the joy of perfect health

THE JOY OF PERFECT HEALTH The reason and the ultimate cure for all diseases. Cure yourself forever! Dr. Tom J. Chalko MSc, DrEngSc, MIEAust.

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the ultimate guide to perfect health


Page 1: The Joy of Perfect Health


The reason and the ultimate cure for all diseases.

Cure yourself forever!

Dr. Tom J. Chalko MSc, DrEngSc, MIEAust.

Page 2: The Joy of Perfect Health


We doubt everything and everybody, except our own ignorance

Master Ching Hai

To my family, friends and teachers

Thank you for your love patience and support


Page 3: The Joy of Perfect Health





Bacteria and viruses 9

The mind 11

Medical education 12

Progress 13

Modern medicine: a summary 14




Diet and its consequences 22


Parasites and toxins 23

Where are toxins? 25




Detoxification 32

Accelerating the detoxification process 33

1. Cleaning the bowel 33

2. Fasting 35

3. Oxygen Therapies 39

4. Exercise 41

5. Sauna 41

6. Removal of Dental Amalgams 42

Some unusual effects of detoxification 43

Diet – minimizing the intake of toxins 44

Why we should avoid eating meat 47

Vegetarian cuisine 48

Microwaves 48

How much to eat? 48

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When should we eat? 49

Tradition 49










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Living should be a wonderful experience. The best and most important things in life

should be free and effortless. When we are born our bodies are perfect and they should

stay in a perfect state of health for as long as we want. Our attention should be free

from any worries whatsoever about disease, so we can fully concentrate on our own

development to achieve complete satisfaction and fulfillment.

So why we observe so much suffering around us? Why are so many people developing

cancer or other incurable or extremely uncomfortable diseases?

Why are there more and more incurable or chronic diseases? Why does our society

develop more sickness and it costs us more and more each year? Why our medical

sciences cannot succeed in improving our health?

This book attempts to answer the above and many other similar questions, with

simplicity, logical arguments and by referring to the available scientific literature for

those who might need it.

This book was written by a scientist (but not in way a medical practitioner), with a true

love for all human beings and all the life on our planet. Please forgive the author’s

criticism, which may seem to be too sharp at first. Among us, there are people who are

less loving than others. Some of us are less honest than most. There will also be those

among us who will sometimes try to take advantage of others.

The intention of this book is not to criticize anyone, but to provide for those interested

some critically selected information, and some loving advice so that everyone can help

himself/ herself to become healthier, happier and more loving for the benefit of us all.

All advice in this book is given with love, sincerity and the best scientific ability of the

Author who cured himself first and actively uses the techniques presented here on an

everyday basis.

The book was prompted by the increasing number of people becoming interested in the

spectacularly simple method of restoring health, engaging the Author in long and

exhausting discussions.

The main message of this book is following: you are totally (100%) responsible for the

state of your own health (all your diseases) and you also have complete power to

improve your health to the best possible state (in particular free yourself from any


There are no incurable diseases, only distorted knowledge, misinformation and your

limited understanding of what your mind and body are doing and why.

This book will not be long and laborious to read. The author is of opinion, that the

concise presentation is best. Information and arguments selected for this book are

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carefully chosen from many books and articles to illustrate the main message and

present it in a logical and convinsing way. Those who might need additional

information and scientific evidence in certain areas in order to follow the author’s

reasoning, are referred to specific literature, which is listed in the References.

If you intend to use the advice from this book to heal yourself, please make sure, that

you fully understand that it is you who accept the full, undivided responsibility for the

health of your own mind and body. By taking the advice presented in this book you

confirm, that you have assumed such responsibility.

It is a sad fact, that we do not value our health until we lose it.

While the advice in this book will be helpful at any stage of any disease, it will be the

most effective, when your body is not yet damaged beyond repair. Prevention is much

better than cure.

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Before we start to discuss the limitations of conventional medicine, let us consider the

following facts, which are very easy to verify, but for some reason or another escape

the attention of the public:

1. Medical Practice and research concentrates on the study of curing diseases,

rather than on the study of maintaining perfect health.

2. Medical Practice is BIG business (doctors, hospitals, medical equipment, drugs,

pharmaceutical supplies, health insurance, etc). This business as whole is not

interested at all about people getting healthy. On the contrary the more people

are sick, the better the business.

3. It is in the best interest of medical business to fight, criticize, ridicule, discredit

and preferably make illegal any method potentially capable of improving the

health of the population.

4. Medical Education and Research are funded to a large extend by chemical and

pharmaceutical companies, which are in a position to decide what to teach

doctors and what research direction should be funded. Note, that no research

can be performed if there are no funds to support it.

5. Centralized Medical Authorities (with members educated in the environment

describe above) have complete monopoly and also final jurisdiction over our

health. These authorities advice Governments that there will more sick to treat

next year, and it will cost more. They make recommendations, that health

insurance should be mandatory and that the best way to ensure this is to

introduce a health tax. Guess who benefits most from such a scheme?

6. People who control the chemical industry – the largest business on this planet –

are in a very special business position: on one hand they invent, manufacture

and recommend food additives, artificial sweeteners, food extracts, food

processing, plastics, cleaning agents, solvents, pollute our environment etc, and

on the other hand, they benefit greatly from our bad health by selling us drugs.

This state of affairs offers a unique opportunity for corruption. Such corruption

could be very difficult to detect, especially if there is a long delay between the

consumption of food additives or living in polluted environment and related

health effects (20 years for example) and if there are many possible diseases

(due to the varying proportion of additives and pollutants taken by each person).

7. Medical Business educates the population, that the only one way to cure

diseases is to use drugs (and surgery in extreme cases). We are told that drugs

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are supposed to do the healing, and if one drug does not help, we should try

another. We are made to believe that for each disease there should be a different

“cure” in the form of a drug. The single most important document in any

modern medical, practice becomes a prescription. Have you ever a left a

doctor’s surgery without one?

8. We are told that we are not in any way responsible for our diseases. They “just

come with age” or “they are result of an infection”, or “there are aggressive

bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms trying to kill us” and everybody

around is getting sick anyway, so we are not alone in our suffering Therefore,

we should accept our sickness together with drug treatment and pay for it too.

9. Doctors are paid in accordance with the number of patience they attended

without regard to the results they produce (the cure rate). This encourages

doctors to work in a hurry to attend as many patients as possible.

10. Doctors who successfully cure patients using their own observation, talent and

reasoning and who do not strictly follow the prevailing medical doctoring, not

only risk to be criticized by orthodox practitioners, but also risk losing their

“license” to practice, even if ALL their patients are grateful helping them.

The above facts suggest the conclusion, that progress in the medical science is limited

to the areas of study of diseases and to the development of drugs, extracts, hormones,

etc .to “cure” these diseases and/or provide some relief.

It was therefore convenient for medicine to adopt the so called “bacteria theory of

disease”. Briefly speaking, this theory, introduced by Pasteur, states that each disease is

“caused” by the corresponding “bug” – a bacterium. This theory has gained universal

public and scientific acceptance. According to the theory, killing bacteria by newly

found chemicals, antibiotics, enzymes, etc. should be the ultimate function of medicine.

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Bacteria and viruses

Most of us, (including most doctors and medical scientists) are kept unaware that the

“bacteria” theory of disease is simply NOT true, and there is evidence, that Pasteur

himself has falsified his own records to advance his own career. Among the most

important things Pasteur did not report are:

• All bacteria can very quickly change according to their environment, not only

from generation to generation, but in a single lifetime. This means that a simple

change of conditions (bacteria food supply) can create a new type of bacteria in

a few minutes! Friendly acidophilus in our intestines could quickly become any

other bacteria- if its environment changes. Any particular bacterium can

become any other bacterium and revert back again, if the conditions (food

supply) change

• Bacteria need food to survive and multiply. No food – no bacteria. Bacteria can

only feed on dead organic matter. (There is no bacteria known to eat any living

cells). If organism does not provide the necessary conditions for bacteria to

multiply (there is no dead organic matter and toxins) such an organism is not

susceptible to bacteria invasion and it does not get sick at all. Therefore if you

inject bacteria to induce a disease – only 40-60% of the weakest organisms will

develop a disease and among those who do, there will be several types of

different symptoms (different diseases), depending on the particular

combination of pre-existing conditions for each individual organism.

• Given time, bacteria can learn and adapt themselves to extreme conditions, by

entering into a hidden state, undetectable by conventional types of microscopes.

When you restore favorable conditions (food supply) once more, bacteria

appears and starts multiplying again. In modern medicine such bacteria are

known as “drug resistant”.

With regards to viruses, most of the “facts” made available to the general public are

simply not true. Viruses are not alive. This is official. They cannot move, do not have

any metabolism, cannot multiply and do not have any attribute whatsoever associated

with living organisms. They are simply very complex organic compounds (nucleic

acids), created and modified as a result of the activity of surrounding living cells. Some

of the above compounds (viruses) could be quite toxic. Bacteria can use viruses as

food. Our cells use and produce viruses in the metabolic processes.

The above facts indicate, that ever-present viruses and living bacteria in our body are in

perfect symbiosis with it in a healthy state (the fact widely accepted by medical

science) and therefore they are not the cause of disease.

When we are healthy, there is hardly any food for bacteria in our body, except in the

intestines. Bacteria live there happily, helping us greatly to break down and absorb

complex food as well as to dispose toxins. If our diet is healthy, we have only

“friendly” bacteria, which are perfectly adapted to feed on and break down such food

for us.

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All bacteria are under the strict control of our mind-body system. Medicine says that

our “immune system” is functioning properly.

However, when our body becomes damaged, poisoned, overloaded with toxins, it

makes an effort to dispose of and/or break down dead matter and toxic deposits,

wherever they may be accumulated. Modern medicine knows very well which toxins

are accumulated in which organ. For example benzene goes directly and accumulates in

the thymus gland. Bacteria from the intestines are allowed to enter the blood stream and

are transported to the disposal site. Very quickly these bacteria adapt to the local

conditions. The bacteria most adequate to these conditions is created and toxic/dead

organic matter is transformed by it, hopefully for easier disposal by the body.

When the toxic sites are large, the proportion of bacteria explodes. Different types of

bacteria will be adapted to the current condition in this part of the body. Bacteria in

large amounts may create additional toxins which usually do not help us and cause

certain symptoms, enabling us sometimes to identify their type. In this scenario,

bacteria are not the cause of disease, but they simply take the advantage of any initial

pre-existing toxic state in our body. Killing bacteria with antibiotics sometimes gives

relief, because you gave your body more time to restore the balance, reducing the rate

at which toxins are neutralized and excreted.

Medicine has already tried the concept of sterile (bacteria free) body. It was shown

beyond doubt, that it does not lead to a good health at all.

In view of the above, the statement that viruses or bacteria cause disease is therefore no

more accurate, than saying that files cause garbage. (For more details, read the book by

Arther Baker, listed in the reference)

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The mind

Very little attention in the medical literature is paid to the functioning of a perfectly

healthy mind in a perfectly healthy body. I highlighted the mind here with a reason. To

be exact, conventional medicine largely ignores the mind as the ultimate manager of all

functions of the body, and therefore ignores the role of the patient’s ultimate command

over his own body.

The current scientific model of the human body is electrochemical (biochemical). The

body is divided into many different organs, each producing and/or accepting various

biochemical compounds. The nervous system somehow (?) produces electrical

impulses controlling the lot. These electrical impulses cause various organs to produce

complex chemical reactions. Going deeper into details, DNA, the chemical messengers

theory etc. the picture becomes complex beyond comprehension, and still does not

explain the wonderful functioning of our body. Medicine accepts, that the “program”

controlling all vital functions of the body is embedded in our “subconscious mind” (the

“sub” probably meaning that this part is considered lower or less important).

The orthodox science treat our conscious thinking mind as the highest possible, and yet

they all admit that using it, they cannot comprehend and explain how their own bodies

function in detail and why.

In contrast, yogis for thousands of years demonstrate that it is possible to control every

function of their body (including the stopping of the heart for a couple of days) by

learning to attain higher states of consciousness.

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Medical education

Students of medicine, our future doctors, are forced to memorize an enormous quantity

of bits and pieces of information, the most important being the names of chemicals and

hormones and their relationship to various organs and functions of the body.

I highlighted the “bits and pieces”, because they do not form a complete picture of the

way our body functions. To a serious scientist their collection poses more questions

than it provides answers.

After young doctors complete their University studies and their initial supervised

practice, they practice on their own, continuing their “education” during their working


Let us analyse, how they update their knowledge. Critical study of Medical Journals

and complex results of clinical research requires time and significant effort from

doctors for which they are not being paid. Another source of new information is that

concerning new drugs manufactured by chemical companies. This information is

simple and quick to absorb: it comes with short and complete instructions on how to

prescribe drugs to patients, details of dosages etc. It also comes with “free samples” of

drugs to make the doctor familiar with the name of the drug, by being always at hand.

Well-informed drug sales representative would offer a doctor personal assistance in

acquiring familiarity with any new drug. Each year a multitude of new drugs is

introduced to medical practice in this way. After several years of medical practice, most

of the doctor’s new knowledge comes from such sales representatives, who usually do

not have any medical education at all.

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Previous chapter in this book provided quite some criticism of the practice of

conventional medicine.

The indisputable progress in many areas of medical and other related sciences was yet

to be mentioned. This would include among others: the life saving emergency

treatments, technology and instrumentation for chemical and biological analysis and the

breathtaking progress on the frontiers of “mind-body” medicine.

Deepak Chopra, MD, a pioneer of modern mind-body medicine, is the author of

numerous inspiring and mind-bending books, which are listed in the References. In his

books, he illustrates the process of mind and body interaction drawing up on many

clinical examples as well as research results from medical science and modern quantum

physics. He has met and continues to meet with the considerable oppositions from his

colleagues- conservative medical scientists, who insist that they should see everything

under their microscope to believe it. Deepak Chopra points out, that medical science

simply ignore monumental advances made in other sciences, mainly in the Quantum


Not only do microscopes have limited resolution, and the visible band width of light is

extremely narrow (0.4-0.7 micrometers), but even if we could separately look at each

molecule, atom or an elementary particle – there is exactly nothing to look at !

Physicists have found quite a long time ago, that any elementary particle or atom is just

a form of energy, oscillating in some state of equilibrium, and therefore it is essentially

99.999% empty space. We can see, detect or sense the matter composed from such

atoms, only because their energy interacts with us as observers, i.e. for example reflects

light that is visible to us. On that level of understanding, even physicist agree, that there

is essentially no difference between thought and matter. Thought can become matter

and matter can become a thought. Deepak Chopra gives some stunning examples of

such transformations not from the mysterious past, but from within the contemporary


If you need more explanations from the modern Quantum Physics point of view, and do

not feel an expert in physics, please read an excellent book “Superforce”, by Paul

Davies, listed in the references. Paul Davies is a respected professor of physics, and

does a wonderful job of explaining achievements of modern physics to non-experts. It

is really worth the effort to read his book.

Another excellent book in this area is “The Brief History of Time” by Stephen

Hawkins, also listed in the references.

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Modern medicine: a summary

This chapter is not by any means a complete critical analysis of modern medicine.

Perhaps it could serve as a friendly warning to many of us to be careful, treasure our

health, and to analyse critically any advice (including mine) because medicine does not

have all the answers.

Also, by showing selected limitations of conventional medicine, this chapter invites the

reader to increase his/her awareness of other healing techniques available to all of us


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People have been curing themselves in various ways for many thousands of years.

Over this time, some techniques have proved to be quite effective and popular.

Almost every civilization in the past had its own selection of the best medical

practices. We are very fortunate today, that some of this information is still

available and we can take advantage of the accumulated wisdom of many

generations of talented and enlightened people.

Please let me point out, that the original principles of orthodox medicine essentially

support the view, that the patients should be able to seek another opinion.

A growing number of people, especially when confronted with a diagnosis of a

disease considered “incurable” by orthodox medicine (such as advanced cancer for

example) turn to alternative forms of treatments, which were proven through

centuries. To the surprise of orthodox doctors, many of such patients succeed in

greatly improving their state of health and surviving for many years, against all

predictions and expectations based up on medical statistics.

The alternative techniques include, among others:

• Acupuncture

• Massage

• Herbal therapies

• Nutrition and diet

• Fasting (an extreme form of diet)

• Ayurvedic (ancient Indian ) therapies

• Spiritual healers

• Oxygen and ozone therapies

• Meditation and relaxation therapies

• Radionics and electro-magnetic therapies

• Going to famous mineral springs in the mountains (Lourdes in France for

example), drinking the water and bathing in it.

• removing some blood from the body

• going to bed and inducing sweating

• taking sauna

This list is probably not complete, but nevertheless, just by taking a look at it, it is hard

to notice the extreme diversity of healing techniques. They range from purely physical

methods concentrating on the physical body (herbs, diet, oxygen, massage,

physiotherapy etc.) to purely spiritual methods, totally ignoring the physical body

(spiritual healing, meditation etc.). Several techniques (Acupuncture, Ayurveda)

combine the extraordinary accurate and detailed knowledge of both the mind and the


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To me, the most striking is the absence of surgery. I think, there is a reason for it. The

design of our body is actually perfect. The mind-body system as a whole has been

designed to function perfectly, to defend itself against disease, and to rebuild any

damaged parts for as long as we wish. Our wise ancestors did not try to improve the

design by removing or changing parts.

For orthodox scientists, the most controversial are all spiritual methods, in which some

external healer (or even the “patient” himself) controls the healing of the body by

influencing the state of mind of the patient, and showing his (usually severely inhibited)

“subconscious” mind how to perform the required repair job in the most efficient way.

I do not like to use the term “subconscious” here. In my experience, such a state of

mind is in many ways superior to our normal conscious state we are used to in our

everyday lives. In my opinion, a better description of it would be a “state of higher

consciousness” or a “state of connection to a higher intelligence” or perhaps a “super-

conscious” state. No words can adequately describe such a state, which in itself has

many levels, some quite close to our physical body and some very far from it. Some

initial states of higher consciousness are quite easy to learn, while access to advanced

super- conscious states may require many years of or even a life time of practice with

an expert guidance.

Spiritual healing can be the most spectacular of all healing methods, but only when the

healer is gifted, that is, he has access as well as a command of higher state of

consciousness. Examples of such healing experiences are so memorable, that many of

them have been described in the most important documents of human civilization such

as the Bible and other scriptures, attracting generations of people over many centuries

to create and support various religions.

In more recent times, the reader can find many cases of such healing from books

written by professional spiritual healers, like Betty Shine for example, (see the


Researchers and scientists hate deny and ignore such healing, because they cannot

“see” the healing mechanism using their instruments, and they cannot create such

healing in their laboratories so they can study it. If only they could attain the “super-

conscious” state themselves – they would not only understand the process of spiritual

healing, but perhaps they would also change their job.

The last statement requires some explanation. Those scientists who negate the existence

and consequences of the state of higher consciousness do so simply because they do not

have to access to it. On the other hand, those who are fully enlightened – never become

scientists, because they see very little purpose in developing the physical sciences as we

know them today.

To explain this, consider for example why the same scientists, representing the elite of

human knowledge at some stage of development (today), would never think of trying to

teach bees to make a perfect nest from carbon fibre. Similarly, after graduating from a

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university, you would have very little motivation to enroll once again in primary school

in order to improve your marks. Attaining higher levels of understanding permanently

changes our perception of reality and direction of development.

Most of the healing techniques listed above, require visits to highly skilled and

informed practitioners. This severely limits access of potential patients of them,

especially when the medical education system favors certain doctrines and the legal

system creates a tight monopoly for practitioners of such doctrines by making all other

practices illegal.

For example, the newly amended Australian health legislation, effective from 1 July

1994, threatens to severely penalize doctors incorporating into their practice techniques

of natural health such as nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, ayurvedic medicine

and relaxation as well as meditation therapy.

In many countries it is illegal to practice medicine without a license issued by the

system, supporting the prevailing medical doctrine.

In view of this, the best choice for all people is learn to heal themselves as well as learn

how to avoid diseases in the first place.

The purpose of this chapter is not a comparison or assessment of various healing

techniques. Each of them has a deep background in the wisdom and knowledge of

many generations of gifted and enlightened people. Rather than comparing various

healing techniques, I will try to show the missing link, a common denominator, uniting

al healing techniques, thereby explaining a key to healing.

I will try to explain how and why the study of all known healing techniques in one way

or another helped me to understand the fundamental principles of healing, resulting in

the method presented further in this book. I will refer to various aspects of each of the

healing techniques listed above whenever appropriate.

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If you cut yourself with a sharp object, the wound heals itself in a few days. If the

damage is not excessive, the repair job is so perfect, that in few weeks you cannot even

find the location of the cut.

All you need to do is not disturb the healing process – protect the wound from getting

dirty and keep the separated parts together.

Now let us analyse in more detail, what exactly happens in such a healing process.

When you cut yourself it hurts. The pain informs you, which part of your body requires

attention. When you attend the wound promptly by cleaning it with clean water or your

own saliva and covering it perhaps, the pain is greatly reduced. If you do not clean the

wound, it would be automatically cleaned by the blood flowing from it, and then the

blood flow would be stopped.

During the healing process, the pain is limited or eliminated, unless you try to use the

damaged organ too soon – increasing pain informs you immediately that your organ is

not yet ready.

The body performs a repair job on itself. All cells which were separated by a cut are

growing to join together again. There are many different types of cells and tissues being

reconstructed and then connected. Even if some of the tissue is missing, the body

replaces it. Sometimes a temporary scar tissue is used, which is later replaced by the

optimal tissue selected by the body.

Note that all this microsurgery with perfectly adjusted anesthetic happens automatically

within your body. No one has any right to take any credit for such healing. You did the

healing for yourself, with the perfect result.

In the healing process, your attention was not bothered with any boring details of

healing process. It seems, that the healing method, together with the detailed

regeneration and repair schedule for every cell has already been known. Your attention

was not engaged in any minute details, because all these details have been solved long

ago during your evolution, have been stored somewhere between the DNA and your

subconscious mind, and are simply not worth paying attention to.

In a similar way, your attention is not engaged in any of the normal functions of your

body like digestion, metabolism, blood circulation, temperature control or growing


It seems, that the body self healing described above is also a normal function, deserving

no more of your attention than blood circulation, metabolism or growing hair.

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It is easy to point out, that the body self-healing described above is not limited to cuts

and bruises. On the contrary – it covers every possible organ and every possible

function of our body.

Simple logic also suggests that such healing occurs all the time, and every organ is

actually continuously being repaired “on the go” – as required.

When the body performs such self repair without turning our attention to it, we feel

healthy and comfortable. Everybody, including medical practitioners recognize such a

situation as a state of good health. We feel happy and content, and we never think of

seeking any medical advice. We also feel that whatever we do to our body in such a

state is right.

A natural question arises: are there any limits to such healing?

Let us come back again to our example of a simple cut.

Again, simple logic supported by practical experience suggests that the more damage is

made to the body – the more difficult will be the corresponding repair job. When the

damage is excessive, for example a limb is totally crushed or detached from the body,

the healing process becomes extremely difficult.

The above description is quite simplified explanation of the body self-healing process,

which nevertheless offers a sufficient and quite convincing explanation for many of us.

Those who need more examples and arguments or those willing to learn in greater

detail can find more information in the wonderful and inspiring books of Deepak

Chopra for example, which are listed in the References.

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So we have perfect body, capable of automatic self-repair, without even bothering us

with any mundane details of its repair jobs. A program embedded in our DNA and the

subconscious mind, developed through billions of years of existence of various life

forms, automatically manages all repairs to optimize our comfort and performance.

However, there is one very important condition.

As we noticed from the example in the previous chapter, the repair is carried out

perfectly and effortlessly, only when the extent of the damage to the body is limited.

Let us try to explore the limits to the extent of such damage.

The key question is this:

How much abuse can our body withstand, before it fails to function


It is quite difficult to answer this question without additional information and analysis.

Let us start by examining the ways by which we could possibly abuse our mind-body

system during our life. A short list of possible means of abuse is presented below.

1. Poisoning.

2. Wrong diet.

3. Overeating.

4. Not enough sleep or rest

5. Accumulation of stress and anxiety

6. Bad hygiene

7. Excessive physical activity

8. Exposure to radiation

9. Exposure to noise

10. Exposure to dust

Note, that in many cases, our limited knowledge does not allow us to predict the extend

of the damage and therefore we could easily underestimate the consequences of our


In some cases we can be aware, that we are abusing our body, and I would like to

exclude such cases from further consideration. Simply speaking, we should be prepared

for facing the consequences of any such abuse, whatever their extend might be.

It is an abuse, which we are not aware of, which is actually the most important. The

main reason for such importance is the fact, that without our knowledge and consent

such abuse can continue over one’s lifetime. This especially applies to situations, when

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there is a significant delay in symptoms. As a result we could face problems, without

ever realizing the reason for them.

Some of the means of abuse listed above are sporadic, while others continue over an

entire lifetime. Simple logic dictates that the latter should deserve our special attention,

because their source is basically in our ignorance and/or misinformation.

Now, let us go back to our list of possible means of abuse and examine in which areas

our ignorance (or pride that we know best) could lead to slow, but more or less

continuous damage to our body without our consent.

With respect to radiation the situation is different. We have to use scientific instruments

to assess the danger. Japanese had to use Geiger counters to examine their food after

World War 2. I have not heard anyone opposing the view that we should avoid

radiation as much as possible, so I will not dispute this either.

The first three items on the list of means of abuse should deserve our special attention.

1. Poisoning.

2. Wrong diet.

3. Overeating.

All three are not clear and objective: it is not clear what exactly is a “poison”, it is

questionable just what represents a “wrong” diet and just how much food is actually too


As a result, all three forms of abuse may co-exist over an entire lifetime, only because

we are misinformed.

Notice, that all three relate closely to our diet (food and beverage consumption).

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Diet and its consequences

Let us take an example of the involuntary abuse of our body.

Suppose your water supply contains a poison which has no taste in low concentration

(eg. fluoride). Your body has a limited capacity to metabolise, neutralise and excrete

such a toxic poison. In the first few years it copes very well. But the intake of the

poison gradually exceeds the capacity of the body to expel it. So the poison

accumulates somewhere in your body, in your bones for example. When the

concentration of this poison exceeds a certain limit, perhaps after 10-20 years of

drinking such water, you may develop symptoms of arthritis. The actual delay as well

as symptoms may vary, depending on your lifestyle, diet etc..

Now imagine, that your diet contains an unknown number of mysterious ingredients.

Your body tries to cope. It never lets you down, if it is at all possible. It tries to

metabolise and excrete everything, but unfortunately you take some more toxins in

with your next meal. Unable to free itself from all unwanted substances, the body

temporarily deposits some of these substances in various forms and in various organs

around your body in the hope, that conditions for their disposal may arise later.

However, you do not know and do not care about creating such conditions. Temporary

deposits become permanent and continue to grow. If the deposits are not toxic enough

to actually kill you immediately, depending on a number of conditions:

• you can become overweight and/or

• your body enters a state of “healing crisis” – simply speaking you develop a

disease and/or

• your body begins to age quickly-the rate of damage is accelerated

Note, that the conclusion we reached by examining the natural functions of our body is

that the development of diseases in the body is a direct consequence of diet, the fact

that Medical science started admitting only recently.

We also found how we can tell that we are eating the wrong diet. Our body from time

to time enters into an uncomfortable state of “healing crisis” (commonly known as

“disease”) trying to communicate to our conscious mind that it cannot cope any more

and we should change our ways.

We have also determined how to tell if we are eating too much. We simply become


Note, that in each case analysed above there was a significant delay between our

actions and their consequences to our health.

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Medical science knows very well what is toxic. Most of medical research is directed

towards investigation of how various poisons, created by the chemical industry, can be

used for “therapeutic purposes”. Scientists know very well which toxins are

accumulated in which parts (organs) of our body for “temporary safe keeping” and

possible disposal.

For example fluoride accumulates in our bones and joints, benzene and related

chemicals in the thymus gland, wood alcohol in the pancreas and eyes, etc..

There is no point of discussing each toxin in detail here, so only a few selected

examples have been noted.

Parasites and toxins

Apart from friendly bacteria, there are other “friends” which live happily in our bodies.

Medical science calls them parasites. Their activity in a healthy body is limited to the

intestines, which is, strictly speaking, outside the body proper.

In particular, humans are hosts to the “human intestinal fluke” (fasciolopsis buskii).

Fluke means “flat”, because it belongs to a family of flatworms. If you eat meat and

other animal products, you could have many more parasites like for example

Eurytrema, the pancreatic parasite of cattle.

These parasites have to go through certain stages to multiply. A pure and healthy body

can predict these stages, expel the eggs before they have time to hatch, and therefore we

could live in symbiosis with our “friends”, because their population is limited.

However, very special processes occur if we have certain toxins in our body, called

solvents. Examples of solvents are: benzene, all types of alcohol (propyl, wood

alcohol), toluene, xylene etc..

The liver, kidneys, and other blood purifying organs in our body are overloaded with

requests to process the above solvents, together with other toxins you take with your

food, and they are unable to detect and kill tiny little stages of parasites, thereby

allowing them to circulate around the body with the blood stream. In addition, the

existence of solvents forces thousands of parasite eggs to hatch prematurely. Flukes in

various stages grow and multiply everywhere around the body, attaching themselves to

any organ where favorable conditions exist.

Some of the possible consequences are listed below:

Propyl alcohol : accumulates in your liver. Adult flukes occupy the liver, but eggs and

other stages circulate and grow everywhere around your body, producing excessive

amounts of powerful cell growth hormones, forcing your organ cells to divide. This is

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exactly what our Medical science calls cancer. 100% of cancer patients have propyl

alcohol in their bodies.

Wood alcohol (methanol) : accumulates in your pancreas and in the eyes. The favorite

spot for adult flukes becomes the pancreas. Their activity causes diabetes. 100% of

people with diabetes have wood alcohol in their pancreas.

Benzene : this extremely toxic solvent (comparable in toxicity to a radioactive

uranium) accumulates in your thymus gland, gradually damaging it. Adult flukes

colonise the thymus gland, which, by the way, produces T-cells, identified by our

Medical Science to be related to the functions of immune system. Fluke activity

gradually reduces the capacity of the thymus gland to produce T-cells. When the

thymus gland cannot produce enough T-cells, our immune system can fail completely.

The condition of low T-cells count is what the medical profession calls AIDS

(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). 100% of all AIDS patients have benzene in

their thymus gland. If you have the tiniest amount of benzene accumulated in your

thymus, your immune system is impaired and you get sick more frequently.

Toluene and xylene: they go to your brain. Adult flukes colonise your brain and you

develop Alzheimer disease.

Solvents in prostate: Adult flukes colonise the prostate and you develop chronic

prostatitis. In the case of uterus: in the presence of adult flukes you develop

endometriosis etc., etc..

The above are just a few examples of the many diseases caused by the existence of

various toxins in our body, after our parasite friends have taken advantage of it.

Since the main purpose of this book is to reveal a key to perfect health, rather than to

provide a study of all possible diseases, no more examples will be given.

Curious readers can find many more details, hundreds of clinical case histories as well

as remedies suggested by medical scientists in the two mind opening books of Hulda

Regher Clark. PhD, N.D, “The cure for all cancers with 100 case histories”, and “The

cure for HIV and AIDS with 70 case histories” listed in the References.

The ancient American Indian’s herbal technique to assist the body in purging parasites

is given in the Appendix A (after Hulda Regher Clark)

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Where are toxins ?

A logical question arises: how is it possible for all those nasty things to enter our

bodies? Where do they come from? It is certainly not our intention to ingest any of

them in any concentration whatsoever.

Again, I cannot possibly provide a complete list in this book, so I give you only a few

hints and examples.

Common products which could have propyl alcohol in them include cosmetics,

perfumes, deodorants, shampoo, hair spray, mouth wash, body lotions, vegetable oils,

antiseptics, shaving creams and rubbing alcohol. Propyl alcohol is also listed on the

product labels as propanol or isopropanol. Any compound having a “prop” sequence in

their name should raise your suspicion.

Benzene is so deadly, that it should be totally absent from our environment. Yet, traces

of it can be found in many products ranging from bottled water to toothpaste and

chewing gum. Benzene is not added intentionally in any food product. However, it is

used in the process of extracting food additives, flavours and as a cleaning agent. Most

products containing added flavours or extracts potentially contain traces of benzene. A

typical example is a mint extract from mint leaves which is used in toothpaste, chewing

gum and confectionery. Any product containing any food extracts and /or flavours

potentially contains traces of benzene. Simple logic tells us that we should avoid such

foods. Benzene is also added to unleaded petrol (gasoline).

Xylene, toluene and other solvents are used in paints, cleaning agents, petrol

(gasoline), colour pen markers and other consumer products. Of course, you do not eat

such products, but you can breathe the solvents into your lungs. It is quite logical, that

you should avoid inhaling any solvents.

For further examples, go to the library and inspect Chemical Dictionary. Look up the

solvents listed above and read in what quantities they are manufactured and how they

are used in the food industry. Prepare yourself for a shock.

Mercury is one of the most toxic metals to our body. It directly affects most of the

functions of the brain. Yet, it has been used for decades in the form of dental amalgam

fillings. As the mercury is slowly released from the amalgam – such fillings act

basically like toxic time bombs. See the References for more details.

Fluoride is very toxic and for years has been used as a rat poison. Yet, most of the

municipal water in USA, Australia and many other countries is poisoned with it. The

only large city in Australia having fluoride-free water is Brisbane, and interestingly

enough, children in Brisbane have the healthiest teeth in the country.

It is little known, that in 1990-91 forty US dentists sued the American Dentist

Association for misinforming the public and the dental profession about the effects and

extent of amalgam and fluoride poisoning (NEXUS Vol 2 No 2 February 1991).

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From just the few examples listed above, it becomes quite clear that it may be quite

difficult, if not impossible, to avoid toxins completely.

However, it is quite possible for us to take precautions and to change our lifestyle to:

• minimize the intake of poisons

• assist our body in its natural purification processes

in the following chapters I will show you how you can do this.

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The information presented in the previous chapters, supported by honest clinical

observations, indicates without any doubt the ultimate reason for all diseases: poisoning

of our body beyond its capacity of poison neutralization.

Everything else, no matter how complicated, involving other living creatures (bacteria,

parasites etc.) or not, is just a consequence.

We have also found, that the poisoning of our body is largely our own doing, caused by

our ignorance or misinformation.

So, we have unspecified combination of toxins in our body. We feel OK, but we could

feel much better as well as look much younger. What should we do?

The answer is plain and simple : detoxify your body first, and do not continue to poison

it again !

Get rid of toxins as quickly as effectively as possible. Doing so, and purifying your

body you restore the body’s natural healing powers.

Your mind-body system will be able to heal itself quickly, with the minimum possible

effort from you and with your minimal conscious attention.

This is the first and necessary step to true healing.

Before discussing available natural strategies for detoxification, I would like to turn

your attention to the second, very important condition of true healing: purification of

your mind.

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When your body is poisoned, overloaded with excess food and toxins, your mind at all

levels (from the sub-conscious to super-conscious) is forced to assist emergencies

arising in various organs of your body. This is an extremely low level of activity of the

mind (a fight for survival), perhaps the lowest possible.

To understand better what I am talking about, I give you an example.

Consider that your house is on fire. Without any hesitation, you will direct all your

undivided attention and efforts to this emergency. You will try to extinguish the fire,

save as many items of value from the house, save yourself, your family and other

people in danger. Your mind will be totally engaged in the emergency operation.

It is quite easy to imagine, that it will be possible for you under such circumstances to

direct your mind into a more subtle mode or to creative activity like writing a book,

solving a complex problem or programming your computer for example, when your

house is on fire and you and your family are in danger. Imagine your boss phoning you

in the middle of the fire with some ideas for you to work on. You will simply cut all

conversation and attend the emergency immediately.

Now let us look back your body. If it is not pure enough, your mind is busy attending

“fires” in various organs. You feel dull and become tired quickly. You have difficulties

concentrating. If your body is in the “healing crisis” (simply speaking you feel sick),

the least you feel like doing is thinking. You simply cannot think ! Any request for

thinking hard is like a telephone from your boss during the fire : our higher mind cuts

all cuts all communications.

Similar effects can be observed after large meals, when you overload your mind with

food. According to medical science food should give you energy. But instead, you feel

tired and sometimes even sick. Your mind is slow and tired too. Any request for

thinking, returns a feeling of being sleepy and ready to rest.

In the other extreme, people aiming at the highest possible activity and development of

mind (to the point of complete enlightenment and unification with the entire universe)

have to have very pure physical bodies. Masters of yoga in the Himalayas hardly eat

anything at all.

The purity of the physical body frees enormous resources of mind. If properly directed,

such resources could used to acquire many natural skills considered miraculous or

supernatural by normal people.

Creating matter by a pure thought, flying around the galaxy and the Universe in your

various astral bodies, being consciously present at several locations at any one time,

learning anything at all instantly in complete silence, understanding all languages by

direct telepathy, are just a few primitive examples of what is possible. There are no

limits to our spiritual development. It is only a question of time and our own free will.

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However, when our physical bodies are poisoned, your “house” is on fire. Most of the

resources of the mind are simply not available. We are forced to crawl spiritually.

Fortunately, from time to time, our higher mind gives us a chance or a hint, on how to

improve your situation. Just in case we are ready to learn. The fact that you are reading

this book is an example. (It is a sad fact, that most people just do not listen and do not

want to learn. They criticice and doubt everything and everyone, except their own

ignorance. They do not see, and they have a lot to learn).

Note, that it is actually your mind, which makes a decision to initiate purification of

your body a well as for itself. You make it for yourself. During the process of

purification of the body you feel great. You will find, that your mind is sharp and your

intelligence increased. Any creative work or study will be much easier. By maintaining

the purity of the body, you will be able to attain new levels of understanding, gain new

skills and knowledge with very little effort. You will see your life and its purpose in a

wonderful new perspective.

You can greatly assist the purification of the body, by trying to encourage certain states

of the mind and avoid others. Purification of your mind (thoughts) can be as important

as physical detoxification, since it is your mind at all levels which ultimately controls

every function of your body. Again, the subject is quite extensive, so I will give you

only the basic information and advice here.

Let go of fear: There is nothing in this world worth fearing about. This is not simply

my belief. I know. To fear is one of the worst things you can do to your mind. All

logical reasoning, not to mention the connection to your higher mind is completely

blocked. People know about it, and some of them use fear techniques to take advantage

of others. Look around. The field of medicine promotes the fear of disease. If they

succeed, you fear disease, even if you don’t have any, and this feeling actually replaces

the feeling of well being! Instead of enjoying your perfect health and being happy, you

worry! Fear blocks your thinking, and in this state you are easy to control by others,

who know it and want to take advantage of it. The technique of fear frequently used by

government and religious leaders as a tool to control of people. Let go of fear. It blocks

your mind. Ever use the technique of fear to control children. Use explanation,

examples and reasoning instead.

Eliminate feelings of anger, hate and anxiety. – they also block your mind at all

levels, preventing the natural state of well being and spiritual development.

Forgive everyone and everything. Hate and resentment also clog your mind. By

nourishing hatred and resentment you cannot gain anything except the same things

from others. On the other hand, forgiveness and tolerance could give you a key to

gaining respect and love.

Do not think of harming anyone or anything. Think of others the way you would like

others to think about you.

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Let people do their mistakes. In most cases it is their best lesson. Help them only if

they ask for it. Note, that it works even with children. They learn faster. You just need

to predict excessive danger sometimes. People make mistakes because they do not

understand, and/or do not want to listen. Note, that you see mistakes of others better

than you see yours. We question everyone and everything except our own ignorance.

Once I was like that too.

Eliminate envy and jealousy from your mind. They are totally useless and severely

paralyse your intellectual capacity. Try an unconditional love instead. Do not shout

about love. Just replace all those nasty negative feelings in your own mind, for yourself.

Learn to listen to your higher mind – listen to the silence between thoughts. The best

information and advice, tailored exclusively for you at any given instant is there. All

talented people without exception access such as a state naturally. All their ideas spring

from there.

No words could possibly describe the connection with your own higher mind. In

comparison to the language of your higher mind, our spoken and written languages are

actually quite a primitive form of communication.

For example, the higher mind can communicate a book, musical symphony or a

scientific discovery, with all the minute details in a “flash” lasting only a second or two.

It may take many days or even years to “consciously” reconstruct and translate such

messages into text, music or mathematical formulae, which others can then understand.

Many people experience the state of euphoric joy, just by remembering such an

instance of connection with their own higher mind.

Your higher mind does not only communicate books and science. The above was just

one example. In fact it can help any of us in all imaginable aspects of our lives. We just

need to learn to listen.

The active practice of listening to your higher mind and developing a better connection

with it is what many wise people call “meditation”.

There are many meditation techniques passed on to us by our wise ancestors. There is

again no room here to analyse them even briefly. Perhaps the best I can do is to

summarise some of my personal experiences.

In my opinion, the single most important thing common to the best meditation

techniques is the teacher, or master, who is capable of showing you the access path to

your own higher mind. No words can describe this connection. You actually have to be

shown the beginning of your own path, together with some instructions, so you can

progress along it yourself every day.

I had two meditation teachers: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a leader of the Transcendental

Meditation (TM) movement, whom I never met and Master Ching Hai.

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TM people will charge you about a thousand dollars for the basic technique and several

thousand dollars if you want to learn more advanced techniques. In my opinion, the

gaining of knowledge, for those who are ready to learn, should be essentially free of

any charges, so I could not justify the latter. However, I must say, that I have had

considerable degree of success, using the basic TM technique.

Master Ching Hai, on the other hand, teaches you the Quan Yin method, known for

thousands of years to be the best meditation technique, totally free of charge. Her

organization does not even accept donations. The only way to help their activity

financially is to buy books, works of art, fashion clothes and other things they produce.

Master Ching Hai’s requirement to teach you the Quan Yin method is your

commitment to become a vegetarian for life and to meditate 2.5 hours each day.

(Master Ching Hai books are listed in the References).

After meditating for some time I noticed, that my life has become much easier. Most

problems, including stress, have been practically eliminated. I have found that nothing

is truly difficult to understand, you just need to learn to listen to your higher mind.

I have also found that development of our wisdom is actually the purpose of our

existence. Life is just a lesson. If we do not learn, it becomes harder, until we do.

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We will discuss only natural detoxification methods here. By natural I mean methods of

assisting and/or enhancing the natural cleansing mechanisms the body already uses


Let us consider some of the organs which are responsible for the excretion of the toxic

waste from our body, and see how we can assist in this process.

Lungs. All our blood passes through the net of blood vessels in the lungs and is

oxygenated. This process provides oxygen, necessary to the process of extracting

energy from our food. Using this oxygen our body is able to oxygenate (burn) food as

well as toxins. Excretion is achieved by exhaling carbon dioxide together with other

(sometimes quite aromatic) gases. How can we assist? Surely lots of clean fresh air

would make a difference. Improved breathing techniques could also help. According to

the teachings of yoga our breathing should be quite slow and contain four distinct

phases: slow inhaling, a wait period, slow exhaling another wait period. For some

people it happens so naturally, that they do not pay attention to it. However it is

possible to acquire bad habits, in which case some breathing exercises may help. For

instructions regarding breathing technique, look up the books “The oxygen

breakthrough” or “Oxygen therapies” listed in References or read a book about yoga.

Skin. Skin is the largest organ in our body. We tend to underestimate its function in the

metabolism process and in particular its excretion capacity. When we sweat, glands in

our skin expel toxic waste, which usually does not smell nice. We should clean the skin

from such waste, because it clogs the skin, reducing the capacity to excrete more toxins.

However, we should be careful which cleaning agents (solvents!) we use, because the

skin also has the ability to absorb substances into our body. Techniques to accelerate

skin excretion (sweating) are for sauna and moderate exercise. Their roles in the

acceleration of the detoxification processes are described in separate sections further on

in this book.

Bowel. By weight, most of the solid waste leaves our body here. So any improvement

in the rate of detoxification should definitely start here. Colonic or even a simple enema

can relieve your body from many kilograms of toxic waste, you should not be attached

to at all. For more detail see a section about the enema later in this book.

Urinary system. Most of the liquid or water soluble waste leaves our body through the

urinary system. How can we improve here? Drinking a lot (2-5 liters) of pure water a

day will make a great impact on the fluid exchange processes in our body, enabling

improved flushing of unwanted waste. After all, our body is 75% water and our brain is

90% water. Pure water (in contrast to water polluted with chlorine, fluoride pesticides

and other nasties) is necessary to the process of proper fluid exchange.

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Accelerating the detoxification process.

The natural detoxification processes performed by our body can be greatly accelerated

with your conscious help, thereby providing the basis for spectacular recovery and

healing of your body.

Notice, that many toxins accumulate in your body over your entire lifespan, and it may

take a considerable amount of time to purify your body in the detoxification process,

using techniques described in this chapter, you should notice significant health

improvement almost immediately.

Some of the most effective natural detoxification techniques are described below.

Please read the information below with careful attention, making sure that you

understand everything thoroughly without a doubt. Your complete understanding is

necessary for your own safety and comfort.

1. Cleaning the bowel.

Colonic or even a simple enema can relieve your body instantly from many kilograms

of toxic waste. Below I describe a simple technique for performing a natural enema.

1. Prepare the equipment for performing the enema. The best units available are

types used in hospitals, with a large capacity (2-3 liters) gravity tank, flexible

hose and a nozzle to be inserted in the anus. Consult a friendly nurse if in doubt.

Other units (enema syringe, see Fig.1 below) have a simple hand pump which is

used to pump water from any container into the flexible hose with a nozzle at the


Fig.1 Enema syringe (Higginson syringe). Valve is not necessary (it makes

cleaning/drying difficult). Instead, you can squeeze section 2 of the flexible hose with

your fingers before pressing the pump.

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2. Prepare about 5 to 6 liters of water. Use lukewarm (body temperature) water

(preferably pure of filtered) for performing the enema. Avoid un specified

chemicals, Chlorine, detergents or soap etc. in the solution. If available, add a few

drops (3-5) of 3% hydrogen peroxide for every liter of water, (equivalent to 1

drop of 30% of hydrogen peroxide per 2 liters of water). Be very careful not to

exceed the specified concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. Similar concentrations

of hydrogen peroxide occur naturally in the rain water high in the mountains and

in some springs (Lourdes, France). Hydrogen peroxide inside your bowel breaks

down into pure water and pure oxygen. Extra oxygen is then used to oxidize

toxins directly and serves as a safe antiseptic. Some of the free oxygen enters the

bloodstream right in the bowel, assisting greatly the surrounding cells in excreting

toxins. Never use any chemicals, soap or detergents in the water for enema.

The reason is simple: anything you put in will be immediately absorbed into your

blood stream. Adding chemicals, soap or detergents to your enema water makes

all procedure useless from the point of view of detoxification: you just add more


3. Insert the nozzle into your anus and let the water flow in (or pump it in). Try to

allow as much as water you can. Without causing any excessive discomfort or

pain. If you feel pain, stop the flow of water immediately.

4. Try to hold the water inside your bowels for at least a few seconds. It would be

best if you could do a few steps, jumps and perhaps a few sit-ups whilst still

holding the water inside you. But do not force yourself. Do whatever comes easy.

5. Sit on the toilet and let go off the water slowly. Do not try to accelerate the flow

of whatever comes out by excessive pressure. You may cause yourself

unnecessary discomfort. Do not rush. Let the body take its time to perform the

cleansing. To assist your intestines in the transportation and excretion of waste,

you can gently massage your stomach with your hands. Wait until all the activity

in the bowel stops, and you do not feel any reason to sit on the toilet. Clean

yourself with a tissue.

6. Repeat the sequence of steps 3-5 two or three times, until clean water comes out

from your bowel. Congratulations. You have just relieved your body from the

extra burden: a few kilograms of toxic waste. You should find, that you have used

most of the water.

The above procedure takes approximately one hour.

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2. fasting

Fasting is the extreme form of diet, in which you do not eat at all and you drink

only pure water. Of course, fasting can be observed only for a very limited time. Most

effective fasting programs range from 1 to 6 weeks.

Fasting greatly accelerates purification and the healing processes in our body,

simply because we do not input anything to the body at all, thereby freeing and

unifying all body resources for the sole purpose of cleansing and healing. Note, that by

taking even small quantities of food we have to use significant amount of our body

resources to process and excrete it.

Never attempt fasting, without understanding and observing the method as well as

precautions described below.

Note, that every ancient civilization in the past had a tradition of fasting, at least

twice a year. Our wise ancestors many thousands of years ago knew very well about the

dangers of a poisoned body and incorporated this simple purification technique into

their way of life. Every known religion has originated from the teachings of enlightened

people, who tried to show others how to live. Of course fasting was also included in

their teachings. Unfortunately, with time, fasting has become less and less strict,

gradually loosing its original effectiveness and purpose.

Procedure for safe fasting

Before Fasting

Prepare a supply of pure water. Pure means exactly that. Note, that tap water

usually contains Chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals from pipelines, traces of herbicides,

pesticides, solvents etc. and preferably it should not be used for drinking at all. Spring

water from safe source is probably the best. If no spring water is available, collect

enough rain water, preferably in the country, where the air is clean. Alternatively well

filtered water could be used. (See information about water filtering later in this thread)

2 days before fasting

Eat only light food, mostly fruit. No meat, no fish, no eggs. No alcohol. Drink at least 2

liters of water. Eat breakfast and lunch only. Skip dinner. Vegetarians could skip this

preparation and go to the next phase.

1 day before fasting

Eat only light food, mostly fruit. No meat, no fish, no eggs. No alcohol. Drink at least 2

liters of water. Eat breakfast and a light lunch only. Skip dinner.

In the evening make an enema (see detailed instructions provided already). This is the

single most important step. Never attempt fasting without making an enema first.

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The reason is quite simple. Before fasting, your body expected a new load of food to

digest and absorb every day. When your intestines are full and you stop eating, some of

the food waste is absorbed back into your blood stream. This will cause extra

poisoning, because the body absorbs the toxic waste, which was prepared for excretion.

Making an enema cleanses the intestine, and the body, sensing nothing to absorb, enters

into a self-purifying mode of operation.

After the enema go to bed early. Your body is already in a self-cleansing state and will

continue to cleanse itself when you sleep.

1-st day of fasting

Your mind-body system has been working all night, preparing the most urgent deposits

for disposal. Your bowel should be full, despite the fact, that you cleansed it thoroughly

only a few hours ago and that you have not eaten anything that night at all.

Go to the toilet and let your bowel empty itself. If you have difficulties, make a quick

“single cycle” enema.

Go to work as usual. Do not eat anything at all. Drink as much water as you wish.

Never let the water bottle out of your sight. It should be everywhere with you.

You can go to the sauna and spend 3 sessions of 10-15 minutes there, drying the sweat

after each session with a towel. Do not go to a spa, unless the water there is ozonised

and chlorine/fluoride free.

In the evening perform another enema.

2-6day of fasting

No food. Water only. You should feel great. Your body just got rid of the huge amount

of the most urgent waste deposit during the previous days. Your natural instincts and

healing have been awakened.

If you feel that lack of food is indeed making you quite uncomfortable, you can add a

teaspoon of natural honey into your water two or three times a day. Do not add honey

to hot water. Lukewarm water is best.

Go to sauna if you feel like it. Do not do enemas everyday, only when you feel that

your bowel is full and your assistance is required. Do enema also when you feel sick .

Your body tells you that it has some extra toxins ready to dispose, and some of them

are being absorbed back, making you feel sick. Listen your body and trust your


Go to work as normal. If you are physically active – do your jogging, squash or tennis

as usual, but watch what your body is saying. You may have to adjust the intensity of

your exercise.

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Note how sharp your mind is, and how easily it is for you to solve problems. Use this.

Study and read books, which you thought were too difficult for you. Engage in creative

activities. Notice how many ideas sp[ring to your mind.


day of Fasting

In my experience, this is the most difficult day. Some people may experience such

difficulties on 4th

or 5th

day of fasting. Your body enters into a higher level of

purification. Everything was easy to dispose is already gone. Now your body is getting

ready to expel toxic deposits which are much more difficult to metabolize, and usually

are more toxic too.

Your best strategy is to perform an enema in the morning (or in the evening of previous

day) and increase the intake of water during the day. Depending upon how you feel,

you may have to perform another enema in the evening. It is not only the quantity of

the waste in the bowels that is now important. The stuff in your intestines is now

extremely toxic, and you want to flush it, there by minimizing the chance of the

secondary absorption. Try to use pure water to make the enema solution.

8-14 day of fasting

No food. Water only. You should feel great. Your body just got rid of a huge amount of

the most urgent waste deposit during previous days. Your natural instincts and healing

have been awakened.

Go to work as usual.

If you feel that lack of food is indeed making you quite uncomfortable, you can add a

teaspoon of natural honey to your water two or three times a day. Notice how little is

required to restore complete comfort of your body and mind.

Use the increased efficiency of your mind to do some useful creative work. It is not

uncommon to write an article or even a book in just a few days.

Breaking the fast

This is another critical point in fasting. You can ruin most of your achievement, if you

subject your body to a food shock. Your sub-conscious mind may not believe you next

time you fast. Without realizing it, you may train it to expect a shock, rather than work

spontaneously and purify itself with maximum efficiency.

Your body is now pure. Your mind developed in many directions. Treat them both with

care and attention.

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In the first day of breaking the fast,

Start by eating small quantities of food. Try to treat your body as that of a newly

born baby.

Eating one spoon of natural yoghurt (no flavors !!!) is a good start. Include

fresh fruit, but chew it very intensely. Eat very small quantities (baby size), but do so

quite frequently, every hour or two for example. Squeezing fresh fruit and nectars will

provide you with an excellent food. You may add honey to the (lukewarm) water if you


Some experience felt on the first day can be quite memorable. After fasting, you

are very sensitive and your instincts are very sharp. Not only you will find food to taste

differently. To your surprise you may discover some ordinary food like bread to be

more toxic than others (natural yoghurt for example), especially if you take it as your

first food after fasting. The sensation after swallowing the first bite of such food can be

compared to the one you experience after having an alcoholic drink. The major

difference is that such a sensation lasts only a few seconds.

Do not eat anything in the evening. Drink water, with honey if you like.

In the second day of breaking fast.

Eat little, mostly in a liquid form. Cooked oats, semolina and other cereals, natural

yoghurts are OK. Eat fruits several times a day. Drink at least 2-3 liters of pure water.

Do not eat meat, fish or eggs.

After fasting – maintaining the pure body.

Gradually you should introduce a “normal” diet, on which you could live on for

indefinite period of time.

Note that most of your efforts will be lost if you return to your old habits. To maintain

the body in a healthy and pure state, you should take care not to poison it again. It is

strongly recommended, that you eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid meat,

fish, and eggs and any food containing extracts, colors and flavors. For more details see

the section about diet later on in this thread.

It is very important to continue drinking at least 2-3 liters of pure water each day.

Remember that our body is 75% water and all scientists agree that aging process is

equivalent to slow dehydration of the cells in our body.

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3. Oxygen Therapies

Oxygen therapies use oxygen in various forms (ozone for example) to assist the body in

the healing process. Their indisputable effectiveness comes from the fact, that oxygen

is a key substance used by our body in the detoxification process. The rate of

detoxification can be greatly increased, if the body has an excess of oxygen available to

it. Selected safe and very effective techniques of oxygen therapy are listed below. Note,

that breathing pure oxygen is NOT listed as the effective therapy. It is not the quantity

of oxygen, which is the most important. Most effective healing techniques use minute

quantities of active atomic oxygen, in concentrations occurring naturally in spring

water and the air in the mountains.

Enema. This was described earlier in detail earlier in this thread. Adding minute

quantities of hydrogen peroxide to the pure water used for an enema, delivers small

quantities of oxygen directly to excreting organs, helping them to work better. Never

exceed the concentration of 1 drop of (30%) hydrogen peroxide per 2 liters of water for

your enema. Your safety and comfort are most important. If in doubt, use much less.

Do not use hydrogen peroxide sold in pharmacies for external use only. It contains so

called “stabilizers” which may be toxic. Use only “analytical” or “food” grade

hydrogen peroxide.

Bath. The skin is the largest organ of your body. Soaking it in diluted hydrogen

peroxide is very beneficial to your body. Minute amounts of pure atomic oxygen are

delivered simultaneously everywhere around your body, greatly stimulating the

detoxification process. You can go to Lourdes mineral springs in France for a bath, or

you can simply prepare a bath at home, by adding 20-50 milliliters of 30% hydrogen

peroxide to the entire water volume (100 liters). It would be best to use filtered or rain

water with no chlorine and other chemicals. If you have a pool, you can replace the

chlorine water treatment by the ozone water treatment system. Ozone (or UV) water

treatment is borrowing yet another example from nature. Ozone produced naturally

from oxygen by UV rays in the atmosphere, reacts with the moisture in clouds,

producing pure and healthy rain. Having the ozone treated water in your pool you can

swim in it and drink the water from it too.

Oral intake: - It has been demonstrated (see oxygen Therapies by Ed McCabe listed in

the references.), that taking diluted hydrogen peroxide orally also is beneficial to our

health. The most controversial issue is the concentration. In my opinion we should not

exceed by much the concentrations which occur naturally in the rain water high in the

mountains or in the water from natural mineral springs. Another good gauge is taste.

The taste of hydrogen peroxide is extremely unpleasant and we are quite sensitive to it.

So, if you cannot feel discomfort drinking the solution, the concentration is most likely

safe. Again, do not use hydrogen peroxide sold in pharmacies for external use only, as

it contains so called “stabilizers” which may be toxic. Use only “analytical” or “food”

grade hydrogen peroxide.

Ozone treatment :- Ozone (O3) is a very active form of oxygen. It exists naturally in

the atmosphere – it is created from molecular oxygen (O2) by the UV rays from the

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sun. Ozone is the essential ingredient of fresh air. Ozone is unstable: it breaks down

into oxygen after only a few minutes at room temperature (25 Degree C), but its

supplies are continuously updated using the UV energy from the sun. High in

mountains there is a lot of ozone in the air. We can create ozone in our home, by yet

again imitating the ways of nature: using a quartz lamp to generate UV rays. Because

ozone is so active, it neutralizes (by oxidization) all odors very effectively. Breathing

air, with the concentration of ozone similar to that of mountains, is quite beneficial. Be

careful not to exceed natural concentrations of ozone in the air you breathe. Your body

will give you a warning if you are doing so: dryness of the throat and/or discomfort in

your lungs. Do not ignore it.

Do not ever breathe ozone produced using a high voltage arc. Such ozone is initially

very hot and it is so active, that it reacts with nitrogen in the arc plasma, creating

nitrogen oxides, which are quite toxic. The air around a high voltage arc contains not

only ozone, but also nitrogen oxides, which are dangerous.

“Cold” ozone, generated at low temperature by an UV quartz lamp is safe. Such “cold”

ozone is naturally produced in the atmosphere by the activity of the sun and is an

essential ingredient of fresh air.

For more details consult the book “Oxygen therapies” by Ed McCabe listed in the

References. It is based on several thousands scientific articles from medical journals.

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4. Exercise

Moderate exercise can significantly accelerate the natural detoxification of the body, by

improving the circulation of body fluids, increasing the intake of oxygen to our body,

speeding the rate of metabolism and increasing the excretion rate through increased

sweating. This is exactly why people feel great after undergoing such exercise. They

purify their bodies and they all notice, that their minds instantly become sharper.

I would like to stress the word moderate here. If the intensity of the exercise is

excessive, not only such exercise is not beneficial, but may be even harmful. If you are

“loosing your breath” for example, it is a sign that the body has entered an anaerobic

(low oxygen) emergency mode of operation and it is a fair warning from your body that

you should slow down.

One method of assessing right level of physical activity for you is to observe your pulse

rate. If it exceeds 90-100 you should slow down. Another good gauge is this: if you feel

comfortable continuing the exercise (jogging, walking, skating, roller skating, tennis

etc.) over long periods of time, this level of activity is right for you. Note, that with

training you can increase the intensity of exercise, but it is not necessary. After

exercising at the right intensity you should be more energetic and, most importantly,

have clearer, sharper mind. Remember, that we should enjoy whatever we do.

For more details, consult “The oxygen breakthrough” by Hendler, listed in References.

5. Sauna

The sauna is an ancient treatment developed by civilizations living in cold climates.

Because of the cold climate, their bodies tend not to sweat much, so these cold climate

dwellers invented the sauna to promote improved circulation of body fluids, speed up

metabolism and accelerate sweating: a great natural purification and detoxification

function of the body.

It is best to experience a sauna in short 10-15 minute sessions, with 5-10 minutes

“cooling down” intervals, repeating such a cycle 3-4 times. During the “cooling down”

intervals do not use pool or showers which have chlorinated water. Ozone treated

water, clean river, rain, lake or sea water is OK. Your skin has been cleansed by the

flow of the sweat and in such a clean state it will absorb the chlorine from the water

into your body. It is best to use a towel to dry the sweat from your body. Do not allow

the sweat to evaporate, because it contains toxins your body has jus excreted, and you

do not want any of them to be re-absorbed back.

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6. Removal of dental amalgams

Dental amalgams, whether gold or silver, contain mercury one of the most toxic metals

to our body. Having amalgam fillings, is like having a constant supply of toxic

mercury, released slowly but constantly.(Please see the reference for more evidence and


Removal and replacement of amalgam fillings instantly removes the source of mercury

supply, however the mechanical removal process itself (drilling) can temporarily

increase the concentration of mercury in your body.

When you decide to replace the amalgams, make sure that you are already on the

detoxification program and that you tell your dentist to apply a lot of suction during the

removal process, reducing the concentration of mercury vapors.

Note, that it may take a considerable amount of time for your body to neutralize and

excrete the mercury that has accumulated in your body for years.

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Some Unusual effects of detoxification

Your mind-body system remembers every damage you did to it in the days gone by. If

some healing in the past has not been perfect, because of other emergencies in your

body (and mind), some of the damage remains un repaired.

When you purify your body and mind, resources within your body become available

enabling repairs which are long overdue.

The effect of this can be quite amazing. Many people on various detoxification

programs (oxygen therapies, fasting) observe symptoms of their past diseases in quick

succession and in reverse order. Basically, you can expect to re-live every serious

disease you experienced in the past. Don’t be frightened. This is healing. Your body is

just fixing things which are long overdue. Symptoms are usually very mild, and they

last only an hour or two. Many active people do not even notice such symptoms,

because they are so mild.

I would like to give you just one example drawn from my own personal experience. At

the age of 7 I had a severe ear infection, which was very painful, took a long time to

heal and doctors injects me with lots of antibiotics. At the age of 42, during fasting I

experienced the symptoms of this disease, accurate in every minute detail. I was

astonished, because the situation was restored so perfectly, that I remembered not only

my feelings from childhood but also the taste and even the smell of the antibiotics I

took at that time. The experience lasted only for a few hours.

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Diet- minimizing the intake of toxins

We have discovered the ultimate reason for all diseases : poisoning of our body beyond

its capacity to purify itself.

Nearly 100% of such poisoning comes from our diet. We basically poison ourselves,

simply because we do not care about what we eat.

In the view of above, our diet required a basic revision.

The wisdom of many ancient civilizations in the past was expressed in their diet. Two

key items in the diet are common for all civilizations without exception, from ancient

India to modern Georgia:


2. PURE WATER (from the spring)

I have not heard anyone objecting to this. However, the word to which we should pay

special attention is pure

Unfortunately, the criteria for purity have become quite arbitrary nowadays. The

prevailing doctrine is, that there is a threshold of pollution in the water, which is

acceptable and safe for humans to consume. Medical Authorities generally accept and

recommend the chemical treatment of water, leaving chlorine and other chemicals in it.

Poisons are added (fluoride), in the name of sterilization and safety supply, despite the

fact that their toxicity is beyond doubt, and they accumulate in our boy causing chronic

diseases (arthritis). Municipal water also contains heavy metals fro pipes, pumps etc.,

traces of herbicides, pesticides and other levels of such ingredients in our water from

the relevant authorities. They would prefer that we do not know and believe that the

water is OK.

Do not consume such water. Do not use it for tea, soup on even cooking. Use water

obtained from natural springs. Alternatively, filter the municipal water yourself. Do not

use chemical filters. They may initially work, but eventually they may leave even more

chemicals in the water you drink. The best are multi-stage paper and active carbon

filters, with the final stage that uses a reverse osmosis ceramic membrane. The process

of reverse osmosis imitates the function of a natural spring: water runs over a stone

(ceramic element) and minute quantities filter slowly through. For home installation,

the rate is quite slow: about half a liter per hour. There are systems available, which

store about 10 liters of filtered water under light pressure, ready for immediate use.

Note, that most of the beverages, including fruit juices from concentrates, contain

municipal tap water. It would be much better if you squeezed the juice yourself from

fresh fruits, or brought the frozen concentrate and diluted yourself with spring or

filtered water.

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Even if you do not plan to change anything else in your diet, for social, business or

other reasons, improve the quality of water you drink. Drink at least 2 or 3 liters of it

every day.

The latest research indicates that it is not only the purity of water that is important, but

also its molecular structure. To be particular, a 20 molecule liquid crystal water

structure, first predicted by a Nobel Prize laureate Linus Pauling in his famous book

The hydrogen Bond seems to be very important. Such structures are formed by a

phenomenon known as “hydrophobic hydration” and cause changes in the surface

tension, heat capacity and other properties of the water. Water liquid crystals occur

naturally in some spring water high in the mountains, and are also formed in water

inside living cells. Water impurities practically eliminate any trace of water liquid

crystals. (For more details, see the article by Flanagans, listed in the References)

Note, that nearly every civilization in the past had tales related to “living water”, which

was to be found only in inaccessible locations high in the mountains. In view of the

current scientific research (Flanagans) it is quite possible, that such tales are based on

real experiences.

Seek fresh air as much as possible. Even if you live in the city, and you are forced to

breathe polluted air, make an effort to go to the country, forest or at least to a park as

often as possible. Trees and other plants purify the air for us there. Use the ozone

generating lamp to purify the air in your home, if the air outside worse than inside. You

can leave the lamp on when you are away.

With regards to other ingredients of the diet, again there is remarkable agreement found

in wisdom of many civilizations. They all agree, that we should eat PURE FRESH

FOOD. Note for example, that “kosher” means “pure” in Hebrew. (Be careful here: the

modern definition of “kosher” food should be carefully examined, because it most

likely has lost its exact meaning over the centuries. Similarly to fasting in other


Again the emphasis should be on purity. The best foods from such a point of view are

fresh fruits and vegetables. Even if grown in quite polluted environment, fruits

accumulate very little pollutants. They are created from simple inorganic compounds

with the aid of photosynthesis. Their content is mostly water.

If you do not believe in the purity of the food you buy, grow it yourself. Instead of

growing flowers at home, grow tomatoes, cucumbers and strawberries or other foods

and vegetables you favor. Use the technique known today as “hydroponics”, known for

centuries, used for example to create the famous “Gardens of Eden” in the middle of a

dry land, considered to be one of the 10 wonders of the world. In this technique no soil

is used, and the roots of the plant are washed in an optimal solution of natural mineral

salts. Do not be frightened, if you have to buy these salts in concentrated form, they

will be diluted to imitate natural concentrations. Hydroponic plants grow 2 to 4 times

faster than similar plants left in soil, because we care to provide an optimal food supply

for them. Automatic, simple to use hydroponic systems are available today, requiring

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no more attention than would a fish tank. (See for example the book by Howard M

Resh listed in References).

Now, we know what is best to eat. The question we can ask is: what foods are

dangerous to eat and why?

I have already demonstrated the devastating effects of solvents and other poisons

emerging our body. No one who understands the consequences of poisoning should

ignore such warnings.

It is quite clear, that we should avoid containing colors, flavors and other food extracts.

Not because of extracts themselves, but because of dangerous solvents used to extract

them. These solvents (benzene, various alcohols etc...) are directly responsible for most

of the incurable diseases of 20-th century including cancer, AIDS and Alzheimer

disease, just to mention a few.

Your body has a limited capacity to process solvents and alcohols. We seem to recover

quite well from alcohol (ethanol) poisoning for example. Note, however, that such

recovery takes time, during which you have the solvent (alcohol) present in your body,

effectively assisting your parasite friends in their activities.

We should not limit our attention to food. Note, that our skin can also absorb poisons

from the environment. For that reason, we should also examine all products which

come in contact with our skin like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, cosmetics, perfumes,

deodorants, hand creams, make-up, cleaning agents etc..

As an example, instead of a toothpaste, containing poisonous fluoride and many plant

extracts of unknown quality, you could use salty water (1/2 glass of water+ a teaspoon

of salt). When your body is pure, salty water does an excellent job. (For more

information see articles of Robert G. Nara, listed in the References).

It may be not possible to avoid poisoning altogether, but with the knowledge we have

acquired, we could greatly reduce the extend of poisoning, with minimal effort on our

part. Note, that once you have selected a brand of shampoo for example. You need not

to do it again. If you have the knowledge of how to make safe products, share this

knowledge with others, in the way I am sharing what I know with you.

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Why we should avoid eating meat

We should also avoid eating animal flesh. Comprehensive analysis of this topic could

easily be a subject of a separate book, so below I give only a summary of the reasons

taken from a single point of view: the poisoning of our body.

• Animals consume large amount of food, before they become killed for meat.

For example, a cow eats about 30 kg of food each day. By the time it is 3 years

old it has consumed at least 30 tonnes of food. A cow’s body makes every

attempt to excrete toxins. As with us humans, not all toxins are excreted. Those

which are deposited around the body are of the worst kind: everything easy to

metabolize would have already been excreted. As a result, a 100 kg of meat

contains the worst combination of toxins, concentrated from about 30 tonnes of

food. Summarizing, meat contains hundreds of times higher concentration of

toxins, than contained in the initial food the animal has eaten.

• Drugs like anabolic steroids, antibiotics, growth hormones, and other chemicals

are added to animal food to “enhance” the production of meat. Most of such

drugs and chemicals are illegal for human use. I would bet, that you would not

want to try such food. And yet, resulting animal meat contains greater

concentration of worst toxins than the initial animal food.

• Animals get sick. You do not know what sickness an animal had developed

before it was killed for meat. The combination of bacteria and parasite activity

in a sick animal produces toxic cocktails you do not want to hear about. The

meat from such animal contains a full cocktail, because the animal stopped

living before it had a chance to metabolize and excrete any part of it.

• Animals have parasites, living in various stages in various parts of their bodies.

All parasites have a very complex life cycle comprising many stages. This

simply speaking ensures their survival. Meat of course contains parasites in

various stages, some of which are very difficult to detect and eliminate, even in

the cooking process. You do not want to hear just what animal parasites are

capable of doing to your body.

• Humans have a very long intestinal tract, typical to all plant eating creatures.

All meat eaters have several times shorter intestines. What does this have to do

with poisoning? Quite a bit. Meat in a long intestine spends a long time, before

it is excreted. Too long. Not only is it more difficult to digest and more toxic to

start with, but because it spends too much time inside us, it actually clogs the

system and starts to rot. When the system is even partially constipated, the

waste is actually absorbed back into the blood stream.

I am sure that you agree, that in view of the above, eating meat is just asking for


Summarizing, we should not eat any food, which is not optimal from the point of view

of the design of the body.

Suppose that you add some water and/or sugar to your car petrol tank, just because you

like it. Clearly the performance of the car will be severely compromised, and if you

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keep adding those ingredients to your petrol, the engine will eventually stop altogether,

requiring a major service. The car engine has not been designed to run on water and

sugar added to petrol, even in small quantities.

Similarly, if your computer expects 110 VAC and you plug it into 240VAC ( I have

tried that one) you will hear a loud crack, see a big flash and a cloud of aromatic smoke

will come to indicate the end of computations.

If you do not provide koala with pure eucalyptus leaves (its natural food source), no

matter how much “medical” and other attention you give to it, how nutritious (in your

opinion) food you provide, it will get sick and die quickly.

Vegetarian cuisine

Discussing benefits of pure vegetarian (vegan) cuisine as well as recipes is yet again a

quite substantial topic and exceeds the scope of this book. For information about the

vegetarian cuisine please read books by Ch. Lehman or M. Diamond listed in the

References. Or read the latest book “ Mt best cook book”

( )


Using microwave for radiation to cook or heat food changes the molecular structure of

food. There is consistent scientific evidence, that such food is harder to metabolize. We

should avoid microwave cooking if possible.

How much to eat ?

This is also a very important question. The answer is quite simple: as little as to feel

active and comfortable. Note, that eating too much is equivalent to overloading your

body with additional duties, related to the processing and disposal of extra waste. Your

mind is engaged too, reducing your intellectual and spiritual abilities.

During fasting, you will learn that the feeling of hunger, as well as the tendency to

overeat are typical reactions of a toxic body. If the body is pure and you try not to

poison it excessively, your body always tells you when you have had enough food. Just

pay careful attention to what your body is telling you. That’s all.

It is easier to receive and understand such messages, when you eat slowly and chew

your food well.

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When should we eat ?

In the mountain of Georgia, where people live well beyond 100 years and even make

babies at 100, they have a saying:

“Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with your friend, and give dinner to your enemy”.

I cannot help admiring the beauty and wisdom of this ancient proverb. What it says is

that we should take food before the activities of the day, and to not take any food before

going to bed for the whole night. Doing so, we feel energetic during the day, and we

greatly assist our mind-body system in the night’s rest, freeing the resources necessary

for everyday healing, repairs, maintenance, as well as for spiritual development.

Note, that most people do exactly the opposite: dinner is their main meal. They all

wonder why their health is deteriorating quickly with age.


Some nay argue, that the diet proposed below is quite different from the traditional diet

we learned from our parents, friends and neighbors. So many people have followed

“traditional” diet for generations.

Maybe that’s exactly why we live on average only 72 years, most of this time getting

sick or expecting diseases, and by the age of 65 or earlier having major health


We simply follow bad habits.

Many people follow their bad habits and tradition without any criticism, just because

they do not want to change or they do not want to be different from others.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to find any logic at all. For example some women, who

seem to be quite health conscious, are ready to put almost anything on their faces just to

look better (?) for a few hours. On the other hand, they would not even consider giving

up their dinners, steaks, alcohol or perfumes to truly improve their health.

In the ancient literature we can find evidence, that many thousands of years ago people

lived in good health for at least several hundred years.

Modern science is still looking for reasons why our lifespan is so short.

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Many species of birds, marsupials, mammals and other animals on our planet become

extinct every year.

The main reason for their extinction is that their organisms cannot cope up with the

increasing levels of pollution in their food and their environment.

Nature gives us a fair warning. If we keep polluting our planet, it may soon be our turn.

So far into our “civilized evolution” we continue to develop more and more diseases,

allergies etc. and have increasing difficulty maintaining good health.

However, when we understand the reasons for this, we have a choice. Rather than

waiting for governments and the industry to do something about it, WE THE

CONSUMERS should make a choice first.

No industry will produce articles consumers do not want!


Now, let us go back to the list of alternative medical treatments, given earlier in this

book. When we read the list for the first time, the various healing methods appeared to

have nothing in common.

In the process of reading this book we found that the key to perfect health is

detoxification of the body and purification of the mind.

Looking at the list of alternative medical treatments once again, it is quite easy to

notice, that the various methods of detoxification of the body and/or purification of the

mind (our thoughts) are actually essential elements of them all.

They form the missing the link, that unifies all successful healing methods, possibly

including also those which have not yet been discovered.

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The motto of this book is a wonderful phrase from one of the public lectures of Master

Ching Hai: “We doubt everything and everybody except our own Ignorance”.

Have it in mind, when trying to give advice to other people. They may not want it.

Always ask if they need help.

Help only people who ask you for it or explicitly agree that you help them.

Even then watch carefully if they listen to what you say. If they do not listen, it means

that they are not ready to listen. Or perhaps you are not ready to give them advice.

Instead of trying to explain everything in a few sentences, give them this book, and

suggest that you could perhaps answer some of their questions after they have read it.

You will save a lot of time as well as avoid exhausting discussions and arguments.

If, after reading this book, people still miss the point, there is nothing you can do to

help them. They should help themselves first. Their “bowl” is full. Any new

information is just an overflow.

Note, that it may take years or even decades for some people to understand the advice.

Some people have to experience themselves consequences of all their mistakes before

they understand. It is their best lesson.

Please notice, that in view of what we learned reading this book, “curing” other people

does not really help them.

If they do not understand that all their diseases are caused by their own actions and

ignorance, they will develop other diseases later on anyway.

It is clear, that it is much better to explain to them how they can heal themselves and

never get sick again. The only difficulty in this approach is that they may not want to

understand our advice.

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We develop diseases because we are poisoned. Everything else, no matter how

complicated, involving other living creatures (bacteria, parasites etc.) or not, is just a


Deadly poisons are everywhere around us, most of them as a result of human

(“industrial”) activity, and we have to learn how to avoid them, at least in our food.

A poisoned body cannot control the population of various bacteria and parasites.

Activity of parasites in our poisoned body can completely ruin our health.

We are not only poisoned: we have a clogged digestive system as well as a constipated

mind. There is no room for coherent new ideas.

When we eliminate toxins from our body and obstacles from our mind, the body

HEALS ITSELF, quickly and effortlessly.

The key to perfect health is there fore elimination of poisons from the body,

purification of the mind and changing our diet to minimize the intake of poisons the

intake of poisons.

Purifications of our mind (thoughts) can be as important as physical detoxification,

since it is our mind at all levels which ultimately controls every functions of our body.

Natural detoxification techniques include enema, fasting, exercise, sauna, oxygen

therapies etc., combined with the drinking of a minimum of 2-3 liters of spring water a


Removal of dental amalgams is strongly recommended.

The two most important elements of our diet are: pure water and pure air.

It is not possible to attain and maintain the state of perfect health without paying great

attention to diet and minimizing the intake of poisons into our body.

Studying various diseases and cures for each of them is a waste of time. Such approach

concentrates on symptoms disregarding the cause.

Rather than applying a separate remedy to each disease, it is possible to cure ALL

diseases. Normalizing weight, curing cancer, getting rid of allergies, infections, acne,

arthritis, tobacco, alcohol and other addictions, stopping and even partially reversing

the ageing process etc., all is possible in the ONE simple process, described in this

book. It is easy and nearly effortless. Anyone can do it.

There are no miracles. Performing so called “miracles” is just using the knowledge.

You do not need to believe. You need to know.

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Hoping is not enough. We have plenty to learn. ( The best way to learn is to learn to

listen to your own higher mind first).

Curing other people does not really help them. Much better is to inform them so they

could heal themselves.

Warning : the side effect of the restoration of the perfect health is gaining the access to

the unlimited potential of the mind.

You have a choice

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I make no claim, that I developed anything new. All the techniques listed in this book

are known and proven for thousands of years.

Modern scientific evidence, summarized in this book to convince the readers is taken

directly from books and articles published by many talented, dedicated, honest medical

practitioners and scientists, who are not afraid of telling the TRUTH.

In particular, I would like to express my gratitude to Hulda Regehr Clark, Arthur Baker,

Deepak Chopra and Sheldon Saul Hendler for their wonderful books.

I am grateful to Dr Vagif Sultanov, for his inspiring public lecture about fasting.

I am also grateful to Ed McCabe, a reporter, for bringing to the attention of the public

(mine included) oxygen therapies, against considerable opposition of the medical

establishment and the media.

It would be impossible for me to collect quickly the scientific evidence I needed

without access to the Australian NEXUS magazine, which has published great articles

as well as summaries and reviews of many interesting and original books. I salute all

those people associated with NEXUS. You are doing a great job.

I would like to express my gratitude to Nick Haritos, who corrected the manuscript.

Finally, I would like to thank my dear family and friends for their constructive

criticism, enabling me to answer many questions, likely to arise in reader’s mind. It is

to be hoped that, I have answered most of them in this book.

Page 55: The Joy of Perfect Health


APPENDIX A : Herbal method of purging parasites

Based on native American Indian and other native people recipes, published by Hulda

Regher Clark (See the References)


1. Black walnut hulls – from the black walnut tree. Use water based tincture. Use

10-20 drops each time.

2. wormwood – from the Artemisia absynthium shrub. Buy it for your garden. It

has been named for your garden. It has been named for a good reason long time

ago and it is mentioned in many ancient scripts, including the Bible. Take one

dried leaf in a teaspoon of honey each time.

3. common cloves – from the clove tree. This is a common spice used in baking.

Grind your own fresh cloves (not stored for a long time). Use a small amount of

ground powder mixed with a fruit juice – a tip of the teaspoon is enough.

Taken together, these herbs help to eliminate over 100 common parasites in humans.

Black walnut hull and wormwood help to eliminate adult parasites as well as their

various development stages. Cloves eliminate parasite eggs.

Use the combination of above herbs 3 times a day before meals for a few days. For

more details read books by Hulda Regher Clark listed in References.

After eliminating parasites, we should take care not to create favorite conditions again.

Attention to detoxification and the diet should be our strategy.

Page 56: The Joy of Perfect Health



Baker Arthur, M.A., Awakening our self healing body, Self-Health Care Systems, LA,

CA, USA ISBN 1-883989-25-6, 1993

Ching Hai, The key of immediate enlightenment. Books 1-3, Published by The

Meditation Association in China, P O Box 9, Hsihu, Miaoli Hsien, Taiwan 1991- 92

Davies, Paul, Superforce, Unwin Hyman Ltd, UK. ISBN 0-04-539006-I, 1984,

reprinted 1985, 1986, 1989, 1990

Desmarquet, Michel, Abduction to the 9-th Planet, Arafura Publishing, Melbourne

1993, ISBN 0-646-15996-8

Deepak Chopra, MD, Quantum Healing – exploring the frontiers of the mind/body

medicine, Bantam Books, 1989, ISBN 0-533-05368-X, International edition 0-533-


Deepak Chopra, MD, Ageless body and Timeless Mind, Harmony Books, NY, 1993,

ISBN 0-517-88212-4

Deepak Chopra, MD, Unconditional Life – mastering the forces that shape personal

reality, Bantam Books 1991, ISBN 0-533-07609-4, International edition 0-533-18090-


Deepak Chopra, MD, Perfect Health – the complete mind/body guide, Bantam Books

1990, reprinted 1992,1993, UK Edition ISBN 0-553-40324-9, Australian edition ISBN


Diamond M., Fit for Life Cook book, Bantam Books, 1991

D’Itri P.A., D’Itri F.M., Mercury contamination: A Human Tragedy, NY, John Wiley

& Sons, 1977

Ed McCabe, Oxygen Therapies – a new way of approaching disease, 1988 Energy

Publications, ISBN 0-9620527-1

Farrer K.T.H., Fancy eating that! A closer look at food additives and contamination,

Carlton, Vic, Melbourne University Press, 1983

Flanagan P, Flanagan G.C, Water - a new fountain of youth, NEXUS (Australia) Vol 2

No 23, p 23-26, 1994

Hawking Stephen M. , A Brief History of Time, NY, Bantam Books, 1988

Hay, Louise L. , Love yourself, Heal your life Workbook, 1990 Hay House Inc, ISBN

870845-06-4, Australasian Edition- Specialist Publications 1992, ISBN 0-9588973-7-9

Page 57: The Joy of Perfect Health


Howard M. Resh PhD, Hydroponic home food gardens, Woodbridge Press, Santa

Barbara, CA 93160, ISBN 0-88007-178-8

Hulda Regehr Clark, PhD, ND, The cure for all cancers with 100 case histories,

ProMotion Publishing, 1993, San Diego, California, USA.

Hulda Regehr Clark, PhD, ND, The cure for HIV and AIDS with 70 case histories,

ProMotion Publishing, 1993, San Diego, California, USA.

Laura Dr. R.S, J.F.Ashton, Dental Amalgam & Mercury poisoning…, NEXUS

(Australia) Vol 2 No 8, June-July 1992.

Lehman Ch. Passionate – the passion of pure vegetarian cuisine, CJ&CF Lehman, 4

Quol Rd, Barabduda, Vic, Australia ISBN 0-646-15185-1, 3-rd edition 1994

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, On the Bhagavad-Gita, NY, Penguin, 1969

Nara, Robert G., D.D.S., Dental health secrets, interview, NEXUS (Australia) Vol 2 No

20, June-July 1994

Nara, Robert G., D.D.S., “Heal Cavities ... Grow new gums” P O Box 426, Houghton,

MI 49931, USA ph (906) 296 1165

Penfield, Wilder, The Mystery of the Mind, Princeton, Princeton University Press,


Sheldon Saul Hendler, MD, PhD, The Oxygen Breakthrough – 30 Days to an Illness-

Free Life, William Morrow and Company Inc, NY, 1989, ISBN 0-688-08133-4

Shine Betty, Mind Waves, Corgi Books 1994, ISBN 0-552-13988 X

Page 58: The Joy of Perfect Health



Living should be a wonderful experience. The best and most important things in life

should be free and effortless. When we are born our bodies are perfect and they should

stay in a perfect state of health as long as we want.

We are 100% responsible for the state of our health (all our diseases). We also have

complete power to improve our health and free ourselves from any disease.

There are no incurable diseases, only distorted knowledge, misinformation and our

limited understanding of what our mind and body are doing and why.

Rather than applying a separate remedy to each disease, it is possible to cure ALL

diseases. Normalising weight, curing cancer, getting rid of allergies, infections, acne,

arthritis, tobacco, alcohol and other addictions, stopping and even partially reversing

the ageing process etc.., is possible in the ONE simple process, described here. It is

easy and nearly effortless. Anyone can do it. You will gain respect of everybody around

you when you do it.

There are no miracles. Performing so called “miracles” is just using the knowledge.

You don’t need to believe. You need to know.

We doubt everything and everybody, except our Own Ignorance

Master Ching Hai

Warning : the side effect of restoration of perfect health is gaining access to the

unlimited potential of your mind. You have a choice.