.

They want him to goover his handling of last

year's war with Azerba-ijan, which many see asa national humiliation.

The fresh protests,which have continued onand off since the fight-ing ended in November,erupted Thursday whenPashinyan defied a callby the military to resignand accused the army ofan attempted coup.

He also ordered thechief of the general staffOnik Gasparyan to befired — but on Saturday,Armenian President Sa-rkisian, whose role is la-rgely ceremonial, saidthat he would not back

the move. “The preside-nt, within the framew-ork of his constitutionalpowers, returned thedraft decree with objec-tions,” the presidencysaid. The political crisis“cannot be resolvedthrough frequent pers-onnel changes”, thestatement added.

The leadership of thesmall South Caucasusnation appeared to be atan impasse. Soon afterthe announcement, Pas-hinyan wrote on Facebo-ok that he would sendthe order to the presi-dency once more. — AFP

SHARIF NEPHEWRELEASED FROMJAIL ON BAILLahore, Feb. 27: Pakis-tan's deposed prime mi-nister Nawaz Sharif's ne-phew and leader of theOpposition in PunjabAssembly, Hamza Shehb-az, was released fromjail on bail on Saturdayafter spending 20 mon-ths in connection with amoney laundering case.

Sharif's daughter Mar-yam Nawaz reached theLahore's Kot Lakhpatjail to receive Hamzaand both led a rally ofthe PML-N workers fromthe jail to his home. TheLahore High Courtgranted bail to Hamza,son of PML-N presidentShahbaz Sharif. Hamzahad sought bail primari-ly on the ground of“inordinate delay” inconclusion of the trial

PROTESTS OVERWRITER’S DEATHIN B’DESH JAILDhaka, Feb. 27: Bangla-desh Prime Minister Sh-eikh Hasina on Saturdayshrugged off criticismof her government's rig-hts record as hundredsmarched in a second dayof protests over thedeath of a prominentwriter in prison.

Demonstrators march-ed at Dhaka Universitychanting slogans conde-mning the government'streatment of dissidentMushtaq Ahmed as wellas other journalists andactivists. Another prote-st was staged at the Nat-ional Press Club, whiledozens of people carrieda symbolic coffin toHasina's office demand-ing the scrapping of theDigital Security Actunder which Ahmed wasdetained last May.

NIGERIA SCHOOLABDUCTION: 42VICTIMS FREEDLagos, Feb. 27: Kidna-ppers have freed 42 peo-ple, including 27 childr-en, snatched from a sch-ool in central Nigeria 10days ago, officials saidon Saturday, a day aftermore than 300 school-girls were abducted bygunmen.

“The abducted stu-dents, staff and relativesof Government ScienceCollege Kagara haveregained their freedomand have been receivedby the Niger state gov-ernment,” Niger stategovernor AbubakarSani Bello said onTwitter.

In mid-February, gun-men in military uni-forms raided the college,killing one student andtaking 42 others.



Los Angeles, Feb. 27:The organisation hostingthe Golden Globes says itis developing a plan torecruit PoC members afterfalling under sharp criti-cism for lacking diversemembers.

The Hollywood ForeignPress Association said instatement Friday that an''action plan'' is underdevelopment to admit PoCmembers. The group cur-rently has 87 memberswho are journalists, butnone are PoC.

Former HFPA presidentMeher Tatna told Varietyin an interview that theorganisation hasn't had aPoC member in nearly twodecades. The Mumbai-

born board chair said shecouldn't recall when therehad been a Black member,but she says the organisa-tion will keep trying.

Some including Time'sUp and presenter SterlingK. Brown are among thosewho have criticised theHFPA's lack of inclusionand diversity. The criti-cism comes just daysbefore the Globes air liveon Sunday.

An HFPA spokespersonsaid it welcomes the oppo-rtunity to meet with gro-ups such as Time's Up andprospective PoC memberswho are interested in join-ing the organisation.

''We are fully committedto ensuring our member-

ship is reflective of thecommunities around theworld who love film, TVand the artists inspiringand educating them,'' theHFPA statement read. ''Weunderstand that we needto bring in PoC members,as well as members fromother underrepresentedbackgrounds, and we willimmediately work toimplement an action planto achieve these goals as

soon as possible.''Time's Up took aim at

the HFPA in a tweet say-ing ''a cosmetic fix isn't en-ough.'' The activist organi-sation also included thehashtag #TimesUpGlobes.

Brown, an award presen-ter, posted the Time's Upphoto on social mediawith his own criticism.

''For any governing bodyof a current Hollywoodaward show to have such alack of voting representa-tion illustrates a level ofirresponsibility that shou-ld not be ignored,'' he said.

Brown said the HFPAmust do better. He said theorganisation has a respon-sibility to show its ''con-stituency is fully reflective

of the world in which welive.'' ''And having a multi-tude of PoC presentersdoes not absolve you ofyour lack of diversity,'' hecontinued. ''This is yourmoment to do the rightthing. It is my hope thatyou will.''

The HFPA said it wel-comes journalists from allethnic and cultural back-grounds based inSouthern California thatcover entertainment forforeign media. The organi-sation says membership ismajority female and morethan 35% percent of itsmembers are from non-European countries acro-ss the world.

— AP

Host developing a plan to address lack of diversity issueSHARP | CRITICISM

Will recruit PoC members: Globe org● ● SOME INCLUDINGTime's Up and presenterSterling K. Brown areamong those who havecriticised the HFPA's lackof inclusion.

Two men bathe in the sea in the French riviera city of Nice during the first weekend lockdownput in place by authorities to attempt to halt the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, on Saturday.

US: MBS approvedKhashoggi murderDespite publicly accusing the Crown Prince,Washington doesn’t impose sanctions on himWashington, Feb. 27:The United States onFriday for the first timepublicly accused SaudiCrown Prince Mohammedbin Salman of approvingthe gruesome murder ofdissident journalist Jam-al Khashoggi, but stoppedshort of targeting thepowerful heir apparent.

The prince, who is defacto ruler of the US allyand oil provider, “approv-ed an operation in Istanb-ul, Turkey to capture orkill Saudi journalist Jam-al Khashoggi,” said anintelligence report newlydeclassified by PresidentJoe Biden's administra-tion. The report said thatgiven Prince Mohamm-ed's influence, it was “hig-hly unlikely” that the 2018murder could have takenplace without his greenlight. The killing also fit apattern of “the crown pri-nce's support for using vi-olent measures to silencedissidents abroad.” Khas-hoggi, a US resident andcritic of Prince Mohamm-ed who wrote for The Was-hington Post, was lured toIstanbul's Saudi consulatein October 2018, thenkilled and cut into pieces.

The Treasury Departme-nt announced it was freez-ing assets and criminalizi-ng transactions with a ex-intelligence official as wellas the Rapid InterventionForce, an elite unit thereport said “exists todefend the crown prince”and “answers only tohim.” Biden said Fridaythat “we are going to hold(Saudi Arabia) accounta-ble for human rights abus-es. This report has been si-tting there, the last admi-nistration wouldn't evenrelease it... it is outrageous

what happened.” But theUS stopped short of di-rectly targeting the 35-year-old crown prince, kn-own by his initials MBS.In honour of the slain wr-iter, Secretary of State An-tony Blinken announcedthe “Khashoggi Act” thatwill ban entry into the USof foreigners who threatendissidents or harass repo-rters and their kin andimmediately placed 76Saudis on the blacklist.

“We have made absolute-ly clear that extraterritor-ial threats and assaults bySaudi Arabia against act-ivists, dissidents and jour-nalists must end. Theywill not be tolerated bythe United States,” Blin-ken said in a statement.

Blinken, questioned byreporters, said “this is bi-gger than any one pers-on,” explaining Biden wastrying “not to rupture therelationship, but to recali-brate to be more in linewith our interests and ourvalues.” An advocacy gro-up founded by Khashoggi,Democracy for the ArabWorld Now, called on thepresident to impose sanc-tions on Prince Mohamm-ed — with a number of la-wmakers from Biden's De-mocratic Party also push-ing for more action.

“We must also ensurethat there are real conse-quences for individualslike MBS; if not, autocratsaround the world will getthe message that impuni-ty is the rule,” said BobMenendez, chairman ofthe Senate Foreign Relati-ons Committee. The Saudiforeign ministry in astatement denounced the“negative, false and unac-ceptable assessment”.


Washington, Feb. 27: TheHouse approved a $1.9 trillionpandemic relief bill in a winfor President Joe Biden, evenas top Democrats tried assur-ing agitated progressives thatthey'd revive their deraileddrive to boost the minimumwage. The new president'svision for flushing cash toindividuals, businesses, statesand cities battered by Covid-19passed on a near party-line219-212 vote early Saturday.

That ships the massivemeasure to the Senate, whereDemocrats seem bent onresuscitating their minimumwage push and fights coulderupt over state aid and otherissues. Democrats said thestill-faltering economy andthe half-million American liv-es lost demanded quick, de-cisive action. GOP lawmakers,they said, were out of stepwith a public that pollingshows largely views the billfavourably. "I am a happycamper tonight," Rep. MaxineWaters, D-Calif., said Friday."This is what America needs.Republicans, you ought to be apart of this. But if you're not,we're going without you." Rep-ublicans said the bill was tooexpensive and said too feweducation dollars would bespent quickly to immediatelyreopen schools.

They said it was laden withgifts to Democratic constitue-ncies like labour unions andfunnelled money to Democra-tic-run states they suggesteddidn't need it because theirbudgets had bounced back.

"To my colleagues who saythis bill is bold, I say it's bloat-ed," said House Minority Lea-der Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

"To those who say it's urgent,I say it's unfocused. To thosewho say it's popular, I say it isentirely partisan." ModerateDemocratic Reps. JaredGolden of Maine and KurtSchrader of Oregon were theonly two lawmakers to crossparty lines.

That sharp partisan divide

is making the fight a show-down over who voters willreward for heaping more fed-eral spending to combat thecoronavirus and revive theeconomy atop the $4 trillionapproved last year. The battleis also emerging as an earlytest of Biden's ability to holdtogether his party's fragilecongressional majorities —just 10 votes in the House andan evenly divided 50-50Senate. — AP

US DOESN’T WANTRUPTURE WITHSAUDIS: BLINKEN Washington, Feb. 27:The United States wantschange but not a “ruptu-re” in relations with Sa-udi Arabia after the pub-lication of intelligenceon Jamal Khashoggi'skilling, Secretary of Sta-te Antony Blinken saidon Friday.

“What we've done bythe actions that we'vetaken is really not torupture the relationship,but to recalibrate to bemore in line with ourinterests and our val-ues,” Blinken said whileaddressing reporters.

The report declassifiedby President Joe Bidenfound that Crown PrinceMohammed bin Salmanapproved the 2018 killingin Saudi Arabia's Istan-bul consulate of Khash-oggi, a US-based dissi-dent writer.

The Biden administra-tion announced a seriesof steps, including level-ling sanctions on anelite Saudi unit butstopped short of impos-ing actions against thepowerful 35-year-oldprince personally.

“I think that we have tounderstand as well thatthis is bigger than anyone person. This recali-bration goes to the poli-cies that Saudi Arabia ispursuing and theactions that is taken,”Blinken said when askedwhy the prince was nottargeted.


House passes $1.9T virusbill on party-line vote

Washington, Feb. 27: Asmany as 140 Democraticlawmakers have reintro-duced a legislation in theUS Congress to preventfuture Muslim bans andprohibit discriminationon the basis of religion.The Muslim travel ban,introduced by former USPresident Donald Trump,targeted several Muslim-majority nations and res-tricted the entry of peoplefrom Iran, North Korea,Syria, Libya, Yemen, Som-alia and Venezuela.

President Joe Biden end-ed the Muslim ban on hisday one in the office lastmonth. In the House ofRepresentatives, the Nati-onal Origin-Based Antidi-scrimination for Nonim-migrants (NO BAN) Actwas reintroduced on Frid-ay by House Judiciary Co-mmittee Chairman Jerro-ld Nadler and Judy Chu,while in the Senate it wasdone by Senator Chris Co-ons. Indian-American law-makers Ami Bera, Ro Kh-anna, Pramila Jayapaland Raja Krishnamoorthiare among those who aresupporting the bill.

The legislation strength-ens the Immigration andNationality Act to prohib-it discrimination on thebasis of religion, and rest-ores the separation of po-wers by limiting overlybroad executive authority

to issue future travel bans.“When the Trump Admin-istration issued its xenop-hobic Muslim ban, it wasimmediately apparentthat it was unconstitutio-nal, discriminatory, andmorally reprehensible,”said Nadler. “I am gratefulthat President Biden tookbold action on day one torepeal this ban and reun-ite families, but we cannotrisk the possibility of any

future President reinstat-ing this heinous policy,”he said. The Muslim banwas a hateful stain on theUnited States. Inspiredonly by bigotry and notany genuine national sec-urity concerns, the banserved only to separatefamilies while stoking big-otry, xenophobia, and Isl-amophobia, said Congres-swoman Judy Chu.


Dems reintroduce law tostop future Muslim bans

US for end to Chinamulti-entry visasWashington, Feb. 27: Alegislation has been intro-duced by a group of influ-ential Republican senato-rs to end China's access to10-year multi-entry visasuntil it is certified thatBeijing has ceased itscampaign of economicand industrial espionageagainst the US. The legis-lation, Visa Security Act,was introduced by Senat-ors Marsha Blackburn,Tom Cotton, Rick Scott,Ted Cruz, and MarcoRubio on Friday.

It would prohibit Chine-se nationals from receivi-ng 10-year B-1/B-2 visasuntil the Secretary of Sta-

te certifies that China hasceased its campaign ofeconomic and industrialespionage against the Un-ited States and ended itsprovocative and coercivebehaviour towards Taiw-an. The B-1/B-2 visas areissued to those who cometo the US for business,visit or tourism purposes.Under this legislation,Chinese citizens would beeligible for one-year mul-ti-entry visas.

This policy would repre-sent a return to the pre-2014 visa status quo anddoes not apply to Taiwanor certain residents ofHong Kong. — PTI

Wellington, Feb. 27: PrimeMinister Jacinda Ardernordered New Zealand's largestcity back into lockdown onSaturday as Covid-19 casescontinued to be detected in thecommunity. The latest restric-tions in Auckland will last atleast seven days and come lessthan two weeks after a three-day shutdown in the city.

Ardern said a new Coro-navirus case confirmed onSaturday could not be directlyconnected to other positivetests over the last two weeks,although a school in SouthAuckland was a common link.

From Sunday morning thecity's 1.7 million residentsmust stay at home except foressential shopping and work.

Schools and non-essentialshops will close, and entry inand out of the city will berestricted. The remainder ofthe country will be underlevel two restrictions whichinclude limits on the size ofpublic gatherings.

Ardern said there was“cause for concern” that thelatest case involved a personwho had been infectious for aweek but had not been in iso-lation. Since the latest out-break first emerged in a fami-ly of three, several peoplehave reported symptoms, withthe school in South Aucklandthe connecting factor. Ardernblamed the creeping spreadon people not isolating.


Lockdown is backin Auckland

New York, Feb. 27: Decades aftergoing to prison, some of the menresponsible for the World TradeCenter bombing that killed six peo-ple 28 years ago Friday are still try-ing to whittle down their onetimelife sentences on the remote chancethat they could someday be freed.

And they are having some success.In the last year, four men implicatedin the 1993 bombing have won reduc-tions to their sentences after onepart of their convictions was dropp-ed to be consistent with a recent USSupreme Court ruling. Once each se-ntenced to 240 years in prison, app-eals have won them sentence deduc-tions as they continue efforts to getjudges to take fresh looks at theircases. While unlikely, all four couldbe freed if they live long enough.Ahmad Mohammad Ajaj, 55, couldbe freed when he is 96 after 30 yearswere shaved off his sentence lastmonth. Nidal Ayyad, 53, MohammadA. Salameh, 53, and MahmudAbouhalima, 61, could be freed ifthey each live to be 100. All receivedsentence reductions in the last year.All would face deportation. Histo-rically, incarceration has not beenrecommended for longevity.

The Port Authority of New Yorkand New Jersey held a virtual Massat the St. Francis of Assisi Churchin Manhattan, honouring the fouremployees it lost in the attack:Robert Kirkpatrick, 61, StephenKnapp, 48, Bill Macko, 47, and Mo-nica Smith, who was 35 and preg-nant when she died. Also killed wereJohn DiGiovanni, 45, who had park-ed in the garage, and WilfredoMercado, 37, who worked for theWindows on the World Restaurant.Because of the pandemic, the Nati-onal 9/11 Memorial and Museumheld a hybrid memorial, with somerelatives and survivors gathering atthe 9/11 Memorial for a private mid-day ceremony and about 60 otherswatching a Zoom feed. — AP

WTC attack:Sentences offour reducedYangon, Feb. 27: Myan-

mar's junta fired its Unit-ed Nations ambassadorSaturday for breaking ra-nks to denounce the mili-tary's ouster of civilianleader Aung San Suu Kyi,as police stepped up acrackdown on protestersacross the country.

The country has beenshaken by a wave of dem-onstrations since a couptoppled civilian leaderAung San Suu Kyi onFebruary 1. Authoritieshave ramped up the use offorce to suppress dissent,deploying tear gas, watercannon and rubber bul-lets to disperse some prot-ests. Live rounds have

been used in isolated ca-ses. In justifying its seiz-ure of power, the militaryhas alleged widespreadfraud in the Novemberelections, which Suu Kyi'sparty won in a landslide,and promised fresh pollsin a year.

But its ambassador tothe United Nations on Fr-iday broke ranks andmade an emotional appe-al to the international co-mmunity for “the stron-gest possible action... torestore democracy”.

Kyaw Moe Tun alsopleaded with his “broth-ers and sisters” inBurmese to keep fighting.


Denouncing junta:Envoy to UN fired





A. Nandini bagged her secondgold medal by winning the Girls

U-18 100 metres hurdles at the32nd South Zone National

Junior Athletics Championshipbeing held at Calicut in Kerala.The Telangana girl set a meetrecord as she dashed throughthe distance in 13.87 seconds

ahead of Tamil Nadu’s SAkschida (15.52) and Deepa A

(15.65).Kothuri Pranay, who won the

Boys U-16 high jump on Friday,got gold in the long jump on

Saturday by leaping to 6.78metres. R. Ajay and K.

Balajeeva of Tamil Nadu tookthe second and third positions.

K. Rajitha added toTelangana’s tally by securing a

bronze in the 400 metres ofthe Girls U-20 category. V.

Lekha and T. J. Jamsheela ofTamil Nadu were second and


Athlete Nandinigets second gold

CCaaiirroo:: The Indian trio of MairajAhmed Khan, Angad Vir Singh

Bajwa and Gurjoat Khangurawon the bronze medal in the

men’s skeet team event at theISSF Shotgun World Cup here.

The Indians beat theKazakhstan team of David

Pochivalov, Eduard Yechshenkoand Alexandr Mukhamediyev 6-2 in the bronze medal match on

the third competition day ofthe International Shooting

Sport Federation tournament.The trio reached the bronze

medal match when they com-bined to shoot a score of 491

after the qualification stagecomprising seven rounds of 25

shots each on Friday eveninghere. They could have made the

finals too, but lost a shoot-offto the Russians 6-5. — PTI

NNeeww DDeellhhii:: Indian boxer DeepakKumar’s stupendous run at the

72nd Strandja Memorial tourna-ment ended with a silver medalin Sofia, Bulgaria, after he lost a

fiercely-contested flyweight(52kg) final on Saturday.

Deepak, an Asian silver-winner,was up against Bulgaria’s

Daniel Asenov, a two-timeEuropean championships gold-medallist. The bout ended in a

split verdict in favour of thelocal favourite. The Indian had

created quite a flutter in thetournament when he stunned

reigning Olympic and worldchampion — Uzbekistan’s

Shakhobidin Zoirov — in hissemifinal showdown.

Earlier, Naveen Boora (69kg)settled for a bronze medal after

going down to Asian Gamesgold medallist Bobo-Usmon

Baturov of Uzbekistan in his semifinal bout. — PTI

Men’s skeet sideshoots bronze

Boxer Deepaksettles for silver


Pranav hit a centurywhile Kayur, ArnavJadhav, Syyarsh andYaswanth took five wick-ets each in the HyderabadCricket Association’s A-3Division one-day leaguematches.

Pranav’s 105 not out tookLNCC to 220/5 in 40overs. In reply, WalkerTown were all out for 140as Yaswanth took 5/20.

Syyarsh got 5/17 asTeam Kun were bowledout for 148, a totalAmeerpet surpassed withjust one wicket in hand.

The match between

Adnan and Reliance CCstoo was interesting. First,Kayur took 5 for 30 asAdnan were all out for 103.Then, 12-year-old Arnavhit back with his leg-spinto take 5 for 25 and bowlout Reliance for 100.BBrriieeff ssccoorreess::

TTWWOO--DDAAYY LLEEAAGGUUEE■ Deccan Wanderers 257 in68.3 overs bt Balaji Colts233 in 61.5 overs. (KaranKumar Patnayak 32, MohdSaleh Amoodi 52, ShaikMudassir 35, Arjun 31 n.o,Syed Altaf Ali 3/22, ThakurUtkarsh Singh 3/45). PPooiinnttss::Wanderers 5, Colts 0.■ Future Stars 179 in 73overs (Babar Khan 63 n.o,Manojav 4/23) vs HPS-B

38/1 in 12 overs.


■ Team Kun 148 in 43 overs(Ishaan 31, SSyyyyaarrsshh 55//1177)lost to Ameerpet CC 149/9in 39 overs (Md Sameer 40).■ Adnan CC 103 in 31 overs

(Vinay 35, KKaayyuurr 55//3300) btReliance CC 100 in 31 overs(AArrnnaavv JJaaddhhaavv 55//2255).■ LNCC 220/5 in 40overs (Chetan 40, PPrraannaavv110055 nn..oo, Satwik Manikanta 51n.o) bt Walker Town 140 in36 overs (Ritwik 40,Varshith 36, YYaasswwaanntthh 55//2200,,Shashank 3/24).■ Dhruv XI 220/8 in 45overs (Pavan Tej 32, VijayKumar 49, Nirup Kumar4/28) bt Sungrace 152in 40.4 overs (Nihal Reddy3/26, Avinash 3/30).■ SouthendRaymonds 226/9 in 35overs (Aijaz Mehdi 77, MohdWaseem Ali Khan 42, OmPrakash 3/27) bt RoshanaraCC 155 in 26.1 overs

(Preetesh A. Rawani 45,MohdKhaleel 3/36).■ Lal Bahadur 81 in 22.5overs (A. Ramu 3/18,Pradyumna 3/26) lost to M.L. Jaisimha 83/5 in 19.3overs (G. Prakash 35 n.o).■ Victory CC 84 in 30.4overs lost to DeccanColts 85 in 15.5 overs (Purna50 n.o).■ Dhruv XI 203 in 39.1 overs(Vijay 81, Pradyumna 3/43)lost to M. L. Jaisimha 204/2(Gopi Krishna Redddy 83, G.Prakash 32, Abhishek 58).■ AB Colony 124 in 42.3overs (Preetesh Rawani3/26) lost to Roshanara CC128/1 in 21 overs (DeepakTak 39 n.o, PreeteshRawani 80 n.o).

Pranav, Arnav, Kayur, Syyarsh, Yaswanth shineLive on TVFFOOOOTTBBAALLLL

IInnddiiaann SSuuppeerr LLeeaagguuee:: Goa vsHyderabad FC from 4.50 pm; MumbaiCity vs Mohun Bagan from 7.20 pm

on Star Sports 2, 3

EEnngglliisshh PPrreemmiieerr LLeeaagguuee:: LeicesterCity vs Arsenal from 5.30 pm;

Tottenham vs Burnley from 7.30 pm;Chelsea vs Manchester Untied from 10

pm; Sheffield United vs Liverpoolfrom 12.45 am (Monday) on Star

Sports Select 1, HD

New Delhi, Feb. 27: TheMotera track may havereceived a lot of flak afterthe pink ball Test endedinside two days but it isunlikely to attract anysevere sanctions from thegame’s governing bodyICC with the pitch for thefinal game set to be a bat-ting beauty.

With India 2-1 up in thefour-Test series and need-ing a draw to qualify forthe World TestChampionship final atLord’s from June 18-22,another turner is cur-rently out of question asthe home team will beaiming to take minimalrisks as far as the track isconcerned.

“Expect a good hardsurface which will befirm and even bounce. Itwill be a batting beautyand since its a traditionalred ball match, one canexpect a very high scor-ing contest here fromMarch 4-8,” a senior BCCIofficial privy to the devel-opments told PTI on con-ditions of anonymity.

Also the BCCI bigwigsalong with the team man-agement understands thefact that another dustbowl won’t augur well forthe new venue which isexpected to host a lot ofimportant matches dur-ing IPL as well as ICC T20World Cup.

“If there are two match-es played at the samevenue, you can’t hold oneresult in isolation. Letthe final Test be over andthen only based on matchreferee Javagal Srinath’sreport can ICC decide itscourse of action. Also asof now, the England teamhasn’t lodged any officialcomplaint,” the BCCIofficial said.

If there has been onegood and one bad pitch atthe same venue, the ICCis unlikely to take anyaction.

While India would behappy with a 3-1 margin,they will not require aresult oriented turner asa draw would sufficetheir purpose. Also theIndian team managementdoesn’t want to prepare atrack that can ideally

backfire on them in avery high-stake game ofcricket.

“The pink ball Testwent well because it wasmore about the ball andthe way it skidded ratherthan the pitch whichmany English formergreats are panning. Itwas straight deliveriesthat they couldn’t count-er. But having said thatthese kind of tracks havea tendency to backfireand BCCI is well aware ofthat,” he said.

The team combinationfor the next Test will bean interesting one afterJasprit Bumrah wasreleased from the squaddue to personal reasons.

Mohammed Siraj has abetter chance thanUmesh Yadav of beingIshant Sharma’s new ballpartner, while it isexpected that all threespinners will be automat-ic picks.



London, Feb. 27: FormerEngland captain MichaelVaughan has slammedthe BCCI for producingpitches that are notdeemed good enough forTest cricket and said themore India is allowed to“get away with whateverthey wish”, the more“toothless” the ICC willlook.

England on Thursdaysuffered an embarrassing10-wicket defeat in thethird Test against Indiaon a spin-friendly Moteratrack.

The match ended insidetwo days with the pitchdrawing flak from formerplayers like Vaughan,

though batting legendSunil Gavaskar creditedIndian spinners ratherthan blaming the surface.

“The longer powerfulcountries like India areallowed to get away withit the more toothless theICC will look,” Vaughanwrote in the DailyTelegraph.

“The governing bodyare allowing India to pro-duce whatever they wishand it is Test cricket thatis getting hurt. It is a realconcern for the game thatwe have seen Indiarespond to going 1-0 downby producing pitcheswhich turn prodigiouslyfrom ball one and which

they know full well willonly last two or threedays,” he said.

Vaughan, who has ledEngland from 2003 to 2008,felt broadcasters askingfor refunds if a match fin-ishes too soon may helpchange things. “They areleft with three blank daysbut are still having to payfor production. They willnot be happy and mightthink twice about goodmoney for Test rights,”Vaughan said.

He called India’s win “ashallow victory” butadmitted that the hometeam is much betterequipped to deal with theconditions. — PTI

Vaughan slams BCCI forproducing poor pitches


Just a few months ago inNov 2020 Nayeem Pasha ofKriya Sangh Society, anNGO operating out ofRasoolpura Hyderabadreceived a call from theYacht Club of HyderabadFoundation asking him toselect children from hislocality. Little did Nayeempredict that one of hiswards Manideep Perakattaa student of Alpha Omegaschool, would be selected tojoin the Army Boy SportsCompany with the Madrasengineers Regiment atBangalore at the tenderage of just 10.

Manideep’s parents,migrants from Orissa whowork as constructionlabour, are excited to seethe little boy selected into adream career with his

future secure in both thesport of sailing and a prop-er career in the forces.

Nitin Nayak fromAchampet, Abiram Kava-rala from Wanaparthy andHarshavardhan Yerra ofVikarabad were also select-ed through a stringentprocess across five daysthat tested their sailingskills, fitness, bone struc-ture and track record at theNationals.

“Getting four of our boysselected when only eightwere chosen out of hun-dreds of applicants is verysatisfying and a clear indi-cation that our trainingand systems are well estab-lished. Dignity ThroughSports is our motto andthis is surely another stepin exactly that direction,”said Suheim SheikhPresident of the YachtClub of Hyderabad.

Motera strip promises to favour batsmen in final Test

YCH sailors makeArmy Sports Co.


Syed Aziz, Suhas Raj,Sandeep, Shaik Amjad andSaad Salman scoredstraight-frame 3-0 wins inthe senior snooker catego-ry at the Telangana StateRanking Snooker &Billiards Championship atKhajaguda on Saturday.

Aziz tamed Taher Ahmed69-29, 41-11, 53-8 whileSaurav cleaned up Koushik63-13, 48-40, 69-32. Suhassank Syed Azam with a 67-50, 44-42, 60-37 score andSandeep beat MahmoodUllah 68-21, 57-34, 80-55.Amjad saw off Md Rafi 52-20, 61-36, 52-31 whileSalman sailed past YaseenAli 62-40, 61-28, 75-16.

TTHHEE RREESSUULLTTSSSSeenniioorr SSnnooookkeerr ffiirrsstt rroouunndd:: Ronak btRakesh 3-2 (53-21, 47-61, 48-45, 28-49, 63-16); Musaib Ishaq bt AbdulAhmed 3-2 (43-42, 20-51, 60-45, 28-38, 53-39); Ziaullah Khan bt Joel 3-2(36-67, 82-22, 31-66, 56-39, 70-1);Hrithik bt Hamza 3-2 (52-21, 45-49,47-24, 46-52, 46-26); Md Afzal bt G.Ashwin 3-2 (18-58, 41-52, 49-20, 53-43, 60-57); Avinash bt Chanti 3-2 (32-69, 60-28, 41-67, 67-44, 52-42);Ashwin bt Azhar 3-2 (61-72, 48-60,53-24, 61-22, 64-51); Mithra bt NaseerZubairi 3-1 (53-28, 67-7, 32-42, 53-42);Syed Aziz bt Taher Ahmed 3-0 (69-29, 41-11, 53-8); Saurav bt Koushik 3-0(63-13, 48-40, 69-32); Pragnesh btKrishna 3-2 (33-46, 42-72, 63-22, 61-26, 62-28); Naresh bt Nitin Sareen 3-1(67-31, 31-65, 65-17, 63-26); Kalyan btSameer 3-1 (60-33, 35-51, 52-40, 55-34); Phani Raj bt Chetan 3-2 (66-24,56-81, 53-82, 61-19, 55-50); Suhas Rajbt Syed Azam 3-0 (67-50, 44-42, 60-37); Beem Rao bt Sarvik 3-1 (52-18, 10-61, 60-55, 55-45); Sandeep btMahmood Ullah 3-0 (68-21, 57-34, 80-55); Shaik Amjad bt Md Rafi 3-0 (52-20, 61-36, 52-31); Saad Salman btYaseen Ali 3-0 (62-40, 61-28, 75-16).


Arnav JJadhav


Thrills continued on thesecond day of the inaugu-ral Mohd Ibrahim KhanMemorial Handball tour-nament for men being con-ducted by the HyderabadDistrict HandballAssociation at the LalBahadur Stadium inHyderabad on Saturday.

Sanathnagar HandballClub and Karimnagardished out the best matchof the day when theirencounter ended in a tie at17-17. Lal BahadurStadium (Red) scored thenarrowest victory whenthey beat Andhra PradeshTeam 19-18. Karimnagardefeated Bhavans 28-25 inthe match that saw thehighest number of goals.

TTHHEE RREESSUULLTTSSKarimnagar bt Bhavans 28-25,Santhnagar Handball Club tiedwith Karimnagar 17-17, L. BStadium (Red) bt Andhra PradeshTeam 19-18, Hyderabad HandballClub bt L. B Stadium (Blue) 9-3,Hyderabad Handball Club bt

Nizamabad 19-13, L. B Stadium(Red) bt Warangal 24-21,Nizamabad bt Gati Club 9-6, L. BStadium (Blue) bt Gati Club 7-2,Gymkhana (B) bt Mahbubnagar 17-12, Mahbubnagar bt Adilabad 11-7,Kurnool bt Adilabad 17-2, AndhraPradesh bt MVP (Vizag) 9-4,Warangal bt MVP (Vizag) 21-18,Sanathnagar Handball Club btGymkhana (A) 25-21, Ranga Reddybeat Gymkhana 25-21, MVP(Vizag) bt Warangal 21-18.


Meanwhile, the HyderabadDistrict HandballAssociation is conductingselection trials on March 3and 4 from 3 pm at theGymkhana HandballGround to select thewomen’s team that willparticipate in the SeniorWomen Inter-DistrictChampionship to be held atWarangal from March 6 to8.

For further details, con-tact coaches Ravi Kumar(9866229937) and Deepak(9989756782) or HDHA jointsecretary Siva Kumar(9848336484).

Sanathnagar andKarimnagar in tie

Sailors selected by the Army pose as they are taken for aspin in the Hussain Sagar Lake by their coach SuheimSheikh of the Yacht Club of Hyderabad Foundation.

The Gagan Narang Sports Promotion Foundation, sup-ported by NSDF, has installed 42 new Olympic gradeElectronic Targets across 10,25,50 metres and skeetrange at the Gachibowli Shooting Range, which hasbeen given to the Telangana Rifle Association to con-duct the State Championship. This is the first timeever that the State championship is being conductedon Electronic Lanes. “These are the same targets usedin the Olympic Games, which would mean state shoot-ers will get Olympic level training in Telangana now,thanks to the support of Telangana government,”Olympic bronze medallist shooter Gagan Narang said.

On target

State table tennis player SFR Snehit (second from right)is felicitated for winning a bronze medal at the recentSenior Nationals by Telangana Olympic Association presi-dent Jayesh Ranjan (second from left) in Hyderabad onSaturday, as Snehit’s coach Somnath Ghosh (left) andSATS chairman A. Venkateshwar Reddy (right) look on.

Nandini poses with her medalson the podium at the SouthZone National Junior AthleticsChampionship in Calicut.

Bronze honour

New Delhi, Feb. 27: Veteran mediumpacer ShikhaPandey was on Saturday dropped from India’s ODIand T20 squads that will take on South Africanwomen in a twin series starting March 7.

The most debatable decision by the Neetu David-ledselection committee, however, was the exclusion ofteenage batting sensation Shafali Verma in the ODIsquad which has plodders like skipper Mithali Rajand Punam Raut, whose strike-rates have come underthe scanner time and again.

“It will be interesting to know whether skipperMithali Raj, who herself loves to bat at the top of theorder and consumes more deliveries than permissi-ble, had at all wanted Shafali in the ODI squad,” a sen-ior BCCI official, who sounded miffed with the move,said on condition of anonymity. — PTI

St John’s, Feb. 27:Veteran batsman ChrisGayle has returned to theWest Indies squad for thefirst time in nearly twoyears for the three-matchT20 International seriesagainst Sri Lanka, begin-ning on March 3.

The 41-year-old top-order batsman wasrecalled to the 14-mansquad under KieronPollard on the basis of hisgood performances inrecent tournaments,including the IPL.

Senior fast bowler FidelEdwards, 39, is also backin the national squadafter a nine-year hiatus.

The three matches ofthe T20I series will beplayed on March 3, 5, and7 at the Coolidge CricketGround in Antigua,which will be making itsinternational debut.

The big-hitting Gaylelast played for West Indiesin their home seriesagainst India in August2019 after the 50-overWorld Cup that year.

He had earlier said thatthe 2019 World Cupmatches would be his lastappearances for WestIndies. — PTI

Kolkata, Feb. 27:Middle-order batsmanPrerak Mankad onSaturday took EdenGardens by storm with asensational 174 to powerSaurashtra to a 62-runwin over Chandigarh ina group E clash of theVijay Hazare Trophyhere.

The 26-year-old plun-dered six sixes and 16fours in his knock from130 balls to propelSaurashtra to a massive388/7 after Chandigarhopted to bowl.

In reply, Chandigarh,who have been impres-sive in their debut Eliteseason with three winson the trot, could man-age 326/7.


In Jaipur, skipperShreyas Iyer’s fluent 116and an impressive showby India speedsterShardul Thakur pow-ered Mumbai to a 67-runwin over Rajasthan inan Elite Group D game.

This was Mumbai’sfourth successive win,having earlier defeated

Delhi, Maharashtra andPuducherry. — PTI

BBRRIIEEFF SSCCOORREESS■ Saurashtra 388/7 in 50 overs(Prerak Mankad 174, VishvarajJadeja 50; Jaskaran Singh 4/60)bt Chandigarh 326/7 in 50 overs(Ankit Kaushik 54, Manan Vohra50, Gautam Gambhir 40 notout) by 62 runs.■ Services 287/5 in 50 overs(Rajat Paliwal 78 not out,Shivam Tiwari 74) bt Haryana175 in 43.3 overs (Jayant Yadav59) by 112 runs.■ Bengal 368/4 in 50 overs(Abhimanyu Easwaran 99,Anustup Majumdar 92 not out,Ritwik Roy Chowdhury 55,Shahbaz Ahmed 48 not out) btJammu & Kashmir 286 in 45.3overs (Abid Mushtaq 68, ParvezRasool 50; Arnab Nandi 4/46)by 82 runs.■ Mumbai 317/7 in 50 overs(Shreyas Iyer 116; ShubhamSharma 3/59) beat Rajasthan250 in 42.2 overs (MahipalLomror 76, M. Singh 40; ShardulThakur 4/50; Dhawal Kulkarni3/26) by 67 runs.■ Maharashtra 328/7 in 50 overs(Azim Kazi 91, Kedar Jadhav 86;Lalit Yadav 3/69) lost to Delhi330/7 in 49.2 overs (ShikharDhawan 153, Satyajeet Bachhav3/68) by three wickets.■ Puducherry 227/9 in 50 overs(Sheldon Jackson 104, SagarTrivedi 51; Rishi Dhawan 4/44,Pankaj Jaswal 2/23) beatHimachal 123 in 34.5 overs(Abhimanyu Rana 27; SagarUdeshi 4/35, Kannan Vignesh3/30) by 104 runs.



Prerak fashionsSaurashtra win

Regd. No. HQ/SD/509/2021-23Printed and Published by

K. Sudhakar on behalf of DeccanChronicle Holdings Limited. Printedat Deccan Chronicle Press situatedat Plot No. 9 Alwal Village, VallabhNagar Taluk, Medchal Malkajgiri

Dist. Telangana and Published at 36,S.D. Road, Secunderabad-3.

RNI Registration No. 3081/1957.Editor: Kaushik Mitter

A view of the Narendra Modi Stadium which will host the India-England fourth Test at Motera in Ahmedabad.