the independent. (hillsboro, washington county, or.) 1888-03-29 … · 2014. 6. 9. · the...

Kotlce for Publication. Citation. XEW TO-DA- Y. NEW GOODS! THE INDEPENDENT. Hilisboro BAILEY, TONGUE & SCHULMERICK In a report just issued by the de- partment of agriculture on the num- bers and values of farm animals, Statistician Dodge directs attention to tbe need of reform in the exist- ing method of collecting statistics CASH TALKS! Wehmjng &B CSCOW II IM.SHOKO. on r.t.ox. TTAVR JCST RK.CE1YED A WELL A A. btleoted Stock of H0 2 ft! 2 ' Canned Goods, Tobacco and Cigaro, CLOTHING, Dress Coods, RUM- - FANCY 8AP8 Millinery Coodc,iBAY Atn six . OILKG, TIES, HOSIERY. GsLO V E S Drt'M Trim in i n jjm. BOOTS & SHOES All ! It I Mil' A - ! lit of Furnishing GJoods l'..r J. i.Ih 4 Hli.l (,i lit leilU'li. All i.inU of t in inei n' till)'!' lilk.'ll ill ExcliHii'e. I. L. Smith & Sons M'lli'ifuctuW'i i of und Dealers ill (ill kind of ur.iisrii ittut i,ov nut nil ! i i X t i JR. AN ), n thie i i CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS to MATTING IVture Moulding, 1'ictnre Fnunes, Mirrors, Luce Curtains, Window Shades, Upholittsr tl.nU, W'ull Taper, Spring mid Top Mattrenses, llows. etc. I also Land Orricr at Osf.oo Crrr, Oxntos, I March 8th. 1HMH. f IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT NOTICE named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made I x fore the County Judge or Clerk of Washington County, Oregon, at HillKlMro,Oreuon, on Till RSDAY, May 3, 1SM8. viz: IVter iiooney. Homestead Entry, So. WW. for the N. E. U of Sec. 'M. T. 2 N.f B.2 W. lie names the following witnesses to prove his eontinnou residence upon, and cultiva- tion of. said lnnd, rii: I. B. Darety, Oscar i. Tompkins. Harry Hall, Danal Stevens, all of GU ucct), V ashinton County, Ore- - eon. uil-VC- t W T BURNEY, Register. Notice lor Publication. Ijlkd Ornc k at Oiiroos Citv, Osrooji, Ms roh Nh, ltM. f NOTICE IS 1IERKBY GIVEN. THAT I the foil, iwin-nuin- settler has tiled ' notice of hi intent inn to luuke tiuul proof in support of his i lniiu, und that said proof will be made before the County Judge or Clerk of Washington County, Orrgon, at Hilisboro, Oregon, on TUESDAY, May 1st, 1SHS, vis: J nines T. Buxton, Homestead Entry No. Uot;, for the 8. W of Sec. T. 3 N. K. 4 W. He names the following witneses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva- tion of, said land, viz : James Cuinniings, John Kliiik, J . U Rinck, Anthon F. Ffanner, all of BuKtou,Waahington County, Oregon. . ... , j Republican County Convention 'piIEIJK WILL RE A REFl'lsLICAN L County Convention held at the Court House, in liillstioro. Oregon, ou SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1888, At 11 oYlock iu the foreiioou. for tht imr- - i pone of elrctiii'4 I elg;tos to tlw. Sinte j Jtepuhl.c-.-i- n ( oiiventioii. 1'riui'irv meetiuvM will le held nt the Foil- ing plares in the rviral Fr.ciiicts, on SATURDAY. March 31, 1888, At 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Tbe K'pr'iitation will Ixi based on the j vote for t:iiiL,'r Hermann in It;, and Pre- cincts will x entitled to Delegates as fol j lows : Beaverdaiu 6 ! Cedar Creek 5j Columbia 6 ComilU3 O Dairy O East Butte 6 Forest Grove . . . 9 Gales Creek . . . . 3 Hilisboro 10 South Tualatin . 5 jWapato 6 Washington . . . 6 West Butte . 4 Total. 75 Rv order )f ihe Wasltinuton County Re- publican Ct iitritl CiMiimittee. V. HAKRETT, I hairuian. R. R. OOODIN, Secretary. mlitd Shorthorn Bull for Sale. ASK YEA KM NO SHORTHORN V i Graded. ) Durham Rnll for Sale. lsfld enough for wr ice. Apply to the undersigned, miles north of llillslsiro. V. E. THORN. March lt, lf- - iu! 4t iCT r r-- K r .j .'l rP A r"-t"- ;- r SQUARE POULTRY YARDS FOREST GROVE, OR. WON AT Till": COLCMRI V POl'LTRY I Inhibition in I8H, the following premiums : t ir.HT rBMim. Breeding Pen of Houdaus--Co- ck and Hens Pair of Hoiil;in -- Cockerel and Pullet. j Puirof lloudans (Wk and Hen. Hen Hondans. Breeding Pen Plymouth Rock Clock and Hens. j Pair Breeding Plymouth Rock Cockerel ' and Pullet. I Plymouth Kock Cockerel. weeding IVu naiu jKuoru-w- en uuu ' Hens. Brown leghorn Cockerel. ii. i.w.. I' Whitn I jnhorns Cockerel and 4-- i,,it.i Tri Silver S. Hamhorgs Cockerel and Jnllets. Breeding Pen Guinea Fowls. SECOND PMEKinM. Pair Silver S. Hamburg Cock and Hen. Brctling Pen li. leghorns Cockerel and Pullets. I owned Hiid rnisetl every one of my show birds. Did not buy or lorrow, or act as agent for nny one else. StockTwss originally d trotn the b-- t yanls in the fjist. Come and wa for yourselves. Fggs from these birds for hstehing, if'-- l pir setting; " per two settinu's; G er three settings: and BirJs for Hale. Square Poultry Yards, Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon ;t:o. O. SLOAN, Prop. luH-A- a otii f IliMMolntlon. rpo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. J. The lino of Emrich and Stepheusou has this d.iy Jan. Vi) dissolved partnership by mutual "consenf Mr James Stepenson retiring therefrom. The business of the late firm will lie continued by Joseph Em-ric- h, who will pay all liabilities of the old firm and to whom all claims and demand are to l paid. JAMES STEPHENSON, M. F EMRICH. JOSEPH EM RICH. Forest O tore. Or., Feb. 6. 18. 9f-- 0t It id for Itepair. "O EPA I RS ON THE FOLLOW IXO J.i Rrid-c- a will be let to the lowest re sponsible bidder, on WEDNESDAY, April 4th, at tbe Hour ol un o Clock r. M., io-wi- i: X'Si feet of the Bridge across Galea Creek, at the M Watt farm; and New Frame Work for the Bridge across Campbell's Creek, on the line between Road Districts 27 and 37. Plans or Rpecinoations ean be seen at the Coonty Clerk's ottlec after the 25th of the present month. Ry order of the County Conrt. liODOLFU CRANDALL, ml-- 3i County Judge. I THI CoCKTY OoCST OF TTTB STATS OF Obmon Foa WAsiuifOTow Count. In the matter of tbe Estate of Citation. James Dickson, Deceased. TO ALEX. PATTERSON, ELLEN Pringle and John Prinle, her tins band, hlua Jane Lee and Thoa Im. her husband. Stephen MoOulUrash. Robert D. Nichols, Jane A. Davion. Elizabeth Winn. Martha Maaier, Sarah M. Waruoek. The heirs at law of Stephen Dickson, the heir at law of William Dickson, heirs at law of Jamea Dickson, deoeastd. aud to the un- known heirs at law of said deceased, all of yon being nonresidents of this state : Yon and each of von are hereby cited and required to lie and appear in the Honorable County Court of the 'State of Oregon for Washington County, on MONDAY, the 7th day of May. 18, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of aaid day, and show canse, if any yon have, why an order should not be made directing tbe Administrator of said estate to sell all the real estate belotur- - iug to said estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay tbe debts and claims against said estate, and the expenses of administration. The Lands petitioned to be sold are described as follows : 1st Tract laying ana being in tbe County of Washington and State of Oregon, and described and bounded as follows : Begin- ning at the quarter stake ou tbe section line between sections & and C, in Townshi one Sooth of Range on West of the Wll lamette Meridian ; thence South on section line HO rods; thence West ?7 rods: thence North 12,' rods: thence Went K?V rods; thence North C7X roils to tbe center of tion thence Kh im rods to the i4aee of beginning, containing TttJi acres. 2d Tract Being the Homestead Entry of James Dickson, situated in Washington County. State of Oregon, and designated in 1 the U. S. Surveys as Lot tt of Section u, and j Lot 1 of Section 7. all in T. 1. S., R. 1 W of the Willamette uer., containing 4.1 40-10- fJ acres. ion and eaen or yon being non-residen- ts of this state, this citation is published in Thi iMDarsNDKKT, a weekly newspaper, for 6 consecutive weeks next Iwfore said 7ih day of May. 188. by order of Hon. Rudolph Crandall. sole Judge of said Court. ) mv band and arnxea tne seal or seui l unn, at'Hulsboro, this ICth day of March. lHf . J. W. &IOKGAN. sbauI County Clerk. ru22-7- t Annual Meeting. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X Stockholders of the Hilisboro Grange Building Association will I held at the Grange Hall, in Hilisboro. Washington County. Oregon, on MONDAY, the -- 'it h dav of March, at the boor of 1 o'clock 1 M., of aaid day, for the purpose of electing a Hoard of Directors aud the transaction of other business. By order of the Board of Directors. J. W. SHL'TE, President. Attest: W. D. Hash. Secretary. rrir.-l- t Notice lor Publication. Laud Office at Oaaoon Citt, Oswjok, March Utb, ItwM. TOTICE IS HEREKY GIVEN THAT the followinir-name- d settler has filed notice of his intention to make fins! proof in support of his claim, and that s.i 1 will be made before the County Clerk of Washington Coonty, tfretjon, at Hillslxs-o- . , Oretron, n FRIDAY, May 4th, ls, viz : Alonzo W. Wilson. Pre-empti- on D. H. N 47. for the 8. X of 8. E- - H ' N.. R. 5 W. He names the following witnesses to his eontinnoas residence and prove apou, i . . , inn.i . . Ut,. piiivithiiuu aa..u. - Parsons, Charles Hicks, Charles Hiatt. and A. I. Veatch. all of Oales Creek P.O., Wash- ington Connly. Creiron. ml&-t- it W. T. ItCRXEY. leister. AdmlnlMtrator'N Xotlrr. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING 1JEEX X appointed Administrator of the Kstnte of Polly Ann Haydon. deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washiuoton County, and having duly qual- ified, all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present them, with (he proper voucher, to rue, at my resi- - f Imoaii wfitKin .'t ninnthi fnira Ihe dtA ! hereof. - JAMES HAYDON'. Greenville, March 7th, 1MSH. m-- .t AdmlnUtratrls. m X of Ire. JOTICE IS HEREHY GIVEN THAT County Cmrt of the State of Orem f.r We.shinKton County her finrl account as Administratrix of the l.t.ite John S. Dodds. deceased, and that snid Court has appointed the firnt Monday in April, IKoM. at 10 o'clock A M.. as the time for hearing objections U such tiunt ncoount and for the settlement thereof. ruU'.t M. A. DODDS. This Space RESERVED pon Jas. H. Sevel j I Manufacturer of DRAIN TILE IF1 A.CTOBY, Three Miles Northeast of Hilisboro, Oregon. October 4, 1367. oft-l- y God Paturaf;e. I will pasture horses at f 1 00 per month t eolte, 75 cents. Pasture first-clas- s. Good living water. Stock salted regularly. Fences in good oondition. Between 500 and 600 acres of pasture. Where there are foor or five horses, I will go after them. On appli- cation. Address: JAMES O. LEE. 23f 3m Gaston, Oregon. YOUNG GLEN In a handsome black. 7 years old. and weighs 1500 pound. Waa aired by imported Gleneld, winner at the Centennial iu 1876. lit dam by old Pathfinder; 2d dam by Chal- lenge, be by Rlackhawk, and be by Morgan. This beautiful Stallion will make tbe Seaaon of 184 in Washington County, as follows: Tueadav. at Greenville Wednesdays, at Gale Creek Thursdays, at Cornelius Fridavs. at Farmineton Saturdays, at Hilisboro Snndavsand Mondays, at E. Bchieffelin'a f arm, one mile norm ox lngiea v. yj. Terms $3. fS and $10 Every possible care ill be teken to prevent accidents, but no responsibility assamed. 3JFor fuHher particulars, address E. Sohitiffeliu orL A. Jobe, Hillsboro.Oregou. E. SCHIEFFELIN. March 29, 18-S- . uillMin Tbe Draft Stallion, VOL NO GKLjEJSTEI-iID- . The Draft Stallion, Yovmo Gksnkld, is a dappled bay, 18 hands high, and weighs 2,uuu ponnus. Pedigbkb. Sire by Major Bruoe's Glen eld; he bv John Copp, the great prize win ner of England; dam. by John mare: grand dani a Morgan mare. The English Coach Horse, YOFNO Robt. Barcx, J a., is a handsome black, with white bind feet, five years old, 16i hands high, and weighs 1,400 pounds. . pKoioaax. Sire, by Root. Brace; be by Sir William Wallace; be by Dominion King; dam, a John mare, by imported Challenge. The above-name- d Ktalliona will make the Season of IHHS in Washington County, Oregon, at the following places: Mondays, at Greeuville; Monday Night, at John Heisler's, on Gale Creek; Tuesday Noon, at Forest Grove, at the Hamilton Livery Stable; Tuesday Night, at Fair Grounds, Hilisboro; Wednesday Night, at Anderson's. South Tualatin; Thursday Noon, at Mr. Kent's, Scholia Ferry; Thurs- day Night, at Geo. Hombnckle's. Beaver-to- n; Friday Morning, at Mr Smith's, West Cuion; Fridav Noon, at Thos. Otehins', East Plains: Friday Night, at the farm of the undersigned, miles west of Gleiicoe; Saturday Noou. at Wm. Barley's, nenr the lji-- School houne. Teruis: Single wtviii-- . "; 'I h S ason, 10; Insurance, ft.'. 1'nyinent considered doe when mares are known to l with font. A. TONGUE, j .March ', Is-H- . mMf MORGAN &QARNARD REAL ESTATE I Fire Insurance Agents. i I (Opposite Tualatin Hotel), IIILL.SBORO Have ffci Sale: City Property. Farms, and Business Opportunities. Houocs to Rent. List of Lands can be seen at our Office and at the Board of Immi- gration Rooms at Portland. We are preparing a list for distritttitioti in the Eastern States, and along the routes. It would be well for all who are desirous of disposing of their Farias, or dividing them up, to hand in the same to us as early : as possible, to lie placed on our list. This, with onr Portland connections, will place your Farms where they will come to the notice of purchasers. tjyCnstoiuers tire hIiowii the lands free of charge. uifJ-t- f NEW BARBER SHOP! Connected with a well-conduct- Billiard Hall Is now nnder successful iii'inayeiuent, at JACKSON If ALL, on Main Street. action gnaranteed in Shaving. Hair Cutting, Etc. Shaving, - - 15 Cents Hair Cutting. - Cents, mlll-t- f J. WIRTZ. lrprieUr. JJ II. TYSOX, V"ff"' Pltlif ttinl (,'on Ct'ifini'-rt'- . Kr.AL E"tt: Kot'oirr awd Soi.n. Residence, Smocks Station, l'ostoflice, lliddleton. niL". tf Washington Co., Oregon. AdniinintratorM Male. IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT NOTICE of an order and decree of the County Conrt of the State of Oregon for Washington County, made and entered at a regular term thereof, to-w- lt, on the 3d day of May, 1887 In the matter of the estate of Joseph O. Pierce, deceased, and to me directed as Administratrix thereof, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in Hilisboro, Wash- ington County, Oregon, on Satartlaj, the 12th ddj f Mrj, 1SSS, At 1! o'clock A. II.. the following described tract of lies I Kittate (or so much thereof as mav i ueceswiry to pay the debts, claims niivt j rV4iiitD ini "u rna estate); said real estate is described as fol- lows: Being tbe south half of the Original Donation I .and Claim of Horace Parsons and wife, being parts of sections 11,12,13 and It. in Town. 1 S. of Range 4 west, of the Willamette meridian, Washington County, State of Oregon, containing 330 acres, more or less. To le sold on the fol- lowing terms: One-thir- d of purchase price cash in hand on the day of sale; one-thir- d of purchase price to be paid in one year from day of sale, and the remaindnr to be paid in "two years from day of sale, with interest on deferred payments at the rate of ten per cent per annum. Deferred pay- ments to be secured by a mortgage on the premises sold. Conveyance to be at par-chase- expense MATTIK A. PIERCE. Administrator of the Estate of Joseph O Pierce, Deceased. ruA 5t RESTAURANT. At Old Stand, on Second Street. Board and lodging. Excellent Accommodations GEO. SQUIRES, - - Prop. m!5-t- f THURSDAY MARCH 29.1888 Next Sabbath will usher iu Easter Sunday upon us in all ita super nal grandeur. This day commem- orates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, aud is, according to Chris- tian observances, the true "Lord's day." " Among early Christians two different dates of commemoration arose. The Eastern churches adopted the 14th day of Nisan (April) for observance of the cruci- fixion, and the third day following was the festival of Easter, no matter upon what day of the week it might fall. This question was finally sat- isfactorily settled by a council at Nice (325 A. D.), and according to the agreement in that learned eccle siastical body, Easter day must be celebrated upon the first Sunday af ter the paschal full moon the full moon which happens upon or next after the vernal equinox (March 21st); and if the full moon happens upon a Sunday, then Easter is the Sunday after. Thus briefly, we out line the day that hastens to greet us with its pyramids of hard-boile- d colored ribbon and indiges tion. Mr. William Wilson, of Green ville, sent a small package of maple sugar to this office one day this week. This sugar is of a bright light light color, is very sweet and will oompare favorably with ordi- nary grades usually found in our markets. It is the product of Or- egon maple, and proves conclusively that the maple of this state will produce a high grade of sugar. Kighteen years ago, Mr. Wilson planted a number of native maple trees, and the sugar sent us is the product of one of them. Maple grows with great vigor in this state, and we believe here is an opportun- ity for a new industry. Senator Ingalla made an unpar- donable assault upon the memory of Hancock, but much will be for- given a man who has the keenest wit of any body in congress, says an exchange. The other day In-gal- ls, talking with some friends, said: "We have been hearing for years that the democratic party of the South is the tail that wags the dog. As a matter of fact, the dem- ocratic party of the South is both tbe tail and head of the democratic dog." "But, senator," queried one of tbe bystanders, "where does the democratic party of the North come in?" Amid shrieks of laughter the witty Kansas senator replied: "Oh, they are the hairs on the dog's tail." There has been no effort made except in the single instance of the Cascade Locks to form republican clubs in this county, and it is only two months to election. Almost in every precinct democratic clubs have been organized and the party is in excellent working order. There is work for republicans to do, and it is time they were beginning oper- ations. Undoubtedly the county is republican; but as the status of the U. S. senate depends upon the elec- tion in Oregon next June, the party cannot afford to make mistakes. Timis Mountaineer. Illinois has been pretty thorough- ly drained. Enough tile has been put down in the state to reach round the globe three times, and the esti- mated cost is not less than $15,000,-00- 0. Yet the amount is considered a good investment. Oregon farmers could not do better than expend a like amount in draining their lands. Morrison R. Waite, chief justice of the supreme court of the United States, is dead. Judge Waite had 'been upon the bench for four- teen years, and leaves a pure record to gratify his friends and cast honor upon the highest judiciary of our country. The Milwaukee man who under- took to drink five glasses of whisky in five seconds won the bet. We are grieved to learn, however, the prize money didn't more than pay half the funeral expenses. Walla Walla has accepted Air. G. W. Hunt's proposition to build a railroad to Wallula via Eureka Flat, for a bonus of $100,000. This is considered the turning point in the history of Walla Walla. There will be at least 170,000 in- vested in brick hotels this year; $00,000 in a new court house, and about $40,000 in a paper mill at Pendleton. The Big Bend country is expand- ing wonderfully. They guarantee the shipment of 200,000 tons of wheat this year. Senator Dolph's bill, granting five townships adjacent to and including Crater lake to the state of Oregon for a park, has passed the senate. For Assessor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Assessor of Washington County, subject to the will of the Republican Convention. Very Bespectfully, 9 3- - B4TEM4N. Pharmacy THK PROPRIETORS, IN ASSUMINO A control of the Druir business in this town, U p to snnounoe that their foremost ilorts will, tindc r lxTMonal supervmion. be Uirci'ted towariU the puhlifl good. lli'.v will continually purchase llwir Druu's from tlu t nottiufitoturers in the I'.xmi, or imyshi'ie making tuo finest pro- duct . Patent Medicines AND Proprietary Articles Ot nil advertised or wll known reputation, Mill le kept in Kieiit variety. Itooks, Album, Scrup iKKtks, SpeutsoUs, Puies, etc. Also, STATIONERY, CONFECTION8, DRU8HE8, PAINTS A OIL8 '..nt iuuully ou hand. Perfume ries In all sizes and at all prion. TOILET ARTICLES, JEWELRY! In considerable vuriely, kept itistx'k, WINES AND LIQUORS j Only sold for Medicinal Purposes, on fss- - sctiiPUov. I lie uneHi iianiiiics, r iuiu.itbit, will he kept Pmicks, lerefora, uiimt ls Iu Hccoiilrtiice PBICBS Are iinlureil rn Con)miinle1 WedieiitM, wild" tlo n i f i - cortt mil iiiltuit. Mil liltmVN, ill- - Imxhiihiii Clerk, will ! pleiised t hIioM' intenUiiij punhnsurs ruiv ortu lu in stoi k, and will cheerfully nt-ti-- to iJtflit rnll. in chu of euisrj,"'ucy, us he li w hli ij in tlie premium. HILLSB0R0 PHARMACY. lof-t- f FUMTURE usHoitnicnt of V . ' rr.-t,- . . , - . .. ' sHy .v m ' MHti-riaU- , htnir Itnilings, llnltisters. , Lu.uU-r- , I'tc. m:iv mm i;xt. OREQON till liTTi jr ,.,11' .. l ft 1 ( the Lead! The UUVKKB'OUIDEIi isaaed March and Dept., , esoh rear. It Is an enoy. lolopedla of useful tutor. mstion for all who pur. chase the luxuries or tbe neoesslties of life. Wo osn olothe you and furnish you with all tbe neeessary and unnecessary spitisnces to ride, walk, dsnoe, sleep, est, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various, styles and Quantities. Just figure out what ts required to do all these things COMFORTAILV, nd you osn make a fair entimate ot the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 oents to pay postace. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 1U-11- 4 Mlohlasa A.vaue, Chigs, Hi, of this nature under state agency. He says that no state, as a rule, has full returns either of crops, farm animals or any thing else, and de- clares that the range of omission, as compared with tbe last national cen sus, is from 10 to 50 per cent. Tbe chief difficulty seems to lie in tbe fact that the enumeration is made by assessors who are, of course, agents of the taxing power, and who are met with the concealment and eva . - 1 1 i i & s:on wnicn is usuany eiupiujvu iu- - ward such aerents. As it is, with o the exception of reasonable approx imation in a very few states. Statis tician Dodge declares that the asses sors' returns are of little use to the agricultural department. He points out that some other; agency should be employed, and suggests that the task of gathering these statistics be connected with the school system. No doubt the 'system of assessors' returns should be done away with for statistical purposes, but a proper substitute will hardly be provided until popular appreciation of the value and importance of statistics is more extended than it is at present. Ki'adMwt'. THE mOK "('KAZB.' The Lljrht of History Shed on the Question of Color in Short-Hor- n. Breeder's Gazette. From Mr. Bites' lWhe-- t low .f lt0.H lias bet-- produce,! the imt wonderful family of Short-hor- n that ever existed, whether demonstrated by leinj used in greater numlers for thn improvement of other families than any other ever known, or its descendants selling for live times the amount the produce of any other three families ever recorded in English or American herd books during the pat forty years. The mania for the red color being on the wane among American breeders (it never existed in England) it might not be amiss to inquire what has been the color generally of this wonderful family that has been used so extensively or crossing purposes uHn other families and has sold continuously at such ed prices. The color of Mr. Hates' Duchess cow of 1808, from which all the present family of Duchesses and Grand Duchesses have descended, was red and little white, ror red and some white, as breeders of the present day so often employ in descrip- tion, but e, and meaning as much or more white than red, and what we would rail at this day pied or pided in color. Their early pictures in both histories and herd books attest this fact. In the first three volumes of the English Herd Book are recorded his first twenty-thre- e cowa with fifty-si- x calves as produce of this family, which in point of time and enumeration brings us down to Duchess 41st. In Vol. I are five rows with sixteen calves as produce, and all are Cpied color) except one ralf of a -- 'light grizzly" color, which I infer to be what breeders of this day would describe as a "brindle roan." In Vol. II are ten cows with sixteen ralves, and all are (pied) except a red calf of 1822 (the first red ralf known of this family.or at least recorded), and two red calves of 182.1. In Vol. Ill are eight cows with eighteen calves, and all are red and-whit- e (pied) except two roan calves of 183'J (the first recorded regular roans of this family), and five roan calves of 1885. Through the use of Iriacess and Oxford bulls Mr. Hates introduced light colors, yet such was the potency of the original family by con- tinued in breeding that to this day we find that in all families which have by direction or indirection a great pre ponderanre of the blood of this old and valuable Hates family, a j calf is liable to appear at any time, and esncriallv in tl irtu ftimitioa with tliA fewest crosses until we come to bulls in the pedigree bred by Mr. Dates himself. The Duchess family, then, being considered the most valuable in the world by a majority of both English and American breeders, the te color in Short-horn- s should be considered an external evidence at least of the highest and est breeding. Now as to colors in all families Itcing an evidence of the best individuals I find that down to 1850 there were 113 pictures included in the first ten volumes of the English Herd Book of this class of cattle. Among these 113 head, which were considered the best individuals of their day, were seven whites, fourteen reds, twenty-on- e red arid-white- s, and seventy-on- e roans; or the roans in England to that day exceeded the reds as five to one for individuality. Down to 1871 there were 478 pictures of best individuals thought) included in the first ten volumes of the American Herd Book. Among these were thirty-eigh- t whites, eighty-seve- n reds, uinety-si- x rcd-an- d whites, and 237 roans, or the roans in America down to 1371 exceeded the reds in number in about as three is to one for individuality, and In both England and America in about as three and half is to one. It should not be forgotten, too, that in both the English and American herd books many are described as red, when their pictures show them to I) red and some white. It would seem good policy, then, now that the red fever is subsiding at American Short-hor- n breeders hasten the day and put themselves in line with their brother English breeders, and breed for pedigree an i individuality regardless of color, whether red, white, or roan. This gives us a so much wider field or number to select from, and we will harless of tbe rivalry of other breeds. T. COBWIX ASDEUSON. Subscribe for The Independent. Old Stand ! S. VT, Corner Main and Firs! Street r WEFKLY RECEIPT OF LATEST Styks of Spring Goods CLOTHING, Hats, Ooots, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ladies' and Cents' Furnishing Goods, Dress Coods, Dress Trimmings, Muslins, Prints, Etc. Also, a very large, complete and wvll elected Stock of Groceries, Provisions, CANNED GOODS. Notions, Cigars and Tobacco.! All of which we offer at the very lowest living rale- - for Cusii, or in enehsnce for 1'roduce. Our xtiK-1- . i m w mi l complete, nn.t w invite mi. I coiutriou with otlu r price ruling, a-- i we know v i iiinr I f lilt It BOOS fe CO. FOREST GROVE. I audition to oi l: H l.i. link B- - ol til we have for sal the ct letrat-- d Mine Pumps The Moline Hand Force Pump, The Moline Lift Pump, TheMoline Chain Pump, W Lirh are superior to any now in nse, and we guarantee each to give sat intact iou, and our prices are the lowest. AGENTS FOR THE Ntudeliaker Farm mid Spring Wagon. Buggies, Acme Harrows, And a f nil line of the J. I. CASE PLOWS. And other Agricultural Implement. - A penis for the Oerrnan-Ame- i icriu und Que,-- Insurance Companies. O. BOOS &. CO. Forst tlrove, Oregon. I Choice Flowers for Sale MRS. AGNES CAMl'RKLL. FLORIST, now has a larue and well-selecte- d stock of Flowering I'lants nud RuDm for j Sale, at reasonable charge. Among nil j endless vari-t- of the choicei Flowering jatiJ Foliage IMhiiIs, may te enumerated I the Famous STORM KING FUCHSIA. i Come early and make your selections. lf Floral Garden Across the street from Jude llmiipbrevs' residence, inSiiith ItillstMiro fitl-t- f OTICE lis HF.RKBY fllVKN THAT N1 the undersigiied has been ftiilv ap pointed Eseeutri of the Last Will etui TeHtnmetit of A. T. Smith. Deceased, and has dtilv piaiifiel in the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Washington County All persons, therefore, having Claims .'igailiMr sam emme, lire iiereoy to present them, with the proper vouchers, to me. at the Law Otlice of Thos. II. TiHigue, at Hilisboro, Oregon, within su months from the date hereof. Forest Grove, Oregon. Feb. 1. JANK M. HMI T1I. Executrix of tbe Inm Will aud Testament of A. T. Smith. Deceased. nil -- At David Cokwim. Rre:tT P. WoosTra. Meat Market! CORWIII & W00STER, Props Main Street, - HILLSBORO Choice Beef, Mutton, Veal i And Pork! Kept constantly on hand. Highest market price paid for Beeves, Mat ton. Veal and Ho. Fair Dealing to All ! Natlafaetion ftiaaranterd Please Give us a Trial1 Sept.8, 1987. Doors and Blinds! Frnuif, MiMildint. HihcUi tM, Ktai I t i Newel l i : t imh:im viu:ks FOREST OROVE G. SHIUDLER & Co Furniture Ma mi In (In i cts BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS, CHEFFONIERS, DESKS, LOUNCES, All M)lcs und Price-- . C.SHfWD'.ER&Co iVn'rrMi, 1C:: First Mr-eft- , Throng,, block rOOfti-- t to I ft 7 nud Kill I i o. r Ntrcel, PORTLAMI, . . ORKG0. Organ in It h;is a ense wholly rNl'Jl'E IV Dl'.KlGNi surptssinptly bemitiful, end put together on an E.VUhK.l.V NEW PR1 XC1PLK UMiutf slide pins in-tc- sd of screws. It is ulso MOl'SE l'Rt M IF, by a simple contrivance. METAL CASINOS PREVENT SWELLING OF KEYS IN 1UMP WEATHER. A handsonis braeket LAMP, of d metal, attached to each orau, insures light both siife and convenient Thi OrRan. with in full nud partial sets of HEEDS, its different STOPS and COl'PLEKS-no- re of tin in silent ives numberless variety of COM-RISATIO- and EXPRESSION, nud in SWEETNESS and RICHNESS of TONE, it Is fully cquid to nny mnkf. Every iiiHtrnmeiit sold with a SIX YEARS OCARANTEK. I nui now intriKlttcinat thess eliK.u.t iiiHtrumetits Into Wnliiin;toii County at Sl'RPRISINOLV LOW FIG IRES, A MAGNIFICENT SAMPLE limy o n nt mv home in Forest Grove. Cull and . jPMf H. IXIJN. i Fn liaaa ia Leuf uifctn . mimI atinultft I i ft tl,- Ijanda CULD3 PLANTS !i.n"a eoi i iutf thnsmdS of lllintmilvii., ml 10 fniii, uiiu.m wimI le Imix, usshrr i n ii,imi snuiinr im fmnmuuMiriKMi. rniivi utiya 1117 ivrtni., trtilw-t- . r.jr 10 r.ri(a worth or MM. JAJ1&9 VltK, WKKUMMAN. Jfer heeler ti. V,

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  • Kotlce for Publication.Citation.XEW TO-DA- Y. NEW GOODS!THE INDEPENDENT. HilisboroBAILEY,TONGUE &


    In a report just issued by the de-partment of agriculture on the num-bers and values of farm animals,Statistician Dodge directs attentionto tbe need of reform in the exist-ing method of collecting statistics


    Wehmjng&B CSCOW

    II IM.SHOKO. on r.t.ox.

    TTAVR JCST RK.CE1YED A WELLA A. btleoted Stock of

    H0 2 ft! 2 '

    Canned Goods,Tobacco

    and Cigaro,CLOTHING,

    Dress Coods,RUM- - FANCY 8AP8Millinery Coodc,iBAY

    Atn six .



    Drt'M Trim in i n jjm.BOOTS & SHOES

    All ! It I Mil' A - ! lit of

    Furnishing GJoodsl'..r J. i.Ih 4 Hli.l (,i lit leilU'li.

    All i.inU of t in inei n' till)'!' lilk.'ll illExcliHii'e.

    I. L. Smith & SonsM'lli'ifuctuW'i i of und Dealers ill (ill kind of

    ur.iisrii ittut i,ov nut nil




    X t i JR.

    AN ), n thieii

    CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS to MATTINGIVture Moulding, 1'ictnre Fnunes, Mirrors, Luce Curtains, Window Shades, Upholittsr

    tl.nU, W'ull Taper, Spring mid Top Mattrenses, llows. etc. I also

    Land Orricr at Osf.oo Crrr, Oxntos, IMarch 8th. 1HMH. f

    IS HEREBY GIVEN. THATNOTICE named settler has filednotice of his intention to make final proofin support of his claim, aud that said proofwill be made I x fore the County Judge orClerk of Washington County, Oregon, atHillKlMro,Oreuon, on Till RSDAY, May 3,1SM8. viz: IVter iiooney. Homestead Entry,So. WW. for the N. E. U of Sec. 'M. T. 2 N.fB.2 W.

    lie names the following witnesses to provehis eontinnou residence upon, and cultiva-tion of. said lnnd, rii: I. B. Darety, Oscari. Tompkins. Harry Hall, Danal Stevens,all of GU ucct), V ashinton County, Ore- -eon.

    uil-VC- t W T BURNEY, Register.

    Notice lor Publication.Ijlkd Ornc k at Oiiroos Citv, Osrooji,

    Ms roh Nh, ltM. fNOTICE IS 1IERKBY GIVEN. THATI the foil, iwin-nuin- settler has tiled 'notice of hi intent inn to luuke tiuul proofin support of his i lniiu, und that said proofwill be made before the County Judge orClerk of Washington County, Orrgon,at Hilisboro, Oregon, on TUESDAY,May 1st, 1SHS, vis: J nines T. Buxton,Homestead Entry No. Uot;, for the 8. W

    of Sec. T. 3 N. K. 4 W.He names the following witneses to prove

    his continuous residence upon, and cultiva-tion of, said land, viz : James Cuinniings,John Kliiik, J . U Rinck, Anthon F.Ffanner, all of BuKtou,Waahington County,Oregon.

    . ... ,j


    County Convention

    'piIEIJK WILL RE A REFl'lsLICANL County Convention held at the Court

    House, in liillstioro. Oregon, ou

    SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1888,

    At 11 oYlock iu the foreiioou. for tht imr- - ipone of elrctiii'4 I elg;tos to tlw. Sinte jJtepuhl.c-.-i- n ( oiiventioii.

    1'riui'irv meetiuvM will le held nt the Foil-ing plares in the rviral Fr.ciiicts, on

    SATURDAY. March 31, 1888,At 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

    Tbe K'pr'iitation will Ixi based on the jvote for t:iiiL,'r Hermann in It;, and Pre-cincts will x entitled to Delegates as fol jlows :

    Beaverdaiu 6 !Cedar Creek 5jColumbia 6ComilU3 ODairy OEast Butte 6Forest Grove . . . 9Gales Creek . . . . 3Hilisboro 10South Tualatin . 5

    jWapato 6Washington . . . 6West Butte . 4

    Total. 75Rv order )f ihe Wasltinuton County Re-

    publican Ct iitritl CiMiimittee.

    V. HAKRETT, I hairuian.R. R. OOODIN, Secretary. mlitd

    Shorthorn Bull for Sale.

    ASK YEA KM NO SHORTHORNV i Graded. ) Durham Rnll for Sale.lsfld enough for wr ice. Apply to theundersigned, miles north of llillslsiro.

    V. E. THORN.March lt, lf-- iu! 4t


    r r--K r.j .'l rP A

    r"-t"- ;-




    WON AT Till": COLCMRI V POl'LTRYI Inhibition in I8H, the followingpremiums :

    t ir.HT rBMim.Breeding Pen of Houdaus--Co- ck and HensPair of Hoiil;in -- Cockerel and Pullet. jPuirof lloudans (Wk and Hen Hondans.Breeding Pen Plymouth Rock Clock and

    Hens. jPair Breeding Plymouth Rock Cockerel '

    and Pullet. IPlymouth Kock Cockerel.weeding IVu naiu jKuoru-w- en uuu 'Hens.Brown leghorn Cockerel.ii. i.w.. I' Whitn I jnhorns Cockerel and4-- i,,it.iTri Silver S. Hamhorgs Cockerel and

    Jnllets.Breeding Pen Guinea Fowls.


    Pair Silver S. Hamburg Cock and Hen.Brctling Pen li. leghorns Cockerel and

    Pullets.I owned Hiid rnisetl every one of my show

    birds. Did not buy or lorrow, or act asagent for nny one else. StockTwss d trotn the b-- t yanls in the fjist.Come and wa for yourselves. Fggs fromthese birds for hstehing, if'--l pir setting; "per two settinu's; G er three settings: andBirJs for Hale. Square Poultry Yards,Forest Grove, Washington County, Oregon

    ;t:o. O. SLOAN, Prop.luH-A- a

    otii f IliMMolntlon.rpo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.J. The lino of Emrich and Stepheusou

    has this d.iy Jan. Vi) dissolved partnershipby mutual "consenf Mr James Stepensonretiring therefrom. The business of thelate firm will lie continued by Joseph Em-ric- h,

    who will pay all liabilities of the oldfirm and to whom all claims and demandare to l paid.


    Forest O tore. Or., Feb. 6. 18. 9f-- 0t

    It id for Itepair."O EPA I RS ON THE FOLLOW IXOJ.i Rrid-c- a will be let to the lowest responsible bidder, on WEDNESDAY, April4th, at tbe Hour ol un o Clock r. M., io-wi- i:X'Si feet of the Bridge across Galea Creek, atthe M Watt farm; and New Frame Workfor the Bridge across Campbell's Creek, onthe line between Road Districts 27 and 37.

    Plans or Rpecinoations ean be seen at theCoonty Clerk's ottlec after the 25th of thepresent month.

    Ry order of the County Conrt.liODOLFU CRANDALL,

    ml-- 3i County Judge.

    I THI CoCKTY OoCST OF TTTB STATS OFObmon Foa WAsiuifOTow Count.

    In the matter of tbe Estateof Citation.

    James Dickson, Deceased.

    TO ALEX. PATTERSON, ELLENPringle and John Prinle, her tinsband, hlua Jane Lee and Thoa Im. herhusband. Stephen MoOulUrash. Robert D.Nichols, Jane A. Davion. Elizabeth Winn.Martha Maaier, Sarah M. Waruoek. Theheirs at law of Stephen Dickson, the heirat law of William Dickson, heirs at law ofJamea Dickson, deoeastd. aud to the un-known heirs at law of said deceased, all ofyon being nonresidents of this state :

    Yon and each of von are hereby cited andrequired to lie and appear in the HonorableCounty Court of the 'State of Oregon forWashington County, on MONDAY, the 7thday of May. 18, at the hour of 10 o'clockin the forenoon of aaid day, and showcanse, if any yon have, why an order shouldnot be made directing tbe Administrator ofsaid estate to sell all the real estate belotur- -iug to said estate, or so much thereof asmay be necessary to pay tbe debts andclaims against said estate, and the expensesof administration. The Lands petitioned tobe sold are described as follows :

    1st Tract laying ana being in tbe Countyof Washington and State of Oregon, anddescribed and bounded as follows : Begin-ning at the quarter stake ou tbe sectionline between sections & and C, in Townshione Sooth of Range on West of the Wlllamette Meridian ; thence South on sectionline HO rods; thence West ?7 rods: thenceNorth 12,' rods: thence Went K?V rods;thence North C7X roils to tbe center oftion thence Kh im rods to the i4aee ofbeginning, containing TttJi acres.

    2d Tract Being the Homestead Entry ofJames Dickson, situated in WashingtonCounty. State of Oregon, and designated in 1the U. S. Surveys as Lot tt of Section u, and jLot 1 of Section 7. all in T. 1. S., R. 1 Wof the Willamette uer., containing 4.1 40-10- fJacres.

    ion and eaen or yon being non-residen- tsof this state, this citation is published inThi iMDarsNDKKT, a weekly newspaper, for6 consecutive weeks next Iwfore said 7ihday of May. 188. by order of Hon. RudolphCrandall. sole Judge of said Court. )

    mv band and arnxea tne seal or seui l unn,at'Hulsboro, this ICth day of March. lHf .

    J. W. &IOKGAN.sbauI County Clerk.

    ru22-7- t

    Annual Meeting.

    rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEX Stockholders of the Hilisboro Grange

    Building Association will I held at theGrange Hall, in Hilisboro. WashingtonCounty. Oregon, on MONDAY, the --'it h davof March, at the boor of 1 o'clock 1M., of aaid day, for the purpose of electinga Hoard of Directors aud the transaction ofother business.

    By order of the Board of Directors.J. W. SHL'TE, President.

    Attest:W. D. Hash. Secretary. rrir.-l- t

    Notice lor Publication.Laud Office at Oaaoon Citt, Oswjok,


    the followinir-name- d settler has filednotice of his intention to make fins! proofin support of his claim, and that s.i 1will be made before the County Clerk ofWashington Coonty, tfretjon, at Hillslxs-o- . ,Oretron, n FRIDAY, May 4th, ls, viz :Alonzo W. Wilson. Pre-empti- on D. H. N47. for the 8. X of 8. E- - H 'N.. R. 5 W.

    He names the following witnesses tohis eontinnoas residence andprove apou,

    i . . , inn.i . . Ut,.piiivithiiuu aa..u. -Parsons, Charles Hicks, Charles Hiatt. andA. I. Veatch. all of Oales Creek P.O., Wash-ington Connly. it W. T. ItCRXEY. leister.

    AdmlnlMtrator'N Xotlrr.

    rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING 1JEEXX appointed Administrator of the Kstnte

    of Polly Ann Haydon. deceased, by theCounty Court of the State of Oregon forWashiuoton County, and having duly qual-ified, all persons having claims against saidEstate are hereby required to present them,with (he proper voucher, to rue, at my resi- -

    f Imoaii wfitKin .' t ninnthi fnira Ihe dtA !hereof. -

    JAMES HAYDON'.Greenville, March 7th, 1MSH. m-- .t

    AdmlnUtratrls. m X of Ire.JOTICE IS HEREHY GIVEN THAT

    County Cmrt of the State of Orem f.rWe.shinKton County her finrl accountas Administratrix of the l.t.iteJohn S. Dodds. deceased, and that snidCourt has appointed the firnt Monday inApril, IKoM. at 10 o'clock A M.. as the timefor hearing objections U such tiunt ncoountand for the settlement thereof.

    ruU'.t M. A. DODDS.

    This Space


    Jas. H. SeveljI

    Manufacturer of


    IF1 A.CTOBY,

    Three Miles Northeast of

    Hilisboro, Oregon.

    October 4, 1367. oft-l- y

    God Paturaf;e.I will pasture horses at f 1 00 per month t

    eolte, 75 cents. Pasture first-clas- s. Goodliving water. Stock salted regularly.Fences in good oondition. Between 500 and600 acres of pasture. Where there are fooror five horses, I will go after them. On appli-cation. Address:

    JAMES O. LEE.23f 3m Gaston, Oregon.

    YOUNG GLENIn a handsome black. 7 years old. and

    weighs 1500 pound. Waa aired by importedGleneld, winner at the Centennial iu 1876.lit dam by old Pathfinder; 2d dam by Chal-lenge, be by Rlackhawk, and be by Morgan.

    This beautiful Stallion will make tbeSeaaon of 184 in Washington County, asfollows:

    Tueadav. at GreenvilleWednesdays, at Gale CreekThursdays, at CorneliusFridavs. at FarminetonSaturdays, at HilisboroSnndavsand Mondays, at E. Bchieffelin'a

    f arm, one mile norm ox lngiea v. yj.

    Terms $3. fS and $10

    Every possible care ill be teken toprevent accidents, but no responsibilityassamed.

    3JFor fuHher particulars, address E.Sohitiffeliu orL A. Jobe, Hillsboro.Oregou.

    E. SCHIEFFELIN.March 29, 18-S- . uillMin

    Tbe Draft Stallion, VOL NO

    GKLjEJSTEI-iID- .The Draft Stallion, Yovmo Gksnkld, is

    a dappled bay, 18 hands high, and weighs2,uuu ponnus.

    Pedigbkb. Sire by Major Bruoe's Gleneld; he bv John Copp, the great prize winner of England; dam. by John mare:grand dani a Morgan mare.

    The English Coach Horse, YOFNO

    Robt. Barcx, Ja., is a handsome black,with white bind feet, five years old, 16ihands high, and weighs 1,400 pounds. .

    pKoioaax. Sire, by Root. Brace; be bySir William Wallace; be by Dominion King;dam, a John mare, by imported Challenge.

    The above-name- d Ktalliona will make theSeason of IHHS in Washington County,Oregon, at the following places:

    Mondays, at Greeuville; Monday Night,at John Heisler's, on Gale Creek; TuesdayNoon, at Forest Grove, at the HamiltonLivery Stable; Tuesday Night, at FairGrounds, Hilisboro; Wednesday Night, atAnderson's. South Tualatin; ThursdayNoon, at Mr. Kent's, Scholia Ferry; Thurs-day Night, at Geo. Hombnckle's. Beaver-to- n;

    Friday Morning, at Mr Smith's, WestCuion; Fridav Noon, at Thos. Otehins',East Plains: Friday Night, at the farm ofthe undersigned, miles west of Gleiicoe;Saturday Noou. at Wm. Barley's, nenr thelji-- School houne.

    Teruis: Single wtviii--. "; 'I h S ason,10; Insurance, ft.'.1'nyinent considered doe when mares are

    known to l with font.A. TONGUE, j

    .March ', Is-H- . mMf



    Fire Insurance Agents.iI

    (Opposite Tualatin Hotel),


    Have ffci Sale:City Property. Farms, and

    Business Opportunities.

    Houocs to Rent.

    List of Lands can be seen at ourOffice and at the Board of Immi-

    gration Rooms at Portland.

    We are preparing a list for distritttitioti inthe Eastern States, and along the routes.

    It would be well for all who are desirousof disposing of their Farias, or dividingthem up, to hand in the same to us as early :as possible, to lie placed on our list. This,with onr Portland connections, will placeyour Farms where they will come to thenotice of purchasers.

    tjyCnstoiuers tire hIiowii the lands freeof charge. uifJ-t- f

    NEW BARBER SHOP!Connected with a well-conduct-

    Billiard HallIs now nnder successful iii'inayeiuent, atJACKSON If ALL, on Main Street.

    action gnaranteed in Shaving.Hair Cutting, Etc.Shaving, - - 15 Cents

    Hair Cutting. - Cents,mlll-t- f J. WIRTZ. lrprieUr.


    V"ff"' Pltlif ttinl (,'on Ct'ifini'-rt'- .

    Kr.AL E"tt: Kot'oirr awd Soi.n.Residence, Smocks Station,l'ostoflice, lliddleton.niL". tf Washington Co., Oregon.

    AdniinintratorM Male.

    IS HEREBY GIVEN, THATNOTICE of an order and decree ofthe County Conrt of the State of Oregon forWashington County, made and entered at aregular term thereof, to-w- lt, on the 3d dayof May, 1887 In the matter of the estateof Joseph O. Pierce, deceased, and to medirected as Administratrix thereof, I will sellat public auction to the highest bidder, atthe Court House door, in Hilisboro, Wash-ington County, Oregon, on

    Satartlaj, the 12th ddj f Mrj, 1SSS,At 1! o'clock A. II.. the following describedtract of lies I Kittate (or so much thereof asmav i ueceswiry to pay the debts, claimsniivt j rV4iiitD ini "u rnaestate); said real estate is described as fol-lows: Being tbe south half of the OriginalDonation I .and Claim of Horace Parsonsand wife, being parts of sections 11,12,13and It. in Town. 1 S. of Range 4 west, ofthe Willamette meridian, WashingtonCounty, State of Oregon, containing 330acres, more or less. To le sold on the fol-lowing terms: One-thir- d of purchase pricecash in hand on the day of sale; one-thir- dof purchase price to be paid in one yearfrom day of sale, and the remaindnr to bepaid in "two years from day of sale, withinterest on deferred payments at the rateof ten per cent per annum. Deferred pay-ments to be secured by a mortgage on thepremises sold. Conveyance to be at par-chase-

    expenseMATTIK A. PIERCE.

    Administrator of the Estate of Joseph OPierce, Deceased. ruA 5t

    RESTAURANT.At Old Stand, on Second Street.

    Board and lodging.Excellent Accommodations

    GEO. SQUIRES, - - Prop.m!5-t- f

    THURSDAY MARCH 29.1888

    Next Sabbath will usher iu EasterSunday upon us in all ita supernal grandeur. This day commem-orates the resurrection of JesusChrist, aud is, according to Chris-tian observances, the true "Lord'sday." " Among early Christians twodifferent dates of commemorationarose. The Eastern churchesadopted the 14th day of Nisan(April) for observance of the cruci-fixion, and the third day followingwas the festival of Easter, no matterupon what day of the week it mightfall. This question was finally sat-isfactorily settled by a council atNice (325 A. D.), and according tothe agreement in that learned ecclesiastical body, Easter day must becelebrated upon the first Sunday after the paschal full moon the fullmoon which happens upon or nextafter the vernal equinox (March21st); and if the full moon happensupon a Sunday, then Easter is theSunday after. Thus briefly, we outline the day that hastens to greet uswith its pyramids of hard-boile- d

    colored ribbon and indigestion.

    Mr. William Wilson, of Greenville, sent a small package of maplesugar to this office one day thisweek. This sugar is of a brightlight light color, is very sweet andwill oompare favorably with ordi-nary grades usually found in ourmarkets. It is the product of Or-egon maple, and proves conclusivelythat the maple of this state willproduce a high grade of sugar.Kighteen years ago, Mr. Wilsonplanted a number of native mapletrees, and the sugar sent us is theproduct of one of them. Maplegrows with great vigor in this state,and we believe here is an opportun-ity for a new industry.

    Senator Ingalla made an unpar-donable assault upon the memoryof Hancock, but much will be for-given a man who has the keenestwit of any body in congress, saysan exchange. The other day In-gal- ls,

    talking with some friends,said: "We have been hearing foryears that the democratic party ofthe South is the tail that wags thedog. As a matter of fact, the dem-ocratic party of the South is bothtbe tail and head of the democraticdog." "But, senator," queried oneof tbe bystanders, "where does thedemocratic party of the North comein?" Amid shrieks of laughter thewitty Kansas senator replied:"Oh, they are the hairs on the dog'stail."

    There has been no effort madeexcept in the single instance of theCascade Locks to form republicanclubs in this county, and it is onlytwo months to election. Almost inevery precinct democratic clubshave been organized and the partyis in excellent working order. Thereis work for republicans to do, andit is time they were beginning oper-ations. Undoubtedly the county isrepublican; but as the status of theU. S. senate depends upon the elec-tion in Oregon next June, the partycannot afford to make mistakes.Timis Mountaineer.

    Illinois has been pretty thorough-ly drained. Enough tile has beenput down in the state to reach roundthe globe three times, and the esti-mated cost is not less than $15,000,-00- 0.

    Yet the amount is considereda good investment. Oregon farmerscould not do better than expend alike amount in draining their lands.

    Morrison R. Waite, chief justiceof the supreme court of the UnitedStates, is dead. Judge Waite had

    'been upon the bench for four-teen years, and leaves a pure recordto gratify his friends and cast honorupon the highest judiciary of ourcountry.

    The Milwaukee man who under-took to drink five glasses of whiskyin five seconds won the bet. Weare grieved to learn, however, theprize money didn't more than payhalf the funeral expenses.

    Walla Walla has accepted Air.G. W. Hunt's proposition to build arailroad to Wallula via Eureka Flat,for a bonus of $100,000. This isconsidered the turning point in thehistory of Walla Walla.

    There will be at least 170,000 in-vested in brick hotels this year;$00,000 in a new court house, andabout $40,000 in a paper mill atPendleton.

    The Big Bend country is expand-ing wonderfully. They guaranteethe shipment of 200,000 tons ofwheat this year.

    Senator Dolph's bill, granting fivetownships adjacent to and includingCrater lake to the state of Oregonfor a park, has passed the senate.

    For Assessor.

    I hereby announce myself a candidate forAssessor of Washington County, subject tothe will of the Republican Convention.

    Very Bespectfully,9 3- - B4TEM4N.


    THK PROPRIETORS, IN ASSUMINOA control of the Druir business in thistown, U p to snnounoe that their foremostilorts will, tindc r lxTMonal supervmion. be

    Uirci'ted towariU the puhlifl good.lli'.v will continually purchase llwir

    Druu's from tlu t nottiufitoturers in theI'.xmi, or imyshi'ie making tuo finest pro-duct .

    Patent MedicinesAND

    Proprietary ArticlesOt nil advertised or wll known reputation,Mill le kept in Kieiit variety.

    Itooks, Album, Scrup iKKtks, SpeutsoUs,Puies, etc. Also,



    '..nt iuuully ou hand.

    Perfume riesIn all sizes and at all prion.


    JEWELRY!In considerable vuriely, kept itistx'k,

    WINES AND LIQUORSj Only sold for Medicinal Purposes, on fss- -sctiiPUov. I lie uneHi iianiiiics, r iuiu.itbit,will he kept Pmicks, lerefora, uiimt ls IuHccoiilrtiice

    PBICBSAre iinlureil rn Con)miinle1 WedieiitM,

    wild" tlo n i f i - cortt mil iiiltuit.

    Mil liltmVN, ill- - Imxhiihiii Clerk, will! pleiised t hIioM' intenUiiij punhnsursruiv ortu lu in stoi k, and will cheerfully nt-ti--

    to iJtflit rnll. in chu of euisrj,"'ucy,us he li w hli i j in tlie premium.

    HILLSB0R0 PHARMACY.lof-t- f

    FUMTUREusHoitnicnt of

    V . ' rr.-t,- . . , -. .. ' sHy.v m

    ' MHti-riaU-, htnir Itnilings, llnltisters., Lu.uU-r- , I'tc.

    m:iv mm i;xt.OREQON

    till liTTijr ,.,11' .. l ft

    1 (the Lead!

    The UUVKKB'OUIDEIiisaaed March and Dept.,

    , esoh rear. It Is an enoy.lolopedla of useful tutor.mstion for all who the luxuries or tbeneoesslties of life. Wo

    osn olothe you and furnish you withall tbe neeessary and unnecessaryspitisnces to ride, walk, dsnoe, sleep,est, fish, hunt, work, go to church,or stay at home, and in various,styles and Quantities. Just figure outwhat ts required to do all these thingsCOMFORTAILV, nd you osn make a fairentimate ot the value of the BUYERS'GUIDE, which will be sent uponreceipt of 10 oents to pay postace.MONTGOMERY WARD A CO.1U-11- 4 Mlohlasa A.vaue, Chigs, Hi,

    of this nature under state agency.He says that no state, as a rule, hasfull returns either of crops, farmanimals or any thing else, and de-clares that the range of omission, ascompared with tbe last national census, is from 10 to 50 per cent. Tbechief difficulty seems to lie in tbefact that the enumeration is made byassessors who are, of course, agentsof the taxing power, and who aremet with the concealment and eva

    . - 1 1 i i &s:on wnicn is usuany eiupiujvu iu- -ward such aerents. As it is, withothe exception of reasonable approximation in a very few states. Statistician Dodge declares that the assessors' returns are of little use to theagricultural department. He pointsout that some other; agency shouldbe employed, and suggests that thetask of gathering these statistics beconnected with the school system.No doubt the 'system of assessors'returns should be done away withfor statistical purposes, but a propersubstitute will hardly be provideduntil popular appreciation of thevalue and importance of statistics ismore extended than it is at present.


    THE mOK "('KAZB.'

    The Lljrht of History Shed on theQuestion of Color in Short-Hor- n.

    Breeder's Gazette.From Mr. Bites' lWhe-- t low .f lt0.H

    lias bet-- produce,! the imt wonderfulfamily of Short-hor- n that ever existed,whether demonstrated by leinj used ingreater numlers for thn improvement ofother families than any other ever known,or its descendants selling for live timesthe amount the produce of any otherthree families ever recorded in Englishor American herd books during the patforty years.

    The mania for the red color being onthe wane among American breeders (itnever existed in England) it might notbe amiss to inquire what has been thecolor generally of this wonderful familythat has been used so extensively orcrossing purposes uHn other familiesand has sold continuously at such ed

    prices. The color of Mr. Hates'Duchess cow of 1808, from which all thepresent family of Duchesses and GrandDuchesses have descended, was

    red and little white, ror redand some white, as breeders of thepresent day so often employ in descrip-tion, but e, and meaning asmuch or more white than red, and whatwe would rail at this day pied or pidedin color. Their early pictures in bothhistories and herd books attest this fact.In the first three volumes of the EnglishHerd Book are recorded his first twenty-thre- e

    cowa with fifty-si- x calves asproduce of this family, which in point oftime and enumeration brings us down toDuchess 41st. In Vol. I are five rowswith sixteen calves as produce, and allare Cpied color) except oneralf of a -- 'light grizzly" color, which Iinfer to be what breeders of this daywould describe as a "brindle roan." InVol. II are ten cows with sixteen ralves,and all are (pied) excepta red calf of 1822 (the first red ralfknown of this family.or at least recorded),and two red calves of 182.1. In Vol. Illare eight cows with eighteen calves, andall are red and-whit- e (pied) except tworoan calves of 183'J (the first recordedregular roans of this family), and fiveroan calves of 1885. Through the use ofIriacess and Oxford bulls Mr. Hatesintroduced light colors, yet such was thepotency of the original family by con-tinued in breeding that to this day wefind that in all families which have bydirection or indirection a great preponderanre of the blood of this old andvaluable Hates family, a

    j calf is liable to appear at any time, andesncriallv in tl irtu ftimitioa with tliAfewest crosses until we come to bulls inthe pedigree bred by Mr. Dates himself.

    The Duchess family, then, beingconsidered the most valuable in theworld by a majority of both English andAmerican breeders, the tecolor in Short-horn- s should be consideredan external evidence at least of thehighest and est breeding. Now as tocolors in all families Itcing an evidenceof the best individuals I find that downto 1850 there were 113 pictures includedin the first ten volumes of the EnglishHerd Book of this class of cattle. Amongthese 113 head, which were consideredthe best individuals of their day, wereseven whites, fourteen reds, twenty-on- ered arid-white- s, and seventy-on- e roans;or the roans in England to that dayexceeded the reds as five to one forindividuality. Down to 1871 there were478 pictures of best individualsthought) included in the first ten volumesof the American Herd Book. Amongthese were thirty-eigh- t whites, eighty-seve- n

    reds, uinety-si- x rcd-an- d whites,and 237 roans, or the roans in Americadown to 1371 exceeded the reds innumber in about as three is to one forindividuality, and In both England andAmerica in about as three and half isto one. It should not be forgotten, too,that in both the English and Americanherd books many are described as red,when their pictures show them to I) redand some white.

    It would seem good policy, then, nowthat the red fever is subsiding at

    American Short-hor- n breedershasten the day and put themselves inline with their brother English breeders,and breed for pedigree an i individualityregardless of color, whether red, white,or roan. This gives us a so much widerfield or number to select from, and we willharless of tbe rivalry of other breeds.


    Subscribe for The Independent.

    Old Stand !S. VT, Corner Main and Firs! Street

    r WEFKLY RECEIPT OF LATESTStyks ofSpring Goods

    CLOTHING,Hats, Ooots, Ties,


    Ladies' and Cents'Furnishing Goods,

    Dress Coods,Dress Trimmings,

    Muslins, Prints, Etc.Also, a very large, complete and wvll

    elected Stock of


    Provisions,CANNED GOODS.

    Notions,Cigars and Tobacco.!

    All of which we offer at the very lowestliving rale- - for Cusii, or in enehsnce for1'roduce.

    Our xtiK-1- . i m w mi l complete, nn.t winvite mi. I coiutriou with otlu rprice ruling, a-- i we know v i iiinr I flilt It


    I audition to oi l: H l.i. linkB- - ol til we have forsal the ct letrat-- d

    Mine PumpsThe Moline Hand Force Pump,

    The Moline Lift Pump,

    TheMoline Chain Pump,W Lirh are superior to any now in nse, andwe guarantee each to give sat intact iou, andour prices are the lowest.


    Ntudeliaker Farm midSpring Wagon.

    Buggies, Acme Harrows,And a fnil line of the

    J. I. CASE PLOWS.And other Agricultural Implement.


    A penis for the Oerrnan-Ame- i icriu undQue,-- Insurance Companies.

    O. BOOS &. CO.

    Forst tlrove, Oregon.

    I Choice Flowers for Sale

    MRS. AGNES CAMl'RKLL. FLORIST,now has a larue and well-selecte- d

    stock of Flowering I'lants nud RuDm forj Sale, at reasonable charge. Among nilj endless vari-t- of the choicei FloweringjatiJ Foliage IMhiiIs, may te enumeratedI the Famous


    Come early and make your selections.

    lf Floral Garden Across the streetfrom Jude llmiipbrevs' residence, inSiiithItillstMiro fitl-t- f

    OTICE lis HF.RKBY fllVKN THATN1 the undersigiied has been ftiilv appointed Eseeutri of the Last Will etuiTeHtnmetit of A. T. Smith. Deceased, andhas dtilv piaiifiel in the County Court oftbe State of Oregon for WashingtonCounty All persons, therefore, havingClaims .'igailiMr sam emme, lire iiereoy

    to present them, with the propervouchers, to me. at the Law Otlice of Thos.II. TiHigue, at Hilisboro, Oregon, within sumonths from the date hereof.

    Forest Grove, Oregon. Feb. 1.JANK M. HMI T1I.Executrix of tbe Inm Will aud Testament

    of A. T. Smith. Deceased. nil --At

    David Cokwim. Rre:tT P. WoosTra.

    Meat Market!

    CORWIII & W00STER, Props

    Main Street, - HILLSBORO

    Choice Beef,

    Mutton, Veal i

    And Pork!Kept constantly on hand.

    Highest market price paid forBeeves, Mat ton. Veal and Ho.Fair Dealing to All !

    Natlafaetion ftiaaranterd

    Please Give us a Trial1Sept.8, 1987.

    Doors andBlinds!

    Frnuif, MiMildint. HihcUi tM, Ktai I t iNewel l i : t

    imh:im viu:ksFOREST OROVE

    G. SHIUDLER & Co

    FurnitureMa mi In (In i cts



    All M)lcs und Price-- .

    C.SHfWD'.ER&CoiVn'rrMi, 1C:: First Mr-eft- ,

    Throng,, block rOOfti-- t toI ft 7 nud Kill I i o. r Ntrcel,

    PORTLAMI, . . ORKG0.

    Organ inIt h;is a ense wholly rNl'Jl'E IV Dl'.KlGNi surptssinptly bemitiful, end put

    together on an E.VUhK.l.V NEW PR1 XC1PLK UMiutf slide pins in-tc- sd ofscrews. It is ulso MOl'SE l'Rt M IF, by a simple contrivance.METAL CASINOS PREVENT SWELLING OF KEYS IN 1UMP WEATHER.

    A handsonis braeket LAMP, of d metal, attached to each orau,insures light both siife and convenient

    Thi OrRan. with in full nud partial sets of HEEDS, its different STOPSand COl'PLEKS-no- re of tin in silent ives numberless variety of COM-RISATIO-

    and EXPRESSION, nud in SWEETNESS and RICHNESS ofTONE, it Is fully cquid to nny mnkf.

    Every iiiHtrnmeiit sold with a SIX YEARS OCARANTEK.I nui now intriKlttcinat thess eliK.u.t iiiHtrumetits Into Wnliiin;toii County at

    Sl'RPRISINOLV LOW FIG IRES,A MAGNIFICENT SAMPLE limy o n nt m v home in Forest Grove.Cull and .

    jPMf H. IXIJN.i

    Fn liaaa ia Leuf uifctn . mimI atinultft I i ft tl,- Ijanda

    CULD3 PLANTS !i.n"a eoi i iutfthnsmdS of lllintmilvii., ml 10 fniii, uiiu.mwimI le Imix, usshrr i n ii,imi snuiinr imfmnmuuMiriKMi. rniivi utiya 1117 ivrtni.,trtilw-t- . r.jr 10 r.ri(a worth or MM.

    JAJ1&9 VltK, WKKUMMAN.Jfer heeler ti. V,