the knee high design challenge call for ideas...working well design challenge call for entries the...

July 2013 Working in partnership with Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity, Southwark Council and Lambeth Council The Knee High Design Challenge Call for ideas The deadline has passed. This document is for reference only. If you are interested and want to get involved or offer your support, please get in touch: [email protected]

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July 2013

Working in partnership with Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity, Southwark Council and Lambeth Council

The Knee High Design Challenge

Call for ideas The deadline has passed. This document is for reference only. If you are interested and want to get involved or offer your support, please get in touch: [email protected]

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Working Well Design ChallengeCall for entries

2The Knee High Design ChallengeCall for ideas


We believe radical new approaches are needed to ensure every child has the best possible start in life. The time to act is now.We are looking for great people with great ideas that will really make a difference to the health and wellbeing of children living in Southwark and Lambeth today.

You are invited to apply for the opportunity to receive expert support and grant funding of up to £180,000 over two years.

Closing date for applications: 30th September 2013

The deadline has passed. This document is for reference only.

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Working Well Design ChallengeCall for entries



Section One: We need a new approach 4

Section Two: Three briefs 7

Section Three: Guiding principles 14

Section Four: How to apply 15

Section Five: Useful links 21


To return to the interactive contents click the red arrow on each page

The Knee High Design ChallengeCall for ideas

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Working Well Design ChallengeCall for entries

It is time to take a new approach to this complex challengeThe first five years of someone’s life, including the nine months of pregnancy, are critical in the development of a person’s life beyond childhood. During these early years, before we start school, we develop the foundations for an understanding of ourselves, the people around us, and the world in which we live.

The early development of social skills such as listening and communication, emotional skills such as empathy and perseverance, and cognitive skills such as literacy and problem-solving, are strongly associated with later-life health and wellbeing.

Evidence shows that inequality at an early age has a lasting impact on the rest of our adult lives. In Southwark and Lambeth there remains big differences between children’s development when they start school.

We believe it is time to try a new approach.

The Design Council, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity, and the London boroughs of Southwark and Lambeth, are challenging you to come up with new ideas for radically improving the health and wellbeing of children under five in Southwark, Lambeth, and eventually beyond.


Section One: We need a new approach

The Knee High Design ChallengeCall for ideas

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Imagine if every child had the stimulus they needed to flourish every day. Imagine if every parent experienced more ups than downs.Imagine if every family had a network of strong, positive, and consistent support.Imagine if you could create the difference that would make this difference.

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The Knee High Design ChallengeCall for ideas


Are you up for the Challenge?We are looking to find the most passionate, determined and creative people to turn their ideas into reality. These ideas might become new services, products, environments, or something else entirely.

We have created three briefs to get you started, but we remain completely open about what the end result will look like. That is absolutely up to you.

What we do know is that making a real difference calls for radical approaches. This challenge needs experimental and innovative thinkers, and ideas that demonstrate they can make a significant and lasting difference.

Be ambitious.

Six reasons why you should apply• This is an opportunity to make a lasting

difference to the lives of children and their families, now and in the future.

• You will receive financial investment in stages and receive dedicated support along the way. So whether you’re a big organisation or a lone ranger, this opportunity is for you.

• Get access to public health specialists, commissioners, early years practitioners and families across Southwark and Lambeth who can help you understand where and how your idea might grow.

• Showcase your work through

national and local media.

• Exposure to new markets, people and organisations who will help challenge and support you in developing your work.

• Receive guidance and support to identify further sources of investment that may help you grow your idea.

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Three briefs to help you form your ideaWe want you to propose ideas that you believe have the potential to improve the health and wellbeing of children under five living in Southwark, Lambeth, and eventually beyond.

We realise this is a vast and complex challenge. So, we have been working with local families and early years professionals to identify where the opportunities to have the greatest impact lie.

The following briefs should stimulate new ideas and help you focus on three important areas. All three briefs address some interrelated themes so we will welcome ideas that fit across, between, or even outside of them. Use them to inspire your thinking.

Remember, we are looking for ideas that create real impact. Make sure you articulate this clearly in your application.

Make adifference

Make adifference

Toxic stress



Toxic stress





Confident,capableand wellparent

Stimulated,curious and loved child

Connected,active andflourishingfamily


Section Two: Three briefs

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The Knee High Design ChallengeCall for ideas


Leaving the houseConnect more families to people and places beyond the boundaries of their home.

Many families experience long periods of isolation and loneliness after the birth of a child. It can become very difficult, practically and emotionally, to leave the house and stay connected with people and places in the outside world.

Sharing in new and stimulating experiences, getting away from domestic routines, and interacting with other people, all have a positive effect on the wellbeing of families and the early development of children.

Emotionally, life changes dramatically when children are born. It can become harder to stay in touch with old friends and families are not always close by. It is common for parents to feel cripplingly exhausted, lacking in confidence, and judged by the outside world. How could families nurture and develop their informal networks of support, before and after the birth of a child?

Practically, leaving the house with young children can be very challenging. An extra pair of hands and eyes is often required to manage the logistics involved in just getting out of the front door. It is sometimes easier to stay in, watch TV, and do the chores. How could it become much easier for more families to leave their homes and enjoy quality time together?

Environmentally, many families live in busy streets, on estates where they don’t feel safe, or in an area where they don’t know their neighbours. A perception of fear is often what stops families playing outdoors and keeps children stuck inside. How could more families enjoy using the spaces and places available to them, beyond the boundaries of their home?

Brief 1 of 3

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“After I gave birth to my son, I was in hell. Complete hell. I never left the house – it wasjust me and my baby. The onlyservice I knew about was the Post Office. It was like the dark ages – living in a cave.”Local Mother

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The Knee High Design ChallengeCall for ideas


Day-to-day playMake it possible for more young children to learn and develop in their everyday lives.

By the time a child is three years old their brain is already around 80% developed. During those early years a child is learning all they can about themselves, other people, and the world in which they live.

From the moment a child is born they are learning. It is through day-to-day interaction, stimulation, love, play and experimentation that they develop the vital capabilities they need to be ready for later life.

A child’s family and home environment have a significant role to play during these early stages. Before starting school the people around a child everyday will be the most influential educators.

Many parents feel over-stretched and worn-out by their responsibilities and have not got the time or energy to constantly stimulate and interact with their children. How can playing and interacting with young children become something the whole family can enjoy (not endure)?

Many parents see the emotional, social, and intellectual development of their child as being the responsibility of early years services. How might all parents develop their capabilities in being their child’s primary educator?

For many parents, their child’s early development feels invisible. They might not be aware of the value of interaction and play, or they don’t know if the effort they put in makes any difference. How could a child’s emotional, social, and intellectual development be more visible to adults?

Brief 2 of 3

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“Giving children theopportunity to explore theworld through play, at any age,is so important. We shouldbe nurturing a child’s naturalcuriosity and imaginationso they can enjoy their early education.” Local Teacher

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The Knee High Design ChallengeCall for ideas


A parent is a personAlleviate the stress, anxiety, and depression experienced by parents during the ups and downs of everyday life.

Every parent or guardian experiences highs and lows and these are often heightened during the early years of their child’s life. While this is a normal part of having a family, for many parents the persistent lows can be very overwhelming and difficult to escape. For some people this is a result of external pressures such as finances, housing or a difficult relationship. For some it could be linked to feeling isolated and unable to ask for support.

If a parent or guardian experiences stress, anxiety or depression for a prolonged period of time, it can have a significant effect on the long-term health and wellbeing of them and their children.

Many parents feel completely over-stretched by their responsibilities and feel worn-thin by the stresses and strains of daily life. What might prevent more parents from reaching breaking point?

Some parents often feel they ‘should be coping’ and experience feelings of guilt and failure when they are not. Parents often lack the confidence to ask for support. What might stop parents suffering in silence?

The people around a family are not always well equipped with the knowledge or capability to support each other during the early years of a child’s life. What might make the relationships around a family as strong and supportive as possible?

Brief 3 of 3

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“Often, parents think they should get their childsorted first, putting themselves as a lower priority. It is important to make themsee that by being in the bestpossible health themselves, they are giving their child the best possible chance.”Community Paediatrician

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Eight principles to keep in mind when developing your idea


Section Three: Guiding principles

1. Strengthen support networks

We think the positive networks of support around a family are one of the most important things. We want to see new ideas that are able to strengthen the breadth and the depth of a family’s informal network of support.

2. Strengthen capabilities

Everyone has different strengths and aspirations, but these are often overlooked by services that just see our needs. Parents can often feel very judged by others, so we are interested in seeing new ideas that strengthen people’s confidence, self-esteem and autonomy.

3. Benefit the wider family

A family is made up of different people with different motivations. We want to see ideas that understand the need for mutually beneficial experiences within a family, strengthening their relationships with each other.

4. Don’t forget men

The mother and baby relationship is a key focus in early years services. Men can sometimes feel alienated and unable to be as involved as they want to be in a child’s early years. Male involvement is very important in a child’s early development, so we are keen to see ideas that are inclusive and understanding of a man’s role.

5. Prevent rather than react

We don’t want to see more ‘sticking plaster’ interventions. We want to see ideas that understand what people really want and need; support families to flourish; raise the value families place on their health and wellbeing; and help families take control of their own future.

6. One size will not fit all

There are many different family structures, backgrounds, child-rearing traditions, living conditions, and spoken languages in Southwark and Lambeth. Family life will mean different things to different people. You may need to be specific about who your idea is for, but we would hope you can remain as inclusive as possible. Equality and fairness are big priorities for both boroughs.

7. Design for impermanence

Southwark and Lambeth’s populations are highly mobile, with people frequently moving in and out of the boroughs. New ideas need to understand that families might not stay in the same geographical area for a long time.

8. Identify the right moments

Having a child is a journey made up of many different stages. Identifying the most appropriate moments to introduce new services or products will be very important. Pregnancy, for example, may represent an opportune time to prepare a family for the emotional and practical realities but a lot of advice is then lost during the chaos of the first few weeks after the birth. We would want to see ideas that understand these different transitions.

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Working Well Design ChallengeCall for entries


Calling all Entrepreneurs Innovators Challengers Adventurers Inventors Artists Optimists Can-doers Game-changers Imagineers Leaders Pioneers Makers Creators Inspirers Super heroes

Section Four: How to apply

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Working Well Design ChallengeCall for entries

You can apply with the beginnings of a great ideaYou might be a parent, a designer, an entrepreneur, an early years professional, a business or a charity.

We simply want to find the best people with the best ideas.

Do I need to have a fully formed idea?The application process will ask you to explain your idea and explain why you think it is really important. You don’t need to have a detailed business plan, but you will need to persuade us that your idea is worth initial investment.

If you don’t have an idea but you are keen to be involved in this programme, that’s great. You could work with one of the teams, or work with us to mentor and support some of the applicants. Please fill in the expression of interest form and we will get in touch.

Do I need to form a team straight away?We don’t think you can change the world completely alone, so yes, we will encourage everyone who applies to form multi-skilled teams and partnerships. If you haven’t yet figured out who you want to work with, don’t worry, just apply and when the time is right we can then help you find the right partners.

Do I need to be a designer?No, you don’t need to be a designer, but design skills will be really important when designing, making, testing and building new ideas.

When creative thinking and design methods are used well they can help spot new opportunities, test and iterate new ideas, and keep the needs, aspirations, and motivations of people at the heart of the process.

We will be encouraging all applicants to keep creative thinking and design skills central to their team. We are here to help you form these collaborations if you need some support.

Do I need to be from Southwark and Lambeth?No. You don’t have to be based in Southwark or Lambeth to apply, but you will need to work closely with families in these boroughs in the testing and development of your ideas. Once ideas have been prototyped and evaluated locally, we will be working with successful teams to explore markets across the UK.

Further Terms and conditions and FAQs can be found online at

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What will the competition involve?The Knee High Design Challenge will offer financial investment and expert support to successful teams. Funding will be given out in four stages across two years.

The ultimate aim of this Challenge is to create concepts that work, that last, and that make a real difference to local people.

At each stage we will work with successful teams to develop their concept. At the beginning we expect to see some rapid testing and prototyping of the idea, and towards the end of the Challenge we will work with teams to create robust business plans and evaluation frameworks.

Apply to the Knee High Design Challenge

Summer 2013

Test your idea with local families £1,000

Autumn 2013

Prove your concept works £10-20,000

Winter 2013

Refine your business model £40-60,000

Spring 2014

Embed in Southwark and Lambeth (and beyond) £100,000+

Autumn 2014

Show the potential of your idea

There will be four assessment gateways where teams will be expected to fulfil certain criteria in order to access further funding.

Demonstrate you have the right skills and attitude

Demonstrate your theory of change

Demonstrate impact and viability

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How do I apply?To apply you will need to complete the online application form, explaining clearly;

• Your idea• Who it’s for• The impact it will have • Your vision for its success• Why you are the right team to make this happen• How you would further prototype and test your idea. If successful at this first stage, applicants will be given a small amount of initial funding to rapidly test their idea with local families. You will need to be ready and available to complete this work during October and November 2013.

The deadline has passed. This document is for reference only.

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The Knee High Design ChallengeCall for ideas


What will we be looking for?Innovative ideasWe are looking for ideas that are new, or are a fresh take on an existing concept. We will not fund anything that is already up and running unless you have a desire to use this opportunity to innovate.

Remember that innovation does not need to be about having out-of-this-world ideas.Innovation can be about looking at a problem in a new way and making a gentle and intelligent nudge.

What we want to see is that you are taking a new approach and aiming to create a big impact.

Potential to create a significant impactWe are looking for ideas that aim to make a big difference to the lives of children and their families. We want to see big improvements, not small, incremental changes.

You should therefore think about how your work might affect the long-term behaviour of children and families.

Potential to lastEven in the initial stage we need to see that you have thought about how your idea will last beyond initial investment. We won’t ask for fully formed business plans until you have tested your idea, but we need you to demonstrate that you have the necessary commitment, time and permission to make your idea really come to life. The aim of this programme is to support the growth of initiatives that make a lasting difference.

Ideas relevant to the challengeYou don’t need to be an early years expert but we will need to be reassured that you understand how to work with families, and understand what families and children want and need.

You should take the time to read through some of the research that The Knee High Project has already done. This will give you more detail on the nuances of family’s lives, and what makes Southwark and Lambeth particularly unique.

Please visit the online project pages for more information about the research completed to date.

The right skills to make this workWe will be looking for people with the following capabilities:• The ability to collaborate• The ability to innovate and think creatively • The ability to lead the testing and

development of new ideas • The ability to work closely with

local families• Entrepreneurial spirit • A passion for this area of work.

We will not fund:• Applications to cover running costs of

an organisation or the continuing provision of an existing service

• Applications seeking support for capital or building costs

• Applications that do not meet the desired criteria, or do not clearly articulate the impact they hope to make for communities in Southwark and Lambeth

• Applicants who are unable to work with families in Southwark and Lambeth.

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Good luck!Closing date for applications is midnight on Monday 30th September 2013.

Shortlisted teams will be notified by Thursday 10th October 2013.

All shortlisted teams will be asked to meet with the Design Council during October and November to prototype their idea with local families. If you are shortlisted it will be important you are available to do this.

Get in touch If you have any questions please drop Ella an email or give her a call.

Ella Britton Programme Lead [email protected] 020 7420 5212

The deadline has passed. This document is for reference only.

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Section Five: Useful links

Useful linksThere are an overwhelming amount of resources and information on early years. To get you started we’ve compiled a selection of key documents and useful resources.

The Knee High ProjectYou can view and download research from The Knee High Project at

Early yearsEarly Intervention: The Next StepsA report by Graham Allen MP, outlining the social and economic benefits of early next-steps.pdf

The Early Intervention Foundation A set of resources championing the use of early intervention measures.

DesignOnline design toolsAn online collection of design tools from various

Prototyping in the Public SectorA Nesta report exploring how prototyping could be used to develop better public

Health and wellbeingMarmot Review – Fair society, Healthy LivesA report created in response to Professor Sir Michael Marmot’s review of the most effective evidence-based strategies for reducing health inequalities in

Child and Maternal Health ObservatoryAn online resource providing a snapshot of child health and well-being for each local authority in

The Children’s Society, The Good Childhood ReportA report looking at new evidence related to the wellbeing of children throughout

EnterpriseUnLtdUnLtd provides support to social entrepreneurs in the UK.

Social Enterprise UK Social Enterprise is the national body for social enterprise offering support and help to grow the social enterprise

Business Model GenerationOnline resource of business modelling

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Southwark and Lambeth2011 Census dataCensus statistics providing a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics.

Community Mental Health Profile An online resource presenting a range of mental health information for local authorities in

The London Poverty ProfileAn independent source of information about poverty and inequality in London.Southwark:

Lambeth, The State of the BoroughA report presenting detailed demographic and ward profile information obtained from Lambeth’s Resident Survey.

FamilyThe King’s Fund, Changing Families and HouseholdsData depicting the changing nature of family and household trends/demography/changing-families

Grandparents Plus, Rethinking Family LifeA report looking at the changing role of grandparents.

Demos, Building Character A report highlighting the social importance of character traits and the role of parents as ‘character builders’

PlayIn the city An article about the architect, Aldo van Eyck, and the origins of the public

Play England: A World Without Play A literature review on the effects of a lack of play on children’s

Stuart Brown: Play is more than fun Ted talk highlighting the value of play for all

TechnologyFutureLab: Gaming in FamiliesA literature review investigating the role of video games in family life and attitudes towards the risks and benefits.

Toddlers and Technology An overview of tools on the

National Literacy TrustA literature review exploring the link between television and language development in the early

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Behaviour changeThe Behavioural Design LabAn online resource helping people turn a better understanding of human behaviours into solutions that improve society.

Child development theoristsAn overview of key child development theorists including Erikson, Bowlby, Piaget and

Measuring impactDepartment for Education, Tickell Review of the Early Years Foundation StageA review of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, used to measure a child’s development in pre-school

ONS Measures of National Wellbeing A set of wellbeing measures used to supplement existing economic, social and environmental

Family Nurse PartnershipThe Family Nurse Partnership is an evidence-based home visiting programme for first time parents under the age of 20. UK Family Nurse Partnerships have evolved from a well-evidenced American

The Knee High Design ChallengeCall for ideas