the helena independent (helena, mont.) 1893-08-10 [p 2]...ti~l snake's rtevenge.a nebrasta anu...

TI~l SNAKE'S RtEVENGE. A Nebrasta anu Deslvesd the Serpen Once Too Often. "I see,'e said the man with the glae beard, "the t a feller down in Texa- ha been fool]iAthe snakes that was stealin hi hen eggs lIv fllin 'em up on these hen porcelain net t eggs that is got up to make a hen wear H erself out forthogood o' tyrani man." "Yes," said the grocer, "I read about it It appearnlto work pretty'well too." "It mayuts•k down in Texas," said thi man with' the• ginger beard, "hut if that teller hasa tthexperience of a neighbor oi a friend ot!mane out in.Nebreaky with that trick it'll beea cdld day for him and his suf. ferin, wveepitr faanbly. Thisdere feller, he tried foolin srkadls;that way'oncet too often eor his own good. "This fellertxel up them chancy eggs for the snakes,auld the very first moruin he went out tot•lasnhouse,he found a big blacksnake 7'fot , inches long with one of the eggs down i•, neck about 6 inches. You ought to ihetewd that feller laugh at the joke ho had on 'the snake. He didn't laugh long, for assauot as the snake figured out how he had l*m decsdved he raises hisself on his tail and fet6hes the man such a swipe alougstile thed.lad that it jist laid ,him out cold. You see the serpint 'peared to reatize thatsho war jist as good a livin' blackjack orAlilly asecould be got up. Ileiknowed thati there egg was too heavy to be thereal thimg, and he knowed be had material for strikin a powerful blow, which he done-itttheu and there." "Did the feller get'wel1 ' " asked the gro- "Yes, he got well-sortti--but he didn't never seewn'to have good sense afterwird; was sort& mooney." "Say!" said the grocer. "Well?" "Air you the feller?" The man from Potato creek laughed loud and long. "Sayl" said he, "I guesthe treats is on you." "I guess they air," admitted the man 'with the ginger beard. "Jist come over to the pump, and I'll work the handle till you've had all the water you kin hold."- Indianapolis Journal. Where Lace Ia Made. Lace is made all over Europe, and of all the lace markets in the world Nottingham, England, is perhaps the greatest, and next to that CMais, France. To Nottingham is where we go to get the great bulk of our machine made lace, and today the ma- chines are turning out such perfect imita- tions of thehandmdde article that only an expert can tell the difference. Handmade laces, particularly torchon, are made all over Belgium, in Lo Puy, France, and all over Saxony. It is given to little girls, who work the first-pattern, and for this are paid as low or as high, whichever way they look at it, as 'centimesperyard. Machine made torchons,are made in Baumen, Prus- sia, about an hour's ride from Cologne. The maiohne.made valenciennes is made in Calais, Roubsix and Nottingham, while the handmade is made in Brussels and Condray. The-machine made laces are excellent im- itations, and so well made that they have toa largeextent taken the place of tho 'handmade article. Another noted lace market is St. Gall, Switzerland, and so is Plaumen, Saxony. Europe is filled with lacemakers, and every country and almost everybody, I was going to say, is engaged in making it. They arc all breaking their necks to got into the American market. They cater to us-do their utmost to meet our tastes and court ourtrade. Americant buy more lace by half than Europeans. Therethe people value laces as heirlooms, desiring not so much the product of today as the manufacture of 100 or 200 years ago. Americans wants their laces to wear. The Russians make some lace, but not much. The heavy so called Russian lace is now made in Nottingham. Venetian lace is made in Brussels, Spanish lace in Lyons and Irish laces in Nottingham.-Intervieaw in Clerk and Salesman. 'lilRE MARKETS. STOCKS. NEw YomR. Aug. 9.-Bar silver. 75. Copper-Quiot; lake $9.83. lead-Steady; domestic, $3.25. Dealingsat the stock exehanee were charac- terized byweakness during the greater part of the day and in some instances sharp declines were recorded. Tire bearswere unusually sag- gressive. There was little or no support fromr any quarter, declines ranging from 1Di to (ll per cent. tholatter in Gteneral Elootric. During the last hour the wnole msrket took on strength and advanced anywhere from 1 to 4 points. Speculation left off strong in tone, with quota- tions in a nnmbor or instances above those of yesterday,. Governmente--Strong. Petroleum-Easier at t0I asked. 'losin C(losine U. . 4Is reg....... (5i/, Northern Pacific. - 70. I r-. 48 oetip.....ll10 N.I' rof. ......... 21r' IU. l. 4)/s reg ..... 115 orthwestern...... 93; Plaeifci I..........102 N. W. pref........l10 Atchison........... 15:% N. . .sentral..... bH Anitriean ltp.... 101 Orgol Na ....... 40 Csaadsa Pacific.... 0l0~' (Gregon Imp,....... (anada Sollth..... 10'/. (gn Short Line... ('entral tacific.... li L'aeifido Mlt...... l'8, liurlington ....... 75'5 Pullman ........ 141 Chicago lis t..... 485' hteadinr.......... 13 Cotton OiL ....... S ' erninal......... Lackawannas...... 15 Ii. ,. Western•.. 15 V. 1 I. I. . pref... 21,"1''• . 1i. W . pref.... 53 Distillers.......... i i Wi . ,lts..... o t Gireat Northorn.. 10 Hoos island....... 57% Illinois 'entral ... r: t. Paul.. .. 53 lions A'lx....... 15 St. P & Omaha... 279 Lake Shore........ 112!i Sugar....... ..... 70, Lead 1 rout.... . t 1 eaa l'acifio...... 5- L'villo & aash .... 55s, t nian slaciic .... Ult, Sleti. teniral .... 7o lI argo te -....... 17(1 i-snari Paciiic. 21t'; U. H. lI EN........ 4: Natl' irdasc . . Western Union ...75 Nat (ordago ipfd . 2t lIjnseed .......... l1i borth, American... :,I, Electric .......... 4,'i Money on ealles el h;lo, c)rd olfered at 3 per Cout Primoe mlrcanitile apr 1 ,-r l2 Ior cent. I-terInzg elsihangl, Ilruasgr. 5ftlh ,Ictuat lhfejtsss in •,ankers'r lr,11as 5|.tr.2 at I1.• .',, lor sixty-day hills snd ,4l.7' i'6 l t- fur d, Inanl; ('lrrAro. , tgl ! at('atte--r .tat, 0. 0 .(CO Leal: natives 10"c- , higllert cloeod 'reak; 'Ic- ani lIc holoshr: no w.'er,- r acnr, prlme h ,onue. 45.;00t i o d t,, C "t0'C 4.7,; laedtn1ltl . $3.7:,0, 1.10; comD1,ou. $2. UO. , :. Iv; '1 s- I -• lif• e Ctle '1,U0.0 lhenit; inarket 1t:;02c, l.Lg•ir, c mml ,u rough heavy, i1.2:,,,1 0J: fair t", /o1d lo. kI +4 54I 1 ,rist hv $5.":c ' I Sxe[, i.-,.2 ,` 5 1.,; isrtli,.i I,,l. ,. i", , a ., Ltt, 1;, ,,i ,'s, 13,u t he d o atr n : T No .5 ,l./ I ]oArl. a ., , , ('_ western -, . , : 'l.a . ('tit ., 's. 0.- li.t-- . te y; ra, t, 5- c:, l ,-c I.jlstr. railh, S,6' c- te I" ber , ": t.. 53 l (r. Sm LI. Lav- irz rip al:,I k I.ot[a.l tastr I t, t "t, .. S nr l ult Ioll , r b J '' n rturcd ao, P. •n,,at in el.ara,,ter hii th,- ler-r,,or Rl,.t ,,ra, an Lnros tlgatin Is ,, omnrcd II, •srti , arleItrh.arlllr Gill Ihehol :r t,,i uh. .Si u 1,i 1 . I l, u. ii Ih alltar:i - iut, trl'., , , ,I t ap•Iear. for It., si rtoi i. f rclm'itf'iic t.tiI,i... to deteruiln, tt.i true olaractr ofI isaid Inn. iLO. I t. Pd I I p,- It' . Iie:, ioor. (Chioo k. 3i,n. Au 10.It ,. I, l ti tt• r, glelln that the, trus•t,-.-, of `cl:t of Di-tr( ct ,, 1, I t'hullti ' lc unty. i''nta:f , i l Ilt ,r-l:, tI,. ,I, day 'if S't, ihilbor..lC 1). l. t I I a l I .c ': a. atIthe ntlice of tin) lhiol Ird it Mont.. will rci vw r,,t..*al* n,.u i , l 1d to Il.e highest bidder. soolil I, l ,fsaid o-il|rIr Io tile sulhi"it of 21.1l, .as Ittl ast tlho ,iChl l eltliSon hltohl Il. th, 1;.t iny , d ri5o, bai I bon:i s illl, a ,ul o oI siir Htt ir noiirnaii,.n Il $5), each1 i vc , %U I .i . . alnd rtldeon:5ihlr in ti lee y, rc t:ftr dote,. sail en-ds will h Ii lllt-re-I t t!l. rat, lt rix , I o,.it t ,'r itati ulme, s tts l ble a , lia-t IlIOtl: ,", ai 11,i. 'iI:,, trupltsre recveruo tie right to rejct 0ny arid all bido. Ity oirner his0 bchool tru-tlce of tlsi i'.rr-oicl" distriot. t:lerk of the tisrit. ADVERTISED LETTERS& Letters for the followta• perosena ieansi nEcalled for at lhe Helena, Mnat, polel"o on Aug. 8, I808. In eallipg for t~e bi, please say "advertised." ore OnITLIMat•'s lity. ike Allen Lynn W. (2) Avelli,:.. W. Dr. (I t lecaudet, Gideon Bernie, N. . Blaokey, Master Booth, Amos Broadwater, Thos. Me Caedwe.i, StIulhag O Collies, Howard Cox, John Doyle, S. J. Eby. Benjamin he Ekroth, Bmil Gatoh, Peter Gat Geams, Joshua Giford. Ben of Gormley.Autia CaloaUreen, Joseph let Grant. T'om Graves B. F, t. Galset, Edevert (O . Hill, Tom A. he Howell, J. W. (8) Hyatt, George John ohn John A. Johnson, Ole en Johnsen, N. Kaplan. F. Kennedy. Wm. Keatel, Christ ge Knight. J. H. Latontaine. Tref e in Lorens, N. Majerle, Gerok ig MaII, John Marsh, J. H. n Meartle, (. N. Mason, Abe a, Mathias. P. J. Matson, Matt (8) Morrison, Hugh Muller, Lornee 't McDonald,B. E. McGahn, William McIntyre. H. L Olson, Jonas P. rd Palm, John Peterson, Con O IRamsey, Jas. B., Jr. lRichardon. Chac. D. il Rutledge, J. F. Seltzer, It. J. st Severton. Joseph shiriy, Wnm. t Snow, Bud St-vens, E. D. ,a Sweeney, James Thompson, James L. t Tiffany, John S. Wallace, George (2) White. Richard H. White, Max G ' White. O. L. Young, H. B. LADIES' LIwr. Bohn, Miss Marie Brown, Mrs. E. T. Carroll. Miss Minnie Clarke, Miss Elizab'th a" Cobb, Mrs. W. A. Collen, Mrs. W. M. Callen. r. e MaurioeDeborde, Miss C. t Dodge. Mrs. W. ,. Driscoll, Mrs. M. E. I; Goetz, Miss GretehenGreay Mrs. J. E. Hanson, Mrs. E. (2) Howard, Misse M. Johnson, Miss BerthaKellogg, Miss Ruth Magger. Fannie Marohal, Miss E. Myers, Miss Gen Puasser, Miss Keri Ileynolds, Mrs. F. Rogers, Mis. May Russell, Mrs. M. E. Turner, Mrs. Schonk, Mrs. Peter Spencer, Annie. Smith, Mrs. I. Smith, Mise Mary H. n Waler, Mr.. George White. Mrs. Billy o Willis, Miss Flora II T. H. CLviELL, P. M. [Mr. L. B. Hetmlen, Of Augusta, Me., says: "I do not remember when I began to take Itood"3 Sarsaparilla; it was several years ago.and I have funllld it does me a great deal of good ill my declining years. I am 91 Years 2 months and 2s days ohl. and my health is per- fectly good. 1 have no aches or pains about me. Hood's Sarsaparilla t regulateJs my Iowels, stimulate" my appetite, I and helps use to sleep well. 1 toublt if a SIrseparation ever wa.s alde so we!ll suited to the wants ofd old people." L. ]B. IIAgILEN, Elan Street, Augusta, li e., Sept. '-s, 1a o1. . HOOD'S PILLS are a mihl, gentle, painless Safe and efficient cathartic. Always reliable. lTOllCi.-THIE IOAItRD OF COUNTY COM- I missioners will meet on Monday, Aug. 14, 1t9t, nt 1') a.m., as proFdadel by law, to fix the rate of taxon and deoignuto the number ofmills on each dollar of valuatioa of proplerty in ILewis and C'larko county and for nuch other business as may legally come before them. J. 8. 'fIOKEft. Clerk. Helena, Aug. 7, 1993. QT(okKiHOLURiSB MEETING.-NOTICE Is kt hereby giuen that the anneal meeting of the itockholders of the 1 eo Mining & Milling Com- pany of Montana will be hold at the office of the comepany, room No. 410 Commorciel building. ,t. Louic, Mo, on 'I hnrday, A•g. 17, 1893, at 12 o'clock noon. fto the election of seven trustees of said company to servo during the eneaing year and to consider the future policy of the company and propol"d amendments to the by- laws. ft lEN, ) I). lAOIiIHILiN, President. JolrnP. MYEu, Secretary. JlOPOSALS FOR MILITARY SUPPLIES.- I tfie of Chief Quartermaster, lDepartment tf Dakota, Ft Paul, Minn.. Aug 1, 18e98. SE'LED PilOl'IeHALh, in triplicate, will be recei\fd at thil office, or at the following named ,rosts, aod at tiolena. Mont., until 11 o'clock a. Ic.. on Sept. 1, [s09I, and opened then, for tur- ilishing and delivery of sons corn se may he ro- teire I luring the fiscal year ending June i0, tIo., at torts essinniboina. Custer, Keogh. andi Ceama Merritt. Mont.; Forts inford, Pembina, and Yates. borth Dakota: forts Meado and Sully. nouth Dakota;Fort Snelling. Minn.,and Cu'rt t'elloestono. WVo. C lank firms of twro- toreale with full instructlons to biddlers. will be fut nihedl on application to this office, or to the leua termasters at the various points named.-- ' IIN V. FUIIEY, (Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Shioel )uartermas er. rUII IEO MINING & MILLING COMPANY of Malntrea, works lacatrd t' miles from I:utta, Milror How county. Meontana. 1 otico is hereby 0iventhat at meeting of the trueouaofsailcomraun held on the day of ,Inly. ."lc, an ateasestent of ono-half cent per share wan levied upon the capital ateck of said eum•asn• pa•.•le on the 24th day of nsanst; 9, toa John Ia Meyer. ocretary of said semn pany, at the oIca of the I , l itinsc & Milling rompany of Montansa, room 4to t.iomrreial builting, l .I t., i0. n s:atook npecl which paid asn1ea•ntmt shall remain anpald on the Itth day o Ansust. 18.43. shall be doomed dnlinquosnt and will he duly advertierd for sale at toelic anotin, and onlesr payomet be made before, will be soldon thie tld day of tteptr uber. 1881, to nay the delicquent asesemrint. together with the costs of udvertising and exlpenses of sale, JOHN 9. MiCYEi. reoretasy of said Conl any. oeso 410 Commercial nuilding, 1lt.Louni. Ml.. itice of said Copalrpny. •o~lr 'rIefo ('IIE:)ITOt9--IN TI1E DIS- trict cosrtof th•First jadici't district of the state of M0taca, iu and fur thi county of I.ewa er•d ( lartkLo. Iun !, matter ofl tl.e state of Fzllda Parent, deceasnie ,oco i hroby riven by the nr,dersectned ad- minislrator of the eetarof it n Ia Ifa- ors, dtcea-rd, to the credi'ore of, and all fyrtoc.s i rrls claim,, nauir:t tio srcid d,. el:, te l7',it•t thoe withl the sirceisnery c,,'nher, w tirt ,r litur u:ontl,s uler tile tinr iU'. Slitxst ,,n c• : lt.t m.. ttrie eail arn llistrat: : r:t'. tie.w 1 ce cI Msasel llnt arin rt[r. e, bI. (id l:loo. r it *f ieJee'i isiselt of I ow,, sod , larke, stat. ,f tountana. Ire em hir•Ci t, e far i othe tracuactir O of le. Ltesi- , a '.t •il estatU in couinty if x o0l:s and ( lt ke. Altiriii.tralor of the!o :late of P!xllla l'ares. doa carrel. I at, :l July 29, i1'. iit~t~ttf . .. . .. L ciul y IflLI. '.. ... F"11..'.... {•i o a te , ar. [I e ry , .. I rr ll t:l (.t al., tIc- tirlt ari te. I I ' r aei, ii y ril lii o. f itn orun:r rf ta lt anei t."" r, i : ,,r.I, .,.r,e n d lr l. i' "re I. nrlt of the onto ,f " ri tireh, ii ' ,i forhe ecointy ,loui h''' }airk .,,. i r, thin 't acrai ad " sillilit . ii.I ior Il l 0 , l , , 1 Il " I i a! liO i, lite Itr it Ir ti o , Ilk , I t.e-ll( r ' r' tc, ot C, o sl'" 2 elc tx . fi o rhoad : i. ' lie•. oe . L . t h lVei it tl .i n, i lt I'. teai:tirt, 'iet. hliio ig i ti i, thir.l ;'-y tii AII.,, A. o). oefor dh, e ro , ,e .- ,i t,;rt ofet at ' a, Ir eo , a, m ui ,'tl , tie t... 1), 1ar kli Ilelilg It I ti,, tIle n iyt I iiot a ,lirr t ree.1, , r:.tfl iana ,f" i tiltr de0 r i1budd anto . lln, l,.d a- fllhwo ti twi:a ie c.,,,, eer xty (liu) tit e'r,.f lote r ete l er r le r ul. , hll h, i Itmt' rtvlyll }t'- of;a j t el e~rth,.r• kaclih Aoiitlutt~ ro. c yy sif iI irt. x t0I sl, ci sty of L,,i x orl t IlarI., tatet I v 1ti erwith all , nd ,.in cosular t ie, s nsmietrt, here.l taortuhrh ash a; prx eaeier ,, there' bt- lieu c,,, or ,u 'it wlt, a te tautn'., r oh.ic n,tcr rh. xx!,y k:" i• thet ,it Fridsy, I t at ,'t :.t tie: !ero t rlo,,r otf lien.o cu t ........ , :.......... I. i.. . .. n . l i, .itre kxty, hln- riceI., Utliiitr my hiead ehis third(lry oif ,i- for eeri (' tT•S, 'nhiril. Ily I ieo 1. ioe,ivL todoc ,bbrrxt. IT' FASTENS 1W W to ie in the air we breathe, the vWttes drink. Tlhe germ of consumption 1 ey where present The germ begins soon as jt reaches a e oak spot hi Cathrrh ronchitis, and a sorotulE e tion, furnish these weak spots. Thew to tight these germs--b a ear a lver active and purl the blood . Pierce's Golden Meia Discovery, It builds up healthy flesh. It's puaranleedl in all bronchial, throat and lung affections; every form of sorofula, even Consumption n its earlier stages. If the "Discovery" fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. Fortify yourself against disease by maing the body germ-sroof, then you will ae yourself from grip, malaria, and many of the passing diseases, Too well known to need lengthy advertise. menlt-Dr. Sago's C(atarrrh HRiuedy. Helena Employment Agency 24 EDWARDS STREET. Telephone 830. W. l. Coob, Preprietor WANTS-Walter girl for Boulder, $25. Seoond cook for hotel. 30 boarders, $10 a week. TO LET--lRailroad boarding house, free rent, ransoportation, wood and water. Two rooms fturnioled for light housekeoplng, $7 a month. Three room brick house, furnished, with water, $12. FOR SA LE-Thirteen cows with nine young calves, $825. EITUATIONS 1VAiANTED--FEMAL AdvortisemeOL unser this heald thsetimen SITUATION WANTED--HY GOOD COOK; can giv' be t of references. Address Mras AI. i. 1(., tlis office. S1ITUATION WANTEID-BY YOUNG LADY Sto work for board while learning mil- linery trade. Address V. M.., this odtio. ITUATI(-N WANTED-BY A REFINED, comlntont lady as housekeeper or compan- ion; highest references. Address Miss C., P. O. box 13I, (sreat Falls. SITUATION WANTED - EXPERIENCED woman would go to families by the day to swooeep dust and put rooms in order. Address Athelda, this office. SITUATION WANTED-BY WOMAN AS cook or general housework ina small fam- ily. Address hi.. 1321 Helena avenue. SITUATION WANTED-•BY YOUNG LADY no nursery govorness: will do all children's and londing; hors more an ob- ieet than wages. Address Miss H. U.. this of- ,ITUATION WANTED-BY WOMAN TO DO dwashing or any kind of work by day or hour. Addrees 308 Blake street. SITUATION WANTED--1Y EXPERIENCED S(oermn governess just arrived in America. Address Lels, care of this oflo. SITUA1TION WANTED-I- Y A YOUNG WO- men to do plain sewing; patching and darn- ing neatly done. Address UDoioro, this office. ITUATION "WANTED-B-Y A RESPECTA- blo widow lady to koep house for a few gen- tlemen who would prefer their own homoe to boarding out: or would be willing to take chargo of a gentlenmen's club the highest references can be given. Address A., office of this paper. SITUATION WANTED-TO COOK ON ranch. Addro~se M. S. L.. this oflice. •ITUATION WANTED-IN MILLINERY )F- partment by competent woman as assistant trilnrlncr, miker and asleswoman. Address Mlrs. Ida Pl'otteot, care this ofice. ITUATION WAN : ED-ItY GERBMAN GIRlI to do hoa:owork in a small family. Inquire 107 Warren street. S'IDUATIUN WANTED-BY GOOD COOK and oecond :cirl, or cook and chambermaid, at als i.entoL avenue. corner Nprucs street. lITUJATION WAN'IED -- POI'I1)N AS o houiekeoper on n ranch bya widow with one child. Addrdss Mrs. L. C. lioward, 218 W. Seventh street, Ht. Paul. Minn. SITUATION WANTEIDI-A RESPECTABLE industrious young lady just arrived from the sast would like to got general honseworkt by the day. Address t. 'i., 200 North Hodnoy., or call. SITUATION WANTED-A LADY WITH tONE ch Id would like a position on a ranch about tho middle of August. Address crs of P. W., Chinook. Montana. ltate terms. SITUATION WANTED-BY A C(OMPETENT girl to do cooking. i12 BIoulder avenue ITUATI()N WANT'ED-BY YOUNG GIRL ar cook or to do light housekeeping. Ad- dtress M. L., this office. SITUATION WANTED-BY GItL TO DO general tousework. Addre.s M. M.. this ofiro., SITUATION WANTED--WOMAN WANTS work o[ any kind by the day; 335 north lEwing strest. tITUAIION WANTED-IN A BMA1LL, FAM- 3llr bya middle-ogsd lady. Addres Mrs. Germane, 1063 South First West, fali Lake City, Utah. SITUATION WANTED--BY A WOMAN TO do honuework. Address 10 bato street. ti'1T'kATIt)Ai 1VA'NTI'ED-M ALE. AdverWisements uusnr O u tUle u l ee times WVANTED--IOGT 8BT OF HOOKS TO keep. by a bookkeeper who has spare time. J., I •x•Li. 1, ',JANTED-POlITION BY AN IiNGINEER. v thoroughly posted on orunniug eletrie plant; also hfxiu tho electrical mlachiery. Ad- lreso 1110, thin office. SITA ION WANTED--BY MAN AND WIFE to cok in city or ata mining camp; can Sivosgood referlnco. Address K. J., ares Gen- ral I slivery. 1'. 0. I'ITUA1 ION WANTED-AS TI:NOGRIIAPH- or, tyle,,writsr tidL general clerk; can fur- nirh loeProner trom oeastern ,purlsis to my cOslpoernsy in beoisec able to fill such a position i restnired. Wm. latternfield. Choteos, Mont. tITUAI'ION WANTED-AH T"I~EAM-MlEoR OR ofto take cro of horses. Addroes 0. W., this ITUATION WANTED--IY "I I:Tr r-('LAB rollor mll__ r.h (ioo_ renfern_ frnisl._. I ddrcs J. It. ., this o riic !elu,, hont. \'ANTD-- I•CI,:IAABIE MEN li•ll t'I-;RMA- tint io.ltion. i ddrsos in lie;; handwrit- ic., inelos-irbarredilt isd refernc 5 . .\. T0 Mor- ti%, raie thhi lils er. "ANT''/': TWO) •L'OUN I.\ ,l:; NEWS- agenta on t horn i'cill ral. Apply to now.. ifir, teiNl~,. Moslt I~an; iir Ilidle @1 It l: i!\I'-- I t 1 S:I N , r I-It tt o il Il.N1'- NI,' lIY Fltl'. fil1 Is lOOM of trnr, or RUzI, all illr nliso tmst a i~~~n relonieiri rrn. 'lii.r in 1. It.; Ia Rir t. I F" ( ' i ''S NI' F' i'I IMOty. I I i;N(:NI8ED for hon rkrxi+lnu Apply :;l 1s, at, 0 street. -- r Ior ' ia ii+ n t,., JI lrio fir light I It lUOO;4 t. i Sl irrckori .o' r 1troIr. i 'I 'liii; ll: AIIV l ., INI, 1 1 IilS ro~ +in nw rin o bi")"id t.1the Me- "onalil hoir: , IA North tr aini nmr ". ii. A. NiI),'ald 1otrnonr.____ till 11i':1 I 41: I IM)l~i II'iutil : S TI. F Iii tr iuut tIat,122Noirth Ii, I',rrbro 1;01 ttNI ,A1tlK EI, PI ilItitglMD I n t v, ' n' it or en sits: ti ll o ldrn Loly n yaator ninth. homer rI nt y AN It Its,'I 1 t. 1I s i ll' l, ri01 i: 1,. 1 ',io .1i +I s It' n . L oard, at It: North lirntuni anppii 'T1 IRi~ fit .'' .1/(.),r AND l~siui A Lt. 15nrna ~ t Imalt~," itt I, Ihotal inrarel~aal Illi ll.IN1 NICELYI f~i Irit, LIVE t'I40 1l 1 IN i UlitaiLI tli hi II: iI1v. Larmeat liset iu tIh11 cito iriIttlial hotel. et jointn! ts! ranlge, tat nt up 1Q0 to 30 tons at nYto (eod se at euithic tiitoI Monte, cuts. cep, nee, Lioeas, (Alotl and eal table a n t ruitli% thaisp e-t,pewrlO au tb •ruito en. mu.; be an0 F a .. OltR BALsE-HOTEL PU B NITUI AND Thompson look.- o o ltio r. OR SHALE-WE HAVE FOR MALE AT A red ow, half of one horn broken off, bobtailed. branded P on hip; reward. Address L. L. 1.10 Phoenix avenue. SOST-PAIR OF OLO-RIMIMEDI) GLASSESB Sand chain, Monday. Please retorn to 1103 Fast State street. M OIC .Lf.AN OUS. MTONTANA NATIONAL BANK W (ORTII- cates taken at par. Herbert B. Reed & Co. WANTMD-A SADDLE HORSE TO KEEP fonr his boardi good care. Address T. V. 0rr1i Eglloylnl Agicy. 212 Eortat Mlan Street. Telephone 10I -W ANTED- f10 see!onmen near Ilntte; fre fare. 10 section men near Great Falls; free fare. 1 girl. general housework, city, $25. 1 girl. country, 125. It woodchonpesi. 1.25 per cord. 1 first-class baker for (dreat Falls, 50. -FOR BALE- Two span matched bay horses, wagon and her. ness. MONTANA MARBLE WORKS Write for Prices. OffVie and Yard Lower Main street. Helena. MATHESON & CO. $800-Neat well built cottage on Sparta street, three good sized rooms, newly finished. clooet., pantry cellar, city water, lot 50x12. estable: $25 per month; good location for keeping cows and chickens. 0850--Now cottage of four rooms, cellar, good barn and over half on asre of groulnd. immedi- ately adjoining city limits on south and within fifteen minutes' walk from thecourt hbse: ju t the place for poultry or rows; e 10 down, $25 per month: buildingsinsured three years for $000. policy thrown in., t1,u0--hix-room dwelling recently built, on eart side; shed, feoel, city water, lotox50x140; $50 down. 15l per month. $I.010-New six-room dwelling on east side, and two fine level lots, each 50x140; Montana National certificates taken. $,100-Handsomo new dwelling on corner of lenton and Hollins. on electric line: hilt. six I rooms. city water; lot 6ox120; mortgage of $1.200 to run thre ye{ars; alnl take Montana National certificates for equity, 57(0. $2,500-Nhew brick on eastslde four blocks seutli of Broadway: hall.t, seven rooms, three closet!, alcove, bith room fully plumbed, pantry cellar, hot and cold water; hail, parlor and sitting room finibhed tn oak; house nieey I papered throughoht; shed: lot 42xt02; ,•0k down. $6,000--Nw coven-room brick dwelling, mod- ern, on eat side; on purchaseor assenumig 2.00 ftortgage; will take $1,000 in Montana National cert fiaotes. O2r60-l-oruse and furniture, houselua hall, six rooms. closets, pantry, cellar, city water in kitchen, good outbuilding and fences: honuse was specially built for present owner abunt three years sag for permanent residence, but I physician'se orders demand change to lower alti- tnude; tie house is completely fornishbe: the terms are $100 down, $25 per month, practically a oheap rent for the house, but every dollar ap- plies on the pnrchase money; anyone who is py- ing rent for furnished hose would do el to i look into this chance to buy house and furnitre I with no greater monthly expenditure than rent- n4,000--ix-room brick dwelling on corner of 1lentan and tilbert streets; elegant lot, having seventy- five feet frontage on Henton and 15 feet on Gilbert. Montana National oertlficates taken. '.850--Attractive ten-room Idouble) frame dwelling on Bodney street; city water, sewer connection, finest lawn and trees in Hrlena: lot1 Ox0210: good outbuildings; convenient to sahooir; 0650 down. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. For which certificate of deposit on the Montana National will be accepted at par. $400-Lot 80x140 on parts street. 1500-Lot 0xt410 on Mis•oula avenue. 225--Lot 50xl10 on Prospect street, adjoining Olowerree addition. 5850-Two lots on peosta avnue, one block from electric line. two blocks from Fenton $1,010- -For 100 feet on Benton avenue, a l oln- I ing electric line. x2.500-Corner adjoining Hauser addition, hav- ing frontage on Uearborn avenue of 111 feet; one bloek from two e!ectris lines. l0 choice lots in different earte of Broad- water addition at prIces from |Ioo Up, for which toatkna National certificates of deposit will be LOANB WANTWID. \re have applications Ifr 8500 at 12 per cent en house and Ilt worth 51.100 to $1.100; 51,000 to 01.000 at 11 per cent on cooastt warrants; 54.000 on acre property adjiining Helena worth 012,- 100:• 03 on ranch worth P5000, and a nember of others. r A fine liet of ranches in Gallatin, Bitter Boot I MATHESON & C., iold Otlok. c ltebocca RlbherdTon A deOcPd ministrator olthe estate of ltbsoca tiiehardaon. rsecsed. to rbe areditere of and all persons having claims aginst the mid dceseed, to ex- hibit them, with ths nsoessry vonehemr, within four 141 months after the first pnublioation oa this -otice, to the said Joseph It, Ksncek nubleo ad- ministrator. at his o~eff in the (oIsd block, in the city of Iselena. Montana. the same being the plaes for the transaction of the businee o saaid setate in the county of Lewis and Clerk,. JOBEI'H N. KENCE. -dmintetrator of the estate of oebccra Richard- son, deoseaed. I Dated Helene. Mont., July It 1091.. ST. PAUL Foudry Company, Manufacturers of ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORK. Founders, Machinists, Black. smiths and Pattern Makers. Send for cuts of columns. Works on St. P., M. & MI. Railroad, near Como avenue. Office 212 land 2z3 Manhattan Building, St. Paul. 0. M. POWER, Secretary and Treasurer. TIs HULENA IND•PENDENT is on sale by the following news- dealers in this city aend state, and in Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Wash. ington, California and Minnesota, who will furnish single copies or receive subscriptions for the daily or weekly: CITY STANDS. Swend Carlse .................. South Main St Swend Carlon................,.l Slouth Main St Fred Eass...................... North Main It T. H. Clewell......................Gold Block Woodman & ader................C..C er Store B. W. Kllis........... Motor Ofes, Power Elock O. W. Carpenter..... Broadway. neat Merchants Goodman & Co......Corner Broadway and Main J. Wendell ........................ 107 Bridge St J McCorminck...... ....... t06 North Itodney St troadway Flsh Market.... Near Merochant Hotel M. Gaardan....................25 North Main St A. Ferruson.................... •2 orth MainSt J. Rohrbaugh .................... Grandon Hotel B. Warmker...... Corner Broadway and Jackson Mrs. Garoke...................... Eighth Aence Broadway Groeory Co ............. MS BIroadway J. A. Allen ............... Grand Central Hotel Edmund FIer........Corier BSixth Av. nd Park A. Austin.. Broadway. next to nadependent oflice Daniel Morgan..............I07 North Rodney Rl Wm. Welnstein........Corner Main andBixth A Hotel Helesna............ ............ Grand St Fi. Menhelm ............... Coamnooolian Hotel C. . ttnbbs...Triangle Drug Store, N. 1'. Depot MONTANA. 3. W. I later............ ................ Misetila Gildvrslove & Charet..........................Granite P. A. Sohenbr ....................... Philipsburg Chas. Williame .......................... Granite King & Kennedy................. ... Anaconda W. 1. Burkett...........................Deer Lodge C. D. Kenyon.........................Deer Luder John Andrew. .......................... lkhorn J. 1N Walter............................Townsend liusineki Bros.........................ozeman Ueo, Itafaf.................................'older Hotel May .................. Boulder Hot Springs U. A. Matthews.......................Marysvlle (:. erereman............................ Marysvil T. W. Warren .............................. nutto J. D. Hayes...........................Blast Helena W. B. George................ ....... ...Billings Thos. Person & Co .................... Red Lodge iiBainski Bros ....................... iles City Mrs.Barnes ................................. Castle A. Croonquiet........ ........... Livingston J. O. Sax & Co.......................Livingston W. B.Annin & Co ............. ... Lvingston L. A. Marsh .............................. Kalispell W. B. Herring...................... Kalispell F. W. Euckson..........................Kalspell Nelson Walker ACo..............Columbia Palls A. S. McDonald.......................Wolf Creek W. F. Burgy..........................Great Falls R. M. Calkins.......................Great Palls A. G. Redding........................Groat ealls Mapes & )Lahigren............ ....... Great Falls Huret oeos............................ Great Falls W. E. Chamberlin..................Great Falls Max Muir. ........................... Great Falls UTAH. J. C. McGinley ......................... Salt Lake McCartney & Co..........................Ogden The Owl News Co.......490W 2d S St., Balt Lake COLORADO. Smith & eon............ 90 Sixteenth St., Denver WASHINGTON. 1. W. Graham...........................pokane J. F. Biggs ....... Postoffice hews Stand. Seattle Mercer & Nathan........10 S. Second St.. Seattle Wenatcheo News Co.................. Wenatchee Otto P. Johnson.......................Wenatchee Funk's News Depot........ Pacifie Av.. Tacoma CALIFORNIA. R.C. Wilbur........ F'aee Hotel. San Francisco MINNESOTA. Wilbur Tebbile....... Merchats Hotel. St. Paul Willard S. Dennis.......... Hotel Ryan, St. Fau MINING AND BLASTING POWDERS. Electric Blasting Apparatus Manufactured and for sale by Laflin & Rand Powder Co. 29 MURRAY ST., NEW YORK. SHERIFFB IBALE - HENRY DUIGNAN. James Dunan saend L .M Jensen. oo-part. ner doing businee. under the firm name of orthwestorn htone Supply Company, plain- t. vs. Montanv Club, atrseseona ollard. First National Bank eo Heloena Montan. Helesa Co- operative icranit. and 1andstone Company, and I rant Jezikct. John Jeziok and Pen Hahn, co- partners am Jeaick Froe. & Hahn. defendants. Under and by virtue of an order of rpalend de- cree of foreclosure end eele issued out of the distriot court of the First judielal district of the state of Montnas. in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke on the of th day of June. A. ID. 1816, in the above entitled action, wherein Henry Iuignan. James Lugnan and L. M. Jln- sen, co-prtnis doieg bnoness under the firm name of worthweatern t one upply ('ompany, the above named plaintiffs, obtained a judgment and deaere of forecl.esrs and sale sratuet Men- tanns (lb, Massens ksullerd, First National Rlank of Helena, Montana. Helena Co-operative (raniteo nd Sandstone Compny an4 Frank Jen- iok, Jeziek and Uen Hahn, co-partnere as Joziok Pros. & IIehn, defendsnts, on thl 1Oth day of June, A. 1). 1805, for the sum of $1.7la.70, besides inteest, acots and at- torner's fees. which said dreree wae on the 20th day of Junn e. . it . 11 reroded in judg- ment bri k No. - of raid court dat o•en I am commanded to ell all those certain lot. riece or parcels of land, situate, lying and be- inton the oou ti Lewis an Cliarke, Stat f gMontana. and bounded and dusoribed as ol- lows. to-wit: So mrurc of lots numbered two (2) three (I) sUd f cur in block numbered foar hondred five (hl05t of tb original townestr of the city of isel- eta, as is inclnded In the following boon aris•. to wit: Pegiasing at the lnterseotlon of the western line orf loller avenue or ui lhh sarcet or Center street and the northeauterly line of Sixth avenue or Pries street. the poist of intersec- tion eing en the southuast corner of sild let onmbered two (1) of block numbered four hun- dred five (i40) of said Hellns toewnite: running thence northerly along tlhe west line of holler asvenue or Gulch street on hbuedred fifteen tili) fot theooe wecterly parallel with the north line ofi said lot numbered four (4) aitty (t0) feeto theneoo southsrl parallel with the west line of raid lots three (u) and four (4) eventy-two and one-half (72() feet more or tees to the northeasut line of ltah avenue or Price treet. thence ulthetaeerly along the said northeaseet line of Sxlth avenue or PriceLOstret Oventy-fle (7•) frte to the plimo of beeinning Together with all and singular the tenements, here Jltsment and appurtensapce thereunto be- longine or In airywlee spertalaingo 'ublio notloo ia hereby given that on Tosedal, tfie 2!dii y of AUgust. A. 1.111. al 12 o'olos1 m.of that dayat the frontdoor of the rcourt huloe. irlena,. Lewle and ('larke county Mlontnna. 1 will, in obedience Io raid order of saie and deree of frIcelanre and sale, sell the abovadroribed prolerty, or .o much ti erol at may be eoresary to etiefy said jedgicfu . nt ntsret and eotos, to the hllhst and best bidder for oesh In band. Oiven under my hand thUis st day of July, S CHIARLF . 06 CURTIS. beri. By Flnm . ioe. Under beglit. SCHOICE BOOKS -•,ALMOST---.-". Given Away TO READERS OP THE INDEPENDENT: -- THE---. Best Books, BY THE MOST POPULAR AUTHORS, AT , . Oa-1Tldr1 of Thiir Yalt. THE INDEPENDENT'S GREAT BOOK OFFER. To any one who will e*nd us roun of the following COUPONS (which may be out from four issues of the same date, or from four Issues of different dates) accompanied by TN CuNTR in sliver or rostrae stamps. we will send rost-paid by mail ANY THntl RooKs to be selected by yourself from the list printed below: ct i 0--- I e :* i s p a =i I (ao ou~ and send to this omle ior of the above couPoNs, together with TEN -ENTS, and we will send you postpaid ANs runaaa of the followinlg books: No. I-THE SACRLE'T LETTER. By Nathaniel nsa thorns. No. 2 -'ol`I MYSTERY OF COLDE FELL; O, PUT PROVEN. lby ('harlotto M. rasmo, author of "Dora Thorn." No. --UNDEKTt1k iRHD FLAG. By Miss M. E.i Braddon. No. 4-KING SOLOMON'B MINES. BI H. Iides HogRard. ho. I-AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS. By Jules Verne Nb. --THE (IJOIlICAN iROTHERS. By Ale•. onder Domus. No. 7--LADY ONAOE. ByRres. HerOy Wood. N.. 5--&VI RIL. fy iesa ltq nohetur (Jary, No. -- THE BLACK DWARF. hy r WSlter NL o-A NOBL I FByMiss Malook. NM II--THS DULLET O LYNNi uD. TtE nBream, anther of Dora rAlottdM No. 12--11E BLAUK TULIP. By Alexundg e. :5--THE DUCHESS. Ny"Ths Dheh.'s." o0. 1-N UIWtE IIETeL'S MISIfTAKE. UI hloer eone oarden No. I--ME:,LE'S BCRUSADE. By Boas Non- ehette (a're. Ho. l-A STUDY IN SCARLET. H, A. Conan D 1olO. K RUIN; O THE DAUGHTER OP THE lBLAND. S rS AWL frt he. No. 18-lT.OtD N1S DReAnIn.B:r. A S. (harlotlI M. iH Rlue. anthPo'l b Aora Thornse No 1 H-'life AR•DEIUR OF TYIR. By SDyls vensL Cobbh Jr. No 20--n. TUILOIL'S LOVE BTORY. rle Neorge Eliot. No . - T KIN y Capti lary. No. 1-oIle boIEoE Oa GRANADA. priyeS SnF la lwor Lytton. No. 24-Mh . n EeyON'S WILL B H. Rider IEIlPNrd .ie-r-dn NNY eARnLOWE. BItf W. Clark Nh. 2b--BoETON'f BArOlAIM. Sl Krn . Ale. eander. No 27--TaE SbQUIRE'b DARLIN, by Chasre lotto M. Breamu thor ol oD"ora Thorris" Na. 28-TEE IIUSIAb N GIPSY. By Alezedar Nol.- •lIE WANDERIUG HEIR. By CharI No o-FLOWRlbR AND WIoED. BO iss K.e. Braddon. No. I1-NO THOROUOHIFARE. Bi Churls Iliokens and Wilie Ctollini. e.n 8-A HE GREAT PODGU TiTY DIAMOND. HI W. H. Thukery. The above books ace nicely printed snd bound in attrsolive paper covers. They a,' sold rrgulsrly at rstaii for ten cent rebh, so that our offer enables our readerl o boury them at oane-third of their varle. It l erand ehanee to seure standard, hlilh- alu Inorksoi dOAeion at merey nominal Orno of the ibove coupons will be pub. Ilehed in every issue of THE HELENA INDEPENDENT ntlil further notice. Cot out and saoe them unti you have foar, hen they can be sent to the offine. and the hree books of your seleetion obtained. Then you can aain s a •e the oounons until ton have four morel Wi 0 re l hree mor books, sad so on. We mask tbis liberal offer, whereby moms ro the bash works of Action in the ,oglih laungaeo maw he soeured by our readers for the merest trifle of Supenle, Ia order to It- rease our elroultidon. Our p-estl read. re will elat ly oblibe ohlllln the at- entilon of their frisnds to the iaot that by boylon TUE INDEPENDENT they cen reure the advant•ge. of or greai book -- eor, Addnesl T'e Indeoeeaent Helea, 10ot

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Post on 06-Feb-2021




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  • TI~l SNAKE'S RtEVENGE.A Nebrasta anu Deslvesd the Serpen

    Once Too Often.

    "I see,'e said the man with the glaebeard, "the t a feller down in Texa- habeen fool]iAthe snakes that was stealin hihen eggs lIv fllin 'em up on these henporcelain net t eggs that is got up to makea hen wear H erself out forthogood o' tyraniman."

    "Yes," said the grocer, "I read about itIt appearnlto work pretty'well too."

    "It mayuts•k down in Texas," said thiman with' the• ginger beard, "hut if thatteller hasa tthexperience of a neighbor oia friend ot!mane out in.Nebreaky with thattrick it'll beea cdld day for him and his suf.ferin, wveepitr faanbly. Thisdere feller, hetried foolin srkadls;that way'oncet too ofteneor his own good.

    "This fellertxel up them chancy eggsfor the snakes,auld the very first moruinhe went out tot•lasnhouse,he found a bigblacksnake 7'fot , inches long with oneof the eggs down i•, neck about 6 inches.You ought to ihetewd that feller laugh atthe joke ho had on 'the snake. He didn'tlaugh long, for assauot as the snake figuredout how he had l*m decsdved he raiseshisself on his tail and fet6hes the mansuch a swipe alougstile thed.lad that it jistlaid ,him out cold. You see the serpint'peared to reatize thatsho war jist as gooda livin' blackjack orAlilly asecould be gotup. Ileiknowed thati there egg was tooheavy to be thereal thimg, and he knowedbe had material for strikin a powerfulblow, which he done-itttheu and there."

    "Did the feller get'wel1'" asked the gro-

    "Yes, he got well-sortti--but he didn'tnever seewn'to have good sense afterwird;was sort& mooney."

    "Say!" said the grocer."Well?""Air you the feller?"The man from Potato creek laughed loud

    and long. "Sayl" said he, "I guesthe treatsis on you."

    "I guess they air," admitted the man'with the ginger beard. "Jist come over tothe pump, and I'll work the handle tillyou've had all the water you kin hold."-Indianapolis Journal.

    Where Lace Ia Made.Lace is made all over Europe, and of all

    the lace markets in the world Nottingham,England, is perhaps the greatest, and nextto that CMais, France. To Nottingham iswhere we go to get the great bulk of ourmachine made lace, and today the ma-chines are turning out such perfect imita-tions of thehandmdde article that only anexpert can tell the difference. Handmadelaces, particularly torchon, are made allover Belgium, in Lo Puy, France, and allover Saxony. It is given to little girls,who work the first-pattern, and for this arepaid as low or as high, whichever way theylook at it, as 'centimesperyard. Machinemade torchons,are made in Baumen, Prus-sia, about an hour's ride from Cologne.The maiohne.made valenciennes is made inCalais, Roubsix and Nottingham, whilethe handmade is made in Brussels andCondray.

    The-machine made laces are excellent im-itations, and so well made that they haveto a large extent taken the place of tho

    'handmade article. Another noted lacemarket is St. Gall, Switzerland, and so isPlaumen, Saxony. Europe is filled withlacemakers, and every country and almosteverybody, I was going to say, is engagedin making it. They arc all breaking theirnecks to got into the American market.They cater to us-do their utmost to meetour tastes and court ourtrade. Americantbuy more lace by half than Europeans.Therethe people value laces as heirlooms,desiring not so much the product of todayas the manufacture of 100 or 200 years ago.Americans wants their laces to wear. TheRussians make some lace, but not much.The heavy so called Russian lace is nowmade in Nottingham. Venetian lace ismade in Brussels, Spanish lace in Lyonsand Irish laces in Nottingham.-Intervieawin Clerk and Salesman.


    NEw YomR. Aug. 9.-Bar silver. 75.Copper-Quiot; lake $9.83.lead-Steady; domestic, $3.25.Dealings at the stock exehanee were charac-

    terized by weakness during the greater part ofthe day and in some instances sharp declineswere recorded. Tire bears were unusually sag-gressive. There was little or no support fromrany quarter, declines ranging from 1Di to (ll percent. tholatter in Gteneral Elootric. During thelast hour the wnole msrket took on strengthand advanced anywhere from 1 to 4 points.Speculation left off strong in tone, with quota-tions in a nnmbor or instances above those ofyesterday,.

    Governmente--Strong.Petroleum-Easier at t0I asked.

    'losin C(losineU. . 4Is reg....... (5i/, Northern Pacific. -70.I r-. 48 oetip.....ll10 N.I' rof. ......... 21r'IU. l. 4)/s reg ..... 115 orthwestern...... 93;Plaeifci I..........102 N. W. pref........l10Atchison........... 15:% N. . .sentral..... bHAnitriean ltp.... 101 Orgol Na ....... 40Csaadsa Pacific.... 0l0~' (Gregon Imp,.......(anada Sollth..... 10'/. (gn Short Line...('entral tacific.... li L'aeifido Mlt...... l'8,liurlington ....... 75'5 Pullman ........141Chicago lis t..... 485' hteadinr.......... 13Cotton OiL ....... S ' erninal.........Lackawannas...... 15 Ii. ,. Western•.. 15V. 1 I. I. . pref... 21,"1''• . 1i. W . pref.... 53Distillers.......... i i Wi . ,lts..... o tGireat Northorn.. 10 Hoos island....... 57%Illinois 'entral ... r: t. Paul.. .. 53lions A'lx....... 15 St. P & Omaha... 279Lake Shore........ 112!i Sugar....... ..... 70,Lead 1 rout.... . t 1 eaa l'acifio...... 5-L'villo & aash .... 55s, t nian slaciic .... Ult,

    Sleti . teniral .... 7o lI argo te -....... 17(1i-snari Paciiic. 21t'; U. H. lI EN........ 4:

    Natl' irdasc . . Western Union ... 75Nat (ordago ipfd . 2t lIjnseed .......... l1iborth, American... :,I, Electric .......... 4,'i

    Money on ealles el h;lo, c)rd olfered at 3 perCout Primoe mlrcanitile apr 1 ,-r l2 Ior cent.I-terInzg elsihangl, Ilruasgr. 5ftlh ,Ictuat lhfejtsssin •,ankers'r lr,11as 5|.tr.2 at I1.• .',, lor sixty-dayhills snd ,4l.7' i'6 l t- fur d, Inanl;

    ('lrrAro. , tgl ! at('atte--r .tat, 0. 0 .(COLeal: natives 10"c- , higllert cloeod 'reak; 'Ic-ani lIc holoshr: no w.'er,- r acnr, prlmeh ,onue. 45.;00t i o d t,, C "t0'C 4.7,;laedtn1ltl . $3.7:,0, 1.10; comD1,ou. $2. UO. , :. Iv; '1 s-I -• lif•eCtle '1,U0.0 lhenit; inarket 1t:;02c,

    l.Lg•ir, c mml ,u rough heavy, i1.2:,,,1 0J: fair t",/o1d l o. kI +4 54I 1 ,rist hv $5.":c 'I Sxe[, i.-,.2 ,` 5 1.,; isrtli,.i I,,l. ,. i", , a .,

    Ltt, 1;, ,,i ,'s, 13,u t he d oatr n : T No .5 ,l./ I ]oArl. a . , , , ('_western -, ., : 'l.a .

    ('tit ., 's. 0.- li.t-- .te y; ra, t, 5- • c:,

    l ,-c I.jlstr. railh, S,6' c- te I" ber

    , ": t.. 53 l (r. Sm LI. Lav-irz rip al:,I k I.ot[a.l tastr I t, t "t, ..S nr l ult Ioll , r b J '' n rturcd ao,

    P. •n,,at in el.ara,,ter hii th,- ler-r,,or Rl,.t ,,ra, anLnros tlgatin Is ,, omnrcd II, •srti , arle Itrh.arlllrGill Ihehol :r t, ,i uh. .Si u 1,i 1 .I l, u. ii Ihall tar:i - iut, trl'., , , ,I t

    ap•Iear. for It., si rtoi i. f rclm'itf'iic t.tiI, deteruiln, tt.i true olaractr ofI isaid Inn.iLO. I t. Pd I I p,- It' . Iie:, ioor.

    (Chioo k. 3i, n. Au 10.It ,. I, l ti tt• r,glelln that the, trus•t,-.-, of ̀ cl:t of Di-tr( ct ,, 1, It'hullti ' lc unty. i''nta:f , i l Ilt ,r-l:, tI,. ,I,day 'if S't, ihilbor..lC 1). l. t I I a l I .c ': a.atIthe ntlice of tin) lhiol Ird itMont.. will rci vw r,,t..*al* n,.u i , l 1d toIl.e highest bidder. soolil I, l ,f said o-il|rIrIo tile sulhi"it of 21.1l, .as Ittl ast tlho ,iChl leltliSon hltohl Il. th, 1;.t iny , d ri5o,bai I bon:i s ill l, a ,ul o oI siir Htt irnoiirnaii,.n Il $5), each1 i vc , %U I .i . .

    alnd rtldeon:5ihlr in ti lee y, rc t:ftr dote,. sailen-ds will h Ii lllt-re-I t t!l. rat, lt rix , Io,.it t ,'r itati ulme, s tts l ble a , lia-t IlIOtl: ,", ai 11,i.

    'iI:,, trupltsre recveruo tie right to rejct 0ny arid

    all bido.Ity oirner his0 bchool tru-tlce of tlsi i'.rr-oicl"


    t:lerk of the tisrit.


    Letters for the followta• perosena ieansinEcalled for at lhe Helena, Mnat, polel"oon Aug. 8, I808. In eallipg for t~e

    bi, please say "advertised."ore OnITLIMat•'s lity.ike Allen Lynn W. (2) Avelli,:.. W. Dr. (I

    t lecaudet, Gideon Bernie, N. .

    Blaokey, Master Booth, AmosBroadwater, Thos. Me Caedwe.i, StIulhagO Collies, Howard Cox, JohnDoyle, S. J. Eby. Benjaminhe Ekroth, Bmil Gatoh, PeterGat Geams, Joshua Giford. Ben

    of Gormley.Autia CaloaUreen, Josephlet Grant. T'om Graves B. F,t. Galset, Edevert (O . Hill, Tom A.

    he Howell, J. W. (8) Hyatt, GeorgeJohn ohn John A. Johnson, Oleen Johnsen, N. Kaplan. F.Kennedy. Wm. Keatel, Christge Knight. J. H. Latontaine. Tref e

    in Lorens, N. Majerle, Gerokig MaII, John Marsh, J. H.n Meartle, (. N. Mason, Abe

    a, Mathias. P. J. Matson, Matt (8)Morrison, Hugh Muller, Lornee't McDonald,B. E. McGahn, WilliamMcIntyre. H. L Olson, Jonas P.rd Palm, John Peterson, ConO IRamsey, Jas. B., Jr. lRichardon. Chac. Rutledge, J. F. Seltzer, It. Severton. Joseph shiriy, Wnm.

    t Snow, Bud St-vens, E. D.,a Sweeney, James Thompson, James L.

    t Tiffany, John S. Wallace, George (2)White. Richard H. White, Max G

    ' White. O. L. Young, H. B.LADIES' LIwr.

    Bohn, Miss Marie Brown, Mrs. E. T.Carroll. Miss Minnie Clarke, Miss Elizab'tha" Cobb, Mrs. W. A. Collen, Mrs. W. M.Callen. r. e MaurioeDeborde, Miss C.

    t Dodge. Mrs. W. ,. Driscoll, Mrs. M. E.I; Goetz, Miss GretehenGreay Mrs. J. E.Hanson, Mrs. E. (2) Howard, Misse M.Johnson, Miss BerthaKellogg, Miss RuthMagger. Fannie Marohal, Miss E.Myers, Miss Gen Puasser, Miss KeriIleynolds, Mrs. F. Rogers, Mis. MayRussell, Mrs. M. E. Turner, Mrs.Schonk, Mrs. Peter Spencer, Annie.Smith, Mrs. I. Smith, Mise Mary H.n Waler, Mr.. George White. Mrs. Billy

    o Willis, Miss Flora II T. H. CLviELL, P. M.

    [Mr. L. B. Hetmlen,

    Of Augusta, Me., says: "I do not rememberwhen I began to take Itood"3 Sarsaparilla; itwas several years ago.and I have funllld it doesme a great deal of good ill my declining years.

    I am 91 Years2 months and 2s days ohl. and my health is per-fectly good. 1 have no aches or pains about me.

    Hood's Sarsaparillat regulateJs my Iowels, stimulate" my ap petite,I and helps use to sleep well. 1 toublt if aSIrseparation ever wa.s alde so we!ll suited to

    the wants ofd old people." L. ]B. IIAgILEN,Elan Street, Augusta, li e., Sept. '-s, 1a o1. .

    HOOD'S PILLS are a mihl, gentle, painlessSafe and efficient cathartic. Always reliable.

    lTOllCi.-THIE IOAItRD OF COUNTY COM-I missioners will meet on Monday, Aug. 14,1t9t, nt 1') a. m., as proFdadel by law, to fix therate of taxon and deoignuto the number of millson each dollar of valuatioa of proplerty in ILewisand C'larko county and for nuch other businessas may legally come before them.

    J. 8. 'fIOKEft. Clerk.Helena, Aug. 7, 1993.

    QT(okKiHOLURiSB MEETING.-NOTICE Iskt hereby giuen that the anneal meeting of theitockholders of the 1 eo Mining & Milling Com-pany of Montana will be hold at the office of thecomepany, room No. 410 Commorciel building.,t. Louic, Mo, on 'I hnrday, A•g. 17, 1893, at 12o'clock noon. fto the election of seven trusteesof said company to servo during the eneaingyear and to consider the future policy of thecompany and propol"d amendments to the by-laws. ft lEN, ) I). lAOIiIHILiN, President.Jolrn P. MYEu, Secretary.

    JlOPOSALS FOR MILITARY SUPPLIES.-I tfie of Chief Quartermaster, lDepartmenttf Dakota, Ft Paul, Minn.. Aug 1, 18e98.

    SE'LED PilOl'IeHALh, in triplicate, will berecei\fd at thil office, or at the following named,rosts, aod at tiolena. Mont., until 11 o'clock a.Ic.. on Sept. 1, [s09I, and opened then, for tur-ilishing and delivery of sons corn se may he ro-teire I luring the fiscal year ending June i0,tIo., at torts essinniboina. Custer, Keogh. andiCeama Merritt. Mont.; Forts inford, Pembina,and Yates. borth Dakota: forts Meado andSully. nouth Dakota; Fort Snelling. Minn., andCu'rt t'elloestono. WVo. C lank firms of twro-toreale with full instructlons to biddlers. will befut nihedl on application to this office, or to theleua termasters at the various points named.--' IIN V. FUIIEY, (Quartermaster, U. S. Army,Shioel )uartermas er.

    rUII IEO MINING & MILLING COMPANYof Malntrea, works lacatrd t' miles fromI:utta, Milror How county. Meontana.

    1 otico is hereby 0iven that at meeting of thetrueoua of sail comraun held on the day of,Inly. ."lc, an ateasestent of ono-half cent pershare wan levied upon the capital ateck of saideum•asn• pa•.•le on the 24th day of nsanst;

    9, toa John Ia Meyer. ocretary of said semnpany, at the oIca of the I , l itinsc & Millingrompany of Montansa, room 4to t.iomrreialbuilting, l . I t., i0. n s:atook npecl whichpaid asn1ea•ntmt shall remain anpald on the Itthday o Ansust. 18.43. shall be doomed dnlinquosntand will he duly advertierd for sale at toelicanotin, and onlesr payomet be made before,will be sold on thie tld day of tteptr uber. 1881, tonay the delicquent asesemrint. together withthe costs of udvertising and exlpenses of sale,

    JOHN 9. MiCYEi.reoretasy of said Conl any.oeso 410 Commercial nuilding, 1lt. Louni. Ml..

    itice of said Copalrpny.

    •o~lr 'rIefo ('IIE:)ITOt9--IN TI1E DIS-trict cosrt of th• First jadici't district ofthe state of M0taca, iu and fur thi countyof I.ewa er•d ( lartkLo.Iun !, matter ofl tl.e state of Fzllda Parent,

    deceasnie,oco i hroby riven by the nr,dersectned ad-minislrator of the eetarof it n Ia Ifa-

    ors, dtcea-rd, to the credi'ore of, andall fyrtoc.s i rrls claim,, nauir:t tio srcidd,. el:, te l7',it•t thoe withl the sirceisneryc,,'nher, w tirt ,r litur u:ontl,s uler tile tinr iU'.Slitxst ,,n c• : lt.t m.. ttrie eail arn llistrat: : r:t'.tie.w 1 ce cI Msasel llnt arin rt[r. e, bI. (idl:loo. r it *f ieJee'i isiselt of

    I ow,, sod , larke, stat. ,f tountana. Ire emhir•Ci t, e far i othe tracuactir O of le. Ltesi-, • a '.t •il estatU in couinty if x o0l:s and( lt ke.

    Altiriii.tralor of the!o :late of P!xllla l'ares.doa carrel.I at, :l July 29, i1'.

    iit~t~ttf . .. . .. L ciul y IflLI. '.. ... F"11..'....{•i o a te , ar. [I er y , ..I rr ll t:l (.t al., tIc-tirlt ari te.

    I I ' r aei, ii y ril lii o. f itn orun:r rf ta lt aneit."" r, i : ,,r .I, .,.r,e n d lr l. i' "re I. nrlt of theont o ,f " ri tireh, ii ' ,i forhe ecointy ,loui

    h''' }airk .,,. i r, thin 't acrai ad " sillilit . ii.I iorIl l 0 , l , , 1 Il " I i a! liO i, lite Itr it Ir ti o ,

    Ilk , I t.e-ll( r ' r' tc, ot C, o sl'" 2 elc tx .fi orhoad : i. ' lie•. oe . L .t h lVei it tl .i

    n, i lt I'. teai:tirt, 'iet. hliio ig i ti i, thir.l;'-y tii AII.,, A. o). oefor dh, e ro ,,e .- ,i t,;rt ofet at ' a, Ir eo , a, m ui ,'tl, tie t... 1), 1ar kli Ilelilg It I ti,, tIle n iyt I iiot a

    ,lirr t ree.1, , r:.tfl iana ,f" i tiltr de0 r i1budd anto. lln, l,.d a- fllhwo ti twi:aie c.,,,, eer xty (liu) tit e'r,.f lote r ete l er r le r

    ul. , hll h, i Itmt' r tvlyll }t'- of;a jt el e~rth,.r• k aclih Aoiitlut t~ ro. c yy sifiI irt. x t0I sl, ci sty of L,,i x orl t IlarI., tatetI v 1ti er with all , nd ,.in cosular t ie, s nsmietrt,

    here.l taortuhrh ash a; prx eaeier ,, there' bt-lieu c,,, or ,u 'it wlt, a te tautn'.,

    r oh.ic n, tcr rh. xx!,y k:" i• thet ,it Fridsy,I t at ,'t :.t tie: !ero t rlo,,r otf lien.o cu t

    ........ , :.......... I. i.. . .. n . l i, .itre kxty, hln-

    riceI., Utliiitr my hiead ehis third (lry oif ,i-

    for eeri (' tT•S, 'nhiril.Ily I ieo 1. ioe,ivL todoc ,bbrrxt.


    to ie in the air we breathe, the vWttesdrink. Tlhe germ of consumption 1 eywhere present The germ beginssoon as jt reaches a e oak spot hiCathrrh ronchitis, and a sorotulE etion, furnish these weak spots. Thew totight these germs--b a ear alver active and purl the blood .Pierce's Golden Meia Discovery,It builds up healthy flesh.

    It's puaranleedl in all bronchial, throat andlung affections; every form of sorofula, evenConsumption n its earlier stages. If the"Discovery" fails to benefit or cure, youhave your money back.

    Fortify yourself against disease by maingthe body germ-sroof, then you will aeyourself from grip, malaria, and many ofthe passing diseases,

    Too well known to need lengthy advertise.menlt-Dr. Sago's C(atarrrh HRiuedy.

    Helena Employment Agency24 EDWARDS STREET.

    Telephone 830. W. l. Coob, PreprietorWANTS-Walter girl for Boulder, $25. Seoond

    cook for hotel. 30 boarders, $10 a week.TO LET--lRailroad boarding house, free rent,

    ransoportation, wood and water. Two roomsfturnioled for light housekeoplng, $7 a month.Three room brick house, furnished, with water,$12.

    FOR SA LE-Thirteen cows with nine youngcalves, $825.

    EITUATIONS 1VAiANTED--FEMALAdvortisemeOL unser this heald thsetimen

    SITUATION WANTED--HY GOOD COOK;can giv' be t of references. Address Mras

    AI. i. 1(., tlis office.

    S1ITUATION WANTEID-BY YOUNG LADYSto work for board while learning mil-

    linery trade. Address V. M.., this odtio.

    ITUATI(-N WANTED-BY A REFINED,comlntont lady as housekeeper or compan-

    ion; highest references. Address Miss C., P. 13I, (sreat Falls.

    SITUATION WANTED - EXPERIENCEDwoman would go to families by the day to

    swooeep dust and put rooms in order. AddressAthelda, this office.

    SITUATION WANTED-BY WOMAN AScook or general housework ina small fam-

    ily. Address hi.. 1321 Helena avenue.

    SITUATION WANTED-•BY YOUNG LADYno nursery govorness: will do all children's and londing; hors more an ob-ieet than wages. Address Miss H. U.. this of-

    ,ITUATION WANTED-BY WOMAN TO DOdwashing or any kind of work by day or hour.

    Addrees 308 Blake street.

    SITUATION WANTED--1Y EXPERIENCEDS(oermn governess just arrived in America.

    Address Lels, care of this oflo.

    SITUA1TION WANTED-I- Y A YOUNG WO-men to do plain sewing; patching and darn-

    ing neatly done. Address UDoioro, this office.

    ITUATION "WANTED-B-Y A RESPECTA-blo widow lady to koep house for a few gen-

    tlemen who would prefer their own homoe toboarding out: or would be willing to take chargoof a gentlenmen's club the highest referencescan be given. Address A., office of this paper.

    SITUATION WANTED-TO COOK ONranch. Addro~se M. S. L.. this oflice.

    •ITUATION WANTED-IN MILLINERY )F-partment by competent woman as assistant

    trilnrlncr, miker and asleswoman. AddressMlrs. Ida Pl'otteot, care this ofice.

    ITUATION WAN : ED-ItY GERBMAN GIRlIto do hoa:owork in a small family. Inquire

    107 Warren street.

    S'IDUATIUN WANTED-BY GOOD COOKand oecond :cirl, or cook and chambermaid,

    at als i.entoL avenue. corner Nprucs street.lITUJATION WAN'IED -- POI'I1)N ASo houiekeoper on n ranch bya widow with

    one child. Addrdss Mrs. L. C. lioward, 218 W.Seventh street, Ht. Paul. Minn.

    SITUATION WANTEIDI-A RESPECTABLEindustrious young lady just arrived from the

    sast would like to got general honseworkt by theday. Address t. 'i., 200 North Hodnoy., or call.

    SITUATION WANTED-A LADY WITH tONEch Id would like a position on a ranch about

    tho middle of August. Address crs of P. W.,Chinook. Montana. ltate terms.

    SITUATION WANTED-BY A C(OMPETENTgirl to do cooking. i12 BIoulder avenue

    ITUATI()N WANT'ED-BY YOUNG GIRLar cook or to do light housekeeping. Ad-dtress M. L., this office.

    SITUATION WANTED-BY GItL TO DOgeneral tousework. Addre.s M. M.. this


    work o[ any kind by the day; 335 northlEwing strest.

    tITUAIION WANTED-IN A BMA1LL, FAM-3llr bya middle-ogsd lady. Addres Mrs.

    Germane, 1063 South First West, fali Lake City,Utah.SITUATION WANTED--BY A WOMAN TO

    do honuework. Address 10 bato street.

    ti'1T'kATIt)Ai 1VA'NTI'ED-M ALE.AdverWisements uusnr O u tUle u l ee times

    WVANTED--IOGT 8BT OF HOOKS TOkeep. by a bookkeeper who has spare time.J., I •x•Li.

    1, ',JANTED-POlITION BY AN IiNGINEER.v thoroughly posted on orunniug eletrieplant; also hfxiu tho electrical mlachiery. Ad-lreso 1110, thin office.

    SITA ION WANTED--BY MAN AND WIFEto cok in city or ata mining camp; canSivosgood referlnco. Address K. J., ares Gen-

    ral I slivery. 1'. 0.

    I'ITUA1 ION WANTED-AS TI:NOGRIIAPH-or, tyle,,writsr tidL general clerk; can fur-

    nirh loeProner trom oeastern ,purlsis to mycOslpoernsy in beoisec able to fill such a positioni restnired. Wm. latternfield. Choteos, Mont.

    tITUAI'ION WANTED-AH T"I~EAM-MlEoR ORofto take cro of horses. Addroes 0. W., this

    ITUATION WANTED--IY "I I:Tr r-('LABrollor mll__ r.h (ioo_ renfern_ frnisl._.

    I ddrcs J. It. ., this o riic !elu,, hont.

    \'ANTD-- I•CI,:IAABIE MEN li•ll t'I-;RMA-tint io.ltion. i ddrsos in lie;; handwrit-ic., inelos-irbarredilt isd refernc

    5. .\. T0 Mor-ti%, raie thhi lils er.

    "ANT''/': TWO) •L'OUN I.\ ,l:; NEWS-agenta on t horn i'cill ral. Applyto now.. ifir, teiNl~,. Moslt I~an; iir Ilidle

    @1 It l: i!\I'-- I t 1 S:I N , r I-It tt

    o il Il.N1'- NI,' lIY Fltl'. fil1 Is lOOMof trnr, or RUzI, all illr nliso tmst a

    i~~~n relonieiri rrn. 'lii.rin 1. It.; Ia Rir t.

    I F" ( ' i ''S NI' F' i'I IMOty. I I i;N(:NI8EDfor hon rkrxi+lnu Apply :;l 1s, at, 0 street.

    -- r Ior ' ia ii+ n t,.,JI lrio fir light I It lUOO;4 t. iSl irrckori .o' r 1troIr.

    i 'I 'liii; ll: AIIV l ., INI, 1 1 IilSro~ +in nw rin o bi")"id t.1the Me-

    "onalil hoir: , IA North tr aini nmr ". ii. A.NiI),'ald 1otrnonr.____

    till 11i':1 I 41: I IM)l~i II'iutil : S TI.F Iii tr iuut tIat,122Noirth Ii, I',rrbro1;01 ttNI ,A1tlK EI, PI ilItitglMD

    I n t v, ' n' it or en sits: ti ll o ldrnLoly n yaator ninth. homer

    rI nt y AN It Its,'I 1 t. 1I s i ll' l,

    ri01 i: 1,. 1 ',io .1i +I s It' n .L oard, at It: North lirntuni anppii 'T1

    IRi~ fit .'' .1/(.),r AND l~siui A Lt.

    15nrna ~ t Imalt~,"itt I, Ihotal inrarel~aal

    Illi ll.IN1 NICELYI f~i Irit, LIVE

    t'I40 1l 1 IN i UlitaiLI tli hi II: iI1v.Larmeat liset iu tIh11 cito iriIttlial hotel.

    et jointn! ts! ranlge, tat nt up 1Q0 to 30tons at nYto (eod se at euithic tiitoIMonte,cuts. cep, nee, Lioeas, (Alotl

    and eal table a n t ruitli% thaispe-t,pewrlO au tb •ruito en. mu.; be an0F a ..


    Thompson look.- o o ltio r.


    red ow, half of one horn broken off, bobtailed.branded P on hip; reward. Address L. L. 1.10Phoenix avenue.

    SOST-PAIR OF OLO-RIMIMEDI) GLASSESBSand chain, Monday. Please retorn to 1103Fast State street.

    M OIC .Lf.AN OUS.

    MTONTANA NATIONAL BANK W (ORTII-cates taken at par. Herbert B. Reed & Co.

    WANTMD-A SADDLE HORSE TO KEEPfonr his boardi good care. Address T. V.

    0rr1i Eglloylnl Agicy.212 Eortat Mlan Street. Telephone 10I

    -W ANTED-f10 see!onmen near Ilntte; fre fare.

    10 section men near Great Falls; free fare.1 girl. general housework, city, $25.1 girl. country, 125.It woodchonpesi. 1.25 per cord.1 first-class baker for (dreat Falls, 50.

    -FOR BALE-

    Two span matched bay horses, wagon and her.ness.

    MONTANA MARBLE WORKSWrite for Prices.

    OffVie and Yard Lower Main street. Helena.


    $800-Neat well built cottage on Sparta street,three good sized rooms, newly finished. clooet.,pantry cellar, city water, lot 50x12. estable: $25per month; good location for keeping cows andchickens.

    0850--Now cottage of four rooms, cellar, goodbarn and over half on asre of groulnd. immedi-ately adjoining city limits on south and withinfifteen minutes' walk from the court hbse: ju tthe place for poultry or rows; e 10 down, $25per month: buildings insured three years for$000. policy thrown in.,

    t1,u0--hix-room dwelling recently built, oneart side; shed, feoel, city water, lot ox50x140;$50 down. 15l per month.

    $I.010-New six-room dwelling on east side,and two fine level lots, each 50x140; MontanaNational certificates taken.

    $,100-Handsomo new dwelling on corner oflenton and Hollins. on electric line: hilt. six Irooms. city water; lot 6ox120; mortgage of $1.200to run thre ye{ars; alnl take Montana Nationalcertificates for equity, 57(0.

    $2,500-Nhew brick on eastslde fourblocks seutli of Broadway: hall.t, seven rooms,three closet!, alcove, bith room fully plumbed,pantry cellar, hot and cold water; hail, parlorand sitting room finibhed tn oak; house nieey Ipapered throughoht; shed: lot 42xt02; ,•0kdown.

    $6,000--Nw coven-room brick dwelling, mod-ern, on eat side; on purchaseor assenumig 2.00ftortgage; will take $1,000 in Montana Nationalcert fiaotes.

    O2r60-l-oruse and furniture, house lua hall,six rooms. closets, pantry, cellar, city water inkitchen, good outbuilding and fences: honusewas specially built for present owner abuntthree years sag for permanent residence, but Iphysician'se orders demand change to lower alti-tnude; tie house is completely fornishbe: theterms are $100 down, $25 per month, practicallya oheap rent for the house, but every dollar ap-plies on the pnrchase money; anyone who is py-ing rent for furnished hose would do el to ilook into this chance to buy house and furnitre Iwith no greater monthly expenditure than rent-n4,000--ix-room brick dwelling on corner of

    1lentan and tilbert streets; elegant lot, havingseventy- five feet frontage on Henton and 15 feeton Gilbert. Montana National oertlficates taken.

    '.850--Attractive ten-room Idouble) framedwelling on Bodney street; city water, sewerconnection, finest lawn and trees in Hrlena: lot1Ox0210: good outbuildings; convenient to sahooir;0650 down.

    UNIMPROVED PROPERTY.For which certificate of deposit on the MontanaNational will be accepted at par.

    $400-Lot 80x140 on parts street.1500-Lot 0xt410 on Mis•oula avenue.225--Lot 50xl10 on Prospect street, adjoining

    Olowerree addition.5850-Two lots on peosta avnue, one blockfrom electric line. two blocks from Fenton

    $1,010- -For 100 feet on Benton avenue, a l oln- Iing electric line.

    x2.500-Corner adjoining Hauser addition, hav-ing frontage on Uearborn avenue of 111 feet; onebloek from two e!ectris lines.l0 choice lots in different earte of Broad-water addition at prIces from |Ioo Up, for which

    toatkna National certificates of deposit will be

    LOANB WANTWID.\re have applications Ifr 8500 at 12 per centen house and Ilt worth 51.100 to $1.100; 51,000 to

    01.000 at 11 per cent on cooastt warrants; 54.000on acre property adjiining Helena worth 012,-100:• 03 on ranch worth P5000, and a nember ofothers. r

    A fine liet of ranches in Gallatin, Bitter Boot I

    MATHESON & C.,iold Otlok. c

    ltebocca RlbherdTon A deOcPdministrator olthe estate of ltbsoca tiiehardaon.

    rsecsed. to rbe areditere of and all personshaving claims aginst the mid dceseed, to ex-hibit them, with ths nsoessry vonehemr, withinfour 141 months after the first pnublioation oa this-otice, to the said Joseph It, Ksncek nubleo ad-ministrator. at his o~eff in the (oIsd block, inthe city of Iselena. Montana. the same being theplaes for the transaction of the businee o saaidsetate in the county of Lewis and Clerk,.

    JOBEI'H N. KENCE.-dmintetrator of the estate of oebccra Richard-son, deoseaed. IDated Helene. Mont., July It 1091..

    ST. PAUL

    Foudry Company,Manufacturers of


    Founders, Machinists, Black.smiths and Pattern Makers.Send for cuts of columns. Workson St. P., M. & MI. Railroad,near Como avenue. Office 212land 2z3 Manhattan Building, St.

    Paul.0. M. POWER,

    Secretary and Treasurer.

    TIs HULENA IND•PENDENT ison sale by the following news-dealers in this city aend state, andin Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Wash.ington, California and Minnesota,who will furnish single copies orreceive subscriptions for the dailyor weekly:


    Swend Carlse .................. South Main StSwend Carlon................,.l Slouth Main StFred Eass ...................... North Main ItT. H. Clewell......................Gold BlockWoodman & ader................C..C er StoreB. W. Kllis........... Motor Ofes, Power ElockO. W. Carpenter..... Broadway. neat MerchantsGoodman & Co......Corner Broadway and MainJ. Wendell ........................ 107 Bridge StJ McCorminck...... ....... t06 North Itodney Sttroadway Flsh Market.... Near Merochant HotelM. Gaardan....................25 North Main StA. Ferruson.................... •2 orth MainStJ. Rohrbaugh .................... Grandon HotelB. Warmker...... Corner Broadway and JacksonMrs. Garoke...................... Eighth AenceBroadway Groeory Co .............MS BIroadwayJ. A. Allen ............... Grand Central HotelEdmund FIer........Corier BSixth Av. nd ParkA. Austin.. Broadway. next to nadependent ofliceDaniel Morgan..............I07 North Rodney RlWm. Welnstein........Corner Main andBixth AHotel Helesna............ ............ Grand StFi. Menhelm ............... Coamnooolian HotelC. . ttnbbs...Triangle Drug Store, N. 1'. Depot


    3. W. I later............ ................ MisetilaGildvrslove & Charet..........................GraniteP. A. Sohenbr .......................PhilipsburgChas. Williame .......................... GraniteKing & Kennedy................. ... AnacondaW. 1. Burkett...........................Deer LodgeC. D. Kenyon.........................Deer LuderJohn Andrew. .......................... lkhornJ. 1N Walter............................Townsendliusineki Bros.........................ozemanUeo, Itafaf.................................'olderHotel May .................. Boulder Hot SpringsU. A. Matthews.......................Marysvlle(:. erereman............................ MarysvilT. W. Warren .............................. nuttoJ. D. Hayes...........................Blast HelenaW. B. George................ ....... ...BillingsThos. Person & Co .................... Red LodgeiiBainski Bros . ...................... iles CityMrs. Barnes ................................. CastleA. Croonquiet........ ........... LivingstonJ. O. Sax & Co.......................LivingstonW. B. Annin & Co ............. ... LvingstonL. A. Marsh .............................. KalispellW. B. Herring...................... KalispellF. W. Euckson..........................KalspellNelson Walker ACo..............Columbia PallsA. S. McDonald.......................Wolf CreekW. F. Burgy..........................Great FallsR. M. Calkins.......................Great PallsA. G. Redding........................Groat eallsMapes & )Lahigren............ .......Great FallsHuret oeos............................ Great FallsW. E. Chamberlin..................Great FallsMax Muir. ........................... Great Falls


    J. C. McGinley ......................... Salt LakeMcCartney & Co..........................OgdenThe Owl News Co.......490W 2d S St., Balt Lake


    Smith & eon............ 90 Sixteenth St., Denver


    1. W. Graham...........................pokaneJ. F. Biggs .......Postoffice hews Stand. SeattleMercer & Nathan........10 S. Second St.. SeattleWenatcheo News Co.................. WenatcheeOtto P. Johnson.......................Wenatchee

    Funk's News Depot........ Pacifie Av.. Tacoma

    CALIFORNIA.R.C. Wilbur........ F'aee Hotel. San Francisco

    MINNESOTA.Wilbur Tebbile....... Merchats Hotel. St. PaulWillard S. Dennis.......... Hotel Ryan, St. Fau


    Electric Blasting ApparatusManufactured and for sale by

    Laflin & Rand Powder Co.29 MURRAY ST., NEW YORK.

    SHERIFFB IBALE - HENRY DUIGNAN.James Dunan saend L .M Jensen. oo-part.

    ner doing businee. under the firm name oforthwestorn htone Supply Company, plain-

    t. vs. Montanv Club, atrseseona ollard. FirstNational Bank eo Heloena Montan. Helesa Co-operative icranit. and 1andstone Company, andI rant Jezikct. John Jeziok and Pen Hahn, co-partners am Jeaick Froe. & Hahn. defendants.

    Under and by virtue of an order of rpalend de-cree of foreclosure end eele issued out of thedistriot court of the First judielal district of thestate of Montnas. in and for the county ofLewis and Clarke on the of th day of June.A. ID. 1816, in the above entitled action, whereinHenry Iuignan. James Lugnan and L. M. Jln-sen, co-prtnis doieg bnoness under the firmname of worthweatern t one upply ('ompany,the above named plaintiffs, obtained a judgmentand deaere of forecl.esrs and sale sratuet Men-tanns (lb, Massens ksullerd, First NationalRlank of Helena, Montana. Helena Co-operative(raniteo nd Sandstone Compny an4 Frank Jen-iok, Jeziek and Uen Hahn, co-partnere asJoziok Pros. & IIehn, defendsnts, on thl1Oth day of June, A. 1). 1805, for the sumof $1.7la.70, besides inteest, acots and at-torner's fees. which said dreree wae on the 20thday of Junn e. . it .11 reroded in judg-ment bri k No. - of raid court dat o•enI am commanded to ell all those certain lot.riece or parcels of land, situate, lying and be-inton the oou ti Lewis an Cliarke, Statf gMontana. and bounded and dusoribed as ol-

    lows. to-wit:So mrurc of lots numbered two (2) three (I)sUd f cur in block numbered foar hondred five(hl05t of tb original townestr of the city of isel-eta, as is inclnded In the following boon aris•.to wit: Pegiasing at the lnterseotlon of thewestern line orf loller avenue or ui lhh sarcet orCenter street and the northeauterly line of Sixthavenue or Pries street. the poist of intersec-tion eing en the southuast corner of sild letonmbered two (1) of block numbered four hun-dred five (i40) of said Hellns toewnite: runningthence northerly along tlhe west line of hollerasvenue or Gulch street on hbuedred fifteen tili)fot theooe wecterly parallel with the north lineofi said lot numbered four (4) aitty (t0) feetotheneoo southsrl parallel with the west line ofraid lots three (u) and four (4) eventy-two andone-half (72() feet more or tees to the northeasutline of ltah avenue or Price treet. thence

    ulthetaeerly along the said northeaseet line ofSxlth avenue or PriceLOstret Oventy-fle (7•) frteto the plimo of beeinning

    Together with all and singular the tenements,here Jltsment and appurtensapce thereunto be-longine or In airywlee spertalaingo

    'ublio notloo ia hereby given that on Tosedal,tfie 2!dii y of AUgust. A. 1.111. al 12 o'olos1m.of that dayat the frontdoor of the rcourt huloe.irlena,. Lewle and ('larke county Mlontnna. 1will, in obedience Io raid order of saie and dereeof frIcelanre and sale, sell the abovadroribedprolerty, or .o much ti erol at may be

    eoresary to etiefy said jedgicfu .nt ntsretand eotos, to the hllhst and best bidder for oeshIn band.

    Oiven under my hand thUis st day of July,S CHIARLF .06 CURTIS. beri.By Flnm . ioe. Under beglit.



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