the importance of openness within digital literacy

The importance of Openness within Digital Literacy EDEN Conference 2017 Fabio Nascimbeni UNIR iTED

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The importance of Openness

within Digital Literacy

EDEN Conference 2017

Fabio Nascimbeni


Open and participatory cultures

We are increasingly living immersed in an open and participatory

culture, with relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic

engagement, with support for creating and sharing one’s

creations, and with informal mentorship dynamics whereby the

most experienced are helping novices

The potential benefits of these forms of open and participatory culture

include opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, a changed attitude

toward intellectual property, the diversification of cultural

expression, the development of skills valued in the modern

workplace, and a more empowered conception of citizenship.

(Jenkins 2006)

Are we ready for such a society?

- We can read and write

- We can use a PC or a Smartphone

- We can search the web

- We manage our bank, travel,

communication through the web

- We can share our political opinion

(or more often our lunch or cat)

Looking deeper

Can we manage a multiple digital identity?

Can we manage our personal data?

Can we deconstruct, question and challenge media content?

Can we deal with ethical and privacy issues?

Can we find, remix and curate open content (with the appropriate


Losing your job because of FB

Fully understand media

Actual participation (& influence)


Traditional Literacy

Digital Literacy

Transmedia Literacy

New Literacies

21st Century Skills

Web Literacy

Media Literacy

New Media Literacy

Digital Literacy Frameworks

• Holistic understanding of DL

• Promoting active citizenship

• Weak on openness

Digital Literacy for Educators: DigComp

(JRC, 2017)

First conclusions

Progress is being made towards an holistic understanding of DL

We need more openness within DL frameworks, along three


• Operational dimension

• Sociocultural dimension

• Critical dimension

Next phases

Identifying the (additional) skills we need to learn and work & play in

Open and Participatory Society, looking at:

Deepening the analysis of the the DigCompEdu Framework

Exploring the New Media Literacy frameworks

Work on the relation between social practices and skills

Open and multiple identity

Personal data

Open content &

Open Licenses

Collective Intelligence

Question and

challenge media


Ethical and privacy issues

Fabio Nascimbeni

[email protected]

This is a new research line within a brand new Institute of a rather new

university: we are open to partners, experts, pilots!