the importance of answering services


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Post on 24-Feb-2015




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Page 1: The Importance of  Answering Services
Page 2: The Importance of  Answering Services

• While it may seem like an answering service is just another added expense, the positive impact it can have on your overall customer experience can actually affect your bottom line in a big way. When customers are able to talk to a live person and feel their concerns or questions are addressed, they are left with a positive impression. An answering service can provide a level of care that automation just can’t. The following slides explore the many benefits for your business.

Page 3: The Importance of  Answering Services

• Approximately 72 to 80 percent of customers will hang up if they are left with the only option of leaving a voicemail. Since we are so used to instant gratification, we want answers quickly and we want our problems solved immediately. When a customer gets discouraged at the sound of a voicemail or being transferred to another number you’re left with a lost business opportunity.

Page 4: The Importance of  Answering Services

• The cost of poor phone skills is expensive. As many as 71 percent of customers have ended a business relationship over enduring unimpressive phone conversations. A professional answering service that caters to your specific business needs will ensure your customers are left with a good impression.

Page 5: The Importance of  Answering Services

• Though it may seem surprising, more than 80 percent of business communications take place over the phone. This is preferred to email or instant messaging because of the personal nature of the phone. This means it is important to remain reachable at all times.

Page 6: The Importance of  Answering Services

• It is not feasible to hire staff for the sole purpose of answering phones and directing calls. Removing this extra responsibility frees your employees’ time so they can maximize their potential doing their other tasks. Plus, an answering service can be hired for specific periods of time to meet particular business needs.

Page 7: The Importance of  Answering Services

• Answering services are completely customizable and are specific to your needs. They are made up of individuals who can be trained on in-depth details of your business, so much so that a customer will think they are speaking with a full-time employee.

Page 8: The Importance of  Answering Services

• If your business requires scheduling, relieve your staff of this administrative task and use an answering service. If your business requires selling a product, the service can answer questions on the product so your customer ends up with what they really want and you reduce returns and dissatisfaction.

Page 9: The Importance of  Answering Services

• Calls can be answered outside of office hours.

• Increased customer loyalty based on reliable customer service.

• Increased potential to win a new client by not missing a call.

• Tracked caller requests for marketing, retention, and quality assurance information.

• Total coverage with 24-hour service potential.

Page 10: The Importance of  Answering Services

• Signius Communications is dedicated to supplying your business with the best outsourced call center services available. Utilizing seventeen contact centers across the U.S., Signius offers competitive pricing while meeting language and time zone needs. You will receive top-notch service from the agents who answer your calls and those who put together the program to suit your needs.

• Find out more with a free no-obligation consultation at 1-800-295-7000 or visit

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