the importance of summer worship 2012 bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · june 24 . he that was greater...

June/July/August 2012 THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP As you will read in this publication the month of June brings about the curtailment of many ministries/activities of our community. Many ministries and organizations will not meet during the hot summer months, and it will not be until September when things start up again. Many of us will depart with loved ones to different areas throughout the world for a chance at rest and relaxation. Unfortunately…many will take a vacation from coming to Church during the summer months. On Sunday May 20, the children of our Parish Family were recognized for their participation and attendance in our Church and Greek School programs. Though it is disheartening to know that some parents who have brought their children for 9 months to Church, might neglect to bring them to church during the summer months. This is so heartbreaking because they are taught in Church School to be present and to participate in the Divine Liturgy whenever they are able to attend. Our Greek School educates our children on our heritage and language, yet shows how we are rooted in the Faith. No matter what is or has been taught in our School programs it is up to parents and adults to put into practice what is taught… the importance of coming to Church. If we believe the Church is important to us then we must demonstrate this; not only is family worship very important but it is equally beautiful! We can not expect a child or young person to do the proper things when the proper example is not set or followed. A young person learns through the actions and deeds of those who raise, love and support him/her. Whatever a young person learns from a young age will remain with him/her throughout the rest of their life. Let us not depart from the Church during these summer months. No matter where we are or where we go, if it is here or another Orthodox Church in another town, city, state or country, let us remember that Sunday, should be the first day of our week…and we must…we need to begin it with worshiping HIM!!! Remember…when you are not going to be at St. Nicholas for worship on Sunday, go to to find a Greek Orthodox Parish near you!!! God bless,

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Page 1: THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP 2012 Bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · June 24 . He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he

June/July/August 2012


As you will read in this publication the month of June brings about the curtailment of many ministries/activities of our community. Many ministries and organizations will not meet during the hot summer months, and it will not be until September when things start up again.

Many of us will depart with loved ones to different areas throughout the world for a chance at rest and relaxation. Unfortunately…many will take a vacation from coming to Church during the summer months.

On Sunday May 20, the children of our Parish Family were recognized for their participation and attendance in our Church and Greek School programs. Though it is disheartening to know that some parents who have brought their children for 9 months to Church, might neglect to bring them to church during the summer months. This is so heartbreaking because they are taught in Church School to be present and to participate in the Divine Liturgy whenever they are able to attend. Our Greek School educates our children on our heritage and language, yet shows how we are rooted in the Faith.

No matter what is or has been taught in our School programs it is up to parents and adults to put into practice what is taught… the importance of coming to Church.

If we believe the Church is important to us then we must demonstrate this; not only is family worship very important but it is equally beautiful!

We can not expect a child or young person to do the proper things when the proper example is not set or followed. A young person learns through the actions and deeds of those who raise, love and support him/her. Whatever a young person learns from a young age will remain with him/her throughout the rest of their life.

Let us not depart from the Church during these summer months. No matter where we are or where we go, if it is here or another Orthodox Church in another town, city, state or country, let us remember that Sunday, should be the first day of our week…and we must…we need to begin it with worshiping HIM!!!

Remember…when you are not going to be at St. Nicholas for worship on Sunday, go to to find a Greek Orthodox Parish near you!!! God bless,

Page 2: THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP 2012 Bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · June 24 . He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 17 Meriam St., Lexington, MA 02420

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church is a parish under the spiritual and ecclesiastical shepherding of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, the presiding hierarch of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America under the

jurisdiction of His All-Holiness, Bartholomew I, Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch.

The Orthodox Way is published by the first of each month. The deadline for submissions to this newsletter is the 15h of the prior month. Thank you for your cooperation.

Icon on cover page courtesy of, used with permission

Office Phone: 781-862-6453 Office e-mail: [email protected] Office Secretary: Mary Correia Church Website :

Sunday Worship Service: Orthros: 8:15 a.m. Divine Liturgy: 9:30 a.m.

Rev. Fr. Demetrios Costarakis, Presiding PriestOffice Hours: Monday – Thursday10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.* * Days and times may vary due to Liturgical or other schedules*

Father’s Office Phone: 781-862-0315 Father’s Home Phone: 978-275-0002 Father’s Cell Phone Emergency ONLY – 978-201-0636 Father’s e-mail: [email protected]

Our Parish Council

Anthony Gray, President [email protected] Lela Digenis, Vice Pres. [email protected] Alyssa Psyhojos, Secretary [email protected] Michael Tanionos, Treas. [email protected] Penelope Tzougros, Steward. [email protected] Lou Saledas, Finance [email protected] Valerie Larsin,Asst.Sec. [email protected] Marcy Norse, Asst. Treas. [email protected] Bill Brown [email protected] Anthony Callahan [email protected] Kostas Daileanes [email protected] James J. Decoulos [email protected] Diane Maimonis [email protected] Nector Ritzakis [email protected] Tom Tsaros [email protected]

Our Parish Ministries

Chanters: Timothy Patitsas [email protected] Efthimia Zervoglos [email protected]

Altar Server Ministry:Yianni Barbas, Jack Decoulos, Tino Decoulos, Speros Dimas, Alexander Heisler, Nicholas Heisler,Christopher Kokkinos, Jonathan Kokkinos, Matthew Kokkinos, Dimitri Psyhojos, Christos Saledas, Christian Sevigny, Loukas Speros, Maximos Speros, Jason Vafiades, Nicholas Vafiades, James Wouralis, Anthony Wilson, Andoni Zervoglos

Church School Directors: Lariza Panagiotou [email protected] Leto Papadopoulos [email protected]

Greek School Principals:Gloria Doukakis [email protected] Lela Digenis [email protected]

Family Ministries James Schmidt [email protected] Wilson [email protected]

“40 to 4” Infant/Toddler Ministry: Gloria Costarakis [email protected]

HOPE/JOY Advisors:Mike Wilson [email protected] Cassandra Girabaldi [email protected] Nick Speros

GOYA Advisors: Alyssa Psyhojos [email protected] Leto Papadopoulos [email protected] Papadopoulos [email protected] Nectarios Ritzakis [email protected]

Ladies Philoptochos Society, St. Irene Chapter: Pamela Brown, President [email protected]

Seniors Group Gloria Doukakis [email protected] John Yanakis

Health Ministry Group:Anthony Gray [email protected] Gray [email protected]

Mike Wilson [email protected] Psyhojos [email protected]

Page 3: THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP 2012 Bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · June 24 . He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he
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Page 6: THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP 2012 Bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · June 24 . He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he

Nativity of John the Baptist June 24

He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he surpassed all the Prophets, was born of the aged and barren Elizabeth (Luke 1: 7) and filled all his kinsmen, and those that lived round about, with gladness and wonder. But even more wondrous was that which followed on the eighth day when he was circumcised, that is, the day on which a male child receives his name. Those present called him Zacharias, the name of his father. But the mother said, "Not so, but he shall be called John." Since the child's father was unable to speak, he was asked, by means of a sign, to indicate the child's name. He then asked for a tablet and wrote, "His name is John." And immediately Zacharias' mouth was opened, his tongue was loosed from

its silence of nine months, and filled with the Holy Spirit, he blessed the God of Israel, Who had fulfilled the promises made to their fathers, and had visited them that were sitting in darkness and the shadow of death, and had sent to them the light of salvation. Zacharias prophesied concerning the child also, saying that he would be a Prophet of the Most High and Forerunner of Jesus Christ. And the child John, who was filled with grace, grew and waxed strong in the Spirit; and he was in the wilderness until the day of his showing to Israel (Luke 1:57-80). His name is a variation of the Hebrew "Johanan," which means "Yah is gracious."

Synaxis of the Twelve Holy Apostles: Peter, Andrew, James & John the sons of Zebedee, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son

of Alphaeus, Jude the brother of James, Simon & MatthiasJune 30

The names of the Twelve Apostles are these: Simon, who was called Peter, and his brother Andrew, the First-called; James the son of Zebedee, and his brother John, who was also the Evangelist and Theologian; Philip, and Bartholomew (see also June 11); Thomas, and Matthew the publican, who was also called Levi and was an

Evangelist; James the son of Alphaeus, and Jude (also called Lebbaeus, and surnamed Thaddaeus), the brother of James, the Brother of God; Simon the Cananite ("the Zealot"), and Matthias, who was elected to fill the place of Judas the traitor (see Aug. 9).

The Glorious Prophet Elias (Elijah) July 20

Elias of great fame was from Thisbe or Thesbe, a town of Galaad (Gilead), beyond the Jordan. He was of priestly lineage, a man of a solitary and ascetical character, clothed in a mantle of sheep skin, and girded about his loins with a leathern belt. His name is interpreted as "Yah is my God." His zeal for the glory of God was compared to fire, and his speech for teaching and rebuke was likened unto a burning lamp. From this too he received the name Zealot. Therefore, set aflame with such zeal, he sternly reproved the impiety and lawlessness of Ahab and his wife Jezebel. He shut up heaven by means of prayer, and it did not rain for

three years and six months. Ravens brought him food for his need when, at God's command, he was hiding by the torrent of Horrath. He multiplied the little flour and oil of the poor widow of Sarephtha of Sidon, who had given him hospitality in her home, and when her son died, he raised him up. He brought down fire from Heaven upon Mount Carmel, and it burned up the sacrifice offered to God before all the people of Israel, that they might know the truth. At the torrent of Kisson, he slew 450 false prophets and priests who worshipped idols and led the people astray. He received food wondrously at the hand of an Angel, and being strengthened by this food he walked for forty days and forty nights. He beheld God on Mount Horeb, as far as this is possible for human nature. He foretold the destruction of the house of Ahab, and the death of his son Ohozias; and as for the two captains of fifty that were sent by the king, he burned them for their punishment, bringing fire down from Heaven. He divided the flow of the Jordan, and he and his disciple Elisseus passed through as it were on dry land; and finally, while speaking with him, Elias was suddenly snatched away by a fiery chariot in the year 895 B.C., and he ascended as though into heaven, whither God most certainly translated him alive, as He did Enoch (Gen. 5:24; IV Kings 2: 11). But from thence also, after seven years, by means of an epistle he reproached Joram, the son of Josaphat, as it is written: "And there came a message in writing to him from Elias the Prophet, saying, Thus saith the Lord God of David thy father, Because thou hast not walked in the way," and so forth (II Chron. 21:12). According to the opinion of the majority of the interpreters, this came to pass either through his disciple Elisseus, or through another Prophet when Elias appeared to them, even as he appeared on Mount Tabor to the disciples of Christ (see Aug. 6).

Panteleimon the Great Martyr & Healer July 27

This Saint, who had Nicomedia as his homeland, was the son of Eustorgius and Eubula. His father was an idolater, but his mother was a Christian from her ancestors. It was through her that he was instructed in piety, and still later, he was catechized in the Faith of Christ by Saint Hermolaus (see July 26) and baptized by him. Being proficient in the physician's vocation, he practiced it in a philanthropic manner, healing every illness more by the grace of

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Christ than by medicines. Thus, although his parents had named him Pantoleon ("in all things a lion"), because of the compassion he showed for the souls and bodies of all, he was worthily renamed Panteleimon, meaning "all-merciful." On one occasion, when he restored the sight of a certain blind man by calling on the Divine Name, he enlightened also the eyes of this man's soul to the knowledge of the truth. This also became the cause for the martyrdom of him who had been blind, since when he was asked by whom and in what manner his eyes had been opened, in imitation of that blind man of the Gospel he confessed with boldness both who the physician was and the manner of his healing. For this he was put to death immediately. Panteleimon was arrested also, and having endured many wounds, he was finally beheaded in the year 305, during the reign of Maximian. Saint Panteleimon is one of the Holy Unmercenaries, and is held in special honor among them, even as Saint George is among the Martyrs.

Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ August 6

Our Lord had spoken to His disciples many times not only concerning His Passion, Cross, and Death, but also concerning the coming persecutions and afflictions that they themselves would endure. Since all these evils were near at hand, but the enjoyment of good things which they hoped to receive in their stead was yet to come, our Savior desired to give them full assurance, evidently and openly, concerning that glory which is prepared for those who endure to the end. Therefore, fulfilling that which He had promised shortly before, that "there be some standing here which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in His Kingdom" (Matt. 16:28),

He took His three foremost disciples and ascended Mount Tabor, where He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as the light. Suddenly, together with this dread and marvelous effulgence of light, there appeared those pinnacles of the Prophets, Moses and Elias, who spoke with the Lord Jesus concerning His saving Passion which was about to take place. Standing before Him as reverent servants, they showed that He is the Lord of both the living and the dead, for Moses came forth from Hades, having died many centuries before, and Elias, as it were from heaven, whither he had been taken up while yet alive. After a little while a radiant cloud overshadowed them and out of the cloud they heard that same voice which had been heard at the Jordan at the Baptism of Christ, testifying to the Divinity of Jesus and saying: "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well-pleased; hear ye Him" (Matt. 17: 5). Such are the marvels, truly worthy of God, celebrated in this present feast, which is an image and prefiguring of the future state of the righteous, whose splendor the Lord spoke of, saying: "Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun" (Matt. 13:43). It is because of this that the Kontakion of this Feast is said daily (when there is not a great feast) in the Service of the Typica in perpetual commemoration of the glory that will be the lot of the Saints. According to tradition, the Lord's Transfiguration came to pass forty days before His Crucifixion; this is why the Transfiguration is celebrated forty days before the Exaltation of the Cross.

Beheading of the Holy and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John August 29

The divine Baptist, the Prophet born of a Prophet, the seal of all the Prophets and beginning of the Apostles, the mediator between the Old and New Covenants, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, the God-sent Messenger of the incarnate Messiah, the forerunner of Christ's coming into the world (Esaias 40: 3; Mal. 3: 1); who by many miracles was both conceived and born; who was filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother's womb; who

came forth like another Elias the Zealot, whose life in the wilderness and divine zeal for God's Law he imitated: this divine Prophet, after he had preached the baptism of repentance according to God's command; had taught men of low rank and high how they must order their lives; had admonished those whom he baptized and had filled them with the fear of God, teaching them that no one is able to escape the wrath to come if he do not works worthy of repentance; had, through such preaching, prepared their hearts to receive the evangelical teachings of the Savior; and finally, after he had pointed out to the people the very Savior, and said, "Behold the Lamb of God, Which taketh away the sin of the world" (Luke 3:2-18; John 1: 29-36), after all this, John sealed with his own blood the truth of his words and was made a sacred victim for the divine Law at the hands of a transgressor. This was Herod Antipas, the Tetrarch of Galilee, the son of Herod the Great. This man had a lawful wife, the daughter of Arethas (or Aretas), the King of Arabia (that is, Arabia Petraea, which had the famous Nabatean stone city of Petra as its capital. This is the Aretas mentioned by Saint Paul in II Cor. 11:32). Without any cause, and against every commandment of the Law, he put her away and took to himself Herodias, the wife of his deceased brother Philip, to whom Herodias had borne a daughter, Salome. He would not desist from this unlawful union even when John, the preacher of repentance, the bold and austere accuser of the lawless, censured him and told him, "It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife" (Mark 6: 18). Thus Herod, besides his other unholy acts, added yet this, that he apprehended John and shut him in prison; and perhaps he would have killed him straightway, had he not feared the people, who had extreme reverence for John. Certainly, in the beginning, he himself had great reverence for this just and holy man. But finally, being pierced with the sting of a mad lust for the woman Herodias, he laid his defiled hands on the teacher of purity on the very day he was celebrating his birthday. When Salome, Herodias' daughter, had danced in order to please him and those who were supping with him, he promised her -- with an oath more foolish than any foolishness -- that he would give her anything she asked, even unto the half of his kingdom. And she, consulting with her mother, straightway asked for the head of John the Baptist in a charger. Hence this transgressor of the Law, preferring his lawless oath above the precepts of the Law, fulfilled this godless promise and filled his loathsome banquet with the blood of the Prophet. So it was that that all-venerable head, revered by the Angels, was given as a prize for an abominable dance, and became the plaything of the dissolute daughter of a debauched mother. As for the body of the divine Baptist, it was taken up by his disciples and placed in a tomb (Mark 6: 21 - 29). Concerning the finding of his holy head, see February 24 and May 25.

Page 8: THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP 2012 Bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · June 24 . He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he

Celebrating in June Please note we are mentioning those who provided this information on their 2012 Stewardship form

Happy Birthday to you:

Evelyn Milona Helen Theodosiou Jason HouckPeter Cusanello John Macaris Christina Damalas Michael Milona George ProakisJohn Proakis Luke Bury Elle Norse Nick Raftopoulos Linda Rudd Zoe Speros Dima Hunt Demetra Papageorgiou Sheryl Kokkinos Alexa Manickas-Hill

Bill Nimee Jim Decoulos

Tino Decoulos Manny Rempelakis Evangelia Pottage Stephanie Wilson Evangeline Proakis

Nicolas Xintaropoulos Aiko Callahan Marika Psyhojos Sophia Psyhojos Luke Psyhojos Sophia Varinos Peter Kondon Thea Barbas Elias Varinos Apostolos Doukas James Hill

Happy Anniversary wishes for:

Pam Giannatisis and Dirk ArmstrongPam and Lou Saledas Toula and George WouralisDaphne and George HatsopoulosKathy and Monte VanNorden Amantha and Thomas Tsaros Helen and Peter Philliou Maria and John NeylandStephanie and Bob DeVasto Irene and Bob VourosAmelia and John Yanikis Susan and Alan Galster

6 years on June 3rd

24 years on June 5th

54 years on June 8th

53 years on June 14th

38 years on June 15th

10 years on June 16th

51 years on June 18th

18 years on June 19th

36 years on June 20th

47 years on June 20th

59 years on June 21st

June 27th

May our Lord grant all who celebrates this month Many Years!!!

Page 9: THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP 2012 Bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · June 24 . He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he

Celebrating in July Please note we are mentioning those who provided this information on their 2012 Stewardship


Celebrations of Namedays: Kirianna Heisler, July 7 Prokopios Dimas, July 8 Maria Speros, July 14

Marina Wouralis, July 17 Lou Saledas, July 20

Peter Costarakis, July 27

Lou Saledas Charlene Colt William Glass Tony Corriea Katarina Barbas Evelyn Milona Andrei Oprea Marilyn Nichols Stephanie DeVasto Amalia Yanakis Audrey Xintaropoulos

Happy Birthday to you… Constantine Doukakis Maria Speros Peter Philliou Dirk Armstrong Elana Proakis Demetre Xintarapoulos Tom Sevingy Christian Cataldo Alina Oprea Anthony Miminos George Sarandis Fr. Ted Barbas Veranique Rousseau Loukas Speros Elias Gyftopoulos Marion Avtges

Alexandra Joseph

Nicole Maimonis Nicholas Pappas Alexander Heisler Noah Sevigny Timothy Galster Anastas Varinos Ashley Davidson Mark Bury Nicholas Vallas

Happy Anniversary Wishes for: Efthemia & Andoni Zervoglos 46 years on July 2nd

Anthony & Aiko Callahan 1 year on July 2nd

Mandy & Nicholas Zervoglos 15 years on July 6th

Demetre & Audrey Xintaropoulos 11 years on July 7th

Helen & Jim Pitarys 48 years on July 12th

Stephen & Kelly Sarandis 11 years on July 14th Audrey & David Jenkins 16 years on July 14th

Julie & Peter Kondon July 15th

Adam & Deirdre Heisler 25 years on July 18th

Colette Sahely & Peter Wallace 11 years on July 21st

Afodite & George Stamatakos 45 years on July 23rd

Alexa & Mathew Rousseau 6 years on July 25th

Jim Schmidt & Pam Vlahakis 26 years on July 26th

Anthony & Maura Miminos 1 year on July 30th

May our Lord grant all who celebrates this month Many Years!!!

Page 10: THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP 2012 Bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · June 24 . He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he

Celebrating in August Please note we are mentioning those who provided this information on their 2012 Stewardship


Celebration of Namedays: Pam Giannatsis August 15 Pam Vlahakis August 15 Maria Morris August 15 Susan (Marie) Galster August 15 Mary Papantonis August 15 Pam Saledas August 15 Maria Wilson August 15 Peter Philliou August 15 Maria Zallas August 15 Mary Correia August 15 Amantha Tsaros August 15 Patricia Diorio August 15 Pam Brown August 15 Maria Barbas August 15 Mary-ed Fotis August 15 Peter Jenkins August 19 Maria Decoulos August 15 Alexis Zallas August 30 Marika Psyhojos August 15 Alyssa Psyhojos August 30 Mary Delichatsios August 15 Alexander Heisler August 30 Mary Raftopoulos August 15

Happy Birthday to you: Lydia Houck Robert DeVasto James Wouralis Mary Sarandis

Anthony Costarakis Sophia Tsaros Raymond Wheeler Mary Raftopoulos Monte VanNorden Niki Pantazis

Abigail Athansasoulas Nick Zallas David Jenkins Andoni Zervoglos Christian Xintaropoulos Angie Lemnios Jason Xintaropoulos Leah Fotis Marina Wouralis Mary Corriea

Alyssa Psyhojos Nancy Collias Stylianos Tsipourakis Greg Miminos

Pauline Solomos Deirdre Heisler Anniversary Wishes for:

Denis Getsios & Christine Beck 9 years on August 3 Constance & Victor Krea 59 years on August 16 Hariklia & Nick Vallas 49 years on August 18 Elaine & Charlie Daileanes 44 years on August 18 Chris & Sheryl Kokkinos 19 years on August 21 Mary & Nick Papantonis 55 years on August 25 John & Alexandra Joseph August 25th

Michael & Melanie Tanionios 2 years on August 28 Arthur & Maria Skambas August 28th

Jim & Hope Tsacoyeanes 52 years on August 28

May our Lord grant all who celebrates this month Many Years!!!

Page 11: THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP 2012 Bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · June 24 . He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he

To the Entire St. Nicholas Family

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your love, support, phone calls, messages, emails and cards since the falling asleep of Gloria’s father.

Please continue to keep Anthony in your prayers, that our Lord will give him rest in His Heavenly Kingdom, and that comfort and strength will be given to all during this time!

Thank you again for being a great parish family for my family to lean on!!!

Fr. Demetri


Look at what you’ve done! Hear the cheers and applause as the students of our Church School and Greek School are announced and given diplomas and beautifully wrapped gifts. See the smiling faces as they crowd onto the Solea with Fr. Demetri. Those of us, who were lucky enough to be there May 20th, are replaying the event in our minds. For others who missed this critical event, our talented photographers will post photos and you can talk to others during Fellowship.

The graduation is the result of your Stewardship in action. Your Stewardship makes possible an environment for teaching— the necessary building with lights, climate control, classrooms, desks, chairs, and books. The building is maintained by the intelligent and never ending vigilance of a few dedicated Stewards. The teachers and leaders of the programs not only give their time and love, but they often purchase supplies for their classes and do not ask to be reimbursed.

Fr. Demetri guides the work with his extraordinary enthusiasm. (Let’s remember that word in Greek is En + Theos, inspired by God.)

These are our children, our hope, our future, our martyrs for Orthodoxy. Consider the courage of our students who encounter at school atheism, ridicule for being religious, and the temptations of wanting to be “cool” or whatever the current term is for being “in”. How do we strengthen them so they can say, “I am an Orthodox Christian”? To say that is to be a martyr, from the Greek meaning witness. If we as adults feel hesitant to proclaim our faith, how might these young people feel? So thank you, Stewards who cheer, who say encouraging words, who teach, nurture, parent, godparent, and love our young martyrs. This is the heart and soul of Stewardship. This is no mere graduation. It is a critical event: here we see the flame of Pentecost dance over the heads of the next generation.

With love in Christ, Penelope Tzougros, Stewardship Chair

“ Let’s talk. We are the family of St. Nicholas and families talk about their hopes and concerns. During the summer, watch for notices about the Third St. Nicholas Discussion Groups; a time to share food for thought and taste buds. We welcome your suggestions about the other events that are being planned. In the fall, we will have our annual Stewardship Sunday with a few surprises, and a session with a working title; “Managing money in hard times”. As always we want YOU to be with us and share your insights.”

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Stewardship Report

May 29, 2012

2012 Goal: $135,000

Total Stewardship pledges:

$ 108,591

Total Stewardship received: $70,856 52% of goal

Total pledged Stewards: 134

Last year rec., $68,162 was

55% of goal of $124,500.

Giving Blocks

May 29, 2012

$10,000 - $19,000 1

$5,000 - $9,999 1

$2,000 - $4,999 6

$1,000 - $1,999 30

$ 500 $ 999 42

$ 300 $ 499 23

$ 100 -­ $ 299 29

Less than $ 100 2

Total pledged Stewards 134

Same time last yr., 135

Stewards were included.

St. Irene’s Philoptochos

Following is our list of stewards/honorary members, totaling 75 ladies. If your name is missing and you sent a check, please let me or Gloria Doukakis know. If your name is not there and you would like it to be, it’s not too late!! We’d love to have you join us.

Joanne Andrellos Pam Schmidt (Vlahakis) Stavroula Kazan Andriani Panagiotou Stephanie DeVasto Irene Vouros Roxanne Boyle Pauline Solomos Mary Kirmani Niki Pantazis Lela Digenis Stephanie Wilson Margaret Bousvaros Katherine Speliotis Sheryl Kokkinos Nina Pantazis Kathy Dimas Marina Wouralis Pam Brown Helen Splagounias Julie Kondon Mary Papantonis Mildredd Dostou Amelia Yanakis Rita Caramanis Irene Splagounias Anna Lappos Helen Pitarys GloriaDoukakis Maria Zallas Iasme Chiotelis Afrodite Stamatakos Valerie Larson Elena Proakis (Ellis) Pam Giannatsis Efthemia Zervoglos Charlene Colt Leta Stathacos Angelina Lemnios Felia Proakis Nicolette Hantzis Katherine Dulsen Mary Correia Helen Theodosiou Lisa Loveland (Proakis) Alyssa Psyhojos Daphne Hatsopoulos Athena Kutrubes Gloria Costarakis Joan Tarkulich Wende Manickas Evangeline Puopolo DeirdreHeisler Mary Mooney Elaine Daileanes Penelope Tzougros Evelyn Milona Eva Rodakis PhyllisHouvouras Dorothy Samiotes Maria Decoulos Christine Vallas Sandra Miminos Pam Saledas Audrey Jenkins Mary Scalleri Marys Delichatsios Hariklia Vallas Marilyn Nichols Mary Sarandis Joanne Kalliavas Thalia Sculos Janet Demers Nancy Vasilakis Marcy Norse

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On Sunday, May 6, we provided the Artos in honor of St. Irene, our Patron Saint. Our collection for the Philoxenia House, allowed us to send $355 to the Metropolis Philoptochos, earmarked for that cause. Thank you to all who generously donated!

In addition to our National commitments, we also donated to the CrossRoad Summer Institute (at Hellenic College), which is a program of the office of Vocation & Ministry, for High School juniors and seniors.

The next meeting will be our end-of-the-season Pot Luck Supper, on Tuesday, June 12, at 6:30 in St. Irene’s Hall. As we plan for the future, we will continue the discussion of our next project to undertake, and fund-raising ideas. We welcome your thoughts, so please join us for dinner!

Church School

The Church School would like to give a special thank you to all of the teachers and parent volunteers who dedicated their time this year. Congratulations to all students, and especially our graduating seniors: Kira Heisler, Nicholas Vafiades, James Wouralis, and Spero Dimas. We wish you all the best! It was great to celebrate with everyone at graduation and the end of year party.

For all of our teachers and prospective teachers, stay tuned for details regarding our end of year cook out in June!

Greek School

Summer is here! It’s time to put the books away and enjoy the summer vacation for students and teachers alike. Our Greek School students have completed a year of hard work. We believed they enjoyed the year and progressed with their Greek studies. On May 14th and 15th several of Mrs. Irene Splagounias’ older class took the Greek Proficiency Test which comes from Greece and administered in Roslindale, MA. Those students were: Sonya Alam, Nicholas Manickas-Hill, Zachary Manickas-Hill, Christopher Kokkinos, Jonathan Kokkinos, Kimon Pagounas and Othon Pagounas. We wish all of them good luck. The two graduates for this year were Zachary Manickas-Hill and Christopher Kokkinos. Kai se anwtera!

On Saturday, May 19th, the Greek School enjoyed a small graduation program. The children sang songs, displayed various projects, and read essays. They performed dances and then enjoyed refreshments with cake and ice cream while watching a slide show. We wish to thank Daphne Papadopoulos for being such a great dance teacher. Thank you also to George and Gabriella Velonias who helped with the Dance Group throughout the year.

On Sunday, May 20, Father Demetri handed out diplomas to all the children of the Church and Greek schools. They were all so proud of themselves. Of course so were all the parents, grandparents and teachers. It was a wonderful day. After church, everyone went to the basketball courts on Worthen Road and enjoyed a cookout with many games for everyone to enjoy. Καλό καλοκαίρι to everyone and don’t forget to practice your Greek!


Thank you to all the GOYANS who participated in this ministry. Together we baked, sponsored families at Christmas, bowled, had a lock-in, participated in Holy Week activities and did many other things. Our last event in June was to go bowling after our Canobie Lake Park plans fell through due to weather. We hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, summer and that everyone returns in September with plans for things to do next year. New GOYA members (6th grade -12th) are always welcome!

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Adult Choir

The Adult Choir will chant the Liturgy for the months of June and July, during the absence of our Chanter Dr. Tim. We will also continue our Choir practice during the summer for these two months. We will meet as usual: EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING AT 7:00 P.M. in the conference room.

The summer is a perfect time to come and join us to learn the beautiful Hymns of our Church, and see if this is something you would like to do. You may ask Father, Efthemia, or any of the Choir members.

Have a wonderful summer. God bless you,


Health Ministry

Our next Health Walk will be on Sunday July 1st! Wishing everyone a Blessed and healthy summer!


On May 30, 2012, a funeral service was celebrated for Anthony Ziagos, Sr. at the Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church in Lowell. He was the loving husband of Diane Ziagos and devoted father to Presbytera Gloria Costarakis and Anthony Ziagos, Jr.

On May 27, 2012, Mary Scalleri fell asleep and her funeral service was celebrated on May 30, 2012 at St. Athanasius Greek Orthodox Church in Arlington. She was the mother of the late Artemis Gyftopoulos and aunt of Steve Damalas.

Our sincere condolences are extended to:

- Anna Lappos whose sister fell asleep in the Lord in Greece - Vasiliki Fatouros whose sister and brother fell asleep in the Lord. - Maria Velonias whose father fell asleep in the Lord.

May their Memories be Eternal and may comfort and strength be given to all during these difficult times!

Found items

Over the winter months, coats, jackets, etc. are left on the coat rack. in the church hall. If anyone remembers such items, please check the rack for pickup. Also, dishes, platters, etc. have been found that do not belong to the church kitchen. If no one claims these items, they will be donated to Morgan Memorial.. Thank you for your help.

Seniors in your town wait at the door for a home delivered meal. What if no one shows up?

You can make a real difference!

MEALS ON WHEELS DRIVERS ARE NEEDED Do you have an hour twice a month or more?

Homebound seniors need a mid-day meal delivered on weekdays! Adopt a Route as a Group, or do on your own, with family or friends.

A neighbor’s independence may depend on YOU.

Minuteman Senior Services, 781.223.7023 or toll free 888.222.6171 or email: [email protected]

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St. Nicholas 50th Anniversary Meeting

Monday, June 18 – 7:00 p.m.

Our parish will be celebrating its 50th

anniversary in 2013-2014. In recognition of this milestone, we are beginning early discussions on how we will approach this celebration. Anyone who is interested in participating is encouraged to attend.

Please bring your ideas and recommendations. JOIN US!

Save the Date

Trivia Night Saturday, September 15, 2012

St. Nicholas Church, Lexington

Supporting Unexpected Maintenance Items

At the Spring General Assembly, it was suggested that our Parish share the list of unexpected maintenance items, in case one of our family members would like to make a donation to help offset the costs. This list will be updated regularly. Please contact Bill Brown if you would like to contribute to any of the following items:

Faulty Alarm System – We have had several false fire alarms this year that have required un­budged service calls by Lexington Alarm Systems.

Invoice on February 23 $194.30 Invoice on April 23 $242.50

Electrical Repair of Light Fixture – One of the two light fixtures, which illuminate the stairs leading down to the classrooms, has been out for some time. The maintenance committee tried putting in new bulbs without success; i.e. something is wrong with the fixture. Note that the fixture is complicated and has battery backup for power outages. We plan to hire Pat Patuto and Son Electricians to repair the fixture.

Estimated quote for parts and labor $300

Refinishing Hardwood Floor in Hall – Your Parish Council, responding to concerns voiced by parishioners, had decided that it is necessary to sand and refinish the Hall hardwood floor. This is scheduled to occur from June 28th through July 10th to sand and put down three coats of poly.


Thank you!

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Koimisis of the Theotokos

On August 15th we commemorate the Koimisis, the Dormition, or the Falling Asleep of the Virgin Mary. Much of the Church’s Holy Tradition is given in the book called the Horologion. In this book we read about the falling asleep of the Theotokos.

As time drew near for the Lord to call His earthly Mother, He sent an angel to announce this to her three days beforehand. The Virgin Mary then went to the Mount of Olives to pray. This was a prayer of rejoicing, the joy of return to the Savior. Ever since the Resurrection, death had a new meaning and attitude. Death no longer meant the end and despair; now it was a new beginning, a hope, a new life. Death was now, in Christian terms sleep, which Christ would wake us up from and live forever with Him in heaven.

The event of the Dormition is very important in our Church life and it is preceded by a two week fast period. During this time we conduct the service of the Paraklesis, Supplication to the Theotokos. During this service we ask the Virgin Mary to pray for us to her Son, to help us, to overcome our illnesses, and to assist us in times of trouble or need. We do this because the Church feels that since she is so close to God that she will assist us in our prayers to Him.

Paraklesis Service Schedule Wednesday August 1 6:00 p.m.

Thursday August 2 9:30 a.m.

Friday August 3 6:00 p.m.

Monday August 6 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday August 7 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday August 8 6:00 p.m.

Thursday August 9 9:30 a.m.

Friday August 10 6:00 p.m.

Monday August 13 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday August 14 9:30 a.m.

Health, Wellbeing, Salvation for the Servants of God

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Page 18: THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP 2012 Bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · June 24 . He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he

Visit the camp website: for more information and to REGISTER TODAY!

For more information, or help with scholarships, please contact the camp office by email

([email protected]) or phone (603- 746-4400).

MBC is offering five one week sessions for campers ages 8 - 18, and one session for

families. The MBC Summer dates are:

Session 1: Family Camp - July 5 - 8 (All ages; campers under 18 must be accompanied by an

adult) Session 2: July 9 – 15 (Ages 8 - 18)Session 3:July 16 – 22 (Ages 8 - 18)

*********MMMaaannnyyy ooofff ooouuurrr yyyooouuunnnggg pppeeeooopppllleee fffrrrooommm SSSttt...NNNiiiccchhhooolllaaasss wwwiii lll lll bbbeee aaatttttteeennndddiiinnnggg SSSeeessssssiiiooonnn 333*********

Session 4: July 23 - 29 (ages 8 - 18)

Summer Camp 2012 Metropolis of Boston Camp

Session 5: July 30 – August 5 (Ages 8 - 18)Session 6: August 6 - 12 (Ages 8 - 18)

**** Scholarships for all sessions are available via the camp office****

Summer Camp is a week of fun, fellowship and faith. Campers will have the opportunity to meet other youth from throughout the Metropolis, while participating in camp activities including: campfires, theater, music, hiking, swimming, Olympics, athletics, canoeing, Orthodox Life discussion sessions, and much more. Camp is a wonderful opportunity to make new friends and re- new old friendships, and is also a time for young Orthodox Christians to learn about their faith, values and heritage in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

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Kirianna Sophia Heisler

I have been a member of the St. Nicholas Church since I was baptized. It has been a part of so many aspects of my life; I attended Sunday School, Greek School, and Glendi's, worked at festivals, and participated in GOYA and choir. In the fall, I will be attending college to begin my studies for a career in occupational therapy. I am proud to have spent my childhood in this community where God and the parish have helped me to become who I am today.

have enjoyed growing up with my St. Nicholas family.

Spero Dimas

My name is Spero Dimas and I am a senior graduating from Lexington High School. At St. Nicholas I've been involved in helping young children further their studies in the Greek language. I plan to attend Umass Boston in the fall and have enrolled in their School of Management. My interests include economics, politics, history and sciences. I love to swim

and play football, and I thoroughly enjoy long walks on the beach as the sun sets across the blue horizon.

Nicholas Vafiades

I am Nicholas Vafiades and have been a part of St. Nicholas Church for my whole life. I have been an altar server for about two years, helped maintain the church network and computers, and spent countless hours every festival helping the church. I am an active member of St. Nicholas GOYA, and have loved going on trips from bowling to

overnight ski trips. In school I am a member of the National Honor Society, have been a captain and mentor for FIRST Robotics teams, and have run track and cross-country. One of my favorite pastimes is playing piano, whether playing classical music (especially pieces by Chopin) or accompanying my school’s chorus, band, and orchestra. I am graduating from Bedford High School and in the fall I am attending UMass Amherst Commonwealth Honors College to earn a degree in engineering, and later plan on attending a graduate school to earn an MBA.

James Wouralis

My name is James Wouralis and I am graduating this June from Lexington High School and will be attending Endicott College in the fall where I will be studying Sports Management with a minor in Marketing. I played 2 years of Football and also did Track, both of these sports were great experiences. I remember the first time my parents and I came to St. Nicholas, I was 5 years old and was excited about starting Sunday school since my cousins and friends were going to be there also. Ever since then I have enjoyed going to Sunday

school not only to learn about our church and religion but as I got older more about myself. I also became an Altar Boy when I was 9, it too has been a very rewarding time for me. I joined GOYA where I was able to meet new friends, and enjoy my old friends at different events, the Lock in, Canobie Lake Park and volunteering at our festivals. Since I have a love of sports, I was able to participate in the GOYA basketball league, unfortunately, St. Nicholas was not able to have a team but with the help of Father Demetri I was able to play for St. Demetrios in Weston and then the following year for St. Athanasius in Arlington, both teams welcomed me with open arms. The years have flown by and I will always have a special place in my heart for St. Nicholas and my parish family.

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Church School Staff

Greek School Staff

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Page 28: THE IMPORTANCE OF SUMMER WORSHIP 2012 Bulletin.pdf · 5/29/2012  · June 24 . He that was greater than all who are born of women, the Prophet who received God's testimony that he