the jewish home newspaper of rhode island i e lcmib l era · mr. howard m. chapin r. i. historical...

Mr. Howard M. Chapin R. I. Historical Soci e ty 68 Waterman s t. Providence, R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND .... ~-=~~-. i e lcmiB l era Vol. IV, No. 35 Ente red as S(-cond-Class Mutter, Nov. 7, 1!)29. nt the P ost Of. lice at P l'Ovidcncc, R. 1.. Under the Act of March 3, 18'/9 PROVIDENCE, R. I., MAY 26, 1933 5 Cents the Copy Newport Celebrates Center Players Appear Thursday In Popular Hit T ouro Anniversary Noted Rabbis to Attend I~ -------,- - ----,--- I _l Hadassah Speaker Victor Herbert's "Sweet- heart s" to be Staged in P lantations Auditorium Elaborate Ceremonies Planned by Committee BANQ UET SUNDAY EVENING The celebration of the 50th anni- Y ersary of the Reconsecration of the historic Sy nagogue of the Congreg a- tion J eshuat Is r ae l, known .as the Touro Synagogue, will begin wit h a Sabba th servi ce this evenin g. Rev. Dr. H. Pe reira Mendes, Habbi Emeri- tus of the Congregati on Shcar ith Is- rael of New York and who held sen'- ices in Newport in l SSl as a gues t and whose father rcconsecrai:cd the synagogue in 1883, will d el iver the opening prayer a nd sermoa. Rabbi David De Sola Pool, Ra bbi of the Sheari th I srael Congr egation will chant Kaboloth Sha both. The me mori al prayer and bened iction will be deli vered by Rabbi Morri s A. Gut- stein of t he T ouro Synagogue. Serv- ices wi ll be con ducted Satu rday morning, May 27th with the three Rabbi s ofliciating. Children 's serv- ices will be held Su nday mo rning with addresses by Ca ptain N . T aylor Phillips of New York Ci ty, Nathan David, pres ide nt of Con gregation J eshuat Israel, Rabbi Mendes and our Rabbi. The formal 50th anniversary ser v- ice will be held on Sunday aftern oon, May 28 at exactl y 2 p. m. Our Rab- bi wi ll preach a sermon in Hebr ew. At this se rvice Mayo r Mort imer A. Sulli van will bi·ing gree tings fro m the ci ti zens of Newport, Cap t. Phillips fr om the Congregation She ari th Isr ael in New York. Na- than Dav id will speak on th e his tory of the J ews in Newpo rt during the last 50 yea rs and Judge Max Levy will relate the hi s tory of the Jews since the settleme nt of the Cit y of Newport. Herm an Pod rat will pre- side during thi s ser vice a nd i ntro- duce the speakers. At its conc lu- s ion there wi ll be a procession from the synagogue to the hi s toric cem e- tery, about whi ch that gr eat Ameri- can poe t, Lon gfell ow, wrote "The Cemete ry on the Hi ll." Capt ain Phi l- lips who is preside nt of the Shearith Is rael Congr egati on and a g reat- g r an<lson of Moses Se i xas i nte rred in the cemetery will s peak, the three Rabbi s r eciting the memo rial pray- ers. The ce lebration wi II be cu l- m ina ted with an elaborate banq uet S unday eve nin g at th e C. J . 1. Com- muni ty Cente r. MRS. SAM GE L HALP RI N Will address Provide nce Chapt er Honors' Lunche on, J unc 6 National Head of Hadass:.1h Speak to Here Mrs. Sa muel W. Hal prin of Brook- lyn, N. Y ., a nd n ational pr es ide nt of t h e 1-l a dassah will be the principa l spe aker at the Donors' L uncheon to be sponso red by the Providence Chapter at the Narragans ett Hotel, June 6 l\'lrs. Ha lprin is one of the yo ung- est women leaders in o rgan ization work in the co un try a nd as the lead- er of 1-f adassah me mbers h eads one of th e la r gest or gani zed J ewish women 's g roups in Ame rica. Mrs. Halprin is one of the bes t- known Zionist spea kers and has ap- p ea red in ma ny cities lo deliver ad- dresses. Living one y ea r in }) aJ es- tine among its pe opl e and n ot a s a to uri st, has gained for her a ri ch unde rs tan ding a nd knowledge of th e ir li ves and asp irati ons. Climaxin g more than two and a ha lf months of intens ive pre paration the Jewish Cent er Players with a cast of 1 10 will aJ) ne xt Thurs- day evenin g at the Plantations Au- ditorium in the bi gges t produc tion CYen vent ured by thi s grou 11, pre- se ntin g Vict or Herbert's tune ful ope- re tta "Sweetheart s". P rincipal parts h ave been ass igned to th e fo llowi ng : E velyn S ie ga l, Syl- via ; Mal'y Orli ansky, Dame P a ul a; Dorothy Wald man l .i ane; Fred Summerfield, F' ra nz, Th e Prince; L eo Cohe n, Lt. Karl; S ydney Long, Mi- kel; Mac y Gordo n, Von Tromp; Jack Go rdon, Caniche; Al Gurwi tz, Sli ngs by; Norm an Mille r, Gua rd; Larr y Spi tz, Majo r Domo. The cho ru s co nsis ts of: Regina Spiegelb latt, Fanni e Be rns tei n, lrene Massover, Edith J affe, Ida Fain, Charlotte Long, Molly Sandl e r, Ja- nice Sandler, Samuel Fink , \- Val lace Ser ge, Howard P ass, Milton Spitz, Harry Grubman1 Benja min Si n ger, \Villi am Mi1l er, J ad .. - Pressman. The Six Sister s: Ethel Shukof sky, Nor- ~! ARY 0 11LIA N S l {Y 1na Gou se, Ros al ind Gou se , Cha rl otte 0 now, H ilda Raphael and Sarah ) 'ressman. Spec ia lty nu mbe rs wi ll be gi ven lly b:thel, J ea n a nd Fl orence ~chwartz. 25 Boys and Girls From Mrs. Sa mu el S tar r is coachi ng the production ass isted by Mi ss J ean :Jchwa rtz, d anci ng inst ruc to r, Mi ss Ueatri ce G ross, Pi a n is t and Ben ja- 1. 1i n Pre mack 1 or chestra directo r. l 1lrs. Saul Abrams a nd M1·s. H e rman J 'e in g-o ld are in ch arge o[ cos tumcR. 1\ co mm i ttee o[ more than .L OO ha~ Lee n a ss is tin g with the s al e of ti ckets. 'l'he fol lowi ng- arc Commi t- t ee Cha irmen: Gene ral, . Millon C. Sa - pinsley, Co-Chairme n, Mrs. Joseph J. Sec fer, A IUe rt S. P ink erson, Ben- Jewish Center Clubs Honored at Koved Night One I ntermediate g irl nnd on e .Ju- nior g irl we re naml'd for h i~dH .'8t honors at the A nnuul l{ovcd Nig ht Exerci ses. a tt ended by mor e tha n 20 Ce nt er (' luhs. Tuc~d ay eve ning, in th e gy mnas ium of th e .J ew is h Com muni ty ('c nl (' r, G ;; Benefit S t. Twe nt y- thr ee ot her hoyR nnd g irl s r ece ived hono ruhl c me nti on cc rlili - cat es for cxce llcncc in n ll aro und com1>etition. Excc uli\ ·e Dir ector Jacob I. Cohen pr esid ed ut. th e ex (•r - cises a nd me mbers of the Ce nt er Board and in vi ted guests made the presentations. The He rmnn S. Ga l kin nnd Ch ar- les Si l ve rman Trophi es, nwnrded an- nuall y to Jun io r boy or gir l a nd In- te rmedi ate boy or girl cl cempd wor- thy to be c hosen ns out~tand ing me mbers of thrir tl ivi~ion, wrre ownrcled to Cel ia Kn μe low of the Kodimoh Club a nd Jllo!-som . u ~cr- mun o( the J. U. G. Club. F rances Snell, I rn Stone, Stf'lla ~imom~ rmd Phylli ~ Littman r('c(•ivC'd the h ig-h - est me nt ion crr tificntes. Others who r eceived certificates were: Her- bert Brown, Leon K. Acker man, Les- ter niter, J o!-cph A. Wri smnn, Edith Schoenberir. E sthe r Stras- ber~, llntti e Knt znel ~o n, Roslyn Garfinkl e, Lilli an Rose, He nri e tta jami n Ag-roni clc , Mrs. Ira H0 Ui11so11 i I< ri L z., A lbc rt H.01Ji nso 11 , Mi ld l"ed 7. u- ~; cc r clary, t:vel yn S imon; 'l'rcm;u rcr 1 ckc rman , MilLvn Weisman, Sa nford 1,ouis Da vi s; 'l'ickel Chairma n, Fre da Litc hmnn, ll e lr n Uake r, S ydnl'y Co- f' imo n; 'l'icket. Co-Chairnwn , Wi lli- hr n, Sam ut• I Wi lk, l f.i r ac l Zuckro ff. :• rri Ma lzner; Pri z.ef,; 1 llc l'lnan S Gal - 'l'hC' Jul er.; P. Goldstein Troph y, I in, l\ lrs. Albert Trnvis; HC'f,;c rved award C' d a nnu u ll y lo lhe IJesl nll- ~:e a l f-i , Mrr._, Millti n C. Sapin8 1 cy, i\ lr s. around <." lub wcnl lo Ll ie Olymp ks .Jacob 1 •: n1 r-. tor; C'oRtumrs , M t·s. S a ul who reccivr d pr rrn a11r 11 t po~fit' fis iu n ,\ brnrn s, Mn... I l erma n Fein l,!o ld ; of th e c up, h av ing- wo n il l\\'ice pr e- Puhl kily, i\ lr s. l'aul J . Hobi n, Jn cuU viou~ly. Th r C' lw('k(• rel l r~ Wl' l"l' nm- I. Co ht •n ; l' rupr r li C's, Si dnC' y Habino- nr rup fo r lhi ~ pri z.e. T hC" J. U. G. v: ilz, !::,a n funl Mos kol; Hece pti on 1 gi rls we re u,,·Hrdcd the Max L. l>r. i\l yron .Kr lll'r, Isad or K ti l'l l. (:rant T ro ph y fo r the lH: 'Rt l nle rmc- d iute l,!roup w ith I l akoah Club cho- !-:i pr cial scene ry a nd cosl uni es, f,; '." n for seco nd honon; . lightin J,C effet.'ts, mu s ic lhal ap pea ls Pri ze~ were awa rded f or excel- to th e c ar, a ll a1·(' an indicalio n that I C' nce in the Declamali on and Spe ak - "S \\'Pell1C'art~" will pr o,·c lh c fin es t ing- Co ntes ts to ll c rlJ ert Brown, Bo- mu sical product io n eve r o ff ered by ris Prilchc ,'i 1 ...&!- ler Sa lk r, Be ll a any mnate ur group in lhC' c it y. Gold in, Nor man Brown, P ea rl Th e finC' st mu!- ical eve r alle mple(l Fi nke ls tein, F rancei:i Sne ll , Sanfo rd by th e Jewish Communily Ce n le r Li lchmn111 S id,wy Cohe n a nd Sa nw - l' layers wns lh e 1'1i kado la ::- l yea r el Granoff. Nuorn i Ho~e o( Lh e which met with such i 11s ta11ta n'eou B CheckC'rC'tte~ wac. a warded the Ida pr aise that the group was encou- Ko tle n i\ lem or ia l T rophy fo r the raged lo u11dert akc even a more am- hrsl l~sBay on lhe su bJect "Jew1sh bitiou~ prod ucti on. Co nt nbul1011 s lo C1vi h z nl1o n ". Syd- To enabl e eve r yone to attend the nry Cohen of lh e Judnea ns ca rri ed udmi ssion for g-en era l a nd r ese r ved o!f fin~t prize' in .t!1e Jnte rme diate ~e-llf,; lrnve bce,I pri ced very r eason- ! ._, s~ay11.~ontest,. wr~t,111g ?ll th e s ub- ably . Ti cke ts m ay be !-ecured by J('ct I h e i\l am I each 1ngs of the I ca lling the Center- D xter 6730- Prophets '', or from any me mber of the Com- ( Continucd on Page Eight ) mittee. l zJONIST HEAD OPENS DRIVE HERE SUNDAY TO SPEAK HERE L CHJIS LI PS KY 'World known Zioni st leader to ap- pea l for Pal est ine Ca mpai gn s upport Beth Israel Men Close 1933 Season with Stag Banquet The Men 's Club of Templ e Beth l srael c ulm inated it s work for the ~eason with a stag banquet Monday cven.i ng in the ves try of the Te mpl e. 1\ l be r t Lisker, preside nt of the c rou p, wa s toas tmaste r. The speakers i ncluded Max Rosen, pres ide nt of the Te mpl e; J acob Lich t, rhai rman of the boa rd of trus tees; Doris N. Nelson, and Dr. Ilic Be r ge r, past president s; a nd Rabbi i\la ui-i ce M. Ma zur c. The principal speak er of the eve ning \\"aS i\1eye r Gol dbc~·g- of New l3c d[o rd wh o gave a dis- course on "Peace." Entertainment \\"as furn ished by Jose ph Schloss berg \\" ho re 11dered reve ral voca l selections acco mp:rn ied by Willi s Ta tro at the piano. The committee in cha1· gc o[ :1r- r:rnge111e 11ts for t he :1ffair comp ri ~ed Cha rl es J . Sentlcr, cha i nnan; i\ l oni s \V . Sh oham a nd F red \Vc ilm:111 . Norman Zalkind of Fa ll River Wins Brown Award No rman Za lkind of Fall Hi,·er, :1 sop homo l'e :it Drown Uni\"C•r :.::i ty. wa :-- awa rdc tl lh t' fi r::; t pr ize i n Lh c :innual \l icks P ri ze De bat(• held la sl WC'd- llC'~d:1 y C'Vcn in g· UC'lwcen Un>" :n Uni - ve rs ity Soph om ores and J u111 0 1·s ;1l i\ la 11 11 i1q . .r \hill. The j ud g-cs :1 wa rdt•d lhr d C'<'i ~io11 for the debalt.' lo Lh e Soplwnwn' '- for lh e i r d efcm:C' uf the 11('gati \°l' of thr sub ject , " Hcso lved : t.h :1 t Co 11 gr c:;:.!- ~h ould a llc mpt lo re ~lor(' the pre- war p arily bclwee11 a g-ricullur(' a nd imlus try. 11 A second pri ze was won by .J . Mayn ard Kapl an, '34, of Salem. 8pe akcr~ inc lud ed Fretl <' l ick l1rob<'~·~1 ' :J,.1 1 Ir ving Urods ky. ·;J :; and HrnJ:! min 1. Schu \111 a11, ':Jr;, all of Provi- dence. lla rTy J . Che rnock '3:.J, was the pre!-i di n g- ofli ce r. CON IJLI CT DE B \ T l·: T he Clas~ical 11 igh School de bat- in g- te am d efeated the ll ope ll igh te am las t. Thu rsd ay e, ·e nin g- at the Clas!- ica l au diloriu1l1 on the que~tion, 0 Hesoh ·ed: lh at the inlernlliecl war debts should be c ancelled .H The Cla ssica l tt~am which _u \>held the neg-ath·(' o( Lhe ques t.ion inc ucl ed F rank Lic ht, Harold 1-l asse nfe ld, Sydney Coret a nd Elli s Dlack man. Great Zionist Leader to Open State Wide Drive at Meeting Here Sunday Huadreds to Take Part Lou is Li ps ky, nati onall y- known Zi- oni st, will be the p rinc ip al speaker 1t the s~ 1tc-•11ide appeal to be ma;le Sun day afte rnoon at three o'cl ock in Zi nn's · Banqu et Hall. u nd er the aus- pices of the Ame ri can Palestine Ca mpai g n. Dr. ] li e Ber ger, chairman of the com mittee an nounces th at re p- r esent ative del egatio ns will atte nd fro m a lmost cvei. y c it y an.d town in the st at e. Mr. Li psky, chanrman of th e ad- minis trati ve commi ttee of the Ame r- ica n Palestine Campai g n, is one of the for emost Zionist leaders in Ame rica , and has also p la yed a dominant pa rt in the inte rnati onal growth of t he Zioni st movem ent. Serving as president of the Zionist Orga n ization of Ame rica fr om 1921 to 193 1, and now Honor ary Vi ce Preside nt of that body, Mr. Lipsky has bee n id entified for mo re than 30 yea rs with the most important na- t ional J ewis h communa l enterprises. In hi s present post, he is the leader, with his Associate >l' ational Chair- me n1 of the 1932 fund -rais ing effort of the J ewis h Age ncy for Pal est ine. Bo rn in Roch ester, K. Y., i\lr. Lip- s ky e ntered u pon a lite rary career, in wh ich he achi e, ·ed success. For sorne ye ars he seed as d ra - mati c cr itic · of the Ne,,-York Tele- g raph. and ,, -a s a l::: o ed itor of the .-\merica n He brew. ln the 1 rl·· μart of the cent ury, he dedicat.:: d hi mself e ntire ly to the upbui\ding- of t he Zi- onist moveme nt in the Cnited States. I-l e se r ved in Y;-uious ca pacities. fi - r:ally rece i,·ing th e highest honor of the presidency of the Zionist Or- ganizati on. He als o sc1·yed as one of th e leading figures in th e \ i\' orld Zi onist Orga ni z:1 ti on, ha,·ing- been a 111<'mber of the \Vor ld Zioni st E-...;: e c- uti ve. Parlici pati n g- as a leader in :1 Y:l- ri cty of Jewish c:rnses. 1\lr. Lipsky b one or the g r eatest exponents of th e ph !h1 sophy of 7.ion i:-:111. Tle i:-- no"- μr eside nt of the East er n Life lns ur:rnce Co .. a Yi ce pn--~ident of the Ameri ca n Jewi:--h CongTe~~ and pre~idc 11l of the :\° ('W Yo rk Zio r,{st Reg- ion. T he loca l commi ttee of arra11ge- 11 wn ts co11~is t~ of: Dr. l lie HC'rger, Be r11a nl i\ l. Goldow~ky, Joshua Bell, .J ose ph ::,; mil h. J :rnH'~ G1) ldm a11, l\ob- (' rl L. l31' r 11~tei111 l lcnry l3ur l, l\lor- ri ~ Be dJC' r, Al ter 131Jyman, Abraham I J1. , Jl cr. i\l o rri s \\'. Shnh:un. R:ihhi i\l:iu ricc i\l. i\ Ia z urL' . Habbi lsr:ll'l .i\l. Goldma n. Habbi \\' il\iam G. Oraude, l 11ja11 1 i11 :--:. h :11w. lkn1anl i\1. Goldo\\'sky is chairman o( organi za- lio n s. NAT C. COHEN TO HEAD EMANU-EL MEN FOR 19;3;3.:3 1 N:1t. C. CohC'n \\"ns r 1' -('\rcl0d pl'e:-; i- de 11t of lhE' i\ l en' s Cl uh of T f'm pl e Em:rnu - El at a fath<'r and s on lllC'C't - ing la !-l Th urs day <'YC'lling in the Te mpl e. Other ofl1cer~ we rC': ll 0 rman , J. J\i - sc11bC'rg1 first Yice prC' ~id0nt; HC'rbe rt T icnrn 11, !-C'COIHI ,·k<' prC' ~irl<•nt ; , Ja- cob l•'p \c\ er, treasurC"r; i\iarli11 Zuckf' r. r0co rdi11 g f,;ecret.ary: Loui s i\1. Ah('- do11 , financial !-<'('rC'lary i C'harlL ~~ St.ras mi ch , \rnblicily <lirC'<"tnr. ThC' boan of ,i.rov<'rt1ors t"'lccl('d Abraham I ,. Jacobs, C'nrl G0\dhlatt. i\Jicha("l 1'ir n1crn1 Ah<' Hotman, Jacob Meyer, ~amuf' I l{ ('~nirk, Al<'x \\"('i 11f' 1' , .J . P. Golcl ~mith. Alfred H. Green, Morri s H. Sydel\ 1 Samuel H1l- ::-e11 , Nathan F'(' rlm, rn , SamuC'I Or<'~ man , Jos eph de Ison, ~amw•I ('ol1Pn, Louis Kau fman and Jar nh ll 1)(' hhr r ,r. i\lusic \\"as furni shC' d hv thf' Sn(' ka no sset School Band undPr the dir<'c- ti on of Anthony Chiarla.

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Page 1: THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND i e lcmiB l era · Mr. Howard M. Chapin R. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman st. Providence, R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND

Mr. Howard M. Chapin R. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman s t. Providence, R. I.


.... ~-=~~-. i e lcmiB l era Vol. IV, No. 35 Entered as S(-cond-Class Mutte r , Nov. 7, 1!)29. nt the P ost Of.

lice at P l'Ovidcncc, R. 1 .. Under the Act of Ma rch 3, 18'/9 PROVIDENCE, R. I., MAY 26, 1933 5 Cents the Copy

Newport Celebrates Center Players Appear Thursday

In Popular Hit T ouro Anniversary Noted Rabbis to Attend I~ -------,-- ----,---

I _l Hadassah Speaker Victor Herbert's "Sweet­

hear ts" to be Staged in P lantations Auditorium

Elaborate Ceremonies Planned by Committee


The celebration of the 50th anni­Yersary of the Reconsecration of the historic Synagogue of the Congrega­tion J eshuat Is rae l, known .as the Touro Synagogue, will begin with a Sabba th service this evening . Rev. Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, Habbi Emeri­tus of the Congregation Shcarith Is ­rael of New York and who held sen'­ices in Newport in l SSl as a guest and whose father rcconsecrai:cd the synagogue in 1883, will del iver the opening prayer a nd sermoa.

Rabbi David De Sola Pool, Rabbi of the Shearith Israel Congregation will chant Ka boloth Sha both. The m emorial praye r and benediction will be delivered by Rabbi Morris A. Gut­stein of the Touro Synagogue. Serv­ices wi ll be conducted Satu rday morning , May 27th with the three Rabbis ofliciating. Childr en 's serv­ices will be held Sunday m orning with addresses by Captain N . T aylor Phillips of New York City, Nathan David, president of Congregation J eshuat Israel, Rabbi Mendes and our Rabbi.

The form a l 50th anniversary ser v­ice wi ll be held on Sunday afternoon , May 28 at exactly 2 p. m. Our Rab­bi wi ll preach a sermon in Hebr ew.

At t his service Mayor Mor t imer A. Sulli van wi ll bi·ing greetings from the ci tizens of Newport, Capt. P hilli ps from the Congregation S heari th Is rael in New York. Na­than David w ill s peak on the history of the J ews in Newport during the las t 50 years and Judge Max Levy w ill re late the his tory of the J ews since the settlement of the Cit y of Newport. Herman Podrat will pre­s ide during this service a nd intro­duce the speakers. At it s conc lu­s ion there wi ll be a procession from the synagogue to the his toric cem e­tery, about which that g reat Amer i­can poet, Longfellow, w rote "The Cemetery on the Hi ll." Capta in Phi l­lips who is pres ident of t he S hearit h Is rae l Congregation and a g reat­g r an<lson of Moses Seixas inte rred in the ceme te r y wi ll s peak, the three Rabbis reciting the m emo rial pray­e rs . The celebration wi II be cul­m ina ted with an e laborate banquet S unday evening at the C. J . 1. Com­muni t y Cente r.


Will address Providence Chapte r Honors' Luncheon, J unc 6

National Head of Hadass:.1h

Speak to Here

Mrs. Samuel W. Halprin of Brook­lyn, N . Y ., a nd national president of t he 1-ladassah will be the principal speaker at the Donors ' Luncheon to be s ponsored by the Providence Chapter at the Narragansett Hotel, June 6

l\'l rs. Ha lprin is one of the young ­est women leade r s in organization work in the country a nd as the lead­e r of 1-f adassah m embers heads one of the la rgest organi zed J ewish women's g rou ps in Ame rica.

Mrs. Ha lp r in is one of the best ­known Zionist s peakers and has ap­peared in ma ny cit ies lo de live r ad­dresses. Living one year in })aJes­tine among its people and not a s a touri s t, has gained for he r a rich understanding a nd k nowledge of the ir lives and as pirations .

Climaxing more than two and a half months of intens ive preparation the J ewis h Center Players with a cas t of 110 will aJ) next Thurs­day evening at the P lantations Au­ditorium in the bi ggest production CYen ventured by this grou11, pre­s enting Victor Herbert's tuneful ope­re tta "Sweethearts".

P rincipal parts have been assigned to the f ollowing : E velyn S iegal, Syl­via ; Mal'y Orliansky, Dame P aula; Dorothy W a ldman l .ia ne ; Fred Summe r field, F' ra nz, The Prince; Leo Cohen, Lt. Karl; S ydney Long, Mi­kel ; Macy Gordon, Von Tromp; Jack Gordon, Caniche ; A l Gurwitz, Sli ngsby; Norman Mille r, Gua rd; Larry Spitz, Major Dom o.

The chorus cons ists of: Regina Spieg e lblatt, Fannie Bernstei n, lrene Massover, Edith J affe, Ida Fain, Charlotte Long, Molly Sandler, Ja­nice Sandle r , Samuel Fink, \-Val lace Ser ge, Howa r d P ass, Milton Spitz, Harry Grubman1 Benj a min Singer, \Villi am Mi1ler, J ad .. - Pressman. The Six Sist ers: Ethel Shukofsky, Nor-

~! ARY 0 11LIA N S l{Y

1na Gouse, R osal ind Gouse, Cha rlotte 0 now, H ilda Raphae l and Sarah ) 'ressman.

Specia lty numbers wi ll be g iven lly b:the l, J ean a nd Florence ~chwartz.

25 Boys and Girls From

Mrs. Samuel Starr is coachi ng t he production assis t ed by Miss J ean :Jchwa rtz, d anci ng ins t ructor , Miss Ueatrice Gross, Pia n is t and Benja-1.1in Premack1 o rches t ra director. l 1l rs. Saul Abrams a nd M1·s. H e rman J 'eing-o ld a re in charg e o [ costumcR. 1\ comm ittee o [ mo re than .L OO ha ~ Leen assis ting with the sale of tickets. 'l'he fol lowi ng- arc Commi t ­tee Cha irmen : Ge ne ral, .Millon C. Sa­pi ns ley, Co-Chairmen, Mrs . J oseph J. Sec fe r, A IUert S. P inke rson, Be n-

Jewish Center Clubs Honored at Koved Night

One Intermediate girl nnd one .Ju­nior girl were na ml'd for hi~dH.'8t honors at the A nnuul l{ovcd Night Exe rcises. a ttended by more tha n 20 Cente r (' luhs . Tuc~day evening, in the gymnas ium of the .J ew is h Com muni ty ( 'c nl(' r , G;; Benefit S t. Twent y-three ot he r hoyR nnd g irls received honoruhlc mentio n ccrlili ­cat es for cxce llcncc in nll around com1>eti t ion. Excculi\·e Director Jacob I. Cohen pr esid ed ut. the ex (•r­cises a nd members of the Cente r Board and invi ted gues ts mad e t he presentations .

The He rmn n S. Galkin nnd Char­les Si lverman Trophies, nwn rded an­nuall y to Junio r boy or gir l a nd In­te rmediate boy o r gi rl clcempd wor­thy to be chosen ns out~tanding m embers of thrir tl ivi~ion, wrre ownrcled to Celia Kn µe low of the Kodimoh Club a nd Jllo!-som . u~cr­mun o( the J . U. G. Club. F rances S ne ll , I rn Stone, Stf' lla ~imom~ rmd Phylli~ Littman r('c(•ivC'd the h ig-h­est m ent ion crrti ficntes. Others who received certificates were: He r ­bert Brown, Leon K. Ackerman, Les­te r nite r , J o!-cph A. Wrismnn, Edith Schoenberir. E sther Stras­ber~, llnttie Kntzne l~on, Roslyn Garfinkle, Lillia n Ros e, H enrietta

jamin Ag-roniclc , Mrs . Ira H0 Ui11so11 i I< ri Lz., A lbc rt H.01Ji nso11 , Mi ld l"ed 7.u- ~;cc rclary, t:vel yn S imon ; 'l'rcm;u rc r 1

ckcrman, MilLvn Weis ma n, Sanford 1,ouis Davis; 'l'icke l Chairma n, Freda Litchmnn, ll e lr n Uake r, S ydnl'y Co- f' imon ; 'l'icket. Co-Chairnwn, Wi lli ­hr n, Sam ut• I Wi lk, l f.i rac l Zuck roff. :• rri Malzne r ; Pri z.ef,;1 l l c l'lnan S Gal-

'l'hC' Juler.; P. Golds te in Troph y, I in, l\l rs. Al be r t T rn vis; HC'f,;c rved award C'd a nnuu ll y lo lhe IJes l nll- ~:ea l f-i , Mrr._, Milltin C. Sapin8 1cy, i\ l rs. around <." lub wc nl lo Ll ie Oly m pks .Jacob 1•: n 1r-. t o r ; C'oRtumrs, M t·s. S a ul who reccivrd pr rrn a11r 11 t po~fit'fis iu n ,\ brnrns, Mn... I lerma n Fe inl,!o ld ; of the cup, hav ing- won il l\\'ice pre- Puhl kily, i\l rs. l'aul J . Hobi n, JncuU viou~ly. Thr C' lw('k(• rellr~ Wl' l"l' nm- I. Coht•n ; l' rupr r liC's, Si dnC' y Habino­nr rup fo r lhi~ priz.e. T hC" J . U. G. v: ilz, !::,an funl Moskol ; Heception1 gi rls we re u,,·Hrdcd the Max L. l>r. i\l yron .Kr lll' r , Isador K ti l'l l. (:rant T roph y fo r the lH:'Rt l nle rmc-diute l,!roup w ith I lakoah Club cho- !-:i pr cial scene ry a nd cosl unies, f,; '." n for second honon;. lightin J,C effet.'ts, mus ic lhal appea ls

Pri ze~ were awa rded for excel- to the car, a ll a1·(' an indicalion that IC' nce in the Declamali on a nd S peak- "S\\'Pell1C'art~" wil l p ro,·c lhc finest ing- Contes ts to ll c rlJert Brown, Bo- mus ica l production eve r o ffer ed b y ri s Prilchc ,'i 1...&!- le r Salk r, Be lla any mnateur group in lhC' c ity. in, Norma n Brown, Pea rl The finC's t m u!-ica l ever allemple( l Finkels tein, F rancei:i Snell , Sanfo rd by the J ewish Communily Cenler Li lchmn111 S id,wy Cohe n a nd Sanw - l' laye rs wns lhe 1'1i kado la ::- l yea r e l Granoff. Nuorn i Ho~e o( Lhe which met with s uch i11s ta11ta n'eouB CheckC'rC'tte~ wac. a warded the Ida pra ise that the group was encou­Kotlen i\l emoria l T rophy fo r the raged lo u11dertakc even a m ore am­hrsl l~sBay on lhe s ubJect "J ew1s h bitiou~ production. Cont nbul1011s lo C1vi h znl1on". S yd- To enable everyone to attend the nry Cohe n of lhe Judneans ca rried udmi ssion for g-eneral a nd reserved o!f fin~t prize' in .t!1e Jnte rmediate ~e-llf,; lrnve bce,I priced very reason­!._,s~ay11.~ontest,. wr~t,111g ?ll the sub- ably. Tickets may be !-ecu red by J('ct I he i\l am I each1ngs of the I calling the Cente r- D xte r 6730-Prophets '', o r from any membe r of the Com-

( Continucd on Page Eight) mittee.




'World known Zionis t leader to a p­peal for Palestine Campai gn s upport

Beth Israel Men Close 1933 Season

with Stag Banquet The Men's Club of Temple Beth

l s rae l culm inated its work f or the ~eason with a stag banque t Monday cven.i ng in the vestry of the Temple. 1\ lbe r t L iske r , pres ident of the c roup, was toas tmas te r.

The s pea ke rs included Max Rosen , preside nt of the T emple; J acob Licht, rhai rman of the boa rd of trus tees; Doris N . Nelson, a nd Dr. Il ic Berger, past presidents; a nd Rabbi i\laui-ice M. Mazu rc. The principal speake r of t he evening \\"aS i\1eye r Goldbc~·g­of New l3cd[o rd who gave a dis ­course on "Peace."

Entertainment \\"as furn ished by J oseph Schlossbe rg \\"ho re11de red reveral voca l select ions accomp:rn ied by Willis Ta tro at the piano.

The committee in cha1·gc o [ :1r­r:rnge111e11ts for t he :1ffair compr i~ed Ch a rles J . Sentlc r , chainnan; i\loni s \V . Sh oham a nd F red \Vc ilm:111.

Norman Zalkind of Fall River Wins

Brown Award Norma n Zalkind of Fall Hi,·er, :1

sophom ol'e :i t Drown Uni\"C•r :.::i ty. wa :-­awa rdctl lh t' fi r::;t prize i n Lhc :innual \l icks P ri ze Debat(• he ld lasl WC'd­llC'~d:1y C'Vcning· UC'lwcen Un>" :n Uni­vers ity Sophom ores and J u111 01·s ;1l i\ la 11 11 i1q . .r \hill.

T he j udg-cs :1wa rdt•d lhr dC'<'i ~io11 fo r t he debalt.' lo Lhe Soplwnwn''- for lhe ir defcm:C' uf the 11('gati \°l' o f thr subject, " Hcsolved : t.h :1 t Co11g rc:;:.!­~hould a llcmpt lo re~lor(' the pre­war parily bclwee11 a g-ricullur(' a nd imlustry. 11

A second pri ze w as won by .J . Maynard Kaplan , '34, of S a lem. 8 peakcr~ included Fretl<' l ick l1rob<'~·~1

' :J,.1 1 Irving Urodsky. ·;J:; and HrnJ:! min 1. Schu \111 a11, ':Jr;, all of Provi­dence. l l a rTy J . Che rnock '3:.J, was the pre!-idi ng- oflice r.

CON IJLICT DEB \ T l·: T he Clas~ical 11 igh School debat­

ing- t eam defeated the ll ope ll igh team las t. Thu rsday e,·ening- at the Clas!-ical audiloriu1l1 on the que~tion, 0 Hesoh ·ed : lhat the inlernlliecl war debts should be cancelled .H

The Classical tt~am which _u \>held the neg-ath·(' o( Lhe ques t.ion inc ucled F rank Licht, Harold 1-lassenfeld, Sydne y Coret and Ellis Dlackman.

Great Zionist Leader to Open State Wide Drive

at Meeting Here Sunday

Huadreds to Take Part

Louis Li ps ky, nationally-known Zi­onis t, will be t he principa l s peaker 1t t he s~ 1tc-•11ide appeal to be m a;le S unday afternoon at three o'clock in Zinn's · Banquet Ha ll. under t he aus­pices of the American P a lestine Ca mpai g n. Dr. ] lie Berger , chairman of t he com mittee announces that re p­r esent ative de legations wi ll attend from a lmost cvei.y city an.d town in the state.

Mr. Li psky, chanrman of the ad­m inistrative commi ttee of the Amer­ican P a lestine Campaig n, is one of the foremost Zionist leade rs in America, and has a lso p layed a dominant part in the inte rnational growth of the Zionist movem ent. Serving as president of the Zionist Organ ization of America from 1921 to 193 1, and now H onorary Vice President of that body, Mr. Lipsky ha s been identified for m ore than 30 years with the most important na­t ional J ewish communal enterpr ises. In his present post, h e is the leader, with h is Associate >l'ational Chair­m en1 of the 1932 fund-r a is ing effort o f the J ewish Agency for Palestine .

B orn in R ochester , K. Y., i\lr. Lip­sky ente red upon a li te rary career , in which he achie ,·ed success . For sorne years he sen ·ed as dra­matic cr itic· of the N e,,- York T ele­g raph. and ,,-a s a l:::o editor o f the .-\me r ican He brew. ln the c·1 rl·· µart of the ce ntury, he dedicat.::d himself entire ly to the upbui\ding- of t he Zi­onis t movement in t h e Cnited States. I-l e ser ved in Y;-uious capacities. fi ­r:all y recei,·ing the highest honor of the presidency of the Zionist Or­gan ization. H e also sc1·yed as one of the leading figures in the \i\' orld Zi onist Organi z:1 tion , ha,·ing- been a 111<'mber of the \Vorld Zioni st E-...;:ec­utive.

Parlici pati ng- as a leader in :1 Y:l­ricty of J ewish c:rnses. 1\lr. Lipsky b one or the g reatest exponents of the ph!h1sophy of 7.ion i:-:111. Tle i:-­no"- µresident of the E as tern Life lnsur:rnce Co .. a Yice pn--~ident of the American Jewi:--h CongTe~~ and pre~idc11l of the :\°('W York Zio r,{st Reg-ion.

T he local committee of arra11ge-11 w nts co11~ist~ o f : Dr. l lie HC'rger, Be r11a n l i\ l. Goldow~ky, Joshua Bell , .J oseph ::,; mil h. J :rnH'~ G1)ldm a11, l\ob­(' rl L. l31' r11~tei111 l lcnry l3url, l\lor ­ri~ BedJC'r, Alter 131Jyman, Abraham I J1.,Jlc r . i\l orris \\' . Shnh:un. R:ihhi i\l:iu r icc i\l. i\IazurL' . Habbi lsr:ll'l .i\l. Goldma n. Habbi \\' il\iam G. Oraude, lk·11ja111i11 :--:. h :11w. lkn1anl i\1. Goldo\\'sk y is chairman o( organiza ­lions.


MEN FOR 19;3;3.:3 1

N:1t. C. CohC'n \\"ns r1'-('\rcl0d pl'e:-;i­de 11t of lhE' i\ len's Cluh of T f'm ple Em:rnu-El at a fath<'r and son lllC'C't­ing la!-l Th ursday <'YC'lling in the T emple.

Other ofl1cer~ we rC': ll0rman ,J. J\i ­sc11bC'rg1 firs t Yice prC'~id0nt; HC'rbert T icnrn11, !-C'COIHI ,·k<' prC'~irl<•nt ; ,Ja­cob l•'p \c\er, treasurC"r; i\iarli11 Zuckf' r. r0cordi11g f,;ecret.ary: Louis i\1. Ah('­do11 , financial !-<'('rC'lary i C'harlL~~ St.ra smich, \rnblicily <lirC'<"tnr.

ThC' boan of ,i.rov<'rt1ors t"'lccl('d Abraham I ,. Jacobs , C'nrl G0\dhlatt. i\Jicha("l 1'ir n1crn1 Ah<' Hotman, Jacob Meyer , ~amuf'I l{ ('~nirk, Al<'x \\" ('i 11f' 1', .J . P. Golcl~mith. Alfred H . Green, Morris H. Sydel\ 1 Samuel H1l­::-e11 , Nathan F'(' rlm,rn , SamuC'I Or<'~ man, Joseph de Ison, ~amw•I ('ol1Pn, Louis Kau fman and Jarnh ll1)('hhr r ,r.

i\lus ic \\"as furni shC'd hv thf' S n('ka nosset School Band undPr the dir<'c­tion of Anthony Chiarla.

Page 2: THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND i e lcmiB l era · Mr. Howard M. Chapin R. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman st. Providence, R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND

2 THE JEWISH HER.-\.LD, FRIDAY, 11A Y 26, 1933

~~ TEMPLE BETH- EL I_J_e\\is_h~~-~~a-nage_ .-H\I LL , 8O.~RD .IE.ET-S


)lordecai I. Soloff has been en­gaged as the Educational Director of Temple Beth-El.

)Lr. Soloff bas been associated both as F ellov.· and author with the Cnion of .-\ Hebr ev.· Congregations and bas done experimental work fo r a nu.mbe.r of ,·ears "rd th the Bureau of J ew-i.s.h E.ducation in :\"ew Yor k u.nder the djrect supe.rn.5.ion of 0-r . Bender!<. He bas ser<ed as supen"i....~r of schools fo r the Bureau of J e"' Educat ion in Chicago. During 1932. he t.aughc Education at the Hebrew Cnion College Sc.boot fo r Teachers. He v.;U be-gin his dut ies next Fa ll .

A:',:', LA L GR.~D C.~Tl O:'," TO:',"I GHT

The annual graduation exercises of the High School will take place this evening at eight o ·c.lock The program follows :

L nion Prayer Book. Pages 3-1 Opening Prayer, Joel Gunther; Reading, lla.x lleller; Haitorah, Bertha Brill; Clo5ing Prayer, llendos Hercov; ··Bialik­The 2\ ational Hebrew POEt .. , Zelda Hodo5.h; ··Jewish Pioneers in .-.\.mer ­ic,,·, Beatrice Goldberg; ··Religion and Peace·· . Earl F1ei5.ig: A \\'a.rd ot Certificates · and Gree· ·ngs, Louis R. Golden, Chairman oi the Religious School Committee: Remark.5.. Rabbi William G. Braude: Concl ~·on oi Senice, Cnion Prayer Book. Pages 5 62. Bass solo, Ra y Gardiner; ··The Lo rd is 1!y Light.·· by Spea,·-.

Saturda,· at 10:30 the las t Sab­bath 1lorning Senices will ·ake place. The Scriptural reading fo r the w-eek, ··Ba--111.idbar;· with 2:1 and ends with 2:1 1 in Llie Book of :-- umbers; The Prophetic selec ·on i3 Isaiah 4-1:1 .

Sunday morning, at !0 :30 the . ..\..n­nual Confirmation E.xerci~ will take place in the Temple. The fol­lowing are the con.firmant.s: Carl Ad­ler, 1luriel F eldman. Charles J. Fox., Jr.: . ..\lbert Leonard Gerber. Herbert Wilson Glid,man. .-1.rlene Louise Hellman. :\"athan Hercov. Jane Helene L.e\in.s n . R"chard E. Loe.nbenberg. Robert I. Logan. Ber­nice ll arkoff, Ruth H. Pay-ton, . ..\r­tbur H=·ey Robin.son, Edmond Ho,.ard Robi n.son. Estelle 11. ek, .-\..nita Y. Sharp. Edna L Gilman.

Shabuoth \" esper Senices "ill ta.·e place Tuesday e\·ening, at 5:30 o·cloc.· .

THE BETH-EL LL~GCE The Beth-El League. under the

leadership of ~l is.s Zara Brod~- con­cluded its season w-ith a dance at Temple Em anu-EI recently.

P.-1.REST-TE.~ CHER ASSOC l.~­Tl O:',"

The la...:i~ mee ·ng of the Parent­Tea.che.r Associa · on took place in the \·estry oi the Temple, llonday even­ing.

) !iss 1ladeline Cohn and lliss Do­rothy Slocum, teachers of the Kind­ergarten and Fi rst Grade, gave a demonstra · on o r" the work done b'° their class. \\" illiam Strong spo -e on, ' ·Summer Reading fo r Yo _r Children,'' and the Rabbi out lined the wor · of the P. T . .-\.. )!rs. Jae· Da\;S Wa.E in charge of the program, )! rs. A. Lincoln Ab€!. was Hospital ­i y Chairman and ll ilton C. Sapin­sley, presided.

The Commitee Chairmen are: :.\lrs. . \ . Lincoln Abel. Hospitali ty: )l rs. Jac.k Da,;s, Program; ~iis.s )l a t tie

Weinstein' Hotel Lak e Pearl. \\· rentham . .\l ass.

A -rn ho(..,I in th e,')'Ul'ltr-y. R-.-­sonahl, Rat>-s. C•t--ri'l :.t" Wedd,ings.

Ba.nqtl+'L!. S..r }(.~ Brid.K' Part, Outinn.. 1-tr.

Sn.uau-d on PMt R.-...d b,r,t..-n and Provld--~ nr: Rout<!' 11

\l,'rit~ or t4!W'P n• for r r-vatu,nli

Wr•ot.ham SI 13 Rio z !

Pinc •, 1lemb€rship : 11:-s. Leo Lo-2"an. Ch ·rman of Confirmani..5: ~l r-5. Lo ·s Fin..~er. Publici n.-.

The Pare.m-Teac.he i As.sociat.ion «-ill cooperate \"\ith the Sisterhood in decvra ·oru; for Con.finn2t:ion. and is m~mg the a rra...r1gement.s :·or the an ­nual Picnic.

LI BRAR Y :'," OTES Dur ing the year. the Li bra­

r~ has recei ,-ed one hundred and tfrty-on2 ... ...>0 •• • It is hoped to ma ·e it in ll:ne. ihe co ll ection of Er.g1iSll Juda.ica in Rnod e Island.

YA BR ZEIT . ..\. t the Se nice. tonight c:e~orial

prayers cill be o::"ered m memory o~ :Sarah Green . by :Olrs. D. H. Stein­.:- r: a .. · llary F. ~ an;: . t y )lrs. \\"il­L:::..m Sih·erman.

CLOSl :'," G EXERCl::'ES The Closing ExerciE-e::5 o:" the Re­

,:gio .5 Sctiool w-i!l be held Sunday . -uomin . June ~th. a t 10 o·cLc.· .

. .!..ttendance awarci5 in each cla..'-5 .,m ~ in . e form o: books:. to be pre.sented to he Library :- ·ta!:>l y in­s.cri~ ··in honor o:· the excellent att e:1. ance o:" ------- of the ------ Grade:· Certi · -cate5 o:" honor "ill be presen :ed to pupi!s of ot. .5ta.,ding scholarship in all grades. 2.nd special ce rt!.-cate5 :or excelknce in Hebrew.

The J. Arnold Gilman )I e.rnori Pr.=e g-:·.-en by )1 r. and ~lr5. Da\id Gilman . in memc:'"'\"" o:· their beloved son . v.-m te award~ to the o t.s"tand­in~ pupil :n the Third Grade. The P.:.:i lin:: Shu..;1a.ri Pri:e ·ven by the L3 :.:~.s· :_\lor.r.efiore Hebrew &:ne\·ol­ent . ..\:=.::ociation will be a«-arded to tre h~t s dent in t.he Graduation Class.

REL!GIOL·s SC HOO L PI C:',"I C Tne Reli~ ·ou.s: &hool Picnic will

be held S nda v. June 11. a t the Re­crea:ion Field · o:" Llncoi n \\ -oods. ..;.

Je,,ish Home for .-\. ged of Rhode Island

:'.'iote.s by )I. P. OSTROW

\"! SIT THE HO.\IE '. The J e"ish Home for the . ..\ged o:"

Rhode on Hi ls:.ide .l..\·enue is not only a ha\""en oi res -:"or the J e'Wls-h a ed. of this cit\-. b t al~o oi:ers an opportunity to 0b5erYe and st d y old a!?e. Tne ~auti -:" I builrl ­ing. -'ith its commodious ouarters. and the .·indly and intelli g€nt pro­gram carried o t in connect ion with t he li :"e o:· the a2"ed te d to ·ve the old -:"ol ks: contenrmen . peace. ~and seeur.ty. and helps to bri g o t the best there is in them.

It i.:= amazing to learn that Sfl ii t: le is ·no'"-n and under::=tood about old 2ge. The yo ng do not der­s tand them . and :·ail to appreciate «-hat is goi ng on in the li fe o f t he old people. There i5 an ancient s2\-­ing. -- Youn2" men thin.· olrt. men :·ooi~ and old me:n know- young men to be fools:· \\-e can not ander5ta. d or judg-e old age. -:"or \\'e ha,·e ne"·er ex:-erience<i it. and yet it m st hold a J; ·e- a.:; rich as our O\\-n.

E :e:y Je\TI~h man and woman in the state should \;,si the Horne. which is truly the pride of the com ­muni ty. They would deri"·e t he great­est sa t i.;iac: ion i obser.;n e- the old peopl"" in their daiJ~- ro t:ine life . anri their aspira t ion.s. \\"hoe\·er has fail ed . so far. o affilia e him.self \nth he Home, a.s a mem ber. i:.:: mi ,t~.g the thrill and satisfac ion th -:t :::1ould be his if he w-ere to par­ticipate in this noble and I ne work.

DO:',"ATl O:'," ~ .\ir. H. B. L:isker. 9.;ne : ~l r5. J .

Hazman. ca ·e : '.\l rs. I. Brill. r efresh -' ments: )l rs. J. J. Hahn. cake: Sam­

uel Seiner. cake : )l i~.s Doroh v J a ­cobs:, cake : ~1 rs. I. \\"oolf. flo~vers ; .\l rs. S. Silv rstein . plants and flow­ers.




Per Penon- (2 in a room)



1st DAY- ::t'..i:.:!"" --~ ~-~""'..;', .• ;~.:_,":"'; ,_,."...._ ,.,_ ... ~-4r-o41..

2nd DAY- =.,-..... ~~~ .... _,-;-_"'.!.._'-!":,':: ....,...._ - ....... i... .....

3rd DAY-::::",:::_~:,~~~·;~ , .. _,,,. ,.. ....,. ., .._ .......... tre _. ,..,. ..,,___ r­.. .., ~ .. ..,. ,....._ .,...,._, ..., ..,. -- .,, ,._ ... ,._.,

1101 IIE.5.HVATlOMI W'll'TI YO J. S. SUfiS, A,,lc,aog•r

1 he £.xecu-·ve Board o: the La ­..ll€:5 ·"'-'--'\..iLa.r-v or the Je:ITTs.h Or· :-'·· - r.:.:. t: mtt :t "e n ome on Sillll· .tl!i. G"enu~ uewa}· rutemoon: to ..u:::-c - - µla.n.s ror ttk en.suing season. .11 rs. &:njamin .\". Kane, who ha.s re­.:ently rrom !-', pre--­.siae,.i ana is pla.n.ning an mteres ·ng 5enc:.s o: mee ·ngs a.s '"eH as mem ­vt:.!'5 . p re\-1\. s to enia.rge me.m­ 1 he a es are nomrn . .a.! . but .,. ,:n a· !'.irgt: me.:n0oi::rs.hip, the .-l.. ­_ _,,_r,. c.:>Ll ca.rr · on \·a able :::- oote­--1ciltan "·on-:; .· 5 en a.s eaucaa·ona.l. .... n.1.H.1c: and cultural projtet.5 I or cn.11aren. esp,e-c..1a .y : or t nose who .rn\·c: lert the (Jrphan2ge.

CHIL DR E :'," DO:-- ;:,C.\I.\IEH CLO 81 :',"G

1.:ii.h t:"1c: aooroach o:· warmer .-..eai...'1e.r. Jame-s· Li-old.mar. . Haus.~ Comrr'-it:ee Cha.trman. ha.s arra.n ec ~.:i:: ~.....i -ua.--ce o. a;.,propriate ctoth­.r.;; . ..,r L!'.e ~, ::::;.....- ooys an :rl5. .•• 5.Jo ,__ •• d.5 t:·. t:il attention to al. det a.1 .5 o r. tne o:ivsica! olant o;: · e Orphanage. ~. wel! a.5 ·tne grounds

: i:.he norne. The: tedge.:.:: . ! 5P.rut>.>e:-y. anJ tr~ pr-t:5-cnted by c.1e .\:itzvah c 3.55e5 o: 1 emole r..e::1 . :::rad . anci oy )li5.s Etta \\ 001.: . :n mc: . ...l, ry or !'h::r late rr.otner. llrs. frca:i \\ oolf. a:-e all we~L

.::en~ .\l~E Gl"E::'T::' uF E.\IA:', l "­EL .\I E :',"

Tne 0:-pha.'1.a e. boys .. -..-ere the gue3t5 o: the Temp.::: Eman -El _,! en·5 C!u~. zt t:-: e tn\;tation o f the: pre5:de:n o: me Clt.:b . .\" at C. Cohen . .• !w 15 also a ni;:\"\. member o:" the Orphan:.:.gc: B,)a!'li. Th r-5day .:::~e! .-\ m,,~: c!"! ·oy-able E:\-enin \":as 5p€n\. by t!'!c b, ys:. _\! !"5. L;adore Lowe and .-\ 1exandc:r \\-emer o ro\id­ed trans: .;t2,t. on ror thi:: boy5 : w},jch ~lrs. Harry t.i::ny. Orphana e E n­tenainr:1e!1..t Commi ttee chairman, ar­range<! .

CE :',"TER cu· B E:',"TE RTA! :'," 5 CBILD RE:',"

Thro h the intere5' t o: Jacob (o­r.en. Exec tl\"e Director of the Jew­isl-. Communit y Cente r: another Girl.:~ - Club o: the Center. the ··Cf.eckerette-s .. ";: h ~I i5s Beatrict: G:-i.s.:- a.s leader. entert2.ined t!te ­dre.n of the Orphan2"e in tile gyrnna­s:.ium Friday e,·1:::ning \\ith \"OCa.l se­lecti ons. dances: . re-eit.ation.5 . and en· :=emble .!'inging.

:--OTES Dr. Lo is B. \\-ol.fen.son o f:ered the

in\·ocation anci benedic ·on at the ·Honor :\" ie-h t·· prog-ram o:" t he Jew­ish Con:m n.: n· Center T e5da,· even-:ng. ~ a y 2:3. · ·

In J ne tw-o ·rls and two bo,..-:: of the Orphanage wi!l complete the J ·or High hool ana b€: read ,..- :·or the Hooe Senior Hi2"h School iri. the a· rurnri. This will~ be the large-st number o :" Orohanag-e children read,..­to e!"! te r the s·enior ~High School du i­; 2" the :·o r ~-ea.TS

Articles Named for Jr. Hadassah

Shower-Bridae ;:,

)l is.s )I ollie Berco\; tz, chairman oi the annual complimentary ::hower and brid e-e to be held bv the Pro\7-'ence chapter nf J nioT Hada."-5-a.h )l onda y e\·enir:"?. june 5 at Temole­Emanu-El. anno nces th:it the {ol­lo\\.;n1:f articles will be for admi,sion:

hort trn ·sers and combinatioru: for work: bo\·s· trou5ers for Shab­bot : eirb· blaC' · 5atin sport t rou5ers: wool stnckinE,r~ : Sp<lr fom1. fo r bovs and ·rts : wool soc ·s for '\\"Ork: c0l­nre<f llannel blou.:=es fo r wor ·: bon::· blnu-.e;::: for ...,habbot: WO<I( dre55e5. uni-colored . for ~rls: kni t underwear fnr boys and ~lrls : boys· hat.5 and cap.s: hny,· boo .5 fnr wnr · similar o army mo<lel and ~rls· l:ww, t.s:, for

work .

)( r--,: Fn~a Silh,,,.r l"llian nf B,-,~­nn. r~t Jun i,1-r Ha,la~._ah pres:irlen

and r,t Juninr national pre.5irlent will bP hf' ~P- '-J)P:-tker at he don­nr-' dinnf'r anrl hnrlizr. )l ,1n<la v e\-e­nin2. Jun(' l '.! a hP DN\""fus 0Hn el. ~I i~._ Lillian Blumen hal i:-: the ~n­eral chairman.


,t ake~ of Halrton ~

and Line Plat _

lo Pl:',"E ~THEET

Telephone GAspee 790~

"--- CEMTE~ ~ e-.ROADCA/T I ~


The Jewis.h Communin- Center Re­Ligio 5 School will gradtiate it.s thi.TCi cla_~ and its fi?"'5t Po5t Grad zte :\londa y- e:ve.ning. )i{ay · at specially arran ed Gradu2.1. on Lx­

The me mbers of the gradua t ion cia_;;;;s are Leon K . .--\cke.rraa.n. .tfen· rieua fui t z.. Sanfo rd !. Litchman. r·rances D. Snell. I ra ) l. Stone. £.,-. elyn U. Snell. and Ger t rude G. \Yei n­be rg. _\12.u rice ::;. Austin i.s ins truc­to r of the class. . lembers of th t r'os t (jraduat e lla_.;,s S "·ftj a Ac· ­erman. .\tiriam Winklema.ii. and E,-. el yn ,, inn . ::: ~·dneJ- Hedrich is the ir..s tructor

A.II or" the-5-€ graduate5 ha\·e co~­C:red a.11 in te.n.5..i\·e co r.:.c of Je-w-i....s.h s1. rues.. q at1: ~7ng them w rece!\·t. J.Ip .oma.:s rrom fr.e Center Sc!lool.

CHI LDRE:-- RECEI \ . E HO:'," OR::' The followin children will b€:

J.-;\" arde-d Honor Ce.rtific-ate5 at the ...:os!ng exerc:se: Sunday morning: ..,,,.ayte Robins n. }lu.riel Bloc·. 11er-1!:f!1 _..,_ werman. G!aciy.s Field, Ca.rot A .. Robin. Bernard Friedman, Lillian

ose. , al ter ;;einber . Be5' Ber­ko. Florence Gros~. Fa\- !{ob!n . . .l..:­o-..: rt Blanc~, Samuel · h.at2-nel.5on. Hattie h.a: zne:.: n. Lillian Kapelow. Ethel Chernick . ~H!dn:o Robin.son. Esthe r C. 1 ra\is: . Loui5 Yosi no::. Fr-~ces .Sne!:. and !,liriam \\"miie­man.

The fol!o\\"'!ng childre .. ITT!l re-ceive Cen: ·-c2te5 :or atten ance. ha\ine

~c"e pt~~~J~~~g 5 ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ Su.Jnner 05ke.rn. )! e:,in Cohen. G!or­ia Berger. Gladys Field. Doroth\ Oskem. Haro .J Robi~-0n. E nicE Ros:.enblatt. R th Berman. :.\! el1.·u: Chernick . Berna?"d Frie<lma.r .. Isa ·ore Frieciman. Lillian Rose, Sla\in5k y. ).Ian.ha Strelow, Jacoh ~rill. R th fknnan. Frances h:athleen FeinbE:rg. )l a ynard Saller..

Hospital Au thorities :'.\" ote Great Increase

in Tubercu.lo.s i Cases

II.O RK OF .\.ATIO :--.~L JE\\"1"8 HOS PITAL PR.-\ ISED .~T -

CHI CAGO Dl :',".\. ER

Chicago. Illinoi.s (::-= pE-Cial Cones pondence) - .--\n increase in tubercu . losis: among men. wome n a nd chil­dr en throughout the count n · is re­flected in t he applications fo ~ admi,­sion to th e :--.· a,ional Jewish Bo-spit;! at . Den,·er Re,-. 0-r. \\"illiam ~ Fn edman. founder and p resident of the hospital. told ~-e\ era I hundred friend.s of the in.s:.titut ion at a din­ner gi,·en here "-e-ek under th E: au.spices of th e (. hica2:o Committft of the Hospital. -

_ At the 52.n:e time Dr. 1Iorri ;:; Fi5h ­b1en. noted at. thorit,· an Editor o :" the Journal ,) :· the . .\.meri­can :\! edical . ..\ ssociat:on. s tate-d tha:

~h~en;~1::;sd:;0:-:~;7~~- ~i, c:;mt ~ e\,dt:nt in th !:'.' aeatfl ra ;: t'.' :· rom tuber­... losis:. . ··\\~e r-e-cen:'.::; enlarg-ed ou r :·acili

t~e5 ror the care ofch.ildren witfl ac­~1\·e Lifberc l,,5is. bu t in spite o:" ht.. : act that we have over :JOO patient.-s con~t:a~tly _u der care. \Ve s~ill ha\-e a ~-ai in_:z l!~t of ~veral hundr~ ap­phcant..:= . Dr. Fnedman :. ·d.

l · r ges .\ lore Rt"5ea rch \\ or :, Dr._ F!shbit>n. -:-·h is a member o:

the ~attonal Re~arch Board o f the Hns:.p1tal. la <led the wor - o f the Re~earch Ditpartmt!nt ,,f the ln5t l­tut1on. and said. -- ~I -::,re st d\"" . mon: T-e5earch Wl r', of th is S<lrt." is the 1nl>- . an.!-Wf>r Wt" ha\·e ~.:: yt>-t t,, question ·what o d-, in t he control oi t_uberculn:-is.' Th..- world toda~ is cor:itront,'"tl by a -.1 · a i whicfl pnin .-s rn_nre than an~ bin~ else tnw­-:i~::- an rncr-ea~i go TT1'·nace frnm hi.:: ··

_C'nmmendatif}n nf the free. natinn­w111"'._ n"n-.:-ec arian .::~n;{"t'> of tht" H,,sp_J al._ wh,1;:::e mrtt,1. ~inct> is o~nlnj!' in l":•. 1 • ha...:-. ~n ··.\",'ln" may entPr who can pay. n,1ne can pay u-hn e ter:· ua_-:; paid h\· Ott, G'. F~l ,,n. [xec-u i,·e ~PCrH . .3.n· ,-,f D1:-:tnc Grand L.-.d2"f' .\" _ h. irna; Bnth. . n illu,tra e-ti al', ,h,.u-,ne­th_e day by day acti"i iec:- nf h, .. in­.:- 1 u 1,•n was ~n·en b'" Samuel ~<:haefer. :\"a innal '-'UJ>f'n~1:-: 1r_ I


\ \ hen in \\"o rcest r ~ top fo r the ,1 05 t Deliciou<. ~and"' ich _ You

Ha ,-e E , er Tasted a t

Slonimsky & Ritz · ,-:;: Delica te en

1-16 \\"ater S t. 0131 2-9162" Ju.s- a f w doors from ~ ,=.lly Sq .

on he road o Pro";d,,.nCl"

:S-o rm.a. Sallet... Lucille S - ut~ Bettv ·w?L· . Helen · , B ta.nchE: Blake. Frances Cherr.J.c -. Bertha \ "era Blake. Sam e: K.2t:­ne.: n. 1! ild..'"E<i Robins n. Ethel Chemic· a.rtd E:s: er C. T-r-avi.5 .

T O Gl\""E co:--CERT Tne J ewi....s.h Center Choral SOC::etT

~~~:~~~limn~~~~~~~-~ d.ay e\·e.ning. Ju ne -;- at : he Ce:nte:-.

nder the direct.ion o: Pro: . Ar...hur [ in.stein. Th.e followin_g arc;: members o:· this up:

~lrs. J 05€-ph B. ;; ·c~rer. E,-elrn Siegal Laura Leicht er. :-=-3. r ab Pt-es5-man. Rebecca B. Gold.s~ e-ii. Dorob•-5ih-erm an. Ethel Le--;-enc.. Celi a Tep·~ li E,·a Cohen. =:a .,.ah L::!..5.:e-r . Eua Fireman.. O-Oroth .- :::oie~L Ju ­lia Sam 5-cb.n.idcr. · Ja"ek Gor­don. Sam ky. J ~.:-k Leicb te--r. ~lalcolm Go rdo~ SignJnd Bloc~ ~amuel Berditch. Chari - Ostrow . Alec Gerwr-·i tz. Esther Brie.r. Lillian ~bram.s. Dorothy \Yaldman. ~litcheH .::iherman. B yman Burt. Co! ­ton. )lar tin Curra n. _\ fr-s. Berman.. I r·"n ng Greenstein and Sa muel Fink.

Tt.e Jewish Center Co:;_ce-rt orc~e5-

~:~U ~~!oc:::~r l3ob£;ti~~ ~~~ ~l11c.h 'ot""'!!l place the Choral Soci en·

~~!~:-3 :·y:=~~t crf y_rns!t~n:~ant. ) radish. E nglts!: and Hebre~ wiU be o:fe:red.

S,; and A merica n '\1.-at~hc:; Repai red at Re2-"<>nable Pri ::-... .s

A. BOFFI 76 Don·ance S t_ Pro'rider:ce

Roo m 217 G.-\spe-e 21.!

Good TL\' E::\IE~TS

.-\.re in Big


Advfrtise Your \"acanr flars m




Dia l G.-\.. 4--312


PLAY TIME They \Y ,11 React'. Y 1 )l :itt:1¥

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You ,.. ill ~-ant to quit ~o r ... at 50 . . ).). 60 or 6-l

a:!-_ .. ,. ~ - 1'-"0 .... ,.

Wb at i.s ) our Hobb)":

~aret)· 1..: th e 'l ost Im port.ant Factor or \n) ln,c:stm ent Plar.

n~pan ~ "l"<J"Q

Sa 6 I-•-.

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F tat _ Tru<.t \nn uu1

0' lnd~trial Tru-..t Buildin2 Pro,;denc-e. k . 1.

Tel. G.\ <p It I '>

New York Life In urance Co.

Page 3: THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND i e lcmiB l era · Mr. Howard M. Chapin R. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman st. Providence, R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND



Many Attractive Features at the Davis

Bottle, Hoxsie Corners The thousands who during the

past two years have s topJ>ed at Da­vis' Bottle, that well-known road­s ide s tand a t Warwick A venue and Airport Road, Hoxsie Corners , for refreshments and thirs t -quenching drinks will be interested to know that the " Bottle" is again open for business this season a nd that Israel Davis, its genial 1>roprieto~, will agai n be on hand to serve his pa­tronage.

A I though the number of those who patronize Davis ' Bottle runs well into the many thousands, few are aware of the facts t hat not only is the ice cream served a t t his place richer in fat content than any others at any othe r s tand, but a lso that the i1 Bottle" is one of the cleanest and most sanitary in the East.

A s proof of t he cleanliness pre­vailing at the Davis Bottle, you have


For the Convenience or Our East Side Customers

We Are Opening Our New



Try Our Pastries


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only to become a welcome guest of Mr. Davis a nd under his personal guidance be conducted through the plant where t he ice cream is man­factured. Everything t here is spot­less. From the machinery to the containers, there is not a speck of dus t.

Only the Purest and Bes t Mr. Davis is very proud of this

fact . He wants you and every one else who is interested in par taking of only the purest and the best to visit his place and be shown through the plant. You wi ll a lso see t he fresh fruits used in flavori ng the ice cream.

'Po go through the plant and to watch the manner in which the jce cream is produced is inte res ting, but to note how s tainlessly clean every­thing is maintained is a revelation.

The ice cream is most rich in qua lity. According lo the recent in­s pection by ~tate authorities t he .fat ~ont.cnl rank~ it among the highest 111 the s tale.

Make sure oJ the kind o( ice cream ~andwiche1-- and tonics you Uuy a long the road. Not a ll s tands a rc kept us clean, nor arc a ll ice creams a nd sa11dwichcR us pure and rich in food vulue a~ thm:;c you may obtain at Davis ' llo tll e.

A nd if you arc skeptica l about Lhc merit of the praise accorded Mr. Du­vi_s and his ~tund, _you wi ll pay us and Mr. I av1s a R1nce rc complime nt Uy ~C'e ing it for yourself.

And jusL u wo rd about Lhe chicke n sundwithes nnd frankfurte rs to be hnd nL Davis '. P eople come from mi les nround lo Lustc Lhe de licious sundwiches which are pre pared from kosher kitchens and inn koshe r wuy. T1,e same is true o[ the frankfu r-. ___ ,,_ ..,_ ,, ___ _




AND Grade "A'' Pas te uri zed Milk

From Guernsey Dairi es Ca ll E ast Greenwich 337


A Column of This and That Mostly That

Golf Miss Beatrice Gottlieb, the Jewish

lady whose prowess with a set of golr clubs is not to be questioned, took herself to E ng land to play in the various tourneys. She arrived in time to enter the women's cham­pionsh ip but a las! after qualifying handily went out in a first r ound match. Undaunted a nd so for th, Bea, as those who know her remark, \\·ill continue on to the Continent. She will not play in Germany.

Baseball l\iluch activity a mong the J ewish

Big Leaguers this past week. Ike lio1ds tein, who entered Monroe High :::5chool in New York City for one t ~1Tn so that he could pitch the team to a championship, has been sent oy the Detroit Tigers to Toronto ,, 11ere, when he isn't taking his reg­ular turn on the mound, he goes out into the outfie ld for the Maple Leafs. 'T'he J ewish boy is handy with the s tick a nd the Canadian club is get­ting its money's worth out of him.

1vlaxie Rosenfeld, who has been hanging around the Brooklyn Dodg­ers bench these last few yea rs, has _een unconditiona lly released to the C., hattanooga1 Tenn. club of the ,:;outhern Association League. The outfielde r showed a great deal of promise but failed by a narrow mar­:;in to make the grade. He is a ..;outhern boy (A labama) and will .ind his new surroundings congenial. Chances a re that he will be back up in the Big Leagues before many sea­sons have passed.

Ping Pong The Ping Pongers jus t got under

,he gun. With the outdoor season .Jeckoning in a ll sports the boys who ,ound the little celluloid ball around ~ire just fini shing their annual cham­,ionships. Marcus Schussheim, na­jonal champion for the past seven /ears, was summariiy eliminated _·rom the tournament in the quarter­fi nal round by a J ewish accountant from the Bronx named Seymour Sol­omon. The expert with figures caused a n upset by winning over the former champ in t hree stra ight sets. He will probably win t he tourna­ment. There was a lad na med Ber­nie J oel in the meet but he was beat ­en. Had he prog ressed I might have claimed him as one of the tribe.

Fighting Georgie Levine, former Brooklyn

welterweight contender , is los ing the s ight of his right eye. Two opera­tions have failed to re medy the con­dition. Of course. it means that Le­vi ne is through with the ring. Harry Greb, greatest of modern middle­weights, suffered from the same complaint but he continued to fight with his one good eye. He died at a comparatively young age. Levine will t a ke no chances.

Maxie Baer who is training a t At­lantic City for his June tilt with Schmeling looked so bad in his 1nac­tice bouts that the boxing writers a re predicting a dire end to the match with the Germa n. Baer is not a training camJ> fi ghter but even if he were to s how the best imaginable form I would not bet on s ·aer to come through. I jus t don't think he is good enough to beat Schmeling.

'l'ennis '!'he snooty U. S. Lawn T ennis As­

sociation has info rmed the working press, (that's us ) that tennis writers are not guests but s imply working men a nd should be treated as such The s ituation came about through the h igh hat attitude of the flanne l pants boys who run the tourna ments. The writers, when they went into the club houses to eat, we re a llowed only a selected choice from t he menu. It takes the well-manne red lo really know how to be insulting. ]f the U. S. L. T. A. continues this attitude !t wi ll find itself looking for space 111 the papers with a microscope.

J o\~ 11_11y Nogrady, ?ne of the more prorm s111g of the Jun ior players, was forced Lo give up his schooling this year and go get a job. He ex pects to Uc back at St. J ohn's college next

(Continued on Page Ei.l(ht)

tcr~. 'l'ry one a nd you wi ll vis it Da­vis ' agai n.

Mr. and Mn;;. Davi~ come from New IJedfonl where they have re­s ided for the /nu:t J (i years. The y arc ucLive in l 10 alrairs of the J e" ;_ ish commu11ily a nd arc noted for their contributions lo µhila11lhroµic a nd charitaUle ca uses.

l\'l r . Davis is a member of the Kn,ighls of Pythias and the B'nai Unlh and 1\•lrs. Davis is ufl\liated with the Council of J ewish Women the S is te rhood and the He lping Hand Society.

°Ԅ�For Quality and Service"


Properly Pasteurized IILI{ a nd CREA I


A Friend to the J ewi sh People

12 Lowell Ave. WEst 4358


l\ilemorial services for the J ewish War Vetera_ns post No. 23 will be held at the Temple this evening at 8.lG o'clock. Cantor J oseph Schloss­berg will chant the liturgy. Rabbi Mazure will officiate and preach the sermon on the subject: "Memories.''

Services Saturday morning wi ll be held at 9.15 o'clock.

YAHRZEIT The lights on the Memorial Board

will be lit this evening for the fol­lowing:

Sarah Shore, mother of Morris Shore; Tobeh Leah Feinberg, moth­er of Mrs. J. D. Grossman; Meyer 'iishle r , father of Mrs. David Gold­en; RaChel Lipschitz, mother of Mrs. Leo Bo jar; Yale Rodin1 father of Mrs. Barney Hochberg.

The names of the above w ill be mentioned by the Rabbi during the Kaddish on Friday evening.

CONFIRMATION SERVICES The Confirmation Service will be

held Wednesday morning, t he first day of Shevuoth, Mar 31, at 9.15. The Confirmation Service proper will begin promptly at 9.45. The fo llow­ing will be confirmed: J essica Gold-

Woonsocket Choral Society to

Concert, Give June 4

Rehearsals under the direction of Rev. Cantor Anshel Hcuber g and as­sistant conductor Celia EJ}stein are in full swing to prepare for the con­cert of the \Voonsocket Hebrew Choral Society to be held Sunday evening, June 4 at the Blackstone Hotel ballroom, \Voonsocket. In a:d­rlitio!l to carefully chosen and beau­tifully arranged Hebrew and E nglish Melodies rendered by the well known choir the J>rogram will abound with unusual musical treats that will be greatly welcomed by the music lov­ing public.

Irving H eller, 11 year old violin­is t is scheduled to appear as soloist and the child prodigy who has a l­ready earned an enviable reputation

man, Pearl Finkelstein, Frances Botvin, Mildred Greenberg, Phyllis Pittman, H oward Nelson, Aaron Da­vis and Harvey Fisher. Rabbi Mau­rice M. Mazure will confirm . the class. Miss Bella Goldenberg will play the organ during the services.

CONFIRMATION RECEPTION Immediately after the Confirma­

tion Service a public r eception wi11 be held in the vestry of the Temple by the parents of the Confirmants in honor of the Confirmation class. The congregation is cordially invit­ed to attend.

SHEVUOTH SERVICES Services will be held on Shevuoth :

Tuesday evening at 7.30; W ednesday morning, at 9.15; Wednesday eve­ning at 7.30 ; Thursday morning at 9.15.

MEMORIAL SERVICE On Thursday morning, the second

day of Shevuoth, Haskorath N'sho­moth (Memorial Service) will take place. Those who desire to have the names of their departed mentioned should send these in to the Rabbi before the service.

on the concert stage is described by critics as a rising genius amongst virtuosos. Mario Bellini, well known baritone has been invited to appear and his presence a t this concert will please his many friends a nd admir­ers. The Beethoven trio with Eve­lyn F ellows Offiers violin, Marjorie Cote cellist, and Celia Eps tein pian­ist, acclaimed as one of the finest trios in the state, has consented to grace the program.

Another attraction of unusual in­terest is the violin quartet composed of well known talented professional and business men. They are: Lloyd Arnold, Charles Berlow, Dr. I. M. Shallen and Austin Cook, with H ar · old Smith at the piano. Soloists of the choir are: E mma Kassidoy, Lil­lia n Goldstein and Samuel Kornst ein. Ticket s for the conce rt are on sale now and are available at LaRoe's Music Store at the Stadium Build­ing, Woonsocket, and through mem­bers of the Choral Society.

Do You Like To See Things Grow?

Flowers? Trees? Children? Like to see them struggle for root-hold, push upward, grow straight and strong, flourish and flower?

Try planting a sum in cash .. say $600 .. in Old Colony Combination Shares. In about 11½ years it will grow to $1100.

But savings don't have to be planted all at once, in substantial sums, in such fertile soil. Even a tiny seedling .. $1 size •. sown each month in Old Colony M onthly P ayment Shares, will d evelop the fair-size sum of $200 in the same 1 ~ngth of time.

Springtime is planting time. Act now!



A Savings-&-Loan Assn. Founded 1895

Page 4: THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND i e lcmiB l era · Mr. Howard M. Chapin R. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman st. Providence, R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND


~ filhe JJemish lfietalb!! THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER or RH ODE ! $ LAND



116 Orange S treet, Providence, Hllodc Is land TELEPHONE GASPEE 4312

Member J ewish Telegr aphic Agency, Jnc., \.Vith :\'ews Correspondents All Over the World

S ubscription Hates: F ive Cents th l' Co;Jy. Ily 1\lail, S2.50 per Annum, PayaJlc in ~\dv;rncc

THE JE\VISH HE RALD inYites COlT<.!SJ.)Om lcncc 0 11 subjects of interest tv the J ewish people, but <lisdaims respon::;il;ility for ::m indorsement of t he views e.xpl'csscd Uy the \\Titer::;.


Too muc'.1 cf 1.hc co!cl, brntal tru1.h does not seem to be lo t he taste of sm:,c or om 1,,orc iastidious crit ics. Ne,rn ctcspatche~ concernin6 the Lca1.n;ent ::tccorclecl the Jews in Gerniany by the Nazis ev.c.ently m e gcUing "too much" prominence in the Anglo-J ey:ish press, allCl are mentioned ,,·ith a frequen cy which annoys the cc111placency and dist m·bs the smugness of a cedarn element of people.

Lo a nd behold! The times ha,·c g iven bi1-th to a nc\\' kinci of cri tic. Not so long ago the Anglo-J ewish press \\'8S t he subject of rather harsh c1·iticism from cel"lain quai-lern because it was not giYing "suflicient" space lo ne\\'s of Anli-Serni t it oc-cu!"l'ences in var ious parts of the II o;·ld. No11·, the accusatio1. is made that this same press is ' ·playing up" the situation in the Fatherland and in doing this it is furthering nei1.her the J ell'ish nor the German cause.

\Ve state uncquiYocally a nd emphatically that " ·c a nd ai, other Anglo-Jewish publications \\·ho haYe at heart the best interests of Judaism a nd of the J ewish people ll'i11 continue tc make public the 1.ruih as \\·e see it and to prosecute the boycoll of German goods to the fullest extent in our poll'er.

So long as the blood-thirsty, J ew-bait ing followers of llit­ler 's ll' ild teach ings continue thei r policy of unm itigated pc1·s2-cution of the unfortunate Je\\'S living amongst them, so long as the "cold pogrom" under governmental sponso1·sh1 p to stifle the econom ic life of the J ew, as long as physical- a nd what is \\'0r se, mental tor tures which are al l but indescribable continue lo be visited upon the J ew by a por t ion of 1.he Germa1. population which had aJlo"·ecl itself to become imbued \\'1th Hiller's philosophy, j ust so long wil l \\·e agitate for a continued and unrelenting boycott of German goods.

We ai·e 1.olcl by our weJl-meaning critics to " put the soft pedai" on the boycott; we are warned that economica lly a boy­cott works boih ways; we a re assu1·ecl t hat poll'crs mightic1 than ou rs are working fo r the al leviat ion, thrnugh political anc. diplomatic and business circles, of the harsh frealment of the Germa n Jews. Fu rthermo1·e, we arc told that the Nazis ai·e

easing up 0 11 their anti-Semitism and that the lot of the J ews in Germany \\'i ll in the 1·e1·y near future become more endurable.

\Veil , to quote Will Rogers, a ll \\'C know is what ll'e react in the papers. During the past /ii'(: clays Nazi storm trnopcrs entc1·ed the great Ullstein publish ing house, one of the l;u-gcsl printing and publishing concerns in the \\'Oriel, employ ing in Berlin a lone more than 5200. The :\azis forced evc1-y J cll'ish employc to leave the p1·emises. Ullstc1n, t he 01rner , is J ewish. When he insisted that several department heads be r etained the entire personnel walked out 011 s t ri ke. Needless to add, the J ewish cmploycs are jobless.

A week ago a law was passed proh ibiting any J ew frolll owning la nd or deali ng in land. Docs not this recall to you the Middle Ages? l s it not a simi lar l::tw that forced Lhe J C\\' to become a trnclcsman, tha t made him lose h is contact \\'ith Lhc soil and llrnl brnug-hl into exist ence the Ghetto'/

l n Berl i11 , grnt:p:; of J\:a::i la 11·yers las t \\'eek stood in front of Lhc courts :rnd prnhibilccl thei r J c\\'i sh colleagues - even though these collcat;ucs lw,·c scr,·cd in the trenches a nd arc therefore qual ifieJ lo prn~licc undci· JI iller's st rict li1ni lalions­from enter ing lo sen e the ir clients. Nazi phys icians hc1,·c forced the rc,nol':11 from hos pi ta l s ta ffs of t he few rcnrnini ng J ewish dodots ; l'\;1z i clc:1 lists arc forci ng J c\\'S ouL of practice. The r cs;1ll-a \',G\'C of suicides lhaL is a lmost unparn llcled in h istory.

Adolf JI illcr, 11· say Lo you thaL even as the Kaiser's hands wal!oll'cd in the blood of Lhc mi ll ion of innocents he conclcnrnecl lo death a nd torture in the World \Va r, so do you stand before Lhc bar of Justice, ,vour lrnncls d ripping \\'iLh the life-blood of thousands. you r feet in ::t mire of bones and living flesh, your \\·hole being slinking wiLh lhe fou lness of Anli-Sernilislll. Upon ~,ou r head lies the blame for the suicides, fo r the merc iless hounding by your agents of German citizens \\'ho were the mosL loyal and patriotic in Germany, but ll'hO must be exle imply because they a rc born "of lhat accursed race.''

\Ve find iL hard Lo "keep mum" when we are informed b.r

,·cl~able r eporters of the way 111 which Jc1\·:, r,rc 1.rcalcd in Ger many. Wilen the very silence of ou r brct !ll'c:1 in 1.he land J f the Nazi~ is frightening, we a r e forced 1.o sho•1t to the \':or!d our clisapp1oval of Nazi tactics. When \\'C J'c\\·s 1:r,v-c no gov­ernment to protest fo r us, no military or 1:~1\·al force:; to ' ·cle­rend our nationals," we n1ust have r ecour.:e to tb.c 0~1ly \-:capon ... 1t cur disposal - a boycott.

R. I. Council of Judaea Meets

The R. I. Council of Young Judaea held its regular meeting last Tues­day night at the home of Mrs. Mor­ris Sheer with Arno V-l razlowsky presiding .

Reports from the many clubs in Providence a nd vicinity showed the unusual r ecord of perfect r egistra­tion with the l\ational office. It was <lecidcd to hold the a nnual outing at Lincoln \Voods, fi replace No. 17, on June 11.

Those \\·ho crit icize the loud\,s ,·oicc:l by Jc1rn the i1·oricl over as " undignified" and "provoking of fn rthe.· :ci:ti-Sem­,t ism," t hose who disagree with U1e effecliYcnc~.; oi :'. boycott, arc deaf to the m ute appeal o,· their bl'othel's :c:1cl s :stei'S in G2nna11y. I t is lack of harn10ny of this so1t Lhai 1:1:tkcs olhcl'S pick the Je\\·s for scapegoats in the manner of IIitlc.·. Ile1·e is a,lC opport uni ty fo1· 1.he J ew1·y of the \\·oriel o,·er to unite in a protest loud enough to reach C1e ears of t hose m u1:ciercrs in 2otsclam and poignant enough to touch the most sensiti, c ncn·e in modern cil'i!ization - the pocketbook.

The follow ing were appointed as delegate~ to the I\ational Young Ju­daea convention at Si10.ron, !Hass., on June 2 1 and 26: Samuel Goldin Morris Block and Mrs . l\Iorris Sheer'. Alte rnates are lVIiss Lillian Blu­ment hal, Miss Harriet \Vinnennan, a nd Xathan Ostrov.

A set of By-Laws was p resented by i\lrs . S heer, chai r man of the By-Law committee and was u:1animously adopted . Office rs we re elected for the coming year as follows : Morris Block, µres ident; Mrs . Sheer, first ,·ice president; Nathan Ostrov, sec­ond ,·ice president; ~1 isscs Lillian Blumenthal and Harriet V\ innerman, secretaries ; and Sanrnel Goldin,


Cvpyng ht 1932 by the J cwi:;h T elegraphic .·\1,tency, Inc.

It Will S tay I do not know whether it.1s true,

but it's a beautiful s tory that Arthu r Garfield 11ayes, t he fighte r f or lib­e ralism tells.

That of a Gen n:'l.n J ewis h store­keepe r, who:-;e shop was placarded \\' ith the s ign "Jude" by the .\'az is.

As the J c\\' is h shopkeeper looked on with indignation, he r emarked '·J'll sec lo it that that s ign stays 0 11 after the boycott."

Badge of Honor . :~d i t seems to me. tha t som e­

t hi ng of t he implication of this s tory has a lready happened in the case of the w!10le German matt er. Thcv have flun g •·Jude" at the .Jews, has been r e, ca led as a badge of honor. T he .:'\ a zis in the ir preachings that .Jcw:s a rc infe rior, have r evealed j us t the op pos ite. It has dynamited a ll of t hei r vain boasts.

The London Tim es Rc ma rl,s It has re ,·ealed, that if the .\"azis

,yere to be rea ll y true to their the­ories, they woul(I ha,·e to burn not only the volumes of T olle r , and E in­s tem and Marx, but more than half of t he ir \\'ritings on science.

~,·en the London T imes is amazed a t some of t he findi ngs . The reti re­ment .tor instance o.f l"rofessor Fritz llaber . I remember reading in a book written by the Eng lish econo­r:1 i;-;t, Professor Soddy, that it was the I labe r p roces:s of n itrogen fixa­tion which prevented Gerrna n col­la pse during the war. It is this p rocess which p rovides for t he ni­tra tes necessa l'y fo r explosi ,·es.

I kno\\' ,·c r y little pe r sonally abou t nitrates or cxplos i,·es, but l see t he London Times this week makes the same statement . \.V ithout the Habe r process, German y could not have conducted the \\'ar longer t han three months, it estimates .

Haber, a Pacifis t Haber, it appears , did not invent

Lhis process tor \Ya r pur poses. H e was interested in gett ing enoug h _,.'2r ti lize r fo r the German fa rms, and he did s ucceed in rnaking Germany independe nt o f the nitra te deposits of othe1· count ries , a s far a s t his purpose was concerned.

But it soon became apparent that the nitrates used fo r ferti lize r could a lso be used fo r the ma king of g un­powder, and so the discovery of Ha­ber \\'ho s ha res t he pacifis t ic idea ~ of Einstein was turned Lo \\·ar ends.

Speakin g of the ..--\tom Be rt rand Russell once observed in

a lecture on the atom abou t \\'hich so much is be ing \\'rittcn today, that he i :; apprehens ive t hat much of the ,·e­s~arch in that fi e ld which seems li ke­ly to multiply a lmost inca lculably the powe r resources or manki nd may a l­so be used Lo make infinite ly more powerfu I ex plos ives.

l \\'as thinking- or that the olhc l' day, whe n I heard that P rofessor Nei ls lloh r, Lhe Dani~h J cwi!"h scien­t ist is in the country, leclu l'ing I am lold, at present at Da rtmouth.

Bohr is ll e r c Bohr is 11rohahlv the world's forl' -

1110!-l t aull10rit y on· the a to m. winnin ).! a t Oll l' time the N olwl prize for his a tom it' t't'!-l t'arch. A hrotlwr of Bohr i·~ t.:olltlt.'t' l e d with the lll•hrc w U ni ­' c·r~i l v in .l l'l' IIHn ll' ltl .

I w·n~ jus t wond t.• rin ,L:" wht•n I t h o1q.d1l of llll'll li kl' llabn and Bohr. wht'lht.•r Wt.' han•n 't got all this mat ­lt•r of 11w Na zi!-l wron J.!.

Wl' ac t 0 11 lhl' HllpJJo~it ion that the llitlc ri l t'!-l an• wron).! hcar t1•1\. 1\ml ,, c l'a ll prnt es t nu•cl in~s. But they r ea ll y arc idiol.8,

· A Scient i lic l'rol l•SI ~ o w ju~t co11s ide 1·. I [ a per~un is

an id iol, thc> l'C is no use i11 ca lling a pro t('st 111eclin .i.r a g-a ins t, him . If a man is insane or an imbecile, th1..~rc is no u~c> in pasB i11 g- resolution~ a ~ai ns l h im.

l s hould havc- been in f ;;ffor of a biK i\ladison ~qua rc Garden ll1C'Cling as \\'aS he ld, but instead of th" a ddresses whirh we re de live ret l, I s hould ha,·e invited educators, au­thnrilirs on t he£', ex perts 011

thr moron to be p resent a nd let them join in a sympos ium. They should pidity of lhc ll itlc rites in a cold, scientific way.


•;=======------========· Before you invest L 1 any

refrigerator, investigate this --


Think of' it'- thc same s ilent, dependable, g11lu·aut,,,,r1 scn·ice for ll'hich the C:as Rc­[l'ig-el'a tol' is famous. but no11· l'<'qui1·es 110

1rntcr. O1'clin:tl'_,. air cools lhc s imple re­f'r igel'ant. kept in cil'cula tion b.,- a·, cco-11on1ical gas flame. Come in and sec it you'll be delighted 11·ith lhe 11c11· E lcclrnlux ... and aston ished al the p1·,,~cnl pl'icC's, as 10 11· as


installed co111plPll' in ~-our home

Providence Gas Company 100 \\"cybosset Street

also fro111 !f0l/1' 71/11111/Jci· or drnle1·

Page 5: THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND i e lcmiB l era · Mr. Howard M. Chapin R. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman st. Providence, R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND


Happenings of Interest in the Women's World ORGAN OF THE LEAGUE OF JEWISH WOMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS

PERSONAL 0 onsmuptives League Mrs. Jack Davis Announces

Meets with President E t t · t f M. · SOCIAL

___ n er ammen or iriam ,_~ ~ L1,.l!11~-s-. _::;J!·a..:~::::11,_u_e_l _Z_a_r_c_h_e,-, - ,-11-,,.,..1 -,.,..la_u_g-:h-_.,....n-,o-s_t_ Sl-lC_c_·e-s-sf::-t-:il-::fi-sl::-,i::-n-g-:t-r :-i p-·t;s·~­;er, Phyllis, of Pawtucket, ha_ve le[t bago Lake, l\Iaine. The fish ~,·~ re :or a ,,·eek's stav with relatives rn biting especia ll y wel l for i\Ir. I· em­\ew York City. · berg, e nab ling hi,m lo ,,·i n wag-ers

ior the fi rst and for the largest fish ca ught during the entire trip.

A meeting of the Ladies' Union League fo r Consumpti ves was held l'hursda y afternoon at the home of the pres1dent1 Mrs. Gussi e Kelson on Orms Street.

..\ report was given on the cake sal e conducted at the Outlet Com­pany last \Vednesday, by the chair­inan , l\Jrs. bador u rossn1~11. Ap­proximately ~100 was rea li zed.

Henry Turoff, of the firm of Bar­-: er and Turoff, loca l a rchitects, ha s cft on a business trip to Swannanoa, \ . C .. where his firm is conducting 111 eXtensiYe addi tion to the Bea­:on :i\lfg. Company's :;outhern plant.

~Ir. and ilfrs. .-\. L. Bohi n of 102 :olonial Road obse n·ed their 25th ,Yedding anniYersary with a n all-cla y trip to Boston1 Sunday. Th ey wer~ accompan ied by their son-in- law and daughter, :'llr. a nd 1\.Irs. Xat Perlo\', of Duncan A \·enue, and by thci~· twc sons 1 rving and \Villiam.

:}L·. BotYin1 \\'ho is p ropriel.or ol t ~1e ~\.r:nory Fillin g Station, n1:1r!·ic(: 11:·::: . DotYin (nee Fannie Shapiro ) i:1 F.:1ll Ri,·er on l\lay l!J, 1908. '1 hey :--re both acth·e in charitable cr;s ::rn i­Z<.'.tio:1s here.

i\Irs. E thel J . Cohen1 national pres­dent of the Ladies' Auxiliary oi the JeY: ish \Var Veterans accompanied bv Mrs. Xettie Cohen, president of t11c local group1 l\Irs . Dora \Nine and ::\lrs. Aaron Cohen attended the ex-1.. .... i.lti\·c cou ncil meeting held in New Ye!: Saturday. They a ll partici­p:.;L~d i.1 the Memoria l yarade theTe, . ~r:;. E~'.1el Cohen lead111g the entire ,~_u::iii:-.r~·-

Thc P!1i Gnr,rnrn Soro r ity met idonday e'.·c:1.i!1;; :-.t the home of Mi~s :\ lic i; lt eller 01 Huxley .-\venue. F1-1nl a r;e:11c:1t ...; were made fo r the annua l dinner-d~1 nce to be held \Ved­ncsdav eve:'.ing, June 7, at the Weber Duck ltrn.

The cornr,1itte2 in cha rge of a r­rangements includes Miss Fannie Le\·e, chairm:rn; Mi :'s Terry Hazen, treasurer ; i\li~s nuth Ross and Mi ss E\'a Pode rsky1 enterta inment and ~iiss J ennie Lucksniansky, publicity.

Pupil s of Miss ] <la Haminovitz r:a,·e a piano recital at the Chu rchill ] louse Saturday afternoo n before a frie ndly audie.nce. Among those t ~king- part were i\Iarjorie Krame r, Rita Samuels, Loi s 'Winkler, I rma Goldberg, J anice Mu ccino, E leanor GustaYesen. A,·is F orbes, J osephine Berns, :\'eville VVinkl er. Seena Bake r. E!a ine I srael, Gladvs Levy, Beverly l ,!:~:-on, Gdna Solomon, Barbara \': '"'.,l~. 1 hyllis Kauf1:1 ·t11, Dori s l\Iar~ l·o.;, Allen 1\larcu r; . :\Iarion Borod, Cl1 ·,:·lotte Finkler, \\' inn'1 Silve rman, .' df'!a ide Pincus , Sh irley Log-an, 1\Iarion Harri so n, BarlJar:.1 Finkl er , Charl otte Borod, Blanche Lunden, 11Pt ly llyc r, Huth Mill er. Kay Ho· do h . 7clda ll odosh, In·ing- Gertz, l. ro na Smith and El s ie \'i ehsner.

1.cona Smith, in h<'half' of lhe pu-pil!-\ , prese nl<'d 1Iiss J! am inovitz with a bea utifu l gift.

Mrs. Gr rtrud e ;\'ulrnan and Mi ss Lill ian J(ilbc-rg were hostesses fo r a bridge and showe r last \Vednesday C\'C'ning, at Lhf' Lotus Hr s taurant, in honor of J\ l iss Lilli a n Bernskin. Gu ests wrre prrsrnt fro m Fall Hiver, Hos ton and Pawtucket.

Prizf's for bridge- wC're take n by 1\l issPS l rcnC" Mnrncr, Minnir Mack, Mary ll azman , Hcbrcca Erenk rantz, HPtty Kul nk , Zr lda Kotlp r1 Shi rley M. rA:'vy 1 lfosr Hosr nbe rg-, Lilli a n H. r·0rdon, Hosr Ki rshrnbau m. Nettie Hi ,·hmond, PC'arl Hi ch mond and Hose Cr,rich.

Omrga Psi mrt nt the home of Mi ss Molli r Chase on Dougla s f\v­r nur last Tu rsd ay evcnin,rc 'l'hf' f o l­lowi ng oITicr rs for thr r oming year \\·r rr (' lrctNI: J! rr s idrnt. J\li ss (; r r ­trudr Orlrck; srcrrtary, J\ 1 iss F nn ­nir Du ndrr; tr rasu rrr, ;\Ji ss 1,:\'r ly11 Hl az.r r; i\li sr-:. Bf'l lr Corirh wn s rlrrt­ed into thr club mrmhf'rship.

Bridge wns plnyr d nnd pri zri:; wrn won hv thr J\ l issrs HPhr<'<'n Gittlr 111111. • Gert, U(lf' Orl rc-k a nd Fa•rni, T u·" 1<'r HPfrC'shmrnts wr;\~ :en·ec ty t ~, ... hostess.

nr. :u1d i\Irs. Juliu,;; Si h·rrT"lT l (If "'-lo•1 rin nouncC' lhr rngag-C'm<'nt of

J\ ii ~ f':f'ttv Tnl ,C" ll nf thi ~ rit-- . to (\·ormnn R·lork . s;on of i\ l r. nnd ·:,lr!:7. f'hilii, Ri nck. nlso 0f thi s; cilv.

Mi~~ 'T'obr ll is the ~is tC"r ·or Mri::. Silverma n.

Morris Feinberg- of Crrig-hlon Strrrt, h1~ just rr turnNI from a

E GENE ( ,r"11 rb· r,( t h1 Outld lo.

n 1;irinr: t h , i:>r,l'ninfl (l ( th<'

E u en cautv Salon l 'P ~bthe .., ~o n ·~ trert

~.,1 t C'.n. 11 MA 80!1:I

H e was accompani ed by Jac~b_ J?. Grossman of Sackett Street, F·h1hp J. Feinbe rg, a brother or tsosio n, anu Bernard J<.1chards of ;\ewpo rt.

F all River hostesses are contin u­rng their fine work tor the va riou s vro·c:rnizations in that city. On \Ved­nc:day, Mrs. Da\·id Bilsky was host­ess at a benefit bridge at. her home rn highland A venue, for the Sistec­. .ood 01 Temple Beth-C.:l. She was as­js::ed by l\1rs. Louis L. Ya mins, Mrs. .,osevh 1; ei nberg, 1\Irs. l\l on1s .-\ lpert, .. u s . nose Friedman, l\lrs . Samuel Jnan, !\ ;rs . Samue l 13ern sicin, .\Jrs . .' ,:1tnan ~ternsher, l\Irs. Samuel Ya­.. un::;, .\lrs. William Abrasll, .\lrs. . -.10r,·:s l\1ines, .i\lrs. Osca r Blou111 1

. Jr:- . \'athan Yamins, l\lrs . Julius 0 imp son, Mrs. Gilbert l\'1::i.ker, l\lrs. ,., acou ). am ins, .:\1 rs . ls l'ael ~obdot1 and i\l r s . Philip lJOih_i is.

h lrs . .\Ielson annou nced that a check for the a mount is bei ng sent to the Debo rah Sanato1ium in New J ersey as the second .$100 payment on the ~500 bed whi ch the local group has purchased there. The or­garnzation 1s endea\'or ing to send a gentle man there, reco mmended by che J ewish F amily \·Velfare Society .

'l he committee in charge of the auccessiu l cake sale com pnsed Mrs. r1any Gooclman, iHrs . !\el::-011, i\1rs. Morris Ke ln1cm 1 i\lrs. Hyman Labush, .J lr s . J. 'fubi111 l\ lrs. )l. Leitner, Mrs. LuUman 1 .\Jrs . E . 1-tesnick, I\Irs. 1\or­nan .\Lucus and Miss lJorothy Ja­cobs .

l\I r. and i\lrs . Samuel Goldberger of El Brenton .-\ ,·e nue, will be at home to their friends \Vednesday 8\'e ning from 8 to 10 o'clock in hon-

---- Jr or tne con fi rmati on 01 their son, i\lr . and i\1rs. Bcrn:-.rd Li psi t z of .lerbert He nry.

this city, are rece iviug c..:ong-nnura- ___ _ t !?ns on. th~ birth of a,..,.son Gi lbert 1\Ir. ~~:1d i\lrs . Hvma n Hochman en-Victor Lipsitz, on May 1· j te~'t::1 inect scvera·1 friends in their

l I C l f ''G :1ew home at 7!) Pinehurst . .\venue, . .Jlr. anc,1 ~· r s. ~?se p 1, _ O 1en, 0 • '\- I i:1~t ::,unday eveni ng . Covers were ~ti eet "ill led \ e io i .\:.e \ !aid ior J '.:! rr~ests . The tab le was r ?rk ~~n~ght_, to ~1tten~!~ tl~~ _wedd-,n~ decorated \~1t11 a centerpiece of 0 1 th~u. ~ous111 D1 · Celi ~1 Gma nd e:::. t s pring flo wers flanked by g reen ta· Dr. l hil1p Brahms. pers and crys talware oi green and

---- ulack . Bridge fo llowed the dinner i\liss Henri etta \\.illne r ente rtained ::md prizes we re "·on by Mrs. I. G.

se\·eral fri ends at a party given in Chorney, Leo Katz and H enry Al­her home on Lenox A Yen ue, last be rts . Tuesday e\·enjng. '!'h e d_inner table \\·a s beautifull y decorated with spri ng f\o \\'er s and light..ed yellow ta­pers. 'l"'wo tables of bridge were in play and prizes won by l\ li ss Edith 1;,alk of this citv and l\I iss Fredericka Sih·e rhurs t of · >J ew York.

iHrs .. -\aron Cohen o; 30!) Lowell A \'en ue en te rtained at 1J ri dg0 last ·w ednesday evenin g fo r the benefit of the Hadassah Donors . Ten tables \\·e re in play and p ri ze~ \\' ere won by Mrs. L. Whitaker, l\lrs . i\lanuel Os­tro\\' . Mrs. Herman DaYis, ,\lrs . lJa­,·id Sippe r, Mrs. In·ing P a ster 1 l\lrs. Da,·id Wine, Mrs. i\lo rri s Sydell 1

i\ l rs . Barney Ta be r a nd .Mrs. David Ce nse r. .-\rter the game, the host­ess sc n·ed refresh ments.

i\ l r. and Mrs. Stanl ey E smond Shein ha\'e announced the birth of a son, 1 lar\'ey Marsden Shein on J\lay 10. l\lrs . Shein was befo re her marriage Mi ss T he lma E,·elyn Hose.

1\Iiss Rebecca T. E: atz, daughte r of 1\I r. and 1\1 rs . 11 arry Katz of \Voodbi 11e Street, \\'as honored last Saturday evening at a surprise hos­iery and handk e rchi ef shower and bridge by ~1 rs. E. Cohen of Orient I !eights, East Bos ton. Four tab les of bridge were in play. i\li ss Katz \\'i ll be manicd to Dr. Harry I. Goldman of thi s city, in Jun e. The hos tess is Dr. Goldma n's s is lc r.

Week-end Specials Su·gar, Granulated

10 lbs. 4:3c Chase & Sanborn

Coffee -···--------·- lb. 27c Campbell's To mato

Soup ........ 3 can s 20c Uneeda Biscui ts

G pkgs. 25c Premier Peaches, ha lves

or slice .. 2 lg. cans 25c Premie r Salmon S teaks

la rge ca n ·····-------·- 29c on,-egian Sardines

3 cans 25c BEVER GES

Na rra~.inEett Alt•. Bud\\{'isl' r. Bluc Hi bbon l'a h~t. ~c hlit z. Order a do zen 01· ca:" loday


16-1 Camp Street GA . 02i:.- 02;r.

Delh·ery SC'n· ice

The execut h·e board of the Pro\·i­clence Chapter of H adassah met l'hursday aft e rnoo n, at the home of _\lrs. l lie Berger1 :lU Clarendon Av­...! nue and completed a ll re ports a nd ~1rrangements fo r the Dono rs' Lunch-3 0 11 to be held in the Narragansett Hotel1 'ruesday afternoon, June G.

Severa l Pro\·idence fami li es will Jpen their homes to hosts of rela­..ives and f riends \Vednesday in ce l­ebration of the confirmation of their ..:hildren from the Conse rvative and l{efo rm Temples.

Mr. and M rs. l\at C. Cohen of 127 :::1ton Street will hold open house \Vednesday, in honor of t he confi rma­Uon of thei r daughter, l\ Iarjori e.

.-\ note of g reeting was rece ived li ere fro m Mrs. Samue l Michaelso n, p res ident of l·ladassah1 who with .Mr. .,li chaelson is en route to th e United ; itates afte r a visit to Palesti ne. At t he time of writing, !\'lrs . Mi chae lson ' Vas in Czecho-Slovakia. She is e :x · ;1ected he re in t ime for the Donors' 1_,u ncheo n.

Mr. a nd l\ll's . L G. Chorney enter-1 ~,i ned at a Mothe rs' Party at their home on Spa rrow Street, Sunday. )inn er wa s se rved to 20 g uests from fo \\' Have n, Boston a nd t hi s city. lridg-c fo ll owed, and p rizes were

;>rese nted to the hi g h sco re rs1 with : pccia l gi[ ts for th e l\'l oLhe rs .

i\ lr. and l\lrs. Syd ney Marcus of ! fj 1-;~m1 es Street wil l hold open house \Vcdncsday f rom 3 to l O o 'clock , i11 hono1: of Lheir daughte r Gertrude \\'ho will Uc co nfirmed from Tem pl e l~nwnu -EI.

1\ l r. a nd i\ l rs. A lfre d I I. Gi lsLe in ' \·ill also opC' n thrir home at 5!) Sc ,·­t• nlh Stn:.-c•t, t.o lhrir hos t of re lati\' c:::. :rnd fri (' 1Hl s Wcdn rsday eveni ng in hono l' of lh e l'o11fi rma tio 11 of their dm1id1Ler. Celia.

Orchard House (GOTZ FARM)

Special Rate for May 30 Weck-End

Boat in g. Dnthing. Fi s hin ~ on I: ea utifu l Lake Winthrop

Jc-m is . Ua lJ (!' rounds. Danc in g on )rcmi ~<'' · ~oecin l rates fo r Par ­

(ieg , \Yecld in~s and Onnq uets 1:1ay l;e had by Ca llinJ!

lloll is lon 80%

;\I n,. i\IeyC" r Gol z

Hospital Luncheon Monday i\lrs. J ack Davis 1 chairman of ar­

rangements fo r the a nnual luncheon to be given by the Miriam H ospital Associa ti on Monday at the Edgewood Yacht Clu b Cas ino has announced that an elaborate ente r tainment pro­gram has been pla nned. 'I he lunch­eon wi ll be served by a Kosher cat­erer and will begin at l~.JO.

'1 here will be an instrumental t rio consisting of Miss Dorothy Wald­man, violi ni st, Mi ss Sonia Robinson, pianis t and Mrs. Grace King 1 cellist. .-\ dramatic recital will be presented by th e follow in g pupil s of Mrs. Ab­bie Grant Huddish: Sidney Dressler , Prisc ill a Dressle r, Lu ci ll e \-Ve ine r ,

League Meets; Appeal Made For

Clothing Center Seventeen organizations \\'ere re p­

rese nted at the regul a r meeting of the League of J e,\·ish \\"omen's Clu bs held Monday afte rnoon at the Hotel Bi ltmore.

Mrs. Edward Fin berg, pres ident, made a stirring appea l fo r clothing t o be distri buted at the clothing cen­ter located at 117 Dye r Street, to the needy. Mrs. F inberg urged the mem­bers to co-ope rate in the Renovize Rhode Is land Dri ve. i\lrs. Milton Fuld urged t he groups not to hold J ny rummage sa les for the next s ix ;n onths but send th e clothes to be distributed a mong the m a ny need~ fa milies.

.Mrs. S. Markoff Nan1ed Head of

N. E. Dispensary i\ I r s. Samuel :Markoff was elected

presi dent of th e North End Di spen­sa ry at the annua l meeting held at t he home of Mrs. :Markoff on \Vater­man Street, Saturda y afternoon.

Other officers are: Vice president, Mrs. :Max Siegal ; !-lecretary, Mrs . Meye r Tenenba um; t reasu rer, Mrs. Mil ton Fuld ; board of directo rs, Mes­dames E. Gardner J acobs, Loui s Bo­red , Pi e rre Brunschw ig1 Geo rge Brooks, Caesar Misch, Lester Sum­me rfi eld, P hilip Marcus, J oh n Rous­ii n, Morri s Gershman , Da,·id Adel-1nan, Bess Copeland, Da\· id Gilrnan 1

.Tack Davis1 Sa mue l Coli tz, George Nathanson and George Ger be r ; l{eg­ist rar Mrs . .-\Ima Rothschild; Regis­te red Trained 1\ ur:--e, i\liss Gertrude 13 . Koch.

Women Pioneers Club Holds Meeting

At a meet ing of the \ \'om en Pio­neers Club Tu esday :1 ftcr noo11 in ;~i nn's Banquet Ha ll , the president, I\lr;, . H:nry Beck, ga\·c an interest­ing report on the recent Continental Cong-res!-- which look place in \.Vash­ingtnn , 0. C., ~lay G and 7. The conc\a,·r was. l'~dlcd to di~tu~s the l'Conom ic reco ns truction now taking­place.

A socia l hou r followed t he busi ­l'iCss session, a11d the hostcs~es were Mr~. J oseph Schwart z and i\l rs . Charles Sch reiber.

Phylli s a nd Rosa lie Be rkelhammer, Muri el Ross, E lai ne Blumenthal, No rma n Hurwitz, Lorrai ne and Mur­ray Gartner , Lorraine Bliss and !\•Iuriel Ha rri s.

The president, Mrs. Charles C. Brown, a nnounces the following com· mi t tee assisting Mrs. Davis : Mrs. Oscar Kl em er, Miss A . Irene Fin­kl estei n1 1\ilrs. Louis M. Grant, Mrs. Joseph Smith, Mrs. Morris F elder, Mrs. Max Temkin, Mrs. Morris Mel­lion, Mrs. Max Kapstein, Mrs. J ohn Brownstein , Mrs. J. Sh ukovsk y, Mrs. l\loni s Wa ldma n, Mrs. Willi a m Smi ra and Mrs. Brown, ex-officio.

Mir·1am Hospital Committees Report

at Board Meeting Several inte resti ng repor ts of t he

va ried activities of the Miriam Hos­pital Association were given at a board meeting held by the group last Monday afternoon in the Nar­raga nsett Hotel with the president, Mrs. Cha rles C. Brown presiding.

Mrs. Maurice F elder , chairm a n of social se rvi ce repor ted that the com­mittee had been most active fur­ni shing five pairs of glasses th rough the Miri am H ospita l clinic; 1 patient was admi tted to the hospital through t he association; l pair of arches and shoes, 1 surgical corset, l abdon1i na l belt and presc ribed med icines were suppli ed to needy cases. A fine sum fo r t hi s depa r t ment wa s reported by Mrs. Morri s Mellion who conducted a cake sale recentl y.

I t as a lso s tated that the orga ni­zation contributed em ergency f unds for Passove r reli ef to the League of : ewish \Vernen 's Cl_t_,b_s_. ____ ~


Monday, June 5 Ladies' Union Aid, afternoon

Tuesday, June 6 Hadassah Donors ' Luncheon,

afte rnoon South Prov. H ebrew Institute,

evem ng \Vednesday, June 7

Ahavath Sholom T a lmud Torah, eYeni ng

Sisterhood of Temp le Beth Israel, e \'ening

Home fo r the Aged, afternoon Thursda y, June 8

Auxi liary, J e\\'i sh \.\' ar \"eterans, evening

Mond~1v, June 12 \Vonien Pioneer~ Club 1 a fte rnoon

\Ve<ln rsday, June 1-t South ProYidence La c.:ics' .-\ id,

e,·cmng l\londay, June J 9

l\ lir i:1m Hospita l. afternoon \\. edncs<l:1y, June 21

Ladi c~ Heb rew Free Loan, noo n


Enjoy these beautiful qua r ­t er hour pro-

. i:'rams.

\\'PRO \Y eck days-5.45 p. m. Sat urd ay - - 9.45 a. m .



SUNDA Y, ~I AY 27 ~pcci al rat es for i\ll' moria l Da y \\' ce k- End an d Shcniot h

J\ must• mcn ts. Dancin g. Tl'nni~. Orches tr a and Socia l Director HED UC I-:D HATES

You wil l find the colllforts of home Hild the rec reation of the country

Cateri nµ; to Banquet s, \Veddin gs, etc. Added Attracti on Sundays- LC'agu e Baseba ll Gamf's


Open for 18th Season S UWA Y DI ' 1'EH. M.\ Y 28, $1.00

S pecia l Hates for Decoratio n Da y a nd She , uoth ~ht)' :w. ~l ay 31, a nd Ju ne 1, on ly ~ 7.:';0

Deli cious home like, strictly kosher cooking

Li ght airy room s with a ll mo<le n1 con,·cnicnc('s

l'L E .\ SANT STH EET TE I~ \1 11.LIS

Page 6: THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND i e lcmiB l era · Mr. Howard M. Chapin R. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman st. Providence, R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND


Greetings to the Jewish Comn1unity of Newport

Many Nt•w port. ,J 1•wi:-ih l•' ri1 ·11d:-i

Aquidneck Dairy

Island Creamery

Middletown Dairy

Newport Creamery

Round House Dairy


Edward C. Walsh House Furnishings

30-32 Marlborough SL N ,•nr Brondwuy


William B. Houlihan

Insurance & Real Estate

281 'l'hamcs Street

i;J"·""""""·"" "·""""""""""" ..................................................................................................... £,

C,·,·1•t i·1108

to !hi' J r•//Jis /i P1·1111l f' nf N1•w11ort

Newport Water Corporation

0 ................................................................................................................................................. -J,

l o /hi' J1"111is/i !'1w11l1· of N, .. 11, ,wrt

Democratic City Committee NEW PORT, R. 1.



All llnl iro1u·d . W t•nring 111,pnr<•I driNI. S hi r lH liniHIH'cl for IOc t.•iH·h udditional. 1:1 1m 111ul,.1 for $ 1.00. 71/zc 1wr 1u11111cl.

1•1U-:ST FI N I SIIIW SEl1 \I H ·E Ev,•r ylhin K hand li11 iH h1·d. l !"1t· 111·r pound. Ill JJ011ndH for $ 1.!",0.

S hirlH finiMlu•d in 1.hiH Ht·rvic,• for r1t· 1·nc h uddit ionnl.

II A I.Sl•: Y ST .. N l•:W l'Oll'I'

f .................... ;:~~~~;~:-~;~~~--·-···- ,

I THE KING-McLEOD CO. I i i ; i I N EWPORT, R. J. I i I m .................. .... .... ........................................................................................................................ l!J

'I' ll I•: Gl•:N'l'U l(Y s·1·01u•:

The Wm. Leys Dry Goods Co. FORMERLY WM. SIIERMAN & CO.

l•:sL111,IIHl1f'd 1711/1

I :JG- 137 T hames Stl'ect Ncw1>0l'I., R. I.

~ ....................................... ........................................................................................................... l!l

i Petroleum Supply Company I

'l'Y ltl l l. l:IU-: 1•: N ,\ N II 'l'Y UO I. E'J' II Y I. OA~III.I NI-:

11AN(:i,; A •11 l•' l ll1N,l( ·i,: OI LS

T elephone f,G(i

( 11 1/1 )1 (:Tl! , WIIA11F ..:w1·1 rn 'J'. IL 1.

, . .................................................................................................................................................. m

Touro Synagogue, Rich in Tradition Observes Anniversary

Among tlw cnrllcHl nnd moHL ,·n­lil,{htt·ncd of llw colonlHLH who cnmt• lo thi11 country wt•rt; thmw of tlu­.J,•wiHh fnlth who 1,·fl Spnin nnd Por.­l1q{nl during Liu- intltthdtlun.

A Hl'lllt•nH·nl wnH off,• ·tt-d in N,·w~ 11or,t nH tiurly UH lti58.

Among lht• J,•wtt who ht•cnm,· 111·oinin,•11l In N,·w1wrl In llw l 8 ll1 ct•ntury Wt) rtl llnrl, MutwH St•lxnH, Ht•v. IHnllc Tuun,, Ahrnhnm Tuuro und Juclnh Touro.

Tht.: Conl,('r 1-(ntion li-1 onf• or tl11· o14h.iMt i n Lh1J cou11 try. '1'1 111 Syn11 1

J,{Oj.(UC W/lH dc~d J{ rP tl t.y p ·lei' !!uni~ 1-10 11 , a noted n rchll1•c t who d f'Hi J.(11 f'd

lll«•nlwim Crn-1 LI <>, llf'tlwood J,l l ll"a r y , Tht:: Colony ll ouHe 1111d o Lhcr liu i ld­illJ,{fl of h iHLoricnl inLoroAL. IL ht 1:1111 -s ide rc·d onf' of the mm1t b<'nu llfu l pii}n·H o l' Cnlordul 11 rchitc •c·t11r1• in Liu· cou nt ry.

On w11Lt,r-i11g- thlH H11t; r1:d e1H!l<.:1· ono iH inAplr ··d with nwe 111111' rt1v-1; ronc1· fo l' itfl hc~nutiful ori 11 t h lan s tyle of n rchitr,·Lurr . On th,· J{ ro1.111d llo()r 11/'l' , i J,{ l'IICl) fu l Ct) IU lllllH o r C,,rinthi11n urc· h iLc<.:turf• Hup111,rtl11g· LhL' ).(1t ll1' ry. Th,• colun111H n.:p n ):,um l th1· Ii tril.HJH of IHl'Ht,d, which 111'0 tlw p1tr<'11 t Hlock 1111<1 l'rorn w ho1n 1111 I H­n1L'l it,•H Hj>ring-. FacinJ.{ tho eaHL iH tlw H111·rcc 11 rl< , where 11n.· d1•p1)Hilcc l the Mcl'OIIH <if tlw lnw, Out: of tlw :-cctollH iH 1)V(' I' :lfiO yt:Hl'N <, Id, un1l wa:-1 hrnug-ht ov1• r by Llw l\rHt .J owiHh H ·tll1.· rH who nrri ve1I h1Jrn in IHfiH, ThiM HCroll Wft H li1·ouJ,{ht over from Sp11i 11 durin J,{ t ho l11qulAillon, In llw ,·,·ntc' r of the h1ill11! 11J.{ 111·0 llvo m11 H­:-1 ivf' l>1·on1,c) c11 n1ll r. uhruH w 1·11u J,(ht out hy hnncl, two of which a rc tl10 g-ifL of .l11c11h Hodrcqu1' H llovr•irn nnd hin son A lirahnm, 11nd 111·,• clntod .17tif); one hy l sanc Pollock 1l11Lod 17fl0; or1u l,y N11phl1tll l-l 11rl Myers <l ntc,I 17/iO; nnd 0 111: hy Aa ron I ,opoz tlnlccl 1770.

Within th<· sncred Ad< 11r Hc ro lln of th1, luw of g- rcnl untic\ully 1t1Hl hi :-;Lol'i t nl inlu n·Ht. The Hi v1•1· Loptt 1111tl lioll~ 111'0 l\nc UXHlllJII H of th<· si lvcrHmith'H arl.

B •fon , t h A r l< han~H t he pcrp ·L-11 11I lump, 111111 In the hocly of tl1c odl -1\tL' l11' 1tutifu l c11ndlonbr11H hung- frt) ll'\

Llw ceiling liy Inn),{ iron rodA, which w1·rt· 111·1·Rc11 l ed to tho Cong-rog-utlo11 l,y vari ouH of ilH nwmlu)l'H.

' l' lw flrC'l'Hllll mnHH ivo J.( rn11 ilo 111HI il'on f1·nc1' AU1Tc)t111<linK the pn;miHCH WHH "' l'OCLetl iu I H22.

Dudng- tho Hcv11lulio 11 m1111y c)f tlw pulilic liuildinKH i11 Newport were· c lo:-1011, tompon1rily I' •11tl • rod uul\L for UHC.

In l 7!H) ou r ilh1HtriouH Prcxidunl, G,•o rg-c WnHhinKL011 , viAitod the t)cli ­f\cc und wuH warmly ,·ocoivod on bc­hnlf of the Co11J,(rOJ{11tio 11 hy MoHu/'i SoixuH, i LH wn rdcn.

l{ov. I HHHC Tourn W H H Llw Huhlii to the Cc)11~p·og-ntion at the Limo the huildl11K wnA ded icntod nntl rum11i11od Ku<:h until it wnfl c loH ·cl al tho out­hrf'11k o f hofi tl ll tlr·H ltc•Lwf:tl ll th,: Col ­ony a nd thti mothr•r ('01111Lry.

Ahrn lrnm 'l'ou ro u111l ,Judnh Touro, AonH of Ho v. hmuc Touro, hy the ir LoALumcntary luJf(U OHlH, hnvu mndn proviKionH fo r Lh~1 can , of the hu llc l 111 ).( nn tl the nnc1onl com c.:L<,ry, t:.11 which r o f o r o11cc IH mado l11L1; r 011.

Ow ing- to the 11hH011co ol' thu n ... qui reel IIUlllbf• r for holtlilq.( Co11 J,(1'0 J(H · tio nnl fl t•1·vlNi H tllt' bu iltl lug- wuH not n1opCJ 11f•t l 1111 tl I I H7H.

In I RH I l 111r Hl1t Me1uluH l tulil, i lo the Co11 J{rt1g-utl r, 11 ductnd fHi r vlcuH until hlH Apl'i l ,1. IRll'.I.

hr•cuuw Hrld COIi •


Muc h coul4I IH: wrlltt'l1 or the h lH­tory of thlH Hlnu-Lt.ll'lj nrnl tho !HOii who w 1.H'O ld,•nllHed 111 hu ildl11g- IL. Murh cou ld he wdLL1i 11 111 prnlHt) o t' tlui m o11 whn 1·011Mlil11 tc1d tho .J,·w­iHh c·o111m1rnity d1Jri11 J{ Lhu 17th n11d IHt h t·o11turi1rn. Thny wn r1• 1111•n 111' tl111 h lg-lHlHL lnt1il{rlly, t he y wcrn KLrlC!L l1til!11vorH 111 t hu MoHnlc l ,n w, n1ul pructlc1•d itH prn<·opLH 'l'hoy W4Jl' t> ch11rlL11!Jlo !11 nil L111il r w,UkM Lh1·ouKh llfi •, 'l'h"lt· t)X1nn plnry ll v,•n hnvc: lflft II l'lch lt1J(ncy Lo Amul'IC'HH ,JuilnlHm. With tlw nxcni,tlo11 nf oc­t'nHl0 1111I Hhort pol'loclH 111' L11111) Liu· 1\cl lfll'n hnH hc1111 op1111 fo r l'fl llJ,(lo11H Hl'l'Vlct)H frti lll I HH I lo th IA limo.

Albert F. Haas N l•: Wl'OU'I'. II. I.

Lawson Motor Sales


M Ii.i. KT U EE'I'

N 1i w1•011'1'. II. I.

1)01.111•: Y 1/I VISIO N

IJ••" General lc:e Cream Corporation 1·11111CEl·t1J,EA.Mr, IIOWEN·s WIIAIIF. N l•:w 1•0 11·, '-..J 1)1 ., 1•111111 1,! H•I l 'l1111l11 u 11<1 ll1•11 1w 1t, ,,. 111

N•·w ll 111111 111ld1•,, ltlu" I,• 111111ml M,l.,.11"11111.,,ttu l°"l••w V111•k I ',•111111y lvu 11 !11 V ,·1·111011t 1;,,11 11,•,•Ll,•111 M11l11•• r ............................................................ ;;-::;·.·::;· :::i;:-.~ .......................................................... r

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I H;~t::;,,~,~;;:~y ! l BEE HIVE I i .................................................................................................... .............................................. i

(;, .,·,•{ iuys

lo //11• J , .. 11 ,isl, 1',•011l1· of N,·11111111·1

The Savings 83nk of Newport

r - ::: :::: :::: : :i ::::.:::~:::: ~:::::::,:: 1 I ! \ CHAMBER OIF COMMERCE j ~ ~ i NJ<:Wl'ORT, 1{11 0 1)1~ IS LA D \ t :

i ................................................................................................................................................ d ~ ................................................................................................................................................... ljl

i FOR BI JI LDI N(; MATERIALS 1 £ : I ~ 1 CA L L :111 '

I I i ' I JOHN M. FRIEND, Inc. ! ! ~ i !i2 Bridg-e Street Nc,wport., R. ]. I ! .................................................................................................................................................. ! 0 ........... ...................................................................................... ................................................. 0

i ~ I Newport Oil Corporation I j l'ETROLEI JM l'IWIH JCTS ) i I I LON<: W II A IU,' N l•:W l'Oln' 1 I T1 ·1,.111in111· ~,;oo ~

I! !,',,,,,.·

. S1·1·vl c·t< S L11 tln11 H

Hl'ondwny s ,, rvl1·1· S t 11ti1111 Mol'l1H1 l'nrlt S1•r vl 1•,• S tnt io!l

l11qil11r 1111d 'l'hn111t1H St,·,•l'I J>l ' . liJ .................................................................................................................................................. GJ D ............................................................................................................................................. 0

' Newport Gas Light Company


l•:~·n :N l )S (: 111•: l •:'l'I N(:S

'I'() TIii•: .11-:w 1s 11 1•,.;0 1·1.1•: OF N l•: W l '() l(·1·

Cnn Linuo11 H S(' l'Vitl' s i 11('(' I HG: \

181 Thames Street Newport

0 .................... ............................................................................................................................ .. lil ................................ ................................................ .................................................................. 1

( ,' ,.,,,,, i11,,.~

lo //11• ./,•11 •i., t, /'1•11111,• oj N ,•11 •11111·1

Newport Electric Corporation 'I'll AM l•:H ~·1•11 i,:i,:•1• Ell' l ' IIH'I•

!], .. ............................................................................................................................................... .

Page 7: THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND i e lcmiB l era · Mr. Howard M. Chapin R. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman st. Providence, R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND



And So The Days Pass

Just fo. t '.· is week . . . the colnmn i!'.- going to be diffe rent ... no poetry, no g a gs or gossi p .. . I'd like to ta lk to you ahout something which to my mind i5 of f:i · greate r im porta nce in t he annal5 of .J e wis h life.



NOTES I J\ very s uccesful public bridge was

held at the headquarters Tuesday .~ni ng. A la rge crowd was present.

V:.d uable prizes were awarded the ,\·inne rs at each table a s well as s ub­t ~nt ial door p ri zes to the lucky

numbers. Senior Vice Commande r .,. a . .; ...... Coh?n was in charge .

A regular meeting o[ the Pos t was held yesterday at the headquar­ter::,, 100 Niagara street, with Com­mande r Harry A. Hoffman presid­ing.


Newspape rs, the public apparently thinks, devote considerable s pace evei'y day to re porting bequests a nd donations to hospitals. Whe n some \\ cal thy man or woman dies it seems tha t a la rge fortune is le ft to char­ity, wit h a good po rtion o f it going to a hospita l.

much as the poor man can possibly pay.

Hospitals have ve r y little money in e ndowment fu nds, and even the most heavi ly endowed hospital would have to close its doors in a f ew months if patients it ser ved who are able to pa y, did not pay for their t reatment .

\Vedncsd av, :'rla y :11 and Thur~day, June I , which accorn in~ to the Jcv, is h calea<l ;1r a rc· the s ixth ancl seventh days in the month o r S ivan, The f3ug-lc and Drum Col'pS can we s hall observe t he holiday of S hahuoth, or t he Feast of \\'eeks. It is be seen and heard in action every t he feas t of the first fr uits of the harvc&l, and the second of the pi l~ rim - .. Jond::i.y night at headquarters. Ad­age festiva ls . (Exodus 3,1 :22). jutant Es mond Borocl is the ins truct-

Prom the second day ot Pas!-.ovcr (the time or the early har vest) or. seven weeks or -19 days ai e counted (to I he time of the second ha r ves t)

But this is jus t a superficial idea a bout donations to hos pitals , for a::; a 1.1atte r of fact, if all the money which has bee n give n to hospitals for e ndowment, were equally divided among all the hospitals, each hos· pit.a l would have just enoug h money in t rus t to provide it with an income 0 1 cig:ht cenls a day.

T he matt.c l' o f t he wealth of hos­pita ls seems to be one of those pop · ular misconceptions which pers is t in

The foregoi ng statement s hould be carefully re-read, f o r it is based on a very careful study of many hos­pitals by a t rained i.nvestigator , and it was made, not at the ins tigation of the hospitals, but by an outside ag-ency. Eight cents a day, or $25 a year , would ha rdly pay a hospital fo r the e lectric light it needs in one p..1tie nt'f; room, and that s um is only a ve ry small fraction of what it costs to care fo r a patient f or even one da y.

an:I t he :'-i0th day is ·'holy convocatim1,'' hence t he nam e Feast or \/eeks ~.s related in Leviticus, 23: 15.

f is torically the festi val commemorates the revelation u pon :'\lount Sinai, or the ··Season of the g-iving of our Torah." It \\ar.; handed do., n to our ancestors by Moses, our teacher, \\ ith t wo tabl <.' t:; of the covenant, ,q>0:1 which were inscribed the Ten Comm a ndmants.

What an event! VVhat a glorious holiday! Allow me to present here a brief summary of the facts that led up to it. They are taken from ou r holy bible, Exodus 10: I to 25.

lt was a little over two months after the children of l s rael were freed from thei r Egyptian bonda ge

. They came to Lhe wilderness of ~ ina i whe re they camped before the Mou nt ... T he Lord cal led unto .,1oses, saying, "Thus shall you say unLo the house of J acob, a nd t e ll t he children of Is rael: Ye have seen what I did unto the ~ gyptians, and Lore you on eagles' wi ngs, and brought you unto l\'lyself. Now, therefore, if ye will hearken unto my voice indeed, and keep l\'1y co­venant, then ye s hall be Mine own treasure from among all peoples ; fo r all the earth is Mine, a nd ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests , a nd a holy nation. T hese arc the words which thou shalt s peak unto the ch ildre n of Is rael."

i\loses did not immediately accept fo r the people. I le conve ned the elders among them Lh8y enthu­s ias tically re plied, "All that the Lord hath s poken, we will do'1 ••• Moses, after delivering the l'e ply was chaq{ed by the Loni to sanctify and 1Juri1y t he children or Is rael for the third day the reafter, when the Lo rd v.ould descend to 1Vlount S inai.

And thus it came to pass that when the third day arrived, Lhe Loni came down upon 1\elount S inai, and l I i,.1sc lf ... not throu gh an a nge l, a 1,roph<·L or a messiah, 1,;a v,· to us the ~, r1,;.iLe.-;t of all documc: nLs . whose .,1vrn,, ins piration no sens ible man can ne ny 'I he Ten Com mand· nH:nts !

Ahout :1~rno years ha ve Jlassed s ince that me morahle day. The day when our direct ancestors ente red into a covena nt with God to he hiR chosi·n people . . A king-dorn of Priests ... A hol y na tion. Look ahoul you today my fri end, a nd sec the result of that co venant ... Look

pl is hed, God be 1•ra iscci. we ha ve at­tained so me s uccess.

Of cou rse the wo rld and its peo­p!e do not begin to reali ze the debt they owe us but neithe r do many of our own breth re n fully t.:011 -

L:eive our miss ion in the world It did not take many days fo r Isra el lo begin breaking this holy contract. .:.\ s soon as Moses left them for a \\'hi le , they elected a golden calf which they \\'01·shipped instead of the God who had taken them from al l the other people of the world to be his own chi ldren . . . The tragedy of ou1· people has been that we ncvel' fully carried out our covenant of Mount S inai the re have always been, a s t he re are today, many o f ou r breth ren who were more fasci­nated by the golden calf, the cus­toms, the life , and the Gods of other people , than they we re by the great. God a nd his covenant.

Wed nesday and T hu rsday is the isreat holiday o f Shabuolh l venture to sa y that not more tha n five pe rcent o r J ews th roug hout the world wil l celebrate it in the nurn. ne r that it deserves. The other !)5 percent will be too busy to give it rnore than a pa ssing thought. They' ll have t.hings or far g reater import­;111ce to attend to! Only five out of every 100 J ews will go to the syna­gogue and t ha nk the Lord for having thus honored us ... Hcg his forg-ive­ness fo r ou1· iniquity and indi li g-cnce in carrying out our J1a rt of the agrccrnt•nt On ly a s mall part of us wi ll ree l the honol' and res pon­s ibil ity of what it means to be a Jew.

I wonde r how the Iri s h, Swedes, French, Germans and other people of the world would celebrate it'! One o f t.hC'ir minis ters frank ly admitted to me that in all the calendar of Chris tian ho lidays there is n't o ne which beg-ins to compa re with t he g rcat rH'S8 and majesty o f thi i-. ho li­day. ! low proud W<1uld any of the

hack to lht· tim e lwforc Is rael he· nthc• r 1wop!(' of the wo rld i,c today came· thC' kingdom of pric•s ts , when if it were thf' ir ance.-.Lors and not a ll pc•op lc· of th t· world wc·rc of a ours that s t,,od hf' fo1·<• "Nlount S inai s tand:, rd and mora lity much low,•r on that m<•moral1ll· day'!

;~1~-i_; f~;\ ,!;c-:;'1~ ~~~~~\~~~t"0;'f A~,!: 1\ ly fr iend, you nre ln1 1ng- toda y 1n

tra"lia , nnd S f•(' tht• n •sull of our rn iH~ '.1 world l'1 at._ a lthoug-h fa r from he· Hion in th t worl<I. Our Ten ('orn - 1111 g Jlt·rr,•ct. is nt· vt•rl lw lt'~8 a muc h ma nd mc•n ls . . y<.·s, OliHS . . . he- heller w?: ld L!11111 1n·ople li vnl in fw.

ca uRc· none· of I.he other r>coplc nt ~/;~:}\\.,~i~f1 ( /: ',:;~n n ~~d .11_1~· nl~. 1~'," I I he that lime had th<.· cour,q.,c· to nccept · • ... _111 • J.! 1',t ll to t h,• m ... nrt• today the hns ic foun - y_our llll l't·Htn~H. ( ivili za tmn. Jll l-l li_l' t ' rl a t ion of our so-ca lln l motlnn civi . lih~rly, clia rJ! y nr_HI lhi· olht' r lint• li1.n l world . . 'l'IH' law ,-c l a lult·R of trnr!R 1. lint h_um i~n,t y hoa i,; 1. 1-1 or, are nll th f' pro~rt'HRivt• htndR nrc· tlw d i~ J ~· wi!-th conlnhnti uni:. to thi• world . r<'Cl ins pirntion of tlH' lnwfl of (:od ' 011 11 11<1 you nnd I l111v 1• 1101.hin g- to g iven to 118 111,011 ,\"1011nt S inni ... h(' nHhanu•d of ht·cau1-1f' w i• 11n• .l t·wH The g- rent r(' Ji g ion,-c of ('hris tianily ; · · Wt• lrn v_(" a lol: lo lw proud of nnd \lnhummPClis m an• orfs prin .l{H of ·;;,1; 1 c:,in n ll1a1111 11 ht·i,t.dil nf g- r· 1·nl 11t'J.1!-l

.Judoi~m ... Tht' ir lf'mkrs nncl h •nch- 11 ,m vt• H' rt•fl l of !ht• ,~oriel iF rr~ w(•rr .f t·.ws. \Vp hu,•C' waded thru ;~i~r ~(\1),,f',:1/ ~n:t·t;" 111~<.' IJl'01,\11Ri• I hnt wnler and f1rf' to ~1>rf'ntl thr word of II IH t · · · A ll 111111 Cod, nnd thouih thl' mission of I~- th ' ' Lorcl hnl li s pol<t•n wt• wi ll du." rnf' I is fnr from hn vinK lwen nccom ·

"TIIE r u 111.1c 1m ru:,,s1':I>"

NE\V YORK --· 3.50 ONF: WAY

( \ hnvl" Rnt""I l n(']m!.· On-t h ln Cnbln. ) Stf't1m1 re. Onilv n·,,I S11ndtw._ f rnrn f'o­lonhd Wh11rf. Prov1dtnu-. Al 7.30 P. M-

Wrf'k. 1•:nd l•: -xcurs ionR. ~ 1.00

COLONIAL LINE Tic-kel Office. 77, Dorrance S t.

GJ\ . 9121

Auto Re linishi nl! Bod y nnd Fi·ndc·r Ht• 1,itirR

Providence Coach Wks. 57 1 Brondw ny. l'ro vidt•ncc, IL I.

Dod ge 6-8 l'lymouth G

Tramonti Motor Sa les :l 1:i Bron ch, ny Pro"id(• nct'

Telephone GA s pee J30G

___ spite of everything. People wi lling ly Quarterrn:iskr Aa rmi Cohen, the l!e licve _ that h~~e _sums ~tre re1:rc ·

:.l~ch-dol-{ of t he trea~;ury has been ::.en_t e_d_ 1~1 _the t, ~1st _ru,~ds of m<~n_y accused of having a "Scotch" s train I l~osp1~cd_::. ,rnd tlMt t_l_1es~ _funds ~l~f'

in his blood. Ho wever, lo eve,·ybody's ke ~t f?1 s~n~e mystei 10~~- cllld S';!lhsh amazement Aaron seconded s.everal I put pose,\\ h1~e the _hosp1tcd c~ntmue::, motions rece ntly to s pe nd Treasury to demand frorn every patient as funcls.

Lm;l, strayed or s to!Cn: One Past Cornmander, n:1mC': Cha l'les M. l-loff­:nan. Charley has been ver y conspic­uous by his abscence at the meetings . It. i~ said Charley g-oes " Turkis h­b:ithinl-{" every Thur~day night.

b l"idg-e party broug-ht to the fron t quite a few new Chi zzlcrs .

Order your uniforms immediately if you want to wear one fo r decora­tion Day parade . See Com rade Otto Pol itzer and he wil l fix you up.

Lest you forg-et - Evel'ything marked "Made in Germany" mus t be s tricken off your shopping list.

Com rade Reuben ~)ugarman, t he oflicial unde rtaker o f t he P ost, looks ro i- a decided s lump in his bus iness now that g-eneral bus iness conditions have s hown a marked improvement. The Pres ident of t he Ladies' Aux­

iliary, Net t ie Cohen is a lways ready Post His to r ian l1v1ng "Sonny" to he lp every Jewish cause. }{er

Pc1 ste1 wtl l lose his tit.le a~ "Chie f latest venture was a bridge held at

; ~~\\~~~;" to~1:ro~~,1:1e l' hi~~-mr;t:s I~~~ I l~e£:·c1~:~~~~r1'~e~~,~~ .• ;o L~:~sC~l!~~~ls f or

The vast majority of hospitals can not make money fo r a ny individual o r g roup, because they are charte red by law as non-prnfit charitable in­s titutions. T hey g ladly ser ve the s ick poo r who are unable to pay for thei r treatment, and t hey have beds at less t han cost f or those who do not. want to be classed as recipients of charity, yet who are unable tot meet the full cost of hospitali zation. And t hen for the few in every com­munity who are well-to·do a nd who wani a few luxuries f o r which they arn aUlc to pay, the hospital provides hig he r priced rnoms. But these rooms a re very f ew and r epresent only a small percentage of the en­tire capacity of the hos pital.

Tire prices may never be so Low again!

GOODYEAR certainly makes it worth while

for you to put money in tires 110w. Your dollars never bought tires to equal the quality, the safety, the mil eage w hi c h Goodyear is today build­ing in every tire wearing t h e Goodyear n a m e-A 11 d because Goodyear 110w concentrates Oil two main lines of tires- a ,·ea/ saving in costs is passed Oil to you. Look at t he present prices of the world's m ost popu­lar t ire, the Goodyear All ­Weather - a nd t he prices of the thrifty Goodyear Pathfinder - and you 'll certainly agree, it's smart t o /my Goodyears NOW­while prices are still down close to bottom, and your m oney buys m ore than it m ay ever buy again.




Durfee' s Auto Supply Station 1207 BROAD STREET


T lephone "Will 911,10

Page 8: THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND i e lcmiB l era · Mr. Howard M. Chapin R. I. Historical Society 68 Waterman st. Providence, R. I. THE JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND


::=::::::=====:.:::::=====================:-i--::--:-:-----:----::--:-----=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====~ I r ~- I Je,,ish Sport Notes 1--=

::t;J. TEMPLE EMANU - EL I ,~c,:Co: :.:~:~=~ :::l~::tiee The .-\ nnu:tl ConJircl3:ioa Sabroth

'>'--ill be obsern"'CI to.:tig!:u. fhl.s ~er­,-ic-e ~ill 3 _!,s.o Gl3.rii t ue closing b ee Frida ,- E ,-e ~e.r, ic-i> 1or t he ct..rr m s~-naiogue :"-e3.r. =::-:elec- t ;on:s fro_rn. tne pn= c ,.>-1.Hn:H 10:i 1."5S.a !----S ,nll ~ re3.d by the fo ilo'-ing:

Dorocb, L,rt"Cne - 1 ne Gre3t P o ­ets of I s.f.1::- I : 1 heod;>ri> S:lck- -l'nt1-5!---nagog,...t1- 3..n;:i H.s lruponance To­da,-··: .\ Pa.r ker--~The ,hetto or" Yes-h".r-J3y 3..nd Tod.a!--" : Harn .. :-,­.liaufm ::m--· [ h e of Jere­miah"" : k "OU3 SC.Uth--Th e Roma.nee of Ziorusm·· : ~tihon R.igel.baupt --.-\.n[i·S-emitis m Sinc-e the \\"orld \\·ar-; Ei erbe-It 1oldherg-er-~Qnho­do:C C-0 -en· ::.ui,· e a_nd Reform J uda ­ism ~·: B o"-·ard Bl:i.zar- ·-Thi? Je\11--S 1n German,-- : ~l err ill Ha....~.enfeld --oa,i~ht" Popul:u King of Isn­er·: Bt>-atrict1- ).·orm::in--~· l) rchodox. Co n....~IY3ti ,-t" a.nd Ri>form·-.

S!:.c,-...:"-1:2-: Se.!'"'--:1. .: ...--:n ~ f.e-! ~'-3"

v:....: - L:';)n!:la~. D()ro: ~y . Ger- ; : one of L~e loc-a] :S-ew York clubs.. tri . .:.~~ .. :~:_T-C..:.s. ~._:::. : .!:c-w )!ark.5. Bez.! - Ju.He \T !.s_},,jc_· wbo. ,-e years 2.go. ~ :Cl:? :S-orm:- .. ~!Hd.~ P:-..rker. Anita' \"\-:.::,.5 0 e o: 'e le.a.din boy players l-- Perc--e!:n·. :.\lH:ou lli c e .. r:.a .>: . Th(?-· . .

i~1. 1~\!;~:1:~:;~ f~err s;.'= ~ol~:b~:u~~-e~t~0::. s;; ;:~~

ell . Jcn.;ru~ ;ti·e.iner. Sy-!,-i:1 Yo· ng. ~ mi:::mber o:· the ce.nnfa team. Tne °'-."'1:-l."'t~.y G!"'e-1:? .e. \:br'..-.:::.h ·reo boy :"ail . to de-

_\ Ll"•l\"l Ll-\"C3EO \" ,·e!op =,- tennis grea e5-5 and Ii ·e p , . ..\n:t:.::tl A~:-.:.:::.:rl Lunc..C.eon. !lloE: o r U5 will play solel y :for t.he

tth.:.c.1. W:J: .s-.:,~ .. e as .1 re1 ·on :"or :'un h~ gc.C.5 o ;; of the une..

~!~;:: ~~i_::$;: ~~;-:~.5 3C:;J~a":; Track t ..i t!:e !:~ '7.- C-..):1:-:!"'!!.!~a:ts. W:U b.:;- he!d Gli.5 Heym? . Je"i.s.h 01 ~,nptc t,·cc:(.s...::=t:.- ::. : : o"d..: ~_;; _ i:::t.sedi~: c;:J~: s printing champion. ha.s been bette r-

~j~~:-}~~ ~'t~::.~-2 :x!~i: :s7~~:~f in"' hl.s ·me t or etc h .ndred r~u·d -- • J d=t~h e,-~r sinl"e he wa,5 a Si dent at t:q1/~i\~{;°~~:: :f;~}~-:rnn/~; : hi h St'.hool. Hi.s be.s't mad, to da e

s--.1cfrrio_. i.s ---~1.S sa~:ui.s . which !s plenty :"

F LOR.-\ L OFFERl\"G T:.e :: ... ~: t.'\ ::'er'l...D_ :"o?" : :le S.3bba:.h

5-cn~'- .s FT':d:? ~- ~:::?' S.::.runi3.~-.

1:· P.e can C'\."\f'...s.:..s tc._tly ·µe.rtorm a : t~~: s~ there :u he a lot o :" ne,i.­cups on ti:e Re~,n..1.nn mantlepiec:-e te-:"o!"e che cold ·.,eat.her get..s around



will be pre,, te<I b ,- the


T hursday .t:,r-.v"run· a .... ~)

S.30 o 'clock

June 1


Gene ral .-\dmL.::s.ion 50 cent.s Rese rYed Seats 15 cents

Club of thi> (la....'5 ..,,-ill tender 3 r e-­C"t"ption to the C-0ngri."gario n in ho­c.or of their t'hi ldrtitA


;~~{ ~-f~. c H!~-;=~~s ~~nt; i~: h~:~ .:,::- o:· fr.;:-.:r wed.Jbg :--u1.....Jvc:-r-5a.ry.

~~:~~ .f;~~~~;J bt:~~:c;~~sr-~:! ~"-'\;

:! _ n . h:itt eiings

You mi u: ~,- t.ha r.: t.rus 1.s- what che whole .... col m~ sho Id be .s lugged

lacs CSC:W!~

S!:.c" ·o:.!'. - r.--:("c".s ?ll ~ Cd~ ~ :·1):.:1.,"S : E .... -c'"'\=r e .sen---:1.."e'..s: Tt:e:sd:!. .-.

~!::~~~· '\~~~~~~?~:~ ~: ~ e<l= ::e-S,C.3,- :;.;: ~-j o·.:'. .... ~!\ . C"-1r..::~2:::v:: ~?"\---:-.~ "'i~: 0t;-::2 ~-=. .:i :- : :~ ~ :er- : t1

o·'-~~ Tt.:...s W:!.1 t..e- :·t.1: :0';\- ' by U:e _-\} mr:; L:.:.r:ci:€:\.1::.. T! JUL:C'

- s : ... :t. !'.!.-i,:C'~~r:=-~ ~!"\--:t."'e..5

}l~~R:;:/~;rf~ ~;~~-: 1.~;0 ;~d~t :n : ··_-\ Pb ... ~ :"('I?" \1,·~:.-:":?!'::-:g :.\.!.e:: ...

CL-O SI\"G Eci:ER Cl::' E.:" A\"D li L) \" Ll RS D.-\ Y

The dosine: of all <le-­pan ments of t bt1- Religiou.s S<boo l .... ;u ~ held S unda :-,- morni ng. ~l a:-,-2.S. a t th t" :!....~mbh- peroldA Each cla.....;;;s ..,, ill bs,· t1- its o~n prog ­ram and at tht" a..~mbh- the follo .... -­ honor5 and awa_nis· .... ;11 be an­no~c-erl : £ 1ectioit:S rn honor S-Oeie-­ties: )lenon.h Club.. (fo r 1 ~-t".a.r per ­fect . The Co,-enant lub ( fo r :-,-e:3..r5 pe-rfe-ct attenda.D<'t') . Tbe .'H ogen Do\7d Club (fo r 3 ~-ears perf..,, au et>dan«') . The E:of Toi H ono r Society (fo r S<holarship and school s.en ice) .

C1a_~ prizes will aL~ be- a"'· artied in each da....;;;s of all mt"nt.s of the School , · a.nous member-.s of tht" ::,cl,ool Boartl ..--;u di.;1ribn1e ,be abo\""e men1:ioned. a .,-a.rds ..

CO \"fI R}l.-\Tl O\" EXERCISES T.t.c Ct. ... ~m:::.:.::.o::::. £.......;:,:;'_~~~ W-::.:

Ori= C.::-! ~ '1."c,:h-: .: .::. ~- .::. : :o t...,·c:o.c~.

&~3 :I .. ~:~1:.:.~f~~;~l;~:~fi~~--~µ~~ ~:~:; 1.~~ i: ~~~::;=~-~:;~_ i~: ~~ ;}·;:= ~~~ :~::~=-:=':_:~ __ :c-E:o ~; -~::.e .. ~~TI~~=e;:;~ c._...::.=_-=:.: _: a.---e- _b:i.r.. .. ~ Se-c~. r. ·:.:'- 8-::!':S:,:-:....-,,_:....::::.­c::er. Be:,::r-'c,, &=c-~- G:.! ·,-, &,-:: ­.;:c:~- .\ :-:: ,:c P.. Bl=:. P. -.. --:L -

B'.=- L.,o:, B-4'- ~fa:: :-:e Cece~. Ee:~ F:~. Ce!.::? G:!s-:e-:~. ~i:1::c-l Go-.t...b:~ :-:. Eerher. l:. Go:.'.:~:zc~­~e!"7'::~ H1-,'e."1.:"~d. S~~!,.'.!o:i Je:-...s:.. r. H:ir,·e-y ~ .:r.:.:"?:::!...-:. Leo h, .,:;i: :~

l-n,·e iling of .'Honument l.:l ::::- ;.: ~! ::"


;,;--:·1 :-·-: ....... ;e ~:.i .day. :.\l2y 2<.e

-::'.llC·, Li ncoln P.u' l erneu•ry

r.~:3:__;;~..; a-, rr.--rf.: a~ C :-·f.a~.i.y ~·- : i

Cn\·ei linir of :.'ilonument

Jacob s· \·erman ::1,- 3h""'

.... 1 day. ~Ia:,- . .,,

l\1 Sut>annan

Funeral Home

Fun era l Director d


._ :?..:... Y !:. pµy re::~~ o:' c~e- ~.:1: y.

iCB OO L BO.\RD _-\ \"D P. T . . -\. T ~l IT

A .= -.::,;c :G::"C'~::~ t.i:" C!:.e .: ·_ool X.:.LT\l a::: ::.!°.<: c-xC""C:.::..:-.-~ ron:rru t:c-e ""' :· ::.!".e P. T . .-\. \T":ll. t'lo,: !':::::d ~h'\:: '-2~ -=,·c:-...::-.g. ~a:;- ~. !: :.::- -.:"X~: • -·.:t: c!: !)~.5'1Cc...,:~ Ju·~ f'i:.L:p C.­~:.::. -. .-:!J ~ :.!:e g-,.;.e.s-: c, :" C.o::or.

_i -,c a cce-h. ic-2.l wortl) bat i. «-Tic­:::~ n week: ~- p!a--e a lot o:· material Cc'C~ C.)lS.etl UD i one·s DOCket and

;~--~~o~ ~e~: _ oi·e~a~\:t·o ct~ ~ ~ ; ~!':e c·e~'Us f:ll)g" !s ha\·e decided no~ c ~"'-ice e-::nb. Hed in im crn3.cion::..1

s:::1:;~1t ~: p~;~~T nf1~\:f i Cl,)' g!l" Sho r.:i \i.;u make ·.e bo ~~ .. ~f . .:lr.!?'lt? chc-ir 1:1ind..s. t.:· an,;- _ ~ ow :! \ Ute. Lengle ... ~s to be reL ... t.ate<l :r:tv a:110.tea.r ce:mi.s- cirde.s a..--:1d a

~!::~ ~-:Q~~t:~!~n ;~!:~ i~ ~m~~-cf B.\R ~1 lTZ\-.-\ 8 A\"\" J\-ER5 A RY

Ti::.:.s -.""O!il:ng S~. ~t!'- mo?"'!ling -:-!".e!l c!:e o.:,r..i,..1:1 :·n.n::. r.:i:e T or?.1-, ··&u:n1ciO..'?!' ___ w::: b-e- re-aC. Jose_ f_ S:C.:~c: \"\""!"I o'::>&:;-e ti.s &:..!' ~Lir.:-= -

£:r:·.s Jc\\istnes.s is certain to burn Th:? In.s t wo. · w· ·ci1: c-ame :"n..,.n: tI'.e tad y he rs t ·. wa.s to the e::'..xc - ' .at akfiougfi she had the gT\::Gt~r.: acim..iratio. :"o r the Jews s.he ~g"Te~·: e<l '. at .s.he di~ not ~ong co i - ,a :: 1Uus-:.not:s ral"e ner::;elr:.


Ir f;

s :~_e,.-..,:1):_:"_ .5.::":T°:C-C:-5 u--::: ~ !:c-!1..: Gt

1~~~1;; ~tr~:?.~~IJ;;~1}iI; :::. C1 :-::-~:!~. ~t:.....~e- :. _ T:-.:: ~~~o: ~i: i.l!e:'.!t.~.1 oo:.!: c..:n~ . r.:.:-:e- c-.-..>:t:- on u-.o:­::...-s: C2 y W::l ~ - r.: :.-:e ··Te~ Co:rrm:-,.,:::. rr.e:-: :.s '--. : Ye.!'-:e. i:::y ar..:!. T"-i...::.:. y:· Oc :!:.e $c,......_ ... ::..-:. d~~- :-=.e .::.OOi wt :: c-o::-0.G~: 1.!e::1,..,~:~ ~e!'>:cc-.s ::;(! :h.:s : ... ;>:c­~:: 0oe ·· \i,-_:-_:,. : 1.~2' tJ',C' [\:?-~" _ C":Il..l."'!.\!

r° ?""..'."=-: l ".s ~--

r:E \-. ~I \G (l l -\" A DDRE55ES B' \" Al BR IT E

Cc-:"'-"":--e a :~=c- _ "":..:.o •2' :" ~e.n.::~?"'S r,..=:.:! :.::~ tn! gt:.c-s:..s .. ·c-..-. R1."' Y ~{ 2-

~~~~C~~-:,~t~ ~~l~~~~~~~~: ~!f.~ :?: .:? ::,~: ::-::- :~: ';'I;~;. ~= :.!°.<e Ju..:a:-. T ...::-, L, .:.:!t" ~ ,_ ..... a·:-.:!: sr.::-:.. ~-'".... ~-b£"o::.;i .5~ :,e !..•:1 r...:s n,."'en: ::-: :;, : ) E':l... _ ?€'· H-e W:?..5 f=-t : ?'l..liCic.c-e..1 "lo, ~---=-~h- _ Ec.s-.3. p.:-:..5 : s:re..s: ·c-nt 1 : :::~ ! , ~~e: .

a: -e:..r:-:- :.:i...s-: we,e;:_ :!<b ... i: &?-r-:c.1.~ .,,,-~ ,; p!'e-..s ­

:" ~.::.e ~e~r:. c:::.2p:er (., : . ..\ .

tie r home O:::l. Tou S:-reec for :.he En:.n:.3. Ll~..r..s Chili. The...r--e ~ere

~;~~~ c~~l~fe ttj;~:rt ~~~~au ·~uj

PR O\'IDE\" CE TE'lPLE 5Tl'DE\"T:3 n;:rr HERE

.-\. e. up o:" t.!:.e .s-wde.m..s o r" tee ~jet sci:ool a.:1:d t !le. S'un<lay 5Cfiool o:" Te!l: pfc -E~ o :· Pro'\7 ·e::ce. 2c--

r~~~~~S:~~ ~!~~ s~!i~ e ~~ ::'\cn-µ....,.rr.: I~--: :Su.:1cb y. T he TI.s.i r.:i_ g :-abh! a..~ the .s-:u. e.nts we!-1."'vn:e,: b \· Rabb: Jiorri...s Gut.stein. ·sho fiel ·· 2 .siorc .se!'"nce t c,he h.i .s ­:"-'\ric .s~::go ue :.... honor of t.he

Tc.e C. J. I. C":rj:d..r-a ·s Orc.£le5r.:-~ ·:n ·e r fr~e dir ~non o :" . ..\ n hur Coher. .::.r:.~ CC.=t!"~c,.s Se._ ,~: pbyc-0. d· r.n t.!le f ,ch.CV.~.

·'KoYed :\' ight'. (Com inued from Page One)

01.C.e!" Troohie.s were c-o n ib· ted bv J,:,:,ac ,i.=oo ~. HarrY R Rosen . Ff,._,,: .-\ .. Gerb.e-r- . \l,"al ter · .-\ Oler. Ikn-

.=~1i~ s::i· ·e~&~~~~~\y ;.fte!f. fin-di · . Henn- Ha.~.enfeld. :lla,-er [. Gat i::.s. an· · the Co cil o r" ieui sh '\\.\1rncn.

Dr. L,) ·s c. \\"olfe .son O -ereo I t ~e Op€-ni g and e clo.s.i g Bene-

er de-·, ... ~ Brie.r" were made L:i Ly embers o~ t he Cente r Board.

- ~c-h d b presented ith,. best club cheer a d .s,__...n . .-\ combined ro -tribu~.ion to the Jewish Cen er Llb­ra..rr F nd wa.s maJe bY all the d <s. pne-5"""nta ion speache5 beln :~a l' b..- Les :er Sa.leer and Blo.s-som :,'.:a 't!mt"a.n_ Gn."'e t - ~ on behali o( the ass-embled dub.s were · '\"en bv ~~ .: •rd U chman. Herbert Brou-0

C ,, -W•


A Trial


d Es .er S~ra.sber _

_.\II my F ·p.00.5 and (u3;,..,mers

HARRY R BIN GES ERAL P.ll"-"fl\"G .\\"D


Bae as:aJn o tjdenc., o all r frip.nd..s and cu.rtnmers and

I h~I"' be pa ni •ed

12-1 Gordo n .-\ \- nue DE.r"r



a ' ~-'s~

~~,~~~ Tl-llS week-en d yo , wi I prob ,bly o pen th e camp o r co, a

t t' e se ;s',o re or lc k~. ~ tock up with th e fo ods yot:

n l-w . 1eat u ·ed ct spe~il 'y low pric es t:h i; wee k j.,

t. TO, AL STO ., E..

Brookside Butte · 2 lbs. 49c

Potato~s 15 lb. pk. 16c

Navel Oranges, 176 size doz.3lc

__ 8f;.00K DRY 9 GINGER 1 1. L [


PRJCs S co. T. C " LY 4sms251

Aayonnaise FINAs r

)tuffed Olive~ bis~ jrape Juice RED WI NG

Jgneapple ~1rus~;J ~uckeye Malt ~::k~d

n - o, 1"' ~ sots J ft P;nt C) •, ~Bots ••

No 2 Tin 1't 2 \i_Lb 53 1


..,ibby's Corned Bee; 2 r. s 29

Ivory Soap P&G Soap

4 s~~s 19c 7 BARs 20c 1,

Sweet Rye Bread Lo•f Sc s ·"9 Lc , r C Sponge Cake ~~ 12~c

Baked Beans ~-~~:T.d 22;.n°.'25c Paper Napkins 8.llvi . ... 2 P gs 17c Lucky Strike Cigarettes 2 p gs 21c Penn-Rad Motor Oil 8 ~tn 89c

Brookside Caramels ~-~; ... ~-~~ i5c Candy Wafers FINAST i R Sc Eng lish Styl e Au-..! Cookies r ~~ i9c Snowflake Wa fe rs La r l( 3 17c
