the inventory of the christopher lehmann-haupt collection...

The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection #1483 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center

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Page 1: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

The Inventory

of the

Christopher Lehmann-Haupt



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center

Page 2: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,


The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes, the bulk of which is manuscripts and correspondence. The manuscripts are mainly holograph and typescript book reviews written for the New York Times, 1969-1997. In addition there are manuscripts of his two novels, ME AND DIMAGGIO and THE CROOKED MAN as well as manuscripts of articles he has written for the Times and other publications. Correspondence is mainly from literary figures, including many publishers and authors. In addition, there is a sizable amount of printed matter by and about Christopher Lehmann-Haupt along with several files of personal and financial papers.

Outline of Inventory

I. Manuscripts A. Books B. Book reviews for New York Times C. Articles D. Plays E. College/Graduate school notes and papers F. Play reports for Sterling Lord Agency G. Miscellaneo\}s writings/stories/essays H. Film reviews

II Correspondence A. General B. Publishing correspondence re: ME AND DIMAGGIO C. Business corresponde:1,1ce re: ME AND DIMAGGIO D. Fan mail re: ME AND DIMAGGIO E. Correspondence re: A CROOKED MAN

III. Personal Papers IV. Financial Papers V. Journals VI. Photographs VII. Scrapbooks VIII. AudioNisual Material IX. Printed Matter

A. ByCLH B. About CLH C. Miscellaneous

X. Personal Memorabilia

Page 3: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Index to the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection

Abrams, Harry N. Acheson, Alice Ackerman, Diane Adkins, Dorothy Alkalay, Karen Alliuova, Svetlana Alsop, Stewart Ambrose, Stephen E. Amussen, Carolyn Angelou, Maya Appel, William Arlen, Michael Aronson, Steven M.L. Asher, Don Atwan, Helene Auchincloss, Louis Auerbach, Red Autry, Gene Avallone, Michael Bach, Julian Bailey, Chauncey Baker, Samm Barber, Edwin Barkus, Gilbert Barnett, Jonathan Bart, Peter Batchelor, John Calvin , Beasley, Rex Beattie, Lawrence Bennett, Ruth Bensky, Larry Berger, Thomas Berliner, Peter Bernard, Sidney Bernays, Edward Bernstein, Leonard Bessie, Simon Michael Bingham, Jonathan Blake, Christopher Blankfort, Michael Bliss, Albert

Page Number in Inventory 19 19 19 19 20 6; 51 20 50 20;48 20 20 20 6;20;48 20 20 20-21; 44 21 48 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

Page 4: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Bloch, Sidney Bloom, Philip Bloomstein, Charles Blume, Judy Boddington, Robert Bosworth, Patricia Brandt, Carl D. Braziller, George Breslin, Jimmy Brickner, Richard Brill, Steve Broder, Max Bronfinan, Edgar M. Bronson, Frances Brookhiser, Richard Brooks, Ginny Broyard, Anatole Bryan, C.D.B. Buckley, Christopher Buckley, Pat Buckley, William F., Jr. Bunting, Josiah Burack, Sylvia Burger, Knox Burgess, Anthony Busch, Frederick Byrd, Robert C. Cade, Lisl Caen, Herb Caldwell, Joseph Caldwell, Peter Cameron, Sara Campbell, Barb~a Canin, Ethan Caro, Ina Caro, Robert Carr, James F. Carter, Jimmy Casey, John Castro, Bart de Cerf, Bennett Cheever, Ben Cheever, John Cheever, Mary Cheuse, Alan

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22-23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 42;46 23 23 23 23-25; 48 25 25 25;48 26 26 26 26;48 48 26;48 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 48 27 27 27 27 11; 27 27 27-28

Page 5: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Chomsky, Noam Chung, Connie Clark, Mrs. Kenneth Clurman, Richard Cohen, Arthur Co le, William Collie, Peter Congdon, Thomas B. Corman, Avery Cosell, Howard Cousins, Norman Cowden, David Crichton, Robert Cummings, Richard Cuomo, Mario D'Amato, Alfonse Daniel, Clifton Davidson, Sandra Calder Davis, Christopher David, Fitzroy Davison, Judy Dawidowicz, Lucy de Menil, Adelaide de Montebello, Philippe del Rey, Judy-Lynn Dennison, George Dienstag, Eleanor Dienstag, Jerome Dillard, Annie Doctorow, E.L. Dorsen,Norman Doulis, Thomas Douty, Mary Douty, Mike Drought, James Dukakis, Michael Edelston, Martin Ellmann, Richard Engelson, Joyce Ephron, Nora Everitt, Sara 0. Fairweather, Gloria Faust, Irvin Feifer, George Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo Ferrer, Jose

28 6 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29;48 48 29 29 29 29 29 29 41 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Page 6: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Fine, Donald Fish, Hamilton Fish, Hamilton, Jr. Flaherty, Joe Fleming, Thomas Flood, Charles Foerster, Heinz von Forbes, Malcolm S. Fowles, John Fox, Joseph M. Frankel, Max Frauenglas, Robert Fremont-Smith, Eliot Friedlander, Saul Friendly, Fred Galassi, Jonathan Galbraith, John K. Gavin, William S. Garvey, Steve Gelb, Arthur Gelber, Lionel Gervasi, Frank Gill, Brendan Gilmour, Kilty Ginsburg, Ethel Ginzburg, Ralph Girodias, Maurice Glazer, Tom Godine, David Godwin, Gail Gold, Gerry Goldman, Albert Goldstone, Richard Goodman, George J.W. Goodrich, L. Carrington Gottlieb, Paul Gottlieb, Robert Gouletas-Carey, Evangeline Graham, Elliott Greenan, Russell Greenberg, Joanne Greenburg, Greenman, Robert Grimes, Lew Guthrie, Bill Halberstam, David

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30-31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 48 31-32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32-33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 6; 33 33 33 33;48 33 33

Page 7: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Halpern, Daniel Han.ff, Helene Harrington, Alan Heller, Joseph Hellman, Lillian Hentoff, Margot Hentoff, Nat Hjortsberg, William Holbrooke, Richard Holmes, Carol Honan, William Horowitz, David Horwitz, Julius Howar, Barbara Hughes, Lawrence Hynes, Samuel Ireland, Patricia Jacobsohn, Peter Janeway, Elizabeth Janowitz, Tama Jonas, Gerry Jong, Erica Kaufinan, Edgar, Jr. Kazan, Elia Kempton, Murray King, Billie Jean Kirk, Donald Knapp, Caroline Knopf, Alfred, Jr. Koning, Hans Korda, Michael Krogh, Thor Kunstler, James Howard Kurz, Ronald Kurzman, Dan Lahr, John Lapham, Lewis Laughlin, James Laurents, Arthur Lederman, Eleonore Lehmann, John Lelchuk, Alan Lerner, Max Levin, Carl Levin, David Levin, Ira

34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34;42 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35-36 36; 48-49 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 48 36 36

Page 8: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Lewin, Leonard Lewis, Sheri Lillie, Helen Lindsay, John V. Little, Stuart W. Loomis, Robert Lukas, J. Anthony Luke, James L. Lurie, Alison Macdonald, Michael C.D. Machlis, Joseph Mailer, Norman Malamud, Bernard Manning, Robert Marin, Peter Markson, David Mayhew, Alice McCaig, Donald McCarthy, Mary McCullough, David McCullough, Frances Mcdonald, Gregory McElroy, Joseph McPhee, John Meeks, Christopher Merchant, Larry Michener, James Mitgang, Herbert Morgenthau, Robert M. Mortimer, John Moynihan, Daniel P. Muller, Klaus P~ter Myers, Lou Navasky, Victor Nesbit, Lynn Newfield, Jack Newman, Miclm,el Niebuhr, Christopher Nissenson, Hugh Niven, David Novick, Alan Oates, Joyce Carol Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy O'Donnell, James P. Oppenheimer, Ernest Ouologuem, Yambo

36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37-38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38-39 39 39 44 39 39 39 39 39 39;49 39 39 36;40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

Page 9: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Owen, Kera Packard, Vance Peck, Richard Peck, Seymour Pilat, Oliver Pinsky, Robert Plaine, Belva Plimpton, George Pogrebin, Letty Cottin Porter, Katherine Anne Portis, Charles Proper, Datus C. Puzo,Mario Quayle, Dan Ravitch, Diane Rawlings, John Reed, Ismael Reid, Ben Reston, James Rhodes, Richard Rivera, Geraldo Roosevelt, James Rosenthal, A.M. Rothschild, Lincoln Schary, Dore Scheinberg, I. Harold Schell, Jonathan Schiff, Judith Schlesinger, Arthur Scribner, Charles III Sheehan, Susan Siegal, Allan M. Skinner, B.F. Smith, Carol Houck Smith, Liz Smith, Red Soboloff, Ann Spanier, David Steegmuller, Francis Stein, Sol Steinbeck, John Steinbrenner, George Stern, Daniel Stillman, Whit Stokely, Wilma Dykeman Stone, I.F.

40 35 35 35 35-36 50 36 36;47;48;50 41 36 36 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41-42 42 42 42;48 42 42 42 42-43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43;49 43-44 44 48 44 44 44 44

Page 10: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Straus, Dorothea Straus, Roger W., Jr. Styron, William Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs, Jr. Sulzberger, Cyrus L. Sulzberger, Iphigine 0. Talese, Nan Thompson, Hunter S. Thompson, Thomas Thorp, Rod Tobias, Sheila Trump, Donald Turow, Scott Updike, John Vidal, Gore Viscusi, Margo Vonnegut, Kurt Vreeland, Diana Wakefield, Dan Wallace, Mike Waller, Leslie Walters, Barbara Weinstein, Michael Wendel, Thomas Wheeler, Thomas Wolfe, Don Wolfson, Martin Woods, George Wright, Austin Wright, Charles Alan Wyeth, M.S. Yglesias, Jose Young, Genevieve Zion, Sidney

44 44 44 43;45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46;50 46 46 46 46 48 6 46 46 46 46-49 47 47 47 47 47 48 49 48 48 48

Page 11: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,






Purchase: June 1998

Manuscripts A. Books




d. e. f. g.

1st draft, March 22, 1992. Computer script with holograph corrections 1) p.1-176 [f 1] 2) p.177-324 [f.2] 3) p.325-477 [£3] 4) p.478-706 [f.4] Copy-edited MS. Computer script 1) p.1-189 [f.5] 2) p.190-377 [f 6] 3) p.378-521 [f.7] 4) p.522-621 [f.8] Dead matter 1) p.1-189 [f.9] 2) p.190-377 [f.10] 3) p.378-487 [f.11] 4) p.488-622 [f.12] Revisions [f.13-15] Notes. Includes notebooks [f.16-18], Box 2 [f.1-4] Research [f.5-11] Draft #3. Computer script with holograph corrections 1) p.1-136 [f.12] 2) p.137-256 [f.13]

h. 1st revisions. Computer script with holograph corrections


J. k. 1.

1) Chapter 1 [f.14] 2) Chapter 2 [f.15] 1st submission. Computer script with holograph corrections, 186p. [f.16] Partial page proofs, 2nd setting [f.17] Book cover [f.18] Italian MS. Computer script 1) p.1-194 [f.19] 2) p.195-403 [f.1] 3) p.14-342 [f.2]


Page 12: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,






1) 2)


Ch.2 1)


Ch. 3 1)




Holograph, lOp. [f 3] Draft 2 [f.4] a) Outline. Computer script with

b) c)

holograph corrections, 2p. Computer script, 9p. Computer script with holograph corrections, 48p.

Draft 3 [f5-6] a) Computer script with holograph

b) c) d)

corrections, 46p. Computer script, p/c, 46p. Computer script, 47p. Computer script with holograph corrections, 49p.

Draft II. Typescript with holograph corrections, 71p. [f 7] Draft III [f.8-10] a) Holograph, p.47-92 b) Typescript with holograph

corrections, p.47-121 c) Typescript, p/c, p.47-121 d) Typescript with holograph

corrections, p.50-121 e) Typescript, p/ c p .4 7-104 f) Notes [f.10] g) Research [f 11]

Draft I. Typescript with holograph corrections, 72p. [f.12] a) First draft. Typescript with

holograph corrections, p.105-188 [pages missing]

b) Holograph and typescript, p .13 7-14 3 Draft II [ f. 13] a) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 35p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 68p. Draft III [f.14-15]

Page 13: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box3 a) Typescript with holograph corrections, p .122-193. 3 different versions

b) Typescript, p/c, with holograph corrections, p.122-193

c) Typescript with holograph corrections, p.122-193

d) Notes 4) Research [ f 16]

d. Ch. 4 1) Typescript with holograph corrections,

p.194-294 [f 17] 2) Draft ill [f.18-19]

a) Typescript with holograph corrections, p.194-293

b) Typescript, p/c, p.194-294 c) Typescript with holograph

corrections, p.194-293 e. Ch.5

1) Draft 2 [f.20] a) Typescript with holograph

corrections, 34p. b) Typescript, p.295-332 c) 1st printout, typescript with

holograph corrections, 11 lp. 2) Draft 3 [£21]

a) Typescript with holograph corrections, p.294-332 (6)

b) Typescript with holograph corrections, p.295-332 (6)

c) Typescript, p/c, p.295-332 (6) d) Typescript with holograph

corrections, p.294-331 (6) 3) Research [f.22], Box 4 [f 1-3]

f Ch. 6 Box4 1) Computer script with holograph corrections,

67p. [£4] 2) Computer script with holograph corrections,

p.353-400 3) Draft 3 [£5-6]

a) Computer script with holograph corrections, p.333-398

b) Computer script with holograph


Page 14: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box4 corrections, p.333-399 c) Computer script with holograph

corrections, p/c, p.333-399 d) Computer script with holograph

corrections, p.332-399 4) Research [£7-8] 5) Notes [f.8]

g. Ch. 7 1) Computer script with holograph corrections,

p.400-534 [f.9] 2) Holograph revisions [f.10-11] 3) Draft 3

a) Computer script with holograph corrections, p.399-535 [f.12]

b) Computer script with holograph corrections, p .400-5 3 8 (f.13]

c) Computer script with holograph corrections, p. 400-5 3 3 [f.14]

4) Edited MS. Computer script with holograph corrections, 81 p. [f 15]

5) Notes and research [£ 16-18] h. Ch. 8

Box5 1) Draft 2 [f.1] a) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 80p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, p .1-81 [pages missing] 2) Draft 3 [f.2-3]

a) Computer script with holograph corrections, p. 536-614

b) Computer script with holograph corrections, p.539-618

c) Computer script with holograph corrections, p.534-613

d) Computer script, photocopy, with holograph corrections, p.539-618

3) Notes and research [f.4-11] 1. Ch. 9

1) Draft [f 12-13] a) Computer script with holograph

corrections, p.615-682 b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, p.619-684


Page 15: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box5 c) Computer script with holograph

corrections, p.619-684 d) Computer script with holograph

corrections, p. 616-680 2) Research [f.14]

J. Ch. 10 1) Draft 3. Computer script with holograph

corrections [£ 15] a) p.683-711 b) p.685-713 c) p.685-713 d) p.681-711

2) 4th draft. Computer script, l lp 3) Research [£16]

k. Early draft of book called INNINGS 1) Ch. 1 [£ 17]

a) Outline, holograph, Sp. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, lp. 2) Ch. 2

a) Outline, 9p. b) Holograph, 24p. c) Computer script with holograph

corrections, p.12-46 3) Chapter 10 [f.18]

a) Computer script, 105p., March 23, 1985

1. First complete draft with editing. Typescript and typescript, photocopy, ca. 800p. [f.19], Box 6 [f.1-3]

Box6 m. Partial MS. Typescript, ca. 250p. 1) Ch. I-II [f.4] 2) Ch. VITI [f.5]

n. Computer script with holograph corrections, photocopy 1) p.1-188 [f.6] 2) p.189-388 [f.7] 3) p.389-532 [£8] 4) p.533-713 [f.9]

0. Final copy-edited MS 1) p.1-178 [f.10] 2) p.179-358 [f.11]


Page 16: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,




Box26 Box8


3) p.359-554 [f 12] 4) p.555-709 [f 13]

p. Volume I. Typescript with holograph corrections, 189p. [f 14]

q. Volume II. Holograph, p.190-325 [f 15] r. Volume III [f 16]

1) Holograph, p.326-397 2) Typescript, p.398-405

s. MS edited by Steven M.L. Aronson. Computer script, p/c, with holograph corrections, ca. 300p. [f 17-18]

t. Advance bound uncorrected proofs, 2 copies [ f. 1-2]

u. Notes and outline for whole book. Holograph, 19p. [f.3]

v. Research [f.4-16] w. Review by Sidney Zion. Holograph, 8p. [f.1] x. Front matter [f.2] y. Titles [f.3] z. UNCIE corrections [£4] aa. Back-up copy of manuscript on computer discs

3. Material for prospective book with Svetlana Alliuova ( daughter of Joseph Stalin) a. Treatment. TWENTY YEARS AFTER Typescript

with holograph corrections, p/c, 7p. [£5] b. SA's autobiography: THE FARAWAY MUSIC.

Typescript, p/c, 222p. [f.6] c. Notes and interview with Alliuova [f 7] d. Research [f.8] e. Correspondence [f.9]

TLS to Natalie Lehmann Haupt, Jan. 31, 1987 TLS to Natalie and CLH, Jan. 8, 1987 TLS to Natalie and CLH, March 8, 1987 TLS from Mike Wallace to SA, p/c, April 24, 1986 ALS, p/c, to SA from Connie Chung, June 30, 1986 TLS from SA to Connie Chung, p/c, July 25, 1986 TLS to CLH, March 12, 1987

4. I NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN by Joanne Greenberg. Edited by CLH. Notes and correspondence with JG [f 10]

Book reviews for New York Times. Typescript, photocopy, holograph corrections, 3-4p.


Page 17: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,



Box 10

Box 11

Box 12

Box 13

Box 14


1. 1969 [f.11-12] 2. 1970 [f.13-15] 3. 1971 [f.16-18] 4. 1972 [f.19-21] 5. 1973 [f.22-24] 6. 1974 [f.25-27] 7. 1975 [f.28], Box 9 [f.1-3] 8. 1976 [f.4-7] 9. 1977 [f.8-13] 10. 1978 [f.14-16] 11. 1979 [f.17-19] 12. 1980 [f.1-3] 13. 1981 [f.4-8] 14. 1982 [f.9-15] 15. 1983 [f.16-19] 16. 1984 [£ 1-4] 17. 1985 [f.5-9] 18. 1986 [f.10-12] 19. 1987 [f.13-17] 20. 1988 [f.18-19];Box 12, [f.1-3] 21. 1989 [f.4-9] 22. 1990 [f.10-15] 23. 1991 [f.16-18], Box 13, [f.1-3] 24. 1992 [f.4-8] 25. 1993 [f.9-13] 26. 1994 [f.14-17], Box 14 [f.1-2] 27. 1995 [f.3-6) 28. 1996 [f.7-10] 29. 1997 [f.11-15] Articles (arranged chronologically) 1. New York Times

a. "Critic's Notebook" 1) "The Hidden 'Mkgnao ! ' of A Midsummer

Night's Dream" [£ 16] a) Holograph notes b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 6p. c) Research d) Galleys

2) "Critic's Notebook #2," March 15, 1983. Holograph, 5p. [f.17]

3) ''Pondering the Secrets Photographs Reveal," July 5, 1984 [f 18]


Page 18: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box 14 a) Holograph, 2p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 3p. (2) 4) "Critic's Notebook #2," June 4, 1985. a)

Computer script, 5p. a) Computer script, 7p. [f 19]

5) "Critic's Notebook #3," Oct. 10, 1985. Computer script, 8p. [f20]

6) "Some problems between Science and Literature" (18). Holograph, 3p. (2) [8/94?] [f21]

7) "A Film that Out-Austens Jane Austen? No, but almost," Feb. 8, 1997 [£22] a) Holograph, 4p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 4p. c) Computer script with holograph

corrections, Sp. d) Computer script, Sp. e) Computer script with holograph

corrections, Sp. t) Fax typescript, 3p., 2 copies, Feb. 6,

1997 b. '1..,iterary Notebook"

1) "Plight of the Blind Who Love Books" [f23] a) 1st draft. Computer script, 1 Op. b) Part ill. Computer script with

holograph corrections, 4p. c) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 9p. d) Notes and research

2) "Reviving the Foremost Authors," Oct. 18, 1984 [£24] a) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 8p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 7p. c) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 6p. 3) "The Writer's Skill in Adapting to the

Colloquial," Dec. 20, 1984 [f25] a) Computer script with holograph


Page 19: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box 14

Box 15

corrections, 11p. b) Holograph notes

4) "Of Literature and Electronic Derring-Do," March 17, 1986 [f.6] a) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 8p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 7p. c) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 7p. 5) "Stimulants and the Literary Act," April 14,

1986 [f.27] a) Holograph, 9p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, lOp. 1986 [f.28]

c) Computer script with holograph corrections, 3p.

d) Holograph notes 6) "The 4 Deadly Fallacies, Pathetic and

Otherwise," June 9, 1986 [f.29] a) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 1 Op. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 9p. 7) "The Numerous Distortions Clouding

'Kafkaesque,"' Aug. 11, 1986 [£30] a) Holograph, 2p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 7p. 8) "How a Good Mother Expresses Rage,"

Sept. 15, 1986 [£31] a) Holograph, 2p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 8p. 9) "Vanishing Breed of Editors with an Instinct

for Order," Nov. 3, 1986 [f.1] a) Holograph, 11p. b) Computer script, 8p. (2)

10) Re: "Tony and Tina's Wedding," July 1989 Computer script with holograph corrections. 15p. with 4p. holograph notes [£2]

11) "Horror and Struck! The Things They Never


Page 20: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box 14

Box 15

corrections, 1 lp. b) Holograph notes

4) "Of Literature and Electronic Derring-Do," March 17, 1986 [f. 6] a) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 8p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 7p. c) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 7p. 5) "Stimulants and the Literary Act," April 14,

1986 [f.27] a) Holograph, 9p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, l0p. 1986 [£28]

c) Computer script with holograph corrections, 3p.

d) Holograph notes 6) "The 4 Deadly Fallacies, Pathetic and

Otherwise," June 9, 1986 [f.29] a) Computer script with holograph

corrections, l0p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 9p. 7) "The Numerous Distortions Clouding

'Kafkaesque,"' Aug. 11, 1986 [f.30] a) Holograph, 2p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 7p. 8) "How a Good Mother Expresses Rage,"

Sept. 15, 1986 [f.31] a) Holograph, 2p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 8p. 9) "Vanishing Breed of Editors with an Instinct

for Order," Nov. 3, 1986 [f. 1] a) Holograph, llp. b) Computer script, 8p. (2)

10) Re: "Tony and Tina's Wedding," July 1989 Computer script with holograph corrections. 15p. with 4p. holograph notes [f.2]

11) ''Horror and Struck! The Things They Never


Page 21: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box 15







Said," 8/31/89 [£ 3] a) Computer script, 8p. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 13p. c) 6p. notes

12) Re: Camilo Jose Cela 11/89 [£ 4] a) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 1 lp. b) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 7p. c) Computer script, 12p.

13) Interview with Jack Shoemaker of Northpoint Press, 1998 [£5] a) Computer script with holograph

corrections, 8p. b) Computer script, 11 p.

''Literary Lodestars" written for New York Times Magazine, no date [ f. 6] 1) Holograph, lp. 2) Computer script, lp. 3) Computer script, 2p. ''Nabokov: An Appraisal." Carbon typescript, 3p. [£7] Article for the Sunday Book Review re: writing in first person [f.8] "Out of My Mind on Bluegrass" for New York Times Magazine [£9] 1) Typescript with holograph corrections, 14p. 2) Carbon typescript with holograph

corrections, 15p. 3) Carbon typescript with holograph

corrections, 1 lp. 4) Carbon typescript with holograph

corrections, 20p., 5) Galley, Aug. 31, 1970 6) Research Preview ofFall Publishing Highlights. Fall 1977. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, Sp. [f.10] "The Lonely World of Michael Burke," March 15, 1984 [£ 11] 1) Holograph, 11p. 2) Notes and research


Page 22: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box 15 1. "Serialization: Stephen King's THE GREEN

MAN." Written for New York Times 'Week in Review," April 7, 1996 [f 12] 1) Computer script, fax copy, April 5, 1996, 3p. 2) Computer script, 3p. 3) Computer script with holograph corrections,

3p. 4) Holograph notes

J. ''Literature: One Hundred Years From Now," June 1996. ForNewYorkTimesMagazine [f13] 1) Computer script with holograph corrections,

lp. 2) Computer script, lp.

2. Articles for The New Yorker a. Ideas [f 14] b. Ideas for "Talk of the Town" [f 15]

1) Holograph, 9p. 2) Carbon typescript, 9p.

c. Telephone book story. Notes and research [f 16] d. New York Public Library story [f 17]

1) Carbon typescript, 7p. 2) Typescript with holograph corrections, 7p. 3) Carbon typescript with holograph

corrections, 4p. 4) Typescript, 6p. 5) Notes

e. "Happenings" column re: show by Robert Whitman called "Mouth." [f 18] 1) Typescript and holograph drafts 2) Carbon typescript, 9p. 3) Carbon typescript with holograph

corrections, 5p, April 20, 1961 f "Toy." Proof, Sept. 9, 1961 [f 19]

3. Miscellaneous articles a. "Pan Am Makes the Going Grate." [f20]

1) Typescript, 9p. 2) Mimeo typescript, 8p.

b. Interview with John Cheever. Holograph, 5p. with lp. typescript [f21]

c. Interview with Piri Thomas and Claude Brown. Typescript with holograph corrections, 37p.

d. "Fight Piece." Typescript, photocopy, with


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Box 15 e.













r. s.

holograph corrections, 7p. with notes [f.22] "Ron Guidry" [f.23] 1) Typescript, photocopy, with holograph

corrections, 2p. 2) Typescript, photocopy, with holograph

corrections, 3p. 3) Typescript with holograph corrections, 3p. "Introducing Hugh Nissenson." Computer script with holograph corrections, 4p., with lp. of holograph notes [f.24] "Me and My Kaypro 10." Computer script, 3p. [f.25] Article re: teaching public school. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 11 p. [f.26] "Charles Poore." Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 2p. [f.27] "On Men" [f 28] 1) Computer script with holograph corrections,

p/c, Sp. 2) Computer script with holograph corrections,

p/c, 6p. 3) Computer script with holograph corrections,

4p. [f.28] Article re: Isaac Bashevis Singer [f.29] 1) Typescript, 2p. 2) Typescript with holograph corrections, 2p. Francis Brown profile for Century Yearbook [f.30] 1) Computer script, 4p. 2) Computer script with holograph corrections,

3p. "A Fishing Lesson." Written for The American Way. Galleys, 4p. [f.31] "Further More." Typescript, 9p. re: Ali-Frazier fight [f.32] "The Literary View." Typescript, p/c, with holograph corrections, 6p. [f.33] ''NBC Comment Show on Bluegrass Banjo." Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 3p. [f.34] Article re: fishing as a young boy. Holograph, 16p. [f.35] Tribute to David Segal. Typescript, 2p. [f.36] "The Book Season." Carbon typescript with


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Box 15









holograph corrections, 4p., 1971 [£37] ''What Chess Can Do for You." Written for Creative Living. [£38] 1) Carbon typescript with holograph

corrections, 1 lp. with holograph notes, 2 versions

2) Galleys, Oct. 7, 1972 "Feminism: It's Here to Stay-The American Way" [£39] 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Holograph, llp. Holograph, 18p. Holograph, 3p. Typescript with holograph corrections, lOp. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, lOp., 2 copies

6) Galley, Feb. 20, 1973 Piece on reviewing. Carbon typescript, 2p., 1975 [£40] "On Fly Fishing." Written for HCA Companion, April 1984 [£41] 1) Computer script, p/c, Sp. 2) Computer script, p/c, 2p. 3) Computer script with holograph corrections,

4) p/c, Sp. [f41] Computer script with holograph corrections, p/c, 4p.

5) Holograph notes ''Evelyn Woods: A Life Well-Lived," 1995 [f42] 1) Computer script with holograph corrections,

2) 2p. Computer script with holograph corrections, 2p. with 2p. of holograph notes

''Fishing: Henryville, PA, and the Beaverkill in New York," Aug. 4, 1995. Computer script with holograph corrections, 2p.with lp. of holograph notes [ f.4 3] Hedi Ladenburg eulogy. Computer script with holograph corrections, 3p., 2 versions, Sept. 20, 1997. Holograph, p/c, 7p. [f44]

Plays (arranged alphabetically) 1. "Conrad von Horichter." [£45-46]

a. 1st draft and notes. Typescript, l00p. b. Typescript with holograph corrections, 70p.


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Box 15


Box 16

2. "The Death of Ivan Ilyitch." Draft #1, carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 68p. With notes and criticism [£47]

3. ''Love! Ilove thee not." [£48] a. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 14p. b. Carbon typescript, 16p.

4. "The Ruby and the Rough." 1st draft, typescript with holograph corrections and ink illustrations, 120p.

5. "The Lighthouse." Partial draft, holograph [£49] 6. "The Devastator." Partial rough draft, typescript and

holograph, with notes, ca. l00p. [£49] College/Graduate school papers 1. College notes

a. "Rise of Liberalism," Swarthmore [£50] b. Shakespeare class, Yale [£51] c. Lecture notes for and English class [£52] d. Lecture notes for drama class [f 53-56] e. The Renaissance and Reformation [f 1-2] f Modem European History [f 3] g. Europe: 1760-1870: Disintegration of the Old

Regime and Rise of Liberalism [£4] h. English Novel [£5] 1. Impressionism [f6] J. Romanticism [£7] k. Rise of Liberalism [£8] 1. Shakespeare [f.9]

2. Papers a. ''Lapis Lazuli. Its Structure, Meaning, and Position

in the Poetry of William Butler Yeats." Carbon typescript, 20p. [f.10]

b. "Ingres and Classicism." Carbon typescript, 6p., Jan, 30, 1956 [f 11]

c. "A Bit of Turner Thesis." Carbon typescript, 6p., Feb. 14, 1956

d. "Cymberline: a Study." Carbon typescript, 22p., May 26, 1958 [f 12]

e. "James Joyce and the Aesthetics of Art." Carbon typescript, 25p., June 1, 1958 [f 13]

3. Yale thesis: a. Research material for master's thesis, Yale

University [f.14-15] b. "4 Baroque Scene Designers: Gian Lorenzo


Page 26: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box 16



Bernini. Andrea Pozzo. Filippo Juvaia. Johan Oswald Harms." Carbon typescript, ca. l 75p., May 1959 [f 16] Personal statement for Rhodes scholarship. Carbon typescript, 4p.[f 17]

Reports for Sterling Lord Agency on plays. Carbon typescript unless noted otherwise (arranged chronologically). 1962-1963 [f 18] 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

"A Cage for the Sons of Lazarus," Ip. "Caramba" by John Pierce, Ip., no date ''Murder, Anyone?" by Granville Burland and Elliott Joseph, 2p. "Poison Ivy" by John Wolfson. Holograph, 2p. "The Survivors" by Goland Ziran, Ip. "The Great White Fleet" by Myron J. Gold, 2p., March 10, 1962

7. "The Purchase of the Pole or The World Upside Down" by Myron J. Gold, March 11, 1962, 3p.

8. "The Good Old Nineteen Thirties" by Meyer Levin, 3p., March 12, 1962

9. "Darling Nellie" by Myron J. Gold, 2p., March 12, 1962 10. "Broken Pieces" by Gerald B. Flesher, 3p., March 18, 1962 11. ''Prelude" by John Neufeld, 2p., March 19, 1962 12. ''Mother Must Marry" by Ethel V. Sheneman, 3p., March

26, 1962 13. "A Corat a Day" by James J. Cordes, 2p., March 27, 1962 14. "The Top Floor" by Pauline Ricker, 3p., April 7, 1962 15. "Gather Ye Rose Buds" by Alison Spitz, 2p. April 30, 1962 16. "An Original Music Comedy" by Arnold Margolin, 2p., May

10, 1962 17. "White Elephant" by Malcolm Easterlin, 3p., May 30, 1962 18. "You're Mine Aren't You?" by Beatrice Austin Hanson,

Ip., June 14, 1962 19. "To Walk a Straight Line" by Barbara Burrows, Ip., June

27, 1962 20. ''Hard Times" by John Neufeld, 2p., July 26, 1962 21. "The Rock and the Dome," by John Rood, 2p., Aug. 2,

1962 22. "The Tin Soldier" by Arthur Johannson, 3p., Aug. 2, 1962 23. "The Private Garden" by C. David Barrett, Ip., Aug. 3,

1962 24. "Some Children Listen" by C. David Barrett, Ip., Aug. 4,

1962 25. ''In the Neo-Parisian Mood with Apologies to Blanche, Mr.


Page 27: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box 16 26.

27. 28.

29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.




40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

46. 47.

48. 49.

Williams!" by C. David Barrett, lp., Aug. 4, 1962 "Cold Storage" by Patrick O'Shea Bannister, 1 p., Aug. 28, 1962; 3p., Aug. 2, 1962 "The Three Contest Plays," lp., Aug. 29, 1962 "Children of the Center Ring" by Gerald Sanford, lp., Aug. 29, 1962 "The Captain and the Widow," 2p., Aug. 29, 1962 ''Kravnik's Corpse," Harold H. Watts, Aug. 29, 1962, lp. ''Ninety Miles from Town," lp., Sept. 30, 1962 "Check" by Albert Cook, lp., Sept. 30, 1962 ''Night Guard" by Albert Cook, lp., Sept. 30, 1962 "Pulse" by Richard France, lp., Nov. 12, 1962 "A Cap is a Question Not and Answer," lp., Nov. 12, 1962 "The Editor's Chair" by Jack Pearl and Edward Linn, lp., Nov. 13, 1962 ''Rent a House for Murder" by Ethel Sheneman, 2p., Dec. 3, 1962 "Orestes Poised" by Bernard Beckerman, 2p., Dec. 16, 1962 "Turn Left at the Next Temple" by Joseph Asher, Rhoda B. Carrol, and Clifford Stevens, lp., Dec. 16, 1962 ''Heavenly Lover" by Lester Becker, 2p., Jan. 4, 1963 "A Play in One Act" by John Hallowell, 1 p., Jan. 15, 1963 "Off We Go" by Ira Bermak, lp., Jan. 15, 1963 "The Fanatic" by James J. Cordes, 2p., Jan. 28, 1963 "Sister" by Glenn Allen Smith, lp., Feb. 6, 1963 "A Young Man's Dream of His Future" by Minna Kuhn, 4p., Feb. 12, 1963 "The Slave" by LeRoi Jones, lp., March 11, 1963 ''Friend of the Family" by Edward Breen, lp., March 11, 1963 ''Paris '29" by Claudia Hatch, 2p., March 25, 1963 ''Let Me Count the Ways," by Barbara Rich, lp., April 7, 1963

50. "The Parents" by Robert Henney, 2p., April 19, 1963 G. Miscellaneous writings/ stories/ essays ( arranged chronologically)

1. Introduction to THE SMART SET by Sam Behrman [f 19] a. Typescript with holograph corrections, l0p. b. Typescript with holograph corrections, 6p., Feb. 24,

1966 c. Typescript with holograph corrections, 13p. d. Final draft, mimeo typescript, 13p. e. Notes. Carbon typescript, 13p.


Page 28: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box 16 f. Carbon typescript, 6p., 2 copies

2. Synopsis of THE RECLINE OF NIMROD SPRATT. [f.20] a. Typescript and holograph, Sp. b. Holograph, 11p.

3. "The Man Who Worried About the Future" [ alt. title: ''His Mistress Time"] [f.21] a. Typescript, p.4-8 b. Notes C. Holograph, 1 p. d. Typescript with holograph corrections, 12p. e. 2nd draft, typescript, p.4-7 f. Holograph, 26p. g. Typescript with holograph corrections, 37p. with

notes 4. Miscellaneous ideas, story fragments, outlines, ca. 25p.

[f.22] 5. "How I Judged the National Book Awards" or

"Confessions of a Book Award Judge" [f.23] a. Research b. Related correspondence C. Typescript with holograph corrections, 21p. d. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 3p. e. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 12p.

6. "Bad Day at the Barbershop." Typescript, photocopy, 1956-1957, 14p. [f. 24]

Box 17 7. "The Cultural Scene: Books" [f.1] a. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, p.26-

38 b. Typescript, 3p. with lp. holograph notes C. Typescript, photocopy, with holograph corrections,

19p. d. Typescript with holograph corrections, p.2-36 e. Holograph, 3p. f. Typescript with holograph corrections 29p. g. Interview with Alfred Kazin h. Carbon typescript with holograph corrections, 9p. 1. Research

J. Correspondence including TNS from Alfred Kazin, May 24, 1971

8. ''Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?" Written for American Way, July 1975 [f.2] a. Typescript with holograph corrections, p/c, 11 p.


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Box 17

Box 18

b. Typescript with holograph corrections, 12p. c. Miscellaneous typescript and holograph pages d. Carbon typescript, 12p.

9. "The Man in the Space Elevator: Reunion Reflections." Written for Putney Post, Fall 1992 [f 3] a. Proofs b. Computer script with holograph corrections, 6p. c. Computer script with holograph corrections, 7p. d. Computer script with holograph corrections, 7p.

H. Film Reviews [f4] 1. "Comes a Horseman"

a. Typescript, 3p. b. Typescript with holograph corrections, lp.

2. ''Midnight Express." Typescript with holograph corrections, 2p.

3. "No Time for Breakfast." a. Typescript with holograph corrections, 1 p. b. Typescript, 1 p.

4. ''Perceval" a. Typescript with holograph corrections, 3p. b. Typescript with holograph corrections, lp.

II. Correspondence A. General. Note: Correspondence to CLH that is attached to his

reply will be filed under the date of his reply 1. No date [f 5] 2. 1938-1961 [f 6] 3. 1961-196g'" [f 7] 4. 1969-1970, no date [f 8] 5. 1969 [f9] 6. 1970 [f 1 0] 7. 1971 [f 11-13] 8. 1972 [f 14-18] 9. 1973, no date [f 19] 10. 1973 [f20-24] 11. 1974, no date [f 1] 12. 1974 [f2-5] 13. 1975 [f6-10] 10. 1976-1977, no date [f 11] 11. 1976 [f 12-15] 12. 1977 [f16-19], Box 19 [f 1]


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Box 19






13. 1978, no date [f.2] 14. 1978 [f.2-6] 15. 1979, no date [f.7] 16. 1979 [f.8-11] 17. 1980, no date [f.12] 18. 1980 [f.13-18] 19. 1981, no date [f. 1] 20. 1981 [f.2-6] 21. 1982 [f.7-11] 22. 1983, no date [f.12] 23. 1983 [f.13-18] 24. 1984 [f.17], Box 21 [f.1-4] 25. 1985 [f.5-10] 26. 1986, no date [f.11] 27. 1986 [f.12-16] 28. 1987 [f.17-18], Box 22 [f.1-3] 28. 1988, no date [f.4] 29. 1988 [f.5-8] 30. 1989, no date [f.9] 31. 1989 [f.10-14] 32. 1990, no date [f.15] 33. 1990 [f.16-20] 34. 1991, no date [f.1] 35. 1991 [f.2-6] 36. 1992, no date [f. 7] 37. 1992 [f.8-12] 38. 1993-1994, no date [f.13] 39. 1993 [f.14-17] 40. 1994 [f.18], Box24 [f.1-3] 33. 1995 [f.4-9] 41. 1996 [f.10-11] 42. 1997 [f.12-16]

Notable correspondents include: Abrams, Harry N. Acheson, Alice

Ackerman, Diane


TLS, Dec. 2, 1975 ALS, June 17, 1977 with CLH reply, June 25, 1977 ALS, Aug. 1 7, 1979 ANS,April28, 1981 ANS,Sept.23, 1984 TLS, March 13, 1991 TNS, Aug. 18, 1990

Page 31: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Adkins, Dorothy Alkalay, Karen

Alsop, Stewart Amussen, Carolyn

Angelou, Maya

Appel, William

Arlen, Michael

Aronson, Steven M.L.

Asher, Don Atwan, Helene

Auchincloss, Louis


TLS, Sept. 24, 1979 ALS, Jan. 1, 19-S4 TLS, Oct. 4, 1984 TLS, Jan. 12, 1988 TNS, March 29, 1984 TLS, May 30, 1988 TL, Dec. 5, 1973 ALS,-1972 TNS, March 22, 1972 ANS,Jan.23, 1973 TNS, July 26, 1976 TNS.-1977 ALS, Oct. 27, 1982 TLS, Dec. 9, 1982 ALS, [1983] TNS, March 4, 1983 TLS, May 10, 1985 ALS, April 10, 1970 ANS, April 16, 1997 Christmas card, 1979 ANS, April 5, 1983 ANS, Aug. 2, 1983 ALS, Oct. 22, [1969 or 1970] TLS, April 25, 1980 ALS, Oct. 5, 1984 TNS, Sept. 19, 1991 TLS, Aug. 16, 1972 ALS,Sept.29, 1972 ALS,-1973 TNS, April 4, 1975 ALS,-1976 ALS,Aug. 16, 1976 ALS,Nov. 16, 1977 ALS,Nov.25, 1977 TLS photocopy, May 22, 1978 TLS photocopy, April 6, 1978 ALS, June 10, 1986 ALS, June 2, 1991 ANS,Feb. 13, 1992 TNS,Aug.24, 1966 TLS, June 15, 1982 TLS, p/c with ANS, Jan. 20, 1983 ALS, March 4, 1980

Page 32: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Auchincloss, Louis

Auerbach, Red Avallone, Michael Bach, Julian

Bailey, Chauncey Baker, Samm

Barber, Edwin

Barkus, Gilbert Barnett, Jonathan Bart, Peter

Batchelor, John Calvin Beasley, Rex Beattie, Lawrence Bennett, Ruth Bensky, Larry


ALS postcard, Jan. 26, 1982 ALS, Aug. 9, 1985 ALS, May 10, 1988 TLS, Jan. 14, 1992 ALS postcard, Feb. 14, 1992 ALS,Feb.23, 1992 TNS, March 18, 1977 TNS, Jan. 29, 1975 TNS, March 4, 1969 TLS, Nov. 16, 1973 TLS, March 28, 1975 TLS, May 22, 1976 TLS, March 3, 1977 with CLH

reply, Apr119, 1977 TLS, Aug. 25, 1978 TLS, Dec. 4, 1979 TLS, Oct. 25, 1974??? TLS, Dec. 14, 1978 TLS, Feb. 6, 1984 TLS, Oct. 26, 1972 TNS, Oct. 25, 1974 TNS, Dec. 12, 1977 TNS, Sept. 5, 1979 TLS, June 18, 1983 ALS, Dec. 17, 1979 TLS, Sept. 18, 1979 TLS, Aug. 3, 1981 TLS fax, Jan. 19, 1990 TNS, May 11, 1983 TLS, April 27, 1978 TLS, April 30, 1986 TLS, Julyl5, 1972 ALS, April 14, 1966 ALS, April 26, 1966 ALS, July 25, 1966 CTLS, Oct. 10, 1966 CTLS, Oct. 27, 196 CTLS, Sept. 13 1 1967 TLS, Dec. 2, 1968 TLS, Dec. 17, 1968 TLS, Feb. 12, 1969

Page 33: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Berger, Thomas

Berliner, Peter Bernard, Sidney

Bernays, Edward Bernstein, Leonard Bessie, Simon Michael

Bingham, Jonathan

Blake, Christopher Blankfort, Michael

Bliss, Albert Bloch, Sidney Bloom, Philip

Bloomstein, Charles Blume, Judy Boddington, Robert Bosworth, Patricia

Brandt, Carl D. Braziller, George


TLS, April 26, 1965 TLS, Oct. 17, 1965 TNS,Nov.24, 1969 ANS postcard, March 15, 1971 TLS, March 22, 1971 TLS, May 25, 1974 TNS, March 20, 1984 TNS, April 1980 TNS, Dec. 13, 1973 TLS, Dec. 22, 1960 TLS, April 14, 1965 TLS, Jan. 21, 1974 attached to CLH

reply, Jan. 30, 1974 TLS, Sept. 5, 1978 TLS, Nov. 9, 1982 TLS, April 22, 1983 TLS, May 16, 1985 TNS,Feb. 13, 1986 TNS, Oct. 6, 1987 TNS, Oct. 18, 1972 TLS, Feb. 9, 1973 TNS, March 31, 1976 TNS, June 24, 1976 ANS, June 20, 1982 TLS, March 19, 1986 TLS, Sept. 24, 1973 attached to CTL

by CLH, Oct. 15, 1973 TLS, March 7, 1977 TLS, March 15, 1983 TLS, p/c, July 9, 1971 TLS, p/c July 22, 1971 TLS, Sept. 3, 1971 TLS,-1974 ANS card, Jan. 27, 1972 ALS, Sept. 4, 1972 TNS, 1984 ANS,June 13, 1984 TLS, Oct. 12, 1986 TNS, Dec. 20, 1971 TNS, March 6, 1973 TNS, July 21, 1975 TLS, May 16, 1979 TLS,-Oct. 17, 19-8]

Page 34: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Braziller, George

Breslin, Jimmy

Brickner, Richard

Brill, Steve Broder, Max Bron:finan, Edgar M. Bronson, Frances

Brookhiser, Richard Brooks, Ginny

Bryan, C.D .B.

Buckley, Christopher

Buckley, Pat Buckley, Jr., William F.


TLS, April 28, 1993 TNS, July 28, 1983 attached to letter

by CLH, Oct. 5, 1983 ANS, May 29, 1991 TLS, p/c, attached to CLH reply,

Sept. 20, 1973 ALS, July 2, 1971 with a review of EXTRATERRESTRIAL by George Steiner. Carbon typescript, 3p. ALS,Nov.27, 1978 TLS, March 21, 1971 TLS, March 23, 1988 ANS attached to TLS from William

Buckley, Jr., Aug. 14, 1984 TNS, 1986 ALS, Jan.21, 1991 ALS, April 1, 1973 ANS, Feb. 7, 1974 TL to "Mr. Simmons," April 14,

1968 with parody TLS, May 13, 1976 ANS card, no date ANS, June 27, 1994 ALS,Feb.6, 1988 TLS, Aug. 27, 1968 TLS, Sept. 20, 1968 TNS,Jan.2, 1975 TLS, Jan. 29, 1977 TNS,Nov.22, 1977 TNS, April 12, 1978 TLS, 1979, p/c TNS,Feb.26, 1979 TLS, July 27, 1982 TNS, May 3, 1983 TNS,Aug.31, 1983 TLS, June 15, 1984 TLS, Dec. 16, 1984 TLS, March 14, 1985 TLS p/c to Morton Kondracke, Jan.

4, 1986 TLS, March 31, 1986 TLS, April 30, 1987 TL, Sept.19~ 19-87

Page 35: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Buckley, Jr., William F.


Telegram, May 21, 1987 TL, July 16, 1987 TLS, Oct. 12, 1987 TLS, April 5, 1988 TLS, April 26, 1988 E-mail, June 4, 1988 E-mail, June 6, 1988 TLS, July 11, 1988 TLS,Jan. 24, 1989 TLS, Aug. 14, 1989 TLS, Sept. 4, 1989 TLS, Oct. 23, 1989 TNS, Jan. 8, 1990 TLS, March 5, 1990 TLS, April 23, 1990 TLS, May 14, 1990 TNS, Oct. l 7, 1990 E-mail, Jan. 1, 1991 E-mail, Jan. 18, 1991 E-mail, Feb. 26, 1991 E-mail, March 10, 1991 TNS, June 23, 1991 attached to TLS, p/c, by WB to Robert Berk:vist, June 23, 1991 and TLS, p/c, to AM. Rosenthal, June 22, 1991 AN, July 10, 1991 TLS, July 16, 1992 TNS, Oct. 30, 1992 TLS, Jan. 11, 1993 TNS, Sept. 5, 1993 TNS, Oct. 10, 1993 TNS, Oct. 20, 1993 TNS, Oct. 28, 1993 TLS, Nov. 7, 1993 E-mail, Nov. 30, 1993 E-mail, January 2, 1994 E-mail, Feb. 9, 1994 TL fax, June 1, 1994 E-mail, June 27, 1994 Telegram, June 27, 1994 E-mail, Nov. 29, 1994 TLS, Feb. 21, 1995 TNS, March 2, 1995

Page 36: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Buckley, Jr., William F.

Bunland, Brian Bunting, Josiah

Burack, Sylvia

Burger, Knox


TL p/ c to Charles McGrath, Sept. 7, 1995 and TL p/c, Sept. 6, 1995, to editor ofNew York Times Book Review, attached to note dated Sept. 11, 1995

E-mail, Dec. 17, 1995 E-mail, April 23, 1997 E-mail, April 27, 1997 E-mail, May 2, 1997 E-mail, May 3, 1997 E-mail, May 12, 1997 E-mail, June 5, 1997 (2) E-mail, June 13, 1997 E-mail, June 17, 1997 E-mail, July 1, 1997 E-mail, July 8, 1997 E-mail, July 17, 1997 E-mail, Sept. 8, 1997 ALS, Jan. 7, 1970 ALS, May 16, 1974 TNS,Feb. 18, 1975 TNS, June 16, 1976 TLS, July 19, 1976 TLS,. Dec. 8, 1980 TLS, March 19, 1992 TLS, Nov. 2, 1992 ALS, Jan. 2, 1996 TNS, April 3, 1997 TLS, Sept. 1, 1978 attached to CTL,

Jan. 9, 1979 by CLH TLS, Aug. 7, 1980 TNS,-1969 TNS, May 30, 1973 TLS, April 30, 1975 ALS,Aug.28, \975 TLS, April 12, 1984 TLS, Feb. 25, 1988 TLS, April 26, 1989 TLS, March 20, 1990 TLS, Nov. 14, 1990 TLS, March 5, 1993 TLS, Sept. 16, 1993

Page 37: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Burgess, Anthony

Busch, Frederick Byrd, Robert C.

Cade, Lisl

Caldwell, Joseph

Caldwell, Peter Cameron, Sara Campbell, Barbara Canin, Ethan


TLS, p/c, July 15, 1991 attached to letter dated Aug. 7, 1991

ALS, Dec. 13, 1990 TLS, p/c, Oct. 5, 1971 to Samuel D.

Stewart TNS, Sept.2, 1980 ANS, April 7, 1982 TNS, July 31, 1982 ALS, Dec. 31, 1986 ANS,Jan. 31, 1987 ANS, March 22, 1988 TNS fax, May 5, 1993 ANS,Aug. 12, 1994 ALS, 1995 TNS fax, June 14, 1995 ALS, June 11, 1976 ALS, March 25, 1977 ALS, Jan. 28, 1978 ALS, Feb. 7, 1978 ALS, Dec. 15, 1978 ALS, June 21, 1979 ALS postcard, Dec. 6, 1979 ALS postcard, -1980 ALS postcard, Aug. 4, 1980 ALS, May 12, 1981 ALS, June 2, 1981 Postcard, Aug. 18, 1981 ANS, Dec. 14, l98 l Postcard, Jan. 7, 1984 ALS, May 4, 1984 Postcard, Aug. 3, 1984 ALS, Dec. 23, 1985 ALS, June 11, 1986 ALS, Dec. 24, 1986 ALS, June 2, 1991 ALS, Sept. 26, 1992 ANS, March 7, 1969 TLS, April 13, 1993 ALS, Dec. 16, 1982 TLS, Feb. 10, 1988 ALS, Oct. 22, 1991 ALS,Feb. 8, 1994

Page 38: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Caro, Ina

Caro, Robert

Carr, James F. Casey, John Castro, Bart de

Cerf, Bennett Cheever, Ben

Cheever, John

Cheever, Mary

Cheuse, Alan


ANS, Oct. 18, 1988 TNS,Dec. 3, 1994 ANS, May 31, 1991 ANS,Nov. 9, 1992 TLS, Dec. 28, 1966 TLS, July 26, 1968 ALS, Dec. 15, 1972 TNS,Nov.2, 1973 TLS, March 1, 1974 TLS, Jan. 24, 1975 TLS, March 3, 1975 Telegram, May 27, 1977 TLS, p/c, July 11, 1980 TLS, Aug. 21, 1981 TNS, Oct. 21, 1970 TLS, May 28, 1985 with p/c letter

from John Cheever TLS, April 30, 1992 TLS, Jan. 20, 1994 TNS,Feb.28, 1967 TLS, May 1, [1969 or 1970] TNS, July 29, 1974 TNS, Oct. 25, 1977 TNS,Nov.20, 1976 ALS postcard, -1971 ALS postcard, ----1973 ANS postcard, ~ov. 14, 1977 ANS postcard, Dec. 7, 1977 ANS, 1979 X-mas card, 1993 or 1994 TLS, Jan. 23, 1971 TLS, March 1, 1971 ALS, Sept. 15, 1971 TLS, Oct. 6, 1971 ALS, Sept. 12, 1972 ALS,Nov.20, 1973 TLS, April 12, 1974 ALS,Feb. 19, 1975 ALS, July 18, 1977 ALS, April 19, 1976 ALS, May 10, 1976 ALS postcard, Nov. 4, 1976 ALS--postarr-d, Aug. 15, 1977

Page 39: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Cheuse, Alan

Chomsky, Noam Clark, Mrs. Kenneth Clurman, Richard M.

Cohen, Arthur

Cole, William


ALS, April 18, 1978 ALS postcard, May 16, 1978 TLS, Nov. 1, 1978 ALS, March 24, 1979 ALS postcard, Jan. 11, 1982 TLS, Aug. 21, 1981 TLS, Nov. 6, 1981 TLS, Nov. 30, 1981 Postcard, June 18, 1982 TLS, Nov. 9, 1982 Postcard, April 13, 1984 ALS, Dec. 6, 1984 ALS, April 29, 1985 ALS, March 14, 1986 ALS postcard, Oct. 4, 1986 ALS postcard, Sept. 9, 1987 ALS postcard, Dec. 1, 1987 ALS, Jan. 26, 1988 ALS, May 3, 1988 ANS, 1989 ANS,Jan. 3, 1989 ANS, Feb. 5, 1989 ALS postcard, Aug. 23, 1989 ALS, Oct. 2, 1991 ALS, March 7, 1992 ALS postcard, Sept. 23, 1992 TLS, March 27, 1982 ANS,Jan. 18, 1975 E-mail to William F. Buckley, Oct.

21, 1990 TLS, March 27, 1992 TLS, Dec. 21, 1960 TNS, March 17~ 1964 TLS, Feb. 8, 1965 CTLS, July 19, 1965 ALS, p/c, July 27, 1965 TNS,Feb. 19, 1968 ANS, p/c, -1974 2 ALS postcards [1976 or 1977] TLS, Nov. 16, 1977 with CLH

reply, Jan. 28, 1978 ALS postcard, Jan. 5, 1980 TNS,-p/c, Iuly 3-0, 1970

Page 40: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Collie, Peter Congdon, Thomas B.

Corman, Avery Cosell, Howard

Cousins, Norman Cowden, David Crichton, Robert Cummings,Richard Cuomo, Mario D' Amato, Alfonse Daniel, Clifton

Davis, Christopher Davis, Fitzroy

Davison, Judy

Dawidowicz, Lucy de Menil, Adelaide de Montebello Philippe

del Rey, Judy-Lynn Dennison, George Dienstag, Eleanor Dienstag, Jerome Dillard, Annie Doctorow, E.L. Dorsen, Norman Doulis, Thomas


TLS,-1968 CTLS, Nov. 3, 1971 CTLS, Nov. 8, 1971 TLS, Jan. 5, 1972 ANS,-1973 TNS, June 29, 1973 TNS, Dec. 12, 1973 TLS, March 27, 1974 TNS,Aug.27, 1987 TNS, Oct. 22, 1971 TLS, Nov. 16, 1977 attached to CLH

letter, Jan. 28, 1978 TNS, March 21, 1974 TLS, Nov. 18, 1970 TLS, Nov. 5, 1972 TLS, May 3, 1978 TLS p/c to Noah L-H, Jan. 7, 1985 TLS, p/c, March 8, 1988 TS memo, March 14, 1969 CTS memo, March 20, 1969 CTS memo, April 8, 1969 TS memo, p/c, April 9, 1969 TL, Jan. 18, 1984 ALS, Oct. 15, 1971 TLS, Jan. 7, 1972 TLS, July 16, 1973 TLS, Sept. 26, 1973 ALS, June 25, 1974 ALS, Aug. 5, 1968 ALS,Aug. 31, 1979 ALS, June 13, 1975 ALS, April 26, 1988 TLS, Jan. 4, 1979 attached to CTL,

Jan. 19, 1979 TLS, March 16, 1976 ALS, Oct. 26, 1969 TLS, Sept. 14, 1965 TNS,Feb.28, 1969 ALS, March 29, 1982 ALS, May 14, 1995 TNS, Sept. 19, 1972 TLS, June 23, 1974 TLS,-Apr-il 11, 197 5

Page 41: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Douty, Mary Douty, Mike

Drought, James Dukakis, Michael Edelston, Martin Ellmann, Richard

Engelson, Joyce

Ephron, Nora

Everitt, Sara 0. Fairweather, Gloria Faust, Irvin F eifer, George

Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo

Ferrer, Jose Fine, Donald I.

Fish, Hamilton Flaherty, Joe Fleming, Thomas Flood, Charles Foerster, Heinz von Forbes, Malcolm S. Fowles, John Fox, Joseph M.


ALS, March 29, 1971 TLS,-1966 ALS,-1967 ALS, Oct. 16, 1972 TLS, April 1, 1988 TLS, Oct. 26, 1979 ALS, Oct. 15, 1967 TNS, June 2, 1972 TLS, -1968 TNS, p/c, July 14, 1972 TNS, March 5, 1981 TNS, March 23, 1983 ANS,-1977 ALS postcard, July 15, 1981 ALS,Aug. 13, 1970 TLS, Dec. 28, 1966 ALS, Dec. 14, 1985 CTNS, April 6, 1967 CTLS, April 18, 1967 CTNS,Jan. 19, 1967 TNS,Feb.6, 1967 ALS, Sept. 4, 1972 TNS,Feb.28, 1969 TLS, Nov. 13, 1975 TLS, July 7, 1977 TNS, July 7, 1978 TLS, Sept. 21, 1987 TLS, Oct. 6, 1988 TLS, Jan. 11, 1993 TLS, July 25, 1996 TLS, March 5, 1988 TNS, May 21, 1970 TNS, May 24, 1995 TLS, Jan. 28, 1971 TNS, Sept. 23, 1971 TNS, Dec. 18, 1979 TNS,Jan. 15, 1970 TNS,Aug.24, 1964 TNS, Oct. 9, 1967 ALS, ----1969 TLS, Nov. 18, 1971 TLS, July 15, 1973 TNS~Sept. 15, 1981

Page 42: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Fox, JosephM.

Frankel, Max

Frauenglas, Robert

Fremont-Smith, Eliot

Friedlander, Saul

Friendly, Fred Galassi, Jonathan Galbraith, John K.

Gavin, William S. Gelb, Arthur


ANS,Jan.9, 1986 ANS, 1988 TLS, Oct. 22, 1973 Memo, April 30, 1975 Memo, Oct. 20, 1987 Memo, March 3, 1989 TLS, p/c, Jan. 23, 1990 ANS, June 4, 1991 TLS, p/c, Dec. 30, 1991 Memo, p/c, May 11, 1993 TLS, p/c, April 5, 1993 Memo, p/c, June 8, 1994 ALS, July 14, 1997 TLS, Sept. 12, 1980 TNS, Oct. 12, 1980 TNS,Nov.30, 1965 TNS, Sept. 18, 1970 TLS, p/c, Aug. 10, 1986 TLS, Sept. 25, 1986 TLS, Sept. 30, 1988 Photograph ofEFS attached to

letter from Artnur Plotnik, June 3, 1992

TLS, July 29, 1984 ALS, Oct. 2, 1984 TLS, June 26, 1981 TNS, Dec. 23, 1975 ALS postcard, June 29, 1978 ANS, Oct. 31, 1978 ANS, Sept. 6, 1979. With book

review written by JKG of THE INTRICATE MUSIC. A BIOGRAPHY OF JOHN STEINBECK by Thomas Kiernan.

TLS, Oct. 15, 1971 TLS, p/c, Jan. 19, 1982 TS memo, May 18, 1982 TS memo, Jan. 26, 1984 TLS, p/c, July 10, 1985 TLS memo, p/c, Nov. 10, 1988 TNS,Nov. 10, 1988

Page 43: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Gelb, Arthur

Gelber, Lionel Gervasi, Frank Gill, Brendan Gilmour, Kilty

Ginsburg, Ethel Ginzburg, Ralph

Girodias, Maurice

Glazer, Tom

Godine, David

Godwin, Gail

Gold, Gerry


TNS, p/c, Oct. 26, 1989 TNS, p/c, Nov. 9, 1989 ALS, May 13, 1971 TNS, Nov. 11, 1975 ANS,Nov. 28, 1974 TLS, Aug. 12, 1989 TLS,Jan. 29, 1993 TL, Jan. 1986 ANS card, Dec. 27, 1996 ALS, Sept. 14, [1969 or 1970] TNS,Dec. 26, 1974 TLS, Nov. 10, 1988 ANS, Dec. 11, 1980 ALS, July 29, 1981 TLS, Jan. 17, 1983 TLS, April 10, 1993 ANS, May 21, 1996 TLS, Oct. 9, 1976 TLS [1985] TLS, March 6, 1985 TLS, April 8, 1985 TLS, p/c, April 27, 1988 TNS,Dec. 3, 1989 TNS, July 8, 1991 TNS, July 16, 1991 TNS, Oct. 7, 1991 TNS, Oct. 16, 1991 TNS, Oct. 28, 1991 TNS, 1992 TNS,Jan.21, 1992 TNS,Feb. 14, 1992 TNS, April 9, 1992 TNS,Jan.Z0, 1993 TNS, March 5, 1993 TNS, March 13, 1993 TNS, June 29, 1993 TNS, July 29, 1993 TNS,Aug. 31, 1993 Christmas card, 1983 Christmas card, 1985 TLS, Sept. 7, 1986 ANS,Nov. 3, 1986 Memo, July 20, 1978

Page 44: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Gold, Gerry

Goldman, Albert Goldstone, Richard Goodman, George J.W. Goodrich, L. Carrington

Gottlieb, Paul

Gottlieb, Robert Gouletas-Carey, Evangeline Graham, Elliott Greenan, Russell

Greenberg, Joanne Greenburg, Dan Greenman, Robert Grimes, Lew

Guthrie, Bill

Halberstam, Blanche Halberstam, David


ANS,Feb. 10, 1989 1NS, July 15, 1991 TLS, July 7, 1968 ALS,Nov.28, 1975 TLS, June 14, 1993 ALS, Sept. 7, 1968 TLS, Sept. 15, 1968 ALS, p/c, March 1, 1969 ALS, p/c, May 10, 1969 ALS, p/c, Sept. 26, 1972 TLS, Feb. 7, 1973 1NS, March 3, 1973 ALS, p/c, Nov. 2, 1973 1NS, April 27, 1977 TLS, p/c, to Brigitte Fischer, Aug. 11, 1986 TLS, Nov. 7, 1990 TLS, May 9, 1977 1NS, March 17, 1982 1NS,Aug. 17, 1966 TLS, March 21, 1975 TLS, Nov. 10, 1976 1NS, July 24, 1991 ALS, Oct. 13, 1978 ALS, Dec. 31, [1969 or 1970] 1NS, June 25, 1993 TLS, July 18, 1997 TLS, Aug. 4, 1997 ALS, May 21, 1973 ALS, July 3, 1973 ALS, Jan. 9, 1974 attached to CLH reply, Jan. 21, 1974 ALS, June 11, 1974 ALS, Dec. 4, 1974 ALS, March 3, 1975 ALS, May 9, 1975 ALS, Dec. 2, 1975 ALS, April 29, 1976 ALS, Dec. 28, 1976 ALS,Aug. 14, 1979 ALS,Nov. 17, 1972 ALS, Dec. 21, 1972 ALS,-May3,_ 1979

Page 45: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Halpern, Daniel

Han:ff, Helene Harrington, Alan Heller, Joseph Helhnan, Lillian

Hentoff, Margot Hentoff, Nat

Hjortsberg, William

Holbrooke, Richard Holmes, Carol

Honan, William


Postcard [1985] TLS, Aug. 15, 1993 ALS,Aug. 5, 1985 CTLS, Sept. 23, 1969 ALS, April 16, 1972 TNS, June 10, 1971 TL to Norman Mailer, July 5, 1980 CTL to Jay Meltzer, May 2, 1983 ALS, Dec. 16, 1971 ANS, postcard, {1969 or 1970] ANS, postcard, Nov. 14, 1969 ANS postcard, June 22, 1971 ANS postcard, Feb. 29, 1972 ANS postcard, May 30, 1972 1NS, Dec. 1, 1973 TLS,Jan. 30, 1995 1NS, May 13, 1991 TLS, - [1969 or 1970] ALS, Jan. 28, 1971 ANS, March 3, 1971 TLS, p/c, Feb. 24, 1977 1NS, Sept. 30, 1982 TS memo, p/c, Dec. 1, 1983 TS memo, p/c, Feb. 6, 19-S4 TS memo, p/c, Oct. 2, 1984 TS memo, p/c, Dec. 5, 1984 TS memo, p/c, :pee. 11, 1984 TS memo, Jan. 14, 1985 TS memo, Jan. 29, 1985 TS memo, Feb. 4, 1985 TS memo, March 28, 1985 TS memo, June 12, 1985 TS memo, p/c, July 11, 1985 TS memo, p/c, Sept. 24, 1985 TLS, p/c, to Arthur Gelb, Oct. 28,

1985 TS memo, p/c, Nov. 21, 1985 1NS,Feb.25, 1986 TS memo, p/c, June 11, 1986 TS memo, p/c, Nov. 24, 1986 TLS, p/c, to J.T. Maddux, Dec. 2,

1987 1NS, Mar-eh 17, 1988

Page 46: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Horowitz, David

Horwitz, Julius Howar, Barbara Hughes, Lawrence

Hynes, Samuel Ireland, Patricia Jacobsohn, Peter

Janeway, Elizabeth Janowitz, Tama Jonas, Gerry Jong, Erica

Kaufinan, Edgar, Jr. Kazan, Elia Kempton, Murray King, Billie Jean Kirk, Donald Knapp, Caroline Knopf, Alfred, Jr.

Koning, Hans


TLS, March 8, 1982 ANS card, Aug. 1988 TLS, May 13, 1992 1NS,Jan.25, 1974 1NS, -[1969 or 1970] TLS, May 22, 1974 TLS, Jan. 10, 1980 TLS, July 9, 1974 ALS, June 20, 1978 to Natalie L-H TLS, Aug. 13, 1967 CTLS, Sept. 17, 1967 TLS, April 25, 1973 with CLH reply,

June 6, 1973 TLS, Sept. 5, 1973 TLS, Oct. 11, 1973 ALS,Feb. 16, 1977 ALS, May 4, 1977 TLS, April 28, 1985 TLS, Sept. 26, 1972 TLS, May 21, 1981 1NS, Sept. 27, 1977 ALS, Oct. 4, 1972 Christmas card, 1991 ALS, 1994 1NS, Dec. 2, 1986 ANS, May 31, 1988 CTLS, -[1969 or 1970] TLS, April 1982 CTLS, June 8, 1965 1NS, June 20, 1996 Xerox TLS, 9/17/74 attached to

CTL, Sept. 8, 1981 TLS, Jan. 12, 1976 1N, Jan. 28, 1991 1NS,Feb. 8, 1991 TLS, Dec. 14, 1967 ALS, Jan. 3, 1968 Postcard, June 10, 1969 ANS, Oct. 24, 1972 TLS, Feb. 13, 1974 1NS, Aug. 1, 1988 ALS postcard, Nov. 7, 1988

Page 47: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Koning, Hans

Korda, Michael V. Krogh, Thor

Kunstler, James Howard Kurz, Ronald Kurzman, Dan Lahr, John Lapham, Lewis

Laughlin, James Laurents, Arthur Lederman, Eleonore Lehmann, John

Lelchuk, Alan

Lerner, Max Levin, David

Levin, Ira Lewin, Leonard Lewis, Sheri Lillie, Helen Lindsay, John V. Little, Stuart W. Loomis, Robert

Lukas, J. Anthony Luke, James L.


TLS, Jan. 12, 1989 TLS, Jan. 14, 1989 TLS, Aug. 25, 1989 Note attached to book review, Nov.

25, 1991 TLS, March 1, 1993 TLS, Oct. 1, 1993 ANS, June 6, 1995 TLS, Nov. 12, 1995 TNS,Jan. 14, 1996 TLS, May 3, 1975 ALS, Sept. 18, 1968 TLS, Oct. 11, 1976 with CLH reply, Dec. 3, 1976 TNS, Aug. 1, 1985 ALS,Aug. 15, 1975 TLS, Dec. 21, 1983 TNS, March 24, 1973 TLS, p/c, to Michael Newman, Dec. 18, 1984 TLS, p/c, Nov. 16, 1993 TNS,Nov. 9, 1977 TLS, April 27, 1970 ALS, July 5, 1971 ALS,Jan. 19, 1972 TNS, Jan. 13, 1986 TNS,Jan. 17, 1990 TNS, April 10, 1995 TNS, June 27, 1990 TLS, May 17, 1979 ALS, Sept. 1 7, 1980 ALS, April 28, 1992 TLS, p/c, March 14, 1991 ANS,Nov. 2, 1971 TNS, May 21, 1981 TLS, ----1967 TNS, March 23, 1970 TLS, March 15, 1974 TNS, Jan. 10, 1961 TLS, May 19, 1971 TNS, Nov. 2, 1981 TNS, May 24, 1986 TLS, Oct. 7, 1970

Page 48: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Lurie, Alison

Lyons, Nick

Macdonald, Michael C.D. Machlis, Joseph


TNS, May 1, 1979 TNS, Aug. 4, 1979 ALS card, Sept. 14, 1984 TLS, Aug. 11, 1980 TLS, Sept. 5, 1980 with CLH reply, Jan. 15, 1981 TLS, Jan. 20, 1981 with CLH reply, March 5, 1981 TLS, June 1, 1981 TLS, June 30, 1981 TLS, Sept. 14, 1981 with CLH reply, Sept. 25, 1981 TLS, Oct. 23, 1981 TLS, Feb. 7, 1982 with CLH reply, Feb. 10, 1982 TLS, Nov. 12, 1984 Postcard, Dec. 8, 1984 TLS, Dec. 8, 1986 ANS, 1987 TLS, May 18, 1987 TLS, Sept. 7, 1987 TLS, Dec. 2, 1987 TLS, Oct. 23, 1988 TLS, Nov. 9, 1988 ALS card, Dec. 1988 TLS, Aug. 19, 1989 TLS, Nov. 9, 1988 TLS, June 19, 1990 ALS,Nov. 19, 1990 ALS,Feb. 7, 1991 TLS, March 6, 1992 ALS,Dec. 1, 1995 TNS, June 3, 1996 TLS, June 27, 1996 TNS, ----1968 TLS, ----1972 TLS [1984] TLS, May 13, 1985 TLS, May 21, 1985 TLS, June 4, 1985 TLS, July 7, 1985 2 TLS, p/c, Jan. 8, 1986 TLS, Feb. 11, 1988

Page 49: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Machlis, Joseph

Mailer, Norman

Malamud, Bernard

Manning, Robert Marin, Peter Markson, David

Mayhew, Alice

McCaig, Donald McCarthy, Mary McCullough, David

McCullough, Frances

Mcdonald, Gregory McElroy, Joseph

McPhee, John

Meeks, Christopher


TNS, July 18, 1991 TLS, Sept. 26, 1991 TNS, March 5, 1968 TNS, March 18, 1968 TL, p/c, to Richard Poirier, June 16, 1980 Ms. Introduction to IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST by Jack Henry Abbott. Typescript, p/c, 11 p. Attached to letter dated March 20, 1981 ALS, May 26, 1973 ANS,Feb. 4, 1979 TLS, Aug. 15, 1974 TLS, March 18, 1971 TLS, April 16, 1970 TLS, April 24, 1970 TLS, July 21, 1977 ANS, [1976 or 1977] ALS, Oct. 14, 1980 TNS, Jan. 12, 1993 TNS, June 5, 1978 TNS, Oct. 24, 1972 TLS, May 26, 1977 TNS, Nov. 8, 1971 TLS, May 3, 1973 with CLH reply, June 5, 1973 TLS, June 20, 1973 TNS,Jan. 8, 1976 TNS, June 9, 1977 with CLH reply June 25, 1977 TLS, July 16, 1975 TNS, May 6, 1972 TNS, May 15, 1972 TLS, July 22, 1972 TNS, Jan. 11, 1973 ALS, [1976 or 1977] Postcard, Dec. 27, 1973 TNS, Aug. 18, 1983 TNS,Nov. 9, 1984 ANS, Dec. 18, 1984 Postcard, June 25, 1985 TLS, June 11, 1986

Page 50: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Meeks, Christopher

Merchant, Larry Michener, James Morgenthau, Robert M.

Mortimer, John

Moynihan, Daniel P.

Muller, Klaus Peter

Myers, Lou

Navasky, Victor

Nesbit, Lynn Newfield, Jack Newman, Michael


TLS postcard, July 21, 1986 TLS, June 13, 1989 TLS, Nov. 3, 1989 TL, Aug. 25, 1990 ALS, July 11, 1991 TLS, May27, 1992 TNS, June 11, 1992 TLS, June 7, 1993 TNS, June 13, 1995 TNS with CLH letter, Oct. 31, 1973 TLS, May 2, 1985 TNS, June 10, 1974 TNS,Dec. 8, 1992 TLS, March 26, 1979 TNS, April 5, 1982 TLS, March 15, 1982 TLS, Oct. 17, 1987 TLS, Dec. 21, 1983 TLS, Dec. 19, 1985 ALS, Dec. 11, 1972 ANS, June 4, 1976 TLS, p/c, ----1974 TLS, p/c, -1981 TNS,Nov.20, 1984 ANS, May 9, 1985 ANS, May 1985 ANS, Oct. 17, 1974 TNS,-1971 TNS, Oct. 26, 1972 TNS, Feb. 12, 1974 with CLH

reply, Feb. 26, 1974 TLS, Aug. 18, 1974 TLS, Dec. 17, 1974 TLS, March 25, 1975 TLS, Feb. 24, 1977 and TLS,

"Spring 1,1977" attached to CLH letter, April 23, 1977

TNS, April 28, 1977 TLS, March 22~ 1978 TLS, June 18, 1978 TLS, Sept. 19, 1979 ALS, July 31, 1981

Page 51: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Newman, Michael

Niebuhr, Christopher Nissenson, Hugh Niven, David Novick, Alan Oates, Joyce Carol

TLS, p/c, Dec. 20, 1984 TLS, March 17, 1987 TNS, Oct. 3, 1989 ANS,-1979 ALS, Jan. 14, 1972 ALS,Aug. 14, 1972 TLS, Oct. 11, 1985 TLS postcard, May 12, 1986 TNS,Aug. 10, 1987

Ockene, Robert M. TNS, May 29, 1961 Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy ALS, Oct. 16, 1984

0 'Donnell, James P. Oppenheimer, Ernest Ouologuem, Yambo Owen, Kera Packard, Vance Peck, Richard Peck, Seymour

Pilat, Oliver


TLS, July 3, 1985 Printed letter signed, July 22, 1987 ALS,Jan. 13, 1984 TLS, Oct. 4, 1979 Mimeo TLS, 1971 ALS,Jan. 10, 1969 TLS, Sept. 21, 1972 ALS, Jan. 10, 1973 ANS, July 8, 1978 Memo, Jan. 15, 1979 TNS, Oct. 4, 1979 TN to Harry Barnard, June 9, 1981 Memo, June 26, 1981 TS memo, p/c, April 22, 1982 TNS, Sept. 10, 1967 ALS,Nov. 1, 1972 TLS, Feb. 23, 1973 with CLH reply April 6, 1973 TLS, April 21, 1973 with CLH reply, June 14, 1973 TLS, June 27, 1973 TNS, July 26, 1973 TLS, Aug. 21, 1973 TLS, Sept. 27, 1973 TNS,Feb.28, 1974 ALS postcard, April 3, 1975 TLS, [1976 or 1977] TLS, May 23, 1976 ALS postcard, Nov. 11, 1976 TLS, March 16, 1977 and TLS, April 27, 1976 with CLH letter, April 23, 1977

Page 52: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Pilat, 0 liver

Plaine, Belva Plimpton, George

Pogrebin, Letty Cottin

Porter, Katherine Anne Portis, Charles

Proper, Datus C. Puzo, Mario

Quayle, Dan Ravitch, Diane

Rawlings, John Reed, Ismael Reid, Ben Reston, James Rhodes, Richard Rivera, Geraldo Roosevelt, James Rosenthal, A.M.


TLS, Oct. 20, 1977 ALS postcard, Jan. 30, 1979 TLS, Jan. 29, 1981 TNS,Feb. 12, 1981 TNS, Nov. 3, 1983 ALS, March 21, 1978 TLS,-1967 TNS, July 16, 1969 ALS,Aug. 19, 1976 TLS, Nov. 10, 1977 Invitation, June 28, 1978 TLS, Feb. 14, 1980 ALS, Dec. 9, 1990 ANS postcard, Jan. 20, 1996 ALS, April 18, 1996 TLS, Oct. 6, 1972 TLS, Nov. 29, 1983 ALS, Aug. 6, 11969 or 1970] TNS,Aug. 17, 1966 TNS, July 25, 1979 TNS, Oct. 22, 1984 TNS,Jan. 8, 1991 ALS, March 8, 1976 attached to TLS from Judy-Lynn del Rey, March 16, 1976 TLS, p/c, Sept. 6, 1991 TLS, Nov. 30, 1990 TNS, Jan. 2, 1995 TLS, [Nov. 8, 1971] TNS, p/c, April 18, 1986 ANS, [1969 or 1970] TNS, March 7, 1969 TLS, Sept. 21, 1992 ALS, June 14, 1972 TLS, Oct. 22, 1976 Memo, Aug. 23, 1968 TLS, May 22, 1969 Memo, Aug. 5, 1970 Memo, Nov. 20, 1970 CTS memo, Ma.y 28, 1971 Memo, Oct. 29, 1971 Memo, Nov. 3, 1971 CTt-to Midge Kovacs, Jan. 4, 1972

Page 53: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Rosenthal, A.M.

Rothschild, Lincoln Schary,Dore Scheinberg, I. Herbert

Schell, Jonathan

Schiff, Judith Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.

Scribner, Charles III


Memo, March 20, 1972 Memo, May 31, 1972 Memo, June 1, 1972 Memo, June 5, 1972 Memo, Sept. 12, 1972 TS memo, p/c, Dec. 7, 1972 TS memo, p/c, Nov. 20, 1973 Memo to Anatole Broyard, p/c,

Dec. 17, 1973 Memo, May 15, 1974 TS memo, June 25, 1974 Memo, Jan. 30, 1976 Memo to John Leonard, June 9, 1977 Memo, Jan. 18, 1979 TNS, Aug. 18, 1981 TS memo, p/c, Oct. 2, 1981 attached

to note from Bill Honan, Oct. 5, 1982

TS memo, Nov. 4, 1983 TS memo, Sept. 20, 1985 TS memo, May 20, 1986 TS memo, Jan. 25, 1988 TNS, April 20, 1990 TLS, June 26, 1971 TLS, April 2, 1980 Postcard, April 29, 1976 TLS, Nov. 21, 1980 ANS,Jan.22, 1982 ANS,Aug.21, 1982 TLS, p/c, Jan. 12, 1984 TLS, p/c, Jan. 5, 1989 TLS, p/c, May 8, 1984 TLS, May 8, 1984 TLS, June 21, 1976 TNS, Jan. 18, 1994. Attached to

letter to the editor of New Criterion, p/c, Jan. 6, 1994

TLS, Oct. 10, 1975 ALS,Jan.29, 1991 TLS, p/c, with holograph note to Alfred A. Knopf, Jr. attached to TLS, p/c, from Alfred A. Knopf, Jr., to

Page 54: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Scribner, Charles III Sheehan, Susan

Siegal, Allan M.

Skinner, B.F.

Smith, Carol Houck Smith, Liz Smith, Red Soboloff, Ann

Spanier, David Steegmuller, Francis

Stein, Sol


CLH, Jan. 28, 1991 TLS, Sept. 23, 1984 TLS, Sept. 3, 1986 Memo, p/c, Jan. 12, 1979 TS memo, p/c, June 8, 1983 TS memo, Sept. 10, 1987 TLS, p/c, Feb. 25, 1988 TNS, Jan. 18, 1990 TS memo, p/c, June 27, 1994 TLS, Jan. 5, 1972 TLS, Aug. 3, 1972 TNS, July 15, 1974 TLS, Oct. 21, 1977. Attached to letter dated Jan. 28, 1978 TLS, Nov. 5, 1979 TNS, April 21, 1976 TNS, July 4, 1974 TN, Aug. 17, 1964 CTL to Herbert Nagoumey, March 16, 1972 TLS, April 8, 197 4 TLS, Aug. 8, 1982 TNS, March 26, 1986 TLS, May 8, 1986 Postcard, Aug. 24, 1987 TLS, April 27, 1988 TNS, May 24, 1988 ALS, March 1, 1989 TNS,Jan.26, 1990 TNS,Aug. 18, 1992 TLS, Aug. 1984 TNS, April 29, 1971 ANS, Oct. 27, 1974 ANS, May 8, 1973 attached to CTL by CLH, June 6, 1973 TLS, Oct. 15, 1973 ALS, Jan. 3, 1974 ALS, Dec. 20, 1974 TLS, April 23, 1975 TLS, March 2, 1976 TNS,Aug. 16, 1976 TNS, March 25, 1977 TL, p/c, to Arthur Sulzberger, April

Page 55: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Stein, Sol

Steinbeck, John

Stern, Daniel Stillman, Whit Stokely, Wilma Dykeman Stone, I.F. Straus, Dorothea Straus, Roger W., Jr.

Styron, William


16, 1977 TLS, Feb. 27, 1979 TLS, June 23, 1981 ANS on TLS, p/c, to Herbert Mitgang, Oct. 16, 1981 TNS, Jan. 10, 1983 TLS, Nov. 30, 1983 TLS, June 5, 1984 TNS, Dec. 11, 1984 TLS, April 11, 1985 TLS,. April 23, 1985 TLS, May 15, 1985 with photocopy of a holograph letter from Louis Auchincloss, April 22, 1985 TLS, June 28, 1985 TLS,. Oct. 29, 1985 TLS, March 27, 1986 TLS, June 23, 1986 TLS, July 1, 1991 TLS, Aug. 31, 1991 TLS, p/c, to Michiko Kakutani, Aug.

31, 1991 TNS, Dec. 20, 1995 ALS, p/c, attached to letter from

Herbert Sturz, March 30, 1989 TLS, May 4, 1967 TLS, Dec. 21, 1983 TLS, Nov. 8, 1965 Mailgram, Jan. 18, 1988 ANS,-1969 TLS, July 10, 1969 TLS, p/c, Feb. 5, 1975 TNS, Oct. 28, 1975 TNS, May 25, 1976 TLS, Dec. 27, 1979 TNS, June 23, 1982 TNS, Aug. 3, 1983 with CLH reply,

Sept. 9, 1983 ALS, Sept. 3, 1985 ANS, March 3, 1988 TNS, May 11, 1989 ANS, 1990 TNS, June 9, 1971

Page 56: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs

Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs, Jr.

Sulzberger, Cyrus Leo, II

Sulzberger, Iphigine 0. Talese, Nan

Thompson, Hunter S. Thompson, Thomas

Thorp, Rod

Tobias, Sheila


TNS,Jan. 19, 1966 TNS, June 16, 1967 TLS, April 22, 1969 TS memo, Nov. 5, 1971 TNS, April 20, 1971 TS memo, p/c, July 25, 1972 Typescript memo, photocopy, Aug.

31, 1978 2 TS memos, p/o, July 7, 1980 TLS, Dec. 7, 1983 TLS, Dec. 14, 1983 Typescript memo, signed, Aug. 14,

1984 TLS, plc, May 5, 1993 TS memo, p/c, Oct. 16, 1997 CTLS, Nov. 21, 1978 ALS, Jan. 15, 1979 TLS, March 17, 1982 witn CLH

reply, March 26, 1982 TLS, April 12, 1982 TLS, Oct. 11, 1982 TNS, Dec. 4, 1982 TLS, Feb. 2, 1983 TLS, Jan. 16, 1984 TS memo, p/c, Aug. 14, 1984 TNS. March 28, 1985 TNS, Sept. 11, 1974 TNS,Feb. 14, 1974 TNS, March 12, 1976 TLS, Aug. 10, 1979 TNS,Aug.23, 1979 TNS,Aug.31, 1989 TLS, March 20, 1990 TLS, Jan. 23, 1995 ALS, May 22, 1973 TLS, Dec. 2, 1971 TNS, Dec. 21, 1971 TLS, Sept. 20, 1976 TLS, April 6, 1965 TLS, Jan. 21, 1974 TLS, Jan. 17, 1976 ANS, Sept. 17, 1979 TNS,Jan:28, 1983

Page 57: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Trump, Donald Turow, Scott Updike, John

Vidal, Gore

Viscusi, Margo Vonnegut, Kurt

Vreeland, Diana Wakefield, Dan

Waller, Leslie

Walters, Barbara

Weinstein, Michael Wendel, Thomas


TNS, Jan. 8, 1988 TNS,Sept. 15, 1977 TNS postcard, Oct.21, 1967 TLS, July 24, 1968. With attached

MS by Updike: "On Meeting Authors"

TNS postcard, Aug. 7, 1968 TNS, April 12, 1987 Cable, April 29, 1977 attached to

CLH reply, June 25, 1977 TLS, Jan. 4, 1989 TNS, June 10, 1965 TLS, March 9, 1969 TNS,Nov. 5, 1982 TLS to Anatole Broyard, April 19,

1981 TNS, June 18, 1984 TLS, July 7, 1976 TNS, Dec. 14, 1982 TNS, Aug. 5, 1988 TLS, May 31, 1995 TLS, Dec. 10, 1995 TNS, April 6, 1996 TLS, Sept. 6, 1972 TNS, July 22, 1980 TNS, Oct 24, 1973 attached to CTL

from CLH, Jan. 9, 1974 ALS, June 13, 1968 TLS, ----1968 TNS, Dec. 7, 1974 TLS, Feb. 24, 1976 TLS, April 5, 1976 TLS, May 13, 1980 TLS, Dec. 30, 1984 TL, Dec. 13, 1990 TNS, Feb. 7, 1991 TLS, Dec. 10, 1991 TLS, Oct. 30, 1992 TLS, Nov. 9, 1992 TLS, July 25, 1993 TLS, Oct. 13, 1993 TLS, May 24, 1994 TLS, May24, 1994

Page 58: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Wendel, Thomas

Wheeler, Tom Wolfe, Don

Wolfson, Martin

Woods, George

Wright, Austin


TLS, Feb. 2, 1995 TLS, May 17, 1995 Postcard, Aug. 29, 1995 TLS, Dec. 20, 1995 TNS, Sept. 14, 1971 TLS, July 25, 1966 TLS, Aug. 5, 1966 TLS, Aug. 15, 1970 ANS, postcard, April 22, 1972 TNS, Oct. 10, 1972 ANS, Oct. 15, 1972 ALS, p/c, ~1973 ALS, p/c, Jan. 16, 1973 TNS, March 19, 1973 attached to CLH reply, April 4, 1973 TNS, April 9, 1973 ALS, May 14, 1973 ALS, July 3, 1973 ALS, July 17, 1973 ALS,Aug.2, 1973 ALS, Aug. 6, 1973 TLS/ALS, Oct. 15, 1973 attached to CLH reply, Oct. 31, 1973 TNS, ----197 4 ALS, Jan. 21, 1974 ALS postcard, Aug. 5, 1975 ALS postcard, June 18, 1976 ALS postcard, March 24, 1978 ALS postcard, Feb. 2, 1979 ALS postcard, March 12, 1979 TLS, Jan. 6, 1981 ANS, Jan. 7, 1981 ALS postcard, March 8, 1984 TNS, April 27, 1984 ANS, May 24, 1984 ALS postcard, Feb. 3, 1985 ALS postcard, July 8, 1985 ALS postcard, Sept. 1, 1985 ALS, April 22, 1986 TS memo, Jan. 4, 1970 TS memo, May 15, 1974 TLS, p/c, to George Plimpton, July 4, 1969 attached to letter from

Page 59: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,





Wright, Austin

Wright, Charles Alan Yglesias, Jose Young, Genevieve

Zion, Sidney

George Plimpton, July 16, 1969

TLS, Aug. 15, 1969 TLS, April 26, 1977 TLS, Jan. 21, 1984 TLS, April 14, 1976 CTLS,Nov. 23, 1971 TL ----[1969 or 1970] TNS, June 21, 1979 TNS, Dec. 20, 1982 ANS, 1979

Correspondence re: ME AND DIMAGGIO, 1985-1987 [f.17] Amussen, Carolyn TLS, Oct. 23, 1986 Autry, Gene TNS, Oct. 23, 1986 Cade, Lisl Card, n.d. Caen, Herb TNS, Nov. 3, 1986 Caldwell, Joseph Als, Oct. 7, 1986 Carter, Jimmy TNS , Nov. 7, 1986 Daniel, Clifton ALS, Sept. 10, 1985

Garvey, Steve Grimes, Lew Levin, Carl Scheinberg, I. Herbert Steinbrenner, George Wakefield, Dan

ALS, Sept. 25, 1986 ANS,Nov.24, 1986 TNS,Aug. 6, 1984 TNS, Oct. 9, 1986 TLS, Jan. 31, 1987 TNS, Oct. 14, 1986 ANS card, Nov. 4, 1986

C. Business correspondence re: ME AND DIMAGGIO. Includes contracts and bookjacket [f.18]

D. Fan mail for ME AND DIMAGGIO, 1986-1997 [f.19] Caldwell, Joseph ALS, Oct. 16, 1986 Wendel, Thomas TLS, Oct. 16, 1986

E. Correspondence re: A CROOKED MAN, 1990-1997 [f.1] Aronson, Steven M.L. Fax ALS, Dec. 17, 1994 Buckley, William F. TN, Dec. 14, 1994 Burger, Knox TLS, Feb. 7, 1995 Cade, Lisl ALS, Feb. 5, 1995 Caldwell, Joseph ALS, March 28, 1995 Davidson, Sandra Calder ALS, n.d. Korda, Michael TLS, Nov. 26, 1990


Page 60: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,



It ·I


Korda, Michael Lyons, Nick Wendel, Thomas

III. Personal Papers

TLS, Aug. 26, 1992 Card, March 17, 1995 TLS, Oct. 11, 1994 TLS, March 13, 1995

A. Apartment hunting and furnishing [£2] B. Army/Selective Service papers [f.3] C. Bills, receipts [f.4] D. Century Club. Includes ALS from Francis Steegmuller, p/c, to

M.S. Wyeth, Sept. 4, 1972 [£5] E. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston-Maxime Ferris project [£6] F. Job search, 1960-1961 [£7] G. Job Hunting [f.8] H. Kendler Books [£9] I. Miscellaneous. Includes publication schedules, unemployment

application, promotional material for Hagler-Hearns !ight, 4/15/85, etc.

J. New York Times [£ 11] K. New York Times-Editorial Task force [£12] L. New York Times Co. Free-Standing Voluntary Buyout Program

for Eligible Guild Representatives and Employees 1£13] M. Resume [£14] N. Teaching materials, Middletown, NY, 1960 [f.15-17]

IV. Financial Papers A. Contracts and royalty statements for A CROOKED MAN IE18] B. Contracts for ME AND DIMAGGIO [£19] C. Publicity/promotional material for ME AND DIMAGGIO [£20-

22], Box 26 [£ 1] D. Royalty statements for ME AND DIMAGGIO 1£2] E. Monocle. Includes TLS from Victor Navasky [f.3] F. Dial Press-George W. Oakes [£4] G. Dial Press-Stefanie Lauer [f.5] H. Dial Press-Editorial Meetings [£6] I. Dial Press-Sales [f. 7]

V. Journals A. Re: A CROOKED MAN

1. March 12, 1987-March 18, 1992 [f.8]


Page 61: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box26 B. Re: ME AND DIMAGGIO 1. Ch. 7 "Losing" [f.10] 2. Ch. 9 ''Dealing," June 8, 1983-Nov. 12, 1983 [f.11] 3. March 21, 1979-April 14, 1981 [f.12]

VI Photographs [f.13] A. Robert Pinsky, Robert W. Merry, John Updike, Stephen E.

Ambrose, and George Plimpton. Black and white, 5x8 B. Camp Hoover. 35 of CLH, family, and friends, black and white,

3x5, Aug.-Sept. 1992

VII. Scrapbooks A. Small scrapbook of printed book reviews written by CLH, 1965-


VIII. AudioNisual Material A. Tape cassettes

1. Laura Furman-Jay Dusard-Alan Weisman/Alan Weisman­CLH

2. Studs Turkel with CLH, Oct. 1, 1986 3. NPR: "All Things Considered," #86 1024 re: ME AND

DIMAGGIO 4. Fugazy

B. Micro cassettes of interviews for ME AND DIMAGGIO. List of tapes XVI-XXVI provided in [f.14]. 1. VII, 6/29, Evening with Sidney 2. BB writers banquet # 1/#3 3. Western #3 A-Star, Press C, Nielsen/Rose 4. XXIV- rest of Game #3 5. Veeck on DiMaggio, 7 /18/84 6. IX: Mets, 7 /7 7. VIII: Toronto 8. XII: Banquet, 7/17 9. DiMaggio phone 10. Vla: Jim Bouton, 5/24/79 11. XIV:? 12. II: Spring Training: Dodgers-Mets-Red Soc 13. III: Opening Night 14. Bol,Jton: 11/6/80 15. XXXI: Bobby Valentine-Le Pavilion 16. XXII: Game #1, 10/10, Bait-Pitt


Page 62: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,


Box27 IX.

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

IV: Running Season #2 Mary Reynolds-Dr. Berman-DiMaggio V: # 1 Spring Training to Mel Allen XVII: Bill Veeck #2 XXV: 10/17: Postgame #6/Palmer to Game #7 Cohn: Arrigoni: Merola X: Press Conference, 7/16 XI: Hubell to Goragiola, 7/16 DiMaggio, 12/26/84 XXIII: Game #2: World Series, 10/11/Game #3, 10/12 XIII: Game #1, All-Star XVIII: Bill Veeck #3 VI b: Sparky Lyle and Sidney Zion XVI: Veeck #1

31. XV: Yankees, 9/27; 9/31, Pirate clinching; 9/26, memoirs 32. XXVI: Pirates, 10/79 33. XIX a: Yankees-Fenway, 9/13 34. I: Yankees, March 2-3; Dodgers, 3/4 3 5. XXVII: Draft, Managers Lunch 36. XXX: League press conference 37. XXIX: Lobby talk/Met's deal 38. XXVIII: Chess Hall of Fame/Win meetings

C. Micro-cassettes of interview with Svetlana Alliuova

Printed Matter A. ByCLH

1. Articles for The American Way [ f.1] a. "Science Comes Next Year Daddy," Sept. 1972 b. "Feminism: One Man's World," April 1973 c. "A Fishing Lesson," May 1974 d. ''Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio," July 197 5

2. Articles for creative living a. "Kids are More than Self-Tossing Salads," creative

living, Sept. 1972 (2) b. "What Chess Can Do for You," Dec. 1972/Jan.

1973 c. "Accipitrines and Quarks," Winter 1978

- d. "The Hidden 'Mkgnao!' of a Midsummer Night's Dream," Summer 1984

3. Articles for The New York Times a. Book reviews


Page 63: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,




1) 1966-1969 (See under Scrapbooks for book reviews, 1965-1968) [f.2]

2) 1970 [f.3] 3) 1971 [f.4] 4) 1972 [f.5] 5) 1973 [f.6] 6) 1974 [f.7] 7) 1975 [f.8] 8) 1976 [f.9] 9) 1977 [f.10] 10) 1978 [f.11] 11) 1979 [f.12] 12) 1980 [f. 13] 13) 1981 [f. 14] 14) 1982 [f.15] 15) 1983 [f.16] 16) 1984 [f. 17] 17) 1985-1986 [f.18] 18) 1987 [f. 19] 19) 1988 [f.20] 20) 1989 [f.21] 21) 1990 [ f. 1] 22) 1991 [f.2] 23) 1992 [f.3] 24) 1993 [f 4] 25) 1994 [f.5] 26) 1995 [f.6] 27) 1996 [f 7] 28) 1997 [f 8] Miscellaneous articles [f.9] 1) "An Aye for An I," p/c, n.d. 2) Film review of''No Time for Breakfast," p/c,

n.d. 3) "Some Problems Between Science and

Literature," p/c 4) "Memoirists who Serve and Tell," n.d. 5) "The 4 Deadly Fallacies, Pathetic and

Otherwise," p/ c 6) "Talk with John Cheever," New York Times

Book Review, April 27, 1969 7) "The Caribbean Fantasy," April 12, 1970,



Page 64: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box28 8) "Out of My Mind on Bluegrass," New York

Times Magazine, Sept. 13, 1970, 2 copies 9) "Confessions of a Book Award Judge,"

Saturday Review of the Arts, April 7, 1973 10) Book review of JAWS by Peter Benchley,"

School Weekly, Sept. 29, 1975 11) "A First Look at Fall," New York Times

Book Review, Aug. 28, 1977, p/c 12) "The Limits of a Novel's Point of View,"

Jan. 19, 1984 13) "The Lonely World of Michael Burke,"

March 15, 1984, p/c 14) "Some Problems Between Science and

Literature," May 3, 1984 15) ''Pondering the Secrets Photos Reveal," July

5, 1984 16) "The Plight of the Blind Who Love books,"

Sept. 6, 1984 17) ''Reviving the Foremost Author," Oct. 18,

1984 18) "Literary Lodestars," New York Times

Magazine, Nov. 4, 1984 19) "The Writer's Skill in Adapting to the

Colloquial," Dec. 20, 1984, p/c 20) "Of Literature and Electronic Derring-Do,"

March 17, 1986, p/c 21) "Stimulants and the Literary Art," April 14,

1986 22) "The Numerous Distortions Clouding

'Kafkaesque,"' Aug. 11, 1986 23) "How a Good Mother Expresses Rage,"

Sept. 15, 1986 24) "Vanishing Breed of Editors with an Instinct

for Order," Nov. 3, 1986 25) "Horror and Struck! The Things They Never

Said," Aug. 31, 1989 26) "Why 'To Be Continued' is Continued,"

Week in Review, April 7, 1996 27) "A Film that Out-Austens Jane Austen? No,

but Almost," Feb. 8, 1997 c. Articles for New York Times large-type weekly

1) Review of THE JEWELER'S EYE by


Page 65: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box28 William F. Buckley, Jr., Sept. 9, 1968 2) Book reviews ofWE WON'T GO.


3) Review of GOLFMANSHIP by Stephen Potter and THE SEARCH FOR THE PERFECT SWING by Alastair Cochran with John Stobbs, Jan. 20, 1969

d. Collected volumes of book reviews and best seller lists

Box29 1) Volume 1 a) Jan. 1978 (2) b) Feb. 1978 c) March 1978 (2) d) April1978 e) May 1978 f) June 1978 g) Oct. 1978 h) Nov. 1978 i) Dec. 1978

2) Volume2 a) No. 1 b) No. 2 (2) c) No. 3 d) No. 4 e) No. 5 f) No, 6 g) No. 7 h) No. 8 (2) i) No. 9 (2) j) No. 10 (2) k) No. 11 1) No. 12

3) Volume 3 a) No. 1, Jan. 1980 b) No. 2, Feb. 1980 c) No. 3, March 1980 d) No. 4, April 1980 e) No. 5, May 1980 f) No. 6, June 1980 g) No. 7, July 1980 h) No. 8, Aug. 1980


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Box28 4. 5.

i) No. 9, Sept. 1980 j) No. 10, Oct. 1980 k) No. 11, Nov. 1980 1) No. 12, Dec. 1980

4) Volume 4 a) No. 1, Jan. 1981 b) No.2,Feb. 1981 c) No. 3, March 1981 d) No. 4, April 1981 e) No. 5, May 1981 t) No. 6, June 1981 g) No. 7, July 1981 h) No. 8, Aug. 1981 i) No. 10, Oct. 1981

Articles for the Swarthmore Phoenix, 1952-1956 (pkg.#1) Miscellaneous articles [ f 10-11] a. Printed promotional review for BEYOND

FREEDOM AND DIGNITY by B.F. Skinner b. "A Fantastic Exposition of the Decline of the

South?" the lit, no. 11 c. ''From the Student Viewpoint," Swarthmore Alumni

News, May 1956 d. "Giradoux French Fantasy 'The Enchanted' is

Stimulating Theatre Fare at Matunuck," Seaside Topics, July 8, 1960

e. Book review of WHY ARE WE IN VIETNAM? By Norman Mailer, commonweal, Dec. 8, 1967

f ''Furthermore. The Remaking of Muhammed Ali," [more], March 1974

g. Excerpts from ME AND DIMAGGIO appearing in Sports Illustrated, July 14, 1986; Sept. 22, 1986

h. Excerpt from ME AND DIMAGGIO in the Swarthmore College Bulletin, Jan. 1987

1. "Why grown-up boys are so fascinated by baseball," Self, Sept. 1990

J. "The Man in The Space Elevator Reunion. Reflections on Constancy and Change," Putney Post, Fall 1992

B. About CLH 1. Interviews with CLH [f 12]

a. "A Traveler's Nightmare in the Caribbean," The Travel Agent, June 8, 1970


Page 67: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,


Box 29-30







"Christopher Lehmann-Haupt on the craft and art of Book Reviewing," Briarcliff Alumane Magazine, Spring 1976 '°Kendig Brubaker Cully visits Christopher Lehmann-Haupt of the New York Times," The New Review of Books and Religion, Sept. 1976 Profile of CLH in Wilson Library Bulletin, Dec. 1989

e. "Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Marks 25 Years as Daily Book Critic for the New York Times," Riverdale Review, Feb. 3, 1994

f ''New York Times Critic Lehmann-Haupt rates as a literary lion," The Arizona Daily Star, Nov. 29, 1985

2. Newspaper and magazine articles, advertisements, and play programs which mention CLH [f 13]

3. Book reviews of A CROOKED MAN and ME AND DIMAGGIO, 1986-1995 [f 14-16]

4. Publisher's catalogues Miscellaneous Printed Matter 1. Miscellaneous newspapers and magazines including editions

of The New York Times which have major headlines such as the assassination of JFK and the resignation of Richard Nixon

2. 1980 calendar 3. Programs 4. Brochures 5. Playbills 6. Limited edition printed New Year's card by Erica Jong

Research Material 1. Baseball cards used for ME AND DIMAGGIO

X Personal Memorabilia A. Small wooden Louisville Slugger bat with "Minor League Meeting,

Toronto, Canada" engraved on it B. Orange and black Baltimore Orioles baseball cap C. Autographed baseball D. Baltimore Orioles 51

" World Series pin E. 501

" All-Star Game pin, 1979 F. Pittsburgh Pirates World Series pin G. Shield of the Coat-of-Arms of Ontario pin H. Baltimore Orioles 25th Anniversary key chain I. Small blue and silver triangular pin


Page 68: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

Box 31 J. Press passes

1. Toronto Blue Jays 2. Montreal Expos 3. New York Yankees Clubhouse Admission pass, 1979


Page 69: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

I. Research materials.

Lehmann, Haupt C. 07/16/99

Preliminary Listing

A. Notes on the theory and idea of ambition. Holograph, 2 pg. II Manuscript.

A. ByHL. 1. Book review of AMBITION: THE SECRET PASSION, by John

Epstein, Dulton News, 1981. Typescript, 2 pg.

Page 70: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,


Box 32


Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher 03/13/00

Preliminary Listing

A. Holograph notes for book reviews. Titles are: 1. SHARDIK, by Richard Adams. 2. 12 YEARS: AN AMERICAN BOYHOOD IN EAST GERMANY,

by Joel Agee. 3. THE REAL THING, by Kurt Andersen. 4. HOW TO GET HAPPILY PUBLISHED, by Judith Applebaum

and Nancy Evans. 5. 30 SECONDS, by Michael J. Arlen. 6. THE DARK LADY, by Louis Auchincloss. 7. SAMUEL JOHNSON, byW. Jackson Bate. 8. MARQUAND: AN AMERICAN LIFE, by Millicent Bell. 9. MAX PERKINS, by A Scott Berg. 10. NEIGHBORS, by Thomas Berger. 11. EXPERIENCING SCIENCE, by Jeremy Bernstein. 12. AMAZONS, by Cleo Birdwell. 13. AMERICAN CHILDREN, by Ann Birstein. 14. BEST SELLER, by Geoffrey Bocca. 15. HOME HEALTHCARE FOR THE AGED, by Philip W. Brickner. 16. THE LANDED GENTRY, by Sophy Burnham. 17. ALL MY PATIENTS ARE UNDER THE BED, by Dr. Louis J.

Camuti. 18. MUSIC FOR CHAMELEONS, by Truman Capote. 19. A RUMOR OF WAR, by Philip Caputo. 20. THE POWER BROKER, by Robert A. Caro. 21. FAULT LINES, by James Carroll. 22. UNDERSTANDING INFLATION, by John Chase. 23. NOBLE HOUSE, by James Clavell. 24. THE OLD NEIGHBORHOOD, by Avery Corman. 25. THE DREAM OF THE GOLDEN MOUNTAINS, by Malcolm

Cowley. 26. KHRUSHCHEV, by Edward Crankshaw. 27. U AND NON-U REVISITED, ed. by Richard Buckle. 28. THE INCOMPLEAT ANGLER, by Robert G. Deindorfer. 29. THE LAST SHERLOCK HOLMES STORY, by Michael Dibdin. 30. GATES OF EDEN, by Morris Dickstein. 31. ASSASSINATION ON EMBASSY ROW, by John Dinges and

Saul Landau. 32. THE COURT YEARS: 1939-1975, by William 0. Douglas.

Lehmann-Haupt (03/13/00) 1

Page 71: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

33. ARNOLD BENNET, by Margaret Drabble. 34. CONTRARIAN INVESTMENT STRATEGY, by David Dreman. 35. QUINTANA AND FRIENDS, by John Gregory Danne. 36. KISS MOMMY GOODBYE, by Joy Fielding. 37. DRINK, by Constantine Fitzgibbon. 38. SHAKESPEARE'S DIVISION OF EXPERIENCE, by Marilyn

French. 39. PHOTOGRAPHY AND SOCIETY, by Gisele Freund. 40. FREE TO CHOOSE, by Milton and Rose Friedman. 41. MINNESOTA RAG, by Fred W. Friendly. 42. E.M. FORSTER: A LIFE, by P.N. Furbank. 43. KING KILL, by Thomas Gavin. 44. FEELINGS: OUR VITAL SIGNS, by Dr. Willard Gaylin. 45. THE AMERICAN WALK BOOK, by Jean Craighead George. 46. THE FROG PRINCE, by Maurice Grodias. 47. ELIZABETH BOWEN, by Victoria Glendinning. 48. GRASS ROOTS, by Albert Goldman. 49. LITTLE GLORIA ... HAPPY AT LEAST, by Barbara Goldsmith. 50. THE PANDA THUMB, by Stephen Jay Gould. 51. KEEPERS, by Russell H. Greenan. 52. BILLION DOLLAR BABY, by Bob Greene. 53. AS SUMMERS DIE, by Winston Groom. 54. THE MONEY CHANGERS, by Arthur Hailey. 55. THE BROTHERS MANN, by Nigel Hamilton. 56. IN GUILT AND IN GLORY, by David Hanly. 57. THE MAKING OF THE WIZARD OF OZ, by Aljean Harmetz. 58. DECADE OF DECISION, by Michael Harrington. 59. MARXISM: FOR AND AGAINST, by Robert L. Heilbroner. 60. ERNEST HEMINGWAY: SELECTED LETTERS, 1917-1961, by

Carlos Baker. 61. MILTON AND THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION, by Christopher

Hill. 62. FRONT AND CENTER, by John Housemay. 63. 1066, THE YEAR OF THE CONQUEST, by David Howarth. 64. THE SHOCK OF THE NEW, by Robert Hughes. 65. LOVE, DAD, by Evan Hunter. 66. THE DESTRUCTION OF DRESDEN, by David Irving. 67. ON MOUNTAINS, by John Jerome. 68. THE SWEET SPOT IN TIME, by John Jerome. 69. THE NEW TYRANNY, by Robert Jungk. 70. THE 8th SIN, by Stephan Kanfer. 71. MY ANALYSIS WITH FREUD: REMINISCENCES, by A.

Kardiner, MD.

Lehmann-Haupt (03/13/00) 2

Page 72: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

72. THE NABOKOV-WILSON LETTERS, by Simon Kaufmann. 73. BEGGARS AND CHOOSERS, by Cynthia King. 74. FIRE STARTER, by Stephan King. 75. SNOW, by Ruth Kirk. 76. MEMBERS OF THE TRIBE, by Richard Kluger. 77. STAR WITNESS, byRichardKluger. 78. PICK UP YOUR EYES, by John Lahr. 79. THE MISSING YEARS, by Walter Laquer. 80. HEARTSOUNDS, by Martha Weinman Lear. 81. GENTLE VENGENCE, by Charles LeBaron. 82. GULLIVER HOUSE, by John Leggett. 83. 8 YEARS IN ANOTHER WORLD, by Harding Lemay. 84. THE FALCON AND THE SNOWMAN, by Robert Lindsey. 85. THE BOURNE IDENTITY, by Robert Ludlum. 86. THE BROKEN HEART, by James J. Lynch. 87. DOUBLE BILL, by Alec McCowen. 88. GRANT, by William S. McFeely. 89. AN ETHNIC AT LARGE, by Jerre Mangione. 90. POWER AND IMAGINATION, by Lauro Martines. 91. THE BANKERS, by Martin Mayer. 92. TWILIGHT OF THE YOUNG, by Klaus Menhert. 93. CHESAPEAKE, by James A. Michener. 94. THE DUEL OF THE GIANTS, by Drew Middleton. 95. NOT A BAD MAN, by John Miglis. 96. MAUGHAM, by Ted Morgan. 97. FROM KNOW HOW TO NOWHERE, by Elting E. Morrison. 98. AND NO BIRDS SANG, by Farley Mowat. 99. DON'T BUY A CAR MADE ON MONDAY, by Vance Muse. 100. NAMING NAMES, by Victor S. Navasky. 101. DEFENDING MY ENEMY, by Aryeh Neier. 102. THE ABUSE OF POWER, by Jack Newfield and Paul DuBrul. 103. THE MEMOIRS OF RICHARD NIXON. 104. SELECTED LETTERS OF JOHN O'HARA, ed by Matthew J.

Broccoli. 105. BREAKTHROUGHS, BY Charles Panati. 106. BLUE PAGES, by Eleanor Perry. 107. ONE MORE JULY, by George Plimpton. 108. THE REVISIONISTS REVIVED, by Diane Ravitch. 109. THE SOUTH FORK, by Everett T. Rattray. 110. HOLY SECRETS, by Richard Rhodes. 111. MEMOIR OF A GAMBLER, by Jack Richardson. 112. THE LITERARY POLITICIANS, by Mitchell S. Ross. 113. TIME OF THE TURTLE, by Jack Rudloe.

Lehmann-Haupt (03/13/00) 3

Page 73: The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection · The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes,

114. KINDERGARDEN, by Peter Rushforth. 115. BROCCA'S BRAIN, by Carl Sagan. 116. WITHOUT FEAR ORF A VOR, by Harrison E. Salisbury. 117. ROMANESQUE ART, by Meyer Schapiro. 118. A LONELY RAGE, by Bobby Seale. 119. KINGFISHER, by Gerald Seymour. 120. THE DAY AMERICA CRASHED, by Tom Shachtman. 121. BEGGARMAN, THIEF, byhwin Shaw. 122. ECONOMICS IN PLAIN ENGLISH, by Leonard Silk. 123. THE MAFIA MYSTIQUE, by Dwight C. Smith Jr. 124. A PRINCESS IN BERLIN, by Arthur R.G. Solmessen. 125. THE SEARCH FOR MODERN CHINA, by Jonathan D. Spence. 126. ORWELL: THE TRANSFORMATION, by Peter Stansky and

William Abrahams. 127. OTHER PEOPLE, by Sol Stein. 128. THE NEOCONSERV ATIVES, by Peter Steinfels. 129. AN URBAN AFFAIR, by Daniel Stem. 130. A HISTORY OF THE MACHINE, by Sigrard Strandh. 131. GHOST STORY, by Peter Straub. 132. CONSPIRACY, by Anthony Summers. 133. THE TELL-TALE HEART, by Julias Symons. 134. RACHEL, THE RABBI'S WIFE, by Silvia Tennenbaum. 135. ALICE, LET'S EAT, by Calvin Trillin. 136. FLOATER, by Calvin Trillin. 137. ONE L, by Scott Turow. 138. SHOW PEOPLE, by Kenneth Tynan. 139. KALKI, by Gore Vidal. 140. THE TWO, by Irving Wallace and Amy Wallace. 141. REACHING FOR PARADISE, by Thomas Weyr. 142. IN SEARCH OF HISTORY, by Theodore Whiteside. 143. THE MAPMAKERS, by John Noble Wilford. 144. IN THE FLESH, by Hilma Wolitzer. 145. HARD CASTLE, by John Yount.

Lehmann-Haupt (03/13/00) 4

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Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher (Addendum) Page 1 of 1

Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher #1483


Added to Box 32 I. Correspondence. A. Re: Stephen M.L. Aronson.