the inner city ucgs

THE INNER CITY By Wendy, Meena, Miten and Anu

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A quick Geographic video about the problems and solutions of the inner city of an MEDC, including various case studies.


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By Wendy, Meena, Miten and Anu

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Points to cover:

1.The issues(problems e.g. air pollution, crime)

2.The solutions/strategies to deal the issues

3.A list of key terms for your particular issues

4.Real world examples for your issues

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The inner city area mostly older cities, and it is also it is nearer the center therefore it is

surrounding the CBD. The Inner city areas predominantly have negative physical, social

and economic features. These are the main issues that are associated with the Inner City:

There are high density buildings and bad quality open space e.g.. parks

Older, nineteenth century and lower-cost housing such as tenements or terraced housing.

Many slum housing, derelict land and old declining industry

There is a declining population with high unemployment and limited shopping facilities

Large areas of re-development or urban regeneration

High levels of air pollution from traffic, vandalism and graffiti

Most areas are demolished and used for motorways instead

Derelict and old buildings therefore it is an undesirable for people to move there hence it

is a push factor.

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Urban Development Corporations

Regenerating an area by bringing land and buildings into

effective use, encouraging the development of existing

and new industry, creating an attractive environment and

ensuring that there are housing and social facilities.

Billions of pounds are used to fund these projects from

both the public and private sector.

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The London Docklands Corporation:

•During 19th Century London docklands were on of the busiest in the world because with many industries using imported goods. •In 1950s the ships become bigger and were unable to reach London's docks so by 1970s, the area became derelict, with few jobs, few services and poor living conditions.  •Many traditional jobs in docks were lost and most of the housing was below standard and were lacking basic facilities. •After 17 years of the UDC developing , The London docks were rejuvenated from decline.

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The London docklands development corporation has now achieved:•Building 24,046 homes •Trading with 2,700 businesses •Building 144km of new and improved roads and infrastructure•Funding of 11 new primary schools, 2 secondary schools and 3 colleges•Has won 94 awards for architecture, conservation and landscaping •Creating 85,000 jobs

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City challenge

This scheme is to improve housing, environment,

community facilities and shopping provision.

However, the aim is to get local authorities,

private companies and local communities to work

together from the start to avoid decline.

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Hulme, Manchester:

In the 1990s, the city challenged provided Hulme with £37.5 million. This was used to:•Retain and renovate older buildings•Design and build homes that are designed to be energy efficiency and conserve water•To build new schools and parks•To rebuild the traditional layout of Hulme after it was originally demolished.

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Sustainable Communities

This is building appropriate housing to improve

the quality of life with an access to a job,

education and healthcare. This initative started in

2003 and is quickly spreading to other areas.

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CASE STUDYNew Islington Millennium Village, Manchester:

The new features that have been built: •New homes

1300 new homes built Refurbishment of Ancoats hospital New office spaces

•Waterways 3,000m canal sides 12 bridges

•Urban Facilities 10 new shops Metro link and bus stops 1400, car parking spaces

•Parks and gardens 300 new trees New play areas, climbing

rocks, courtyard gardens, private gardens and patios

•Community facilities Primary schools and day care

centres Workshops, village halls and a

football pitch

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