the impact of government policy on the development of small scale business

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A project material that is suitable for researchers in their field of study based on government policy on small scale business.


CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1BACKGROUND OF STUDYPrior to Nigeria independence and even for sometime after business climate as almost totally dominated by the other European multinational companies like U.A.C, P3, CFAO, levities and LITC just to mention but a few.By the tail end of this pre-independence Nigeria industrial development bank (NIDB) was founded to assist potential entrepreneur get involved in agriculture exploration of natural resources commerce and industrial production. However few Nigeria mostly the semiliterate benefited from the generous government attitude in this era. These educated Nigeria then, were uninterested in entire premiership mainly because they focused their eyes on the post being vacated by the expatriate staff that were living the civil service to return home because of imminent independence.The breakthrough in small business development comes through the indigenization decreases and later the Nigeria enterprises promotion decree. The federal government of Nigeria in is 1990-1994 Nigeria development of small scale industries in the rural areas.In December 1985, Nigeria expressly rejected an INF standby facility. However, following the collapsed of the international oil market in January 1986 which accelerated the rapid decline of heir external payment position, protracted negotiations with the Paris and London club of creditors and close consultation with the World Bank, the country in june11986 adopted a structural adjustment programme (SAP) to run from July 1988. Since, the promotion of small-scale industrials has been recurrent then in the Nigerians development planning and welfare plan of 1946. If is hardly surprising that one of the main industrial objectives stipulates for the manufacturing sector under SAP is generating employment through the encouragement of private sector and small-medium scale enterprises. Consequently, both the federal and the state government and recently local government have stepped up efforts to promote the development of small-scale industries through various interventionist polices an counter-act perceived distortion in the policy environment as well as the capital market imperfection that is to sub-optional level in investment in small-scale business . this has been done through increase incentive scheme, include enhances budget budgetary allocation for technical assistance programmes, new lending schemes and credit institutions such as the national economic reconstruction fund (NERFUND), world bank assisted small-scale enterprises loans schemes (SMAX) Nigeria Export and Import Bank (NEXIM). The peoples bank of Nigeria (PBN) and the community bank have emerged at both the national and local government levels to boast the flow of development finance to small-scale business which have so far depended largely on personal funds and credits from internal source from both investments and working capital.A question thus arise as to the how small-scale business likely to fore in this type of environment which the international monetary fund and world band have sought to promote through the structural adjustment program (SAP) in their struggling acute economic crises! On a prior grounds, it can of course be argued that the general liberation thought of the market and outward oriented policies of the typical structural adjustment program (SAP) will no long non-favour the small-scale industries, those produces are expected to have a comparative advantages in the African economics, empowered and they are with relative abundance of unskilled and semi-skilled labour and operating with simple technologies.Unfortunately, all these programmes and the polices have not been able to adequately redress the fundamental problems which have constrained the growth of small-scale industries In Nigeria. This is due to some extend of improper implementations and effective cor-ordination of these policies and p0rograms.1.2STATEMENT OF PROBLEM There is a wide consensus in Nigeria that the business policies have been largely in the favour of the large enterprise to the detriment of small-scale enterprise. For instance, while the large enterprise have routinely enjoyed such direct benefits as access to credit foreign exchange. The small-scale enterprise were often ignored or at best paid up service by the authorities enterprises and individuals with this sector operate largely outside the system of government benefits and regulations and thus have no access to formal credit institution and the main sources of technology transfer.1.3PURPOSE OF THE STUDYThe purpose of the study can be analysis as follows:1. To identify small-scale business and over view of their structure.2. To highlight some government programmes and policies in assisting small-scale business together with the future of small-scale business in Nigeria.3. To highlight the problem and prospect of small-scale enterprises as well as the role they play in facilitating industrial development in Nigeria.4. To access the impact of government business policies on small-scale business.5. To identify the credit facilities opened to small-scale business in Nigeria.1.4AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYThe specific objective of this research work is to highlight some government programmes and policies in assisting small-scale business together with the future of small-scale business in Nigeria. Also to highlight the problems and prospect of small scale enterprises as well as the role they played in facilitating industrial in Nigeria.1.5RESEARCH QUESTIONSFor the purpose of the study, the following research questions have been formulated.i. Do government policies encourage the growth of small-scale business?ii. What are the specific policies and programmes initiated by the government aid the growth and development of small-scale business?iii. Do small-scale businesses contribute to industrial development in Nigeria?iv. How have these policies and programs helped to do improve the activities of small-scale business?v. Does government initiate entrepreneurship skill development programme (ESDP)1.6SCOPE OF STUDYBy scope of study, it means the range of the area will be covered by the researchers. The scope of study is very wide if it has to be carried out in all small-scale business in Nigeria! That is why this study is definite to (Ughelli) and the findings may not reflect the situation in the whole country.This research work will cover services manufacturing and wholesale and retail outlets.1.7SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDYThis result of this study shall be useful for prospective entrepreneurs and the Nigeria business community and the government. It will provide the required information on problem faced by small-scale business and identify the prospect available for small-scale business in Nigeria.It will also provide insight into various government policies and programmes and suggest policy measures to be adopted in promoting the growth of small-scale business in the country (Nigeria).1.8LIMITATION OF STUDYThis group project work doubt has its limitation and among these limitations are:The research work base mainly on government polices to say that, this research work is narrowed only to select small-scale business in this group project work doubt has its limitation and among these limitations are:The research work base mainly on government polices to say that, this research work is narrowed only to selected small-scale business Ughelli and not to all smallscale business in Nigeria.Another basic limitation was the area of time that was required to source of materials and to put them together. Unfortunately, time was very limited as the researchers has to combine course work, examination and project work at the same time, thus is become very difficult to dedicate enough time to the project work to cover wider ground and large simple size.Again another constrain encountered while putting this research work together was finance. Finance was almost a non available at one time or the other in the course of this work, since all the researcher were students far away from home. This also limited the researchers to the small locate and small sample size.Lastly, the companies visited were sensitive in giving information and so the researchers behaved they must have hoarded some sensitive information that would have aided the quality of this work.But after all said and done, the outcome of the result is still valid for the sample and the population.1.9DEFINITION OF TERMSThe following terms that are used in the study should be taken to the following:1. Capital: If is required as money used in forming a business and also money values of real assets.2. Entrepreneurs: A person who initiates, organize and manage a business undertaking assuming the risk for the sake of profit.3. Enterprises: It is used as an alternative firm industries enterprise bring together other three factors of production which are scarce and hence have encouraged cost so as to produce goods and services.4. Equity: The network of a business consisting of shared capital, share premium, reserves and surplus.5. Finance: Provision of money where and when needed. Policy, direction issued by government to provide the basic framework for development of small-scale industries in Nigeria.6. Industry: A group of firm competing against one another or simply a group of firm in this it is used for inter-changeable and enterprises.7. Productivity: The ratio of input to output, it is the relationship between result achieved and resources used over a period of time.8. Management: It is the carrying out of operation design to achieve results.9. Strategy: It is good design for achieving objective strategies, a way of responding to an environment or prevailing situation by small business firm. Strategy is necessary for selecting future goals and the way of achieving them.

CHAPTER TWO2.0REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE2.1INTRODUCTION This chapter has to do with review of related literature; it will be of immense importance to the researcher to know what other scholar and educationalist have written regarding this topic.2.2HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Small scale business started long time ago since the days of our lord Jesus Christ in all over the world But in the course of this research the researcher shall restrict the study of it origin or history in Nigeria. Small scale business started when people produce more products they needed as such they had to exchange surplus by this may producers came to realize that they can concentrate in their areas of production to produce more and exchange with what they needed as a result of this exchange of goods for goods (trade by barter) that is how entrepreneurship started in Nigeria. In the olden days where exchange in small scale business which is characterized with production manifesting in which these the producer most often started with a small capital, most of it from his own savings. Modern started modern entrepreneurship in Nigeria started with the coming of the technical market that bought in their wear and made Nigeria their middlemen. One of the major factors that has in many ways discourage the flow of these business development in Nigeria is the value of system brought about by formal education for many decades formal education has been the preserve of the privilege with formal education people had the opportunity of employment is civil service became in those days the economy was Lange enough to absorb the prestigious occupation of all Nigeria and their goods as such that system made Nigeria to be dependent in the colonial master to supply her with the need expatriates. The refusal of the expatriates to utilize the securities of local business men inhibited skill and attitude because of this many eventually folded up. As a result, the flow of small business in the country was slow down. But more people became educated and government could no longer employ most school levers, economic programmers to encourage individual to go into private business and the self reliant were initiated (Enema B. ANI 1999) 2.3CONCEPT OF SMALL SCALE BUSINESS According to C.E.O Anuka (2004) started that people started their own business for reason of profit, independent, opportunity need for achievement and challenge; A small business according to nickel, McHugh 91999) is dependently owned and operation is not diriment in it field of operation and certain standard of suzerain terms of employees or annual receipt thus, a business enterprise in relational to other business bin similar industries (of course the concept used in small scale business can also apply with added detail to bigger enterprise) .In the manufacturing sector, a plant with 180 employees can still be considered to be small in relation for example to a mining company with over 10,000 workers.May- ifeoma Mwoye (1994) defined business profit oriented economic or commercial activities carried out by an individual or a group of person as a means of livelihood. It includes trade, industrial operation profession, employment and related areas. The central Bank of Nigeria defines a small scale industry as one whose for move does not exceed #500,000 in one year. A small industry was identified in 1972 as a production outfit with machinery and equipment valued at #50,000 national. Development plan, it was raised to #150,000. The CBN USE THE NIGERIA BANK FOR COMMERCAL and industry, NBCI-SCALE industry NBCI, for reasons of inflation in 1983, recollmended#750.00 as the ceiling for identifying a small scale industry, The number of employees among plan various with nature of the enterprise. Hence , can be regarded as small in relation to other plants in the industrial sector. The CDM define small scale - industry in June 1995 as a manifacturing, processing or service industry involved in a factory or production type of operation employing up to 50 full time workers. Investment in plant and machinery (but exciting land buildings) shall not exceed #500.00 a national workshop on small and medium scale enterprise at top bandager in 1985 uphold his definition the above information was gotten from the published work done by C.E.O Anuka Camera. And also sule E.L.K. (1986) in his book stated that in the third national development plan hand book 10 person or whose investment in machinery than equipment do not exceed #600,000,00 (six hundred thousand naira)2.4CHARACTERISTICS OF SMALL SCALE BUSINESS C.E.O Anuka (2004) characterized small scale business as the following.1. Ownership and management are usually rested in the sure individual.2. The area of operation is localized and work and owner are concentrated in the local community. 3. The small firm control small share of the market.4. Capital and policy decisions are made available by the owner5. The owner has rigid control in all decision making situation. Sale E.L.K (1986) also contributes to small scale business as follows.1. Capital supplied by ownership groups.2. In term if industrial standard they are relatively small.3. They operate within their local area.4. Due to lack of truth management of such business is highly personalized.5. Its financial dependent id on internals source to carry out its project.6. Raw materials are usually supplied by domestic means.7. Formal and management education may not be required and some other could be found out with further research work.

2.5ROLES OF SMALL SCALE BUSINESS IN THE SOUND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF A NATIONThe role of small scale business a society cannot be over emphasized numerous survey came out have revealed that over 10% of about force available in Nigeria are employed by the small scale sector role of small scale business is vital they help in no small measure to climate the negative society consequence of population congestion in the urban area.This has created room for the development of ingenious entrepreneurship due to low financial risk involved compared to large scale business. It is a possible mean for the mobilization of savings and encourages individuals to put their resources together toward business venture, small scale business enhance opportunity for self reliance goal of national and her citizenry. They are the taproot for the survival of large scale business concentrate on the area where they are more effective. They serve as mediator to large scale business due to interdependence role played by small- scale business units.According to Adeeko as at (2001) The roles of small scale business provision of goods and service the society needs and supply them at the appropriate price and time faire trading practices they provide employment to the society paying tax as when due.To provide investment opportunity to the member of the society by allowing them to buy shares.

2.6PROBLEM FACING SMALL SCALE BUSINESS IN NIGERIASale (1986). Noted some of the numerous problem or obstacle hindering the smooth growth of this small scale sectorReview has revealed that low availability of capital due to high cost of security fund (high rate for interest paid on borrowing comparable large firms). The inflation rising rate, sometimes government reaction on credit guideline is light against the small scale industries. The small scale business some time find it difficult on low to cope with initial establishment in firms of purchasing equipment transportation problems, at the same time required to pay tax as through nobody sympathized with them, lack of economic and business information, lack of basic data for proper records and statistical information has also pose difficulty upon the small scale business sector.Improper decision making due to unequipped management personnel and so misused of the scare available resource is the end result of the interacted profit oriented motive of small scale sector.The problem managerial system Poor managerial system High rate of business failure. Low productivity. Under capitalization. Shortage skilled manpower. Indiscipline.2.7POSSIBLE WAYS TO REDUCE OR ERADICATE THOSE PROBLEMS In all problems there must be a solution let alone the problem of small scale business off course since it has discovered that small scale business actually is of great contribution to the growth of a nation in 2.5, that is why the problem of small scale business needs to be solved.Anni (1999) POINTED OUT THE FOLLING WAYS BY WHICH THE PROBLEM OF small scale business can be reducing in Nigeria. Provision of local finance through it particularly the NDB [Nigeria Industries Development Banks]. Provision of infrastructural facilities by setting up industrial states and area to reduce overhead costs on industrialists. . To direct the bank through its monetary policy to great specified minimum credit to SMES. To facilitate and find institutions like the centre for industrial research and development. The government and individual had not art any time been silent over finding solution to the problem facing the small scale business sectors.2.8GOVERNMENT PARTICIPATION IN THE PROMOTION OF THE SMALL SCALE BUSINESSSule 1980 started how government promotes small scale business.The government of any nation is always vigilant over the role played by small scale business in one ways or the other.Over the time government have tried in different methods assisting small scale business toward the growth and development of small scale business.In the early years of operation the small scale business are always exampled from the payment of tax.Management participation plan for the growth and survival of small scale business sectors.Granting of equity to both the affairs of small scale business and strict adherence to management policies is part of government participation.Government regulation of business in the political and government impacts legal obligation on business through legislation under the control of administration law, facilities the exploitation of raw material in Nigeria for British industries. The development of indigenization of the ownership and control of industries, the development of indigenous technology and the development of the industrial sectors.This chapter is concluded awaiting further research as to the effectiveness of all the above mea tined in fended solution to the problems facing small scale business.

CHAPTER THREE3.0RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1INTRODUCTIONThis chapter deals with the sources, methods, and procedures adopted for the purpose of collecting the data for this research work.It deals with the problems encounter in gathering the research material for the project work. Other includes research design of study, sample size and sampling technique research instruments, method of gathering data e t c.Some of the research questions are listed below.In order to achieve these objectives the following are the area were emphasis would be laid on.RESEARCH DESIGN OF THE STUDYThe research design of study of this project work is the description survey. There will be vivid description information gathered through the questionnaires.3.2POPULATION OF STUDY This is a group identified to be studied for the purpose of making some references.In this case the population of this study comprises of all employees in a small-scale business in SAPELE.

3.3SAMPLE OF THE STUDY/SAMPLING TECHNIQUESSample refers to a small portion or a population deliberately selected for the study. A sample size of small scale business was selected for the study due to the nature of this research work, a sample random sampling techniques was considered suitable.Sample should be adequately described and comprehensive of the research subject.Therefore the sample size of the research comprises of randomly selected persons and they were 20 in number.As for the sampling techniques, the sample randomly sampling method was used and all the 20 was administered questionnaires randomly and collection of the questionnaires and the distribution was done by hand3.4SOURCES OF DATAIn this case the source of data of this work is base on primary and secondary sources. The primary source is made up of questionnaires item.a) PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION1) Questionnaire: This question was the major source of primary data which provides information base for this research work.The question was directed to both bankers and customers alike. The questionnaire comprised multiple choice questions requiring yes or no response although some open ended questions were included which require yes or no respondent to express their personal opinions.The first part of the questionnaires was designed for both bankers and customers while the final part for bank only because of the technical nature. The research administered with questionnaire through personal contact with respondent. 50 copies of the questionnaires were printed and administered to some selected business. Small scale business in SAPELE and it is also the opinion of the researcher that sample over the area of government policies on small scale business. The questionnaire questions were simple questions and statement. This requires them to tick the appropriate places2) Oral interview: personal interview was conducted which was supplement by interview guides. This form of information gathered make the researcher to take information, which could not be obtained from the questionnaire.b) SECONDARY DATA COLLECTIONThe major secondary source of information used by the questionnaire was annual report obtained from a small scale business at SAPELE. Other source of secondary data explored by the researchers are news papers, text books journals, project of others researchers on similar project and other and other relevant printed materials. RESEARCH INSRUMENTSThe instrument used in this study was questionnaire.The questionnaire contains both open and close questions.

ADMINISTRATION OF INSTRUMENTIn the research work, the questionnaire method was used to gather data.The questionnaires were personally distributed to the workers, economics and state holders by hand.This was adopted in other to get a wilder view of the respondents. DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUEInformation was gathered analyzed and summarized to enable the researchers address the earlier stated problemsThe summarized information was interpreted and conclusion draw and recommendation made at the end. The questionnaires questions were divided into two parts.The first part was designed for workers only, the questionnaire contain 12 questions while question to five were directed at customers and workers. Question nine to twelve were directed to the company only.The information collected was analyzed using simple percentage method. This method was used to determine the authenticity of the primary data details of analysis as it shown in the chapter.

CHAPTER FOUR4.0DATA PREPERATION ANALYSIS INTERPRETATION4.1INTRODUCTIONThe chapter provides information from the data collected on the characteristics of the sample and the analysis of the research questions. The questionnaire was distributed amongst the proprietor or managers of some selected small scale business in SAPELE industries. The type of business covered manufacturing, whole or retailer business and services industries. Each copy of questionnaires was clearly written instruction which makes the respondent complete them without any difficulty and their responses were guaranteed strict confidence.CHARACTERISTICS OF SAMPLES 4.1 Age DistributionAgeResponse Number%






Source: researchers field surveyThe table above shows the age distribution of the respondent ,and 10 respondents 20%are between the age range of 20-30,20 respondent representing 40% are between the age range of 31-40,10respondents representing 20% are between the age of 41-50 and 10 respondent representing 2000% are 51 years and above.Therefore from the table, it was clear that majority the respondent was between the ages of 40 years above.4.2 Distributions by SexSex Response numberPercentage




Source: researcher field survey The table shows the sex distribution of the respondent .male respondent were 30 while the female respondent were 20,60% and 40% respondent representing male and female respondent respectively.4.3 Marital Status of RespondentsMarital statusResponses Number%






Source researchers field survey The table shows the distribution o f that marital statue of respondent. 40 respondents representing 80% are single and 10 respondent representing 20% are married This shows that majority of the respondent are single.4.4Educational Qualifications of Respondents.Educational qualificationResponse Number%





HND/BSC 1224

HSE and above 36


Source: researchers field survey The table shows the academic qualification of the respondents. Respondent representing 10% holds apprenticeship certificate and 10 respondent representing 20% hold first school learning certificate while 10 respondent represent 20% have WASE /GCE again 10 respondent representing 20 that have ND/HS/NCE while 12 respondent representing 24% that holds HND/NCE finally 3 respondent representing 6% hold MSC and above .

4.5 Number of Years in BusinessYearsResponse Number%




16 and above816


Source: researchers field surveyThe table shows the distribution of numbers of the respondent ,7 representing 14% respondent have been in business between one to five years and 20 respondent represent 40% of 6-10 years and 15 respondent represent 11-15 years and 8 respondent representing 16 and above year respectively. 4.6Types of Business Types of businessResponse Number%

Manufacturing 1428

Wholesale /retail612

Service 3060


Source: researchers field survey The table show the type of business of the respondent representing 28% engage in manufacturing business 6 respondent representing 175 engage in wholesale/retail business and 30 respondent representing 60% engage in service business.4.3 Analyses of ResponsesInstruction: please tick your choice as applicableSA-strongly agreed A -agreedU undecidedD- DisagreedSD strongly disagreedStatement one: small scale industries contribute to the industrial development of the country Table 4.1 Importance of Small Scale Business in NigeriaResponseNumber%

Strongly agreed1530




Strongly disagreed_-

MSC and above36

Source; researchers field surveyThe table above shows the distribution of the respondent. There are 15 respondent representing 30% that strongly agreed and 5 respondent representing 105 that disagreed respectively .while there is no undecided and strongly disagreed Statement two: government policies on small scale business encourage its development Table 4.8The Importance of Government Policies on Small Scale BusinessResponseNumber%

Strongly agreed 2040

Agreed 2040


Disagreed 1020

Strongly disagreed__


Source: researcher field surveyThe table above shows the distribution of the respondent to the above statement. There are 20 respondent representing 40% respondent out with response each strongly agreed and disagreed respectively 10 respondent represent 20% that agreed with the statement and this are no strongly disagreed undecided.Statement three the government is playing adequate role in financing and promoting small scale enterprises

4.9Role Played By Government in Financing and Promoting Small Scale BusinessResponseNumber%

Strongly agreed 1530

Agreed 2550


Strongly disagreed--


Total 50100

Source: researchers field survey The table shows the distribution of the respondent to the statement. there are 15 respondent is representing 30% that strongly agreed and 25 respondent representing 50% that agreed which to respondent representing 20% that disagreed , no undecided and strongly disagreedStatement four: the credit facilities available to small scale enterprises are accessible and assisting.ResponseNumber%

Strongly agreed1530




Strongly disagreed --


The table above shows the distribution of the respondent in the statement. there are 15 respondent representing 30th that strongly agreed and 30 respondent representing 60% agreed and 5 respondent representing 10% disagreed with this statement while undecided and strongly disagreed were not given Statement five: newfound were able to provide loan for small scale enterprises when and where need Table 4.11Assistance Rendered To Small Scale EnterprisesResponseNumber%

Strongly agreed 1020

Agreed 2550



Strongly disagreed612

Total 50100

Source: researchers field survey The table above shows the distribution of the respondent 10 respondent representing 20th that strongly that strongly agreed and 25 respondent representing 50% that agreed 9 respondent representing 18% that disagreed , while 6 respondent representing 12% that strongly disagreed ,there is undecided statement.Statement six: the policies and programme helped to improve t5he activities of small scale business


Strongly agreed 2040




Strongly disagreed --

Total 50100

Source: researchers field survey The table above shows the distribution of the respondentsThere are 20 respondent representing 40% that strongly agreed and agreed and 10 respondent representing 20% that disagreed with the statement ,while none undecided and strongly disagreed .Statement seven: government initiate entrepreneurship development programs (ESDP)ResponseNumber%

Strongly agreed 1428




Strongly disagreed36


Sources researchers field surveyTable above shows the distribution of the respondents there are 14 respondent representing 28% that strongly agreed , 23 respondent representing 46% that agreed and 10 respondent represent 20% that disagreed while 3 respondent representing 6% that strongly disagreed ,no undecidedStatement eight: entrepreneurship skill development programs aid to the growth and development of small scale business.Table 4.4Entrepreneurship Skill Development ProgrammeResponseNumber%

Strongly agreed 1530




Strongly disagreed--


Sources: researchers field surveyThe table above shows the distribution of the respondent There are 15 respondent representing 30% that strongly agreed ,30 respondent representing 60% that agreed and 5 respondent representing 10% that disagreed while none neither strongly disagreed nor undecidedStatement nine: government initiates the agro-based industrial policies to aid the growth and development of small scale.

Table 4.15Importance of Government Programme and Policies.ResponseNumber%

Strongly agreed1734




Strongly disagreed--


Source: research fold surveysThe table above show the distribution of the respondent seventeen 17] respondent representing 34% that strongly agreed and respondents, representing 8% that disagreed. There is no undecided and strongly disagreed.Statement ten; business benefit from the small scale industries credit scheme provided by the government.Table 4.16The benefit of small scale industrial credit scheme.ResponseNumber%

Strongly agreed1530




Strongly disagreed--


The table above shows the distribution of the respondents fifteen [15] respondents representing 30% that strongly agreed, 25 respondents representing 20% that disagreed. There is no undecided and strongly disagreed. Industries provide loans for small scale business to impacts their activities.Table 4.17 Help Rendered By Nigeria Bank for Commerce and Industries.ResponsesNumber%

Strongly agreed2040




Strongly disagreed--


The table above shows the distribution of the respondents there are 20 respondents representing 40% that strongly agreed, 27 respondents representing 54% that agreed and # respondents representing 6% that disagreed. There is no undecided and strongly disagreed.4.2DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS. The first research statement try to explain the various categories of workers in the unfiled services in the small scale business based on their grade and their qualification. The outcome shows that there is a larger number of senior staff compared to the junior staff in the organization and most of their staff are HND/B SC holders. The statement one show that that 60% OF THE RESPONDENTS AGREED THAT SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES CONTRIBUTES TO THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRIES.10% of them disagreed,there is no undecided and strongly disagreed.Again the statement three tries to explain that majority of the respondent agreed that government is placing adequate role in financing and promoting small scale enterprise. While respondents strongly agreed. Disagreed respectively there was no undecided and strongly disagreed. Finally, the statement shows that 58% of the respondents agreed that government initiate the agro based industrial policies to aid the growth and development of small scale business, 34% of them strongly agreed while 8% of them disagreed. This shows that the researchers found out that there is impact of government policies on small scale business.

CHAPTER FIVE5.0SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION5.1SUMMARYThis chapter discusses the findings, conclusion and makes effort to outline some recommendation and areas for further studies.The research study, the fact that small-scale enterprises contributed to the economic development of Nigeria is not in doubt and that the government of Nigeria is not in doubt and that the government is playing adequate role in financing and promoting them. Toward the end, it was discovered that the various government policies or programmes and there is prospect for the small-scale business in the present economic dispensation.According to table 4.7, the statements on one was clear that 60% of the respondents agreed that small scale industries contribute to the industrial development of country, 30% of them strongly agreed that it brings about industrial development while 10% disagreed.This shows that majority of them are in favour of small-scale business. More so the table 4.8 statement made mention of government policies put in place to encourage the small-scale business. In the table, it shows that 40% of the respondents agreed that government policies and programmers on small-scale business bring about development of the country: some still disagree in the sense that lack of proper implementation of various government policies on small-scale enterprises affect its development and hinders the industrial development objective as well as provision of employment opportunities among other objectives.5.2CONCLUSIONOver the years, government has recognized the vital role played by small-scale enterprise in ensuring meaningful and sustainable economic growth. Towards this end a number of policies and programs have been introduced to assist the growth of this class of enterprises.Small-scale businesses posses a great potentiality to advance the national goal of economic self-enhance through increase usage of local resource and indigenous technology.Constraint on the capacity of small-scale enterprise to melt the above objective including low level of technical financial and management skills, credit to finance working capital and demand efficiencies.5.3RECOMMENDATIONThe government should evolve a new financing policies and proper implementation of existing one. This may be inform of business loan guarantee scheme similar to what obtained in developed countries like U.S.A, U.K etc. such a scheme will be less effective means of increasing bank lending to small scale firm with viable project.Also government financial institution and programme for small-scale enterprise such as Nigeria industrial development bank (NIDS), national directorate of employment (NDE) and Nigeria agricultural and co-operation bank (NACB) etc. be renationalized an reorganized to strengthen their performance.More so a national form should be recognized for discussion on the problems of small-scale enterprises and how it could be solved. Likewise government should make it mandatory for every student in tertiary institution to take courses in entrepreneurship development program (EDP). Still it should be possible to design imaginable programme using the national youth service corp. scheme to disseminate relatively simple skills to small-scale industries.However, it would appear that a more promising approach would be adopt more generalized policies that affect the demand, supply conditions facing small-scale industries.Lastly, wealthy individuals and corporate bodies should set up trust and foundation that could still support the effort of the government in an effort to increase small-scale business activities.5.4SUGGESTED AREAS FOR FURTHER STUDIESThe researcher is suggesting that to enhance positive impact of government policies on small-scale industries.There will be need for further research to be conducted on the following topics:1. Efficient and effective management of small-scale industries in Nigeria.2. The impact of unavailability of capital on the improvement of small-scale industries.3. Marketing strategies and its effect on management of small-scale business in Nigeria.4. Application of marketing concept in small-scale business in Nigeria.

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