the importance of mobile marketing

Identification Wristbands The importance of mobile marketing – B&B Identification Wristbands This article is about the increase in mobile phone usage. Statistics clearly show that it is important for businesses to find a strategy as soon as possible since the mobile phone is a great way to get information about services and products out to the consumers. Our identification wristband with QR codes is the perfect door opener but this is just the beginning. This article is based on Google´s newly released rapport called “The Mobile Playbook”. I want to give you a quick introduction to the statistics and then it is up to you to decide whether it is of any importance to your company. Each company is different, but should be asking the same crucial question about the consumer´s mobile phone habits today. Google´s 5 crucial mobile phone questions: 1. How does the mobile phone change our value proposition? 2. How does the mobile phone impact on our digital destinations? 3. Is our organization adapting to the consumer´s use of mobile phones? 4. How should our marketing adapt to the features of mobile phones? 5. How can we connect with our tablet audience? Smartphone statistic In 2012 there were 5 billion mobiles and 1.08 billion smartphones in the world. In the U.S. alone 91.4 million already have a smartphone. In markets like Singapore 54% of the population has a smartphone and you will see the same tendency in the rest of the world.

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QR codes, places with Google offers new opportunies in marketing. This article will explain and show you how important it is to have a mobile marketing strategy.


Page 1: The importance of mobile marketing

Identification Wristbands

The importance of mobile marketing – B&B Identification Wristbands

This article is about the increase in mobile phone usage. Statistics clearly

show that it is important for businesses to find a strategy as soon as

possible since the mobile phone is a great way to get information about

services and products out to the consumers. Our identification wristband

with QR codes is the perfect door opener but this is just the beginning. This

article is based on Google´s newly released rapport called “The Mobile


I want to give you a quick introduction to the statistics and then it is up to you to decide whether it

is of any importance to your company. Each company is different, but should be asking the same

crucial question about the consumer´s mobile phone habits today.

Google´s 5 crucial mobile phone questions:

1. How does the mobile phone change our value proposition?

2. How does the mobile phone impact on our digital destinations?

3. Is our organization adapting to the consumer´s use of mobile phones?

4. How should our marketing adapt to the features of mobile phones?

5. How can we connect with our tablet audience?

Smartphone statistic

In 2012 there were 5 billion mobiles and 1.08 billion smartphones in the world. In the U.S. alone

91.4 million already have a smartphone. In markets like Singapore 54% of the population has a

smartphone and you will see the same tendency in the rest of the world.

Page 2: The importance of mobile marketing

Identification Wristbands

What is even more remarkable:

94% of smartphone users have searched for local information

70% called a business after searching

66% visited in person and

90% of these users acted within 24 hours

The mobile phone challenge

The mobile phone is still used mainly for: text messaging 92%, internet browsing 84%, e-mailing

76%, playing games 64%, downloading apps 69%, social networking 59% and listening to music

48%, but browsing for local information has been increasing dramatically and will keep increasing.

Clients can access the company’s services any time through mobile devices - at home, at work, on

public transportation just to name a few and this is a challenge you have to face.

Smartphones haven’t just transformed how people find your business; they’re also changing the

way the customers get around inside the walls of your business:

45% of all consumers use smartphones for in-store product research and browsing

39% walk-outs - meaning that shoppers leave without making a purchase, where influenced

by smartphone usage

12% checked other online retailers

8% checked availability in other stores

The challenge is transparency – product and price transparency

What to do about this transparency?

1. Improve the in-store experience

2. Create stock unique products or bundles

3. Embrace mobile usage within your store

Ad 3.) If you are in the hotel-, restaurant-, spa-, beauty shop- or retailing business you ought to

take an extra look at QR codes. As a manufacturer of identification wristbands we recommend

that you use QR codes together with wristbands because you´ll get a much stronger permission

from the consumers. QR codes are also called “silent salespeople”. “Silent salespeople” provides

the customer with key information like features, options, video overviews, image galleries,

incentive offers, dealer inventories and actual quotes.

The good news is that as the consumers get new tools to help them on their shopping path, you get

new tools in your marketing path.

Page 3: The importance of mobile marketing

Identification Wristbands

But before you can help and support them on their shopping path, you need a site optimized for

mobile phones.

Your benefits:

Paid search campaign efficiency +30%

Mobile consumer conversation +50%

Is your organization adapting to the use of mobile phones?

1. Is the mobile phone a key metric in your management dashboard?

2. How often do you review your mobile phone stats and who reviews them?

3. Who knows the percentage of the web traffic and the search queries coming from mobile


4. Who’s watching tablet traffic trends, people’s actions on your site adapted to mobile

phones, mobile´s inclusion in product launches and campaigns?

5. Which decisions would change if key business owners were given timely mobile data?

6. Who’s monitoring your competitor’s investment in mobile features?

7. Who’s developing consumer insights through focus groups and surveys?

8. Which agencies are you relying on to help you make mobile decisions?

Mobile marketing is incremental and needs its own budget.

How should our marketing adapt to the consumers use of mobile phones as a tool of browsing

and searching for information?

Searches through mobile phones have changed more dramatically than anything. In the past 2

years mobile phone search queries have increased by 5 times.

20% of all telecom searches

30% of all restaurant searches

25% of all movie searches

So it is very important to start thinking in location again. The mobile phone has

changed our focus from global to local because of Google map, Bing map or Nokia

map in smartphones.

Thanks to the mobile phone we are no longer seeing consumers taking linear e-

commerce paths that begin and end on the same device: while many users start their

journey on their mobile phone and also complete purchases on the phone, many also start their

search on the mobile phone and end up buying in-store or on different devices. As a marketer it is

Page 4: The importance of mobile marketing

Identification Wristbands

crucial that you start measuring and assigning value to all mobile phone conversions so you don’t

under-invest in mobile marketing.

You have to remember that if you have a strategy you can affect the consumer’s path. Use the

new extra tools as an opportunity because the behavior has changed and will continue to do so a

lot in the future.

Wristbands together with smartphones are a great opportunity for branding. Smartphone

penetration has reached 51% in the UK, 44% in the US, 38% in France and 29% in Germany.

Everyday mobile users play 570 years of angry bird and watch 600 million videos on YouTube from

mobile devices. If your company is creative and innovative the opportunity is obvious.

Your company needs to ask itself these questions:

Which target group do you want to reach?

How can you reach them most effectively?

What actions do you want them to take?

How can you measure it?

Here are a few relevant statements for your mobile marketing strategy:

Location: The mobile phone is unique because it connects the consumer to the physical


Social: 60% of all mobile phone owner use social medias as Facebook, Twitter and Google+


Video: 25% watch videos daily. Storytelling, sound, motion and branding in, and for the Chinese market

…and remember as soon you have got the client inside “your world”, keep building on the relation

and improve Permission Marketing.

How can we connect with our tablet audience?

By 2014, 208 million tablets will be sold worldwide. Today 72% of tablet owners make purchases

from their tablet on a weekly basis and it has created a new buzzword: t-commerce. The tablet has

all the benefits and challenges that you find in the mobile phone, but you can use same usability

as your traditional website as long as you don’t use flash. So you should ask the same questions

and remember tracking behavior is essential. You need to know the behavior. As Peter F. Drucker

writes: “Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things.” Tracking helps you

with effectiveness.


As Google believes and writes:

Page 5: The importance of mobile marketing

Identification Wristbands

We believe that the mobile phone represents a sociological shift in how users relate with both the

digital and physical world. Businesses that understand this will win.

The statistical information makes it very clear. It is just a question about how you grab those


As our earlier articles describes you need to think more in mobility, permission marketing and in

increasing the use of guerilla marketing weapons and the perfect access and door opener is

Identification wristbands.

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