the hot rod protocol in infinispan


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In an environment where cloud-scaling applications is becoming more and more important, client-server architectures paradigms, as shown by memcached, are back with vengeance. In this talk, Galder will talk about Hot Rod, Infinispan's new client/server binary protocol, explaining the key differences compared to memcached's binary protocol, such as the possibility of receiving cluster topology changes. Audience of this talk will learn of the importance of Hot Rod in 'cloud-scale' application server clustering, where stateless application server instances could use Infinispan Hot Rod clients to retrieve state from an elastic farm of Infinispan Hot Rod servers, improving capabilities to run application server instances as a PaaS. The talk will finish with a brief demo of a cluster of Infinispan Hot Rod servers running on EC2 being accessed from a non-Java client. The audience is expected to have an intermediate understanding of client-server software architectures and cloud deployments.


Page 1: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Boston:2010JBoss Users & Developers Conference

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 2: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Infinispan’s Hot Rod ProtocolGalder Zamarreño

Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat 21st June 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 3: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Who is Galder?

• Core R&D engineer on Infinispan and JBoss Cache• Contributor and committer on JBoss AS, Hibernate,

JGroups, JBoss Portal,...etc


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 4: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]


• Infinispan peer-to-peer vs Infinispan client-server mode• What is Hot Rod• The motivations behind Hot Rod• Hot Rod implementations and sample code• Infinispan server comparison• The path ahead for Hot Rod• Demo


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 5: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Infinispan Peer-To-Peer

• Infinispan is an in-memory distributed data grid

• Traditionally, deployed in peer-to-peer (p2p) mode


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 6: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Infinispan Client-Server

• Sometimes client-server makes more sense

• E.g., access from non-JVM environment

• No Infinispan running on client


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 7: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Infinispan Client-Server

• P2P data grids do not get along with elastic application tiers


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 8: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Infinispan Client-Server

• Elastic application tiers work better with client-server


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 9: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Infinispan Client-Server

• Multiple applications with data storage needs

• Starting a data grid per app is wasteful


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 10: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Infinispan Client-Server

• Data service tier

• Keep a pool of data grid nodes as shared storage tier


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 11: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Infinispan Client-Server

• More examples:

• Independent tier management

• E.g., upgrading AS without bringing down DB

• Contrasting JVM tuning needs - CPU vs Memory

• Security


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 12: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Client-Server with Memcached


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 13: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Client-Server with Infinispan Memcached


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 14: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Client-Server with Infinispan Memcached


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 15: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

What is Hot Rod?

• Hot Rod is Infinispan’s binary client-server protocol• Protocol designed for smart clients, which have the ability to:

• Load balance and failover dynamically• Smartly route requests


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 16: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Client Server with Hot Rod


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 17: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Client Server with Hot Rod


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 18: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

The Hot Rod Protocol

• Transmitted keys and values treated as byte[]• To ensure platform neutral behaviour

• Each operation prepended with cache name• Basic operations:• put, get, remove, containsKey, putIfAbsent, replace, clear• stats, ping


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 19: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Data Consistency

• Concurrently accessed structures can suffer data consistency issue

• Normally solved with JTA• No JTA in Hot Rod (yet)• Versioned API as solution


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 20: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Data Consistency Problem


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 21: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Data Consistency Problem


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 22: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Data Consistency in P2P


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

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Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Hot Rod Versioned API


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

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Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Hot Rod Versioned API


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 25: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Hot Rod Client Intelligence

• Different client intelligence levels supported:• Basic clients• Topology-aware clients• Hash-distribution-aware clients


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 26: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Infinispan Hash Functions

• Infinispan uses language independent hash functions• Used for smart routing

• Enables smart client implementations in any language• So far, MurmurHash 2.0 implemented


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 27: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Topology Information Delivery


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 28: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Topology Information Delivery


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 29: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Hot Rod Implementations

• Server implementation included in 4.1.0.Beta2• Uses high performance Netty socket framework• Start via script: -r hotrod

• Java client reference implementation also available• Supports all client intelligence levels

• Volunteers for writing clients in other languages welcomed :)• If interested, join us at the Cloud Hackfest!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 30: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Hot Rod Client Basic API

//API entry point, by default it connects to localhost:11311CacheContainer cacheContainer = new RemoteCacheManager();

//obtain a handle to the remote default cacheCache<String, String> cache = cacheContainer.getCache();

//now add something to the cache and make sure it is therecache.put("car", "ferrari");assert cache.get("car").equals("ferrari"); //remove the datacache.remove("car");assert !cache.containsKey("car") : "Value must have been removed!";


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 31: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Hot Rod Client Versioned API

//API entry point, by default it connects to localhost:11311CacheContainer cacheContainer = new RemoteCacheManager();

//obtain a handle to the remote default cacheRemoteCache<String, String> remoteCache = cacheContainer.getCache();

//put something in the cacheremoteCache.put("car", "ferrari");

//retrieve the value and the versionRemoteCache.VersionedValue value = remoteCache.getVersioned("car");

//replace it with a new value passing the version readassert remoteCache.replace("car", "mclaren", value.getVersion());


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 32: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Infinispan Servers Comparison

Protocol Client Availability Clustered Smart

RoutingLoad Balancing /


Hot Rod Binary Right now, only Java Yes Yes Yes, dynamic via

Hot Rod client

Infinispan Memcached Text Tons Yes No

Only with predefined list of


Infinispan REST Text Tons Yes No Any Http Load



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 33: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

The path ahead for Hot Rod

• Within Hot Rod:• Clients in other languages• Querying• Event handling...

• Submit protocol to a standards body (maybe)


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 34: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]

Hot Rod as base for new functionality


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 35: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]



Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 36: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]


• Infinispan client-server architectures are needed• Hot Rod is Infinispan’s binary client-server protocol• Designed for load balancing, failover and smart routing• Server and java client available now• We need your help to build more clients!• Hot Rod as foundation for interesting new functionality


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 37: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Galder Zamarreño | [email protected]


• Project:• Blog:• Twitter:

• @infinispan, @galderz• #infinispan #judcon

• Join us at the Cloud Hackfest!!!• JBoss Asylum Podcast recording - panel discussion

• Tonight, 8.30pm community room


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Page 38: The Hot Rod Protocol in Infinispan

Learn more about Infinispan!

•Storing Data on Cloud Infrastructure in a Scalable, Durable Manner - Wed 23rd

•Using Infinispan for High Availability, Load Balancing, & Extreme Performance - Thu, 24th

•How to Stop Worrying & Start Caching in Java - Thu 24th

•Why RESTful Design for Cloud is Best - Fri 25th

Tuesday, June 22, 2010