the kadoka press and kadoka reporter. (kadoka, s.d.), 1922

LOCAL MENTION GATHERED BY PRESS REPORTERS We make okl clothes look new. Canada Cleaners. ? Mrs. R. E. White left Monday for Rapid City to spend a few days Attorney A. G. Granger and Tom H. Wells returned Suaday from a business trip to Pierre. Paper towles save washing Get a supply, together with a neat and attractive white enamel cabinet at ‘the Press office. Attorney Harold P. Gilchrist re- turned Tuesday from Sioux Falls where he spent several days atten-j "ding to legal matters. Miss J. McCarthy last week mov- ed her furniture and store fixtures' to Philip, where, we understand,; she will open a bakery and lunch room. Hardware merchant C. (). PerauU has been busy this week installing ¦a new furnace in the residence of States Attorney and Mrs. Flagg P. Carlisle, in the north part ol town. With politics now in the discard the festive turkey is holding the the spotlight as the center of in- terests, and we are wondering where in this wide, wide world we are going to get ours. For Sale. I am offering mv .farms in Jackson and Washabaugh Countiea for sal© in tracts to sui ‘'purchaser. These farms rang.* from 160 to 1400 acres each. G. G. Inman, Kadoka, S. D.' Nov. 10 tf. We do cleaning, pressing and all repairing. 3 Canada Cleaners. Cards received from Mr. and! Mrs. O. A. Lcffingwell stntc that they are now in Florida where they will s]>end the winter. The say that the weather is warm and sultry and also that they do n< 1 ! like it. Hard to beat sunshine weather of the great Sunshine State. McNally Land Company will sell your land. Hon. John Hirning, Superintend- ent of the State Hanking Depart- ment, came over from Pierre Thursday and attended to official business matters. J. W. Canney came up from bis ranch north of Stamford Tuesday, and attended to business matters and visited with friends. Host grades of typewriter rib- bons, for all makes of machines will be found in the stationary department of the Press office. Karl H. Davis and Paul Osburn left Tuesday for Aberdeen, havjpg been drnwn to serve on the jury at the term of Federal Court now in session at that city. Chairman Frank Coyc has lx*en in Kadoka this week from his farm north of town presiding a' the November meeting of the Hoard of County Commissioners. F. J. Cummings left Tuesday morning for Pierre to resume his work as inspector for the Kura' Credits Department after having visited with his family here ovei election. Postmaster and Mrs. Otto C Sharon went to Helvidere Wednes- day morning, being called there h\ the death of Mrs. Sharon's sistci who passed away early this morn- ing at the home of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Whyte at that place. The funeral services will he held Friday. The ground hereabouts is cover- eel with n nice even fall of snow. The snow started falling last Sat- urday evening and continued ovc: most of Sunday and part of Mon- day. The snow fall was not ac companiod by any wind and i.- lying nice and level. Since Mon day evening the weather hhs been fine, with the sun shining brighi and the snow is rapidly disappear ing. immwmZ s* 4 y*> r* V;, - * Lowest Prices In History Of Ford Motor Go. t Effctive Immediately Tour in; regular $298 I Touring with starter hiul demountable rims $393 I Runabout regular $269 I Runabout with starter and demountable rims $364 I Coupe with starter and demountable rims $530 I Sedan New Four Door Mode) $725 I k Sedan with starter and demountable rims $595 I Chasm regular $235 I Truck with demountable rims S3BO I Tractor price unchanged) $395 I ALL PRICES F. O. B. DETROIT Kadoka . Auto Company FORD HALEB AND SERVICE* I Jackson County Bank General Banking' I . * * * .•» id If you have Warrants to Sell See Us Writes Fire and Life Insurance n V- ¦ THE KADOKA PRESS PRESBYTERIAN LADIES AID ANNUAL DINNER AND BAZAAR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1922 AT SCENIC THEATRE Both Dinner and Lunches will be-j gin at 11:30 a. m. Lunches will i be served all afternoon. DINNER 40c MENU Mashed Potatoes Roast Beef and Brown Gravy Cabbage Salad Pickles Rolls and Butter Coffee Pumpkin or Apple Pie LUNCHES Hani Sandwiches _.loc Three Doughnuts 10c Pie -0- 10c Coffee 5c Everybody invited to come and spend the day. Get plenty to eat and buy your Christmas Articles. A good variety. Pop Corn and Candy Booths whi- ch will interest both young and old Ladies will welcome any article contrilmted to Bazaar Sale. i i Before you buy land see Me Nally Laid Company. C. N. Leedom of the State High- way Commission, came over from Pierre Thursday and is spending a few days in Kadoka. Mrs. S. P. Hurley left Tuesday for her home at Camp McMaster in the State Park after a week spent in Kadoka visiting friends. W. J. Sauser returned Monday from Randolph, Nobr., where he had been for some time attending to business matters and visiting ! friends in his old home. County Commissioner E. W. Thode came up from Helvidere Tuesday morning to attend the November meeting of the Hoard of j County Commissioners. Hills are out announcing a dance to be given at the Scenic i Theatre. The Kadoka four-piece j orchestra will furnish the music! and a big time is promised to] everyone attending. J. P. Eddy departed Wednesday for the Soldiers’ Hame at Hot Springs, after having spent a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Brakke, in Kadoka and his daughter in lowa. Mr. Eddy was accompanied to the Springs by W. H. Wildman of this place, who w ill spend the winter months in the Soldiers’ Home, and Mrs. Wildman will spend the w’inter at Vermil-' lion. Little Thomas Murphy was badly burned Saturday while hunting for lost marbles in the basement at his hode north of Kadoka. Thej little fellow was carrying a lighted candle from which his jacket w r a? set on fire and he was badly burn- ed about the chest nnd chin, with lesser burns on his hands, ea'N,! and eyebrows. Mrs. Murphy heart 1 the screams of the little fellow j and in putting out the fire had her hands severely burned. Dr Hennings was called and dressed the burns, whiuh though extreme- ly painful are not of a serious nature. One of the election results that was watched with interest by the Press office as well as many other in this locality, w*as the returns on the legislative ticket in Yankton county. Of the six candidates run- ning for members of the legisla- ture from that county three of them were engaged in newspaper work and these three of the quill were elected by the voters of that county. Roy R. Milliken editor of the Utica Times on the democrats I ticket was hijjjh man in the race t Mr. Milliken Ts*h twin brother ol | Ray E. Milliken of Martin and i brother of Mrs. J. H. Snyder of thif place an is known to a great num- ber of our people having visited here on several occasions. Miss Lillian Hansen departed on Monday for New York City, and from there will sail on Friday for i Caracas, Venzuela, where she will enter upon her work in the Foreign Missionary field. Miss Hansen has for the past year and a half been taking special training, fitting her self for the work she has chosen ; as her life’s occupation, and that she will meet with success in her chosen work is a well recognized fact.- Miss Hansen has for many years been a resilient of this com- munity, nnd is the daughter of Mr. land Mrs. Geo. B. Hansen of this place, and is well known, liked and respected by all our people. From ! childhood Miss Hansen has been a ! devout Christian, and her life has shown her deep belief in the faith she has followed, and her consecra- ting her life to the great work of the Foreign Missionary field is but another proof of the deep rooted belief she maintains in the wor- I ship of Him who rules all things. I The good wishes and since rest re- I gards of all of'this community ac- company Miss Hansen to her new field in the South American lepublie. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• t Trisco Products | We have just received a car of TRISCO 8 Products which we are offering to J our trade at prices effective before the recent advance in mill products 48 Pound Sack fIM Qfl TRISCO FLOUR S|.OU 8 5 sack lots TRISCO 01 7 C 8 FLOUR, per sack a | 0 48 Pound sack tfM 7(] Worth more Flour I U e 48 Pound Sack CM O C 8 Family Flour sli£u Trisco | Corn Meal Rye Flour Pancake Flour Graham Farina 8 J. H. FRYBERGER | Kadoka, - South Dakota. 8 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee;?eeeeeeeeeeeee For Real Estate loans see, M K. Gasthouse. Kadoka. S. D. 22tf New paper goods arriving ovcry day. Tell us your wants, wo car. 1 take care of them at th«* Press ' office. County Judge R. L. Pinkerton j. was up from Belvidere Monday; : attending to official matters in ' county court. Editor S. W. Davis of the Cotton ! wood Republican and J. D. Wilker- i son drove over from Cotton woo" Tuesday to attend to business mat! 1 ters in the county seat. An entertainment of unusual i merit will be given by the Oaklet Concert Company at the Seonii 1 Theatre next Monday night, tlv j second number of the Kadok. j Lyceum Course. Don't miss it. Mrs. J. H. Snyder and daughter left last Friday for Yankton after having spent about three weeks a' their home here. Mrs. Snyder an; children are spending the winter at Yankton on acount of the form er’s health. Elsewhere in this issue will ln i found the sale announcement ol Wallace Ruggles, who will on Sat urday, November 25th dispose of ; quantity of his household goods a‘ public auction in Kadoka. Mr and Mrs. Ruggles will move t Mason City, low’a, where they wil make their home and in disposing of his furniture to save shipping For Sale. Three registered Duroc Boars. These are all prize winning s n >mals that we have j used to head our heards for the past two years and we are obliged j to dispose of them. They are real top-notchers that we will sell at farmer’s prices. Walsh & Myers, Rapid City, S. D. 2313. The time for ordering those Christmas Greeting cards is grow- ing short, and very soon it will be impossible for us to guarantee; delivery of first choice cards. Numerous orders have already been placed and those who desire to make use of this popular and: acceptable CHristmas remembran- ces are urged to call at the Press! office at once and make their selec tions. The line we are showing is| the finest ever brought west of the river and consists of engraved, embossed and printed cards with quality envelopes to match. The cards are priced reasonable and put up in assortments that will meet the desires gf all. If you are unable to call at the office, just phone us and our representative will be pleased to call on you and show you the line of cards we are sellings, and of which we feel justly proud. Do it Today! Crepe paper, allcolors, at tl. Press office. C. E. Richards was in Thursday from his farm south of Cotton- wood. Mrs. H. F. Brunner anti baby lott Monday for their home at Yankton after a two weeks visit at the home of Mrs. Brunner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brooks. County Commissioner S. (). Red- mon came in Tuesday from his farm in the west part of the county, to attend the meeting of the Hoard of County Commission ers which convened in Kadok: that morning. NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF TAX DEED To Amos A. Shook and James P. Clark, record owners and parties in possession, and to C. C. Han , party m whose name the afte described real estatte is taxed.-*- —. You are hereby notified that on the 11th day of December, 1916 the following described piece of real estate situated in the County of Jackson, State of South'Dakota, as follows: Lot Eleven (11), Block Eight (8), Town of Kadoka wa : sold for taxes then due and delin- quent for the year 1915 at tax sale by the treasurer of said county to R. A. Tucker, and was by said purchaser duly assigned to the .Sioux Falls Savings Hank of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a coiporation who is now the lawful holder of the certificate of purchase. Thai the said taxes then due and delin- quent amounted to $7.20, and that subsequent taxes to the amount of $20.28 have been paid, with inter- est, penalty and. costs accrued of $15.97, making a total amount nec- essary to redeem of $13.45, and in addition thereto, there must be paid the costs of service of this notice by personal service or pub- lication, attorney’s fees and costs of affidavit, together with such interest as may accrue after this date, and that such right of re- demption will expire and a deed for said land be made upon the expiration of sixty days from the completed service of this notice. Dated this 6th day of November 1922. N. B. P.artlett, Attorney for Sioux Falls Savings Hank, November 17-24. December 1. For Real Economy in the Kitchen Use CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER A Big Time end Money Saver When you bake - Slf SsSEsS ,{£) That’s why it is far j-fSISmJ* some other brands T j i n>iGPir J The sale of Calumet ia ' over 150% greater than that of any other £v W won by ran brand. && ; Don’t be ltd into taking Quantity tor Quality Calumet has proven to be best by test in millions of homes every bake-day. Largest selling brand in the world. Contains only such ingredients as have been officially approved by U. S. Pure Food Authorities. ! | 1 TMA WOMMJXS BAKING POWDER W HgWHi i 4 •1

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Page 1: The Kadoka press and Kadoka reporter. (Kadoka, S.D.), 1922


We make okl clothes look new.Canada Cleaners. ?

Mrs. R. E. White left Mondayfor Rapid City to spend a few days

Attorney A. G. Granger and TomH. Wells returned Suaday from abusiness trip to Pierre.

Paper towles save washing Geta supply, together with a neat andattractive white enamel cabinet at

‘the Press office.

Attorney Harold P. Gilchrist re-turned Tuesday from Sioux Fallswhere he spent several days atten-j

"ding to legal matters.Miss J. McCarthy last week mov-

ed her furniture and store fixtures'to Philip, where, we understand,;she will open a bakery and lunchroom.

Hardware merchant C. (). PerauUhas been busy this week installing

¦a new furnace in the residence ofStates Attorney and Mrs. FlaggP. Carlisle, in the north part oltown.

With politics now in the discardthe festive turkey is holding thethe spotlight as the center of in-terests, and we are wonderingwhere in this wide, wide world weare going to get ours.

For Sale. I am offering mv.farms in Jackson and WashabaughCountiea for sal© in tracts to sui

‘'purchaser. These farms rang.*

from 160 to 1400 acres each.G. G. Inman,Kadoka, S. D.'

• Nov. 10 tf.

We do cleaning, pressing and allrepairing. 3 Canada Cleaners.

Cards received from Mr. and!Mrs. O. A. Lcffingwell stntc thatthey are now in Florida wherethey will s]>end the winter. The ’

say that the weather is warm andsultry and also that they do n< 1 !like it. Hard to beat sunshineweather of the great SunshineState.

McNally Land Company willsell your land.

Hon. John Hirning, Superintend-ent of the State Hanking Depart-ment, came over from PierreThursday and attended to officialbusiness matters.

J. W. Canney came up from bisranch north of Stamford Tuesday,and attended to business mattersand visited with friends.

Host grades of typewriter rib-bons, for all makes of machineswill be found in the stationarydepartment of the Press office.

Karl H. Davis and Paul Osburnleft Tuesday for Aberdeen, havjpgbeen drnwn to serve on the jury atthe term of Federal Court now insession at that city.

Chairman Frank Coyc has lx*enin Kadoka this week from hisfarm north of town presiding a'the November meeting of theHoard of County Commissioners.

F. J. Cummings left Tuesdaymorning for Pierre to resume hiswork as inspector for the Kura'Credits Department after havingvisited with his family here ovei

election. •

Postmaster and Mrs. Otto CSharon went to Helvidere Wednes-day morning, being called there h\the death of Mrs. Sharon's sistciwho passed away early this morn-ing at the home of her parents,Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Whyte at thatplace. The funeral services will heheld Friday.

The ground hereabouts is cover-eel with n nice even fall of snow.The snow started falling last Sat-urday evening and continued ovc:most of Sunday and part of Mon-day. The snow fall was not

ac companiod by any wind and i.-lying nice and level. Since Monday evening the weather hhs beenfine, with the sun shining brighiand the snow is rapidly disappearing.

immwmZs* 4

y*> r*V;, *¦ - *

Lowest Prices In History OfFord Motor Go.


Effctive Immediately

Tour in; regular $298 ITouring with starter hiul demountable rims $393 IRunabout regular $269 IRunabout with starter and demountable rims $364 ICoupe with starter and demountable rims $530 ISedan New Four Door Mode) $725 I

k Sedan with starter and demountable rims $595 IChasm regular $235 ITruck with demountable rims S3BO ITractor price unchanged) $395 I


Kadoka. Auto Company


I Jackson County BankGeneral Banking'

I • . *

* * • .•»


If you have Warrants to SellSee Us

WritesFire and Life Insurance

nV- ¦




AT SCENIC THEATREBoth Dinner and Lunches will be-j

gin at 11:30 a. m. Lunches will ibe served all afternoon.


Mashed PotatoesRoast Beef and Brown Gravy

Cabbage Salad PicklesRolls and Butter Coffee

Pumpkin or Apple PieLUNCHES

Hani Sandwiches _.loc

Three Doughnuts 10cPie -0- 10cCoffee 5c

Everybody invited to come andspend the day. Get plenty to eatand buy your Christmas Articles.A good variety.

Pop Corn and Candy Booths whi-ch will interest both young and old

Ladies will welcome any articlecontrilmted to Bazaar Sale.

i i

Before you buy land see MeNally Laid Company.

C. N. Leedom of the State High-way Commission, came over fromPierre Thursday and is spending afew days in Kadoka.

Mrs. S. P. Hurley left Tuesdayfor her home at Camp McMasterin the State Park after a weekspent in Kadoka visiting friends.

W. J. Sauser returned Mondayfrom Randolph, Nobr., where hehad been for some time attendingto business matters and visiting !friends in his old home.

County Commissioner E. W.Thode came up from HelvidereTuesday morning to attend theNovember meeting of the Hoard of jCounty Commissioners.

Hills are out announcing adance to be given at the Scenic iTheatre. The Kadoka four-piece jorchestra will furnish the music!and a big time is promised to]everyone attending.

J. P. Eddy departed Wednesdayfor the Soldiers’ Hame at HotSprings, after having spent a fewweeks with his daughter, Mrs.Thos. Brakke, in Kadoka and hisdaughter in lowa. Mr. Eddy wasaccompanied to the Springs by W.H. Wildman of this place, who w illspend the winter months in theSoldiers’ Home, and Mrs. Wildmanwill spend the w’inter at Vermil-'lion.

Little Thomas Murphy was badlyburned Saturday while huntingfor lost marbles in the basementat his hode north of Kadoka. Thejlittle fellow was carrying a lightedcandle from which his jacket wr a?

set on fire and he was badly burn-ed about the chest nnd chin, withlesser burns on his hands, ea'N,!and eyebrows. Mrs. Murphy heart 1

the screams of the little fellow jand in putting out the fire hadher hands severely burned. DrHennings was called and dressedthe burns, whiuh though extreme-ly painful are not of a seriousnature.

One of the election results thatwas watched with interest by thePress office as well as many otherin this locality, w*as the returns onthe legislative ticket in Yanktoncounty. Of the six candidates run-ning for members of the legisla-ture from that county three ofthem were engaged in newspaperwork and these three of the quillwere elected by the voters of thatcounty. Roy R. Milliken editor ofthe Utica Times on the democrats

I ticket was hijjjh man in the racet Mr. Milliken Ts*h twin brother ol

| Ray E. Milliken of Martin and i

brother of Mrs. J. H. Snyder of thifplace an is known to a great num-ber of our people having visitedhere on several occasions.

Miss Lillian Hansen departed onMonday for New York City, andfrom there will sail on Friday for

i Caracas, Venzuela, where she willenter upon her work in the ForeignMissionary field. Miss Hansen hasfor the past year and a half beentaking special training, fitting herself for the work she has chosen

; as her life’s occupation, and thatshe will meet with success in herchosen work is a well recognizedfact.- Miss Hansen has for manyyears been a resilient of this com-munity, nnd is the daughter of Mr.

land Mrs. Geo. B. Hansen of thisplace, and is well known, liked andrespected by all our people. From

! childhood Miss Hansen has been a! devout Christian, and her life has

shown her deep belief in the faithshe has followed, and her consecra-ting her life to the great work ofthe Foreign Missionary field is butanother proof of the deep rootedbelief she maintains in the wor-

I ship of Him who rules all things.I The good wishes and since rest re-

I gards of all of'this community ac-company Miss Hansen to her newfield in the South Americanlepublie.


Trisco Products |— •

We have just received a car of TRISCO 8Products which we are offering to Jour trade at prices effective before •

the recent advance in mill products •

48 Pound Sack fIM Qfl •

TRISCO FLOUR S|.OU 85 sack lots TRISCO 01 7 C 8

FLOUR, per sack a| 0 •

48 Pound sack tfM 7(] •

Worth more Flour I¦ I U e48 Pound Sack CM O C 8

Family Flour sli£u •

Trisco |Corn Meal Rye Flour Pancake Flour •

Graham Farina 8

J. H. FRYBERGER |Kadoka, - South Dakota. 8


For Real Estate loans see, MK. Gasthouse. Kadoka. S. D. 22tf

New paper goods arriving ovcryday. Tell us your wants, wo car. 1take care of them at th«* Press 'office.

County Judge R. L. Pinkerton j.was up from Belvidere Monday; :attending to official matters in 'county court.

Editor S. W. Davis of the Cotton !

wood Republican and J. D. Wilker- ison drove over from Cotton woo" •

Tuesday to attend to business mat! 1ters in the county seat.

An entertainment of unusual imerit will be given by the OakletConcert Company at the Seonii 1Theatre next Monday night, tlv jsecond number of the Kadok. jLyceum Course. Don't miss it.

Mrs. J. H. Snyder and daughterleft last Friday for Yankton afterhaving spent about three weeks a'

their home here. Mrs. Snyder an;

children are spending the winterat Yankton on acount of the former’s health.

Elsewhere in this issue will lni

found the sale announcement olWallace Ruggles, who will on Saturday, November 25th dispose of ;

quantity of his household goods a‘

public auction in Kadoka. Mrand Mrs. Ruggles will move t

Mason City, low’a, where they wilmake their home and in disposingof his furniture to save shipping

For Sale. Three registeredDuroc Boars. These are all prizewinning s n >mals that we have jused to head our heards for thepast two years and we are obliged jto dispose of them. They are realtop-notchers that we will sell at

farmer’s prices.Walsh & Myers,

Rapid City, S. D.2313.

• The time for ordering thoseChristmas Greeting cards is grow-

ing short, and very soon it will beimpossible for us to guarantee;delivery of first choice cards.Numerous orders have already

been placed and those who desireto make use of this popular and:acceptable CHristmas remembran-ces are urged to call at the Press!

office at once and make their selec

tions. The line we are showing is|

the finest ever brought west of

the river and consists of engraved,

embossed and printed cards withquality envelopes to match. Thecards are priced reasonable andput up in assortments that willmeet the desires gf all. If you areunable to call at the office, justphone us and our representativewill be pleased to call on you andshow you the line of cards we aresellings, and of which we feeljustly proud. Do it Today!

Crepe paper, allcolors, at tl.Press office.

C. E. Richards was in Thursdayfrom his farm south of Cotton-wood.

Mrs. H. F. Brunner anti baby lottMonday for their home at Yanktonafter a two weeks visit at thehome of Mrs. Brunner’s parents,Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Brooks.

County Commissioner S. (). Red-mon came in Tuesday from hisfarm in the west part of thecounty, to attend the meeting ofthe Hoard of County Commissioners which convened in Kadok:that morning.


To Amos A. Shook and James P.Clark, record owners and partiesin possession, and to C. C. Han ,party m whose name the aftedescribed real estatte is taxed.-*- —.

You are hereby notified that onthe 11th day of December, 1916the following described piece ofreal estate situated in the Countyof Jackson, State of South'Dakota,as follows: Lot Eleven (11), BlockEight (8), Town of Kadoka wa :

sold for taxes then due and delin-quent for the year 1915 at tax saleby the treasurer of said county toR. A. Tucker, and was by saidpurchaser duly assigned to the.Sioux Falls Savings Hank of SiouxFalls, South Dakota, a coiporationwho is now the lawful holder ofthe certificate of purchase. Thaithe said taxes then due and delin-quent amounted to $7.20, and thatsubsequent taxes to the amount of$20.28 have been paid, with inter-est, penalty and. costs accrued of$15.97, making a total amount nec-essary to redeem of $13.45, and inaddition thereto, there must bepaid the costs of service of thisnotice by personal service or pub-lication, attorney’s fees and costsof affidavit, together with suchinterest as may accrue after thisdate, and that such right of re-demption will expire and a deedfor said land be made upon theexpiration of sixty days from thecompleted service of this notice.

Dated this 6th day of November1922.

N. B. P.artlett,Attorney for SiouxFalls Savings Hank,

November 17-24. December 1.

For Real Economyin the Kitchen Use


A Big Time end Money SaverWhen you bake -

Slf SsSEsS ,{£)That’s why it is far j-fSISmJ*some other brands T j

i n>iGPir J The sale of Calumet ia 'over 150% greaterthan that of any other £v W

won by ran brand. &&

; Don’t be ltd into taking Quantity tor QualityCalumet has proven to be best by test in millions ofhomes every bake-day. Largest selling brand in theworld. Contains only such ingredients as have beenofficiallyapproved by U. S. Pure Food Authorities.

! |



