the hydrophyte 2nd quarter 2013


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The Hydrophyte Magazine


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Agenda goes here

Agenda.doc Page 3

Officers and Board Members - 2013

President’s Message

The Francis E. “Chil” Rossbach Scholarship Fund

Funds from the scholarship are used to help defray costs for students taking classes related to the study of aquatic environmental sciences or

related areas. The scholarship is open to anyone, and all are encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted throughout the year and the

scholarship awarded when a suitable candidate is found. Money raised by the Society during the year partially goes to fund this scholarship, the intent of which is to promote the study of

aquatics. For an application, please go to

T: 407.472.0520 T: 863.557.0076 T: 954.831.0754 T: 954.577.6331 T: 954.831.0756 T: 954.654.1150 T: 561.633.7226 T: 561.965.4159 T: 954.572.2388 T: 561.301.8326 T: 954.382.9766

Officers 2013 Mark Weinrub: President…………….. Joel Wolf: Past President ……………. Linda Wolonick: Secretary …………... Board Members 2013 John Baylor …………………………… James Boggs …………………………. Adam Gardner ………………………... Dr. Lyn Gettys ……………………….... John Keating ………………………….. John Lepage ………………………….. John Lynch ……………………………. John Raymundo ………………………. Jason Rivera …………………………... Craig Smith ……………………………. Steve Weinsier …………………………

As evidenced by the excellent

attendance at our General Meeting on

February 28th, the South Florida

Aquatic Plant Management Society

continues to be a valuable meeting

place for volunteers, community members, and

professionals working to manage invasive species in our

unique ecosystem. We are proud to be able to serve as a

forum for exchanging ideas and sharing knowledge within

our niche industry. I want to thank all of the members and

sponsors of the Society, whose continued support and

participation allow us to keep growing and serving the

South Florida area.

Our members look forward to our continuing success in



Mark Weinrub, President

South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society

Cover Photo: Adam Grayson; Lake & Wetland Management

T: 954.972.8126 T: 954.382.9766 T: 954.370.0041

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Plant of the Month Phyllanthus fluitans

Red root floater -A newly reported invasive-


Only first reported in North America, north of Mexico, when it was discovered in Southwest Florida at the end of

2010, this relatively new invasive fresh-water species is native to South America and is the only free-floating

aquatic of the large genus Phyllanthus. Shoots of P. fluitans either float on the water surface or where plants

bunch together. They may also extend a short distance into the air. The stems are brittle, approximately 1-1.5

mm in diameter, and can grow up to 130 mm long. Unlike most Phyllanthus species in Florida that have foliage

leaves only on lateral branches, all stems of the red root floater (also known as floating spurge) bear foliage

leaves. Leaves are 1-2 cm long and are arranged in two vertical rows, as leaves on opposite sides of a stem. The

foliage leaves typically lie on the surface and vary in color, according to the intensity and duration of ambient

light, from light blue-green to pink or red; roots are pink and brown. The flowers are only 2-4 mm wide and

whitish in color.

Environmental Concern:

It is suspected that P. fluitans was introduced to this ecosystem via the aquarium trade as it is a popular aquarium

plant. If the red root floater is not successfully controlled, it has the potential to overtake large expanses of water

and become a problematic species comparable to water lettuce and water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). By

covering large swaths of stagnant backwater areas, this noxious species may limit or totally block all ambient

light penetration to the bottom of the system, which can stunt and potentially kill submersed plants growing

below. The plant may be able to survive in damp soil when it is pushed into wetland areas during high water

events, especially during the summer growing season. After the water recedes, these wetland areas may act as

nurseries until the next high water event releases plants into the main river, effectively re-inoculating the river.

Credit: Wilder and Sowinski, Wildland Weeds, Fall 2010 Sowinski, Aquatics, Winter 2011 Page 5

UF/IFAS Open House On January 12, 2013, the 3rd annual IFAS Research Center and Extension Education Open House event took place in Davie. It was an all-day affair that invited the community to visit the Research and Education Center and the Parks and Recreation Division Extension Education facilities to see if they “Have A Clue What We Do?”. The number of attendees grows every year, and this year there were approximately 400 people who came for the Open House and the Python Challenge™. The Challenge added a bit of drama to the day and the buzz was all around. The onsite food trucks were a big hit and one lucky attendee won a Kindle Fire in the drawing! The day’s events included:

Satellite imagery where participants were able to win a prize by identifying famous world landmarks from high resolution satellite images

The Woodroach Races are always a big hit with kids and adults alike. Participants had the chance to pick their own woodroach and race it against a competitor’s in a specially-built woodroach race track. These insects are not cockroaches – they are much cuter!

A Fish Stocking Event was sponsored by Allstate Resource Management with the assistance of John Cimbaro from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Kids got to learn about fish in our lakes and released native fish into the pond at the campus

Extension had Tree Trimming Demonstrations to show homeowners how to properly trim their trees for beauty and to tolerate the winds from tropical storms. Tours were given at Extension for the Florida Friendly Landscape Garden. Master Gardeners provided expert tips on how to use native plants in one’s own landscapes

Healthy food choice Cooking Demonstrations were running all day and had a great turnout! 4-H provided ecological awareness games and face painting for kids The Davie West building had Geomatics: GPS, GIS and YOU workshops at the UF Research Center

which included information on the Geomatics program at UF – a great career choice for now and the future

The Insect Circus was a three-ring circus of insects, wherein participants had to guess what was inside of a fig (an insect, a nematode, or both) and then watched as they dissected the fig

What’s a fun day without Bingo? Invasive Species Bingo helped people learn how to tell the difference between native and nonnative reptiles and amphibians through a rousing game of bingo! Native vs. Exotic Snakes were on display at the USDA Research Center

In the end, a good time was had by all! If you missed it, we hope that you can come out and join us next year!

Credit: Rose Béchard-Butman, Allstate Resource Management

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Florida’s Invasive Species CHINESE TALLOW (Sapium sebiferum / Triadica sebifera)

Chinese tallow is one of 25,000 non-native plant species that have been brought into the Florida ecosystem and is part of a much smaller number of invasive plant species in the area. The first record of Chinese tallow introduction into the United States is found in a 1772 letter written by Benjamin Franklin to Dr. Noble Wimberly Jones of the then-colony of Georgia. Franklin wrote in the letter: “I send also a few seeds of the Chinese Tallow Tree, which will I believe grow and thrive with you. ‘Tis a most useful plant.” Indeed, the Chinese tallow has more than thrived during its centuries-long presence in the South. As early as 1803, the

tree was spreading into coastal forests; since Franklin wrote the letter, Chinese tallow has been introduced repeatedly into our ecosystem as an ornamental and potential oil crop species; today, it is naturalized from North Carolina as far south as Miami-Dade County in Florida and as far west as Texas and Arkansas.

Chinese tallow trees present a constant source of seed for infestation of natural areas because the seeds are transported by birds such as pileated woodpeckers, cardinals, yellow-rumped warblers, and American robins, as well as by water. While the length of time needed to deplete the seedbank is unknown, indications are that seeds remain viable for many years. The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council included Chinese tallow on its 2011 List of Invasive Species as a Category I Invasive Plant and the tree was added to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Noxious Weed List in 1998. As a member of this list, Chinese tallow may not be introduced, possessed, moved, or released without a permit.

Homeowners can help mitigate the problem of Chinese tallow trees in Florida’s natural areas by removing them from the property. Mature trees should be felled with a chainsaw by the property owner or a professional tree service. The final cut should be made as close to the ground as possible and very level in order to facilitate application of an herbicide to prevent sprouting. Stumps that are not treated with an herbicide will sprout to form multiple-trunked trees. Space in a landscape left after removal of Chinese tallow can be used to plant a new native or noninvasive non-native tree.

Credit: K.A. Langeland, UF/IFAS Extension Photo Credits: Josh Hillman Page 7

Florida Wildlife Corner Hammerhead worm (Bipalium kewenese)

The Hydrophyte featured creature is the hammerhead worm. Hammerhead worms are flatworms called land planaria and belong to the genus Bipalium. Native to Indo-China, the hammerhead worm is a predatory species that often preys voraciously on the beneficial and valuable earthworm, making this land planarian a less-than-perfect garden mate. Florida species of land planarians range in color from pale or dark brown to greenish-grey with dark, narrow stripes along its dorsal side. Bipalium thrive in hot and humid climates, which makes tropical and sub-tropical environments, such as South Florida, an ideal habitat for the worms. They glide smoothly on a thin layer of mucus that is secreted from glands along its underside. The land planarian reproduces principally by severing off fragments of itself from its posterior end, which become immediately motile and will begin to form a lightly pigmented head within 7-10 days.

Credit: Paul M. Choate, and R. A. Dunn, University of Florida

A land planarian, Bipalium Kewense Moseley |Photograph by P.M. Choate, University of Florida

Planarian attacking earthworm. Illustration from Esser 1981.A. Planarian B. Earthworm Page 18 Photo Credit: The University of

Liverpool Centre for Materials Discovery

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The Utilization of Chara in Lake Management

Man’s increasing concern with the aquatic environment has resulted in a strong need for a new means of

managing aquatic vegetation. One popular concept of management is to control undesirable plants with the use

of environmentally safe, selective aquatic herbicides while encouraging the growth of desirable plants. If

necessary, beneficial plants can be introduced.

Desirable aquatic plants are best described as those that tend to

have the following characteristics:

They absorb large quantities of nutrients from the aquatic


They form good fish habitat

They are unobtrusive in their growth patterns

They are relatively simple to control

Undesirable plants are those which tend to grow rampantly,

dominate native plant life, and are generally troublesome to the

aquatic ecosystem.

One of the best examples of of a “beneficial” plant is bottom

growing Chara. It is a strong nutrient absorber, which tends to

grow to a maximum height of eight inches providing excellent fish

habitat. Chara thrives in all kinds of water. The plants are found

both in shallow water and to depths of 20 feet, depending on

water quality. The plant can also thrive in ponds that are

seasonally dry part of the year.

Water management programs involving biological controls (using Chara) offer several advantages. Once

established, it can crowd out undesirable weeds such as hydrilla, resulting in a minimum of unwanted weed re-

growth. Nutrient removal by Chara hinders growth of planktonic algae, improving water clarity. Chara aids in

maintaining an environmental balance, provides excellent habitat for fish, and does not interfere with the

recreational use of waterways. Its fragile stems do not snarl propellers or pose the threat of entanglement to

swimmers. Finally, Chara is readily controlled by environmentally safe herbicides.

Credit: Steven Weinsier, Allstate Resource Management

Photo Credit: Christian Fischer

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March 25-27 Western APMS 32nd Annual Conference March 28 SFAPMS Board of Directors Meeting

April 18 SFAPMS General Meeting

April 21-25 18th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada May 6-9 UF/IFAS Aquatic Weed Control Short Course Coral Springs, FL

2013 Calendar of Events

June 17-20 Florida Lake Management Society 24th Annual Conference Southeast NALMS Regional Conference Daytona Beach Shores, FL June 27 SFAPMS Board of Directors Meeting

July 25 SFAPMS General Meeting

September 27 SFAPMS Board of Directors Meeting

October 31 SFAPMS General Meeting

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Red River Full Page Goes Here Page 17

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Applicator Information Adjuvants: Fine tuning the mix

Adjuvants are an important component to spray mixes. While

they do not directly affect the plant, they change the physical

characteristics of the applied solutions. Proper use of adjuvants

can help applicators use the lowest rates of herbicides possible

to achieve the management goals. This is important in order to

meet NPDES requirements, as well as being as economical and

cost-efficient as possible.

There are many categories of adjuvants, each with its own

advantages for various applications.

Surfactants are a type of adjuvant that affects the surface

tension of a liquid. They can act as wetting agents, emulsifiers, or

dispersants. Wetters and spreaders are surfactant-type adjuvants

that reduce surface tension of spray droplets and promote total,

even coverage of leaf surfaces. These can be further subdivided

into non-ionic surfactants and organosilicones. Non-ionic

surfactants are wetters/spreaders typically made up of fatty acids

and glycols or alcohols. They are often referred to by the ratio of

active-to-inactive ingredients (i.e. 80/20s or 90/10s) and use

rates usually vary from 0.125% to 0.5%. Brand names include:

Induce, Activate Plus, and Surf-King Plus. Organosilicones, sometimes referred to as “superwetters,” are

wetters/spreaders that greatly reduce surface tension of liquids. They spread the spray solution so well that it

even encourages entry through leaf openings, or stomata. Rates are between 0.125% and 0.25% - and too

much can cause the treatment to run right off the leaf. Agitation in tank can cause foaming, so a defoamer

may be necessary. Brand names include: Kinetic, Sil-energy, and Sun Spreader.

Continues on page 19 Page 19

Penetrants are typically emulsifiable oils that

break down the waxy cuticle on leaf surfaces

and increase the uptake of a spray mix. Some

common brands include Cide-Kick, Kammo

Plus, and DLZ. Oil-based compounds easily

penetrate leaves and bark; they are also

useful in hot, dry climates to prevent drying

too quickly on plant surfaces.

Sinkers and drift control adjuvants increase

the viscosity of the spray mix, making larger,

heavier spray droplets. This improves

confinement of the herbicide and reduces off-

target drift by wind and current. Brand names

include: Sinker, Poli-control 2, and Reign.

Stickers increase the adhesion of the spray

droplets to the leaves. Stickers can help

prevent wash-off from rain and wave action

and run-off. Brand names include: Cohere,

Complex, and Surfix.

Knowledge of basic adjuvant chemistry and herbicide

modes of action can help applicators use the most

effective mix that can be tailored to various situations.

Credit: Steve Montgomery, Allstate Resource Management

Photo Credit: Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Continued from page 18

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Industry Announcements Dharmen Setaram, a Central Florida resident married with two children and a degree in Biology from The University of Central Florida, was an Aquatic Specialist for SePRO Corporation. SePRO manufactures several aquatic herbicides including Sonar. Dharmen has served on the board of the Florida Lake Management Society, the Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society, and has served as president of the South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society. Dharmen recently accepted a position with Winfield Solutions, LLC, a major distributor of products used in the aquatics industry.

Brian J. Van Dam, based in South Florida is the new IVM Florida Area Manager for Red River Specialties, Inc. Brian joined Red River with over 23 years of business ownership/management and application experience. In addition to providing quality products, his goal is to help support the industry. He has pledged to be a visible and reliable resource able to provide training, product guidance, as well as support with operations management, branding, sales/marketing, and developing growth strategies. Brian has promised to continue supporting the South Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society and the entire Florida Aquatic Vegetation Management industry.

All of us at the SFAPMS and The Hydrophyte would like to congratulate Dharmen Setaram and Brian J. Van Dam on their accomplishments and wish them good luck in

their new positions.

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