the lafayette advertiser (vermilionville, la.) 1911-08-04 [p ] · s emnd ,to 1ive i imia ne...

SH . ADVERTISER.. Weekly on Tuesday k ind Friday by SENi4. ALPHA, Proprietors. $1.00 a Year, Payable in . Advance. o second class matter Sept. S"at the Postofmce at Lafayette, 1toe' Act ofet congress of IiJ DAY, AUGUST 4, 1911. ~b inese evidently consider pean pation robbers as they are :Jr to revolt against their govern- h itt. said, for fear two or more S Ib •nations will seize the opport.. iV to annex part of their country. l he Senate and House are stil auisg and disagreeing as to free iol and what to put on the free list. eher this state of affairs at the pial has anything to do with the eous haot waves over the country of't known, but it's a coincidence he ,Lorrimer investigation is stil usand tales of the jack pot con- to string out, but with all the gand suipmoning and talking. w er still warms his Senate chair ti•h end isnot in sight. `. , Ae vedo has started a revolt i$ba and the government is taking ay measures to capture Aceedo was sentenced to life at for "revoluting" ~ ,few andg. u pardoned, but seems a to break back into then pen. aman was Elected U. S. Sena- osiMississippi in the primary 4y ,over both his topponents. s assauited and badly np-by J. J. Henry, was also had a close call; it was : le ist, but removed in h the efforts of Seiator nd Senator Foster. spoke at Baton Rouge san aside from replying to ae against 'him, offered as :the ills of machine ee, unnecessary of- 3 hgh taxes, the calliln al convention, as if ` 'the work. And it it t n't blame the Doctor, s a definiaLte plan to # loadrs# aefects in psaft. administration of th irst is to down the Wthhat out of the say to carry oat his prom- , a yoular election Seators h-as caused and th ook, e :ngage in ( discussion rof the negro in this coin- n psity for the Ti- thei latter, aNg cont fa- it #gbt cotroJ Ve- thi ls fhb, ;. phold uenorth moe actually than icerely` Abje N ewill liet itself be rg or a and~io actidn mi y rs av d- ld 5i`so. 'What men douto themselves they 4d ng ethbers, in oth a qualify t :te i s hest prpryfor' . .. ": T:.::.'s7+r.:llcaez:c*`a ." .. yid s n ` s i t :,.e 9 +F :- i W" 444W n; . "is. . r '11eY.+T.,F r ! 4: i:.. .. Wit: "' A3ti' i+aM1 .: eke, :d. :'.'.Y.rR man,' e E -17, Ie, ll not be rui'b mea minany or few, sad whether this bught to be so or not is aside from that this is so and con- tinues to be so, wherever and when- ever the proposition is advanced." We agree with the Macon Telegraph that if other Northern newspapers would be as frank as the Brooklyn Eagle, the negro question, so far as politcs are concerned, would no longer exist, and the negroes themselves would gain in many ways through the changed condition of affairs. The Cane Crop. Louisiana Planter. The rains have at last ceased and the cane crop throughout the sugar district, luxuriating in ample soil moisture and bright sunshine, is pro- gresiii••ig splendidly and the planters are busy getting rid of the grass which made so much headway during the rains. The general situation throughout the sugar district is very encouraging and the cane making a fine appearance everywhere, and the planters here and there are pointing with pride to exceptionally well de- veloped stalks taken from their fields. CHURCHES. Catholic Church. Sunday services-Holy mass at 5:15, 6:30 and 9:00 a. m. Bene- diction at 6.00 p. m. English ser- mona first and third Sundays at 6:30 as m., fourth Sunday at 9:00 a. m. During the week Holy mass at 6:30 a. m. Office days-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 8:00 to 11:80 a. Dm. and from 2:30 to 6:00 p. m. Baptist Chureh. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. sad $ p.m. Sunday •ehool 10 a. a. B. T. P. P . . 7p. . onsa ad Praysr Service Wednesday at p. . A eoeu dial nvitation to all to come. Rev. ias. I. K enrick, paster. Epbesopal Seuvese. Services Irat and third Rsaya at 2:30 p. m.. asensod aad orth am*- days it i11 a. a. nmhy seheol at 10 a. . .everyna i. O. esa First Methodist Church. Rea. Charle.i ' . Battle, Minister; P, aUpton, S. S. Sm. sUuod school 9:45 a. M., Pqueebaig slaries BSunday 11 a. m. and: 8 0 U p Prayer meeting Wednesday 7 ZT p.m. Friends and strangers ar invited to thse services. 11n1tst. sa: `at og s em St. John Street, izer ohrh. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m. T oe No Presbyterian Church. Prea chin g e i.Sunday except the Second in each month. Hours 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday Schooj meetin Wednesday Att M:00 p. m All l unvied to aottena. Strain ansd itors k'cod wpilcome& j' "~~iEEV 1M. SrTEW RT` Pastor. 'The Spirella Corset. 'the efoukdati n`' perfect dress. and ftted to your exact indi= v un measuments, in your home t .will not only St you jerfectly but a tralap4 Cosettere, ll show you hoWr o wiwretrylar rt.~ SPIRRIJA BONING otr ton; etat ule per= `:shaxp1 = -i .an of ._open t G t aginst rust or realtae; permlit of full ~liunderlzg. S ecorsetitrcal upon you ad e 4plain themany lbuuibil*4 of t, o t deers when yen wear S petest. ou- Incur no ab ilgation. fbri 'KATE lO1 s, r YA am e, anddat for 'the ofce of p s wt e to As il sower ue j stto theacton # te Dn orst S emnd ,to 1ive i imia Ne sStomacch. t" suferq intensely after eating and no medicine or treatment I tried seemed to do any good." writes H. M. Youngpeters, Editor of The Sun, Lake View, Ohio. "The first few doses of Chamberlain's. Stomach and Liver Tablets gave me surprising relief and the second bottle seemed to give me a new stomach and perfectly good health." For sale by all dealers. IaSems That Use Rubber. Whm Par trees are tapped, after the um bas run Into receptaclei and sti*ened, a secies of large black ant ts aeeustomed to cut out pieces of the rubber and carry them away. Bees alRb find uses .for india rubber, and some species In South Africa actual- ly cut the bark of trees that produce resinous substances in order to cause a dow of the sap. The gum is em- ploayed by the bees as a ready-made vus for their nests. Pneumatic Tamper. A panamatic tamper has beer Ia vated for ramming paving stone. An ordinary case of diarrhoea can, as a rule. be cured by a single dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedyl has no superior for bowel complaints. For sale by all dealers. Let me do your blacksmith work horseshoeing, etc. I build cane carts and, wagons. Chas. May ANNOUNCEMENTS For Sheriff. Weare authorized to announce Mr. I. A. Broussard as a candidate for the office of sheriff of Lafayette parish, subject to the nomination of the Dem- ocratic party at the primary to be held sometime in January, 1912. For Legislator. Lafayette, La., July 20, 1911. I hereby announce myself a candi- date for the office of Representative, to the lower~iouse of the Legislature subject to the action of ihe coming Democratic primary. A CLAIBORN AVANT. Announcement. SBblieving the need of the hour,' i matters political in our state, to be the observance not only of the lettel but of the spirit of the Pimary La- and the obliteration of factional linen within the ranks of the Democratic party and the cool and dispassionate Selection of the best type of our citi senship by the people for their pub lie servants, be it to fill a high or a lo offce; and being an aspirant for the Clerk's omce, I hereby announce my candidacy for the omffce o Clerk; of. Court of this parish, alon_ hose" lines, subject to the- Democra jle primary to be called by the Par ish :Democratio Executive Committee for the nomination of candidates tc the different parochial oices to take place sometime In January 1912. I am a candidate for re-election fto Ssecond and last term, with no amli ation, pledges, promises or combine jton with any other candidate for any other office. I refer to 'm past .record a Cleri as a guarantee and ;ai eernit of faithful performance fbt te duta so said of i . sIf te d acel , Isoelc dDoiotrts at econamizgb cratife primary for said ofce.` 3. GILBERT ST. JUIm1N. For She ilf, Lafayette, Ia,, March 27, 1911. Annubincement. is hereby made that I am A candidate for the ,Democratic nomination "of Sheriff of Lafayette Paris at the next Democratic Pri mary e eeton to be . held- some time I present my name for the suffrage of ' amy Showotfizens only on _the nite I aiay lave, and without e jat1l to ctionar or mblpaoss witb other : oe, ' etr offices within the gift of the people. It wi& e my plcasur~ -duing the campaig bi.o call ono solicit the port of all heparl of Lafarett. ~lIX hI MOUTON. Foir City Marshal. T6 the D. jratic Voters of the hird Wrd -t1 iu b1> e he 4k 2E'4` A IL H. P. BEELER, ---.. m DENTI ST. OFFICE: Over Mouton 81sters B rteo ur.FAYNirra - anL5IAUA. CHAS. D. CAPFMa7, ATTOREY -ATKiW at av:JAr ran s id Zs ems Meiase Sb, akSiiaeA s a. Mlls. . /, w That New Baby MUST BE Photographed Baby Pictures Our Specialty. Carter's, The Up-to-date Studio. cause I reaize that Judge Hall, though elected governor, will be powerless to give the people the reforms to which he is committed unless he is supported by a Legislature in sympa- thy with him. J. J. FOURNET. For Assessor I am a candidate for the offce of assessor of the parish of Lafayette subject to the Democratic primary to be ,held in the early part of January 1912. I solicit the support of all Democrats without regard to politi- cal factions. It elected I pledge my- self to perform the duties of said of- fice to the best of my ability. Respectfully, J. SOSTHENE MARTIN. For Assessor. I hereby announce myself a 'can- didate for Assessor, subject to the Democratic primary to be held about next January. HECTOR PREJEAN. For Corener. At the urgent solicitation of my friends, I beg to announce my candi- dacy for the office ot Coroner, sub- ject to the Democratic priniaries. H. L. DUCROCQ, M. D. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candi- ate for Coroner of the parish of La- ayette, subject to the Democratic prt- mary to take place the early part of 912. Respectfully, J, O. DUHON, M. D. For Coroner. I hereby announce myself as a can- didate for the ofice "of coroner:of the parish of Latayette, subject to the Democratic primaries to be held in the early part of 1912. I am an in- dependent candidate, have made no promise to or affliated with any man or set of men. L. 0. OCLARK, M, D. For Sheriff. I am a candidate for theofllee, of Sheriff of Lafayette Parias subject to the Democratic'prinrna to be held in the early part of 1912-. I solicit the support of all Democrats without :regard to past political factipns. If elected I pledge myself to. perform and discharge the utie of my office as I.L the ipast in a businesslike man- ner and with impartiality and justice to all. Respectfully, LOUIS LACOSTE. For City Marshal. I am a caaiidate fof City-" lfathal of the Third Ward of this Parish, :at the Democratic Primary to be held in the early part of January. 191; I solicit the supp ortof all Democrats without reogar s at` poltictal facy tions, but onl e:such merita as I may possess and my past o sI re.- ord. If elected I pledge myself to perform and dt cbarge thb dutles of my ofee with aflrtianty one , us tLie to al For F City Judge. I heby announce y as Ma t for Judge of tht Couet air eter or good t DO"N ' FORGET We9 stil do Bycycle repairing and handle all kinds of Bycycle supplies in connection with our AUTOMOBILE TIRE RE- PAIRNG DEPT. THE LFAYETTE TIRE SHOP, A. J. BONNET, Prop. Phone 216. Lafayette, La. Lafayette Building Association A. B. Denbo, President. T. M. Biossat.Jr., Secty W. A. Montgomery, V.-P. S. R. Parkerson. Treas Established Feb. 1f,1900. . AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $10.000.00. MONEY. r 7 CUT OUT THE RENT. When you get the house paid for, you'll have something which will al- ways be a valuable asset. You Can Easily Get Started on the paying for a hcme by coming here for your information. We will help you as much as possible, and it won't inconvenience you on our plan. LAFAYETTE BUILDING ASSOCIATION, LAFAYETTE, LA. I. B. BENDEL. DAN DEBAILLON BENEL & GEBAILLOMN, Fire Itnsmra-nce Agents, Representing some of the strongest insurance Companies in America CAPITA , . $50,000, SURPLUS AND: UNDIVIDED PROFIS; $28,000. CHAS. O.. MOUTON .... ...Pres. CROW GIRARD.....Vice-Pres. J, J. DAVIDSON ......... Cashier J. C. BARRY, Asst. Cashier. Bank of Lafayette DIRECTORS. Chas. O. Mouton Crow Girard Wm. Campbell Gaston France= L. L. Judice Geo. Doucet We pay four per dent inter- Dr. R. O. Young Gus Schmulen est on time deposits. J. J.. Davidson. UFO FFULL LINE OF :MILLINERY AND NOVELTIES with a beautiful line of Dress. Goods and Laces have been received and you, are invited to call and see the new styles and ,fabrics. MOUTON SISTERS. Jean Vigneaux Undertake EXPERIENCED EMBALMER, Holding license from the State Board of Health. A complete line of coins, funeral robes. etc., kept cons tatly in stock. Will take entire charge of funerals, attend to grave yard work and aUl details,. Flly equipped with hearseand evervthanm necessary for ieI., Prompt service given. Phone 8S. I "' TI .. S. *TEST*;~ ~I-FI. LAt tug e , : . 4 . . . 4. POLICE JURY Lafayette, La., July 6th, 1911. The police jury met this day in reg- ular session with the following mem- bers present: P. R. Landry, Alonzo Lacy, S. J. Breaux, J. M. Broussard, R. A. Voorhits, Edmond Martin, and` Cornelius Spell. Members absent: M. Billeaud, Jr, and P. A. Dupleix. Whereas the polling place in pre- cinct No. 1 of the sixth ward wayg changed some time ago from the Gull- beau Hall to the old school building, with the view of saving to the parish the rental of $5 per election, and whereas it appears that the old school, building is located in precinct No. S of the said ward, and Whereas, Mr. Louis Conque offers the use of his residence free of charge as a polling place, Therefore, be it resolved that the polling place in precinct No. 1 of the sixth ward of the parish of Lafayette be and is hereby fixed and establish- ed at the residence of Mr. Louis Conque. Further resolved that this notice be published for a term of thirty days. from date of first publication. GEORGE CROUCHET, Secretary. (uoamemmorrroi, e M E-A-aa A a.n~* * .A Las. " 6 uSDBiTIST. iAVAV!E * W " L IANA Chinese Glass industry. As tar as the development of O1 I Industry In China is concerne factories have been erueted in i ernt years is the sel-bboodo d sentadn, two o whith ame in JapeapeI ads. Their pmeduots are mostl y dl I the pMsenee U ChilL J* J. POURNET,. Attorney-At-Law and Notary Public. Ofilee with Jerome Mouton.

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SH . ADVERTISER..Weekly on Tuesday

k ind Friday bySENi4. ALPHA, Proprietors.

$1.00 a Year, Payable in.Advance.

o second class matter Sept.S"at the Postofmce at Lafayette,

1toe' Act ofet congress of

IiJ DAY, AUGUST 4, 1911.

~b inese evidently consider

pean pation robbers as they are:Jr to revolt against their govern-

h itt. said, for fear two or moreS Ib •nations will seize the opport..

iV to annex part of their country.

l he Senate and House are stilauisg and disagreeing as to free

iol and what to put on the free list.eher this state of affairs at the

pial has anything to do with theeous haot waves over the countryof't known, but it's a coincidence

he ,Lorrimer investigation is stilusand tales of the jack pot con-to string out, but with all the

gand suipmoning and talking.w er still warms his Senate chair

ti•h end isnot in sight.

`. , Ae vedo has started a revolt

i$ba and the government is takingay measures to capture

Aceedo was sentenced to lifeat for "revoluting" ~ ,few

andg. u pardoned, but seemsa to break back into then pen.

aman was Elected U. S. Sena-osiMississippi in the primary

4y ,over both his topponents.s assauited and badly

np-by J. J. Henry, was also

had a close call; it was: le ist, but removed in

h the efforts of Seiatornd Senator Foster.

spoke at Baton Rougesan aside from replying to

ae against 'him, offered as:the ills of machineee, unnecessary of-3 hgh taxes, the callilnal convention, as if

` 'the work. And it itt n't blame the Doctor,

s a definiaLte plan to# loadrs# aefects in

psaft. administration ofth irst is to down theWthhat out of the say

to carry oat his prom-

, a yoular electionSeators h-as caused

and th ook,e :ngage in ( discussionrof the negro in this coin-

n psity for the Ti-thei latter,


cont fa-it #gbt cotroJ Ve-

thi ls fhb, ;. pholduenorth moe actuallythan icerely` Abje

N ewill liet itself berg or a

and~io actidnmi y rs av d-

ld 5i`so. 'What mendouto themselves they

4d ng ethbers,

in oth aqualify t :te i s hest


. .. ": T:.::.'s7+r.:llcaez:c*`a ." ..

yid s n ` s i t :,.e 9 +F :-


W" 444Wn; ."is. . r '11eY.+T.,F r ! 4: i:.. .. Wit:

"' A3ti' i+aM1 .:

eke, :d. :'.'.Y.rR

man,' e E -17, Ie, ll not berui'b mea minany or few, sadwhether this bught to be so or not isaside from that this is so and con-tinues to be so, wherever and when-ever the proposition is advanced."

We agree with the Macon Telegraphthat if other Northern newspaperswould be as frank as the BrooklynEagle, the negro question, so far aspolitcs are concerned, would no longerexist, and the negroes themselveswould gain in many ways through thechanged condition of affairs.

The Cane Crop.Louisiana Planter.

The rains have at last ceased andthe cane crop throughout the sugar

district, luxuriating in ample soilmoisture and bright sunshine, is pro-

gresiii••ig splendidly and the plantersare busy getting rid of the grasswhich made so much headway duringthe rains. The general situationthroughout the sugar district is veryencouraging and the cane making afine appearance everywhere, and theplanters here and there are pointingwith pride to exceptionally well de-veloped stalks taken from their fields.

CHURCHES.Catholic Church.

Sunday services-Holy mass at5:15, 6:30 and 9:00 a. m. Bene-diction at 6.00 p. m. English ser-mona first and third Sundays at 6:30as m., fourth Sunday at 9:00 a. m.During the week Holy mass at 6:30a. m.

Office days-Tuesday, Thursdayand Saturday from 8:00 to 11:80 a.Dm. and from 2:30 to 6:00 p. m.

Baptist Chureh.Services Sunday at 11 a. m. sad $

p.m. Sunday •ehool 10 a. a. B.T. P. P . .7p. . onsa ad PraysrService Wednesday at p. . A eoeudial nvitation to all to come. Rev.ias. I. K enrick, paster.

Epbesopal Seuvese.Services Irat and third Rsaya at

2:30 p. m.. asensod aad orth am*-days it i11 a. a. nmhy seheol at10 a. . .everynai. O. esa

First Methodist Church.Rea. Charle.i ' . Battle, Minister;

P, aUpton, S. S. Sm. sUuodschool 9:45 a. M., Pqueebaig slariesBSunday 11 a. m. and: 8 0 U pPrayer meeting Wednesday 7 ZT p.m.Friends and strangers ar invited tothse services.

11n1tst. sa: `at og s emSt. John Street, izer ohrh. Officehours 9 to 12 a. m. T oe No

Presbyterian Church.Prea chin g e i.Sunday except the

Second in each month. Hours 11:00a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday Schooj

meetin Wednesday Att M:00 p. m Alll unvied to aottena. Strain

ansd itors k'cod wpilcome&

j' "~~iEEV 1M. SrTEW RT` Pastor.

'The Spirella Corset.'the efoukdati n`' perfect dress.

and ftted to your exact indi=v un measuments, in your homet .will not only St you jerfectly but atralap4 Cosettere, ll show you hoWro wiwretrylar rt.~

SPIRRIJA BONINGotr ton; etat ule per=

`:shaxp1 = -i .an of ._open

t G t aginst rust orrealtae; permlit of full ~liunderlzg.

S ecorsetitrcal upon youad e 4plain themany lbuuibil*4 of

t, o t deers when yen wearS petest. ou- Incur no ab


fbri 'KATE lO1s, r

YA am e, anddat for 'the ofce ofp s wt e to As il sower uej stto theacton # te Dn orst

S emnd ,to 1ive i imia Ne sStomacch.

t" suferq intensely after eatingand no medicine or treatment I tried

seemed to do any good." writes H. M.

Youngpeters, Editor of The Sun, Lake

View, Ohio. "The first few doses ofChamberlain's. Stomach and LiverTablets gave me surprising relief and

the second bottle seemed to give mea new stomach and perfectly good

health." For sale by all dealers.

IaSems That Use Rubber.Whm Par trees are tapped, after

the um bas run Into receptaclei andsti*ened, a secies of large black antts aeeustomed to cut out pieces of therubber and carry them away. BeesalRb find uses .for india rubber, andsome species In South Africa actual-ly cut the bark of trees that produceresinous substances in order to causea dow of the sap. The gum is em-ploayed by the bees as a ready-madevus for their nests.

Pneumatic Tamper.

A panamatic tamper has beer Ia

vated for ramming paving stone.

An ordinary case of diarrhoea can,

as a rule. be cured by a single dose of

Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and

Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedyl has

no superior for bowel complaints. For

sale by all dealers.

Let me do your blacksmith workhorseshoeing, etc. I build cane carts

and, wagons. Chas. May


Weare authorized to announce Mr.

I. A. Broussard as a candidate for the

office of sheriff of Lafayette parish,

subject to the nomination of the Dem-ocratic party at the primary to be

held sometime in January, 1912.

For Legislator.Lafayette, La., July 20, 1911.

I hereby announce myself a candi-

date for the office of Representative,to the lower~iouse of the Legislaturesubject to the action of ihe coming

Democratic primary. ACLAIBORN AVANT.

Announcement.SBblieving the need of the hour,' imatters political in our state, to bethe observance not only of the lettelbut of the spirit of the Pimary La-and the obliteration of factional linenwithin the ranks of the Democraticparty and the cool and dispassionateSelection of the best type of our citisenship by the people for their publie servants, be it to fill a high or a looffce; and being an aspirant for theClerk's omce, I hereby announcemy candidacy for the omffce oClerk; of. Court of this parish, alon_hose" lines, subject to the- Democra

jle primary to be called by the Parish :Democratio Executive Committeefor the nomination of candidates tcthe different parochial oices to takeplace sometime In January 1912.

I am a candidate for re-election ftoSsecond and last term, with no amliation, pledges, promises or combinejton with any other candidate for anyother office.

I refer to 'm past .record a Clerias a guarantee and ;ai eernit of

faithful performance fbt te duta sosaid of i . sIf te d acel , Isoelc

dDoiotrts at econamizgbcratife primary for said ofce.`


For She ilf,Lafayette, Ia,, March 27, 1911.

Annubincement. is hereby made thatI am A candidate for the ,Democraticnomination "of Sheriff of LafayetteParis at the next Democratic Primary e eeton to be . held- some time

I present my name for the suffrageof ' amy Showotfizens only on _the

nite I aiay lave, and without ejat1l to ctionar or mblpaoss witbother : oe, ' etr officeswithin the gift of the people.

It wi& e my plcasur~ -duing thecampaig bi.o call ono solicit the

port of all heparlof Lafarett.


Foir City Marshal.T6 the D. jratic Voters of the

hird Wrd

-t1 iub1>




4k 2E'4` A IL


OFFICE: Over Mouton 81sters B rteo

ur.FAYNirra - anL5IAUA.


av:JAr ran s idZs ems Meiase Sb, akSiiaeA

s a. Mlls. . /, w

That New BabyMUST BE


Baby Pictures OurSpecialty.

Carter's,The Up-to-date Studio.

cause I reaize that Judge Hall, though

elected governor, will be powerlessto give the people the reforms towhich he is committed unless he issupported by a Legislature in sympa-

thy with him.J. J. FOURNET.

For AssessorI am a candidate for the offce of

assessor of the parish of Lafayette

subject to the Democratic primary tobe ,held in the early part of January1912. I solicit the support of allDemocrats without regard to politi-cal factions. It elected I pledge my-self to perform the duties of said of-fice to the best of my ability.

Respectfully,J. SOSTHENE MARTIN.

For Assessor.I hereby announce myself a 'can-

didate for Assessor, subject to theDemocratic primary to be heldabout next January.


For Corener.At the urgent solicitation of my

friends, I beg to announce my candi-dacy for the office ot Coroner, sub-ject to the Democratic priniaries.


For Coroner.I hereby announce myself a candi-

ate for Coroner of the parish of La-ayette, subject to the Democratic prt-

mary to take place the early part of912.

Respectfully,J, O. DUHON, M. D.

For Coroner.I hereby announce myself as a can-

didate for the ofice "of coroner:of theparish of Latayette, subject to theDemocratic primaries to be held inthe early part of 1912. I am an in-dependent candidate, have made nopromise to or affliated with any manor set of men.

L. 0. OCLARK, M, D.

For Sheriff.I am a candidate for theofllee, of

Sheriff of Lafayette Parias subjectto the Democratic'prinrna to be heldin the early part of 1912-. I solicitthe support of all Democrats without:regard to past political factipns. Ifelected I pledge myself to. performand discharge the utie of my officeas I.L the ipast in a businesslike man-ner and with impartiality and justiceto all.

Respectfully,LOUIS LACOSTE.

For City Marshal.I am a caaiidate fof City-" lfathal

of the Third Ward of this Parish, :atthe Democratic Primary to be held inthe early part of January. 191; Isolicit the supp ortof all Democratswithout reogar s at` poltictal facytions, but onl e:such merita as Imay possess and my past o sI re.-ord. If elected I pledge myself toperform and dt cbarge thb dutles ofmy ofee with aflrtianty one , ustLie to al

For F City Judge.I heby announce y as Ma

t for Judge of tht Couet

air eter or good t

DO"N ' FORGETWe9 stil do Bycycle repairing

and handle all kinds of Bycyclesupplies in connection with ourAUTOMOBILE TIRE RE-



Phone 216. Lafayette, La.

Lafayette BuildingAssociation

A. B. Denbo, President. T. M. Biossat.Jr., SectyW. A. Montgomery, V.-P. S. R. Parkerson. Treas

Established Feb. 1f,1900. .



r 7


When you get the house paid for,you'll have something which will al-ways be a valuable asset.

You Can Easily Get Started

on the paying for a hcme by cominghere for your information. We willhelp you as much as possible, and itwon't inconvenience you on our plan.



BENEL & GEBAILLOMN,Fire Itnsmra-nce Agents,

Representing some of the strongestinsurance Companies in America



CHAS. O.. MOUTON .... ...Pres.CROW GIRARD.....Vice-Pres.J, J. DAVIDSON .........CashierJ. C. BARRY, Asst. Cashier.

Bank of Lafayette DIRECTORS.Chas. O. Mouton Crow GirardWm. Campbell Gaston France=L. L. Judice Geo. Doucet

We pay four per dent inter- Dr. R. O. Young Gus Schmulen

est on time deposits. J. J.. Davidson.


:MILLINERY AND NOVELTIESwith a beautiful line of

Dress. Goods and Laceshave been received and you, are invited to call and see the new

styles and ,fabrics.


Jean VigneauxUndertake

EXPERIENCED EMBALMER,Holding license from the State Board of Health. A complete

line of coins, funeral robes. etc., kept cons tatly in stock. Willtake entire charge of funerals, attend to grave yard work and aUldetails,. Flly equipped with hearseand evervthanm necessary for

ieI., Prompt service given. Phone 8S.

I "' TI ..S. *TEST*;~ ~I-FI. LAt

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POLICE JURYLafayette, La., July 6th, 1911.

The police jury met this day in reg-ular session with the following mem-bers present: P. R. Landry, AlonzoLacy, S. J. Breaux, J. M. Broussard,R. A. Voorhits, Edmond Martin, and`Cornelius Spell.

Members absent: M. Billeaud, Jr,and P. A. Dupleix.

Whereas the polling place in pre-cinct No. 1 of the sixth ward waygchanged some time ago from the Gull-beau Hall to the old school building,with the view of saving to the parishthe rental of $5 per election, andwhereas it appears that the old school,building is located in precinct No. Sof the said ward, and

Whereas, Mr. Louis Conque offersthe use of his residence free of chargeas a polling place,

Therefore, be it resolved that thepolling place in precinct No. 1 of thesixth ward of the parish of Lafayettebe and is hereby fixed and establish-ed at the residence of Mr. LouisConque.

Further resolved that this notice bepublished for a term of thirty days.from date of first publication.



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Chinese Glass industry.As tar as the development of O1

I Industry In China is concernefactories have been erueted in i

ernt years is the sel-bboodo dsentadn, two o whith ame in JapeapeIads. Their pmeduots are mostl y dlI the pMsenee U ChilL


Attorney-At-Law andNotary Public.

Ofilee with Jerome Mouton.