the lamp (1st sem/2009-2010) page 7-12

The Lamp June-October 2009 7 Breaking Closets Jerome L. Ricafrente Toink! Margarette D. Bacani IN Demand The Aviateur Macy Rose S. Flores Our world will never be an ideal one – that is if we’re going to take Plato’s Theory of Forms at heart. In his various books, he stated that just like a painting is a poor and imperfect imitation of a scene, our world is but a mere corrupted replication of the ideal one. Plato furthered this statement with his belief that the real world and the ideal world are separate entities. The things that we see around us are mimicries of what are present in the ideal world. According to him, humans in the ideal world “converse with the Gods and see the sun, moon and stars as they truly are”. One might say that Plato’s concept of the ideal world is similar to the Catholics’ idea of heaven; one that is peaceful, unflawed and untainted. Even though we follow our own standard of what is ideal, our actual world will still pale against it. The poverty, hunger, corruption and violence that plague our nation make our attempt to achieve our vision of a good life a struggle. Hospitals, public schools and other government facilities still fall short even though we have the standards for the “ideal setting”. People know how to live the ideal way, but because they find easier ways to survive, they tend to Idealistic Reality Beauty Secret “What’s Going On?” (The author does not cast himself as a stranger to some of the observations made) forget it. They then choose to deafen themselves from its call and resign to the life of mimicking the ways of others, all the while losing their grasp on how to live right. After staying for almost four years in FEU-IN, I’ve noticed this on the study habits of students and the way of teaching of some of the faculty members. Some might reason out that what people perceive as ideal might not materialize and prove useful in real life. Our world is a real one and it favors those people who are realistic. Yet, if we’ll abide such rules, where do we stand in comparison to those who abuse their authority to fill their coffers and those who steal money to feed themselves? These kinds of people indeed survive in the real world, but their sense of identity, morality and their conscience do not. One slip is all it takes for them to hit the ground, while people with conviction and values will continue to rise with every fall. I’ve had my fair share of this dilemma. Since grade school, I’ve always envisioned myself as a university professor. But because in the “real world” the nursing course offers a more lucrative and secured future, I compromised my idea of life to survive. How? How do we keep our If I would be asked to choose between intelligence and beauty, I’ll go for beauty… How about you? No doubt it is the one perceived by your naked eye that comes to your mind every time you hear the word beauty: pointed nose, glowing skin complexion, long eyelashes, thin or Angelina Jolie lips. I don’t know. It depends on how you describe that beauty. But sorry that’s not what I want to put in your mind. Indubitably, I made a great pick when I chose exquisiteness over astuteness, because it’s the loveliness that can be perceived by everybody’s obscured eyes. As I try to roam my eyes around the sphere of the Institute, I saw a lot of beautiful faces. Seeing those faces is like having angels surrounding me. It’s the same feeling when I hear my fellow nursing students make their names conspicuous through their cleverness. Those things surely make any nursing student proud that he or she belongs to the same Institute. With these, I realize that you’ll be popular in the campus when you possess either of these two: astounding intelligence or astonishing beauty. And lucky you if you got both. That will unquestionably make you much more popular. But there are students who want to get the same fame. Maybe some intend too or some unconsciously do it. Maybe, just maybe, they don’t have either of those remarkable attribute so they get attention in other way. I’m referring to our fellow students who sadly, have hideous attitudes. Once, I was riding a jeepney on my way home, a group of nursing students came in. They were not seated yet when they started chatting as if they were the only persons inside that jeep. And worse, as they were seated, one of them started talking even louder and was saying nasty words. That made all the passengers glare at them. How I wish I was not wearing the same uniform as theirs. But I was. I hope I had the courage that time to tell them they were getting so much attention. Maybe, they were so intelligent they were even talking about someone whom unfortunately, they call “bobo”. What do you think were the passengers thinking about them that time? And now, how do you think will people look at FEU nursing students? Are we not reminded every now and then that how we act will reflect the whole Institute? Like what I’ve said, many have brilliant minds too. But some lack the beauty I am referring to. Let us not forget that as we build a mind that can top the exams, let’s also build a self that can bridge us with people. Sometimes, we look up too much to our dreams that we tend to ignore the people on our sides. Pitiably, we even trample on others to get what we want. Some even set aside the friendship to gain higher rewards for themselves. Who doesn’t want to achieve honor or grades that you can be proud of? But I hope it would not mean lowering down oneself just for any award. Don’t be satisfied with intelligence alone. Boost it with a pleasing character as well. Now, let’s go back with the beauty that I’ve chosen over astuteness. What does it take to be called beautiful? I suggest three standards. First, he or she must be sensitive. To be sensitive is to feel what others feel. It’s acting unselfishly. There are some things that are fine or okay to us, but not with others. We might say words that we meant as jokes, but are already upsetting others. It’s feeling the care that our patients are asking without a single word from them. Second, one must act sophistically especially in front of other people During this year’s first semester, students from the Institute of Nursing have encountered some problems and not to be bias, most of them came from the seniors. What Is Happening? Voicing out these problems, most that are included concerned the clinical exposure, such as the clinical instructor’s duty schedules not coinciding with their lectures. Sometimes the two opposing schedules would even overlap that the C.I.s are now faced with the impossible. But they would, of course, pick the lecture over the duty. Another famous situation would be the whereabouts of the communication letter. The C.I.s and the group s/he’s handling would come to the area, both demanding that one special letter that makes our rotations’ bloodlines go. Most of the time, it isn’t ready yet, so another duty is cancelled. Sometimes the schedule of the C.I.s would fit okay. Lectures first, then by late afternoon, duty with a group or two. And by this time, the C.I. would be dead tired from the day’s work to even bother to scrutinize the students on duty, if they are charting correctly or if they are already administering IV push without supervision. And this would result to ineffective student, rotation, and C.I., then it would all go down to the evaluation results. Duty Concept Versus Lecture Concept If the duty wasn’t cancelled, and the C.I. was free that day, and if the COMM letter was already at hand, here comes another problem: How come we don’t know what the C.I. is talking about? Or what she is saying sounds familiar but we’ve forgotten all about it? This time it’s all about the concepts’ agreement. It’s all just very simple. If you are rotated in a mental institute and your lecture concept is Eyes and Ears, what would be effective about that? And most of the time, the C.I. doesn’t give lectures in the area—they assume you already know, or at least knowing about it in lecture. The students always look incompetent whenever faced with a clinical exposure they have no slight clue about. Concepts should propose a sort of balance for the students to be efficient. V/S Nursing Ward, ward, ward. If only the board exam questions would be about ward management, we’d all pass with flying colors. In Level IV, you are highly praised and envied if you’ve been rotated to a special area. In this problem we have answers. Last year, the 08-09 juniors were all given ward rotations because the seniors have their completion so they are the priority. But this year, seniors are still assigned to wards because the lower levels are already exposed to the clinical area. Where is fairness to that? Their PRC form drafts are as clean as tabula rasa. Why would the lower levels be prioritized this time? They even have more cases than the seniors. This is more than just a complaint—it’s a “cry for help.” How are the seniors supposed to graduate if all their much-needed cases are caught by lower year levels? And we plainly need answers. principles and ideas in a world that is constantly trying to change them? During our lectures and eLearning, we are exposed to medical innovations and settings that offer the best treatment and interventions for our patients. This is beside the fact that many of these are not present in the various clinical areas that we are assigned to. I don’t consider being introduced to these innovations as something useless though. I think it’s being taught to remind us that there are ideal and effective ways to treat and handle our patients. We must not forget them just because they do not exist in the actual setting, for doing so is tantamount to allowing our poor health system define our provision of care. On a personal level, I believe it still rings true. I have developed a deep sense of respect for the nursing profession, but I will never forget my true calling. Doing otherwise is like allowing a “current trend” define my way of life. The fact that we live in an eclectic world that tolerates the existence of various and often times conflicting beliefs suggests that we are not in any way inhibited in realizing our own stand in life. Whatever it is that we consider ideal should not stay unfulfilled just because they would come out as something impractical and difficult in the real world. The tides of social standards and beliefs are indeed strong that we find it rather easy to conform to it, but I believe that it’s not strong enough to rattle someone who has the courage and guts to sail to the direction his heart leads him to. We may never live in an ideal world but we can be the ideal person we want to be. Foremost Bleat I salute the leadership of the current Institute of Nursing (INSC) officers in bringing their programs to life. I saw their efforts particularly the current INSC president, Ms. Jan Marie de Leon. A concern which must not complicate but needs a voice is the thoughtless dumping of the annual Acquaintance Party. The motive for the abandonment was that programs for this school year were concentrated toward meaningful Poorgeoisie Joshua D. Jorvina Insulin or Abulia? This column presents two hustles, hubbubs or hullabaloos of a realization and outlook among the student body and their own issues as well. Happy reading! projects, which was far daw from the proposed event. A hundred-thousand- plus budget can already be allotted for more purposeful agendas such as medical missions, charity and so on. If the budget would be calculated, the individual amount will only cost 28 pesos per IN student, a reasonable amount to pursue the event. On the INSC’s part, the Acquaintance party was not just your perceived happy-go-lucky happening. According to Ms. de Leon, it has its significant purposes such as the launching of INSC’s programs for the whole year. The IN family is one project that aims to unite freshies, sophies, juniors and seniors because the curriculum now is straight four years. Another is to let the rest feel that they belong in an institute of talents, not just being confined in four corners of a room. They get to see their ate’s and kuya’s dancing, singing, plus other surprises. Who has watched last year’s dance number of the DYOSAS? Wasn’t that fun and memorable? Do IN students get to have social verve? Yawn. Though we have our own spiritual quests and religions, INSC has its own values-forming projects under the Spiritual Committee. Just like what the INSC President has said, let’s just accept and see the brighter side. God has his purpose. Last Bleat Removing the patch, it’s a bit hard to distinguish which is which. Who are the students from IN when compared to other institutes? With their long back hairs, loose polos, one would observe that they are even proud of their B.O.F. auras which very hilarious. Just when did IN permitted uniform and grooming upheaval? To the lower batches, just look at how properly groomed your kuya’s and ate’s are. Juniors and Seniors have clean cuts, properly tucked polos, shaved faces, and so on and so forth. Though some are boorish of how they present themselves, it’s up to them to sport what they want – passion for ill- fashion. For the clinical uniforms, my female group mates always see their co-students disentangling their buns in public places. We, of Adam’s specie may not comprehend. Eve’s point is that disrespect is being shown for the white uniform; second they ruin the image of FEU-IN on the upbringing of uniform and grooming; and third, they display off beam example to the subordinate batches. It sounds even-handed on their part. For Level I and Level II students, we waited and suffered two years just to wear the IN patch. Now that you are togged up in that logo upon entering FEU, you must take pride by abiding what is desired. For Levels II, III and IV, our green smock gowns, although they are a bit uncomfortable to wear especially during hot days, must always serve as the epidermis of our white uniform. Our institute is known for its strict grooming and uniform policies cephalo caudal or from head to foot. Though the Discipline Committee cannot get all the ID’s of these pasaways, one must remind himself or herself the school and institute they belong. An IN alumni has told us this: if you feel sick and tired of these rules, better slough off your noble degree and budge. This semester, tiara-like nursing caps replaced the older, smaller and filthier caps of the female students. Ma’am Cañizares told us during our Ethics concept that the Institute is teaching us to be competent nurses, one of the reasons why we should always abide. Opinion continued on p. 8 continued on p. 8 Bumigay ka na sa lacrimal_rome@

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Page 1: The Lamp (1st sem/2009-2010) page 7-12

The LampJune-October 2009 7

Breaking ClosetsJerome L. Ricafrente Toink!

Margarette D. Bacani

IN DemandThe AviateurMacy Rose S. Flores

Our world will never be an ideal one – that is if we’re going to take Plato’s Theory of Forms at heart. In his various books, he stated that just like a painting is a poor and imperfect imitation of a scene, our world is but a mere corrupted replication of the ideal one.

Plato furthered this statement with his belief that the real world and the ideal world are separate entities. The things that we see around us are mimicries of what are present in the ideal world. According to him, humans in the ideal world “converse with the Gods and see the sun, moon and stars as they truly are”. One might say that Plato’s concept of the ideal world is similar to the Catholics’ idea of heaven; one that is peaceful, unflawed and untainted.

Even though we follow our own standard of what is ideal, our actual world will still pale against it. The poverty, hunger, corruption and violence that plague our nation make our attempt to achieve our vision of a good life a struggle. Hospitals, public schools and other government facilities still fall short even though we have the standards for the “ideal setting”.

People know how to live the ideal way, but because they find easier ways to survive, they tend to

Idealistic Reality

Beauty Secret

“What’s Going On?” (The author does not cast himself as a stranger to some of the

observations made)forget it. They then choose to deafen themselves from its call and resign to the life of mimicking the ways of others, all the while losing their grasp on how to live right. After staying for almost four years in FEU-IN, I’ve noticed this on the study habits of students and the way of teaching of some of the faculty members.

Some might reason out that what people perceive as ideal might not materialize and prove useful in real life. Our world is a real one and it favors those people who are realistic. Yet, if we’ll abide such rules, where do we stand in comparison to those who abuse their authority to fill their coffers and those who steal money to feed themselves? These kinds of people indeed survive in the real world, but their sense of identity, morality and their conscience do not. One slip is all it takes for them to hit the ground, while people with conviction and values will continue to rise with every fall.

I’ve had my fair share of this dilemma. Since grade school, I’ve always envisioned myself as a university professor. But because in the “real world” the nursing course offers a more lucrative and secured future, I compromised my idea of life to survive.

How? How do we keep our If I would be asked to choose

between intelligence and beauty, I’ll go for beauty… How about you? No doubt it is the one perceived by your naked eye that comes to your mind every time you hear the word beauty: pointed nose, glowing skin complexion, long eyelashes, thin or Angelina Jolie lips. I don’t know. It depends on how you describe that beauty. But sorry that’s not what I want to put in your mind. Indubitably, I made a great pick when I chose exquisiteness over astuteness, because it’s the loveliness that can be perceived by everybody’s obscured eyes. As I try to roam my eyes around the sphere of the Institute, I saw a lot of beautiful faces. Seeing those faces is like having angels surrounding me. It’s the same feeling when I hear my fellow nursing students make their names conspicuous through their cleverness. Those things surely make any nursing student proud that he or she belongs to the same Institute. With these, I realize that you’ll be popular in the campus when you possess either of these two: astounding intelligence or astonishing beauty. And lucky you if you got both. That will unquestionably make you much more popular. But there are students who want to get the same fame. Maybe some intend too or some unconsciously do it. Maybe, just maybe, they don’t have either of those remarkable attribute so they get attention in other way. I’m referring to our fellow students

who sadly, have hideous attitudes. Once, I was riding a jeepney on my way home, a group of nursing students came in. They were not seated yet when they started chatting as if they were the only persons inside that jeep. And worse, as they were seated, one of them started talking even louder and was saying nasty words. That made all the passengers glare at them. How I wish I was not wearing the same uniform as theirs. But I was. I hope I had the courage that time to tell them they were getting so much attention. Maybe, they were so intelligent they were even talking about someone whom unfortunately, they call “bobo”. What do you think were the passengers thinking about them that time? And now, how do you think will people look at FEU nursing students? Are we not reminded every now and then that how we act will reflect the whole Institute? Like what I’ve said, many have brilliant minds too. But some lack the beauty I am referring to. Let us not forget that as we build a mind that can top the exams, let’s also build a self that can bridge us with people.

Sometimes, we look up too much to our dreams that we tend to ignore the people on our sides. Pitiably, we even trample on others to get what we want. Some even set aside the friendship to gain higher rewards for themselves. Who doesn’t want to achieve honor or grades that you can be proud of? But I hope it would not mean lowering down oneself just for any award. Don’t be satisfied with intelligence alone. Boost it with a pleasing character as well. Now, let’s go back with the beauty that I’ve chosen over astuteness. What does it take to be called beautiful? I suggest three standards. First, he or she must be sensitive. To be sensitive is to feel what others feel. It’s acting unselfishly. There are some things that are fine or okay to us, but not with others. We might say words that we meant as jokes, but are already upsetting others.

It’s feeling the care that our patients are asking without a single word from them. Second, one must act sophistically especially in front of other people

During this year’s first semester, students from the Institute of Nursing have encountered some problems and not to be bias, most of them came from the seniors.

What Is Happening?Voicing out these problems, most that are included concerned

the clinical exposure, such as the clinical instructor’s duty schedules not coinciding with their lectures. Sometimes the two opposing schedules would even overlap that the C.I.s are now faced with the impossible. But they would, of course, pick the lecture over the duty.

Another famous situation would be the whereabouts of the communication letter. The C.I.s and the group s/he’s handling would come to the area, both demanding that one special letter that makes our rotations’ bloodlines go. Most of the time, it isn’t ready yet, so another duty is cancelled.

Sometimes the schedule of the C.I.s would fit okay. Lectures first, then by late afternoon, duty with a group or two. And by this time, the C.I. would be dead tired from the day’s work to even bother to scrutinize the students on duty, if they are charting correctly or if they are already administering IV push without supervision. And this would result to ineffective student, rotation, and C.I., then it would all go down to the evaluation results.

Duty Concept Versus Lecture ConceptIf the duty wasn’t cancelled, and the C.I. was free that day,

and if the COMM letter was already at hand, here comes another problem: How come we don’t know what the C.I. is talking about? Or what she is saying sounds familiar but we’ve forgotten all about it? This time it’s all about the concepts’ agreement.

It’s all just very simple. If you are rotated in a mental institute and your lecture concept is Eyes and Ears, what would be effective about that? And most of the time, the C.I. doesn’t give lectures in the area—they assume you already know, or at least knowing about it in lecture. The students always look incompetent whenever faced with a clinical exposure they have no slight clue about. Concepts should propose a sort of balance for the students to be efficient.

V/S NursingWard, ward, ward. If only the board exam questions would be

about ward management, we’d all pass with flying colors. In Level IV, you are highly praised and envied if you’ve been rotated to a special area.

In this problem we have answers. Last year, the 08-09 juniors were all given ward rotations because the seniors have their completion so they are the priority. But this year, seniors are still assigned to wards because the lower levels are already exposed to the clinical area. Where is fairness to that? Their PRC form drafts are as clean as tabula rasa.

Why would the lower levels be prioritized this time? They even have more cases than the seniors. This is more than just a complaint—it’s a “cry for help.” How are the seniors supposed to graduate if all their much-needed cases are caught by lower year levels?

And we plainly need answers.

principles and ideas in a world that is constantly trying to change them?

During our lectures and eLearning, we are exposed to medical innovations and settings that offer the best treatment and interventions for our patients. This is beside the fact that many of these are not present in the various clinical areas that we are assigned to. I don’t consider being introduced to these innovations as something useless though. I think it’s being taught to remind us that there are ideal and effective ways to treat and handle our patients. We must not forget them just because they do not exist in the actual setting, for doing so is tantamount to allowing our poor health system define our provision of care.

On a personal level, I believe it still rings true. I have developed a deep sense of respect for the nursing profession, but I will never forget my true calling. Doing otherwise is like allowing a “current trend” define my way of life.

The fact that we live in an eclectic world that tolerates the existence of various and often times conflicting beliefs suggests that we are not in any way inhibited in realizing our own stand in life. Whatever it is that we consider ideal should not stay unfulfilled just because they would come out as something impractical and difficult in the real world. The tides of social standards and beliefs are indeed strong that we find it rather easy to conform to it, but I believe that it’s not strong enough to rattle someone who has the courage and guts to sail to the direction his heart leads him to. We may never live in an ideal world but we can be the ideal person we want to be.

Foremost BleatI salute the leadership of the

current Institute of Nursing (INSC) officers in bringing their programs to life. I saw their efforts particularly the current INSC president, Ms. Jan Marie de Leon. A concern which must not complicate but needs a voice is the thoughtless dumping of the annual Acquaintance Party. The motive for the abandonment was that programs for this school year were concentrated toward meaningful

PoorgeoisieJoshua D. Jorvina

Insulin or Abulia?

This column presents two hustles, hubbubs or hullabaloos of a realization and outlook among the student body and their own issues

as well. Happy reading! projects, which was far daw from the proposed event. A hundred-thousand-plus budget can already be allotted for more purposeful agendas such as medical missions, charity and so on. If the budget would be calculated, the individual amount will only cost 28 pesos per IN student, a reasonable amount to pursue the event. On the INSC’s part, the Acquaintance party was not just your perceived happy-go-lucky happening. According to Ms. de Leon, it has its significant

purposes such as the launching of INSC’s programs for the whole year. The IN family is one project that aims to unite freshies, sophies, juniors and seniors because the curriculum now is straight four years. Another is to let the rest feel that they belong in an institute of talents, not just being confined in four corners of a room. They get to see their ate’s and kuya’s dancing, singing, plus other surprises. Who has watched last year’s dance number of the DYOSAS? Wasn’t that fun and memorable? Do IN students get to have social verve? Yawn. Though we have our own spiritual quests and religions, INSC has its own values-forming projects under the Spiritual Committee. Just like what the INSC President has said, let’s just accept and see the brighter side. God has his purpose. Last Bleat

Removing the patch, it’s a bit hard to distinguish which is which. Who are the students from IN when

compared to other institutes? With their long back hairs, loose polos, one would observe that they are even proud of their B.O.F. auras which very hilarious. Just when did IN permitted uniform and grooming upheaval? To the lower batches, just look at how properly groomed your kuya’s and ate’s are. Juniors and Seniors have clean cuts, properly tucked polos, shaved faces, and so on and so forth. Though some are boorish of how they present themselves, it’s up to them to sport what they want – passion for ill-fashion. For the clinical uniforms, my female group mates always see their co-students disentangling their buns in public places. We, of Adam’s specie may not comprehend. Eve’s point is that disrespect is being shown for the white uniform; second they ruin the image of FEU-IN on the upbringing of uniform and grooming; and third, they display off beam example to the subordinate batches. It sounds even-handed on their part. For Level I and Level II students, we waited and

suffered two years just to wear the IN patch. Now that you are togged up in that logo upon entering FEU, you must take pride by abiding what is desired. For Levels II, III and IV, our green smock gowns, although they are a bit uncomfortable to wear especially during hot days, must always serve as the epidermis of our white uniform. Our institute is known for its strict grooming and uniform policies cephalo caudal or from head to foot. Though the Discipline Committee cannot get all the ID’s of these pasaways, one must remind himself or herself the school and institute they belong. An IN alumni has told us this: if you feel sick and tired of these rules, better slough off your noble degree and budge. This semester, tiara-like nursing caps replaced the older, smaller and filthier caps of the female students. Ma’am Cañizares told us during our Ethics concept that the Institute is teaching us to be competent nurses, one of the reasons why we should always abide.


continued on p. 8

continued on p. 8

Bumigay ka na sa [email protected]

Page 2: The Lamp (1st sem/2009-2010) page 7-12

The LampJune-October 20098

INSC unveils year long projectsHeaded by the advisers Mrs. Rachelle Lax-

amana and Mr. Jonathan Cañares, the Institute of Nursing Student Council (INSC) aims to imple-ment programs and activities that would cater to the needs and interests of the whole Institute of Nursing (IN) population. Programs done by the past batches that had proved to be successful are utilized again this year while the proposals for new activities have also been considered. Through this, nursing students are directed to the enhancement of their skills and abilities through their participation and support to these proposed programs. “Our approach this year is holistic. We want to reach out to all levels of the insti-tute,” as stated by the INSC president Jan Ma-rie De Leon. “The student council of 2009-2010 will undeniably make a mark this school year.” INSC Committees

Academic CommitteeThe Academic Committee with their Offi-

cer-in-Charge Jeremy Medrano and President Paulo Martin Cleope will continue to nurture the academically inclined FEU-IN students through their projects for the school year. These are the Seeds of Wisdom: Small Group Discussion with Expert FEU lecturers in their Field; Pen Power: The second FEU-IN Essay Writing Competition; Tutorial Sessions; Tam Nurse-Greatness Un-leashed: The 5th FEU Nursing Quiz Bee; Aim High Tamaraw Nurse: The 2nd FEU-IN on-the-spot NCP making contest; The Clash of Bril-liant Minds; and the Challenging the Best of the Bests: first FEU Nursing Research Congress.

Spirit-Civic Committee

With the desire to uplift the values and spirituality of the nursing students, the Spirit-Civ-ic Committee headed by their president Katrina Cagne has 5 projects for the school year. Among them are the Motivational Day-Empowering the Faith: Mass for the Licensure Exam; Gift Giv-ing Program; Feeding Program and Livelihood; Faithing Circle; and the Council’s Counsel. Fur-thermore, masses in the FEU chapel are con-ducted every first week of the month which is sponsored by the different batches of the Insti-

tute of Nursing and the INSC.

Socio-Cultural CommitteeThe Socio-Cultural Committee, led by the

Officer-in-Charge Evan Lendle Ramos, focuses on activities that would enhance the unity of the IN students. Their projects for the school year include Institute of Nursing Acquaintance Party: INteract, INvolve, INtegrate; IN Shirt Launch; IN Family; Poster Making Contest and the Photo Contest.

Student Development Committee

The Student Development, a newly es-tablished committee, headed by the FEUCSO Representative Romeo Alexis Dimayacyac aims to meet the students’ needs including those that are out of academic concerns. Projects such as IN Voice Box and Table: Filling up the Insufficien-cies; IN Book Bank: One Book, Two Hands, Tree of Knowledge and the IN Student Congress: Hearing the Voices of the Tamaraw Nurses are to be launched this school year.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, headed by the INSC President Jan Marie De Leon, has three projects for this school year. These are the IN Teambuilding; AIDS Awareness Campaign and the annual Foundation Week.

Sports Committee

Encouraging unity and building the team-work of the IN family are the functions of the Sports Committee. With their Officer-in-Charge Sybil Alcaraz and President Keneth Robles, the committee has two activities for the year 2009-2010. These are the Institute of Nursing Sports Fest with the motto of “Strengthening the Spirit of Sportsmanship” and the FEU Athletics League.

Creative Productions Committee

The Creative Productions headed by their President Xyla Noelle Babao and Officer-in-Charge Evan Lendle Ramos strives to reach out to the nursing students through the video presen-tations, posters, and other promotional materials they provide in big events such as the acquain-tance party. Their major project for the school

News Features

year is a play entitled “Enchanted Hours”.

Publicity CommitteeWith their president Karen Bacongan and

Officer-in-Charge Patrick Lourence Mesias, the Publicity Committee aims to widen the span of information dissemination especially to the low-er year levels this school year. In line with this, proposals for the projects such as the remodel-ing of the bulletin boards in collaboration with the Creative Productions Committee, the making of the Blogspot, and the room to room assignments of the publicity committee members in order to assess the effectiveness of information dis-semination are to be pursued. Also, the Publicity Committee will be participating and collaborating with the Academic Committee in the Clash of the Brilliant Minds the first FEU nursing debate.

Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee is concerned in maintaining the decorum and the grooming of the IN students whether inside or outside the cam-pus. Headed by their Officer-in-Charge Josuha Katrina David and President Miguel Angelo Co, the committee came up with two projects namely The Way of the Tamaraw: Epitome of Excellence and From empty bottles to good books. The proceeds of the latter project will be donated to Student Development Committee’s book bank. IN Flagships

Red Cross Youth Collegiate CouncilThe Red Cross Youth Collegiate Council

with their IN faculty adviser Kurt Rasos, Officer-in-Charge Erwin Jan Enriquez, and President Mary Margaret Estupigan, sets 16 projects for the school year that will encourage voluntary service and camaraderie to the nursing students.

Ten projects are to take place in the first se-mester. These are the RCYCC General Assem-bly; Blood Awareness Month Campaignl; Project Volt-in; Blood Marathon: Madugong Paligsahan; Scuffle’s Sword: A RCY Humanitarian Law Sym-posium; Community RCY; Adopt-a-School; Op-eration Rambo IV; Leadership Development Program: Leader and a Ship III and the RCYCC

Med-i c a l - S u r g i -cal-Dental Mission.

The sec- ond semester will enrich the knowledge and experiences of the red crossers with the six activities on hand. These are the Basic Sign Language; Operation Archer II; Opera-tion Enlighten: RCYCC Medical-Dental-Opthal-mological Mission; Pledge 25: University Wide Blood Letting Program; Project Dunant II: Red Cross Youth Days and the Abot Kamay V: Medi-cal-Surgical-Dental Mission.

The Lamp With the IN faculty adviser Maria Loisa

Santiago and Editor-in-Chief Jan Albert Suing, The Lamp will continuously enlighten and in-form the IN students on the different issues and happenings in the Institute. Projects such as the Journalism Seminar, the release of the two is-sues of the Lamp in the first and second semes-ter, and handing out of a ‘literary folio’ are to be materialized this school year.

Institute of Nursing Music Ministry and Institute of Nursing Theater Arts Committee

The Institute of Nursing Music Ministry (INMM) headed by their president Josephine Glatz and the Institute of Nursing Theater Arts Committee (INTAC) with their president Venie Dalog, both conduct Regular Enhancement Pro-grams which aims to develop the talents of its members thru workshops. This serves as their preparation for annual competitions like Sayawit and Acalitmus.

capable enough to provide him a decent life. Too much love for family

‘What are you frustrated about?’ A professor once asked me.It is this: we love our family so much that we are willing to sacrifice

everything that makes us happy for them. I do believe that man’s moral purpose in life is his happiness. But nobody says it’s wrong to love his family. Certainly not. But sacrifice must never be used a justification of one’s love. One must not let his love for his family stifle him from reaching his dreams.

What does this have to do with the Philippines’s sluggish progress?In a recent study, it was found that the top two priorities of Filipinos are

their families and their friends. This is in contrast with Western countries where they perceive achievements as their paramount priority. Progress nowadays requires global competitiveness. But how do we become competitive if we are already contented with what we have? Masaya na ‘ko basta masaya kaming magkakasama ng pamilya ko at kumakain kami ng tatlong beses sa isang araw. That doesn’t even sound like contentment at all. It’s more like despair – the despair of not being able to explore one’s full potential and the possibility of achieving a higher level of self-actualization.

On a lighter note, we can actually help our family without feeling it as a burden by bearing in mind that helping them and providing for them isn’t a responsibility but a prerogative. Hospitality versus Inferiority

I doubt the famous Filipino hospitality. I believe it is not hospitality at all. It’s more of inferiority complex.

Of all the races in the world, the Filipino is among those who believe in white supremacy or superiority. This is the reason why they show them illogical respect every time they’re in the country or they see them strolling on our streets or sun-bathing in our beaches, why they give them special treatment, serve them food they hardly even share with their fellows, and let themselves be treated by these foreigners as slaves. And it is not because we are hospitable.

Don’t you see the manifestations of this malady? The number one song in the local music hit chart is Korean; the highest rating local TV shows are Filipino remakes of Mexican telenovelas; and many more. Filipinos tend to worship anything foreign. They even want their surnames to sound foreign. How many times have you laugh upon hearing genuine Pinoy surnames such as Batungbacal and sort? Can’t you see that these people bearing these kinds of surnames are the real Filipinos? How many times have we heard phony actresses flaunt their expensive, imported bags and shoes in local TV? Countless times. And it’s sick.

What a tragic sight. Until the Filipinos take pride in being a Filipino, we will not recover from this abyss of self-discrimination and self-loathing.

We cannot step in the same river twice. The world is constantly changing, and if we don’t adapt to these changes, we will forever be left out. So let us leave the past behind and live the present for our future and the future of this glorious nation.

Masarap mabuhay. Ikwento mo na sa [email protected]=)

and with the patients. That is to act with confidence and with finesse. The third is closely related to the second, and that is acting as a real “educated” person. Bear in mind that not all who earn a degree act like educated ones. Be not like them. Show our being educated through our actions and words. Those three, if we just put them in our hearts, will make us notice not only as lovely persons, but future nurses who really deserve trust and respect from people and from our patients. Later in our lives, what would be more important is neither our intelligence nor the beauty we used to have, but it’s the undying beauty that the people around us find within ourr hearts. It’s the beauty that our patients long every time they will need caring nurses. I chose that beauty because I know that it’s the one that can really make me happy. I don’t see the goodness of achieving something great yet you rejoice alone because the people are resentful of your attitude. Someday, it would be nicer if I happen to bump someone accidentally from the Institute while roaming in the mall for example, and he or she smiles at me or hugs me because we had an affable friendship before, than just be ignored and be just known as the prettiest or brightest student in the same school where we graduated. Do you agree this time to choose beauty over intelligence? Everybody can be beautiful. From being lovely, we can always be lovelier and then the loveliest students who can be assets of our Institute. Let us not forget how we become beautiful. Let this Turkish proverb reminds us always of how to be gorgeous in everybody’s eyes, “Whoever the heart loves, she is the beauty.”

Beauty Secrets... from p. 7

Precisely! Guys, their point is crystal clear. Getting to the habit of always being the best – not only physically through our uniforms, but also mentally by studying hard – will give us the edge from other graduates in this competitive health care industry. A remarkable word I found as I was browsing my phone’s medical dictionary was the word ABULIA, a common symptom amongst Schizophrenics. It is a medical term denoting absence or impairment of will power. The individual still manifests desires to put it into action, but they do not, for initiative and energy are lacking. Concluding these uproars, hopefully these ruckuses may serve to open the eyes of the sightless, tap the back of ignorant, enlighten the gloomed. Besides, we all want a win-win solution. Change and improvement are like insulin, key to energy, the energy to be better. Long-acting or short-acting? Better if the former, even worse if no determination or abulia. It is up to us. Insulin or abulia?

Alien’s Diary... from p. 6

Insulin or... from p. 7

SingultusKathlyn Kaye P. Delizo

A Touching Moment

Schizophrenia – A word which has been embedded on my mind for the past eight years of life in school. I would never forget that moment I heard that word. It was when I was in sixth grade that the word could’ve won me first place in the spelling bee. After I got home that day, I picked up my dictionary and searched for that word and its meaning.

Schiz-o-phre-ni-a (n) Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances. Schizophrenia is associated with dopamine imbalances in the brain and may have an underlying genetic cause.

Even after I read that, I still felt puzzled but dismissed it, not knowing that after eight years, I’ll be able to encounter again this word but with a deeper meaning in my life.

During our duty at a home care in Mandaluyong, we were able to meet persons who are called by people outside the medical field as ‘insane’. But to us, they are ‘Schizo patients’. At first, I was nervous, judgmental and scared and there were millions of ‘what-ifs’ in my mind. These all disappeared when my group mates and I have met our patients. They were all smiles and very friendly. They looked normal but once we began the nurse-patient interaction, the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia became very obvious. During those times, it was very tiring for us to communicate with them because their answers

were way too bizarre to understand. Those tiring moments were paid-off during the Grand Socialization Party.

Grand Socialization Day was the day that marked the end of the duty. We, together with our patients, had a blast during the party. There was this part where our patients will say a few words for us. We were shocked and touched by the words they uttered and their reactions. They were teary-eyed while saying their words of gratitude for us. They were even giving advices like not to get married yet because we are still too young and study hard. As they were going back to their respective rooms after the party, they gave each of us a piece of candy saying that they will pray for us to be safe and be happy. It was at this moment when we felt overwhelmed by the fact that we were able to be a part of their lives and in return, they touched us with their simple gestures and words of gratitutde.

Schizophrenia is a word that I have known for eight years. For me,

it is not the word that could have won me that spelling quiz bee years ago any more. It is now a word that changed my perspective on people who are diagnosed with this mental

illness. It is now a word that will make me remember the moment I was able to touch a person’s life and made a difference.

By Alex Redome and Klaudine Palma

Page 3: The Lamp (1st sem/2009-2010) page 7-12

The LampJune-October 2009 9News Features

well. What are your plans in terms of our NLE goals?

One of these days you will see teasers around and that is for the 2010 batch. It will be a part of their motivation to do better. It is like a game which will make them set their own goals. Other than that, we also have the Nursing Audit which we are having for the past 3 years. We have seen that the rating has improved this year and the Nursing Audit is a great help to the students. It’s still in the planning to put it though the e-Learning. In that case, the strengths and weaknesses of each student will be easily identified and with that we can easily help them work on that. In Dean Arquiza’s point-of-view, where is IN now and where do you think it is headed? What growth have you envision for IN?

We have maintained our standards and the best indicator of that is the results of the recent NLE. IN is currently Level II Reaccredited and we are hoping for it to undergo a second Level II Reaccreditation early next year. We envision for a Level III Accreditation by 2013 and in 6 years, our Institute will be celebrating its Diamond Year, IN will be 60 years old. Life is a journey and there are people who will walk with you. Without these people walking with you, you will not attain your goal; you will not reach your ‘journey’, so with everybody’s help – the administration, the faculty, students, and alumni, we envision the Institute of Nursing to become a Center for Excellence for Nursing Education by the year 2015.Among the many nursing values, what among these would you emphasize to the students?

Honesty. I always tell this that the greatest virtue of a nurse is her honesty, most especially because as nurses we are dealing with lives. I am always guided by the Christian principles. The Bible is a very rich source of inspiration to everybody. Also there must be love, the kind of love best exemplified by our Lord Jesus Christ.What would you tell or advice our students at this point? How would you motivate them and inspire them?

By ‘Walking the Talk’. You show them what you can do. What is your message to the FEU-IN community and to the FEU-IN students, in general and to the graduating batch?

For everybody; be the best that you can be in whatever you do and wherever you go.

“Let it (Institute of Nursing) have its time and its turn to show that it can also give its sparkle of student-leadership volunteerism,” said Ramon Victor Roxas, the first nursing student to be elected as FEUCSO President.

After over 50 years of waiting, Far Eastern University (FEU) proved ready this school year to name an IN student as FEUCSO president. Ramon Victor Roxas, a third year nursing student, won the position at the election held on the last week of February.

Roxas along with the other candidates of the Sandigan Party won their respective positions. “We won because of the student platforms we showed. Our platforms are based on the many suggestions of the students like better information dissemination, socio-civic involvements, youth mobilization like TamHunt, Boto ni Piyu, Sayawit and foundation concert,” Roxas said on their party’s landslide victory.

On Running as PresidentRoxas gave several reasons on what made him ran for president

despite the challenging and demanding life of a nursing student. He said that his predecessors like former INSC Presidents Richard Yu and Jaycee Zoreta had inspired him to be the first nursing student to attempt for the position. “They have instilled in me the values and skills of being a true leader,” Roxas quipped.

Roxas also said that it’s about time for the leadership potentials of nursing students to be recognized in the whole FEU community. “At first, I was intimidated because others believe that nursing students must be in a lower position to balance their academic and social life. So when I was in first year and I learned that no student from the IN had been elected president, I was inspired to prove that nursing, with how we help people in their daily lives, is service-leadership at its finest.”

Historic BreakthroughRoxas recounted that when he was in first year, he was shown

to the alumni room and was told that the IN and the Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts (IARFA) are the only Institutes who have not h a d

A First: FEU Elects IN Student for FEUCSO President

By Jerome L. Ricafrente

a student as FEUCSO President. So when Web Ramores, an IARFA student, was elected as the president of FEUCSO last school year, it inspired him to accomplish the same feat for IN.

Roxas’ opinion on why it took up to now for a nursing student to be elected is similar to the common perception on the profession. “There’s this saying that nurses work under doctors and they are just assistants. But my predecessors and I believe that nurses work with doctors. I believe that nurses can also imbibe leadership,” he explained.

Another reason he cited is that the nursing course is difficult. “No one before had the initiative to run as president of the FEUCSO for the course (nursing) is very demanding and you have to exert extra efforts and manage time,” Roxas said.

Roxas added that in order then for a nursing student to be able to cope up with the responsibilities of a leader, he must be well-trained and well-diverse. “It’s also important for you to be academically competent so that no matter what pressure is thrown at you, you can balance your time,” Roxas said.

Being a Nurse-Leader“A nurse leader serves with passion. They are

passionate in their work for it actually involves caring for people. Aside from assisting your patients with love and care, you also put in a spark of leadership and volunteerism. Being a leader, how a nursing student does it, is already a sign of humility as you offer yourself in service to others,” Roxas said when asked how a nurse-leader differs from the others.

Roxas said that he is no stranger to the pressures of being a nursing student. Yet, according to him this did not serve as a barrier in extending his service to the FEU community. “It’s the passion that drives you through. The fear is overcome by your values and your passion for leadership. No matter what rotation or duty you have, as

long as you have the thirst to serve the FEU community, you can surpass everything,” Roxas furthered.

Just like most students, Roxas’ top priority is his

studies. “At the

end of the day it’s always your academics that matters. But to those who want to be involved socio-civically and in volunteerism like donating blood and becoming committee members, it’s all about passion. Don’t be scared as long as you have the values to back it up.” Present and Future Endeavors

“I’m doing well. I am thankful to the people who supported me all along,” Roxas said when asked about his performance as president.

Roxas is currently a third year student and a second term is possible when he enters fourth year. When asked about his plans after his term, he said “I’m not sure yet. The only thing that’s sure is that I’ll continue being a leader in my own way. Whether it is by being in Red Cross, Tamvol (Tamaraw Volunteers) or Oradec (Oratorical and Debate Council), I would be proud to continue my service to the FEU community.

An Educator of real timeA Nurse of her time

A nurse leader serves with passion. They are passionate in their work for it

actually involves caring for people.

This school year opened a remarkable era in the history of The Far Eastern University Institute of Nursing as Dr. Glenda S. Arquiza, the

Associate Dean of IN for the last 6 years, assumes the Deanship post, making her the 7th Dean of the institute

a f t e r being established 54 years ago. Dr. Glenda S. Arquiza, who graduated with a

degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Siliman University, earned her Master of Arts in Nursing

at The Philippine Women’s University and her Doctor of Philosophy major in Educational Administration from the University of the Philippines.

Prior to having worked as the Associate Dean of IN since June 2003, Dean Arquiza was also the Assistant Director of the Office of the General Education Curriculum of our university from April 2001 to May 2003; Program Coordinator of the Master of Arts in Nursing Program; and faculty member of

the School of Nursing in 1975 but left in 1981 to take care of her children.

After 11 years, she decided to go back to work. Her first job was being the Principal of

the School of Midwifery of J. P. Sioson Colleges and General Hospital. While at J. P. Sioson

Colleges, she held different positions such as Academic Dean, Director of Nursing Service Department and Assistant Hospital

Administrator. It is to her credit also that the school was able to offer six programs such as B.S. Nursing, B.S. Medical Technology, Associate in Radiologic Technology, Medical Secretarial, A.B. Psychology, and Secondary Education.

In 2000, Dr. Arquiza became the Dean of the College of Nursing and Midwifery and AHSE at Delos Santos College and Director of Nursing Service at Delos Santos Medical Center. Her first job was as a Clinical Instructor in Marian School of Nursing. She also served as a faculty member in different schools such as University of Pangasinan College of Nursing; St. Paul’s College, Manila – College of Nursing; Unciano College of Nursing in Antipolo, and FEU Institute of Nursing among others. Dr. Arquiza served as a Professioral Lecturer

at the Graduate Schools of UST and Mapua Institute of Technology.

In the present, she continues to be part of the Institute of Graduate Studies in FEU as a Part-Time Faculty with a rank of Professor IV; Nurse Consultant and Honorary Co-Chair in Veterans Memorial Medical Center Planned Clinical Instruction Program; and from time to time, a Panel Member for Thesis, Dissertation Proposal, and Final Defense in PWU, UST, PLM, and FEU.What is your philosophy as an educator and as a nurse?

I am a critical humanist. Humanist because I appreciate the uniqueness of the learner and critical as I hope to change for the better and to improve social conditions for all. the critical humanist educator aims for a caring learning environment.How about your inspiration?

There are two people who influenced me to become a good educator. First, my grand uncle – he’s the Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School of Siliman University. Then, my father-in-law who is a great educator as well. He was the President of the Philippine Christian University for almost 20 years.

My Dean from Siliman University who is a very fine lady inspired me as well. By just being there and seeing her actions, I was inspired by her. Dean Elegado, my first Dean here, a very fine lady as well, is to whom I have seen most of the characteristics of all the deans I have worked for. I was actually hired by her to work here. She is a good person and she epitomized what a Christian Nurse is with the principles and virtues of honesty, uprightness, caring for others, giving, and forgiving. Would you consider all these challenging or rewarding? Why? In what way/s?

It is both challenging and rewarding. At the end of the day when you know that you have done what you are supposed to do, that’s the time when you get your reward. It’s very fulfilling. You know the woman’s tasks and obligations. I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a child, a teacher all at the same time. Then as a teacher, you are a parent. You have to live with all these roles. Life is a choice. It is up to you to be happy with your job or not. You don’t look at it like just a job but something that you do which makes you happy and enjoy at the same time.Considering the recent Philippine Nursing Licensure Examinations wherein our graduates performed very well, what are your expectations now from the students of IN?

We expect them to pass the NLE and if they can make the passing rate higher, it will be better. You can see that we are improving, from 79% last year to 84%. Of course, it’s everybody’s dream to get a 100% but we have to be realistic in settling our goal as


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what youcan do.

By Janine Aguila

Page 4: The Lamp (1st sem/2009-2010) page 7-12

10 Optical FeastThe LampJune-October 2009

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11Optical Feast The LampJune-October 2009



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Page 6: The Lamp (1st sem/2009-2010) page 7-12

The LampJune-October 200912 Features

Fundamentals of Nursing: The First Year and Second

Year ExperienceBy Riza Rosarito Pulpulaan

This school year, another batch of young and fresh minds is immersed into the arena of the nursing profession. More and more potentials are har-nessed to their utmost level and students are driven to bring out their fullest capacities so they can be nurses of leading com-petence and genuine compas-sion in the near future.

As we all know, the begin-ning years in the IN life would always be founded on the fundamentals, as in the case of younger years which have always been grounded from simple ABCs. But this time, the freshmen and sophomores are much faced with novel and unpredictable experiences, as they are having their own first-time face-offs. By this, it is chiefly pertaining to the new nursing curriculum mantled on the 1st and 2nd yr students and to the college life specifically focused on the nursing course per se.

First time exposures in college and in the clinical set-ting could really be tough and challenging at first, but as time goes by, you would uncon-sciously find yourself getting used to it and perhaps, you would eventually become more committed to it.

Life in the university is incomparable to the life during high school days. During this phase, one prepares the path he would be actually taking over for the rest of his career days. Indeed, it comes with a more serious and bludgeoning course. For 1st year students, it is a transitory period of mak-ing adjustments and fitting into the real world of diverse strang-ers same as with everyday of meeting the unknown and en-countering new situations far different from that of before.

On the other hand, if the 2nd year students are to be talked about, it is well known that they are the first batch of nursing students who are ex-posed early in the clinical set-ting and dished out with a more advanced learning, together with the 1st year students, due to the adaptation of the new curriculum (originally, the nurs-ing curriculum practiced for the past few years).

The new curriculum that covers the freshmen and soph-omores has drawn in much at-tention and impact to the whole IN community, especially to the nursing students. However, the majority is settled with the said curriculum. Besides, there is nothing else the students can do but to adhere to the agreed change enclosed in the memo-randum ordered by CHED.

Freshmen and sopho-mores were asked to disclose their sentiments regarding their overall experiences under the nursing program. Some were able to open concerns about the new nursing curriculum, while others about the early ro-tation of duty. They described most of their experiences to be fun, exciting, exhausting, caus-ing sleepless nights and pres-suring due to hectic schedule and lot of major subjects. One student from BSN029 even said, “I feel unlucky to be in the batch under the new curricu-lum, but at the same time, I feel lucky to be exposed early in the clinical setting.”

Nova, 1st year student, said she agrees with the ad-aptation of the new curricu-lum. “Though it’s quite hard, it’s better for us because we

become aware of the things a nurse needs to do. Besides, we can have early knowledge and practices of the nursing pro-fession,” she said. Another 1st year student, April, who agrees with the extended hours of RLE said, “I prefer the new curricu-lum because we could learn more about the purposes as well as the activities of nurses.” On the contrary, Rachelyn, 1st year student, mentioned she prefers less number of units because she finds it hard to be under the nursing program. However, “I think that early duty is super cool, “she stated.

Second year students also have opposing views. Heart, a 2nd year student, shared that she would like the AHSE program to be imple-mented again. “Students are too pressured to adapt on the leanings. There is lack of time for absorbing too much ideas and knowledge. And I can say I’m inadequately prepared for early exposure in the clinical setting,” she objected. And al-though students like J.C., Mi-chael, Angelo, F, and a student from BSN206 support the new curriculum and feel privileged and challenged about it, not all of them are glad and can direct-ly say they are satisfied with it. When asked to briefly describe their experiences, the follow-ing were their feedbacks. J.C. said, “I feel proud and satisfied because we are advanced. I think it’s too early for us to be exposed in the clinical setting, but it’s for our own good-to ex-ercise ourselves for the near future.” Michael added, “The new curriculum can really test us all specially our time man-agement.” Angelo pointed, “So far, I have good experiences under the new curriculum even if some of the subjects are not taught well, and much time is still needed. It’s hard to adapt at first, yet we still have to be progressive.” Moreover, F ad-mitted she is afraid because of less experience. She reasoned out, “We are still in 2nd year yet others are already explor-ing the clinical setting. Also, the student from BSN206 said: “It’s a very stressful experi-ence since we are taking the major subjects all at the same time. But through this, we could master well the skills that are discussed. “

To wrap it all up, it ap-pears that most of the respons-es of the 1st year and 2nd year students are in favor of the new curriculum despite its repercus-sions. The students are able to see that the new curriculum would provide them optimum learning and necessary compe-tencies that would greatly ben-efit them in the long run. Above it all, it should be assumed be-forehand that nursing in its very nature is never easy. Likewise with any other courses and life in general, we have to bear a lot of hardships, meet inconve-niences, and expect the unex-pected. First time experiences like entrance to college and to nursing course and exposure to new curriculum and early duty are not bad after all. As a mat-ter fact, they open up for great opportunities and serve as a training ground for us. One by one, we are honed to become better and more goal-directed persons and nurses. There are many things to happen and there are still rooms for growth ahead of us. As always, live life to the fullest and do the best you can. Enjoy nursing! ☺

Nothing as compared to the published ghost stories sold at bookstands, hair-raising hearsays and ghastly

horror flicks, student nurses can surely give you the good ol’ shivers and a desperate fail-ure to get some shut-eye at night, for they can load you up with their own fair share of frightening, real paranormal encounters dur-ing their call of duty at different hospital ar-eas and other infamous clinical institutions.

Haunted BathroomA student from BSN015, particularly from

Group 57, vividly recalled how she and her other group mates had a terrifying experience while they are in for a transient stay at one of the dormitories in Batangas after their duty. As they were all in the room for a day’s rest, they heard a sudden, incessant banging at the door. Turning to see who it was, they opened it and found no one on the doorstep, and this incident continued to happen a couple of times during their stay. Moreover, she even told how they would hear someone taking a bath at exactly 3’o clock in the morning, even using a pail and a tub, hearing every splatter of the water reverberating clearly through the walls of their restroom. One group mate of hers even claimed to have seen an apparition, a ghost of a woman, whom they supposed to be a nurs-ing student once who had committed suicide and had also stayed in the same dormitory.

The Conference RoomA particular hospital in Bulacan has been

noted for its uncanny conference room which appears to be in a secreted location. Many stu-dents have reported eerie experiences while staying in the said area of the hospital. A student from BSN019 narrated her own encounter while in the toilet of the conference room. After using the toilet bowl, she was about to get the steel hose when suddenly she noticed a reflection of a small, dark-skinned boy standing behind her. This made her scream and leap out of the place. They then told their clinical instructor about the incident and confirmed that there was really an apparition on the said location. Another occur-rence happened on students of BSN001-Group 2, who has just finished their case presentation on a patient who underwent below-the-knee am-putation. The patient eventually died of cardiac arrest few days before the presentation. With lights off, the students were changing theirs uni-forms from scrub suits to clinical uniforms when all of a sudden, an unpleasant odor, which was like a decayed foot, came out of the toilet. They

just ignored the whiff and continued with what they were doing. Suddenly, a white flash ran from the toilet and then went out of the window. The quick incident stunned them and they hur-riedly looked for the switch to turn on the lights. Lost Shadows

One student from BSN002-Group 8 was yet another witness of a trembling paranormal experience in a hospital in Bulacan. She was having her night shift at the time. At around 12 midnight, she and her other group mate gave their patients’ medications. Consequently, they went to the nurses’ station to do a recording on the patients’ charts. Thereafter, they paved their way to the students’ lounge while sharing stories. On their way to the right, she suddenly noticed something creepy on the opposite hall-way. A figure of a black shadow crossed the hallway and percolated into the window. She suddenly stopped and thought it was only a mistake. She asked her other classmate if she saw the same and she confessed she did. At that instance, they started running towards the students’ lounge. They told it to their clinical in-structor, who informed them that an apparition usually appears on that hallway on the left, in front of the chapel. The Constipated Ghost

One student from BSN008-Group 32 who had their night shift at a hospital in Bula-can also mentioned one particular instance that really gave her goose bumps. At around 2:30 am, while sitting at the students’ lobby, they were suddenly thrilled by a specter, which was right inside the toilet. It was a vision of a woman, whose face was covered with long hair. She was sitting at the toilet bowl and peeping through the door. The apparition stayed there for 15 minutes, which gave the student an un-forgettable nightmare.

Part of being a nurse is experiencing these supernatural incidences from time to time, may it be day or night. These are unavoidable cir-cumstances since the hospital, aside from an area of healing, also serves as a succumbing spot for many patients; wherein some are still in denial of their fate. Hence, it is of paramount importance to pray for their souls to finally lay them in peace.

And just in case you are walking alone in the hospital hallway or sitting at the lounge, slowly look around you. They may just be there… watching you… waiting for you to see them, too…

Ghost StoriesFEU-in

By Patricia Bianca Laygo and Arsenio Maclang Jr.