the hilelbfiele paeehe teabhee bi]uheei … hilelbfiele paeehe teabhee bi]uheei lvwltes bolt to help...

The HILELBfiELE PAEEHE TEABHEE BI]uHeEI LvwLtes bolt to help ws RAisEAPOTOF®®CD® for EHiiiELREffiiiE EEENIHENITffiE¥ 5CREGgEL uH§W£"uwbe5Et%°#r%%L#EE¥%r%h£%'¬2£±bGHE%°£r#S£Ee#8a±¬E#Eb THANK YOL^ On, behalf of the TrLcleg Trad Cow"Lttee c]wd the HLLLdaLe Pc]r¬vit Tecicher CowicLL, Lt Lj wLth great pteasL4re that we weLc,ovwe gow to oitr .RciL5e a Pot of Gold" TrLcleg Trod bevicfLttLwg HLLLdaLe ELevwewtarg School. DLte to the overwheLvwig geviero5Ltg of owr doviors, we have over 340 prizesl A verg jp¬cLczL THANK Yol^ to the TrLcleg Trag CovwwLttee. To Mrs. CLsweros, Mrs. RepoLa, Mrs. Hciwz,I, M5. Me5ce, M5. TLthg, avLd the HLLLdaLe Staff -THANK Yol^ for t4oitr sttpport ciwd assLstawcel THANK Yol^ to The Btoovweru (www.MaLn,streetbLooMeru.COM) an,d Robgw CtLordavLo for doviatLVLg the cevLterpLece5. THANK YOL^ to the foLLowLwg for covLtrLbLttLwg to oL4r "Swag" bags Bosco (www.boscoworLd.covw), ALpha Sport Ecist (www.aLphctsporteast.COVA), Rec,leLtt Bevic,leLser CiroLtp (www.rb.c,ovw), MeredLth CiLLtdLc,e, ReMcix (, lsota Bodg (www.LsoLabodg.COM). CharLevle SMLth, ThLrtg Owe (www. MgthLrtgon,c.COM/CharLewe328), LaleeLciwd Bciwle (www.Lak2eLcin,dban,, SheLdovt FLtrvwc]w, K¬LLer \^/LLLLclMs (www.5heLdovLfL4"avl.covw), Au,dreg EapevL Photographg (www.aL{dret4eapevLphotos.cow), ReciL SLMPLe (www.reaLSLMPLe.covw); Ctreew CLeaw Cc]r \^/ash (www.greevLCLeavLcw.covw), S"pLg Be Yoga (sLMPLubegogav\j.viet), BrLcle & MLrror Beaittg Bcir (www.brLclean,dMLrrorbeaL{tgbar.covw). TD Bawle (www.tdbavtle.covw), MathwLz,ard of ParsLppavLg (wwwwothwLzard.wet/parsLppavLt4), DLcle's Sportivug Goods (www.dLcle55portLwggoods.COM), RLght c}t HOMe of North Jerseu (www.rLghtathovwe.n,Gt/n,orth- jer5eg). FaLrfLeLd MovL5ter MLWL GOLf (www"ovLsterwtLvtLgoLf.cow/faLrfLeLd). avid StacL HavLdLer, BeaLttgcoitwter ([email protected]). Avuother THANK Yol^ to JclMLe KLdecleeL an,d Real SLVAPLe for dowatLwg owr uc,owsoLc}tiow" prLze5, the BYO Lwv\c,h Bags. WIsttlNci YOIA LL^CKI! Chairpersows KrL5tew PLper. ILL55a SchcichMow, Karen, RawleLVL CovwMh,Lttee Kc7revi Adest, Swsc]wa Agrit5ti, An,wette Barragaw, JodL BewsovL, Jevln,Lfer Bo5carLwo, Rc]chet Brod¬r, JcivwLe Chertcoff, ChrL5twLe CheLtwg, Dagwa CLaxton,, JaVALe CgrL4s, ChrL5 Dezc(a, Robgw GLordan,a, MeredLth CtLwdLce, \^/evLdg Ctitcin,c,L, Marble Hc{ra5t5, MeLLs5ci Heman,dez, VLVLcivt Hit5tL, MeLLsscl JovLe5, JclMLe KLdeclecL, MeLLssci KobLLarcLle, Rose AwvL MaLg, JevL McivucLWL. Maggue Ng, AVA,geLa PLLsbL4rg, MarLa Roth5c,hLLd, Tclra Sc}Mbralts, AwgcLfl Sowtz, Circlce SLtMlea, TLvia Swords, SteLLa MaLetos-ThoLMpottLos, LLsa TLtbbs, LorL \^/eLn,er, Jevi ZLOLleowslei * 4±± tLcleets Must be dropped bg i£:45 * TtoleGt oaLLLwg WLLL begLn, provwptLg at 8:oo * 1

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Post on 10-Apr-2018




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The HILELBfiELE PAEEHE TEABHEE BI]uHeEI LvwLtes bolt to help ws


uH§W£"uwbe5Et%°#r%%L#EE¥%r%h£%'¬2£±bGHE%°£r#S£Ee#8a±¬E#EbTHANK YOL^

On, behalf of the TrLcleg Trad Cow"Lttee c]wd the HLLLdaLe Pc]r¬vit Tecicher CowicLL, Lt Lj wLth

great pteasL4re that we weLc,ovwe gow to oitr .RciL5e a Pot of Gold" TrLcleg Trod bevicfLttLwg HLLLdaLeELevwewtarg School. DLte to the overwheLvwig geviero5Ltg of owr doviors, we have over 340 prizesl A

verg jp¬cLczL THANK Yol^ to the TrLcleg Trag CovwwLttee. To Mrs. CLsweros, Mrs. RepoLa, Mrs. Hciwz,I,

M5. Me5ce, M5. TLthg, avLd the HLLLdaLe Staff -THANK Yol^ for t4oitr sttpport ciwd assLstawcel THANK

Yol^ to The Btoovweru (www.MaLn,streetbLooMeru.COM) an,d Robgw CtLordavLo for doviatLVLg the


THANK YOL^ to the foLLowLwg for covLtrLbLttLwg to oL4r "Swag" bags Bosco (www.boscoworLd.covw),

ALpha Sport Ecist (www.aLphctsporteast.COVA), Rec,leLtt Bevic,leLser CiroLtp (www.rb.c,ovw), MeredLth CiLLtdLc,e,

ReMcix (, lsota Bodg (www.LsoLabodg.COM). CharLevle SMLth, ThLrtg Owe

(www. MgthLrtgon,c.COM/CharLewe328), LaleeLciwd Bciwle (www.Lak2eLcin,dban,, SheLdovt FLtrvwc]w,K¬LLer \^/LLLLclMs (www.5heLdovLfL4"avl.covw), Au,dreg EapevL Photographg (www.aL{dret4eapevLphotos.cow),

ReciL SLMPLe (www.reaLSLMPLe.covw); Ctreew CLeaw Cc]r \^/ash (www.greevLCLeavLcw.covw), S"pLg Be Yoga

(sLMPLubegogav\j.viet), BrLcle & MLrror Beaittg Bcir (www.brLclean,dMLrrorbeaL{tgbar.covw). TD Bawle

(www.tdbavtle.covw), MathwLz,ard of ParsLppavLg (wwwwothwLzard.wet/parsLppavLt4), DLcle's SportivugGoods (www.dLcle55portLwggoods.COM), RLght c}t HOMe of North Jerseu (www.rLghtathovwe.n,Gt/n,orth-

jer5eg). FaLrfLeLd MovL5ter MLWL GOLf (www"ovLsterwtLvtLgoLf.cow/faLrfLeLd). avid StacL HavLdLer,BeaLttgcoitwter ([email protected]). Avuother THANK Yol^ to JclMLe KLdecleeL an,d Real SLVAPLe

for dowatLwg owr uc,owsoLc}tiow" prLze5, the BYO Lwv\c,h Bags.

WIsttlNci YOIA LL^CKI!Chairpersows KrL5tew PLper. ILL55a SchcichMow, Karen, RawleLVL CovwMh,Lttee Kc7revi Adest, Swsc]wa

Agrit5ti, An,wette Barragaw, JodL BewsovL, Jevln,Lfer Bo5carLwo, Rc]chet Brod¬r, JcivwLe Chertcoff, ChrL5twLe

CheLtwg, Dagwa CLaxton,, JaVALe CgrL4s, ChrL5 Dezc(a, Robgw GLordan,a, MeredLth CtLwdLce, \^/evLdg Ctitcin,c,L,

Marble Hc{ra5t5, MeLLs5ci Heman,dez, VLVLcivt Hit5tL, MeLLsscl JovLe5, JclMLe KLdeclecL, MeLLssci KobLLarcLle,

Rose AwvL MaLg, JevL McivucLWL. Maggue Ng, AVA,geLa PLLsbL4rg, MarLa Roth5c,hLLd, Tclra Sc}Mbralts, AwgcLfl

Sowtz, Circlce SLtMlea, TLvia Swords, SteLLa MaLetos-ThoLMpottLos, LLsa TLtbbs, LorL \^/eLn,er, Jevi ZLOLleowslei

* 4±± tLcleets Must be dropped bg i£:45 * TtoleGt oaLLLwg WLLL begLn, provwptLg at 8:oo *


ORDER OF EVENTSG.C)O Doors open,, Pt4roha5e TLcleet5 avLd TLcleet DroppLwg

7 45 Lcist cciLU!8 OC) TLcleet pLtLLLwg avud caLLLwg --ALL prLze NWMbers WLLL be called

lct.C)Ct 50/5C) Raffle \^/Lwwer called (\^/LMer vieed viot be pre5evit)

TICKET PRICESFor gowr a,ovwewiewoG, a wu,Mber has been, wrLtten, ovi the bacle of ecich tieleet.

Please c,opg this wwvwber on,to the baa,le of an,g addltLowaL ttoleets I/ow pwrohase.ThLs WLLL vwalee the oaLLLwg .qo Much faster!

LEVEL COLOR PRICEt\ ": ` .`= qreevL 1 Sheet for $10f} TWO Orowqe 1 Sheet for $2C>

THREE Yellow $1C>/each 4 tLcleets/$30* qRAND Pwlle $20/ec]c,h or 3 tLc,leets/$50qoLD 1 sheet of greew Level Ov\e tLcleet5: 15heet of oravLge Level Two

Pc,c,leaqe tLcleet5, 4 weLtow Level Three tLc,leets -a SGO vaLLte for $55

PIATINl^M 1 sheet of greevL Level Ovie tLc,leets; 2 sheets of oravige LevelPflcleage Two tLc,leet5, 4 ueLLow Level Three tLcleets civLd 1 pwile qrcivud

PrLze tic,lest -a $1C>C> vciLLte for S8C>

#fty Door PrLzes C+IeeJ^/ lvic,Litded owl goLtr GREEN Level owe tLc,feet sheet civid/or

Oravtqe ORANGE Level two sheet

© 5C)/5C)TLc,leet5 WhLte $5/eac,h


RL4LES" The TrLcleg Trad Committee Ls wot re5povt5Lble for Lost/MLspLaced tLcleet5 or for avLg prLze after Lt

L5 c,LCHvwed. No 5wbstLtLttLow of the offered prLz,e Mc]g be Mc}de avid vto cash will be gLvev\ Lw LLew of

the prLze, ALL prLze5 ore Lw Was L5" covidLtLow, c,cwwtot be retwrvLecJ or exchan,ged, avid have wo c,ash

value." To wLvi a prLze, dolt vwttst place the approprLate tLcleet wL the approprLate cL4p. If the wrovLg tLcleet L5

dropped wi the cL{p avLd that tLc,leet Ls putlLed. Lt WLLL be wot be c,aLled. Owe,e a tLcleet Ls dropped, Lt

con,wot be retrLeved. Bevtt tLcleets WLLL viot be pulled. RETAIN tjou,r ttoleet stttbs as goLt WLLL weed

thLs to c,LciLvw goLtr prLze(S).

Drop a5 McwLg tLcleet5 as gou wc]v\t to Lwc,rease the odds of wLn,wLVLg. Owe tLc,feet WLLL be c,hosew at

rc}vLdoLM for ecich prLz,e awd c,c]LLed three tLMe5. If there Ls wo respovLsc, fl view viutMber WLLL be

ravLdoMLu drawvt. ALL attewdees have pwrchased cic] MLssLovL ciwd/or raffle tLcleets, civLd therefore ccivl

wLw. The fLrst 400 cittevidee5 will rec,eLve oLtr 5wcig bag.


H Level ONE: VaLwe $100-$249 H 1 qREEN sheet for $1C> bEjl Wiwe TLMe

- ````. ` ` ' `` `.` .(.-- `.` .`. `

TotclL \^/wLe \^/est Oman,qe www.totctLWLn,e.c,ovw

62 ChLLd/Bwn,A,g ChLLd/BwvwLg PrLVLt ooLtrte5g of c}rtLst KathLeew Ferrg/TheLvwa Kat De5LgvLs, c,civl

PrM,t be re-cutstoLWLZGcl to reflect wowr color preferevices. www.theLMc]lecit.c,oM

¬3 lvtLtLOLs ovl CwstoM Pcwited lvLLticlL5 OVL Ccln,vcis -choLc,e of eLther ovle lGx20 oval or two

CCIVUVCIS 8xlc) sq Ltare cawvct55es www.thetMcilectt.c,o vw

64 Movister MLVLi CiLft Bci5leet coLtrtesu of FairfLeLd Mowster MLA,L Golf (194 l^S 4G East), oMed

qotf of FaLrfletd bu FaLrfLeLd re5Ldevit5 NLc,le owd Ccirol Mastran,drea


65 A Ma5terfLtL \^/ood vwght stcivid, whLte chaLle paLwt civid hciwd dLstressed bu MeLL5sa Mcistersow

RedesLc)n,I of Ma5terfwL REDesLqn, et5w.cowt/shop/Mcist¬rfwLRel)esLqvL

¬JG MwsLc, Le55ovLs $10Ct gLft certLfLcate fr" LL^debLad School of Mu5Lc,1Cjl ROLtte 4G Ecist, PLVLe

Broole www.tin,debLcicl vwLtsic,.c,a M c7 $5 Po Mpered Chef Ciift/RecLpe c,circl£

EJT ParLc7n, & SovLs $100 gLft a,c]rd coi{rfe5g of PorLan, & Sows, 832 FrciviletwL Aven,tte, Frclviletw\

Lalees www.parLc"dLc} a $5 Pawtpered Chef qift/RecLpe c,c}rd

88 For Dc}wc,ers SGC) gLft certifLcate, 5Weat5hLrt, t-shLrt. ga"en,t bog owd roll bag c,owrtesg of ForOwLL/I I)awcer5 0wtw,135 Stevews Aven,Lie, LLttLe Falls fordan,cersowLWLj.covw

Ci9 Ecit cit JOcleeu Lu,wch for 4 coLLrtesg of Joclecg Hollow Bclr & KLtchew, MorrLstoww

HOLLow www:iocleei4hotLowbctrawdleLtc,hevi.COM E $5 Pc"pered Chef qift/RecLpe card

61C, Stcirle Stwcl io Free sLttin,g wL the qcirdevL ctn,d ovLe 8xlc> prLVLt coLtrtesg of Stc}rle StudLo, 28

old BLooMfLeLd Roc}d, pin,e Broole www.5tarle5tLtclLovii.c,oM

e,11 An,thropoLogLe LitLLe \^/aLLace tt4wchbox ftLLgd wLth over $1C>O worth of prodltcts from

G,ft Set AVLthropoLogLe, Ln,ctutdLVLg gold n,ecletcice set, MLrcibec{Lt 5ocip c]vLd ML55Lov\ Grove

faceLwcisle, cowrte5Li of MLrai CorporcitLow a $5 Povwperecl Chef qLft/Rec,ipe cclrd

812 Ac,odcMLc $150 gLft c,ertLfLcote to Ac,cideMro ExceLL6vtc,e Cen,ter,115 ttor:seviec,le Rd, Towctco

ExcetLevice for a prLvate tLttorLwg pocleage, 2 prLvate session,s or 4sessLows.Cewter WWw.acciden^LcexceLLevLcec6viter.c,oM

EJ13 BeLLa CopeLLL Moroc,ccivLOLL Hgdratin,g \^/et LLn,e KLt awd $45 gLft c,c]rd coLtrtesg of BeLLa

CapeLLi SaLovL, 421 Mc}Lvt Street, BoowtovL

814 Ab¬ltcl StLtdLoS Ovi6 hoi4r ow-LocatLow portraLt 5essLow wLth ovilLVLe hostLn,g of pLctitres ciwd ovL6

OvLe 11xl4 prin,t, coLtrte5u of Ab¬Lta StwclLo5. FclLrfLeLd www.abeLLastLtdLos.coLrfu E, $5_ ` .. ` i.. . `` . .,

815 AbeLLo StL(dLos OvLe hoLtr ovi-Lot,atLotfu portraLt sessLovL wLth on,tLvie ho5tLn,g of pLctitres avLd ovLe

Two 11xl4 prLwt, cowrteju of AbeLLa StitdLos wL Fairftetd www.abeLLc] a

$5 Pc"pered Chef qift/RecLpe card

EIG KLd5' Mlt5LC qLft certLfroate for 5-weele %-sessLon, ctc]sses c]t L\^/FC-NYC or KLds Mu,stcRoltvud RoiMCL Lawgltage cLas5e5 offered Ln, FrevLch, Span,Lsh or ChLvlese for chLLdrew G

Mos-8 at the MovttctciLr or MadL5ovt LocatLovLs. Mtt5ro c,tcls5es offered from

n,ewborw -4 at the NYC LocotLon, www.oi4rsvwaLtworLdcovwL¬ct.cowl B $5

Pa vwpered Chef Ci Lft/RecLpe card

817 Extra lvLn,ivtgs Owe 3Cl vwLwute professlow LG5sovL, ovLe TIM,rfuel, t-5hLrt awd hat provLded bg"-.... . : : -- . --. . `. . .. . . . . `.. . .. . ..c.

$5 Pavwpered Chef C(Lft/RecLp¬ cc`rd

1 ALL Pavwperec! Chef qLft/RecLpe Ccirds were provLded bg Lee ScapLcchto/(2Cjl)-39Cl-G588/

[email protected] M, www.pawtperedchef.bLz/chefLewa, Expire5 G/3C)/1G3

S18 CeLebrclte @ $1C)C) off a bL"dag Partg CoLtrtc5g of Sports LlvLLverse, 355 ELsevihower

Sports "...... . . . . ... .. I . ..c`=. ....-` = . -.. -1.

l^vLLv6r5e c,arcl

619 ABC5 0f Free regL5tratLovt for view stLtdevtt5 c]vtd MovLt¬5sorL LeamLwg tog cowrte59 0f

Learvuwg ABC.5 of LearviLwg, A Movites:sori Sc,hooL, iz4 JciclesovwLLLe Rocicl. Towcic,o,5ofLearvLLwq.orq a $5 PaMpered Chef CiLft/RecLpe cc}rcl

C`` L4ptoww Art 1Gx2C) palm,tlwg avLd free Jse55i,on, to clwg 2 or 3 hoLtr c,Lcl5s coutrtejg of l^ptoww

Art, 28 DLaMon,d SprLwg Road. DevwLLL¬ www.t4ptown,art.cowl 6 $5 Pc"p¬redChef CiLft/Rec,Lps c,cird

821 The Pcip¬r Crec]tLve Cclrd MaleLwg CLc}ss for 4-G people coitrte5g of the Paper Sou.rc,e, 359SoLlrce =```. ..` ..... ... . ` . .`( ``` .`` ` ` `

qLft/RecLpe c,c]rd

822 SwLM wLth the $100 qLft CertLfLcate cottrtesg of H20cec}vL Restc}utrcmut & Rc}w Bar. 41F,,she5 RLdg¬daLe Ave, Cedflr KwoLLs www.h2oceflwrestc(Ltravit.c,oM d $5 Pampered Chef

CiLft/Ref,Lpe c,c]rd

(. Lose Lt for \^/eLght Loss sessLovt covidttc,ted bg Advcin,c,ed Hgpn,o5i5 CoiMseLLLwg,170CiooD Chan,gebrLdge Roc]d, MovitvLLLe avLd the boole How fc7 f/x yo44rLfG/ffc7r C7c7cJo'bu

Kc]thw LLn,dert a $5 Pampered Chef qLft/RecLpe a,ard

824 How WoLttc) t40Lt $1C>Cl ¢Lft CertLficate cot{rtesg of Bow Pepe, 58 ROL{te 4G \^/eft, Pwte Broole. or

LLlee thcit cooleec}? 18 old BlooLMfieLd Avewu,e, Pun,e Broole www.I)

www.DovLpepell.covw r, $5 Pc"pered Chef QLft/RecLpe c,ord

825 BLooMLe's " -.. .... . .. : .. . `. .. ,.. . `. .C .

Paw,perecl Chef CiLft/RecLpe c,c}rd

e;2G H¬ctr cl Show . . . . .. `` ` .`. . . ` .` . ` . ` ` ` .` ` .`

sec}sow (Ooecivi CoLtwtg College. TOMs RLver) CiardgvistatephiLha"on, 6 $5PaVApered Chef C{Lft/RecLpe c,cird

C`-` I)Lwwer awcl ci Fot4r gold tLc,leets to c}wg AMC Thec{tre civtd $50 TcilFrLdag'5 gLft c,ard cowrtesg of

MovLe KLd5' Ka5tle SoLtth AMbou, c]vi LVL-sc,hooL hoLLdflu shoppLn,g program a $5

Pcwwperec] Chef GLft/RecLpe card

e2-8 MowtcLa Lr Art $25 gLft c,ard to AppLebee's c,oLtrtesu of the NaravLjo-RLvera FavwLLu Ci FavwLLg

ML{seLtM MeMbershLp to the MowtcLciLr Art MuseL4M, 3 SoL4th MOLtwtaLn, Ave, MowtcLciLr

www.vwon,tc,Lc]Lrc]rtvMseitvw.orq E:, $5 PaMperecl Chef C{Lft/RecLpe ccird

¬29 Setow Halt Mere,hclvLdLse, Lvic,LLtdLn,g t-5hLrt5, om,avwevLt5 cM,d bobbLehec}ds c,ot4rtesu of the

PLrc]te5 Setow HclLL l^vwversLtw ALLtvwwL As5ocLatLow www.shw.edw

530 ReLclx! " .. . ` . . .. .` .I . =... . . . = ...`. :. (

$5 Pc(Mpered Chef qLft/RecLpe card

®31 MosqL"to Squad On,e barrLer sprcig treatMevit from, AMericc]'s Largest Mo5qL4Lto avLd tLcle covLtrot

c,oMpawg, MosqLLLto SquLad of North Jerseu, 33 Two Brtdge5 Roc}d, Towaco

www.n,art/uerseL|.Mo5qilLtosc|wacJ.covw 6 $5 Pc"pered Chef Ctift/RecLpe c,ard

632 4ovLe Cold Atttogrclphed copu of the yivoveL C;4rfuc' Co/albg DoitgLas CorLeowe C5 $5 Pampered

Chef GLft/Rec,Lpe cclrd

E)33 step OLtt LVLTL¬les" .` ` ``.` .... . ..( ..`.` `` . ``` 'i 1..`

634 Mo'towl Ovi¬-geclr faMitg VAeMbership to the MorrLs CowLtg HL5torLc,cil Soci¬tg. Bew¬fLts

LvtcLLtd6 LvWLtatLovu to the PresLdewt's Teci clvLd qarcJew Partg. gLL¬st Lectu.rers,

cidviwjsLovL to Acom Hall awd Gordevi, dLscouLn,ts on, jpecLaL even,t5. gLft Shop

pwrohc]5es ciwd pi{btLcatLovis. awd iA:5e of the Reseclrch LLbrorg c]vld ArchLvewww.tic,omhatL.orq E, $5 Pavwpered Chef C{Lft/R¬c,Lpe c,card a $5C) c]Lft c,arc]

coL4rte5g of The CoMvwLtted PLg, MorrL5toww/Man,asqu,avi

e35 Li{c,LLe TttLLo Owe 1-holtr LessovL/coachLVLg 5essLow provLded bg LucLle TL{LLo Volt,e & Actiwg

VoLce & ActLVLg StitdLo, Towc]c,o awd CD of DLsweg's A/47al`4~ Brocidwcig Cast RecordLwg

StuLclto `. ` . `` ` `( : ` : ` . `` . :` `` .` . `. .

G2G ROLtte 2C>2, Towoco www.90C) Cj $5 Pc(Mpered ChefCiLft/RecLpe cc}rc]

63G Speoleeasu & Two uoitth cLclsses coLtrte5g of Spealeeosg Art qaLLerg. 8lG MaLw St. BoovLton,

I)LavwovLd M/pages/Spealeea5g-Art-CiaLLcrg E $5C> GLft CertLfic,cite to

:``.DLavwowd Ctu MwastLcs, East Hawover dia Mowdgg vwwasttcs.covw C5 $5 Pavwpered

Chef Ci Lft/RecLpe card`¬) 3FCia C(re¬vL! qift ba5leet a,oLtrtesg of Earth FrLevidLg Proc]uc,ts, wLclu.dwig MagwolLa & LLLg

LatMdru I)Gt6rgevit, Lcivevider \^/Lwc)ow CLeawer civLd Hc(vLd Soap. Pcir5Lcg PLw5 ALL

Sttrface CLeawer, Free & CLeclr DLshwashLn,g CieL, StaLw & Oc)or Revwover,

EcoBreeze FabrLc Refresher, LeMowgrass Frurt & VeggLe \^/ash, StciLWLesj Steel

CtecivLer ciwcJ Tote Bag Ec(rth FrLewdlu procJitcts c]re fLLLed ilo a pLatLwi4w� zero-

wc]5t¬, carbow n,ewtrcit w,civLLtfactt4rwLq facLLLtLi Lw pflrsLppciwLi,05.a,OM

EJ38 After School $5C) gLft certLficat¬ to L3-Acadevwg,1 Cire6wwood Ave, Mowtclc(Lr www.13-

Dlwn,er ". .. .:. ..c. .. : : .. .. : . . . c-I..

Pc(Mpered Chef qLft/RecLpe ccird

639 flow Howse Two cheese pLzzas cln,d ovie c,iAstoM glow t-shLrt wLth clvLg weeleevid booleLwg pctrtg

Pclrtg coLtrtesg of GLow ttoLAse KLd5.151C> ROLtte 23 North. BLttLer glowhoLt5eleLds.c,ovw

( `.... ` `, . ; ` . `. , . `` `

" .. ... .....`. ` ... .. . `( . . .. . `...' `:

cottrte5L/ of Tcllees the Ccile¬ foe,eboDle.c,oM/leeLLiicrosjcctlee

540 LSC& KagLa's`. .` . . . . . . . . .... .`( ... . ` . \

` :. `. .. . . : . `. .... .`. . :. .

",... . .: . . . .. ..c-- . . . . ... . . ``-. ....(.

$5 Pc`VAperecJ Chef C{Lft/Ref,Lpe a,I)rd

841 Shclron,'s School $50 C{Lft CertLfLcate to Shc}ron,'s StLtdLo of Dciwce on,d a dciwce dress (SC),

of DavLce cc"L5oLe (M), hoodLe (S), ballet owtfLt (XSC), rosette barrette, clvLd BaLLerLwa

jeweLrg set. Shorow's L5 Loccited c}t G22 Route lc>, \^/hLppavLgwww.5hc(row5dawc,e.covw 5 $5 PaMpered Chef CiLft/RecLpe cc]rd

842 FLLppwl' OIAt for $50 CiLft CertlfLcate c"d gum bag cottrte5u of FLLppivL' Oltt Tt4vwbLwtg, 21Ct \^/

I)clvtce "`... . ... . . .I. . .`.. I. .. . ..I.I.. ( . :...

class. dc}vLce bag, doll, Mogn,et on,d foLclers, coL{r+esg of The Love of DavLce, 47G

Ridgec]ciLe Ave, Ecist Hc]vLover www.theLoveofdan,c,cvij.covw Ci $5 Pc"pered ChefCtift/RecLpe

e43 :. : .:_ . .` . . `. - `. .` (` . . .. .. .. . ` .(

I Pa Mpered Chef Ci Lft/R6cipe cc]rd

( .`.` qo LLvel 4 VIP tLc,leets to a tcipLVLg of uVEl \^/Lth KeLlg & MLchc]eL a $5 PaMper¬d ChefCtLft/RecLpe cc(rd

845 I. _ .:_ . CtotclieBLox ZLPLLwe ActLon, FLgLtre C:, Hgdro-Dome EverbearwLg Strc}wb6rrg

1' HgdropovLLc5 Cj K6va CowtraptLow5 50 pLavile set E, Artsovi Evergdc}g

DecoratLow5 F, $5 Pampered Chef qLft/Rec,Lpe c,cird

C` .`. .SLLlu Mc,CiLLLg & SLLLg Mc,CtLLLg doll c]vLd boole wrLttew bg MLcheLLe Dowghertg, ELLeew CowLeg ctwd

GOLCJLCBlox VlctorLa Coffeg owd CI0vnuclted bg HLLLdciLe LMovw, MLcheLLe I)ot4ghertul ThLs set tells

the 5torw of cl LovecibLe LeprechclLtvL who evtious pLai/Lwq fwwwi4 Littte trLcles on,


c,hLtdren, throt4ghout the St. PatrLc,le'5 Dad seaJsow www.sLILgw, 5

qoLdLeBLox awd the Du,wle Tan,le a, $5o gLft card to qawte Stop c,owrt6su of The\^/eLLn,es5 Ctrowp,liz-Cj ChavLgebrLdge Rd, MowhvLLLe


E5 4iz Tc]lee 5 ot BOLto 5 bLowoLtt5 c}t BOLLo Scltow iw Towac,o, pLits 15% off cowpow to KL" & Co., the

c]cce5sorg awd apparel store wLthLw BOLto SciLM 6 $5

Pa Mpered Chef GLft/RecLpe c,Gird

648 Hecir the Mi4sLc, Three 30 vwLn,wte prMt6 pLawo or vLOLLn, Lessows (ages iz.+) wLth CLc)LtdLo

BaLtMgaertvLer LeLWMerz of Hecir the MLtsLc (n,ew stt4cJ¬n,t5 owLg) cwid her boole"ML| Boole AboLtt MLtsLc,aL ln,st"wtevi,ts"

E549 CozL Ovte Three Year SiAbscrLptLovt to Cozi C(otcJ, the Leadin,g faMLtg orgavLLZLwg cipp

SL4b5crLptLow wLth a shared catgwdar clvld LLstj a ThwLg5 to Do LLst awd

Shoppin,g LLjt crecited bg Mciri5a JLLwe De5LgvL5 MorLSojtln, 8 $5

Pa Mp¬red Chef GLft/Rcc,Lpe cc]rd

EJ50 " .. : .: . CioLdLeBLox clwd the MovLe Mcic,hLwe e5 JLqctzo 5epLo 3C>O pLece pwzzLe CiBlwLgtes

Ill``. ```.` ` ` ` ``' ` `..`` . . . . ` ` `.

Street I)esLgvL et5u.COM/Shop/WaterstreetDe5Lgn, C) $5 Pampered Chef

qLft/Recipe cclrc)

e51 Tee,h Safe J.Crew lphovLe 5 c,c]5e 6 Free Cclse pLws shlppLVLg c,oLtrtesg of Otter Box

www.otterbox.cowl C1 $5 Pavwpered Chef C(Lft/RecLpe ccircJ

e) 52- Clc(revwovnvt PrLvcite DLstLLLerg Tottr avLd Ta5tiwg for 8. pLLt5 2C1% Off awu pLtrchase CoL{rtesg of

DLjtLLLerg CLcireMowt DLstLLLed SpLrLts, 30 Cowtwton,5 Rd, Fc(LrfLeLd cLareMowtdistLtleru.cowl

r; $5 Pa MPGr¬d Chef qLft/RecLpe cctrd

853 He shoots. hescore5' SLgvied pLtcle from Steph6w qLowta #11 of the NJ I)evLts devLLs.n,hl.a,oM

854 L\rbctvL rvlw5e $10C)+ wo" of specLc(Ltd proc)Ltct5, Ln,cLi{dLn,g "SeL de Mer' CciwcJte, Dc}wL Pec}r

LotLovi ciwd Sugc}r ScrLtb. c{wd SwLgLe Steeps Tec(5 c,oLArtesg of The L^rbow Mwse

Spa, DewvLLLe theLtrban,vwse.coLth E} $5 Pc"pered Chef C{Lft/RecLpg ccird

855 ALLThLwg5 Kwottg \^/ood Shop.s HavidMade votLve ccividLe holders, cc]vLdLe holder. c}vid pews

Wood 6tJsl|.cow/Shop/Kvtott`wWoocJshop a $5 Pavwpered Chef qift/Recipe card

EJ5G wLwe Rcicle CwstoM paLwhed wLn,e rocle to hold 5 bottles of wiwe avid 3 gLas5e5 hciwdMade bg

CoLtLWL of Hcizg MoovL StLtdLos 6 $5 Pavwpered Chef

qlft/RecLpe c,ord

857 FaVALlg TLLMe $50 gLft certlfLcC}te to L3-AcadeMu,1 Cir¬6vlwood Ave, Man,tcLaLr www.L3-Ac,c`cJew, CFT FLve tLoleets to the Fricir MowitaL^ Model RciLLroad MLt5eLtvw,

240 I)6vwc]re5t Rd, Sparta to see the St. PatrLcle'5 CioLd LeprechauvL Trc",, theEc}jt¬r ChLc,les c]vLc} Butvwiu TrcwL, the ThoMcis owd FrLewds Trcww, the HcitLoweevuC{ho5t TraLn, aviud the ChrL5tMc{5 Scln,ta CLciLLs TrciLw WWw.fw"".Com fj Bclvtg

BovLg 5hrLvwp c,oLtpovL coL4rtesg of BoviefL5h. Pwi¬ Broole E, Free de55ert c,oLtpovL

frovw On, the Border a $5 Pc"pered Chef Cilft/RecLpe card

858 SJioe PLvich GoldLeBLox Rwbu Rolls SlegdLve ActLorfu FLgt4re c? 5c,hooL sLtppLie5 t, "No owe

leviow5 where the shoe pLwc,he5, bitt he who wecirs Lt" PrwLt crecited bg

pLwlebLtlLPRINTS. A p¬rcewtc]ge of everg prwit Sold bg pwilebL4LLPRINTS isc]owated to a charLtg et5u.covw/shop/pwulebLtLLPRINTS a $5 Pavwpered Chef

qLft/RecLpe C,clrd Ci $25 glft cc(rd coL4rtesu of CavtdgLLCLOL4S,1152 ROLtte 10\^/e5t, Rovucl oLph www.ccwidLi LLcioLL5vLj.a,o vw

859 FLtw for KLd5 I I Caw Do Thc}+I sLtbscrLptLow cwid 5trotegg c,ard5 www.Lc,avidothc(tleLds.covw C"HOLtse RitLes" P",t crecited bii pMvlebwLIPRINTS C) Foitr G" 5itb5 from JerseL|


11 MLlee's, 317 SvwLth Rd, Par5LppavLg a $25 gift cc}rd coLtrtesg of the Learmn,gExpress of V¬rowa, G43 BLooMfLeLd AvevLLte www.Lean,Ln,gexpre5s.COM C7 $5

Pa "pered Chef qLft/RecLpe c,c}rd

8GC, Pole PosttLon, Two rc}c,e5 coLtrtejg of Pole PositLow Racewag. Jerseg CLtg a FLve Gn sLtb5 frovw Jerseu MLlee'S,

317 smith Road Lw Par5Lppowu C $5 Pc"pcr¬d Chef qLft/R¬c,Lpe cc]rd

eG1 Explore the Owe Y6ar FaMLLu MeVAber5hLp to the Twcleertorfu Seaport Mit5ewM

qctrdew State c#, FOLtr tLcleets to the old Borrcicle5 MutsettM Lw

Tren,ton, t: Folfr G" 5ttbs froM Jerseg MLlee's, 31iz SMLth Road

wl ParsLppciv" a $5 PaMperecJ Chef GLft/R¬c,LPS cclrd

6G2 Cewter fo r CiLft CertLfLcate for a FaLMLLu MeMber5hLp to the Cewter for CowteMporarg Art,

Cowtentporarg 2020 Bi4rwt MLLLs Rd, BedMLwster. B¬vLefLts Lwc,Lutd¬ tLtLtLovL cJLsc,oLtvLts,

Art dL5C0L(n,tj at art su;pptg Stores, the opportLtvLLtu to 5LtbMLt work!. c}vid LrfuvLtc}tLovius

to specLaL evevits CI FLve G" st4bs from Jer5eg MLlee'5,

31iz SMLth Rot)cJ, Por5Lppan,Li c: $5 Pampered Chef qLft/Rec,ipe ccird

eG3 Ol{r Towi Owe CiLft CertLfLcate for 2 tLc,leets to The BarvL Theatrg's prodLtotLon, of ucat Ovt A Hot

TLw Roof" OVL Mclrch 18-2C>, 2G or AprLL 1-3. 8-1C] E, $5C>

gLft certLfLcat6 to \^/ood Stclcle PLz,za KLtc,hew, 29 uS HLghwau 4G, PLyte Broolewww.woodjtaclen,I.covw c7 Bosc,o Surwp coLtrtc5g of Bosc,o Prodt{c,t5, lvLc., Towcico

www.boscoworLd.COM a $5 Pavwpered Chef C{Lft/RecLpe I,cird

e/G4 Opevt PLag Fowr G" sLtbs frowt Jer5eg MLlee'5, 317 SwtLth Rd, ParsLppavLg tj C)vLe Open, Plod

ctn,d the boole "Meet Me At MaLw" c,oitrtesg of The BLg PLaghoLt5e. 31G

Kwtderlecwwc]cle Roclcl, \^/e5twood cj Free c]ppGtLzer

c,oLApow froM OvL the Border a $5 Pc"p6red Chef CiLft/RecLpe ccird

eG5 .` ` . .. Green, Sc,iewce Evwiro Batterg 8 CID Create 2 Lw BLrdhowse & Feeder C7 Dc(rtlv ZovLe QLtLc,le Fire DeLLtxe a CtoLdieBLox avid the Spwin,wtg Mc]c,hwLe ± $5

Pa Mpered Chef Ci Lft/RecLpe c,c)rd

8GG StorqazwLg Alphabet PrLvtt, coLtrte5g of \^/ater Street DesLgw`op/

\^/aterstreetDesLgw £ FOLtr tLc,leets to the Noviws PLc}vietc(rLWM, Oc,ec)vL Coitvitg

College, TOMs River www.ocean,.edLt/cowtevit/pwblLc/for-the-

c,O w"wiLtLi/pLavietarLwwh EI QLtLclefLre SvLLper ALr Zon,e

667 FttLo & qc]vwe5 FOL{r G. 5Ltb5 from Jer5eg Milee's, 317 SwtLth Road Lw Par5Lppawg a $3Cj gLft

c,c]rd to Tot/5 R L^s coLtrtesg of The \^/eLLn,ess qrot4p,170 ChawgebrLdge Roc}d ,

:`` `..`.. . .. . `` . .. ``(` `' ` ` `` `` . ` `

StrLlee 24 C) $5 Pc"per6d Chef qLft/RecLpe cc]rd

E,i G8 Sltrf & Tltrf $50 gLft certLfLcate c,oLtrt6sg of DOL{gh Arti5aw PLz,ze". CatdweLL

dowghartLsawplzzerLa.COM E, $25 gLft CertLfLcate coLtrtesu of CclldwelL Seafood,

CcildwetL www.caLdweLL5eafoodn, a $25 gLft c,c]rd cottrtesg of TLervleu.5"` 11 . .. . . .. .. . .... .. . 1. . ... ( -

Pa Mpered Chef qift/Rec,Lpe cc]rd

c,G9 Eclt C)t4t Owe $5C) glft cGrtlfLcate coLLrtcjg of PLattLwo'5 NeLghborhood Bi5tro, 88 Ecist Mc(iw

Street, Mevlclhcww pLottLwovlj.covw £ $5C> gift cc]rd c,oLtrtesu of ChcirtLe Browvt.5

Re5tc}Ltrc}n,t www.charLLebrowws.covw C7 $5 Pc"pered Chef GLft/RecLp¬ cclrd

i)70 DwwLer & $25 glft Card coLLrt¬59 of LeMovLcirc]ss Restc}ltrcivLt ROL4te lct, MorrL5 PLaLn,sDessert ``` `. ```.. . `` (`-:` ``.` ` `. `. ```. `.. ` .`

528 North Bcverwgcle Rd, Lie HLawcitha faceboole.COM/Moddgs-MexLcan,-C{rLLL cBaJsleet of goodLes an,d $25 gift cclrd cowrt¬su of SLtgar Rttsh,10 \^/averLg PL.Mcic]Lsow 6 $5 Pawtpered Chef qLft/Rec,Lpe cc`rd


¬71 Ec]t Owt 11 CovwpLLMeM,targ Lltwc,h or DLvwLer for 2 c]t AppLebee'5 LVL Par5ippavlu c}vtd Chevg'5

Ln, CtLftow or LLwdew www.dohertgLwc.COM/dolt-wowed"6 e $5 Pampered Chef

¢Lft/RecLpe card

a) T2-uc" is for CooleLe

".. ` ' . ........ `.. .:... ..C .. :'`` .. :`` . `

Cooleboole ¬ Terra Gotta CooleLe Jc]r HavLdMade bg GobbledLgoole Potterg

et5u.covw/shop/GobbledLqoolepotte" ¬ $5 Pc"pered Chef CiLft/R¬c,Lpe a,ord

EJ73 YCM,le¬e Cawd Le YavLleee Cc",dLe MeclLitwt GLft Box -Bec]chwood, Becic,h \^/atle awd PLwle Savids

" .` `. . ' ` . ......:..`. .. .. ...( `. .. . ..- .

5lgvL cot4rte5g of Coc`jtaL Hclvew Crafts etsg.covw/shop/CoostaLHovewcrafts a $5

Pc"pered Chef qLft/RecLp¬ card

eJ74 AroiAwd the \ . `1`. ` . . ` `` .. .`` . , . `.``` c.`` `.

KLtchew CooleL6 Jar HavLdMcid¬ bu CiobbLecJLgoole Potterg E, I)ovwwLo swgor c,owpow ¬, Coffee

5tc]vid wLth cloth fLLter hciwdVAade bg Ka-Revi VLVLtage

et5L).COM/Shop/KaRevivLvitac)e 8 $5 Pc"perec] Chef CiLft/RecLpe cc}rd

eT5 HavLg Lt to havig \^/oodjewetrg rc{cle hovLdMc]de bg ALex \^/ood \^/orles etsg.covw/Shop/

Lt` . ``. ` c. ``` ``..`` ``` ``. ``. ` `` ``

CharLtu, Verorfuci. CFC 5utpport5 over 2CJ chcirLtcibLe orgovLLzation,s. "V-Dcig" Ls a

global actLVLst Movevwen,t to en,d vLotewce c(gaLw5t wovwevi c(vtd gLrls. Joe Cerbo.the CEO cM,d FowLder, L5 a HLLLdaLe ciLLIIWLLt5I www.chavezforcharLtg.Covw C,

HawdMadg Brc]c,GLet cowrtesg of Theo I)esLgw Cowcepts

etsu.covw/shop/TheciDesLqwcovtcepts c: $5 Pc"pered Chef Gift/RecLp6 a,ard

C)TG So Prettgl Cit5toM Three Dres5¬5' bg OLLVLa HLtghe5 with Sweet Bee PaLwtLVLgs, Ln,cti(dLwg"` `` ``` .` .` . ` .. ` ` `` c`` ` ` .` .

www"aL|de5Lqvi5.c,oM b $5 PaVApered Chef qift/Recipe carcJ

C`. Becicl. Peace. Bectd Pectc,e Love Brae,elet civftyd Earriwgs www.beadpgac¬Love.Gt5u.OOM Cj HciLrct4t

Love c,oitrtesg of CotorforM5 HaLr SciLovi,1GG Newarle PoMpton, Tplee, Pequavun,ocle

www.fac,,oLorforM5saLovL a $5 Pampered Chef CiLft/RecLpe cctrd`EJ T8

Kwot too 5habbg Kviot Just Shabbg HawdMade EarrLwgs awcJ bracelets etsg.covw/shop/

KwotJt4stshabbu C5 MaviLCLtre coLtrte5g of Pc(radLse Nc(LLs & Spa, Towoco a

HaLrcwt frow, Lwic], OwvLer/StuLLst of StLLdLo 44 44 Newclrle PoMptow". ,. .. .. ,.... . . . `. ... .`...c ,` :.


EJT9 J-E-T-Sl NY Jets Poster sLgwed bg NIAle rv\ctwgoLd www.vLewgorkuet5.c,ovw

E) 8c, KeepwLg ,t Heartstrwigslc>7 hclt a Necletc]c,e c}wdBeawtLfltL

"... . .. . ``... .. . ....... : ., ..( . .

frovw LLwa, Owwer/StgLL5t of StLtc]io 44 44 Newarle PoMptovi TttrvtpLlee,``` .. ` .... `` ` `` .` ` ``` ` ``. C `` .``` ` `. .

Ct Lft/RecLpe cc}rd

e81 :` . ` . . I Caw Do Thcttl swb5crLptLov\ owcl 5trotegg cc]rd5 www.Lc,avidothcttleid5.COM C

leLds Lc]MLwc(ted Dwiosc]Ltr5 of the \^/orLCJ c)vLd FossLL Map (3G"x24) c,reated bg Cool

Owl SciLes, lwc. www.cootowtsaLes.COVA C, .Orcci" PrLVLt c,reclted bg pLvilebi4LLPRINTS

Ci $25 0rLevttaL TradLvlg qLft CertLfLc,ate. ExpLres 3/3C)/1Gwww.orLevLtaLtradwLq.covw a $5 Pavwp¬rGd Chef C;Lft/RecLpe cc}rd

892 BosebatL FLtw " ` `.`s `. ` . `.. ` `` . ` `.``.. .` `

the NJ JcicleoLs faceboole.covw/jacleaLsbosebaLL c LclMLwc]ted FLags of the \^/orLd` . . . ` :.. .. .. -. - ... . ...... ..c

$25 gLft ccird to qc"e Stop coiArtesg of The \^/eLLn,ess qroLtp,17C> ChavLgebrLdge` .. ` ` ( . ` ` . `` = ` ` ` , C7 $5 PoMpered Chef CiLft/Rgcipe c,c}rd

¬J83 Adorc]bLe Pc}rtLOL hLghlLghts, haLrc,Ltt, c}vLd blow drg with Lec]via cowrtesu of Adora Delta

SaLovi, iz-54 Fran,leLLw Aven,Lie, FrcwlelLw Lalee5, faceboole.covw/pages/Adora-

BeLLc} 0 $5 Po wperecl Chef GLft/RecLpe ccircl

894 Evevt vwor¬ fwvL I Cciw Do Thcitl swbscrLptiovt ciwd strategg c,ards www.LcclvtdothcitleLd5.covw £

for the leLds Lc{vwLvtc(ted FLags of the 5C> l^vuted Stc{tes (3G'x24) bg Cool Owl Sclte5, lvtc. ¬ Two voiAch\ers to the CewhevLaru Stage Cow,pavig's I)c}vLce

F65t evevtt .LLon, WLtch on,d the Wclrc]robe" cit the SLtvticle Theciter, Hc]cleett5toM,

owl Satwrdau, AprLL 2, 2C)1G c(t 2 00 pM www.Gen, a, Fowr Gr`, . `` ` `` ` `.... .` `` .I. ` .. . .c`` ` ` . .`` `

a Lft/RecLpe card

585 New Yorle Two Ore,he5tra 2 toe,otLow seats for owe con,cert iw the 2C)15-1G sec}sovL.

PhLlharMon,ic coL4rtesg of the New Yorle PhLLhc]rMovLLc, DcivLd qeffew Hall,10 LLwcoLVL CevLter

PLciza, New Yorle. ExpLres G/4/1G, viL]phiL.orq

¬:) 8G Whclt'5 So CoMeclg show for TEN at eLther Brocldwau CoMedg CLLtb, 318 West 53ro Street,

fL-Lg? New Yorle or CtreevLWLch village CoMedg CLLtb, 99 Moo DowgaL Street, New Yorle

www.brociclwai/coMgdwc,,www.qreen,wLc,hvLLtaqecoMecli4cLwb.covw`e8TLattgh uow're ci** CoLtwedg Show for TEN at eLther Broadwag CoMedu CLLLb. 318 W¬jst 53rd Street.Offl New Yorle or C{re¬vwLc,h VLLtage Covwedg Clt4b, 99 Mctc DOLtgaL Street, New Yorle


C388 Daddu.5 Dau $25 gLft certLfLcc]te c,oltrtesg of AvtthovLg Fran,cols Pizz6rLc(,1442 RoiAte 4G W,Par5ippan,g 6 Tool Coddu covttaLwwtg a 5 piec,e pLLer Set,

TwrbosLLde levLLfe, Rgobi screwdrLver, LcivLte",, tcipe vw6c]swre, awd safetg glasses

coL{rtesw of ttovwe I)epot, 78C) ROLtte 4G \^/. Pc}rsLppavtL| www.hoM¬depot.ioM

f..- ` :.` `` ` Three w¬eles ofTaelewovodo Lesson,5 coitrtesg of 3 TLger Martiat Arts, 52ClArts ONE MgrtLe Awe., Boon,tovL www.3tLge" a Bawg BavLg shrLMp cowpon,

coLtrte5g of Eon,efL5h PLv~e Broole Ci $25 gLft card to AdLdcts cot4rte5g of CcltherLvi¬

SaLaMovL6, Evergreevi CoMvwercLciL Rec(L Estctt¬,13 Old BLoontfJetd Ave. PLwe

Broole www.everqreevicoMMercLciL.c,ow, a, $5 PaMpered Chef GLft/Recipe c,c]rd

690 3 TLger Mc}rtLc}L Three weele5 of Taelewon,do Le5sovLs cowrte5g of 3 TLger Mc]rttc}L Arts, 520

Arts TWO :`...-............-.(............

OvL the Border C1 $25 gLft c,c}rd to the FLwt5h LLwe coLtrtesg of Dr. Awdreg

SeLLgsohw, Advawced Eue Cc}re & qtciLtcovwa CevLter,13iz MaLn, Rcl, MovitvLtLe a

$5 Pa Mpered Chef CiLft/Rec,Lpe c,circJ

e591 3 TLger Mc}rtLclL Three weele5 of Taelewowdo Le£5ows c,oLtrtesg of 3 TLger MortLciL Arts, 52Ct

Arts THREE : `` .` ` ` .. ... .`.`` ``. ` ``( .. I `` `

- . `.` .` ` ` . .. .` `... .. `. .( . .`. . ...

frovw Ow the Border B Bavnvg Bang shrLMp c,oupoL~ coi4rt6sg of Bowefl5h PLn,eBroole c; $5 Pc"pered Chef qift/RecLpc card

S92 StLtL wtore fwL I Cciw Do Thc`tl sttbscriptLovi c]wd strategu a,cirds wwwjc,clvLdothatletds.cowl t

for the leLCJs LctMiwcited ArfutLqLte Stole MoclerLo World Map (3G"x24) c,reated bu Cool OWL

SclLes, Ivic,. www.cootowLsc]Le5.a,oM E, Two certLfLcates to the Rc]ritclw VltLeg

CovwMLtvutg College PLaw6tarLLtvw Show or Lc}5er LLght Show

www.rarLtavwaL.edt{/plan,etflrLL4M b StrLVLg c]rt of a flower WLth bwLthbLeb6e ow

10C> uec(r old wood, pciper qL(LLLLn,g orv\clMewt of avL owl civLd c`wgeL fLsh, a Leather

choleer n,6cleLctce, an,d a brcic,eLet coitrtesg of the CwLtLtre CabwL Ln, BoovLton,

www.foe, M/pc}cies/CLtLtLtre-Cab Lw Cj $5 Pc"pered Chef CiLft/Rectpe cctrd

E393 t+oops & $50 off civlu btr+hdau Partg or after 5c,hoot ctwlLc, cot4rtesg of Hoop Hec}vew,125

SleatLwg AtgowciitLM, Parlewag, \^/hLppawg www.hoopheavew.COM a 3 passes to the FLorhciM?... : ..` .. .`-` .` ,. .. ` ............ .... ..c-: `

Cc}rd to l^vLder ArvwoLir coLtrtesu of Dr. Joseph I). SclLaMowe

pclqes/Dr-Joseph-D-SaLc"ow¬ a, $5 Pc(Mpered Chef Ciift/R6cLpe card

894 ThLs awd Thcit ` ` ` .`` ` .` .` ` . `. `` `l```c` `.

Noole PrLwt, cowrtesu of \^/ater Street Desigw" . .` . ` ..c-... . . `. . ,. ( . .-. ..` `

Pc}vLLLovi HotchLn,g KLt 6 CLt5t" bag de5Lgvied bg ortL5t MLrc]vida Meode, own,er

of Decc(twrGLrLD6siqws (fox prLwt) etsi/.c,o"/shop/Dec,atiArciLrLDesLqvLs

695 For the hovwe HP 450Cl \^/ireLe5s Color Priwter. ScawLer avLcl CopLer coLtrte5g 0f MLraj

off,ce ``` ` ` C ` . ` ` ` . `.` `. . ` ` ... `\^/oterstreetDesigw a $25 gLft cclrd to Stclples, Coutrtesu of ARVow Riper Jr., In,c,.

g/9G A Dcig of Beciuttg HeartstrwLgsl07 wctter bottle hoLc]er,gsloTf r`

qlft CertLflcote for a 1 hoL4r wta5sc(ge, c,oitrtesu of SLMplg ELtphorLc Spc`,1C)CJ

HCM,over Ave, CecJor Kn,oLt5 www.sLwtpLueLtphoricspa.cow Ct $5 Pampered Chef

qLft/Rec,Lpe c,Gird

E:97 ` : . `: Hcin,dvwcide stclclec]bLe Triple Pearl bc(^gLe Brc(cetet bu GeMs bu LLttLe P6c}rL

hclLr etsg.covw/Shop/geMsbgLLttlepearL C,: Mc}vlLc,uLre a,oLtrte5g of Pclrc(dLje NCHLs & Spa,

Towcic,a a Hc]LrcL4t coi4rtesu of ECLLpz Sciton,, 84 No" Beverwgcle Rcl, Lalee

HLawatha. 8 $5 Pampered ChefC{Lft/RecLpe card

¬)98 Hello BeaLttLfLtL CLtstoM hcivLdvwade ec]rrLwg5 coLtrte5u of Lc}ra Zc}Low JeweLrg I)esLgvi

. `` . .` .` .` ( . ` ``. . . ``. ` . . ` ., `````

Located cit 44 Newcirle PoMptow TLtrvipLlee, PeqLiovwLocle faceboole.OOM/pages/

StwdLo-44 c5 Bawg bavig shrLMp cot4pow c,ot4rtesg of Bovtefish PLVLe Broole a

Free appetLzer coLtpow froM On, the Border E, $5 Pc"pered Chef CiLft/Rec,Lpe card

E)99 PL^MP Wow L4Pl Two Movith vweMbershLp to Cc(rLn,i'5 Hoit5e of Iron,, 321 ChawgebrLdge Rocid,

MovLtvLLLe, plLts CarLvw'5 HOLtse of Iron, T-shLrt www.carLviuLshoLtseofLron,.COM

6 1C,C, Dcid erravLds $5CJ GLft Cclrd to ALLpro Cc}r Cc`re & DetciLL Gen,ter, 4GO ROLtte 4G Ec}jt.

FaLrfLetc! 5 Free appetLzer c,oLtporfu frovw OWL the Border a $25 gLft card to Brooles

Brothers c,otArtesg of AR VcwL RLper Jr.. Iwc. a $5 Pampered Chef CiLft/RecLpeccircl aBaviq ban,q shrLMp c,oLtpon, c,ourtesw of Eon,efLsh Pwtebroole

EJ IC,11- ` ` ` HciLreL{t froM LLwa L., Owwer/StuLLst of StLtdLo 44 44 Ncwarle Povwptow

Ti4rwpilee, PeqiAan,wocle ww.faceboole.cowl/pages/StudLo-44 01hoLtr Mci55cige

wLth Joh`w LovLgo, MtLowaLLg CertLfLed avid New J¬rseu ttcen,secl Mos5cige

thercipi5t,195 Newarle-Powvptovi TutrwpLlee, PeqLtavwiocle

www.iohwLowqo.wtassaqetherapii.con4 6 $5 Pampered Chef CiLft/Rec,ipe cc{rd

E) 1C,2 Coffee fLr5tl $5 qLft C¬rtLfLcate to the Rec} Bclrw Restc}itrc]vut, Towaco 8 HawdMade star,lecibleTrLPLe Pearl bawgLe Brc}c,eLet bg C}eMs bg LLttLe PeclrL

geM5bgLLttlepearL 8 Hc}irot4t from Lwua L., Owwer/StgtLst of StwdLo 44 44Newctrle Po vwptovi Turn,p Llee, Peqitan,n,ocle, M/pages/StLtd Lo-44

C; Mclwic,Ltre coL4rtesu of Pc}rcldL5e Nc}Lls & Spa, 440 MclwL Roc(d, Towac,o

£ 1C,3 Bec]c,h Rec]d.s :`` ` . ..``. . `.`` ``` : `. : .` `. .. ..``. `

FaMILg C7 L4fc; Lc74cgALfbg Jewn,g McCc}rthg Bc7r¢C7fbg ELLw HiLderbrciwd. cM,d` ``.`... . ( . . .`.. ` ``. .. , `. .`

8104 BLooM ttcividMc}dc prLVLt of EvwLLu I)LcleLwson,'5 SwvwVAer FLow¬rs poeM crofted avld



$50 gLft card cot4rtesg of Petc]ts of Piwe Broole, 322 ChavigebrLdge Rocid, PLweBroole www.petatsofpLwcbroolefLorL5t.cowt c, Garden,Lwg ba5leet coitrtesu of April

Eggers of AprLLs Ar+LstrLes, Lwclttdwug a clog pot for pLavltLVLg, garclewln,g tools,

qordevLiwq gloves c}wd 5ceds et5L/.c,owt/shop/AprLL5ArtLstrue5

6 1C,5 OL4r Toww $25 LTt4wes gLft cc(rd cow.rtesu of The \^/etLn,ess CiroLtp of MovLtvLLLe,170

TVJO ChawgebrLdge Roc{d, Mom,tviLLe 6 Sa5". . . .. ....-. . - ` ( .. . .. ..

April Egger5 wLth AprLL'5 ArtL5tri¬5 of Piwe Broole. ThLs uccllee. Lwc,tLtde5 leLtchew

towels, pothoLder5, a bottle of \^/Lwe, wwie gLasje5, corle5crew c`n,d servLn,g trad

ct51|.covw/shop/AprLLSArtLstries E, $5 Pc"pered Chef CiLft/R6cLpe card

EJ IOG Tis the Sec}5ow 2 pc]s5e5 to a pL{bLLc 5talewig 5e5sLow ot l\/\evuwevi Sports Aren,a, MorrLstowvt` `.`.`.... `` ````` ( ` ` . ` -` ` .` ```` ` . ``",g51C>7 C, Len,ox Sec(sovLc}t votLves Ej GLft certLfroote

for a C{LLtzu CiLcivw Pacleage c,owrte5g of Sweet & Sassg iw RLclgewood (wictitde5

partg wp-do, w.Glee-utp appLLcatiow, n,all poLLsh avtd a 5pecLaL gift),dsa5su c; Cowpow for a free bag of DOMLwo

St4qclr fj $5 Pampered Chef qLft/RecLpe a,clrd

c... Rc]Ls¬ a glass CoMPLwvuevitarg \^/Lvte c]wd Choc,oLclte TastLwg for G cit Old Yorle CetLc}r5 Lw

RLn,goes www,oLdgorleceLLars.COM c; \^/wL6 Marleers c]vLd wwie bottle clcce5sorg

coLtrte5g of Cot(jtc}L HavevL Crafts etsu.covw/shop/CoastaLHavevtcraft5 6 $5Po ntper¬d Chef CiLft/R6cLpe I,clrd

(``` Spr,wg The Howest Covwpan,g fLft Butrfudte Cc(n,vc}s bag fLLLed wLth MWLtL-5i{rface

cLeavwig awd cLec}vter, face/bodg LotLovL, 5haMpoo/bodg wash, cowdLtLower/hawd savLitLzwLg

d6coratwLg gel/hawd 5an,LtLZLwg 5prc]g www.hon, c3 Ham,dMcicle Sprwig wrec}th bgOtqc} CtLn,zbitrq of L6LLawL \^/reciths etsu).a,ovw/Shop/LeLLowL\^/reaths

6109 Coffee .oalee" Coffee "cc]lee" bg of AprLL Egger5 of AprLt's ArtL5trLes. In,cLLtdes 4 leLtc,hew towels, 2

" .. . ,.. . . , ... . .. . . ` . .`.. . c

Hclwd Grafted MLtg crec}ted bg Locc}L artL5t Beth qoobLc,. Part of her "Metamorphose"

serLe5, the ML4g Ls 4 x 5n,10 oLWLc¬s avLd MLcrowcive awd dLshwc(Jsher scife

etsg.covw/Shop/BethctoobLc a, $5 Popered Chef GLft/RecLp¬ card 5 $20 glft cardto RestawravLt.COM coLtrtesLi of Mcith \^/iz,c}rcJ of Pc}rsLppovlw

EJ llC, CLassg KLtc,hew ` ` . . ` .. . ` ` ` ` . ``. ` C`` .`.

Hc,c]lee" cowrte5g of AprLL Egger5 wLth ApriL'5 ArtL5trLe5, whLc,h LLtc,Lwde5 4 leLtc,hew

towels. 3 pothoLders, set of 3 baMboo leitchew L{tevLSLLs, salt & pepper 5haleer set,". . . .= . . . . .I ` ' .. . c l. . ` `

`.``C .. ` . ` . ` . ` `` w/shop/Coc(staLHavewcrcift5 C\ $5 Ci Lft/RecLpe cc(rd"¬) 111

SL4dorc( PL4NJAMMIES coLtrtesg of SLtdcirc}. PLwijc"MLes are Loitwgeweor bottoMs vwade

wLth hope bg woMew iw ln,dLa who have escaped ht4Man, traffLcleiwg (M)

( . . ` `` `.` `` `. .``. .. `c. `. ` `` `

\^/aLMc(rt coilrtejg of The \^/eLLviess C{roitp,170 Chawgebndge Rocid, MowtvLltcwww.theweLLviesscirot[pofwuon,

ell2 Arowlcl the Ectster clcc,oratLovus r, Bct5leet of 3 solar power¬d Masowjc(r5 hah,d Mc(de bg Stacg

Hot{se Vowghaw. Loo,GIL MovttvLLle ctrtL5t C) Pcltrovi vcise

etsg.cow,/shop/Coostc(Lttavewcrcift5 a Potterg Ban c]luLvwwtLLM MetclL photo box. .`` ,. ( `. .. ` ` `````.`` ` . `

Mclth \^/Lzard of Pcir5Lppcin,`w a $5 Pampered Chef qLft/Recipe c,clrd

8113 DLn,vL6r Pclrtu In,tervLatLon,al SLtver CoMpavog cheese doLM¬, wLth cheese len,Lfe c}wd cheese sLLc¬r


C; $5 PaMpered Chef qift/R6oLpe c,clrd Ei $4C) gLft c6rtLfLcate to J&K StealehoLtse,5G SoL4th, Street, MorrLstoww www.jawdlestealehoLtse.n,et a MciviLCL{re coLtrte5gof Pc`radLse NaLt5 & Spa, 44C> Mc}Lw Rocid, Towac,o

#114 lt'j w` the bagl CLt5toM bag de5Lgvied bu c(rtist Mirawda Meade, owvLer of Decati4rc{LrlDesign,s" . ... . .. . `-. . . .. ( . . .. ... ( .

frovw Lwia L Owwer/StgLLst of Stu+dio 44, 44 Newctrle Povwptow TLtrwpLlee,PeqL4avLn,ocle faceboole.covw/poge5/Stwdio-44 £ McivLicLtre coiArtesg of PctrcidLse

Nc{iL5 & Spci Ej $5 Pcivwpered Chef CiLft/RecLpe c,arcl

E; 115 Lcidg's Dog Mag DesLgvLj Noteboole www"agdejLgvts c,oM C, $40 gLft cctrd to MLchcl¬L".. . . : .: . - . . -`..(. . . -. -

Owwer/StglLj5t of StLtc)Lo 44, 44 Newcirle PoMptow Ti4m,pLlee, PeqL4avtwocle

www.fciceboole.covw/paqes/StuLdio-44 C, $5 Pampered Chef GLft/RecLpe card

611G FwvLdou' Dcir+ Zowe GLLtLc,le FLre Power StrLlee 24 5 Fot4r G. sLtbs from Jerseu MLlee's, 31i£

SMLth Road, ParsLppavtu 8 $4CJ gLft card to the CcistLe FWL CevLter,1C>9

BroolesLde Avon,we, Chester, NY

E5 117 SLLver Rose LLtLLt DhcirMa sLLver rose seed bec]d wrcip bracelet, coitrtesw of the HPTC

e' 118 Green` LWLw Dha"a Qreew Avewtu(rin,e S RhodoviLte SqLtare qeM5tovLe 3 wrcip bracelet,

AvevttLtrLn,e SRhoc]owLte coiArte5g of the HPTC

E5 119 Cedc`r & Peach LWLw I)hclrMo Cedar c}wd Peach seed wrap brae,eLet, coL4rtesg of the HPTC`e) 120

TWLst of Fcite Silver wropp¬d weclelctce, hclvidw,cicJe bu tocc]L c]rtL5t KeLrstew Reed


Lc]lee5Lde Ave, Povwptow Lcilees www.jcilovtsL.c,owl

¬121 piwle TL4LLps TLtLLp waterc,oLor paLwtLn,g coLtrtejg of Loo,c}L cirtL5t Dowwo K Read


E122 pLwle orc,hLc]s C)rc,hLd watercoLor pawLtLwg cot4rtG5u of tocat artL5t DovwLa K Recid


9123 lt'5 a Bog' $25 gLft cc}rd to BarvLes & Nobles. ELegov\t babg socle5. \^/won,Le the Pooh DLsvteg

Boc]rd BLocles: P¬ctrheod ham,dprwLt wciLL art, ci^d ELegavit Babg SpeLLLn,g bloc,les

CoLtrte514 of the J ovLes Fc} MiLti

¬124 ItLs. hers, cat $25 gLft ccird a,oiArtesu of Sharleeg's \^/Ln,gs & Rc}w Bar \^/est,1C)8 BoowtowAvewLte, BoowtovL www.sharleswLwg5wj.COM e5 $25 gLft cord to MLc,hc]eL's avid

" . . . . . .. .. . . . .... `... .(

Pa Mperecl Chef Ci Lft/R6cipe c,ard

eJ 125 BrLc,le & MLrror $100 qift certLfLcote to Brlc,le & MLrror Beawtg Bar, iz.50 Rowte 4G \^/est,Parsippan,u www.brLcleav\dMirrorbeaL(tgbar.c" a $5 Pampered Chef"I..

E; 12G Bowl & DLvie Ctavwe tLcleets coLtrtesg of Boovitow Lcivies, 72C> MgrtLe Avewt46 wL Boowton, ci,

$5 Paw,pered Chef CtLft/RecLpe Card tj $5C> gLft cclrd coLtrtesg of The Taphoi45eC{rLLle, 344 Frewch HLLt Rocid, \^/owie tciphoitsen,I.Cow,/wciwie

E) 127 Lciwes & LLtvLch " . . . . . . ... -` ``.. . `-. . . -. c-

$5 PavuLpered Chef Ctlft/R¬clpe Card Ci $5C) gLft cc]rd to Rejtawrarfut.c,oMc,ot4rt¬si/ of the Qtt Fawtilu)

eJ 128 The NerLLLM NerLi4M Age I)efgwtg NLght Crecivw. coLtrtesg of CarMew BartleowLale. Iwdepen,den,I

I)LfferevLce Brc}wcl Partvter wLth NeriwM, (9i£3) 2C>4iz`1C)9, ccirMarbcir@optov\LLw.wet

£129 Fc-,Lg $140 CtLft CertLfLccit¬ c,oLtrtesg of Lowrew \^/oLf5ow. Mc}jter of Ac,wpLtwctwre &

Ac,LtpwLotLtre OrLevitaL MedLc,wle, wLth the FawtiLg Acttpwn,ctttre Cewter, 25 Ore,hcird Street wL

Cen,ter Devw LLLe www.fc"LLHoc,wpLtn,ctLtrec,eLoter.A,et


8130 MovLe NLghtl BroolestoM,e wLreLes51\/ headphowe5, bLavuleet, 4 DVDs ciwd swacles to vwalee a

perfect LMovLe n,iqht. coLtrtesL| of the LLeberMcwl Fc"LLu

eJ 131 CcillvLvcin,dc] $10C) gLft certLfLcate cow,rtesu of \/PAS, VLvcin,da's Persowat Asststawt ServLces.ServLc,e5 wic,tude pre5crtptLow pLole Ltp/drop off, dru clean,M,g pLcle Ltp/drop off,

post offLce/cot4rLer jervices, food deLLverg, pet service5, Meclt prep, groc,ergshoppln,g. gLft shoppwLg avld wrappLn,g, wi home LaLtvLdrg 5ervLc,e, hovwe

orgawLzatLon,, trclveL clrrclvugeMewt5, Ebag servLc,es, bLLt pctuLwg c}vid boole le¬epLn,g,

elder c,clre ch¬c,le5 civid vL5Lts awd MOREI \/[email protected],ovw

6132 HL4sleLe£ FLrst Mon,tvLlle drowstrLn,g bag, 2 HLtLclciLe ttw5leLe5 t-shLrts (L), HLLLCJc]Le HL{5leLe t-

N ,ght OLtt shLrt (M), Mon,tvLLLe 5weat5hLrt (S), HLlsk?Le5 PJ pciwts OVL) c,oLtrte5g of 8. FrLevLds`` ` .```` . .. . ` ` .` ( ``..` `.` `` . ` `` ` .

(adML5sLow c(wd rewtciL5) coLtrtesLi of Floiid Hc" Arewc), C)A,e HcllL Dr, LLttte Fc]LLj

i/ 133 ct4pcalees & Citpcalees & Coc,letoiLs StelLa & Dot TrLtwle Show coLtrtesg of St¬phaviL \^/rLght.


E5 134 DLscoverg DOLtbte Strowd Agcite qeM5ton,e Ac}uLtstctbLe pevtc]ctvtt StateMen,t Neclehace Ln,

Orohestra cream, tciLtpe ctn,d brown, wLth AfrLcovi MetciL beads, oxLdLzed gold plated c,hc}Ln, an,d

a Lobster clasp c,oLtrte5u of toc,aL artLst 4Nowr et5g.COM/Shop/4NOLtr Ct TWO

ticleets to The I)Lsooveru Ore,hestrcl's perfo"awce of BeethovevL'5 SgMphowg No.

if oM, Sitn,dat`, April liz 2C>1G, 3pw. at The Cowl,ert Hall at Drew WliversLtg,MadLsowwww.dLjc,overu|orc,hestra.orq

£135 PictLtres WLth $50 glft certlfLc,cite for c]n,g Ltwwu or fi4LL sessLon, wLth MLlee Stetta Photographu

MLlee a $25 gLft cc]rd to JC PevLn,eg's coLtrte5gof the SrLpathg FaMLLg a Potterg Ban, photo box a, free desjsert cowpow frovw Owthe Borcler

EJ 13G Sitds & Lclwes $20 gLft certLfLcate to ta5twlg rooLw, two glasses c`wd t-JshLrt colfrtesu of Magvwfg

BrewwLg Covwpan,u, FaLrfLeLd a Ctc}Me tLc,leet5 coLtrtesu of

Boowton, Lctn,es, 72C) ML|rtLe AvevLtAe LM, Boon,ton,

(``` DavLcer5' PoLn,te $4Cj gift oertLfLcate, dclvLce oL(tfLt, dclwce bag. twtw arfud wciter bottle coLtrtesg of

Dcivic,ers. PoLn,t, 71CI Mi/rtle Aveviute, Boon,toviu www.dciwoerspoLVLte.c,on4

9138 SadhavLc} Hovwevwcide tea bwwdte cMd spoow ptits a LMowth of wvtLtMLted gaga classes

L^vLLLMLtecl cot4rtesu of Sac]han,a Yoqc], River Road, MowtvLLLe www.sadhcwLavii.c"

6139 Dc]u TrLpl Two c}LL dc(g rLde pc}sse5, Ln,cLwdLwg roller c,oclster5, coltrtesu of Kwo¬beLS

AMitseMen,t Pctrle. Etg5bL4rg, PA EI qciMe5 ovi the Cto awd

Mc}d LLb5 for the Road courtesL| of HLLLdale's Kwlderqartew Class

EJ 140 MYAq AMerLcaw CiLrL doll -blon,de haLr. ILght 5leLn,, bLLte ¬ge5 -coLtrtesg of the

ZLotleowsleL Fc"LLu d Three AMerLcow gLrL oLttfLts hcmclMacle bg Chclrlen,e SvwLth,


e141 SLtpport Locc{L i ` . . . .. . .. . ` . . . `..I. c. .`,

ONE LepLdoLLte & bLaclejasper stretch brc(c,eLet c,oL4rt¬5g of Heattwg JeweLru Bu ttc]wd Ec}ch pi¬c,e cowtaLn,5 a storg of the.. ` ` `. ` ` .` . c``. . ` ` .. ` `. `. .

SLwgle Strawd Moj5 Agate & Ctotd Pewdawt Nee,leLac,e. wLth gold tobst¬r clasp

cowrtesu of Locc}t cirtLst 4NOLtr etsi/.covw/Shop/4Nowr

8142 HeotLwg Jewelrg Silver wLre c}vLd pearl vive5t wee,letac¬, Blwc paLvtted gLo55 an,d whLte pecirL stretch

brcic,¬Let, an,d Tt4rqwoL5e c,oLorecJ cigate PeriAVLc]vL di5le5 wLth MaLac,hLte becids

brac,eLet coltrte5u of HeoLwtg JeweLru 8g Hclwd etsu.covw/shop/

HeoLiwgJeweLrgBgHarfud. Eac,h pLece coviutaLws a 5toru of the heaLwlg powers

as5ocLated with Lt


a, 143`.:.

$5C> gLft certLfLcate towards deLLCLoits desserts cwi,d favors for c}Ll occ,asLows (c,cilee

pops, c,hoe,oLc}te c,overed oreo5 c}vld pretzels) coLtrtesg of Sweet 1^ off uoLtr Feet^OfryowrFeet C, Cireew agate an,d stLver viec,lelace cot{rte5gof Heotwlg Jewelru 8g Hawd et5u.covw/shop/tteaLwigJeweLrgBgHavid. Ecic,h pLec,e

co/utawi5 a 5torg of the heaLLwg powers clssoc,LatecJ wLth it C, $5 PaMperecJ Chef

qLft/RecLpe cc]rd

(`'. E"Jog LOc.aL $25 gLft c,circl to IHOP coLtrtesu of lHOP, 3C>4 WoottovL St, BoovLtovi r, $5Pawtpered Chef qLft/RecLpe card Ci Its so Ciood to be Hovwe Sigvi c,reatcd bg PLVLe &

PrLwts,t5 C'; Free appetLzer cowpow froM OvL the1 `-.`..` . ..I.``. ```c ` ``..`. ``1`.` . `... `.. `` `

HeaLin,g JeweLrg 8g Hc",d C5 L4vlwiwd

TLMe ALr \^/Lc,le 'C{ood to Be HOMen Frewc,h Lcivewcler ccin,dLes

(.`. Wegvwavi'5 $1C)C) gLft c,c}rd cowrtesg of \^/egwtan,'5, iz:42 l^S 202, BrLdg6watcrWWW. W6q M

614G Alex & An,I Exc,LLtsive set of 3 paten,ted Expan,dabLe \^/Lre BovLgLes Lw RafaeLLav\ Ctold Fww5h,

coMprL5ed of the SlecLetow Keg, CrLvw5ovi Eclew Bowgle, cmd TextL{red Expon,dobLe

\^/ire Bc]wgLe. Made Ln, AMerLca wLth Love, cot4rtesg of CharLtg bg De5igvi. ALex &

AvuL www.oLexciwdclvii.covw a l^wwwLd TLMe ALr \^/Lc,le 'Ciood to Be Home. Frevtch

Lctven,der & Cream.w Vc]n,LLla c,c]vLclLes C`, $5 Pc]Mper¬d Chef GLft/RecLp¬ card

e5 147 Eat Local Hwwgru, HLtn,grg HwsleL6s Cooleboole Ej l^wwLwd TLvwe Air \^/Lc,le .Ciood to Be

Howte. Frevic,h Lc}veM,cJer c,c}vLCJtcs C} $25 Totot \^/wie qlft Card Ci $25 gtft cc]rd

ooL{rtesu of lHOP, 3C)4 \^/oottow Street wl BoovLtow a $25 glft card cotlrtesu ofHOLtLLhc}n,s.cow, qoocl for awl/ restc}wrcin,t wi New Jersel/ or Lowq lsLavLd

9148 PLag Local " ... .. ... ..`-.. . .. --: ``.. . .`. . .. -`..-..(

FLve Opew Flag Passes cowrtesg of KLdwetLc,, 2 ChavLgebrLdge Rot(d, Mon,tvLLLe

C `..` Love Mg LLfe $5 Pavwpered Chef GLft/RecLpe Card C) AppetLzer coutpow c,owrtesg of C)w the

Border a I Love Mg LLfe LLilg Bog (pgc] cowrtesg of the HPTC d

Cc}r wash c,oL4rtesu of Fc"rfLeld HavLd \^/c]5h & I)etctLL Ceviter.12iz.5 BLoowtfLeLd

Ave. FaLrfieLcl (plo Costc} C¬viter), owwec} bi4 HiLldciLe FavwiLti, the FerrovecchLa5

8150 FLte for Free C{lft CertLflcate for a free tax preparatLow of a federal, state avid appLLcable cLtg tax

ONE retLt", cowrtesu of LLbertu Tc(x, 28 North Beverwgcle Rd, Lcik!e HLawc}tha. ExpLres

AprLL 8, 201G. www.LLbcrtLitctx.c,oM

6151 FLte for Free C{ift CertrfLcate for a free tc]x prepc}ration, of a federal, state an,d opplLcobLe cLtg tc]x

TWO retLtm coutrte5g of Libertg Tcix, 28 North Beverwgcle Rd, Lc]lee ttic]wcltha. E,KPLres

AprLL 8. 2C)1G. www.LLbertu)

c5 152 FI LE for Free 4Lft CertLrrLcc]te for a free tc]x prepcirotiow of a federal, stc}te civld appLLcobLe cLtg tax

THREE retwrn, cowrtesg of LLbertg Tax, 28 North Beverwgcle Rd, Lc]lee HLawc]tha. ExpLres"`.` ` ` `` `` . `....... . . ` .` .

E5 153"8.. PerfL{Me

8. BaLewcLc(ga c,oLlectLow. iwc,tLtde5 EciLt d¬ ParfL4M. Bodg LotLow cM,d Shower Ct6L

I; 154 Cool Wc]ter DavLdoff Cool \^/ater for \^/oMctvt coLLectLovL, Ln,cLitd¬5 bclth gel, Eaw de TOLLette ovid

W ow,ovu MOLstLtrLZLwq BodL| Lotiow

C; 155 Bow5aL! $100 gLft certLfLcate to NLleleo HLbcichL cowrtesg of the HPTC Exec,LttLve Bocird JeviZLOLleowslei: ChrL5 Dezc]o, Kclrc] PLzza: Jew Mc]vic,LWL: JclvwLe Vevito, LLsci TLtbbs,

LLsa LevLwe; AWGieLc` PLLsbLtrw www.A,LleleohLbc]chL.cowl

£15G D¬vLL5 TLc,leets `.` ` ` `` .. . ` ` . ` ` . .`.. =.``. ` . .` `

Ceviter di4rLwq the `15-1G sec]sovL coi4rtesL) of the NJ I)¬viL5 devLL5.n,hL.covw

(..' KLd5 FLLM Fest Two glft certLficate5 for 2 tLc,leets (2/fa MLLw) to the KLcls FLLVA FestLvaL (pc(rt of the


BroolelgvL FLLm FestLvctl) ow Jitwe 4, 2C>1G,1 pM cit the Made Lw NY rv\ecJLa

Cewter, 30 JohvL Street. Brooletgn, 6 4 HLLLdaLe ShLrt5

(2 YS awd 2 YL) 6 2 cc(r wc}sh pc(sse5 c,oitrte5u of Fc}irfLeLcl Hawd \^/ash awdDel-cwt Cewh6r,1275 BtoovwfLeLd Av6, FairfLeLd (Lw the Plo Costa Gen,ter) owwed

bLi a HLLLdc}Le FOMLLii, the Ferrovec,c,hLci5l

a) 158 Bclrre @ 5 Bc(rre classes coLtrtesg of NLMwa Yoga & \^/eLLv\¬ss StLtdLo,112 McwL Road,NLrvc(vLci MowtvLLLe. www.rfuLrvawawetLVLe5svtj.c" t; Cc}r wash couLrtejg of FaLrfLCLd ttc}wd

\^/ash c}vid I)etc}LL Ceviter,12iz.5 BtooMfieLd Av6wL4g. Lw FaLrfLetd (Lw the plo

Co5ta Cewter) own,ed bL] a HLILdctle Fc"LLi4, the Ferrovec,c,hLasl

e, 159 OpevL PLag Five Opevt PLag Pas5G5 c,owrte5g of KLdvLetLc, 2 Chawgebrtdge Rd, MovLtvLLL6".. ... ``. . ..(. ... `` ` ` `..` . `` ``. .

PrLvnvces5 awd the Pea fc(c6boole.COM/PrLwces5clvLdthepeavL|

elGO OBJ Oc]eLL Beclehavw Jr. aLttographed poster cowrtesg of the NY CiLcivLts


¬i lG1 A StLtc,hed Stttffed huL5leLe wLth hawdMad¬ hat cM,d scarf avLd $15 gLft c,cird cow,rtesg of

Hl{jleLe StLtchedTogetherNJ a $30 gift cc}rd to PFMcirleet,1C>9C) BtoovwfLeld Ave, \^/est CciLdweLl www.pfwtarleet.wet c; Ccir wash

cowrtesu of FairfLetd Hawd \^/ash an,d Detc]LL Cewter,12iz-5 BLooMfLeLd Ave. in,

FctLrfLeLd (wL the Flo Costc} Cewter) owwed bL) a HLLLdaLe FaMLLi/. the Fgrrovecchic}5I

f... Let's qo " ` .` . . .`.` ` 1` ` ` ` ` ' ```. `. . . ` .

RavLc7¬rsl New Yorle Rawq6r5 rclvLqers.A,hL.covw

elG3 Made with Love Bosleet courte5g of the MaLg FaMLLu --LwcLutdcs Mc]LLbLt Pec]c,h SparleLer, RwffLWL

ChLawt, BOLLeLi'5 Chc"bord. StarbLtcle5 coffee, Nt4teLLa, chocotcites avid LMorel

81G4 Health FLrst CtLft certtfLcate for a ovLe hoLtr hectLth coac,hin,g ses5i,on,, \^/ave5 of ReLaxc}tLow

MedLtcttLovi CD civLd cctwdLe coitrte5g of ALLgsovL FwseLlc], CHC, AADP. CGrtLfLecl

Health Coac,h\ c]wd own,er of FouLwdcitLow5 NtAtrLtLow awd \^/elLVLe5s CoachLVLg,150

RLver Roclc}, SitLte 024 MovutviLLe www.foLM,dcltLOLojc,oac,h.COM

E5 1G5 CLeaw lvisLde \^/EN FLg CLeavl5wlg CovtdLtLovter, \^/EN Lclvewder CLec(wsLn,g CovidLtLower, \^/EN

avLC] OL{t Sweet Atvwowd Min,t Trclvet KLt, \^/EN Sweet ALvwowd MLn,I c}vitL-frLzz 5tgLwig

creoM an,d \^/EN Lc}vevtder r6-vwoL5t lvttevLSLve hciLr trecitvwen,t C) Car wclsh pcls5

coL4rtesg of FairfLeLd Ham,d \^/ash c}wd DetciLL Cen,t6r.12iz-5 BLoowtfLeLd Ave, wL

FaLrfi¬Ld (Lw the Plo Co5tc` Cen,ter) owwed bLi a HLILdote FaMLLi4, the Ferrovecchic}5l

61GG EatwLg Out DLwvier For Two ($30 vc}LLte) a,oLtrte5g of the SpLce C(rLLL. 111 Rowte 4G East.

Par5Lppawg, $50 gLft certLficat¬ clvud bottle of WwLe

coLtrt¬sLt of Gen,ccireLtL'5,1 Hoole Mown,tain, Rocid, PLwe Broole cievic,areLLL5.c,ow,

81G7 Feed a c,rowd Trag of grLLL chLcleew sciwdwic,hes coL4rtesg of JereMLoh's, 44 N. Beverwgcle Rd, Lie

HLc}wc]tha ($70 voLite) jereMLahsdeLi.covw, DLvtw6r for Two ($3Cj voLiAe) coitrtesg

of the SpLc,e GrLLL.111 Rt6 4G East, PclrsLppawLi www.spLceqrtLLon,lLwc.covw

8LG8 Tc]lee Chc2wces Tc(lee Chawces/Dreavw lt/I'wt wL Charge Silver \^/Lre BavLgLe Brac,eLet bu ALisa

Mic,heLLe (www.ciLL5avwLohetLe.c,oM) c,oLtrtesg of HLLLdaLe.s First Ctrade C, $15

Tarqet qLft card cottrtesl4 of the Chertcoff Fc"LLw

E5 1G9 Start JLt5t Brec{the/Start Sovwewhere Gold \^/Ire BawgLe Brc]cetet bu ALLsa MLcheLLe

Sow.ewhere " .... . . . . . .. . .. . . . (` `` ..` .

I)orfuuLts qift c,c]rd coLLrtesL` of the Cherfcoff FavwLLw

E5 17C, Respect Re5pec,t YOL{r5etfMVLLqiAe Silver \^/Lre BavLgLe Bracelet bg ALi5a MLcheLLe

YOL{rseLf ` .`.`` `. ` ..` ` `` `` ` .` ` c` `. -`` .`

qlft cclrcJ c,oLtrtesL4 of the Chertcoff FaMLIL|

e liz-1 I Ccin, & I WLLL I CavL & I \^/LLL Ciotd \^/Lre BOM,c7te Bracelet bg ALLsa MLcheLle


( coLtrtesu of HLltdale's FLrst qrclde E $15 Bed, Bath &Beu|owd qLft card coLLrte5L| of the Chertcoff Fc"iLL|

9 liz-2 Swpport Local SLtver wLre awd pearl vue5t wecleLclce cot4rtesg of HeaLLVLg JeweLrg 8g Hawd

THREE etsg.COM/shop/HealiwgJewelruBgHowd f, $5 Pavwpered Chef CiLft/Recipe c,c]rd

( . - . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ` .. c- .

wci5h coLtrtesu of FaLrfLeld Hcln,d Wash an,d Detc}LL Ceviter,12iz`5 BlooMfLeLd Ave.

FaLrfLeLd (Ln, the Plo Co5ta Cewter) owwed bg a HiLLdc}Lc FavwiLg, the Ferrovec,chLas

C, $20 Bovu45 CertLfLcate cowrfe5g of DLc,le.5 SportLwg Goodswww.dic,lesportLn,qqoods.comu

e liz-3 Bctc,le to school BLwe potlea dot boolebog cowr+esg of Steve MaddevL www,steveMc]ddew.COM e,

As5ort¬d 5crcipbooleLVLq Materials ctvid stLcleers c,oL{rte5u of the Hw5tL Fc"LLu)

a liz-4 New for Navg floral boolebag coL{rte5u of Steve Mciddew www.5teveMaddevi.c,owl r7

Septevwber Assorted 5crapbooleLn,q MaterLaLs awd stic,leers coitrtesl4 0f the Hi4StL FowtLLL4

6 liz-5 FashLovLc]bLe AVLLMciL Prin,t boolebag cowrt¬5u of Steve Mciddevi www.steveMc]ddevt.covw ci

FLrst Dai/ Assorted scropbooleM,q MaterLcits awd 5tLc,leers coitrtesw of the HitstL FaMLLw

¬J 17G Loole Good for PLvtle Florc]L boolebag coLtrtesu of Steve Mctclderfu www.steveMaddew.covw a

Dcii4 Owe As5ort¬d sc,rcipbooleLwq MciterLciLs c]wd sticle¬rs c,owrte5u of the Hwsti Fc"Ltu

e177 `:.` "`` ` `.` ``` `` : ` .``` ``: `````` `````C\

Assorted scrcipbooleLwq vwciterLclLs ciwd stLcleGr5 coLLrtesw of the HListL Fc"Llu|

c..- SwLvw Lesson,5 $75 gLft certLfLcote cotlrtesg of the North Jerjeu AqLtatic CLLtb to be wsed towc}rd5clviu sprLvig or sitMMer 2CJIG tessovts Lw I)evwiLLe, ParsLppaviu or MorrLstoww

wwwLort/ M a $25 glft c,ard to J ltsttce coL4rtesg of theShevch Lie Fa MiLu

C .`` \ Photos Bg Privcite 5tL4dLo 5e55ion, (L{p to 4 people frovw the sctMe faMLLu), sessLon, pLawn,Lwg

qLWWU c}vtd stgLe covL5itLtcitLon,, $75 portroit c,oLLectLovt c,recJLt (c(vaLLabLe whew gott ptcice

goLtr order WLthwL 10 dclus of se5sLow) an,d creatLveLu edited Lvwages posted ow

prLvcite password protected gaLLerg for 10 clau5 coLLrtesg of Photos 8g qwwLg,322 Chan,qebrLdqe Rd. PLwe Broole www.photo5bwqw",w.c,oM

f`.- Fcither's DCIU PreMLu" P6rfo"avice AdvcivLc,ed Comfort Navg/Yellow LovLg Sleeve ShLrt (L),PreMLLtvw PerforLMwce AdvavLc,e CoMfort RLtst/Orawge Lan,g SLeeve ShLrt (L),

RLcita Tt{rciLtoL5e PLclLd Lovig St6eve Dress ShLrt (L), c]vLd \^/estem Fashiow BLLte

PLcwd LovLq SLeeve ShLrt (L) c,oitrtesLi of \^/rawqLer

6181 DrLLLs, SleLLLj & Owe Free BcisleetbaLL Cavwp Program. two t-5hirt5 awd basleetbaLt coL4rte5u of

ThrLLLs DrLtL5, SleLLLs & ThrLLLs, own,ed bi4 c( MovitvLLLe Fc"tLii, the Ferraresl

c..- Dciwce wLth Dc]vLce Bag, Leotc]rd, sleLrt, tog wcirMers, LLMbreLLa, tLghts, bcirrette cin,d sticleer5

Maru Loll cotirte5g of Morg LOLL HclLe'5 School of Dawce,155 Beverwgcle Road, Lcilee

HLctwc]tha vwci"LotthoLes.cowl

9193 Aw OrLg Lv"t Mother of Pec}rL & SterlLwg SLLver viecleLac,e cowrte5g of Athc]LLa OrLgiwoLs of

Newport. 2G Frc(wleLwi Street. Newport www.athc]tLaorLqtwciL5.c,oM

6194 qrciyod Ma.S Dau"\Mat hoppevL5 cit Circ]vid wta.5 stctgs ctt Cirawdw,c]'5' tLLe cowrtesg of TLddLgwLn,le5

DesLgn,s fac¬ a $25 gLft ccird c,oitrt¬sg of Hcipgood's

Re5tciwrctwt www.hc(pgoocl5restciL{ravLt.c,oM a FOLAr tLc,leets to 5e¬ LLttL6 Red

RLdwtg Hood, SatLlrdog, Moo 14, 2CllG at 2pM -Or -4pwt CoL4rte59 ofKclLeLdosc,op6 Theatre, Mere,er Cout^tg CoMMwwtu College, Kelseg ThGc]tre,120Clold Trevitovt RoclcJ. \^/est \^/Ln,dsor www.IeeLseLith¬citre. vLet

E) 185 ALtdreg Eapevt MVP Sports Photogrophg Pacleage cot4rte5u of ALtdreg Eap6vt. Iwc,Litc]es actLon,

an,d can,dLd photographu of owe LwdLVLdLtoL fiALL jwtgLe gc"e/even,t coverage (tip to

2 hoLtr5), travel wLthwl MorrL5 CoLtwtLi, bcisic ecJLtLwq, prMt¬ pa55Word protec,tecJ


dowwtocidabLe gaLLerg, complete set of dLgLtaL LMage5, ovte 8xlcJ. fravwed c,wstoM

de5Lgvued cithLete collage. ovLe 8xlo. professLowat prwLt of awg LVMge, 5°A dLscoLtn,t

ovl cM,`w ciddLtLon,aL L",aqcs www.altdre`weclpen,

818G Evtjou a Rec $50 gLft card c,ourte5u of L^S Sports lwstitLttc, l^SA Sport GroLtpCLc(5s ONE www.I^S5portslwstLtLtte.COM 6 FaMLLu 4 pacle of tLcleet5 cowrtesg of the

ChiLdrew s MttseuiM of the Arts,1Ct3 Chc]rLtow Street, NYC www.c, c)

HLtLdaLe ttLtsleLe5 pla5tLc c,Ltp, in,swtoted ct4p, civid LLtcleg cha" wic]sowjcir c,owrt6sg


¬) LBT EVLjou a Rec $5C> glft cclrd CoLtrte5u of l^S Sports ln,stitLtte, L^SA Sport CirowpCLc]ss TWO www.us5port5lwstLtutte.COM a FciwtLLu 4 paole of tLcleet5 coLtrtesu of the

ChLtdrevt'j MLt5eitn^ of the Arts,1C)3 CharLtow Street, NYC aHLLtdc]Le Hw5leies ptastLc a,lip, LwsitLcited cup, avid LLtcleg c,ha" Mcisovijclr coLtrtesg


¬) 188 qo for aw CoMPLLMewtoru exam for a fLrst tLvwe cL4stoMer c,outrtesg of Dr. DCMLeL 8. JLtwior,

AC/uLt5tMen,t 472 RLdq6clc}Le AvewL4e, Ecist Howover

8189 No More bac,le CovwpLLMevitoru exam for a first tLMe cilstovwer coLtrtesg of Dr. I)awLeL 8. JLtn,Lor,

pc]LW' 4i£2 RLdqedc{Le AvevLtte, East Howover

e190 Thiwgs for Dcld 12 pacle of BeLgLan, Freeze craft beer ooLtrt¬5g of RLver Horse BrewLwg. 2Ciraphics I)rLve. EWLg tj OLL servLce awd safetg Lwsp¬ctLow

coLtrtesg of CoLtwtru Road ALttoMottve, 58C> Rger5on, Rd, LWLc,oLw Parle. ExpLres

" .` ` ` .`.` `. . `` . ```.( ` .. .`. ` `` .

Dalrl4. 34A Broclc]wc}i/, Den,vLLLe

8191 ttappu Dad, 12 pacle of BeLgLow Freeze craft beer coL{rte5g of RLver Horse BrewLwg. 2Hoppg KLcls qraphtos I)rlve, Ewtg www.riverhor5e.covw ¬ $5C> off awg jervLce over $350

a,oitrtesg of CoiMtru Roc]d AULtoMotive, 580 Rgersow Rd, LLn,cotvL Parle. ExpLre5

12/31/1G www.coLt^trgroc]dai{to.covw e, Cc]r c]ecaL cowrt6su of Ciardevl State

Mowogro"5 C; 8. Lce a,ream ccilee cowrt¬5g of DevwLILe DaLrg, 34 A Broodwau,


C``- Lege"d5 $1C>C) gLft certLfLcate toward jprwLg/sLtvwMer c,ciMp coL4rtesu of LegevLds Basebc(LL

BosebciLL In,strLtitLovL, a goLtth bc]sebc}tL acodeMg Lw Essex Fells

lvl5tritctLow www.L6qewdsbciseboLLLn,strLtc,tLon,.com

I) 193 ":.` HovLdMc]de. ovLe of a lewid (Wow-edLbLe) gLwgerbread Lvi5pired doLthoLtse, LwcLttdwLg

a set of giwgerbread dolts to plag wLth cot{rtesg of PF CiLwgerhowse, LLwigstow

www.6tsg.Com/shop/PFgwLgerhoiAses d $20 glft cclrd cowrte5g of The ChrLstMasTree Shops, good for t{se at Bed Bath & Beuowd. Bttg Bwu Babu. HarMovl or the

ChrLstMc]s Tree Shops wWw.chrL5tMo5tree5hop5.COM

¬194 Co LMp c]t MiLlie s Owe free weele at MLtLLe.i SL4MMer Cavwp c,owrtesg of MLLLLe's HOLt5¬, 7C>O Mc}w\

HOLt5e Rocld Towclco www"LLLLe5hoLtsevii.c,owl

6195 Chose REMAX $1Ctc) gLft c,c}rd to RciLL5 Stec]lehoitse, \MLtehc(lL Lavte, Towcic,o c,owrtesu of REMAX

NeLqhborhood PropertLes, 291 MCHw Rcl, MovltvLLLe Revwax381@optowLLn,e.wet

619G MovfytvLLLe Bcltterg opercited c]cJi4Lt tooth brwsh, l^Ltrcldevtt whLtevwLg for cldLtLts, c,hLLdren,'5

PedLc`trLc toothbm5h, boole civLd 5ti4ffed drogovl a,otArtesu of MowtvLLLe PecJLatrLc Den,tL5trg.

D¬wtLstrL1 350 MciLw RCJ, MowtvtLte www.faceboole.covw/MowhvLLLepcdLcitrLCDewtL5t"

8197 Beat4tt4cotMter BeawtgcoiMter Hah,d a,reawt c",d LotLovL set. pLLts two $25 glft C,C}rds Courtesu ofbu Lc}ltrew Lc}L4revL Erci5. BeaL{tgc,ottLAuter Ls ow a vwi55i,ow to get Safe prodl4cts Lwto the hciwdj

of evergon,e. These proclurcts are BeaLttucown,ter'j 5LgwatiAre CLtrLt5 Mwwosa

Scewt civLd are wtc}de wLth orgcln,Lc c]Loe an,d chci",ovwLte. Lc]i{rew can, be rec(ched tit



81986199aGC,OE;GC,1 Cozg t{p w,th DclviLeLle SLbclrLLtM owtograph6d paperbacles. Hecirt Waves SerLes (Heart Waves,

DavtLeLLeWaterparleLDecPhotoqrc,phwRLtvoLoLow BrealeLwg Wcive5 & Wcives of Love) an,d To Mg tiero A Blog of OL{r JowmeuTogetherLLght5awd-coloredTWLwblcwLle¬t,BottleofverdLSpLtMan,te,Bottle ofTheBecichHotts¬PLwotqrLgLo,c(vldLifeLsaDarLwgAdven,twrgvwentorgbox.SLbarL"LsaNewJerseuvLc(tLvean,dc(LAthorofYAc]vtdNArovwcin,cewoveL5.Her

d¬btAt vlovGL, fc7rA/wj?5/I, was relccised in, 2C)11. She hc]5 sLwae pLtbLLshedth_eHeartWove5TrLlogyoswe+IosToMgHeroASlogofC)llrjoilmegT_ogether,IntoYou,RegretMeNotowlo`seo|v,altoForAlwoy3trlLedinyLd Forever.

She Most rGcevLttg reLecl5ed the fLrJst three of a serLes -"#~ 4/p Pz7rfy Bc7y, W474upPlowboy,avudlvlovLupHusband.iwlww+acchode.cowjT3anuelLesihoo.w;.w.

www.ciwtc(zovi.covw/Dan,LeLLe-SLbclrLWM, CoLirtesu of I)awLeLle SLbc]rLWM cMd the

Ti{bb5 Fc"iLLi.

TWO VIP Wot6rparle pci5ses for c}LL dog adML55Low to RagLn,g Waters c}M,d Ocgaw

OasLs \^/aterparle + Beac,h CLLtb, Mag be red¬evwed cit c}vig tLMe dL{rtn,g Lts

operatLwg 5chedLALe, LvivcLLtdwig hoLLdous, weeleevtdj. Moreu'5 PLers L5 covwMttted to

provLdLwg a spectc]cu.Lor faMiLg recrec]tLow experL¬vue wL civt exceptLowaLLg 5ofe,"..................-......(-`-..ccirdcoitrte5gofTheCheesecclle6Factorg,WLLtowbrooleMalt


$2C>O gLft card coLtrtesg of L. Dec Photographg, lwc,Litde5 5LttLwg c]vLd $125

towards prwlt5 www.Ldec,

Boolecc]se avid Dr. SeLt5s booles c,oLtrtesu of Rt4voLo Low qrowp. LLC, 55 ModL5ovL

qrowp Avon,Lte, MorrLstown,. RwoLo Lclw qrowp provLcles titLgc]tLon,, a,oltclborc]tLve awd

vwedLatLow servLc,es ciwd leeeps the foctAs OVL what.5 LMportovit ... the chLLclrew.


E5 GC,2 BeaLttLfLtLTowc]c,a Ongavuc WLtdfLower Rc]w Howeg,I Love Mu Cat LthLtg, LLwevL c,ocletcHL vLapleLn,s,RecordaWLsh,TttMbLer,vlotecc(rd5.cwnLd.ForaRaivugDogl'LLNeedCLtteBoots.

Jar cottrtesg of MicheLe Ccirow of Towcico Fc]rvws, vwolewLg .Rc]w HMeg frowv NJ--...... . .. . ... . .... .-. --.--..-. -.-,...c. . ..

wreath coLtrtesu of qracLe'5 Crec{ttoM,s bg Grac,e ChLMevLto, FLoraL De5Lgwer. Grc}ae

creates clec,o vwesh wreaths, grap6vM,e wreciths, partg fcivor5 c}wd ccwterpLeces.

Cowtac,t Circice a+ qrac¬f",lee,h"@c]oLcoM for vwor¬ LwforMatLovll

e) GC,3 MawgLa' $75 gLft certLfLcate c,outrtesg of CaLovLdrcr5 RestclL4rawh. good for Lt5e at awg of

Ccitovidra'5 three Locc]tiovi5 www.catan,drasbale¬rg.COM C? SprLwg wrec]th cot4rtesgofCiracie'sCrec}tLon,5buGraceChiMewto.FloralDe5Lgvier.qrac¬crcc}tesdeco

Mesh wrecith5. grcipevtwc wrec(ths, partu favors awd cewterpL¬ces. Cowtact Circ]ce

cit c)racefrowlech"@aoL.c,om for LMor6 LwforMc]ttoM,I

8G04 BLcin,le2Bravided Storage tote. Do \^/hcit Yott Love prwit, Sweet Apple Bctth Soap, MOLgslewte

vioteboole. qrclce Cols Wo" Vcivi,iLLa Bodg Wash & LotLovi, gold plc,tLtre fraVAe,

Lovevider Cream. sou can,dte, whLte floral bottqLtet, clvid BagLL5 & Hardiwg sweet

MavLdc]rwL & grapefmLt soc(p ooLtrtesu of BLavile2Brciviced,1GC) MaLw Street,

MovttvLLLe bLciwle2brawdecJ.c,OLM 6 PcrsohiaLLzed NaVAe Sticle¬r5 C{Lft CowpovL

cottrte5g of MctbeLs LcibeLs. Per5owoLLzed Nc(Me StLc,leers cire clLtrcible, waterproofLc`beL5forLdewtLfuwLgLutvlchcowtaL^er5,bottles,togs,sportseqL4Lpvwen,tawd

Morel www.VAc]foeLSLc}beLs.c,oM

¬ GC,5 ChrL55g 25 MLn,Itte covLSuLtatLOM,, pL{S 90 MWLLtte person,cltized health c)sjejs5Men,t pLLtsDcivevLport owe MovLth of Meal ptcirfuvwlq recLpes avid 5hoppLVLq tLpS for L|oLtr fc"lL.U cottrtesu


of ChrL55u Davewport. Bocird CertLfLed HotLstic Hec}Lth & WeLLn,ess Coac,h, AADP

MBA www.chrLs5wdc( GC,a

Wh6et Of Autographed ptcture of Vav".a WhLte awd Pat Sc}joc,le, tote bag, c]wd t-5hLrt PLL^SFortwlg 4 "VIP PASSES" for a Wheel of Fortuwe TopLn,g at the Sowg StwdLos Lw Ci/Lver

CLtLi, CALIFORNIA cowrte5H of Wheel of FortLtwe www.wh¬eloffortwvLe.covw

6 GC,+ Shop Whole Basleet cowtaLn,Lwg specLc}ltg Ltents froM \^/hole Foods. LwclLtclwig Self-tawvwLgFoods totLow, r6LtsabLe groc,erg tote, 3GC) wheg protewL, greetLwg cards. water bottle.

pearfuLtt bLttter, wisi4Lcitcd Messeviger bog. bcirleTHINS, KLss Mg Fcice awd MoralCoitrtc5w of \^/hole Foocl5

CJ GC,8 +``..-... Fowr tLc,leets to owe of the MclLw Stage thec}trLc,aL prodttctiovis durLwg the 201G or

2017 Mcuw Stage Secl5ow tit the Brocidwcig Theatre of PitMc]vl, 43 Sou.thBroadwag, PLtMc]w (depewcJiwg ovi the prodwctLow, a $28-112 vc)Lite)

www.pLtMan,, tT, Gift set featitrLwg ALtegro bLscttLts, darle

chocolate spread avtd 1/2 pawn,d c,hocoLclte5 coL4rtesg of NeLthaLt5 chocolc)te5

C, GC,9 Jt4St for FLtn, Ciitwd Becir & $25 gLft c,clrd coitrtesg of I)eviww & DaLSL¬5. 8 Broadwc(t4, DevwLLLe

```..``..` `.` ``` . .. c...` ``. `. `` ``. ` ` ` .` `

Maiw, 5 East MaLw St, DevwtLte www.thc5econ,dhaLf53.covw r,,l^wLLMited Mctjter Qtte5t for a clog coLtrtesg of the Fwvlplex of East HavLover,192-.` . ..` .. . -1' ` ` . ``.` . . . ... ``.` c`.` ...

Owvi Cooleboole, c,ou.rtesu of Newntcm.5 0ww. IVLc. www.wewvwawsowvi.c,oM tT,

HLLLdaLe School t-shtrt (S), ttLLLdaLe Hw5leLej t-5hLrt (S)

(``` Towvi SqLtare $30 CiLft Card c,ot4rtesg of The See,ovtd ttc}Lf ow Mciwi, 5 Ec]5t MawL St. DevwLLLewww.the5econ, M f, New J¬rseu's TowL Sqt4are poster coLtrtesg of theNew Jerseu PerforMwlg Arts Cevtter, OvLe Cewter St, Newarle www.vLjpcic,.org, C)

$50 C{Lft CertLfLcate cottrte5g of DetLZLa PLzza KLtc,hevi, 3C)8 \^/ootow St,Boon,tow. ExpLres 5/30/1G www.d6LLziopLzzaleitch6n,.COM a

HiLLclc]te Hitsleies t-5htrt (S), HLLldaLg School t-shLrt ryM)

I) gil Lc]5t Level Owe $5 Pampered Chef C{Lft/RecLp6 Card a HLLLdc]Le HLtsleLe5 t-shirt ryL), HLLLclaLe

Basleet"I`.. .` c `` ` .`. ... . .. .` , `. ` .`. .. .

levwfe, two Goz FarMhottse Reserve Cheddar, two Goz \^/hLte Ocile Checldc]r. two

Goz ALpwLe ChedcJclr, on,e Goz New Yorle VLn,tage Cheddcir an,d ovte 8oz SerLowsLg

Sharp Cheddar cowrte5g of Ccibot Crec"eru www.c,abotc,hee5e.c,oap a Cooler Bcig

col{rtcsg of the HPTC Cj Owe gear MGMbershLp cotlrtesg of BJ's, llCJ ROL(te 23North, RLverdaLe www.k]is.covw

fl Level TWO: Value $249-goo fi Owe Sheet of ORANGE tLcleets for $2Ct fiffi 201 Stroviger thc]vL

I Pc74rfuz P/g47+t7A i Bg67cA C)f7G"4~j7 Affgr Sz7"alj/' poLwted bg Loccit arttst Carla Hicle5

the StorM"Pawited from a photo I toole dw",g the growd opewLwg weeleevLd c}fter HwrrLc,c}v\e

Savtdu tit PoLwt Ptec}5awt Bec}ch. At that tLMe Ln, eorLg 5prLn,g there were stLLL

Man,u bec]ch homes boclrcled LLp ovLd there were some covL5trLtctLovi vehicles parleed

throitghout the c}rea. Bttt the beac,h wcisju,st as beaLttLfLLl as ever, weLcoMwlg

vLSLtors bacle. The 2 gear an,n,iver5aru of ttitrrLc,owe SavLdgjwst passed.`Strovlger thciw the 5tc)rM' becc}Me New Jcrseg.s Motto frovw thcit tLtML{LtutoL{5

evevit avid thL5 paLwtLwg covwVAeLMorc2tes the CowwL{WLtg.I 5trevlgth awd recovcru

froM that dLffLCL4Lt twwe.. Cowtclct Cc(rLa for covwvwLssLowsCclrLo.hiclesc>1@q M wi/shop/Artwork2bwccirLci @c,cirLc].hLc,lejsc>1

ffi 2C,2 I)clcJdg cwid son, Fc}ther (XL) civid sovL (4T) ustarLetten swi,w. trLWLk!s frovw VLLebreqltLn, Short HLLts,


cavL b6 exc,ham,qed c}t awu VLLebreqLtLw bow,tLqwel www.vLLebreqLtLvi.c,oM

ffi 2C,3 Get ci lLttLe $25C> Citft C¬rtLfLcat¬ for Race Dec,le qorage floor frovw WeL5s Covistrwc,tLow Co .worle cJowe LLC www.w¬

ffi 2o4 Cttsto wt cto5et $25C) Cw5tovw CLoset CiLft CertLfLcate fro M \^/eiss Con,strL{c,tLovi Co� LLC

f``3.. . Fore' IvwLtcitLon, for a foL4r5oMe (wLCLitdLn,g cctrt fee) c]t Beciver Broole CoLtn,trg CLLtb, 25

Cowwtrg Clttb Dr, Avln,avLclaLe www.beciverbroolec,c.COM ® FOLtr pc(Lr5 of MevL'5

calf socles, cottrtesu of BOMba fi Fowr tLc,leets avid VLSLtor5'

Pacleage to the l^SqA MLt5et(M, 7i£ LLbertg Corwcr Rd, Fcir HLttswww.L4sqcivwtAsewM.c,OM

ffi log KLdvLILe 8-w6ele 5e55LOLfu of cla:sse5. 8 PLagspflce Pcisses awd a SLLvcr MevwbershLp

cowrtesw of KLdvLLLe . 3130 ROLtte 10, Den,vLtLe www.IeLclvLtLe.c,oM/dewvttte

ffi 207 ThLn,lel GLft CertLfLc,ate to Thin,le TittorLwg,18G CoLWMbm TLtrwpLlee, FLorhciM Pc]rle.

Ln,cLu.des 1 Diagvio5tLc AssessMevLt (Lw avLg 5Ltk)uec,t) awd 4 hoL{rs of tuttorwlg


ffi 2o8 SMLLe for qLft certLfLcate for a Lww session, wLth Stacg Mac Photographu (act-3C>Stacu Mc}el vwiwitt¬5/10 Lwtages Lw c]vL on,LLwe galLcrg/5 dLgLtaL dow+Loads/FreLLwghttgsew

Arboreti{M/sL{LtabLe for 1-2 chiLdrevL www.stcic,i4Mc]ephotoqraphi/.com

fL., Show LMe those BLecichLwg cowrtesg of I)r. Johw A. TaLtavcitL, Bec}wtLfLtL SML165 I)ewtLstrg.1GG

pec]rLi/ whLte5l Mc]Lw St, LLn,a,oLw Parle, LwipressLovLs Lwctttded .itdMd.c,oM

ffi 21C, ExcetLLwg ot C(tft Certtficate for 8 on,e-hoitr trcwiLwg ses5iows cit Excel FLtvLess, 40 First Ave,

Fltvl65S I)evwLtte vw www.fac,6boole.c,oM/ Exc,eLFLtviessDevwLLLG

ffi 211 SMartg Pan,t5 OvLe prLvate tL(torwtg sessLovl for c}wu sitk)uect offered, Lwclu.clwlg SAT 0r other

5tavidclrdLzed test preparotLovi -or -$15C> c,redLt towc}rd the cost of an,u coLLrse or

progravw offered, wLth eLther optLow, a 3C) Miwwt¬ c,oM,swLtc(tLon, Ls Ln,c,Lwded.coutrte5g of the E5teLle Fw\leeL Cen,tor for Learwwig,125 \^/eJ5t Moltwt PLeason,t

AveviLte. LLVLvtcistovi www.horLZMSLn,LecwLwiq.orci/EsteLLeFLwlecL

f}.. Bc]cle to bcl5Lc,s CovwprehevLSLve NLttrLtLovLcil EvaLLtatLow coutrte5g of Dovwia qciLc(rza, CN. Bc]c,le to

1. ` .. . ....... ..... .. , . ...+`,i:.-. ..= ,. ..i

ffi 213 A Hear of $2C)C) qLft CertLfLcate coLtrtcsg of I)avLd Chc}d's Beat4tg, 398 BLoowifLeLd Ave,"..J CaLdweLt www.daviclchcicl.cowl fi $5C) gLft c,ard to Re5tc]Ltrawt.c" c,owrtesg of

Mc]th \^/Lzcird of Pc}rstppc}wu|

ffi 2L14 Evuc,ore, en,core! $50 gLft c,ard to BLoovwLgclaLG.5 coLtrte5g of Moth \^/Lzard of ParsLppawg a

Lwn,c,h for 8 coLtrtesu of Evic,ore Ccitermq www.6wc,orecciterin,qvii.covw,

+`i--.. For the Thec]tre qLft certLfLc,cite for 2 tLc,leet5 to the Morre5toww Theater CoMpan,g,19 \^/. MaLwLover ONE St, Morrestowi. for an,g 15-1G show www"oore5town,theaterc, fi

2 tLc,leet5 to awg Kean, Stage perfo"an,ce ditrLn,g the .15-1G seci5on,, \^/LlleLn,s. `..`.`` `.` `````````. . ```` .`R`. `` .:`...``` .`

pre5evitc]tLovt dLtrwtq the '15-1G seajow",eciLehc}LL.orq

ft-. SwvupttfLI 4 holtrs 0f hoVAe or offlce orgclvlLZLn,g Coltrte5g of S"pLLfLwww.sLMplLfLLiowrLLfe.cOvw

ffi 217 WLLtow Lcilee $250 g Lft certLfLcate for the 201G Ca Mp Secisovi c,owrtesg of \^/LLLow Lalee I)agDCIL| Cflvwp Cavwp. Lc]le6 Hopcttcowq wLILowLaleedc]wc,amp.con^

ffi 218 Dc]d's Dcig Two bcl5ebciLL c,aps, two t-shLrts (XL), 7llyG A"Gr4cc7~ fnj2f£ Bc9cr Cc)ofa44ofa bg JohwttoLt avLd sLgn,ed bg John, Halt, 777G f4g/o' C7444o`G £¢ Dr4rfule4"g /" A%grtc27 bg NLlei

Can,owg, 777G #c)MG Br¬h/¬rir CO"pz7#4Ct" bu ChcirLLe PapazLaw, J3G¬rc)C/clc¢ bgJavLe PegtovL, S#c7rf Cc7#r+g 4A Bc'c;rbg Lg ww Hoffvwavl, 777g C)rJj744fl/ PoC4Cf BGcr

/o#rwc7/, ScwwweL AdaM5 tLn,, qLc}sses, c,oosters, pen,s c}wd bottle opevier5 c,oi{rte5ui


of A//A4c7"f BggrMogazLn,e S $1C)O qLft Ccird c,oL{rte5g of

Robert Cirahciw,. Short HLLL5 www.rob6rtqrclhc".c,ovw

ffi 219 AVLthropoLogLe LwtLe \^/aLLac,c Litwc,hbox fLLLed wLth over $2C)C> wo" of proclttct5 from

An,thropoLogLc. in,cLLtdmg Toe,a,a CLeopatra perfwMG. gold vLecleLcic,e jet, RosehLp

c]v\d CLarg Fat,Lc]L Mct5le, MathLtde ChoMpagwe 5oop, hotrbavLds, MeMoru JowmaL.

cln,d n,aw hc]wc)warvwer5, cow.rtesw of MLrai Corporatiow

ffi 22C, JawbovLe Jawbowe L^P3 fLtwess tracleer, ovie of Oproh.s FcivorLte Thwigs for 2C>15I ® Three cLciss pacle cowrtesg of barre3. SoLtth LMwgstow Ave,LLVLwq5tow www.barre3.covw [email protected],oM

ffi 221 For the Thcc}tre FctMLLg Fou,r Pac,le of tLc,leets (2 c]clwLt, 2 ohLLdren,) c,oLirtesg of The Cirowwig Stage,

Lover Two ChLLc}ren,.5 Thec}tre of New Jer5eg, Netcovig www.growLn,gstclge.covw ft Two

See,tLon, .8. seats for the New Jcr56g FestLvaL Ore,hestrc(.s perfo"aM,ce of "Evlter

the Dragow. ow Mag 22. 201G cit 3pM at Drew l^wtversLtg Lw Mc]cJLsovt

coLLrte5g of the NJ FestLvc}L C)rc,hestra S GLft

certlfLcate for 2 tLc,leets to the Morrestown, Theater Cowtpawg, \^/est MciLw St,Morrestowvi for c}wL/ 201G proditcttovi www.wtoorestowLthec(tercoMpov\Li.orq,

ffi 222 SitMMer Dcigs Pool togs 2 x L4n,derwater ScravwbLers, Shoe,lewave BOLwicers, Torpedo pewgitiws,

dLzzg dLve 5ticle, wLwg rLn,gs, wciter wLggL¬rj a 2 Pajse5 to KeavisbLtrg

AvwLt5evwewt Parle/Ru.wawog RapLCJs \^/aterparle, whu}h Ln,c,Litdes a 3-howr se5si,OVL

to the waterparle avud UNUMITED rLdG5 to the civww5ewtewt parle

www.IeeawsburgavwL{5¬ ffi Ad MLssLow for 4 to Lc]lee Tovwc(hawle

\^/aterparle.155 TOMc]hawle Lalee Troll, Sparta for owg weeledag Lw the SutMvwer

of 201G (LwcLLtde5 4 wrLstbcwLds to Lt5e all of the wcltersLLd¬s for the evltLr¬ dc}g)


ffi 223 ALstecle Fc(rM5 Owe Fc(vwLLu I)ag c(t ALstede Farvw5 (wp to 5 people) awd access to LtwLLMited

ac,tLVLtLes coutrtesg of AL5tede Farms Lw Chester (wlcLltdes wvtLLvwLted c}c,cess to cilL

actLVLtLes OVL the fa" Ln,ctwdtwg the CorvL Maze, Eaj§ter evevutjs, Hcirvest Moovi

HagrLdes. poviu rLclej, vwoovi boiAvic,e, com lewigdoM c]vid wagoL^ traLw rLdesl)

www.aL5tedefa" S $25 Target gLft cc(rd coutrt6sg of the Crespo Fc"LLg fi"Su.vlww Daw5` ThLrtw Ovle Bc]q cowrtesLi of the qLordcivLo FaMLlu

ffi 224 Tot4c,hdowwl 2 ttcleets to the Football Hc]LL of Fame, Cavitovi, Ohio

ffi 4 pcisses to the MCKLviLeg Pre5Lc]ewtLc(I LLbrarg wwwwclewLLegLLbrc} ffi

4 VIP vwovLe passes to the CovLtovi PciLclcg Theater

a 4 passes to the CovLton, MltjeLtM of Art www.can,tov" fi 4 golf pclsse5to the TOM O.Shawt¬r Ciolf CoLtr5e ft 4 tic,leets to the

Cavltow CLcissic Car MitseltM $ 2 c}dMLs5Lovl5 to the FLr5t LcldL6s' LLbrc"

ffi 225 WLLlowbroole $25 g Lft ccird to Dt4n,kiln, DovLi{ts c,ottrtesg of the MowtcivLo FaMLLg S $25 gLftShoppLwg cc}rd to Clap fi $25 gLft card to Broolestovte fi $25 gLft c,ard to CheesecaleeSpree Fat,torg S $25 gLft ccird to Bath & Bodg \^/orle5 a $25 gLft card to the DL5vLeg

Store a $25 gift cord to Sephora fS $25 glft cc]rd to SL4r La Table fi $25 gLftcc}rd to Jcrew S $25 gLft cc}rd to JLtstLc¬ coi4rt¬sg of the Adest, CaLc}viclri¬LLo,

FreGdMCM� qLLtdLce, Herwc2vLc]ez, Herrot. Pipcr, Schac,hMcm. awd SwVAlea FcivwLLLe5

f*`. Partg PLotlAre5I C{Lft certLflcate for a partu evewt, pLtts $2C>O towards owe loxlo photo boole, or

25% off a photo orc]er [email protected] ww.photoqraphubLicie",aro.c,oM

ffi 227 SMLLe! Fc]vwLLu PortraLt Se5sLovi. ow LocatLovi clt goLtr hovwe or a parle [email protected]


r28 Sag Ch¬esel FaMLLg PortraLt SessLovi. ow locotLow c]t goL{r hovwe or a parle [email protected]



ffi 229 PLctu,re P¬rfectl Free Fc"Ltg PortrctLt Ses5ion,, OVL Loccition, ctt uowr hovw6 or a parle

[email protected],oMww.photoqrciphLibuqevLLfuc]ro.covw

ffi 23o New parevut5 $25 gLft cc}rd to BabL65 R 1^5 coLtrtesg of The Ncirc(lcs5ettL FavwLlg S The Cellar

Soho Metals Dottbte SLtver FraMe ffi Dr. SeL(5s prLwt ooLArtesg of SprLwleLed Jog fi 1 Movlth free awd free vweMbcrship to Guvwboree,

Chawg6brLdge Rd, PLvie Broole www.guvwboreecLc}sses.c,ovw fi DL5vieg coLorLwg

boole5 a $15 gLft card to DL5viegstore.c,oM S $5 PoMp6rcd Chef CtLft/RecLpecc(rd fi $10 BItLtd a Beclr g Lft ccird coitrte5g of the DevLto Fc"Ltg ffi $15 g Lftc,ard to Talee Two CowsLc)wMevit wi Den,viLLe

ffi 231 Best Dressed Echo I)esLgvL bLacle havidbag, CiLrtg qo C{arter (S) awd l^rbciw Expre5sLovL5 broc,eLet

courtesg of Hot Tots Bot4tLqLte,loo \^/. Mt. PLec}scin,t Ave, LtvLwgstovL`. i .` `` .``. }\. .`.`.` .. `` .....`.`. .. ,. .

doww shLrt froM the Cteorge StrciLt ColLcctLovL (L), Rtclta Red PLaLd Low,g SLeev6

Dress ShLrt (L). RLclta Btwe PLaLd Lowg SLeeve Dre55 Shirt (L), civid FashLow Swap

Lowc| SLeeve BLc)c,le PLaLd ShLrt (L) courtesw of \^/rcwiqLer www.wrciwc)Ler.covw

ffi 232 lLfudoor grLLLLwg The T-Fc(L OptiGrLtL i,5 the fLrst eLectrLc grLLl wLth PrecLSLow CirltLLwg Tee,hwoLogu

whLch cooles food bu wtec]si4rLwg the thLc,levLes5. fecitwrej a defrost 5ettLvig for

cooleLwg food from frozew Ln, MLvwtes c]n,d a Mc]viu,aL settLwg for vegetables awd

per50waL recLpes, powGrfwL 1.8Ctcj-wc]tt heatwlg elcMewt avLd dle-cc}5t c]LltvwLn,L(wnvion,-stLcle coc]ted pLat¬5, whic,h c]re reMovc]bLe awd dL5hwc}5h¬r Safe. CoLtrtefu of

HLLLdc]Lc'5 4th c)vid 5th qrc]de5.

ffi 233 Becit5 bg Dre Bec]ts bg Dre solo2 headphovies cow,rte5u of the BLWMevLthc]L c]vid Ben,sow_...` +F`` .`. . .`. . `,`. . .` ..`-` `.`. .. ..

Boowton, a $5 PciMpered Chef CtLft/RecLp¬ Ccird

ffi 234 SeLfLel TaoTrovLLc5 SeLfLe StLcle (L^-shape. extewdc}bLe wLth biALLt-Lw bLLtetooth rGvwote

shLttter) S C)oM,tz AvigLe 3 BLtt¬tooth PortctbLe Spealeer S TECHNO L^vwverscilProf¬5sLovlaL HD Cc]Mera Lews KLt for Lphovte/SaVAswvLg S L^ltra covwpoct

1C)C>MAh Portable Changer Extern,al batterg power bavile ffi MLcrofiber clean,Ln,g

cloths for cell phovtes, taptops, tc(bLets cow,rtesg of ttLLLdc(Le's 3rd qracl¬ CLasj S

$25 LTt{we5 qLft cc(rd cowrtesL| of the Botcro FaMLLu

ffi 235 Be Yo,A"q,{e Over $13C> worth of YOLMiqLte prodLtct5, cot4rtesg of NLc,oLe Force. wlc,Lwdes

Moodstritcle 3D FLber Lojshes, Moodstrwcle Prec,Lsiow Pen,CLL LLp LLvier Lw PouLtg.

Moodstri4cle MLweraLs CowceoL¬r. MooclstrLtcle OpL{L¬wce LLp5tLcle Lw AffLtten,t.

Moodstritc,le MLwerclLs PLgMewt ShLMvwer iw Sexg, Mood5tritcle MLn,erclLs

PLgMewt ShLvwVAer Lw BeawtifitL. an,d Shme Ego Maleei4p Remover cloths..

[email protected]. (2C]1) 4Ctc)-8844 NforcebeoL( fi I Love YogaLLtLg Bag coilrtesg of the HPTC fi $25 gLft c,clrd cowrte5g of

SLvwpLg Be Yoga, 574 Newc]rle PoMptow TwrwpLle6, Povwptow PLaLw5

sLMPLubegogavLj.vlet ffi $10 gLft cc]rd to Poviero ft $5 PaMperecl ChefCi Lft/Rec,Lpe card

ti-- NJ STEPS CoMprehevtsLve Speech awd LawgLtage EvciLwatLow or Fot4r Treatvwen,t Sessiows

cowrte5g of NJ STEPS, Speech & Lan,gltclge Therapu, 28 BLoovwfLeLd Ave, PLVLe

Broole. NJSTEPS provLde5 LLfudLVLdL4c]LLzccl treatMen,t c}wd Ls cJedLcated to heLPLwg

Hour chiLclren,, ovLe pc}tL¬wt c}t c] tLvwe. www.wisteps.c,oM

ffi 23iz BavigLes & Ro5c gold pLctt6d dmMovLc] Loo,le La SowLa bavLgLe brc}c,¬Let, cotArtesg of HLLLdc(Le s

Beciwtg Bar 2n'd Grcic]e CLclss fS $1CIO gLft certLfLc,ate c,oLArtesg of Bricle & Mlrror Beatttu Bc]r,

i£50 ROLtte 4G \^/est, Par5Lppawu)

ffi 238 prec,LOuL5 Free ow Loc,atLow FaMLLg Portrc]it SejsLOLfu clvlcJ a lGx2C> MOL4wt¬d portrciit


MeMorLes ExpLres 12/31/1G [email protected],OVA www.photoqrciphi/buqe",c}

ffi 23g Hoppg WLfe Happg \^/Lfe Happg LLfe tote bag collrtesg of the HPTC fi Tot{c,hston,e Cru5talHappg LLfe bloc,le Lc,a diawtovid bracelet cM,d pen,dawt courtesg of Kctrin, SleaLet5g,

lvLdependevit Con,stALtawt. (2Cjl) 24iz--G9G4, lecislec][email protected] M,". ` `. ... ..`` `... .`.e,r.... `` .. . ..`

Poop. Pooper Scooper Service, Towcico

ffi 24o For the gLrLs Over $2C)O worth of scrapbooleLvig 5LtppLLe5 c,ottrte5g of StaMPLw' L^p

owd boos www.J§taMPLn,u,p.cow, ft 4c}Me tLc,leets ooL{rtc5u o`f Boovitow LavLe5. 72C> MgrtLe

Avewite. Boovttow S $5 Pc"pered Chef qLft/Recipe Cc}rd

ffi 241 N Lght Awau 2 ticleets to an,g Ardew Thec}tre Covwpawg Perfo"avLcc dLtrwig the `1G season,",...` .`. . .`..`C,...``` `. _. ` ,-`. `..... ``.`'. .

of DrexeL WwiversLtu a C)we n,Lght free at over 9G pcirttcLpatLn,g

IvwLs wt PewvLsgLwwa wLth the pitrcho5e of ovle vtLght --a $2C>O-250 vaLL4cl

www.LLoveLww5.COM Coi4rtesi/ of the HPTC

ffi 242 Fuw for ALLl LEqo I)wwevLSLows Starter Pacle for Nin,tevLdo \^/Li 1^ cowrtesu of HLLLdc}Le'5

KLM,dergcirtew CLass ft GaVAe tLc,leets coLtrtesu of Boovlton, LclLfues fi $5

Pampered Chef qLft/RecLpe Ccird ffi FaMLLg fotAr-pacle pctsses (adMLs5Lon, awd

rewtaLs) to Ftoud Hall Arewc}. LLttLe Falls S $25 gLft c,c}rd cowrtesg of the

Cloverleaf Tclvervt, BLoowifLeLd Ave, Cc]LdweLL www.cLoverLeaftaverw.cow, ft $25

qLft certLfic,ate to Lec}rvwwq Express cow,rtesu| of the KLrschn,er Fc"itui

ffi 243 AMeric,awc{LrL AvwerLc,aw QLrt TrwLg Me DOLL LLght SleLw. Carc]MeL Hc]Lr c]v\d BLwe Ege5 (#39),

Aw,erLc,avi CiLrt TrutLu Me Cocowitt the Pwppg, Avweric,avl GLrL TmLg Me Soft As

Swow OuttfLt, AMerLcavi qLrL Trwc SpLrit OLttfLt; AwuerLcc}w qLrL Ac,cewt Braid

CILp5. AvwerLccivi CiLrL Briqht HLqhLLqht5 Set c,oLtrtejsi/ of the ZLOLleow5leL Fc"iLLi

ffi 244 NBA Gear NBA Adtdas Defevider duffel bag fLLLed with over $3oC) worth of NBA

vwerchcwidLse, LwcLLtdLVLg wwbrelLci, hc]t. Mew's t-ishLrt )L), btt5wiej5s c,Gird holder,

Cross pevL. wciter bottle. n,otebook!, Mevi's Large polo shLrt, leegchciLw, 5oc,le5 awd

SpaLclLwq Portfolio cowrtesu of Frc}n,c,e5cc( Lopre5ti-CawwLwq

ffi 245 For the view Javue & Jcicle sweciter (18-24vwos) fi Revizo sweater (24Mos) S PwLle PwMc]Prtn,c,e55 5vLeale6rs (I A,fawt si,ze 4) S rife /\44#¬rfe bg Jaw BrGtt ft DLsvieg DcizzLLwg

PrLwc,ej5 qclMe S FrozevL FLoor PLLzzLe ft BaMbL ® SLeepLwg BeaL4tu bciLLoon,5

ffi DL5weu PrwLcesses 3-D StLc,leer felt S PLai/pacles, pLtzzLes avLd 5tLcleer5

ffi 24G Carru a Coac,h Coach I,Lc]ssLc Satchel iw Sherrw c,owrte5w of the Rothsc,hLLd FavwLlu

ffi 24iz C:rob a cu,pl Nespre55o VertitoLLwecoffee & Espresso Moleer wLth Aeroc,cwLo PLws AuttoMcitLc

rv\LLle Frother c,oL{rte5i/ of the Swords FaMtLu

ffi 248 PrLvate WLn,a PrLvate \^/Lwe Tc(5twLg for 8 coL{rte5g of MOLtwt SaL¬M VLn,egards. 54 Mowvlt

Tastwlq SaLevw Road, Pittstowvi. Expires G/12/1G www"owLtsciLevwLWGi4arcls.covw

ffi 249 Short HLLL5Spree $250 gLft card to the Short ttLIL5 Mall. coL4rtesg of the HPTC

ffi 25C, Towclco $25 gLft cctrd civtd O/S hi-Lo top wLth spac,e due LeggLn,g5 c,owrtG5g of Chc}rLotte's

Cros5Lwg5 \^/eb, 8 \^/hLt¬haLt Rd fi $100 gLft c,Gird coLirtesg of Rolls Stealehowse,1C>\^/hLtGhaLL Rd. Towac,o www.raLlsstcc( S $5 Pc"pered Chef c,oLtpow

251 Get FLt! FLtbLt Charge HR c]wd $125 I)Lcle'5 SportLVLg C{oods qLft Cc(rd coitrte5g of The

Ch¬rtcoff, Harast5, LCHVLo, Moo MCM,c,iwL, Mottc`LLc}vio. PateL, Pilsbwrg, owd

WehrLe FaMiLLes

ffi 252 HL4c]sow RLver qrc}b gour c,avwera for a per5ovlat fLLght for the wwtvter c",d two gwestsl See the

Rww Verrazowo BrLdge, Stc]tute of LLbertu. George \^/ashLwgtovi Bridge, the TcippaL~

Zee BrLdqe an,d c(LL of MclvLhcittavi,I CoLtrtesLi of MLchcleL Peters


ffi 253 SHL^ B-BcilL 4 coMPL"ewtarg tLcleets to owe `1G-17 Setovi HcltL MEN'S home ba5leetbaLL

gc}vw¬ tit the PrLtdevltLc]L Cewter. 4 cow,pl"evLtarg tLc,leets to on,e `1G-17 Seton,HciLt \^/OMEN'S ho Lwe bosleetbalL gavw6 c`t \^/aLsh Gig vw, l^vLcler ArMor

DmwstrLVLg bag. L^wder Armor vwen,s t-shLrt (L). L\n,der Armor Men,'s t-shLrt (XL),

l^vLder A"tor woMew'5 t-shLrt (M), Ltwder Arvwor vwevt's polo jhLrt (S), Scarf

vwc(gwets, avLd water bottle cowrtesg of the PLrcit¬ Bh4e AthL¬tLc FitvLd avLd Sctow

ttc}LI L^n,LversLtLi Athtetics www.pLratebLtle.covw

ffi 254 AMazovi SLMLLe $250 AMc)z,ovl gLft ccird courtesg of Dr. B0bbu S. Lee, DDS. LLC,17C)ChavigebrLdge Rd, Ste C-1, MovitvLtle (bobbgleedds.covw) ciwd LoleeLavLd Bawle,

1GG ChawgebrLdge Roc]c). MowtvLLle. VL5Lt 5MLLe.c}VAc]zow.c,oM avid seLec,t

HiltdaLe Parewt Tecicher CowwcLL c(5 i4oLtr charLtwl

fi. . t Close wLth Tlffan,g leegchowt c,oltrte5g of CasweLL Curi{s, \^/eLchert ReciLtor5, Rte. 4G cit

Curws Cherrg HLLI Rocid, MottwtaLw Lalee5 www.c,u"spropertLes.covw a $10C) Lotteru

5crcitcJ1-offs c,oLtrte5u) of the Cwms Fc"LLi/

ffi 25G PLctiAre Perfect Men,'s tie coLtrte5g of VLwegard Vwie5 www.vM,euardwies.covw S $10C) gLftcertLfLcate cot4rt¬su of Photographu bu JevLWLfer www.palwtwlg5bwevwwfer.covw

fS HAwigers. FLzzu Lcivevider BclthboMb. Peppe"twt Rosevwarg Scmb c]vl,dLeMovigra55 Sc,mb c,oL4rfe5g of LLwdseg MLtlvLhLLL, Sc"bbLo55oMs

Foe,eboole.covw/sc"bbtossow,s a RLtffLe Scarf an,d brcic,eLet c,owrtesg of Lwz LeoL~ ® ChrLstMcls BLrd vLecleLac,e coLtrte5g of RLibg

Bc]weriec}, BeadsvLBaLtbLe5}Ltbl¬s

ffi 257 AffLWLtg $1C)C> person,aL tra"wg gLft certLfLcate,1 weele pass for PerforvMVLce School; 1FLtvies5 weele pass for Afftn,Ltg FLtwess, 2 VIP gite5t pc]sses avid Vevidetta FLtwes5

eMbroLdered zLp wp, blewder bottle, Lav\garcl, towel clvld t-5hLrt coLtrte5g of

AffM,Ltw FLtn,es5 5C> Rottte 10 \^/, \^/hLppavw) fcic¬,es5

ffi 258 TLg¬r FLtvies5 Three MovLth fitwes5 vwevwber5hLp plus owe hoiAr of opew coL4rt tLMe coL4rtesg of

TLger T¬wn,Ls & FLtvie55, 42 FaLrfLeld Ptclce, \^/e5t CaLdweLL or 3G Two BrLdges

Road. FaLrfueLd. ExpLre5 2/3/17. tLqertewLL5owdfLtwess.c,ovw/hovwe

ffi 259 FaMLLu FLtwess Free MovLth coutrtesg of AffLvutu FitwG5s, 50 RotAte lct \^/, \^/hLppavig a 12wcele growp fLtvLess ctciss Lw East Hov\over or 12 weele sevLLor fLtvLess prograM Lw

RoseLawd ditrLwg SprLhig .1G c,oLtrtc5g of OL"pLa'5 l^SA FLt for LLfe. MLtst be

redeeVAcd bg G/3C>/1G. [email protected] ® $1C)C> gLft c,ertLfLc,c}t¬

towcird sprLwg/stMMer cciMp c,ottrtesu of Legevtd5 Bc}5ebciLl lwst"c,tLovL, a gowth

bci5GbaLt clcc]deMw tocc(ted Lvi E55ex Fells. www.tcqevLdsbosebciLtwLstruetLow.covw

¬E. ` . Si{MMer Fi4vi $100 gLft certLfLcote toward spring/JSL{MMer cciLMp c,owrtesg of Legewds BcisebciLL

lwstrL4c,tLovl, a goL{th bcl5ebc}LL c}c,fldeMu Looc]ted Lw Es5¬x Fells

www.IegewdsbasebaLLLwstritctLon,.com fi Free Mowth cowrtesu of AffLn,Ltu

FttvLess. 50 ROLtte lc> W, WhLppan,g $ 2 c,owrtesg of the AdvevLtwreAqL{ariLtM,1 RLver5ide Drive, Cc",CJevL www.advevltL{rec]qwc]rtwM.a,OM

ffi 2G1 Red BwtL5 & Foi{r Lower L6vcL TLcleets for a 2CllG New Yorle Red Bt4Lls HovwG Mc]tc,h at Red

Scoop HOLt5e BWLL ArevLa coLtrte5g of the New Yorle Red BWLL5 www.n,ewgorleredbttLt5.covw fi

$25 glft certLfLcate, 3jar5 of toppln,gs, t-shtrt, cowes, i,ce cream scooper, bowlsc}vld spoovLs coLtrtesi/ of Scoop Hot4se Ln, BoovLtovl

th`- |n, MeMorg of Lc(ven,der HaLstow HerLtage clutch dowat¬d Ln, LMeMorg c]wd Ln, hon,or of Sherec

Sheree MovLettL. HLtLdaLe MOM civLcl forvwer presLdevlt of the HPTC.


Tree MowtvLLLe or n,earbu). No warravltg, n,o swb5tLttttLows c]vld vlo revwoval of

exLstwig LavLdscape/tree. www.c}rfi5avwij.wet www.howzz.covw/pro/webitser-`-..,-'::......

q3o2 KLcle Lt ONE SLx Moviths of free Toe KwovL Do Lesson,s coLtrtesg of S. Pc}vLOLt Tc]e Kwon, Do,

48 Rottte 4G \^/est in, PLwe Broole www.5pcivLOLttcielewowdo.covw

ty 303 KLc,le Lt Two SLx vwon,ths of fr¬¬ Tag Kwow Do le5sov\s c,owrtesg of S. PavLow Tcic KwovL I)a.

48 Route 4G \^/est Ln, PwLe Broole www.spavLoittcielewowdo.COM

P304 Ktcle tt THREE SLx w,owth5 of free Tcle Kwovl Do Lesson,s coLLrtesu of S. PavLot{ Tc}e Kwon, Do,

48 Route 4G \^/est Lw Pwie Broole www.spavLowtaelewowdo.covw

q3o5 Ktcle Lt Foi^R SLx MovLths of free Tcie Kwon, Do Le5sow5 cowrt6sg of S. PcivLow Toe Kwon, I)o,

48 RoiAte 4G \^/e5t wL PLwe Broole www.5pavlowtci¬lewowdo.covw

q 3C,G Train, that qlft CertlfLcate to Lea"Mg RJ( for a Brc]Lw SleLLL5 A55es5vwGVLt, w5wig theBrowll \^/ooclcoc,le-JohvLsow tests awd the boole entLtLed 4/rfu/clc4 fAg E4Aj-fc'4" /4+4de bu

Dr. KevL CiLbsovi.

9 3oi= SEE Camp 50'/a off total C,c]vwp tLtLtLow for the SEE Cawtp 2C>1G Seasow at eLther theMowvitaLw Lczlee5 or SwwwLt CoMpiAs www.jseecc]

try 3o8 Coac,h Bctg Blacle sc}tcheL, Grafted Ln, smooth awd gather¬cl Leathers for a LLtxe textwrc)I

covttrast, wLth a 5pc{cLoi{5 LviterLor. the stru.c,titred sLLhoLtette featt4res c]rchive-

iwspLred hc]rdwc}re awcJ a fLWLctLowaL tLtrw-locle to leeep the bag 5ecttreLg closed.

c,oi4rte5i4 of the HPTC

q309 " ....I '. : Ovle Mowth of Boot Cavwp (2-5 dog progrc") cowrte5u of MowtvLLLe &

Ec,t RLght ParsLppowg Advewtwre Boot Camp for \^/oVAevL (New Mevwbers oLfuLg)

www.Mov\tviLl¬bootaMp.cowl. q $5C> gLft

certLfLcote coL{rtesu of ShopRLte (PorsLppawg or \^/e5t CaLdweLl) q $50 g Lft cc}rd

c,oLtrte5g of Grassroot5 Natwrc]L Mcirleet (DevwLLLe or MorrL5town,)


q310 Apple Wcltc,h 42 VWM Apple \^/atch/Space Cirog ALL4vwwiLtM Cclse wLth a BLctc,le Sport bavLc].cowrtesl/ of the HPTC 9 $1C)C) LTL{n,es qLft ccird coitrtesw of the Tttbbs Fc}w,LIL/

q311 Hcirbor HiLL5 $1.C)OO off c(wg 8-weele twLtLow for a wow ccwwp faMLLg cow,rtesg of ttarbor HLtLs

DaLi Camp Dc]w Cavwp, 75 Dobl4 Rocld, Mowwt Freec]oM

q312 L^SA TWLsterz BLrthdog Partg for lc> at l^SA TWLst6rz. iz.B SpLeLMaw Rocid, FaLrfLeLd

Partgl www.Ltsc}twLsterz.c,ovw 9 CovwpLete PrLn,cess Partg, coLtrtesg of Lux Partg,

wLCLi4clwig c,clstLe ceviterpLece, garLawd, Ln,vitatLovL5 awd thowle golf wote5.

www.LLtxpartg.covw q SGO C{Lft C6rtLfLcate cowrte5u of F",Ltscwtpt, \^/est


q313 PARTY! GLft certLftcate for a pc(rtg evewt, ptlf5 $2Ctc> towards on,e lc)xlc) photo boole, or

25% off a photo order [email protected] q$1C>O off c]w evewt chape",ed bg Bcir MLtzvclh Bowvtcerwww.bctrw,itzvc]hbouLwc,cr.c,ovw rty $15Ct off a 1 hoi4r rewtclL coitrt¬su of Lpartgpix,

the Next qevLeratLow Lw Photo Booth En,tertciLwvwen,t www.LportwpLx.c,ovw

q314 Ora DeLphwie Ora DeLphwLe's LLza Sate,heL, LLLa CovLtLVL6wtc(L \^/allot c]wd Lung coLw wciLLet I,w

ANTIGME. c,owrtesu of the HPTC

9315 Gr¬c]t WoLf' 2 n,Lght5 at qreflt \^/oLf Lodge wicLwdin,g water parle advwssLovi coL{rtesg of theHPTC

q31G Head Shots ProfesjLovlciL hec]dshot5 coLtrte5u of lrwta SvwlrLftyova -iwc,Litdes 3 houtrj of

photographer tLLue, retoiAchLwg of 3 fLVLc}L LMc}ge5 cmd a dLgltal gc]LLeru 0f Proofswww.LrLwa-5vwLrn,ovc(.c,ow q $25 gLft card c,oitrteJsg of SLMPLLCLtg SaLovt. 574

Neworle Povwptovi Tplee. PoMptow PLaLvis


q $25 gift c,c]rd cottrte5g of SLMPLg Be Yoga, 5iz-4 Newcirle Povwpton, Tt4rvLpilee.Pon4ptowPLawtshttp//siMplLibewoqcin,I.wet

31iz. LWLc]c] Mood AbLLLtg Te5tLn,g cowrtesg of LWLda Mood Bell Lea",Lwg Processes,1C> N Parle PL.

Bell MorrLstoww. The evc}LLtc]tLon, proc¬js LdevitifLes the chLLc)'s strewgth5 avld

weolen,esses awd offers jtc)wdardLZGd ciccicleMLc avtd LLteracg tests. The Learvun,g

sleLLL5 MecisLired Ln,cLLtde 5ot{wcJLn,g oitt worcJs, word readLwg. paragraph reacJLwg,

readLLfug coMprghew5LovL, orclL LavlgL4agG coMprehevl5Low, clwd Mc]th. The

cvc]Lwc}tLon, results are explc}Lwed. www.Iiwc]civwoodbeLL.covw

q318 Dowvl The Ctrft C6rtifLoate for a ovie gear FaMLLg MeMbershLp to The \^/¬tLctwds lvL5tLtLtte,

Shore Stovie Harbor www.w¬ rty $50 GLft CertLfLcote coL{rtesg of

Peflc,e & ParcldLse to c,recite a custom evLgraved leegchawi.jeweLru. orwaMevLt or

cwffhwle5. Mc(de wLth 5awd or ti{rf frovw a specLol place

Pec]ceAvbdpc}raclise ty Cc]n,vc]5 photo of Cape Mag Jsltn,set bg KatL¬ Morc]vt. GraphLc

De5LgvLer/ Photographer leMorc}v\art.c,ovw q \^/in,erg TOLtr for 2, coiArte5g of the

Cape Mag \^/wieru www.a,apeMcigwwterg.c,oM rty 2 passes to RipLcg's BeLLcve lt or

Notl, AtLcwitLc CLtg BocirdwaLle www.rLplegs.COM q 4 troleets to see Lu,cu the

EtephavLt. a NatLovLciL HLstorLc LclvidMarle, Margate q 1

vwght free at over 3 4 partLCLpotL"g lvwis I,w New J¬r5eg, wLth the pwrchasc of on,ewLc)ht ($2C>C)-$25C) vctlwe) www.LLoveLww5.c,ovw/freevLLc]ht c,oLtrteJsi/ of the HPTC

q319 It'5 4 tLc,leets to the Mc]rLtLVAG AqiAarLL4w. at NorwaLle www.VAaritLMec]qu, 9

RevoLwtLoviargl Fowr "After 5 Post for Twon to C}Lta55g AMwseMen,t Parle/\^/aterporle. IwcLi{de5

rLde5 c]vLd (Ln, 5easow) -Splash Awag Bc]g" www.qt4a55g.I,ovw q TLc,leet5 to civig

perfo"awce bg the FaLrfueLd Cown,ec,tLCLtt Thectter Covwpawg

ty. Vowcher for 2 tLcleGt5 for a perfo"avLce c(t the \^/estport CoL4vitg PLaghoit5ec}i4rwLg the .1G season, (throLLgh lc>/221G) www.we5tportpLaghoi{ q 1 viLght

free cit over 32 porttcipatLn,g lv",s wL CovwLectLc,wt, wLth the pwrchcise of on,6viLqht ($200-$25C) vciLLte) c,oLtrte5ii of the t+PTC www.iLoveLwi5.c,oM/freeLuqht

P320 I Love Mg Free ow Loc,atLon, FaMLLu Portrc]Lt SesjLon, an,d a lGx2C] VAOLwlt¬d portraLt

Favw,Lg ExpLres 12/31/1G [email protected] www.photographgbugewLoro.covw q I Love

Mui FavwLLu LL{Lui Bclq peac,eLoveworLd.c,ow/ cowrtesu) of the HPTC

try 321 DISNEYIl FC)l^R 1-Dog Pc}rle Hopper pos5e5 cou(rtesg of \^/aLt DLsweg \^/orLd Resort dwrLwg

viorMaL operc}twig hoL4rs, wlcL14dLwg MagLc KLwgdoVA, Epcot. t+oLLgwood StLtdLoS

an,d AWLMaL KLwgdoM (expLre512/20/2C)17). CavLwot be L{sed from December

25-31 of ciwg uecir q Micleeu MOLtse ptwsh doll. rv\icleeu Mouse CLitbhoL4sePLtzzLe CLtbe, crafts, pttzzLes, stLcleers, PLctopia PLctwre TrivLa Ctc(vwe, Min,wLe

Moi4sc Opl wc]Ll polLsh, "hcln,d. soap, aL{tograph boole avicJ MORE coutrtesg of

Carolun, \^/ules. a \^/oodMovLt tec]ch¬r www.vutLcleegstrflveL.cow/wules q Ovig wctg

trcM,sfer wi a Sl^V froM awgwhere Lvi New Jer5eg to Newarle LLbertu ALrport

c,oLtrtgsLi of Howcird GoqeL, Mu| LLMo www.qoqeLaL{

q322 CLtu of 4 dog passes to ride the PhLash Dowv\town, TrawsLt Loop courtesg of theBrotherLu Love lvLdcpevidcwce VisLtor Cen,t¬r www.rLdephLLLuphLash.covw q lc) tLc,le¬ts c,owrtesg of

the Soc,Letg for the Pre5ervc]tLow of Lan,dMc}rle5 to totlr civlg owe of its ttistorLc

HOL4se5 (PoweL, Phu5Lcle, CimMbLethorpe civLcl HLstorLc \^/agvte5boroL(gh) q 4 pas5e5 to The Storg of \^/e the PeopLeH cit theNcitLovLc}L CowstitutLow Cev\ter www.c,on,stLtuttLon,c, 9 Fc"LLg

M¬Mber5hLp to the \^/oocl M¬rc Art IV\wseL(vw (bevLefLts wicLiAcje tore cJLsc,oL4wt,

odMLSJsion, to goLLerLe5 ctwd specLctL exhLbLtiovis, Members-ovLLg reccptLovt5, toLtrj

awd Gvewt5. di5couvLt owjcizz c]vLd cLossLcaL covic,erts, awol redutced cidML55Low to


chLLdrew's program,s) q G pcls5es for a gLtLded toLtr

of Cit¬n,c,cwm, Mw5ewvw q 4 passes to the Ros6wbc]ch Mitset{M q

4 pcis5es to the PhLLadeLphLa ML45ei{M of Art 9 G dog

passes to Ec}stGrn, State PeLutevLtLarg. AvwerLoci'5 Most HLstorLc PrL5owwww.Eastern, q 4 pc}sses to the Nc]tion,c}L ML4seu{vw of AMerLcaL^ JewLsh

HLstorg 9 2 pc]sses to the AMerLc,aw Helicopter ML{seL4M

www.aMerroawh6LLcopter.vwwseL4M q 4 pas5e5 to the Scmdersow ML(sGLtM.

liz-55 Creed Rcl, Chclclcls ForcJ www.scin,der5owMLlsewwt.orq

rty 323 Newport for the $50 gift certifLcate coltrtesg of 15Lan,d PL4rsttLt www.LSLavLdpi{r5utLt.c" 9 2

Fc(vwLLg tLc,leets for the NGwport PLaghow,se & RestoLtrc]wt wwwiewportpLcighows¬.com q

2 tLcleets to ¢ho5t TOLtr5 of Newport www.Ghost5ofNewport.covw ty 4 pas5c5 tothe ExploratLon, C6n,ter & Aqt{c}rLww WwW.Sav¬ ty 4 Pa5Se5 for a gLtLCJed

docewt toitr of the Herreshoff MarLVLe Mi4sewvw/AM¬rLc,a.s Cup ttaLL of FciMe

www q Dau Sc]iL aboc}rd the Schoon,er Adiron,dc}cle H, ow either the

MoryLLM,g MLwo5o. Aftcrwoon, or Newport Darle a StorVA Soil. AIJvav\,ce

schedutLin,g reqLtLred, SaLILwg from w,id-Mag through MLd-October. Not

redeevwabLe ovt hoLLc]ctgs, Satitrdaus or OVL the st4n,jet sail www.saLL-A,ewport.COM

q 5 passes to the NorMaw BLrd SciLfuctwclrg www.n,orMclvLbLrd5on,CtL4aru.Org q 5tLc,leets to the PwbLLc Sleclte Se5sLovL5 at the Bradford R. Boss Arevici/RgavL

Cewter Loo,oted at the l^vwersLtg of RhodG lsLawd c(wd two $25 gLft c,ctrd5 toMoc's (avug Locatiow) www.theruav\ www.vwoes.covw q 4 tLcleets to the

Roger \^/LltLcivws Pclrle Zoo q $25 gLft c,cird to Newport Jerleg Co.


9324 Newport for Two $5C> gLft c¬rtifLcate c,owrte5g of lslawd Pwr5LtLt www.LSLovidpitrswh.covw rty 2

tLc,leets for the Newport PLoghoL(se & Ca Restc]itravLt www.wewportptc]ghoLtse.c,a M

rty CiLft certLfLc,cite for a wLwe tct5tLwg coutrtesg of CaroLgvL's Saloon,wet VLwegard q$500 qLft CertLfLcate towczrcl5 a prLvate, LLtxltrg Yac,ht Chcirter cowrte5g of

LitxL(rgDc}gchc}rters.COM q 2 on,e-vwavisLon, pctjse5 to the Newport Mc]vLSLovis

c,owrtesu of the Pres¬rvc]tLon, SocLetg of Newport Coi4wtu q GLLest pc}sses to the

Norvwavl BLrd Sawctt{arg, q $25 gLft Ccird toNewport Jerleu) Co. www.wewport|erleeLicoMpaww.cowl

325 New Hope Eu,rop¬ciw FacLc(I coLtrte5g Tracg's SlewL Care StitdLo www.etectroLgsLsbgtrocg.v\et

rty $25 gLft cc]rd coLtrtesg of Heart of the Home q 4-Persovi advwLs5tow to the BLtcle's CoiM,tg ChLLdrevi's Mwseww,

q 4 Pc]cle of Tic,leet5 to the New Hope & Ivglowd Rc]iLroc]d. for awg regwLctrLusc,hedwLcd HOLtrLu ExcitrsLon, (expire5 3/10/liz.) www.wewhoperaLLroad.covw 9

$25 gift cc]rd to OlLve-vL-Grape www.oLLvewgrape.covw q MLcro I)ervwc}brc}5Low

trecitMewt coLtrtesg of PLLrLtLe Spa www.putrLtie5pa.covw q On,e vwght free cit over

9G partLCLpatLwg Lwws wi PewwsgLw" wLth the purchase of owe vwghtwww.Ltovein, coitrtejw of the HPTC

q32G Prep & Photos Free OVL Loc,atLow Fc"LLg Portrc(Lt Ses5iow avtd a lGx20 vwoitwted portratt,

expLres 12/31/1G [email protected] qShampoo, hciLrc,wt awd blow dru wLth a Level I Stgti5t coitrtesu of DepasqutaLe the

Spa, Route 10 E, Powder MLLL PLaza, Morris PtaLws www.depasqLtciLethe5pcLc,oM

q327 ROAD TRIP! 4 tLc,leets to the CciMclen, RLver Shcirles for the lG 5casovL

q 4 tLcleet5 to the Cc}Mdew Citg qclrclen, CLwb

q 4 tLc,leet5 to The Barclau Fcwwstead MiL5eLtvw, Cherru VA/paqe5/Bctrc,LaL4-Farmstead-MLtseutw, rty 4 tLc,lee+5 to the Gcirdew


State Discoveru MtAseL{M www.dLscovergVAL{seL4vw.covw q I Love \^/eeleerLc]s Li/Lg

Bag coL4rte5g of the HPTC q 1 wLght free at over 34

parttc,Lpc]tLwg ln,ws wi New JGr5eg wLth the ptircha5e of on,e vwght ($20C)-250valit¬) cottrtesg of the HPTC q 2 car wci5h pa55e5

cowrtGsu of FaLrfl¬Ld Hclvld \^/ash civid DetciLL Cewter,1275 BlooMfieLd Ave.

FaLrfLeLd (wi the plo Costa Cewter) own,ed bw a HLLLdate FavwLLi4, the Ferrovecchicisl

P328 The TLttorLwg Free dLagwosttc test an,d owe free Mowth of tLtLtLow cowrtesg of The Tlltorwlg

Cewter Cevlter of \^/est CclLcjweLL westcoLdweLL.tLLtorLwqc,¬LfutGr.Com

q329 lt'5 fLtw to pLag Ovle-dear favwLLg Membership cowrtesg of the LaleeLan,d HLLL5 FcwwlLg YMCA.

cit the YMCA ic>o Fclviwu) Rocicl. MoutwtciLw Lc]lees www.LeleeLan,dhLLLjswwcc].com

q330 Ca Mp the C(recit Cavwpwlg CertlfLcc]te for a 2 vLLght Stag (2 adLtLts/2 c,hLLdrevl) Lw clvLg rewtat

Dlvld¬ trciiLer coLtrtesg of The qrecit DivLde CaMpgroLtwd. G8 PhLLLLps Rd. NewtovL.

ExpLres lo/1C>/1G q SIOC> grit certLfLcate

a,oLtrtesi/ of ShopRtte of Lin,c,oLvi Parle, GC> Bectverbroole Rd, Liwcolw Parle

q331 3GO FLtvLe5s 1 vwovith fL4LL servi,ce MevwbershLp (Lwc,Lwde5 weLght room, ccirdLo roovw. group

fLtLfues5 cLa5se5, 5pLVL a,Lcz55e5, Loc,leer roovw5, tutrf fLeLds. bo5leetbc]LL c,oL4rt5 avidchLLcl ccire),1 Movith of LtvLLLMited Speed & AgLLLtg (offerecJ Movidau-SatL4rcJag)

awd Three 30 MiviL4te per5ovtaL traLvuwLg 5ejsLows c,owrfesg of 3GO FLtn,e55

PerforMc}n,c,e Sports, 25 qreewbroole Road, Fc}LrfLeLd www.NJ3GofLtviesj,c,oM

tp# ttlLL.door` PrLzes2 ##

Nu,ywber NaLne

4i¢5ol $25 Hot LWLc,h c,redit, HwvLgrg, tiLtwgrg HLtsleLe5 cooleboole, $5 Pampered Chef Gtft/RecLpe cclrd,

HiLLdaLe Sc,hooL AdLtLt XL SweatshLrt

##502 $25 Hot Litwch oredLt. Hwwgru, HWLgru ttwsleiG5 cooleboole, $5 Pampered Chef CiLft/Recipe card,:` ` ..`1. ` -` .`` ..

##5o3 $25 Hot Litn,c,h a,redLt. HLtwgru, HWLgru HL{5leic5 cooleboole, $5 Pc"pered Chef CiLft/RecLpe ccird,HLLLdaLe School AdttLt XL T-5hLrt

##5o4 $25 Hot Lwn,ch c,redLt, Hwigrg, Hu,wgru HLtslelcs c,ooleboole. $5 Pavwp6red Chef Citft/RecLpe cc]rd;ttLILdoLe HusleLe5 AdLtLt XL T-shLrt

##5o5 Ice CrcciM CLas5 Partu. HWLgrg, Hwwgrg HLtsleLG5 cooleboole. $5 PaLMpered Chef qLft/RecLpe cc]rd,

HLIWoLe Sc,hoot Adult Lange SweatshLrt

##5oG lee CreciM CLosj Partg. HwvLgru, HtM,gru HL45leLes cooleboole, $5 Pavwpered Chef CiLft/RecLpc a,cird.

ttLILCJaLe Sc,hoot AdltLt XL T-shLrt

##5o7 Ev\rLchMevit CLa5s, Hwvigrg. Hwwgru Hi45leLe5 c,ooleboole. $5 Pampered Chef qLft/RecLpe c,c}rd.

ttLLLdaLe HwsleLes ACJWLt XL T-shLrt

th&5o8 EvtrLc,h"evLt CLc]55, Hwvigrg. HiM,grg HiAsleLes cooleboole. $5 Pc`Mpered Chef Ciift/Recipe a,c]rcl,

HLLLdaLe Sc,hooL AdLtLt Lc]rge Swec]tshLrt

2 Nwwb¬r5 5C>1-512 coLtrtesg of the HLtLdaLe Parewt Teclc,her CoLtwcLt


&®5og 2 tLc,leets to the 201G FtM FaLr. Huwgrg. Hwigrg HwsleLes cooleboole, $5 PoMpered ChefGLft/RecLpe cc(rd. HLLLdc}Le Sc,hooL AdttLt XL T-shLrt

&#510 2 tLcleets to the 2CJIG Fwi FaLr, Hitwgru, HtMgru HtisleLes coolebookz, $5 Pavwpered ChefqLft/RecLpe cc(rd, tiLLLdaLe Sc,hooL Adttlt Large T-shLrt

#i$511 K-4 Yecirboole, Hitvtgrg, HLtwgrg Hit5leLe5 cooleboole, $5 Pavwpered Chef GLft/RecLpe card, HLILdaLe

Sc,hooL Ad i{lt Med LLtM T-5h Lrt

4'#512 K-4 Y6arboole. HLtwgrg, ttwwgrg HwsleL¬s c,ooleboole, $5 Pavwpered Chef Gift/RecLpe card, HLLLdc]Le

Sc,hoot AditLt Med LLtM T-shtrt

##513 LWLc,h wLth Mrs. HavizL. HLtvtgrg, HLwtgrg Httsleue5 cooleboole. $5 Pampered Chef C{Lft/RecLpe ccird.

MowtvLLLe Youth MecJLi{M Pajavwa Pcivits

4'#514 $25 gLft ccird cowrt6sg of S"pLtcLtg Salow, 574 Newclrle Povwptow Titmpilee, PoMptovi"pLLCLtgsaLovwij. Httwgru, Huvigrg HL{sleLes c,ooleboole

#dy515 $25 LTi{vLes gLft c,clrd a,oLtrtesg of the Marchcivit FaMLtg, Hwigrg, Ht4wgrg Ht4sleie5 cooleboole

#dy51G`Jiist Brecithe. NJ Becich PrLwt c,owrtesg of Milee SteLLa Photographu\LleesteLLaphotographg

4'dy517 Car wc}sh c,ou,rte5g of FairfLeLd Hawd \^/ash & DetaLL Cewter,12iz`5 BLoovwfLeLd Ave, FOLrfLeLd (plo

Costa Cewter), Hitn,grg, HiM,grg HLtsleLes cooleboole, 2 bottles of Bosc,a sgrutp www.bo5c,oworLd.c"

4'ap51g $25 glft cc]rd to Zappos coitrte5g of Trace, Stevevi, Logan, & ChLoe HorowLtz, HItvLgrg, HWLgrgHwsleLes c,ooleboole

#$519 Gift Certiftcate for OvLe LetterKandg vwovLogrc]M brae,eLet or wecleLace coLtrtesg of LetterKan,duwww.tctterleavLdu.COM. Hwwgrg, HiMgrg Hi{sleies cooleboole

##52o $25 gLft certLflcate coLtrtesg of CoLLforvlLa Beat,h Hi{t.1 Broadwag, DevwLLLe


BIACK BAci PRIZES ewd $25' rLze worth $1C)C)I$1Ct KLn,g5 gLft c,c]rd I HCM,dMcide bawglc brac,eLet bu Cievw5 bg LLttLe Pec}rL I $25 gLft cord to TLC NctLL5. \^/agwe

I Hecirt5trwtgs loif hc(wdwclrMers I $5 PaMpered CJlef QLft/RecLpe cc}rd5 I Free sawdwLche5 from JersegMilee'5, PorsLppavLu I AdML5sLovL to a pu,bLLc staleLwg sessLow c]t Men,wen, Sports ArevLa I GLft aerbfLcate5 to the

Red Barn, Re5tawran,t I Ticleets to aw AMC MovLe Thcc}ter I $25 gift card to \^/awa c,owrtesg of the Frc}n,cFowLLLg E $25 gLft cc]rd cottrtesg of The Socc,er Post. Frcln,leLLw Lc]lee5 I $25 gLft c,ard to

Cawdt)ticLOLt5 E $25 gift ccird cowrte5g of Shoe & Sn,ealeer Bc}rvi www.shoecln,d5viealeerbarvi.I,ovw I $5C> Ctrft

Ccird to The ShavLwoLfu Rose Pi{b www.theshc}vwiovlrose.c,a M I $25 CiLft C6rtifLcflte to ChocoLcite Tr¬c}sL4res

www.ohoooLatetrea5wre5wj.c,oM I $50 TqlFrLdag's gLft cc(rd c,owrtesg of KLds' KastLe I $25 ¢Lft CertLfLcate to

Mowica's Restc)LtrcivLt, Povwptow Lc}lees www.vwovwc,clsrestawmvLt.vLet I $20 Gift CertifLcate to BroMLtow's

Choc,oLates www.browhiLow.c,oM I BL(bL .5crLtwc,habLen water bottles www.bwbLbottLe.covw I Free haLrcLtt fr"

StLtdLo 44 Peqitarfuvioole I $100 PortraLt lvwiovc}tLon,5 gLft ccird www.portraLtLwwovatiows.covw I $25 CiLft

CertLficate to The Essex Hot{se. \^/e5t Oravige eJssexhowsevij.covw I $1CIC) TLeles gLft a,c}rd E MavLLc,Ltre coLtrtesg of

ParadLje Nc}Lts & Spa I Bawg Bowg 5hr"p c,oLtpon, E $25 Gift Card c,owrtesg of The Ciragstovte lvwi. LLttLe Falls I $1C>C> gLft card to Totc}l \^/Lwe I $25 gift card to Starbutc,lesc,ot4rtesu of The Chcitterjee FaMLLg a Three box gLft voitc,her frowi vw I $25 gLft card to Macg'5 courtesgof the Qw FavwiLg I 1-hottr 5essLovt provLded bg LwcLL¬ TiALLo Vole,e & ActLwg StLtdLo awd OrigLwat Broadwog Cc(st

Rec,ordwLg of 84A4% & C/5/den Three weele5 of Tclelewoviclo Les5ovLs cowrte5g of 3 TLger Mc]rtLaL Arts I $3o CiLftLccite to \^/ltd BajiL Ca 6, MorrLs Plc}Ln,s www.wLLclba5Ltw Cover c,hcir or 4 to I)avL


Covwedg CLLib davLgerfLew5.covw I Three paLwtLwg 5e55iows c]t Bm5hes & BL5qLie, DewvLLLe. pLLt5 20% off c,oLtpovL

www,brLtshesavLdbL5qwe.COM E $25 gift c,ard to Pcwlera cot4rtesu of the Lee FaMLLu E FOLtr pcls5es to the MLtsel4M,

of the MovLwg lVAage www.MovLwgLMCRge.LAs ETwo tLcleets to c]wg prodLtctLow bg the Cro5srocid5 Theater

CoMpavtg, New Brwwswic,le E $5CJ CiLft Cctrd to SptAwtwLo \^/Ln,e Bc]r


2014-201G HPTC Exec,Wtive Board: Jew ZLOLleow5leL/PresLden,t, ChrLs Dezoo & Kctra PLz,zci/i5t VLce-Pr6sLdewts, Jew MawcLVLL/2V`d VLc,e-Presidevtt, JcivwLe Vewto/Trec]5Ltrer. LLsa Titbb5/RecordwLg Secretarg, LLsa

Leviwe/Correspowc)Lwq Secretci". Awci6La PLLsbL{"/Pre5idewt.s AdvL50r