the insane viral power of a quality quiz


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Welcome to Our Quizinar!

1. The Insane Viral Power of a Quality Quiz.

2. Quiz Case Studies

3. Do’s and Don'ts When Creating Quizzes

4. How to Create Quizzes that Drive Social Traffic.

5. How to Create Quizzes that Generate Leads.

6. How to Create Quizzes for SEO Juice.

7. The Best Ever Quiz Site to Create and Promote Quizzes

What this webinar will cover

The Insane Viral Power of a Quality Quiz

Quizzes are the best kept secret of Content

Marketing.Quizzes are the secret weapon of

Lead Generation.

Quizzes are the secret weapon to Increasing Sales.

World’s Best Publishers, Brand & Agencies

Ten’s of thousands of quizzes being taken Millions of Times

Quiz Stat

I see a quiz that interests me in

my newsfeed… What am I

likely to do?

Pass: Not Interested. = 18%

Sure: Gonna take that! = 82%

The Insane Viral Power of a Quality Quiz

Use Quizzes for Driving Traffic to a Website

Engaging quizzes are highly shareable. This method

is ideal for websites that make their money by

attracting lots of visitors such as content sites with

advertisements or product websites.

The Insane Viral Power of a Quality Quiz

Use Quizzes for Generating Leads

eConsultancy’s article on

quizzes said that quizzes have

an average opt-in rate of 50

percent, making quizzes an

attractive choice for lead


The Insane Viral Power of a Quality Quiz

Use Quizzes for Increasing Sales

What if you had a convention or

workshop? You could create a quiz

on the subject and offer a special

offer at the end of the quiz.

The key to the success is you are

targeting & engaging an already

interested audience.

The Insane Viral Power of a Quality Quiz

Why are quizzes so good at driving

traffic, generating leads, and

increasing sales?

In short, quizzes are HOT. People love taking them and sharing their results with others. This

phenomenon is well documented.

BuzzSumo analyzed over

100 million social share

counts over an 8-month

period to learn what goes


The Insane Viral Power of a Quality Quiz

Among its findings, 8 of the top 10 most shared articles during that time period were quizzes.

Quiz Case Studies

This quiz by Zenni Optical

has now been taken over

300,000 times, generated

more than 16,000 new leads,

and produced $259,496.20 in


That's a quarter million

dollars off of one quiz.

Zenni Optical

Quiz Case Studies

When Heinz launched

their new Five Beanz

product, they created a

quiz on their Facebook

page named, “Which

bean are you?”

Heinz’s “Which bean are you?” quiz

● The campaign lasted for two


● Acquired 22,000 likes


● Overall reach of 11 million

Quiz Case StudiesBuzzfeeds “What City Should You Actually Live In” quiz

Quiz Case StudiesYou may be saying that you are not Hienz and there is no way to get these types

of results… wrong. Here are 2 recent quizzes we created.


Quiz Case Studies





Do’s and Don'ts w/ Quizzes

Good News:

There are way more Do’s than Don’ts

Posted first poll April 10,

2010 on the SEO-Alien

April 10th, 2010 A lot has changed since


Do not call it a poll or a

survey… call it a quiz.

Do’s and Don'ts w/ Quizzes

Do not use Copyright images

in your quiz.

How to Create Quizzes That Drive Social Traffic and Generate Leads

Do’s and Don'ts w/ Quizzes

Don’t just ‘slap’ together a quiz.

Take the time to research

100% correct answers and do

not be vague.

Do’s and Don'ts w/ Quizzes

Use images in your answers.

Do’s and Don'ts w/ Quizzes

Use images in your


Do’s and Don'ts w/ Quizzes

Use images in results.

Why are

images so


Do’s and Don'ts w/ Quizzes

#1 Shared Content on

Social Media

Do’s and Don'ts w/ Quizzes

Make your quiz both fun and


How to Create Quizzes that Drives Social Traffic.

Engaging quizzes tend to have a lot in common

with each other such as a great headline;

“How Broke Are You?”

A short format, snarky responses, and

outrageous and highly shareable results.

What’s more engaging: “Test your book knowledge” or

“How much of a bookworm are you?”

Tips for Successful QuizzesChoose a Compelling Title● Are you a ___ expert?

● Can you pass the ___ test?

● The world’s hardest ___ quiz?

● What kind of ___ are you?

Keep Your Quiz Fair & Clean● Limit the amount of answers to each question

● Be very clear about the right answer. (remove any friction)

Make People Feel Good About Their Results● 45% percent of shares on graded quizzes come from 100% scores

● Assign outcomes - “You got 90%! You’re a genius!”

Good “Catchy” Titles

Discover Quiz Topics - Use buzzsumo

Create Quizzes that Drives Social Traffic.

How to Create Quizzes that Generate Leads

Creating a compelling quiz takes

a great deal of forethought.

You should have an idea about:

• Who they are • What problems they have • What they worry about

• What they dream about • What products they use

Spend some time thinking about who your audience

is. As a marketer, you’ve likely already researched

your target market.

How to Create Quizzes that Generate Leads

Know your audience and create your

quiz for them.

With market research you can compile information that will

help to make your quiz more relevant to your target audience

and more likely that they will sign up for any newsletter or call

to action you provide at the end of the Quiz.

How to Create Quizzes for SEO Juice.

Even if you never get your quiz on

the first page of Google (but I will

show you how), there are many

“unseen” SEO benefits that will

compliment any quiz that you


How to Create Quizzes for SEO Juice.

Let’s go over these other SEO benefits a

quality quiz will provide for your website.

How to Create Quizzes for SEO Juice.

SERP + CTR’s + Time on Site

What I’m calling “SERP + CTR’s” is how often

your site appears in search results for any

given query, and how many people click on

your site when they see it.

Simply put, it’s the click-through rate of

your site in the SERPs

How to Create Quizzes for SEO Juice.

Query vs. Clicks

How to Create Quizzes for SEO Juice.

Time on Site

How to Create Quizzes for SEO Juice.


Search Users Experience

Good SEO Title

Good Opening Paragraph

Keywords in Second Paragraph

Embed Quiz

Use an Image

Share Quiz

Where to Create a Quiz


The Best Ever Quiz Site

Don’t Have the Time? Need Extra Juice?

Let Us Create Your Quiz!Normally, we charge anywhere from

$495 - $995 to research & create a 10 question

outcome quiz.

For a 10 Question

Outcome Quiz!

Let Us Create Your Quiz!

★ We Do the Research

★ We Buy and Use Copyright Free Images

★ We Create Shareable Result Images

★ We Give You the Quiz Embed Code

★ We Publish it on Our Site

★ We Share it on our Social Media Channels

★ You Get the “Call to Action” button!

★ You Get all the Traffic, all the Benefits!

The Amazing Power of a Quiz!

Email: [email protected]

For a 10 Question

Outcome Quiz!

Subject: Webinar Special