the jewish news - september 2012

NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA FL PERMIT 167 A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232 Annual voluntary subscription: $25 September 2012 - Elul 5772 / Tishrei 5773 Volume 42, Number 9 Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World Serving our community for over 40 years! Published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee Federation leaders find inspiration in Odessa and Israel Staff Report Sarasota Jewish Chorale – singing to make a difference Locals spend twelve days in the Holy Land Jewish Federation welcomes new staff members 2A 9A 13A INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 6A Community Focus 16A Jewish Interest 22A Commentary 24A Focus on Youth 27A Life Cycle 1B Jewish Happenings 8B Israel & the Jewish World 14B Recent Events Photos of local summer camp activities 14B L’Shanah Tovah! To you and your family from The Jewish Federation 5773 I n July, Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana- tee board members Ros Mazur and Anne Stein participated in the Jewish Federations of North America’s Campaign Chairs and Directors (CCD) Mission to Odessa (Ukraine) and Israel. They were accompanied by Ilene Fox, our local Federation’s Director of Women’s Philanthropy. More than 100 Jewish Federation leaders from 32 communities visited Odessa and Israel to experience the work that Federations do to help the global Jew- ish community. As part of the CCD, lay leaders and professionals toured the Ukrainian city and then the Jewish state, meeting with organizations, individuals and programs supported by Jewish Federations. “Jewish Federations are the safety net for so many people in need. This trip reminded me that in many cases we are all that these people have to sustain them,” said JFNA National Campaign Chair Susan K. Stern of New York, who co-chaired the mission. In Odessa, the mission toured Jewish sites, vis- ited the Holocaust memorial, and learned about the political and economic climate for Jews in Ukraine. Participants visited the homes of elderly Ukrainians and families at risk that are being assisted by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee’s Hesed welfare services. Ros, Anne and Ilene visited Vera Parshchukova, an 83-year-old Hesed recipient who has lived alone since her husband passed away seven years ago. A native of Odessa, Vera and her family were evacu- ated to Kazakhstan at the outbreak of World War II and returned to Odessa after the war. Vera has very poor eyesight and suffers from heart disease, high blood pressure, and circulation and digestive dis- orders. Last December she fell and broke her hip and is now bedridden. She lives alone in a small one- room apartment. Her monthly income is $118. With the assistance of Hesed, Vera is provided with home- care twenty-five hours per week. She receives a food card, medications and medical consultations, winter relief items and rehabilitation equipment. While in Odessa, the group also toured the Beit Grand Jewish Cultural Center, meeting a group of Holocaust survivors, one of whom enchanted the group by singing a Yiddish song. “It was so beautiful to hear her sing with such feeling and to experience her pride in her Judaism after all she had suffered,” shared Anne. Ros Mazur and Anne Stein with Vera Parshchukova Federation leaders...continued on page 2A

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Monthly newspaper of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee


Page 1: The Jewish News - September 2012

NoN-Profit org. U.S. PoStAgE


PErMit 167

A publication of the Jewish federation of Sarasota-ManateeKlingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232Annual voluntary subscription: $25


September 2012 - Elul 5772 / Tishrei 5773 Volume 42, Number 9

Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World

Serving our community for over 40 years!

Published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee

Federation leaders find inspiration in Odessa and IsraelStaff Report

Sarasota Jewish Chorale – singing

to make a difference

Locals spend

twelve days in the

Holy Land

Jewish Federation welcomes new staff





INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 6A Community Focus 16A Jewish Interest 22A Commentary 24A Focus on Youth 27A Life Cycle 1B Jewish Happenings 8B Israel & the Jewish World 14B Recent Events

Photos of local summer camp



L’Shanah Tovah!To you and your family from The Jewish Federation


In July, Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana-tee board members Ros Mazur and Anne Stein participated in the Jewish Federations of North

America’s Campaign Chairs and Directors (CCD) Mission to Odessa (Ukraine) and Israel. They were accompanied by Ilene Fox, our local Federation’s Director of Women’s Philanthropy.

More than 100 Jewish Federation leaders from 32 communities visited Odessa and Israel to experience the work that Federations do to help the global Jew-ish community. As part of the CCD, lay leaders and professionals toured the Ukrainian city and then the Jewish state, meeting with organizations, individuals and programs supported by Jewish Federations.

“Jewish Federations are the safety net for so many people in need. This trip reminded me that in many cases we are all that these people have to sustain them,” said JFNA National Campaign Chair Susan K. Stern of New York, who co-chaired the mission.

In Odessa, the mission toured Jewish sites, vis-ited the Holocaust memorial, and learned about the political and economic climate for Jews in Ukraine. Participants visited the homes of elderly Ukrainians and families at risk that are being assisted by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee’s Hesed welfare services.

Ros, Anne and Ilene visited Vera Parshchukova, an 83-year-old Hesed recipient who has lived alone since her husband passed away seven years ago. A native of Odessa, Vera and her family were evacu-ated to Kazakhstan at the outbreak of World War II and returned to Odessa after the war. Vera has very

poor eyesight and suffers from heart disease, high blood pressure, and circulation and digestive dis- orders. Last December she fell and broke her hip and is now bedridden. She lives alone in a small one-room apartment. Her monthly income is $118. With the assistance of Hesed, Vera is provided with home-care twenty-five hours per week. She receives a food card, medications and medical consultations, winter relief items and rehabilitation equipment.

While in Odessa, the group also toured the Beit Grand Jewish Cultural Center, meeting a group of Holocaust survivors, one of whom enchanted the group by singing a Yiddish song. “It was so beautiful to hear her sing with such feeling and to experience her pride in her Judaism after all she had suffered,” shared Anne.

Ros Mazur and Anne Stein with Vera Parshchukova

Federation leaders...continued on page 2A

Page 2: The Jewish News - September 2012

2A September 2012 FEDERATION NEWS

Federation leaders...continued from page 1A

Jewish Federation welcomes new staff members

In Israel, the campaign chairs and directors heard from Israeli leaders, in-cluding Brig. General Doron Gavish, head of the Israel Defense Forces’ aer-ial defense unit, Ambassador Michael Oren, who dropped in for an unex-pected discussion, and Israeli President Shimon Peres.

Peres offered three pieces of advice for the group and the greater global Jewish community: First, to be moral is to be wise. Second, the strength of the Jewish people is our dissatisfaction with the way things are. And finally, always be soldiers for peace.

The trip included attendance at a Taglit-Birthright Israel Mega Event with more than 3,000 Jewish young adults from around the world. “Three thousand Jewish youth from all over the world were there to celebrate their Judaism. Everyone was singing and dancing and enjoying being together. Even though they were from Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Ukraine, United States, Canada, South Africa, France and other countries, the common bond was that they were all Jewish,” said Anne.

Following the CCD, Ros, Anne and Ilene visited Kiryat Yam, The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee’s part-nership community. They toured the Alex and Betty Schoen-baum Science, Educa-tion, Cultural and Sports Campus, a state-of-the-art high-tech educational development that has revitalized Kiryat Yam, a working class commu-nity of 45,000 and home to large concentrations of Russian and Ethiopian immigrants. They also toured the Ethiopian Cul-tural Center and met with Mayor Shmuel Sisso and community leaders. The

Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee is building a living bridge – people-to-people partnership – with Kiryat Yam, led by committee chair Alan Ades.

Reflecting upon her experiences during the CCD, Ros shared, “The mis-sion really opened my eyes and mind to exactly what “World Jewry” means and how hard Federation multitasks. No matter where I traveled I felt that all the Jewish people were related to family tree exploded. While we can’t help every needy person, we must con-tinue to strive to help as many people as possible. I never realized what a privi-leged life my children led until I met the children and teens from Odessa. It’s so critical that our children understand how privileged they are.

“I always knew that there are many Jewish organizations helping Jews all over the world, but on my recent trip to Ukraine and Israel with the CCD, I was privileged to see this help with my own eyes. Our Federation supports amazing programs in Odessa, Israel and the far corners of the globe. I encourage every-one to visit Israel and get involved in our local Federation,” said Anne.

For more details on the CCD Mis-sion or Kiryat Yam, please contact Ilene Fox at 941.371.4546 x110 or [email protected].

Ros Mazur, Nechama Kenig, Ilene Fox, Anne Stein, Galit Greenberg and Mayor Shmuel Sisso in Kiryat Yam

The Jewish Federation of Sara-sota-Manatee recently wel-comed five new staff members

to its ranks. They include:Sarah Wertheimer is the organiza-

tion’s new Director of Development. As part of her responsibilities, Sarah will manage the Federation’s foundation and annual campaign. She has been a part of this community her entire life, fundraising and volunteering alongside her mother Patti. Sarah says she is look-ing forward to advancing the mission of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and is thrilled to be working with such a forward-thinking, dynamic group of people.

Amber Ikeman has joined the Fed-eration team as the new Teen Program-ming and Israel Advocacy Associate. She will be administrating the Federa-tion’s Jewish education program for high-school students, The Bob Malkin Young Ambassadors Teen Leadership Mission to Israel, and all other youth

programs. She will also be working on Israel advocacy initiatives and man-aging the organization’s blog. Amber recently returned to Sarasota after grad-uating from the University of Central Florida in 2011 with a B.A. in Music. She also attended the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem and has worked with youth in Hillel, JCC and synagogues.

Jessi Sheslow is coming to the Fed-eration as the new Young Adult Divi-sion Associate. She has been involved in the Jewish community all her life. Jessi is a Film School graduate and for-mer Associate Producer at a television company. Programming and planning is in her DNA! If you would like more information about YAD, please contact her at [email protected].

Susan Scott, the organization’s new Staff Accountant, recently moved to Sarasota and is completing her mas-ter’s degree in accounting and tax- ation. Susan has extensive experience in

accounting and is excited about the op-portunity to share and grow with the Federation.

Jeremy Lisitza has joined the Federation as its new Office Manager. Originally from Chicago, Jeremy has lived in Sarasota for more than nine

Sarah Wertheimer, Amber Ikeman, Jessi Sheslow, Susan Scott, Jeremy Lisitza

years. With many years of experience, both working and volunteering in the not-for-profit community, he will use his well-honed skills of time and orga-nizational management along with his “people” skills to help further the orga-nization’s mission.

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L’Shanah Tovah

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To RSVP visit: more information, contact Andrew Polin at 541-501-2090 or at [email protected] by ORT America - Gulf Coast Region and The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee

Please bring non-perishable foods that will be donated to All Faiths Food Bank

Page 3: The Jewish News - September 2012

3A September 2012 3ASeptember 2012FEDERATION NEWS

Life is a journeyBy Haley Eiffert

They say life is a journey and you never know where it is going to take you. When I boarded the

El Al charter headed for Poland on the March of the Living mission, I knew ex-actly where I was going, but that did not mean I knew where it was taking me. No amount of history classes or previ-ous Holocaust education could have prepared me for how it would feel to go back in time more than seventy years.

Having been to a few countries in Europe a month prior, I found myself comparing the people and architecture in Poland to the other countries. Life goes on in Poland just as in the other countries, but the land has a very eerie feel to it. The first day, we visited the Umschlagplatz, the train station plat-form where Jews gathered against their will to be herded onto cattle cars and shipped off to unknown locations. I wrote in my journal, “Today, I felt, was my first real experience with the Holo-caust. It has always been real to me and I have always known it to be real, but today I felt it. Walking up to the train station, I saw the memorial, a long con-crete wall with years written on it. It was ugly – like the Holocaust. When I saw the actual train station, I clung to my friend Julianne’s arm as I imagined myself taking those scary steps to the Umschlagplatz seventy years ago. And I felt the fear.”

We had one hundred and thirteen people within our region who had trav-eled together to the station and during our visit we had one hundred and thir-teen people inside the small boxcar – the boxcar that would have transported us to a concentration camp, that would have housed many more than those that were already crowded inside, and that would have been filled with crying, dy-ing and terrified Jews. At this moment I realized I could never have been strong enough. I would have cried. I would have panicked. I would have gone crazy in that boxcar for five days.

One of the survivors who we were blessed enough to have with us on our trip told us of his experience and led a prayer. I squeezed myself into the cor-ner of the boxcar and closed my eyes. I already knew that this trip was going to be one of the most important experi-ences of my life.

The next day was a scene out of a horror film. On the way to the camp,

I noticed the railroad tracks along the road and thought about the thousands who traveled in boxcars in apprehen-sion. The barbed wire came into view as well as watch towers and large brick buildings. I was at Auschwitz I. The camp had been converted into a mu-seum and the worst part was the room full of human hair. The hair, fully intact, reminded me of all the effort people put into doing their hair and picking a style. I stared at a strand of wavy brown hair, much like my own, and tried to imagine the girl’s face that went along with the hair. Not only did the Nazis take all of the Jews’ belongings when they entered the camp, they also took a part of them. When we walked into the gas chamber, everything felt so wrong. The under-ground musty, dark room filled my head with screams. I looked up and saw the rectangle in the ceiling where the Zyk-lon B was put. And then, one by one, we piled out of that gas chamber. Alive.

We then stood in the place where families were separated forever. Every-thing there is massive and organized perfectly. The barracks are in neat, straight rows. It’s sick. The region’s leader, Jack, spoke about a survivor named Jimmy who just passed away recently. The story moved me to tears as Jack described Jimmy being forced to watch his father die in front of him, drowned in chemicals. Jimmy, who was

my current age, began to cry before an SS officer who screamed that if he didn’t stop, Jimmy would be next.

“There is nothing in the world that can perfectly describe this feeling. These people, I will never meet. Their bodies are still young when they were supposed to grow old. An infant that never had a chance to learn the joys of life, only the sorrows in there; in one of the three mass graves we saw today,” I wrote on April 20, outside of Tykocin. There were small trees and shrubs grow-ing on top of the two thousand bodies that were mass murdered and buried

In Israel, Haley Eiffert with Julianne Simson and Leah Genn, whose articles about their March of the Living experience appeared in last month’s

issue of The Jewish News

Entrance to Auschwitzjourney...continued on page 4A

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Perhaps you have chosen not to join a local synagogue, or this year you find your family looking for an option that allows you to worship with other Jews in a place where everyone feels at home and welcome—without the obligation of membership. Everyone is welcome.

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Our host seating is limited and we have already sold 60 of our 100 host seats. Please go to our website to pre-register so that you can be assured of having seats for our Open Door High Holiday Services.

Page 4: The Jewish News - September 2012

4A September 2012 FEDERATION NEWS

Rabbi Howard A. Simon

Israel: realities to be faced; decisions to be madeBy Rabbi Howard A. Simon, Chair of The Robert and Esther Heller Israel Advocacy Initiative

just outside of their homes in Tykocin, but it was still easy to pick out the loca-tion of the graves. The small trees were nothing in comparison to the vast forest of tall trees surrounding them. We had 113 people that day to memorialize the 2,000 and I tried to think of each and every one of them.

We went to Treblinka, a camp that the Nazis tried their best to cover up so all that remains in that huge field now is stones. 17,000 stones in 34 acres. Stones that stand for all the places where Jews were killed and all the places the Jews came from that were killed in this hor-rid place. This camp is invisible to most of the world, hidden within the beauti-ful forest. This camp had no barracks or bunks, it was a death camp. Jack told us a story about a girl my age who revolt-ed and managed to kill 15 Nazis before they killed her. I thanked her silently for her bravery.

The hardest day for me was the last day. The camp, Majdanek, was difficult to see. It was the epitome of the Holo-caust: hell. At the far end of the camp there was a huge memorial. I walked up the steps with no warning and saw the largest mound I had ever seen, com-posed of human ashes. And I cried and I just couldn’t stop. I just cried forever. I cried for those who cried before me because they knew they wouldn’t live any longer. I cried for those who suf-fered the pain of losing all of their loved

ones. I cried for the Jewish people. All that passed through my mind was “how could this happen?” I saw faces in the ashes and desperately wanted to meet these people and know what impact on the world they would have had.

When I got to Israel, I breathed and smiled at the beauty all around me. I am blessed to have the ability to live a real life free from harm. I am thankful. Survivors and those who perished lived half-alive. They changed the world in the only way they could, because their lives were taken too early. They made history. Every single one of the people who died unrightfully in the Holocaust changed the face of racism and preju-dice. They continue today to teach the world that hate is not the answer.

I am now a witness to the Holocaust and I am so thankful that I had an op-portunity to become one. I went on this trip for those who cannot come back to prove Judaism remained. I went for those who can go, but did not want to. I went for the survivors who also went – to support, cherish and learn from them and their experiences. I did not go just for myself; there is a much bigger rea-son. I went for the Jewish people and I will never forget.

To learn more about the March of the Living mission, please contact Orna Nissan at 941.371.4546 x104 or [email protected].

journey...continued from page 3A

The Middle East, always in a state of confusion, has recently taken steps in the direction of the fu-

ture. Countries throughout the world have taken note of all that is taking place and they react, publicly and privately, to these new realities. No country is more interested and more concerned about these new realities than Israel. What has now occurred in this part of the world?

First and foremost, Egypt, for the first time in its modern history, held a free and open election. Mahmoud Morsi, a member of the Muslim Broth-erhood, has been elected pres-ident, which means the Brotherhood will have more power than ever before.

Second, Libya, in its post-Gaddafi era, has also gone to the polls and elect-ed Western-educated political scientist

Mahmoud Jibril as its new leader. He is a member of Warfalla, Libya’s most populace tribe.

Third, the civil war in Syria contin-ues as the Assad-led forces continue to

kill men, women and children by the thou-sands. Resistance forc-es grow in number and become more bold in their strikes in and out of the capital of Syria.

Fourth, Iran con-tinues to ignore the Western world as she pursues the develop-ment of nuclear weap-ons that, should they

become ready to fire, can destroy Israel and the Middle East.

Israel looks at these facts and asks herself what it, the most threatened land in this part of the world, should do in

the face of these developments. The answer is prepare for any and all even-tualities. Israel knows that the Muslim Brotherhood wants her destruction, thus Egypt now represents a greater threat than ever before.

Israel is pleased that the Muslim Brotherhood did not win the election in Libya, but how positive will Libya’s new government be toward Israel? Only time will tell.

Syria and Iran remain the two ma-jor threats to Israel. While a civil war continues in Syria, Iran moves closer to attaining the bomb. Some Israeli lead-ers believe that goal could be achieved by September or October. Israel must decide whether she will take an aggres-sive act against Iran prior to that time or, following the wishes of the United States, wait and see what happens on the diplomatic front.

The United States wants the sta-tus quo to remain in the Middle East, at least until the election is over, and

the decision has been made as to who will be president and what the makeup of Congress will be. The problem is that the rest of the world will not mark time waiting for the November election. More deaths will occur. More weapons will be accumulated by countries. More strides will be taken in developing nu-clear capabilities. More threats will face Israel. Israel will not sit idly by as these developments occur. Israel will act, if not today, then tomorrow. She will de-fend herself, stand strong, do all that is necessary to protect herself and, hope-fully, she will eventually find peace in her land and in her heart.To learn about how you can get in-volved with the Heller IAI, please visit or contact Amber Ikeman at [email protected] or 941.371.4546 x105.

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Simon deng is a human rights activist who was captured into slavery at the age of nine. After escaping, he became the long-distance swimming champion of Sudan and moved to the United States.

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Klingenstein Jewish Center580 McIntosh Road, Sarasota, FL 34232941.371.4546 •

Piano Provided by Pritchards Pianos and organs

Page 5: The Jewish News - September 2012

5A September 2012 5ASeptember 2012FEDERATION NEWS

PRESIDENT Nelle Miller





CREATIVE MANAGER Christopher Alexander


PROOFREADERS Adeline Silverman, Stacey Edelman


Established 1971

MISSION STATEMENT: The Jewish News of Sarasota-Manatee strives to be the source of news and features of spe-cial interest to the Jewish community of Sarasota-Manatee, to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions in the Jewish community, and to communi-cate the mission, activities and achieve-ments of the Federation and its Jewish community partners.

OPINIONS printed in The Jewish News of Sarasota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect those of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.

SUBMISSIONS to The Jewish News are subject to editing for space and content, and may be withheld from publication without prior notice. Approval of submis-sions for publication in either verbal or written form shall always be considered tentative, and does not imply a guarantee of any kind. Submissions must be sent electronically to [email protected].

LETTERS to the editor should not exceed 300 words, must be typed, and include the writer’s name, mailing address and phone number. Letters can be submitted via snail mail or e-mail ([email protected]). Not all letters will be published. Letters may be edited for length and content.

ADVERTISING: Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement and may require the words “Paid Advertisement” in any ad. Publication of advertisements does not constitute endorsement of prod-ucts, services or ideas promoted therein.

PUBLISHERThe Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee

Klingenstein Jewish Center 580 McIntosh Road

Sarasota, FL 34232-1959Phone: 941.371.4546

Fax: 941.378.2947E-mail: [email protected]


Member publication:

Published Monthly Volume 42, Number 9

September 201244 pages in two sections

USPS Permit No. 167

October 2012 Issue Deadlines: Editorial: August 27, 2012

Advertising: August 31, 2012

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WOW! The 2012 Bob M a l k i n

Young Ambassadors Teen Leadership Mis-sion to Israel was eas-ily the most exciting

and jam-packed trip I have ever gone on! This trip was so unique that I will never forget the memories that I have from it. From writing a note to place in the Kotel to climbing Masada, this trip has instilled in me the utmost respect for the holy land of Israel.

On a typical day we’d wake up bright and early and enjoy a delicious breakfast before we were off and run-ning for the day. Our first stop was Je-rusalem. It came alive with both history and diverse people; the Haas Prome-nade made it all really stand out for me. From there I was able to see all of Jeru-salem. It was magnificent. While still in the holy city of Jerusalem, we had the amazing opportunity to visit the Kotel (Western Wall). It was quite moving

going to see the Kotel on Erev Shabbat. There were so many people gathering to be together for Shabbat. At that moment I felt like I was in my Jewish home.

While continuing on my journey I realized how different life is in Israel than back at home in the States. For ex-ample, it was inspiring to see soldiers with rifles walking down the street protecting their homeland. Also, in the States we don’t typically see groups of teenagers touring our country, but in Israel it is commonplace. It was com-forting to know that everyone around me understood who I am. This was also the case when we arrived in Kiryat Yam, which was easily the best part of the trip because this is where we met our host families.

The following three days touring Kiryat Yam were some of the most entertaining times we had on our trip. Spending time with the Israeli teens was fun because we were able to re-late to them so much. They play the same video games as we do, they have

iPhones just like ours, and they have fun in the summer, just like we do. It was cool to see that they are just like me. And even though this experience in Kiryat Yam was brief, we really made sure we packed in as much fun as pos-sible. We played video games, went bowling, sampled new food and just plain had fun.

On the last day of the trip we had the honor of visiting Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Jerusalem. This brought so much mean-ing and respect to this trip. It really taught me who I am, what I want to be, and what my people are about. This memorial made me see into the lives of those who went through the terrible nightmare of the Holocaust, and it was much worse than I ever learned before.

I am proud and honored that I was chosen to go on this trip. It will live with me forever and I will always be able to talk to others about Israel and my ex-periences. It is a land to be nurtured, supported and forever respected.

My experience in IsraelBy Madeline Bloom

Going to Israel for two weeks on the 2012

Bob Malkin Young Am-bassadors Teen Lead-ership Mission was definitely the trip of a

lifetime. I enjoyed every minute I was there and would love to go back in the near future. This trip was life-changing and will always have a deep impact on me. Throughout the two-week journey, I made lifelong friends. I know we will always share a special bond over Israel.

From the moment we got off the plane, we were submerged into the Is-raeli culture. The day we arrived, we enjoyed an elaborate Israeli lunch and planted trees. Our next adventure was to the Western Wall on Shabbat. It was a unique experience to see hundreds of Jews praying and placing their notes into the wall. The Western Wall was an emotional place for me and that was when it all sunk in that we were in ISRAEL!

Exploring the markets, like the ones on Ben Yehuda Street, was an amazing experience. The atmosphere was lively and energetic. By going to all the differ-ent markets around Israel we got a good feel for how Israelis live day to day.

One of my favorite activities in Israel, besides the Western Wall, was the Dead Sea and Masada. At night we stayed in Bedouin tents and rode camels around the desert – which was both scary and exhilarating, and some-thing I have never experienced before. Early the next morning we hiked up Masada to see the magnificent sunrise, and then walked down the snake path that contains over eight hundred steps. Later that day we went to the Dead Sea,

which was incredible. As we walked into the water, we began to float. After having fun in the Sea, we put mud all over our bodies – a bonding experience for all of us.

Some of my best memories are from our stay at a kibbutz. During our stay there, we had a bonfire where we all sang songs, roasted marshmallows, and talked about the highlights of the trip.

The trip was full of fun as well as education. We visited a handful of mu-seums, including the Israel Museum, Independence Hall and Yad Vashem. We visited the Holocaust Memorial on our last day in Israel. It was an overwhelm-ing and emotional day for all of us. We also went to Mt. Herzl, to the Western Wall for the third time this trip, and had a farewell dinner together. When we went to the Western Wall on the last day, it was extremely moving and eye-opening. It became more realistic that we would be leaving Israel and going back to our everyday lives.

This trip was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I am extremely grateful for this opportunity. It wouldn’t have been the same without our wonderful staff members, Len Steinberg and Kim Mullins from The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. Thank you for keeping us safe and making the trip so memorable.

For more information about the Bob Malkin Young Ambassadors Teen Leadership Mission to Israel, contact Amber Ikeman at [email protected] or 941.371.4546 x105.

Look for more firsthand accounts of the 2012 Bob Malkin Young Ambas-sadors’ experiences in Israel this sum-mer in upcoming issues of The Jewish News.

The 2012 Bob Malkin Young Ambassadors Teen Leadership Mission to Israel

Page 6: The Jewish News - September 2012

6A September 2012 COMMUNITY FOCUS

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By Andria Keil Bilan, JFCS VP of Development

Help for the bereaved at JFCS

By Leah Caminker, B.A. candidate at LSU, and JFCS 2012 Summer Intern

A future unfolding

This summer, I received a won-derful gift from the Sarasota-Manatee Jewish community:

a summer internship at Jewish Fam-ily & Children’s Service. I had the op-portunity to observe bereavement and caregiver support groups, the Healthy Families/Healthy Children Program, Holocaust Case Management and the SOS Program. Perhaps most important of all, I developed meaningful personal relationships with many clients.

My work with an elderly female Holocaust survivor has been a source of inspiration. Her story is so powerful and compelling that she was honored by Steven Spielberg with an appearance in the movie Shoah. I will never forget her saying to me, “Leah, I do not gener-ally open up to people like this, but I feel so comfortable speaking with you. I feel like you are my adopted grand-daughter.”

One of my Bikkur Cholim clients was an elderly woman with a termi-nal illness. She has worked hard on a book of poems, which she requested my assistance with. Last week, I felt so proud telling her that her book is now complete. In her own words, “This ful-fills my greatest wish before I leave this world.”

One of my favorite assignments was interviewing many of the JFCS staff members regarding their own ca-reer paths. I must say that I am deeply impressed with the level of profession-alism, personal caring and warmth dis-played by each staff member. When I am asked what it is like to work at JFCS, the first thing I say is, “The entire staff works as a team and functions as a family.”

My summer internship has allowed me to experience the varied paths that I may pursue in my future career. I am truly grateful for this opportunity at JFCS, and especially for Susan Finkel-stein, Jewish Healing Coordinator, who proved to be a wise, caring and dedi-cated mentor.

Holocaust survivor Megdalena Vagadi with intern Leah Caminker

By Tara Booker, Director of Volunteers & Community Outreach

PALS honors JFCS volunteer with two awards

Congratulations to Jewish Fam-ily & Children’s Service men-tor Stephen Greene, who was

recognized by the Sarasota County School District at its Annual PALS (Partnerships and Alliances Linking Schools) Recog-nition event. Stephen was nominated by both Emma E. Booker Elementary and Booker Middle School for his work as a mentor. School administrators noted that Stephen is “reliable, punc-tual, a positive role model, and has successfully estab-lished rapport with some of the more challenged stu-dents. His depth of caring and commitment to his students is rare indeed.”

In addition to mentoring several children each year, Stephen was in-strumental in establishing a structured

mentor training program at JFCS. This training program is one of the reasons JFCS is considered a preferred partner mentor organization and maintains an interagency agreement with the PALS

office and Sarasota County School District. This past school year, Stephen mentored ten at-risk children attend-ing Emma E. Booker El-ementary and two at-risk youths at Booker Middle School.

You can make the difference in the life of a child by volunteering as a mentor through JFCS. The next Mentor Train-

ing Workshop is scheduled for Monday, September 10. To get started, please contact Caroline Zucker, Coordinator of Volunteer Resources, at 941.366.2224 x141 or [email protected].

Stephen Greene

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Tidewell Hospice is committed to meeting the spiritual and physical needs of our patients and families.

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Happy New Year Thanks to the support of The Jewish Federation of Saraso-ta-Manatee, the Jewish Family

& Children’s Service’s Jewish Healing Program is able to offer help and sup-port to individuals overcoming the loss of a loved one. Funding from the Feder-ation allows JFCS to offer the Bereave-ment Support Group at no charge as a community service outreach program.

Based on a Jewish approach to mourning and healing the soul, the Bereavement Support Group is sched-uled for six consecutive weeks. Each session has its own topic such as the normal process of grief, a roadmap for healing, the role of prayer, how to keep memories alive and, finally, healing.

“It’s important that people expe-riencing grief can turn to someone for support,” Susan Finkelstein, RN, MAS,

tells participants of her Bereavement Support Group. “Many mourners feel lost and confused when they first come into the group. I tell them this is normal and you are not alone. That gives them the foundation to build the healing pro-cess. We provide information as well as a trusting environment that is conducive to sharing and supporting each other.

The next Bereavement Support Group will meet on Thursdays, Septem-ber 6 - October 11 from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. at JFCS, 2688 Fruitville Road, Sarasota. For more information or to register for the group, contact Susan Finkelstein at 941.366.2224 x166 or [email protected].

Sponsored by

Page 7: The Jewish News - September 2012

7A September 2012 7ASeptember 2012COMMUNITY FOCUS

IN MEMORY OF Marjorie Sharff Sue and Alan LoringWendy HowardStaff at Material Handling WholesalerAlice Cotman’s motherInna and Gerry Sideman

MAZEL TOVBobbie and Jay Saphier - 60th wedding anniversaryClaire Levin


IN MEMORY OF Leon and Sylvia CollierReva and Richard Levy

ISRAEL PROGRAMSIN MEMORY OFWendy Mandell-HowardLinda and Bob Spiegelman

ANNUAL CAMPAIGN IN MEMORY OFWendy Mandell-HowardGail and Martin FoxDebbie and Irwin ThomashowRuth and Jerry BeckMediterranea Condo Board of DirectorsSara and Dan BoxerPatricia HershorinSam and Sally ShapiroBand Weintraub, PLLorraine UryJune and Sandy AdlerShirley EverittEarl Sharff


GET WELLRoz GoldbergInna Sideman

These we honor

NOTE: To be publicly acknowledged in The Jewish News, Honor Cards require a minimum $10 contribution per listing.

You can send Honor Cards directly from For more information, call 941.371.4546 x109.

Second Annual Jewish New Year’s PartyThe Jewish Federation of Sara-

sota-Manatee and ORT America - Gulf Coast Region are pre-

senting the second annual Jewish New Year’s Party on Sunday, September 9 from 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.

“Since we had such a great turnout last year, ORT and the Federation de-cided to join forces once again to host this community-wide event,” said An-drew Polin, associate director of ORT America - Gulf Coast Region. “This year’s party will be held at the Galileo and Retropolitan restaurants in Burns Court and will feature dancing and live entertainment. The festivities will take place inside both restaurants, as well as in the courtyard, which will have a brand new canopy covering the outside dining area,” he added.

The suggested entry fee is $5 at the

door. Guests will be responsible for any food or beverage ordered off the menu.

“Every year we think about those in need during the High Holidays. With this thought in mind, our two Jewish organizations are asking everyone to bring with them a bag of non-perish-able food which will be donated to All Faiths Food Bank,” Polin said. Together we can fight hunger in our community while engaging in activities of tikkun olam – making the community whole for the good of humanity.

For more information, contact Polin at [email protected] or 541.501.2090, or Len Steinberg, pro-gram associate with the Federation, at [email protected] or 941.371.4546 x106. To register, visit

Local educator tapped by HUC-JIRUp until now, Reform Jewish

educators with no profession-al training have found it near

impossible to deepen their Judaic and pedagogic knowledge without leaving their jobs. Last year, however, Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Re-ligion inaugurated an Executive MA program (EMA) in Jewish Education, and Sue Huntting, RJE, the Religious School Director at Temple Sinai, was recently chosen to serve on its Clinical Faculty.

Over the next two years, twelve adult students will juggle their work and family responsibilities with a mix of individual learning, chevruta learn-ing (study with a partner), in-person summer classes, online classes, and study in Israel. It will be Sue’s responsi-bility to help the four students assigned to her make the connection between their learning and their work, guiding them to become more educationally

grounded and self-reflective about their practice.

Sue met her students in Cincin-nati at the beginning of the summer, and they will meet together individu-ally every month via Skype, and all together in a virtual classroom before seeing each other in person again in Los Angeles in Feb-ruary.

As a veteran educator, Sue relishes this new challenge. “I am so excited to see these students grow as Jewish edu-cators and to be part of their journey. The demands on them will be great, but the rewards will be even greater. I am honored to have been asked to serve on the EMA Clinical Faculty and am look-ing forward to my own learning along the way.”

Sue Huntting

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8A September 2012

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A Taste of Europe...........................4BAbrams Dermatology.....................7BAckerman, Barbara, REALTOR®..10AAJC (American Jewish Comm.)...24A Barnacle Bill’s Seafood..................9BBoard of Trade Sarasota...............10ACat Depot.....................................13ACenter for Sight............................12BChabad of Bradenton...................21AChabad of Sarasota........................6AChabad of Venice & North Port...21AChevra Kadisha............................27AClassifieds...................................10ACohen, Jennifer...............................2BComfort Keepers............................1ACongregation Aryeh Yehuda........19ACong. for Humanistic Judaism.......1BCongregation Kol HaNeshama....16ACongregation Ner Tamid................5ADuval’s New World Cafe..............18AThe Family Jeweler......................10AFifi’s of Lakewood Ranch............13BFresh Start Cafe............................10AGourmet A Go-Go........................11BGranston, Michael, REALTOR®...11BGreeting Card Outlet......................5AHadassah.....................................11BHelp at Home Homecare................8BHershorin, Dr. Laura.......................2AHomewood Suites..........................5BIsrael Bonds.................................10BJewish Congregation of Venice....11AJewish Museum of Florida............20AKamax - Instant Cash for Gold......12AKobernick Anchin..................12A,7BKosher Kaddy.................................8ALivstone, Dr. Elliot.........................7AManatee-Sarasota Eye Clinic.........5B

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The Israel on Campus Coalition selects Sarasotan Amanda Phillips for internship at Indiana UniversityPhillips will work to advance dialogue on Israel through activities, advocacy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Au-gust 1, 2012 – The Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC)

announced its selections for the 2012-2013 academic year internships, includ-ing Indiana University student Amanda Phillips of Sarasota, Florida. The internship program, which began in 2002, encourag-es student leaders to develop and implement creative and strategic initiatives to positively affect sentiment toward Israel on col-lege campuses.

Phillips is one of six ICC interns from Florida, and will receive a $1,500 scholarship/stipend for the year. Phillips is a sophomore majoring in Jewish Studies.

“ICC interns play a vital role on campuses throughout the nation, lead-ing a wide range of pro-Israel activities that serve their campuses and larger communities,” ICC Executive Direc-tor Steve Kuperberg said. “We place a considerable amount of trust in these

students, and their work today is vital to strengthening the campus Israel net-work and improving the perception of Israel. I have complete faith that this year’s interns are up to the task.”

As an active mem-ber of the Indiana University campus com-munity, Phillips is part of a national group of 45 interns from diverse backgrounds. Since the program’s founding 10 years ago, ICC has worked with 383 interns

on 99 campuses.Kuperberg called the interns “ICC’s

on the ground advocates,” saying that interns create substantial change by initiating dialogue, building genuine relationships, and conducting activi-ties that engage and educate the campus population.

Interns’ responsibilities include building relationships with campus decision makers, promoting a positive

Israel agenda, empowering their peers to become articulate Israel activists and taking creative risks in designing their campus initiatives. Their experience helps make them attractive candidates for graduate schools and professional positions, which is evidenced by prior interns who have excelled in a vari-ety of fields including law, business, government, the non-profit world, the Jewish community and the pro-Israel community.

For more information on the ICC, visit

Amanda Phillips

About Israel on Campus CoalitionThe ICC weaves and catalyzes the net-work of campus Israel supporters to promote a more positive environment regarding Israel on college campuses throughout the U.S. ICC works to em-power the network of national Israel supporters and to engage leaders at colleges and universities around issues affecting Israel. ICC offers information, resources, training and leadership op-portunities to the campus community and other supporters of Israel on cam-pus.

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JEWISH CONGREGATION OF VENICE (Independent)600 N. Auburn Road, Venice, FL 34292

Telephone:• 941.484.2022E-Mail:• [email protected] Website:• www.jewishcongregationofvenice.orgRabbi Daniel Krimsky•Cantor Marci Vitkus •

BBYO NORTH FLORIDA REGIONLeah Wapnitsky, Program Associate, 407.765.9234 or [email protected];

KOBERNICK ANCHINDarlene Arbeit, Chief Executive Officer Kenneth Stock, President, Jewish Housing Council Rabbi Barbara Aiello, Resident Rabbi 941.377.0781;

Please make note of the following updated listings to the directory that was published on page 7A in the August issue of The Jewish News:

Directory of Local Temples and Organizations

For lots of useful stuff, visit

Page 9: The Jewish News - September 2012

9A September 2012 9ASeptember 2012COMMUNITY FOCUS

Affiliated With The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

Something for Everyone at Temple Beth Sholom!

Men’s Club & Sisterhood•Daily Morning Minyan•Idelson Library’s Interesting Lives, •Book Reviews & Film SeriesContinuing Education Programs•Youth Groups•Israel Support Committee•Judaica Shop•Scholar in Residence Weekend•JTS Outreach Weekend•

Temple Beth Sholom941.955.8121

Temple Beth Sholom 1050 S. Tuttle AveSarasota, FL 34237

We wish everyone in the community a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Schedule of High Holiday Services

Temple Beth Sholom Schools – Home of: The Martin and Mildred Paver Religious School – 941-552-2780Justin Lee Wiesner Pre- School – 941-954-2027Goldie Feldman Academy K- 8 Grades – 941-552-2770

SELICHOT SERVICE (Open to the Public)Saturday, September 8

Dessert Reception - 8:00pm“The Hush of Midnight - An American Selichot Service”

by Charles Davidson - 9:00pm

CEMETERY VISITATION Sunday, September 9 - 10:00am

EREV ROSH HASHANAHSunday, September 16 - 7:30pm


Morning Service - 8:30amTashlich & Evening Service at Turtle Beach - 5:00pm

Schools & Office Closed


Morning Service - 8:30amEvening Service - 6:00pmSchools & Office Closed

KOL NIDRETuesday, September 25, 6:45pm

YOM KIPPURWednesday, September 26

Service - 8:30amYouth Programming K-7 - 9:00am-2:00pm

Community Yizkor - 3:00pmRabbi’s Forum - 5:00pm

Afternoon Service & Neilah - 6:00pmSchools & Office Closed

Tickets are REQUIREDPlease Call to Inquire

about High Holiday Tickets

Singing to make a differenceBy Sarah Ida Tedesco

Judaism is not only a religion but a thriving culture of artistic depth,” says Arlene Stolnitz, the founder

and co-manager of the Sarasota Jewish Chorale. The Chorale is a group of 30-plus talented vocalists who have joined

together in the hope of bringing awareness to the Sarasota-Man-atee area about Jewish culture. The Chorale and its major leaders believe that mu-sic is universal, and that this uni-

versal language is an excellent way to reach individuals of all ethnic and reli-gious backgrounds.

The Chorale performs all over the west Florida area, bringing joy to those they impress with their musical talent. The group sings regularly at several events sponsored by The Jewish Fed-eration of Sarasota-Manatee, and graciously accepts rehearsal space from this organization. Chorale singers meet on a weekly basis to practice their cul-tural tunes. The chorale has also per-formed at local temples and churches, area schools, retirement homes, and

“ youth shelters. The group has several individuals

who stand out, but three are particularly prominent in the leadership that makes this chorus different from all others – Arlene Stolnitz, Susan Skovronek and Martha Kesler. Arlene Stolnitz is the founder of the Chorale and is current-ly co-manager with Susan Skovronek. The Chorale has been in existence since 1999, but is thought of as a completely new organization that has grown both in size and Jewish identity. Martha Kesler, the Chorale’s conductor, works to con-tinue the growth that the group has ex-perienced. While she is not Jewish, she is one of the group’s strongest advocates in spreading Jewish culture.

The Chorale’s major goal is bring-ing awareness of lost Jewish culture to not just Jews of the area but to individu-als of all faiths and backgrounds. The Chorale visits churches and non-Jewish shelters, and welcomes interested sing-ers who do not identify with the Jewish faith to join the group.

In the spring of 2011, the chorus

sang at the Sarasota Military Academy to more than one hundred students at the school’s boxcar exhibit as part of its Holocaust education programming. The members’ voices appeared as angels as they sang solemn tunes commemorat-ing the loss of six million.

One performance that the leaders of the chorus spoke to me about took place at the Philippi Shore School. The Cho-rale conducts an annual concert in the institution’s gymnasium as part of the school’s international program. In the most recent performance, a young boy joined the singers on stage as he danced to a Jewish folk song with a smile on his face. Roni Riceberg, a member of the Chorale, is a teacher at the school and hopes to continue this event in the years to come.

The Chorale is not affiliated with any synagogue. The separation of this chorus from area temples has allowed the group to take on music that is not just religious but cultural. The group sings in a variety of languages and even includes folk songs in their repertoire, including folk songs in Ladino, the lan-guage of the Sephardic Jews in the Ibe-rian Peninsula.

Prior to joining the group, many of its members were not at all religious. After just a few months of being a part of the group, several singers have be-gun connecting to their faith and formed

Sarah Ida Tedesco

Sarasota Jewish Chorale update

A chance meeting at a college re-union was the impetus for the collaboration of the Sarasota

Jewish Chorale and Patricia Weil King.In October 2011, Arlene Stolnitz,

founder and current co-manager of the SJC, attended her 55th college reunion at the University of Rochester. While there, she met an old college friend, Pat Weil King, who had been a dorm-mate

when they were students back in the ’50s.

Pat, who was a music major at the Eastman School of Music, is an

accomplished pianist and published composer. She offered to write a piece of music for the Chorale. And voila!...the Chorale now has a new piece com-missioned for them which they will perform later in the current season.

Entitled Prayer of Joy and Peace, the music is based on the Hamsa Prayer. The hamsa is an ancient Middle Eastern amulet symbolizing the hand of God. In all faiths it is a protective sign bringing its owner happiness, luck, health and good fortune.

The words of the prayer are:Let no sadness come to this heart.Let no trouble come to these arms. Let no conflict come to these eyes.Let my soul be filled with the bless-ing of joy and peace.The Chorale looks forward to

presenting this inspiring piece to the Sarasota community in its Inaugural Presentation later this year.

New singers are always invit-ed to join us. Call Arlene Stolnitz at 941.492.6944 or Susan Skovronek at 941.355.8011.

bonds with the rich culture they sing about.

The Chorale is a friendly, spirited group that sings in the Sarasota-Man-atee community from October through April. The ability to read music is pref-erable, but not a necessity. People of all faiths and all voice parts are welcome. Members are eager to have new sing-ers join them in their mission of edu-cating the community about the Jewish culture.

If you are interested in joining the Sarasota Jewish Chorale, please call Arlene Stolnitz at 941.492.6944 or Susan Skovronek at 941.355.8011.

Patricia Weil King

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Page 10: The Jewish News - September 2012

10A September 2012 COMMUNITY FOCUS

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Parkinson Research Foundation and USF to open “Parkinson Place” in SarasotaOn September 5, the Parkinson

Research Foundation (PRF), a national nonprofit organization

focused on helping patients, caregiv-ers and families to live fuller lives with Parkinson’s disease, in conjunction with the University of South Florida (USF), will open a new, first-of-its-kind center in Sarasota.

Dubbed “Parkinson Place,” the cen-ter will offer a variety of education, em-powerment and participation programs for patients, caregivers and healthcare providers connected to the disease.

“There is no destination site like this anywhere,” said PRF Executive Direc-tor Marilyn Tait. “We have assembled the finest, evidence-based programs in a fun and positive environment where individuals with Parkinson’s can be proactive and engaged.”

There is no cure, but people with Parkinson’s are able to enhance their

quality of life through positive atti-tudes, lifestyle changes and individual-ized medical management.

“We have also partnered with USF to bring a fellowship-trained movement disorders specialist to Parkinson Place,” she added.

Juan Sanchez-Ramos, M.D., Ph.D., holds the Helen Ellis Endowed Chair for Parkinson’s disease research at USF. As Medical Director for the Parkinson Re-search Foundation, he will consult with patients at USF’s satellite clinic within Parkinson Place. Dr. Sanchez-Ramos will see patients, by appointment only, and offer free “Ask the Doctor” lunch and learn monthly programs.

“Parkinson Place brings together a nationally recognized movement disor-ders specialist, Dr. Sanchez-Ramos; the top regional Parkinson’s educator and advocate, Marilyn Tait; and the national resources of PRF to create a first-of-

its-kind destination for the Parkinson’s community,” said PRF Chairman Larry Hoffheimer. “Our center will lead the nation in delivering the latest evidence-based programs to the community, as well as studying the effects of various programs to contribute to the body of knowledge.”

Parkinson Place features a 2,000-square-foot auditorium for pro-grams, conferences and community events; an information resource center; and a lending room for durable medi-cal equipment. Programs offered will include dance, voice, music, yoga, nu-trition, meditation, ability-based exer-cise, art and humor therapies, as well as empowerment programs, individual and family counseling, social activities and special events.

For more information, visit or call 941.870.4438.

New local group announces community-wide High Holiday servicesA group of Sarasota Jews has

come together to create a local, community-wide, open door,

family-friendly experience.SRQ Jews Without Borders is a

diverse gathering of Jews in Sarasota-Manatee. Some are affiliated, some are not. Some are Reform, some are Conservative, and some are Orthodox. Some are families with school-age chil-dren, some are empty-nesters, some are recent retirees, and some are college students.

The individuals who make up SRQ Jews Without Borders believe the Jew-ish public should be able to worship at services that are affordable, high qual-ity, and open to all. To that end, SRQ Jews Without Borders offers all local Jews a communal, egalitarian experi-ence and an opportunity to live Jewishly

during the coming Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur holidays. Everyone is wel-come. This is the mission of SRQ Jews Without Borders, a Florida nonprofit corporation.Rabbi Shoshana Mitrani Knapp SRQ Jews Without Borders has en-gaged Rabbi Shoshana Mitrani Knapp (a Jewish Theological Seminary-trained rabbi from Chappaqua, New York) to lead an intimate, spiritually uplifting and thoughtful set of services.

Rav Shoshana has close to ten years’ experience leading High Holiday services, most recently as an Assistant Rabbi at an 850-member Conservative congregation in New City, New York. Her full range of rabbinic responsibili-ties there included leading daily and weekly services, teaching, sermonizing, conducting life cycle events, and lead-

ing the Family High Holiday Services for 500-plus congregants.

Rav Shoshana is also a Hospice Chaplain, Melton teacher, and the win-ner of the Jewish Theological Semi-nary’s Levinthal Prize for outstanding sermonizing.

One of Rav Shoshana’s gifts is her willingness to do things in new and exciting ways to create sacred space. She is working with us to create an ex-perience that moves us spiritually and intellectually.

To learn more about SRQ Jews Without Borders, call 941.373.3876 or visit

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Page 11: The Jewish News - September 2012

11A September 2012 11ASeptember 2012COMMUNITY FOCUS

Jewish Genealogical Society of Southwest Florida wins international award

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Since 1999, the International Jewish Genealogy Month has honored our Jewish ancestors

through the pursuit of Jewish fam-ily history research. The International Jewish Genealogy Month is celebrated during the Hebrew month of Cheshvan. For 2012, the civil dates are October 17 to November 14.

The 70 Jewish Genealogical So-cieties from around the world submit entries each year for the International Jewish Genealogy Month poster con-test. This year, the committee of eight judges were ecstatic and challenged with the high-quality submissions. The Jewish Genealogical Society of South-west Florida submitted several entries, one of which was a finalist and another was the overall winner. Sandy Chase’s poster was one of the finalists. The post-er by Lynn Teichman and Tuvia Natkin was the overall winner.

In July, the winning poster was announced and showcased at the In-ternational Association of Jewish Ge-nealogical Societies in Paris, France. Lynn Teichman and Tuvia Natkin, an artist and writer team, are thrilled to have their poster chosen for the Interna-tional Jewish Genealogy Month.

Lynn comes from a background of the arts and education. Throughout her career, she has created logos and graphics for non-profits, taught Indus-

trial Arts Education and received grants as an Artist-in-Residence. In her spare time she serves as a volunteer mentor in public schools. “It’s a wonderful feel-ing,” she writes, “to search and find the facts of our history.”

Tuvia’s career in Jewish education includes many years as a writer and translator. After graduating from the

Eastman School of Music, his career in music led to journalism and advertising, and a move to Israel for further studies. Looking back to family roots in Russia and finding rabbis and Yiddish novelists sparked his interest in genealogy and a realization that discovering one’s past plays a vital role in educating a new generation.

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Southwest Florida was founded in Sara-sota in 1996 by Lorraine Greyson and now includes over 50 members from Canada and the United States. The JGS of SWFL presents innovative monthly programs from November through May with guest lecturers from a variety of disciplines. JGS members have access to over 100 genealogy reference books and receive quarterly newsletters.

For more information, visit or call JGS President Kim Sheintal at 941.302.1433.Tuvia Natkin and Lynn Teichman

International Jewish Genealogy Month winning poster

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Page 12: The Jewish News - September 2012

12A September 2012 COMMUNITY FOCUS

Jewish Housing Council Foundation Board and Housing Council Board welcome new membersThe Sarasota-Manatee Jewish

Housing Council Foundation Board welcomes three new

members to its ranks: Scott Anderson, Sheila Birnbaum and Ed Rosenthal.

Scott Anderson, who has been a member of the Jewish Housing Coun-

cil Board since Janu-ary 2012, is making a move to the Founda-tion. He is currently Senior Philanthropic Advisor for the Gulf Coast Community Foundation, where

he has worked since 2007. In his role at Gulf Coast, he works with community philanthropists and their professional advisors to create charitable gifts that benefit the causes and organizations these donors care about. Prior to that he was senior account executive for

Herald-Tribune Media Group, where he helped launch the Custom Publications Department.

Sheila Birnbaum, a member of the Jewish Housing Council Board since

2007, now serves on the Founda-tion Board as well. Professionally, she has worked all her career as a patient advocate, most re-cently at Robert

Wood Johnson University Hospital in Hamilton, New Jersey. Her advocacy programs helped the hospital win the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. After her retirement, she continued to serve on its Foundation Board. She received the Francis Black Humanitarian Award and also wrote a series of monthly patient advocacy col-

umns that have been published in the hospital’s patient guide book.

Ed Rosenthal is currently Chair of the Board of Flori-kan Corporations, which he founded in 1982. A scientist, he holds two pat-ents for the inven-tion of a polymer controlled release

fertilizer, which is recognized as a tech-nology for a sustainable environment. He has received five environmental sus-tainability leadership awards, six state and local awards for ethical business practice, and two national awards for product innovation and technology. He is also chair of the Go Green committee at Temple Beth Sholom, and is founder and president of Advocate Precaution-ary Principle, an environmental citizens group committed to reducing children’s exposure to potentially harmful pesti-cides and solvents.

Foundation Board officers for this year have also been named: Gerard Levinson, President; Ed Rosenthal, Vice President; Al Wolfson, Secretary/Treasurer; and Larry Haspel, Immedi-ate Past President.Jewish Housing Council names Martin Marcus to its boardThe Jewish Housing Council also wel-comed Martin Marcus to its Board of Directors. Mr. Marcus, a resident of both Longboat Key and Moreland Hills, Ohio, joined the Council Board last month. Most recently he served as president of Medical Records Corpo-ration in Cleveland, Ohio. Currently a member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland, he also serves on the board of the Salvation Army there. He is an honorary member of the board of the Cleveland Jewish News and a life trustee of the board and a treasurer of the Foundation for Meno-rah Park Center for Senior Living.Israel



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Page 13: The Jewish News - September 2012

13A September 2012 13ASeptember 2012COMMUNITY FOCUS

Twelve days in the Holy LandBy David Abolafia

Ringling College Hillel announces new Hebrew Calendar ProjectBy Rabbi Ed Rosenthal, Ringling College Campus Rabbi and Executive Director of Hillels of the Florida Suncoast

Last semester, a group of stu-dents at Ringling College of Art and Design began researching a

project to create an original Jewish art calendar. Thanks to the generosity of Landmark Residential Properties, and under the leadership of Yael Camp-bell, Professor of Graphic and Motion Design, and Ringling College of Art and Design, the students have created a 12-month wall calendar based on the theme “Jewish Astrology: Reclaiming Our Lost Tradition.”

Each student spent a significant amount of time learning traditional texts with me about what, in Hebrew, is called “Galgal HaMazalot” or the signs of the Zodiac. According to Jewish tra-dition, astrology and the signs of the Zodiac are first mentioned in Sefer Yetz-irah, which is one of the oldest books in the Jewish tradition.

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Students were assigned a month to research and then create an origi-nal piece of art based upon what they learned. Each of the student creations is unique. Beyond that it is created by students, the calendar is unlike other Jewish calendars because of its unique educational design and how it incor-porates both the Gregorian and the Hebrew dates.

The calendar can be purchased from Ringling College Hillel for $36. The proceeds from the calendar sales will help fund future projects at Ringling College of Art and Design and promote the creation of new Judaic art including Hillel’s Judaic Art Scholarship Compe-tition at Ringling College in the fall.

To order a copy of the Ringling College Jewish calendar and to support the efforts of Ringling College Hillel, please contact Linda Wolf, Suncoast Hillels assistant director, at [email protected] or 813.899.2788.

For more information about Sun-coast Hillels, visit Ringling College Hillel is part of the Hillels of the Florida Suncoast orga-nization and is a beneficiary agency of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.

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For most practicing Jews, taking a trip to Israel is an automatic item on their “bucket list.” This

summer, however, Rabbis Brenner and Elaine Glickman of Temple Emanu-El in Sarasota gave a group of people the chance to check off that item, leading a contingent of congregants to the Holy

Land for a 12-day trip of a lifetime.Among the highlights were:A stop at Independence Hall, where ÎIsrael declared its sovereign state-hood in 1948Joining in an archeological dig in Îthe Beit Guvrin regionVisiting Mevaseret Zion, an Ethio- Îpian absorption center supported by The Jewish Federation of Saraso-ta-Manatee, where travelers heard the stories and challenges of Ethio-pian Jews finding their place in the Israeli mosaicExploration of the Western Wall ÎtunnelsCollecting fruits and vegetables for Îthe Israeli needy, and planting trees in a JNF forestDiscovering the Dead Sea area, Îincluding the Qumran Caves and Masada, and floating in the Dead Sea

Each of the travelers came away with his/her own unforgettable experi-ences.

“There is a lot of talk about Jewish settlements in the West Bank, and we saw some, but we also saw many Arab settlements in Israel which seemed to be fully accepted and able to coexist with their Jewish neighbors,” said temple member Howard Goldberg.

The positive response to this ad-venture was overwhelming, with group members anxiously awaiting the possi-bility of a return trip.

(Back row) Irv Broh, Sybil Broh, Howard Gold-berg, (front row) Sandy Schneiderman, Harriet

Goldstein, Cookie Rosenbloom and Rabbi Elaine Rose Glickman visit the Project Leket vegetable field to pick tomatoes for hungry families in Israel

Rabbi Brenner Glickman and temple members say Shehecheyanu at the Western Wall

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Page 14: The Jewish News - September 2012

14A September 2012 COMMUNITY FOCUS

The Jewish FederationThe Strength of A PeoPle.

Women’s Day

Embracing our diffErEncEs

ExpEriEncing Judaism through: LocaL Programming

providing LocaL & intErnationaL support: VuLnerabLe PoPuLaTions

Page 15: The Jewish News - September 2012

15A September 2012 15ASeptember 2012COMMUNITY FOCUS

of Sarasota-ManateeThe POWER of communiTy.

ExpEriEncing Judaism & Building JEwish idEntity: JewiSh Youth

ExpEriEncing Judaism & Building JEwish idEntity: Young AdultS + next gen

Page 16: The Jewish News - September 2012

16A September 2012 JEWISH INTEREST

A true story of obsession, faith, and the pursuit of an ancient BibleBy Philip K. Jason, Special to The Jewish News

The Aleppo Codex, by Matti Friedman.

Algonquin. 320 pages. $24.95.

This brilliant piece of investiga-tive reporting traces the origins, travels and controversies sur-

rounding a bound, parchment manu-script know as the Aleppo Codex (or the

Aleppo Crown). This manuscript is valued as the most authoritative text of the Hebrew Bible. It was writ-ten to be the stan-dard against which later versions of these scriptures were tested. Cre-

ated about 930 C.E. in Tiberias, it was meant to insure that the Jewish commu-nities of the Diaspora were studying the same text – the same stories, chronicles, prophecies and laws – word by word and letter by letter.

Compiled by the scholar Aaron Ben-Asher and scribed by Shlomo Ben Buya’a, the Crown was, and perhaps still is, the ultimate book of the People of the Book.

It got around. First safeguarded in a Jerusalem

synagogue, the Crown was taken by Frankish Crusaders during the Sack of Jerusalem in 1099. Through an ex-

citing series of events that Friedman traces with skill and grace, it ended up in Fustat (now part of Cairo), where it was safeguarded by the sizeable Jewish community there. Next, it came under the purview of the great Jewish phi-losopher Maimonides, who drew upon it in the writing of his magnum opus, the Mishneh Torah. Spanish by birth, Maimonides became an influential courtier and physician in Cairo. After Maimonides’ death in 1204, the Crown remained with his descendants until his great-great-great grandson brought it (and other important books) to Aleppo, Syria, in the late 14th century.

There it remained “for six hun-dred years, until the Jews in the land of Islam – the world of Maimonides – dis-appeared.”

I should make clear that one of the strengths of Friedman’s book is that he avoids organizing by the strict chronology that I’ve been employing. Rather, he moves back and forth, juxtaposing an-cient pieces of the story with mod-ern and even contemporary ones, allowing them to interact with one another. He really has two major stories to tell: one is the history and importance of the Codex, the other is the story of his investigation, which peels back layers of ignorance, obfus-cation and raw deceit. One story cov-ers a millennium, the other covers a few

years. It’s hard to tell, sometimes, which story is wrapped around which. We are offered an intri-cate, satisfying weave.

The fulcrum on the broad timeline is 1947, when the de-ceits that Friedman exposes begin and when the Crown is moved from Aleppo back to Jerusalem.

Friedman meticulously lays out how the Crown survives the Muslim-Arab attacks on Aleppo’s synagogue after the United Nation’s vote to usher modern Israel into being. He then traces the hands it passed through, its interval in Turkey, and its delivery to the au-thorities in Jerusalem. Clearly enough, for the nascent Israeli government, the Crown represents part of the nation-

building enterprise. Its connection to Jerusa-lem and Tiberias are, symbolically at least, part of the Jewish claim to the land.

However, once in the hands of the Ben-Tzvi Institute, it seems as though this treasure is sometimes neglected, and at oth-

er times purposely made inaccessible. Questions about its condition arise that do not receive convincing answers.

Huge sections (in-cluding most of the Five Books of Moses) are found to be missing, but just when did these leaves disappear? During the attacks on the synagogue

before the Crown left Aleppo? While in Turkey?

In exploring this dilemma, Fried-man encounters a conspiracy of silence. Useful facts are few, though there is some finger-pointing. Slowly, patiently, Matti Friedman presses his investiga-tion forward. Eventually, he comes to a conclusion that is consistent with all the evidence he has gathered, including the personalities and opportunities of the principal players.

Friedman’s book is subtitled “A True Story of Obsession, Faith, and the Pursuit of an Ancient Bible.” It delivers on all those ingredients and more as the author orchestrates his materials into a fine, suspenseful symphony of detec-tion and revelation.Philip K. Jason is Professor Emeritus of English from the United States Naval Academy. He reviews regularly for the Naples edition of Florida Weekly and for Fort Myers Magazine. Visit Phil’s web-site at

Matti Friedman

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Page 17: The Jewish News - September 2012

17A September 2012 17ASeptember 2012JEWISH INTEREST

Stars of DavidBy Nate Bloom, Contributing ColumnistEditor’s note: Persons in BOLD CAPS are deemed by Nate Bloom to be Jewish for the purpose of the column. Persons identified as Jewish have at least one Jew-ish parent and were not raised in a faith other than Judaism – and don’t identify with a faith other than Judaism as an adult. Converts to Judaism, of course, are also identified as Jewish.

Ten years of doing a Jewish celebrities column has turned Nate Bloom (see column at left) into something of an expert on finding basic family history records and articles mentioning a “searched-for” person.During these 10 years, he has put together a small team of “mavens” who aid his research. Most professional family history experts charge at least $1,000 for a full family tree. However, many people just want to get “started” by tracing one particular family branch.

So here’s the deal: Send Nate an email at [email protected],

tell him you saw this ad in The Jewish News, and include your phone number (area code, too).

Nate will then contact you about doing a “limited” family history for you at a modest cost

(no more than $100). No upfront payment.

Interested in Your Family’s History?

Olympic Round-UpFour “confirmed” Jewish athletes were medal winners. New Zealand sailor JO ALEH, 26, won a gold medal captain-ing a two-woman 470 class dinghy. The daughter of a New Zealand Jew-ish mother and an Israeli Jewish father, Aleh has half-siblings in Israel. Ameri-can swimmer JASON LEZAK, 36, won silver in the 4x100 relay. This is on top of six medals, including four golds, he won in prior Games. Lezak belongs to a Los Angeles synagogue. The oth-er medal winners were gymnast ALY RAISMAN (see below) and Aussie JESSICA FOX, 18, who won silver in the one-woman kayak.

Fox’s non-Jewish British father, Richard Fox, and her French Jewish mother, MYRIAM JERUSALMI-FOX, 51, were both top kayakers. Myriam won the Olympic bronze in 1996 in the same event as Jessica. Richard, Myriam and Jessica (then just 5 years old) moved to Australia in 1999 after Richard was made head of the Aussie national kayak team. Last week, Myriam spoke to Ha’aretz, the Israeli newspaper, and recalled compet-ing in the 1997 Maccabiah Games. She added that she has several cousins in Israel and she hopes to bring her whole family to Israel and visit these rela-tives.

Athletes who didn’t medal include U.S. “Star class” sailor and lifelong St. Petersburg, Florida resident MARK MENDELBLATT, 39 (he and his partner finished in 7th place); Ameri-can fencer SOREN THOMPSON,

31; breaststroke specialist SARAH POEWE, 29, who swims for Germany and won a bronze in 2004; DAVID BANKS, 29, a member of the U.S. eight-man oar boat team that finished 4th; VASYL FEDORSHYN, 32, a Ukrainian Jew, and a 2008 silver medal winner, who made it to the quarter-finals of the 60KG freestyle wrestling competition in 2012; American swim-mer ANTHONY ERVIN, 31 (5th in the 50M freestyle); MERRILL MOSES, 34, the U.S. water polo team goalie. In 2008 he won a team silver; in 2012, the U.S. finished 7th; and Australian STEVE SOLOMON, 19, who ran a personal best to make the finals of the 400M sprint, plans to attend Stanford Univ. this fall on an athletic scholarship and eventually follow his physician father into medicine.

I’m still trying to learn more about New Zealander Nathan Cohen (gold in the two-man sculls). Also: American breaststroke swimmer Rebecca Soni, 25, who won multiple medals in 2008 and 2012, was the subject of a recent piece in the Israeli paper, Ma’ariv, which implied that her father, Peter Soni, who has cousins in Israel, is Jew-ish. A friend contacted Peter and he said that his father, a Holocaust survi-vor, was Jewish. But his mother wasn’t Jewish. Peter’s wife, Rebecca’s mother, also isn’t Jewish.Raisman’s Rabbi SpeaksThe Jewish heroine of the games is, of course, gymnast ALY RAISMAN, 17, who won a team gold, an individual gold in the floor exercise competition,

and an individual bronze on the balance beam. Raisman performed her floor ex-ercise routines to the tune of Hava Nag-ila and, after winning her gold medal, said she had been in favor of a moment of silence for the Israeli athletes mur-dered 40 years ago. Her family rabbi, KEITH STERN, spoke to the New York Post recently and said, in part, “She’s very proud and upfront about be-ing Jewish. Neither she nor her family explicitly sought to send a message. But it shows how very integrated her Jewish heritage is in everything that she does…she’s a sister-type who is a mother hen to all her younger siblings…I can’t wait to have her at the temple to talk about her experience…I know her sister’s bat mitzvah is coming up, so maybe I’ll catch up with her then.”Reality Meets the MilitaryStars Earn Stripes is a reality/compe-tition series which premiered on NBC August 13 (new episodes Mondays at

8:00 p.m). Eight celebs (including Todd Palin and actor Dean Cain) execute complicated missions inspired by real military exercises (like a helicopter drop into the water). Each celeb is paired in a two-person team with an elite military veteran and all the celebs are compet-ing to win money for a military/veteran-related charity. The show is co-hosted by Gen. Wesley Clark, 67, the former NATO commander, and SAMANTHA HARRIS, 38, the former co-host of Dancing with the Stars. Harris, who was a bat mitzvah, now has two young daughters with her (Jewish) husband, MICHAEL HESS.

Gen. Clark, now a Catholic, is the son of a Jewish father and a Method-ist mother. His father died when he was very young and he didn’t know that his father was Jewish until he was a teen. He then sought out his Jewish relatives and remains close to some of them.

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Page 18: The Jewish News - September 2012

18A September 2012 JEWISH INTEREST

New York Jews: The five and a half tribesBy Scott A. Shay, Chairman, Jewish Community Study of New YorkImportant connotations for overall American Jewish trends

According to Jewish tradition, the Jewish people originally consisted of twelve tribes, each

descended from one of Jacob’s sons. The Assyrian empire exiled 10 of these tribes about 2,800 years ago. The new-ly released Jewish Community Study of New York (JCSNY), sponsored by UJA-Federation of New York, indicates a new twist in Jewish history. While the study identified many demographic pat-terns, my reading of its findings is that New York Jewry (with important con-notations for overall American Jewish trends) now consists of five and a half distinct tribes. This new tribal align-ment has far reaching implications for the face of American Jewry, Jewish engagement and Jewish communal re-sponsibility.

Looking at this new alignment, the first tribe is the Engaged non-Ortho-

dox Jews. With a substantial percentage of adult Jews at 30 percent, but only 25 percent of the children, this group con-sists largely of Jews with affiliations to the Reform and Conservative move-ments, ties to Jewish organizations ranging from AIPAC to J Street, and of-ten correlates with high levels of secular education and income. This group used to be thought of by most as “American Jewry” and set its agenda. However, to-day, despite its many achievements, it is aging and its institutions, both religious and secular, are struggling. Each of the Reform and Conservative movements lost about 40,000 members in the New York area in the last decade. The Amer-ican Jewish Congress, once a voice of American Jewry, closed down, unable to appeal to a broader constituency. The question for this tribe is whether current institutions can inspire a renewal and

tribal growth, or whether they should down-size their organizational infra-structure.

The second tribe is the Less En-gaged Jews. At 25 percent of the Jewish population, of which a disproportionate number are young, this tribe is made up of two groups: intermarried families that are not raising their children as Jewish and of a broad gamut of Jews who just are not into being Jewish. This tribe has similarly high rates of secular educa-tion and income as other non-Orthodox Jews and participates in a large range of community initiatives in American so-ciety at large. It does not, however, have strong ties to Jewish institutions, Jewish communities or Jewish causes. Rather, Less Engaged Jews maintain their teth-er line to the Jewish people through the internet and cultural activities that are Jewish but involve non-Jews as well (think Matisyahu concerts or Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Days, etc.). The question for this tribe is will they stay Jewish and, if so, how?

The third tribe is the Haredi Jews, which include Hassidic groups and Jews affiliated with yeshivot (cen-ters for advanced, traditional Talmudic learning). At 22 percent of the individu-als and almost half of all Jewish chil-dren, this group is the fastest growing American Jewish tribe. The Haredi tribe is by definition Jewishly engaged, and has achieved its goal of rebuilding Jewish institutions, especially yeshivot, and replenishing their numbers after the Holocaust. While some Haredi com-munities like Chabad have been very active in community-wide initiatives, others inside the Haredi tribe lack the desire, skills and financial resources to engage outside of their own group. In the New York Hassidic communities, just 13 percent of adults have earned a college degree, two thirds of households earn less than $50,000, and 63 percent are poor or near poor. The question for this tribe is will they disengage totally from the other Jewish tribes or will they

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Page 19: The Jewish News - September 2012

19A September 2012 19ASeptember 2012JEWISH INTEREST

strike a balance between tribal identity and broader community involvement?

The fourth tribe is the Russian-speaking Jews which accounts for 14 percent of the New York Jews. While the Russian-speaking tribe is decid-edly secular – only a small minority affiliates with any religious movement of Judaism – it identifies very strongly with the Jewish people. Intermarriage is rare, affinity for Israel is high, and social engagement within the Jewish world is almost double that of other non-Ortho-dox Jews. Other Jewish groups, such as the early secular Zionists, in the past have divorced being ethnically Jew-ish from the practice of Judaism as a religion. The question for this tribe is whether their cultural Jewish identifica-tion will keep them connected to other Jews.

The fifth tribe is the Modern Orthodox Jews. This tribe comprises about 10 percent of New York Jews and 12 percent of its children. Previous studies often considered the Modern Orthodox and the Haredi as part of the same tribe, based on orthodox religious affiliation and commitment to Jewish education. However, their differences are substantial. Modern Orthodox Jews have achieved their goal of combining tradition and modernity: their Jewish engagement is both more intense than non-Orthodox Jews and more diverse than all the other tribes, while they demonstrate levels of secular education, income and participation in the labor market that are barely distinguishable from the non-Orthodox population. The question for this tribe is whether it will use its extensive engagement and ties to different Jews to forge a link between the different tribes.

Finally, the “half tribe” in Ameri-can Jewry is quite a surprise. 5 percent

of people who identified as Jewish in the study for whom neither parent was Jewish and never underwent a formal conversion (an additional 2 percent did complete a conversion). The study care-fully excluded Messianic Jews. Among the answers we found for people in this group were, “My ex-wife and children are Jewish so I consider myself Jew-ish,” or “my friends are mostly Jewish, I keep kosher and I give to Jewish chari-ties.” What is most astounding about this statistic is its implication. Whereas after World War II, Jews faced discrimi-nation by colleges and employers, today Jews are such a well-regarded group that 77,000 New Yorkers have chosen to identify themselves as such.

While there are those who might respond to the results of this study with anxiety, that is not the conclusion I would draw. For the Engaged non-Orthodox this is a wake-up call, and wake-up calls can be useful. For the Less Engaged American Jews there is good news too. We now have a treasure trove of information about which initia-tives are meaningful for this group and which are not. For example, we do a pretty good job as a community of the first step of “outreach,” that is, welcom-ing all Jews, but a worse job at engaging those who tentatively “try out” Jewish activities. So it is time to move away from “welcoming” as an outreach focus toward true engagement.

We know affiliation creates con-nections with the Jewish community as a whole and leads to more investment in Jewish education, support for Israel, and giving to Jewish as well as Ameri-can causes. We understand that we need to re-double our efforts to make supple-mental schools effective, to make Jew-ishly-oriented camping commonplace for young Jews, and to work so that

that two teen or young adult peer trips to Israel become the gold standard for American Jewry.

For the Russian Jews, we can say with pride that the second-generation continues to be involved in Jewish community initiatives. For the Haredi, there is a model of strong tribal identity and broader community involvement that they can follow, namely the Cha-bad movement. Finally, for the Modern Orthodox, we have learned that they have taken strong community-wide leadership and have the skills to provide the glue for keeping different tribes to-gether.

We have always been a communi-ty of tribes. When the twelve tribes of Israel camped in the wilderness, each camp separately aligned by the iden-tity of their traditional matriarch, Leah, Rachel, Billah and Zilpa. These tribes all had very different tribal personali-ties, yet when the non-Jewish prophet Balaam looked out at them, he famous-ly said, “How goodly are your tents, O

Jacob, your dwellings O Israel (Num-bers 24:6). Jews have long practiced unity through diversity. Each group has had an important contribution to make.

Despite the current divisions of American Jewry, there is no doubt that Jews maintain the ability to act in unity when there is a compelling need. Although it may seem like ancient his-tory, this year marks just the 25th an-niversary of the massive Soviet Jewry rally in Washington D.C., attended by all sectors of American Jewry that hastened the fall of the Iron Curtain. The rally demonstrated that American Jews can set aside their differences to make change happen. It is my fervent hope that American Jewry once again harnesses that capacity in the current challenging geo-political and social environment to again be “a light unto the nations.” If we do so, it will be beautiful to gaze upon.Scott A. Shay is author of Getting Our Groove Back: How to Energize Ameri-can Jewry.

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100 years of the (Jewish) Girl Scouts

Who knew the first commer-cially produced Girl Scout cookies were oatmeal and

the creation of a Jewish bakery in Savannah, Georgia?

The recipe and 1936 bill of sale for 7,500 dozen cookies from the old Gottlieb’s Bakery provide just a taste of a yearlong exhibit at Savannah’s Congregation Mickve Israel ( celebrating the cen-tennial of the Girl Scouts, founded in the city by Juliette Gordon Low.

“The Girl Scouts – In the Begin-ning We Were There” tells the story

of 100 years of Jewish participation in the Scouts. Three of the first five troop leaders belonged to Mickve Israel, ac-cording to research editor Jane Kahn. Two nonagenarians who were early scouts are still active members of the 279-year-old Mickve Israel – the third-oldest synagogue in the United States, located blocks from the Girl Scouts’ birthplace.

“We are a congregation that enjoys a lot of tourists,” says Carol M. Tow-bin Greenberg, who helped curate the exhibit.Source: Hadassah Magazine

Page 20: The Jewish News - September 2012

20A September 2012 JEWISH INTEREST


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What is my first language: Hebrew or English?By Tomer Nissan

In reality, what is language? Is it a mix of unique noises and sounds, each with special meaning, or could

it be the only set of guidelines that each group of society uses to communicate?

The answer to this question differs among each per-son. As language further develops through time, it will continue to grasp the soul of its listeners and ask the question: Who am I?

Language is deeply intertwined with my past and takes me directly back to my childhood. Both of my parents were born in Israel and spent most of their lives living in the Jewish people’s homeland. They came to the United States about twenty years ago for a honeymoon. My father got a job offer in the States and, as a result, my family decided to stay. My parents’ first language is Hebrew (a strange mix of sounds indeed) and they did not learn to speak English fluently until moving to the U.S.

Growing up, my mother taught me Hebrew in the home, as I learned English at school. As a result, my first language was in fact both Hebrew and

English. During school I would get con-fused at times regarding Hebrew and English translation. This prompted my teachers to think, “How in the world is this possible!” I recall one day in el-ementary school we were learning for-mal greeting words and how to properly use them. The word “hello” came up. In English, the word “hello,” regardless of the context, is the word you say to someone when first greeting them, but in Hebrew that is not the case at all. The Hebrew word for hello is “shalom,” but shalom also means goodbye and peace. In the Hebrew language, the word sha-lom is contextual and varies depending on the sentence. I will always remember raising my hand and asking the ques-tion, “Can hello also mean goodbye?”

The speech my parents and I used at home could be considered its own language. When we conversed we use a variety of English words mixed with Hebrew. Our family’s strange mix of the spoken language would even leave fa-mous linguist Daniel Jurafsky scratch-ing his head. When I spoke, I would use English when I didn’t know the correct context for a Hebrew word. My parents understood my strange combination of the Hebrew and English language, but my extended family in Israel found it farfetched. My Israeli relatives always laugh about my combined use of He-

brew and English words. They also found my strong English accent when speaking Hebrew to be very funny. Their reactions validate the fact that my family’s language situation is extraordi-nary.

When my family would laugh at my verbalization issues I would always laugh along, but inside it bothered me immensely. Imagine trying to commu-nicate with a language you are supposed to know and not being able to con-vey your point correctly. To me it was heart-wrenching. I can recall faltering with words, both English and Hebrew, and lying awake at night repeating the correct way to say my error. It wasn’t until around middle school until I fully learned how to speak both English and Hebrew fluently and correctly.

Looking back at my academic ca-reer, I can clearly see the evolution of my linguistics, but as a student I found it hard to witness my own progress. As the years went on and middle school came to an end, my family and I were amazed by my writing, reading and ver-bal linguistic skills. When my teacher handed back writing assignments, I would listen to the collection of excuses coming from students around the class-room. The comments ranged from “Oh the directions weren’t clear!” to “The prompt was lame.” As my fellow class-mates bantered, I would peer down at my paper and see the big circled A. I was finally at peace with myself.

School started becoming easier not only in English, but in classes of all sub-jects as well. I was finally able to read and comprehend material, sometimes even better than the other students. Al-though I was making remarkable steps, my age and immaturity stopped me from fully understanding the power of language.

During my sophomore year in high school my improvements became appar-ent to me. In school we were studying about Martin Luther King Jr., a peaceful man who used the power of words to solidify his arguments. As a teenager, I strongly felt that no one could succeed

with just words. As my high school course proceeded, my thought process began to change. I became mesmerized by the capabilities that language offers. I saw how speech could sway the feel-ings and actions of a whole race, and how it forced higher authority to react. I was stunned, and wanted to have the same ability. At the end of the course I realized the big picture. From then on, English became my favorite subject.

Throughout my years in high school I loved reading and writing, but I was also very involved with sports and had many friends. My other engagements did not let me fully embrace my love of English, but at night, I would dive into my bed and drown myself in the world of the current book I was reading. I would rise above my fellow students during writing assignments and pass standardized tests with ease. However, I never took it upon myself to truly fur-ther my skills.

During my early years in high school I would take the short way out and only did what was told of me. It was not until my senior year that I fi-nally started showing both my teachers and peers my true skills. I have to give a large portion of credit to my teacher Mrs. Soyars, who gave me the edge to develop my literary skills. Mrs. Soyars had a way of teaching that spoke di-rectly to me. Without the help of Mrs. Soyars I do not believe that I would be where I am today.

Throughout my life I have had both ups and downs. Life is a journey, a never-ending process of growth. My aspirations are to go to law school and become either a criminal or business lawyer. I have researched the field of law and realized that becoming a lawyer consists primarily of reading and writ-ing. As it turns out, both of those are my true passions. I am now in my first year of college and have chosen English as my major. I believe that my struggles in the past have brought me to this point. My language, family and teachers are all incorporated into who I am now. So I ask myself: Who am I?

Tomer Nissan

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Page 21: The Jewish News - September 2012

21A September 2012 21ASeptember 2012JEWISH INTEREST

Rosh Hashanah – reflection on a wordBy Dr. Rachel Zohar Dulin

Join us for traditional High Holiday services blended with contemporary messages in a warm and welcoming environment.

The High Holiday prayers include beautiful melodies and insights, leaving you enriched and uplifted, ready to start off the new Jewish year

in a most meaningful way.

No prior knowledge is required, we’ll provide you with a Hebrew/English prayer book and keep a running commentary so you can keep up.

We do not require membership, Services are open to all regardless of affiliation or background. There is no charge for seats.

We depend on your donations to provide this unique community service. To Reserve your seats & info, call Chabad of Venice: 941-493-2770

COMMUNITY-ROSH HASHANA FOUR COURSE DINNER- Sun SEP 16 at 6:30pm. Adult: $30, Children: $15 RSVP required

Rosh Hashana Services at: Chabad Jewish Center

2169 S.Tamiami Trail, Venice Rosh Hashanah

Sun. Sep.16 - 6:00pm Mon. Sep.17 - 9:30am Tue Sep.18 - 9:30am

Shofar Blowing both days 12:00pm Kiddush & Tashlich Service follow Service

Yom Kippur Services at: The Best Western Hotel

400 Commercial Ct Venice Yom Kippur

Tue. Sep. 25 Kol Nidrei: 7:00pm Wed. Sep. 26 Shacharit 9:30am

Yizkor: 12:30pm Yizkor #2: 5:00pm Mincha: 5:30 pm Neilah: 6:30pm

Followed by Shofar and Break the fast Buffet 

Shanah Tovah!  Send free e‐cards click: 

Ke-zohar HaIvrit

This is a corner set for reflection, a pause, to think b’Ivrit. Hebrew, Ivrit, the language of our people,

defines us historically, culturally and nationally. It is the only language in the world which survived the test of time. It was spoken in the streets of biblical Israel and Judea. It became the literary language of Jews for centuries and re-emerged in the last 200 years as a spo-ken and literary language of our nation to be heard again in the streets of the modern State of Israel. In this column we will pause to explore words, roots and their meaning in order to com-prehend the Hebrew concepts we use. Since the new Jewish year is at our door, let us start with a glimpse at the Jewish calendar and examine the words Rosh Hashanah.

When we say Rosh Hashanah (lit-erally ‘the head of the year’), most peo-ple think of one holiday, the one which marks the beginning of the Jewish year. However, prior to the return from Baby-lon, the Hebrew year began at spring-time and the first month of the biblical calendar was Nissan. Tishrei, the month we celebrate the beginning of the year was the seventh of the biblical calendar and was called Eitanim. And, Rosh Ha-shanah, as we know it, did not exist at all. As a matter of fact, Rosh Hashanah

was mentioned only once in the Bible, with no connection to the rotation of the years (Ezk 40:1).

It is puzzling how the seventh month of the biblical year became the first month of the Jewish calendar in post-biblical times. And, why is it named Tishrei, a word not even found in the Bible? The answer is complex. Suffice it to say that the exile to Babylon and life outside the Land of Israel had a ma-jor impact on the traditions of old. Upon returning from Babylon, a few changes occurred in the calendar. First, our an-cestors renamed the months of the cal-endar. Months that in biblical time were numbered received names. Months that echoed old pagan memories received new names based upon contemporary experiences. So, originally, Eitanim was the name of the seventh month marking the autumn season when the cycle of agricultural celebrations took place (I Kgs 8:2). Special days like Yom T’ruah, Yom Kippur, Sh’mini Atzeret, and the major festival of Sukkot were all celebrated during the festivities of this month (Lev 23:34). The name Ei-tanim is derived from the word eitan meaning strong or powerful, pointing to the fact that at the end of summer only ‘strong’ rivers in the Land of Is-rael still retained water. But the forces

of change were more powerful than lore and the name Eitanim was replaced by the name Tishrei, a loan word from the Akkadian language spoken in Babylon. Tishrei is derived from the word shurru and means to begin, to open, to initiate – a name which gives us a clue to the rearrangement of the calendar order.

Secondly, the entire Hebrew cal-endar was revised. Hence, the seventh month, Tishrei, was placed at the head of the calendar for the reckoning of the years, the Sabbatical and the Jubilee. Yom T’ruah, ‘The day of the sound-ing of the horn,’ which designated the first day of the seventh month and ush-ered Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Sh’mini Atzeret (Lev 23:24-34; Num 29:1-13), was renamed Rosh Hashanah to indi-cate the beginning of the Jewish year. The consequence of this change meant

that autumn festivals, which in biblical times designated the end of the year (Ex 23:16; 34:17), were now placed at the beginning of the revised calendar. And the month of Nissan, the month in which the spring holidays Pesach and Shavuot were celebrated, was moved from being the first month of the year to that of the seventh month.

It is interesting to note that in rab-binic view, in the spectrum of Jewish life as effected by the calendar, there are four different new years. Each first day of the months of Tishrei, Nissan, Elul and Sh’vat is considered a Rosh Hashanah (Rosh Hashanah 1:1). As we approach the Autumn and the first Rosh Hashanah in the month of Tishrei, I wish all our readers Shanah Tovah. May the new year bring on its wings joy, health and peace. Amen.

Matisyahu’s new album Spark Seeker debuts in Top 20 on Billboard 200 album chartLos Angeles, CA – July 25, 2012

– Grammy nominated artist Matisyahu’s fourth studio al-

bum, Spark Seeker, released on July 17, debuts at No. 19 on the Billboard 200 chart, No.1 on the Reggae Chart, No.3 on the Independent Album Chart, and No. 7 on the Digital Album Chart this week.

This is Matisyahu’s first studio al-bum released independently via his own label, Fallen Spark Records via Thirty Tigers/RED. “For my first studio release on my own label to do so well in its first week is a true testament to the loyalty of my fans. I have never been more proud of a record and to be able to finally share it with them, and see their reaction on Facebook and Twitter has been an incredible experi-ence for me.”

Matisyahu’s fresh sound is gain-ing popularity and traction across the country. HOT AC and pop stations are starting to play numerous tracks from the record, such as first single Sunshine and I Believe in Love. ESPN has cho-sen Sunshine and Live Like a Warrior as their Spotlight Songs for the month of July. Currently, Live Like a Warrior is No. 1 on the Reggae Single Chart and Sunshine is at No. 2. Live Like a

Warrior sold over 20,000 copies this week.

Spark Seeker, produced by Kool Kojak (Nicki Minaj, Travis Barker, Ke$ha) is a 13-track album recorded in Los Angeles, New York and Israel with collaborators from around the world. The album showcases a lightness but carries on the tradition within Mati-syahu’s music of socially conscious and spiritual lyrics and themes.

For those who have been questioning his new sound and appearance, Matisyahu explains within the record that everything in life, especially music, ex-ists in mixtures and blends. “Things are not as black and white as we would like to think. Not everything can be oversimplified.”

Matisyahu will also be starring in his first feature film, titled The Possession (Lionsgate), in theatres on August 31, starring Kyra Sedgwick and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Matisyahu stars as a Hassidic exorcist freeing a child from an evil spirit trapped in a Dibbuk box, known in the Kabbalah.

Fans can expect Matisyahu to an-nounce in the coming weeks that he is going on a countrywide college tour this October/November, making stops in over 40 cities. Currently, Matisyahu is on an extensive summer tour with co-headliners Dirty Heads.

photo credit: MaryMargaret Chambliss

Page 22: The Jewish News - September 2012

22A September 2012

Jewish heritage Video

ColleCtionThe Jewish Heritage Video Collection consists of 203 videos. It is open and available to the entire commu-nity as it was at the JCC. It is housed at the Goldie Feldman Academy at the Temple Beth Sholom (TBS) Idelson Adult Library. The videos may be circulated at no charge for up to three weeks and then renewed if necessary. A complete list is available on the TBS web-site. Visit, click Education, and then Library to see categories and descriptions. Call 941.379.0429 for an appointment or to reserve videos.

Hannah and hope

Rabbi Geoffrey Huntting, Temple Sinai

From the Bimah


As we enter the Days of Awe, we are drawn to the lessons offered by the texts chosen for

this special time of year. In an era of avoidance, they challenge us; in an era of pessimism, they offer us hope. More important, they demand that we offer hope to others.

At the dawn of the New Year, we will hear as the Haftarah is chanted, the story of Hannah’s desperate prayer to God for what has been denied her:

a child. She prays inaudibly at the en-trance to the Temple at Shiloh, only moving her lips, and Eli, the High Priest, sees her. Believing she is drunk, he re-bukes her, only to learn of her plight and purpose for being there. His rebuke turns to encouragement and hope, and he sends her away with his blessing. She is indeed rewarded by the birth of a son, Samuel, whom she pledges to God as a Nazarite for life. Later, the practice in pledging a child’s life is forbidden in the tradition. In Hannah’s prayer and in Eli’s response we learn much about the dreams of others, and our proper response to them.

There is little in the years before Hannah’s prayer to believe that God will answer her request positively. She has up to that time offered sacrifices to God, but to no avail. Eli initially sees a woman who is acting strangely, even inappropriately in the holy place. We might also infer that he is confronted with a woman making a direct appeal to God, not through a male intermedi-

ary. This is a change that he is not ready to accept. After all, even the matriarch Rebecca, according to the commentary, enquires of God regarding the twins who are clashing in her womb, but the inquiry, unlike those of the patriarchs, is not a direct one. It is instead only through an oracle. But Hannah’s story moves Eli; he changes his demeanor and encourages her instead.

In times of economic distress, often the negative voices crowd the airwaves as well as private conversation. In fact, if we were to look for reasons for pes-simism, we need look no further than the employment statistics that scream at us from the pages of newspapers and monopolize commentary on televi-sion screens. As the father of a son and daughter recently graduated from col-lege and entering the work force, I hear too often the negative chorus, “They’ll never get a job.” The unemployment statistics for new graduates is, in fact, a staggering 50%, and yet surrendering to negativity is to create the reality. And

one does not have to live in bad times to realize that there are always those who are willing to dampen the spirit of the hopeful, especially among the young. In our own memories, we realize the value of those conversations with ones who came before us, who, when we were pursuing our dreams, countered those who were all willing to discour-age us. That memory should inspire us to do the same for others.

Eli initially confronts Hannah with skepticism. She appears not to be a wom-an with a dream but rather one with a problem. But the High Priest listens and his skepticism turns to encouragement. And that should encourage each of us as we enter the New Year. Almost all of us will find ourselves in conversation with someone who, despite the harsh reality of this era, is pursuing the same dreams that all of us did in our lives. Our words can be a blessing, encouraging someone to defy the negativity that stifles life and hope. As we hear the story of Hannah and Eli, may we be so inspired.

How dare the world shun Israel on terrorismBy Jose Maria Aznar

When we are about to mark the 40th anniversary of the ter-rorist attacks at the Olympic

Village in Munich, in which 11 Israeli athletes were killed by Palestinian ter-rorists, it is a real paradox to see Israel excluded from the first meeting of the Global Counter-terrorism Forum in June in Istanbul. Worse still, in July, the forum organized its first victims-of-ter-rorism meeting. Israel was excluded.

When we see deadly terrorist at-tacks, such as the recent one in Bul-garia, targeting tourists simply because they were Israeli, the marginalization of Israel is totally unacceptable.

As a terrorism victim myself, who was fortunate to survive a car-bomb attack, I cannot understand or justify the marginalization of other terrorist victims just for political reasons.

If we extrapolate Israel’s experi-ence of slaughter to Britain, it would

mean that in the past 12 years about 11,000 British citizens would have died and 60,000 would have been injured in terrorist attacks. In the case of the U.S., the figures would be 65,000 dead and 300,000 injured.

Israel’s ordeal is far from insig-nificant. Israel has much to contribute in this area and everyone else has a lot to learn if we really want to defeat the terrorists. Isolation not only renders Israel weaker against its enemies, but also makes all Westerners weaker.

Israel is not the problem; it is part of the solution. We will become the problem if we continue to cold-shoulder Israel, the country most affected by ter-rorism and, possibly, the one that knows best how to defeat it.Jose Maria Aznar was Prime Minister of Spain from 1996 to 2004 and is chair of the Friends of Israel Initiative. Source: The Times of London

look for more Commentary as well as israel & the Jewish World items beginning on page 6b.

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Page 24: The Jewish News - September 2012

24A September 2012 FOCUS ON YOUTH

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We can make the High Holidays more meaningful to children

Education CornerBy Sabrina Silverberg

Whenever I look for inspira-tion to write about the Jewish holidays and children, I try

to draw on my own experiences grow-ing up in Israel as a young girl. I am filled with so many fond memories be-ing raised in a country where the Jewish holidays are celebrated as a nation and where being Jewish is the norm and not the exception.

As I am thinking about the topic of the High Holidays and children, and reflecting on my own experiences as a child, I am drawing an alarming

blank. It is alarming because the High Holidays are also our holiest of days; they define us as Jews, drawing us to communal worship, sometimes single-handedly. How could it be that I am not remembering much about celebrating Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as a child? Why is it that what comes to mind more than anything else is a sense of ambiguity and feelings of restless obli-gation?

Upon some reflection, the answer comes to focus: the High Holidays are primarily adult and serious in nature. They are filled with abstractions such as repentance, atonement and renewal, concepts that are beyond the scope of young children. In contrast to the jubi-lation of holidays such as Purim and the familial celebrations of holidays such as Passover, the High Holidays are sol-emn and focused on long hours spent at temple in communal prayer. So how do we make these challenging holidays palatable to our children?

We can begin by bringing some of the abstraction to their level and by focusing on some interesting rituals

associated with Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Rosh Hashanah falls on the first of Tishrei and marks the beginning of the Jewish year (September 17 this year). It also celebrates the anniversary of cre-ation. The specialness of the day can be conveyed to young children by helping them think of the day as the birthday of the world. Even the youngest of chil-dren can relate to this concept.

Yom Kippur falls on September 26 this year. It is far more challenging be-cause the subjects of right and wrong are difficult to approach in a way that fosters moral development without causing young children to be fearful. These concepts are best approached by talking about apologies and making amends.

Both holidays can be made tangible by the practice of rituals. It is customary to eat sweet things on Rosh Hashanah in anticipation of a sweet year. Serving apples and honey and round raisin chal-lah with the family’s meal will surely put a smile on a child’s face. Children can be further engaged by participa-

tion in the cutting of the apples and the baking of the challah. Another Rosh Hashanah custom involves the sending of New Year’s greeting cards to friends and relatives. Children can participate by creating the cards, filling them out and mailing them. Both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur include the practice of blowing the shofar (ram’s horn). Chil-dren enjoy the powerful sound of the shofar in all of its varieties. Attending worship services will afford them the opportunity to hear the sounds of the shofar. Many synagogues have chil-dren’s services that are kid-friendly and include the blowing of the shofar.

I think that we all agree that the High Holidays are adult and serious in nature, but with a little effort and plan-ning we can help create memories for our children that will last a lifetime.

L’shanah tovah tikatevu ve-tichatemu (may you be written and in-scribed into the book of life).Sabrina Silverberg is the education di-rector for Temple Emanu-El Religious School. She can be reached at [email protected].

Introducing CommuniteenCHAI!: Where Judaism comes to life

The Jewish Federation of Sara-sota-Manatee’s high school education program, former-

ly known as Communiteen, will be brought back to life this October. Our staff heard and responded to what Jew-ish teens in our community are looking for and created a fresh and exciting new program.

Sunday morning meetings will still boast no tests and no homework, give teens an opportunity to learn about rele-vant Jewish topics in a fun atmosphere, and allow students to connect with other Jewish teens.

This year, the program’s format will be slightly different, as we will be offering three independent courses

for students in grades 8-12. Students may elect to participate in one, two or all three sessions, receiving a discount on tuition for signing up for two or more.

This year’s topics are “Soul Food: The Nosh on Jewish Values,” “Israel Is Real,” and “Jew Taboo: Jewish Ethics and Dilemmas.” Classes will begin on October 14.

For more information, please con-tact Amber Ikeman at 941.371.4546 x105 or [email protected], or visit

941.924.2705 ex 18 941.924.2705 ex 18 941.924.2705 ex 18 Event Space Available for Private PartiesEvent Space Available for Private PartiesEvent Space Available for Private Parties 15 S. 15 S. 15 S. BENEVA RD @ FRUITVILBENEVA RD @ FRUITVILBENEVA RD @ FRUITVILLE LE LE






The Board of Directors and Staffwish you and your family a

Happy, Healthy,and Sweet New Year!

(941) [email protected]

American Jewish Committee

Sponsored by

Page 25: The Jewish News - September 2012

25A September 2012 25ASeptember 2012FOCUS ON YOUTH

New Youth Director at Temple Beth Sholom

c18 months – Pre-k

cVPK Program

c7:30am - 5:30pm


Temple Emanu-El Preschoolin business over 30 years

A Commitment to Education,

A Love of Children




# 58






Temple membership not required.

Discover why learning is successful through a partnership between school, child, and home.

Visit us online at www.TempleBethSholomFL.org1050 South Tuttle Avenue • Sarasota, Florida 34237

To Learn More, Please Contact:Flora Oynick [email protected]

Elaine Tedesco [email protected]

Classes Begin August 26thF Grades K through 7F Friday evening Shabbat servicesF Sunday mornings 9:00 am to 12:30 pm

(941) 552-2780

Sponsored byKarp Family Foundation

Visit the Federation website to sign up!

Jewish Bedtime Stories & Songs for Families

Questions? Contact: Jessica Katz

941.371.4546 ext. 123 or


The PJ Library program supports families in their Jewish journey by sending Jewish-content books and music on a monthly basis

to children from age six-months to eight-years.

Sponsored byKarp Family Foundation

Visit the Federation website to sign up!

Jewish Bedtime Stories & Songs for Families

Questions? Contact: Jessica Katz

941.371.4546 ext. 123 or


The PJ Library program supports families in their Jewish journey by sending Jewish-content books and music on a monthly basis

to children from age six-months to eight-years.

Shalom! This is Shiri Rozenberg, Temple Beth Sholom’s new Youth Director. Growing up,

youth programs were always an impor-tant part of my life and I am so excited to be working at Temple Beth Sholom with Chalutzim (grades 3-5), Kadima (grades 6-8) and USY (grades 9-12).

Whether you are into music, eating, holiday parties, bowling, roller skating, hanging out on the beach, you name it – we have a program for you. This year,

our USY group will be led by Youth Advisor Dov Brenner along with our seven incredible teen leaders: Sydney Hanan (President), Sarah Levison (Ex-ecutive VP), Michelle Silva (Religious Education VP), Jessica Zelitt (Mem-bership/Kadima VP), Samantha Hanan (Communications VP), Allison Davis (Programming VP) and Jordan Phillips (Freshman Rep). The board has been working together all summer to plan a fantastic calendar for the upcoming year,

which promises to be full of exciting programs for each of our three youth groups. Whether you are a TBS member or not, if you are between 3rd and 12th grade, we would love to have you join us at one (or all) of our events!

For more information on registering for one of our youth groups or just to say hello, please email me at srozenberg@temple

Temple Beth Sholom is proud to announce its USY Board for the 2012-2013 school year. Pictured are USY Advisor Dov Brenner

with Jordan Phillips, Amy Levison, Sydney Hanan, Allison Davis, Samantha Hanan, Jessica Zelitt and Michelle Silva.

Students return as teachers at Weinstein Religious School

With the lineup of new staff members comes new excite-ment, and this year Chabad’s

Weinstein Religious School in Sarasota is especially proud to welcome two new staff members who just a few years ago were students. It is sincerely heart-warming to actually see the investment and grand impact of the school, and to observe the Jewish continuity reality.

Past-student Sarah Azeff will be teaching the Kittah Aleph class, and past-student Addison Getty will be leading the Torah For Teens group as they enjoy a weekly dinner, reach out and visit the elderly, and add extra ex-citement within the Religious School.

We are also excited to welcome Leora Feig, who will be teaching the Kittah Bet class, as well as returning teachers Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz, who teaches the Torah For Teens, and Sara Steinmetz, teacher of the Kittah Gim-mel class.

Exciting components will include the school-wide Shabbat dinner, Havda-lah service, parents night out fundraiser, 180 food drive, bowl-a-thon, and Bra-chot Bee.

For more information about the Weinstein Religious School, which aims to nurture and cultivates a true sense of Jewish pride, please call the office at 941.925.0770.

stay connected @

An evening withDavid Javerbaum

Former head writer and executive producer of “The

Daily Show With Jon Stewart”

Save the Date!

Join the Federation’s Young Adults Division for a funny evening!

October 24, 2012 at 7pm • tickets are $15

visit for tickets

Questions? Contact Jessi Sheslow at 941.371.4546 ext. 102 or [email protected]

Presented by The Jewish FeDerATiOn OF sArAsOTA-MAnATee

Page 26: The Jewish News - September 2012

26A September 2012 FOCUS ON YOUTH

DID YOU KNOW?The Israeli military is the most progressive in the world in terms of gender equality. Almost one-third of the IDF and 50% of its officers are female. Some 92% of roles are now open to women.

See page 10B

Summer camps for our kidsBy Rabbi Joel Mishkin

Summer camp has been a great experience in informal learning for our young people. I learned

that the other day when I flew into At-lanta, rented an automobile and had the privilege to visit some of Temple Beth Sholom’s young people at two fantas-tic summer camps, Ramah Darom and Camp Barney Medintz.

The philosophy behind these kinds of programs is that sometimes you can get your message across clearer through informal educational experi-ences. Watching our children “Live Judaism!” on their own at camps is what really excited me. At Ramah Darom I had the opportunity to enjoy dinner with many of our children and watch a very funny talent show before the clos-ing ceremonies.

The next morning I drove from Clayton to Cleveland, Georgia, and had the chance to visit Camp Barney. I was escorted by its director, Jim Mitten-thal, who took me on a tour of the huge campus, showing me the vast array of activities offered there. It was a delight to see so many of our young people so happy to spend their summer at these wonderful camps.

Jacob Green and a friend enjoy a presentation at camp

A friend and Melanie Green enjoy summer campMaking friends at camp

Open tO the COmmunity!Lively service led by Rabbi Brenner Glickman

Rosh hashanah: September 17 at 1:30yom Kippur: September 26 at 1:30

temple emanu-el (Reform)151 mcintosh Rd., Sarasota

(941) 371-2788

hiGh hOliday Family SeRviCeS

The Jewish News is also available online. Visit The Jewish News page at and you’ll be just one click away!

One session: $150 • Two sessions: $250 • Three sessions: $399 Tuition includes snacks, activities, trips, and materials. Open to students in grades 8-12. Sessions will be held on the Federation Campus on Sunday mornings. Register online.

Klingenstein Jewish Center580 McIntosh Road, Sarasota, FL

Where Judaism Comes to Life!

Session 1: Oct. 14, 2012 – Dec. 16, 2012“Soul Food: The Nosh on Jewish Values”It’s no secret – Jews love to eat! This class will explore food-related topics and their connection to Judaism, such as keeping kosher, ethical treatment of animals, world hunger, and how food can be spiritually uplifting. Cooking and eating will be included!

Session 2: Jan. 27, 2013 – March 3, 2013“Israel Is Real”Do you love Israel but want to know more or become an expert before your trip? This class will cover how the modern state of Israel came to be, the complicated issues that the tiny country faces, and some of the amazing things it has accomplished in just 65 years. Sababa!

Session 3: March 24, 2013 – May 19, 2013“Jew Taboo: Jewish Ethics and Dilemmas”Ever wonder what the rabbis say about tattoos, intermarriage, dating, afterlife, and other hot topics? This class will be a place to discuss your most difficult questions that you’ve always wanted to know about but were too afraid to ask.

Questions? Contact Amber Ikeman at 941.371.4546 ext. 105 or [email protected]


Page 27: The Jewish News - September 2012

27A September 2012 27ASeptember 2012

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55th Norman & Elaine BlumTemple Emanu-El55th Samuel & Clementine NoahTemple Beth Sholom50th Louis & Colette NahonTemple Beth Sholom50th Bonnie & Harvey SussmanTemple Sinai40th Dan & Litten BoxserTemple Beth Sholom40th Rabbi Edgar & Yvonne WeinsbergTemple Beth Sholom, Temple Emanu-El & Temple Sinai30th Michael & Alison BishopTemple Beth Sholom



30th Gail & Larry CoelTemple Sinai30th Elliot & Lynne GodofskyTemple Beth Sholom30th Barry & Leslye SeidelTemple Beth Sholom20th Larry & Toni ReznickTemple Beth Sholom15th Jeff & Wendy CohenTemple Emanu-El15th Giuliano & Lael HazanTemple Beth Sholom5th Adam Gersh & Dr. Wende KozlowTemple Emanu-El5th Dan & Sylvia WaldmanTemple Beth Sholom

Please submit your life cycle events (births, B’nai Mitzvah, anniversaries)

to [email protected]. Photos are

appreciated; please e-mail as JPGs at 300dpi.


Questions? Contact: Mary Everist

941.371.4546 ext. 119 or




Amelia Russell, daughter of Stephen and Melanie Russell, September 1, Temple Beth SholomAllison Kramer, daughter of A.J. and Laura Kramer, September 1, Temple Emanu-El

Kenny Campbell, son of Steve and Beth Campbell, September 8, Chabad of Venice & North PortJoshua and Rachel Silverman, children of Drs. Scott and Ronni Silverman, September 8, Temple Emanu-El

Mia (Nee Gumpert) Baum of Sarasota, June 28Boxer, Benjamin H., 77, of Sarasota, July 4Frances Feinberg, 99, of Longboat Key, July 12Barbara K. Friedricks, 83, of Sarasota, formerly of Lake Success, NY, July 8Ruth Ellen “Ruthie” Grossman, 80, of Venice, formerly of Lincolnwood, IL, July 17Myrna Herman, 75, of Longboat Key, formerly of Monroe, NY, July 1Jerome Klein, 88 of Sarasota, July 11Paul Lutz, 74, of Sarasota, formerly of Metro Detroit, MI, June 28Fred Mintz, 93, of Sarasota, formerly of Burbank, CA, and Chevy Chase, MD, June 27Minette Moriece, 96, of Sarasota, formerly of Newton, MA, June 18Richard W. Schiff, 95, of Sarasota, formerly of Newark, OH, July 19Ned Sinder, 80, of Longboat Key, July 3Shirley Webb, 75, of Sarasota, July 4Lorraine Ury, 83, Sarasota, July 2

Do you enjoy the Jewish News?

Become a voluntary paid subscriber!

We want to continue to supply our Jewish community with a top-notch paper. Think about how much you enjoy receiving The Jewish News in your mailbox each month. (It’s also available online!)

Become a suBscriBer Today! contact Kim Mullins at 941.371.4546, ext. 103

or via email [email protected].

or visiT:

How do I get items in The Jewish News? E-mail your articles and photos to [email protected] are The Jewish News deadlines? Items are due the 25th of each month, or the following business day if the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday.Where can I get a copy of The Jewish News? Papers are available at several local libraries, synagogues and offices throughout Sarasota and Manatee counties. Can’t find it? Visit and let us know where you’d like to see the paper. How do I place an ad in The Jewish News? Contact Robin Leonardi, account executive, at [email protected] or call 941.371.4546 x114.


Page 28: The Jewish News - September 2012

The honey cake recipe is your mother’s. The other honey cake recipe is your aunt’s. But the holiday table always brings everyone together. Best wishes for a blessed Rosh Hashanah.Life is Sweet.

Page 29: The Jewish News - September 2012

Jewish Happenings


September 2012 - Elul 5772 / Tishrei 5773 Volume 42, Number 9

Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World

tuesDAY, september 4

Loaves of Love Bake challah and cook chicken soup and matzah balls for Sunshine Committee distribution throughout the year. Perform a good deed for the New Year. The event begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Chabad Jewish Center, 5712 Lorraine Road, Bradenton. Please contact Chanie Bukiet at 941.752.3030 to see which ingredients you can bring for this free event.

weDnesDAY, september 5

“Lunch With the Rabbi” Looking for a good lunch date? Enjoy great company, stimulating discussion, and delicious homemade desserts at Temple Emanu-El’s popular monthly program featuring Rabbi Brenner J. Glickman. Bring a brown-bag lunch and – if you like – a newspaper article or suggested topic for discussion. The group provides the rest. All are welcome. No cost. The program begins at noon at Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota. For more information, call 941.371.2788.

thursDAY, september 6

“Lunch With the Rabbi” - Lakewood Ranch edition Looking for a good lunch date and a change of scenery? Enjoy great company, stimulating discussion, and delicious homemade desserts at the “road show” version of Temple Emanu-El’s popular monthly program featuring Rabbi Brenner J. Glickman. Bring a brown-bag lunch and – if you like – a newspaper article or suggested topic for discussion. The group provides the rest. All are welcome. No cost. The program begins at noon at Lakewood Ranch Town Hall, 8175 Lakewood Ranch Boulevard, Lakewood Ranch. For more information, call 941.371.2788.

friDAY, september 7

Israeli dinner after Tot Shabbat At 5:30 p.m. learn the blessings with Rabbi Huntting, sing songs with Chazzan Abramson, and have Story Time with Geveret Laura at Temple Sinai. An Israeli-themed dinner will follow, and will include a chicken dish, couscous, falafel balls, hummus, babaganoush, mushroom bourekas, salad and more. $9 for adults and $3 for children (2 and up). RSVP to Laura Freedman, Director of Childhood Education, at 941.926.9462 or [email protected]. Guests warmly welcomed. Temple Sinai is located at 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Road, Sarasota.

in this section:1b-5b: Jewish happenings

6b-7b: Commentary

8b-13b: israel & the Jewish world

14b-15b: recent events

High Holiday services will take place on the following dates:Selichot: Sep. 8Erev Rosh Hashanah: Sep. 16Rosh Hashanah: Sep. 17-18Yom Kippur Eve: Sep. 25Yom Kippur: Sep. 26

Please contact the area’s temples for their specific schedules and more information.


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 at 10:30am





For information, call 929-7771 or visit



THIS YEAR!The Congregation for Humanistic Judaism

CHJ is a secular, lay congregation celebrating Jewish history, traditions and culture. We are a friendly, inclusive, affirming

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k by


et M



Save the date!2012


December 3, 2012Beatrice Friedman Theater

on the Federation Campus

Featuring author Jennifer WeinerCatered by Michael’s On East

Questions? Contact Ilene Fox at 941.371.4546 ext. 110 or [email protected]

Page 30: The Jewish News - September 2012


Attention Bridge PlAyersThe Bridge Group meets Thursday afternoons

from 1:00-4:00 pm on the Federation Campus (582 McIntosh Road). Open to intermediate

and advanced bridge players.

For more information, call Bob Satnick

at 941-580-3739.

sAturDAY, september 8

Film, discussion and dessert Join us at 7:00 p.m. at Temple Sinai for a screening of Hiding and Seeking: Faith and Tolerance After the Holocaust. A deeply personal inter-generational saga, this award-winning documentary explores how the past can shape the future. Filmed in Jerusalem, Brooklyn and Poland, the film will surely spark stimulating discussion with Rabbi Huntting. Dessert will be served. No reservations needed for this free event. Guests warmly welcomed. Temple Sinai is located at 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Road, Sarasota.

sunDAY, september 9

Chabad Hebrew School costume treasure huntChabad Hebrew School presents King in The Field! In the Hebrew month of Elul, G-d is accessible to us as a King in the Field. Participate in an interactive costume treasure hunt for the King in the Field. Come dressed as a farmer. All costumed children and parents get a prize. The event runs from 11:00 a.m. to noon at the Chabad Jewish Center, 5712 Lorraine Road, Bradenton. Admission is $5 and free to CHS students and families. For more information, call Rabbi Mendy Bukiet at 941.752.3030.

Falafel with YoavCome and enjoy a terrific kosher falafel lunch prepared by Yoav Cohen from noon - 1:00 p.m. at the Chabad Jewish Center, 5712 Lorraine Road, Bradenton. Cost is $4 a falafel. Call 941.752.3030 for more information.

High Holiday Prep Class at Congregation Ner TamidParents and grandparents are invited to this single-session interactive class to help prepare families to celebrate the High Holidays at home and in the community. You’ll explore High Holiday themes and learn practical ways to celebrate at home and in the synagogue, while youngsters en-joy first day of school festivities. The class begins at 10:00 a.m. at The Lodge, 4802 B 26th St. W., Bradenton. For information or to register, call Elaine at 941.755.1231 or visit

A day at the beach for 9th - 12th gradersJoin us from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Siesta Key Beach, 948 Beach Road (near the playground picnic tables, behind the tennis courts), for a day at the beach with music, food, drinks, volleyball and more! The program is free. Refreshments will be served. For information, contact Shiri Rozenberg, Temple Beth Sholom Youth Director, at 941.524.5895 or [email protected].

Apples to Apples New Year’s Party for 6th - 8th gradersJoin Temple Beth Sholom USY and have fun bobbing for apples, making your own caramel apples, drinking sparkling apple cider, crafting sukkah decorations, writing New Year’s resolutions, games and so much more! The event runs from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at Temple Beth Sholom, 1050 S. Tuttle Avenue, Sarasota. The program is free for USY members and $5 for nonmembers. Refreshments will be served. For information, contact Shiri Rozenberg, TBS Youth Director, at 941.524.5895 or [email protected].

Second Annual Jewish New Year’s PartyThe Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee and ORT America, Gulf Coast Region, are presenting the second annual Jewish New Year’s Party. The festivities, including live entertainment, will take place from 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. inside both the Galileo and Retropolitan restaurants at 437-443 Burns Court, as well as in the courtyard which will have a brand new canopy covering the outside dining area. The suggested entry fee is $5 at the door. Guests will be responsible for any food or beverage ordered off the menu. Every year, we think about those in need during the High Holidays. With this thought in mind, everyone is asked to bring a bag of non-perishable food which will be donated to All Faiths Food Bank. Together we can fight hunger in our community while engaging in activities of tikkun olam – repairing the world. For more information, contact Andrew Polin at [email protected] or 541-501-2090, or Len Steinberg at [email protected] or 941.371.4546 x106. RSVP at


Sarasota County Commissioner - District 3Paid for and approved by the campaign to elect Jennifer Cohen, Democrat, Sarasota County Commissioner, District 3

Campaign to Elect Jennifer CohenSarasota Board of County Commissioners, District 31181 S. Sumter Blvd. # 111North Port, FL 34287

Phone: 941.467.2549

Email: [email protected]

The Jewish News is also available online. Visit The Jewish News page at and you’ll be just one click away!

Join us to commemorate Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, considered by many as the beginning of systematic persecution of the Jews by the Nazis. Kristallnacht symbolizes how a holocaust can begin, and the devastating effect that both racism and political apathy can have on a world community. The event, organized by Generation After, will include relevant readings and music.

Thursday, Nov. 8, 20127:00 pm on the Federation Campus

Event is FREE - registration is

Questions? Contact Orna Nissan, 941.371.4546 x104 or [email protected]

For more information about Generation After, please visit


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Holiday SpecialsSunday, September 16th & Monday, September 17th

Brisket Platter or Roasted Lemon Herb Half Chicken $18.99PPBaked Tilapia With Potato Stuffing & Emerald Sauce $20.99PPRoasted Cornish Game Hen $20.99PP Filled with traditional cornbread stuffing with a hint of sweet apricot

Grilled London Broil $19.99PP Tender sliced choice sirloin grilled to your liking

All entrees include:Glass of Kosher Wine, Matzo Ball Soup

Gefilte Fish or Chopped LiverPotato Pancake and Carrot Tzimmes

Choice of DessertFresh Fruit Salad, Honey, Almond or Sponge CakeMacaroons or Mini Black & Whites, Coffee or Tea

r e a l . g o o d . f o o d .w w w. t o o j ay s . c o m

Page 31: The Jewish News - September 2012

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to b

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Shown is Sahali, the only foal of Kechena, a rescued Secretariat granddaughter, 23 hours after birth.


Page 32: The Jewish News - September 2012


for a continuously updated calendar, visit

tuesDAY, september 11

JFCS Transitions Support Group The death of a spouse, significant other or life partner is perhaps the most difficult experience that one can

have. Once the initial intense period of grief has subsided, how do you recreate your life and go on? This group is an opportunity to be with others who are struggling with the same life issues. The ongoing group will meet monthly initially to meet new people in similar life circumstances; share experiences – what works, what doesn’t; begin to laugh and enjoy what life can offer you now; and receive support as you navigate this new road. The group will meet from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. at the JFCS Main Campus, 2688 Fruitville Road, Sarasota. No fee, but pre-registration is required. Contact Susan Finkelstein, RN, MAS, Jewish Healing Coordinator, at 941.366.2224 x166 or [email protected].

Ladies Lunch & Learn Join Chanie Bukiet from noon - 1:00 p.m. at the Chabad Jewish Center, 5712 Lorraine Road, Bradenton, for a Lunch & Learn. Feast on a delicious lunch and learn Tanya, psychology of the soul, based on the Kabbalah. No cost. Call 941.752.3030 for more information.

Sponsored by

weDnesDAY, september 12

NCJW Opening Program You are invited to the National Council of Jewish Women, Sarasota Manatee Section, Season’s Opening Program at noon at Prestancia Country Club, 4409 TPC Drive, Sarasota. A three-course luncheon with entertainment will have a rotating theme. Everyone will change tables after each course to meet and greet new people. Includes entertainment. Nonmembers welcome. $25 per person. To RSVP or for more information, call Sally Wood at 941.223.4917 or Marion Marshak at 941.739.0463.

thursDAY, september 13

SaBra Hadassah Chapter meeting Enjoy a light brunch as we explore “Marc Chagall: The Man & Artist Behind the Famed Windows.” Learn about Chagall’s early life and later years, the other set of windows he created that are on display in the U.S., the special techniques he used to color glass, and how his granddaughter

is collaborating with Hadassah today. The event begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Zell Room on the Federation Campus, 580 McIntosh Road, Sarasota. Friends and family are warmly welcome! RSVP to Nancy Mizrahi at 941.923.1790 or [email protected]. (Pictured: Abell Synagogue at Hadassah University Medical Center, Ein Kerem, Israel)

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10/4/12 at 10:30 am - Shemini Atzeret1/24/13 at 10:30 am - Tu B’Shevat2/25/13 at 10:30 am - Shushan Purim6/08/13 at 7:00 pm - Rosh Chodesh

On the Federation Campus $10 each or $30 for 4 sessions

Holiday Series with Rachel Dulin

A new series devoted to discussing the biblical roots of holidays: Sh’mini Atzeret, the first holiday on our list, was a day designated for all Israel as a spacial solemn gathering; not to work but gather and celebrate with prescribed sacrifices. We will discuss the origin of this gathering and the place this day received in our tradition.

Klingenstein Jewish Center580 McIntosh Road, Sarasota, FL

The Strength of a PeoPle. The Power of CommuniTy.

A gifted instructor, Rachel Z. Dulin has pioneered new methods of teaching Hebrew and has done groundbreaking research in the confluence of Women’s Studies and biblical scholarship.

Register: Contact Orna Nissan at 941.371.4546 ext. 104 or email [email protected]

event featuring the

IDF BandSunday, November 11, 2012 • 2:00 pm


The Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota FL 34232941.371.4546 •

The Strength of a PeoPle.The Power of CommuniTy.

In the BEa FRiEdmaN ThEaTER on the FederatIon Campus!

Join us for a year long celebration of Israel’s strengths & contributions!

REgiSTRaTioN iS REquiREd!


Page 33: The Jewish News - September 2012

5B September 2012 5BSeptember 2012JEWISH HAPPENINGS

sunDAY, september 16

Rosh Hashanah Dinner Celebrate the Jewish New Year with a gourmet four-course dinner on Rosh Hashanah Eve. Apples and honey and other traditional holiday foods will be served along with song and words of inspiration. The dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Chabad Jewish Center, 2169 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice. $30 per adult, $16 per child. RSVP required to 941.493.2770 or [email protected].

Rosh Hashanah Community Dinner Celebrate the first night of Rosh Hashanah with family and friends at the Rosh Hashanah Community Dinner at the Chabad Jewish Center, 5712 Lorraine Road, Bradenton. The dinner will take place immediately after services, which begin at 7:15 p.m., and will feature delicious foods customarily eaten on Rosh Hashanah. $25 per adult, $18 per child (3-12). RSVP by September 9 to 941.752.3030.

monDAY, september 17

Picnic supper with Temple Sinai Join us at Siesta Key Beach at 5:30 p.m. for this annual event that is always enjoyable and well attended by all ages. Bring something to eat and something to share. Everyone is welcome; no RSVP needed. Meet at the small Pavilion south of the main building. For more information, call 941.924.1802.

sunDAY, september 23

The Ultimate Jewish Holiday Party for 3rd - 5th graders Join Temple Beth Sholom Chalutzim and have fun bobbing for apples, making your own caramel apples, drinking sparkling apple cider, crafting sukkah decorations, writing New Year’s resolutions, games and so much more! The event runs from 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. in the Moadon/Youth Lounge at Temple Beth Sholom, 1050 S. Tuttle Avenue, Sarasota. The program is free for USY members and $5 for nonmembers. Refreshments will be served. For information, contact Shiri Rozenberg, TBS Youth Director, at 941.524.5895 or [email protected].

friDAY, september 28

Guest speaker from the Leo Baeck Education Center Temple Emanu-El presents Eran Shafir, who will teach community members about the biggest Reform organization in Israel, and its ongoing quest to develop a “shared existence” for the nation. Shafir, Director of International Relations for the Leo Baeck Education Center, will share news of this incredible institution and its amazing programs. Located in West Haifa and founded in 1938 for children of the Holocaust, the Center is committed to democracy, egalitarianism and human rights, and to teaching the living values of progressive Judaism, which inspire social change and repair of the world. Shafir will join Rabbi Brenner Glickman on the bimah at 7:30 p.m. at Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota. For more information, call 941.371.2788.

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Page 34: The Jewish News - September 2012

6B September 2012 COMMENTARY

A neglected anniversaryBy David Harris, Executive Director, AJC, July 9, 2012

Libya is once again in the news. It’s been a while, since the me-dia largely lost interest follow-

ing Muammar el-Qaddafi’s ouster and assassination.

The North African nation just held its first election. What emerges will doubtless have regional consequences.

But there’s another reason Libya should be in the public eye now, though don’t hold your breath it will make the news anytime soon.

Forty-five years ago this month, the last Jews of Libya were forced to flee the country. They included my wife, then 16 years old, her seven siblings and her parents.

In the end, they were among the lucky ones.

Some would call them, and the few thousand other Jews who remained in the country after 1951, naïve. That’s when Libya gained its independence from the British. There had already been pogroms in 1945 and 1948. The vast majority of Jews had no confidence that a newly sovereign Libya, whatev-er its constitutional guarantees might promise, would emerge democratic and law-abiding, and they left.

The remaining Libyan Jews were targeted following the outbreak of the 1967 Six-Day War, a thousand miles away, for no other reason than that they were Jews.

My wife’s family found a raging mob in front of their Tripoli home, and calls rang out to burn the house down. The ten occupants trembled in fear in-side.

Miraculously, they were saved. One man courageously addressed the mob and told them to leave the family alone. He knew them, he said, and they were good people.

The crowd dispersed to look for other Jews, while this lone individual arranged for the family to be shuttled to a safe house for a couple of weeks until they could manage to go abroad.

They left on July 14, never to re-turn.

The link with the country today known as Libya – believed to date back to the tragic 15th century exodus of Jews from Spain, in the case of my wife’s maternal lineage, and 2,000 years to the involuntary Roman transport of Jews from Palestine in the case of her pater-nal lineage – was severed.

Italy, which had once been the co-lonial power in Libya, gave the family refuge. With nothing other than a few suitcases and barely a couple hundred dollars, they started new lives.

But rather than wallow in victim-ization, they put one foot in front of the other and moved forward. It wasn’t easy, especially for such a large family, but they did what they had to do.

Meanwhile, dozens of other Libyan Jews weren’t as fortunate. With no one to stand up for them, and the govern-ment of Libyan King Idris quite impo-tent, they were hunted down and killed.

What happened to the brave soul who saved my wife’s family? He sur-vived, but begged the family never to disclose his name. He feared retribution from fellow Libyans who might do him harm for the “crime” of saving ten Jews.

And what of the Jewish legacy in Libya? Here was a community that had lived on the soil for more than two mil-lennia, long predating the occupation by invading armies from the Arabian Peninsula. And Jews, numbering nearly 50,000 at their peak, had contributed in every way imaginable to the area’s de-velopment.

Libya went to work to erase every trace of Jewish existence.

What lessons can we take from this neglected anniversary? First, if a new regime in

Tripoli wants to distinguish itself from its predecessors, one way would be to acknowledge that Jews once lived in the country, that they were forcibly ex-pelled and their synagogues and cem-eteries destroyed, and that a process of honest reckoning with these crimes is warranted.

Second, the international commu-nity should at long last acknowledge these Jewish refugees from Arab lands and the injustices they endured.

When people meet my wife and hear her story, many ask why they didn’t know what befell the Jews of Libya.

The answer begins with the fact that no UN body, neither at the time nor since, has ever taken action in response to what happened.

Nor did the international media fo-cus on what took place. To the contrary, the tragic events hardly merited any space in the world’s leading print and broadcast outlets.

And last, but by no means least, there’s the inevitable contrast with the Palestinians.

Libyan Jews, like the hundreds of thousands of other Jews from Arab countries uprooted and sent packing simply because they were Jews, found new homes primarily in Israel, but also in Western Europe and North and South America.

Were many bitter about their forced exodus? No doubt. But they impres-sively started over and quickly began playing a part in their new countries.

In the case of the Palestinians – some of whom were encouraged to leave their homes by Arab leaders who promised a quick return, and some of whom became refugees in a war their Arab brethren began against Israel – the story has been entirely different. They always seem to be in the news.

They have a special agency, UNRWA, devoted entirely to them, with no mandate for resettlement in other countries and an unprecedented, open-ended definition of “refugee,” which is transferred from one genera-tion to the next. With support from col-leagues on both sides of the aisle, U.S. Senator Mark Kirk, to his great credit, has begun to shine the spotlight on this ongoing travesty.

Moreover, Arab countries, with the exception of Jordan, cry crocodile tears for the Palestinians, but largely refuse to give them citizenship and, in places like Lebanon, even restrict their partici-pation in the economy.

So while the world watches post-election Libya to see what unfolds, I’ll be watching, too. And I shall also be waiting to see if, after 45 years, Libya is ready to confront its past.

Yes, this is about Jews, but not only.

For the Arab upheaval to have a chance to turn into an Arab spring, newly emerging regimes need to dem-onstrate a genuine commitment to the protection of minorities – and, yes, to confront the consequences of that lack of protection in the past.

It’s high time, I’d say.For more information, visit

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7B September 2012 7BSeptember 2012COMMENTARY

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Spy vs. Spy, America vs. IsraelBy Daniel Pipes, August 6, 2012

Israelis spying on Americans is in the news again: leaders of the Jew-ish state just petitioned for Jonathan

Pollard’s release and the Associated Press reported with alarm that U.S. national security officials at times con-sider Israel to be “a genuine counterin-telligence threat.” Its tone of breathless outrage suggests: How dare they! Who do they think they are?

But spying on allies is the norm, and it’s a two-way street. Before get-ting too worked up, Americans should realize that Washington is no innocent. From Reagan to Obama, the U.S. gov-ernment has sustained a massive spying effort against Israel. Examples:

Yosef Amit, a former major in Is- �raeli military intelligence, spied for the CIA for several years, focusing on troop movements and policies to-ward Lebanon and the Palestinians, until his 1986 arrest.Itamar Rabinovich, Israel’s ambas- �sador to Washington in 1993-96, revealed that during his tenure, the U.S. government deciphered an Is-raeli code: “The Americans were certainly tapping the [embassy’s] regular phone lines” and even its se-cure line. As a result, he says, “Ev-ery ‘juicy’ telegram was in danger of being leaked. We sent very few of them. Sometimes I came to Israel to deliver reports orally.”A mysterious submarine in Israeli �

territorial waters 11 miles from Haifa in November 2004, which fled upon discovery, turned out to be American, raising memories of the USS Liberty’s covert mission in June 1967.Yossi Melman, an Israeli journalist �specializing in intelligence, found that U.S. military attachés in Tel Aviv gathered covert information; Israeli officials, he discloses, believe the U.S. intelligence services have been eavesdropping on conversa-tions between key staff in Israel and at foreign missions. U.S. spying, he concludes, has exposed “Israel’s deepest policy secrets.”An official history of Israel’s intel- �ligence services published in 2008 found (as reported by Reuters) that U.S. spy agencies use the embassy in Tel Aviv to engage in electronic eavesdropping and train embassy staff for “methodical intelligence gathering.”Barak Ben-Zur, a retired Shin Bet in- �telligence officer, wrote in that same volume that “The United States has been after Israel’s non-conventional capabilities and what goes on at the decision-making echelons.”A 5,000-word secret memorandum �dated October 31, 2008 (released by WikiLeaks), sent under Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s name, catalogues topics that State wants

information on. The very long list includes intelligence on “Israel’s de-cision-making process for launching military operations and determining retaliation for terrorist attacks”; “ev-idence of Government of Israel” in-volvement in “settlement and outpost growth” on the West Bank; details on Israel Defense Forces operations against Hamas, “including targeted assassinations and tactics/techniques used by ground and air units”; and everything about information tech-nologies used by “government and military authorities, intelligence and security services.”The National Security Agency em- �ploys large numbers of Hebrew speakers at its Fort Meade, Maryland, headquarters, where they listen to in-tercepts of Israeli communications. The 2009 legal problems of one of their number, Shamai K. Leibowitz, concerning his leaking information, revealed that he translated Hebrew-language conversations at the Israeli embassy in D.C. into English, neatly confirming Rabinovich’s revelation.Observers have drawn the obvi-

ous conclusion: Yitzhak Rabin, twice prime minister, commented, in Caro-line Glick’s paraphrase, that “every few years Israel discovers another U.S. agent committing espionage against the State.” An Israeli counterintelligence

agent notes that Americans “are trying to spy on us all the time – every way they can.” Matthew M. Aid, the Ameri-can author of Intel Wars (2012), finds that Washington “started spying on Is-rael even before the State of Israel was formally founded in 1948, and Israel has always spied on us.”

As Aid indicates, the spying is reciprocal. More: it’s been routine, known and implicitly accepted by both sides. It’s also not terribly worrisome, for these allies share much in common, from moral values to ideological en-emies, and they often work in tandem. Therefore, the mutual spying has few larger consequences.

Why then spy at all? Why not invite Israel into the Anglophone “five eyes” grouping that promises not to spy on each other? Because Israel is at war. As Ben-Zur of Shin Bet puts it, “At the end of the day, the United States does not want to be surprised. Even by us.” Nor, for that matter, do the Israelis want to be surprised. Even by Americans.

So, let’s be adults about this and calm down. States spy, even on allies. That’s okay.Mr. Pipes ( is president of the Middle East Forum and Taube distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. © 2012 by Daniel Pipes. All rights reserved.

140 kosher characters:

Page 36: The Jewish News - September 2012


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This article is included as part of The Jewish Federation’s year-long Israel@65 celebration. During this time, in a series of articles, The Jewish News will spotlight Israeli innovation. Please visit for more information on Israel@65 events.

All eyes on Israeli trial of methanol fuel

By Abigail Klein Leichman July 24, 2012, ISRAEL21c

Israelis are first to test whether a greener, cheaper fuel from natural gas can be used in existing cars without ill effects on the engine

With gas-pump prices soaring along with the demand for energy independence, energy

experts in the United States are eagerly awaiting the results of an Israeli pilot using M15, a fuel made of 15 percent methanol and 85% gasoline. Methanol is made from natural gas, a substance that both countries have in abundance.

M15 is produced by Dor Chemi-cals of Haifa, which is running the six-month trial along with gas station chain Ten Petroleum with the support and supervision of Israel’s ministries of en-ergy and water resources, transportation and environmental protection.

“We would like to prove that no changes are necessary to cars or to gas-station equipment in order to use this blend,” Ten CEO Danny Ben-Ner tells ISRAEL21c. M15 is already popular in China, but test results on its possible effects to car engines and gas pumps have not been made public.

“We are closely monitoring the project because this is the most impor-tant experiment that is currently taking place in the world outside of China,” says Gal Luft of the Institute for Analy-sis of Global Security, a Washington, D.C. think tank.

Expectations are that the pilot will show no modifications are necessary and no harm is done to the engines or pumps.

“The standards will allow us to use the information to demonstrate to the U.S. government and auto industry that existing vehicles can run on blends of methanol,” says Luft.

Makes sense to replace oil with natural gasBen-Ner explains that 11 cars are par-ticipating in the test – 10 of them are from Dor’s corporate fleet and the other one belongs to a Ten station manager.

“They were all checked before the start of the pilot in early June and will be double tested again after they drive 30,000 kilometers,” says Ben-Ner. “All the components from the fuel station, including pumps, will also be tested.”

“We have identified the potential of natural gas-based oil to replace gasoline and diesel fuel in transportation, and methanol is one of the best candidates for short- and medium-term imple-mentation,” says Brachah Halaf, senior manager of oil replacement for the Min-istry of Energy and Water Resources.

“When we got a request to finance and oversee this pilot project from Dor, we embraced it. We were looking for experiments that are system-oriented and need to be coordinated in many aspects among several ministries.”

Emissions from natural gas-based fuel are much less toxic than those of regular gasoline, and methanol is bio-degradable.

It’s also cheaper. Using M15 would reduce gas prices in Israel by 50 agorot per liter (roughly equivalent to 50 cents per gallon).

“The question is how to best use natural gas to replace oil,” says Luft.

“It’s a question being asked in Israel and also in the United States, which has abundant natural gas and a dependency on oil. Natural gas is one-sixth the price

of oil on an energy-equivalent basis, so it makes total sense to replace oil with natural gas in transportation. Our view is that turning gas into methanol is the easiest and most economical way to do it.”Methanol at the pump within two yearsRich stores of natural gas have been discovered in Israel and in the United States over the past couple of years, and the race is on to plan how to use it in the most efficient way for fuel.

“The idea of producing liquid fuel from gas would be a real change in our way of using energy,” says Ben-Ner, who says that an interested U.S. company has visited Ten twice to learn more about integrating M15 into gas stations.

“This will be a significant collabora-tion between us and the United States,” he says. “We are the first pilot and can use the outcome to help others.”

If the trial does prove the ease of

switching over to M15, the next step would be a much larger-scale pilot in-volving tens or hundreds of cars over the course of about a year, says Ben-Ner.

“Then we’ll have final results. Our goal is that M15 will become part of our products in our stations in the near future – within two years if everything goes according to our expectations. It will cost less than regular gasoline, in addition to its advantages of reducing environmental harm and dependence on foreign oil.”

Adds Ten spokeswoman Ortal Ganot, “All eyes are looking at Israel because this is an amazing project, the first in the world to check the engine be-fore, during and after to see the effect of M15. We believe nothing will happen to the engine, and that Israel is going to use M15 so that in 10 years from now we can be more energy independent.”Abigail Klein Leichman is a writer and associate editor at ISRAEL21c.

Page 37: The Jewish News - September 2012

9B September 2012 9BSeptember 2012

It’s a summer Wednesday night in vivacious Tel Aviv, and the Bat-sheva Dance Company’s Ensemble

is having their final show of a spirit-edly scheduled season. The hot daytime air has released into an evening Medi-terranean breeze as the city is at its norm of high bursting energy. Well known as

the resident theatre of the Batsheva Dance Company and nestled in the ambient and flourishing Neve Tzedek neighborhood, the Suzanne Dellal Cen-tre for Dance and Theatre fills up with the amiable and chatty Israeli crowd. As expected from the country’s continuous pace, the theatre darkens ten minutes late and as the cell phone addicted au-dience finishes their last messages on their highly advanced phones. It’s quite amazing to see the warm yet loud Israe-lis detach from their dialogue and reach calm towards a show they know was worth the expense and time.

The Batsheva Dance Company has been awarded with growing interna-tional awareness the past two decades after the current Artistic Director, Ohad Naharin, took over in 1990. Since the company was founded in 1964 by the Baroness Batsheva de Rothschild and legendary choreographer Martha


Batsheva Dance: Israel’s artistic gem exposedBy Roy Schneider, Joseph J. Edlin Journalism Intern

Roy Schneider

Graham, and up until Naharin’s leader-ship, the company was well known for executing and performing Graham’s choreography at its best outside of her own company in New York City. Na-harin’s new leadership drove him to build “Gaga,” his own revolutionary language movement where the dancers feel the movement through vivid de-scriptions presented by the instructor. Most dancers, who come from Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, the United States and, of course, Israel, go through the two-year junior ensemble company before they are even considered to take part in the Batsheva Dance Company.

On the bill for the night’s pro-gram is a sophisticated contrast of old and new works. Ohad Naharin’s piece, Tabula Rasa, originally created for ten dancers of the Pittsburgh Ballet back in 1986, is first. Danced by an equal num-ber of men and women in warm shades of a retro summer to the music of Estonian Composer Arvo Pärt, Tabu-la Rasa reminds the audience how time-less Naharin’s work is regardless of his highly recognized evolution these past two years.

Preceding Tabula Rasa is the un-

titled premiere of House Choreogra-pher Sharon Eyal and her collaborative musical muse, Gai Bachar. This pre-miere pleases the modern and suave crowd with elegantly layered electronic tracks from start to finish of this twen-ty-minute piece. The premiere’s form fitting costumes highlight the dancers’ astounding figures and are garnished by a lime green triangle painted on each dancer’s hands. The first number’s clas-sical depth through earthy and floor-connected movement and the second piece’s modern funk through spinal and avant garde positions give a strongly complemented dance experience for any viewer.

Maayan Sheinfeld, who spent the last two years in the ensemble company and just recently accepted an es-teemed promotion to the main Batshe-va Dance Compa-ny, shared several thoughts with me after the perfor-mance. The com-pact yet flexible

second-generation Israeli with Russian roots graduated from respected Thelma Yellin High School of the Arts with summer programs in Prague, Salzburg, and New York City’s Juilliard. She was

mostly classically trained through bal-let with partial Martha Graham dance training. Maayan expressed how “sharp of a switch it was to go from ballet train-ing to Naharin’s unique Gaga technique as it required me to free convictions set from ballet.”

Although challenging, she addition-ally explained how she cannot totally disregard her classical roots as they structured her body to better handle the looser movements of Batsheva’s reper-toire, and because several times a week the company and ensemble are required to take a ballet class. Maayan mentioned her surprise to find the Gaga technique added to the Juilliard Dance Program’s curriculum during her summer stud-ies there. Even when she learned that Juilliard is implementing Batsheva’s main technique, she acknowledged that for the longest time she didn’t re-alize Batsheva’s influence on today’s dance industry. She spoke about her moment of enlightenment “during the curtain call of an ensemble performance in Italy, where the whole crowd stood and clapped louder than ever. It was so emotional that it made me tear up in joy to know that I am a part of it.”

To learn more about the Batsheva Dance Company or get a schedule of their performance dates, please visit

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Tabula Rasa by Ohad Naharin (photo by Gadi Dagon and provided by

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BRIEFSISRAEL’S HAIFA PORT FACILITATING IRAQI TRADEIraq and Israel do not enjoy diplomatic relations but the Israeli port of Haifa has been secretly serving as a conduit for trade between Iraq and Europe for a long time, Haifa mayor Yona Yahav told Al-Jazeera. Trucks from Jordan carrying Iraqi merchandise arrive at Haifa port and load it onto ships that travel to Eu-rope. A WikiLeaks document published in October 2010 revealed a conversa-tion between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. Senator Benjamin Cardin in February 2009 in which Netanyahu spoke of “strong but unpublicized trade between Haifa port and Iraq via Jordan.”

Yahav said the Israeli government is investing $70.6 million in a train line between Haifa and Beit She’an, on the border with Jordan. Trade expert Matanis Shahadeh told Al-Jazeera that from Iraq’s point of view, the Iraq- Haifa route is much more direct and cost-efficient than the alternative mari-time route through the Persian Gulf. (Times of Israel)

THE ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES: FIRST FOR WOMENThe Israeli military is the most progres-sive in the world in terms of gender equality. Almost one-third of the force and 50% of its officers are female. Some

92% of roles are now open to women.In the UK, only 13% of the armed

forces are women, while there are only slightly more in the U.S. army (13.4%). (Guardian-UK)

ISRAEL, CHINA TO BUILD EILAT RAILWAYIsrael and China recently signed his-toric cooperation agreements in Beijing to build the Eilat railway and future projects, including an inland canal port north of Eilat. The cargo rail line will link Israel’s Mediterranean ports in Ashdod and Haifa with Eilat. There are also plans to extend the line to Jor-dan’s Aqaba port. The estimated cost of the line is at least NIS 20 billion. The Chinese proposed financing part of the cost through the government-owned China Development Industrial Bank. Israel is considering awarding con- struction of the project to Chinese com-panies because of their rapid work. (Globes)

INDIA-ISRAEL TRADE CAN GO UP TO $15 BILLIONBilateral trade between India and Israel can go up to $15 billion after the two countries are expected to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) by year end, an Israeli envoy has said. “In 1992, the volume of trade between Israel and India was $180 million. In 2011, it was about $5 billion. We are expecting the free trade agree-ment to be signed by the end of 2012 and then the volume of trade can go up to $10-15 billion,” Israel’s Ambassador Alon Ushpiz recently told reporters in India. (Hindustan Times - India)

“PALESTINE” SHOULD USE WATER TO PROCURE PEACE, NOT PERPETUATE CONFLICT Contrary to claims made by Dr. Shadd-ad Attili, the Minister of the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA), in a Huffing-ton Post Canada commentary, Israel exports volumes of water to the West Bank greatly in excess of what the Oslo Accords had mandated.

West Bank Palestinians have access to over 248 million cubic meters (MCM) of fresh natural water as Israel supplies

an extra 21 MCM beyond its obligations under the Interim Agreements. This is done, among other reasons, to compen-sate for the PWA’s repeated failures to implement approved water projects.

Under Jordanian rule prior to 1967, only one in 10 West Bank households was connected to running water. To-day, owing to Israel’s water policy, the figure stands at 96% and is rising. (Mike Fegelman, executive director of HonestReporting Canada, in Huffington Post-Canada)

THE MIDDLE EAST’S GREATEST UNTOLD STORYAt the end of World War II, 850,000 Jews lived in Arab countries. Just 8,500 remain today. After Arab leaders failed to annihilate Israel militarily in 1948, they launched a war of terror, incite-ment and expulsion to decimate their own ancient Jewish communities. In Iraq, Jewish businessman Shafiq Adas, then the country’s wealthiest citizen, was immediately arrested on trumped-up charges and publicly lynched. This was followed by bombings targeting Jewish institutions, arbitrary arrests of Jewish leaders, and massive govern-ment seizures of property.

Similar scenes played out from Egypt to Syria to Libya to Yemen. State-sanctioned pogroms descended on Jewish neighborhoods, killing inno-cents. The total area of land confiscated from Jews in Arab countries amounts to nearly 40,000 square miles – about five times Israel’s entire land mass.

Year after year Palestinian refugees attract attention and resources at the UN, yet not a single syllable about the Jew-ish refugees expelled from Arab coun-tries can be found in any of the 1,088 UN resolutions on the Middle East or the 172 UN resolutions dedicated to Palestinian refugees.

The historic Jewish presence in the Arab world must be recognized. The grave injustices inflicted upon them must be acknowledged. The crimes committed against them must be recti-fied. (Ron Prosor, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, in Huffington Post)


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11B September 2012 11BSeptember 2012


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HERR MAYORFrankfurt, Germany, has elected its first Jewish mayor in almost 80 years and only its second in history. Social Democrat Peter Feldmann, a 53-year-old economist, former director of a se-nior citizens’ home and cofounder of the Working Group of Jewish Social Demo-crats, bested his opponent from the con-servative Christian Democratic Union.

According to the Jerusalem Post, Feldmann says that his Jewish back-ground was “not a topic” in the elec-tion: “I did not cite it as a theme. The voters know I am Jewish. Period!”

Feldmann worked on a kibbutz in his youth, is a strong advocate of Is-rael’s security and of relations with Tel Aviv, Frankfurt’s partner city. (Petra Roth, outgoing mayor, did not seek re-election; her decision to invite anti-Is-rael academic Alfred Grosser to deliver a speech at a Kristallnacht commemo-ration in 2010 triggered international criticism.)

Frankfurt’s Jewish community of 7,000 – many from the former Soviet Union – represents a small percentage of the city’s total population of 650,000 and is less than a quarter of its size before the Holocaust. The city’s other Jewish mayor, Ludwig Landmann, served for nine years until the Nazis

came to power in 1933. (Rahel Musleah in Hadassah Magazine)

ISRAEL PLANS TO REVIVE AILING JORDAN RIVERToday, as a result of years of overtaxing for irrigation and drinking water, the Jordan River is just a few meters wide. “It’s five percent of what once flowed,” said Ramon Ben Ari, head of Israel’s Southern Jordan Drainage Authority. “You can easily walk across without getting your head wet.” Almost all the water that feeds the river is diverted by Syria, Jordan and Israel before it reach-es the south, he explained.

The government plans to spend tens of millions of dollars to clean the Jor-dan River valley and develop it into an even bigger tourist hotspot, with camp-grounds and lodgings by its banks. A major wastewater treatment facility is being constructed at the southern tip of the Sea of Galilee which, when opened in two years, will improve river water quality. (Reuters)


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12B September 2012

For 11th & 12th Grade Students - April 3-18, 2013Selected teens will spend a week in Poland and march from

Auschwitz to Birkenau with thousands of fellow Jews from around the world on Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day). The

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STATE DEPARTMENT REPORT NOTES RISING TIDE OF GLOBAL ANTI-SEMITISM The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom’s 2012 Annual Re-port found:Egypt:Where the small remnant of a once size-able Jewish community now consists of fewer than 100 people, “in 2011, mate-rial vilifying Jews with both historical and new anti-Semitic stereotypes con-tinued to appear regularly in the state-controlled and semi-official media. This material includes anti-Semitic car-toons...comparisons of Israeli leaders to Hitler and the Nazis, and Holocaust de-nial literature. Egyptian authorities have not taken adequate steps to combat anti-Semitism in the media, despite official claims that they have ad-vised journalists to avoid anti-Semitism.”

“Human rights groups cite persistent, virulent an-ti-Semitism in the education system, which increasingly is un-der the influence of Islamist extremists, a development the Egyptian govern-ment has not adequately addressed. Iran:“Official policies promoting anti-Sem-itism have risen sharply in Iran, and members of the Jewish community have been targeted on the basis of real or perceived ties to Israel. President Ahmadinejad and other top political and clerical leaders have made public remarks during the reporting period actively denying the Holocaust and calling for the elimination of the State of Israel.”

“Numerous programs broadcast on state-run television advanced anti-Semitic messages, a prominent news-paper held a Holocaust denial editorial cartoon contest, and the Iranian gov-ernment sponsored a Holocaust denial

conference. Official government dis-crimination against Jews continues to be pervasive, fostering a threaten-ing atmosphere for the approximately 25,000-30,000-member Jewish com-munity.” Venezuela:“State media and pro-government media continue to make anti-Semitic statements...As the October 2012 presi-dential election approaches...Henrique Capriles Radonski, the opposition can-didate, was raised as a Roman Catholic but is the grandson of Polish Jews who fled Nazi persecution, and his great-grandparents were killed in the Treblin-ka concentration camp. Within a week of Capriles’ selection in February 2012,

state-run Radio Nacional de Ven-ezuela posted on its website a

column calling him a sup-porter of ‘international Zionism’ and including a number of traditional anti-Semitic themes and

conspiracies; and a mob formed in front of a Caracas

synagogue until it was broken up by the police.” (U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom)

EU-FUNDED NGOS VS. EU-ISRAEL COOPERATION On July 24, 2012, the EU and Israel completed negotiations to increase trade and diplomatic cooperation in the framework of the EU-Israel Association Agreement.

A number of Europe-based, Pal-estinian, and Israeli political advocacy NGOs condemned this cooperation, and lobbied the EU to freeze and abro-gate the agreement.

Many of these anti-peace NGOs are funded by the EU and its member states, meaning that the EU is paying for political campaigns that undermine its own objectives.


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This event helps area teens and parents prepare to “Navigate the College Application Process.” Jane Robbins, a local independent college consultant, will share her over 10 years experience on the college application process and financial aid. Rabbi Ed Rosenthal, Executive Director of Hillels of the Florida Suncoast, will discuss Jewish life on campus. A light meal will be served.

The Klingenstein Jewish Center 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota FL 34232


Zell Room, Federation Campus (580 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota)

Event is FREE!

941.371.4546 ext.106 or

Thursday, October 25, 2012• 7:00 p.m. Zell Room, Federation Campus (580 McIntosh Rd, Sarasota) Questions? Contact Amber Ikeman at 941.371.4546 x105 or [email protected]

2012 College Night

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13B September 2012 13BSeptember 2012

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The NGOs include ICAHD, Chris-tian Aid, Coalition of 11 Palestinian NGOs, EMHRN, Adalah, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, PCATI, Amnesty International and Oxfam In-ternational. (NGO Monitor)

WATER FROM THE SEA: ISRAEL’S HUGE BET ON DESALINATIONAt the Ashkelon Desalination Plant south of Tel Aviv, 15,000 cubic meters of seawater is converted into fresh water every hour. The plant churns out 15% of Israel’s yearly water supply. Israel cur-rently has three large-scale desalination plants and two more are coming.

Israel is also a world leader in recy-cling waste water, reusing over 80% of “treated wastewater,” or approximately 400 million cubic meters a year, far beyond that of any other country. By comparison, Spain, in second place, re-cycles 20% of its wastewater. (Interna-tional Business Times)

TV SHOW RETURNS TO ITS HOMELAND...ISRAELHomeland will begin its second season on Showtime on September 30. The Golden Globe-winning show will also be returning to its roots – in Israel – where it will be shooting several scenes, as it did for season one. Homeland is an American remake of the popular Israeli television series Hatufim (Kidnapped, in Hebrew, or Prisoner of War).

Both the Israeli and the American versions are about POWs returning home after years in captivity. Hatu-fim examines the return of two soldiers 17 years after their abduction in Lebanon and their physical and emotional scars. In Homeland, a United States marine (Nicholas Brody, played by Damian Lewis) returns home after being held by terrorists in Afghanistan for eight years; a CIA operative with bipolar disorder (Carrie Mathison, played by Claire Danes) is convinced that he was “turned” and is determined to un-cover his betrayal. The psychological thriller looks at the volatile mix of a fearful post-9/11 America and the ac-tions of a damaged soldier-spy. The second season is bringing the destruc-tive reach of al-Qaeda-like enemies into the very heart of Washington, as Brody is being promoted for national office. When the crew is in Israel, their stay won’t be as grim as the show’s theme. In an interview with Conan O’Brien in 2011, Danes said regarding filming parts of the series’ first season in Israel: “It was wonderful, I loved it,” adding that Tel Aviv is “the most intense party

RAFI (Relatives and Friends of Israelis) is a social group that is the bridge between loved ones in Israel and the U.S. RAFI is a non-political, non-fund-raising group. Members enjoy sharing news about loved ones in Israel and have fun, interesting meetings. Try them out and connect with people who have the same interests. For more information, contact Harriet Joy Epstein at [email protected] or 941.342.1818.

rAfi (relatives and friends of israelis)

town I’ve ever been to.” (Zelda Shluker in Hadassah Magazine)

WHOSE FAULT IS PALESTINIAN POVERTY?One reason Palestinian economic growth has been so disastrously slow is the terror war that Yasser Arafat launched against Israel in 2000 – the Second Intifada. It shattered Israeli hopes for peaceful concert with a new neighboring country, and led to an eco-nomic estrangement that proved hor-ribly costly to Palestinians. Israelis stopped employing Palestinian workers and stopped buying Palestinian goods. Transit and trade between the two be-came difficult and painful.

And whose fault was it? Israel, which agreed in principle to a deal at Camp David in 2000 granting Palestin-ians a state with sovereign dominion over nearly 94% of the West Bank? No, it was exclusively the doing of Arafat, who served as a reverse George Wash-ington – rejecting nationhood for vio-lence.

Saeb Erekat blames “occupation” for Palestinian poverty. But the PA has dominion over almost all of the West Bank, and Hamas has control over all of Gaza, so the word “occupation” is all but meaningless. (John Podhoretz in the New York Post)

FM LIBERMAN INAUGURATES NEW EMBASSY IN ALBANIADeputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman recently traveled to Albania on an of-ficial visit. In Tirana he met with Presi-dent Bujar Nishani, Prime Minister Sali Berisha, Minister of Foreign Affairs Edmond Panariti, Deputy Prime Minis-ter and Minister of Economy, Trade and Energy Edmond Haxhinasto and oppo-sition leader Edi Rama. FM Liberman also held additional meetings.

FM Liberman inaugurated the Is-raeli embassy in Tirana at a festive cer-emony. Prior to the establishment of the embassy, Albanian issues were handled by a non-resident ambassador. This is


the tenth diplomatic mission to be inau-gurated since FM Liberman began serv-ing as foreign minister. An additional three missions are due to be opened within the next year.

FM Liberman stated that the open-ing of each new diplomatic mission is a

festive occasion for the State of Israel, the citizens of Israel and for Israeli di-plomacy. This is especially true with regard to a country such as Albania, which has a Muslim population of 70% and is a NATO member. (Israel Minis-try of Foreign Affairs)

continued from previous page

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Page 42: The Jewish News - September 2012

14B September 2012 RECENT EVENTS

Recent event photos from the area’s temples, schools & organizations

Outer Space was the theme of Temple Sinai’s final camp session for the Gan preschool. The campers were transformed from darling boys and girls to Amazing Astronauts and Out of this World Aliens.

Above left: Phoebe and Eli Winters; Above right: Sasha Nir

From FunShops, swimming, trips and activities to theme days, campers at Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood Ranch’s Camp Gan Israel were kept busy and entertained from drop-off to dismissal. Special thanks to The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee for providing scholarships to many families, enabling

The campers at Temple Beth Sholom School’s Summer Camp explored nature through the “Creatures Featured” theme. The focus for Session 4 was on “Swamp Things.” The main event was a visit by Brian Pavlina with the Sarasota County Natural Resources, who brought in three different types of reptiles for the children to see and learn about. Above left: A camper pets Knobs the African TurtleAbove right: Bearded Dragon Sandy gets attention from the campersBelow right: The campers are tentative about petting Blanca, the albino rat snake

From sharks to the circus, children at Temple Emanu-El

Preschool enjoyed a summer filled with fun and exciting activities.

Above right: Ainsley Young plays with

bubbles on Water Day At right: Mark Lowell

squirts water and cools off during Water Day

Carly Heininger enjoys her Jewish Birthday day

at Camp Gan Israel of Venice

their children to experience Camp Gan Israel.Far left: Campers Gloria Wieand and Marissa Baty at the Camp Fashion ShowAbove center: Campers participate in a baking activityAbove right: CGI Campers bowl!

ConneCt with your Jewish Community

Page 43: The Jewish News - September 2012

15B September 2012 15BSeptember 2012RECENT EVENTS

Chabad of Venice & North Port’s Jewish Teen Club took a day trip, led by Chaya Rivka Schmerling to Miami. The girls explored many Jewish sites including a mikvah,

kosher restaurant, Judaica store, scribe’s hut, and many synagogues. In a beautiful synagogue in Weston are Cecelia Bean, Mazal Fernandez, Stephanie Campbell,

Chaya Rivka Schmerling, Josi Phifer and Melinn Phifer.

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JFCS volunteers dressed in true patriotic colors for the Independence Day celebration held at the weekly Friday

Senior Outreach Services Program Luncheon. Pictured are volunteers Amanda Cattaneo, Joan Gaberman,

Ruth Orne, Frank Buffone and Shirley Fein.

At Chabad of Venice & North Port, eight women celebrate their adult Bat Mitzvah. For most, it was their first time! Students spent a year studying the depth and power of the role of the Jewish women. Pictured are teacher Chaya Rivka Schmerling (standing)

with students Ronnie Storch, Mina Mcevoy, Nelly Sawatsky, Helene Feo, Emelia Shevgart, Myrna Fernandez, Abbie Davis and Marilyn Pomeranz.

Hannah Puckhaber, Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood President, holds a check representing the $30,000

donated to Temple Beth Sholom from the Sisterhood, which helps support the religious school

and other programs.

Congregation for Humanistic Judaism members recently enjoyed a movie date/box supper. Pictured are organizer Renee Crames and

members Terry Langlois and Janet & Ron Sheff.

At a recent Congregation Kol HaNeshama event are Sandra Chase, Cheryl Rudin, Carolina Sitrin, co-Presidents Toby Deutsch

and Maureen Binderman, Linda Charnes and Sonia Weismehl.



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