the hunter and the tiger

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  • 7/29/2019 The Hunter and the Tiger


    The Hunter and the Tiger

    By: Vijay Gopalakrishnan

    A long time ago when animals spoke, there was a bengal tiger who ruled over the jungle.

    Any animal was no match for him. Day by day the bengal tiger would fill his stomach with many

    animals. He was as heavy as a 1000 elephants. The jungle received rain every day. It rarely didn't

    rain during the year. It was as if it never stopped. The monsoon season was peak. Throughout the

    country there were many jungles. This jungle was unique. The jungle had rain more than any

    other. There were many banyan trees, their roots hanging down. The grass glowed emerald and

    lighted up the jungle with There were many temples, inside them were full with treasures and

    there were many villages with many farmers and hunters living there.

    One day all the animals of the jungle came together and made a plan to stop the tiger. The

    next day they met in front of the immense tiger. The tiger dumbfounded asked the puny animals

    why they had come forth him.

    "Why have you innocent animals come here?" the tiger roared.

    "We wanted to make a deal with you." the animals replied.

    Hearing the conversation between the mammals, a hunter slowly walking by thought

    about the fortune he would make if he captured all the animals and also the bengal tiger. The

    hunter slowly strolled back to his village without being seen by the animals. It was the afternoon,

    the blazing sun was beating down on the hunter, luckily there was no rain. He was nearly home as

    he reached into his bag and got a sip of water. He was very tired as he carried his bag and his10-year old hunting rifle. Feet dragging, hands collapsing, the hunter saw his village. His family

    was rich and could afford much. The hunter and his family had grown most of their food. He would

    occasionally hunt and find food from the forest. His family never ate beef as they were Hindus.

    It was morning, legs stretching, hands bending, the hunter leaped out of bed. Glancing at

    his hunting trophies, he looked at his rifle. The 10 year-old Olympia. It glimmered in the sunlight

    even though it was really old. This was his lucky hunting rifle. Although he had many he prefered

    this because he won most of the competitions with it. His collection included: The M16AI,


    The sun, an orange, crept down as it was sunset. The hunter was planning to hunt now atdark. Dozens of mosquitoes annoyed him as he left his village. This was the best time to hunt

    because there were many nocturnal and endangered animals awake. All the non-nocturnal

    animals were sleeping. Eyes moving, feet stiffening, the nocturnal animals kept watch. Their eyes

    were like a hawk's. The non-nocturnal animals would watch during the day.

  • 7/29/2019 The Hunter and the Tiger


    The hunter was close to the jungle. The heat and sweat was dripping down his spine. HE

    was scared. The hunter was there. Gazing upon the gigantic peepal trees in the jungle, he walked

    in. The trees were as big as everest. The trees stood like the gates of a palace.

    "Boom!" the sky crashed. Drizzles of rain targeted the hunter and the wildlife of the jungle.

    In an instant it started to pour. The essence of the grass started to fade like the smile on the

    hunters face.

    "Man!" the hunter screamed, it was sunny when I left until sunset and now it starts to rain.

    The hunter knew that he had very less time left. This was a great advantage to the animals as they

    will have more time to get ready for the hunter. He looked around for any animals. The first thing to

    catch his eye was a rabbit. It was small and helpless, hopping around. At least it would do for the

    hunter. Something was better than nothing. Raising his rifle and pointing at the rabbit:

    "Bang!" he pulled the trigger as the small bunny collapsed to the ground. Grinning he

    walked by and grabbed the rabbit. He began his journey home.

    Terrified, the animals wondered what it was, the sound. The tiger knew it was a hunter. Hehad encountered many hunters in the forest. He had seen many tigers die. The tiger's eyes

    glowed red. His claws clenched together like a predator catching its prey. Feet stretching, mouth

    yawning, the tiger gave out a gigantic roar.

    The animals knew this wasn't right. They had to do something about the hunter. Over the

    years too many animals had died by hunters. Their friends and families.

    The next morning it was a beautiful day. The sun greeted the forest with a great smile.

    Birds and squirrels chirped and squealed. The leaves tickled the animals when they fell on them.

    They glanced at the spot where the rabbit died. It was very young and didnt deserve to die. Today

    was the day, the animals were going to make a plan to confront the hunter. The place where theymet was the oldest place in the jungle. As the animals came in one by one they sat down near the

    banyan tree.

    Randomly few animals started to speak:

    "This is our jungle.

    " Am I right?"

    We have rights too!"

    The tiger finally spoke: "We can't let the hunters kill us day by day."

    "So who's with me?"

    Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!, hundreds of voices came from all directions.

    The following afternoon:

  • 7/29/2019 The Hunter and the Tiger


    The animals started working on making traps in all parts of the jungle. They thought that it

    would be easiest to stop the hunter before confronting him. All of the traps were made of plants.

    Many of them hung from trees. Their best trap of them all was the cage. When the hunter would

    step on the root of the banyan tree, the cage would drop down and trap him. The cage was made

    of bamboo rods. The bamboo were as thick as steel.

    The next morning:

    Today was Diwali, the festival of lights. Diyas brightened houses and made them

    glamorous. Patakas(fireworks) were lit all over the country. They were so loud the animals in the

    jungle could hear them booming. Many civilians visited the royal palace during Diwali. The palace

    was located much north of the jungle. In the palace there were shows for people to watch and

    activities to do. Definitely today was not the day for the animals to get ready for the hunter. They

    need not worry. God had saved them again.

    Finally the day had come. Today was the day the hunter was going to set out. The animals

    were prepared for him. Their plan was to hide when he is searching. The traps were set and

    ready. This was going to be the last day any hunter entered the forest.

    At the Hunters village:

    Me forest ke baad jara hoon(I going to the forest). the hunter said to his mother in Hindi.

    Tikay(okay). she replied. Thoda early aajo(come back a little early). The hunter slipped

    on his boots, scrambled down the steps and dashed out the rusty door. It creaked when the

    hinges were opened. Walking and walking the hunter saw the forest. He had to come back to his

    village quick. He sprinted like he was participating in a grand marathon. He was there.

    The Hunter at the Jungle:

    Stumbling, tripping, the hunter fell on the root. This was the cage. With a squeak, the cage

    fell on the hunter. Crying for help, he tried escaping. The bamboo were too thick for his knife to cut


    "Who could've done this?" The hunter said to himself.

    "We did!" hundreds of voices came from all directions.

    "Why?" he asked furiously

    "Because you have killed and slayed too many of our friends and family." "If you want food

    out of us, you should never kill more than you need.