the hawaiian star. › bitstream › 10524 › ... · 2015-06-02 · just thlnlc it over and make...

tTMlT RXOKFT I'UIILIHIKD APTKIlNIKIrl IVNIIAV, THE HAWAIIAN STAR. T n IN VKNTl TKIIMII AtlVAROI. A MONTH .J tl 1 i VOL. 111. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WHDNIiSUAV EVENING, NOVKMMBU 13. 1895 NO. 8lt Beyond Doscription Tho Mlsory Boforo Taking Tho Happlnoss AftorTaklng HOOD'S. Mr. JU 11. mhop llammoiiton, N. J. " a L llood ft Co., Lowell, Mast. , "DearBlrsi I liars been In poor health for 90 or 23 yean, and hare been taking doctors' medicines more or less all tlio time. I did not get much relief. Mr Mood rs lnaba.1 ahapo and my system was all run down. I thought I must die, but noticing sereral testimonials In tho papers In behaU ot Hood's SarsaparlUa, I bought three bottles and loond that It did me to "VX" ?ml ,hat 1 eontliraed taking It I waa without appetite, alothfulljr alcepr, and had a SSSSiS.Vi'f" ""MUme. m 'act I cannot T!2SbVBTt'nSf,. After using one bottle Barsaparllii I found It wu doing mi HoodVsCures a much good and now I cannot praise tho medi- cine too much lor what It has done for me. I am a disabled soldier eg years old and was af. Kli?iltll.m?,1Ir "'"'', Including kidney, catarrh. using bottles it K'iEfWrt lSm "k0 "nollier man ?k Sarsanarllla saved mr life." It. U. IlieHop.Boi uo, Hammonton, N. J. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet easy In action. Bold by all druggists. IBc lloliron Drug Company Wholesale Aeents. Claus Spreckels & Co, 13 A. JV It 13 1 S , HONOLULU II. I. Issue Sight anil Time Dills of Ex- change, also Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Credit on tho principal parts of tlio world. Purchase approved Bills. IHnke luiuis 011 iicccpliililc . Receive deposits on open account and allow interest on term deposits. Attend promptly to collections. A iit'iierul KanklliK IIiisIiicks IrmiKiiclcu. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, FOUNDBD I8O8. Capital, - - $6,000,000 Assets, - - $0,000,000 Having been appointed agents of the above Company we are now ready to etiect Insur ances at the lowest rales, ot premium, H. W. bCIIMIDT & 8ONS, C. BREWER & CO., LTD Qneen St., Honolulu, H. I., AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Onomea Sugar Co., Honomu Sugar Co., Wat luku Suear Co.. Waihee Buerar Co., Makee Sugar Co., Haleakala Ranch Co., Kapapala Ranch. Planters' Line San Francisco Packets. Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston PacketB. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters- - Agents i'Miaueipiua uoaru or under, writers, List of Officers : ' P. C. Jones President Quo. H. HOBEHTflON Manager B. F, Hiskop..... .Trees, and Secy. Col. W. F. Allen Auditor C. M. Cooek H. Watehhouse.. Directors A. TV. Cabteb.... ) PqoIId J?, PnnU llri UUOUU UL UUUMj) LIU I LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Agents. AGENTS. FOB NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL Life Insurance Co OF BOSTON. .ffiTNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, CONH To . , . Coffee and Fruit Planters! IIllo Acenoy THEO. H. DAY1ES & CO. Ltd., Stocks of necessary Tools and Implements, etc., etc, on hand at their HILO DEPOT. ODOL Unequalled Teeth. the for Another shipment of this wcllknowu Dentifrice and Mouth Wash on hand, Tho Antiseptic Odol prevents decay and destroys entirely all matter injurious to the teeth, For tale at Drug Storet and at H. HAOKFELD & CO. ' Bala Agent for Hawaiian Islands. WiEKMr Stab, f 1.00 per year' Hill I'ATIONAI.. Home l:sttrtlnni rrnm a tnnrnal le voted til hrtinols, Towhsend's frngrtSBhe Ldnentor Tlie attitude of the public, and especially of the press, of tlie Ha- waiian Islands towards education and educational progress is very gratifying to those especially inter- ested in this line of work. The voice of the press is almost unan- imously in favor of any educational improvement proposed, ' We arc free from carpiiiR criticism of the schools and front complaints about our really magnificent expenditure for school. All this is matter lor pride and gratification to those hav- ing the future of the country nt heart. There seems to be a flourishing colony of normal departments 111 Honolulu just now. There is one at Kamehameha School for Boys, one at Karuehameha School for Girls, one at Oahu College, and one at the new High School. And it is hardly safe to say that there are no others. They are springing up with bewildering rapidity. All a this shows the trend of educational thought and activity. 1 he coming legislature will have larger school attendance to deal, with than its predecessors; and this! will call for larger expenditures. The provision in the new Constitu tion that no public money shall be expended on schools not wholly under control of the Board of Edu- cation is in some degree responsible for the increased attendance at public schools; but for the most part it represents an increase in the total school attendance ol the country. Mrs. W, II. Meek, who 'resides at Camptonville, Cal., says her daughter was for several years troubled at times with severe cramps in the stomach, and would be in such agony that It waB necessary to call in a physician. Hav- ing read atmut Chamberlain's Culic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy she con- cluded to try it. She found that it alwas gave prompt relief. It was sel dom necessary to give tlie second dose. "It has not only saved us lots of worry and time," she says, "hut also doctor hills. It is my opinion that every family should havo a botltlo of this remedy in of the nouse. for sale by an dealers Benson, Smith & Co., General Agents. of Hawaiian Islands. pat MANAGEMENT CHANGED. AVe call attention to tho fact that no havo secured and will plnco tho ILANIWAI BATH HOUSE In perfect order. This delichtful bath ing resort will be made tho best on the beach. Bath room a will be added and tho grounds beautified. Commencing November let, tho place willbe under mo management 01 mo uawanan iioiei. P. M. LUCAS, MANAGER. Bargains CLOCKS, niicl .... JBWBLRY. Lowest rrices for Cash. GREAT BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN Thomas Lindsay in Campbell Block, Merchant Street. TO so WAIANAE Saturdays & Sundays Trains will leave on Saturdays at 0:15 a.m. and 1:15 p ni., arriving in Hono- lulu 3:11 p. m. and 8:20 p. m. Train will leave on Sundays at 0:15 a. ra. arriving In Honolulu at 5:33 p. m. ROUND TRIP TICKETS: 1st Class 81.70 3d Class F. C. SMITH, Gen'l. Fass, and Ticket Agent Mr. Soda-Wat- er Drinker We think our Soda- - wator is tho best. town. Wo want you to know so. Como onco onco will bo enough to give you that knowledgo ; and tho satisfaction of know ing you'ro drinking Pure Fruit Flavors goes witU that knowl- edgo. Our glasses aro t h o r o u glily washed ; that's an added satis faction that doesn't mako tho plcasuro of soda-wat- drinking less keen. BENSON. SMITH & CO. Weekly Brui, f 100 per year, INDIGESTION And Liver Complaint cuhi:o nv usivi Ayer'sSarsapaHlla Mr. T.J. CLUNE, nf Walkers llle.K, Anslralla, writes I "His years sgo, I bad an nltark of lii.lliea. lion and l.lrer t'oinplntui that lasted tor weeks I was unable lo iln any bard work, bad nn apiH-tll- fn.,,1, e.l me, and uHcrotuiuch from heariadie. My skin was Alton- and Mfpn not trfreMi me. I tried several reuMifis mid cninu.tPil a doctor, to Million. niitHlnliiK an j' nilefi lliia,y, mm nt my ruF.loiiifri ircoDinitjiiuon A)tN baisap- - to flftir laklKR lx Imttlei I was cotitpletiMy curffl.nnd could eat an) thing and bleep like child." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Ha9 cured others, will euro you. JJado for Ir. J.C. Amr & Co., Ixm ell. Maia.iu!sA HOLLISTER DRU&CD., WHOLESALE AGENTS. a Cook's Music School. Paop. E. Cook, for fifteen years, Principal of Cook's Musical Institutes Portland, Oregon, is prepared to give Piano , T'ct'ce ami Harmony lessons. For terms apply at the Studio, WAitlNQ'S BU1LDINO, Here tan fa tit. WILLIAMS' ART GALLERY. of Having resumed business and taken advantage of the past two weeks to renovate our studio we are better pre- pared than ever to fill orders for views ancient Hawaii and, of the stirring events of the late troubles. Portraits the leading characters a specialty. Our portrait department is open for engagements; and our work, as in the t will be up to all of the modern ad vaLC mients in our line. of This space is reserved for the Hawaiian Wine Company. Hawiian Electric Company. as The cleanest, brightest tafest and really, the lone run, the cheapest and best light for use In the family residence, is the Incan- - descent electric light, Safe; nothing could uo saier. a iew aars aco a rronuneni. ceu- - tlenian of Honolulu came rushing down to the oftlce of the Electric Company and said: "Give me figures for wiring my house, and I want It done at once: no more lamns for me. Last night a lamp tipped over and it came near setting fire to the house and burning mycimuren ana i take no more risics." This i the sentiment of quite a number in the past few weeks, who have ordered their houses fitted with the perfect light. Just thlnlc It over and make up your mind that you want the best and safest light; send for the Hawaiian Electric Company and tell thorn what vnn want. U'n have a mmnletfl stock of evervtbinz in this line and have just received a lot of the very latest designs iu chandeliers. OR YOKOHAMA AND HONGKONG. The Al Steamship "ASLOUN," .1,000 Tom, Is due on or about NOVEMBER 15. and will have immediato dispatch for the above ports. For particulars of Freight and Passage apply to THEO. II. DAVIES & CO., Limited, 800-- td Agents. P0I! P0I! E. Van Doorn & Co. , Fort St. Next Lucas' riantiiR Mill will have franh every day Maolilno - Mado Pol rilOM TUB KAUHI POI FACTORY, Which will be aoM to families lo larseor email quamuies. jno uomaiurn r uuinu ed. Tbltt 1K1 U made wltU boiled water. W. L. WILCOX. !90-f- Proprietor Kalllil Pol Factory. Whirt Bicycles Aro Doctored. Bicycle sureery. Acute and cbronlo cases treated wt'h assurance of success, Languid tires restored to health and vigor. Tires blown up without pain. Wind free. Wi understand the anatomy, physiology and hygiene of wheels, and give liomceo-- 1 pathio or ollopathlo treatment as individual cases require. Dure euro guv vimi. T,tltmnntalt!"llv wheel had three ribs fractured and you cured it In one treatment11 "My tires were suffering with a case cf mtA nnnurlBtn. which hod been nronounced fatal by other bicycle doctors, but you cured the disorder and I did not lose a day ot my tour." I was troubled with varicose tires, n YOlvtn frequent ruptures. You cured we," DR. H . OOOTEH, BICYCLE SURGERY, 107 KING STREET Wf tvAi.i.hii'N iii;i tt It In Mr.. U1lr, WASIIINrtTOV. Oct. a.i. Mm. Waller has not yet had nn Inter-- j view wuii uic secretary oi state because of nbsence of her papers. These arrived today and (the will go before (be Secretary with (hem In company with her attorney nq soon as he can classify (he docu- ments. The representation which she will make is intended to cstab Hsh the presumption of innocence on the part ot her husband. She will exhibit nmong other docu-men- u all the letters written to her by Mr. Waller after his arrival in TAtnatave previous to those on the strength of which he was arrested, and these will show that Mr. Wal- ler instead of attempting to inform the llovas of the movements of the French, troops, in correspondence with his wife, refrained from all reference to such questions except caution her against any act which could be construed as partial the natives. Of Connie. The alienee of the foreftt nbout them. There uerenlsn ant hill, but they were loo far away to cut any figure. She drew her mantle more closely about her blender form and fthhered. The be-- t literature iroe to fchow that there ww nothing unusual or outre in the proceeding He irlared fiercely at the tuft of mo? on neighboring o.ik. Aha," he hissed. I Rhall uiko mr life." She spake not in reply. 'I)o you not think," he demanded, that with your heart cold toward me. I wore better dead f" bhe fiighed. les. Mr. Diuklnsnoouer." nhe unld. nml her voice was like the gentle purling of the brook, "If It'n warmth jou'ro after, I dare ay 3 on arc right." A throstle lu the nelKhborins thicket emitted a lend and dlsKouant note. Presently they might have beenceen hur rying ftlleutly hence. Detroit News-Tr- tl une. I'lcturra on the Cloudi. It has been found possible, says Pro fessor Dolhear, by imnlojlng inrue lcnes prapcr focal length, to project pli turra upn tho clouds. Pruhalily lu n few yearn, or winner, one iw he rules nlonrr tin- - highway on n cloudy da) will be nbloto read u.crhcad liow bttmtor Smith nn snatched from the ;ravu by a few do-- of oneji' Infruliolo pi Is. Ijo well (Jourli-jr- , Election of Officers. PRINCEVILLE PLANTATION CO. At the Ailjoumed Annual Meetlnc the 1'nixcKViLLE Plantation O m- - rANV, held (his day, the following named were elected to act as ofllcers of the Company for the ensuing year, viz,: W. F. Allen. Esq... Pres. nnd Trcas. E. F. nishop....Secy. and Auditor. A. S. Wilcox, Esq I P. C. Jones, Esq... Directors, O. II. ltobertson.Esti... ) E. V. IHSIIOP, Secretary. Dated Honolulu, Oct. 10, 189.1. 791-l- Election of Officers. WA1LUKU SDGAR COMPANY. Notice is hereby given, that at the ad journed Annual Sleeting; of the Stock- holders of the Wailuku Sun a it Com- pany, held this day, the following named were elected to Berve aa the Ofllcers of the said Company for tho ensuing; year, vlz:- - 8. U. Allen, Esq President, W F. Allen, Esq., ..Vice President, Geo II. Robertson, Ebq.(.Treasurer, M, P, Robinson, Esq., .....Auditor, E. F. Bishop, Secretary, The above named to also constitute the Board of Directors of the Company provided by me by laws. Secretary. Dated Honolulu, Oct. 22, 1695. HELP! That's what we're giving you, help to savo you inoiiuy, By convincing you in plain talk aim plain figures that you can SAVE MONEY by buy in" of us . , . Smyrna Rugs $1.75 Now you know tlio prico come and see tlio rugs. . . No Nnd For Sleepless Nights Mattresses made over and returned tho same day. Telephono 406, wo do tlio rest. Roller Top Desks $40.00 - - - No ofHco or library conipleto without one. Ono kov locks it 1G small, 4 largo Jll'OOll.IlolCS. 2 small, 8 largo .Drawers. I I Arm, ltests. I I HOPP & CO. Furniture Dealers, Cor, King and Bethel Yalcs Skin Food removes wrinklos nml all trnpfs of iifje. ItifowlH tlmmyli tin-pore-s ami builds up tlio fatty iiioinlir.'iiifH ami wasted tissues, nourislies tlio Bhrivelled and slinmken skin, tones nml in vigorates tlio nerves and mus cles, enriches tho impoverish- ed blood-vessel- s, and supplies youth nnd elasticity to tlio action of tlie skin. It s perfect. Vale's Skin Kood. price and $i, at all drue stores. MME. .11. YALE. Health and lleautr SpechliM. 14ft State St., Clilcaco, lleauty Oulde innilcd free nt THE HODRON DRUG CO., Sole Agents. TRADE HONOLULU " " fugal. The C. Abies Charles J. the inventor to Patent On tho 26lh day of C. Abies H. V. Walton a Patent No. to vend imanas. o Hawaii Francisco have M in ujipiieu. uuwniu hercbv persons genuine I'kelvss buying, selling or using lie ulrect Mark; a violation using sucu paint lo Claim uamages Law, October ig, the SALE. Ono All llrn.'w IMiiUo Actinic Korro I'limp, .1 Inch ami ilinclmtun nllli S.V) fift Hi Inrli llorc At n tuir(?alii ono KiikIIsIi ilo rnrt tiii,ortil. Ono rovulvln ornu to J, tf. n Nimnnti utrprt. 245 Is tlio TEUSlitOSK NUM- - uku to up when yuu wnnt WnoiiM for FURNITURE MOVING which, when properly lirindlril, Is n e pleasure Inatnul worry cxatioii. , , LARSEN'S EXPRESS Is prepared to move anything from nn nmenument ton or mnrlng, Special facilities appliances MOVING ntul pedal rates for nil kinds work, ILiggnge weighed nnd hand baggage In stateroom saving annoyance lo the traveling public. WM. LARSEN, Prop. nt IXL. Nuuanu King MAKK. "V"slJ3j W ssM Valvoljne OILS Valvoline IRON WORKS SOLE AOi:NT8. B Valvoline Cylinder Oil. R. R. " Publico " Macliine C. " " E. " " i( " " Magnet White Dynamo Valvoline Ma- - ,iT. il Sncclnllv iimnufncturpj Ccntrl- - CH1H6 Vjll, nnd Dynamo.. West Virginia Lubricating Oil. . HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., To All Who Use Paint. undersigned, I,. Wagner, L'AIST the exclusive rigit manufacture, use and sell the L'bbKLhrSS 1'ltKSEItVlNO TAINT in the Islands. for Peerless SEl'TESlllEU, and make. ue ami I'KEltLKSS Hawaiian marKanrougiiout iccpuuiic Bts, parties Honolulu, From most FOR EMMKLUTII, S23 scratching for PIANO all Stand cor. Kts " u for Hawaiian CO., and II. Walton, purchased from of PKIiltLKSS IMlEHKltVlNU Preserving Paint. 1801, the Republic of granted to 110 granting to them the e.rctitirerialit PllhSKttVIKO PAINT the me oi .'U years. recently been sending to Honolulu ui rrnuui being defrauded into using any the which be obtained only of Abies Infringement of 1'atent ana Trau subjecting tlie persons buying, selling or uy ub in accoruatice witu me nawaui h. C. ABLF.S. WAWON, reliable Factories. Trade Mark for Peerless Preserving paint. Remibllo Hawaii Im9 mauled to L. O. Abies anil H. P. thee.nlum-euseotlie;mrl- PEKHLESS l'UKSKItVJKO as a trade- - me Imitations. Certain in San P. P. under the name of Pekklukh Prehervino Paint a spurious article not only in- ferior to the genuine jmint, but one which is positively injurious to metal to lb may warn all against I'ukbehvimi l'.UNT, wauon. thromihoul Warning Against Infringement. also hereby all iiersons buying, belling or using any articl under the name of Pf.ehlos Pitt'EHVlNO Paint that sold us as such will u and of our riguts, a lor 1895. suction Imker'n Apply No, rins Judith of nml nml with- out and of checked and placed and Hawaii lor term can and our H. The of ab-- Walton PAINT uuy Wo but Wh warn against except by JUST RECEIVED EX S. S. BELCIO, Large Invoice of MANILA CIGARS HOLLISTER & CO., TOBACONISTS. H. E. McllMTYRE $c BRO., IMPORTHKS AND DBALRKS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed. East Corner Fort and King Streets. New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern Ptates and Europe Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended t and goods delivered to nay part of the cltyfree o( charge. Island orders solicited. Batl of action guaranteed. Telephone No. Fast Ofnos Box No. lis. Ripans Tabules Mrs. J. A. Hurler, nf Hlinrpn Imrg, Kentucky, stalest "For enrs I was troultled with Indigestion In n vrry Imd form. My was toor, and nt times 1 sufTered with severe headaches. 1 saw Itipnns Tabules adt ertUed hi our town paper and sent to Mt. Hterling for two lioxe, which 1 Used, The Indigestion Is n thingnf the past, my appetite Is splendid. 1 havo tio mure headaches now, and am gaining in Mesh. Klpans Tabules are the best medicine for the stomach, nnd 1 always keep them lu the house.' (Signed) M lis. J. A., KharpKbtirg, Ky." SI IUmn Tatiii.p are wilil y lrim1ftf, or ! nmll tf thP l'rlro t.'iOcenti n Ihh) in t to t lie Hlpann L'lif ti.leu.1 CnTninnv, Nn. 10 Hpruco St., Nt-- York. Hum pie lOiciitu, EquilcMc Life Assurance Society of the United States, BRUCE CAHTWHIGHT, General Manager for Hawaiian Islands, MRS. BOLTON. New York Dressmaking Parlors, 117 FOHT STHEET, Next to Seattle Houmo. . S. HUMPHREYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office with J. A. Magoon, Mer- - chant street. OHAS. SEYDONE SIGN WRITER and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Next to tlie I'ort HI. House. I)R. E. C. SURMANN, Hoa removed to E. M. NAKUINA, Comnnssioticr of Trivatc Ways and Water Rights. Notury It4itllo Agent to Q rant Marriage Licenses. Mutual Telephone 02A. WILLIAM WAGENEIt, CONTHACTOU AND DUILDEH, Hecnd Floor Honolulu Hulling Mill, Fort U All Kinds of Jobbing Promptly At- - tended to. P. O. Box S.H7. 1 eleimoiie 240. LEWIS & CO. IMl'OKTKIU. Naval Supplies. Wholesale and Retail Uealera In uroceriea, I'rovtaions, etc. Ill Fort St.. Honolulu, H. I. II. PHILLIPS & CO. Wholesale lmiorUr and Jobbers of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, of Corner Fort and Queen Bts., Honolulu. Mtf II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fort Street, Honolulu. M. S. GHINBAUM & CO. Lim l(el. HONOLULU II, 1 Commission Merchants and Importers of General Merchandise, 6&n Francisco Office, 215 Front Ht. E. VANDOORH & CO., No. 208 I'ORT ST., Esri.ANADis, Stop on your way to the wharf and buy a cigar or get an iced cold drink. American Liyery ani Boarding Staples Cor. Merchant and diehard streets. Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at all hours. JAMES CAItTY, Proprietor, Telephone No. 490. CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER WORKS COMPANY, LTD. Eiiplanade, come- - Alien and Fort streets. HOLLISTER 4. CO., Agents HAWAIIAN MM E AT RETAIL In Barrels or in Buckets (Including Container) BO Ctss. pur Unolcot, PACIFIC HARDWARE CO. Lid. Sneclal terms In lurue lots for 790-t- t shipment. Willi led nt tlio I.oure ttulouii, Dl Nuuauu Sliest, 5000 men daily to drink the SOOO ..FAMOUS SEATTLE DEER.. Ice Cold ts Ursught. KIJWAHO A3 IIAHKV, lostonlce lkx, 47& Honolulu. J. T. LUND, Bicycles IWjuireJ. Qun and Lock Binltli. 138 and 130 Fort St., tl. Club BtaUoa. Tel 107, PLANTERS' SPECIAL! A Good Fertilizer, To Suit the Times At txT ton of SOOO llx. AnalyutrfM fotlotv.t 10 lior cent. l'hoiliotlo AcM. soluble nn.l atnllAlilp. 0 ht rent, l'omsh (nctiml.) 3 H.'r cent. Atnnionta. 10 icr cent. Lime (Cnrlxinnte). FLORIDA PHOSPHATE, JIOtVE MEAL, SULPHATE AA'D MURIATE OF POTASH, NITRATE OF SODA and SULPHATE OF A MM OXIA. Double Super Phosphate, 40 jkt cent, to tli jier cent. miluMe in water, in quantities to suit. Any Sptci.l Formula Made to Order by A. F. COOKK, HAWAIIAN KKItTILlZIMl CO. BICYCJvJJS o Just IteeelveJ on Invoice of the ruinous YOST FALCON 111CYCLKS, including a number of tho U0LI) CKAXK FAIX'OXKSS, The Finest Wheel In the Market lor LAUILS. Anyone wishing a high-grad- e wheel would do well to call and examine them. Each wheel is yuarantmt by the manufacturers for one year. For terms, etc., apply to G. WEST. Sole Aof.nt. MASONIC TEMPLE. WBEST RUBBER STAMPS Made at short notice ny tho HAWAIIAN NEWS COMPANY LTD. II. HACKFELD & CO. GENERAL Commission Merchants iiclllc Mall 8, S. Co Agents Occltlciitiil A. Urlcn lul B. 8. Co. Queen St. HONOLULU. II The greater part ol the Medals, Iirablems, Prizes and such like made in Honolulu have been maim factured by us, and , , , We Make Jewelry every description You have only to tell us whtt you want and how you want it made, and we do the rest Jacobson & Pfeiffer, Fort Street Jewullvm, Near corner King. Grand Clearance Sale. Having no room to placo my New (looils I will inaugurate o Clearance Bale on Saturday, August 31, And to continue two weeks, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Matting, Fine Millinery, China Silks, Etc., Etc. Goods sold below Cost. Come and see our Bargains. GOO KIM, 411 NUUANU STREET. S. OZAKI. SILK CRAPE, LACQUER WARE, CRAPE SHIRTS: J2L (White or Now Vattern.) YERY FINE COTTON CRAPE, New Deslttn In n COFFEE and TEA CUPS. Beautiful Silk Table Clotbs. lrifrTIS . . . OsViri5'i'. 313 Kino Stkkut, Cor. Smith GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. To make room for Christmas Goods we will clear out our . . Stock of Novels at HALF PRICE, during the week com mencing MONDAY November i i, and endine SATUR DAY, November 16, ONE WEEK ONLY. CASTLE & COOKE LIMITED, Importers, Hardware and General Merchandise. Partial List per "Amy Turner" of Goods just received from New York. Wheel Barrows. 7 ROAD SCRAPERS, OX BOWS, HOE HANDLES, BARBED WIRE, ASBESTOS CEMENT, MATTOCKS FEED CUTTERS, LAWN MOWERS, FORGES, BLACKSMITHS' BELLOWS MACHINISTS'. DRILLS, MSES, harcoal Irons, REFRIGERATORS, 'AIKBAKK'S SCALES. Castle & Cooke. Ltd. IMPORTERS, Hardware ani General Merchaiiise.' INTERNATIONAL IRON WORKS. i it 03 Htreut, Iklsreeu AUkea and Mohanl Street. BRONZE, BRASS and IRON CASTINGS. Housework a Specialty- - iron Doois, ghutters, Etc. Particular Attention paid to Shlp'a DiaoKsmnning. JobliliiK I'romptly Attended to. F. E. LYNN,, rKoritiEroit,

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Page 1: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. › bitstream › 10524 › ... · 2015-06-02 · Just thlnlc It over and make up your mind that you want the best and safest light; send for the Hawaiian Electric












Beyond DoscriptionTho Mlsory Boforo Taking

Tho Happlnoss AftorTaklngHOOD'S.

Mr. JU 11. mhopllammoiiton, N. J.

" a L llood ft Co., Lowell, Mast. ,"DearBlrsi I liars been In poor health for

90 or 23 yean, and hare been taking doctors'medicines more or less all tlio time. I did notget much relief. Mr Mood rs lnaba.1 ahapoand my system was all run down. I thought Imust die, but noticing sereral testimonials Intho papers In behaU ot Hood's SarsaparlUa, Ibought three bottles and loond that It did me to"VX" ?ml ,hat 1 eontliraed taking It I waawithout appetite, alothfulljr alcepr, and had aSSSSiS.Vi'f" ""MUme. m 'act I cannotT!2SbVBTt'nSf,. After using one bottleBarsaparllii I found It wu doing mi

HoodVsCures a

much good and now I cannot praise tho medi-cine too much lor what It has done for me. Iam a disabled soldier eg years old and was af.Kli?iltll.m?,1Ir "'"'', Including kidney,

catarrh. using bottlesit K'iEfWrt lSm "k0 "nollier man?k Sarsanarllla saved mrlife." It. U. IlieHop.Boi uo, Hammonton, N. J.

Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yeteasy In action. Bold by all druggists. IBc

lloliron Drug CompanyWholesale Aeents.

Claus Spreckels & Co,13 A. JV It 13 1 S ,


Issue Sight anil Time Dills of Ex-change, also Commercial and Travelers'Letters of Credit on tho principal partsof tlio world.

Purchase approved Bills.IHnke luiuis 011 iicccpliililc


Receive deposits on open account andallow interest on term deposits.

Attend promptly to collections.A iit'iierul KanklliK IIiisIiicks



FOUNDBD I8O8.Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets, - - $0,000,000

Having been appointed agents of the aboveCompany we are now ready to etiect Insurances at the lowest rales, ot premium,



Qneen St., Honolulu, H. I.,


Hawaiian Agricultural Co., OnomeaSugar Co., Honomu Sugar Co., Watluku Suear Co.. Waihee Buerar Co.,Makee Sugar Co., Haleakala RanchCo., Kapapala Ranch.

Planters' Line San Francisco Packets.Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston

PacketB.Agents Boston Board of Underwriters- -

Agents i'Miaueipiua uoaru or under,writers,

List of Officers : 'P. C. Jones PresidentQuo. H. HOBEHTflON ManagerB. F, Hiskop..... .Trees, and Secy.Col. W. F. Allen AuditorC. M. CooekH. Watehhouse.. DirectorsA. TV. Cabteb.... )



Insurance Agents.



Life Insurance CoOF BOSTON.




To . , .

Coffee and Fruit Planters!

IIllo AcenoyTHEO. H. DAY1ES & CO. Ltd.,

Stocks of necessary Tools andImplements, etc., etc, on hand

at their




Another shipment of thiswcllknowu Dentifrice and

Mouth Wash on hand, Tho

Antiseptic Odol prevents

decay and destroys entirely

all matter injurious to the


For tale at Drug Storet and at

H. HAOKFELD & CO.' Bala Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

WiEKMr Stab, f1.00 per year'


Home l:sttrtlnni rrnm a tnnrnal levoted til hrtinols,

Towhsend's frngrtSBhe Ldnentor

Tlie attitude of the public, andespecially of the press, of tlie Ha-

waiian Islands towards educationand educational progress is verygratifying to those especially inter-ested in this line of work. Thevoice of the press is almost unan-imously in favor of any educationalimprovement proposed, ' We arcfree from carpiiiR criticism of theschools and front complaints aboutour really magnificent expenditurefor school. All this is matter lorpride and gratification to those hav-

ing the future of the country ntheart.

There seems to be a flourishingcolony of normal departments 111

Honolulu just now. There is oneat Kamehameha School for Boys,one at Karuehameha School forGirls, one at Oahu College, andone at the new High School. Andit is hardly safe to say that thereare no others. They are springingup with bewildering rapidity. All athis shows the trend of educationalthought and activity.

1 he coming legislature will havelarger school attendance to deal,

with than its predecessors; and this!will call for larger expenditures.The provision in the new Constitution that no public money shall beexpended on schools not whollyunder control of the Board of Edu-

cation is in some degree responsiblefor the increased attendance atpublic schools; but for the mostpart it represents an increase inthe total school attendance ol thecountry.

Mrs. W, II. Meek, who 'resides atCamptonville, Cal., says her daughterwas for several years troubled at timeswith severe cramps in the stomach, andwould be in such agony that It waBnecessary to call in a physician. Hav-ing read atmut Chamberlain's Culic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy she con-cluded to try it. She found that italwas gave prompt relief. It was seldom necessary to give tlie second dose."It has not only saved us lots of worryand time," she says, "hut also doctorhills. It is my opinion that every familyshould havo a botltlo of this remedy in ofthe nouse. for sale by an dealersBenson, Smith & Co., General Agents. ofHawaiian Islands.



CHANGED.AVe call attention to tho fact that no

havo secured and will plnco tho


In perfect order. This delichtful bathing resort will be made tho best on thebeach. Bath room a will be added andtho grounds beautified. CommencingNovember let, tho place willbe undermo management 01 mo uawanan iioiei.



niicl ....JBWBLRY.

Lowest rrices for Cash.


Thomas Lindsay in

Campbell Block, Merchant Street.

TO so


Saturdays & SundaysTrains will leave on Saturdays at 0:15

a.m. and 1:15 p ni., arriving in Hono-lulu 3:11 p. m. and 8:20 p. m.

Train will leave on Sundays at 0:15a. ra. arriving In Honolulu at 5:33 p. m.

ROUND TRIP TICKETS:1st Class 81.703d Class

F. C. SMITH,Gen'l. Fass, and Ticket Agent

Mr.Soda-Wat- er

DrinkerWe think our Soda- -

wator is tho Wo want youto know so. Como

onco onco will bo

enough to give you

that knowledgo ; and

tho satisfaction of know

ing you'ro drinking

Pure Fruit Flavors

goes witU that knowl-

edgo. Our glasses aro

t h o r o u glily washed ;

that's an added satis

faction that doesn't

mako tho plcasuro ofsoda-wat- drinking less



Weekly Brui, f100 per year,

INDIGESTIONAnd Liver Complaint

cuhi:o nv usiviAyer'sSarsapaHlla

Mr. T.J. CLUNE,nf Walkers llle.K, Anslralla, writes I"His years sgo, I bad an nltark of lii.lliea.lion and l.lrer t'oinplntui that lasted torweeks I was unable lo iln any bard work,bad nn apiH-tll- fn.,,1, e.l me, anduHcrotuiuch from heariadie. My skin was

Alton- and Mfpn not trfreMi me. I triedseveral reuMifis mid cninu.tPil a doctor, toMillion. niitHlnliiK an j' nilefi lliia,y, mm ntmy ruF.loiiifri ircoDinitjiiuon A)tN baisap- -

toflftir laklKR lx Imttlei I was cotitpletiMycurffl.nnd could eat an) thing and bleep like


Ayer's SarsaparillaHa9 cured others, will euro you.JJado for Ir. J.C. Amr & Co., Ixm ell. Maia.iu!sA



Cook's Music School.

Paop. E. Cook, for fifteen years,Principal of Cook's Musical InstitutesPortland, Oregon, is prepared to give

Piano , T'ct'ce amiHarmony lessons.

For terms apply at the Studio,WAitlNQ'S BU1LDINO,

Here tan fa tit.



Having resumed business and takenadvantage of the past two weeks torenovate our studio we are better pre-pared than ever to fill orders for views

ancient Hawaii and, of the stirringevents of the late troubles. Portraits

the leading characters a specialty.Our portrait department is open for

engagements; and our work, as in thet will be up to all of the modern ad

vaLC mients in our line.


This spaceis

reservedfor the

Hawaiian Wine Company.

HawiianElectricCompany. as

The cleanest, brightest tafest and really,the lone run, the cheapest and best light

for use In the family residence, is the Incan- -

descent electric light, Safe; nothing coulduo saier. a iew aars aco a rronuneni. ceu- -tlenian of Honolulu came rushing down tothe oftlce of the Electric Company and said:"Give me figures for wiring my house, and Iwant It done at once: no more lamns for me.Last night a lamp tipped over and it came

near setting fire to the house and burningmycimuren ana i take no more risics."

This i the sentiment of quite a number inthe past few weeks, who have ordered theirhouses fitted with the perfect light.Just thlnlc It over and make up your mind

that you want the best and safest light; sendfor the Hawaiian Electric Company and tellthorn what vnn want.

U'n have a mmnletfl stock of evervtbinz inthis line and have just received a lot of thevery latest designs iu chandeliers.


The Al Steamship

"ASLOUN,".1,000 Tom,

Is due on or about NOVEMBER 15. andwill have immediato dispatch for theabove ports.

For particulars of Freight and Passageapply toTHEO. II. DAVIES & CO., Limited,800-- td Agents.

P0I! P0I!E. Van Doorn & Co. , Fort St.

Next Lucas' riantiiR Mill willhave franh every day

Maolilno - Mado PolrilOM TUB

KAUHI POI FACTORY,Which will be aoM to families lo larseor

email quamuies. jno uomaiurn r uuinued. Tbltt 1K1 U made wltU boiled water.

W. L. WILCOX.!90-f- Proprietor Kalllil Pol Factory.

Whirt Bicycles

Aro Doctored.Bicycle sureery.Acute and cbronlo cases treated wt'h

assurance of success,Languid tires restored to health and vigor.Tires blown up without pain. Wind free.Wi understand the anatomy, physiology

and hygiene of wheels, and give liomceo-- 1

pathio or ollopathlo treatment as individualcases require. Dure euro guv vimi.

T,tltmnntalt!"llv wheel had three ribsfractured and you cured it In one treatment11

"My tires were suffering with a case cfmtA nnnurlBtn. which hod been nronounced

fatal by other bicycle doctors, but you curedthe disorder and I did not lose a day ot mytour."

I was troubled with varicose tires, nYOlvtn frequent ruptures. You cured we,"



tvAi.i.hii'N iii;itt It In

Mr.. U1lr,WASIIINrtTOV. Oct. a.i. Mm.

Waller has not yet had nn Inter-- jview wuii uic secretary oi statebecause of nbsence of her papers.These arrived today and (the willgo before (be Secretary with (hemIn company with her attorney nqsoon as he can classify (he docu-ments. The representation whichshe will make is intended to cstabHsh the presumption of innocenceon the part ot her husband. Shewill exhibit nmong other docu-men- u

all the letters written to herby Mr. Waller after his arrival inTAtnatave previous to those on thestrength of which he was arrested,and these will show that Mr. Wal-ler instead of attempting to informthe llovas of the movements of theFrench, troops, in correspondencewith his wife, refrained from allreference to such questions except

caution her against any actwhich could be construed as partial

the natives.

Of Connie.The alienee of the foreftt nbout them.

There uerenlsn ant hill, but they were loofar away to cut any figure.

She drew her mantle more closely abouther blender form and fthhered.

The be-- t literature iroe to fchow thatthere ww nothing unusual or outre in theproceeding

He irlared fiercely at the tuft of mo? onneighboring o.ik.

Aha," he hissed. I Rhall uiko mr life."She spake not in reply.'I)o you not think," he demanded, that

with your heart cold toward me. I worebetter dead f"

bhe fiighed.les. Mr. Diuklnsnoouer." nhe unld. nml

her voice was like the gentle purling of thebrook, "If It'n warmth jou'ro after, I dareay 3 on arc right."A throstle lu the nelKhborins thicket

emitted a lend and dlsKouant note.Presently they might have beenceen hur

rying ftlleutly hence. Detroit News-Tr- tl


I'lcturra on the Cloudi.It has been found possible, says Pro

fessor Dolhear, by imnlojlng inrue lcnesprapcr focal length, to project pli turra

upn tho clouds. Pruhalily lu n fewyearn, or winner, one iw he rules nlonrr tin- -

highway on n cloudy da) will be nblotoread u.crhcad liow bttmtor Smith nnsnatched from the ;ravu by a few do-- of

oneji' Infruliolo pi Is. Ijo well (Jourli-jr- ,


At the Ailjoumed Annual Meetlncthe 1'nixcKViLLE Plantation O m- -

rANV, held (his day, the followingnamed were elected to act as ofllcers ofthe Company for the ensuing year, viz,:

W. F. Allen. Esq... Pres. nnd Trcas.E. F. nishop....Secy. and Auditor.A. S. Wilcox, Esq I

P. C. Jones, Esq... Directors,O. II. ltobertson.Esti... )

E. V. IHSIIOP, Secretary.Dated Honolulu, Oct. 10, 189.1. 791-l-

Election of Officers.WA1LUKU SDGAR COMPANY.

Notice is hereby given, that at the adjourned Annual Sleeting; of the Stock-holders of the Wailuku Sun a it Com-pany, held this day, the followingnamed were elected to Berve aa theOfllcers of the said Company for thoensuing; year, vlz:- -

8. U. Allen, Esq President,W F. Allen, Esq., ..Vice President,Geo II. Robertson, Ebq.(.Treasurer,M, P, Robinson, Esq., .....Auditor,E. F. Bishop, Secretary,The above named to also constitute

the Board of Directors of the Companyprovided by me by laws.

Secretary.Dated Honolulu, Oct. 22, 1695.

HELP!That's what we'regiving you, help tosavo you inoiiuy,By convincing youin plain talk aimplain figures thatyou can SAVEMONEY by buyin" of us . , .

Smyrna Rugs$1.75

Now you knowtlio prico come andsee tlio rugs. . .

No Nnd For

Sleepless NightsMattresses madeover and returnedtho same day.

Telephono 406,wo do tlio rest.


Top Desks

$40.00 - - -

No ofHco or libraryconipleto withoutone.

Ono kov locks it1 G small, 4 largo

Jll'OOll.IlolCS.2 small, 8 largo


IArm, ltests.




Furniture Dealers,Cor, King and Bethel


Foodremoves wrinklos nml all trnpfsof iifje. ItifowlH tlmmyli tin-pore-s

ami builds up tlio fattyiiioinlir.'iiifH ami wasted tissues,nourislies tlio Bhrivelled andslinmken skin, tones nml invigorates tlio nerves and muscles, enriches tho impoverish-ed blood-vessel- s, and suppliesyouth nnd elasticity to tlioaction of tlie skin. It s perfect.

Vale's Skin Kood. price and $i, at alldrue stores. MME. .11. YALE. Health andlleautr SpechliM. 14ft State St., Clilcaco,lleauty Oulde innilcd free nt







The C. AbiesCharles J. the inventor


PatentOn tho 26lh day of

C. Abies H. V. Walton a Patent vend


o Hawaii

Francisco have

M in ujipiieu.uuwniu

hercbv personsgenuine I'kelvss

buying, selling or using lie ulrectMark; a violationusing sucu paint lo Claim uamagesLaw,

October ig,



Ono All llrn.'w IMiiUo Actinic Korro

I'limp, .1 Inch ami ilinclmtun

nllli S.V) fift Hi Inrli llorcAt n tuir(?alii ono KiikIIsIi ilo rnrt

tiii,ortil.Ono rovulvln ornu


tf. n Nimnnti utrprt.

245 Is tlio TEUSlitOSK NUM- -

uku to up when yuuwnnt WnoiiM forFURNITURE MOVING

which, when properly lirindlril, Is ne pleasure Inatnul worry

cxatioii. , ,

LARSEN'S EXPRESSIs prepared to move anything from nnnmenument ton

or mnrlng, Specialfacilities appliances

MOVINGntul pedal rates for nil kinds work,ILiggnge weighed nnd handbaggage In stateroom savingannoyance lo the traveling public.

WM. LARSEN, Prop.nt IXL. Nuuanu King


"V"slJ3jW ssM

Valvoljne OILS Valvoline


B Valvoline Cylinder Oil.R. R. "Publico " MacliineC. " "E. " " i(

" "MagnetWhite Dynamo Valvoline Ma- -

,iT. il Sncclnllv iimnufncturpj Ccntrl- -

CH1H6 Vjll, nnd Dynamo..

West Virginia Lubricating Oil..


To All Who Use Paint.undersigned, I,.

Wagner,L'AIST the exclusive rigit manufacture, use and sell the L'bbKLhrSS1'ltKSEItVlNO TAINT in the Islands.

for PeerlessSEl'TESlllEU,

andmake. ue ami I'KEltLKSS


marKanrougiiout iccpuuiic




From most







Stand cor. Kts





and II. Walton, purchased fromof PKIiltLKSS IMlEHKltVlNU

Preserving Paint.1801, the Republic of granted to110 granting to them the e.rctitirerialit


me oi .'U years.

recently been sending to Honolulu

ui rrnuuibeing defrauded into using any the

which be obtained only of Abies

Infringement of 1'atent ana Trausubjecting tlie persons buying, selling or

uy ub in accoruatice witu me nawaui


reliable Factories.

Trade Mark for Peerless Preserving paint.Remibllo Hawaii Im9 mauled to L. O. Abies anil H. P.

thee.nlum-euseotlie;mrl- PEKHLESS l'UKSKItVJKO as a trade- -


Imitations.Certain in San



under the name of Pekklukh Prehervino Paint a spurious article not only in-

ferior to the genuine jmint, but one which is positively injurious to metal tolb may

warn all againstI'ukbehvimi l'.UNT,



Warning Against Infringement.also hereby all iiersons buying, belling or using any articl

under the name of Pf.ehlos Pitt'EHVlNO Paint that sold us as suchwill u

and of our riguts,a lor







Judith of nml

nml with-out


ofchecked andplaced



lor term

can and



The of ab-- WaltonPAINT


Wo but

Wh warn againstexcept by


Large Invoice of




Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

East Corner Fort and King Streets.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern Ptates and EuropeFresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended tand goods delivered to nay part of the cltyfree o( charge.

Island orders solicited. Batl of action guaranteed. Telephone No.

Fast Ofnos Box No. lis.


Mrs. J. A. Hurler, nf HlinrpnImrg, Kentucky, stalest "For

enrs I was troultled withIndigestion In n vrry Imd form.My was toor, and nttimes 1 sufTered with severeheadaches. 1 saw ItipnnsTabules adt ertUed hi our townpaper and sent to Mt. Hterlingfor two lioxe, which 1 Used,The Indigestion Is n thingnf thepast, my appetite Is splendid. 1

havo tio mure headaches now,and am gaining in Mesh.

Klpans Tabules are the bestmedicine for the stomach, nnd1 always keep them lu thehouse.' (Signed) M lis. J., KharpKbtirg, Ky." SI

IUmn Tatiii.p are wilil y lrim1ftf, or !nmll tf thP l'rlro t.'iOcenti n Ihh) in t to t lieHlpann L'lif ti.leu.1 CnTninnv, Nn. 10 Hpruco St.,Nt-- York. Hum pie lOiciitu,

EquilcMc Life Assurance Society

of the United States,

BRUCE CAHTWHIGHT,General Manager for Hawaiian Islands,


New York Dressmaking Parlors,


Next to Seattle Houmo.


Office with J. A. Magoon, Mer- -

chant street.


Next to tlie I'ort HI. House.

I)R. E. C. SURMANN,Hoa removed to

E. M. NAKUINA,Comnnssioticr of Trivatc Ways and

Water Rights.

Notury It4itlloAgent to Q rant Marriage Licenses.

Mutual Telephone 02A.


Hecnd Floor HonoluluHulling Mill, Fort U

All Kinds of Jobbing Promptly At- -

tended to.

P. O. Box S.H7. 1 eleimoiie 240.


Naval Supplies. Wholesale and RetailUealera In uroceriea, I'rovtaions, etc.

Ill Fort St.. Honolulu, H.

II. PHILLIPS & CO.Wholesale lmiorUr and Jobbers of


Corner Fort and Queen Bts., Honolulu.Mtf




Fort Street, Honolulu.

M. S. GHINBAUM & CO.Lim l(el.


Commission Merchants and Importersof General Merchandise,

6&n Francisco Office, 215 Front Ht.


No. 208 I'ORT ST., Esri.ANADis,

Stop on your way to the wharf andbuy a cigar or get an iced cold drink.

American Liyery ani Boarding StaplesCor. Merchant and diehard streets.

Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at allhours.

JAMES CAItTY, Proprietor,Telephone No. 490.



Eiiplanade, come- - Alien and Fort streets.

HOLLISTER 4. CO., Agents


AT RETAILIn Barrels or in Buckets

(Including Container)BO Ctss. pur Unolcot,PACIFIC HARDWARE CO. Lid.

Sneclal terms In lurue lots for790-t- t shipment.

Willi led nt tlio I.oure ttulouii,Dl Nuuauu Sliest,

5000 men daily to drink the SOOO

..FAMOUS SEATTLE DEER..Ice Cold ts Ursught.

KIJWAHO A3 IIAHKV,lostonlce lkx, 47& Honolulu.


Bicycles IWjuireJ. Qun and Lock Binltli.

138 and 130 Fort St.,

tl. Club BtaUoa. Tel 107,


A Good Fertilizer,

To Suit the Times

At txT ton of SOOO llx.AnalyutrfM fotlotv.t

10 lior cent. l'hoiliotlo AcM.soluble nn.l atnllAlilp.

0 ht rent, l'omsh (nctiml.)3 H.'r cent. Atnnionta.10 icr cent. Lime (Cnrlxinnte).




Double Super Phosphate,40 jkt cent, to tli jier cent. miluMein water, in quantities to suit.

Any Sptci.l Formula Made to Orderby


BICYCJvJJS oJust IteeelveJ on Invoiceof the ruinous

YOST FALCON 111CYCLKS,including a number of tho

U0LI) CKAXK FAIX'OXKSS,The Finest Wheel In the Market lor

LAUILS.Anyone wishing a high-grad- e wheelwould do well to call and examinethem. Each wheel is yuarantmt by themanufacturers for one year. Forterms, etc., apply to




Made at shortnotice ny tho







Commission Merchants

iiclllc Mall 8, S. CoAgents Occltlciitiil A. Urlcn

lul B. 8. Co.


The greater part ol the Medals,Iirablems, Prizes and such likemade in Honolulu have been maimfactured by us, and , , ,


every description You haveonly to tell us whtt you want andhow you want it made, and we dothe rest

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,Fort Street Jewullvm,

Near corner King.

GrandClearance Sale.

Having no room to placo myNew (looils I will inaugurate oClearance Bale on

Saturday, August 31,And to continue two weeks,

Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,Matting,Fine Millinery,

China Silks, Etc., Etc.

Goods sold below Cost.Come and see our Bargains.




CRAPE SHIRTS: J2L(White or Now Vattern.)


New Deslttn In n


Beautiful Silk Table Clotbs.

lrifrTIS . . .


313 Kino Stkkut, Cor. Smith




To make room forChristmas Goods wewill clear out our . .




during the week commencing MONDAYNovember i i, andendine SATURDAY, November 16,







Partial List per "Amy Turner"of Goods just received

from New York.

Wheel Barrows.7




harcoal Irons,REFRIGERATORS,


Castle & Cooke. Ltd.


Hardware ani General Merchaiiise.'


IRON WORKS.i it 03 Htreut,

Iklsreeu AUkea and Mohanl Street.


Housework a Specialty- -

iron Doois, ghutters, Etc.Particular Attention paid to Shlp'a

DiaoKsmnning.JobliliiK I'romptly Attended to.

F. E. LYNN,,rKoritiEroit,

Page 2: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. › bitstream › 10524 › ... · 2015-06-02 · Just thlnlc It over and make up your mind that you want the best and safest light; send for the Hawaiian Electric

Thk Hawaiian Stah.





F. U 1100(18,



oi'iwciiirtioil'cr Ymr In AiHrxnrp, 8.01lVr Month In Advam-p- , - - . - .73Kurelgil, Year In Advaucis 13.U)


ltttw for trnn.ient nnd resulnr mlvertUlngmn lv Dhtalnwl nt tlio itiiMionHou lllcsTo (kvure tiroinot Inwrtkm nil ndrcrtl.- -

menu mini lw ,tellrertl nt tho llmliuiwutllee 10 A, M


Tun Hawaiian Japanese scareseems to have suddenly subsided

Tint Star does not accept advertisements of an Indecent natureand will not indulge in any gambliiiS schemes or nickel-in-the-sl-

devices for fictitious circulation lucrease or temporary financial gain

Tint amount of public work inprogress here is a subject of freijueutcomment. Such operations arc notconfined to the vicinity of Honolu-lu. Throughout the group new-road-s

are being constructed and old

ones repaired.

An improved road to ' 'over thel'ali" means heavy immediate in-

vestments in the Koolau district,thus rapidly and largely increasingthe wealth of the islands A pos-

sible quick, safe trip to the "otherside" will be a great thing for allOahu.

This Kvcnitig Echo, which hadbest sing low about its complimen-tary lawn and lanai circulation,declares it is "for the full right of

labor every time." If so, it shouldbegin at its own hearth by payingthe regulation wages.

Aw KAKNiiST movement in thedirection of an appeal on behalf ofthe remaining political prisoners is

being inaugurated by their ftiends.

The matter will doubtless receivethe most searching attention of first

the Cabinet, then the Council ofState.

Tint prosperity of the Healaniand Myrtle clubs and the prospectsof the Leilani augurs well for a

healthful, gentlemanly sport that is

popular with a very large elementof the Island population. One of

these clubs, at least has set aboutin an earnest manner to interest theladies in boating.

According to all accounts theOahu Island tax assessor is quitefree from the imputation of listingproperties at values that might ap-

pear as concessions to the owners.Some assessors simply permit prop-

erty holders to cheat the Govern-ment in the most flagrant mannerimaginable.

A close record is being kept byMr. Rowell on the operations of thesteam dredger. The work on thepresent assignment to date hasbeen quite satisfactory. The fillingin accomplished has been done at amoderate cost and good progress isbeing made in deepening thestream channel.

Tint Australia, Hawaii's favoriteforeign steamer, will be uuusuallywelcome upon her next arrivalfrom the Coast. She will bringover a fortnight of letter mail. Ad-

vices will include the latest onfilibustering, whether or not thereis any news or truth in it. TheAustralia will tell us if Englandand Russia are going to lock hornsin the Orient and plunge half theworld into war. We shall be in-

formed of the health of sundrynotable persons and the Monroedoctrine in its relation to Venezuela,Cuban news is now standard stock,

Perhaps the rebels or patriotsare still having the best of it, orperhaps Campos is up and at 'em,

Some new crank will send somenew wild scheme for the politicalsalvation of Hawaii. Sugar islikely to be listed as either steadyor advancing. Members of Con-

gress are gathering at Washingtonfor the winter session and legisla-tive horoscopes are being cast. Allthese things, however are, of com-

parative insignificance when meas-

ured with the purely personal newsreceived. Some of it will be briefand to the busy, bustling worldwould amount to but little. Therecipients, however, will derive in-

finite pleasure from the missives.Mayhap a few of them will havethe sad news of affliction uponloved ones. All this is interestingspeculation, but even if the Austra-lia is safely on the way none of usdenizens of Isolation now know.

'ew MetttudUt Church.Wickander has been awarded tte

.contract for carpenter work on thtnew Methodist church. I.umbeibad been delivered and work isnow under way. Contracts forpainting, and furnishing will bemade later.

From Kv.ryw horn.

Lately Tint Star hadn note thatthere were eighty patients in theQueen's hospital. A glance at oneof the records kept by l'utveyorBckhardt shows the following six-teen nationalities represented:

Hawaii, I'rance, Azores,, United States, China, Inland,Brazil, Madeira, Japan, Germany,Scotland, Cape Verde Islands,Canada, Denmark, Finland,

(UimcPv (Uopic&.

Xovtmhtr ll, lS)5.

l'iXpuniiiuiits with luhrirnt- -

ing oils hnvuliovn tho source ofcoiisulunihlo uxooiiHO to thoplantations. Tho necessity ofhaving good oils has alwaysboon fult by tho managers bo

cause in using those of a cheaptho injury to the ma

chinery more than makes 14

tho ilifl'erenco in the price of thooil. We have made n success ofthe Colorado Oil because it is

of 11 superior quality nnd mado

of tho best stock and ingredi-

ents and wo believe aro hottersuited to the requirements ofplantations than any other oil

manufactured. Engineers whotried this oil three years agoare using it today with perfectsuccess. lo those who nroalready familiar with the qual-ity of our goods, little need bosaid, their continued patronagebeing ample proof of their sat-isfaction. To those who nroas yet unacquainted with tho"Colorado" Brands, we beg tosay that while wo do notbelieve in decrying the pro-ducts of our competitors, wodo believe in stating the truthas forcibly as possible, namely,that wo have the finest lubri-

cants, that for density of visco-

sity, high firo test and perfectworking qualities can not boexcelled.

Colorado Diamond A wine"C" Cyundkr On., colored

cylinder oil that is oll'eredespecially to that class of tradewanting to fix upon some re-

liable and economical oil forpermanent use. It will alwaysbo found uniform, free from;rit. "junior acid and all materials of a corrosive or injuriousnature. It is of the highestfiro test and the greatest viscosity that can be obtained fora cylinder oil, and is adaptedfor both marine and stationaryeni'ines ot high and low prossure, and can bo successfullyused in all patent cylinder lubricators.

Colorado This is car-Enoi-

Oil. dinal coloredoil, which has viscosity orbody not found in common oils.For engines and high grademachinery, it is as perfect andUniform an oil as can bo madefrom petroleum. It is freefrom acids, has high firo testand is tho most economical oilin the market. This oil hastaken tho place of lard oil forall kinds ot machinery andmeets with more than generalsatisfaction.

Colorado This brandDynamo Oil. gives univer

sal satisfaction for uso ondynamos and electric lightmachinery. It is at presentbeinj; used on largo numberof plants on these islands. Thisoil is almost mdestructable,cun be filtered and used overand over again. It has remarkable cold test in connection with its high fire test andcan bo relied upon for uso 011

nearly all the dulerent systems,UOLORADO MIN- - insEitAL Castor Oil. ail oil of

heavv bodv. It contains 110

acids, will not gum and isespecially recommended iorheavy working machinery.This oil is used m place of ox- -

pensive vegetable castor oil,which contains acids which arovery injurious to machinery.

Colorado This is fineCar, Box Oil. steam refin-

ed dark oil. Its wearing qual-ities aro tho best, being espe-cially adapted for machinerywith heavy j'ournals and forcar axles. It has an excellentcold test and is recommendedfor thoso who desiro goodgrado oil and caro nothing forcolor.

To meet the needs of personswho wish cheaper grado oflubricants we introduced, 111

November last, tho CoronadoOil, and it meeting witlgreat success in tho sugar dis-

tricts on Hawaii. Whilo thisbrand is much lower in pricethan tho Uoronauo, it verygood oil and admirably adapt-ed to tho wants of engineers,Tho Coronado Cylinder Oil isot light reddish color, highuro test and great viscosityBeing refined by tho superheated process by which thooil is neither charred or burnt,it thereforo contains tho mostessential qualities of thocrudo for perfect lubricationThrough its process of Alteration, it is porfectly cleaned from







J. is







an impurities.



307 Frrt sfreet.

Til. flnl.



""Store- -



Motel SI 1 i. A. 11 1 it i 011 Itloolc.

CHOICE FRESH GROCERIESopened n full nml rompli-t- imortiuent of

tin' liixurli'K nml ilrllcurlin finin erriyNation, which will be mild lower than tlie lowt-Bt- .

Fresh California Creamery and Butter.


All ili'lhiTii! irumitly. Civility ami every nttptitloti fjlvrn tocustomer iu




As well tho grown people. Something Nowall tho time. Prices for lowncss. Lookat our mammoth stock and seo for yourself.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Go,

IS X " A. XJ S AJ? R A. I iV."

A Fine Line of


The past year has brought varied experiences to the Republic. With abundant crops and fair business prosperity,both foreign and domestic, havo coinethe critical incidents of domestic dis

turbance and dangerous pestilence; fromboth of which tho country has beenmercifully dellered with tuiall loss oflife through the blessing of IVovid neeon the elTorts ot the Government and itscitizens.

lu view of thet-- things and othercountless lienellts which iiavo been

vouchsafed to us, I BANFOltD 11.

DOLE, Picsident of the ltepublic of Hu

waii, recommend that THURSDAY, theith DAY OF THIS l'KESUNT MONTH.

NOVKHUEll, be set apart in 11 day

of National Thanksgiving to Almightyl)od for tho blessings of the past jenranil the promise of the future, and of

prayer for the continuance of His favor.

(Signed) SANF011D 11. DOLE,

healUy the President:

(bigutd) J. A. Kinu,010 tf Minister of tho Interior,

Sale of Four Building Lots atSouth Slope. Punchbowl Hill,


On WEDNESDAY. December 18th189.1. at the front entrance of the Execulite Building at 12 o'clock noon, will bo

sold at Public Auction, tho followingbuilding lota situate on the riouth Klope

of Punchbowl Hill, on the uiauka sideof Spencer Avenue and above tho lotsowned by Dr, O. II. Wood, viz:

Lot 00, area 35,02t feet. Uiprice $200.

Lot 001, area 33,207 square, ftet, Upset price (200.

Lot area 31,235 squaro feet. Up-

set price $200.

Lot 003. area 29,000 square U(

tet price $200.

Term's cash,



A map of these lots can lie seen andfull particulars given at tho Land Ollice,

Interior Department.

J. A. KINO,Minister of tho Interior,

Interior Office.November 11, 1801. . 810 at




Dn'AitriiFNT "V I

Ho.NOl.uI.l', II. 1., Nuembcr II, 1095. J

Notice Is hereby given that cUlmsagainst the Oovernment or the monthof JULY', 1895, I.e. claims Hied willi theresjwctlve Department previous 'loA'lLU.t 6th. 1895, will bo psynl.le on

FRIDAY", November 15th, and JION-DA-

November 25. 1605.


a, .11. im.uui!,Minister of Kinani-- f

Sale of Tenancy at Will of a Gov

ernment Lot on Bethel 8iroet,Oahu.

On WEDNESDAY, Decern! er 18th,1805, at the front enlrancoof the Executive Iluildlni; at 13 o'clock noon, will be

TUB STAR, ij. tiol













BY AUTHORITYsold at Public Auction, the Tenancy a

of a Government I.ot situate onthe Walkikl side of Bethel street, Hono.lulu, Oahu, containing- an nrea of 180

sijuare feet a little more or leis.



Tenancy from mouth to month untilsuch time as tho Minister of the Interior or the tenant may wish to terminal!the same by giving 110 days notice.

Up-,e- t price $8 per month, payablemonthly 111 advance.

J. A. KINO,Minister of the Interior.

Inlerior Ollice.November II, 180 . 810-3-

A initial Meeting.

Tl.n .ihnB,l ftfAA,ln t .1...

Shareholders or the KOIIALA SUOA1ICOMPANY will be held on the 27thinstant, at 10 o'clock n. in., at the olliceOl l ASTliK lE IXMIKK LIMITED.

W. A. BOWEN,Secretory Kohala Sucar Co.

Honolulu, H. I., Nov. 7. 1895. 807

Annual Meeting.

Tim A tinitnl Moo, I.... t ll. Ql

holders of tho EWA PLANTATIONmMI'AVV xa UU Mn...... ......30th, 1895, at 10 o'clock a. in., at tlienlft.... . . V. I TuiilLvo Ul IV lUUl.K ljl311TI.II.

E. D. TENNEY,807 Secy. Ewa mutation Co,


Fine Printing

Try the Sti.r

Eloctrlc Works.

LWA,VV:X-r- ' i.

'11 Itvft

mmLadies' High and

Low CrownedStraw Hats.


I J1

CURE 1I Liver. Ills. J


Forty years ogo Mr. F.Sttibbs of South Duuedin,commenced to hnve sciatica.Ho spent time and moneylooking (or n cure, but untilho used Sequfth's remedieshe was never free from it.Grateful for his release fromHiich a complaint of so longstsmling, Oct. 17th, 1894,ho writes :

" 1 thank you for tho greatbenefit I have received fromthe uso of your Sequah Oilnnd Cure. 1 havo beentroubled for over 40 yearswith sciatica. Tried differentremedies and spent ft lot ofmoney doctoring with nobenefit. I decided to giveyour remedies a trial. In n,

few days I found great relief,nnd now I can climb aladdflr or die; with a spade,neit't r of v'.iich I havebeen ublo to do for the past30 yc.irs. I trust otherssimilarly afllicted will tryyonr remedies, from whichIhav received such wonder-ful benefit.

Vours gratefully,(Signed), F. Stobbs."

dobron Drug Co.AQENTS.


Many infectiousdiseases can bewarded offby keeping the body in ahealthy condition, j

and being properly j

clothed. The bestunderwear that canbe worn is






healthfort. .

securins;and com- -

A Treatise on Health,Diseaso Germs and Sanita-tion hy Dr. JaeRer can hesecured free hy calling atour Store.

An elegant line of


to go cheap. Afine assortment ofcolors


Look in

the Glass.



- iuui uutiuL aim run oto.

Are you nging fast? See anynew wrinkles radiating from themouth and 11030? Look at yonrtongue. Is it covered with a yellowisli fur? Its your liver needstoning. Its overworked and becoming less active'all the time.Set it right and Nature will keepit going. Take a rational remedy.Bomdneb's Pills are just right.They'll do their duly withoutweakening the natural funotions.

25 cenU.


Latest in Dress GoodsJl'.ST AT


riiillosi' Worsted Stt It lilts,Lalint Fahrlcn and New Conihlnation of Color.

JLrMtlicM IllMKItl OlotllX fllltl iSoi'lfON,In nil Shades Very Ueasonahle.

JVow iSUIc Wrll.t I'llttui'llN,Only Ono of n Color. '

vv Stylo IitdtdiiN (vntl 'iVIiiiniiiiirMTo Mulch I)ri'i (Inods and Silk WnUt.

Jot lfrtmtN tmcl JSlMinjiloil

Theso Coods woro PERSONALLY SELECTED nnd ore thoVERY LATEST.

Tho New




)!i:sr ix thi: jiaiikkt run





Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

and does it too. It is tho mosteffective and at the same time the least exponsivo ofall tho deodorants. A Lottlo that only

is amply suOiciont to make from Two to

of strong fluid.


Richmond Gem






Costs QlrEITwenty Gfillons,



CITY FURNITH STORE,Cornor of Fort and Borctanla Streets ..... Waring Block.

- WJGr GOODSEx. "Aloha" and " ALBUM."





0 K Kiayajl( 0

JAPANESE Dry and Fancy Goods,Lacquered Ware,

Crockery and Bamboo Ware, Etc., EtcAft Xo-woM- Prlo

4S0 NUUANTJ STREET,Opposito Love's 3akcr3'.


Thanksgiving,Christmas and

Mw Year.1 C 1 1 - OrdorM Clot Clmluu of Wolglit.


Woven Wire Bailey,Aiitiiiiiutxuror or


UI'IlOLSTEltEIt'S Sl'IUNdS, COM) HAMMOOKH. DRY KAItril CLOSETS,IKON FENCINd lo Stock anil made to order.


All mado right here in Honolulu and tor sale by

j. s. KiviraSY,guaen St., next to L. U. Kerr'. The Woven Wire Man.

THIS WEEKWe want to say

Tlmt llio very latest fililmater (dory is tti tlio effect thatK.elii, tlio well known t evolutionist, is to comu to Hono-lulu in a rakish looking craft with the avowed intentionof wiping tlio Hawaiian We)iililii!oil'tliu earth. Of eoursoho won t coniej hut if ho should decide to do ho, wewould give him a good run for his iiionoy. When thofilibusters do fonie, they will sack tho stores; our storewould naturally attract their attention first because-- wocarry such a largo stock tif New Goods goods that wowant to dispose of before tho invasion. This week marksa Special Sale of Mouses for ladies; Children's Dressesand Pinafores; Skirt Embroideries, and Fine Laces,both Linen and Valenciennes all perfect goods and atlow prices.

M. S. LEVY,Fort Street

All the product

Consolidated Soda Water Works Co.

Are made from water that has been purifiedby the Hyatt process.

Under this system the water from thewel)s does not come in contact with the airuntil drawn into tho glass for consumption.

All fountains in city that disperse SodaWater supplied by them are filled with thiswater.





H Three

H Wheels

H Made


There are one or twoComrwtlton toiling ontlie lowtr rungg, butspace prevents their,being shown,


E. 0. HALL


for the HawaiianIslands.

Page 3: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. › bitstream › 10524 › ... · 2015-06-02 · Just thlnlc It over and make up your mind that you want the best and safest light; send for the Hawaiian Electric



Having nlaceil on tlio market thismagnificent tract of land, divided Into

a number of largo house lota wo mostcordially call tlio attention of homo

seuliers to It.,Thls tract Is hounded hy Maklkl street,

Wilder Avenue and l'unahou stieet, at

tin elevation of aliout 715 feet, gentlyeloping towards tlio sea. A lino pano-

rama view can Iw liad from the upper

portions.These lots aro offered at a very rea-

sonable llgnre. ly calling nt our ollke

wo shall Ihi pleased to give further In-

formation In regard to prices and terms.


503 Fort Street, near King Htreet.

No I'luirKC for milking locl.

COTTAtlE, AT WAirjiivi,ALMA to let, furnished, together alienrh lot.

rr iioom) Street.



A....W (.," ' FRANK HUSTACE.





.t vc a rd atjti OENERAI. nUHIIv'iuws Heal Ektnte borjRUt andf:r, .Tl'.b 11o.,fl T.OAN& HBOOTIATEn.Coll'ectlons made. Books i.tal. Accounts

done.All business entrusted'to me will receive

.,..1 --.refill attention. A share ofIlia publio tmtronage respectfully solicited.

Telephone Torclinnt Street.

nm. rnrmarlv occupied by C. T. Oulick.

Senator Rice returned home lastnig"..

Ml McGrew is visiting theGarden Isle.




Dr. J. M. Whitney and wife havereturned from Hawaii.

Dr. Averdam, of the FertilizerWorks, has gone to Kauai.

C. M. Walton arrived from Ha-

waii by th: W. G. Hall.

C. Mett will entertain friends atdinner at the Hawaiian Hotel thisevening.

Dr. R. I. Moore is back again af-

ter a long visit to Maui on profes-

sional business.Thomas Cummins and H. h. Ly-

ons were passengers for the Coast

by the S. G. Wilder

Ornaments for All.

Flowers and feathers, jet aigret-

tes, buckles and ornaments in end-

less variety at Kerr's. Ribbons,laces, handkerchiefs, silk shawls,buttons, feather-stitc- h braidsbrellas and sunshades at Kerr's.

Kahuna Arrested.

An unusual arrest was made by

the police late Tuesday. Haleale,

an old Kahuna, was locked up for

practicing sorcery as a cure for a

sick man. He was arrssted on a

warrant sworn to by Miss Kakaku- -

mnlrn a relative of the victiul,svbnsp name is H. KuatUOO. Thepatient had confidence in the kahuna's hoomanamana, and was steadfastlv rcfusine competent attendance. The practice of sorcery is apenal ollense.

At KaumakaplU.

Mr. Yatman will speak to theKnitmnknnili neonle at 7 P. mThursday. Mr. H. H. Tarker willinterpret the discourse into Hawaiian. All are invited.

MllltU Notes.

Company B had drill on UnionSquare last night.

D Company will meet thisfor busimess and drill under

Lieutenant Torbert.Private Howard Pratt. Company

B, has been given a three-month- s

furlough,TTnemploved volunteers are re- -

auested by the Colouel to leavetheir names at headquarters,

lleer-- A I'roinoUr of Temperance,

In order to impress upon yourmind the fact that the Seattle BrewJng and Malting Co.'s beers aremild, licht. brieht and lively, webelow give the average per cent, ofalcohol in various liquors in

Rainier Beer, 3.4; Olympic Beer,

.4; Ale, 7.4; Cider, 8.6; Claret,13.3; Whisky, 54.0.

Ou draught at Criterion Saloon.

A Good AppetllaAlways accompanies goal health, and any

absence of appetite Is an Indication of souie-tbin-ir

wronz. The uidversal testimony given

by those who have used Hood's toils merits In restoring the apietlte, andas purifier of the blood, constitutes thestrongest recommendation that can be urgedfor any memcine.

Hood's Pills cures all liver ills, bllliousnessJaundice, UiuMgestiuu. sici ueauacue,



G. D. GHASE,Snfo Deposit HiilMIng,

40G 1'okt St. Telephone 184


XTIW OOTTAIlK ON l.II.IIIA HTIIhtST,t A Ituotns sml Ntsble. lis .cr mnnlli.

UIINIIIRt) OOTTAIlK, MINUTES'want rrom rust timer, o rminis, 1:.

D ChridO. (lehr-ra- l Airr-n-t ClnclnnatllNifo A wick Co., sells safes from Iho

Hear tills In mliul wliolt inuwant prices.


UIINIli:ll COTTAHi: ON NUUANUhired. 721vortminlli.


IUItNISlir.t) IIOUSK. WITH HTAIII.KI1 on sloiw of I'unclinowl lllll.




Property listed In this spaco wassold y, uciooor , itrao.

(IKNTHAI.I.Y l,()GATi;il,nOUSR. illnlnK rnom, kltrhen ami ft

Price JiOlli. $lwxi t lialanremortunBe 8 lwr rent.

( Al'llKS IvAI.llII VA1.I.KV, HUITAHI.I'i.l for nnttliratre. nlul tnro. lilentv water.

Price flaw. Terms easy.- t lllTHK Atl MIT ON KOIIT HfllKKTJ 1 irooit iin'.'H Ion. Property rannot helpbut Increnjo In value. I'rico. flmn.

Accident Pollclos In the Preferred Innt Ni'W A Itrk. I!. II. l.linsi

Octicrnl Agent llansllaii isianns, are Jimas (ohm an investment as iiciu r.aiaiu.Ilettertr) one.

7 ri)U8E AMI MIT ON l'lKHl'KCTII street. It has a frontane of InO feet.Water on nretnlfes. I'rlce Jiuuj.

1)1X11 LOT COUNKIt I'liNSAlJlll.AHUH. Klnnn streets. Irfit IV) s &W. Willrut up to (food aiivantacte. House and Stabloon premises. Uood water supply.

1IOUSR ANO LOT ON MAIIA7.INKXI street. HouseneiT. Lot W X Uoodwater supply, l'rtre aw.

Pearl City Lots. I will ue jou pricesnu terms on any 101 111 1 earinj or m.'enlnsuln.

1710U11 HUII.D1NO LOTS, C011NK1ISV (Ireen. Ilackftld and Hiwncer slreets,near rei,lilpnce or Mr. Ilackfeld. Lots (Tradedand fenced, p'enty soil and water. lew lamaBlilliceni and cannot 00 cm 011. inenw joinare unquestionably the most desirable build-ing lots In Honolulu.

T AltHH. I1UILDINO LOT ON PIIKOII J street, opiH,-it- o Lunnllln lloino. Front-air- e

of 186 feet on 1'ilkol street. PrUoTerms, half cash, balance on mortgage.

nlTO 1IUILOINO LOTS ON HINAI.ILOI street, (traded and fenced. Uteso lots

nto between Alapnl and Kaplnlsnl streets.rientysoll, Rtioil water supply.

Several other Desirable Pieces of Propertylor Dale.



Tells hy They lire Not i:ntitled tuKloney- - Serious Counter Cliarces

Circuit Court.

In the matter of G. II. Ruttmau,Marshal A. M. Brown has filed hisappeal bond in the sum of $50.Ching On, is surety.

In the matter of the estate oi

Kasamatsu, (Itohan) a bankrupt,C. Bosse, assignee, has filed bondsin the sum of $2,000 with J. F.Hackfeld as surety.

In the matter of Maria Kaauaanavs. Keahi, et al, defendants bill ofcosts, amounting to if 60. 10, hasbeen filed.

C. B. Larsen, master of the barkDon Adolfo, has filed an answer tothe libel of A. l'edersen, mate olthe same vessel, et al , for wages,In it he sets forth that the conbplainants signed in San Franciscofor a long voyage to require nearlytwo vears time, and that saul agreement will not have been dischargeduntil the Don Adolfo has arrived atSan Francisco, that no moneyswhatever are due plaintiffs untilthe vovage is completed; that,aside from this fact, AndrewWelch, one of complainants, is notentitled to wages from the DonAdolfo for that he absented himselfthree days from the vessel at Newcastle without leave, contrary toaereement: and A. Pedersen andTohn Weihurst, other complainants.are also not entitled to wages lorthat they allowed two stowawaysto come aboard at the Sound andsail to Newcastle, contrary toagreement. Respondent asks thatthe case be dismissed aim tuat allcosts be taxed against the plaintiffs.

The Bishop & Co. Gibson estatematter came up 111 tlie CircuitCourt this morning. The case waspostponed until Monday next toenable Mrs. Talulu h. uaysciaen,one of defendants, to arrive fromLaUama.

In the matter ot the estate oWin. A. Aldrich of San Francisco,W. F. Allen has filed his final account and asks for approval anddiseharce.

The Pedersou vs. IJou iaonocase will come up in tueCourt tomorrow.

A continuation of the Morf iseau- -Trousseau matter will be heard inChambers Friday afternoon.

Mitchell, charged with Housebreaking, is before Judge Magoonand a native jury this alteruoon.

All at Kerr's.

Ladies' hose in cotton and Lislethread at Kerr's. Napkins and

table cloths in all sizes at Kerr's.Pillow-casing- , sheetings and bedspreads at Kerr's. Dress goods,charming effects, exclusive designsat Kerr's.

Ilesr Famine.

One saloon In town has been

without beer for a week. Anotherwill exhaust its store by tomorrow,Still another will be in distress before the arrival of the Australia,There is much borrowing and buying between the agents. One favor-

ite brand will not be 011 hand forsome weeks,

llattallon Drills.

The First Regiment will beglunext Friday evening to drill bybattalions. The second battalionwill drill at that time. It is composed of companies F, D, Gandll,Ma or loncs will command.The first battalion, 15, A, C aud B,will drill Tuesday evening next.


The pleasant flavor, gentle action andsoothing- - effects of Sviun of tics, whenla neoa 01 a laxative, unu 11 uiu lamernrmntherbe costive or bilious, the mostgratifying results follow Its use; so thatit la the beat family remedy known, andeverr family should have a bottle onhand.

Ail auction sale of Awa licensesis ndvertUcil.

James W. Lloyd IiolJs his fallict'spower of attorney.

George A. Davis has been ap-

pointed a Notary Public.

Yatniau will iliscuss Daniel at theY. M, C. A. this evening.

Harold Kanuliu, a school boy,was arrested nt noon for truancy.

Telephone line to l'carl City wasdown this morning for a short time,

There will be no prayer meetingat the M. K. church this evening.

Colonel McLean called upon thenew Japanese Consul this morning.

The funeral of Mrs. 1). It. Hitch-cock was the largest ever seen inHilo.

Health Agent Jacobicu is do!;iggood work cleaning up in Kapa-lam- a.

The Hoard of Health will holdits regular Inisiiicsj meeting thisafternoon.

lintrics for the II. A. A, C. roadrace clpses at Tin urn's nt 5 this af-


The Oceanic wharf is piled withbananas awaiting shipment by theMouowai.

The Bennington's starboardwatch will likely be given shoreliberty this evening.

The Bennington had her .signalflags out to dry this morning.They got wet at Ililo.

A lot of unused lumber at thenew pumping station is beingmoved into town and stored.

The stockholders of the Kona-Ka- u

Telephone Company will meetin North Kona on Dec. 2nd.

Officers of D company will haveto stand a new examination whenthe company goes back to artillery.

The Sunday railway schedule toWaianae will be changed to accommodate people who do not riseearly.

W. W. Dimond will open hisholiday stock of glass and crockeryware in the Foster storehouse, l?ortstreet.

A horse ran away near the Custom house late yesterday andstrewed pieces of a brake severalblocks.

of Kauai on nlui ,,ackarre intoor they sea ijjvers Were sent down

shall have licensed saloon ,,: succeedWaiiuea.

A boy named Kalua was broughtfrom Kau by the W. G. Hall andwill be sent to the Reformatoiyschool.

Heavy winds are still reportedfrom Hawaii. The Hall found itquite impossible to take on all ofher ireiegut.

C. D. Dennys, young man whohopes to succeed by honest hust-ling, is a program forband concerts.

The gates to the fence aroundSt. Andrew's cathedral have beenswung, and the grounds have atlast been closed.

Toma, the Topauese policeman,surprised his fellows this morningby appearing at the Station minushis heavy, back beard.

Praise of the faithful manner Inwhich the native jury at thepreseutterm is discharging its duties isheard at every hand.

The mortality rate for this monthwill be large, if present indicationscarry. Throat anil stomacn troublesare the leading causes of deaths,

Lights in the Circuit Court roomhave been overhauled and nightsessions will frequently be heldduring the term by Judge Magoon.

Mutch has bought the shootinggallery premises on Hotel streetfrom James Olds, and will extendthe frontage of his big block from90 to 120 feet.

In the mention of Road Boardsupply awards, the Pacific Hard-ware Co., which bid on forty ar-

ticles and secured twenty-one- , hasbeen omitted.

Martin Fernandez, the man whoassaulted Smith at the Woodlawndairy last night, plead guilty in theDistrict Court this morning andwas fined if 20.

Chinese-ma-n J. W. Girvin has inhis office very striking ofan applicant for a return permit.The illustration was taken fromlife with a kodak.


KssKeruted and Misleading; Verslou ofHappenings Is Corrected.

The morning paper has a verysensational, misleading and entirely false account of alleged or re

ported disturbances at the quarantine station. The facts are that sofar as the users labor areconcerned there has beenno attempt to "fool" the coolies,

is there any disposition to coerce or deceive them. What ditler-ences there may be, and these areslight, are confined to Chineseagents, lunas or recruiting menThe rivalry betweeii these is sointense that It has becomeburning jealousy, wholly uncoil-fine-

There can be nothing in thestatements that the coolies havebeen brought here under false pretenses or that attempts are nowmade to trick them. They sign ordecline, as they like. As to LauChong, he stands as well here asany business man.

After Many Tsars.T. A, Lloyd and wife, who leave

for the coast by the S. N. Castle,should have a pleasant trip. It ishoped Mrs, Lloyd will be complete-lv restored to health, Mr. Lloydis visiting the United States (or thefirst time since 1866 and expects to

some greot changes.

Bora Throat, Any ordinary mayba cured in one inxni uy anpiynnhamberlain'a l'ain Holm as direct'with each bottle. This medicine la alsofn 111011s for its cures of rheumatismlame back and doep seated and muscularpains, t ot by all aeaieri. ubnsoji.BiiiTlI-a- : u., uenerai Agents, 11, 1,




Makes llrpesled Atlrmiti lo KikI IllsWalrlieil at the

I'tillee station.

Wong Lock, the Chinese mur-

derer, would like to kill himself.

Since Sunday night he has been

desperate. An officer is kept in

his cell day and night, and Is neverallowed to keep eyes off of him.

Late Tuesday Wong Lock quicklydashed his head against the sharpside of his bed and sustained a widegash on the face. Severnl timeshe has fallen on his head in an ef-

fort to break his neck. These startshave been made so quickly thatthe officers could not stop the man.

Tuesday night it became neces-

sary to use harsh measures withthe prisoner. Hand-cuff- s were puton him and chained to chair uponwhich he was compelled lo sit. Hewas not allowed near his bed allnight, for, when close to it, hewould invariably plunge violentlyagainst the wood work, head first.

Wong Lock was arraigtica neioreJudge Perry at 10 o'clock thismorning. tie was cxircmeiynervous and acted queerly. It isbelieved he is feigning insanity.He employed no lawyer and, pri-

marily, conducted his own case.Witnesses for the prosecution andevidence were 011 hand.

The charge was read by the pro-

secution. It was substantially"felonious and willlul murder."The prisoner waived examinationand was committed to the CircuitCourt for trial. He was sent overto the reef this afternoon and willbe closely confined. His offense is

Duck Suits at Khlt-r's-

B. F. F.hlers &Co. have received

a new line of duck suits for ladies.The garments are perfect in everyrespect and are made in iashiouablcdesigns. Call and see them.

A Popular Dentist Has Case ntHay's llottonip

Dr. K. I. Moore, the dentist, met

with riuite a heavy loss TuesdayBefore thc-W- . G. Hall,

on which he arrived, reached thedock, a steward of the vessel tookthe doctors baggage and promisedto deliver it safe ashore. In the lotwas a case containing nearly ofhis instruments. As the stewardftncnnnrlf.,1 tll, eft nt.vv.iv he .slinned.

People will vote the tui3 dropped thequestion or whether not this

a at hut did not in res


getting up

a picture









cuing the property. Another at-

tempt will be made this afternoon.

ItennlDfctun Hack.

The U. S. S. Bennington arrivedat 7 o'clock this morning and an-

chored at her old place in tlie harbor. She left Hilo about noonvesterdav. Tlie men will be required to clean up ship alter whichthey will be given shore liberty.Minister Willis, wile aim son amiDr. Cooper returne'd by the warship.

If jou want to buy. sell or exchange,, ko to John T. Ilronn, Arlington

lilock, llotct street. Nolo change ofaddress.

The New Ice Plant.The new Ice Works and refriger

ator of the Hawaiian F.lectric Com-

pany will be ready to begin opera

tions in Tanuaiy. The huge buildings are completed and the ice panshave been put 111. Machinery winbe stationed ns rapidly as possible,Nearly all of the cold storage roomlias been taken.

Weather "irobs."Tuesday morning the wind

shifted rapidly from the North to

the West. This' is the "Kona'direction at Honolulu. The barometer sank as was to he expected.West wind continued all day.Professor Lyons reports that thereare still imperfectly developed muieat ons of a Kona. Chances arethat unsettled weather will prevailfor some days.

(INK "SlirK 1'UNUII."

Little squabble and a Head In Chancery

For Police News.


Martin Fernandez struck a Portu-guese known as Smith at theWoodlawn dairy Tuesday afternoon, inflicting a very ugly woundSmith has charge ot the barn anuFernandez Is an understrapper.The two men were preparing loodin a box for the cows, l'ernandeznrcidentlv splashed some of thefodder he was cutting ou atniiuand the latter got mad.

His nout cost him dearly, f er-

nnndez. without warning, threwan arm around his head and hit nunsnuarelv in the face. A deep gashnearly two inches long, down theeft side ot his nose, was maoe.

Smith then broke away and fledfrnm the barn.

Manager Wernck telephoned tunolice station. Hammer went outand brought in Smith. He wastaken to Dr. Umerson. who uresseohis wound. Fernandez was broughtn at sundown. His bail was lixed

nt Hmn. Matiatrer Werrick putup and took the man home witnhim. Werrick describes Smith asa particularly disagreeable personFernandez is quite the opjwsiteand has never been in a uimcmiybefore.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair,

Oold Medal Midwinter Fair.





A pure Crape Cream of Tattif rowder. Free

from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.

In all the great Hotels, the leadingClubs and tbeTiomes, Dr. Trice's Creamliakfcjg Powder holds ita supremacy.

40 Years the Standard.LEWIS & CO,. Agents. Honolulu. H. I.

Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Rtott




Ilrst lltlillilllnn Orral Arlhlly f

Members Work of the TourCircles.

The next exhibition of the Kilo-lian- a

Art League will open Thurs-day evening, Nov. i. All artistsof the city will enter. The exhibl.tion promises to be the largest evergiven. It will continue, closingDecember 2t. Several special en-

tertainments will be arranged.The Art League is moving

rapidly oil the About120 names arc now on the roll withprospects of others in view. Themembership represent various ac-

complishments. In consequencefour circles have been formed with-in the League. They nre theartistic, the musical, the literaryand the dramatic. These will successively entertain the members ofthe League.

On the 6th of December themusical class will give a public en-

tertainment. There will be bothvocal and instrumental efforts.Some of the best talent of the cityis enlisted in the circle and nu ex-

cellent program is anticipated.Interest in the League is at fever

heat, and progress 011 all lines is thegeneral remark.

Yllteel Itiire.

The AJitrtistr's bicycle race willcome ofi", rain or shine, at 4:4s thisafternoon. Start will be made fromUnion square and the race will fin-

ish there. The racers will be TomXing, George Angus and 1). G.Sylvester. King will ride a 1 nlnine,Angus Steams' Sylvester work savcCleveland. Hfibrts, will be made tohave the as clear as possibleduring the race.

Malupcd Onnds,

For stamped goods go to S. N.Sachs, an Immense assortment,side board scarfs, tray covers,dolies, splashers, art denim, washbags, also an assortment of linenfloss 111 ail colors.

Tor tinod Purpose,On the evening of the 26th hist.,

an entertainment will be given byThe Hospital Flower Society at theresidence ol .Mrs. bwanzy. He

society wishes to establish a freebed at the hospital, the receipts of'the entertainment to be used lorthat purpose. The program willbe announced in due time.

llawnll Ornnces.

The Hall brought lot of oranges from Hawaii. This morningtwo or three hundred natives andChinese assembled on the wharfwhile the boxes and barrels of fruitwere being opened. Oranges sold

cry cheap. The hall will sailagain at 10 a. m. Friday. She willbring nmnW of Thanksgivingturkeys on her return trip.

Year Tor! Hwllidlltiir.

Tong Ing, the arrcsledTuesday for fleecing two old menout of $ s, was before JudgePerry this morning. Witnessespro and con gave their testimoniesAt the conclusion of the case defendant was found guilty and senteuced to one year's imprisonmentat hard labor and to pay a fine of


Castle and Captain,

Captain Hubbard of the S, N.Castle is much better today. TheCastle will leave" at 10 a. 111. to-

morrow. Thomas Krouse anddaughter and T. O. Lloyd aud wifewill go as passengers. J. L. Carter

booked to leave by the Castle,but may go by the Mouowai instead. Mr. Krouse will be awayseven weeks.

llattallon Ilrllllnc Order.Headquarters First Regiment,

N. G. II.,Honolulu, Nov. 13, i8y5.

General Orders, No, 17.

The Second Battalion, First Regiineut, N. G. H., Maj. Jones commanding, will assemble at the Armory Friday, Nov. 15th, at 7:30

m., sharp, for battalion drill,The First battalion, 1st regiment

N. G. H., Major McLeod comanding, will assemble at the Armoryon Tuesday, Nov. igth, at 7:30

m. sharp, for battalion drillCompany drills fire suspended

except by special command ot

Colonhl McLkan,J. W. Pkatt, Capt. aud Adjt.


Annual sleetluc Held lit the llaiidsomCI11I llou.r.

There were about fifty membersm attendance at tue house lastevening for the annual meeting andelection of the Ilcalatn Bait andYacht Club. The reports, showing

sound financial comlitiotij 'werereceived with applause. The clubis in a wide awake condition andwill be prominent in any regattathat may be arranged, Besidesmore attention will be given to clubrowing and to social features.These are the new officers, thepresident and secretary having bceuchosen unanimously to serve again:

President T, V. Lansing,J. W. Winter,

Secretary A. V. Gear.Treasurer F. B. Oat.Auditor C. L. Crabbe.Other Directors F. L. Waldron.

A. W. Meyer, Fred Hammer, F.dTowse.

Alter adjournment ciub members were the guests of PresidentLansing up town. In the courseof the social C. D. Chase headedsubscription for pleasure boats and

225 was raised 111 a lew minutes.A Captain is yet to be chosen by

the directors. Clarence Macfar-lau- e

has withdrawn his fromconsideration for business reasons.

At the meeting several addresseswere made, notably by PresidentLansing, Messrs. Whiter, Gear andOat. There was much geuttlneenthusiasm lu tue air,



Sl l.l t HONS tlTTKHAM'KS 111


Mesoeuser of the KlttR-llel- ng andtnff-- l. title to th



(llei-.rle- il by llev. II. W. Peck.

"Ilo lived for himself, for himself nlonc,Tor himself attd iiutio beside;Just as if Jesus had never lived,As if Jesus had never died."

Never be guilty of thinking thata long lace and a sanctimoniouslook means Christianity.

Put all the sunshine that youcan into tlie wilderness Heart olthe sorrowing ones.

Sin, be it ever so small, will al-

ways bring distress and sorrow;there can be no lasting peace with-out Christ in the life. "There isno peace to the wicked saith myGod."

If you'll let mc, I can help you.I know can, for I am the 'messen-ger of the King.

liverything that is good have,and have it to the full; God onlyasks you to give up that which issinful and wicked, which if per-severed it will sink your soul intothe pit.

Turn from sin, and in the turn-ing you will find one ready to help.God will not only forgive your sinsami save you from them, but hewill also save jou from the desireof sinning, if you will only openwide the door of your heart and letHim come in and take full posses-sion.

Beloved, ther is no use tryingto be a christian; trying won'tsave you; but accepting Ulinstfully and freely and letting him do

a and a the will your soul.












What you h ive to do is to be willing to let C;iri-,- t work in yourwhole life "to will and to do of hisgood pleasure."

To everyone, white or black oryellow, rich or poor, learned orignorant, to all of every kind. Ibring the glad tidings that ChristJesus wants to save you from yoursins. Hear the glad news andheed.

My mother is a woman,and that's the kind the worldwains. Utll(.

No can tell what love and Francisco,soap and water aud clothes can dofor even the dirtiest .specimen of a

Some people arc always gettin;:ready for christian work and theyxhaust themselves ou plans aud

never do anything.


Rom. 8:2s; Rom. 8:32; John5:24. It is tue privilege ol everychristian to know that he has passedfrom death unto life. Tlie bpirithimself beareth witness with ourspirit, that we are the children ofGod."

"If any man has not the Spiritof Christ he is none ol his.'

For as"manv as are led by theSpirit of God, they are the Sons ofGod.

The tempter usually gets aftera young convert and tries to makehim doubt his conversion. uethold of the promises of God andpay no heed to him. He isa liar and the father of lies.

My own assurance of salvationcame to me like a flash over seventeen years ago. 1 have never hadthe slighest doubt since. I wasreading John 5:24: "Verily, verilyI say unto you, he that heareth myword.andbelievcthou Him thatscntme hath ntrlasting lift, and shallnot come into condemnation but isfiiisieJ from deatli unto life.'

I knew that I had heard uod sword and believed in my heartwhat then? why I simply tookGod at his word, when he saidthat I "had everlasting life" andhad "passed from death unto life,I believed him.

The fear of death is caused bysin I have 110 fear whatsoever,My Saviour has conquered that foeand it was settled tor me at Calvary.

When the christian comes tojudgment he will not be judgedlor his sins, those werewashed away in Christ'blood to be remember no molefor ever. , For the christians theywere settled at the cross, for thesinner they will be settled at theJudgment day.

Absolutely, "all things work togcther for good Jo 1itm that torOoJ the promise is to them.

It is on the side of our greatestlosses that we usually get ourgreatest blessings.

When I pray, I pray believing inthe divine sovereignty ol uod

It takes two things to keep yougoing in this world Grace andGold and both belong to God"The gold aud silver are mine'siith the Lordr

Mr. Yatman believes thoroughlyin the nress as an aueucv for cood.Last night he prefaced his remarksas follows:

"The press of this city has beenexceedingly kind to us and hasgreatly helped the good work being done. Now I waut you peopleto show your appreciation by buyinc plenty of papers and sendinthem abroad aud throughout theIslands that the revival may bewide reaching."

The largest and most impressiveof the revival services was heldthe Y. M. C. A. last night. Mr.Yatman's theme was "Poor littlelim." The telling of the simplbut pathetic story of the little fellow's life of hardship and then ofhis filling the empty place iu thelonely life of the woman of wealth,produced a wonderiui ellect uponthe audience which listened intentlyto every word of the eloquent evan-

gelist. Few men have the wonderiui descriptive talent possesseu uyIdr. Yatman who makes you seeall his characters so vividly thatyou almost imagine that the eyesees the person described.

You can put up the most delicatefrulls, uncooked, by using Antlferiucn-iln- .

and in six months they will bo aanatural in apiearance and taste aa whenlirsi picaeu,

I.I.M Il JIIIMIM tl 111 I: I IIIIMIIMI:s 111 I Mil I IIAsI.

Lumber Trade- - Hlesmer I'rnin Jspan ThisN nl Islsnd Wssels

-- 1'ront .Notes,

The Hall, sailing Friday, will heback for Thanksgiving.

The W. G. Hall dockctl about 5o clock jestcrday afternoon.

Island boats are taking considerable lumber to the plantations nowadays.

The Robert Lcwers look sugarat the Inter-Islan- d wharf thismorning.

The steamer Mt. Lcbauuon, fromYokohama for this port, will falldue Friday morning.

The W. H. Dimond will wait forsugar. This may mean a stay ofseveral weeks in port.

The S. G. Wilder sailetl todayfor Sail Francisco, taking a lightcargo and two passengers,

The Mouowai should be alonglate this afternoon or early tomor-row. She is from the Colonies onher way to the Coast,

The Spokane fiuished discharg-ing today. She will sail tomorrowfor Port Gamble where she willagain load lumber for Honolulu,

C. W. is having afine yacht built at Shaw's boat

ouse. She will have a fin keeland will be modeled after the Defender.




From Hawaii and Maul, tier stinr(J Hall. Nov 120 M Walton, llr

Whitney and wife, (leorRo ic 1 noore. a Ktinuinkea ana

ife. 0 Kaiser. W 0 Walt. Simon Alu.Miss II llurgcas, Mra George Campbell,

Iss 14 A Hoy, Mi Mctiulre. ratherlrtor. Father Itualt, T Ulubayamn, andon uecK.


or 31nul.It Lyons, wlfoluiiey.

er Clnudinc, Nov 12and child, J S 1.

tnr Knual. ner stmr Mikahnl.i. Nov12- -F (1 .Stanley. A Jlcllrvde. J nandall.Miss lleckct, Thos Pino, Dr Averdam,Chang Kim, nud 2:1 on deck.

For Kuu.-il-. ner stmr Knual. Nov 12Miss McOrcw.

lor Kauai, ner Iwnlani. Nov 12 A 11

ScrlniKer, V 11 Itlce. 11 T McCulIouh.For Knual, per K All llou, Nov 1211 lindsnv.


For San Francisco, nnr bktn S (1Wilder, Nov 13 T Cummins nnd H I.Lyons.


WnnxEsnvv, Nov 13

UHH !enninu-ton- . l'iirinnn.froin ililoHawaii


Wkunesiiay,S (1 Wilder, McNeil,



F.v V(I Hall, from Hawaii and Mntil.lift ) Biiunr. ISO coffee. 123

nwn, 30 head cattle, 8 lulls hides.James Makee, Kauai



The Stationers.

Nov 13



from Vi


The Wall-Nichol- s Co. receivedpart of their stock by the S. C.Allen. Some very fine pianos arein the shipment.

1 he Company will publish programs of concerts, to be distributedfree when the band plays.

Manna Lots.tV large map ol the Kahaloa

tract in Manoa Valley is on exhibi-tion in the Pacific Hardware Co.'sstore. This tract belongs to a syn-dicate. It has been divided into

61 lots. The lots will soon be soldby Moigan at auction.

First Cannery Milpment.

A big shipment of canned pineapples was made by the S. G. Wilder today. There were 486 cas;s,all told. The pineapples came fromthe newF.wa canning factory and arebeiug sold in Sail Francisco. Goodprices are expected. This is thefirst shipment ever made from theislands. 1 lie iactory is turningout A 1 goods, packed after thelatest improved methods.

Humous are troublesome, ho nrecorn. Iteddings Uussia halve curesKith. 25 cents. H01J.ISTEU UHl'u Com

pa ny. Agents.




lli:ATll Ol' J AH. llOWSETT.

ipular Yeunir Alan I' Aftera Long- Illness.

James Dowsett, oldest son of J,Dowsett, died at Puuloa about o

o'clock Tuesday evening. He hassuffered from paralysis of the brainfor the past four years, becomingsuddenly worse at times and getting better again. During the pasttwo years he has lived quietly atPuuloa, being cared for by JohnDe Frieth and wife.

Sunday he was taken violentlyHI again and sutlered with convulsious until death came Tuesdaynight, nearly sixty hours. Dr,Herbert attended him. Towardthe last the patient quieted anddeath was painless.

Mr. Dowsett was born here 37years ago. He was married to adaughter of G. W. C. Jones. Hiswife and two children survive him."Jimmy," as he was called by hisold companions, was well knownaud was a great favorite with theyoung men or Honolulu.

The funeral will take place fromthe residence ol J. I, DowsettKapalama, at 3 p. m. tomorrow,Friends are invited to attend,

Nuuanu I'laus Finished,Messrs. Wall and Gere have

drawn a final plait 01' Nuuanustream, showing the proposed newchannel. It has been found best tohave the channel farther in on StLouis college point, bringingnumber of small houses at thatplace makal of the stream. Tiblower terminus of the proposedroadway will touch on privateproperly. A jury will soon be appointed to finally dispose of theclaims.

Ilenson, Smith & Co., the drueicists,will tell you that no one is Iwtter uunli-fled to judge of the merits of an articlethan the dealer, ttecause he liasea litopinion ou tho expeiienceof all who use11. for inisreasun uiey wisiius lupun-lisl- i

the remarks of , other dealers aboutan article wh'.cli he handles. Miasra.C r. Moore oz Co.. Itewberu. Ore.. aa"We sell more of Chamberlain a CoughKemedy than all others put together,and it always elves uood satisfaction,"Mr, J, K, Allen, rox, Oie,, sas; "I

Chamberlain's Cough Itemed)' toIaj tlie nest rnave iianuieo, sir, wII. Hitchcock, Columbus, Wash,, says:"Chatnbet Iain's Cough Uemedy sellawell and is highly prized by all who nreIt." uy nil dealers. iiksson.buiTU & Co., Uent-ru-l Agents, H, I,



Telephone- 1'JI.

BY ATJT1I01UTY.Auction Soln of Awn Llconscej,

There will ho sold nt Public A unionon TUESDAY, the IO1I1 day of Decern.lier, iyu, the following Awn I.iceliFesfor tho term of one year from the 1stday of January, IKMl,

Koolaujioko .

Wailuliii ....LahalnaMakawao'....


Hawaii.N. Kohala 1

Kau 1

Kauai,Mhue 1

Walmea ......1Tho license for Koolaupoko, Oahu,

will be sold on the above named day at12 o'clock noon at tho front entrance ofthe F.iecuttvo Uuilding.

Those for the Islands of Maul, Hawni'and Kauai will he sold in lliuir respective districts on the above dato nt suchhour and place as Bhall la? designatedby the sovcral Sherilfs or their

Shoul It for good reasons ho foundnecessary to change the day of sale.due notice will lie given by iwsters


,1 llin nil,) lllalrinta

Upset price, for the District of allukii and Iihatut $300 eacli license, fortho other Districts ns advertised f 100

for each License.

Terms. A deposit of twenty-liv- e petcent is reouircd on the fall of the hamtiler nud forfeit of said deposit,tho full amount of license mone)not lie paid within ten dajs from thedate of sale.



Minister of tho Interior,Interior Ofllcc,

November 13, 1891, 811 Ot

Mr. OEOItOE A. DAVIS has thiiday been appointed n Notary Public fortho Hrst Judicial Circuit of the Hawillan Islands.

Interior Odlce,



J. A.Minister of tlie Interior,

November 12, 1S05. 81t.3t

rves-s- Aavortl.omotltaiMeeting Xotice.

A meeting of the Kona.Kati Tele- -iione &. Telecraph Company will heeld at the olllce of tho Company, Ho- -

laloa, North tiona, Hawaii, uecemtieiIB!),"., at 10 a. m.

811.41S. Aungst,


J'oivcr of Attorney.

During my temporary ahgence fromthese Islands inr eon. James W. Llo

in act tor me in an matters unuerecial rower of Attorney.

(Sinned) T. A. LLOYD.811-l- t

Animal Meeting.

Annual Meetine of the UNION FEEDCOMPANY, L15I1TED, will la) held ntthe Company 1 Olllce on Fill DA Y7 the13111 instant, nt 11 o clock, a. m.

V1DA.810 3t , Secy. Urion Feed Co:, Ltd.

Corporation Xotice.

Notice is hereby clven that nt theAnnual Meeting of the Shareholders ofHie HUUMULA SHEEP STATIONCOMPANY, LTD., held at Honolulu onthe 11th of Novemlier. 18UV the olllcers have been elected for thoensuing year:


Aug. Hancberg -- , ..PresidentArmiu llaneberg-..- .J. F. Hackfeld Secy. & Treas.F. Klatup ....Auditor,

J. F. HACKFELD.810-- w Secretary.






Attention Co. D.

First Iteglmeut, N (J. II.Honolulu, Novrmber 11,

AH members of Co. 1).N. 0., II., are hereby ordered toreiiort at company quarters InDrill Shed. WEDNESDAY

SVENINO. Nov. 13. 1BU3. ut 7:30 o'clock,no excuse except sickness.

w. i;. wiLUiiic. Jit..Captain Commanding Comiany D, N, tlII, - BUU- -

TUlf nlnr.n Is keiit on (lie at T..Omid rnrcn i kr-- AittertuinkAgency, w ana t siercnsnt's tit iiantte,rraliclsco Cat., wliera io.itra(ta for tat tuaae ur it.


iettrte h hrtcbr elf rh to all creditorsf the ifclate of 11. OoldlvfK that pay-

ment must l made on or liefore De.tmnbrr lit liaxlor suits III be broughtin the District Court for the recovery ofthcsimf,


Ktcriltors Estato M. floldberg,lUreslulu, II. I., Nov. 7, 1695.



The Captain or Agents of the Darken-lin- e

"HON AIMII.I'O" will notIw rsiouaiblfl for nny dehU contractedby the crew while in rsirt.

CAST 1.1: A-- COOKD. LTUWW If Agents.

Police.Notice Is hereby Klven that at the

Annual Meeting ol the 1'AIKAA H tax ItCompany, held this day the followingHrsons were elecled as olllcers of the

company for the ensuing jear, vl:J. II. Alherloii, i: PresidentK. O. While, I..,. Vice President(1. If. Itobcrtson, l.,....Treasurer1. C. Jones. 1"ji , Auditori:. F. lllshop, Secretary

II. F. IIISHOP,(Secretary,

Dated Honolulu, Oct. 23, IW,. 7U 1110


All persons having claims againstHANIKJItN A: CO., Contractors, forfence building on the Waianae Divisionof tho Hallway and Laud Comlanv. nre hereby renucsted lo sendiiccounla linnicdiatelv lo the olllco ofHit" O.1I111 Itallwny nnd Land Co., orthey nut la) allow ed.NK-- tf J. I. HANUOItN CO.

THEOSOPHT.Tluw ,ntTrt-stu- In TlteowHtliT. Tlilt- -

tntf ThcoKophints ntitf any not connectedwith 1o1kos in Honolulu can obtainhooks, etc., freo of charge from thotihrary of Hawaii Ih1k T. 8.. Fosteriuock. riiiuanu mri-ei-. on nhu.wDAY EVKNINOS from 7 to 8:30.

N. FEKNANDEZ,Notary Public and Typewriter.

I I KAAHUMANU ST. 'O. Ilox 330. Telephone 34fi.


For Sale or Rent.

We clier for Sale or Itcnt a new twofltury hoiue, nearly finished, situated onHnssingt'r Mtreet, Honolulu The landU l'JOx l?fi feet, with several valuableIres thereon, with soil twenty fetdeep.

The house is n two story houee ofgood tize, with veranda in first andsecond stories. Tho house is fitted withall tho modern Improvements, havingelectric when In every room.

This vuluahle pronerty will bo offeredfor sale nt ft reason a Mo price and uponeasy terms, or it will Imj rented If notsold.

For particular apply to



403 Fokt Stiikkt, Hosoujlo.




Just Received.For Sale


Hawaiian Hardware Co,

Ever Have Headache ?

Otlicr people do. Some per-sons have also neuralgia,sleeplessness, mental ex-

haustion; not all of them,perhaps, but any one olthem is enough to makeyou miserable


SELTZER -Cures Headache. A dosetaken before breakfast actsas ai bracer and invigorator,preparing you mentally andphysically lor the day'swork. Effervesces like sodawater, and is pleasant andsafe to take

10c, 20c. bo., ti.



Seasickness. Positively Prevented


Tho Only Known Specific Hint will Invariably Trove" Mn do Mcr."

OiiaiiintcDtl lorirootl- - Uiit'tnloMH.

Benson, Smith & Co.,FOR







Page 4: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. › bitstream › 10524 › ... · 2015-06-02 · Just thlnlc It over and make up your mind that you want the best and safest light; send for the Hawaiian Electric

r in



MKti:oii.ii.omi muitiiu. I CHILDREN I SEASONABLE NOTES. I

IJrt Mnn.Uf.inifca." tii hi. p if f


Sun.: xbiubim 71 10

him l jtwri m ltlM 10 I") M Hi 3HI I0..T1 M

7 ).' 70 m o.xii tit UK II

BP Hilar, noi Tl n fi.i; "0 NIK tl

ii.tiwii ;i ; a iv 77 MNRt A

rtartmrt.r corri-cte.- for t.initrature and...ratten but not for Utltuils.

Tll)l:i, KUN AND MOON,

Ilia TMri For lKUJr from U, H. ComtSurvey Table..



Tnri.... 12,12-- 0.51till, tl.tll.

!.... - It t- - t 6 3-- 8riinr....! a. 3 7 w, -- m S l,r rl-- ... 9 :W IMSbat .... 7 B 1110-8- 6 6.19

Pun.... I 10! 3.461

New moun nn tlie 10th, nt 6 h. 40 m, a. in.Tlmo Whittle Hum s at lh --Dm., 84. p.m. of

Honolulu tlmo. w lilch Is the same as lib,, 0m.,r.a nf UrnAttuIrK tlmn.

1'or every loio feet of dl.tance of the ob-server (from the Custom House) allow oneaeconJ for transmission of sound, or ft secondsto a statute mue.


Hteamshina will leave for and arrive fromHan Francisco on the following dates, till theclose of 181)5 1

Ahuivk at tt'N'LtrLt) T.KAVit Honolulu forraoM Han F'cisco fciAN FllANClSCOOK

OR V'ANOODVIH. Vancouver.1803. 18on.

On or .it bout On or .ilboufWarrlmoo Oct 21 Mlouera Nov 1

Clilna Oct 24 Coptic. Nov 6

Australia.. Nov 15 Araa . Nov 14

.M.irlposa.. Nov 21 Australia -- Nov 20.NOV 24 Warrlmoo Dec 2

Coptic NOV 2S l'eklnii IlecArsmu ,.Ueo 19 Alameda Ueo 12

Wirrlmoo llec 24 Mlonera....Jan 1.16U6.Dec 28



TIME TABLEFrom and After October 21,


i i 5 f .a32

0. XS & A 4

auS is Is2 1 finA.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

l,ave Honolulu.. .:I0 U.15 l:ift 6:10

L ave Pearl Cltr.-- ' ' (W 2.28 8:53

Lea'e K'a Mill.. .8:10 1010 2.49 6:11

ArrheAVaiauae 10:'4 S.2I C:U(ft


A.M. A.M. P.M. tIave Waianne....6:44 .... jsaJjtave Ewa .MU1..7:1II .l ) S.O7

eave Pearl CHt r... 7:10 .4 2.BHonolulu. ..8.21 10.SO 3 11

n. uiimlni. Irnln ulll ltuiio Walutment3 47 instead of 1:32 p.m. arriving In Hon

.olulu at o.wo iu.FrelBlitTiainswlU enrrv Passenger nctom

moilaiionstl ,P. Uemon, F. C. Smith.

Superintend nt. Oen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt.



S. S. AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. lor fe. t.Nov. 15 Nov. 20

ISM 18l

Jan. 3 Jan. 0

Jan. 27 Feb. 1

Feb. 21 Feb. 20


From San Francieeo From Sydney forfor Sydney. ban r rancisco.

Arrive Honolulu. Leave Uonoluln.

Maritmsa-Nov- . 14 Monowal.-.Nov- . 14

Monowai...Dec. 12 Alameda. 12

Alameda. y Mariposa Jan. 9

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mall Service.

For Sydney and knlM.The Now and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu trom ban francisco on or about

November 14th,And will leave for the above ports withMail and Passengers on or about thatdate,

For San Francisco:

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship"MONOWAl"

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or aliout

November 14,and will have prompt despatch withMalls and Passengers for the above port.

The undemigned are now preparedto issue

Throuili Tickets to all Points in the

Unite! States.

For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage, apply to

Wm.G.lrwin&Co., L'd,CiENEHAL AQENTS.

Castle & Cooke, Ltd.


General Merchandise,


Btab, 11.00 per year,


Tnko it mindly. For tlili rwisnti liit tt oxleiulvely prescribed nml rf .

comtnctitloil for its agreeable tnilo niwell ni for the excellent remits -

tnincil tu Imlliliiig iip tlic (yjtcmi of

pale, Jinny, sickly children, particu-

larly tliosu troubled with Aiiiemin,

Scrofula, Rickets mid blood mid bono

illeeascsgeiieiiilly, Inndilitioiitotlila


perfected rind tateless,of Coil LiverOil with Compound Syrup of Hypo,phosphites, Kxtr:ict8 of Malt mid

Wild Cherry Hark, makes healthyflesh mid fat, resists disease germsns well as prevents scrofulous blood

nttneking tho lungs, that invariably

ends in Lung Scrofula or Consump.tion. Cures made in the young moeconomical and permanent. Sold byHoixisteii Diiuo Co I IIenson, SmithAS Co; IlOBitoN Ditto Co.




or Honolulu.

aounts.J. A. MARTIN,

Stab Agent. UUo.OEO. HONS.

Star Agent wailuku and Labaina.


Fort St


f ort be. opposite uiuu mawes.


Tel. STiO. Cor. Alakea and Hotel Streets


J. HOPF AS CO.74 JUng til.


Aetna, Alliance, new England uuttiai


KMMKLUTH & CO.,6 Nuuanu St.

MERCHANTS8. I. Bhaw, Proprietor


By the bark J, 0. Glado

a new supply of thecelebrated


For sale at all principalDrug Stores, Liquor Dealers,Saloons, and at

ML Hackfeld & Go.SOLE AGENTS.







is prepared to do all kinds ofartistic Hook Job and Mews-pap-

printing at fair prinpa.

Books, Pamphlets, Legal Papers,iland Dills, Dodgers, Letter andBill Heads, Business and VisitingCards Tickets, Programs, etc.


l inn in

8klrt nml AeVt of iMh nml Mtpe ntIII) worn with fluWrtl ninilirlr vhtrtrnlH iVUt. nml (tliUhnl wllh turn w

mMnr nml iff of wlili Ilimt Mnir-

nml fttnj w. tlv rorotniij'ltt( fffltnlfMnncf white nr UUrk mWk ir minhrtr.With Mwk rrarntii 11 tmrl mwrrpinworn, wliIWi wlili wtilt imhh rutty, KipHilir. Piiiornlil or uUmt lintel rtmtm urnITi'frrml.

Wliltn nml Unit lirown clv(4y kit! IltltIifUrr, tynttlor JpwH1 ftiiUliltifp ntv

tlio lntiKl finlitun In waUlUimN, wlillouliiu'lfu-- tfi(i4 nml clrti In hold tlirt Uliotnro limrii in iroM fr IIihs Hirlit Ihm,Now that wonin Iirmt tlir latf (f oiirtliotvfttrliifti iimdn of ftntd, why m 111 tint fiililmi(lino iik t(rtjtlilirulun Imckotl with I tin

miiiu nltint)lu metal nml wtwlth pnstoiiflftonef Yylulgtit ftlwi 1imi thn milUtifour ohm invla of nhl, n nrn tho oyeletholcfl ami vlit of luxurious ctim-U-.

Awuy with lmi, Uv nml nihcr' Thrynro unfit for tho recoct, I tton of ihiIIUtbo-thly- .

In Franco lint nro worn tilled rift litmortho fori'lioad, niul In wlmly woatlirrthU lun its ail vantage, m tho hair U not


fo much In ovhlcnco in its untidiness, hutat tho Ramo tlmo It Is not becoming to thnnvcrago woman. Veils aro eryoluml-nou- s

and nro draped round tho hat.Plaids nro cry much to tho foro this

fall and promlso to bo popular all winter.They nro seen In all sorts of Roods, plaidcreponq holng particularly attractive andnorvlcoablo, especially In dark tones. Plaidmohairs are nlso shown iu great variety.Light, del lento plaids are much liked, ouchas have dark Hues on a ground of row,helge, clear blue, light gray nnd fawn.Kur will bo much worn with thosn tartansand combines well with them, otter andsablo being preferred.

The sketch shows n walking eostumo ofplatinum gray cloth, Tho godet nklrt laplain. Tho bodice Is gathered at tho nockand waist and lias brctelles of whlto openembroidery over carnation red. The beltof carnation red vohet forms n crossedcorselet In front, tho ends terminated bychoux at tho baso of tho bretellos. Tho1810 sleeves aro plaited over tho curve oftho shoulder and form a full puff to thoelbow. Tho collar of red civet Is finishedwith coques at tho (jack. Tho hat of blackfelt Js trimmed with gulnuro ami siiacieucarnations, while an algret of reed ispLiced at tho side. JuiHC CllOLLET.


Tke One Large mad Iloaffniit, the OtherHigh nnd Tlcht.

Although It can scarcely bo said as yetthat sleeves havo diminished In volume,they aro lower nnd morooften draped thantheywero. This winter tho fullness willbo retntued, by embroidered galloons,

or buttons, these last being nolcsi conspicuous ornamentsol tho eostumothan they havo been for tho last fowmouths.

Tho slexivo for nil gowns Is largo nndbouffnnt, terminating nt tho elbow nnddiversely gathered or draped, tho plnlnballoon being more nnd more sugnteu.Soma sleeves nro puffed and held In byribbons, ruches or narrow straps, othersaro gathered on tho inside of tho arm,while still others havo a capuchin plait.

Very high tight collars, called "swan"collars, will bo tho flnh for many fash- -

lonablo gowns this winter. These arowiped at tho top by a small ruche, feathertrlmmlngor turned down squares of whltosilk or satin edged with pearls, tho lastnamed stylo hnlng n medlajval effect.Tho modo of trimming collars with bowsor choux on each side is gone by, horizon


tal coquea at tho back being tho only llarIng trimming now permuted even ondraped collars.

Although the rashtou ol auowing the(lecotletage to show tho top of tlio arm laso prevalent, it is not compulsory, manygowns being cut high over tbe 6houldcrsIn the long established way. In high bodIces also tho sleevo ptift Is often freo fromthe shoulder seam, thus lenUng tho nrmat liberty, as it cannot be when tho top otthe sleevo Is closely fltled. Tho slopingshoulder effect Is cry feminine, but remarkahly lnoonvenleut.

Tho Illustration shows a dinner gownhaving n plain godct skirt ot cbnmeloonpeau do solo. The nodlce 01 too samo material Is 6llchtly fullod back and frontand has a square decolletago edged withnossementerlo and mntus ol timet neaas.On each side chains of beads are carried tothe waist, where they aro fastened by amotif. The full half length sleeves aro olemerald liberty velvet.


Which . the Urate?Aa good nn example of hnman injns

tice as could oasilr bo found was re-

vealed in n remark made by a man whowas recently run over on tho street by acabman.

Tho injured man was asked if beknew tho cabman's number and answerod:

"No, I couldn't see, but I got evenwith tho brnte. Just as lie was drivingaway I hit his horsu a fenrfnl blow withmycauo, and I shouldn't wonder if Itwould Jama liiml" V'outh's Compan-ion.

Too Tartlcalar,Employment Agent; What was the

matter with your last place?Domestic Tho missus was too

"In what way?""Sho wouldn't let mo lock tho baby

In tho foldin bod w'en I had company, "Now York Weekly,

The Kew Woman.She How dure yoa kiss me, sir?He Pm awfully sorry, but why did

yoa encourage me?She And pray, sir, how did I en-

courage you?He Well you took off your glasses,Pall Mall Budget

llelatlvely.JIand Do you like Mr. Dinwiddle?Ethel Oh, yes, I Ilka him, relatively

speaking.Maud Relatively speaking I What

do you ineuu by that?Ethel Von 6oo, I promised to be a

sister to him. New York Journal.

An Kxpert Opinion.Mrs. Bonodict Now, what wonld

yoa do, Mr. de Batch, If yoa had a ba-by that cried for tho moon?

De Batch (grimly) I'd do the nextbest thing for him, madam I'd makehim boo starsl Kate Field'. Washing-pan- .

to' i JJy

iJiftSi J J. ijt



rvni wiHi Mh Ih, tiititf ttetit nrifitr,(knlV mmmhtr rlnwn In Ihwi ln Ihoq

AmI f till in.4nw rvM ih kriNoJt i tutfSftt'fi tft tU hn)r tri In UttXhm tot WlWt litM nil i be hMii nllnirN rlnwl r fitmkm t n.irj. thy IwOr Mar ihf WnriUf morim tttimtll to rtMlwrntTli) vnV iMiHktkvrMi c1im-- mt fthouM Ul.a-- - !. maJMtif. ratHiUe. pcUtvI nnflrmlnv, rtmlftik rlttn, troAklnir frr,I tnmi U PomHW tiMtl rouble. In rvttnmrnil

rittl iltovilitm KrsrutltoufftitrS lltotislils 1mIIniCluthrrtitl.

Aubrey tler.I' nli ceil td.

In n f cMspstl IwoMoIet. bhmmed.And mer llielr heiuU the lull iras lonmed.And there rnnw one day frolicsome breereTbst riHl t tie hthm so thej enw tbp trees,And rnirhlnp n frlfmpio of the world outMalite) clinfTtHl Hi ilmfAtethat had keiltliem

liedTo n nk olwwtitr in a Bloomy dell

here Mori fly K drnpnf dew e'er fell,And they drooped their heads, for they lonjd

la hivWhat tho mic rftil world nutnldo m!(tht Iw.When, loins It linpponed, a mnlJen cira)edCIoi-- by hero the brceKOUltli th tlolclt

plajed.And reelnit hot one for they grew ajmrtHie prePt It qukk to her throbbing heartAnd took It aaj, nml the flower wasiilnd,ltnt the ono that nns left behind m and,And dmoed Itswirronfnl bend, nnd pined,A lid pnld no heed to the whliierlnit w IndL'nlll. ni Itrtianred, next da), once moreTho inaldencame, and her brenst Mill bornThe faded one tliat ebe'd taken awnyWith Afnng In Its heart but yeMerilny.And scelnft Its brother growlne freeIt cried with Its d Intr breath! "Ah mel

l' e K'en the v, urtd, and behold tny fate.Pohldo ) our Lend ere It le too lale."Hut the one that was left said, "Pin not

afraid,And lifted Its face to the merry maid."Tomorrow 1 11 lio content to die,Hut let me now to the gay world fly.

Tom Masson.

Indirection.Fair nro the flowers nnd tho children, but their

subtle autfuflnlkm Is fairer;nnrctsthe twe bun-to- dawn, but tho secret

thRtclafpsIt Is rarer:Sweet tho exultanco of sons, but the Mraln

that precedes It Is sweeter,And never was poem yet writ bat the meaning

outmaterod the meter.

He er a daisy that (trows but a mystery guldeththe growing;

Keter a rher that flows but a majesty sceptersthe flowing;

Kover a Sbakepearo that soared but a strongerthan he did enfold him;

Never n prophet foretells but a mightier seerhath foretold him.

Back of the canvas that throbs the painter lahinted and hidden;

Into the statue that breathes tho soul of theBcnlptor Is bidden;

Under the Joy that Is felt lie the Infinite Issuesof feeling;

Crowning the glory revealed Is the glory thatcrowns the revealing.

Great aro the symbols of being, but that whichIs symboled is greater;

Vast the crento and behold, but vaster the Inw nrd creator;

Hack of the souf.d broods the alienee; back olthe gift stands the giving;

Hack of the hand that received thrill the senf1th e nerves of rcceh Ing.

Space Is as nothing to spirit; the deed Is outdono by the doing;

Tho heart of the wooer Is warm, but warmerthe heart of the woolntu

And up from tho pits where these bhlvcr, andup from the heights where those shine.

Twin volcits and shadow s swim slnrward,andthe essence of life Is divine.

Hlchard Itcolf.

Some Day.Eomo day I shall bo dead

L'ndor tho crass nnd close to my headA with name and date of my deathMay w ithstand old Time corroding breath,

Dut 1 shall be nothing but dust.

Pnrao day I iball be deadLie like n stono w 1th the 11 fo all fledI, In w hoso veins health's rich red bloodHushes nnd leaps like an unchecked flood;

To think of me I) Ing there deadl

iSome day I shall bo dead,And some fair woman my grandson has wodWill say, as bIio holds up Jew el or laceTo the wondering ejes In her baby's face,

onto wore this."

home day I shall bo deadThe last song sung and tho last prayer said.The laughter hushed nnd tho tears all dried.And I, w hatcver of woe may betide,

I bhall bo safa nnd dead.Loulso Phillips.

Show Your ColorsCome, children, and listen: I'll tell you In

rhymeA story of something that happened one time.There was war In tho land, and each brae

honrt beat hlglL,And many w cnt forth for their country to die.Hut words mil to tell or I no rear ana msmayWhich swept Ibo small village of W one dayWhen the enemy's army marched into the

sired.And their own valiant soldiers were forced to

retreat.Fuel, hiding, surrcnd'rlng and trembling wltb

fearlWhen what In the midst of it all should ap

pearHut Grandmother Gregory, feeble and old.Coming out from her cottage, courageous and

ho d.Sho faced the Intruders who marched through

the land.Shaking at them the poker she held in hei

nana.'How foolish," her friends cried, provoked. It

is true.'Why, grandmother, what did you think you

could nor'Not much," answered grandma, "but ero thej

Now. children. V e told this Queer story to youTo remind jou of something the weakest can

d-o-There Is always a fight 'twlxt the right and the

wrong.And the beat of the battle is borne by Lh

strong.Hut no matter how small or unfit for the field.Or how feeble or graceless the weapons yon

wield,Oh. fall not until tho last enemy's coneTo stand up and show them which side you art

on.Anna K. IUndrson.

The Finest Drinks. . . In tlio city, made up

HART&CO.I lonlsllrst boiled then frozen.

Ottr ht Cream ami Sktrbtrt7 Sotfa can't (V beat.Try It. U w 111 do i ou good,


BEATER SALOON.Fort Street. - Opposite Wilder & Co.

II. J. NOLTE, Prop'r.Lunches served with Tea, ColTee

bnda Watel Uinger Ale or Milk.

rf Sninlrer.' So'clnltv



Ail Chock's Restaurant

Cor. Hotel and Union Sts.

Meals 25 CentsArrangements can hero be made for serving

meals to Families living withinreasonable distance,


No. 48 Nuuaiiu Avenue.

Fine Cloths, Perfect Fits. Styles upto Date. Prices that will satisfy

you. Give me a trialstrive to please.

RtocHo Twud, Diagonal), FtanncU aiDueMnt


P. O, Box



Also White and Black Sand

which we will sell at the very low-

est market rates.

13T Telephone No, 414. J

V Oliiiloti l.til- - FERNS - -

1 ruin the cnmertnlorr of n lair leaving for the Con.l,

ICO I'ONLMI t" Oil St()VON 1111(1 IIIIILEOM.ll.ilcliclor mid l'ninlly Siren.

White Mountain Ice Cream Freezersl to 12 Quarts.

10 AKR1VE : Tliu latest J'nltcrns of PIANO, HANQU15T and I'AllhOU hAMPS, n Spoclal Assort-niL'i- it

just fiiiiiilt)to(l liy tlio Knetory ftir tlio llolidnys.SILK SHADES iu tlio Nuwcst Desimm 7 to 21 'in.

Our Alm-T- O PLEASE..


General Merchandise,Queen Street and Fort Street, Honolulu.


You arc Invited to call and examine Prices and Quality.

Housekeeper's Supplies m


TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS,Towels, nnd Cottons.Sheetings . . .

in Elegant Assortment of

IVew Dress Goods:Surahs, Figured Silks, Grenadines and Percales.

A NEW LINE OF Silk Handkerchiefs nnd Oent's Hcarfs nnd Stis-

lienders: Hummer Shirts in Crepo nndand Ladies' Cloth, Boys nnd lien's Sweaters in all sizes.

A New Stock of Pure Prepared House Hanging I,amps,Flexible Wire Mats, Boston tJara

Enamelled Granite Ware, Shelfof Crockery and Glassware,

Tumblers, Seiue Twine, P'ish Lines,




Executive Uucacil.

II. Dole, I'resiiVnt of the Republic ol

Hawaii.F.M. Hatch, Minister of Foreign Affairs.I. A. King, Minister of the Interior.3. M.Damon, Minister of Finance.A. O. Smith, Attorney-Genera- l.

Cornell,, of State.

Charles M. Cooke, John Nott, L.J. P. Mendoncn, T. H. Murray,(leorge V. Smith, J. A. Kennedy,Cecil Urown, W. C. Wilder,l. C.Jones, C. Holte,M. P. Koblnson, 1. iu Naone,John Kna, A. G.M. Koberts


Sppkeue Court.

lion. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice.lion. II. F. lllckerton. First Associate JusticeHon. W, E. Frear, Second Associate JusticeLtenry Hmith, Chief Clerk.

eorge Lucas, First Deputy Clerk.C. V. Peterson, .Second Deputv Clerk.J. Walter Jones, Stenographer.

Circuit Judges.

First Circuit: U.K. Cooper, W. A. WhitingOahu.

Second Circuit : Maul, J W, Kaluo,Third and FourthClrcuitBtllawaii B.L.Aust u.Fifth Circuit! Kauai, J. Hardy

Ofllces and Court-roo- In JudlclarjBuilding, King Street. Sitting In Honolulu)First Monday In February, May, August andNovember

Department or Foreign ArrAiRs.

Office in Kzecutive Building, King StreetFrancis M. Hatch, Minister of Foreign AffairsUeo. C. Potter, Secretary,A. HI. M. Mackintosh, Clerk.B. Ia Marx, Stenographer Executive CouncilJ, W. tlirvln, Htjcretary Chinese Bureau,

Department or the Interior.Office in Executive Building, King BtreciJ, A. King, Minister of the Interior.Chief Clerk, John A. Hasslnger,Assistant Clerks, James H. Bojd, II,

Meyers, Uus Hone, Stephen Mahaulu, George C. Boss, Kdw ard H. Boj d.

Cm ere or Bureaus, DepartmentInterior.

Survejor-Uenera- l, W. D. AlexanderSupt. Public Works, W. E. Howell.SupU Water Works, Andrew Urown,Inspector Electric Lights, John Cassldy.Registrar of Com ej ances, T tl. Thrum,Deputy HegistrVr of Conveyances, It, W,

AndrewsRoad Supervisor, Honolulu, W, H. Cum-

mlngs.Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J, II. Hunt.Uupt. Insane Asylum. Dr, Ueo. Herbert.

Bureau or aori culture.

President J A. King, Ministerof the Interior.

Members: W, ti, Irwin, A, Jaeger, A, Herbert and John Ena.

Commissioner of Agriculture and ex officioHecretarr of the Board: Joseph Maraden.

Department or Finance.

Minister of Finance, R. M Damon.Audltor-Uenera- 11. Laws.Registrar of Accounts," W. G. Ashley,Collector-Gener- of Customs, J, B. Castle.Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan Bhaw,Deputy Assessor, W, O. Weed on.Postmaster-Genera- l, J. M. Oat.

Customs Bureau.

Office, Custom House, Esplanade, Fori St.Collector-Genera- l, J. B. Castle.

F. B. McStocker.Harbor Master, Captain A. Fuller.Porl Hurveior.M. N. Fenders.fStorliuper, Geo. C. SUatemeyer.

Dsr '.mtmint or attobney-Genera- u

Of.! re fu Building, King BUAttoruey-Geuera- W. O. Bmlth.Marshal. Arthur M. Brown.Dep ity Miihal, It, ff. Hl'JWlt.Clerk. J, M. Kea.Clerk to Maislul, II. M. Do- -.

JaHcnu Prison, Jaipea Iow,Prison Vh)lclaii, Dr. N. B, Kmorsou

Boahu or HBALTn,

Offlt-- In irrouuds of Judiciary Buildingcorner uf Mllllai.l aitdQtievaBtrctils.

Memb'Ts: Dr piy, Pr, WoM, Dr, I'd; rson,J. T, Wsterhou-e- , Jr.. D. I" L'ellliI,Theo.F La using ttiid AtUiiuey-Geuer- builth.Prpsldent, Ilopu W. O. Bmlth.Secretary, Chas. Wiloox.

Executive O1ccr,r.B.T!dyTi0ldi.Agent Bom dot Health, 3, V, MoYeUh,

Our Motto-T- O EXCEL.

Marseilles, Honey Comb



Hoinaii btniio

Flannelette; Navy Serges, Cravenctte

watclies,Hardware, and an assortment

Haviland and Limoges Cliina,etc., etc.

Inspector and Manager of Garbage Service,L.L. La Pierre.

Inspector, Dr, Wm. Moncarrat.Port Phslclan, Dr. F. H. Day,)IsienBary, Dr. Henry W, Howard,

ieper Hettlement. Dr. It. K. Oliver.

Board or Immigration.Office, Department of Interior, Jodlclary

uuiiding, KlngHtreet,President, J.A.King.Members of tho Board of Immigration!

J. B. Atherton, Jas. A. Kennedy, JoferhMarsden, James G.Spencer, J. Carden.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

Board op Education.Office, Judiciary Building, King Street

President, W. K. Castle,Clerk, J, F. Scott,inspector of Schools, A, T. Atkinson.

Bureau of Punuc Lands.

Commissioners: J. A. King, J. F. Brown,A. Thureton.

Agent of Public Lands J. F. Brown.

Laiior Commission.

Wt N. rmstrong Chairman.Erameluth, T. B. Murray,M. Vivas, II. W. Severance.

Dr. C T. Hodgers, Secretary.

District court.Police Station Building, Merchant Street.Antonto Perry, Magistrate.James ThompBon, Clerk.

PosTorriCE Burkau.Postmaster-Genera- l, J. Mort Oat.Secretary, W. O. Atwater.3up't PoBtal Savings Bank, H. C, Johnson,Money Order Department, F. B. Oat.General Delivery, L. T, Keuake.teglstry Department, G, L. Desha.Clerks; J, D.Holt, It. A. Dexter, S.L. Keku

mano, C.J, Holt, J. Llwal, Henry KalaChas, Kaauol, NrHn ,T, T. FlgueredsW, V. Afong, Miss M. Low.

Jr. Xs 33.

Faints & ColpitisRoofing--,

File Covering andBuilding Papers,

For Sale by

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.

riiwi'r isr,Sole Agents for the Hawaiian-Inlan-

The building papers are 1, 3, 3, and 4

ply. I ney come in roils, eacn roil con'tuning 1000 srjuare feet. They arewater proof, acid and alkali proof andvermin proof. A house lined with build-ing paper Is far cooler than one that; isnot. There is also a cheaper grade ofpaper auapieu tor use unuer mattingKeeping out insectB,

Honolulu, July 20th, 189.1.

Messrs, W, G, Irwin & Co., Ltd.Gentlemen: In reply to your in

nulry as to how the Ideal Root Paintyou sold me laBted; I would say thatpainted tho roof of my house 12 monthsago with your lied Ideal Roof Paint,and I find it la as fresh and bright in appearance today as when first applied;

looking as well as others lately paintedwith other paints. I am more than

tisfled.J. . ROTIIWELL.

Have you a leaky cutter? If youhave, matte it perfectly clean and drapply a good coat of No. 3 P. andfaint over the leakv'sDOts: then take aniece of stout Manila paper, or a pieceot common cotton ciotn, paint it en onboth sides: lay it over the first coat, civ- -Ing the whole a final coat, and theiewill be no more leak there. Or if thewhole gutter is bad, make it clean andtiry, ana apply a paste ot 1 . ec u, ramiana rortiana uement.

Try the

"Star" Electric Works


Fine Printing.

Do You Payao to 40 per cent.

nmrn for Jour (IrnretlM when mi canMtn that much hr paring rh l

oil.t.i:n Co.'n? r.rerjllilng Midnothing but Mniiilnril brands krpt,

'mum WfirmfVOELLER & CO.,

OiiMlt Orouri(

SeattleDraught Beer,

li Mlonera,Host Ik'ir )n Uonoluln nt tlia


CHAS. J. MCCARTHY, Mnnntior.

Wm. G. Irwin & Go.,UMIT1JI),

Wm. (1, Irwin 1'resiilent nnd Mannirrniau Snrt'ckeU. Vice 1'rrRUIent

V M, (lifTnril, Keoretnry and TreasureriiK'O. u, I'orier, - - Auditor


CommiBoion Agents.AOh.NTl Of TUB




Ilorctanin nnd Punchbowl,

or,D .ieivioie"vHay, Grain,

Flour, Potatoes Bod Rock

and .... Prices.

General Mdsc.

CHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, King Strkkt,

Between Fort and Alakea Sts.DEALER IN

Groceries and Provisions.

Fresh California Roll Butter and IslandButter always on hand.

Fresh Goods teceived by every SteamerJrom an rrartasco.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. JLH

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail

08 Fort Street.Both Telephones 22. P. O. Box 47.


Uteam Engines, Sugar Millet, Boil rs,Coolers, Ir.o.v, Braeis and Lead


Machinery of Every Description MadeOrder. Particular attention paid to BhlpsBUcksmlthlng. Job work executed at nhortnof it

JAS. F. MORGAN,No. 45 Queen Street,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker.

Special attention given to thehandling of

Real Estate Stocks, Bonds.



STEAM COCKS, and all other HttiHgefor pipe on hand,

Honolulu Steam dice Mill.

Freeh milled Hlce ..or sale In quantities to sntt

J. A. HOPPER, Prop'r.Fort Street, Honolulu.


LEWERS & COOKE,Lumber, Builders' Hardware,





To my Patronsand the Public.

I have just opened at myotiice, 113 Ukthri, ST.,Honolulu, li. I., an

- ART --

- EXJ1IMTJ0Nof tbe latest designs and novelties InEmbroidery Work, Drawn Work, Kopeoiitf, iven biii gum tvurituiiu jiciiinga,

I would respectfully invite you andyour friends to call and inspect theseiroods.

The Slngpr received 61 first awardsror ewlng ilachluea ant) km broideryWork at the World's Fair. Chicatro. 111..being the largest number of awards ob-tained by any exhibitor, and more thandouble the number given to all otherbowing .Machines, ror Hale by

B. BERGERSENUotliol tt.



Sterling; Silver Bells,

Cornploto for S2.0O.Handsome Patterns, made towear, including monogram.

Sterling Silver Side Combs,

. . . 690. a Pair.Positively Newest Patterns.

Sterling Bicycle Name Plates

Reduced to 7BoIViiuiu Kngravoil In I'lill.


WILDER & f.OtRiuMi.M In ii,

Estate S. 0, WILDER h- - W, C WELDER.

Immimii km D.mim i

Lumber and Coal

Building MaterialsSUCH AS


Builders' Hardware,Palms, Oils, (llnss


Cor. Fa r I and Queen Streets,


Metropolitan Meat Co.81 KING STREET,

Wholesale & Retail Butchers


Navy Contractors.G. J. WALLER. Mnnagci.

YEE SING TIE,Fort street, opposite Club Stables,

CARPENTER AND PAINTER.Contracts a specialty. Furniture

made to order, Give us a call.

Yee On Co.,Watchmaiers ami Mannfactnrinfi

Repairing of Watches nml Jewelry Cheap.All Work Guaranteed,

Importers of Watchei and Clocki. All genuine"Scth Thomas" Clocks hae Trade Mark

on movements.317 NUUANU STREET. P. O. Ilox 143


Wonq Chow, Iianaoer.Importers of Silk Goods, Fine Teas,

Manila dears. Mattine. Nut Oil nndGeneral Merchandise

203 Maunakea St., Honolulu, II. I.P. O. Box 173.



IniDorters and dealers In all kinds nfProvisions, Merchandise, Cigars, Etc.


Near King Street.Clothing, Matting, CamphorTrunks, Valises, Hats and GentsFurnishing Goods

HIP CII0NG,Dealer iu

GROCERIES - AND PROVISIONS,Pork, Itlce, Hran andGeneral Merchandise.

Cor. Hotel and Nuuanu Sts. Honolulu, II. I.


FANCY AND DRY GOODS,Gent.'s Furnishing Goods.

UMiicse HHk, .Mailing,Camphor 'iiunks,


HO YEN KEE & CO.,T I IV M 1 1 h N,

and dealers In

CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, EtcWater Pipes, laid and Repaired,and plumbing neatly executed , , .

No. 41 Nuuanu stucet.


Office and Mill onnear Queen Street,

Prompt attention to all orders,


A loan frntn n liltnle Individualplum Jim iimlrr nbllfratlona wlilrh Inmany raMn prote niirnpitamnr) ami rm.luiramltiu. A loan from the 1'lnnp.rHull'ling n loan jssnrlallnu la a dual.nrsa mailer pure nml pimple, Kaayterms, ami easy ijrhii nta,

OOlro llourai SiTO to gift) a, tn,4 In A p. tn.

CitAMiiitK oi' Commkhch Rooms.V. OUAK,



VV. W,333NuunnuSt. Telophono O

Fine suitings, Scotch and

American Goods.


HOI' HING & COMPANY,Wholrenle Dealers In

Chincpo Silk, Ton. nnd Matting,Liquors nnd Manila Clears, Knullsh and

American Groceries.4fW Hotel Kliwt .... Tpl.,l,onJ47.

WING WO TAI& COMPANY.23 NfUANU St.By Btk Velocity,

Carved Setleis, linttitii Uiunges andChnirs,

l'lowcr Pot Standi., Inlaid Stoolslunrhle lop. l"ltio Matting,

Camplior Trunks, Manila Cigars.. . . . TtUphone 266

Orient Planing Mill,VINC FAT & CO.,

CONTRACTORS & 1W1LDERS,.1''.Vt!,""rf of kinds msilo awl repaired.HulldliiR liousea 0111I nmklDK rice mills

speciality.P.O. Hoi 103. Cor. KIN and IlETlIE.Ii S 1


GeneralGroceries, China and Japan Teas,

Matting, China Silk, Etc.Telephone No. 457. : 417 HOTEL St

WING MOW CHAN,Importers and Commission Merchants.

China and Japan Tea,Manila Cigars, Silks,Muttlnir, Groceries andl'rovUions. ....

61 King Street. Telephone 78.

TA1 WO WING KEE CO.- No. Boa Nuuano St.


Hoots ami Shoes Made to Order.P. O. Hox i7. , . .We Use tho Best Material and Warrant It t

Wear Well.

BOO YINC LUNG,Importer of

Silk Good, Fine Teas, Manila Cigars,Matting, Nut Oil and Qeneral

Mtichandise,No. 204 Maunakoa Street, Honolulu,. II, I.


Importers nnd dealera in QeneralMerchandise,

Wholesale Wmc and Spirit Merchants fCon. Kino and Maunakka Streets.

L. AHLO,lry ;oocl", ISooli, Sliuos. TAv.

r.cnvralHIce Agent for the follow Ins plan-tations on (Mint: W aljito, Walawa,Walnjalu,Knncoliu, iiihia.

Kaueohe HUe Mill best rice for sale.

No. 4G8 Nuuanu St Cor. Chaplain St.I. O. Box 111.

CHINESE PROVISION STOREBrick Building ....Cor. Hotel and Smith Sts,

Kl CHOHC, Proprietor.Rice, Tea and General Merchandise

Try the

"Star" Electric Works


Fine Printing.

PLANING MILL.Proprietors.

Alakea and Itlchards,Honolulu, H, I. . , .

Telephones: Mutual. M; Hell. 408.

Job Printingthe "Star" Office

Wrought Steel Ranges, ChilledIron Cooking Stoves.HOUSEKEEPING GOODS:

Agate- - V are (White, Gray and Nickel-plate- PumpsWater and Soil Pipes, Water Closets and Urinals, RubberHose, and Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tubs and Steel Sinks,O. S. Gutteib and Leaders, Shce' Iron Copper, Zincand Lead, Lean Pipe and Pipe Fittings.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work,DIMOND BLOCK. - 75-- ,7 KING STREET







