the ijdepenpent - university of...

r r THE Vol I -- ATE FOREIGN NEWS By tho S B Mariposa Tho Silver Convention hno con cluuod its labors liibti ore claims haro boon struck in San Bernardino AloUOO bTazo took place in Lob Angeles on Aug 18 Governor Build of California is ImtJrSvinViblieaUb H1T Phyllojfdrn bnrboon discovered in the Livermoro Valley California California fruit shipped to Lon don was spoiled owing to poor paoK TAT1 yr iig Seven persons on a boating excur- sion ¬ woro drowned at Qcean City on Aug 18 The sold resorve iu the U S Treasury is being depleted A fresh issue oi bonds may do expected ftwTsVwitfat1 thWoU tfas discovered a riw cenfet without itail 6bAiig2l TSan Salvador Indians have de- feated ¬ the regular troops of Guate ¬ mala with many on each aide killed An immense fire has taken place in Philadelphia IDamage 5b osti matocf aViieariy half a million dbl lars Oil fiad been discovered in the im medIatoipborW6a76f LoV An golosr 1Thoiutput is 3000barroln daily A petrified liuman body supposed to bo thatj ofa white man has been found in the river bed at Phoonix Arizona Tnostato Bank of Tacpma assign ¬ ed onlfAug ly ibr tho J beriefitHf it creditors Theliabriiifiesare6ver J50b000ft v r t TTho boiler of the Gurnoy Hotel in TDonvery Colorado exploded on Aug 18 Fifty guests pensheq in the ruinB Glaus Sprookels is building a new office 15 atones high with a cupola sWleoi f6mthe groundf6rthe S FCallfr x v Fremont Smith murderer of two fishermen near Colusa had his head nerfrly- - torn from his body when hanged on Aug 9 The Durrani case looks as though it would be a fiasco All the jury- men ¬ have not yet been secured flour inbroaro yetWanledV Ji fheboloasoumBuitdThg a great operfstruotdYdbaingerocledinChi-oifgojv-ha- s collapsed- undeVita iron roof The structure was valued at f 225000 Six men have boon kiod by an explosion of mofteu metal bver ttiom at tiMlgSr ThSmVwhSteeTWorks otHU JC8r negio l St6eIdompanyat BraddbckiPai 4t Goneral Mnsseo has boon pro claTmudPresidentof the Cuban Ro liublibby the insurgents WaVstill progresses with indifferent success on bothsides F Ag Pixley died on SundayAug 11 He was tho most celebrated lournalist on tho Pacific Coast JUXlVor uL iilrU liUH staffer ana propnetorof th6iArg6hailtfi Abuttor making bacillus has boon discovered byPrbfessor H CvCcJnn of PrinBylrania The results ob- tained ¬ Are said to promise a royolu tion in the art of butter making Sjeorotary of Sate Olney has brought Moras claim against Spain t6analmoBt satisfactory settlement inthotoonsill Walleroase agaiust FVanelnJMaagaarbvoFlX0 dOOhvlilbo dbmhndyd as TejSafation Af naval demonstration will b6 mado in China over tho late missionary outrages The Boston and the AdaVnVfiavo beih ordered to bb got ready foVVbAW J n u ilU Gentlemen wanting Straw Hats wilmbtwbll fdvoallat Et B Korrs beforo purchasing olaewhoro Tho hats ho3lB60llirJB at 7C cbnts and Jl are screamers IjDEPENPENT OOFYK-IO-m- APPLIED FOR HONOLULU H I THURSDAY AUGUST 29 1895 Oceanic Steiuiiijliip Co iUild if Australian Mall Sewice For San Franciscu Tho Now and Fino Al Steel Btcamshlp ALAMEDA Ot tho Oceanic Btenmshlp Company will bo due at Honolulu - from Sydney and Auoklnnd on or about i Spt 1 til And will leavo for thaabov port with Malls and Passengers on or about that dato For Sydney Auckland TheNow and Fine A1 Steel Steamship MONQWAiT Of tho Oceania Stpamshlp Company will be duo at Honolulu from San Frauolsco on or about 3ejpt S3t And will have prompt despatch with Malls and Pus ongers for the above ports Tho undersigned are now prepared to issuo i Through Tickets to All Points Id the Doited Sthles evf For further particulars regarding Freight and Passage apply to i i - Wm 0 IRWIN CO Ld - General Agints Oceanic Steiiinsliip Co TIME TABLE LOCAL LINE S AUSTRALIA iVrrivo Honolulu Leavo Honolulu from 8 F for S Ff Bopr 2 Sept 7 SeptSO Ocu2 Oct 21 Out 27 Nov 15 Nov 20 TRRQUGH LINE From San Francisco From Sydney for for Sydney Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu Jfonowal8opt 20 I Alameda Sept 10 Alamoiln Ootj 21 Mariposa Oct 17 OAHU RAILWAY LAND COS TIME TjftBIH3 From and Aftor8 July FB 1895 on i W so TRAINS ng og atj ag St m S ga M op S ES A M AK PM IM Leave Honolulu 640 017 IM 610 Leavo lcarl City 740 958 223 653 Leave Ewa Mill 810 1010 249 CU Arrlvo Walanao 1054 649 Ts ii if ii ii is aS5 jd AM AM rM ru Iavo Walanno 041 132 UavftEwa Mill 710 910 207 351 Leavolcarl City 750 048 238 422 Arrive Honolulu 823 10180 811 465 On Saturday and Similar nlghta Ewa Mill PassoiiKorTraln will arrlvo In Honolulu at 655 Instead of 4M r M Freight Trains will carry Socond class Iasscn ger accorarnqdatlonb r V C Smith Uoneial Tasbengcr it Ticket Agent O P Denison Supcrlntondout Wm K Irwin Co Limited Wm G Irwin Iresldent Manager Claus Sprookels i VloPTlreBidont W M Giflard Soorotary Trcasuror Thco a Porter Auditor ksugar1actors AND Commission Agents AOPNTS Of TUB Oceanic Steamship Compy Of Ban FrfttiolROo Onl - - ll Ring up 811 if you have anything fo wiy to Tno TNDRPRNnRNT Wilders Steamship- - Co itefe TIME TABLE 0 L WIGHT Pres S B ItOSB Boo Copt J A KING Pptt Bupt Stjm KMAIIv OLAUKB Oommondor J Will leave Honolulu at 2p m toachlnp at Lnlmlna Mrtalnoa Tiny and Mikofia the samo day Mahukbna Kawalhno andXau nahochoo tlio following day arriving at Uilotho samoovenlng - LKAVKH HONOLUI n ARmVE8 HONOLULU Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Taofttay Friday i Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Auv27 Sept 0 Sept 17 Sept 27 Oct 8 Oct 18 Oct 2 Nov 8 Nov 10 Nov 20 Dec in Deo 20 Tuesday fi Sept 3 Frlilov Sopt- 18 Bepi Zi FrMav Frld oy A Tuesday Frldavt Tneday Oct 4 Oct Nov 0 Nov IB Nov 20 Friday Deo 0 iDoo 17 Friday Deo 27 Returning will leavo Hllo at 1 oclock e M touching at Laupahoohoo Mnliar kona and Knwalhae same day Makena Maalaca SaysndrJjahaina the following day arriving at Honolulu the afternoons of Tuesdaya and Fridays KW- - No Freight will bo received ator 12 noon on day of sailing Stmr OIiAUDINE dAMEKON Commander t Will leavo Honolnlu Tuesdays at 6 r m trtilfthlnc at Knhulul Hana Hamoannd jKipahalu Manl Upturning tr arrives at uonoiuiu Hunaay aitornoons r Will call at Nuu Knupo on second trip of each month i tW No Freight will be recolyed after i p MOn day of sailing This Company will reserves the right to make changes in thotImeof departure and arrival of Its Steamers without notice and It will not beiiresponsiblo fori any conse quencos arising threltnni Consignees must bo nt the Landings to receive theitv freight thlB Company will not bld Itself responsible for freight after It nas boon j - Llvo Stock pnly at owners risk This Company will not be responsible for Motioy or Valnablcs of unless placed In tho care of Pursers ttf Passengers aria requested to par chase Tiokeis bo fore embarking Those falling to do so will bo subject to an addi- tional ¬ charge of twonty flve per cent Sil fa DRUGGISTS Fort Street HONOLULU H I Hollister Drug Co DRUSGISTS prt Street HONOLULU H I Galiforaisi Brut Market Comer King and Alaken Streets GAMARINOliRIGERATORS From San Francisco with roBh Fruits Oysters Salmon Poultry Etc Etc Etc Metropolitan Meat Go 81 KING BTBEET G T WaiLsb Tuesday Tnesuay and Beta - AMD 16 O0tJV6 Tuesday landed passcngern Wholesale Manaoeb BiXITOHOURS Navy Contractors l nr INSURANCE COMPANY OF North America Of Philadelphia la Foondkd - - - 1702 lAssota Jan 1 1805 960200002 Cash Oapitnl - - - 300000000 Net Surplus 324420011 Policy Holders Surplus 524l209i6 Oldest Fire Insurance Company in tho United States i Paid Since Organization 8143944813 - H LOSE Aijuiit Sl lm THE Hawaiian Investment Got Real Estate Agents Eecords Searched Loans Negotiated Bills Collected i i Nptary Publio Accountant Work promptly attended to TELEPHONE 030 - Ofiiok 13 and 15 Kaahnmaun Street Oaliu Cash Store N Losses NO 322 NUUANU BTBEET OW THAT THE ABOVE DUY Goods Store ia an assured fact and has bden oponod for business finceJuly 1st it is prepared to satisfy tho most fasti ¬ dious tastes of the publio Ladies will find it to their advantage to call herp first and see forthoiuBelve i before going elsawbero toinnko tholr purchases They will here fin a large and varied assortment of t- - Mualfne Iawhs vGalicos Prints Bleached nnd Unbleached Cottons Untrlmmed Hats Hoso Bandker- - chiefs Ferlnmory EtoEto ttf Notroubleat all to how Goods M E RTLVA Manaor Clans SpiGGkels to Honolulu - - - H I Issue Sight and Time Bills of Exchange Also Commercial and Travelers Letters ot Credit on tho Principal Parts of tho World Purchase Approved Bills Mako Iionna on Accoptablo Socuritv liecolve Deposits on Open Account and allow Interest on Tonu JJoposlts i Attend Promptly to Collections A Gonornl Banking Bubiiioss Trans - -- nctod - - Bisiiop Company I3ITIE3aS Hawaii Islands Honolulu - - ESTABLISIIKbiN 185 Transact a General Hanking and Ki nhange Business Loans made on ap¬ proved security Bdls Discounted Com- mercial ¬ Credits Granted Deposits re ¬ ceived onJ current account snbject to check Letters of Credit issueu on the principal oltles of the world AQENTS OF The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company Ijipii YAPOR and PACIFIC GAS gngiues jifld Launph THE BEST THE MABKET J They cannot bo surpassed for Motive Power SEND FOB CATALOG Dfi f JOS TI3SrE3R Sole A Rent Nnnann 8treet F J TESTA SEABCUBB OP Beoords Collootor Copyist - TUANSLATOlt IN English and Hawaiian BoalEslate Agent Typo writer Stamp Dealer- Purchasing Commission and Advertising Agent Etc Mf- e- Omois No i27 King utroet the foriuor prlvMoofHcAof B II Tboiuaa No 5Jr Bualnosa Cards ANTONB ROSA Attornet-at-La- Kaahumauu Btreot Honolulu it- - ti i jjr4 rtigrv PAUL NEUMANN C0UN3ELL0n AND ATTOnNET-AT-LA- Merchant Street Honolulu JOHN NOTT PurMBiNa Tin Copper and Sheet Iron Wobk- - l - ICing Street Honolulu GONSALVES CO - - o Wholesale Gbooeiis and Wine Mebohants 225 Queen Stroet Honolulu B B THOMAS Contractor and Builder Building Materials for sale -- Estimates i Fumlshod H F BBRTBLMANN CONTBAOTOR AND BUILDER All kinds of Bepaiiing and Goneral Carpen A try Estimates on Buildings f v Furnished ALLEN ROBINSON Dealers ln Lumber and Coal and BuilBinci WirmiiuitiT l All KiNbif Qneon Street Honolulu The World loies AND SO DO I r And I So It with a Groat Doal Moro Spood 7 - vi Paruitnra and Baggage aro delivered and moved by the Fastest Exprosios In tdwn Mj WMQPS arodnliandwhonevcraiiteamcr arrives and baggage and freight reach their destination nearly bofpre being landod Pianos aro a specialty I move Pianos according to tho roostapprorcd methods They dout evon get oat of tune af they do and the owner should desire it I will tune thorn myself and that would be fine for the Piqno Leave orders at my office Corner King and Nuuanu Sts on biso ur Teleplione S 4E5 WILLIAICLASjg INSURANCE Life and Manne AT BEST BATES Enquire of j MPW8iffiy THE ARLINGTON A IFcLrxiily Hotel T KHOUSE r - Proy Por Day 2100 Ver Week 1200 BPK0IAL irfONTHIjIrKAKS1 The Dost of AttendancoUhbBeatSttlitifin and thfi Finest fnls In this City f

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Post on 07-Jun-2018




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By tho S B Mariposa

Tho Silver Convention hno concluuod its labors

liibti ore claims haro boon struckin San Bernardino

AloUOO bTazo took place in LobAngeles on Aug 18

Governor Build of California isImtJrSvinViblieaUb H1T

Phyllojfdrn bnrboon discovered inthe Livermoro Valley California

California fruit shipped to London was spoiled owing to poor paoK

TAT1 yriigSeven persons on a boating excur-



woro drowned at Qcean City onAug 18

The sold resorve iu the U S

Treasury is being depleted A freshissue oi bonds may do expected

ftwTsVwitfat1 thWoUtfas discovered a

riw cenfet without itail 6bAiig2lTSan Salvador Indians have de-


the regular troops of Guate ¬

mala with many on each aide killed

An immense fire has taken placein Philadelphia IDamage 5b ostimatocf aViieariy half a million dbllars

Oil fiad been discovered in the immedIatoipborW6a76f LoV Angolosr 1Thoiutput is 3000barrolndaily

A petrified liuman body supposedto bo thatj ofa white man has beenfound in the river bed at Phoonix

ArizonaTnostato Bank of Tacpma assign ¬

ed onlfAug ly ibr tho J beriefitHf itcreditors Theliabriiifiesare6verJ50b000ft v r t

TTho boiler of the Gurnoy Hotelin TDonvery Colorado exploded onAug 18 Fifty guests pensheq inthe ruinB

Glaus Sprookels is building a newoffice 15 atones high with a cupolasWleoi f6mthe groundf6rtheS FCallfr x v

Fremont Smith murderer of two

fishermen near Colusa had his headnerfrly- - torn from his body whenhanged on Aug 9

The Durrani case looks as thoughit would be a fiasco All the jury-men


have not yet been securedflour inbroaro yetWanledV Ji

fheboloasoumBuitdThg a greatoperfstruotdYdbaingerocledinChi-oifgojv-ha- s

collapsed- undeVita ironroof The structure was valued atf225000

Six men have boon kiod by anexplosion of mofteu metal bver ttiomat tiMlgSr ThSmVwhSteeTWorksotHU JC8rnegio l St6eIdompanyatBraddbckiPai 4t

Goneral Mnsseo has boon proclaTmudPresidentof the Cuban Roliublibby the insurgents WaVstillprogresses with indifferent successon bothsides

F Ag Pixley died on SundayAug11 He was tho most celebratedlournalist on tho Pacific Coast

JUXlVor uL iilrU liUH stafferana propnetorof th6iArg6hailtfi

Abuttor making bacillus has boondiscovered byPrbfessor H CvCcJnnof PrinBylrania The results ob-


Are said to promise a royolution in the art of butter making

Sjeorotary of Sate Olney hasbrought Moras claim against Spaint6analmoBt satisfactory settlementinthotoonsill Walleroase agaiustFVanelnJMaagaarbvoFlX0dOOhvlilbo dbmhndyd as TejSafationAf naval demonstration will b6 madoin China over tho late missionaryoutrages The Boston and theAdaVnVfiavo beih ordered to bb gotready foVVbAW J n u ilU

Gentlemen wanting Straw Hatswilmbtwbll fdvoallat Et B Korrsbeforo purchasing olaewhoro Thohats ho3lB60llirJB at 7C cbnts andJl are screamers



Oceanic Steiuiiijliip Co

iUild if

Australian Mall Sewice

For San FranciscuTho Now and Fino Al Steel Btcamshlp

ALAMEDAOt tho Oceanic Btenmshlp Company willbo due at Honolulu - from Sydney andAuoklnnd on or about i

Spt 1 tilAnd will leavo for thaabov port withMalls and Passengers on or about thatdato

For Sydney AucklandTheNow and Fine A1 Steel Steamship

MONQWAiTOf tho Oceania Stpamshlp Company willbe duo at Honolulu from San Frauolsco onor about

3ejpt S3tAnd will have prompt despatch with Mallsand Pus ongers for the above ports

Tho undersigned are now preparedto issuo i

Through Tickets to All Points Id the

Doited Sthles

evf For further particulars regardingFreight and Passage apply to i i -

Wm 0 IRWIN CO Ld -

General Agints

Oceanic Steiiinsliip Co



S AUSTRALIAiVrrivo Honolulu Leavo Honolulu

from 8 F for S FfBopr 2 Sept 7SeptSO Ocu2Oct 21 Out 27Nov 15 Nov 20

TRRQUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney

Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

Jfonowal8opt 20 I Alameda Sept 10Alamoiln Ootj 21 Mariposa Oct 17


TIME TjftBIH3From and Aftor8 July FB 1895


W so

TRAINS ng og atj agSt m Sga M

op S ES

A M AK PM IMLeave Honolulu 640 017 IM 610Leavo lcarl City 740 958 223 653Leave Ewa Mill 810 1010 249 CUArrlvo Walanao 1054 649

Ts ii if ii iiis aS5 jd

AM AM rM ruIavo Walanno 041 132UavftEwa Mill 710 910 207 351Leavolcarl City 750 048 238 422Arrive Honolulu 823 10180 811 465

On Saturday and Similar nlghta Ewa MillPassoiiKorTraln will arrlvo In Honolulu at 655Instead of 4M r M

Freight Trains will carry Socond class Iasscnger accorarnqdatlonb r V C Smith

Uoneial Tasbengcr it Ticket AgentO P Denison Supcrlntondout

Wm K Irwin CoLimited

Wm G Irwin Iresldent ManagerClaus Sprookels i VloPTlreBidontW M Giflard Soorotary TrcasurorThco a Porter Auditor


Commission AgentsAOPNTS Of TUB

Oceanic Steamship CompyOf Ban FrfttiolROo Onl

- - llRing up 811 if you have anything

fo wiy to Tno TNDRPRNnRNT

Wilders Steamship- - Co



0 L WIGHT Pres S B ItOSB BooCopt J A KING Pptt Bupt

Stjm KMAIIvOLAUKB Oommondor J

Will leave Honolulu at 2 p m toachlnp atLnlmlna Mrtalnoa Tiny and Mikofia thesamo day Mahukbna Kawalhno andXaunahochoo tlio following day arriving atUilotho samoovenlng -


TuesdayFridayTuesdayFridayTaofttayFriday i


Auv27Sept 0Sept 17Sept 27

Oct 8Oct 18Oct 2

Nov 8Nov 10Nov 20Dec inDeo 20

Tuesday fi Sept 3Frlilov Sopt- 18

Bepi ZiFrMav

Frld oy ATuesdayFrldavtTneday

Oct 4Oct

Nov 0Nov IBNov 20

Friday Deo 0iDoo 17

Friday Deo 27

Returning will leavo Hllo at 1 oclocke M touching at Laupahoohoo Mnliarkona and Knwalhae same day MakenaMaalaca SaysndrJjahaina the followingday arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof Tuesdaya and Fridays

KW-- No Freight will bo received ator 12noon on day of sailing


tWill leavo Honolnlu Tuesdays at 6 r mtrtilfthlnc at Knhulul Hana HamoanndjKipahalu Manl Upturning tr arrives atuonoiuiu Hunaay aitornoons r

Will call at Nuu Knupo on second tripof each month i

tW No Freight will be recolyed after ip MOn day of sailing

This Company will reserves the right tomake changes in thotImeof departure andarrival of Its Steamers without notice andIt will not beiiresponsiblo fori any consequencos arising threltnni

Consignees must bo nt the Landings toreceive theitv freight thlB Company willnot bld Itself responsible for freight afterIt nas boon j -

Llvo Stock pnly at owners riskThis Company will not be responsible for

Motioy or Valnablcs of unlessplaced In tho care of Pursersttf Passengers aria requested to par

chase Tiokeis bo fore embarking Thosefalling to do so will bo subject to an addi-tional


charge of twonty flve per cent

Sil fa



Hollister Drug Co


prt StreetHONOLULU H I

Galiforaisi Brut MarketComer King and Alaken Streets


From San Francisco with

roBh Fruits OystersSalmon Poultry

Etc Etc Etc

Metropolitan Meat Go


G T WaiLsb












Navy Contractorsl nr


North AmericaOf Philadelphia la

Foondkd - - - 1702

lAssota Jan 1 1805 960200002Cash Oapitnl - - - 300000000Net Surplus 324420011PolicyHolders Surplus 524l209i6

Oldest Fire Insurance Company in thoUnited States i

Paid Since Organization

8143944813 -

H LOSE AijuiitSl lm

THEHawaiian Investment Got

Real Estate AgentsEecords Searched

Loans NegotiatedBills Collected

i i

Nptary Publio AccountantWork promptly attended to

TELEPHONE 030 -Ofiiok 13 and 15 Kaahnmaun Street

Oaliu Cash Store




OW THAT THE ABOVE DUYGoods Store ia an assured fact and

has bden oponod for business finceJuly1st it is prepared to satisfy tho most fasti ¬

dious tastes of the publio Ladies will findit to their advantage to call herp first andsee forthoiuBelve i before going elsawberotoinnko tholr purchases They will herefin a large and varied assortment of t- -

Mualfne Iawhs vGalicosPrints Bleached nnd Unbleached Cottons

Untrlmmed Hats Hoso Bandker- -chiefs Ferlnmory EtoEto

ttf Notroubleat all to how Goods

M E RTLVA Manaor

Clans SpiGGkels to

Honolulu - - - H IIssue Sight and Time Bills of Exchange

Also Commercial and Travelers Letters otCredit on tho Principal Parts of tho World

Purchase Approved BillsMako Iionna on Accoptablo Socuritv

liecolve Deposits on Open Account andallow Interest on Tonu JJoposlts i

Attend Promptly to CollectionsA Gonornl Banking Bubiiioss Trans

- -- nctod - -

Bisiiop CompanyI3ITIE3aS

Hawaii IslandsHonolulu - -ESTABLISIIKbiN 185

Transact a General Hanking and Kinhange Business Loans made on ap¬

proved security Bdls Discounted Com-mercial


Credits Granted Deposits re ¬

ceived onJ current account snbject tocheck Letters of Credit issueu on theprincipal oltles of the world


The Liverpool and London and Globe

Insurance Company


gngiues jifld Launph


They cannot bo surpassed for MotivePower


JOS TI3SrE3RSole A Rent Nnnann 8treet


Beoords Collootor Copyist- TUANSLATOlt IN

English and HawaiianBoalEslate Agent Typo writer Stamp

Dealer- Purchasing Commissionand Advertising Agent Etc

Mf-e- Omois No i27 King utroet theforiuor prlvMoofHcAof B II Tboiuaa

No 5Jr

Bualnosa Cards



Kaahumauu Btreot Honoluluit- - ti i jjr4 rtigrvPAUL NEUMANN


Merchant Street Honolulu


PurMBiNa Tin Copper and SheetIron Wobk- -

l -

ICing Street Honolulu


Wholesale Gbooeiis and WineMebohants

225 Queen Stroet Honolulu


Contractor and Builder

Building Materials for sale -- Estimatesi Fumlshod



All kinds of Bepaiiing and Goneral CarpenA try Estimates on Buildings f

v Furnished


Dealers ln Lumber and Coal andBuilBinci WirmiiuitiT l

All KiNbif

Qneon Street Honolulu

The World loiesAND SO DO I


And I So It with a Groat DoalMoro Spood 7 - vi

Paruitnra and Baggage

aro delivered and moved bythe Fastest Exprosios In tdwn


arodnliandwhonevcraiiteamcrarrives and baggage and freightreach their destination nearlybofpre being landod


aro a specialty I move Pianosaccording to tho roostapprorcdmethods They dout evon getoat of tune af they do andthe owner should desire it Iwill tune thorn myself and thatwould be fine for the Piqno

Leave orders at my office

Corner King and Nuuanu Stson biso ur

Teleplione S 4E5



Life andManne


Enquire of


A IFcLrxiily HotelT KHOUSE r - Proy

Por Day 2100Ver Week 1200


The Dost of AttendancoUhbBeatSttlitifinand thfi Finest fnls In this City





Except Bandny

At Brito Hall Konla Btroot

Telephone 841 JgS

Oaintt the wrong that need rciutanceFor the right that need cututanceFor the future in the distance

And the good that we can do

I am in the place whereof I am demandedof conscience to tpeak the truth and the trttth1 tpeak impugn it who to list


Per Month anywhere in the Ha ¬

waiian Islands 5Per Year 0 00Per Year postpaid to Forolgn Conn

triw 8 00

Payable Invariably In Advance

Advertisements unaccompanied by spe¬

cific instructions inserted till ordered ontAdvertisements discontinnrd before ex ¬

piration of specifiod poriod will bo chargedas if continued for full term

Address all communications to the Edi¬

torial Department to Edmund NorrieBusiness letters should bo addressed tothe Manager

EDMUND NOBHIE - - EditorGO KENTON - - Oo EdltorV J TESTA - - - JKanngor

Residing in Honolulu



Anybody who known anything of

Hawaii and the Hawaiian pebplo

will by this timo have realized thatthe worst enemy of the Hawaiian is

his own countryman the Hawaiian

This is nothing new It is well

known that the whispered scandals

the evil reports and the defamation

of tho namos of the girls with Ha ¬

waiian blood in their Toins always

have been started and circulated by

Hawaiians although greatly adopted

nursed and enlarged by tho whites


The pale faces in Hawaii aro

morally just as bad and just as good

s are the Hawaiian blooded beau-



But the little extravagances

in the living andaoting of tho whites

have been kept secret and they have

stood shoulder to shoulder inproeerving tho immaoulate appearance

of their characters

A Hawaiian man or woman is

the worst enemy of a HawaiianJealousy petty spite the smallfeeling that I am prettier thanyou that I am cleverer than you

that I am more successful in busi-



marriage huapalas or politics

has been sufficient cause to make

a Hawaiian swear himself or her-



blue in the face for the pur-



of injuring a friend acquain ¬

tance or opponent It is a trait intho national oharacter which is to

be highly doplored Its existence is

to be admitted by all who have

studied Hawaiians but in spite of

all efforts by the friends of thisfascinating race it has nevor beenabated one iota

The reason why this subject comes

to our mind to day is the aotion of

tho Hawaiian Ropublioan Club afew nights ago

The liberation of the politicalprisonors now in tho Oahu Prisonwas beforo the H R Club in tho

form of a resolution endorsing any

step which could tend to attain theobject of the Government and thepublic as they all desired to soe the

men at liberty

The members of the H R Club

had amplo notice of tho object of

the mooting It had virtually boon

postponod for ono week to givo tho

momberF an opportunity to bo pro

Bent and express an opinion Tho

mombors who hove for yoara siiokod

tho toats of tho Howaiiau monarchi ¬

cal cow stayed away and only lux

toon members all Hawaiians ap

poared And of that crowd ono

half opposod passing tho resolu-



asking for tho liberation of

their queen and their countrymen

It is fortunate that the contempti-



clique of sycophants and hypo-



who hang around tho coattails of Frank Judd Co is very

small iudood The mon who for thesake of a petty salarytho goodwill of

Judd Co and perhaps some littleporaonal spite will sacrifice their

manhood and tho very live of theircountrymen and tho foroigu sympa-



of tho Hawaiians now be ¬

hind tho walls of that oorAl holl do

servo tho contempt of every decentcitizen of tho Hawaiiau RepublicAnd those mon soem to he tho mem

bora of tho Hawaiian R publicvClub


Even the Star thinks the cablowould be well worth tho current

years subsidy It doesnt thing itwould be worth any more

The Star thi- - ks the artesian watersupply must grow itself I doesntthink it comes from tho surfaceNow whore does its danger comefromT

W O Smith Attorney Qenpral

denial hit hit hand either fine

Italian or any other kind of pen-



is responsible for tho divi ¬

sion in the Hawaiian RepublicanClub In other words without joking ho denies having as tho Bulle-



states instigated any Hawaiianto advocate inclemency to their own

countrymen And ho deserves honor-



montion for his stand on thisoccasion

Tho Bulletin doesnt believe thatAttorney George de la Vergne hashad enough experience to qualifyhim as public prosocutor after being

a sugar boiler How would the Bul-



representatives like their pre-



records held up as preventingthem from holding their presentpositions

The British government iB thoembodiment of fair play Never in

all its history has any other state ¬

ment been alleged agaiust it Whatamuses us is the fact that thosewho in print during tho last two

years took every ocoasion of Btating

the embodiment of truculenoe andoppression now take every opportu-



of stating how nice aud uu

opprossiro tho British governmentis in its management of tho claimsof its outraged subjects by the Ha ¬

waiiau Woll wo havegot the laugh they havo to inako

tho apology

For some days the items of inter ¬

est in the Bulletin have consisted of

fragments of the Land Aot and in-

stalments of Mr Marques on cholora Latterly the later montioued

hat been given in homoeopathic


According to tbo Chicago TimesHerald the question of Hawaiianor any other annexation by thoUnited States develops a wide disparity of 3bt U vor Ami

Ua r3n

tho Unltod Statts pooplo are begin ¬

ning to find it out

Tho Bulletin figures that placesmore than plotureqiio

aro not suitablo for establishingQuarautiuo Stations That questionis probably open to argument Butthe selection of tho old ImmigrantStation is not Thorein wo aro atono with tho wisdom of the BulletinStop the game B sensible

If wo wrote for a century wecouldnt say anything more convinc¬

ing than tho from thoStar

Runrv frinnd of Hawaii nhrnnri linsadvised that the Jumarv affair hewound up expeditiously and to theadvautage of the Rpublio by theliberal exercise of clemency to thepolitical prisoners The two localarguments against those are ex-pressions


of fear and the puttingforth of tho opinion that tho offend --

ors hnve not been sufficiently disoiplined In tho latter pro nisechere may be grounds for dicu

sion but e fail to dlcern themThe nrstconteiitionisuuwiirtby anddespicable There aro often en ¬

countered mn so iinustitiited thatthey are alwnyi menacing to peaceand liw and order But tho averagepolitical prisouor who can cause aRepublic to trouible must have someelement in his power that is missingin tho strength of th Republic

Tho rr 8 Vindicates Its OitlznnBBights Abroad

The S P Calls foreign corre-spondence



The case of ox Consul Wallor hasassumed a phase that justifies thisGovernment in the belief that Wall

eis days of confinement are uesrlyended and that ho will soon bo restored to liborty It can be statedon tho highest authority that theonly reason why Embassador Eutishat not been instructed to demandWallers immediate release is thatnielli coursitiiuglil wnikeo thcilnimFor indemnity which the UnitedState proposes to make aiaintFrance or the confiscation of therubber concession ih Madagascar

The President and Secretary Olneyare now thoroughly satisfied thatWallers military trial was not conducted in a proper manner and thatbis conviction of tho crime of treasonwas based on tho flimsiest evidence

It will be a matter of a very shorttime a few weeks perhaps boforo

Olney will instruct Embawador Eustis to secure Wallersrelease aud make a claim for indem ¬

nity against tho French Governmenton account of the confiscation of hisrubber concession

The amount of tbo indemnity tobe asked is more tbau 1000000Tho exact sum cannot beaud tho probabilities are that it hasnot been determined on The re-


that Waller is dying of consumption in prison is giving thoState Department Home uneasinessbut the information is not believedto be strictly accurate as tho latestletters from Waller said tho chillsaud fever from which ho sufferedhad left him and that his health wasmuch improved

As matters now stand Wallersthat the British government was prospects are very hopeful and his







release ie assured even if the indemnity fails to be forthcoming

Now Euturprieo

In spite of hard times which havoexisted hero since the establishmentof tho ropublio Hawaii yot boastsof a few enterprising corporationswhioh do not get soared of goingahead oven if tbo republican cotnmbacalllus stares them in the faceTho Hawaiian Electric Companywill receive its uew ice and coldstorage plant by tbo Australia andiu a short while tho community willbo abUv to buy ice t hot nocessityof the tropics at a much reducedrate The present ico company de ¬

serves credit for having boon verymoderate in its charges while it hasenjoyed the privileges of a monop-oly


Ice however is no longer aluxury It is an absolute neoossityund it should be obtainable by thoman of small moans as woll aa bytho rich The new compauy willeuoowxl kbriuftitiff iiw ikwr to

price that will not embarrass any ¬

bodyWhile tho Government is fooling

around the new market which islocated in a most impractical anduufortiinato place we utulorstaudthat the Metropolitan Moat Com ¬

pany is making proportions to onlargo its store aud open a regularbutchor and markot storo similar tothose conducted in tho largo citiesof the States Tho markot now runsalmost wholly a delivery businessA clean cool shop with first classmeats of all description and cut tosuit will bo a benefit to the townaud will bo of pecuniary advautogoto tho proprietors Let tho publicbe able to ohooso in a cleau shopwhat thoy want from a dreseodsucking pig to n ten cents whin

m m

the Mariposa

Tho O S S Mariposa CaptaiuHay ward arrived in port early thismorning aud was docked at thoOo auio S S Cos wliaif Owingto tho cholera quarautiuo throughpatttongers were uot allowed to landand the public wsi prohibited fromboarding the steamer or eutoringupon tbo wharf

Tho Mariposa has G5 cabin passengers of whom 25 aro for this portAmong the kamaainas returningare Miss Paushi Judd who Lsbspent a delightful time with friendson tho Coast Consul Goneral Wilder who looks in excellent health inspite of filibustering scares J JEgan aud Mrs Egan Mrs J GRothwell W Watorhouse and sev¬

eral other HonoluluitesThe steamer also brought somo

freight Among the through passenyers is H B Mh Consul GusackSmith who returns tri Samoa TheMariposa will leavo for Australia at5pm

m m


Tho quarantine has been raisedon tho quarantine island A number of Chinese were distributed perthe Kiluuea Hou among the differ- -

out plantations as follow Kauai --

Makee Sugar Company 88 A SWilcox 11 Koloa plantation 80Maui BUua plantation 93 Pais15 T Awaua 20 Hawaii Ookalo20 Popeekeo SO Hilo Sugar Com ¬

pany SO Hutohiuson plantation 20The men were in charge of AgentMcVeigh Chiuoso not under con-


were roleased during the dayand Jack Lucas Weatherwax andother xih 8 were allowed to re-


to towu Jack looked as if heneeded a square meil Comma Baooiili aro uot a healthy diet withoutanything m re substantial

STOPDisease before it really getsstarted Then its easyCholera is a complaint thatcomes suddenly Youtnustact promptly


Remedy i Cholera

Can be relied upon Noth-ing


equals it for allBowel Complaints It actspromptly

Price 25 Gents

Hobron Drag CoCorner Fort and King Sis




Particular attention usld to all kndo ofImpairs

Oivcnpbll Olook Merchant BtmU

Timely Topics -

kLi xr ifTV w Sr I ivyrtf

Jlonolvlu Aug 6 1896

Tho boys nro gotting ready fortho regatta whioh will ttiko placo

next month at Ponrl Harbor Itwill bo ono of tho finest races

ever seen in Honolulu Everybody in f ict is racing now Thoboat clubs are racing Horsoa

for tho WaiandVineoting aro intraining to raco The disinfoctors are laoingJtho commabacoillus PfiOplo all ovor thocountry aro raiding h allelujahon account of chQlora fumiga-tion


quarantine and no quaran-tine


Thb Claudino is to racotho MonowoV nnd advance re-


of our cholera And thobikers int6wn uro gotting theirwhools ready to raco away fromtho whole business

And it is to tho samo bikersthat wo want to talk to day

We havo got tho best racingwheel manufactured iu thoUnited States The TribuneCycle has gained a reputationnot enjoyed by any other racingcycle Tho numerous good qualities of this light ologantthough solid wheel have re-


the highest praiso fromeverybody compotont of judgingof tho good points of tho fin de8ucle racer

Tho Tribune Wheel is builtby tho Black Manufacturing Coat Erio Ponn and it has givenuniversal satisfaction to thoridors who have tried it duringthe last years Somo very valu-


improvements have beenadded to tho original TribunoCycle

Tho Cycloidal Sprockot hasmet an enthusiastic approvalfrom all connoisseurs There isno additional friction with theCycloidal Sprocket no -- matterhow great the power applied thochuin simply pulls direct andsquarely on the face of the teothand tho power is freely impartedto tho wheel This is tho roason that tho Tribuno Bicycleshavo earnod a roputatiori forthoir smooth and easyrunning

We havo sold a number of thoTribunes in town mostly racorsand wo adviso tho boys whowant to enter tho races now con-


to secure oiio of thesesuperior wheels Tho TribunoRacer weighs only eighteen 18pounds and tho depth of frameis 24 or 26 inches It is thofastest and oasiost running ma ¬

chine in tho markot and its ad ¬

vantages in sprinting are be-


all question Racing monwho havo tried it onco cannotbo induced to rido without itWe invito tho cyclers of thotown to call in and inspect thomachine which wo oiFor with acomploto outfit at a very reason ¬

able figure If you want to bo awinner ride the Tribuno

Tndteikn Hardware Co Ld

307 Fort StheetOupoalta Syrcolfoiu DJoot





Whon is that Council going tomoot

II is tbo birthday of Liliuoknlntiiou Monday

The Mariposa brought newspaporsto the 22 Inst

Sam Doctor has increased hisfltockwlth a daughterTho Belgio arrived at San Fran ¬

cisco and was not quarantined

Gamarinos rocoived an oxtra invoice of iced goods by the Mari ¬

posaThe Ohio Sailor Hat is the very

latest and can bo found at SaolmFort streot

QoTornment leases of certain lotson tho Esplanade will be sold atauction on Oot 2

Tho Faircbild Oummins woddingwas tho prettiest affair seen in Houolhlu for many a day

The gamo between the Stars andUnknowns on Saturday will bowatched with great interest

Tho band will givo its first con-cert


aflor vacation on MondayProfessor Borger will not roturn be-



The petition favoring tho reloasoof the political prisoners issued bythe Hawaiian Republican Olub isbeing circulated

If tho Mokolii and tho W GHallarrivo to morrow all the inter islandsteamerB will be in port An un-usual occurrence

Jack Atkinson says that he willbo in San Francisco and wojeomethe passengers who loft hero in thoOastlo and Alien

Tho Interior Office is calling fortenders for the construction of aconcrete floor in a certain portion oftho new fishmarkot

Two native boys who played smartand pullod in an opium BinokinsrChinaman have been arrested on acharge of conspiracy

The Warrimoo Btruck a rook be--

twoen Vancouver and Victoria onher way up She was not seriouslydamaged She is duo here on Sat-urday


T W Rawlins has sold out his in-


in tho California Fruit andProduce Co to H Cannon GeorgeGavanaugh continues as manager ofthe business

The owner of tho opium found onthe S G Wilder has not calledround for it yet Bop ought tobe put on his track and ferret outthe guilty party

Gentlemen wanting Straw Hatswill do woll to call at L B Kerrabefore purchasing elsewhere Thohats ho is soiling at 75 conts aud

1 are screamers

If no now cholera cases ap-pear


during tho week the quaran-tine


and general scare will be raisedon Monday aud steamers for thoother islands allowed to depart

Id season or out of season everyfamily should have a bottle of Dun-mic- e-

Mixture in the house Thereis none better than Dwiohts whichhas been dispensed by the HollistehPhabmaot for the Jaat twentyyears

Amarino Lolokulani and Auto-nomy


will be entered for the raceswhich will take place at the Ingletide track in October The newPaoifio Coast Jookoy Olub is arrang-ing


the meeting and some very sub-stantial


purses will be put up

Ladies purchasing Dress Materialsat L B Kerrs are loud in theirpraise of both style and qualityTho Whito Costumes and ScotchGinghams are unequaled the 45inch Cashmere at 20 cents in allcolors is likewise a teazer

Mr Ebon Low arrived in tho Kilauea Hou yesterday The cholerarumors from Honolulu had beenvery annoying to Mr Low whosowife has been iu Honolulu for sometime and was nappy yesterday inintroducing a bran now daughter tothe papa

A tennis tournamont among collego mon now in town will opeu at

p m at tho Pacific Tennis Clubscourts Tho finals will be played onSaturday and it is expeoted that alargo interest will shown in thogamo by tho initiated as woll as theumuiuiuuu

To oloso thorn out Shirt Waisteformorly selling at 150 bach havobeen reduced to 1 and Pith HatsWhich wore selling at 2 from thison will be sold at 1 each Calloarly before tho supply is ex-


A Barnos Now RopublioBuilding King street

Subscribe for the Independent 60penis per iiwaih


Two Pnpulnv Oociety Fople JoinHands and Ilourts

At 730 oclock last evening thomagnificent residonpo of the HonH A Widfttnann looked like a fairypalace A profusion of ferns andflowers blondod with othor decorutious and illuininatod with oloctriolights made tho rooms a properbower for nuptial gathering audfilled tho numerous guests with ad-


and loud praiso of the finedocoratlons

The event was tho marriago ofGeorgo Fairchild the popular manager of tho Makeo Sugar Companyat Kauai and Elizabeth EamakeeCummins cecond daughter of MrThomas Cummins Tho ceremonywas porformod by the Rev Alexan ¬

der Mackintosh Tho bride who isone of the fairest daughters of Ha ¬

waii and who looked even lovelierthan ever before was attondod byMiss Gortrudo VVtdemann and MissHelen Parker The groom was supported during tho trying momentby Prince David Kawanonakoa thecousin of tho bride and Mr Christian Conradt

Tho reception hold after tho cere-mony


was largely attended over 300guests calling The Kawaibau Clubfurnished music during the oveniugaud the venerable Judge Widemanntook part in the first lancors dancedby the bridal pnrty Refreshmentswere served during tho evening andit was after in duight before themerry party broke up

Mr and Mrs Fairchild will leavefor Kauai next week aud take uptheir permanent residence at Kealiswherathey will bo accompanied withbest wishes for their future happi-ness


from their numerous frieuds

Oommorcial Notes

From a Fjivata Correspondence

There will be a rise in raw sugarbefore six months as there is a con-


shortage in Cuba and thoreis about fiftoou per cent less sowingof beet than last year

The sontiment among businessmon in this city New York andof mauy men met iu travelling is

opposed to annexation of tho Ha-

waiian Islands but in favor of aprotoctorato aud closer trade rela-


as soon as they have a populargovernment in Hawaii and not onemaintained by force

The rico market in San Franciscois demoralised Importers of islandare aakintr 4J ceuts net Imt priceswill go lower as jobbers refuse tomeot this figure Good Carolina isoffered at J conts laid down Thodomestic crops of rico will bo a verylarge one this year

vm m m

Hark Twain

Since the publio opinion is thatHonolulu has got no Cholera andsince the Board of Health seems tohave adopted that opinion there arestill hopes that Mark Twain oan beheard here The Warrimoo willarrive hero in a few days there seemsto bo some uncertainty in regard toth date and if the town is declaredclean then tho arrangement for alecture by the great humorist will becompleted aud Honolulu will get atreat which cannot bo repeated iu alifo time Thoso who desire to hearthe renowned author should secureseats at L J Leveys office withoutdolay if Mark Twain doesnt comenothing will be lost If ho does audyou havo got no Beat you will kickyourself at leaBt mentally for thonext ton- - years



JL form tho i ubio hat he un Bold hisintatest in the California Fruit IrodiicaCo 8 Soru at Loleo Honolulu to MrHarry Cannon All auouunis duo ti midby ilifl ubov stT H up to date aro assumedby tbo undersigned

T W RAWLINSHonolulu AUg 27 J BUS

TO TUB ABOVE NOtire 11 Cannon Co having pur¬

chased from Mr T V Kawllun ihu goodwilt and stock in tradn of tao CaliforniaFruit Produco Co s Store opposite tboKail road Dopot King street wuu d lntimato to old ousinmers and the publio inmoral that iu tbo future as iu tlmpastf reBh PriYlblona and irul s ol nil dswrlp

tlonq will bo foumtin stook and sold atprices io suit tbo tlmus A slmrx of jmb1 a patronage is solicited Batisfaqtlouguaranteed

Honolulu Aug 27 lW 07 3

Our FlagFrom tho Ios on Binndnrd

Oh flag of a resolute nation I

Oh flag of tho strong and freeTho cherish of trun hoarted millions

Wo hallow thy colors threeThree far reaching emblems of gl ry

Our hope for the coming timesThe red whito and blue in their

beautyLovo gives them a moaning sub


The rod is tho deep orimpon lifostream

That flowed nn tho battlo plainRedeeming our land from oppres-


And leaving no servile stainThe white is a proud peoples honor

Kopt spotless and pure as lightA pledge of unfaltering justice

A symbol of truth and light

The blue is our nations enduranceAnd points to the blue above

Tha limitless measuroless azuroA typo of the Fathers lovo

The stars are Gods witness of bloBB- -

Am CYlllA nf tlA AIM M u finnnCUU DU1U3 C1U lUU 1UHUJUU O liUtTUjLuejr spurKiu

beautyBright goms in


and gleam in their

the great worlds

Cleanliness18 NEXT TO



Aud the Best Kind of


Are to bo had from


XJrvig gistsFokt Street Honolulu

Telephone 007 321


Carriage Manufactorym 130 Fort Street

Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER

Blacksmittong in all Its Branches

Orders from the ohr Islands in BuildingTrimming Painting Mo Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHTBud esfcor to G

P O Box



Baseball -- - Association

On Aug 31stAT 330 OOL OOK P M




A cJinaiesion




A Second band Siugle Dray

em-- to





Poor Second band Bullock Cans

ttf For particulars apply toGONBALVE8 CO

i U QnwMi BtToot


2d of SeptemberAll our Entire Stock must bo cleared during thatmonth at prices lowered to less than one half

Morlnoa and Oonhmoros at 00c and 75c por Yard roducod to 26cpor Yard

White Muslins India Linens and Dimities at Similar Figures

Temple of FashionM 6 SlLVA


Jow Are Fixed

Because wo aro fixed with every stylo ofLace Curtains both by tho yard andpair and at pricos not tobe matchedin any othqrstoroj just to suit you Forsummer woar we havo Lawns India Li¬

nen and Dimity of all qualities but thoprices af lower than ever Table Li ¬

nens and Towels are a specialty with us

L S LEVY - - Fort


Why Pay MoreFor a Poor Potato whou wo oftbr

UVEeuLi PotatoesE3 At 100 for 100 Lbs rellvered at Your Door -- ss

They are way nhoad of any brought to this market and aroselling ut one half the cost

G3 Wo have them Fresh Every Monday Mornino and inquantity to supply all orders

Henry Davis Co

Do You Want





BOB Fort Street

Good Fbesh Salt SalfflOn

Plain or Fancy in jewels


TJETVWrT OCXTelephone 24 ill Fort Street


Just Received per Bkttie IrmgardA VERY 1UETTY LINE OF

WHITE PIQUESWhite Dimities 25o per Yard

Black White Double Width VeilingWE KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND

Ladies Hiltons k Unas Fast Black Stockings





Tlico H Davies Co Ld

SUGAR Fi 1 i

tmnrR wiuv

t ii v


General MerchandiseAND

Agents for LloydsCanadian Australian Steamship Line

British Foreign Marine Insurance CoNorthern Assurance Co Fire and Life

Canadian Pacific Railway CoPioneer Lino of Packet from Liverpool

J S WALKEKGeMal Agent for Hawaiian Mauds

Booms 12 Sprockols Block Honolulu H X

royali insurance company op liverpoolalliances a88ubanob company op londonAlliance Marine and General assurance Company of

J LondonSun Insurance Company of San FranciscoWilhelma op Magdeburg general insurance CompanysNorthwestern Marine and life insurance Company op


Sun Lute insurance Company op Canada

Life Fire nnd Mripo Bisks Taken at Reasonable Rates



FOR S AXiEI1 Lota Nos 23 and 21 in Blook 2 at Poarl City situated on the corner of

Franklin and Lehua avenun oppos to tho railway depot21 37 100 Acres of Land situate on the waterfront at Kanohe Koolaupoko

Said property is fenced in and is a goud landing being the samu placeused by 0 E Williams for a landing

TO LET2 OFFICES en suite or single on ground floor Also Lirco Hall on second

floor formerly occupied by the Daily Bulletin Publishing Conipanyon Merchant street

3 HOUSE on South street

SUf Besides tho nbovo I have other Properly for sale and rent Forinformation call atmy Office No 42 Merchant Stbeet

DAVID DAYTONTelephone 92

4JiibU til



O Box 145


New anil Fresh Goods receiyed by every packet from California EasternBtates and Markets

9 MUfe Goods delivered to any part of the City m


New Brewer Block




Dealers in

-- -

On Aug 31stAT 330 OCLOCK P M




- 95o


Business Agentik 1




6oa fioYisions and FeeifEuropean



mkrim- -

BUM Association





I Bootsl Shoes

516 Fort StreetHonolulu H I

f t V t

T B MURRAY821 823 King Street

The Loading

Carriage andWagon Manufacturer


Will famish everything outside steam-boats


and boilers

No Ball Bearing Axles Around Tills Shop


Ed Hoffschlaeser t Co

King Street opposlto CastleCookr

Household Sowing Machine


Wines Liquors BeersOF THE 1IIOIIK8T ORADE


Baby Carriages a Specialtygar lnspot the Scooted Siookof

Bp IIOFISOHLAEOEII COKliifc Bireot opposlti turtle Cooko

Anchor SaloonCorner King and Nuuanu Sts

W M Oonninoham - - Manager

Headquarters for Mechanics and Laborers


Fredricksbarg Draught Beer


Bole Agonts for the Renowned

T t warnsOysteia for Cocktails

Per Evory Australiagw Oal and be convinced --W

Criterion SaloonFort near Hotel Streets

0 J McCarthy - - Momiger

Popular Brands of Si faiRht Goods


Try tho Great Appetiser

The Btownie CooktailA Spoclaltywlth this Resort


Famons Wieland Lager Beer

Empire SaloonCorner Nnuanu and Hotel Bts

0 T DATt Manager

Hull Willi Liprs tinPORTERS Etc ON DRAUGHT

V ISHalf-and-Ha- lf on Draught

Handmade Sour MasfyI 1 11 I


Hants Exchang

8 J SHAW Proprietor

Corner King and Nnnana Streets

Choice LiquorsAND

Fine Beers 1


Bruce Waring Co

Real Estate Dealers503 Fort St near King

building lotshous1s8 and lots and

lands Fob saleeat-- Parties wishing to disposo of their

Properties nrn Invltfid tn onll on iib


JOHN PHILLIPSHas removed hia Plumbing ltnslness from

King street to tho premises on

Hotel SftreetForraorly oooapied by Woven

Wire Bnllfly



W F REYJjOLDS Proprietor


AbsolutelyGash Basis




Domiatic Sewiiv Machines

Domestic Paper Patterns

Remington Typewriters


Newsdealer StationerMUSICAL INHTIIUMENT8

Etc Etc Etc Etc

Medeiros S Deoker

Medeiros k Co

TAILORSHotel Street Arlington Block

The cry of Hard Timos hs reached usall and realizing thatman mnst bo

clothed wo hnvo decided toi

Reduced Our Prices for llie Next

30 Days


Suits and TrousersAt prices that will bo within tho reach ofeverybody We carry a Seleot Stock of0ois and euorante a Perfect t it andFirst-olBi- -s Work Those wbo reallv desire to be nressed eatly and nattily adiannotafroM to spend much iuonoy ontheir clothos will do well in calling at ourBiore before going elsewhere

S DECKER - Manager

To WaianaR SL Co


Saturdays and Sundays

Trains will leavo Honolulu at 015a m and 145 p mrt Returning will arrivo in Honoluluat Sll r m and 655 r m

Round Trip Tickets1st 01ase 1752d Class ldd


F O SMITHGenoral Passenger and Ticket Agent

27 tf i u

TKLKrnoKE C07 P O Box 321


telage MannfaetoRM

128 180 Fort Street


BTaoksmltbiiig in ail Its BrancbaOrders from tho oIit Islands In Building

Trimming Painting Ktc Etcpromptly iittonded to

W W WRIGHT IPropriolorBuoveseor to Q West

Received per I S hBelgic

Another Lot of


Ladies DressesAnd ft lot of Irresistible

Silk Four-in-Hu- nd TiesAt 20o onoli or 225 per Dozen A few

cases of

Fan San Mineral WaterFully equal if not superior to Appolllnarls

A BAKIST3ESKow Itflpubllo Building Klhg Streot

MB8 BEKOHEBS lono journey

Eighty throo Yonm Old Tot Sho Will

Uross tho Continent nnd Rotilrn

Mrs Houry Ward Beeohor waa83 years old ou Aug 26 but boforothen Bho will mko a journey of 6000miles across tho continent and baokInstead of looking upon tho trip ofsevon days each way with dftsad sherogardB it rather as a more jauntSho is going to Fugot Soutid to visither soil Horbert Boeclfor who is apilot for tho rovouuo cutters in aervico thore HorbortismybabyBhesaid recently mybaby woighing 220 pounds Prettygdod for a baby isnt ift I haventbeen out there in four yoars andthere is a member of tholfnmlly Ihavent seen and 1 want lo soo her

Its a little lonesome hero toowhen most of my friends and neigh ¬

bors are out of town My grandsonSamuol Scoville who has just com-


his law courso in New1 Yorkgoes with mo Tho journey uiliesseven days but they let mo have astateroom and I just go on as usualreading or sowing or passing the timoas I have a mind to and not bother-ing


about what thoy havoior dinneruntil they call mo I tiave no fearafo tho journey and I oxpoct to enjoyit and be baok hero in a few daysmore than a month

Sans Souci

The most lovely spot on Oahu 5b

Sans Souoi This favorito seasiderosorl which has boon immortalizedby the pon of Robert Li Stevensonwho resided there for months isonly four miles from Honolulu andwithin oaBy reach of the tramcaraTho surroundings and bathing atthis famous resort are superior- - toanything found in the HawaiianIdands Cottages and board canbe Obtained on easy terms Thetable set by the mabager is1 betterthan any offered hero At other ho-tels


For picnics bathing partiesand outings tho best accommodationcan bo secured by giving notice tothe manner

L B Kerr has just receivod a newlot of SuriHat wide brims whichhe is selling at 25 and 85 cents eachjust tho thing for this warm weatherAlso a lot of Blaok and WhiteSailors Hats suitable for SohoolChildren 50 Cents will buy two oftheni

Mr Stead wants to establish ababy exchange in London wherothose who have too man childrenmay dispose of them to those whohave too few

California MaiaiiaillitAND


Opposlto 0 R L Dopot on lifng Stroot

Groceries and ProvisionsIco House Goods Fish Vegetables Froren

Oysters Eto recelvodoby orarjysteamer from San Fran-- i


US TELEPHONE 766 Jthos lindsay



Particular attention paid to all kinds ofi Repairs itii

Campbell Block Merchant Street


HOUSE SITUATEDA on King street No258 containinic Parlor 3muuiuuiuoi AJAUlliKluuiu nwPantry Kitchen and Bathroom ftyllosin the yard Artesian Water laid on withall the necessary improvements batelvoccupcd by Mrs Dudoit Rents moderote Apply to

ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ40 tf TolephonoNo 280



MR 0 HENRY WHITE ST OATHColl Cambridge ispropnred totake

a few private pupils In Engiishi Classicsnnd Mathematics Students oooohednforthe Publio Bchools and tho UniversitiesTeaohors prop rod for Examination porsbnally or by correspondence Bookkeep ¬

ing ultjo taught AdilrosP OBoWSHonolnln j i aiMm


SUBSORIBER8 ARE RESPECTFULLYall r ubscrlptltas oj q pay ¬

able ctrictly in advance by th6 monthluarter or year -

F J TESTA- Mannner