the hometown huddle - october 2nd, 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013






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  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013


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    2 - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 The Hometown Huddle - Edon, Montpelier, North Central, Hilltop, Stryker, Fayette, Pettisville & Wauseon Sports Action


    Wauseon Indians Win In ConvincingFashion On A Special Night Over L.C.

    By: Bill Bray


    What a special night at the Wauseonversus Liberty Center football game Fri-day night. On a night that saw everyonein attendance seeing pink, all that theTigers could see was the back of AxelBueters red jersey as the senior run-ning back scooted up and down the eldfor a single game rushing record in theIndians 38-6 win.

    The night, dedicated to the StefanieSpielman Fund for Breast Cancer,had many of the participants and fansdressed in pink in honor of the ghtagainst the disease. The boosters wereable to raise $2,600 for the importantcause.

    They game started on a sour note

    when a halfback pass by Zac Robinsonwas picked off by Anthony Righi as hereturned the ball to the Wauseon 27.

    The Indians defense, having theirbest game of the season, forced LibertyCenter into a eld goal situation fromthere. Kaleb Pohlmans 30 yard attemptwas short and the defense had held.

    Wauseons next possession endedwith a Ty Suntken punt. Suntken hadkept the drive alive earlier with a veyard run to the Tigers 42. But on a thirdand three Suntken was tackled for aseven yard loss and the Indians wereforced to punt.

    A fumble on the next Tigers posses-sion, on a second and 10, was recoveredby Wauseons Zac Robinson and the In-dians set up shop on the Liberty 46.

    After a two yard run by Suntken tomake it third and eight at the Liberty44, the handoff went to Bueter who gal-loped 44 yards for the Indians rst scoreof the game with :20 remaining in therst quarter. Josh Whitcombs kickmade it 7-0.

    The Tigers were again forced to puntas the defense led by Anthony Werder,Cesar Juaraz, Aaron Schuette and NoahCastle held Liberty to just three netyards during the possession.

    Bueter was on the loose again as theIndians took possession at their own31. Bueter for ve yards, Suntken forseven yards. These rushes were followedby two incomplete passes. With the ballresting on the Liberty 44. A 33 yard runby Bueter quickly moved the ball to the

    11. After a 11 yard loss by Suntken,Whitcomb came in on a fourth and 18and split the uprights with a 36 yard

    eld goal at the 6:49 mark of the rsthalf for a 10-0 Indians advantage.After a seven play, 45 yard drive that

    brought the Tigers up empty again, theIndians had the ball on their own 20.As the offensive line of Anthony Werder,Alec Vonier, Josh Kauffman, CesarJuarez and Caleb Andrews completedtheir assignments on the next snap,Bueter found the parting of the sea andsprinted 80 yards for his second scoreof the game at the 2:49 mark. Whitcombagain was good with the extra point andthe Tribe was up 24-0 at the break.

    On the Indians rst possession of thesecond half, Bueter found himself stillin the zone. The talented senior runningback scored on the Indians second snapof the drive as he rambled 36 yards

    to paydirt with 10:38 remaining in thethird quarter. Whitcombs kick was goodand the Indians were embarrassing theTigers as they built the lead to 24-0.

    Liberty had their most sustainedpossession on the next series of downs.The Tigers had the ball for 17 plays butcame up six yards short from the endzone when on a fourth and goal at thesix Pohlman, who was pursued by NoahCastle was forced to hurry his pass. Theaerial fell short of the receiver and theIndians were back on the offensive sideof the ball with 11:49 remaining in thegame.

    The Indians drove the 94 yards injust seven plays as it was Bueter again.This time he sidestepped, followed hisline and scampered 62 yards for hisfourth touchdown of the game. Whit-combs kick was good and the lead grewto 31-0.

    The next possession for Liberty wouldbe their best possession of the night asthey put together a nine play, 72 yarddrive to nally nd the end zone. Antho-ny Righi bulled over from ve yards outat the 8:48 mark to put the Tigers on thescoreboard.

    The nal Wauseon score came fromthe tired legs of Bueter who put the icingon the cake with a 17 yard run aroundleft end for his fth score of the gameand the nal score of the game with 2:46left. Whitcomb again was good and theIndians had their suprising lopsided38-6 win.

    For the game Bueter unofcially n-ished with 335 yards rushing on 19carries. The performance broke theWauseon single game rushing markpreviously held by Pat Milne in 1993. Itkind of shocked me, Bueter said afterthe game. I just wanted to come outand do my job and get the W. Theseguys really helped me with a lot of greatblocks. It wasnt just me, this recordbelongs to the whole offensive unit. Imecstatic about it. But, like I say, it isntabout me. I can not say enough aboutmy team mates.

    The Indians now will take part in thegame of the year in the NWOAL as theytravel to Bryan Friday night to face the5-0 Golden Bears. Come support ourteam. Game time is set for 7 p.m.

    Montpelier Locomotives Fall To The

    Eighth Ranked Bryan Golden Bears

    By: Mark Mercer


    warm evening at Hobe Krause Field inMontpelier, the Locomotives, 1 and 3 onthe season hosted the 8th ranked, unde-

    feated (4-0) Bryan Golden Bears. TheLocomotives, following a 34-0 loss to theSwanton Bulldogs, came into the gamefired up and ready to take on theirWilliams County rival. In talking withHead Coach Steven Brancheau prior tothe start of action, the Locos have sufferedheavy injuries thus far on the season,with the key loss of starting fullbackDallas Royer, out with a shoulder injury.But it was a young, prepared, motivatedteam that took the field.

    In the first quarter, the Locomotivesreceived the ball, and Logan Hutchinsonreturned the ball to the Loco 25 yard lineto begin the drive. On the initial drive, theLocos moved the ball to their own 33 yardline, but following a short one yard gain byAlex Zuver, Bryan intercepted KeeganHitzemans pass at the Locos 40 yard line,returning the ball into the end zone to putthe Golden Bears up 7- 0. On the nextpossession, the Locomotive offense beganto move the ball when quarterbackHitzeman made a powerful 8 yard run,but the Locos were unable to gain the firstdown when Cody Caudill was caughtbehind the line of scrimmage for a 8 yardloss and the Locos were forced to punt.

    Following the punt, Bryan took posses-sion at the Montpelier 48 yard line. TheBryan ground game then took over, mov-ing the ball deep into Montpelier territorybefore tossing an 11 yard touchdown passto make the score 14-0. During the Bryandrive, Hitzeman and Logan Hutchinsonmade key stops, but the defense wasunable to keep the Golden Bears out ofthe end zone. On the next Montpelier pos-

    session, Hitzeman began the drive with an8 yard quarterback keeper, but onceagain, a stout Golden Bear defense wouldnot allow Montpelier to move the yard-sticks, forcing Max Hulbert to punt for theLocos. The Golden Bears then returnedthe punt for a 57 yard touchdown, only tohave the points taken off the board by ablocking in the back penalty. From theMontpelier 48 yard line, Bryan began theseries by a tailback sweep, but NateBuehrer blasted into the backfield forcinga 2 yard loss. The Locomotive defensestiffened at their own 42 yard line, butBryan tossed a completion on fourth downto move to the Montpelier 38 yard line.On the ensuing play the Golden Bears ranthe ball in for a touchdown, but the runwas once again nullified by a Bryan hold-ing penalty. Bryan then went to the air,

    and Hitzeman nearly intercepted the ball.On the ensuing play, Bryan connected fora 23 yard strike to move to the Loco 11

    yard line. After back to back false startcalls on the Golden Bears, Bryan onceagain connected for a 23 yard strike forthe touchdown, and after the PAT, theGolden Bears went up by the score of 21-0to end the first quarter.

    To start the 2nd quarter, theLocomotives began to show toughness inthe ground game, moving to their own 48

    yard line before the Golden Bear defensestiffened, forcing a Hulbert punt. TheGolden Bears offense then began to movedownfield into Locomotive territory beforetheir drive stalled. Going for the first downat the Locomotive 17 yard line, the GoldenBears went to the air to pick up the firstdown, but Hitzeman made a big hit on theBryan receiver, jarring the ball loose andstopping the Golden Bear drive. Montpelierthen began to move the ball with back toback keepers by Hitzeman, followed by abig gainer by fullback Nate Buehrer, pick-ing up the first down. The Locos thenmoved the ball downfield before the drivewas stalled by a Bryan interception attheir own 40 yard line. Following an 8

    yard gain by Bryan, the Golden Bearsonce again broke loose and ran into theend zone on a 52 yard score, making thescore 21-0. To close out the half, the pow-erful Golden Bear offensive line paved theway for 2 more scores to close out the half

    at 35-0.The Golden Bears took the second half

    kickoff, moving the ball steadily down thefield, capping their drive with a 24 yardstrike to bring the score to 41-0.Montpelier showed signs of life through-out the third quarter with Hitzeman andCaudill moving the ball effectively, but thedefensive unit of the Golden Bears rose tothe occasion on each Locomotive drive,forcing a turnover and shutting down anythreats to the Bryan end zone. Montpelierdefenders also showed determinationthroughout the third quarter, withHitzeman, Levi Croft, and Jared Sargentmaking tough stands and forcing theGolden Bear offense to earn every yardgained. The biggest defensive play turnedin by the Locomotives came at the 3:11mark when Jared Lyons made a spectacu-

    lar interception in the end zone shuttingdown the Golden Bears drive.

    As the game progressed into the fourthquarter, the Locos and the Golden Bearstraded possessions and the defensiveunits on both sides took over the game.

    The key highlight of the quarter was akeeper by quarterback Hitzeman, wherehe broke through the Golden Bear defensefor a 69 yard burst, moving into the Bryanred zone at the 11 yard line. The Locoswere unable to punch the ball in for thescore though, and after a failed fourthdown attempt, the Bears took possessionof the ball. On the ensuing play, theGolden Bear offensive line opened a holein the Locomotive defense, and roundedout the scoring for the night by hitting ona 90 yard touchdown run, making the

    final score 48-0. For the Locomotives, ZacMason entered the game in relief of abanged up Hitzeman, who showed tough-ness and determination throughout thegame. Also into the backfield in relief ofthe starters, freshman Bryce Cooleygained some carries and showed promiseby gaining some tough yards into theteeth of the Golden Bears defense.



    NOWHERE TO GO ... Montpelier quarterback Keegan Hitzeman is grabbed from behindby a Bryan defender.

    GREAT SHOW ... A strong Wauseon defensive performance was spearheaded by juniorAnthony Werder (66) who had several big stops during the game.

    RECORD FASHION ... Axel Bueter leavesthe eld after a record setting night againstthe Liberty Center Tigers.

    TUCK AND RUN ... Keegan Hitzeman of Montpelier brings the ball down and goes frompass mode to run.

  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013


    The Hometown Huddle - Edon, Montpelier, North Central, Hilltop, Stryker, Fayette, Pettisville & Wauseon Sports Action Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 - 3



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    Homecoming Happiness In Edon As The Blue Bombers Drown The Danbury Lakers

    By: Kent HutchisonTHE VILLAGE REPORTER

    EDON- The evening began with the Homecoming ceremony crowning Jordan

    Matthews as Homecoming Queen. That was just the beginning of a night of cel-

    ebration for the Edon faithful as once again the Bombers lightning strike offense

    scored early and often en route to a 47-7 pasting of the Danbury Lakers.

    The Bombers received the opening kickoff and began the night offensively at

    their 32 yard line. The initial play from scrimmage was a screen left from Kaden

    Sapp to his favorite target Connor Hug. The play appeared to be good for a 68

    touchdown. However, a holding penalty on the play resulted in just a three yard

    gain. Following an incompletion on second down, Sapp hit Mike Peeples for 27

    yards, then Hug again for one yard. Trevor Green joined the party on the ground

    by picking up 15 more yards. With the ball now resting on the Danbury 20, the

    combo of Sapp to Hug resulted in a touchdown. The Edon offense required just

    1:35 to go the 68 yards for the score. After Peeples kick was wide left, the

    Bombers led 6-0 with 10:23 remaining in the first quarter.

    The Edon defense was fired up as well holding the Lakers to a three and out.

    After the Danbury punt came to rest on the Edon 21 yard line the offense sprint-

    ed back on the field eager to attack again. Sapp used his legs to gain two yards,then hit Landon Bloir for 39 more. With first and ten at the Laker 38, Sapp

    hurled a strike in the direction of Brock Thiel; however the pass was almost

    intercepted. The junior quarterback went back to the ground gaining eight, then

    22 yards. Once again the Bombers had wasted no time getting into the Red

    Zone. All that was required to hit paydirt was an 8 yard completion from Sapp

    to Green. The two combined for the two point conversion as well giving Edon a

    14-0 advantage with 7:05 left in the initial stanza.

    The kickoff gave the Lakers the ball on their 25 yard line. They were able to

    pick up a first down and advance the ball to their 41 before a false start penalty

    and Wyatt Zulchs sack, his first of a school record five he would accumulate on

    the night, halted the threat.

    The ensuing Edon possession required less time than the first two for the

    Bombers to score. First Sapp found Hug for a 30 yard gain. The ground game

    was good to Sapp again as he picked up seven, then four yards. The drive cul-

    minated when Sapp hit Green with a screen in the right flat and the senior run-

    ning back followed his wall of blockers for his second touchdown reception of the

    night. The Bombers needed just 1:03 to score. Peeples kick missed the mark

    leaving the Lakers wondering what was going on and the Bombers with a 20-0lead.

    Danbury continued to be in a state of shock as the Bombers forced another

    three and out. Edon took the ball back over at their 26 yard line after the punt.

    Sapp had a pass batted at the line before he ripped off a 42 yard gain to end the

    first quarter.

    With the ball now at the Laker 32 yard line, the Danbury defense must have

    woke up at the quarter break. Sapp completed another pass to Green; however

    the ball was fumbled after the catch resulting in a five yard loss. Sapp went to

    the air on three successive plays. Unfortunately each pass was incomplete and

    the Bombers turned the ball over on downs.

    The trend of three snaps and a punt continued for Danbury as they kicked

    the ball back to Edon at the Bomber 33 yard line with 9:08 left in the second

    stanza. The Blue and Silver needed just 1:38 to add to the point total. Green

    churned out six more on the ground, but Sapp was sacked for a five yard loss.

    Facing third and nine, Sapp connected with Thiel for a 28 yard gain. Hug

    recorded his second TD of the night on the next play when Sapp hit him for a 38

    yard score. Peeples split the uprights this time putting the Bombers well in com-

    mand with a 27-0 lead.

    The fireworks ceased for a period of time as Danbury punted twice and Edon

    once. However, the Bombers ended the quarter with a flurry. Appearing to be

    short on time and long on grass in front of them Edon started at their six yard

    line with only 1:15 left in the half. Sapp found Hug once again for a 25 yard gain,

    and then ran for five additional yards. After a Bomber time out, a pass to Green

    missed the mark short in the left flat. Sapp used his legs once again to pick up

    16 more yards. With a mere 22 seconds left and the ball at the Danbury 48 it

    appeared the clock was their nemesis. That however was an aberration. Green

    hauled in a screen from Sapp right in front of the Danbury bench. It appeared

    he was going to step out of bounds to kill the clock. However, instead he cut

    back all the way across the field through what seemed to be all 11 Danbury

    defenders into the end zone sending the Homecoming court and crowd into a

    frenzy. Peeples kick was true once again giving Edon a commanding 34-0 lead

    heading into the locker room.

    Danburys second half began much like the first one ended. Starting on their31 yard line, Zulch recorded his fourth sack of the night pushing the Lakers back

    to the 22. One play later Danbury put the ball on the turf and Sapp recovered

    giving the Bombers great field position at Danbury 21. Green toted the pigskin

    on three successive plays with the third resulting in another score for Edon. The

    Bombers two point conversion attempt fell short leaving Edon well in command

    of the game up 40-0.

    Danbury was finally able to put some points on the board when a long pass

    resulted in a score for the visitors. After the score both teams defenses settled

    in allowing very little until 3:55 remained in the quarter. At that point Green

    took over once again on the ground. Starting at their 43 yard line, Green got the

    call on five of the next six plays. In the drive the senior carried five of the next

    six plays gaining 36 yards. The final carry was a 14 yard touchdown run,

    Greens fifth score of the night which gave the Bombers a commanding 47-7 lead

    with just 23 seconds remaining in the third quarter.

    The Lakers had one last sign of life left. Starting at their 37 yard line,

    Danbury advanced the ball all the way to the Edon 26. It was at that point how-

    ever that any hopes left for the Lakers were quickly dashed when Colt Lyman

    stepped in front of a pass attempt at the Edon five yard line.With 8:12 left in the contest Edons second team offense took over. A combi-

    nation of carries by Bloir, Jordan Julian, and Cameron Winners Castillo chewed

    up over seven minutes off of the game clock and moved the ball to the Edon 46

    yard line. A fourth down punt by Peeples pinned the Lakers back to their four

    yard line with only 1:05 left in the contest.

    The misfortune of Danbury continued. On the first play of the drive the ball

    was fumbled and recovered by the Bombers Jared Best. Edon employed the

    Victory Formation three times to run out the clock and secure the 47-7 victory.

    Green will have several fond memories of the Homecoming game. The senior

    running back scored 5 touchdowns on the night. He gained 82 yards on 12 car-

    ries and two scores, and caught 5 passes for 92 yards and three TDs.

    Sapp had another solid night completing 14 of 24 passes for 302 yards and

    five touchdowns. He also toted the pigskin 16 times for 111 yards.

    Overall the Bombers gained 216 yards. Bloir picked up 7 yards on 6 carries,

    Winners Castillo added 13 yards on 3 carries, and Julian picked up 3 yards in 2


    Hug enjoyed another fine night receiving hauling in 6 catches for 116 yards

    and two touchdowns. Bloir had one reception for 39 yards, Thiel one catch for28 yards, and Peeples snagged one aerial for 27 yards.

    With the victory Edon improves to 3-2 overall and 1-1 in the TAAC. Up next

    for the Bombers will be a home game with the Ottawa Hills Green Bears.

    Kent Hutchison can be reached

    at [email protected]


    STICK MOVIN TIME! ... Brock Thiel of Edon picks up a rst down for the Boys in

    Bomber Blue.

    Ottawa Hills Defense Too StrongFor The Visiting Hilltop CadetsOTTAWA HILLS - The Hilltop Cadets

    brought their 1-3 record to the Toledo

    suburbs for a TAAC showdown with the

    winless Ottawa Hills Bears on September

    27. The Cadets, still searching for con-

    sistency in all aspects of their game,

    had high hopes for putting it togetheragainst a team that had been outscored

    by a total of 211-13 over the first four

    games of the season. Unfortunately for

    Hilltop, it was the Bears that discovered

    how to put it all together on this night

    as they dispatched their visitors from

    Williams County by a score of 35-14.

    Neither team scored during the first

    period, but the Bears, who were able to

    run the ball with relative ease against

    the Cadet defense, put the first touch-

    down of the night on the board with an

    11-yard pass just before the end of the


    With 7:10 remaining in the third

    period, the Bears made it 14-0 after a

    two yard run. Less than two minutes

    later, Hilltop used the big play to get onthe board as Quinn Smith connected

    with Chad Champion for a 79 yard

    catch and run for a score. The Austin

    Ashenfelter boot made it 14-7.

    The Bears replied at the 1:42 mark

    in the third on a 16-yard pass play to

    up the score to 21-7, but the dagger

    came 55 seconds later. Forced to go to

    the air by the deepening disadvantage

    on the scoreboard and the non-exis-

    tence of a ground attack, Smith was

    picked off at his own 42. The Ottawa

    Hills defender-turned-ball carrier

    returned the ball for a pick-six with 47

    seconds left in the third to make it a

    28-7 game.

    The Green Bears added extra icing to

    their celebratory cake with 3:11 left inthe game as they put up their final

    score of the night, an 11-yard touch-

    down run. The Cadets were able to get

    the ball across one last time on a one-

    yard plunge by Smith with 1:19 left in

    the contest. The Ashenfelter boot ended

    the scoring for the 35-14 final.

    The Bears front seven made life mis-

    erable for the Hilltop offense, sacking

    Smith six times, getting 11 tackles for

    loss, and obliterating the Cadet running

    game. The Cadets ran the ball a total of

    19 times for minus-12 yards.

    When he had the time to throw the

    ball, Smith showed continued improve-

    ment in his aerial skills by going 17 of

    30 for 210 yards, a touchdown and a

    pick through the air. Champion hauledin 4 passes for 101 yards and a score,

    Mikel Burlew hauled in two passes for

    43 yards, and Logan Brooker caught 3

    passes for 27 yards. Justin Grapengeter

    reeled in 4 passes for 24 yards, Miklo

    Abner grabbed 2 for 8 yards, and Austin

    Batt caught 2 for 7.

    It will not get any easier for the

    Cadet Cadre on October 4 as they con-

    tinue their TAAC tour with a stop at

    Northwood to take on the Rangers.

    On the game for Montpelier, Hitzemanled the Locomotives in rushing yards, run-

    ning 14 times for 92 yards. Buehrer con-

    tributed 34 tough yards on 11 rushingattempts, Keaton Byers picked up 6 yards

    on 3 attempts, Croft had 3 yards on 3attempts, Mason contributed 2 yards on 3

    attempts and Cooley ground out 10 yards

    on 2 attempts.On the defensive side of the ball, Nate

    McCord led the way with 5 .5 tackles, fol-lowed by Hulbert, Hitzeman, Buehrer with

    3.5 stops on the night, Logan Hutchinsonand Sargent had 3 stops, Jake Dewire had

    2.5 stops, Caudill had 2 stops, Zech

    Thompson had 1.5 stops, and Alex Zuver,Gunnar Matson and Cooley each put in a

    tackle for the Locomotive defense.

    On special teams, punter Hulbert had4 punts for 103 yards, averaging 25.8

    yards on the night.As a team, Montpelier gained 147

    yards on the night and held the ball for

    29:38 on the game. The loss drops theLocomotives to 0-4 in the NWOAL and 1-4

    on the season. The Locomotives hostArchbold next week for the homecoming


    Mark Mercer can be reached at

    [email protected]


    Montpelier Locomotives Fall To ...

    GO YE NO FURTHER ... Kaden Sapp of Edon brings a Danbury play to an end.

  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013


    4 - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 The Hometown Huddle - Edon, Montpelier, North Central, Hilltop, Stryker, Fayette, Pettisville & Wauseon Sports Action


    Pettisville Ladybirds Hold Off TheLady Bombers Three Sets To OnePETTISVILLE - The Pettisville Lady

    Blackbirds held off a tough Edon

    Squad, prevailing 3 sets to 1 on

    September 19, winning 25-20, 25-15

    and 25-12 while dropping a thrilling

    27-25 overtime set.

    For Pettisville, Stephanie Hubby

    had 2 aces, 40 digs and a kill for

    Pettisville, with Emily Hubby adding 2

    aces, 14 digs, 5 assists and 20 kills.

    Sarah Christiansen posted 2 aces and

    18 digs, Amber Klopfenstein had 2 dig

    and a kill. Jordyn Pursel had 2 aces, 5

    digs and 16 kills. Dana Fricke regis-

    tered a dig, 17 kills and 2 blocks, Kate

    Kauffman had 4 aces, 6 digs along with

    4 kills, and Brooke Waidelich had an

    ace, 11 digs, and 2 kills.

    For the Lady Bombers, Kaitlyn

    Mahahan was 20 for 20 serving, had

    56 sets, while Alex Kiess went 18 for 18

    serving, had 55 sets and 7 kills. Nicole

    Newell was 13 for 13 serving and

    chipped in 7 kills along with 13 digs

    and 7 kills. Hannah Gutting added 6

    kills in the match.

    Stryker Lady Panthers Drop DoubleDip To Patrick Henry, Tinora

    HAMLER - The Lady Panthers of

    Pettisville dropped a double header fall-

    ing to Patrick Henry in two sets by the

    scores of 29-27 and 25-19. The Lady

    Panthers also dropped two sets to the

    Lady Tinora Rams falling 25-15 and25-18.

    Versus Patrick Henry

    Conner Varner led Stryker with 6


    Versus Tinora

    Conner Varner led with 4 kills andMaddie Uribes contributed 5 kills.

    Hilltop Lady Cadets Trump N. CentralIn Three Straight At Home

    WEST UNITY - The Hilltop Lady

    Cadets got the best of The Lady Eagles

    from North Central on September 19,

    winning in 3 straight by the scores of

    25-18, 25-11 and 25-15.

    Shayla Coffman had an ace and 3

    dig and a kill for Hilltop, with Sydney

    Schmitt getting 6 digs and 27 assists

    and a kill while Baylee chipped in with

    an assist and a kill. Brittney

    Mocherman had 2 aces, 3 digs and 14

    kills and a blocked shot, Emily

    Armbruster posted 4 digs and 4 kills,

    and Kayla Settlemire had an ace, 5 digs

    and 3 kills. LeAnn Joost had 6 kills

    and a block, Cierra Grant posted 8 digs

    and 2 assists, and Kailey Creamer had

    an ace and 20 digs.

    No pertinent stats were available for

    the Lady Eagles.

    Pettisville Lady Blackbirds Win DoubleDip Over Liberty Center, Edgerton

    EDGERTON - The Lady Bulldogs of

    Edgerton played host to the Pettisville

    Lady Blackbirds and the Liberty Center

    Tigers on September 21. The Lady

    Blackbirds got the best of the Lady

    Tigers in the first match, winning in two

    sets, 25-18, 25-16. Pettisville prevailed

    in the second match, dusting off

    Edgerton in straight sets, 28-26 and

    25-22. The Lady Blackbirds moved to

    10-2 overall and are 4-0 in the BBC.

    Versus Liberty CenterFor the Lady Blackbirds, Stephanie

    Hubby had 14 digs along with 3 sets

    and 1 kill while Emily had 5 digs and an

    assist. Sarah Christiansen had 3 aces,

    an assist, 5 digs and 5 kills. Jordyn

    Purcel had 2 aces, 5 digs and 6 kills

    while Dana Fricke contributed a dig and

    9 kills, Kate Kauffman had 3 digs, 12

    sets and 2 kills, Brooke Waidelich

    stepped up with 4 digs, 10 assists and

    3 kills.


    For the Lady Blackbirds, Stephanie

    Hubby had an ace, 20 digs 1 set and 1

    kill while Emily had 55 digs and 15

    kills. Amber Klopfenstein had 1 set,

    Jordyn Purcel had a dig and 7 killswhile Dana Fricke contributed 2 digs

    and 10 kills, Kate Kauffman had 5 digs

    and a kill and Brooke Waidelich stepped

    up with 7 digs and 1 kill.

    Stryker Lady Panthers Take DownFayette Lady Eagles In Three Straight

    FAYETTE - The Stryker Lady

    Panthers went on the road to Fayette on

    September 19 and gained a victory in

    three straight, winning 25-14, 25-18,

    and 25-14.

    For the Lady Panthers, Maddie

    Uribes had 15 assists and 7 digs,

    Christie Huston was 18/18 hitting with

    8 kills and 4 blocks. Audra Rupp went

    5/6 hitting with 4 kills and 2 blocks.

    Connor Sullivan added 4 assists and 9digs. Conner Varner went 30/32 hitting

    with 17 kills and 8 digs.

    For Fayette, Taylor Hartman had 2

    kills, an ace and 6 digs, McKenzee

    Schaffner had 7 assists and 7 digs, and

    Paige Keefer had 2 kills and 10 digs.

    Jessie Wheeler hammered down 2 kills

    and 7 digs while Michaela Bates had an

    4 digs. Jenna Meyers contributed a kill,

    3 aces and 5 digs, Alejandra Gonzales

    had a dig, Rylee Ruger had an ace and

    a dig and Kaela Seiler had a dig in theloss for the Lady Eagles.

    Edon Lady Bombers Take Down TheHicksville Lady Aces Two Sets to One

    HICKSVILLE - The Pettisville Lady

    Blackbirds took down the Hicksville

    Lady Aces on September 24, 25-23,

    25-10, dropping one set 17-25.

    For the Lady Bombers, Nicole Newell

    was 10 for 10 serving with 17 digs, Alex

    Keiss was 9 for 9 serving with 3 kills

    and had 40 sets. Kaitlin Chrisman was

    7 for 7 serving and added 14 digs, while

    Kaitlin Mamahan has 25 sets. Kaitlin

    Sonneberger chipped in 2 kills in the

    victory for the Bombers.

    Fayette Lady Eagles Fade QuicklyAgainst The Edgerton Lady Dogs

    EDGERTON - The Fayette Lady

    Eagles dropped three straight sets on

    the road to a tough Edgerton Squad on

    September 23, falling 25-20, 25-11 and


    For Fayette, Taylor Hartman had 6

    digs, McKenzee Schaffner had 3 assists

    and 10 digs, and Paige Keefer had a kill

    and 10 digs. Jessie Wheeler hammered

    down a kill, an ace and 2 digs while

    Michaela Bates had an ace, a kill and 4

    digs. Jenna Meyers contributed an ace

    and 10 digs in the loss for the Lady


    Montpelier Lady Locomotives BroomedOut By Ayersville Lady Pilots

    MONTPELIER - The Lady Locomotives

    dropped 3 straight to the Lady Pilots onSeptember 23, falling by the scores of

    25-20, 25-21 and 25-17 to drop to 4-10

    overall on the season and 2-3 in the

    NWOAL.No other stats pertinent to this game

    were received.

    Edon Battles To A Hard Fought VictoryOver The Stryker Lady Panthers

    EDON The Edon Lady Bombers

    outlasted the Lady Panthers 3 sets to 2

    in a hard fought victory at home on

    September 24. Edon won 25-23, 25-17

    and 15-13 while dropping 2 sets 25-15

    and 25-20 to the Lady Panthers.

    For the Lady Bombers, Kaitlyn

    Manahan was 18-18 serving with 60sets, while Haley Jacoby went 17-17

    serving and had 17 digs. Alex Kiess had

    70 sets and 5 kills; Nicole Newell had 10

    kills and 20 digs along with Kaitlyn

    Sonneberger who had 5 kills. Kaela

    Gearhart also contributed 24 digs in the

    Lady Bombers victory. Edon moves to

    4-11 on the season and 3-2 in the BBC.

    No pertinent stats were received forthis match from the Lady Panthers.


    SHOWDOWN AT THE NET ... Kaitlin Chrisman of Edon tries to get the ball past Connor

    Sullivan of Stryker.

    Varsity Volleyball ActionTHE HOMETOWN HUDDLE

    In a triangular match recently the

    Wauseon Indians defeated Fairview and

    North Central. The Indians downed the

    Apaches 25-23 and 25-9. Then in their

    match against North Central Wauseon

    was a 25-7, 25-21 winner.

    In the win over Fairview, Sariah

    Yackee led the Indians with seven kills

    and was 7/8 serving with one ace. Kallie

    Strauss added six kills and two service


    In the North Central contest Sydney

    Bosell nished with ve kills, two blocks

    and one ace. Strauss was 5/6 serving

    with one ace and had ve kills.

    The Indians were back in action Mon-

    day night and downed the Stryker Pan-

    thers in four sets 25-19, 13-25, 25-17

    and 25-21 to even their record at 8-8.

    Wauseon got 16 kills from Sydney

    Bosell and 11 kills from Sariah Yackee

    as the juniors led the charge. Yackee

    served up three aces and Bosell added

    two blocks.

    For the Panthers, Christie Huston

    was 16/19 hitting with 10 kills and 3

    blocks. Tasha Pegorch went 19/19 serv-

    ing with four aces and ve digs.

    The Indians winning ways contin-

    ued as they were back in NWOAL play

    against the Liberty Center Tigers. The

    Indians improved their record to 9-8

    and 3-2 in the league with a 25-21, 25-

    23 and 25-20 win.

    Sydney Bosell and Sariah Yackee

    teamed up once again to lead the Indi-

    ans. Bosell with 16/16 serving and two

    aces. 15 kills and four blocks. Yackee

    was 8/9 serving with one ace, had 10

    kills and two blocks.

    Wauseon Volleyball Continues Winning WaysWith Wins Over Fairview & North Central

    RETURN ... Wauseon's Lexi Lane returns a ball in a recent match from her Libero


    The Wauseon Indians played what

    proved to be their best and most exciting

    game of the season Thursday night down-ing Patrick Henry 27-25, 25-23 and 28-26

    in a NWOAL match.As indicated, all three matches were

    hard fought. The Indians used good backcourt play and steady net play to come out

    on top.

    Kierra Fountain highlighted the match-es with 15/15 serving with two aces. The

    junior had 15/16 serve received with 10

    digs. She was 14/17 hitting with six kills.

    Sydney Bosell, Kallie Strauss and Hayley

    Chamberlain nished with three, three

    and two blocks respectively.

    "This was an important league win for

    us," coach Bill Blanchong said. "The girls

    wanted to win at home on parent's night

    and have been working hard. They are im-

    proving and have been redening individ-

    ual and team goals. Hopefully more good

    things are in store for us this season."

    Indians Down Patrick Henry In Three Sets

    WELL DONE ... Sydney Bosell has been performing well at the net for the Indians this


  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013


    The Hometown Huddle - Edon, Montpelier, North Central, Hilltop, Stryker, Fayette, Pettisville & Wauseon Sports Action Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 - 5




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    Lady Blackbirds Take One Of ThreeAt The Archbold Spiketacular

    ARCHBOLD The Pettisville Lady

    Blackbirds prevailed over Antwerp at

    Archbold on September 28 by the scores

    of 25-20 and 25-13. The Lady Blackbirds

    dropped their match with Otsego falling

    by the scores of 25-17, 25-22 while

    picking up a match 25-21. In their final

    contest, Pettisville dropped to Tinora

    25-17 and 25-18. The Lady Blackbirds

    are 13-4 on the season and 6-0 in the


    Versus AntwerpFor the Pettisville Lady Blackbirds,

    Stephanie Hubby had an ace, 23 digs,

    with Emily Hubby adding 9 digs and 11

    kills; Yari Coronado had a dig, Sarah

    Christiansen posted 5 digs, Shelby

    Miller contributed a dig and Jordyn

    Pursel had 3 digs and 5 kills. Dana

    Fricke registered 10 kills, Kate Kauffman

    had an ace along with 3 digs and 4

    kills, and Brooke Waidelich had 4 digs

    and 4 kills in the victory.

    Versus Otsego

    For the Lady Blackbirds, Stephanie

    Hubby had 42 digs, with Emily Hubby

    adding 23 digs and 12 kills. Sarah

    Christiansen posted 20 digs, Jordyn

    Pursel had 7 digs and 8 blocked shots.

    Dana Fricke registered 5 digs, 15 kills

    and 4 blocked shots, Kate Kauffman

    had an ace, 8 digs along with 3 kills,

    and Brooke Waidelich recorded 12 digs

    on the match.

    Versus TinoraFor the Pettisville, Stephanie Hubby

    had 20 digs, Emily Hubby posted 2 aces

    and added 10 digs and 8 kills, Sarah

    Christiansen had an ace and 3

    digs,Amber Klopfenstein added a

    blocked shot, Jordyn Pursel had 2 digs

    and 8 kills. Dana Fricke registered 2

    digs, 8 kills and a blocked shot. Kate

    Kauffman had 5 digs, and Brooke

    Waidelich had 6 digs, and a kill for the

    Lady Blackbirds.

    Hilltop Lady Cadets Go One Up & TwoDown At The Archbold SpiketacularARCHBOLD - The Hilltop Lady

    Cadets on September 28 went 2 and 2

    at Archbold, picking up a win over

    Paulding 25-18, 25-19 dropping a set

    25-16; Defeated Fayette 25-18, 25-19dropping one by the score of 25-16. The

    Lady cadets dropped their final 2 match-

    es falling to Antwerp 25-19, 25-22 while

    winning a thriller in overtime 28-26 and

    going down to Otsego in 2 straight

    25-13, 25-12.

    Versus PauldingSydney Schmitt had an ace, 4 digs

    and 20 assists for Hilltop, with Brittney

    Mocherman adding 4 digs and 2 kills;

    Emily Armbruster posted 7 digs and 4

    kills and Kayla Settlemire had an ace,2

    digs and 5 kills. LeAnn Joost had 5

    kills, Cierra Grant posted an ace 4 digs

    an assist, and Kailey Creamer had 8

    digs. Shayla Coffman also added 2 digs

    for the Lady Cadets.

    Versus Antwerp

    Sydney Schmitt had 30 assists for

    the Lady Cadets, with Brittney

    Mocherman adding 2 digs an assist and

    9 kills along with a block. EmilyArmbruster posted 3 digs and 9 kills,

    and Kayla Settlemire had an ace, a dig

    and 11 kills. LeAnn Joost had 2 kills

    and Cierra Grant posted an ace, 4 digs

    an assist and 4 kills. Kailey Creamer

    also had 14 digs in the loss.

    Versus OtsegoShayla Coffman had a dig and a kill,

    Sydney Schmitt chipped in a dig and 11

    assists, with Brittney Mocherman driv-

    ing down 6 kills. Emily Armbruster

    posted an ace, 2 digs and 39 kills, and

    Kayla Settlemire had 4 digs and a kill.

    LeAnn Joost added a kill and Cierra

    Grant posted 2 digs and an assist.

    Kailey Creamer had an ace and 7 digs

    on the match.

    Pettisville Prevails Over BBC RivalStryker Lady Panthers In Four Set Battle

    STRYKER The Pettisville Lady

    Blackbirds battled to a hard fought vic-tory over the Lady Panthers on

    September 26, winning 25-13, 25-15

    and 25-12. Stryker won the first match

    by the score of 25-20.

    For the Pettisville Lady Blackbirds,

    Stephanie Hubby had an ace, 35 digs,

    with Emily Hubby adding 22 digs and

    15 kills and 1 blocked shot. Yari

    Coronado had an ace and a dig, Sarah

    Christiansen posted 5 digs, Shelby

    Miller contributed a dig and Amber

    Klopfenstein 2 kills. Jordyn Pursel had

    an ace, 4 digs and 12 kills. Dana Frickeregistered a dig and 15 kills, Kate

    Kauffman had 2 aces, 6 digs along with

    3 kills, and Brooke Waidelich had an

    ace, 6 digs, and 2 kills in the victory.

    For the Lady Panthers, Maddie

    Uribes had 19 assists with 4 digs;

    Connor Sullivan added 6 assists with

    11 digs. Conner Varner went 31 of 38

    hitting with 10 kills and 19 digs, while

    Christie Huston was 21 of 24 hitting

    with 7 kills and 3 blocks.


    GET THERE ... Emily Hubby of Pettisville tries to get the ball around Connor Sullivan

    of Stryker.

    Lady Bombers Defeat North CentralIn September 26th BBC Play

    PIONEER The Lady Edon Bombersdefeated North Central on September 26,

    winning by the scores of 25-11, 25-14 and

    25-13. The Lady Eagles picked up a set,26-24.

    For the North Central Lady Eagles,

    Cady VanDeVoorde was 9-16 attackingwith 4 kills, 12-13 serving with 2 aces,Jaclyn Kinsman was 33-38 setting with 4

    assists, 9-11 attacking, with 2 kills, 2

    blocked shots and 10 digs. Alyssa Swankwas 33-38 setting with 4 assists, 9-11

    attacking with 2 kills, 2 blocks and 10digs. Jazzmin Horne went 13-13 attacking

    with 1 kill, 2 blocks, was 19-20 serving

    with an ace, Makayla Hayes was 15-16attacking with 4 kills, 7-7 serving with an

    ace and 8 digs. Abbey Litzenberg was

    18-22 attacking with 4 kills, 5 blocks, 7-9serving with 12 digs. Hannah Siekmeyerwas 6-10 attacking with a kill and 8 digs.

    No pertinent stats for this match for

    the Lady Bombers were received.

    Montpelier Lady Locos Drop TheHolgate Tigers In Three Straight Sets

    HOLGATE The Montpelier Lady

    Locomotives took down Holgate on

    September 26, winning in three straight

    set 25-23, 25-23 and 25-15.

    For the Lady Locos, Christy Duchene

    was 22 of 23 attacking with 3 kills, 10

    digs 9 of 9 serve receiving, 15 of 15 serv-

    ing with 2 aces, while Hannah Blakewas 18 of 21 attacking with 8 kills, 5

    shot blocks, and 13 assists, had 5 digs

    and went 8 for 10 serving. Jessie

    Duchene had 10 assists, 4 digs, was 16

    of 16 serving with three aces; Baylee

    Hageman went 24 of 28 attacking with

    8 kills and 5 digs. Sidney Houk was 4 of

    6 attacking with 2 kills, 8 digs, 10 for 10

    serve receiving and 9 of 10 serving with

    1 ace.; Landri McKelvey was 6 of 7

    attacking recorded 6 digs, went 3 of 3

    serve receiving and was 4 of 6 serving.

    Marinna Mercer was 9 for 9 attacking

    with 5 kills, 4 digs 10 of 11 serving with

    3 aces while Audrey Pirtle went 4 of 6attacking with 1 kill. Maddie Richmond

    chipped in with 3 digs, went 4 of 7 serve

    receiving and was 5 of 5 serving. Taylor

    Wells also had 15 digs, went 12 of 13

    serve receiving and was 5 for 5 serving.

    The Lady Locos moved to 7-9 on the

    season and are 0-6 in the NWOAL.


    ART OF THE BUMP ... Jaclyn Kinsman of North Central halts her pursuit, while Reese

    Cogswell bumps the ball forward.

    North Central Lady Eagles Battle To TakeDown Fayette Lady Eagles In Four Sets

    FAYETTE - The North Central Lady

    Eagles on September 24, after dropping

    the opening set 25-20, battled back to

    defeat the Fayette Lady Eagles by win-

    ning the next three sets 25-21, 25-18

    and 15-3.

    For Fayette, Taylor Hartman had a

    kills and 19 digs, McKenzee Schaffner

    had 6 assists, 3 aces and 18 digs, and

    Paige Keefer had 3 kills, an ace, 11 digs

    and 2 blocks. Jessie Wheeler ham-mered down a kill, 16 digs while

    Michaela Bates had 2 aces and 14 digs.

    Kaela Seiler contributed 2 digs along

    with Ceieria Kellers ace, 1 kill and 11

    digs, and Rylee Ruger had 1 kill, 5 digs

    and an ace along with an assist.

    Alejandra Gonzales also had an ace and

    a dig for the Lady Eagles.

    For the North Central Lady eagles,

    Cady VanDeVoorde was 17-22 attack-

    ing with 8 kills, 12-12 serving with 2

    aces, 10-11 serve receive and 2 digs,

    Jaclyn Kinsman was 32-36 setting with

    7 assists, 6-8 attacking, 15-18 serving

    with 2 aces, 8-9 serve receive and 4

    digs. Alyssa Swank was 4-9 attacking

    with 3 kills, 14-14 serving with 2 aces,

    Jazzmin Horne went 8-8 attacking with3 kills, 23-24 serving with 4 aces, 17-20

    serve receive and 10 digs, Makayla

    Hayes was 4-5 attacking with 1 kill,

    8-10 serving with 3 aces and Abbey

    Litzenberg was 11-12 attacking with 3

    kills, 20-21 serving with 4 aces, 5-9

    serve receive and 5 digs.


    GOING AWAY ... Taylor Hartman of Fayette tries the angular approach against HannahSiekemeyer of North Central.

  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013


    6 - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 The Hometown Huddle - Edon, Montpelier, North Central, Hilltop, Stryker, Fayette, Pettisville & Wauseon Sports Action


    Fresh Volleyball ActionTHE HOMETOWN HUDDLE

    J.V. Volleyball ActionTHE HOMETOWN HUDDLE

    Pettisville Gets Past Edon Two Sets to OnePETTISVILLE - The Pettisville JV girls

    swatted down Edon on September 19,25-19, 25-19 while dropping one set to the

    Lady Bombers 25-15.

    No other stats pertinent to this gamewere received.

    Edon Lady Bombers Defeat HicksvilleHicksville The Edon Lady Bombers

    took down the Lady Aces 2 sets to 1 on

    September 24, triumphing by the scores

    of 25-22, 25-10, dropping one set 25-16

    No other stats pertinent to this game

    were received.Fayette Lady Eagles Fall In Two At Edgerton

    EDGERTON - The Fayette Lady Eaglesfell to the Lady Bulldogs in two straight

    sets on September 23, falling 25-19 and25-17.

    For the Fayette Lady Eagles, Kaela

    Seiler had a dig, Taylor Griffiths had a dig,and Kaitlin Brubaker added an assist and

    5 digs. Kelsey Fruchey had an ace and adig while Rylee Ruger had 2 digs for the

    Lady Eagles in the loss.

    Lady Bombers Defeat Stryker Two Sets To OneEDON The Edon Lady Bombers

    defeated The Lady panthers of Stryker at

    home on September 24, besting Stryker

    25-10 and 25-19 while dropping a set to

    the Lady Panthers 25-16.No other stats pertinent to this game

    were received.

    Fayette Lady Eagles Sweep North CentralFAYETTE - The Fayette Lady Eagles

    put down the North Central Lady Eagles

    in two straight sets on September 24, win-ning 25-9 and taking the second set

    25-21.For the Fayette Lady Eagles, Mackalyn

    Figgins had 2 digs, Taylor Griffiths had 2

    aces and 6 digs, Kaitlin Brubaker added 3

    assists, 3 aces and 7 digs. Kelsey Frucheyhad 3 aces and 2 digs while Rylee Ruger

    had 2 kills an ace and 8 digs. AdriannaHibbard had 3 digs, Ellen Baker chipped

    in 2 digs and Kylie Dennison contributeda dig in Fayettes victory.

    No pertinent stats were available for

    the North Central Lady Eagles.

    Edon Lady Bombers Defeat North CentralPIONEER The Lady Edon Bombers

    defeated North Central on September 26,winning by the scores of 25-11 and 26-24.

    The Lady Eagles picked up a set 25-19.

    No other stats pertinent to this gamewere received.

    Hilltop Lady Cadets Drop One To FayetteWEST UNITY - The Hilltop JV girls fell

    to Fayette on September 26. Fayette won

    by the scores of 25-23 and 25-23 whiledropping a match to the Lady Cadets


    Allie Schmitt had 2 digs and an aces,Ariana Brown had 2 digs, Baylee Schmitt

    chipping in 2 digs and a kill and 2 assists.Felicity Jackson had an ace, 2 assists and

    a kill. Veronica Roth landed a dig and akill along with Kenley Brown who posted 2

    aces and 2 digs.

    No pertinent stats were available forFayette for this match.

    Lady Locos Sent Packing By HolgateHOLGATE- The Lady Locomotive JV

    girls fell to Holgate in two sets onSeptember 26, falling by the scores of

    25-21 and 29-19.

    No other stats pertinent to this gamewere received.

    Pettisville Defeats Stryker At HomePETTISVILLE The Pettisville Lady

    Blackbirds JV defeated Stryker in 2

    straight sets September 26, winning25-20 and 25-22. The Lady Blackbirds

    improved to 6-0 in the BBC and 12-2 on

    the season.

    No pertinent stats are available forthis match.

    Hilltop JVs Take Part In The SpiketacularARCHBOLD - The Hilltop Lady

    Cadet JV squad on September 28

    picked up a victory over Paulding by

    the scores of 25-15, 25-21 while drop-

    ping a set 25-15. The Lady Cadets fell

    to Pettisville 25-15, 25-17. The Cadets

    also dropped a match to Tinora 25-7

    and 25-19.

    Versus Paulding

    Allie Schmitt posted 6 digs, 3 kills

    and an ace for Hilltop, with Ariana

    Brown had 2 kills and Baylee Schmitt

    adding 2 aces, 4 digs, 7 assists and akill. Felicity Jackson had 2 aces, 3

    assists and 3 kills. Veronica Roth

    added 9 digs and 3 kills, Karissa

    Crisenbery had 3 aces and 2 kills while

    Kenely Brown had an ace and 5 digs.

    Versus Pettisville

    Allie Schmitt rang up 5 digs, Baylee

    Schmitt adding 4 assists, 4 digs and 4

    kills and Ariana Brown had an assist.

    Felicity Jackson had 2 kills along with

    6 assists, Kaylee Underwood had an

    assist, Veronica Roth landed 2 digs,

    Malorie Heer had 3 digs and 3 kills,

    Danny Ackley contributed an ace and 2

    digs, Karissa Crisenbery had a kill, and

    Kenley Brown posted 2 aces and 4 digs.

    Versus Tinora

    Allie Schmitt posted up 2 digs, 2

    aces and 2 kills, Ariana Brown had 3

    digs and 3 kills, Baylee Schmitt chip-

    ping in 8 ace, 3 digs, 9 assists and 4kills. Madelene McKinney had 2 aces

    and 2 kills, Kaylee Underwood slammed

    a kill and Felicity Jackson had 3 aces,

    8 assists and a kill., Veronica Roth

    landed 4 digs, an ace and a kill along

    with Malorie Heer had 2 digs and a

    kill, Danny Ackley contributed an ace

    and 2 digs, Karissa Crisenbery had 3

    kills, and Kenley Brown served 4 aces.

    Fayette Lady Eagles Sweep The Lady PanthersFAYETTE - The Fayette Lady Eagles

    defeated the Stryker Lady Panthers in two

    straight sets on September 19, winning25-15 and taking the second set 25-23.

    For the Fayette Lady Eagles, KaelaSeiler had a kill, and 12 digs, Mackalyn

    Figgins had a kill and 2 digs, TaylorGriffiths had 3 aces and 4 digs, Kaitlin

    Brubaker added 3 assists and 5 digs.

    Kelsey Fruchey had 4 digs while Rylee

    Ruger had 2 kills and 3 digs. AdriannaHibbard had 6 digs, Ellen Baker chipped

    in 2 digs for the Lady Eagles in the win.No pertinent stats were available for

    the Stryker Lady Panthers.

    Hilltop Lady Cadets Takes Down North CentralWEST UNITY - The Hilltop JV girls

    defeated The Lady Eagles on September

    19 by the scores of 25-11 ad 25 -13.

    No other stats pertinent to this game

    were received.

    Lady Blackbirds Take Down Edon BombersPETTISVILLE - The Lady Blackbird

    Freshman defeated Edon on September

    19, 25-19, 25-23 and dropped one set to

    the Lady Bombers 25-20.No other stats pertinent to this game

    were received.

    Stryker Frosh Prevail Over Pettisville LadybirdsSTRYKER The Stryker Lay Panthers

    took down the Pettisville Lady Blackbirds

    on September 26 in two straight sets,

    winning by the scores of 25-12 and


    There were no pertinent stats pro-

    vided for this match.

    Edon Freshmen Fall To BBC Rival StrykerEDON - The Stryker Lady Panthers

    Frosh defeated the Edon Lady Bombers

    in 2 straight sets on September 24, 2-13

    and 25-12.

    No pertinent stats were available for

    the match.

    Varsity Girls Tennis ActionTHE HOMETOWN HUDDLE

    Wauseon Lady Indians Take A 4-1 DecisionFrom Toledo Christian On September 26thWAUSEON - The Wauseon Lady

    Indians net set chalked up a 4-1 over

    visiting Toledo Christian on September


    Sally Frank took the first singles

    match in straight sets, 6-3 and 6-0, but

    Mackenzie Eberly fell in the second

    match, 1-6 and 0-6. Autumn Dominique

    won the singles tiebreaker in straight

    set fashion, 7-6 and 6-0.

    In doubles play, Ashlyn Boyers and

    Cherese Bussing took the first match,

    7-5 and 6-1, while the team of Vicky

    Kahrs and Michelle Whitmer had little

    problems in taking the second match,

    posting double 6-0 and 6-0 shutouts.

    The win puts the Wauseon at 7-6 on

    the 2013 campaign.

    Wauseon High School Band RendersSuperior Performance At Competition


    The Wauseon High School Band performed on Saturday September 28 at theColumbus Grove Eyes With Pride Band Competition. There were 13 bands who

    participated and Wauseon nished with the 2nd highest score. Wauseon was one of

    4 bands who received a rating of Superior, the highest possible rating which also

    qualies the band for state. The WHS Band has qualied for OMEA State Marching

    Band Finals every year since 1998, making this the 16th consecutive year.

    This years program, entitled A Night at the Movies features music from E.T.

    (Extra Terrestrial), Moon River (From Breakfast at Tiffanys) and a medley from The

    Sound of Music.

    Area Athletic NewsTHE HOMETOWN HUDDLE



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  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013


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    Varsity Girls Cross CountryTHE HOMETOWN HUDDLE

    Local Lady Harriers Converge ForCompetition At The Widewater InvitationalLIBERTY CENTER - Runners from

    the Hilltop, Fayette, Montpelier and

    North Central girls cross country squads

    met at the 2013 Liberty Center Widewater

    Invite on September 21. None of the

    aforementioned schools were able to

    generate full teams for the event.Jill Stuckey was first across the line

    for Fayette, with Madeleine Routhier

    leading Hilltop. Lita Banks was out front

    for Montpelier, and Taylor Harper fin-

    ished first for North Central.

    The following finishes were recorded

    by place and time...

    28 - Stuckey, Jill - Fayette - 21:33.10

    39 - Routhier, Madeleine - Hilltop -

    22:15.2247 - Garrett, Lauren - Hilltop - 22:55.4250 - Banks, Lita - Montpelier - 23:00.19

    69 - Funkhouser, Bailey - Hilltop -24:10.92

    90 - Jenkins, Hannah - Montpelier -

    25:39.46104 - Suffel, Haley - Montpelier -26:57.49

    105 - Harper, Taylor - No. Central -27:06.40

    111 - Vassar, Sammantha - No. Central

    - 27:18.06115 - Earle, Jessica - Montpelier -

    28:06.46127 - Suboski, Jessica - Hilltop -


    Pettisville Leads Local Contingent At TheSeptember 28th Edgerton Invitational

    EDGERTON - Alexa Leppelmeier of

    Pettisville was the second runner into the

    chute at the 2013 Edgerton Invitational

    on September 28. That high finish pacedthe Ladybirds into the fifth team spot

    with 139 points. The Stryker Lady

    Panthers beat out seventh place

    Lincolnview by 17 points.

    Although not in the running for team

    points, runners from Hilltop, North

    Central, Montpelier, Edon and Fayette

    were also in the field. Madeleine Routhier

    was first across the line for the Lady

    Cadets, while Jill Stuckey led Fayette.

    Cassi Trausch fronted the Lady Bombers

    of Edon, with Lita Banks and Sammantha

    Vassar pacing Montpelier and North

    Central, respectively.

    The following local finishes were

    recorded by place and time...

    2 - Alexa Leppelmeier - PV - 19:31

    7 - Madeleine Routhier - HL - 20:3113 - Jill Stuckey - FA - 21:15

    20 - ShiAnna Whitman - ST - 21:4425 - Elizabeth Miller - PV - 21:5430 - Cassi Trausch - EN - 22:12

    31 - Lauren Garrett - HL - 22:1538 - Megan Graber - ST - 22:49

    39 - Lita Banks - MT - 22:54

    46 - Emilie Keiser - FA - 23:3647 - Taylor DAlelio - PV - 23:39

    49 - Baylee Gearhart - EN - 23:4550 - Krystine Davis - PV - 23:45 3851 - Bailey Funkhouser - HL - 23:46

    53 - Paige Speelman - ST - 23:55

    58 - Hanna Jenkins - MT - 24:2059 - Hannah Herring - PV - 24:29

    61 - Kari Oberlin - ST - 25:0365 - Jaelyn Rufenacht - PV - 25:13

    66 - Andrea Aeschliman - PV - 25:14

    68 - Liz Maginn - FA - 25:1871 - Becky Tilley - PV - 25:41

    76 - Gabrielle Paxton - ST - 26:17 5179 - Sammantha Vassar - NC - 26:24

    85 - Taylor Harper - NC - 27:48

    87 - Miranda Minzey - FA - 27:5490 - Haley Suffel - MT - 29:19

    Lady Blackbirds & Lady PanthersRun At The Van Wert Invitational

    VAN WERT - The Stryker Lady Panthers

    and the Pettisville Lady Blackbirds were in

    the mix at the 2013 Van Wert Hospital

    Invitational on September 21.Competing in the Gray Division, the

    Ladybirds followed the first place finish of

    Alexa Leppelmeier for a seventh place

    team finish. The Lady Panthers placed

    ninth behind the lead of ShiAnna Whitman

    and her 25th place finish.

    The following are the top Stryker and

    Pettisville finishers by place and time...

    1 - Alexa Leppelmeier - P - 20:34.5

    20 - Elizabeth Miller - P - 22:30.60

    25 - ShiAnna Whitman - S - 22:57.00

    38 - Paige Speelman - S - 23:50.7043 - Megan Graber - S - 24:16.00

    49 - Kari Oberlin - S - 24:45.20

    50 - Taylor DAlelio - P - 25:07.50

    52 - Krystine Davis - P - 25:14.80

    63 - Hannah Herrin - P - 26:12.10

    67 - Jaelyn Rufenacht - P - 26:30.30

    68 - Andrea Aeschliman - P - 26:30.50

    Taylor Vernot Leads Wauseon To The SecondPlace Finish At The Van Wert Invitational

    VAN WERT - When you field your

    scoring runners in the top twenty fin-

    ishers of a race with 159 runners,

    something good has to happen. For the

    Lady Indians of Wauseon on September21, it did.

    Taylor Vernot finished second over-

    all, and Seneca Wyse led the remainder

    of the scoring runners of the Lady

    Indians with a tenth place finish to lead

    the Tribe to the second place team spot

    in the Scarlet Division of the 2013 Van

    Wert Invitational.

    The following are the top Wauseon

    finishers by place and time...

    2 - Taylor Vernot - 19:13.8010 - Seneca Wyse - 20:42.30

    13 - Kylie Archibeque - 20:45.8015 - Aneesa Volkman - 20:51.2019 - Aleea Volkman - 21:03.90

    26 - Lindsey Archibeque - 21:33.0035 - Megan Beck - 21:58.10



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    Varsity Boys Cross CountryTHE HOMETOWN HUDDLE

    Pettisville Places Sixth & StrykerEleventh At The Van Wert InvitationalVAN WERT - The Pettisville

    Blackbirds and the Stryker Panthers

    brought the BBC flavor to the annual

    Van Wert Invitational on September 21.Competing in the Gray Division, the

    Blackbirds placed their scoring runners

    in the top 50 finishers to take sixth

    place overall, while the Panther Pack

    finished eleventh in team competition.

    The following are the top Stryker and

    Pettisville finishers by place and time...

    14 - Kyle Lantz - P - 18:05.90

    19 - Austin Dykstra - P - 18:27.8025 - Jeremy Mann - P - 18:38.1027 - Dean Beamont - S - 18:42.0035 - Jacob Hauter - P - 18:57.10

    38 - Aaron Bontrager - P - 19:06.5042 - Derek Opdycke - S - 19:20.5046 - Nathan Siller - S - 19:27.60

    67 - Evan Rufenacht - P - 20:11.0069 - Ross Planson - S - 20:17.70

    114 - Trevin Rhoades - S - 22:42.60116 - Dustin Teschke - S - 22:45.40119 - Cameron Frey - S - 23:09.80

    122 - Hunter Lilleholm - S - 23:28.00

    Six Local Teams In The Mix At The 2013Running Of The Edgerton InvitationalEDGERTON - The Fayette Eagles were the

    top local finishers at the 2013 EdgertonInvitational.

    Fayette placed fourth overall with 103 teampoints, with the Pettisville Blackbirds placing

    fifth at 152, and Montpelier finishing tenthwith 289 team points. Stryker was a point off

    the Locos pace in 11th place; Edon was a pointbehind the Panthers in 12th, and NorthCentral finished in 13th with 304 points.

    With only two runners in the field, theHilltop Cadets did not qualify for team points,

    but Brady Livensparger led the Running Redwith a 32nd place finish.

    The following local finishes were recorded

    by place and time...

    4 - FAYETTE - 103

    5 - PETTISVILLE - 15210 - MONTPELIER - 289

    11 - STRYKER - 29012 - EDON - 291

    13 - NORTH CENTRAL - 304

    7 - Skylar Lantz - FA - 17:0210 - Kyle Lantz - PV - 17:13

    19 - Christian Suarez - FA - 17:56

    20 - Dylan Stannard - FA - 18:0021 - Jared Rediger - MT - 18:0022 - Jacob Hauter - PV - 18:01

    25 - Dean Beamont - ST - 18:16

    26 - Austin Dykstra - PV - 18:1727 - Austin Lopez - FA - 18:18

    30 - Casen Burkholder - FA - 18:2332 - Brady Livensparger - HL - 18:27

    35 - Derek Opdycke - ST - 18:3736 - Nathan Siller - PV - 18:39

    39 - Jared Wagner - FA - 18:41

    41 - Alex Jaramillo - FA - 18:43

    43 - Trenton Sakos - NC - 18:52

    45 - Jerry Braun - EN - 18:56

    57 - Coy Dunkle - EN - 19:30

    58 - Jason Vassar - NC - 19:32

    59 - Garett Reinking - FA - 19:32

    60 - Michael Ater - EN - 19:34

    62 - Brandon Schlosser - MT - 19:4068 - Adam Knepper - NC - 19:52

    69 - Ian Schrock - FA - 19:53

    70 - Evan Rufenacht - PV - 19:54

    72 - Alec Waterson - MT - 19:57

    74 - Ben Gray - PV - 20:02

    75 - Andrew Laduke - EN - 20:06

    84 - Cole Stuckey - FA - 20:39

    86 - Bryce Conklin - FA - 20:44

    87 - Shawn Ramey - MT - 20:45

    88 - Ross Planson - ST - 20:55

    91 - Mason Maginn - FA - 21:01

    92 - Brett Oxender - NC - 21:06

    93 - Jason Stuckey - FA - 21:06

    95 - Nathan Traxler - NC - 21:22

    97 - Trevin Rhoades - ST - 21:36

    98 - Jacob Brown - EN - 21:48

    99 - Connor Link - MT - 21:49

    103 - Zane Eicher - EN - 22:16

    104 - Dustin Teschke - ST - 22:16105 - Jakub Grodi - NC - 22:16

    106 - Erik Stipe - HL - 22:32

    107 - River Wicker - EN - 22:38

    108 - Josh Braun - EN - 22:39

    109 - Tyler Frantom - EN - 22:51

    110 - Seth Brakefield - PV - 22:52

    113 - Clay Waidelich - PV - 23:00

    116 - Hunter Lilleholm - ST - 23:33

    121 - Kaleb Faler - NC - 26:26

    123 - Tyrell Patterson - ST - 32:28

    Wauseon Takes Fifth Place In The ScarletDivision Of The Van Wert Invitational

    VAN WERT - The Wauseon Indians

    placed fifth in the Scarlet Division of the

    2013 Van Wert Invitational on

    September 21.Following the lead of Quintin Reiser

    who placed third overall, the Tribe fin-

    ished fifth out of 15 teams competing

    for team points.

    The following are the top Wauseon

    finishers by place and time...

    3 - Quintin Reiser - 16:35.20

    16 - Justin Mourguet - 17:51.30

    39 - Caleb Blanchong - 19:02.60

    41 - Aaron Beck - 19:10.20

    44 - Josh Collins - 19:16.80

    47 - Boede Thourot - 19:21.20

    77 - Gage Campbell - 20:10.10

    Fayette, Montpelier & North CentralMeet At The Widewater Invitational

    LIBERTY CENTER - Skylar Lantz

    finished third overall, guiding the

    Fayette Eagles to the fifth place finish at

    the September 21 Liberty Center

    Widewater Invitational.

    The Eagles placed their scoring run-

    ners in the top 53 of the 220 runners on

    the course. The Montpelier Locomotivesfollowed the lead of Jared Rediger to the

    16th place finish, and Trenton Sakos

    led the North Central Eagles into the

    20th place team finish.

    The Hilltop Cadets had one repre-

    sentative in the field, Erik Stipe, who

    finished 186th overall.

    The following finishes were recorded

    by place and time...

    5 - FAYETTE - 176

    16 - MONTPELIER - 440

    20 - NO. CENTRAL - 518

    3 - Lantz, Skylar - Fayette - 16:52.34

    37 - Suarez, Christian - Fayette -


    39 - Burkholder, Casen - Fayette -

    17:56.2051 - Wagner, Jared - Fayette - 18:22.35

    53 - Stannard, Dylan - Fayette - 18:24.16

    56 - Lopez, Austin - Fayette - 18:25.28

    58 - Rediger, Jared - Montpelier -


    79 - Jaramillo, Alex - Fayette - 18:55.69

    96 - Sakos, Trenton - No. Central -


    100 - Reinking, Garett - Fayette -


    102 - Waterston, Alec - Montpelier -


    108 - Schlosser, Brandon - Montpelier -19:38.46

    110 - Vassar, Jason - No. Central -


    144 - Knepper, Adam - No. Central -


    145 - Link, Connor - Montpelier -


    149 - Stuckey, Cole - Fayette - 20:46.13

    153 - Ramey, Shawn - Montpelier -


    165 - Conklin, Bryce - Fayette - 21:11.23

    172 - Stuckey, Jason - Fayette - 21:21.28

    174 - Maginn, Mason - Fayette -


    177 - Oxender, Brett - No. Central -


    186 - Stipe, Erik - Hilltop - 21:59.24

    192 - Traxler, Nathan - No. Central -22:07.46

    195 - Grodi, Jakub - No. Central -


    220 - Faler, Kaleb - No. Central -


  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013



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    8 - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 The Hometown Huddle - Edon, Montpelier, North Central, Hilltop, Stryker, Fayette, Pettisville & Wauseon Sports Action


    Varsity Golf ActionTHE HOMETOWN HUDDLE

    North Central Takes Down A PairAt Ironwood On September 19th

    WAUSEON In a tune-up

    for the BBC tournament, theNorth Central Eagles traveled

    to Ironwood Golf Club to battle

    Archbold and Delta from the

    NWOAL. The Eagles came

    ready to swoop down on the

    competition. North Central

    finished with a respectable

    score of 160 to claim the

    match, while Delta shot 169

    and Archbold 174.Branden Turner claimed

    medalist honors with a 38,

    while Brady Zuver recorded his

    low round of the season with a

    39. Freshman David Pinc had

    a good day as well ending at

    41, with Dylan Hutchison

    shooting 42. Other scores forthe Eagles were Jordan Reeves

    47 and Brock Zuver 55.JORDAN REEVES OF NORTH CENTRAL

    Wauseon Golfers Repeat AsChampions Of The NWOAL

    By: Bill Bray


    The Wauseon Indians had three of

    the top golfers and won their second

    consecutive NWOAL golf tournamentwith an impressive round of 310.

    Trevor Dominique was gold medalist

    with a round of 74. Clay Tefft, nishing

    right on his team mates heels, was sil-

    ver medalist with a 75. David Williams

    shared bronze medalist honors while

    carding a 77.

    It was the seventh league title for 22

    year coaching veteran Mike Marshall.

    I was very proud of the way the team

    shot today. We played consistent golf

    throughout the day and were able to

    beat a very competitive Bryan team that

    putted extremely well, Marshall said.

    Wauseons Brady Rupp made the

    honorable mention list for Wauseons

    fourth score of 84.

    Bryan nished second thanks to their

    fth golfers score. They nished even

    with Swanton with 320. But the GoldenBears Jonathon Hagadoms score of 93

    was better than Swantons fth scorer,

    Sam Williams 98 thereby giving Bryan

    the runner-up spot.

    Montpelier turned in a team total of

    381 for ninth place. Sam Rings led the

    Locomotives with an 87. Hunter Shaull

    (91), Clay ONeal (100) and Zack Murray

    (103) rounded combined for the total.

    The Indians start their bid to advance

    to their second straight State tourna-

    ment with Sectional play set for Detwiler

    Golf Course.

    Bill Bray may be reached at

    [email protected]

    DYNAMIC DUO ... Trevor Dominique and Clay Tefft were gold and silver medalists

    respectively of the NWOAL golf tournament. The duo led the Indians to their secondstraight league championship.

    A FAMILY AFFAIR ... Coach Mike Marshall enjoys his second straight title with his

    daughter Anna. Anna, a sophomore, will be competing this week in the girls districtmatch.






  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013


    The Hometown Huddle - Edon, Montpelier, North Central, Hilltop, Stryker, Fayette, Pettisville & Wauseon Sports Action Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 - 9



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    WAUSEON INDIANS GOLF - Coach Marshall, Brady Rupp,Clay Tefft, David Williams, Trevor Dominique & Tyler Clausen.

  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013


    10 - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 The Hometown Huddle - Edon, Montpelier, North Central, Hilltop, Stryker, Fayette, Pettisville & Wauseon Sports Action







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  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013


    The Hometown Huddle - Edon, Montpelier, North Central, Hilltop, Stryker, Fayette, Pettisville & Wauseon Sports Action Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 - 11



    CONTINUATION OF BOYS GOLF ACTION Indians Down Golden Bears AgainThe Wauseon Indians certainly have

    Bryans number this season on the


    In a home match at Ironwood, the In-

    dians beat Bryan for the second time in

    three day with scores of 154-168.

    Wauseon was fresh off their second

    consecutive league title when they n-

    ished 10 shots under Bryan.

    In the dual match Wauseon was led

    by Clay Teffts 36. David Williams (37),

    Trevor Dominique (38) and Brady Rupp

    (43) rounded out the scoring for the In-

    dians. Tyler Clausen and Chase Brock

    each turned in rounds of 49 during the



    North Central Finishes Fourth &Stryker Tenth At The Bryan InviteBRYAN On Saturday, September

    21st, the North Central Eagles and Stryker

    Panthers made the trip to Orchard HillsCountry Club to participate in the typi-

    cally talent laden Bryan Invitational. The

    two BBC teams, along with ten others,battled the winds throughout the day.

    When all the scores were tabulatedTanner Clingaman of Stryker matched

    his efforts the day prior at the BBCTournament to claim medalist honors for

    the second day in a row. Clingaman fired

    an even par round of 72 to claim theprize.

    Toledo St. Johns took home the teamaward with a blistering score of 302.

    Napoleon was second at 331, and LimaCentral Catholic 335.

    The North Central Eagles landed in 4thplace in the 12 team field with a total of

    343. Branden Turner carded the lowscore with a 76, while Dylan Hutchison

    finished in 82 swings of the sticks.

    Rounding out the scoring for the Eagleswere David Pinc 90, Jordan Reeves 95,

    and Brady Zuver 125.Stryker finished in 10th place with a

    team score of 373. Besides Clingamans72, younger brother Hayden Clingaman

    completed the day with a 96. Austin

    Frisbie ended with an even 100 and CodyHall a 105. Chad Ruffer was disqualified

    for a rules infraction.Both teams will be competing in the

    Division III Golf Sectional on Thursday,September 26th at Ironwood Golf Club.

    North Central Tops Trio From GMC

    On September 23rd

    At Eagle RockDEFIANCE In their final regular sea-son match, the North Central Golf Teamtraveled to Defiance County to battle with

    Green Meadows Conference foes Fairview,

    Hicksville, and host Tinora. The Eagleswere able to end the contest with a score

    of 169 to outdistance Tinora who shot176, Fairview 190, and Hicksville 192.

    The triple victory leaves North Central

    with an overall record of 64-18, and unde-

    feated in regular matches for the secondstraight season.

    Branden Turner claimed medalist hon-

    ors with a 37, while Jordan Reeves record-ed a 43. Dylan Hutchison ended the day

    with a 44 and David Pinc shot 45. Otherscores for the Eagles were Brock Zuver 49

    and Brady Zuver 53.








    Once again, Anna has quietly puttogether a season in which she fits in

    well with the boys' varsity, and advanc-es to the D-II Districts in the postseason.

    335 rushing yards against a tough

    Liberty Center defense is three or four games.Axel did it in ONE.







  • 7/27/2019 The Hometown Huddle - October 2nd, 2013


    12 - Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 The Hometown Huddle - Edon, Montpelier, North Central, Hilltop, Stryker, Fayette, Pettisville & Wauseon Sports Action



    Pettisville Blackbirds Knocked Off By TheHolgate Tigers On The Links Of AuglaizeDEFIANCE - The Pettisville Blackbird

    linksters went on the road on September

    24 to tangle with the Holgate Tigers at

    the Auglaize Golf Course, only to come

    away on the sorry end of a 187-206 set-


    Matt Krill had the low score for the

    Birds with a 44, while Evan King posted

    a 46. Greg Kempf carded a 57, and

    Hannah Meller had a 59. Reed Behnfeldt

    posted a 64, and Levi Rash scored a 75.

    Area Ladies Fair Well At The Division IIIronwood Girls Sectional Tournament

    WAUSEON Although no local teams

    could assemble enough ladies for a full

    team to compete in the Division II Girls

    Golf Sectional held on September 24th

    atIronwood Golf Course, the area was still

    well represented by the individual young

    ladies who participated. After the final

    scores were tabulated, the three qualifiers

    for next weeks District match were stu-

    dent-athletes from local schools.

    Leading the way was Anna Marshall

    of Wauseon who was the top individual

    qualifier, and second overall, with a score

    of 88. This is the second year in a row for

    the sophomore to advance to the District

    round. Also punching her ticket to

    Districts for consecutive seasons was

    Leslie Clark of Montpelier. The senior

    posted a score of 98, good enough for

    fourth overall and the second advance-

    ment spot. Claiming the final slot was

    Merideth Short of Archbold. The juniorsround of 100 was fifth overall, and just

    one stroke low enough to move on.

    The three ladies will represent the

    area in the District match that will be held

    on Monday, September 30th, at Sycamore

    Springs Golf Course in Arlington.

    Other area girls scores were as fol-

    lows: Pettisville junior Hannah Meller

    115, good for a tie for 20th, North Central

    freshman Allyson Hutchison 118, which

    left her in 25th place overall, and Archbold

    junior Cora King who shot 128, and

    ended in 33rd place among the field of 42


    North Central Takes Back To Back SectionalTitles; Clingaman & Shaull Advance

    WAUSEON Prior to last year theNorth Central Eagle Golf Team had never

    claimed a Sectional Title. However, aftertasting victory last season the Eagles must

    have decided they enjoyed the flavor as

    they topped the 14 team field to capturetheir 2nd consecutive Sectional

    Championship on September 26th atIronwood Golf Club.

    The Eagles, led by their senior duo of

    Branden Turner and Dylan Hutchison,fired off a team score of 329 to take the

    title. Turner was Medalist of the match forthe second year in a row. He blistered the

    links for an even par round of 72.Hutchison ended third individually com-

    pleting the course in 78 swings of the

    clubs. Freshman David Pinc had a solidround for North Central finishing with an

    88, while Jordan Reeves checked in with a91 and Brady Zuver 108. Miller City and

    North Baltimore were the other two teamsto advance to the District that will be held

    on October 3rd at Stone Ridge Country

    Club in Bowling Green. For the first timesince 2005 Stryker failed to advance out of

    the Sectional. The Panthers, who finishedat 348, missed out by one stroke of tying

    for 3rd place and would have advanced viatheir 5th man score.

    Although no other area teams moved

    on to the District match, two local indi-viduals are proceeding. Hunter Shaull of

    Montpelier will be advancing for the firsttime. The Loco junior finished fourth

    overall with an 80. Tanner Clingaman willbe making his third consecutive trip and

    his first individually. Clingaman finished

    9th overall to claim the fourth and finalqualifying spot with his round of 84.

    Several other area teams competed inthe tournament. Montpelier finished in 8th

    place with a 370. Although Hilltop andEdon had identical scores of 378, the

    Cadets claimed 9th via the fifth man tie-

    breaker, leaving the Bombers in 10th place.Fayette completed the field of 14 with a

    team score of 405.

    North Central 329

    Branden Turner 72, DylanHutchison 78, David Pinc 88,

    Jordan Reeves 91, Brady Zuver 108

    Stryker 348Tanner Clingaman 84, Hayden

    Clingaman 86, Austin Frisbie 88,

    Chad Ruffer 90, Cody Hall 92

    Montpelier 370

    Hunter Shaull 80, Zack Murray 94, Sam Rings 98,

    Clay O Neal 98, Andrew Luke 100

    Hilltop 378

    Levi Grant 88, Colin Sabins 89,

    Isaac VanArsdalen 93,Travis Haynes 108, Trevor Shipman


    Edon 378

    Jim Peckham 88, Alex Kirkingburg 92, Hayden Runyan 98,

    Taylor Schuller 100, Kyle Long 118

    Fayette 405Riley Martin 92, Justin White 99,

    Tharyn Colegrove 102,Michael Brubaker 112, Drake

    Bowditch 112

    Wauseon Indians Capture D-II Sectional In A

    Tough Battle With Huron & EastwoodTOLEDO - In the sporting world,

    peaking and timing are at their best

    when they are synergetic and symbiot-

    ic. Simply put...peaking at the right

    time gives a person, or a team, a

    momentum that cannot be attained

    outside of the symbiosis. The usually

    agreed upon best time for peaking is at,

    or just prior to the start of the postsea-

    son. The Wauseon Indians have held a

    steamroller momentum for the entire

    season, but the competition does noth-

    ing but get progressively tougher and

    more merciless at the start of the post-
