the james l. rogers, 98th ohio infantry, june 4th, 1863 letter

Sgt. James L. Rogers Co F, 98 th OVI Letter, June 4, 1863, Triune, Tenn. by Kraig W. McNutt Director, The Center for the Study of the American Civil War

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A thorough examination of a Civil War letter written by James L. Rogers, 98th Ohio Infantry. This letter opens up our understanding of who built Fort Granger in Franklin, Tennessee.


Page 1: The James L. Rogers, 98th Ohio Infantry, June 4th, 1863 Letter

Sgt. James L. Rogers Co F, 98

th OVI

Letter, June 4, 1863, Triune, Tenn.


Kraig W. McNutt

Director, The Center for the Study of the American Civil War

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Page 4: The James L. Rogers, 98th Ohio Infantry, June 4th, 1863 Letter
Page 5: The James L. Rogers, 98th Ohio Infantry, June 4th, 1863 Letter
Page 6: The James L. Rogers, 98th Ohio Infantry, June 4th, 1863 Letter
Page 7: The James L. Rogers, 98th Ohio Infantry, June 4th, 1863 Letter

June 4th [1863] Triune, Tennessee From J. L. Rogers Co.F 98th. O.V.I. to friend going to school in Ohio. Respected Friend, I received your long looked for letter some time ago, but owing to the inconvenience of camp life I have neglected to respond until the present. - - - - - , Well, Since I have been in the service I have been blessed with good health and like soldiering as well or far better than I expected too, before I Started. It is true the soldiers’ life is a hard life, but he sees enough and learns enough to amply reward him for all the hard ships he has to undergo. For my part I have never regretted that I enlisted in the cause for I believe it is just & right & right must prevail. Well, I must tell you something about our whereabouts. For the last 2 months and over we have been camped in, near Franklin, Tenn. While our stay there, our time was principally occupied in working on the fortifications and scouting occasionally. And on the 2nd day of June General Grainger’s commenced including the 125th. O., 124th.,O, 113th.,O., 121st.O., 98th.O., 40th.O., 115th ILL., 96th ILL., 12ILL., & 84th Ind., and 2 or 3 regts of cavalry & 3 batteries left Franklin at 6 - - & after marching 14 miles through rain & mud heavy loaded with our bedding, clothing & shanties ( we carry our tents ) we arrived at this place ( Triune ) at 1PM and pitched our tents in a beautiful grove and camp for the night expecting to take up our march again in the morning. But morning came there was no stir toward a movement So we were disappointed but to our satisfaction for we were all tired and pretty stiff after the march. I have no idea we will remain here any length. It is generally thought that old Rose is going to make a forward movement in a few days. The troops are gathering in here every day there are about 30,000 here now as soon as he gets his forces concentrated we may expect to take up our beds and walk. We are now camped on the ground where the Battle of Stone River commenced. We are 16 miles from Murfreesboro & 30 miles from Shelbyville were Gen. Braggs head quarters are. We are 7 miles from the rebel lines. You may expect to hear of a big fight in Tenn. before long. Well something else, The Boys of our co. that are with us are tolerably well and in fine spirit. I have been soldering long enough to find out there is nothing like keeping the spirit up & being cheerful It is better than medicine. J[ohn] H. Ross, H[enry].L. Haverfield & Smith Hines are well. Capt. Lacey was not able to come with us when we left Franklin his health is very poor. I don't expect he will be able to be with us much if we have marching to do. - - - - ,etc, etc. From your friend and well wisher J.L.Rogers address Co. F. 98th.ovi. via Nashville,Tenn.

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Notes of action in reports or newspapers in early June 1863:

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Action on and around June 4th, 1863:

June 4th Skirmishes near Marshall Knob, Snow Hill, and Triune. Heavy cannonading from an

engagement at Franklin can be heard in Nashville, when Col. Baird’s garrison is attacked by four Confederate brigades led by Forrest. Baird’s men fall back into their entrenchments, but rally and drive their opponents off.


Franklin, Tenn., June 4, 1863. U.S. Troops under Col. J. P. Baird. The Confederates in considerable force under Gen. N. B. Forrest attacked the Union post, Col. Baird commanding, at Franklin at 3 p.m. coming from the south. By the aid of the siege guns in the fortification Baird was able to hold them at bay until reinforcements sent from Triune came up and drove them off. The Union loss was 3 killed and 4 wounded. The Confederates lost l5 killed or wounded, and 15 taken prisoners. Source: The Union Army, vol. 5

June 6, 1863 – New York Times

GEN. ROSECRANS' DEPARTMENT.; Simultaneous Attacks by the Rebels on Franklin and Triune. A VICTORY AND A DEFEAT

NASHVILLE, Friday, June 5.

News from Franklin up to 2 o'clock to-day, is that Col. BAIRD, commanding the garrison, was attacked by 1,200 rebel cavalry yesterday, who drove his forces back into their intrenchments. They rallied, however, and repulsed the enemy with heavy loss to the latter.

Simultaneously an attack was made upon the forces at Triune. They were repulsed with a loss of 200 men, 400 horses, and a lot of camp and garrison equipage.

Gen. GRANGER has ordered all houses of ill-fame to be vacated by the 8th inst. There is great excitement among the "fancy."

Six hundred and seventy-nine National soldiers arrived in the city this morning, representing 114 different regiments. They will be sent to their respective commands.

June 7-9 Skirmishes at Triune and Spring Hill. The railroad bridge over the Little Harpeth River at Brentwood is slightly burned but is repaired within a day. Two spies are caught and hanged at Murfreesboro; one is a cousin of Robert E. Lee.

June 11

Forrest attacks Gen. Mitchell’s troops at Triune; Morgan departs Alexandria with 2,500 troops

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for a series of raids into Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana. Morgan’s raids represent the most northern penetration by uniformed Confederate troops at any time during the war.

June 12th 1863 – The New York Times

THE WAR IN TENNESSEE,; A Skirmish at Triune, Tenn. The Rebels Repulsed Paroled Soldiers En Route to Their Regiments.

NASHVILLE. Tenn., Wednesday, June 10.

There was a skirmish at Triune yesterday. About 500 rebels dashed into the camp of the Sixth Kentucky cavalry, but were repulsed. The rebel commander was shot from his horse, and is reported dead. Another rebel officer was also wounded. Two National soldiers were slightly wounded.

The following headline-story appeared in the Springfield Republican newspaper on June 12, 1863.

The Rebel Commander Killed

There was a skirmish at Triune, Tenn., Wednesday. About 500 rebels dashed into the camp of the 6th Kentucky cavalry, but were repulsed. The rebel commander was shot from his horse and is reported dead. Another Rebel officer was also wounded. Two federal soldiers were slightly wounded.

This story appeared in the June 13, 1863 NY Evening Post

Defeat of the Rebels with a Loss of 100 Men

Nashville, Tenn., June 12th – The Rebels made another attack on Triune, Tenn., yesterday.

At about 5 a.m. General Forrest with his 5,000 Rebel cavalry and two batteries

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attacked the cavalry division commanded by General Mitchell.

The federal troops formed in line of battle, and replied vigorously to the fire of the rebels, who retreated as the federals advanced.

The federals pursued the rebels six miles, when scouts were sent out, who reported that the rebels were still retreating.

The pursuit of the rebels was then abandoned.

The rebels lost twenty-one killed, sixty or seventy wounded and ten prisoners.

The federal loss is six killed and among them Lieutenant N.C. Blair, of the 4th Indiana Cavalry.

Lieutenant Blair’s body arrived here to-night.

June 14th

1863 – New York Times


NASHVILLE, Tenn., Friday, June 12.

The rebels made another attack on Triune, Tenn., yesterday.

At about 5 A.M., General FOREST, with 5,000 rebel cavalry and two batteries attacked the cavalry division commanded by General MITCHELL.

The Federals formed in line of battle, and replied vigorously to the fire of the rebels, who retreated as the Federals advanced.

The Federals pursued the rebels six miles, when scouts were sent out, who reported that the rebels were still retreating.

The pursuit of the rebels was then abandoned.

The rebels lost 21 killed, 60 or 70 wounded, and 10 prisoners.

The Federal loss is six killed, and among them is Lieut. N.C. BLAIR, of the Fourth Indiana cavalry.

Lieut. BLAIR's body arrived here to-night.

Several executions of Federal soldiers for desertion will take place next week.

There was a grand review of the troops here today.

The weather is very hot.

In the river the water is twenty inches deep on the shoals.

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Miscellaneous notes related to the Roger’s letter:

The soldier writing is James L. Rogers

o Enlisted 8/20/62, co f. o Promoted to Sergeant, 5/1/63 o Mustered out 6/1/65

The 98th OVI was in Franklin area in February 1863.

June 23rd, 1863 – Baird’s Division, including the 98th, left Triune for Murfreesboro.

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Fort Granger was built in early 1863.

Soldiers mentioned in this letter:

o John H. ross, survived the war o Henry l. Haverfield, survived the war o Smith A. Hines, survived the war o Capt Anderson P. Lacey, made Capt 4/6/63; resigned 3/28/64 o General Gordon Grainger

Other units Rogers mentions:

o 125th Ohio Moved to Triune June 2, thence to Murfreesboro, Tenn. Middle Tennessee (or Tullahoma) Campaign June 23-July 7. - Dyer’s.

o 124th Ohio – no data o 113th Ohio – no data o 121st Ohio – no data o 98th Ohio – at Franklin, February 1863 o 40th Ohio - in Franklin, April 1863 o 115th Illinois – no data o 96th Illinois - in Franklin, April 1863 o 12th Illinois – no data o 84th Indiana – no data o and 2 or 3 regts of cavalry o 3 batteries

Probable unit: 5th WI Light Artilery

Fort Granger

Named for General Gordon Granger, commander of Federal forces in Franklin in 1863, this earthen fort was constructed between March and May of that year by laborers working 24 hours a day.

Fort Granger was approximately 781 feet long and 346 feet wide, encompassing 11.76 acres and contained two fortified fronts on the northern and eastern sides. The walls surrounding the fort, or rampart, were of packed dirt supported from within by rough timbers. The defensive wall placed on top of the rampart where the troops stood is called a parapet.

By April of 1863, Fort Granger held 18 field guns and two 30 pound siege cannons. With 314 officers and 5,494 men, most of the artillery fired through embrasures (openings in the parapet walls). At full capacity, the fort housed 5,194 infantry troops, 2,728 cavalry and 24 artillery pieces.

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Source for text: signage at Fort Granger

History of the 98th OVI Ninety-eighth Infantry. - Cols., George Webster, Christian L Poorman ; Lieut.-Col., John S. Pearce; Majs., James M. Shane, David E. Roatch. This regiment was organized at Steubenville, Aug. 20 and 21, 1862, to serve for three years. It left Camp Mingo for Covington, Ky. where it received its arms, and then moved on to Lexington. In October it marched on the Bardstown turnpike and took a prominent part in the bloody battle of Perryville, losing 230 in killed and wounded. During the next year its operations were mostly in Tennessee. It participated in the battle of Chickamauga, going into the engagement with 196 men and 11 officers, and lost 50 killed and wounded and 2 taken prisoners. It next followed the Confederates up to Graysville, Ga., where a brisk little skirmish occurred, resulting in a loss to the regiment of 5 or 6 men killed and wounded. It was with Sherman's army in the Atlanta campaign, participating in the engagements at Buzzard Roost gap, Resaca, Rome, Dallas, and Kennesaw mountain, losing in the last named battle 34 men killed and wounded. It also lost several men in the battle of Peachtree creek, and at Jonesboro it lost 41 killed and wounded. It proceeded with Sherman's army in

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its march to the sea and up through the Carolinas and took part in the fierce fight at Bentonville, N. C. The regiment was mustered out on June 1, 1865. Source: The Union Army, vol. 2