the human body - imax melbourne

Discovery Pictures and the BBC have partnered to bring you ‘The Human Body’, a remarkable large-format film that brings a fascinating new dimension to the exploration of the miracle of life in it’s most personal of settings – our own bodies. For the first time ever, students will an intimate, everyday world from some amazingly intricate and novel perspectives. The film uses ground breaking photographic techniques and state-of-the-art technology to transport viewers on an incredible voyage into the workings of the human body. This teacher’s resource guide, which was prepared by professional teachers, will further your students’ understanding of the body’s systems and how they work together. The material was designed with VELS Level 3 in mind and contains both pre-visit and post-visit activities, which could be adapted for students at higher or lower levels. We hope that you and your students enjoy viewing The Human Body and find this a useful resource. Regards, IMAX Theatre Melbourne Copyright Museum Victoria, 2008

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Discovery Pictures and the BBC have partnered to bring you ‘The Human Body’, a remarkable large-format film that brings a fascinating new dimension to the exploration of the miracle of life in it’s most personal of settings – our own bodies. For the first time ever, students will an intimate, everyday world from some amazingly intricate and novel perspectives. The film uses ground breaking photographic techniques and state-of-the-art technology to transport viewers on an incredible voyage into the workings of the human body. This teacher’s resource guide, which was prepared by professional teachers, will further your students’ understanding of the body’s systems and how they work together. The material was designed with VELS Level 3 in mind and contains both pre-visit and post-visit activities, which could be adapted for students at higher or lower levels. We hope that you and your students enjoy viewing The Human Body and find this a useful resource. Regards, IMAX Theatre Melbourne

Copyright Museum Victoria, 2008

ABOUT THIS EDUCATION KIT Working through the task Resources have been provided in this kit that will assist students to develop their;

• organisational skills, • skills associated with working with others and in a team, and • also to encourage them to develop their skills in self-assessment, as they work through the set project.

VELS: Independent Learner/Self Reflection Project Rubrics can be used by teachers for the assessment of students’ work. It is also recommended that it be used for peer assessment. In the latter case, it is important that students understand both what the different categories mean and what the different level of skills mean, as reflected in a piece of work. You may instead develop a rubric with your students, by working with them through a discussion of what they believe important aspects of the work may be. Once these aspects or categories are listed the discussion could explore the different levels of accomplishing each category. This approach adds to students understanding of the components required by a task and the different levels of accomplishment. The class conversation might go something like this: Teacher: “If you were doing a PowerPoint presentation on the Digestive system, what sort of things would you consider crucial in order to produce a great presentation?” Students: “Information about the Digestive system” Teacher: “What about this information?” Students through class discussion or team discussions: “It should be relevant. It should be accurate”. “It should be easy for the intended audience to understand”. “It should be written and presented in an interesting manner”. (You could generate a list like this from class discussion) Note that the discussion should not only be on ‘Content’ but also on `Presentation’ and so on. Take time to show students examples of what works and what doesn’t under each of these headings. Students will be able to tell you very quickly what works and what does not, when presented with examples.

VELS: Independent Learner/Self Reflection/Team Work Team Contracts: It is important for students to understand their own individual responsibilities as a member of a group and the roles performed by others. The ‘group’ needs to have clear goals set out to enable them to see a task through. The group needs to develop a series of ‘tools’ to help them work through different situations that may arise as a group of people with different skills and different interests come together to work as one. Teams need to refer back to their agreements if the team is not working effectively. They may even need to make changes to their agreements with teacher approval. VELS: Independent Learner/Self Reflection Work Log/Progress Reports: It is important for the individual student to keep track and plan how they will approach their tasks. They need to be reviewing their progress throughout the project development time. It is crucial that when students have been given time to work on their project that they come prepared to class with all the materials needed to see that task through. You could extend this or replace it by making students use a ‘Student Planner’ to map out the tasks they need to do or materials they need to bring to class, by particular dates. Storyboards: Templates for storyboards have been presented to help students plan their ‘visual’ projects. Students can sketch the main scenes of their play or PowerPoint slides and so on. They can give some though to content, format presentation styles and so on when doing this. They may wish to add some text at the bottom to extend the visual explanation or as reminders/cues to materials needed for the scene, sound effects or explanations of the actions happening in the scene.

Team Contract and Agreement Project/Task: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________ This document is an official agreement contract between _________________________________________________________(insert name) And ____________________________________________________(insert group name) which includes the team members listed below. Names of other team members: A:___________________________________________________________ B:___________________________________________________________ C:___________________________________________________________ D:___________________________________________________________ PART A: POSITION DESCRIPTIONS: Position Description (my role: list all the duties you need to complete) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Position Description: Team Member A Duties to be completed: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Position Description: Team Member B Duties to be completed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Position Description: Team Member C Duties to be completed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Position Description: Team Member D ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PART B: CONFLICT MANAGEMENT How will any conflicts be solved by this team? (Explain what the team has agreed on) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Write down a list of rules that all members of the team agree to follow when working together: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PART C: TEAM GOALS Write down a list of the Goals that the team has set for itself while completing this task: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How will the team measure if these goals have been reached? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What plans will the team put in place in case a team member is absent on the day of a project session? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PART D: SIGNING OFF Before signing this document, please ensure you have:

- answered all questions - discussed with your team all answers/responses - reviewed your answers/responses

I _______________________________________ (please print name), on the date

of ________________________________ (please print date), hereby agree to

complete all tasks and duties outlined in Parts A, B, C of this document.

I agree that no other team member or external party shall complete these duties

on my behalf, and that at all times I shall complete these duties to the best of my


__________________________________________ Name __________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________ Date

This WORK LOG belongs to:


Date: What did I work on today?

What do I need to prepare for the next session?

Challenges, and how I will (or did!) overcome these.

Date: What did I work on today?

What do I need to prepare for the next session?

Challenges, and how I will (or did!) overcome these.

Date: What did I work on today?

What do I need to prepare for the next session?

Challenges, and how I will (or did!) overcome these.

Date: What did I work on today?

What do I need to prepare for the next session?

Challenges, and how I will (or did!) overcome these.

Date: What did I work on today?

What do I need to prepare for the next session?

Challenges, and how I will (or did!) overcome these.

Date: What did I work on today?

What do I need to prepare for the next session?

Challenges, and how I will (or did!) overcome these.

This STORY BOARD belongs to:

NAME: _________________________ GROUP NAME: ___________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________

ABOUT ‘THE HUMAN BODY’ ‘The Human Body’ reveals the incredible story of life. In astonishing detail, the large-format film presents a look at the biological processes that go on without our control and often without our notice. Through the film we follow a family from dawn to dusk as they go about their daily routines. But this is no ordinary story. This is the tale of what takes place beneath the skin – a tale that allows us to see the extraordinary accomplishments of our everyday lives. In viewing The Human Body, you will catch a glimpse of:

• the 100 billion new red blood cells the body generates each morning

• the 40 yards of new hair that sprout every day • a human egg nestling into the folds of a fallopian tube • a thermal image of a child riding a bicycle • a trip a tomato will take from mouth to stomach • babies holding their breath and swimming underwater • the inside of an ear as the cells within dance to music

The Human Body will take you on the most fantastic trip you have ever been on – actually inside the human body. You’ll meet a family – parents to be Heather and Buster, their teenage nephew Luke, 15yrs, and his sister Zannah, 8. You’ll see the many miracles we live through each day as – hidden from us and often unnoticed – our bodies are achieving incredible things. In this film, you will see how all these parts work together to make you a human being.

Activity 1:

Using your current knowledge of the human body, draw a line from the name of the body part, to the correct place on the diagram.

If you are unsure, refer to your health book or ‘google’ the answers!

Activity 2: Be a body part specialist Now that you can name all the basic parts of the human body, you are going to become a specialist. 1) In groups of 3-4, choose one body part and do some research (see the useful websites below) to develop a list of 5 interesting facts about your body part. Using the website below as a resource to help you research your body part, or even google it! My group’s body part is: ___________________________ On the attached worksheet: 2) Enter your interesting facts into the space provided 3) Draw your body part in the correct place on the body 3) Present your 5 interesting facts to the rest of the class. You may like to ask your teacher for an electronic version of the worksheet – this way you can type your interesting facts and print copies for the rest of your class.

My body part is: ________________________ Fact #1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fact #2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fact #3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fact #4 ________________________________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Fact #5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Circulatory System: The human heart doesn’t really look much like a heart on a Valentine’s Day card. Actually, it looks more like an upside down pear! The heart is part of the circulatory system. It is responsible for pumping blood around our body, to all our organs and body parts delivering oxygen and other nutrients, and helping to remove waste and other unwanted products.

Interesting facts about the circulatory system…..

1) The heart is actually just a very big muscle. 2) The heart is found on the upper left hand side of our chest,

behind our ribs. 3) The heartbeat you can hear, is the sound produced by your

heart valves closing after blood is pushed through (like a door slamming shut after you walk through it!).

4) The human heart will beat approximately 115 200 times a day, for the rest of your life!!! How many beats is this per week?_______ Per month?_______ If you lived to be 85 years old?_______

During the film you will see Luke’s heart and lung’s working together to keep his body moving on the basketball court. As you already know, you heart beats continuously, without a rest, for your entire life! Can you imagine how hard that must be?!

Activity 3: Imagine a heartbeat Put a tennis ball in your hand and squeeze it as hard as you can. Your goal is to squeeze the tennis ball 70-80 times in one minute – this is approximately how many times your heart beats in one minute. How many times could you squeeze your hand? _______________________________________________________ What did your hand feel like at the end? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What you just did for one minute, your heart does all day long. Imagine how strong your heart must be to pump constantly 24hours a day for the rest of your life!

Activity 4: Taking your pulse Your heart’s job is to pump blood around the body. We can feel our blood being pumped around our body, by taking our pulse.

- Turn your left hand face up, so your palm is facing the ceiling. - Using your first two fingers (not your thumb!) press firmly on the on the upper left side of your wrist, you should feel a light beat against your fingers.

The light beat you feel is your pulse, and is your blood pumping through your veins every time your heart beats (like water being pumped through a garden hose as you turn the tap on and off). Every time your pulse beats, this indicates one heartbeat. Our heart beat is measured in ‘beats per minute’ or ‘BPM’. To calculate your BPM, complete the following:

1) Locate your pulse using the instructions above. 2) Count how many times your heart beats in 10seconds 3) Multiply this number by 6 to calculate your beats per minute

(BPM). (No of beats in 10 seconds) x 6 = your BPM = ___________________ x 6 = ______BPM Resting Pulse Rate: Your ‘resting pulse rate’ is your BPM when you are sitting still doing nothing. __________ x 6 = ________BPM Active Pulse Rate: Your ‘active pulse rate’ is your BPM when you are completing some type of physical activity. Jog on the spot for one minute, and take your pulse rate again. __________ x 6 = ________ BPM

Activity 5: Your changing pulse Now that you know how to take your pulse, keep a log of the different activities you do for one full day, and record your pulse at different points throughout the day. ACTIVITY BPM 1) In bed on waking up 2) Brushing your teeth 3) Playing sports/exercise 4) Watching TV 5) After eating 6) During class/doing homework 7) Just before going to sleep Now create a bar graph of your pulse rate: 130 120 PULSE 110 RATE 100 BPM 90 80 70 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Activity Number

1) During which activity was your pulse at it’s lowest point? ___________________________________________________

2) What was your BPM at this point?________________________

3) Provide one reason why your heart rate so low at this point? __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4) During which activity was your pulse at it’s highest point? ___________________________________________________

5) What was your BPM at this point?________________________

6) Provide one reason why your heart rate was so high at this point? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7) Do you think that being fit and healthy would affect your heart rate during different activities? Explain your answer. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In The Human Body, you see Luke pedalling his bike – or more specifically and x-ray image of Luke pedalling his bike. Skeletons that you may have seen are dry and brittle, but Luke’s bones (like those in your body), are very much alive, and living bones contain nutrients and produce blood cells that are vital to your body. The function of bones: There are 206 in the human body. That’s a lot of bones!! Or bones have 3 very important functions. These functions are: 1) To hold us upright and allow us to move. 2) To protect our internal organs. 3) To make blood cells and produce nutrients essential to our bodies.

Activity 6: Piece me together! 1) Cut out the bones on the following page and glue them onto a separate piece of paper, piecing together the puzzle to create a Human Body. 2) Once you have assembled your skeleton, use the following words to label your diagram: Cranium (skull) Radius and Ulna (forearm bones) Mandible (jaw) Femur (thigh bone) Clavicle (collar bone) Kneecap Sternum (breastbone) Ribs Humerus (arm bone) Hands Vertibral Column (backbone) Feet Pelvis (hip bone)

The Digestive System Ever wonder what happens to your lunch once you’ve swallowed it? In the Human Body you will see Heather and her friend out for lunch, and also get an ‘inside look’ at exactly what happens to a piece of tomato that she eats as part of her meal. Exactly where does your food go once you’ve eaten it…….?

Our digestive system is basically a long tube extending from our mouth to our anus. Once we eat, food usually takes approximately 30 hours to travel from one end to the other (which is around 9 – 10meters!). The purpose of the digestive system, is to break down food into particles small enough to be absorbed by our body and into our blood. Our body will then use this food for energy for growth, development, and daily function. Each part of our digestive system has a role to play in breaking down our food. Go to Read ‘Your Digestive System’ and then on a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions.

1) Where does the digestive process begin? Describe what happens.

2) Name the action that your muscles complete in order to push your food to your stomach.

3) Describe, in your own words, what happens once food enters the stomach.

4) Explain how we absorb nutrients in the small intestine. 5) What happens to the ‘leftovers’?

--------------FOLD HERE WHILST COMPLETING ----------

HUMAN BODY BITS N PIECES 1. Just like fingerprints, everyone also has a unique tongue print. 2. Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour. That works out to

about 0.7kgs per year, meaning, an average person will lose around 42kg of skin by age 70!

3. Adults have fewer bones then babies do. We start off life with 350 bones, but as we get older, our bones fuse together during and we end up with only 206.

4. We get a new stomach lining every three to four days. Without doing this, the stomach acid (used to digest food) would also digest your stomach and burn holes in it!

5. 1 square centimeter of skin has about 12.8 million bacteria on it – yuck!! Fortunately, most of these are harmless.

6. A human sneeze can travel at speeds of 160 kms per hour or more – which is a good reason to cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze!

7. In one lifetime, the average person will produces about 23750 litres of saliva -- enough to fill two swimming pools! Fancy a swim?

8. Know any snorers? While snores average around 60 decibels (the noise level of normal speech) some snores can reach more than 80 decibels. This is as loud as a pneumatic drill breaking up concrete! Noise levels over 85 decibels are considered dangerous to the human ear.

9. If you say that you're dying to get a good night's sleep, you could mean that literally! You can go 30 days without food, but only 11 days without sleep… before going to sleep forever!


You are a reporter for Melbourne’s most widely read newspaper, ‘The Honest Truth’. Your editor has just given you the task to write a review of the latest cinema release, ‘The Human Body’. Your mission: To write a critique of the ‘The Human Body’ film. You will need to include the following points in your review;

1. In 80 words or less, how would you describe to people what this movie is about?

2. List 5 scientific facts that the movie explores?

3. In one sentence or two, what would you say is the ‘message’ of the film?

4. Would you recommend this film? Explain your reasons.

5. Who would you recommend it for? What type of audience and what age

group range is it best suited for?

6. Your editor requires you to include an image or photo from the film to accompany your article. Which image or photo would you choose and why? Draw this image.

7. If you had to change anything about the film, what would this be? Make

sure you explain your reasoning.

The following website will enable you to create your newspaper article:


You are the host of the ‘Movie Review Show’. Tonight you have some very special and wonderful guests who will tell you about their latest film, the IMAX film ‘The Human Body’. One of your guests is the movie’s director who will talk to you about the film, the other guest is is an actor from the film. Members of the public were interviewed straight after the premiere and this is what they had to say: “Gutsy performance!” “A great Body of work!” “Never Mind” “A Hair raising experience” Your mission is to complete the script for the ‘Movie Review Show’ and present the play to your class live or as a movie. Your group will need to write the script for the host of the show (ie. the interviewer), the guest of the show and one of the actors. Try to think or questions that cover:

- the content of the film - why the film was made - why the particular ‘family’ in the film was chosen - any other areas you can think of

You will need to act out the interview or you could film it to show your class.


Produce a TV or radio commercial for this film. Your overall presentation should not take more than 2-3 minutes. What sort of things do you need to inform people about to encourage them to go and see the film? Make a list. Compare your list with the rest of your team. Who will be the target group for your commercial? Explain how you came to this conclusion. How will your presentation address the needs of your target group? What music or sound would be appropriate for your presentation? Explain why you chose each one? For the TV presentation, what images would enhance your presentation?


Produce a PowerPoint or poster advertisement to advertise this film.

References: Miers, Jackie. 2008. “The Human Body – Body Systems”. Discovery Communications, 2000. “The Yuckiest Site on the Internet”. Making the News, 2004. “Publish Your Own Newspaper”.