the himalayan range


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  • Geography of India Introduction to Indian geography, Indian HimalayasNirdeshak /indian-geography-the-himalayan-range.html

    Indian Geography The Himalayan Range

    Posted by Ravindra Agnihotri on March 1, 2013

    Read in Hindi

    Read this in Hindi

    1) What is the general nature of the Great Himalayan Range?

    It is one of the youngest mountain ranges of the world

    2) What is the nature of extension of the Himalayan Range in India?

    It extends from Jammu & Kashmir to the North-Eastern states of Manipur-Mizoram

    3) What is the approximate length of Himalayas in India? About 2,500 Km

    4) Which is the most proven theory about evolution of Himalayas? The Plate Tectonic Theory (A collision between two continental Print web pages, create PDFs

    1 of 2 09-Mar-14 11:12 AM

  • tectonic plates resulted in evolution of the Himalayas from bed of an old sea)

    5) It has been proven that an ancient sea existed before evolution of the Himalayas. What was the name of this sea, whose evidences canstill be seen in some Himalayan ranges? Tethys Sea (Fossils of ocean creatures have been discovered in the Himalayas)

    6) What is the popular name of Himalayas and Mt. Everest in Nepal? Sagarmatha

    7) The Himalayan Range has been classified under which 4 broad parts or categories?

    A) Greater Himalaya or Himadri B) Middle or Low Himalayas C) Sub-Himalayas (Shivalik, etc.) and D) TibetHimalayas

    8) The highest and loftiest peaks of the Himalayas are found in which part or category? Greater Himalayas (This category has Mt.Everest, Kanchenjunga, Makalu and Dhaulagiri peaks and concentrated in Eastern Nepal-Sikkim-South West China region)

    9) Which are the most important ranges of Middle or Low Himalayas?

    Pir Panjal, Dhauladhar and Mahabharata Ranges

    10) Which part of Himalayas is believed to be the youngest one (i.e., was formed latest)? Shivalik Ranges

    11) Sub-Himalayan or the Shivalik part of Himalayas is spread over which Indian states?

    Parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand (This part is the lowest part of the Great Himalayan Range)

    12) Which part of Himalayas is often described as Trans-Himalayas or Himalayas after Himalalayas? Tibet Himalayas

    13) Indias highest peak K-2 (Godwin Austin) is situated in which ranges towards north of Himalayas, which is also a branch of theHimalayas? Karakoram

    14) Himalayas bend in U-direction in which region of India? North-Eastern region (forming a cover across Plains of Assam)

    15) The Himalaya-Tibet region is supposed to supply fresh-water to approximately how much part of world population? About one-fifth Print web pages, create PDFs

    2 of 2 09-Mar-14 11:12 AM