the importance of discursive structures in promoting...

Phillip brings in knowledge from biochemistry [T8, T10, T12, T15] The group a9empts to incorporate new knowledge into their solu:on & struggles [T8-T11] TA & students arrive at a conclusion that maintains validity of outside perspec:ve [T14-T16] Media:ng Processes Violet brings in knowledge from biochemistry [T1, T7, T9, T11, T15, T19] References 1. Cobb, P., Confrey, J., diSessa, A., Lehrer, R., & Schauble, L. (2003). Design Experiments in Educa:onal Research. Educa:onal Researcher, 32(1), 9–13. 2. Engle, R. A., Lam, D. P., Meyer, X. S., & Nix, S. E. (2012). How does expansive framing promote transfer? Several proposed explana:ons and a research agenda for inves:ga:ng them. Educa:onal Psychologist, 47(3), 215-231. 3. Sandoval, W. (2014). Conjecture mapping: An approach to systema:c educa:onal design research. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 23(1), 18-36. 4. Mansilla, V. B., Duraisingh, E. D., Wolfe, C. R., & Haynes, C. (2009). Targeted assessment rubric: An empirically grounded rubric for interdisciplinary wri:ng. The Journal of Higher Educa:on, 80(3), 334-353. Acknowledgements: This work is supported by NSF-TUES DUE 11-22818, and the HHMI NEXUS grant. Many thanks to the Michigan State University Physics Educa:on Research Lab (PERL) Contact: [email protected] The importance of discursive structures in promoting interdisciplinary scientific reasoning Abhilash Nair 1 , Julia Svoboda Gouvea 3 , Vash: Sawtelle 1,2 , Chandra Turpen 4 1 Department of Physics, Michigan State University 2 Lyman Briggs College, Michigan State University 3 Department of Biology, Tues University 4 Department of Physics, University of Maryland Context An introductory physics course specifically for biology majors that was developed using a design- based approach. [1] Ran in a typical class structure with three 50-minute lectures, one 2-hour lab, and one 50-minute recita:on Placed in the 2 nd year of a biology major’s course sequence. Prerequisites include one year of biology (including cell biology, biochemistry, & gene:cs), one semester of chemistry, and one year of calculus and basic concepts of probability. Interdisciplinary Scien:fic Reasoning We hypothesize that when learning environments are expansively framed, interdisciplinary scien:fic reasoning can occur. We further define the following prac:ces as contribu:ng to this reasoning: 1. Bringing in and using knowledge from outside of the primary discipline 2. Exploring, comparing, and reconciling alterna:ve disciplinary perspec:ves Methods & Frameworks We analyzed video of small group work from weekly recita:ons. We use the framework of expansive framing [2] to characterize the differences between these two episodes. Conjecture mapping techniques [3] link designed course structures to observable media:ng processes. The goal of our work is to be9er understand how these designed instruc:onal features contribute to expansive disciplinary framing. In the following analysis, we show evidence that expansive disciplinary framing leads to evidence of students engaging in interdisciplinary scien:fic reasoning. [4] TA validates and revisits outside knowledge from biochemistry [T13, T14] TA moves to reconcile differences across perspec:ves [T16] Discursive Structures TA does not validate outside knowledge and posi:ons the physics ac:vity as being dis:nct from the detailed biochemistry knowledge. [T16, T20] The task includes explicit connec:ons to chemistry via tables of enthalpy and diagrams of molecular interac:ons Task shares similari:es to how ATP’s chemical structure & kinesin mo:on is presented in biology and chemistry texts Task Structures Salt Water RecitaFon T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 Phillip: Alright, so...the lamce enthalpies are posi:ve and the hydra:on enthalpies are nega:ve. Why? Because this you have broken up bonds. Right? Hydra:on enthalpies? [...] Violet: Making bonds releases energy. Betsy: Whoa. [...] Violet: You're making more hydrogen bonds and you're breaking ionic bonds. [...] Phillip: So in the water example you are saying that you are breaking bonds but you are forming more? Violet: Yeah you are forming more bonds than you are breaking. 'Cause each hydrogen, uh, each water molecule can H-bond with 3 things Phillip: I never understood that ‘cause doesn't it ma9er what kind of bonds you are breaking? Violet: The ionic bonds [inaudible] Phillip: I am sure they are stronger than hydrogen...are they stronger than hydrogen? Violet: I don't think so...hydrogen bonds won't break in water but ionic bonds will break in water […] Phillip: I thought this was like, I read this in my biochem book TA: OK I...I...I will trust what you read in your biochem book. So maybe another way we could argue for that is that um... [... side conversa:on ...] TA: OK, alright. And then how are you feeling about this whole anion might technically have more although I get what you are saying that the bond strength is not necessarily... Phillip: That's why I am always confused about that because how do we know which one plays a bigger factor, the number of bonds or the bond strength? TA: So the RAs were making the argument when they trained us yesterday that while there might be fewer of these happening that there are two bonds for each one of those fewer things happening and that's the way they made the argument. But maybe it isn't a sa:sfying argument. Kinesin RecitaFon T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 Violet: For our enjoyment purposes. [laughs] I'll draw. Betsy: [laughs] Violet: ...Betsy will yell at me. [...] Betsy: No it's cause she writes...Oh my god, no k stop, I thought you were going to draw a bar chart… Violet: I will draw that next, Betsy: It's not necessary Violet: Don't you want to know how ATP hydrolyzes? Betsy: You know why it makes me so upset is because I don't know it, and I'm not gonna know it, so like for you to just draw it, it's like no big deal. Violet: Right, we drew this all the :me? Gabe: I'm sick of seeing this stuff, aeer biochem last semester it's like I don’t want to see another ATP molecule. Violet: I know right? but now are you going to hydrolyze it. I'll only draw it. […] TA: ok, what kind of poten:al [energy] is that? Violet: in the bond here TA: So it's in the bonds, OK. What do you know about energy in a bond? Violet: Phosphoanhydrase TA: OK, so you know some good biology names, and that's great Betsy: that are irrelevant TA: There is energy available, but is the energy in the ATP or is the energy in the reac:on that takes place? Violet: It's in the bonds that break, there's like a phosphoanhydride bond there that has high energy. Do I need to whip out my biochem book? TA:[makes whip sound] Whip out the biochem book. I guess the concern that a physicist feels when we hear people say oh there's a lot of energy available in ATP is that there isn't posi:ve energy there, all bonds are nega:ve energy, and you're going from one nega:ve bond to an even deeper nega:ve bond The discursive structures cannot be linked to the media:ng processes. The episode has bounded disciplinary framing, preven:ng the emergence of interdisciplinary scien:fic reasoning. Conclusion & Implica:ons We see that discursive structures play a cri:cal role in the framing of disciplines in an interdisciplinary physics environment. In this work, the Salt Water episode is framed expansively while the Kinesin episode has a bounded framing. Our work shows that reconcilia:on of differences across different disciplinary perspec:ves is not necessarily required for expansive disciplinary framing. The act of engaging in the struggle to incorporate mul:ple perspec:ves can help sustain expansive disciplinary framing, thus allowing interdisciplinary scien:fic reasoning to occur. We also see that simply bringing in knowledge from an alterna:ve discipline is not sufficient to promo:ng interdisciplinary reasoning. Without ac:ve engagement in the struggle to incorporate these different perspec:ves, bounded disciplinary framing can occur, which each perspec:ve remaining dis:nct. Our work has implica:ons in the design of interdisciplinary ac:vi:es as well as TA discourse to promote interdisciplinary scien:fic reasoning by a9ending to the maintenance of expansive disciplinary framing. Claim Two episodes with dis:nct differences in disciplinary framing Salt Water: Expansive Kinesin: Bounded Biochemistry Physics Bounded Disciplinary Framing Biochemistry Physics Expansive Disciplinary Framing Discursive & task structures can be linked to the media:ng processes. The episode has expansive disciplinary framing and shows evidence of interdisciplinary scien:fic reasoning.

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References1.  Cobb,P.,Confrey,J.,diSessa,A.,Lehrer,R.,&Schauble,L.(2003).DesignExperimentsinEduca:onalResearch.Educa:onalResearcher,32(1),9–13.2.  Engle,R.A.,Lam,D.P.,Meyer,X.S.,&Nix,S.E.(2012).Howdoesexpansiveframingpromotetransfer?Severalproposedexplana:onsandaresearchagendaforinves:ga:ngthem.Educa:onalPsychologist,47(3),215-231.3.  Sandoval,W.(2014).Conjecturemapping:Anapproachtosystema:ceduca:onaldesignresearch.JournaloftheLearningSciences,23(1),18-36.4.  Mansilla,V.B.,Duraisingh,E.D.,Wolfe,C.R.,&Haynes,C.(2009).Targetedassessmentrubric:Anempiricallygroundedrubricforinterdisciplinarywri:ng.TheJournalofHigherEduca:on,80(3),334-353.Acknowledgements:ThisworkissupportedbyNSF-TUESDUE11-22818,andtheHHMINEXUSgrant.ManythankstotheMichiganStateUniversityPhysicsEduca:onResearchLab(PERL)Contact:[email protected]

The importance of discursive structures in promoting interdisciplinary scientific reasoning AbhilashNair1,JuliaSvobodaGouvea3,Vash:Sawtelle1,2,ChandraTurpen4









Wefurtherdefinethefollowingprac:cesascontribu:ngtothisreasoning:1.  Bringinginandusingknowledgefrom


2.  Exploring,comparing,andreconcilingalterna:vedisciplinaryperspec:ves




































