the history of beads dates as far back as 40,000 years with the advent of modern people. they have...

History of Beads

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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History of Beads

The history of beads dates as far back as 40,000 years with the advent of modern people. They have been made by every culture since then.

Columbus' first trade with the people of the Americas was done with the use string beads to gain the confidence and admiration of the indigenous people.

Europeans bought Manhattan in 1624 for $1,000 in beads. Just Central Park is now worth


Used in Trade

Eye beads were used to ward off evil spirits, amulets protected the wearer from harm, charms and mementos and talismans had a very special, very important personal and mystic function for the owner that becomes infused into each piece and transformed by the modern owner into something personal of their own.


Burmese, India

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