the kingdom of god manifest on earth

The Kingdom of God Manifest in Man on Earth By Kristian Karl-Henrik Lindell “The Kingdom of God is Within You.” – Jesus “When you make the two one, and when you make the inside as the outside, and the outside as the inside, and the upper as the lower, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male is not male and the female not female, and when you make eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then shall you enter the Kingdom of God.” – Jesus The Kingdom of God What is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is is God’s rule over All. Who is the “You” that Jesus speaks of? Man, soul and Spirit. The Spirit of God is Within Us. God is Spirit. God is Love. Spirit is not limited by physical laws. Spirit creates physical laws. Spirit also creates our experience of ourselves as us. We believe that we have a mind and a body, but we FEEL the body and the mind activity. We are the passive Soul. Our Spirit will choose our path for us, molding us for Its purpose to create

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The Kingdom of God Manifest on Earth is an incomplete book project that I worked on for a month earlier this year. I plan on editing it over time as I feel more grounded in the Truth that I espouse in the readings.


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The Kingdom of God Manifest in Man on


By Kristian Karl-Henrik Lindell

“The Kingdom of God is Within You.” – Jesus

“When you make the two one, and when you make the inside as the

outside, and the outside as the inside, and the upper as the lower,

and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so

that the male is not male and the female not female, and when you

make eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a

foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then shall you

enter the Kingdom of God.” – Jesus

The Kingdom of God

What is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is is God’s rule

over All. Who is the “You” that Jesus speaks of? Man, soul and

Spirit. The Spirit of God is Within Us. God is Spirit. God is Love.

Spirit is not limited by physical laws. Spirit creates physical laws.

Spirit also creates our experience of ourselves as us. We believe

that we have a mind and a body, but we FEEL the body and the

mind activity. We are the passive Soul. Our Spirit will choose our

path for us, molding us for Its purpose to create the world that it

wishes to. The Spirit has great creativity beyond anything

imaginable until it reveals itself.

Inside as the Outside

The inside is your heart. The outside is the mind.

Male and the Female into a Single One

Spirit and Soul become a single one.

Eye in place of an Eye, Hand in Place of a Hand, Foot in Place of a

Foot, Image in Place of an Image

This becomes the case when we make our Spirit and body into a

single unit. We fuse Spirit with matter.

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Physical Laws

Physical laws are discovered by Man. They are revealed by God.

They can then be manipulated by Man. The laws themselves are

moldable, as we have learned through Einstein’s relativity theory

and quantum physics. All

Einstein’s relativity theory teaches that space time is a fabric.

Fabrics are able to be manipulated. The laws of chemistry, and the

laws of biology have already been discovered to be mutable. The

knowledge that is present in the atom is what we are. Rather that

knowledge is what we impart on the physical structures within the

body of Earth. What does this mean? It means that we are not

eating unchanging physical stuff. The physical stuff is the belief

structure that we create as we discover laws and imagine universal

postulates around.

Quantum physics teaches us that the observer and the observed are

not separate. Then means that the observer has an impact on what

is observed. The effect is immediate. If we see a world full of Love,

then that is what we create in the entire world. That Love is able to

perform what has previously been thought of as magical thinking.

Now magical thinking will be known to be the Truth of our reality.

Science has revealed quantum physics, including quantum

entanglement, which explains why we as a Human species learn

similar ideas at similar times worldwide. Aborigines in Australia

have known about this through conscious communication with

people across the Atlantic Ocean. Our consciousness permeates the

atoms in our body when we are walking in Love. When we do not

walk in Love we fill ourselves with judgmental ideas about ourselves

and others.

The emptiness of the atom, and the properties of Light. However,

what science has been forced to finally acknowledge is that the

Consciousness of Man transcends all of the above.

Species of plants and animals are accelerating their evolution to

create a world of Love. Animals are coming into a greater

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consciousness and man will recognize them as fellow living

conscious beings. All of them. Those insects that we deem ugly will

morph into something beautiful. Animals that are seen as

dangerous will also morph into something that we will see as being


The Law of God is Love. Infinite Love is the only lasting reality.

Therefore God is the only True Reality. Love is the only True Reality

and Love is the magic of reality. It transcends any physical law that

can be imagined. That means that all limited views of physical laws

that have ever been imagined are actually not absolute. This is

something that has already been acknowledged by science.

Alternate physical laws have been thought of as occurring in

alternate realities/universes; however, in truth those alternate laws

are already operating in ALL universes. ALL universes are invented

by the mind.

We shall dream a different matter that is precious to man. It is

infinitely loving. It is our beloved friend. We shall allow our minds

unreserved unlimited freedom to create what “it” wants. I should

say what He wants to create because God the Father is also our

mind. God is also our Spirit.

Language shall be completely redefined in accordance with the

Heavenly Perfection. And truth shall be seen as the All. We will see

each other as connected, but more than that we recognize each

other as Heavenly Beings. Because of that we have complete faith

in each other. Faith is the stuff of Heaven.

The understanding of that Heavenly Perfection already exists within

each and every one of us. It has been our longing since time

immemorial to return to that faith in full. I say “our” longing in the

context of Man. For Man had forgotten its origins as Spirit in order

to raise up the fallen kindred. The fallen kindred refers to those

who had gone asleep to give us the experience of limitations in


That substance we call matter, but in truth it is consciousness

responding to our intentions. Our intentions literally encode reality.

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As we set our intention on the Highest Good for all that intention

becomes encoded on the world and manifests conditions that guide

us in the direction of that perfection. As we continue surrendering

to this Highest Good, we are letting go of limiting beliefs on what we

should do, and on what is possible.


Creator and creation is the most powerful concepts that have ever

been encountered. Needless to say the concept itself was delivered

by the Creator. Be aware of what it is that is being used to engage

the moment. Are we engaging the moment with our limited vision

of what we are? If so, what we will reap is the limitation that we

believe in. If we let go of our limitations, then what we find acting

in our life instead of limitation is the very will of God. God’s will

manifesting our lives! That divine influence overrides all human

concepts that we otherwise surround ourselves with. The divine

will is the perfection. The perfect challenges will manifest. The

perfect thoughts, emotions, and actions will manifest for the


The Future

At the beginning of the Creation story in the Bible we are told that

man has been given dominion over every living thing. Specifically

over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle,

over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon

the earth. We are also told that we are to eat the fruit of a tree

yielding seed. In other words, we are still working on fulfilling that

divine command.

The world we have created is built on a faulty premise, namely that

man is master. Man is indeed becoming master, but has not treated

his fellow Man with the respect that each one deserves as a co-

creator of our reality. We are now doing so.


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Our minds are a belief. We believe we have a mind and therefore

we do. Our mind has been what blocked us from having perfect

vision of the unfolding of reality. Once we recognize God as our

mind we will find that our thoughts occur automatically without our

involvement. The belief that we are the thinker puts us at odds

with reality, because that means that we have to figure it out, what

to do with it. How did we become so separate as to require

analyzing what we are to do? Is that freedom? Indeed, it has been

seen as such, however, how free have we really become under such

a belief? We find our freedom in submission, meaning we do not

force our wills, nor do we hold it back. We allow our lives to be



One of the greatest lessons learned is that we do not have to

reinvent the wheel. By this I mean that God already knows the

perfection. The template of reality is not something that must be

invented. It is already present in God. Acknowledge the Power of

God and be welcomed to that Paradise today.


God is everything so trust in whatever is occurring in your mind. Do

not lean on your own understanding but rather let reality emerge

according to the ability of Love to creatively manifest whatever it

wishes. Love is the True Creativity of the Universe. We can do all

things through the Love that strengthens us. Christ is synonymous

with this Love.


God is Good. Very Good. Very loving. Trust in Love to make life

work out for the beauty of all involved.

What it means to allow God to take care of everything is that God is

in control of all areas of our life. This means allowing God to control

all activities of the body. God knows what we need, knows how to

supply it, and knows how to bring us through. We must trust. Trust

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like a child. Jesus said “ye must become like a child in order to enter

the Kingdom of God”. That means a child-like trust. The child does

not question what happens to Him/Her, but rather moves from one

thing to the next according to the movement of the moment. The

child can truly be said to be God in Action. How then does one grow

into an adult and lose that trust? No one has ever performed an

action that was not ordained by God. That is the shocking truth that

I have learned. God is indeed molding people. As it is written, He is

the Potter, we are the Clay. Can the Clay do anything on its own

other than what the Potter does to it? Of course not. Allow the

Clay to be the Clay it is, and trust that the Potter is indeed in charge,

able to mold the Clay into what HE has in mind, rather than what

YOU may have in mind. However, the dreams that you already have

are planted by God.

Show patience and God will show Himself faithful

Sacrifices by others give grace to those who are immersed in sin.

We are grace-bestowers. Grace means unmerited favor, meaning

favor that was not earned. We rely on such grace each and every

day. Because in the perfect world we would be living in perfection.

There are perfect aspects to our lives, but why aren’t our lives

perfect in all aspects? Perhaps they are manifesting perfectly, but

we have yet to realize that our lives manifest through law. We

notice it more as we fall in line with the law. How do we become

One with the Law. Through surrender. Trusting in the process that

our lives naturally push us in. We trust that there is nothing wrong

with the thoughts and emotions that we experience. We don’t try

to change our lives. We allow Life to change US.

Love is truly Supreme. It has been said that it is Will over Love, but

that still makes Love the work horse. It is written that Love bears all

burdens. Understanding that Love bears all burdens, we gain a new

understanding of the life around us. Our vision is fresh. We see

each other as playing a necessary role to fulfill our understanding of

our purpose in each other’s lives.

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Jesus tried ALL ways. Including this one. That’s what his descent

into hell was. We are living in hell though. That is our truth that we

are overcoming. We do so by trusting. We trust that everything will

work out. We are forced to live out our responsibilities to each

other to the extent that we hold each other guilty. When we stop

judging each other we gain a piece of heaven. As we gain a piece of

heaven, we become more heavenly. How do we stop judging? We

do so by no longer judging the thoughts that enter our minds. We

trust that God will make them right. There is no point to judge what

we have no control over. Love will make a way where there seems

to be no way.

When we feel compelled to do something we should do it. We may

not understand why, but the compulsion is there for a reason. That

reason is to fulfill someone else’s beliefs or wishes. Love bears all

burdens. That may seemingly be contradictory to what we believe

we know, or think we should do. But if we feel a strong compulsion

to do something we should do it. This refers to something that is

not forced. We do not force reality to unfold. We allow. In that

allowance we find freedoms. Perhaps not in the short term, but the

freedom will be there in the end. We trust in the process, walking

by faith! Though we fall short at times, we learn to trust again and

continue in that walk. Faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things unseen. Quite literally the substance.

We walk forward in a hope for the future, not only for ourselves,

but for countless others. When we fail in our faith, we fail others.

When we succeed, we lift up others. Therefore it is imperative that

we march forward in a strong faith. A faith that grows stronger by

the day. We do not go by feelings. We walk forth in faith following

our strongest compulsions in the moment, trusting that they will

lead us to the goal that we all hope and dream of. That dream is the

Kingdom of God manifest in the hearts of every man and woman on

earth. This is the Kingdom of Peace. The Kingdom in which Love

rules supreme, not only as an ideal, but as an actuality. When we

trust, instead of doubt. We trust instead of being skeptical. That is,

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we are not to doubt our experience. We walk forward trusting

every thought to manifest as quickly as possible the perfection that

yearns for expression.

Make no mistake about it. That involves sifting through quite a few

realities. And I do mean realities. Alternate universes. Alternate

lives. They will manifest in our consciousness. The strange will

become the normal. Not permanent. Many temporary realities will

be experienced. That means letting go of some that seem heavenly

ordained. We make a temporary sacrifice for the big prize. That big

prize is Heaven on Earth. We are to merge all things in Heaven and

on Earth. As we remember our divinity and become our true selves

as Heavenly Beings we will effortlessly manifest perfection in every

facet of our walk in life.

What that perfection is will be revealed. It is not for us to decide,

but rather for us to experience as a gift from the whole. When we

have received it in full, we will know, for it will be a joyous occasion

and we will never have another doubt. There will be no conflict.

Our mind will have been dissolved. How do we reach this place?

Through a sincere surrender. A full surrender. A permanent full

surrender. We trust that what we truly want for each is the most

precious gift anyone can give, namely acceptance of each other’s

life as they are to start with and the blessing to proceed in the best

most fulfilling way possible for each. When we do not proceed as

such we suffer. We come into conflict when we believe ourselves to

be separate from the other and act accordingly.

How do believe ourselves to be separate? We behave as if the

other is going to judge us for our behavior. When we are free from

that belief, then we are free indeed.

Freedom is an illusion though. We find freedom in recognizing such

an illusion. That freedom is in finding our true role in this world.

That role is obvious, namely to be ourselves. How do we be

ourselves? By allowing. We allow our lives to unfold. That means

that plans may change. If we have been desiring something that

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takes us on a different path in life that means that we should make

that change. In allowing, we find that path will unfold for us in time.

Why do I say that freedom is an illusion? Freedom must necessarily

be an illusion, because we are connected to others. It is not an

eternal illusion. It is a temporary illusion, THE illusion that reminds

us of the truth of our situation. How does it remind us of the truth?

Because we yearn to be free. However, we must recognize what it

is we want freedom from. Rather what is it we want freedom for?

Is it freedom from our situation? Freedom to do what we want? Or

freedom to be what we want? I can find freedom in being a variety

of roles, but something bothers me. Why does something bother

me? Because I have given up a part of myself to become something

that I am not. Because I choose something that I am not, I find

myself to be unhappy. Only, and I do mean only, when I am that

that I am am I happy. Does that mean I will find immediate

happiness? No. Because I have given up being myself for a number

of years, I find that I have to give up being that which I am not. How

do I do that? By allowing things to unfold without judgment. I will

rediscover myself over time. When I have recovered myself, then I

live in perfect happiness. I have peace. I move gracefully in all of

my activities.

I find that there is a problem in recovering myself though. See,

others have made sacrifices to be who they are so that I could be

who I was. Even though I was someone who I didn’t actually want

to be, others were also forced to be something they didn’t want to

be. How do we correct this situation? We give up who we think we

wanted to be, and others give up who they erroneously believed

themselves to be. As we continue this process we find that joy,

peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and

self-control emerge not only in us, but in everyone around us too.

Because authenticity begets authenticity. Those are our true

nature. That nature is perfection. Our true nature is one of

perfection. Perfect will. Our perfect love. We need not force

anything. All of our actions are naturally perfect.

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How do we come back into that perfection? We begin to act in the

manner that coincides with our beliefs, rather than with what is

expected of us by others, or rather by our erroneous beliefs of


We must trust that the thoughts we experience are going to

produce the perfection that we are. Why trust? Try it out and

notice coincidences. You will notice over time that your thoughts

really are producing your perfect day. As more and more of us

continue along this path of spontaneous manifestation we will find

our bodies becoming stronger, we will experience increased vitality,

sustained youth, proper decisions, and so forth. The perfection will

truly manifest for ALL.

The quicker we surrender to this mode of living, the more quickly

we end suffering for ourselves and for others. We must trust this

way of living in all aspects of our lives. This includes our finances,

our food choices, the words we speak, and the movements of our

bodies. We must truly live as if we have nothing to do, nothing to

accomplish, nowhere to be, and nowhere to go. Pure living. Human

effort taints our experiences and manifestations. We must not will

anything. Allow the will of God to will our lives, which is perfected

in the moment at all times. We shall live as if we are the deity itself

and the deity will live as us, perfecting us in each moment

throughout every day. Every day we fail, we delay the gifts that are

in store for us. The gifts that God already has planned for us.

While pondering these words notice that your thoughts can to a

large extent be rather spontaneous. Effort is merely a force of

human will trying to usurp the authority of the deity. We may be

tested on this point in our walk to perfection. That manifestation is

also perfect. There is nothing but the perfection manifest when we

allow. When we try to accomplish, then we lose out on the

blessings that God had in store for us. God will bring them back

around in his own way when we continue to allow again.

God has already provided every situation’s solution before hand.

We must merely trust in the process. If we believe that we have

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fallen, we need merely analyze the situation and consider did we

really do it or was it an energy.

God is guiding my every step. I trust God to be my All-in-All.

God is my All-in-All. Understand these to be the case and allow the

Peace that passeth all understanding to be present at all times. God

can do all things. He Is ALL Things. He also transcends all things.

God has already made true what I wanted. God is the creator of our

thoughts. The measure of faith that we have is a gift from God.

God works in mysterious ways. God’s ways are NOT man’s ways.

When we believe in man’s opinion of things we end up being tested

again and again on what we fail the first time around.

I believe that the LORD has made this day. I believe that I have not

failed the LORD. His will has accomplished what He set forth to


The Lord is indeed in charge. I have erroneously believed that I was

in charge, even in my failures, but even then was God guiding me.

Therefore I should not judge myself harshly, but rather move on

swiftly after my mistakes. Because God has made the day, his will is

not thwarted. His will will accomplish what it has set forth. He is

not willing that any shall perish. We shall all come into the


We are One in each other. We are so intimately tied together that

nothing we do does not affect the other. Therefore, when we suffer

others suffer with us. When we have joy, there is something in the

other that they long for. When we go against what it is that we

know that we want, then God sets us right back on track. God is Us.

As Us He Knows what it is that we need at all points in time. At all

points in time is a difficult concept to grasp, but it is the Truth. God

is All Powerful. That means All the Power is His. Since All Power is

His, it accomplishes what it has set forth to accomplish. Within

God’s Power is the seed of victory for which the Power was sent

forth. The Power of God is what the Will of God, through faith,

CREATES as that which is willed into manifestation.

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Since the Power of God is absolute, then we can rest in Peace,

knowing that the will of God is always done. What we have

mistaken for our will actually is God’s will in action. As children it

seems as if we have more choices than we actually have. We

believe ourselves to be free to make our own decisions. God has

not left reality up to such chance occurrences. The child is born

perfect doing the will of God, just as the teenager is doing the will of

God, as is the adult, regardless of circumstances, and whether we

believe God would or would not actually do such a thing.

Our purpose is to grow God. In expanding “sin” (karma), we expand

God who is graceful, merciful, and a loving Father who is not limited

by our ideas of love. God the Father does want us to live in a

perfected world, however, evil was created for a reason by God the

Father. We are here to experience evil. We are not here to

propagate evil eternally, but rather it has served its purpose for

many. What is evil? Evil is the absence of God’s perfect will.

However, evil is created to reveal God the Father in Us. We spring

into action in response to evil.

Is evil necessary then? Only in as far as it reveals God the Father

within Us. Then it has accomplished what it was set forth to do.

Evil not only reveals God the Father within Us, but also God’s

goodness. How does it reveal God’s goodness? Because God’s

goodness is our true nature. We are so very good. Extremely good.

That is why doing wrong bothers us so much. We come to realize

though that there is grace when we do wrong. That grace changes

the path of reality.

Reality is absolute. It does not change. There is one supreme

reality. There is nothing that we can do to change it. We are fixed

players on the stage of life. God is in control every moment of the

day every day. We have never foiled the plan of God, nor can we. If

we could, then God would not be God. God is Good. God is good.

God’s goodness is revealed in his counterpart as well. For what man

has made immoral, God’s counterpart makes acceptable.

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The one supreme reality must not be willed. It already produces

perfection. There is a way that seems right to man, but it leads to

destruction. The way that leads to life is one of allowing. When we

interfere with the perfect will of God, we lose out on the blessings

that God has in mind for us. When we miss out on our blessings, we

cause a different path for others to emerge.

God has an amazing ability to adapt to new situations. He is never

late. His timing is perfect. Human effort must cease. The effort

must cease in full. Any effort we exert takes us away from God’s


Effort must cease. We must trust in full. When we trust in full, we

distribute ourselves over the all instead of limiting ourselves to our

single bodies. Then we live in perfect harmony with all.

The most important thing to understand is that we are One unit.

We are not operating from an island. If you believe that you are

getting away with something, consider it a gift of the One. Return

into oneness will bring forth any confession needed. And the One

will embrace you back in.

Operating from the understanding that we are One results in a flow

of life that is unlike any other. Those operating under the

understanding that we are One operate in synchronicity.

That brings us to another important understanding. We are Spirit.

Spiritual beings living in what was a very dense physical world in

which matter was not as mutable as we as Spirit were used to. We

are bringing Spirit into matter and changing that. Matter is now

fused with Spirit. It is moldable to a degree that man thought of as

magical thinking in the past. Now we know through quantum

physics that the observer has an impact on the observed, something

that mystics for thousands of years have known. Does our vision

immediately change matter? Yes, though we observe the effect

over time. Unless we then change our vision. We need merely

allow for our innate creativity to rule our lives, from emotions to

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thoughts to actions, vision, hearing, taste, and smell as well.

Breathing is also perfected when we allow.

We must release our views of limitations to what is possible and

instead allow ourselves to dream. We must dream with our entire

being in the moment until we are fused with our dream. That

creativity that is inherent in ourselves can then come forth and

imagine a world much different from the one we have become

accustomed to. A world in which love and peace are known as the

universal truths reigning in the hearts of every man. There will be

no world hunger, no wars, no perversions, no need to judge myself

or anyone else. We will all live together in a harmony that never

requires us to worry about another or anything.

What then shall we do today? Today we need do nothing, but be

and allow the flow of our life to carry us wherever we feel drawn.

The mind will set boundaries for us.

Let us walk in perfect confidence boldly walking in the truth that we

declare from day to day. Should we stumble, let the confidence

that others have in us carry us, immediately picking us back up to

where we were.

God is able to perform deeds that material sciences do not

acknowledge. Science is a changing art. There is a power above all

science. Because of that, science can be relied upon as a relative

experience, but not as an absolute art, for the Supreme Artist is

beyond anything that can be seen, and is greater than any deed.

When we entrust our lives to the Supreme Artist every day is a day

of perfection. Our words, our actions all end up being perfected

because the Supreme Artist never makes a mistake. Even if through

our minds we believed that today was imperfect, that belief is

invalid. Every day is perfected in love when we trust. When we

have faith in our path and allow God to live through us, then we live

the perfect day every day.

However, when we disrupt God’s plans, then His nemesis may force

his will for a time, but his will is not above God’s. The nemesis is

also God. Everything is God. All are God. But God is above all. We

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are living God in action. We are God in action. He is continually

pouring out his perfection.

God desires to have a personal relationships with us. We are His

vessels. We are referred to as the clay, and He is the potter.

However, in full surrender we become His tools in action. He guides

our every step, our every move, our every word, our senses, and the

atmosphere that we move in. We literally have our Being inside of


We believe ourselves falsely to be linear beings moving forward in

time, but we are multidimensional. What does this mean? We

know that we are creating the world around us, but we may not be

aware of the multidimensional aspect of our beings that creates

alternate realities. Those alternate realities allow for opportunities

for others to have an experience. This means that we are growing

God, which is our purpose. We grow God by growing ourselves.

There are infinite Supreme realities, of which we are but one, but

we can tap into others. We will do so when we feel the need to and

information is freely and gladly exchanged.

Our bodies have the potential to live forever. They are not the

temporary vessels that we have been led to believe. We are quite

literally creating the sicknesses, aging, and other issues that we

unnecessarily worry about. Our natural state is one of vitality,

health, youth. When we come back into balance with the Law we

naturally revert to that perfect state. How do we come back into

balance with the law? We acknowledge the perfection that we

already are, and begin to allow our lives to unfold spontaneously.

Our natural intelligence is enough for us to express our perfection in

any moment in time. Our true self acknowledges no imperfections.

Hence, what it creates cannot help but result in perfection.

Imperfections disappear when we no longer give reality to them.

When we acknowledge God as Perfect, then God will manifest a

path that will take us back to that perfection. We then become God

in form.

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We become the perfect tools of God the moment that we give our

lives fully over to God. No matter what we are led to believe we are

already God’s perfect vessels at that point. The mistakes we make

are ordained by God for His purpose. His purpose is to grow

Himself, but He does have an end product in mind also for the world

that he wants us to live in. We carry that dream deep within us

ready to bubble up into our consciousness when the proper

memory is triggered.

The proper memory is simply that we are divine beings. We are

God in form. We come to understand this through

experimentation. What is God able to do? He is able to manifest

anything directly. He is the greatest Being that can be imagined,

namely the One who is All, the One who does All, who senses All.

Because of this we must not will anything. Allow His perfect Will to

rule from dawn ‘til dusk.