the hickman courier. (hickman, ky) 1903-11-06 [p ] r u...

I r U j f i t r f t Fr r w S i 7- r 1 0 = = = = = = = T lW 111111 SiL9t1rtER Showing of Ladies and Misses New pall CLOAKS AND BURSAN- D CREAT REDUCTION SALE OF MILLINERY and WOOL DRESS GOODS of we I in all the new of to II h c F All our fine N we at have only a few left and we to come and make your We also have a swell line of in and which we are at II T 36 inch Vool and our GOP for 3G cheek worth jOe to < L9c J8 inch all wool Dress je for 49c l O TIlE AIH VK CiI > 4 1 I C IiV 5L Ii A + IItl ++ + + 4 + 7 t AND 7 t + oM1 Iiii 4iitli ioo4 ooor + Brick for sale Cowgill Cowgill II Wilson of Mayfield was in town Monday for the Courier M S Ward of Walnut Log was in the city Saturday J H Saunders of Route No 4 came in election day on business BoatTo Mr and Mrs J C Ellison October 2a boy Mrs Eula Stewart of Fulton was n visitor in the county seat Friday of last week Dont forget that Rosedale the pho tographer is still in business tf Aubrey Roberson of Falton was in town several days this week and last visiting relatives and friends H F Renley left Saturday night on a trip to Charleston and i TMx > on legal buaiues Mr and Mrs Bret Prather of nearI I Woodland Mills came in to do trading Monday Alex Barnes of Three States was iu town Monday his supplies for fall und winter nee W M Bacon formerly a resident of Hickuiau but now of Woodland Mills was in the city Mondny on business Hon R T Tyler closed the campaign al Pulton Monday night liy addressing and audieuce a t a large the opera house there Rev W O Wagner of Union City will preach at Mount Hennon ne Suiylay morning at 11 and Sunday night ar 730 All are invited l Rev W S Roney last week moved t from Mrs Shaws house to the Baptist Moorp e has moved into the house vacated by Mr Roney Lance Savage and sisters Misses Clara and Lucy of Fultou were in town this week visiting friends and were the guests of their sister M Rev 0 L Price while here Little Pearl Pollock dawchter C Pollock has been i ill 1 Mr J H v typhoid fever is with for some time recovering while his other pa I younger than Pearl has con- tracted ¬ it and is reported quite sick NOTICE Those who are indebted to mo will confer a favor by calling and settling their accounts They will also save trouble and worry c U Schlenker 1 f LADIES AND CHILDRENSFALL Our gathering Ladies Wraps covers all the Box and V i tII alI I colors + in finest Kerscep avid Zeberline ranging in price 350 to 1500 CHILDREN and MISSES Cloaks i sha handsome line both illf short Jackets and full length Coats1 i shades Zeberline andKersey 175 750 ILL I sell advise quick selection HATS Lapies Misses reduced prices GItEE REDt7CIIONaiALE Navy Oxford regular quality I 4Jte inch fancy nduced Granite Goods worth I LOCAL Subscribe Thursday CuruthersvUle purchasing enthusiastic litt- daughter both Use Sunshine Flour none better It you want photographs go to Rot lilies You can always Hud him at the old stand tf Taken up Yocng horse mule H yrsi old dark bay no marks Sick with lockjaw Taken up by Henry Bragg ou Steve Stahrs farm in bottom On account of the rain last Sunday I the Sunday school children of the Methodist church were compelled to I postpone Rally Day service until Snn day night Nov 8th at 7 oclock An excellent program has boon prepared and the presiding elder will also be present A large attendance i is denied P E Huetner E F Littleton and L X Nance of Nashville beth em ¬ ployed in thu general office of thN C St L came over Sunday to gather pecans Two of them veutur dover on the Missouri sido in tho Win but thin other ret used to do battle ith the elements for the sake of a few frecaus Chrs Brastield of Dresd spent Sunday in Hickman Mr Brasfleld has been making quite fret out visits to our town since tho fal milliner season opened but we jont blame Rita Its worth the coi Shes of royal lineage at least her limo hears a title The rice and the ompany has already beer selected We acknowledge witW pleasure the receipt of a basket of tl finest Wine sup apples into which ortal man ere sank a tooth from DV7 Dickinson the fruit specialist X e toot only ap ¬ bprecmte prompted it and sha hail with delight the opportunity to riprocato xtIt rained all day auilay November 1 This signifies f the old weather prophet at least at we may expect fifteen days rainrinJ cue month It is also claimed tl J November will pay Octobers prpcip tiou debts which is ten days dowuiiri making a total of twenty live rain slays during the ores ent old weather prophets theo 3 and must betaken l for what it is wojJ itMrs J C jpl soni who has been days or more is roo- f severely ill ffteu shut improved and is now ported some believed tot oulirely out of longer week her We was For but medical science fought despaired hovering near and off the ucceMc n bringing this most estim- able lada condition where she is of Cronanville has oug our collection of cnFios a Pat is a freak I It is a triflo over 1 I I shine feet long l being sonic three inctes in diameter at tho large end and taper- ing ¬ to tt point It i is in the exact shape of the old hunting aura by obe initiated into the mysteries of prod c ¬ ing u noise with it can be made toe heard a long distance It is artistically painted attracts much attention and upon cursory inspection is taken to be an old hunting horn It weighs about five ounces Captain and Mrs Fred Wigstrand ex ¬ pect to leave in a few days for their home at Mena Ark where they will reside until spring Tins jolly couple will be missed during their sojourn among the mountains of our neighbor ing state We bespeak for them a pleasant time and a safe return to us when the robins nest again In the sprng the captain will resume the building of the Mississippi river level from a point near the head of Fish- pond where for the present it has been O Wilsou wife of the affable manager of the Southern Wood + npply company whose home is in Vest Carrolltou Ohio arrived last Friday morning and is spending a few days with her husband Mr Wilson being located here indefinitely is con ¬ templating the removal of his family and Mrs Wilson has come on a sort of expedition prior to tak tug up n residence with us Sho is an exceedingly refined cultured and pleasant lady and Hickmau society will no doubt extend a cordial welcome to herMrs Capt Fred Wigstrand who has been spending the summer among her relatives and old friends at New Lon ¬ don Conn returned Sunday morning The Captain went as far at jrallatin Tern to meet and return with her As a result of his visit to Gallatiu the scene of Opie Reeds Tennessee Judge It the captain has a new selection of choice stories concerning tho noted author and his old home Pie had the pleasure of meeting a number of Opies old schoolmates and friends who loaded him dovn with aaiecdotes of Reeds early life which the Captain retells with the added spice of his own wit i and quaint humor Lair regarding Union City Business Col ¬ loge Union Cty Tenn call on the editor of this paper A number of young people of this community havo I theI I applying at this office in person or writing direct to the college in Union City The Time toBuy NOW Our collection unusually large andour prices from 150 750 beI aREATRED UCT Ice 14 Ar N E RY PATTERN actualcostwe readytowear ChiUUens offering ZeberlineGreen mouththin COLORED WOOL DRESS GOODS 08 inch fancy Wool Dress Goods Caster Blue and Green worth for only G5cI I 88 inch Wool Dress Goods worth GOc reduced to 49oY L 36 inch Wool Shark skin Weave regular price Goc reduced TKADINCi STAMPS ilYETITII DRKSS I 41 HI PERSONAL who Respectfully latest styles Zeberline aUlast deangel certainrecover Wubhn horn discontinuedMrs reconnoitering Information JIcCHESMIY AXI CHINX u One of the most entertaining and in- structive ¬ evenings ever spent by a Hick man audience was that of last Friday when the Hon II V McChesney and Hon J Morgan Chinn addressed the voters ol this vicinity upon the issues of the campaign brought to a close by an overwhelming victory on Tuesday It was instructive be cause of the manner in which Mr Uhiim expounded the doctrine of democracy nUll entertaining by reason of thu peerless style of that inimitable Stump speaker Mr McUhesney The former gentleman was extremely pel ¬ lucid in the arguments ho advanced pis delivery was as KUiotth as the run- ning brook and the intonations of u penetrtting ¬ as none other did during the past campaign ofepiriti j of 4 Fulton county and captured his audience ere he had spoKen live minutes His stories of the individual republican i leaders especially of Debow Belknap and Bradley were possibly the bestand most laughable ever told here His address was of a light nature up to his touching on the scenes the death of Governor Goebel In his recitntion of these he grew strangely dramatic ana with much pathos de ¬ scribed tilt death bed scenes of the martyr d governor Ere he concluded there were sears in many eyes and a welling up of hearts that brooded no good to the republican party in Ken ¬ tucky so long us the state remained intact and history recorded the dark deeds of 99 The question of who shall rule in Kentucky has been settled for fotr years more and settled right and these two gentlemen elected on the Demo ¬ critic ticket us clerk of tho court of appeals and secretary of the state re ¬ spectively have probably done as much toward bringing about this Condition as any other two who spoke in behalf of democracy aud the supremacy of the law 1 DEFIES THE IAw < I tjlnwsons Landing on No Ytf Is- land ¬ is the headquarters and rooting place of the Hustleyfa whisky boat owned by one Lee t Tl oJUponWhen heucau slip over to outside offthe branch without our sheriff vho wants to meet him knowing Tt lie conies over and sells his posonouSdrups arid river f f r n FursIs of Furs is are the lowest ranging to I I l3LIE HATg will you mixtures Snowflake toi9c successfully surrounding water which makes our negroes and other patrons wild as Comanche From opposite Point Pleasant up as far as Hickmau the Hustler hustles along bugging the sido which is clearest of officers Is it possible that he can sell liquor in violation of the laws of the three proud Commonwealths of Missouri Kentucky and Tennessee and I yet play close around his same baso or law as it were for near a twelve- month ¬ and not be brought to account at the bar of justice for his off enses The foregoing is from the Crouauville correspondent in the New Madrid Record and shows what may be done in the way of dodging the officers by an alert whisky vender He is having a good time now but some day he will become entangle in the meshes of the law and it will then be up to him to prove that ho did not know there was any law against selling whisky in Ten ¬ nessee and Kentucky If ho is over caught and the charge proven against him he should bo given the extreme limit of punishment There is no palliation for au offense of this kind Men who outrage the law with im- punity ¬ should receive the full benetit of the penalty when convicted To temper justice with mercy was not intended for the bootlegger tho wost despicable of criminals But as was said at the beginning he must first lie caught r CHILDRBHIiSaARTY J r Saturday night a Halloween party was given by Miss Annie Cowgill daughter of Mr and Mrs H N Cow gill to a select number of her young schoolmates and frierjds They arrived al tlie Cowgill home on the hill about I 17 pm and continued their games and sport untill nearly 11 The rooms had I been especially decorated for the enter 1 talnuieut of the young folks All the usual Halloween games were played fortunes were told delicious refresh ¬ ments were served and a good time had generally Among those who were in utteuuuce were Misses Charlotte Hnbbard Marguerite Fuqua Virginia Prather Hazel Adams Lillian Ohoat Marine Brown Mary Leu Wallace Blanche Hall Lily Hnbbard Pauline Beckman Ruth Ellison Louise Atwood Nellie Bondurant Dottio Davidson and Lucy Savage of Fulton Masters Harry Millett Warren Ellison Harold Debow Willie Ambers Edward heather Cowgill Rogers Lloyd Hall Willie liQUudrant Frank Smith Russel Johnson J Swayne Walker Robbie Beckmap and Lance Savage of Ful ton I VT MONTGOMERY SCHOOL HOUSE At Montgomery school house Satqr clay night Tas W Roney of Hickman und- H T Smith of Fulton addressed the voters of that neighborhood Mr Rouey made a splendid speech in be ¬ half of the democratic ticket and was repeatedly applauded by tho large and enthusiastic audience Mr Smith has beAn nicknamed Hot Times by his close friends but we never knew before the real cause of it In his speech at Montgomery however all doubt as to the origin of the appellation was dis ¬ pelled The manner in which he handled the republicans and the roasts ho dealt out to them and their ticket was the warmest things that countYi out way received with much eclat being frequently vociferously applaud- ed and his reputation aa a stump speaker has been considerably augment ¬ ed The Hickmau brass band was present to enliven matters and the at- tendance ¬ was about 250 The rally was a success from every point of view and interest m the election was revived to an extent as shown by the excellent vote cast by the democrats of tbia neighborhood y LEVEE PROJECT ABANDONED So far as could beltarned I the agita ¬ u tors for a levee prQti tiag West Hick ¬ man have for the time being abandoned the project not as impracticable but because of evident disinterestedness of thejowuors of property which would be effected It was hoped that the agita ¬ tion along this line would result in something more tangible than talk but after a thorough canvass tho promoters have about decided that nothing can be done this year and although it is in ¬ definitely postponed the fact remains that sooner or later it must be built It is an absolute necessity that the pro- perty subject to overflow be afforded proper protection from the encroach- ments I of high water ere it will bring in the real estate market anything likd I what it is worth For this very obvious reason it would seem that the delay in building the levee is but a delay in the increase of price of the pro tY to rbe r Stenographers Wanted Union City Tenn Business Col lege has iidro calls for good stenog ¬ raphers every week than it can fill- s Enroll now and get a good position a i 1 sppn as qualified z 4 1

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Page 1: The Hickman courier. (Hickman, KY) 1903-11-06 [p ] r U j f i t r f t Fr r w S i 7-r 1 0 = = = = = = = SiL9t1rtERT lW 111111 Showing of

Ir U
















0 = = = = = = =T lW 111111

SiL9t1rtERShowing of Ladies and Misses New pall





I in all the new of to II


c FAll our fine N we at have only a few left and we to come and make yourWe also have a swell line of in and which we are at

II T36 inch Vool and our GOP

for3G cheek worth jOe to <L9cJ8 inch all wool Dress je for 49c l


41 I C IiV

5L IiA + IItl++++ 4+ 7

t AND7t

+oM1 Iiii 4iitli ioo4 ooor +

Brick for sale Cowgill Cowgill

II Wilson of Mayfield was in townMonday

for the Courier

M S Ward of Walnut Log was inthe city Saturday

J H Saunders of Route No 4 camein election day on business

BoatTo Mr and Mrs J C EllisonOctober 2a boy

Mrs Eula Stewart of Fulton was n

visitor in the county seat Friday oflast week

Dont forget that Rosedale the photographer is still in business tf

Aubrey Roberson of Falton was intown several days this week and lastvisiting relatives and friends

H F Renley left Saturday night ona trip to Charleston and i

TMx > on legal buaiuesMr and Mrs Bret Prather of


Woodland Mills came in to dotrading Monday

Alex Barnes of Three States was iutown Monday his supplies

for fall und winter nee

W M Bacon formerly a resident of

Hickuiau but now of Woodland Mills

was in the city Mondny on business

Hon R T Tyler closed the campaign

alPulton Monday night liy addressing

and audieuce a ta largethe opera house there

Rev W O Wagner of Union City

will preach at Mount Hennon ne

Suiylay morning at 11 and Sunday

night ar 730 All are invited

l Rev W S Roney last week movedt

from Mrs Shaws house to the BaptistMoorp e

has moved into the house vacated by

Mr Roney

Lance Savage and sisters Misses

Clara and Lucy of Fultou were in

town this week visiting friends and

were the guests of their sister M

Rev 0 L Price while here

Little Pearl Pollock dawchter C

Pollock has been iill1Mr J H

v typhoid fever iswithfor some timerecovering while his other paI

younger than Pearl has con-



it and is reported quite sick

NOTICE Those who are indebted to

mo will confer a favor by calling and

settling their accounts They will also

save trouble and worry

c U Schlenker1 f


Our gathering Ladies Wrapscovers all the Box and


i tIIalI I colors + infinest Kerscep avid Zeberline rangingin price 350 to 1500CHILDREN and MISSES Cloaks i

sha handsome line both illfshort Jackets and full length Coats1 i

shades Zeberline andKersey 175 750

ILL Isell advise quick selection

HATS Lapies Misses reduced prices

GItEE REDt7CIIONaiALENavy Oxford regular quality

I 4Jte

inch fancy nducedGranite Goods worth











Use Sunshine Flour none betterIt you want photographs go to Rot

lilies You can always Hud him at theold stand tf

Taken up Yocng horse mule H yrsiold dark bay no marks Sick withlockjaw Taken up by Henry Braggou Steve Stahrs farm in bottom

On account of the rain last Sunday I

the Sunday school children of theMethodist church were compelled to I

postpone Rally Day service until Snnday night Nov 8th at 7 oclock An

excellent program has boon preparedand the presiding elder will also bepresent A large attendance iis denied

P E Huetner E F Littleton andL X Nance of Nashville beth em ¬

ployed in thu general office of thN C

St L came over Sunday to gatherpecans Two of them veutur doveron the Missouri sido in tho Win butthin other ret used to do battle ith the

elements for the sake of a few frecaus

Chrs Brastield of Dresd spentSunday in Hickman Mr Brasfleldhas been making quite fret out visits

to our town since tho fal millinerseason opened but we jont blameRita Its worth the coi Shes of

royal lineage at least her limo hears a

title The rice and the ompany hasalready beer selected

We acknowledge witW pleasure thereceipt of a basket of tl finest Winesup apples into which ortal man ere

sank a tooth from DV7 Dickinson

the fruit specialist X e toot only ap ¬bprecmteprompted it and sha hail with delight

the opportunity to riprocato

xtIt rained all day auilay November1 This signifies f the old weather

prophet at least at we may expect

fifteen days rainrinJ cue month Itis also claimed tlJ November will pay

Octobers prpcip tiou debts which is

ten days dowuiiri making a total of

twenty live rain slays during the ores

ent old weatherprophets theo 3 and must betakenl for

what it is wojJ

itMrs J C jpl soni who has beendays or more is roo-

fseverely ill ffteu

shut improved and is nowported somebelieved tot oulirely out of longer

week her We wasForbut medical science foughtdespaired

hovering near andoff theucceMc n bringing this most estim-

able lada condition where she is

of Cronanville hasoug our collection of cnFios a

Pat is a freak I It is a triflo over

1 II

shine feet long lbeing sonic three inctesin diameter at tho large end and taper-ing


to tt point It iis in the exact shapeof the old hunting aura by obeinitiated into the mysteries of prod c ¬

ing u noise with it can be made toeheard a long distance It is artisticallypainted attracts much attention andupon cursory inspection is taken to bean old hunting horn It weighs aboutfive ounces

Captain and Mrs Fred Wigstrand ex ¬

pect to leave in a few days for theirhome at Mena Ark where they willreside until spring Tins jolly couplewill be missed during their sojournamong the mountains of our neighboring state We bespeak for them apleasant time and a safe return to uswhen the robins nest again In thesprng the captain will resume thebuilding of the Mississippi river levelfrom a point near the head of Fish-pond where for the present it has been

O Wilsou wife of theaffable manager of the Southern Wood

+npply company whose home is inVest Carrolltou Ohio arrived last

Friday morning and is spending a fewdays with her husband Mr Wilsonbeing located here indefinitely is con ¬

templating the removal of his familyand Mrs Wilson has come on a sort of

expedition prior to taktug up n residence with us Sho is anexceedingly refined cultured andpleasant lady and Hickmau societywill no doubt extend a cordial welcometo


Capt Fred Wigstrand who hasbeen spending the summer among herrelatives and old friends at New Lon ¬

don Conn returned Sunday morningThe Captain went as far at jrallatinTern to meet and return with her Asa result of his visit to Gallatiu thescene of Opie Reeds TennesseeJudge It the captain has a new selectionof choice stories concerning tho notedauthor and his old home Pie had thepleasure of meeting a number of Opiesold schoolmates and friends who loadedhim dovn with aaiecdotes of Reedsearly life which the Captain retellswith the added spice of his own wit

i and quaint humor

Lairregarding Union City Business Col ¬

loge Union Cty Tenn call on theeditor of this paper A number ofyoung people of this community havo


applying at this office in person orwriting direct to the college in UnionCity

The TimetoBuy


Our collection unusually largeandour prices

from 150 750beIaREATREDUCTIce 14Ar N E R YPATTERN actualcostwe

readytowear ChiUUens offering



COLORED WOOL DRESS GOODS08 inch fancy Wool Dress Goods Caster Blue and Green worth

for only G5cII88 inch Wool Dress Goods worth GOc reduced to 49oYL 36 inch Wool Shark skin Weave regular price Goc reducedTKADINCi STAMPS ilYETITII DRKSS




latest styles









One of the most entertaining and in-


evenings ever spent by a Hickman audience was that of last Fridaywhen the Hon II V McChesney andHon J Morgan Chinn addressed thevoters ol this vicinity upon the issuesof the campaign broughtto a close by an overwhelming victoryon Tuesday It was instructive because of the manner in which MrUhiim expounded the doctrine ofdemocracy nUll entertaining by reasonof thu peerless style of that inimitableStump speaker Mr McUhesney Theformer gentleman was extremely pel ¬

lucid in the arguments ho advancedpis delivery was as KUiotth as the run-ning brook and the intonations of u

penetrtting ¬

as none other did during the pastcampaignofepiritij


Fulton county and captured hisaudience ere he had spoKen live minutesHis stories of the individual republicanileaders especially of Debow Belknapand Bradley were possibly the bestandmost laughable ever told here Hisaddress was of a light nature up to histouching on the scenes thedeath of Governor Goebel In hisrecitntion of these he grew strangelydramatic ana with much pathos de ¬

scribed tilt death bed scenes of themartyr d governor Ere he concludedthere were sears in many eyes and awelling up of hearts that brooded nogood to the republican party in Ken ¬

tucky so long us the state remainedintact and history recorded the darkdeeds of 99

The question of who shall rule inKentucky has been settled for fotryears more and settled right and thesetwo gentlemen elected on the Demo ¬

critic ticket us clerk of tho court ofappeals and secretary of the state re¬

spectively have probably done as muchtoward bringing about this Condition asany other two who spoke in behalf ofdemocracy aud the supremacy of thelaw



tjlnwsons Landing on No Ytf Is-


is the headquarters and rootingplace of the Hustleyfa whisky boatowned by one Lee

tTl oJUponWhen

heucau slip over to outside offthebranch without our sheriff vho wantsto meet him knowing Tt lie conies overand sells his posonouSdrups arid riverf f r



of Furs isare the lowest ranging


l3LIEHATg will you





water which makes our negroes andother patrons wild as ComancheFrom opposite Point Pleasant up as faras Hickmau the Hustler hustlesalong bugging the sido which is clearestof officers Is it possible that he cansell liquor in violation of the laws ofthe three proud Commonwealths ofMissouri Kentucky and Tennessee and I

yet play close around his same baso orlaw as it were for near a twelve-


and not be brought to accountat the bar of justice for his offenses

The foregoing is from the Crouauvillecorrespondent in the New MadridRecord and shows what may be donein the way of dodging the officers by analert whisky vender He is having agood time now but some day he willbecome entangle in the meshes of thelaw and it will then be up to him toprove that ho did not know there wasany law against selling whisky in Ten ¬

nessee and Kentucky If ho is overcaught and the charge proven againsthim he should bo given the extremelimit of punishment There is nopalliation for au offense of this kindMen who outrage the law with im-


should receive the full benetit ofthe penalty when convicted To temperjustice with mercy was not intendedfor the bootlegger tho wost despicableof criminals But as was said at thebeginning he must first lie caught

rCHILDRBHIiSaARTYJrSaturday night a Halloween party

was given by Miss Annie Cowgilldaughter of Mr and Mrs H N Cow

gill to a select number of her youngschoolmates and frierjds They arrived

al tlie Cowgill home on the hill aboutI17 p m and continued their games andsport untill nearly 11 The rooms had

I been especially decorated for the enter1

talnuieut of the young folks All theusual Halloween games were played

fortunes were told delicious refresh ¬

ments were served and a good time hadgenerally Among those who were inutteuuuce were Misses CharlotteHnbbard Marguerite Fuqua Virginia

Prather Hazel Adams Lillian OhoatMarine Brown Mary Leu WallaceBlanche Hall Lily Hnbbard PaulineBeckman Ruth Ellison Louise AtwoodNellie Bondurant Dottio Davidson andLucy Savage of Fulton MastersHarry Millett Warren Ellison HaroldDebow Willie Ambers Edwardheather Cowgill Rogers Lloyd HallWillie liQUudrant Frank Smith Russel

Johnson JSwayne Walker Robbie

Beckmap and Lance Savage of Ful



At Montgomery school house Satqrclay night Tas W Roney of Hickmanund- H T Smith of Fulton addressedthe voters of that neighborhood MrRouey made a splendid speech in be ¬

half of the democratic ticket and wasrepeatedly applauded by tho large andenthusiastic audience Mr Smith hasbeAn nicknamed Hot Times by hisclose friends but we never knew beforethe real cause of it In his speech atMontgomery however all doubt as tothe origin of the appellation was dis ¬

pelled The manner in which hehandled the republicans and the

roasts ho dealt out to them and theirticket was the warmest things that

countYiout way received with much eclatbeing frequently vociferously applaud-ed and his reputation aa a stumpspeaker has been considerably augment¬

ed The Hickmau brass band waspresent to enliven matters and the at-


was about 250 The rally wasa success from every point of view andinterest m the election was revived toan extent as shown by the excellentvote cast by the democrats of tbianeighborhoody


So far as could beltarnedI

the agita ¬utors for a levee prQti tiag West Hick ¬

man have for the time being abandonedthe project not as impracticable butbecause of evident disinterestedness ofthejowuors of property which would beeffected It was hoped that the agita ¬

tion along this line would result insomething more tangible than talk butafter a thorough canvass tho promotershave about decided that nothing can bedone this year and although it is in ¬

definitely postponed the fact remainsthat sooner or later it must be built Itis an absolute necessity that the pro-perty subject to overflow be affordedproper protection from the encroach-mentsI of high water ere it will bringin the real estate market anything likd

I what it is worth For this very obviousreason it would seem that the delay inbuilding the levee is but a delay inthe increase of price of the pro tY torberStenographers Wanted

Union City Tenn Business College has iidro calls for good stenog ¬

raphers every week than it can fill-

sEnroll now and get a good position ai


sppn as qualified
