the indian software industry and its prospects - citeseer

The Indian Software Industry and Its Prospects 3-1 3 Ashish Arora Carnegie Mellon University ABSTRACT HIS PAPER ANALYZES the causes of the growth of the Indian software industry and the consequences for developing countries and the Indian economy itself. I argue that Indian software service exports are mostly business services and, as such, do not pose a threat to software leaders in North America. Further, innovation and new product development in business software is greatly facilitated by interactions with lead users and a deep understanding of their needs. Consequently, North American leadership in software products is likely to remain unchallenged for the foreseeable future. However, the leading Indian firms have mastered new and better ways of developing software in a globally distributed environment, and these capabilities will help them compete even as Indian wages move closer to Western levels. Indian firms are also increasingly likely to invest in major markets, partly by acquiring existing firms. NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY NDIAS EMERGENCE as a major exporter of software services in less than a decade and a half has excited debate about the causes of its success and ignited hopes for similar success in other industries. It has also raised fears about the impact on developed countries. This paper addresses two sets of interrelated issues. First, I discuss the growth and evolution of the Indian software industry and identify both the major factors that contributed to its success and other possible factors that were not important. Second, I discuss the implications for Canada. However, my focus is not whether information technology (IT) jobs will be lost but rather whether there is a long-term threat to the technical T I

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The Indian Software Industry and Its Prospects



Ashish Arora Carnegie Mellon University


HIS PAPER ANALYZES the causes of the growth of the Indian software industry and the consequences for developing countries and the

Indian economy itself. I argue that Indian software service exports are mostly business services and, as such, do not pose a threat to software leaders in North America. Further, innovation and new product development in business software is greatly facilitated by interactions with lead users and a deep understanding of their needs. Consequently, North American leadership in software products is likely to remain unchallenged for the foreseeable future. However, the leading Indian firms have mastered new and better ways of developing software in a globally distributed environment, and these capabilities will help them compete even as Indian wages move closer to Western levels. Indian firms are also increasingly likely to invest in major markets, partly by acquiring existing firms.


NDIA’S EMERGENCE as a major exporter of software services in less than a decade and a half has excited debate about the causes of its

success and ignited hopes for similar success in other industries. It has also raised fears about the impact on developed countries. This paper addresses two sets of interrelated issues. First, I discuss the growth and evolution of the Indian software industry and identify both the major factors that contributed to its success and other possible factors that were not important. Second, I discuss the implications for Canada. However, my focus is not whether information technology (IT) jobs will be lost but rather whether there is a long-term threat to the technical





leadership of North American IT firms. In recent years, Indian IT service exports have included higher-end

design activities. Nonetheless, the Indian software industry poses no threat to North American technical leadership in software. Simply put, Indian software firms are competing, not with Microsoft or Oracle, but with in-house IT departments of firms in all sectors (and to some extent, with Accenture and IBM Services).

The Indian software industry undoubtedly benefits from access to lower-cost IT workers. However, those who merely see underpaid code writers stealing jobs from the native born greatly underestimate the organizational capability and innovativeness of the leading Indian software firms. Organizing the development and delivery of software in a decentralized fashion using inexperienced programmers has been a major accomplishment of the Indian software firms. American and Canadian firms that wish to compete against them will have to innovate accordingly, not so much in technical terms as in organizational terms.

The upshot is that I expect in the software industry a continued outsourcing and offshoring of a variety of software development activities, which may reduce the demand for in-house IT staff in large organizations. Such reductions will likely be small in comparison with changes in demand due to technical changes, for example, the service-oriented architectures or the increase in demand for information security and regulator mandates regarding information reporting and security.

The growth of the Indian software industry owes little to targeted public policies. It owes much more to the Indian diaspora (particularly in the United States), to a few multinationals that experimented with using India to develop software in the 1980s, and to the Indian entrepreneurs who seized the opportunity offered by the IT boom of the 1990s to develop businesses that could provided high-quality software using young and inexperienced programmers. It also owes much to the large increase in privately supported engineering colleges that produced these programmers in large numbers. There is little evidence that targeted policies or even science and technology parks played a significant role.




NDIA’S EMERGENCE as a major exporter of software services in less than a decade and a half has excited debate about the causes of its

success and ignited hopes for similar success in other industries. It has also raised fears about the impact on developed countries. This paper addresses two sets of interrelated issues. First, I discuss the growth and evolution of the Indian software industry and identify both the major factors that contributed to its success and other possible factors that were not important. Second, I discuss the implications for advanced countries and, more briefly, for Canada. There is a major debate in the United States regarding the desirability of outsourcing, along the familiar “free trade versus jobs” lines. Rather than join this debate, I focus on a related one, which arguably is of greater long-term significance. Specifically, I ask whether the growth of the software industry in emerging economies threatens the North American technological leadership in the software industry. This is addressed in part in the discussion of the prospects of the Indian software industry and the extent to which India and Indian firms are participating in software innovation.

My assessment is that both those who ascribe miraculous powers of innovation to the Indian software industry and those who deride it as the manifestation of labour market arbitrage are wrong in important respects. Those who see Bangalore as a rival to Silicon Valley simply misunderstand the role that the Indian software industry plays in the software sector. Simply put, while the Silicon Valley is about producing new software, Bangalore is about customizing, adapting and maintaining it. Thus, Indian software firms are competing, not with Microsoft or Oracle, but with the in-house IT departments of firms in all sectors (and to some extent, with Accenture and IBM Services).

Those who merely see underpaid code writers stealing jobs from the native born greatly underestimate the organizational capability and innovativeness of the leading Indian software firms. Organizing the development and delivery of software in a decentralized fashion using inexperienced programmers has been a major accomplishment of the Indian software firms. American and Canadian firms that wish to compete against them will have to innovate accordingly, not so much in technical terms as in organizational terms. The upshot is that in the software industry, I expect a continued outsourcing and offshoring of a variety of software development activities, which may reduce the demand for in-house IT staff in large organizations. Such reductions will likely be small in comparison with changes in demand due to technical changes, such as the service-oriented architectures or the




increase in demand for information security and regulator mandates regarding information reporting and security. Furthermore, North America, and particularly the United States, will retain its pre-eminent position in software innovation.

This paper is organized as follows. The next section discusses where the Indian software industry fits into the software value chain, followed by a brief history of the industry. The next sections examine potential explanations for the success of the industry as well as its prospects for the future. The next-to-final section summarizes the major implications for Canada while the conclusion discusses the implications for the Indian economy itself.


OFTWARE PRODUCTION AND EXPORTS FROM INDIA have grown rapidly, particularly since the early 1990s. NASSCOM, the Indian software

industry association and the most often used source, estimates that software service exports (including the category of engineering services and R&D, and software products) in 2005 was about $13 billion.

In 1996, the time when I first became interested in the Indian software sector, this seemed fantastic, in the original sense of the word. At that time, Indian exports were barely $1 billion and, although the future looked bright, knowledgeable observers and industry participants themselves were already expressing a number of concerns. These included the shortage of skilled workers (“software professionals”), the terribly deficient physical infrastructure, potential competition from China and the Philippines, the development of automated tools that would substitute for the lower end of software services provided by India, and the apparent unwillingness or inability of Indian software firms to move beyond leveraging access to lower-cost workers. Together, this potent mix of forces was seen as threatening the future of the industry. The prescriptions for the malaise were also clear: firms had to “move up the value chain” by developing proprietary products and by providing more technology-intensive services. Innovation was the watchword and most implicitly understood this to refer to new technologies or new products.

For the most part, the prescriptions have not been followed. The shortage of workers is said to loom as large as ever, the infrastructure has improved only modestly and there are few Indian software products on the world markets. And yet exports have increased about thirteen fold, and an entirely new sector of related business services has emerged with revenues of about $4.5 billion. The domestic software market has also grown, albeit more slowly, and the size of the Indian software industry is over $20 billion. This growth has enabled the




industry to overtake Brazil whose industry was of comparable size in 2001 but was substantially smaller in 2005 at $10-12 billion.

To understand this astonishing story, we need to take a detour to understand the software sector itself.1 Contrary to popular belief, software products such as word-processing software, accounting software or email software are not the dominant part of the industry. Rather, the bulk of the value added in software, and the bulk of employment, is generated in customizing these products, maintaining them, adding functionality and making these products work with existing products already in use. Some, but not all, of this activity is performed by firms classified as software firms. Firms using software, which include the vast preponderance of all firms of any size in advanced economies, are responsible for a substantial part as well.

One can distinguish three sets of value-adding activities in software. First, there are design and development activities — these encompass all of what one would traditionally define as software products, such as word processors, operating systems, enterprise software such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and business intelligence software — as well as the middleware software products, such as some transaction processing middleware and enterprise application integration. The total value of production in the software product industry was about $61 billion in 1997, with employees numbering about 240 000.2 Firms that operate in this value chain include all of the well-recognized names traditionally regarded as "software" firms, including Microsoft, Adobe, Oracle, and SAS.3

Second, there is a quantitatively more significant set of firms involved in custom programming and software analysis and design for clients, including the custom development of software products (also called “bespoke software products”). The total value created by these firms was about $115 billion in 1997 with total employment about 1 million, figures indicating that both revenue and employment are greater than that in the packaged software industry.4

The third set of actors involved in software is the users themselves. Even if one confines oneself to the activity of professional programmers and software designers employed by IT-using firms (ignoring programming activities performed by others in IT-using organizations), the monetary value of this user-based activity, though difficult to estimate precisely, is very significant. Occupation data from the United States indicate that over two thirds of software professionals do not work for IT firms but for IT-using industries. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for 2001 indicate that about 3.8 million people were working in computer and software-related occupations (including hardware designers, programmers, systems analysts, software architects and computer scientists), with 72 000 working in the



computer equipment industry, about 1 million working in the computer and software services sector, and the remaining 2.8 million working in the rest of the economy. Figure 1, which shows the intensity of software occupations by state for the United States, reflects this. Employment in software-related occupations is geographically dispersed, rarely exceeding 3 percent of employment, but rarely below 1 percent.

To summarize, software as an activity is widespread, roughly proportional to the overall economic activity in a region. Since the leading software firms are regionally more concentrated, it must be that a large part of value creation in software takes place outside of firms that comprise the software industry. The value of this activity goes largely unmeasured in traditional government statistics, but it is these activities with which Indian software services initially competed. To a considerable extent, this remains true even today. Simply put, Indian software exports were substituting for the in-house software activities of firms that use software intensively, such as banks, financial institutions, insurance and telecommunications.

Two other countries that have also emerged as software exporters, Ireland and Israel, have targeted a different segment than did India. Ireland is host to multinationals localizing their products, plus a few innovative companies with globally competitive products, along with a host of tiny companies focused on local demand. Israel boasts a number of technology-based start-ups and a few that have grown into large firms, all now with headquarters in United States and R&D operations in Israel. Both Irish and Israeli software exports stumbled after the bubble burst in 2000–2001 and their growth appears to have been slower ever since.




D ata Source: BLS, 2001



S TABLE 1 CLEARLY SHOWS, software services account for the bulk of the software exports. These services are a mixture of different types

of activities. Indian software exports started as Indian firms “rented out” programmers to the American clients, sending them to work for the client, typically in the United States itself. Athreye (2005b) claims that this model of “on-site” work, pioneered by TCS, was rapidly emulated by other firms that entered the industry in the early 1980s.5 There were two types of such entrants. There were start-ups, such as PCS (now Patni), Datamatics, and later Infosys and Silverline, some of which were spawned by incumbents. The second type of entrant consisted of existing firms diversifying into software, including computer hardware firms, such as HCL and Wipro plus firms with large in-house data processing and system integration capabilities such as Larsen & Toubro. Others such as BFL, Sonata, Satyam and Birla Horizons began as divisions of industrial groups.





FY 2004

USD billion

FY 2005 USD


FY 2006E USD


IT Services 10.4 13.5 17.5

Exports 7.3 10.0 13.2

Domestic 3.1 3.5 4.3

ITES-BPO 3.4 5.2 7.2

Exports 3.1 4.6 6.3

Domestic 0.3 0.6 0.9

Engineering Services and R&D, Software Products




Exports 2.5 3.1 3.9

Domestic 0.4 0.7 0.9

Total Software and Services Revenues Of which, exports are

16.7 12.9

22.6 17.7

29.5 23.4

Hardware 5.0 5.9 6.9

Total IT Industry (including hardware)

21.6 28.4 36.3

Source: NASSCOM (IT factsheet); (accessed 18 Sept 2006)

American-based start-ups, such as Mastech (now IGate), Information Management Resources (IMR), Syntel and CBSL (now Covansys), following in the footsteps of companies like Patni and Datamatics, were started by entrepreneurs of Indian origin.6 For understandable reasons, they were slower in developing management capability in India. Perhaps as a result, these firms have not ascended to the very top tier of Indian firms. Nonetheless, being headquartered in the United States, they played an important role in legitimizing the use of Indian programmers by U.S. firms when the Indian industry was young.7



Early export projects involved jobs such as rewriting code to migrate applications from mainframes to the then newly emerging client-server platforms. Coincidently, Indian programmers had acquired a degree of expertise in this due to IBM’s departure from India in the late 1970s. This departure meant that existing computer applications used in India had to be transferred to other platforms such as Wang, Unisys and DEC. Naturally, in the course of moving applications, the applications were sometime enhanced and new functionality was added, a task that also fell to the Indian software firms. Other services included maintaining such applications — sometimes called legacy applications — while the client changed over to new systems and new applications. Later, data conversion projects, such as the well-known Y2K projects, emerged.

But a substantial business consisted of simply providing temporary programmers for whatever the client needed to be done. Most of the clients were user firms, and most of the jobs involved systems that these firms needed to run their businesses. Software firms, especially firms developing software products, outsourced more sparingly and were more likely to simply “rent” Indian programmers for tasks such as testing.

The attraction of the serendipitously discovered business strategy of sending small teams of programmers overseas to service the client is not surprising, at least not in hindsight. Indian firms were short of capital, infrastructure and management. But far more important was the fact that, even in the early 1990s, “Brand India” was anything but that. Clients in America had to be cajoled into entrusting their technology systems to a country that until recently was among the poorest in the world.

Athreye (2005b) points out that Texas Instruments and COSL (part of Citibank) played an important role in pioneering the other part of the business strategy, namely, using India as a place to develop software, not merely to hire temporary programmers. The experience of COSL and Texas Instruments demonstrated that an Indian subsidiary could be a low-cost way for a large corporation to develop software for sale or to provide for its in-house software needs. Even so, the projects were small, and rarely mission critical or on the bleeding edge of the technology.8 With time, firms such as Oracle were able to move responsibility for much more significant tasks to its Indian subsidiary. Dossani describes a similar evolution, but for a later date and on more compressed time scale, for business services that once again was pioneered by American multinationals such as GE and Agilent (Dossani 2006, 251, Figure 2).

Though multinationals pioneered the offshore model, their ability to leverage it was limited by their internal market. It was left to the



domestic firms to develop and exploit more fully what was to become the offshore model — developing software in India for offshore clients, managed by the Indian firm. Athreye (2005a) credits Satyam as pioneering this model among Indian firms in 1991. Leading domestic firms adopted this model although initially they were entrusted with autonomy by foreign customers only for fairly small, specific and non-critical tasks. Falling telecommunications costs, helped by the growth of the STPI scheme, meant that smaller firms could also profitably adopt this model.

Offshore development was substantially cheaper, although few firms were willing to say this openly amidst concerns about alienating their own workers and a desire to facilitate their lobbying for more work permits for Indian programmers.9 But if cheap programmers were all that mattered, the Indian software would not have seen quite as many domestic firms, for many customers were large enough to profitably set up Indian subsidiaries. Instead, foreign customers outsourced to Indian suppliers because the latter appeared to be better at recruiting and managing Indian programmers and more skilled in particular at “ramping up and ramping down” — putting together large teams with relatively short notice and redeploying them when the project was done. They could also cope better with the high levels of turnover that the frothy IT markets of the late 1990s created. Simply put, Indian firms were better at managing software projects executed in India for overseas clients, using low-cost and inexperienced developers and managers.

Since the foregoing point is often ignored, it bears repeating. Indian firms proved to be better at exploiting the larger supply of talented but young and inexperienced software developers that India had to offer. As service providers operating in a tight labour market with employee turnover rates at times approaching 40 percent, Indian software firms invested in processes that would help them cope. They learned how to manage globally distributed software projects where part of the project team was located overseas while others were located half a world away. The big surge in Capability Maturity Model (CMM) certification — with one Indian firm after another touting CMM level 5 certification at a time when scarcely a handful of U.S. firms could — reflects these investments.10 However, the drive for CMM certification did not so much create this ability at managing software projects as certify it. Many observers have inferred from such certification that Indian firms produced high-quality software. Interpreted broadly, this is correct. However, CMM is principally about managing software development, not about the quality of the software code produced. Not surprisingly, the available empirical evidence suggests that CMM certification primarily benefited the firm by allowing it to take on larger



projects rather than in higher prices (Arora and Asundi 1999). In other words, it enabled firms to grow more rapidly.

The evidence also suggests that larger firms earn higher revenues per worker and, in this sense, are more productive.11 Using NASSCOM member firms as the basis, firms in the third quartile of size earned revenues of Rs 0.62 million per employee in 1994 and Rs 0.95 million per employee in 1999. The revenue per employee in millions of rupees for the median firm was 0.33 and 0.49 respectively for the two years, or about one half that for firms in the third quartile. This superior software development management capability has stood the leading Indian firms in good stead over the past decade, even as competition from foreign and domestic competitors has intensified. As I shall argue below, this also has important implications for their future strategies and prospects.



THE MAIN CONTOURS OF THE ARGUMENT must be evident from the above discussion. Its basis is the simple concept of comparative advantage: India was relatively abundant in the factor in which software is relatively abundant, or in plain English, software depends heavily on software developers and Indian had many people willing (and able) to develop software for less.

Since this argument is widely accepted, at least in its simpler form of absolute advantage, I shall not dwell on it. Wages for Indian software professionals were much lower than their counterparts in developed countries. Though wages have risen over time, they still remain lower, although the precise size of the difference is unclear, in no small measure because the typical software professional in the United States has much greater experience.12 Regardless, it is likely that, over time, wage differences will become smaller. As Helpman and Trefler (2009) point out, such wage convergence has happened in the past when first Germany and then Japan — which both initially enjoyed large manufacturing exports to the United States — saw increases in wages and currency appreciations. The net result was that the wage gap between these countries and the United States largely disappeared. Thus, wage differences will fall, although this may take time.

But this is not enough of an explanation because these are wage differences for software programmers, not factory workers. How did a poor country like India become so well endowed with human capital? What of other countries, with similar endowments, that perhaps ought



to have also succeeded but did not? Why was this latent advantage not adequately exploited by established software firms or large users in the United States and elsewhere?

India is not well endowed with human capital by most measures. Barely 50 percent of the population is literate and, normalized by population, the stock of scientific and technical personnel is modest, well below countries in East Asia. It is merely that India is (or more precisely was during the relevant period) well endowed with human capital relative to its economic needs. Or, more provocatively, during the 1970s and 1980s, India found itself with more engineers than its stagnant domestic economy could employ on attractive terms. Many of them emigrated to America, where they rose to middle management positions in large firms.13

When the big surge in IT demand came in the early 1990s, these emigrants were well positioned to broker the small initial contracts with Indian software firms, or as Kapur (2002) dubs it, act as “reputational intermediaries.” Some, as we have already noted, became entrepreneurs, leading the on-site model of software service exports. In more recent years, there has been a greater return flow to India, chiefly to pursue more niche, technology-intensive activities. However, Kapur and McHale (2005) conclude that the return flow is as yet small. Foreign direct investment (FDI) from the Indian diaspora is only 5 percent of its Chinese counterpart and National Science Foundation (NSF) longitudinal data on PhDs indicate return rates below 10 percent.

Initial software exports from India relied on software developers who had gained experience in the domestic market or by working on overseas projects. As well, talented developers and managers were hired away from other domestic sectors. However, experienced managers and developers were often snared by multinationals in India or employers overseas. The surge in exports has been fuelled by young and inexperienced engineering graduates. Over the last decade and a half, Indian engineering baccalaureate capacity has increased dramatically and this expansion has sustained the growth of Indian software exports. Sharply rising wages would have choked the growth in the industry but for the remarkable expansion in engineering education. Though the fruits of this expansion are frequently touted in discussions of the number of engineers India graduates, a fuller account is worthwhile for what it teaches us about the process of economic growth and development.



Table 2 below shows that in 1985, roughly the time when software exports began, Indian colleges graduated about 45 000 engineers of all types. By 2004, the capacity had increased nearly tenfold to 440 000. The actual number graduated was smaller, both because of inherent lags and because the entire capacity was not utilized. Our estimates suggest that the actual number of engineers graduated in 2004, which reflects capacity in 2000, was likely closer to 160 000 to 180 000 (Arora and Bagde 2006). These figures do not reflect the large number of non-engineers who acquire computer training and skills in using relevant tools at non-degree granting institutes such as NIIT and Aptech.

Almost all of the increase in engineering baccalaureate capacity was in IT-relevant fields of engineering and, more importantly, in private colleges that do not receive government subsidies. During the early 1990s, the increase was also regionally concentrated. These trends are closely related. Table 3 shows the sanctioned intake capacity (for undergraduate engineering degree programs) by state. We see a large inter-state variation in capacity. In fact, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu accounted for about three quarters of the national capacity in 1987 compared with 29 percent of the population and even in 2003, accounted for just under two thirds of the capacity. The bulk of the inter-regional variation is due to non-granted engineering colleges.



Year Population in Millions

Engineering College


Engineering College Capacity

per Million of Population

1951 361 4 788 13 1985 765 45 136 59 1995 928 105 000 113 2004 1 086 439 689 405

Source: Arora and Bagde (2006), based on data from the Ministry of Human Resources Development, AICTE, NTMIS








1990 58 9 33 5 170 27 17 192 11 5 11 92 31 23

1991 55 10 33 6 180 28 19 199 11 5 11 92 32 23

1992 55 10 34 8 188 29 19 238 11 5 13 94 33 23

1993 55 11 36 8 172 30 19 256 11 11 14 118 33 23

1994 56 10 38 8 193 35 19 280 12 11 14 141 33 24

1995 80 13 44 9 202 45 32 309 12 19 14 185 37 25

1996 86 12 50 9 203 47 34 333 17 19 15 222 44 26

1997 130 13 54 33 238 49 48 344 33 22 15 238 49 26

1998 196 16 64 33 244 51 43 397 45 22 20 273 68 40

1999 241 21 73 47 262 67 71 429 62 22 27 366 85 45

2000 277 23 91 67 282 88 102 429 62 34 50 505 153 52

2001 440 30 106 86 356 113 109 446 88 44 63 655 213 62

2002 624 34 106 98 381 183 160 470 88 86 82 702 231 107

2003 658 35 103 101 389 199 194 475 107 107 115 707 242 107

AP: Andhra Pradesh, GJ: Gujarat, HR: Haryana, KA: Karnataka, KL: Kerala, MP: Madhya Pradesh, OA: Orissa, PN: Punjab, RJ: Rajasthan, TN: Tamil Nadu, UP: Uttar Pradesh, WB: West Bengal

Source: Arora and Bagde (2006)




In 1981, almost all of the engineering college capacity was in government-aided colleges. Constraints on public budgets and regulatory constraints on capacity expansion by existing colleges meant new private (i.e. not publicly funded) colleges have been the main source of growth (see Arora and Bagde [2006] for more details). Figure 2 below shows that in 1987 — the earliest year for which I was able to get data from the All India Council for Technical Education (the body responsible for sanctioning and accrediting engineering colleges in India) — the share of private colleges (not funded by the government) in baccalaureate capacity in engineering varied across states. It was between 60 and 80 percent in states such as Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and substantially smaller in other states. A very similar picture emerges if one examines only IT-relevant engineering fields.

Note that the growth of engineering baccalaureate capacity in the IT hub states predates by some margin the period of rapid growth of the software industry. Although accurate figures for the early period are unavailable, estimates suggest that software exports in 1985 were in the order of $25 million. Indeed, as late as 1990, software exports were a mere $128 million, employing fewer than 20 000, and spread among Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai. It is unlikely, therefore, that education policy changes were primarily intended to support software exports. Rather, it reflects differences in state policies regarding the entry of private colleges. By 1986, only six states had private colleges. Four of these, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, accounted for the bulk of engineering college capacity in the entire country. As software exports grew, demand for engineering degrees also grew rapidly. Beginning in 1992, other states began to allow private self-financed institution and by 1999, all 14 states studied by Arora and Bagde (2006) had allowed private engineering colleges.






Source: Author’s calculations based on AICTE data on sanctioned capacity










% N



ed E

ng. B










Of course, causality runs both ways. However, as argued elsewhere in greater detail, the timing of the policy changes makes it unlikely that these states favoured private colleges as an explicit strategy for promoting software exports; allowing for reverse causality does not change the conclusions in the main. Table 4, reproduced from Arora and Bagde (2006), shows that engineering college capacity, lagged four years, has a significant impact on the state’s software exports, even after controlling for a variety of observed and unobserved state characteristics. Moreover, this result is robust to instrumenting for the potential endogeneity of college capacity. As discussed in greater detail in Arora and Bagde (2006), our instrument is based on whether neighbouring states had allowed private engineering colleges. Specifically, our instrument is the share of neighbouring states that have allowed private engineering colleges.



Change in

Software Exports

(OLS) (1)

Change in Software Exports

(2SLS) (2)

Software Exports

(OLS) (3)

Software Exports

(2SLS) (4)

Lagged engineering college capacity

0.20 (0.07)

0.74 (0.50)

1.31 (0.27)

2.02 (1.95)

Lagged electronics production

0.40 (0.24)

0.21 (0.23)

1.60 (0.80)

1.35 (0.56)

Lagged industrial output

0.007 (0.023)

-0.03 (0.05)

-0.11 (0.08)

-0.16 (0.20)

Lagged per capita income

-0.55 (0.61)

-0.67 (0.67)

0.98 (1.68)

0.83 (1.54)

Population -0.28 (0.16)

-0.15 (0.14)

-0.73 (0.56)

-0.56 (0.35)

Constant 22981 (11914)

9397 (11527)

43376 (37591)

25642 (34762)

State-fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

Year-fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes

R2 0.54 0.44 0.75 0.73

Note: Cluster corrected standard errors in parenthesis. Number of observations: 182 (source: Arora and Bagde [2006])



Columns 1 and 2 of Table 4 present results where the dependent variable is the change in software exports over the previous year. Note that the estimated coefficient increases threefold compared with the OLS estimate, suggesting that upward bias is unlikely and that measurement error is more likely. However, the coefficient is imprecisely estimated, possibly because the instrument is weak. We also present analogous results in Column 3 (OLS) and Column 4 (2SLS) where we use the log of software exports rather than the annual change in software exports. The estimated coefficient of capacity in this case also increases upon instrumenting for it, although the increase is not as large. The other noteworthy point is that lagged electronics production also has a positive and significant impact on the level of software exports, but not on the annual change in software exports. Other time-varying controls are statistically insignificant. Specifically, per capita income and industrial output do not play any role in explaining software exports growth. Consistent with this, some of the richer states such as Punjab and Gujarat lag in software exports compared with Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

It is only to be expected that education quality should have suffered significantly during this great expansion in capacity. There is no doubt that many of the new colleges are not up to the task of training engineers, and their graduates frequently need extended periods of training by employers before they can be put to work.14 Thus far, large Indian firms have made substantial investments in in-house training, in some cases spending 3 to 4 percent of revenues on training. Some of this, though not all, could usefully be provided in the college itself. Future growth of software will require improvements in the quality of Indian colleges and universities. Given an acute shortage of PhD and good-quality post-graduate level engineering teachers, this improvement will require investment but also some thought.15

To sum up, the relative abundance in India of human capital is the result of a combination of its mediocre economic performance between 1955 and 1984, over-investment in tertiary education in the 1950s and 1960s, and a market response by Indians willing to invest precious savings in an engineering degree for their children and by “entrepreneurs” who responded by starting new colleges.

Kapur (2002) and Srinivasan (2006) note that this simple appeal to comparative advantage is insufficient as an explanation. Many other countries had underemployed engineers and perhaps even the diaspora to broker the software export deals; some even spoke English. For instance, the Philippines had 27 percent tertiary enrolment in 1991 compared with just 7 percent in India. Accenture had begun software development in Philippines in the 1980s, and there are long-standing cultural links between the United States and the Philippines.



Understandably, in 1997, many of the software firms I interviewed in India mentioned the Philippines as a potential strong competitor, a fear that has not materialized. Interestingly enough, the Philippines is emerging as a business process outsourcing (BPO) centre, suggesting that the comparison is apt. Similarly, many countries in Eastern Europe have a large number of well-trained and poorly paid engineers and scientists, many of whom speak good English. Yet software exports from these countries are small. Russian software exports, although often technically very impressive, are barely over $1 billion.

If simple comparative advantage is not enough, what are the missing pieces of the puzzle?

PROTECTION, AND LEARNING FROM THE DOMESTIC MARKET? The first potential piece, which can be disposed of readily, is a protected domestic market, which enabled firms to develop expertise that they could leverage for exports (see Dossani [2005]). It is true that IBM’s departure and some fortuitous decisions to invest in Unix platforms provided useful experience for Indian programmers. But as I have argued above, Indian software exports, particularly early on, did not require deep technical skills. Rather, they relied upon a “reserve army of underemployed engineers” with the knowledge of software tools and a willingness to undertake tedious tasks. Protection undoubtedly helped produce the miserable economic performance that led to the “reserve army of underemployed engineers,” but the irony here is self-evident.

Undoubtedly, some firms acquired very sophisticated skills in the domestic market but these skills were of little use in software exports, as illustrated in the following quote from the CEO of a subsidiary of a very large Indian engineering firm:

[Our parent firm] has ES 9000s and IBM mainframes. It was the first firm to use IBM mainframes in India for a very long time… We have the most qualified experts on IBM mainframes. So as far as legacy maintenance on IBM mainframes is considered, we know the technology inside out.… [But] technology is not such a critical factor as compared to understanding business practices.… Domestic expertise may be useful in gaining technical expertise such as in coding and project management. However, domestic and export projects are two different ball games. (Interview by the author in Bombay, 1997; quote extracted from Arora et al. [2001]; emphasis added.).

Sometimes the argument in favour of protection or learning from

the domestic market is accompanied by an emphasis on the role of



domestic markets in helping develop software products. Athreye’s study of CITIL (now i-Flex), a Citibank subsidiary, indicates that the Indian market could provide a fruitful learning base for products (in this case, a back-end banking product) that could be successfully exported (Athreye 2005b). The study also makes clear, however, that this strategy depends on a number of accompanying factors for its success. In this case, Citibank’s own internal use of the product (albeit in India and other developing country markets) provided important legitimization. Further, CITIL’s strategy was to focus initially on other developing-country markets, particularly in the British Commonwealth, avoiding head-to-head competition with incumbent producers, in developed countries. Only after succeeding in other export markets did CITIL enter the developed-country markets and appears to have fared well in this attempt.


The second candidate explanation is public policy. It is helpful, in this context, to distinguish between affirmative, sector-specific policies on the one hand, and all other policies. By the former, I have in mind measures such as subsidies targeted to software exporters, or R&D investments in software. It could also include, as in Israel, investments in networking technologies and government procurement policies, motivated by national defence considerations that propelled Israel into the forefront of security software and encryption technologies. In the latter category, I include policies that generally improve the business climate.

Domestic and international economic liberalization, begun in 1984 and reinforced strongly in 1991, was broadly beneficial to all sectors. However, it was especially helpful for the fledgling software industry in India, a point that Kapur (2002) argues with some force. I agree but I shall not dwell on it as this proposition is widely accepted. Surely providing an industry with tax incentives cannot hurt it (though it might hurt other industries), and neither can it hurt to relax onerous import restrictions and other types of regulations that strangled growth in other Indian industries. One might note that software was not very sensitive to a great deal of the pervasive regulation since it was not very capital intensive, the minimum scale of entry was small (obviating the need for bank financing) and it was not likely to be hampered by union activity. It did, however, benefit from the easing of trade and foreign exchange regulations in 1991, the timing of which coincided with the boom in international demand for IT skills. The element of luck, which often hovers in the background in such discussions, must firmly be brought to the forefront in this instance. The reforms unquestionably



came at an opportune time, leaving India especially well positioned to benefit from the boom in global IT demand in the 1990s.

The role of affirmative, sector-specific policies is harder to dispose off as neatly since there have been a plethora of such policies, varying in focus and detail over time. Although earlier accounts characterized the policy regime facing software as one of “benign neglect” (Arora et al. 2001), it is probably better described as inconsistent and ineffective. Athreye (2005a, , Table 8) details the various policy changes in import restrictions, and export incentives. With the exception of telecommunication infrastructure, most of the many policies said to have aided software were not specific to software and, in any case, were merely ameliorating bad existing policy. Hardware, the focus of much of the policy-making efforts in the 1970s and 1980s, was showered with all these policies but with had little to show for it.

Athreye (2005a) argues that during the crucial years of its development, the software industry flew “under the radar.” The domestic market was small and therefore there was little to be gained from protection. As a service, it was naturally exempt from many of the laws and regulations that have stifled the growth of Indian manufacturing. Neither were the large investments in the 1960s and 1970s in science and engineering directed at software. Instead, the objective was to supply the manufacturing sector whose slower-than-hoped-for growth resulted in the excess supply of engineers, described earlier. In more recent years, of course, the software industry and its industry association, NASSCOM, have come to exercise substantial political influence and helped craft favourable public policies. But that is the consequence of its success, not its cause.

Balakrishnan (2006) makes the clearest case for targeted public policy. He notes that Bangalore was unusually well supplied with public sector R&D institutions, including nine defence-related laboratories, which made it an attractive location for software firms, especially multinationals. He thus argues that India’s software success testifies to the success of the government’s “strategic intent.”

Almost all private entrants, whether Indian or foreign, had started out in Bangalore as this was seen as the locale most conducive, at least initially, to the success of an IT enterprise in India. Bangalore was India’s science city, a deliberate construction of the policy of trying to establish an independent, world-class scientific foundation on Indian soil. By locating here, private entrepreneurs had access to scientists, engineers and management professionals who had honed their skills in the best technological environment in India, almost exclusively created by the government. (Balakrishnan 2006, 3870; emphasis added.)



Balakrishnan concludes the success of the software industry required a two-pronged effort

first, via long-term investment by the state in technical education and science and technology, with neither necessarily directed at the production of software. Subsequently, an incipient software industry with recognizably high export potential has been targeted via fiscal incentives and the provision of export-enabling infrastructure. The emergence of a globally competitive Indian software industry serves as an interesting example of successful state intervention at a time when the model is largely out of fashion. (Balkrishnan 2006, 3868; emphasis added.)

There are two observations to be made in response. First, although the presence of public sector R&D labs may explain why Bangalore has emerged as an IT hub, it is not the only IT hub in India: there are five software clusters, roughly equal in size. Although Bangalore has attracted most of the hype, the data suggest that it has not been the only source of exports. Table 5 presents data on software exports for the 14 major Indian states over time. The data for 1996 and later come from STPI figures. For earlier years, the data are based on location of corporate headquarters and revenues for firms, gathered from NASSCOM and Dataquest. For TCS, which had software development activities in multiple regions, revenues were allocated to different locations based on company-provided estimates of employment by location. Table 5 shows quite clearly that Mumbai was where most of the initial software activities were located (indeed, Infosys was started in Mumbai and later moved to Bangalore). Other pioneers such as TCS, Patni and Datamatics were based in Mumbai as well. HCL was based in Delhi as was another early leader, IIS Infotech. Furthermore, if one aggregates Delhi, UP and Haryana, which together make up the Delhi-Gurgaon-Noida cluster, it produced exports comparable to Karnataka between 1994 and 2000. Karnataka pulls away from the other clusters only after 2000, by which time the Indian software exports were already very sizable (over $8 billion by 2001. )


















(in millions of rupees at constant prices of 1993–1994)


1990 626 374 1,571 127 301 0 129 80 0 2 0 0 0 0

1991 1,189 489 1,774 158 430 0 188 94 0 6 0 0 0 0

1992 1,595 654 2,521 242 387 119 248 143 0 13 0 0 0 0

1993 2,235 1,124 3,836 277 986 170 385 251 3 17 0 2 0 0

1994 3,079 1,800 4,771 511 2,849 248 541 319 4 19 0 10 0 0

1995 4,386 2,725 6,321 857 3,459 458 770 410 9 29 0 12 0 0

1996 7,609 4,563 9,764 1,813 5,493 745 1,288 465 15 62 0 30 0 0

1997 12,630 7,502 12,751 2,127 9,458 1,442 1,644 743 28 196 0 40 0 0

1998 24,347 9,174 14,114 4,587 17,643 7,763 7,057 1,411 565 374 106 93 56 26

1999 29,158 13,171 18,703 7,037 26,027 6,448 8,255 2,434 726 442 239 183 99 99

2000 48,681 24,435 26,853 12,103 23,869 9,108 21,935 2,946 1,256 706 314 641 314 188

2001 71,786 36,465 37,866 18,052 14,215 17,923 15,451 4,363 1,545 909 544 754 433 278

2002 81,834 43,529 40,754 22,001 17,121 20,377 17,992 7,545 1,741 958 604 609 406 269

2003 107,598 44,925 54,921 28,152 19,412 27,732 19,689 8,874 1,803 1,212 693 782 1,009 277

Source: Arora and Bagde (2006). See paper for details on data sources.





Complementary evidence is provided by Table 6, which lists the location of NASSCOM member firms based on headquarters until 2001. Since most firms tended to be single-location firms, especially in the early years after formation, the location of the headquarters is a useful measure of activity. Table 6 paints the same picture as Table 5: until 2000 or so, Bangalore was not markedly more attractive a location than Mumbai or the Delhi cluster.


Notes: Computed from NASSCOM (2002) after excluding government departments, liaison offices and firms with missing data on years of establishment. (N=449). Source: Athreye (2005a), table 5, and author’s additions

The second reason for doubting the claim that government science

and technology investments explain why Bangalore emerged as a leading IT hub has to do with the nature of software exports. As I have stressed repeatedly, software exports, especially at the start, consisted of relatively simple activities or of programmers sent to[the United States and elsewhere. Undoubtedly, some of them were hired away from the many public sector labs, which proved to be a useful reservoir of skilled human capital. But that is it. The sophisticated capabilities resident in the public sector labs were, for the most part, irrelevant to software success, with the exception of attracting firms such as TI and Motorola to locate there. Ironically enough, these capabilities and the multinational labs they attracted may explain why Bangalore is now acquiring a reputation for being the place to do product development and other R&D intensive software activities. Unfortunately for the “public policy is the cause” explanation, this is taking place after the success of software exports.

Location Pre-1980

1981-84 1985-91 1992-99 2000-01

Bangalore 3 3 19 50 15

Mumbai/Pune (Pune)

9 (1)

11 (0)

32 (8)

63 (17)

8 (2)

Chennai 3 5 9 34 6

Delhi: of which (Noida) (Gurgaon)

5 4 (1)

25 (6) (1)

63 (18) (9)

17 (4) (2)

Hyderabad /Secundrabad 1 6 29 8



Additional support is provided by the findings of Suma Athreye’s survey of 205 software firms in 2002–2003. In the survey, research links with universities and labs were ranked dead last among the factors that influenced their location decisions. Government financial incentives and the presence of other firms were also ranked very low among the factors that influenced the location decisions of firms (Athreye 2006).

Srinivasan (2006) singles out telecommunication reforms and the creation of software technology parks (STPs) as key pieces of the puzzle. This is undoubtedly right. Software firms needed to interact cheaply and easily with their clients and to work upon systems remotely. Indeed, surveys done in 1997 by me, and the more recent survey by Athreye mentioned earlier, indicate that good transport and communications infrastructure are seen by firms as among the most important factors conditioning their performance.

Srinivasan’s inference, however, that the initial phase of “body shopping” was a response to poor information infrastructure is off the mark. Some amount of physical proximity is inevitable. Head, Mayer and Ries (2009) provide evidence on the importance of proximity for a broader range of services. In particular, they find that a doubling of distance roughly halves the amount of trade in services. The impact of distance on trade in IT services is similar. They also find that shared legal origins and measures of cultural proximity (such as colonial relationships or shared language) can mitigate the impact of distance on trade in services. However, while cultural proximity matters for IT services, differences in legal systems appear to be unimportant.

Outsourcing had, and continues to have, an important local component. One way of examining the tradability of IT services is to look at the extent to which they are clustered near local demand. If markets for IT services are local, then we should expect the entry decisions of IT services firms will depend in part upon the size of the local market. If markets are not local, then the composition of local demand should matter little; suppliers should locate in low-cost regions. Using data from U.S. Census County Business Patterns, Arora and Forman (2006) find that the elasticity of local supply to local demand characteristics is higher for programming and design (0.806) than for hosting (0.1899).

The importance of physical proximity will depend on the nature of the service. Programming and design services involve tasks such as programming, and planning and designing information systems. These tasks require communication of detailed user requirements to the outsourcing firm in order to succeed. Hosting, on the other hand, involves the management and operation of computer and data processing services for the client. After an initial set-up period, the



requirements of such hosting services will be relatively static and will require relatively little coordination between client and service provider. Thus, we would expect hosting activities could be conducted more easily at a distance than other activities. Indeed, Arora and Forman (2006) find that outsourcing of programming and design services is much more sensitive to local supply conditions than hosting.

In other words, sending Indian programmers to their U.S. clients for part of the job is almost inevitable. In the Indian context, the body-shopping phase was essential for another important reason. Good telecommunications or not, outsourcing software development to India was not an easy sell in 1991, as the following comment indicates:

When I was out there in 1991, the country was bankrupt. We had three governments in one year, an assassination of a prime minister, and we were hawking our gold. You know, selling overseas was not a piece of cake…. If I had to present ten slides, the first eight had to be to sell India and the ninth one would say we do have an IT industry in India and unless the guy bought those nine slides, your tenth one about your company was meaningless. Because who are you anyway? Fifty people – it’s no big deal. So we were building up the (India) brand from day one. (From a founder-member of NASSCOM, interviewed by Suma Athreye in 2005 and cited in Athreye and Hobday [2006])

An offer to send people over was undoubtedly more palatable to nervous American IT managers than an invitation to send the work over to India. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND OPENNESS As the quote above indicates, underlying this remarkable export success story is the perhaps more remarkable story of Indian entrepreneurship. Even though the details of the entrepreneurial process are poorly understood, one may tentatively offer two explanations for India’s export success: entrepreneurship and openness.16

In an insightful article, Hausmann and Rodrik (2002) note that such market experiments appear to lie at the very heart of export successes from developing countries. They argue that, in an uncertain world, figuring out where and how to exploit a certain type of resource abundance is not straightforward. For instance, Bangladesh’s abundant supplies of cheap labour give it a comparative advantage in labour-intensive products as opposed to high tech machinery. But labour-intensive manufactures range from a variety of textiles to diamond polishing. Even in textiles, where Bangladesh has focused, Bangladesh’s exports to the United States are narrowly concentrated in men’s cotton



shirts and trousers and knitted hats. By contrast, Pakistan, with a similar resource endowment, exports bedsheets to the United States but few hats. This is not an isolated example. Hausmann and Rodrik show that, of the top 25 exports of each country, there are only 6 items in common. They find the same pattern for other pairs of comparable countries, such as Honduras and the Dominican Republic, and Taiwan and South Korea. They conclude that, in most developing economies, “industrial success entails concentration in a relatively narrow range of activities.”

Moreover, predicting which precise product lines and activities will eventually prove to be a success is very difficult. An early unsuccessful attempt to exploit India’s comparative advantage in labour-intensive activities is illustrative. Patni Computer Systems, through its U.S. affiliate, Data Conversion, launched a project in the late 1970s for data entry as well as code embedding for commercial databases (this is now Lexus-Nexus). However, steep import duties on computer equipment imports, as well as union regulations, caused much of data conversion work to be shifted to China and Taiwan and the project failed. Athreye (2005b) documents the many market experiments that Indian entrepreneurs engaged in, from developing products for the local (and less frequently, the export) market, to experimenting with different ways (“delivery models”) for service exports.

Other countries also provide comparable examples. Breznitz (2005) shows that, while it was evident that Israel’s comparative advantage lay in R&D-intensive sectors, it was not at all clear in the beginning that software would emerge as a prominent area. Indeed, until 1985, the Office of Chief Scientist did not even include software in the technologies to which R&D subsidies would be provided. Multinationals demonstrated the viability of developing software in Ireland, but it was left to some indigenous firms to demonstrate that Irish firms could develop successful software products. As Hausmann and Rodrik put it, “learning what one is good at producing” — which may be key to the process of economic growth in follower countries — is not yet well understood. Economic experiments or entrepreneurship is the way such learning takes place.

Information from outside the country, particularly from potential export markets, may be very important for export success. This is reflected in the sources of firm formation in the software industry in Ireland, Israel and India. Of the 38 Irish software companies for which Sands (2005) presents data, 28 had one or more founders who worked abroad, and 38 of the 58 founders had worked abroad. Similarly, Arora, Gambardella and Klepper (2005) present evidence that 40 percent of a sample of 200 top managers of the leading Israeli software firms had earlier worked for an American company and a third had their highest



degree from a U.S. university. These percentages are markedly higher for managers in charge of finance or marketing. This is consistent with the idea that, although Israeli entrepreneurs were technically proficient, they needed marketing and financial expertise from American managers to turn this into commercial success.

The importance of the “foreign connection” is evident in the Indian software industry as well. A number of successful software entrepreneurs in India had substantial overseas experience. For a sample of 530 firms that were members of NASSCOM in the year 2000, Athreye (2005a) finds that 95 (18 percent) were created by existing Indian firms diversifying into software, 96 (18 percent) were multinationals, and 44 (8 percent) were founded by expatriate Indians overseas, almost all located in the United States. There are 212 (40 percent) de novo start-ups, which 160 were founded by those who had worked for other software or hardware firms. It is likely that a very substantial fraction of these had worked overseas on software export projects. The foreign hand is even more visible if one restricts the attention to the leading exporters. Of the 20 leading exporters identified by NASSCOM, a quarter (5) were started by Indians living in United States; another 20 percent (4) are multinationals (see Table A1). Of the remaining, the founders in virtually every case were educated or worked abroad. Since the NASSCOM list excludes leading exporters such as IBM, Accenture, HP and Intelligroup on the one hand, and Kanbay, Cognizant and Syntel on the other, the share of multinational corporations and firms started by the Indian diaspora overseas is even higher.

Indian entrepreneurs were tested by the struggle to use inexperienced and newly minted engineers and to compete for export orders in the face of power shortages, bad roads, high employee turnover and a government that was initially indifferent. To someone growing up in the India of the 1970s, where superior access to government favours passed for entrepreneurship, it is surprising enough that such large numbers readily accepted the challenge, let alone that so many succeeded. However, this in itself should provide comfort regarding the future prospects for the Indian economy. THE PROSPECTS FOR THE INDUSTRY

ANY OBSERVERS OF THE INDIAN SOFTWARE INDUSTRY (and virtually every CEO I interviewed) believed the growth of the Indian

software industry was unsustainable unless Indian firms invested in R&D or developed software products because rising wages would




undercut their existing cost advantages in services (e.g. Schware [1992]; Heeks [1996]; D’Costa [2003]). As one early observer put it:

Onsite working increases the opportunities for a ‘brain drain’ of talent, while offering programming services can become self-reinforcing with little skill being built up, so that the higher skills necessary for software innovation remain the preserve of developed countries.... (A)nd may also leave the Indian industry unable to move significantly to a different form of exports, such as package exports. (Heeks 1998)

For the most part, as I shall show below, India has not produced software products or technically sophisticated services, although there certainly are exceptions. On the other hand, Indian software growth appears none the worse for it. What then are the prospects for the Indian software and for Indian software firms? It is helpful to distinguish among the distinct ways in which one can "move up the value chain." First, one could produce software products. Second, one could provide more technology-intensive services. But there is a third way of moving up the value chain and this is the path that typically has been followed, albeit not frequently discussed: providing higher-value business services. I look at these in turn. MOVING UP THE VALUE CHAIN: SOFTWARE PRODUCTS Products allow one to "write once and sell many times," the ultimate source of economies of scale. The reality is, of course, more complicated. Products, once written, have to be patched to take care of bugs and security flaws that inevitably creep in, have to be upgraded to remain interoperable with other products, and have to have new functionality added on to keep up with the competition. Moreover, products have to be marketed and, once sold, have to be installed and integrated with existing products. All of this takes considerable investment and organizational ability.17

Many of the leading Indian firms have tried to develop products, with limited success. The lack of success ought not to surprise anyone. Penny-pinching and risk-adverse management habits — ingrained while growing in an infrastructure and capital-scarce, labour-abundant environment — are unlikely to make for successful technology innovators. Development organizations geared to fulfill requirements laid down by clients are unlikely to be able to divine the needs of as-yet-unknown buyers of their product; nor are sales organizations used to answering RFQs best suited to sell a product that the customer has not yet felt a need for.18



Table 7 lists the leading software product producers with their

associated product revenues (including domestic sales). Only i-flex, a Citibank spinoff, has achieved a measure of success. The other noteworthy point from the table is the virtual absence of the leading software firms. The two featured in the table, Infosys and TCS, have total revenues in excess of $2 billion, so that product sales account for 2 to 3 percent of total sales revenues.


2004-05 2005-06

i-flex 122.3 157.7

Infosys 44.4 74.2

TCS 41.0 53.5

3i Infotech 26.9 40.6

Cranes 27.9 34.2

Ramco 25.8 32.9

Tally 47.7 28.5

Subex 13.1 24.4

Flextronics (earlier Hughes Software Systems) 14.8 23.8

Polaris 24.6 15.4

Total 388.5 485.2

Source: DataQuest Magazine; online site accessed 26 Sep 2006



But Indian firms are not alone in their failure to develop software products. The United States dominates the software product market to an astonishing degree. OECD data show that the United States continues to be the leader by a wide margin in the export of software products, accounting for 21.7 percent of total software exports. However, in reality, it probably produces about a third of all software exports. The discrepancy is because the second leading exporter, Ireland, is mostly a value-added reseller of software products developed and designed in the United States by American firms. North America also represents the largest share of packaged software sales, and this percentage has been increasing over time from 47 percent in 1990 to 54 percent in 2001. Other than SAP, the German ERP producer, all the leading software product companies are American. (See Arora, Forman and Yoon [2008] for more details.)

An important reason for American dominance is the importance of user-producer interactions, which are particularly salient for successful software product design. For example, the well-known SABRE airline reservation system was an outgrowth of a chance encounter on a flight between R. Blair Smith of IBM's Santa Monica sales office with C.R. Smith, president of American Airlines. This led to a collaboration by the two companies in developing SABRE (Campbell-Kelly 2003; Copeland and McKenney 1988). As long as the lead users, particularly for enterprise software, are American, United States is likely to remain the centre for product innovation in software. In this context, Canadian software producers have an advantage for they are both geographically and culturally close to the lead users.

Firms in other countries have typically succeeded when their products were targeted to niches where incumbent American firms had not entered, or where the products are deeply technical, such as design of chip components. Such was the case for security software, where Israeli firms such as Checkpoint, seized the opening. But even when firms from outside United States successfully develop a product, the typical pattern is for those firms to move their commercial activities to United States.19 This is certainly true of the Israeli and Irish firms, which have tended to retain only research activities in their home countries. For instance, Checkpoint, an Israeli firm that pioneered software security products such as firewalls, is now an American company with mostly research activities located in Israel.

This suggests a more nuanced approach to thinking about the issue of software products. As discussed at the start of the paper, software products are typically used by firms to run their business processes such as accounting, sales and marketing, purchasing, and supply chains. For the most part, such software cannot be successfully developed and sold without a deep understanding of how these users run their businesses



and without the users having some ongoing relationships with the software vendor. Business software often is bundled with a set of business rules and assumptions about business processes that must be integrated with the existing business organization, its activities and its processes. Proximity between software developers and users is particularly important for this co-inventive activity to occur. At the very least, large users are unlikely to adopt a product that will become enmeshed in their business processes without considerable assurances about support for and maintenance of the products for the foreseeable future. Since United States accounts for a substantial share of the software market and since most of the lead users who play a very important role in a product’s success are American, it is difficult for a firm not substantially based in United States to succeed in software product exports.

This in turn raises two possibilities. First, firms outside United States could develop products aimed at firms whose needs are different from American firms, as i-flex apparently did; or they could develop products that are not embedded in the business processes of users, as is the case for firewalls and anti-virus software. A second possibility is that firms could use India (or Israel or Ireland) as a base for doing product development and maintenance, while maintaining a substantial commercial presence in United States. Indeed, this is the strategy that Texas Instruments pioneered and many of the leading technology firms such as Motorola, Oracle, Cadence, Microsoft, Freescale and Intel have followed.


Thus, India could host technology-intensive software development by the subsidiaries of large multinationals, by Indian firms developing technology that is not dependent on close proximity to customers, or by Indian firms doing contract research for overseas clients. The evidence suggests that all of these are going on.

There is a smattering of anecdotal evidence that even small firms are beginning to locate product development activities with a view to increasing the pace and reducing the cost of product development. There is also some anecdotal evidence that Indian firms are performing R&D-intensive activities, especially in the semiconductor sector. In unpublished research, Athreye reports on a survey of 205 Indian software firms. Of these, only 52 firms or about a quarter reported any revenues from product and technical licensing and 39 of those 52 firms also earned some revenues in customized services. In other words, only 13, or around 6 percent of the firms, were focused on products. The



average revenue earned through each activity for the group of firms that reported licensing revenue is 34 percent from customization and 29 percent from product licensing, with an expected negative correlation. Athreye’s data also suggest that entrepreneurial and spinoff firms are more likely to report licensing revenues as opposed to firms that are part of business houses or are established firms.

Exports of R&D services are quite substantial. As was shown in Table 1 earlier, exports of R&D and engineering services were projected to amount to about $5 billion, with about 80 percent from exports The exact nature of such services is hard to pin down. However, as sales of embedded software, for example, software written for electronic devices such as mobile phones and printers, show, this is a substantial category. Unlike software services for business processes, this category of exports is heavily dependent on technical and engineering expertise about relevant domains such as electronics or automobiles. Table 8 lists the leading firms in providing R&D services. In addition, firms such as Persistent, IndusLogic and Aspire provide more generic product development services to clients. These are not small companies — Persistent employs over 2000 while IndusLogic employs over 1000 and reported revenues of $30 million in 2005.

Statistics on patents are another possible indicator of the extent to which India is being used as a place to do R&D. Arora, Forman and Yoon (2006) use patent data to examine whether software inventive activity (in addition to software services) is also globalizing. Although subject to a variety of caveats, the answer is no. There are, of course, significant limitations to the use of software patents as a measure of inventive activity. As Jaffe and Trajtenberg (2002) note, not all inventions meet the U.S. Patent and Trade Office (USPTO) criteria for patentability, and inventors must make an explicit decision to patent an invention as opposed to relying on some other method of intellectual property protection. Both of these issues are particularly acute in the patenting of software. Another challenge is identifying software patents.




Company Revenue (2005-06) $ million

Growth (%)

HCL Technologies 222 40

TCS 196 62

Satyam 82 53

Rolta India 31 30

Quest 15 40

Neilsoft 8 40

Source: DataQuest Magazine estimates, converted from rupee values at $1 = Rs 48

Figure 3 shows that the United States also dominates software

patenting and the difference between it and the rest of the world has become very pronounced over the last 10 years. In 2004, 4695 software patents were issued to inventors in the United States, a larger number of patents than all other areas of the world combined (2811). Moreover, patenting by U.S. inventors grew by nearly 20 percent per year, compared with 16.1 percent in Japan and 18 percent in other G-7 nations. These figures may reflect a “home country bias”: U.S. firms may be more likely to patent in the U.S. market than foreign firms. However, these trends are very robust. Thoma and Torrisi (2006) examine the rate of software patenting in European patents and find very similar results: U.S. firms are responsible for the majority of software patenting activity, followed by Japanese firms, and then all others. Moreover, Thoma and Torrisi (2006) note that, of the European patents in their database, 80.3 percent have also been granted by the USPTO and 73.8 percent have been granted by the Japanese Patent Office.












ber o

f Pat


1988 1992 1996 2000 2004Year

Japan Other G-7All Others US

Source: Arora, Foreman and Yoon (2006), based on USPTO data

Figure 3 shows the number of patents invented in the United

States, Japan and other G-7 countries as well as in the "underdog" countries, which includes India. Israel is the only one among them to have a significant number of U.S. patents. Israeli patenting activity increased from 3 in 1998 to a high of 90 in 2003. No other country has had more than 20 patents in any one year, though the number of patents invented in India has risen slightly in recent years from an average of 0.5 throughout the 1990s to 16 in 2004.

A different way to ask the question is to look at the patenting activities of software firms, keeping in mind that their patents may well fall in areas that we do not classify as software. A comparison of panels A and B of Table 9 confirms that most of the inventive activity by software firms is by multinationals.





2004-05 2005-06 Company Patents

Filed Patents Granted

Patents Filed

Patents Granted

Microsoft 40 - 70 -

Symantec 47 43 57 16

ST Micro 62 32 37 14

Adobe 10 - 32* -

Freescale 10 - 16 4

Flextronics 2 1 4 1

Cadence 1 5 - -

Texas Instruments 35 10 - -

Source: DataQuest Magazine estimates. All figures represent U.S. patents filed by the Indian R&D facilities of these multinational corporations in all fields, not just software patents. *Adobe's patents represent the total number of patents filed since the start of India operations.


2004-05 2005-06 Company Patents

Filed Patents Granted

Patents Filed

Patents Granted

Infosys - - 20 -

Ramco 16 - 16 -

TCS 16 5 13 4

Sasken 5 - 5 5

Mindtree 1 - 2 -

Subex - - 2 -

i-flex 1 - 1 -

Source: DataQuest Magazine estimates



Overall, the evidence suggests that in recent years, R&D and software-related innovation activities in India have grown, albeit from a small base. However, the quantitative significance of such activities is still small. Using India to develop software for sale in distant markets poses significant challenges. One major challenge to offshoring software product development work will be the difficulty of coordinating software development activity across a globally distributed team. As is well known, partitioning complicated software development projects across multiple team members is difficult and often increases the costs of software development substantially (Brooks 1995). These problems may become still greater when attempting to manage such projects at a distance (Armstrong and Cole 2002; Olson and Olson 2000).

Furthermore, as Helpman and Trefler (2009) note, such contractual arrangements face many challenges. Design of new products typically involves technical interdependencies of the components. Contracting out the design of one or more components creates communications costs but there are also contracting difficulties, as Trefler (2006) discusses in more detail. More generally, Helpman and Trefler (2009) cite a variety of evidence to support the claim that the ability of countries such as India to develop sophisticated R&D-intensive products for the export market will be constrained by the quality of their financial and legal institutions in particular. They cite work by Nunn (2007) showing that countries with strong legal systems tend to specialize in the production of non-standardized goods and in human-capital-intensive sectors (such as software).

Simply put, Helpman and Trefler (2009) suggest firms will outsource R&D if they are confident that their intellectual property will be secure and that any commercial disputes will be adjudicated fairly and promptly. In this respect, India has some way to go. Although intellectual property is protected, its courts are overloaded and legal disputes can take years to settle, by which time the issue is nearly always moot. Since institutions take decades to change, and more importantly, since many important software innovations require proximity with lead users, India is not likely to acquire a comparative advantage in software R&D in the next decade. MOVING UP THE VALUE CHAIN: MORE VALUABLE BUSINESS EXPERTISE? Supplying technology-intensive products and services is not the only way of moving up the value chain. Providing organization-capability intensive services is another, and this is the route the leading Indian software firms will likely take. They may try to diversify into emerging



niches without entrenched incumbents as, for instance, TCS’s forays into bio-informatics show. A select few may attempt to acquire the required hardware capability to become systems integrators, although that remains to be seen.

For the most part, however, the leading Indian software firms shall, quite sensibly, strive to become capable of executing large, complex, multi-year software development, implementation and maintenance projects (see table 10). In so doing, they will build on their existing business units that focus on serving selected industries. Indeed, this sort of “vertical” focus is more prominent among Indian firms that entered the industry later and are therefore smaller and less successful at competing for large multi-year projects. Examples include Cognizant in health care, Polaris in banking, RMSI in geographical mapping and GIS, and Geometric Software in CAD software and services.

In bidding for large-scale projects, the established Indian firms will run up against established incumbents such as the global services division of IBM, Accenture and EDS. The outcome of this impending clash is unclear, although the advantage must lie with the incumbents. While the Indian firms perhaps have an advantage in terms of superior access to the Indian labour market, the latter have much greater demonstrated expertise in large projects in a wider range of end-user sectors, established relationships with customers and global presence. The latter also appear to have realized the seriousness of the challenge and have begun to recruit heavily in India for the software to be developed in India itself. For instance, IBM Global Services is believed to have over 40 000 employees in India. By developing software in India themselves, American software service and solution providers (they are almost all American) hope to lower their costs, thereby undercutting the only significant advantage that Indian software firms are thought to enjoy.

Even so, Indian firms have become experts at a “global delivery” model of software services. In this model, some of the work is done offshore and some on-site, using the large number of talented but often poorly trained and inexperienced engineering graduates, a substantial fraction of whom will stay with the firm for a couple of years before moving on.20 As already noted, operating under these conditions, Indian firms were forced to develop management practices to cope.





Date Indian Firm Client Contract Type Value ($ million) (period)

Dec 2006 Tech Mahindra BT Strategic sourcing; creating global delivery organization $1,000 (5 years)

2006 Wipro GM


Sep 2005 TCS ABN Software development $260

Sep 2005 Infosys ABN Software development, maintenance $140

Aug 2003 L&T Motorola $70-$90 (3-5


Aug 2003 Satyam Certain Teed (U.S.)

Implement supply chain solution $15 (9 months)

Jun 2003 HCL Airbus Embedded software –

Apr 2003 HCL BT group (U.K.) Business telemarketing, billing, conferencing $160 (5 years)

Apr 2003 Infosys BT group (U.K.) Second service provider for BPO services – (5 years)

Mar 2003 Patni Guardian Life (U.S.)

Gap analysis and implementation $35 (7 years)

Mar 2003 Ramco-Boeing

Aloha Airlines (U.S.)

Technical services with main marketing by Boeing (50% of revenues for each)

Nov 2002 TCS & Wipro Lehmann Bros. IT outsourcing $50-$70

Jan 2002 TCS GE medical “Take or pay” model $100-$120 (2 years)

Jul 2001 Wipro Lattice Group (U.S.) Outsourcing $70 (3 years)

Note: Based on Athreye (2005a) and author’s additions



This business model, which Indian firms stumbled onto, is something their foreign competitors have to learn. There is no reason why they should not be able to do so, but the Indian firms have a head start. A recent news item noted that Accenture’s market value is below that of TCS and Infosys, even though Accenture is substantially larger. Given Accenture’s technical capabilities, this may reflect investor skepticism about the firm’s ability to be as cost-effective in software service delivery in a geographically distributed environment. On the other hand, the Indian firms will have to learn how to operate as global companies with a multinational workforce, a task they have only recently — and timidly — embarked on.21

As the Indian market grows, multinational corporations (MNCs) will start aggressively going after “local” business. For example, the 10-year deal between Accenture and Dabur for the management of Dabur’s IT needs, the Bank of India-HP deal for branch office computerization, the $750-million Bharti-IBM deal, and the mega Reliance Infocomm telecom network and Reliance retail petrol pump projects with IBM are clear indicators of what can happen in the Indian landscape. The lack of capability in hardware and systems integration is clearly a weak area. On the other hand, this is the flip side of the coin of comparative advantage. Indian firms have certain relative strengths, which imply corresponding relative weaknesses. Contrast this with the Chinese case where local business is almost exclusively the preserve of local firms, all which are incredibly diversified (Tschang and Xue 2005) and none of which are internationally competitive.

Moreover, one should distinguish between the prospects for Indian firms and the prospects for India as a location for software and IT. The latter is surely brighter. Leading multinationals such as IBM, Accenture and HP employ over 70 000 in India. If Indian firms are indeed deficient in certain aspects of management, the multinationals could be the training ground for new managers and the seedbed for new startups.

A greater threat may perhaps come from the technology itself. Evangelists for service-oriented architectures, software components, utility computing and so on paint a picture of a world where users will no longer have to invest in large in-house IT infrastructures. Instead, computing will be like a utility — a menu of services that organizations can use, varying the scope and scale according to need. More importantly, the tedious business of maintaining and upgrading applications, and keeping up with changes in underlying computing platforms will become much less tedious; information infrastructure providers, such as IBM, H-P, EMC and others will take on this task for them. The market for third parties such as TCS, Wipro and Infosys to



customize, enhance and maintain the existing software infrastructure will shrink quite dramatically.

That is, of course, if such a state comes to pass. Information technology has so often promised “automation” that will reduce demand for skilled (and expensive) workers only to deceive. A number of difficult problems, both technical and organizational, would have to be solved to achieve this state. Even if this state of bliss were realized, it would take a long time. Much like old soldiers, old code never dies but fades away, often very slowly.22 Prognosticating about technology is best left to experts, but a reasonable guess is that for the next decade or so, demand for software services will keep growing. The growth in the Indian economy itself may provide an additional source of demand, which will surely be satisfied by Indian programmers, albeit perhaps working for a foreign company. IMPLICATIONS FOR CANADIAN ECONOMIES

O RECAP, the growth of the Indian software industry poses a threat, not to the innovative software firms in North America, but to the in-

house IT departments of firms in banking, finance, manufacturing and retail, and perhaps also in health care and other sectors in the future. Furthermore, the growth of the software industry in India has relied, and will continue to rely, on a substantial presence of Indian firms in their major markets. Thus far, this presence has taken the form of Indian programmers and project managers shipped in from India. Increasingly, as Indian software firms try to provide higher value-added business services, this presence will have a local colour. The leading firms have begun to acquire firms in different countries, partly to put down roots and partly to acquire specialized competencies and domain knowledge. I expect this process to continue and Indian firms to make investments in Canada, as well as acquiring and making alliances with Canadian firms. Such inward foreign investment provides a valuable opportunity for Canadian firms themselves to learn the global delivery model and adapt it to their needs.

One can also derive some implications for Canadian policy for the software industry, although some of these implications are about what does not appear to be effective. In India, an active industry association, NASSCOM, played a very important role in the development of the industry. It helped combat unhelpful stereotypes about India, lobby the government for help on infrastructure and even coordinated efforts against protectionist changes in H1-B visa policies. It surely helped that most of the member firms had similar business models and similar




interests. If such a thing were true for the Canadian software industry, an effective industry association might help.

Technology parks in India and elsewhere do not appear to have accomplished a great deal. To be sure, it cannot hurt an industry to have land, telecommunication infrastructure and perhaps simplified import and export procedures, but it is unclear if this helps much. Arguably, for innovation-oriented start-ups, incubators and science and technology parks help in economizing with regard to scarce finances and managerial attention, although I am unaware of any analysis that compares the benefits with the costs of providing such services. What is certainly clear is that there is little to be said in favour of Canadian policy targeting the software industry. It has been argued that in Israel, favourable public policy has helped launch a number of high tech successes in semiconductors, electronics, medical devices and software. However, even in Israel, there was a general investment in science and technology, rather than policies intended to promote particular industries or sectors.

In the same context, although initially the public sector venture capital scheme (the Yozma) may have catalyzed Israeli high tech firms, the private venture capital and private equity funds quite soon stepped into the breach. I suspect that there is not a shortage of private risk capital for Canadian high tech start-ups. If there is a shortage, it is of viable start-ups themselves. There is no elixir to remedy the deficiency (if at all one exists). The lesson from India is that policy makers are often overly pessimistic about how responsive entrepreneurs will be to opportunities. The other and perhaps more important lesson is that policy should not try to anticipate and restrict the form of the entrepreneurial response, for instance, by being overly enamoured of technology-intensive businesses. As the stunning commercial success of Apple’s iPod shows, technology is only a part of the overall value that customers perceive in products, even in technology-based products. If this is correct, a policy that relies on encouraging entrepreneurship cannot hope to specify in advance the sectors where entrepreneurs will emerge, let alone how they will go about their business.

Another lesson about encouraging entrepreneurship occurs in the apparent importance of exemplars and success stories. The Silicon Valley, with its legendary entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, is an obvious case in point, but India, Israel and even Ireland also are examples. Many entrepreneurs are galvanized into action by the success of another entrepreneur.23 If this is so, an inexpensive public policy may be to highlight the achievements of truly successful Canadian entrepreneurs in the software industry.

The final lesson from the Indian software industry is the value of openness. I have described the role of the diaspora in forming valuable



business connections and as a source of entrepreneurship, and of multinationals as a means of legitimizing Indian software and as a nursery for managers and entrepreneurs for the Indian software industry. Openness thus means not merely free flows of goods and capital, though these are undoubtedly important, but also the flow of ideas and people. On all of these counts, Canada appears to be already well served.


MPRESSIVE THOUGH the Indian software industry may be, its direct economic impact is small, although growing rapidly. Table 11 shows

that the total employment in IT Services is about 800 000, a miniscule fraction of the 340-million-strong workforce. Data from the Ministry of Finance indicate that IT services accounted for 4 percent of GDP in 2004, which speaks to the astonishing growth of this sector. Projections from the same source predict a much greater future impact. The Economic Survey 2005 projects that value added in IT and in BPO services is expected to be 7 percent of GDP by 2008. Furthermore, exports are expected to be around $60 billion by 2010, accounting for 35 percent of all Indian exports (Ministry of Finance Economic Survey 2005, Box 6.7, page 117). This projection seems based on an assumption that software export revenues will continue to grow at 30 percent per year, an assumption that appears optimistic. If it should come to pass, it would be astonishing for a sector that even today barely employs 1.2 million people of a labour force numbering well over 360 million.


Sector FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006

IT Services 614 000 741 000 878 000

ITES-BPO 253 000 316 000 415 000 Source: NASSCOM (IT factsheet), (accessed 18 Sept 2006)




Even more optimistic are the long-run projections, such as those

from a study by the AIMA and BCG and cited by Srinivasan (2006). This study projects that by 2020 remote service exports and in situ services to foreigners could lead to export revenues of between $139 billion (if IT service exports grow by 10 percent between 2010 and 2020) and $365 billion (if exports grow by 20 percent), and to additional employment of between 20 million and 72 million. The employment projections appear to be the most suspect. As Panagariya (2007) notes in a broader context, this is unlikely to happen without substantial improvements in the physical infrastructure, particularly electricity, and ground and air transport.

Bottlenecks in the supply of the required human capital may also prevent these projections from being fulfilled. Even non-IT business services require college graduates at the very minimum, and barely 7 percent of the college-age population is actually enrolled in universities. India’s output of graduates at the master’s and PhD levels is barely 3 percent that of the United States and more than 60 percent of postgraduate seats in engineering colleges are vacant. The consequent low output of postgraduates has serious implications for training of future generations (Kapur 2001). The mounting budget deficits of the public and private sector make it unlikely that large public investment in university education capacity is forthcoming.

However, as the Indian experience with engineering education has indicated, Indians are willing to invest in education when it yields an economic return, and Indian entrepreneurs are willing to supply it. I suspect a similar process has been going on at the pre-university level, both in terms of formal schooling as well as the informal “cram” schools and coaching classes. As with the private engineering colleges, the quality of teachers and of the education provided is uneven. Most private engineering colleges have virtually no research capability. Many even employ teachers with only a baccalaureate degree with limited expertise and teaching experience. On the other hand, the existing publicly funded schools and colleges are not much to boast about either, with the exception of those at the very top. Moreover, one must avoid making good the enemy of best: compared with the alternative of relying solely upon publicly funded education (which even the Indian middle class has not done, at least for pre-university education), private schools and colleges, even of uneven quality, are a Pareto improvement.

But the excitement regarding India’s software exports has never been about its capability to generate employment. Rather, it is an example of what was possible. In other words, it is the indirect and less quantifiable impacts that have always held the greatest attraction for me. As we concluded in Arora et al. (2001):



(O)ur optimism about the beneficial impact of the Indian software industry on the Indian economy in the long run is not based entirely on the quantitative importance of the relatively smaller number of successes among software service exporters. We think that in the shadow of the much more prominent software services firms, we are finding firms developing a variety of new software products, components and technologies. (S)oftware service firms are exemplars of organisational forms and practices that are relatively new to India. A large number of software firms are de novo start-ups, indicating that the supply of entrepreneurial talent appears to be forthcoming when the opportunity arises, even in new and technology intensive sectors.... Top managers of the leading software firms have been profiled in the popular press in India and are viewed favourably by many Indians, particularly in comparison to traditional Indian business leaders. Further, this industry has pioneered equity stakes and stock options for employees in India, and many of these companies are star performers on the Indian stock market. Thus, unlike in the past, the fruits of the success of the industry have been shared far more broadly. The implications of the success of this industry, at a time of slow but far-ranging changes in the Indian economy, can be immense and far-reaching. (Arora et al. 2001, 1287)

This faith appears to have been vindicated. Athreye (2005a) argues that the organizational capabilities developed by the Indian software firms are generic in the sense of being applicable to a variety of sectors rather than just to the software sector. This is true in areas such as engineering services, where leading software firms such as HCL and TCS have a substantial presence (see Table 8 above). This is also true in the more rapidly growing area of business process services. Indeed, some of the entrants into the BPO sector have been IT firms. Table 12 shows that, of the top leading BPO firms in India, 2 of the top 5 and 4 of the top 10 are also leading software firms. These four account for over a quarter of the employment of this group. The table also shows the diverse sources of firm entry and how closely they mirror the sources of firm entry into software — start-ups, spinoffs, business houses and multinationals.

There are even more intangible, but no less important, impacts. Software made the “Brand India” a respected one, paving the way for other sectors. The software industry also led the fight for regulatory reforms, in areas such as liberalizing access to the stock market and listing requirements. It also led the way in corporate governance, with its emphasis on transparency and ethical management.24 But perhaps the most important impact of all is that software showed to potential entrepreneurs what is possible with talent, luck and hard work; that



success is not reserved for those with connections or for those born to wealth (Kapur 2002). Hitherto, wealth was acquired by breaking laws or at least by bending them to one’s convenience. Software was the first instance where wealth was created honestly and legally and, more important, visibly so. Before now, commercial success had invited envy, cynicism and even outright hostility; admiration, only rarely. While envy and hostility are by no means gone, there is much more of admiration and, more importantly, a desire for imitation.




Empl. % voice

Start Year Software Origin

Genpact 26 000 20 1997 – Spinoff (GE)

IBM Daksh 18 000 67 2000 Yes

Wipro 16 000 86 2000 Yes (Acquired Spectramind, a start-up)

WNS 10 000 30 1996 – Start-up – Diaspora

Convergys 10 000 – ? – MNC

HCL BPO 10 000 70 2001 Yes

Intelnet 9 500 60 2000 – Start-up – HDFC

Mphasis 8 300 80 1999 Yes Spinoff (Citibank)

Aegis 8 000 75 2004 – Business House (Essar)

Sutherland 8 000 – 1986 – MNC

Hinduja TMT 7 500 70 2001 – Business House

ICIC One-Source 7 300 70 2001 –

EyesL 7 300 – 1999 – Start-up – Diaspora

Progeon (infosys) 7 000 18 2002 Yes

24/7 7 000 – 2000 – Start-up – Diaspora

TCS 5 000 15 ? Yes

Efore 3 200 – 1999 – Start-up-Diaspora

Vcustomer 3 000 – 1999 – Start-up – Diaspora

Sitel India 3 000 73 2000 – MNC

Transworks 2 235 78 1999 – Business House (Birla)

GTL 1 700 90 1999 –

Datamatics 1 125 0 1991 Yes

Techbooks – 0 1988 –

Efunds – – – – MNC Source: The list of BPO firms and their size is from Dataquest Magazine; the origins are based on information available from company websites.




1 The next few paragraphs draw upon Arora, Foreman and Yoon (2006). 2 Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis Input-Output Tables. This figure includes the total

value of products made in NIPA industry 511200 (Software Publishers). 1997 is the latest benchmark year for the Input-Output tables. More recent years do not separate software producers from other information publishers.

3 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data on the number of employees in software publishing industry, available at

4 These calculations are based on total sales in custom computer programming services

(NAICS 541511) and computer systems design services (NAICS 541512). This latter category may include activities outside of programming, such as IT systems design and integration. A conservative estimate of the value and employment of third-party custom programming services uses only NAICS 541511 and yields and estimate of $86 326.8 million and $522.3 thousand, respectively.

5 In addition to these firms that focused on software exports, there were others that served

domestic users, most notable Computer Maintenance Corporation, or CMC. CMC was responsible for maintaining computer systems after IBM left India and built up its ability to develop and implement large and complex projects, especially for infrastructure systems. CMC also proved to be a good training ground for managers who would later be employed by other private sector firms. CMC is now part of TCS, a leading Indian software service firm.

6 Cognizant, the erstwhile joint venture of Dunn and Bradstreet and Satyam, is the latest in the

line of U.S.–headquartered firms with the bulk of operations in India, with an Indian emigrant as CEO.

7 IGate’s founder and CEO, Sunil Wadhwani, in an interview with the author in 1997, noted that leading American IT service providers had till then tended to ignore the hinterland; smaller firms typically located outside the large urban areas, for whom a large in-house IT staff was economically not viable but who needed to adopt IT for their business operations (not their technical operations). These were the customers that IGate targeted. It is unlikely that such customers would have been within the reach of Indian software firms when the latter were just beginning to export.

8 In Arora et al. (2001), we report on interviews with U.S. firms, which bear out this contention. “The managers at a leading electronics and telecom firm said they outsource work related to sophisticated but mature digital signal processing software to their Indian subsidiary. The telecom firms we interviewed outsourced domain-related software maintenance or tool development for the maintenance or enhancement of existing applications. The manager at a value-added telecom services firm said that they were outsourcing testing of their existing software and to some extent maintenance of their old UNIX-based software. However, we did find one exception — a leading computer manufacturer outsources mission-critical device-driver software that is shipped directly from the Indian vendor for distribution.”



9 Their behaviour, however, clearly shows the importance of lower costs. Indian vendors routinely reported tough price negotiations. During the 1990s, Infosys gave up an existing GE account rather than lower its rates. Another North American company I interviewed in 1998, a leading telecommunications company, described a typical strategy. It had two of the leading Indian firms as suppliers that accounted for much of the outsourced work, and two “lower-end” suppliers with smaller contracts, primarily to keep the price pressure on the main suppliers.

10 CMM refers to the Capability Maturity Model developed by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Broadly speaking, it is a graduated set of practices that are thought to result in superior management of software development and, it is claimed, in higher-quality software.

11 Possible economies of scale from more intensive utilization of workers or through the use of proprietary tools may also contribute to the higher labour productivity, as might differences in the capital stock employed.

12 Athreye (2005b) presents data which suggest that, while U.S. salaries for a variety of software occupations such as programmer, project leader, quality assurance specialist and systems designer increased by about 21 percent between 1995 and 1999, Indian salaries increased nearly twice as fast.

13 U.S. census data analyzed by Kapur and McHale (2005) indicate that 77 percent of the Indian-born population in America in 2000 had college degrees, and 37 percent had a master’s degree or higher!

14 It is also a tribute to the superior management capability of Indian firms that they were able to use such inexperienced and poorly trained (but bright) young men and women. In some sense, Indian firms embraced, out of necessity, Taylorization of software services while their competitors were slower to do so.

15 A recent government initiative in which the IITs were tasked to develop video- and computer-based learning materials exemplifies the point. The NPTEL program, begun in 2003, has resulted in the creation of material for over a 100 courses, involving more than 300 IIT faculty. Yet, there has been very little thought given to whether any of the intended beneficiaries, including the various engineering colleges thought to be suffering from a lack of qualified faculty, will use these materials, which are to be made available free to anyone. This type of “supply-side-oriented” government programs, which contributed to the relative abundance of human capital in India in the first instance, does not augur well for future.

16 The next few paragraphs draw upon Arora and Gambardella (2005).

17 A comparison of the profit and loss statements for Oracle, the leading vendor for database and other enterprise computing products, and TCS is illuminating in this respect (see Appendix, Table A2). Not only does Oracle spend substantial resources on services, its overall profit margins are not much different from those at TCS. The one major difference is that Oracle was about five times larger than TCS in 2004 and, after its acquisition of PeopleSoft and JD Edwards, is yet larger.

18 Infosys now spins off promising product development opportunities, as is the case of Onmobile, which develops mobile applications.

19 This pattern is evident in the case of Talisma, which sells a customer relationship management product. Talisma was spun off from Aditi, an Indian software firm started by Pradeep Singh, an ex-Microsoft employee of Indian origin. In 1999, Talisma was incorporated in the United States, the founder eventually resigned from the firm in 2003 and the financiers installed a new management team. For all intents and purposes, it is now an American firm.



20 Some idea of the importance of the last point can be gleaned from the recent move at Infosys, wherein the company’s long-standing CFO, Mohandas Pai, moved to head the human resources function, a move that would be inconceivable in an American context.

21 Even Infosys, the most global of the Indian software firms, has only 3 percent of its employees who are not Indian nationals.

22 Bresnahan and Greenstein (1996), in a detailed study of client-servers, show that the diffusion of client-servers was slow and incomplete and was the slowest when computers were used to run business processes. I conjecture that the spread of service-oriented architectures will encounter a similar fate.

23 As Gordon Moore, the founder of Intel, observed in the course of a conversation, many in the Silicon Valley started companies after observing others achieve riches and glory in similar ventures, fuelled by the belief that “... if that fool can do it, surely so can I.”

24 A recent news story reports that Infosys fined a member of its board of directors for not following procedure in a trade involving the company’s stock. See


GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE SUPPORT from The Sloan Foundation and from Industry Canada. I am also grateful to Suma Athreye, Surendra

Bagde, Chris Forman, Alfonso Gambardella, Steven Klepper, Anita Sands, and Salvo Torrisi on whose work I have drawn in writing this paper. I am especially thankful to Daniel Trefler and Someshwar Rao for helpful comments. Any deficiencies or errors in this paper remain my responsibility.


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Name of Firm

Year Est.

Origin/Type of Firm Notes

TCS 1968 Business house Founder U.S. educated

Wipro 1980 Business house

Infosys 1981 Spinoff (Patni)

Satyam 1987 Business house Founder U.S. educated

HCL 1991 Entrepreneur

Patni 1978 Entrepreneur Diaspora

I-flex 1989 Spawn (Citibank) MNC spawned

Tech Mahindra 1988 Business house

Perot Systems 1996 MNC (Earlier joint venture with HCL)

L&T Infotech 1996 Business House

Polaris 1993 Entrepreneurial

Hexaware 1989 Entrepreneurial (Venture funded)

Mastek 1982 Entrepreneurial

Mphasis BFL 1992 Spin-off (Citibank) Diaspora

Siemens MNC

Genpact 1997 Spawn (GE) MNC – Diaspora

IGate 1993 Entrepreneur (U.S. based) Diaspora

Flextronics 1991 MNC (Hughes Software) – Diaspora

NIIT 1981 Entrepreneur HCL spawned

Covansys India 1985 Entrepreneur (U.S. based) Diaspora (CBSL)

Accenture MNC

IBM India 1987 MNC

Cognizant 1994 Spawn (Dunn & Bradstreet)


HP Globalsoft 1988 MNC Digital Globalsoft

Syntel 1980 Entrepreneur (U.S .based) Diaspora

Kanbay 1991 MNC Diaspora founded


















Oracle Corporate Income TCS Income Statement Statement

2004 2003 Revenues New licence 3 541 3 270 Licence updates 4 529 3 929 Software 8 070 7 199 Services 2 086 2 276

Total revenue 10 156 9 475

Operating expenses Sales and marketing 2 136 2 072 Licence updates and product

support 547 474

Cost of services 1 770 1 868 R&D 1 278 1 180 G&A 561 441 Total expenses 6 292 6035 NET INCOME 2 681 2 307

2004 2005 Revenues Consultancy services 1 461 2 023 Sale of equipment and software

licenses 108 118

Other revenues 13 20

Total revenue 1 583 2 162

Operating expenses Selling, general and administrative

expenses 314 443

Cost of services 760 1 087 Cost of equipment and software

licenses 97 111

R&D 7 7 NET INCOME 405 513
