the herald - november december 2013


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Page 2: The Herald - November December 2013

HERALD is published six times a year(Sept, Oct/Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb/Mar,Apr/May, June/July) by

Christ Church Deer Park1570 Yonge StreetToronto ON M4T 1Z8Tel: 416.920.5211Fax:

We welcome your submissions. E-mail: [email protected] the editor (e-mail below).PARISH CLERGY

RectorThe Rev. Kevin RobertsonAssociate PriestThe Rev. Canon Douglas GraydonAssistant CurateThe Rev. Julie MeakinHonorary AssistantsThe Rev. Dr. Peter SlaterThe Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, Ecumenical Partner, United Church of Canada

Organist & Director of MusicEric RobertsonDirector of Children’s EducationNatalie KempMANAGEMENT TEAM

Rector’s WardenGenevieve ChornenkiPeople’s Warden Carolyn KearnsFinance Warden/TreasurerRobert MorrowDeputy WardenHenry Zaluski


EditorJoyce Hamilton ([email protected])MembersHenry Zaluski, Photos: Deirdre Malone, Henry Zaluski,Peter Curzon, Kate RiegerWebmasterBrian DenchPARISH STAFF

Dirctor of Parish OperationsPaul MarrittBookkeeperElisabeth LunderSextonDenis Delisle

Dear friends,ADVENT IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE SEASONS. I love the anticipation as Christmasdraws near. The Scripture readings, hymns and prayers of this season remind us toget ready to hear once again the good news of Christ’s coming - both in themanger of Bethlehem, and also in the manger of our hearts. Our Advent refraincomes from St. John the Baptist: “Prepare the way of the Lord!” (Mark 1:3)

The Church, in its wisdom, employs various symbols to help build this sense ofexpectation. Some of these symbols will be used in our own parish this Advent:

The Advent Wreath will be placed in the chancel on the First Sunday of Advent.We begin by lighting the first candle on Advent 1, and we light a new candle eachweek. Typically, the candles in the circle are blue or purple, the traditional coloursof Advent. The white candle in the centre of the wreath is only lit when we gatherfor Christmas - the night we celebrate the light of the One who has come into theworld. A few other observations about the Advent Wreath - the circle reminds us of the eternity of God; the branches are green, for the hope and new life in theIncarnation; in some traditions, the four blue candles represent the virtues of hope,peace, joy and love; and in some churches the third candle is pink for “Gaudete”(Rejoice) Sunday, anticipating the joy that is about to come into the world.

The Jesse Tree is a small tree that will be placed in the chancel for Advent. Thissymbol emerges from the words of the prophet Isaiah: “a shoot shall come out fromthe stump of Jesse.” (Isaiah 11:1) In the Bible, Jesse was the father of King David,from whose family the promised Messiah would come. Each week, the children willplace various Biblical symbols on the Jesse Tree, telling the story of salvation fromthe Book of Genesis all the way through to the birth of Jesus.The Advent Calendar is one of the most recognized symbols of the season. MostAdvent calendars begin on December 1st, though Advent can start anywhere fromNovember 27 - December 3. This year, the First Day of Advent happens to beDecember 1. On each day, a new window is opened on the calendar, revealing animage, a message, or a small piece of chocolate. There are many secular Advent calendars out there, but have a look for some of the Biblically-based ones - they’rereally great for kids!All of these symbols speak to the fact that, in Advent, we are a people waiting injoyful hope, and we set aside this holy time to prepare ourselves for God’s coming.Please join us on the journey of Advent this year. As the light grows, and theprophecies of old are heard once again, let us prepare to welcome into our heartsthe One who is Emmanuel, “God with us”.Yours faithfully,

The Reverend Kevin Robertson, Rector




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CHRISTMAS EVETuesday, December 24

Christmas Pageant and Family Eucharist7:00pm

Carol Sing, 10:30pmTraditional Midnight Mass, 11:00pm

CHRISTMAS DAYWednesday, December 25

Holy Eucharist, 8:00amSung Holy Eucharist, 10:00am

CHRISTMAS 1Sunday, December 29

Holy Eucharist, 8:00amChristmas Readings, Carols

and Holy Eucharist, 10:00am

Please join us this

Christmas Season

Advent ReadingsGrowing Justice is a Kairos Advent resourcewhich links Advent with Creation. Theresource encourages individuals or families to create a weekly Advent celebration in theirhomes linking the Advent themes of hope,joy, peace and love with current social

concerns regarding HIV/AIDS, human rights, ecologicaljustice and gender based violence.Resource available on the Kairos

Sacred Space for Advent and the ChristmasSeason is published by the Irish Jesuits andprovides daily meditations for the season ofAdvent. This is a great pocket sized book andan ideal resource for a quiet daily Adventmoment during the hectic holiday season.

Available through the Crux Bookstore5 Hoskin Ave, Toronto416-599-2749 or

Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, writes fromhis prison cell during the Nazi 1940ís. Hisheart wrenching prayers form the core ofAdvent meditations highlighting the radicalmessages of hope, joy, love and peace. Also available through the Crux BookstoreThis study guide, created in 2009, builds uponthe timeless Advent themes of Hope, Love, Joyand Peace. This guide contains suggestions fora weekly Advent Wreath candle lighting liturgywhich can be conducted at home plus dailyprayers, bible study and opportunities for reflection.

This guide can be downloaded in pdf form at;

How we wait upon God shapes our under-standing and experience of God. AdventReflections; While we Wait, builds upon ourChristian season of awaiting the birth of theChrist child so that we may encounter Jesusthis Christmas once again “for the first time”.

Available through the Crux Bookstore

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of the darkness we acknowledge in our world, we live in thehope that God’s promises of peace, justice, and reconciliationwill be realized in our time, in our world. To that end weheed the words of John the Baptist, to “repent” - to lookhonestly at ourselves and our complicity in the injusticeand suffering in the world. In Advent we prepare our hearts to receive the gift thatbrings new life to ourselves and to the world. As formerArchbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams states, “We’restill waiting to see what might happen if Jesus was allowedinto our lives a bit more fully, a bit more radically.” We can prepare our hearts in a number of ways - by dailyreadings or reflections; by lighting the candles of theAdvent Wreath symbolizing the light taking over the darkness;by pausing amidst the busyness and taking part in the holywork of waiting and watching through prayer and silence.We can prepare our hearts to be be aware of the coming ofChrist in the Eucharist, where we meet Christ in Scripture,bread, wine, and one other. So, may your prayer and mine this season of Advent be,“Come, Lord, come! Give us wisdom, give us light, deliverus, liberate us, teach us how to live. Save us.” Wishing you a holy and blessed Advent and Christmas,

The Reverend Julie Meakin, Assistant Curate

“KEEP AWAKE, THEREFORE, for you do not know on whatday your Lord is coming.” So reads our Gospel for the firstSunday in Advent, a season in which the Church celebratesthe various comings of Christ. We begin with the end,with the dramatic, triumphant coming of Christ on thatday that “no one knows” except the Father. Because hiscoming will be unexpected, we are to “keep awake” and“be ready.” On the second Sunday. we move to that pointin time and place 2,000 years ago and hear the voice ofJohn the Baptist, telling us to “repent, for the Kingdom ofHeaven has come near.” That Kingdom of Heaven, orReign of God, is seen in the ministry of Jesus, who tellsJohn’s disciples: “Go and tell John what you see: ìtheblind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers arecleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poorhave good news brought to them.” On the fourth Sundaywe move back in time, when the angel tells Joseph, “thevirgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall namehim Emmanuel, which means “God is with us.” And now,we seek to live out what the coming of Jesus means to ustoday, in our particular time and place. Past, present, andfuture are all bound up in this relatively short but intensiveliturgical season. We note the reality of our present time in the world - allthe beauty and wonder of life, but also the darkness - thenatural disasters like the one that just hit the Philippines,the constant threats of terrorism, war, and violence. Thegap between the rich and the poor, the injustice and suffering of so many when we feel it could and should be otherwise. We feel our helplessness when dealing withillness and various difficulties in our personal lives. We cryout to God, as did the Israelites, for deliverance. And yet we know that this deliverance, this “wondrousgift” comes to us in a very unexpected way - a tiny infantlying in a manger. An infant who will grow up to live thereality of God’s saving love in his words and deeds andpresence, who will eventually come to a cross, be raised onthe third day, and who comes to us now in our heartsthrough his Holy Spirit. God’s promised future has already begun in the life, death,and resurrection of Jesus, and it continues with us. In spite


IntergenerationalSpirituality PanelOVER THE WINTER MONTHS we will be holding a panel discussion on intergenerational spirituality in the parish. We are seeking participants for the Panel:

- One young person (between confirmation and about undergraduate age)

- One parent or PromiseLand volunteer- One grandparent or elder

We will be asking these participants to reflect on their own spiritual development, their experience to date withchildren’s education at CCDP and their hopes for thefuture of youth involvement at CCDP.If you would like to be involved, or contribute to the conversation, please see the Parish Forum Update on thewebsite for further details or feel free to contact me directly.Emily Chatten 416-792-8108 [email protected]

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gatherings and a predisposition towards acts of kindnessand generosity.Advent is that season, or time of year, when it seems ourglobal family, or at least a significant portion of it, are moreinclined to dream dreams of justice, hope and peace. Tostrive for, or wish for, a world more generous to the poorand the sick, the homeless and the distressed.Advent seems to be a time of year where we are more, orseem to be, more of what we can be then what we are during the rest of the year. It is as if the Charles Dickens’Scrooge we love to watch on television each year is banishedfrom our midst, destined only to return once the NewYear’s festivities are complete.Advent it seems is all of this. And yet of course, Advent is truly meant to be so much more, and so much more difficult to live through then simply putting up with theexhaustion of a busy social calendar.Advent is all about getting to know God all over oncemore. It is the liturgical season where, within the hecticholiday season we are called to be still, to be quiet and toknow God. The question is how?Traditionally, the answer is found within the study of scripture, the reading of reflective text, the joining togetherin worship and acts of good will. Throughout Advent we as a congregation will be invited to participate in biblestudy groups on Sunday, encouraged to explore reflectivebooks which travel daily through the themes of Advent joy,hope, peace and love. We will be gathering for our regularpatterns of worship and we will be challenged to learn moreabout issues of social justice and ecology.Therefore, I invite you to look around, to seek out theAdvent resources which will be available to you, to make apriority regular Sunday worship and to explore the justiceissues of our day as framed within our Advent journey untoBethlehem. To do so will bring Advent alive for us all. To do so willremind and affirm for us once again that God is presentand amongst us.Happy Advent to all.

Reverend Canon Douglas Graydon. Associate Priest


Advent is most likely the richest season within our Christiancalendar outside of Easter. Easter is for sure a season full of drama, passion, political intrigue and spectacle. Easter isall about watching the life of Christ unfold and transformitself before our eyes. We are the watchers of Easter; we aremere on-lookers who are challenged to make sense ofevents as they unfold before us.At Easter - we are challenged to ask ourselves - who is thisChrist? And why should I follow him? Believe in him? Advent is almost as equally important, but for a differentreason. Advent is mystery, it is awe, it is discernment, it isour searching for, reaching out not for Christ - but Godwho is amongst us.Advent is a time of structured reflection; a time of intentionalpondering; if I can use such a phrase.Advent is the making ready for; the coming into our lives;of God. It is the time when we deliberately look up andaway from our usual routines and patterns of daily life tosee, to hear, to know that God is nigh. That God is presentand drawing near, that God is about to once again comeinto our world.Advent is, if nothing else; a paradox. It is a season of contradictions and upset assumptions. Advent is all aboutsensing God’s presence, not where we think or desire orwish God to be, but sensing God where God has alwaysbeen; near us, with us, everywhere.Advent is, as Janet Lawson, professor of English, suggests,all about our wrestling with God. Such a description of Advent seems odd at first, nonsensicalin fact. For Advent seems to many of us, at first, to be thatseason when pretty little stories of the coming birth of theChrist child are told.Advent is that time of year when parents “ooh” and “aaw”and smile and swell with pride at Christmas pageants astheir children prance across stages dressed as angels, orshepherds or inn keepers or even donkeys and sheep.Advent is that time of year when thoughts turn to gift giving and special baking. It is a time of fellowship, festive

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Parish Forum

It was a full house as the congregation gathered on Sunday,November 3rd to hear, over a light lunch, the progress ofour “Our Faith, Our Hope, Re-imagining Church” initiatives.The Committee leaders told their stories aided by professional visual accompaniment (thank you, HenryZaluski). Some exciting projects are “In the Works”:

Let our Lights ShineThe following initiative has been approved by the CCDPAllocations and Management Committee: an annual budget(to be provisionally re-confirmed on an annual basis) as akey component of the Outreach portion of the CCDP“Our Faith, Our Hope” program.This will annually fund ten donations of $1,000 each, asdirected by individual parishioners, to registered charitableorganizations in which they have a particular interest andto which they donate their time. The donations will beaccompanied by a letter on CCDP letterhead, drafted bythe parishioner, and signed both by the parishioner and theRector. These will be sent to the Chair/President of thereceiving organization with copies to each member of itsBoard of Directors. The gift will be given for the organizationto use in any way they see fit in the furtherance of its mission, without specific direction.Digital and physical copies will also be kept, providing ahistorical record of CCDP parishioners’ impact andinvolvement in the wider community and a demonstrablerecord of putting our faith in action.To designate a charity, you must draft a letter, addressed tothe Chair/President of your charity, containing informationabout your involvement with the charity and with CCDP.At the bottom of the draft list each member of the Boardwith their email/mail addresses. Send the draft to GeorgeLewis. Once all are happy with the letter, Paul Marritt will

prepare it on CCDP letterhead for your and Kevin’s signaturesand forward it on your behalf, together with a $1,000donation from CCDP.Letters will be published annually to raise awareness amongour congregation of the charitable activities of our individualparishioners beyond their involvement with CCDP, andserve as an important reminder of the positive influence ofthe Church.George [email protected] (H) 416-485-0958

Deer Park Vocational Skills InstituteThis is an overseas outreach initiative, in the town of Jinja,Uganda. Years ago, I served as an intern with the CanadianInternational Development Agency in Jinja, where I visitedan orphanage called the Mama Jane’s Children’s CareCentre. The Care Centre looked after 70 children from theages of newborn to 17 years, most of whom had lost theirparents to AIDS. Agnes Nabawanga, the matron and chief administrator ofthe Care Centre, is constantly raising funds for the orphanageas it has no permanent patron or government funding.Other than lacking a permanent source of funding to carefor resident children, her main challenge is the settling ofthe young adults when they leave the Centre after highschool. Some are able to go to university, but many othersreturn to the orphanage after a short time because they areunable to get a job and live independently, and havenowhere else to go. To support the less academically inclined young adults,Agnes has proposed to build a vocational skills institute forteaching welding, carpentry and joinery, tailoring andweaving, and information technology - skills that are indemand in the Ugandan economy. The Skills Institutewould teach the young adults of the orphanage, but itwould also generate revenue by admitting fees-paying studentsfrom outside the orphanage. The Skills Institute would helpthese young adults find their way to living a productive,dignified, independent life. The start-up cost to build, furnish, and launch the schoolhas been fully costed as $25,000 (CAD). The AllocationFund has agreed to cover this cost in full. What does supporting this project mean for the life ofChrist Church Deer Park? First, our involvement in theimprovement of the country of Uganda and in the supportof this Care Centre, and the students that it will affect, willbe a sign of life for the parish. Progress reports on the

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establishment of this institute will be posted on theChurch’s website. The initiative would contribute to thegrowth of the parish, as people looking for a living, vitalparish would read the reports and see that ‘something isreally happening here’ and would want to get involved inthe life of our parish. Secondly, by building the Vocational Institute, the parish iscreating a relationship with the Care Centre, with Agnes,with the students who will be educated at the institute, andwith Uganda. Members of our congregation will have the opportunity togo visit the Institute or to attend the official opening inUganda, as representatives of the parish. Agnes continuallyhosts volunteers who help at the orphanage or in any oftheir other initiatives (nursery, guesthouse, farm, sewingcentre). Young people from the parish could go and staywith Agnes during their summer break. We could form agroup of students that may like to go. Seeing at first hand the enormous effect the Skills Institutewill have on the orphanage, on Agnes the matron, and onthe students will be an overwhelming and humbling experience for the Christ Church Deer Park visitors. Theywill return to Toronto encouraged by having spent timeamong people whose Christian faith is just about all theyhave. On the surface, this initiative looks like a gift to the MamaJane’s Children’s Care Centre; however, it is really a gift tous. The more we get involved with this, the more enrichedour lives, our parish, and our faith will be. Jill [email protected]

Intergenerational Spirituality PanelIntention: - To explore what attracts and keeps children and youthengaged in Christianity today; - To understand the concerns of elders about why theirchildren and grandchildren ‘don’t go to church’; - To bring new insights and perspectives to the topic; - To practise open and respectful listening; and - To begin new and mutually supportive cross-generationalrelationships in the church. Long-term goals: - Sustainable youth participation in congregation andparish life; - Improved family relationships; - Intergenerational listening, understanding & learning We are looking for answers, both our own and those of

experts, to questions such as ì”Why are young people notinterested in church?” and “Why are young people leavingchurch?” I will be seeking the involvement of CCDP members ofall ages in the coming months, including seeking volunteersfor participation in the panel. In preparation, pleasethink about what has most inspired the development ofyour spiritual life. I have undertaken research and will be providing articlesand reviews in preparation for productive discussion. This is something we can re-imagine together. If you would like to discuss youth spiritual developmentfurther please feel free to contact me. Emily [email protected] 416-792-8101

Discerning Gifts for Lay MinistryThis committee was tasked with the responsibility ofconsidering areas of ministry in which lay people couldbe more involved. Of the many ministries identified byour group, we decided to concentrate on two: BibleStudy and Pastoral care. Last year we initiated 2 BibleStudy sessions leading up to Christmas and Easter, heldfrom 9 to 10AM on Sundays. Attendance ranged from 2to 15. We believe that there is an interest in continuingwith this Bible Study program. The problem is findingpeople to lead the discussions. I led 2 groups and suggestthat, by reading the lessons and the relevant material provided by clergy, it is not difficult to start a meaningfuldiscussion. Please consider becoming involved by contacting either Douglas Graydon at the church or myself. The top priority of the Committee is Pastoral Care -which we’ve named Congregational Care - involves“friendly visits” and Pastoral visits. The latter are moredirected to those needing spiritual comfort, prayer andcommunion. Letís consider the reasons for prioritizing CongregationalCare and why you might consider being involved. 1. We have a very caring clergy but they are limited bytheir numbers and their other clerical responsibilities inmaking Pastoral and “friendly” visits. If the clergy domost of these calls then CCDP has a caring clergy. If thecongregation becomes involved then we have a caringChurch! We believe that as word circulates in the community about how we care for our people, theChurch will grow. Successful consumer oriented businesseshave emphasized caring for their customers and helping

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them when their products break down or do not performas expected..We as a congregation should be aware of thoseof our people who are in need and be in a position tohelp.You are the ones who can most effectively grow ourChurch. 2.The benefits of caring for others are shared by those thatreceive and those that give. When you become involved incaregiving, as most of you know, there is a sense of thank-fulness that you have been able to help someone else. 3. The whole case for caring is grounded in Jesus’ teaching.“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”;“Bear one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfillthe law of Christ”; “Truly I tell you, just as you did it toone of the least of these who are members of my family,you did it to me”. The status of the Congregational Care initiative is as follows: 1.We currently have 22 of our congregation who haveattended the meetings and are prepared to be a caring visitor. 2. 12 of these people have now taken the Pastoral Trainingprogram. Those who are committed to being a pastoral visitor will be interviewed by clergy and will be formallyrecognized by the Bishop as Lay Pastoral visitors at achurch service. 3. Teams of “friendly” visitors have been assigned to thoserequiring care and a process has been established to reviewand update information regarding those receiving care. All who volunteer to become part of the CongregationalCare Team will be asked to adhere to a Visitors’ Code ofConduct. This will include attending regularly scheduledmeetings, adhering to principles of confidentiality, attendingon-going workshops to learn new skills, and of course,meeting for fellowship and prayer. If you are not now involved and would like to participateplease call The Reverend Canon Douglas Graydon at thechurch or myself. David [email protected] 416-975-5506

Opening our Sacred Spaces andGroundsThe objectives of the Committee are to review and makerecommendations to ensure - exterior and interior attractiveness- a welcoming facility to serve our missionThe Committee undertook a review of the premises andgrounds, drawing on the experiences and familiarity of theCommittee members with our premises and grounds as

well as informal input from interested parishioners. TheCommittee also researched the experiences of other congregations in Canada.Two broad conclusions were drawn from our review:- While our premises, grounds and overall location areimportant assets to CCDP, we are not maximizing theirvalue;- a review of the works and developments of comparableparishes indicates that necessary new views and concepts ofsacred space and grounds are evolving. There are a numberof examples in Toronto and elsewhere demonstrating invitingand imaginative architecture that is not only attractive tothe community but increases the use and value of theassets.An application for funding from the Re-Imagining ChurchInitiative has been accepted by the Allocation Committeeand the Management Committee. The main initiativeapproved was the commissioning of a professional, highlevel study to assess the ideas identified by the Committeeand to suggest solutions. A request for proposal has beenprepared to be issued to selected architects or consultantsin November. Selection of the consultant will be made inDecember and completion, including a finalfeasibility/conceptual design report, is anticipated in April2014.The committee is eager to receive ideas and discuss anyaspects of our Sacred Space and Grounds review with interested persons.Bob Hutchison [email protected]

Developing Spiritual PracticesContemplative Knitting CircleThis is a voluntary gathering for knitting or other forms ofneedlework. The Circle strives for a non-judgmentalatmosphere where all skill levels welcome and with norequired output. Moreover, there is no overt religious content; rather it is an exercise in gracious hospitality,building a community, about half of which is made up ofmembers of CCDP and the other half are friends or visitors.The first Contemplative Knitting Circle was held in thechapel at CCDP on May 8th, 2013, and has continuedthereafter on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each monthfrom 6- 7pm.A selection of items made by members of the circle is ondisplay right now in the Arthur Smith Room. These areavailable for purchase by silent auction, with all proceedsgoing to CCDP.Labyrinth

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A labyrinth is a twisting and turning maze that neverthe-less has only one path with no forks and no possibility ofgetting lost. Walking one is an ancient contemplative prac-tice that has aided the prayers of many generations ofChristians.-We are planning on holding a labyrinth workshop here atCCDP on December 14th, as an advent retreat. If youwould like to help out in the organizing of this event orsetting things up on the day of, please speak either to meor to Emily Chatten.Initiatives that are still developingDepending on the interest of the congregation, we are also hoping to eventually train our own labyrinth facilitator,so that the contemplative life of CCDP may be enrichedwith regular labyrinth workshops. This has been approved,and we are looking for a candidate for the next time thereis a training opportunity in the area.Second, in order to enrich our appreciation for the musicdone here at CCDP, we are discussing a an event examiningEric as composer and improviser, exposing the necessarylink between what he is doing and the spirituality of thewider congregation.Third, we are discussing having a regular Bible study, centred on a particular theme such as ‘the holiness ofplace and the land in the Bible.’ This would lead to a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in order to prayerfully visitthe very sites we had been studying. Both events would beopen and welcoming, with attendance at the Bible studybeing neither a requirement or commitment to come onthe pilgrimage itself. We would also seek to involve otherchurches and friends in both the study and the pilgrimage.Currently, we are looking for someone to take the lead onthis. Please speak to me if you are interested.Gavin [email protected] 647-972-0707

A Word fromthe Church Wardens

Management Team once again thanks all presenters andparticipants for a well-attended and energetic Parish Forumon November 3, 2013, details of which can be found onthe parish website and in this newsletter. We are committed to ongoing engagement and communi-cation among all parishioners and to this end are pleased to announce that the next Parish Forum will take place onSunday, February 9, 2014. This event will be devoted tothe financial affairs of the parish over and above a review of the 2013 audited financial statements that typicallyoccurred in past “financial forums.” At this particularParish Forum we will also review the who, what and howof CCDP’s finances, including the various funds and whatís involved in stewardship. This meeting is intended toconvey information and provide an opportunity for questions and discussion, as opposed to making decisions.All parishioners are encouraged to attend - those who relishfinancial details and those who merely want to check thebottom line. Financial “literacy” is not a prerequisite.Additional Parish Forums are planned for May, Septemberand November, 2014, with topics and formats to be determined.Management Team also reminds parishioners that ourannual Vestry meeting will take place on Sunday, February23, 2014. A written Vestry report, including the 2014budget will be available online or in hard copy on Sunday,February 16th. To facilitate timely production of thisreport, we ask all groups, committees or other ministries toprovide reports in electronic form to Paul Marritt, Directorof Parish Operations. not later than Friday, January 31, 2014.Thank you for your ongoing support and for the privilegeof serving you.The Christ Church Deer Park Management TeamGenevieve Chornenki, Rector’s WardenOn behalf of the Management TeamGenevieve Chornenki Carolyn Kearns Henry ZaluskiRector’s Warden People’s Warden Deputy WardenRobert MorrowFinance Warden/Treasurer

Did you Know...More than a few choirs and musical groups regularly gatherhere at CCDP for rehearsals, recording and concerts?...among them, The Toronto Children’s Choirs and theToronto Classical Singers. In fact, the Toronto Classical Singers have held all their concerts here since 1992! Their next concert, highlightsfrom Handel’s Messiah, with soloists and the TaliskerPlayers Orchestra, will be held on Sunday, December 1st,at 4:00pm. Details at [email protected]

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Are you interested in handwork? Do you appreciatesilence? Please consider joining us in the chapel on the 2ndand 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm as we enjoya contemplative time and space together. After a reading,we work in silence for the first half hour and converseabout the work of our hands in the second half hour.

The GalleryIn the Arthur Smith Room

Exhibit and Silent Auctionof small knitted items

from the Knitting CircleUntil November 30

Knitting has got me through good times and bad. It has helped me learn the lessons of “doing it right,” “correcting your mistakes,” and patience.

Introductory Labyrinth Workshop

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A labyrinth is a geometric form with a single, non-branchingpath that can be walked or traced from an entry point onthe perimeter to the centre. It can be used for meditation,prayer and relaxation, or simply as a form of adornment.Labyrinths are found in many different forms all over theworld, from Iceland to India, from Algeria to the Americas.One of the most famous labyrinths is in the ChartresCathedral in France.As reported at Parish Forum on November 3, 2013, theDeveloping Spiritual Practices Working Group received a Re-Imagining Church grant to develop an introductorylabyrinth workshop at Christ Church Deer Park duringAdvent. The prospect of such an event elicited an enthusi-astic response from members of the parish who are alreadyfamiliar with the labyrinthís mystery and charm. It is now confirmed that this workshop will take place inthe Arthur Smith Room on Saturday, December 14, 2013from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with participants convening at8:30 a.m. So, if the labyrinth intrigues or interests you,please take time from your Christmas shopping, decoratingand baking to learn more about this ancient form. Theworkshop will provide an opportunity to walk a canvasreplica of the Chartres labyrinth and to reflect on themeaning and message of Advent. Please reserve the date in your calendar. Then watch ourwebsite and Sunday announcements for registration details.

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A Greeting...OUR HONOURARYASSISTANT, andEcumenical Partner,The Rev. Dr. KarenHamilton, has sent us agreeting from the WorldCouncil of Churchesmeeting in Busan, Korea.She is shown here with Justin Welby,Archbishop ofCanterbury

I am proud to announce that PromiseLand and Y.A.L.were able to donate 56 items to the Churches-on-the-Hill(COTH) Food Bank! The children took great pride makingposters to advertise the COTH food drive. I want to thankeveryone for their GENEROUS contributions to the fooddrive. In addition to supporting the food drive efforts,PromiseLand has been very busy creating shaving creampaintings, learning about All Saints Day, and exploring different ways of saying grace before meals. We evenlearned a few songs to sing at the Thanksgiving dinnertable. For Remembrance Day, after several poems were readwe used our bodies to create several tableaux pictures toshow our thanks and prayers for all those who have riskedtheir lives to make the world a more peaceful place. Wemade a cross and several poppies using our bodies to showthat PromiseLand remembers.I can hardly believe there are only 6 weeks until Christmas!Beginning on November 17th, PromiseLand will begin toprepare for the Christmas pageant. Every week, in additionto the Gospel story of the day, time will be allotted tolearning the pageant songs. I want the pageant to be a positive experience for all the children. By becoming familiarwith the material it is my goal to make PromiseLand proudand excited to be part of the pageant. Y.A.L.’s first social was spent jumping around at Skyzoneindoor trampoline park. It was truly a 3-D experience with wall-to-wall trampolines. There were three differenttrampoline courts: the sponge pit, basketball dunk, andangled trampolines from the floor to the walls. It was agreat workout and a fun way to spend a Friday Night. Y.A.L. it going to help with the organization and productionof the Christmas Pageant. Many Y.A.L. members haveyears of experience being in previous pageants and cannotwait to help give advice to children in PromiseLand. During our “Lunch and Learns”, Y.A.L. has shown aninterest in taking a greater leadership role in PromiseLand.I am excited to announce that Y.A.L. will be working ingroups to plan an activity for PromiseLand each week

during Advent. I will help each group with their planningto ensure that the activities have a learning goal, and focuson a particular age group. Many of the youth enjoy volunteering each Sunday and this new initiative allowsthem to add their creativity into the PromiseLand programming each week.I cannot wait to share with CCDP the pictures and storiesfrom our pageant preparation journey. I am looking forwardto sharing more news soon!Sincerely,Natalie Kemp, Director of Children and Youth Ministry

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Jean’s FarewellIt was a bittersweet occasion... a celebration of Jean’s 24years with us and all she meant to us, happiness for herand her adventures to come, and sadness at saying goodbye.Everyone was there... past and present parishioners, clergy,staff. We’ll miss her.

Tom Green returned,,, as did ‘Ted’

Photos: Deirdre Malone

Churches on-the-HillAnnual Food Drive

The Churches-on-the-Hill Food Bank is the second largestfood bank in the city. It has 500 active household files,more than half of whom are using its service 2 to 3 times a month.On Saturday, November 2 and November 9, volunteersfrom the Churches on-the-Hill participated in our annualneighbourhood food drive.A number of volunteers from CCDP - totalling 24,including some relatives/friends - distributed flyers on the first Saturday and then picked up donations on theSaturday following. These were then sorted at the FoodBank headquarters in Timothy Eaton Memorial Church.Total contributions of food filled 166 boxes. $11,000 incash donations was also collected.In addition, the COTH Food Bank received a total of over350 items of canned food generously donated by CCDPparishioners to the Food Drive run by the children ofPromiseLand-YAL under the guidance and leadership ofNathalie Kemp.All of the food donations received go to the Churches on-the-Hill Food Bank while a portion of the cash donationsare sent to Evangel Hall, a downtown shelter for the hungry and homeless. These donations of food and moneyenable us to provide healthy and nourishing products tothese people in need.Hearty thanks are due to those who participated in thesegreat efforts and to all those who responded in such finefashion.

Volunteers getting their ‘marching orders’.

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Social Matters

OUR BAPTISMAL COVENANT AND CLIMATEACTIONI’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS of the new baptismal promise we, the congregation, made at the baptism in September, “to strive to safeguard the integrityof God’s creation, and respect, sustain and renew the life of the Earth.” Some of my United Church and Quakerfriends recently demonstrated their commitment by spending12 days in the Climate Action Fast on Parliament Hill inOttawa. The new Intergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange’s Fifth Assessment Report is “another wake-upcall...It’s the science itself, demanding action from all ofus,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says. Recently I saw an absorbing movie about this critical issue,Do the Math, a film made by American environmentalistauthor Bill McKibben and his NGO, They burston the scene in October 2009 with rallies around the worlddemanding that carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmospherebe held to 350 parts per million (ppm) to avoid dangerousclimate change. Do the Math highlights three figures: 2,565, and 2,795. Global warming of 2ºC is the thresholdwhere climate change will become dangerous, an assessmentgovernments and NGOs accepted at the 2009 Copenhagenconference. Total CO2 emissions must therefore be limitedto 565 billion tons (gigatonnes). But there are 2,795 giga-tonnes of CO2 in corporations’ global fossil fuel reserves.Use of the reserves would drive us past a 2ºC rise into dangerous climate change. For the sake of life on Earth,the reserves must stay in the ground. McKibben started the movement with 800 students at Middlebury College,Vermont, who spread the word. Today all over the U.S.and at the University of Toronto, students are calling foruniversity divestment from the fossil fuel industry (seehttp://toronto350org.divest/).We are in a struggle with high stakes. Floods and torrentialrains, weather damages costing insurance companies andgovernments billions; ocean acidification and warming; rising sea levels, and disappearing coastlines and Pacificislands; water shortages, drought, and desertification; conflict; climate refugees, are upon us. Rapid Arctic ice

melt - a threat to polar bear survival - reminds us that unlessglobal warming is brought under control, the extinction of50 to 70% of known species likely looms. Massive releaseof methane gas from those warming, long icy Arctic waters,would be a tipping point. I worry about the hot, threatening,barren world our grandchildren will likely inherit. The intergenerational injustice is manifest. The Harperadministration is pushing for rapid extraction of Albertantar sands to profit from the market before it’s too late.Renewables are the smart investment today - McKibbensays we are already at 400 ppm of CO2.Can we make our carbon footprint lighter? Limit automobileand airplane use? Practise conservation? Develop and userenewable sources of energy, preserving boreal forests andclean rivers and lakes? Recently I wrote to the PrimeMinister, the leaders of all the parties, and their environmentcritics urging three policy changes: end fossil fuel subsidies;put a price on carbon that will lead to emissions reduction;and support development of a renewable energy plan forCanada. A Yukon native folk singer once gave a group ofus this native advice: “take what you need, use what youtake.” You see, it’s all about the urgency of radically reducing consumption. If we heed the prophet Micah’s admonition about what the Lord requires of us -“to do justice, and to love kindness,and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6: 8) - we willfind ways to fulfil our new baptismal commitment. Phyllis Creighton

Saturday, December 72:00 pm

with Special GuestsCynthia Dale - R.H.Thomson - Gordon Matineau

and the True North BrassFeaturing

The Larkin Singers, VIVA Youth Singersand Yorminster Park and Christ Church Deer Park choirs

Admission Free(a collection will be taken for theChurches on-the-Hill Food Bank)

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Saturday, November 3010:30 am - 1:30 pm

Get your start on early Christmas shopping

Tea Room will serve a light lunchMini Fair

Following the 10:00am Service on December 1The Raffle is Back

Beautiful hand-made quilt plus other exciting gifts from local merchants.There will be jams, jellies and home preserves,

sewn and knitted articles, craft items, jewellery, treasures and collectables,

tins, baskets and fine linens;and, of course, the popular

“Bottle Table Game”See you at the Fair!

(bring your friends and family)

Remember to check our website for updates on these and other events.

The Rummage RoomRumble, Fall 2013Roaming through the rummage is a rumble. I am stillamazed at what we receive each day, it never stops. Justask Judith, who has been rummaging through the findsthree days per week. We never know what we are going toget and we never seem to empty the room. This fall, I wasthrilled with our selections and the quality of items wereceived, hence a very successful sale... we made over$10,000. Special thanks to Judith, Laura, Raye, Rhona,Emily and Susanne.The Rumamge Sales thrives on volunteers, and is a greatCCDP commmunity experience. Volunteers are from thechurch as well as from outside our community. Each person plays an important role in the success of the sale.This fall we were short on volunteers. So please sign upearly next year and book the dates in your calenders now,for all the upcoming sales. This fall we introduced the CCDP Rummage RoomCollection Fashion Show with a potluck supper.Our guests and ‘super’ models had quite an evening ofdelicious food and fashion. All the clothes modelled werefrom the rummage room. There is a request for anothershow with wine and cheese. I will surely keep you posted.Thanks to the volunteers who participated, it was fun.What is new?. We are having a Winter Closet Sale at theChristmas Fair.

Rummage Room Sale possibility?I am always thinking of ways to grow our Rummage Sale.I have ideas, but I would love to hear from you too,Recycling of clothing and housewares is a big business inour city. Can we increase our sales? Yes we can. Can wedo more? Yes we can. The opportunity for growth is there,so do you have an idea and are you willing to be part ofthe rummage room team? Drop me a line or a phone call.This year we lost two of our greatest volunteers and mentors to Rummage sale - Rita Becker and PatAnderson. How can we say thank you to them. We mustcontinue their work. I know they would be very happywith our success. Peace my friends.

Downsizing, moving to a new home or simply cleaningout your closet? Remember CCDP will turn your junkand treasures into cash for the church.Please share and tell your co-workers and neighboursabout the CCDP Rummage Collection. Just drop off inthe box in the Atrium... anytime!Did you know that 90 percent of the stuff in ourChristmas Fair comes from the Rummage room?Maxine Henry, Rummage Sale [email protected] 416-590-1008Mark you calendars now...Spring Sale – April 2014Fall Sale – October 2014

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JOIN US every second Sunday at 4:30 pm for this popular service of music, a reflective reading, prayers for our city and the world and great music...featuring some of Toronto’sfinest jazz musicians!Dec. 15 Christmas Vespers

Barlow Brass & DrumsJan. 12 Tribute to Louis Armstrong

Chase Sanborn, trumpet(Tribute: Brian Barlow)

Jan. 26 Russ Little QuintetRuss Little, trombone,Michael Stuart, saxophone,Brian Barlow, drums, Tom Szczesniak, pianoScott Alexander, bass

From theOrgan Bench

CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND THECORNER and you’ll have lots ofopportunities to sing your favoritecarols here at Christ Church DeerPark between now and Epiphany.In addition to our weekly services,Lessons and Carols service, and ourChristmas Eve Carol Sing, we’ll alsohave a chance to raise our voices insong at the annual COTH food

bank fundraiser, the “City Carol Sing”, which will be takingplace at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church on Saturday,December 7th at 2pm. Joining the Christ Church Deer Park and Yorkminster ParkBaptist Church choirs this year will be the VIVA! YouthSingers of Toronto, the Larkin Singers, and the True NorthBrass. The host of the concert will be the senior anchor ofCitytv’s CityNews, Gord Martineau, and special guests willinclude the award-winning actor, R.H. Thomson (Road toAvonlea; Bonhoeffer) and musical theatre star, Cynthia Dale(42nd Street; Guys and Dolls).Our media partner, Citytv, plans to televise the concertcross the country in the days leading up to Christmas,using it as a fundraiser with all proceeds going to FoodBanks in the cities where the program airs. Admission isfree, so come along and bring your family and friends -youíll have a wonderful time!Season’s Greetings!Eric Robertson, Music DirectorIf you’re interested in finding out more about the ChristChurch music program, please contact me through theMusic page of the CCDP website.

Welcome to the Book Club

We invite all those who enjoy reading to come to our gathering on

Wednesday, November 26 at 7:30

in the Arthur Smith Room.

At this informal Christmas gathering, we will be discussing

“Still Life”, by Louise PennyFuture dates are

January 29 and February 26, 2014Watch the Sunday Bulletin for details.Please join us for lively conversation,

refreshments and wine or your own choice of beverage. .

For information, call Anne Kear: 416-924-3940

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Hark! Consider advertisingin the HERALD.HERALD is published 5 times per year; Sept/Oct;Nov/Dec: Jan/Feb: April/May: June/July. Ad rates are very reasonable...we can even design your ad if required.And... since the HERALD is posted in full to our your advertisements will also get exposure on the internet.For details and rates contact Elisabeth Lunder in theParish Office.

HERALDDeadline for the next HERALD is January 15, 2014

DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA for an article? Perhaps a feature on an unsung hero in the parish? A special memory? An historical fact? Please speak to one of the clergy or to the Editor.Articles and announcements may be submitted at any time up to the deadline. Just leave in the box in the Atrium or e-mail the editor at [email protected]

Living Well Family ChiropracticOptimizing your health and well-being naturally

Dr. Andrea PerriconeChiropractor & Acupuncture provider

1366 Yonge St. Suite 208 (416) 985-1911(south of St. Clair at Balmoral) [email protected]


Brayden Russell William BellJeremy David JoplingJulia Rebecca Jopling

Lauren Rebecca JoplingConfirmations

William Isaac HamiltonBakerSydney Christina CallaghanClaire Larkin Colquhoun

Francesca Jane DevineMegan Claire Fanjoy

Alexander Cornelius Douglas van NostrandJeremy David Jopling

Nicholas Jackson ChornenkiWeddings

Megan Bernadette Breese & Bryan William HargreavesImogen Lesley Byers & Jinglan Yao

In Memorium

Joyce “Joy” Caroline ComberWinnifred Hawks

Feel like being more involved? Don’t have much time, but want to help out? Feeling new, but want to join in? Been here a while, but haven’t been involved? Have ideas to share?

Join us!THERE’S LIFE HERE in what we do, how we get together and what gets done.New members are always welcome to join any group atCCDP...choose one that interests you.

Volunteers Welcome!TAKE A TURN at the Holy Grounds Café...with a friend, as a’s fun and your efforts are always appreciated.Please sign up on the sheet just inside the kitchen or speakto William Jackson.

Page 17: The Herald - November December 2013



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