the hawaiian star. · 2015. 6. 2. · kvkrt pvblhrid afternoon j j the hawaiian star. except...

KVKRT PVBLHRID AFTERNOON J J THE HAWAIIAN STAR. EXCEPT SUNDAY. T CI CENTS A MONTH Vw . w -- . w ... 4 IN Aiiv.tNCE. VOL 111. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY IVBNINO, AUOlsT 18 1H94. NO, '33- - The Hawaiian Star. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY IV THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA- PER ASSOCIATION, Ltd. VKTIltTK JOHN8TONR, - - KDITOIt. KTTBSCRIPTION RATH. Poi Year In Advance, - W.00 I'et Month In Advance, - - - .78 (oreltfn, per Year In Advance. - 13.00 A OVPJRTIBINO u ATF-- Katen lor transient and renular advertising can be obtained at the publication offloe. To secure prompt Insertion all advertise- ment must be delivered at the Business Office before 12 m. nUTKUHOLIIUIOAL HKCOBU. Ity the (Jo.ernment Rnrvey, Published Krerr Monday. .THWI. - i it b i b If: n Kl 0.01 I Monai Kill to.t t7 M 0 UU HlfK,.l2 .03 71 ha 0 m NK VM 9 ,:tii 10 Hit .. T.'l 83 (Ms) 67 Thu 'at .., 3U.U 61 K4 0.(10, 53 Krl L'llilU.on.ilO.UH. 70 HI 0.U0 63 0at.lSau.litu.gil 70 m lo."il m Harnmeter corrected for temperature and elevation but not for latitude. Tides, Sun and Moon. si a ,51 jE atx It Day. 3ci ts. Ifl 3- t a, ro. n.m . a.m. n.m n.m. Mon . . . 6. ul 0.10 6. 'JO Tue.-- . O.Wi - 8- -i n.m. a. Wed ... 3 Of) 2.801O III C.1H 4--81 Thur... 8.4U, 3.20;i0.2S; 6.48, 6.18 5- 40 Hets Frl. ... 0.20 5 43 6.17 Bat .... 4.3ft 11.15,10- - 6 6.16 8 at Hun.... 5.301 5- - 0,11.40 10.50 6 11 6.15! - it New moon Auk. 30 at 0:33a.m. The cUBtomari lireenwich time signal will be omitted the present week. For every 1000 feet ot distance of the ob- server (from the Custom House) allow one eecond for transmission ol sound, or 5 seconds to a Btatute mile. FOREIGN MAIL MKKV1CK, Steamships will leave for and arrive from Han Francisco on the following dates, ti the close of 1SW4 : Arhive at HVluluLkavk Honolulu fob from Ban F'cibco BanFranciscoor or Vancouver Vancouver. On or About On or About Warrlmoo July 2S Australia July 21 Monowal auk I Alameda. July 26 Australia auk II Julv 3 Arawa Aug 23 Australia,. A uk IB Alameda Mobile ....Auk 21 China Sent 4 Mariposa. .AUK 23 Australia.-- . . Bepl 8 Warrlmoo. Bept 1 Sept 23 Australia.. ....Sept 16 sept 27 Monowai... ....Sept2U Oceanic ..Oct 2 Arawa Oct I Australia. ..Oct 6 Alt. trull,. Oct Arawa. .Oct 28 Citvnf I'ukiii Oct Monowai... -- Oct 25 Alameda Oct 18 Australiu.. Nov 8 Warrlmoo Nov 1 .Nov 13 Australia. Nov 10 Alameda. Nov jO Mariposa. Nov 16 Warrlmoo Nov 28 Peru Nov 111 Oceanic .Dec 1 Arawa Dec 1 Australia Deo 1 Australia. Dec 8 Mariposa. Dec 20 Monowai Dec II Arawa ,Uec2J China Dec 81 Australia. Deo 29 18SS. 1895. Warrlmoo Jar. 1 China Jan 22 Gaelic Feb 16 Oceanic Feb II Peru Mar 28 China Aprils Gaelic....- - Apr 28 UAHO RAILWAY & LAND CO.'S rc:.:r... ....... ..saT , Tim Jill- ' 'rlj--J VXisH TIME TABLE. From and After Jane Int. TRAINS TO EWA MILL. B. B. A. D. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Honolula 8:46 1:46 4:36 6:10 Leave Pearl City 6:80 2:80 5:10 6:66 Arrive Ewa Mill 9:67 2:57 6:86 6:22 TO HONOLULU. C. B. B. A. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Ewa Mill 10:48 8:43 6:42 Leave Pearl City 6:56 11:15 4:15 6:10 Arrive Honolulu 7:30 11:56 4:45 6:46 A Saturday's only. C Sunday's excepted. B Daily D Saturday's excepted SOBT. LKWSKS. C. M. COOKS. F. J. LOWRBV LEWERS & COOKE, Lumber, Builders' Hardware, doors, sash, blinds, paints, oils, glass, wall paper, matting, corrugated iron, lime, cement, etc. BISMARK FEED and LIVERY STABLES, WAILUKU. MAUI. WILLIAM COODNES8, Prop. Carriages to meet every steamer at Kahului and Maalaea Bay. Horses for Haleakala or any part of the island, at reasonable prices. W. GOODNESS, 376tf Proprietor. REMOVAL HUSTACE & CO have moved to Morgan's Auction Rooms for a short time. We are still selling Departure Bay Coal, CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOD in any quantity. (PTBoth Telephones 414. 864tf TUIC DIDCD Is kept on Ale at K. o I rurtn UAKK'H Advertising " ""V cacuautfe, fan Krauclaou, Cel., where oouiracu for adver. tlalng- can be made for It. tf OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. OF THE REPUBLIC OF HAWAII. KXKOITTIVE COUSCIL. 4. B. Dole, President ol the Republic of Hawaii. f. M. Hatch, Minister of Forelan Affairs. J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. I, M. Damon, Minister of Finance. w. O. Smith, Attorney-Uenera- l. AOVI8ORT COUNCIU W. C. Wilder. Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Republic of Hawaii Cecil Brown, K. L. lenney. John Nntt, 0, Uolte, John K&m. V. F. Allen, James F. Morgan, Henry Waterliouse, J. A. McCandless, A. Younn, J. V. Mendonca, 1). R Smith, John Kinineluth. C. T. Rodgers. Secretary Kxecutlve and Ad visory Councils. Suphkme Court. Hen. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice, rfon. R. F . Bickerton, FirBt Associate Justice. Hon. W. E. Freer, Hecond Associate Justice. Henry smith. Chief Clerk. Ueorge Lucas, First Deputy Clerk. C. F. Peterson. Second Deputy Clera. J. Walter Jones, Stenographer. Circuit Judokk. First Circuit : H. E. Cooper, W. A. Whiting. Oahu. Second Circuit : Maui, A. Hi Kepolkai. Third and FourthClnults: Hawaii S.L.Auslin. Fifth Circuit: Kauai. J. Hardv. Offices and Court-roo- in Judiciary Hulldlng, King Sireet. Bitting in Honolulu: First Monday in February, May. August and November. Departmknt or Fiirbion Art a i us. Office In Executive Building, King Htreet Francis M. Hatch, Minister of Foreign Affairs deo. C. Potter, Chief Clerk. .1. W. Glrvln, Lionel Hart, Clerks. Department or the Interior. Office In Executive Building, King Street J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. Chief Clerk, John A. Hussinger. Assistant Clerks. James II. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole. tius Hose, Stephen Maha ulu, George C. Ross, Kdward S. Boyd. Jhieps or BtiREAVs, Department or Interior. Surveyor-Genera- l, W. D. Alexander. Supt. Public Works, W, K. Howell. Hupt. Water Works, Andrew Brown. Inspector Electric Ltghte, John C assldy. Registrar of conveyances, T. G. Thrum. Deputy Registrar of Conveyances, It, W. AndiewB Road Supervisor, Honolulu, W. H. Chief Engineer Fire Dept.. J. H. Hunt. Supt. Insane Asylum. Dr. Geo. Herbert. Bureau or AoRicuuunK, President J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. Members: W. G. Irwin, A.Jaeger, A. Her- bert and John Ena. Commissioner of Agriculture and ex offlulo Secretary of the Board: Joseph Marsdeu. Department or Finance. Minister of Finance, ... M. Damon. Auditor-Genera- l, H. Laws. Registrar of Accounts, W. G. Ashley. Collector-Gener- of Customs, J. B. Caetle. Tax Assessor. Oahu, Jonathan Shaw. Deputy Assessor, W. c. Weedon. Postmaster-Genera- l, J. M. Oat. Customs Bureau. Office, Custem House, Esplanade, Fort St. Collector-Genera- l, J. B. Castle. r, F. B. McStocker. Harbor Master, Captain A. Fuller. Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders. Storekeeper, Geo. C. Stratemeyer. Department or Attorney-Genera- l. Office in Executive Building, King St. Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith. Deputy Attorney-Genera- l, G. K. Wilder. Clerk, J. M. Kea. Marshal. E. G. Hitchcock. Clerk to Marshal, H. M . Dow. Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown. Jailor Oahu Prison, James A. Low. Prison Physician. Dr. C. B. Cooper. Board or Immigration. Office, Department of Interior, Judiciary Building, King Mini President, J. A. King. Members of the Board of Immigration: t. B. Atherton, Jaa. B. Castle, A. s Cleghorn, James G. Spencer, Mark P. Robinson. Secretary, Wray Taylor. Board or Heaiah. Office in grounds of Judiciary Building corner of Milllani and Queen streeta. Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrews, J. T. Waterhouae, Jr., John Kna, Theodore V. Lansing and Attorney-G- i uerai Smith. President, Hon. W. O. Smith. Secretary, Chai. WUcox. Executive Officer, C. B. Reynolds. Agent Board of Health, J. D. McVeigh. inspector and Manager of Garbage Service, L. L. La Pierre. Inspector, G. Wr. C. Jones. Port Physician, Dr. R. P. Myers. Dlspenaary, Dr. Henry W. Howard. Leper Bettleinent, Dr. K. K. Oliver. Board or Education. Office, rud!elary Building, King- Street. President, W. R. Castle. Clerk, J. F. Scott. Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson. Board oe Crown Land Commihkionkhb. J. A. King, Minister of the Interior; W. O. Bmltb, Attorney-Gener- and C. P. Iaukea. Office In Judiciary Building. District Oocri. Police Station Building, Merchant Street. A. G. M. Robertson, Magistrate. James Thompson, Clerk. PoBTorricE Bureau. Postmaster-Genera- l, J. Mort Oat. Secretary, W. O. Alweter. 8up't Postal Savings Bank, E. II. Wodehouae. Money Order Department, F. B. Oat. General Delivery, L. T. Kenake. Registry Department, G. L Deaha. Clerks: J. D. Holt, It. A. Dexter, S. L. Kekn-man- F. B. Angus, J. H. Nul. Henry Bala JoUu U am. K Narlta, J . T. Klguereda. THE ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS Caodj Factory, '"V, hk Bakery. nrn at hi FINE HOT IOC OREAMS, OOFFEI, CAKES. CAUCUS TU, CHOCOUTE ISLAND CURIOS. Our Establishment is the Fined Hesort in the City. Ball and see us. Open till ti p. m. CASTLE & COOKE, LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Agents. AOENTR FOR A f. w f ; st 11 ,. x it MUTUAL Life Insurance Co. OK BOSTON. ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OK HARTFORD, CONN Castle & Oke, IMPORTERS, Hardware and Commission Merchants, General Merchandise. Agricultural Implements and Plantation Supplies. This Space is Reserved for the Epitable Life Assnrance Society nf l,a n.Uaa Olntna ui iug uuiicii rjiaicv BRUCE & A. J, CARTWRIGHT, Genera Managers for the Hawaiian Islands. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL Subscriptions Payable Strictly In Advance. Co. ii T Hard Times Mean Close Prices to If are in of any or Second-Han- d PURNITTJK.B, RUGS. at the I & HOUSf w a t- v t- tw a tr w Lincoln block, Kino stkket, Between and A Su. DBAunn Groceries and California Butter and on teti by Steamer Framisto. BATtSKAC'TlUK OUARANTSSll. Jg: MISS LIME M. WEST. Agent H Take AtkiwwUtigennnts. nmi Rtsidstice oornat mill ltcrctania :i(ll-(l- CONBOLIDtTID SODA WATER WORKS COMPANY, Esplanade, anil Kurt street. HOLLISTER A CO.. Agent. P, U, Box M. FtlephOMlilli LEWIS & CO. Supplies. WhOlCMlo lWtull Dealers In Irnccrics, ProvisioiiB, etc. Ill Fort SI.. Honolulu, II. I. iH.'t M. PHILLIPS CO. WBOlaaali InqnrlvftvMhtl fobbin of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, Corner nml On, BaMhUa. H7IT ALFRED MAG00N. ATTOHNLY nmi t'l IV SISHLOH AT LA U i'J Merchant Street, Honolulu, H I. ATTOK.NKY AT NOTARY PUBLIC. Cartwright Block, Uarohant St., Bonolulu, LOHEIDE, ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, BELL l'KLKPHONI lot. -- All Promptly Attended to. W. & SONS. IMPORTERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Streei, Honolulu. 31. S. (JIIIXIUIM & CO. HONOLULU, H. t. Commission Merchants and Importers San Francisco 215 St. C. B. RIPLEY. ARTHUR REYNOLDS. Arctilteots. Depoall Kuililing. Boaolnln, ii. I. KpecifioatloiM nml Bnpe rill tend, nee (I ven tor deecrlptlna of HulldiiiK. ,,!ll - Ii1, 1,.,, ,,,) ealarnd. for Inti-rlo- lieeoriitioiiH. liapiar Meohanlcal Drawing, Tracine and HIlll'lTlllllllK. tr i,raw inKn for ur i.lus. t U, Old FOR AT T. WATERHOUSE'S Queen Street Stores. at in iii you need New call Fort lakea Fresh Roll Island Diuier aiways nana. Fresh Goods iied every from San W outre runcli- - hnwl tlrcctB. LTD corner Allen Naval tad Part Sis.. J. Olllco, J. M. LAW AND M. II. BIOS mill Orders II. AND Fort Untiled. Ortlrc, Front Omca New Bare Plana. ever) HlllllllLL'S Itook. Newf paper ration BAX,B J. cut in to any of Size $1 .00. in 1 auie 3 ,'lilHtf & KetaMishi'i! in ls.',H. BANKERS. Hawaiian Islands. DRAW EXI HANOE ON THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, SAN AMI tntS AMkNTH IN New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris, MESSRS. N, M. & SONS, LONDON, KKANKKi R TON-'I'l- l A IN, Tin- l "iiuiHTcial HiuikiiiK Co. of .Sviltiev, N. S. W. Tbfl Itinik of New B lanja Aii' kUnd, nml It ". 'i- '- in 'hrtt'htinh, Minn in and Wvulnjrton The Dank of BHtifth ColombU. Vi.torin.and its brain baa, Vancouver. Niutnini, H. C , mid I'oitliind. Oregon, Tiu- laoraaand Wtijitatni lajMam Btockbolm, BwadaiL The Chartered llnrik of Indin, Aiivtmlin and China. The BoDgkong end SVmiu'liai, China; and YnlMliaina, ili'j.;fi nml 'niwiki, Japan. Aii'i transd.'t n ieticnil Haul ing' ikiiiwh, t & Qnecn St., H, I., AC.l-NT- FOR Hawaiian AgrioultoMl Co., Onoinea Bugai Co., Honumu Sugar wal ink, i Kii;,,- Co.. Walhve Sugar Co., Maker Sugar '.., BalaakaU Racoh ( ii.. KftpaptUa EtaiiOni Platit4tra' LlneSan Pranciaoo IVirlii ts. ('has. Bra Wat ft t'u.'s Lino nf Qottoii Pak. AK'"ti Boaton Board nf Agenti Hoard of Umlor wftora. List ok On irrits ; P. C. Jones President lite. ll. Roncaraoa Manager B. K Btauor Trna ami Becy, loi.. W. K. Amlilor t'. M. C CE. H U'.ti-uiii- i ui- '. . Diracton ('. I.. CaKTKI! ) OT-i- y WILDER & Kiabiihed in 1871.) Estate S, G, WILDER - W. C, WILDER, lMI'ORTh.Kl AMI IlHALRHS IN Coal SUCH AS DOORS, Oil. GIiisn. ETC. Cor, fort and Queen H. I. per cord; 12 in any free of thcHcity and as sacks of 30 boxes of Tokio HONOLULU SOAP HOUSE! Sells the of at per lbs., and 17 bars, of honest for Blue ARVFRTIiFR b) Grans , Mannheim, lOcperlb. Toilet Soaps, retail at prices. Soft 78 cents Per Month. tins of $2 Per Quarter.! Stearic Wax minin' Candles, manu- - Hawaiian TTIl Honsekeepers. X L FURNITURE COMMISSION Provisions. MONSARRAT, SCHMIDT KOllcl ColteC o ' by the of 12 for 85c. Fire isame blocks from $1.00 part at 40c a Poi brass small size 50c, lrtTC 7"C vinegar water receivers, at Salt aail given awav. T" 10 BISHOP BoHtHVOtjOi FRANCISCO, RUTHCHILD CO,, LTD Co., Underwritra. Philadelphia CO. Lumber and Materials SASH, Builders' Hardware, Paint, Wood, $io wine Parlor very best $4.50 manufactured Germany, wholesale iSoap. $1.85. factureu Candle works, Cin- cinnati, candles (quantity, Building- - Charcoal sack. Richmond, Ya., Cedar Pails with hoops, Empty Kitchen Highest paid for ard allow. packages Matches only cents. CO., BREWER Hum, BLINDS, WALL PAPER, Streets, HONOLULU, inches long, delivered barrels, ioolbs 50c;! quality Soap weight, $1.85. German Castile Soap, 42lbs., Gazette hundred Emery Ohio, Kiawe Kiawe Wood finished price Hides, Skins containing 1ST. BREHAM, Mutual TalephoM 814 BKTBBL HAU. COTTAGES For Rent ait a a Pearl . . City . . . Peninsula An opportunity to rani .; ,,;,i,i,. bot taip-- at ronaoiiauto rutea. ll in a perleel health renort, will' it maKiiili-O- view, ai d only 4.1 minutes from Mo, mini, i. The foUoWlllfJ OOttaMg Ofl Ooral racing the traili- irlnda an- offered: Dnole Sam's Villa, JSieveuV Villa. WatarhouM Villa. Sweat Houa, Dlinond Villa a,,, i Aloha Villa, Ti ev nre eonveiiienl ly nrrnnned with bath room, etc., and are partly rnrnlahed Inclodlng atore, Ititchan atanalla, crock- ery ware. ete. Alao irafornlshad cottagat in dlffarem locationa on the Peninaula, viz.: Dole Villa, Waterloo Place, Oleander Place, and others. Very Hieciiil rates for transportation will lie made by the Railroad Company to occupante. Km- ten, is, partlcnlan, ete., apply to W. W. DIM0ND, :it .1. T. , house's Hardware and Crockery store. Queen atreet, III! Something New Every Day In The Year. We have now read)- - a catchy and novel line of Souvenirs that are sure to he prize winners. The issue of SURCHARGED STAMPS will soon he a thiuj; of the past, the few remaining in col- lections will steadily urow in value. To preserve a number in a useful way, we conceived the idea of con- verting them into articles of jewel- ry, and the first lot of CUFF BUTTONS just finished, convinces us that pos- - siDiiuies in mat line are great. They are without a doubt the prettiest thing we have made for some time, and are already selling at a lively rate. We will aoon hate n variety of nrti- - elee ready, encloalng man; of the lu st ami noal valuable rtampe; and that the demand will be great, without say- ing. The price w ill lie rj low every one w in want something in the int. Iink ill OUT tiiier Window, when panning, anil note the pretty display. H. F. WlCHMAX, 323tf FORT vSTRKKT. TELEPHONES MUTUAL BELL 71 Consolidated Soda Water Works Co., Ltd. Tin- Btouunbip WAIMANALO will run reulnrly between thil jMirt and Waiiiluii, Waiunnc. Ka uaibapat. Mokuli ia, Ki'awt iuii ami Kuiki on the Inland f Ualiu. For frci;lit. etc.. apply ia tbe Captain. WM. DAVIES liiKer, .StevtHlore and Wrecker. and eoiitracU on all kindrt of work. pQ Ssl! 'Jo ho km: I'tut i: it Engine I and Boiler I lor partlculari Enquire at WOOP1V4WN DAISY, or i4i u. r. aiLuwoHAa. il:ltf thl poverty op in- - h men. rprtiia MiinifiT rVolf tin f ftrr Atl it Udrar i han rtaaj Othata, ITba aultoff of Btnbnoini MtflgnsifM, who pmbnlily i hjoy a modarata Uioomi of Lii own, MtMtlatw on tin1 lllanitlmntigtl of mWm riOMI ajffl ' be lurk of :ti, v Like the phttoaophcr who wrantiJ ineraly raoub, he Mama to liaUevt that the miSla eotiaittoii Is Um.ihmI thiiiH' i,i ,., wbaretboQl Ij.On n yt nr. This 1 ; &m mon- tlinn most iiu H ti t It In anofa Ikn most nf than om uri uftttfrfllr. Bain apat u intivt ly, or tequift in the fm-- of a leiMf, They must thefyfefe In content witii laea, In net, mailt iooaal puis fta fed p4ent in n uy in nrfiiir uisjt i i;I(t iirv nsjvf an to exhaust that LneoMeend keep Itll aa poof ex thi' la.K.rrr In. - ntiftfieil Willi in clothe, hi-- . I, is fin- im-- hi bii r. That man on Jit to In- liatiov win ii well Ntigiplinl Aitii (nil-- . Imt h is iiu heoaii'M he U nssiii aCaltuI want, but that man who Ii bora with a ohenipegna ipe4te atni KOhleTi only u ) r IneoflM niu aver be an 6bjerH of oobif! ratitm to himself ami t tho-- v who know nun In dofl f doubt Ami linnm-ia- l -- rttiMttey many fnmiliis resori u aeotiotalee 'Imt no (Jonht an' ri'-- , f, i man s .li ,,L or two nf hia ha doMB beveaaiMt it her rented his Himnmr cottom-- ; at hinl ptlt hb atoan yin lit ottt of eoiiim;-sion- , and a fourth w willingly from inrp-a-ini- hisn-l- lection tif iTflfafflffae bronin. Theae it1- -j atrninta an- a- ilNta-t- . fni anil oopn-- ivc an I the eonpolalon of tha laiorir u reeraia moderately from trml- rioin sU'ikn am! the ni'ccsity tliat his wif. shiiuM postpone Uie pnn hft' of a liriidit ealioO beeMBI no t wo men have the same utamlnril nf life, the Kitniu ile ires ami taut-- , nor the same aptiimlc in tin- application of weahh to comfort, luiowledjte nml pleasure. Poverty ia a n UtlVt teffn, ami t In re teOO unkempt vagrant whonsres not N li. ve t hat there Me several tramps morn raeil, more bungrTi more populous than he. There are nome vnmthomls who reali.e that they are poor while their stomachs am) to barco pouches an- full Then there are yotuiK blootlHin New York who try to live on n Bagntrly 50t000 a year ami can't do it. iiiey are always in t roti me, at wa s neinu diiiil by Ineoiniili rate traili -- iiien. ahvaya aiaMd bjr racv Irark l.larkleira, alwav die prey of ballel Klrls. alwava aiainued i, brparaeitei, alwajra naiiadiuJ by rlcb ties, always lo.,iii,; at cnnN. oliviiv. "ore enough In mind ami rfivatlmai in bodr to cry nml nUvnvs Mqghed at py tbfl public, mid these gentry nre in truth tlie pooffll of M nil. WbflO tliey shift Into Nil I mill leeche mill n ! iikhhI U Mhili'ivrs lliKvara the Tiidxt wnrthh of tlu-i- MTie. Tbfl Princ of Watifls, wbo llflO sel the btflhioQ in tbfl OolOT of m nml the w ay of Pfl rrv In il t he enm nuini IK lv auMatAtMil U the mcHlel that these mmu) persoim lHve for tlu-i- imirr well as their ohvlniis lives, and thev even try to itnpmve qq the pattern. When a man takes tHODflf Ofl loiiLillk' to another, he is a thief. When lie takes Its equivah nt, t he work, time and nook of iv tailor and rofuaoi to refund, he Ifl O&tlfld tnun of t lie world, and hisex ploit 1 aeenunted as rather clever. The Prince of Wales is a man of the W4rld ano Is clever, and his imitator here waul to he clever too. It in the Offlfll disadvantage of riches when it makes t la ir pOfltflflaor or in pir- It. Nohoily claims i hat this U true in the (treat majority of cases. NdImmIj- dfllllCM its truth in eonspi noun and ofieii-i- v In- - stances. The poor man has the advantage of the rich one, if he ho modifies bwtdflM thnt he can not onlv n aeh iliei:i hui ih Hve that content, atid compass t hat moral and Intellectual exDaiiatoB tbal seem n I tba human comedy to be denied i!lm,r whose aims are touanl a v prospi-rit- and sensuous pteasUfflfl, I' ll the adaptation of the end to the means that ra dices. Fw of na ttefld be poor. Brook-- i lyu Eagle, A flriU(sult lAtta In BlbflVlfli Tbfl grflOt Mlt l:lko at O'odot sk is 0 miles wid" and 17 milea long, yet excpt in a lew plan- - it i.- BolMly riHf'-i- over willi a deposit of salt whirl, is getting Ii,-- 1., r fMtA awataessa - Our irni.le.who ia an man.,,,;,! ,,,,, I ,,1.1, ,......,, crystals lirtit began tn gatber apon tbf surfaco nf the water. Year by year, owing to the evaporation nf the water, tin- crystals became ntore nnnucotm and t ben caked together till this great rf fiinneil In 1MTS the water liemath tbis salt erjratal roof fonn'd an nndergronnd out let intnthe Hiver ( Ibi. Tbis lowered t!,( lake's surface about three feet, leavlnj that distauec the water ami tr roof. LoiiluiiK down tliidiik'b one of lb. openings fur tbe purp,,. in tin roof, wo SAW n low miuVri nuUbOAt ,,. . ,,,,,,. :.. . 1. .1 ,. boat We lay flat oa our back and look, d up ut the curiously beautiful salt ceiling overhead. Woin opelleil tin, boat by pushing with onr htutds against the irrcgulariti, t.ftboroof. The guide held a Ion- - rope attached t. the boat to prevent onr goins too far and ... , . H-- iu 1, ,s, .1 nuu- - 111, sain 11 v ;is easy , Jlany sprint's surromnl tins lake. iin ir water Hows over tin) rnol nnd evaporntps tbem, and t Bus continually adds to its tliiekness. After many jre ITS tin, springs will probably ciioked with their own nml tie 11 llu- wh..i will gradnaily beooua oorared ' with earth, rid so a great salt mjna, will be formed 0 treasure for tbo Hibfrlans j li nf 1i ''.. ... n ni r, - p o i., graphical Mngf r Iff In no AaUMlc country do W tind it-- j Moslem religion to lie e.a ily that of the Komn. AtPitu h paaAaDtry l' l nut a 'Ion eiie r, covertiiff thu mirivul of more (.licit-li- supt ist it it loll. AnHMUj thu i eduoatodi J' rsian, HJwVf1 and Buddhlai Ideas, (ireek phllo-oph- and modflfQ MM nostlcihin- - all equally unknown u the piupfu t liavo tlt? ply alTei-t-- the ri)o doxy of even thoaf who pfolaw WhiK-- for n HkIoii. liohanrood htnuaM arai Influ abood by iwnirMiiporary ixdh-f- Jaw and 'hrloitnn to no nnM an aztofit lit nadlng tin- Koran, we fail to find any tiling; v v ;1 Mrfe tliat w hlrh g ii tfative. In Ollto yOQth lie had Iravt lfd thpniudiwo: Syria and found It full of tint U and uhitc ibrioi bnat At Ho rah, at l)aniat iu ami mrtln i north he khv ar, ,tind hiln the (UflSBOUi display ol UyantiiM' Christianity, wbloh a tha reoalrod faith of tha many, timuh pfiKimlhin Qn 'k and Amli-h- ad oiMl Ita otarict, in M inoO' aofMHh 11c found lollop living u prinoaa md aj most MdtvUMpataana, Hafnw oathortrala. chureheKi and monasteries, monks, inl- and hcriuiii. It f oftOfl foritott4'ii In con ildnini bii pwwli daa of Philrtianltj that ha did not d on tho ftgatit ol t ray t 'hrUi lalii in Aralila, or on th teaching of tils Coptic isluve wife, Marii but that ho hud uttuul U now lode of tl. life and litM of ( hrint laiis in the Uol; Uuid nnd r the Christian emM-ruri- of Byantinc - Motuh Hevirw lie In BolMUM It. Hilly Remomtk r now-an- alway- - that liluU; nn Itlte druam, bet a solemn reality ba-i- on and i n gtupa tfid by cternitv. Flint out your nt--k Stand to It. The nt,.:,! conifih when no man 0M wurk C nlyU' MEDICAL MAJOB GODS THCY RIVAL THEIR BROTHERS OF LE- GAL FAME IN FANCY FEES. aoue Roemuei leeeeeea Timt At- - Kn--J : i bj tii kteet in ibeir riaepmUie Prefeaslom in Ken Verh" tifw, taCerai trst, tha atioa Heed Peeaa, An Baylfah jonrr dist visit tag tbitcoun try a few yeen igoajjid of New York that It was "a mnrket where all warea Ire oertnlo to brine fair reword for tha trouble and expense t,f producing them." While true today as it una then, there rfe orltlea who find CaaH erlth the h ala of peioi BAd poliil totba old sny- - ioKtiiat it U impose!).!, to satisfy every body. A reporter ban Inveattgated the auldect of prof i ssional loeoroee rerelred m tbia city, and in t ronr-- . (,f t his :tt iou haadlaeovend m.,;. t Uc flgurra citrd by rrtaWttl i .v :urntr, Y," rolletre brofeaaora aie , ,nite as w. n tha average lawyer, tloclvr nod clergyman to Efeff York H stat.s that In 61 college naving iron, miiui -- md. nts, the Milarlw of thermal hiJi! paid profess,, rs averaga nbout f l.tton. and thnt In colleKe havlaff morn than .".o stud. nt- - the average la Thenveinge botlueea man who makeaS eraaait on hie .(treated capital thinks that lie U oatUog o very Celt reenre for it. The capital of t he man is his edu- cation, BO i hot I'resilen; Harper's profeasor recciveH an tnooma about epu t alent to i hat detiTed from invented at h it eetit. Mr.ny dm tors and law ern have con it saed to the reporter that they would 1m glud to fcelHtireof nalizing that profit a tne lt of a year .s lulxir. Dun UK the last 3) or 40 year the rate of compensation for I he heaviest caaes uf work fu the three LOftfMd prop ions has greatly in. reeaad Before the w ar the lawyer who received n fee of fu.nuu, f.i.oooor fr,ow waa n garded at a hpe ially lucky fellow. To u.i ii is a common ining tor well kuoa members i f the Imr to obiaiu "1K" s""" lnr a .art n ular "liiiiiK the famous Krie litiiration, oMHht nianit br tha tramaetioaa at Kik ""'. "'' 1'ieltl. their eotta "el, In fanl to have reci-iin- a retainer of Muu.OOU. At no ntne ., ti. pcriinl wbflO tbat flmlnent loHflootwull was at the summit nf bifl i iiiieaml In t he nttdflt ot mii aciivepructice did he derive IflM tlmti $100,-Ou- pi r nniiuin fata his professional UtMirs. .Mr. K vans' income whs quite as larK. tnd Mr. Choiite, his partner. Is today iu receipt nf one that cannot U much less. Whilo thesocuises are exceptional, there are. ti N tt,"It-(I- . hftween H00 nml Ul'ri" whi,H" nnnunl e.ininiKs will tJtc,',(l 1"000. AgMM lla If, w btflfa ma h. cliwsiiied iw OI 'awjeisoi exieptiun lalenlsHlul OppOftttllltl , aifl to be placi d thecUM-Ho- the thousands of less fort uuaie oues. many of whom barfllj managl to earn a support for themselves and their families. The law Ifl a crowded prolVshlon, and for tue man w ho enters it without briefs or fricuds an unprofitable one. According to an estimate glTflO tho reporter by a niemlwr in Iouk practice, the average income of the New York lawyer is B00 aud II.tB-O- . The sjiuie oondlt ions are to lie observed iu tho medical profession. There, too. men uf the highest attainments and reputation are earning early sums that half a century a;o wnuui have oeen r. i. as a fortune. A llfil mi1'"'!"'! to the reporter of physi oiaai wtum inoomea exceetl 4wi.tiu eon tamed, am on a otbera,auob oamas as Dr. beomls, Dr. i ui,,. Dr.Sarre, Dr. Batteries, I)r Btlmaoa, Dr. Un rko. Dr. Bosses, Da McBanjsy, Dr. Bamltton, Dr.Oalalleldaad Dr. Weir, Thr IItT nf thnes rrhnsa taoorno are in the DSlgbborbood nf 910,000 emhrao-- the names nt uaarljrtn praatltioossa. Duetum like Luouiia, i lint am) Sayrt- hold tlie sams relation to tbe praottos orf medi- - cino that la,vet-- like L'huate, KvartB, (.'ar--ti r anil Kieul bold to tlu practice nt law. 'i'hej are the "major gods" nf their anil thilr Ih irrail- - ''0,m,r.l..,K tbe ,,ubllo appreriation plij ,, ;.,n who him asMiciated with Dr. l.n - in many important easts is nf the opinion that his profeKsiun yieliU him aa min i, as WMJU) or?n,0IX) a year. In former timea, vrben a ihs tnr lnui mere hnalneaa becouM at t, mi to, be tnrneii ,,,iiE nf l, over to mi SJialatant. AltlmiiL-- tha, is still done, the must popular of the lea, ling physicians 0OTTSCI the by iucri-asiii- their ehaiajss ot by adnptiug tbe rata of consulting physicians. A quart r ,,f s orutury buck nana! feoffor a visit. Now it Is in some in- stil, oi - as, ,i, other 910 and in still ot her wo. When a physician who has abandon ad the l'r-- "' e of visitinx bis patients and inhsll tltlo- - .,. I.. ... .... .... pttoli w"i' T-- ' I"' ii'i'iisiaiices, nf cnarKt's nir 11 visa thus OUtdS as much us lie would fur a cnsultatiou. Doctors of lbs grade of Say-re- , Btlmsoh, Flint. Loam is and Me- - Utirucy. wbeu acting iw consulting physi- - ciaus, rci i ,ve as hih as tjti, ;j audtfiWs In the tbinl nr lowest grade of tbe pro- - f'"""' 'hs incomes taper down from n.uio 10 red i""" X,UP the uiost. nuiueroii.s grade and tbe in iuci- - ,,f , .i,,.,..,, ,t , l, .... n Irated by experiences that are oficu K,i- - tut-l- liairoamg. At tbe time when the passion lor painting plucipu-- waa iu- lanssljr dsreloped iutbia olty, a cynic ob- served that, ' Of plaenoaa and doctors there is mi end." lie alluded to tbe multitude of "saw b.,m s" yearly graduated in suite of ";,lt v"'" """ than It kuiiWBWlial to do lulll u. ,,. ,,,,., lLe ,, nmt unanimously eiitertaiunl that the best cortcciiou uf thu evil latoimiat thi htaiidnid of (jiiallthaiiou. Kcduct !, (uantiiy and improve thequality oi the supply.-.- Nt w uk Hon OlM' MktkTol. 'J'hcrt' Ua railroad man w ho has a nurd method of raising money that 1m peculiur to himself lie has un diamond to put in hioik when lin k Mi UK"ist him, ilh It (i nerally down, ami - in. o resort is ttu origtatfl om. Dollar by dollar his money goc across tin a lKard ami drops Vtth lO' iiniful Into the tin box lliil there it an nul tn all thinir, even to a railroad man' wants iu front of a faro lav out, Mint w hen the laM likcucMM of i hi UoddfHH oX I.llM'rty han been placed on ace or seven the Mor fi How im-- a deatpair UiU gtlttff at his eoiiipaiiiou- - at the i. ir-- ami at the dealer, and thru rvaches up and fates out his fa 1m teeth. The dealer kVm him a ft in k of white chip', umt the play Koeon Tin e tet t h are a mmusit iiHiia'ly. ami i lie fellow ipiiii with MWBgll aii ad to at LaaaJ iwlceui his man t lea ton. , however, the masc-o- Ioms-- its charm, and then for nwat k or two the victim of rhatii-- has to live oil uapMM rlMaaa.1 Hut be'a fcport - - Anaconda A Talaahlt lnnaerlit. The " Aluaandrian Codex,' often to in Svripttirnl Ktiidica, is oue uf the most valuable ami important manu si ripta of h.e red v. r it know u 'to u in ex latatice. It written int.reokon parch-- ( metil iu flncly formed umnul Utters and bi m Ithoul act m- -. it, .irk- - of aspiration or pa i - ls tu,-- ii tiiewopU. Its probablt) date !. the latti r part of the sixth century As early as lut'S it in kmw n to have Istgi iu tba library of the luitrian h of Alexan- dria. It was tent to KnJaud hs a pr. tot'huile- - 1 In CnlluH l.cari in lo.t? and is noat in th- Hritixh mu-tui- I

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Page 1: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. · 2015. 6. 2. · kvkrt pvblhrid afternoon j j the hawaiian star. except sunday. t ci cents a month vw. w--. w... 4 in aiiv.tnce. vol 111. honolulu, hawaiian islands,





Vw . w -- . w ... 4 IN Aiiv.tNCE.







Poi Year In Advance, - W.00

I'et Month In Advance, - - - .78

(oreltfn, per Year In Advance. - 13.00


Katen lor transient and renular advertisingcan be obtained at the publication offloe.To secure prompt Insertion all advertise-ment must be delivered at the BusinessOffice before 12 m.


Ity the (Jo.ernment Rnrvey, PublishedKrerr Monday.

.THWI. -i it b i b If:

n Kl 0.01 IMonai Kill to.t t7 M 0 UU,.l2 .03 71 ha 0 m NK

VM 9 ,:tii 10 Hit .. T.'l 83 (Ms) 67Thu 'at .., 3U.U 61 K4 0.(10, 53Krl L'llilU.on.ilO.UH. 70 HI 0.U0 630at.lSau.litu.gil 70 m lo."il m

Harnmeter corrected for temperature andelevation but not for latitude.

Tides, Sun and Moon.

si a ,51jE atx ItDay.3ci ts. Ifl 3-

t a, ro.

n.m . a.m. n.m n.m.Mon . . . 6. ul 0.10 6. 'JO

Tue.-- . O.Wi - 8- -i

n.m. a.Wed ... 3 Of) 2.801O III C.1H 4--81

Thur... 8.4U, 3.20;i0.2S; 6.48, 6.18 5- 40Hets

Frl. ... 0.20 5 43 6.17Bat .... 4.3ft 11.15,10- - 6 6.16 8 atHun.... 5.301 5- - 0,11.40 10.50 6 11 6.15! - it

New moon Auk. 30 at 0:33a.m.The cUBtomari lireenwich time signal will

be omitted the present week.For every 1000 feet ot distance of the ob-

server (from the Custom House) allow oneeecond for transmission ol sound, or 5 secondsto a Btatute mile.


Steamships will leave for and arrive fromHan Francisco on the following dates, ti theclose of 1SW4 :

Arhive at HVluluLkavk Honolulu fobfrom Ban F'cibco BanFranciscoor

or Vancouver Vancouver.On or About On or About

Warrlmoo July 2S Australia July 21

Monowal auk I Alameda. July 26

Australia auk II Julv 3

Arawa Aug 23 Australia,. A uk IB

Alameda Mobile ....Auk 21

China Sent 4 Mariposa. .AUK 23Australia.-- . . Bepl 8 Warrlmoo. Bept 1

Sept 23 Australia.. ....Sept 16

sept 27 Monowai... ....Sept2UOceanic ..Oct 2 Arawa Oct I

Australia. ..Oct 6 Alt. trull,. OctArawa. .Oct 28 Citvnf I'ukiii OctMonowai... --Oct 25 Alameda Oct 18

Australiu.. Nov 8 Warrlmoo Nov 1

.Nov 13 Australia. Nov 10Alameda. Nov jO Mariposa. Nov 16

Warrlmoo Nov 28 Peru Nov 111

Oceanic .Dec 1 Arawa Dec 1

Australia Deo 1 Australia. Dec 8Mariposa. Dec 20 Monowai Dec IIArawa ,Uec2J China Dec 81

Australia. Deo 29 18SS.1895. Warrlmoo Jar. 1

China Jan 22 Gaelic Feb 16Oceanic Feb II Peru Mar 28

China Aprils Gaelic....- - Apr 28


rc:.:r... ....... ..saT ,

Tim Jill- ' 'rlj--J VXisH

TIME TABLE.From and After Jane Int.



A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

Honolula 8:46 1:46 4:36 6:10

Leave Pearl City 6:80 2:80 5:10 6:66

Arrive Ewa Mill 9:67 2:57 6:86 6:22


A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

Leave Ewa Mill 10:48 8:43 6:42

Leave Pearl City 6:56 11:15 4:15 6:10

Arrive Honolulu 7:30 11:56 4:45 6:46

A Saturday's only. C Sunday's excepted.B Daily D Saturday's excepted


LEWERS & COOKE,Lumber, Builders' Hardware,

doors, sash, blinds,paints, oils, glass,

wall paper, matting,corrugated iron,

lime, cement, etc.



Carriages to meet every steamer atKahului and Maalaea Bay.

Horses for Haleakala or any partof the island, at reasonable prices.

W. GOODNESS,376tf Proprietor.


HUSTACE & COhave moved to

Morgan's Auction Roomsfor a short time. We are still selling

Departure Bay Coal,


KINDLING WOODin any quantity.

(PTBoth Telephones 414. 864tf

TUIC DIDCD Is kept on Ale at K. oI rurtn UAKK'H Advertising

" ""V cacuautfe, fanKrauclaou, Cel., where oouiracu for adver.tlalng- can be made for It. tf





4. B. Dole, President ol the Republic ofHawaii.

f. M. Hatch, Minister of Forelan Affairs.J. A. King, Minister of the Interior.I, M. Damon, Minister of Finance.w. O. Smith, Attorney-Uenera- l.


W. C. Wilder. Chairman of the AdvisoryCouncil of the Republic of HawaiiCecil Brown, K. L. lenney.John Nntt, 0, Uolte,John K&m. V. F. Allen,James F. Morgan, Henry Waterliouse,J. A. McCandless, A. Younn,J. V. Mendonca, 1). R Smith,John Kinineluth.C. T. Rodgers. Secretary Kxecutlve and Ad

visory Councils.

Suphkme Court.Hen. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice,rfon. R. F . Bickerton, FirBt Associate Justice.Hon. W. E. Freer, Hecond Associate Justice.Henry smith. Chief Clerk.Ueorge Lucas, First Deputy Clerk.C. F. Peterson. Second Deputy Clera.J. Walter Jones, Stenographer.

Circuit Judokk.

First Circuit : H. E. Cooper, W. A. Whiting.Oahu.

Second Circuit : Maui, A. Hi Kepolkai.Third and FourthClnults: Hawaii S.L.Auslin.Fifth Circuit: Kauai. J. Hardv.

Offices and Court-roo- in JudiciaryHulldlng, King Sireet. Bitting in Honolulu:First Monday in February, May. August andNovember.

Departmknt or Fiirbion Art a i us.

Office In Executive Building, King HtreetFrancis M. Hatch, Minister of Foreign Affairs

deo. C. Potter, Chief Clerk..1. W. Glrvln, Lionel Hart, Clerks.

Department or the Interior.Office In Executive Building, King StreetJ. A. King, Minister of the Interior.Chief Clerk, John A. Hussinger.Assistant Clerks. James II. Boyd, M. K.

Keohokalole. tius Hose, Stephen Mahaulu, George C. Ross, Kdward S. Boyd.

Jhieps or BtiREAVs, Department orInterior.

Surveyor-Genera- l, W. D. Alexander.Supt. Public Works, W, K. Howell.Hupt. Water Works, Andrew Brown.Inspector Electric Ltghte, John C assldy.Registrar of conveyances, T. G. Thrum.Deputy Registrar of Conveyances, It, W.

AndiewBRoad Supervisor, Honolulu, W. H.

Chief Engineer Fire Dept.. J. H. Hunt.Supt. Insane Asylum. Dr. Geo. Herbert.

Bureau or AoRicuuunK,

President J. A. King, Ministerof the Interior.

Members: W. G. Irwin, A.Jaeger, A. Her-

bert and John Ena.Commissioner of Agriculture and ex offlulo

Secretary of the Board: Joseph Marsdeu.

Department or Finance.

Minister of Finance, ... M. Damon.Auditor-Genera- l, H. Laws.Registrar of Accounts, W. G. Ashley.Collector-Gener- of Customs, J. B. Caetle.Tax Assessor. Oahu, Jonathan Shaw.Deputy Assessor, W. c. Weedon.Postmaster-Genera- l, J. M. Oat.

Customs Bureau.

Office, Custem House, Esplanade, Fort St.Collector-Genera- l, J. B. Castle.

r, F. B. McStocker.Harbor Master, Captain A. Fuller.Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders.Storekeeper, Geo. C. Stratemeyer.

Department or Attorney-Genera- l.

Office in Executive Building, King St.Attorney-Genera- l, W. O. Smith.Deputy Attorney-Genera- l, G. K. Wilder.Clerk, J. M. Kea.Marshal. E. G. Hitchcock.Clerk to Marshal, H. M . Dow.Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown.Jailor Oahu Prison, James A. Low.Prison Physician. Dr. C. B. Cooper.

Board or Immigration.

Office, Department of Interior, JudiciaryBuilding, King Mini

President, J. A. King.Members of the Board of Immigration:

t. B. Atherton, Jaa. B. Castle, A. sCleghorn, James G. Spencer, Mark P.Robinson.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

Board or Heaiah.Office in grounds of Judiciary Building

corner of Milllani and Queen streeta.Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrews,

J. T. Waterhouae, Jr., John Kna, TheodoreV. Lansing and Attorney-G- i uerai Smith.President, Hon. W. O. Smith.Secretary, Chai. WUcox.

Executive Officer, C. B. Reynolds.Agent Board of Health, J. D. McVeigh.inspector and Manager of Garbage Service,

L. L. La Pierre.Inspector, G. Wr. C. Jones.Port Physician, Dr. R. P. Myers.Dlspenaary, Dr. Henry W. Howard.Leper Bettleinent, Dr. K. K. Oliver.

Board or Education.

Office, rud!elary Building, King- Street.President, W. R. Castle.Clerk, J. F. Scott.Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson.

Board oe Crown Land Commihkionkhb.

J. A. King, Minister of the Interior; W. O.

Bmltb, Attorney-Gener- and C. P. Iaukea.Office In Judiciary Building.

District Oocri.Police Station Building, Merchant Street.A. G. M. Robertson, Magistrate.James Thompson, Clerk.

PoBTorricE Bureau.

Postmaster-Genera- l, J. Mort Oat.Secretary, W. O. Alweter.8up't Postal Savings Bank, E. II. Wodehouae.Money Order Department, F. B. Oat.General Delivery, L. T. Kenake.Registry Department, G. L Deaha.Clerks: J. D. Holt, It. A. Dexter, S. L. Kekn-man-

F. B. Angus, J. H. Nul. Henry BalaJoUu U am. K Narlta, J . T. Klguereda.



Caodj Factory, '"V, hk Bakery.

nrn at hiFINE HOT


ISLAND CURIOS.Our Establishment is the Fined Hesort in the

City. Ball and see us. Open till ti p. m.


Insurance Agents.


A f. w f; st 11 ,. x it MUTUAL

Life Insurance Co.OK BOSTON.




Castle & Oke,IMPORTERS,


General Merchandise.


This Spaceis

Reservedfor the

Epitable Life Assnrance Society

nf l,a n.Uaa Olntnaui iug uuiicii rjiaicv


Genera Managers for the Hawaiian






ii THard Times Mean Close Prices to

If are in of any orSecond-Han- d PURNITTJK.B, RUGS.

at the


w a t- v t- tw a tr w

Lincoln block, Kino stkket,Between and A Su.

DBAunnGroceries and

California Butter andon

teti by SteamerFramisto.



Agent H Take AtkiwwUtigennnts.

nmi Rtsidstice oornatmill ltcrctania :i(ll-(l-



Esplanade, anil Kurt street.HOLLISTER A CO.. Agent.

P, U, Box M. FtlephOMlilli


Supplies. WhOlCMlo lWtullDealers In Irnccrics, ProvisioiiB, etc.

Ill Fort SI.. Honolulu, II. I.iH.'t

M. PHILLIPS CO.WBOlaaali InqnrlvftvMhtl fobbin of


Corner nml On, BaMhUa.H7IT


i'J Merchant Street,

Honolulu, H I.


PUBLIC.Cartwright Block, Uarohant St., Bonolulu,


BELL l'KLKPHONI lot.-- All Promptly Attended to.

W. & SONS.


Streei, Honolulu.



Commission Merchants and Importers

San Francisco 215 St.


Arctilteots.Depoall Kuililing.

Boaolnln, ii. I.

KpecifioatloiM nml Bnpe rill tend,nee(Iven tor deecrlptlna of HulldiiiK.

,,!ll - Ii1, 1,.,, ,,,)ealarnd.

for Inti-rlo- lieeoriitioiiH.liapiar Meohanlcal Drawing, Tracine and

HIlll' i,raw inKn for ur i.lus.t



T. WATERHOUSE'SQueen Street Stores.




you need New


Fort lakea

Fresh Roll IslandDiuier aiways nana.

Fresh Goods iied everyfrom San


outre runcli- -

hnwl tlrcctB.


corner Allen

Naval tad

Part Sis..



J. M.


M. II.BIOS mill






Ortlrc, Front

Omca New Bare



Itook. Newf paperration



cut in

to any of


$1 .00.

in1 auie



&KetaMishi'i! in ls.',H.

BANKERS.Hawaiian Islands.




New York, Chicago, Boston, Paris,MESSRS. N, M. & SONS, LONDON,

KKANKKi R TON-'I'l- l A IN,Tin- l "iiuiHTcial HiuikiiiK Co. of .Sviltiev,

N. S. W.Tbfl Itinik of New B lanja Aii' kUnd, nml

It ". 'i- '- in 'hrtt'htinh, Minn inand Wvulnjrton

The Dank of BHtifth ColombU. Vi.torin.andits brain baa, Vancouver. Niutnini,

H. C , mid I'oitliind. Oregon,Tiu- laoraaand Wtijitatni lajMamBtockbolm, BwadaiLThe Chartered llnrik of Indin, Aiivtmlin and

China.The BoDgkong end SVmiu'liai, China; and

YnlMliaina, ili'j.;fi nml 'niwiki, Japan.Aii'i transd.'t n ieticnil Haul ing' ikiiiwh,

t &

Qnecn St., H, I.,


Hawaiian AgrioultoMl Co., OnoineaBugai Co., Honumu Sugar walink, i Kii;,,- Co.. Walhve Sugar Co.,Maker Sugar '.., BalaakaU Racoh( ii.. KftpaptUa EtaiiOni

Platit4tra' LlneSan Pranciaoo IVirlii ts.('has. Bra Wat ft t'u.'s Lino nf Qottoii

Pak.AK'"ti Boaton Board nfAgenti Hoard of Umlor

wftora.List ok On irrits ;

P. C. Jones Presidentlite. ll. Roncaraoa ManagerB. K Btauor Trna ami Becy,loi.. W. K. Amlilort'. M. C CE.H U'.ti-uiii- i ui- '.

. Diracton('. I.. CaKTKI! )

OT-i- y

WILDER &Kiabiihed in 1871.)

Estate S, G, WILDER - W. C, WILDER,





Oil. GIiisn.


Cor, fort and Queen

H. I.

per cord;12 in any

free ofthcHcity

and as

sacks of

30 boxes of Tokio


Sells the of atper lbs., and 17 bars, of

honest for Blue

ARVFRTIiFR b) Grans, Mannheim, lOcperlb.Toilet Soaps, retail at prices. Soft

78 cents Per Month. tins of

$2 Per Quarter.! Stearic Wax minin' Candles, manu- -







KOllcl ColteC

o 'by the of

12 for 85c.Fire

isame blocksfrom $1.00


at 40c a

Poibrass small size 50c,

lrtTC 7"C

vinegarwater receivers, at

Saltaail given awav.











Lumber and



Builders' Hardware,Paint,

Wood, $io



very best$4.50


wholesaleiSoap. $1.85.

factureu Candle works, Cin-

cinnati, candles


Building- -

Charcoal sack.

Richmond, Ya., Cedar Pailswith hoops,



Highest paid forard allow.

packagesMatches only cents.








inches long,delivered


ioolbs 50c;!

quality Soap

weight, $1.85. GermanCastile Soap,








price Hides, Skins


1ST. BREHAM,Mutual TalephoM 814 BKTBBL HAU.


For Rentait a a

Pearl . .

City . . .

PeninsulaAn opportunity to rani .; ,,;,i,i,. bot

taip-- at ronaoiiauto rutea. ll in aperleel health renort, will' it maKiiili-O-

view, ai d only 4.1 minutes fromMo, mini, i.

The foUoWlllfJ OOttaMg Ofl Ooralracing the traili- irlnda an- offered:

Dnole Sam's Villa, JSieveuV Villa.WatarhouM Villa. Sweat Houa, DlinondVilla a,,, i Aloha Villa,

Ti ev nre eonveiiienl ly nrrnnned withbath room, etc., and are partly rnrnlahedInclodlng atore, Ititchan atanalla, crock-ery ware. ete.

Alao irafornlshad cottagat in dlffaremlocationa on the Peninaula, viz.: DoleVilla, Waterloo Place, Oleander Place,and others.

Very Hieciiil rates for transportationwill lie made by the Railroad Companyto occupante.

Km- ten, is, partlcnlan, ete., apply to

W. W. DIM0ND,:it .1. T. , house's Hardware andCrockery store. Queen atreet,III!

Something NewEvery Day

In The Year.

We have now read)- - acatchy and novel line ofSouvenirs that are sure tohe prize winners.

The issue of


will soon he a thiuj; ofthe past, the few remaining in col-lections will steadily urow in value.To preserve a number in a usefulway, we conceived the idea of con-verting them into articles of jewel-ry, and the first lot of


just finished, convinces us that pos- -

siDiiuies in mat line are great.They are without a doubt

the prettiest thing we havemade for some time, and arealready selling at a lively rate.

We will aoon hate n variety of nrti- -

elee ready, encloalng man; of the lu stami noal valuable rtampe; and that thedemand will be great, without say-ing. The price w ill lie rj low every onew in want something in the int. Iinkill OUT tiiier Window, when panning,anil note the pretty display.





ConsolidatedSoda Water Works

Co., Ltd.

Tin- Btouunbip

WAIMANALOwill run reulnrly between thil jMirtand Waiiiluii, Waiunnc. Ka uaibapat.Mokuli ia, Ki'awt iuii ami Kuiki on theInland f Ualiu. For frci;lit. etc.. applyia tbe Captain.

WM. DAVIESliiKer, .StevtHlore and Wrecker.

and eoiitracU on all kindrt ofwork.

pQ Ssl!'Jo ho km: I'tut i: it


and BoilerI

lor partlculari Enquire at

WOOP1V4WN DAISY,or i4i u. r. aiLuwoHAa.


thl poverty op in- - h men.

rprtiia MiinifiT rVolf tin f ftrr Atli t Udrar i han rtaaj Othata,

ITba aultoff of Btnbnoini MtflgnsifM, whopmbnlily i hjoy a modarata Uioomi of Liiown, MtMtlatw on tin1 lllanitlmntigtl ofmWm riOMI ajffl ' be lurk of :ti, v Like thephttoaophcr who wrantiJ ineraly raoub, heMama to liaUevt that the miSla eotiaittoiiIs Um.ihmI thiiiH' i,i ,., wbaretboQlIj.On n yt nr. This 1 ; &m mon- tlinnmost iiu H ti t It In anofa Ikn most nfthan om uri uftttfrfllr. Bain apat uintivt ly, or tequift in the fm-- of a leiMf,They must thefyfefe In content witii laea,In net, mailt iooaal puis fta fed p4entin n uy in nrfiiir uisjt i i;I(t iirv

nsjvf an to exhaust that LneoMeend keepItll aa poof ex thi' la.K.rrr In. - ntiftfieil

Willi in clothe, hi-- . I, is fin- im-- hibii r. That man on Jit to In- liatiov win iiwell Ntigiplinl Aitii (nil-- . Imt h is iiuheoaii'M he U nssiii aCaltuI want, butthat man who Ii bora with a ohenipegnaipe4te atni KOhleTi only u ) r IneoflMniu aver be an 6bjerH of oobif! ratitm tohimself ami t tho-- v who know nun

In dofl f doubt Ami linnm-ia- l -- rttiMtteymany fnmiliis resori u aeotiotalee 'Imt no(Jonht an' ri'-- , f, i man s .li ,,L ortwo nf hia ha doMB beveaaiMt ither rentedhis Himnmr cottom-- ; at hinl ptlt hb atoanyin lit ottt of eoiiim;-sion- , and a fourth wwillingly from inrp-a-ini- hisn-l-lection tif iTflfafflffae bronin. Theae it1- -j

atrninta an- a- ilNta-t- . fni anil oopn-- ivc anI the eonpolalon of tha laiorir u reeraiamoderately from trml- rioin sU'ikn am! theni'ccsity tliat his wif. shiiuM postpone Uiepnn hft' of a liriidit ealioO beeMBIno t wo men have the same utamlnril nflife, the Kitniu ile ires ami taut-- , nor thesame aptiimlc in tin- application of weahhto comfort, luiowledjte nml pleasure.

Poverty ia a n UtlVt teffn, ami t In re teOOunkempt vagrant whonsres not N li. ve t hatthere Me several tramps morn raeil, morebungrTi more populous than he. There arenome vnmthomls who reali.e thatthey are poor while their stomachs am) tobarco pouches an- full Then there areyotuiK blootlHin New York who try to liveon n Bagntrly 50t000 a year ami can't do it.iiiey are always in t roti me, at wa s neinudiiiil by Ineoiniili rate traili -- iiien. ahvayaaiaMd bjr racv Irark l.larkleira, alwav dieprey of ballel Klrls. alwava aiainued i,brparaeitei, alwajra naiiadiuJ by rlcbties, always lo.,iii,; at cnnN. oliviiv. "oreenough In mind ami rfivatlmai in bodr tocry nml nUvnvs Mqghed at py tbfl public,mid these gentry nre in truth tlie pooffll ofM nil. WbflO tliey shift Into Nil I millleeche mill n ! iikhhI U Mhili'ivrs lliKvarathe Tiidxt wnrthh of tlu-i- MTie.

Tbfl Princ of Watifls, wbo llflO sel thebtflhioQ in tbfl OolOT of m nml the w ayof Pfl rrv In il t he enm nuini IK lv auMatAtMil

U the mcHlel that these mmu) persoim lHvefor tlu-i- imirr well as their ohvlniislives, and thev even try to itnpmve qq thepattern. When a man takes tHODflf Ofl

loiiLillk' to another, he is a thief. Whenlie takes Its equivah nt, t he work, time andnook of iv tailor and rofuaoi to refund, heIfl O&tlfld tnun of t lie world, and hisexploit 1 aeenunted as rather clever. ThePrince of Wales is a man of the W4rld anoIs clever, and his imitator here waul to heclever too.

It in the Offlfll disadvantage of richeswhen it makes t la ir pOfltflflaor or in pir-It. Nohoily claims i hat this U true in the(treat majority of cases. NdImmIj- dfllllCM itstruth in eonspi noun and ofieii-i- v In- -

stances. The poor man has the advantageof the rich one, if he ho modifies bwtdflMthnt he can not onlv n aeh iliei:i hui ihHve that content, atid compass t hat moraland Intellectual exDaiiatoB tbal seem n I

tba human comedy to be denied i!lm,rwhose aims are touanl a v u.ateri.tlprospi-rit- and sensuous pteasUfflfl, I' llthe adaptation of the end to the means thatra dices. Fw of na ttefld be poor. Brook-- i

lyu Eagle,

A flriU(sult lAtta In BlbflVlfliTbfl grflOt Mlt l:lko at O'odot sk is 0

miles wid" and 17 milea long, yet excptin a lew plan- - it i.- BolMly riHf'-i- overwilli a deposit of salt whirl, is gettingIi,-- 1., r fMtA awataessa -

Our irni.le.who ia an man.,,,;,!,,,,, I ,,1.1, ,......,,crystals lirtit began tn gatber apon tbfsurfaco nf the water. Year by year,owing to the evaporation nf the water,tin- crystals became ntore nnnucotm andt ben caked together till this great rffiinneil

In 1MTS the water liemath tbis salterjratal roof fonn'd an nndergronnd outlet intnthe Hiver ( Ibi. Tbis lowered t!,(lake's surface about three feet, leavlnjthat distauec the water ami trroof.

LoiiluiiK down tliidiik'b one of lb.openings fur tbe purp,,. in tinroof, wo SAW n low miuVri nuUbOAt,,. .,,,,,,. :.. . 1. .1,.boat We lay flat oa our back andlook, d up ut the curiously beautiful saltceiling overhead. Woin opelleil tin, boatby pushing with onr htutds against theirrcgulariti, t.ftboroof.

The guide held a Ion- - rope attached t.the boat to prevent onr goins too far and

... , .H-- iu 1, ,s, .1 nuu- - 111, sain 11 v ;is easy

,Jlany sprint's surromnl tins lake.iin ir water Hows over tin) rnol nndevaporntps tbem, and t Bus continuallyadds to its tliiekness. After many jre ITS

tin, springs will probably ciiokedwith their own nml tie 11 llu-

wh..i will gradnaily beooua oorared'

with earth, rid so a great salt mjna, willbe formed 0 treasure for tbo Hibfrlans j

li nf 1i ''.. ...n ni r, - p o i.,graphical Mngf r Iff

In no AaUMlc country do W tind it-- j

Moslem religion to lie e.a ily that of theKomn. AtPitu h paaAaDtry l' l nut a'Ion eiie r, covertiiff thu mirivul of more(.licit-li- supt ist it it loll. AnHMUj thu i

eduoatodi J' rsian, HJwVf1 and BuddhlaiIdeas, (ireek phllo-oph- and modflfQ MM

nostlcihin- - all equally unknown u thepiupfu t liavo tlt? ply alTei-t-- the ri)odoxy of even thoaf who pfolaw WhiK-- forn HkIoii. liohanrood htnuaM arai Influabood by iwnirMiiporary ixdh-f- Jawand 'hrloitnn to no nnM an aztofit tii.itlit nadlng tin- Koran, we fail to find anytiling; v v ;1 Mrfe tliat w hlrh g ii tfative.In Ollto yOQth lie had Iravt lfd thpniudiwo:Syria and found It full of tint U anduhitc ibrioi bnat

At Ho rah, at l)aniat iu ami mrtln i

north he khv ar, ,tind hiln the (UflSBOUidisplay ol UyantiiM' Christianity, wbloh

a tha reoalrod faith of tha many, timuhpfiKimlhin Qn 'k and Amli-h- ad oiMl Ita

otarict, in M inoO' aofMHh 11c foundlollop living u prinoaa md ajmost MdtvUMpataana, Hafnw oathortrala.chureheKi and monasteries, monks, inl-

and hcriuiii. It f oftOfl foritott4'ii In con

ildnini bii pwwli daa of Philrtianltjthat ha did not d on tho ftgatit ol

t ray t 'hrUi lalii in Aralila, or on thteaching of tils Coptic isluve wife, Mariibut that ho hud uttuul U now lode of and litM of ( hrint laiis in the Uol;Uuid nnd r the Christian emM-ruri- ofByantinc - Motuh Hevirw

lie In BolMUM It. Hilly

Remomtk r now-an- alway- - that liluU;nn Itlte druam, bet a solemn reality ba-i-

on and i n gtupa tfid by cternitv. Flintout your nt--k Stand to It. The nt,.:,!conifih when no man 0M wurk C nlyU'




aoue Roemuei leeeeeea Timt At- - Kn--J

: i bj tii kteet in ibeir riaepmUiePrefeaslom in Ken Verh" tifw, taCeraitrst, tha atioa Heed Peeaa,

An Baylfah jonrr dist visit tag tbitcountry a few yeen igoajjid of New York thatIt was "a mnrket where all wareaIre oertnlo to brine fair reword for thatrouble and expense t,f producing them."While true today as it una then,there rfe orltlea who find CaaH erlth theh ala of peioi BAd poliil totba old sny- -

ioKtiiat it U impose!).!, to satisfy everybody.

A reporter ban Inveattgated the auldectof prof i ssional loeoroee rerelred m tbiacity, and in t ronr-- . (,f t his :tt iouhaadlaeovend m.,;. t Uc flgurra citrd byrrtaWttl i .v :urntr, Y," rolletrebrofeaaora aie , ,nite as w. n thaaverage lawyer, tloclvr nod clergyman toEfeff York H stat.s that In 61 collegenaving iron, miiui -- md. nts, the Milarlwof thermal hiJi! paid profess,, rs averaganbout f l.tton. and thnt In colleKe havlaffmorn than .".o stud. nt- - the average la

Thenveinge botlueea man who makeaSeraaait on hie .(treated capital thinks that

lie U oatUog o very Celt reenre for it. Thecapital of t he man is his edu-cation, BO i hot I'resilen; Harper's profeasorrecciveH an tnooma about epu t alent to i hatdetiTed from invented at h it eetit.Mr.ny dm tors and law ern have con it saedto the reporter that they would 1m glud tofcelHtireof nalizing that profit a tne lt

of a year .s lulxir.Dun UK the last 3) or 40 year the rate of

compensation for I he heaviest caaes uf workfu the three LOftfMd prop ions has greatlyin. reeaad Before the w ar the lawyer whoreceived n fee of fu.nuu, f.i.oooor fr,ow waan garded at a hpe ially lucky fellow. Tou.i ii is a common ining tor well kuoamembers i f the Imr to obiaiu"1K" s""" lnr a .art n ular

"liiiiiK the famous Krie litiiration,oMHht nianit br tha tramaetioaa at Kik

""'. "'' 1'ieltl. their eotta"el, In fanl to have reci-iin- a retainer ofMuu.OOU. At no ntne ., ti. pcriinlwbflO tbat flmlnent loHflootwull was at thesummit nf bifl i iiiieaml In t he nttdflt ot miiaciivepructice did he derive IflM tlmti $100,-Ou-

pi r nniiuin fata his professional UtMirs..Mr. K vans' income whs quite as larK. tndMr. Choiite, his partner. Is today iu receiptnf one that cannot U much less. Whilothesocuises are exceptional, there are. ti Ntt,"It-(I- . hftween H00 nmlUl'ri" whi,H" nnnunl e.ininiKs willtJtc,',(l 1"000.

AgMM lla If, w btflfa ma h. cliwsiiied iwOI 'awjeisoi exieptiun lalenlsHlul

OppOftttllltl , aifl to be placi d thecUM-Ho-

the thousands of less fort uuaie oues. manyof whom barfllj managl to earn a supportfor themselves and their families. The lawIfl a crowded prolVshlon, and for tue manw ho enters it without briefs or fricuds anunprofitable one. According to an estimateglTflO tho reporter by a niemlwr in Ioukpractice, the average income of the NewYork lawyer is B00 aud II.tB-O- .

The sjiuie oondlt ions are to lie observed iutho medical profession. There, too. menuf the highest attainments and reputationare earning early sums that half a centurya;o wnuui have oeen r. i. as a fortune.A llfil mi1'"'!"'! to the reporter of physioiaai wtum inoomea exceetl 4wi.tiu eontamed, am on a otbera,auob oamas as Dr.beomls, Dr. iui,,. Dr.Sarre, Dr. Batteries,I)r Btlmaoa, Dr. Un rko. Dr. Bosses, DaMcBanjsy, Dr. Bamltton, Dr.OalalleldaadDr. Weir, Thr IItT nf thnes rrhnsa taoornoare in the DSlgbborbood nf 910,000 emhrao--the names nt uaarljrtn praatltioossa.

Duetum like Luouiia, i lint am) Sayrt- holdtlie sams relation to tbe praottos orf medi- -

cino that la,vet-- like L'huate, KvartB, (.'ar--ti

r anil Kieul bold to tlu practice nt law.'i'hej are the "major gods" nf their

anil thilr Ih irrail- -

''0,m,r.l..,K tbe ,,ubllo appreriation

plij ,, ;.,n who him asMiciated with Dr.l.n - in many important easts is nf theopinion that his profeKsiun yieliU him aamin i, as WMJU) or?n,0IX) a year. In formertimea, vrben a ihs tnr lnui mere hnalneaa

becouM at t, mi to, be tnrneii ,,,iiE nfl, over to mi SJialatant. AltlmiiL-- tha, isstill done, the must popular of the lea, lingphysicians 0OTTSCI the by iucri-asiii-

their ehaiajss ot by adnptiug tbe rata ofconsulting physicians.

A quart r ,,f s orutury bucknana! feoffor a visit. Now it Is in some in-

stil, oi - as, ,i, other910 and in still ot her wo.When a physician who has abandon ad thel'r-- "' e of visitinx bis patients and

inhsll tltlo- - .,. I.. ... .... ....pttoli

w"i' T-- ' I"' ii'i'iisiaiices, nf cnarKt's nir11 visa thus OUtdS as much us lie would fura cnsultatiou. Doctors of lbs grade ofSay-re-

, Btlmsoh, Flint. Loam is and Me- -

Utirucy. wbeu acting iw consulting physi- -

ciaus, rci i ,ve as hih as tjti, ;j audtfiWsIn the tbinl nr lowest grade of tbe pro- -

f'"""' 'hs incomes taper down from n.uio10 red i""" X,UP theuiost. nuiueroii.s grade and tbe in iuci- -

,,f , .i,,.,..,, ,t , l, .... nIrated by experiences that are oficu K,i- -

tut-l- liairoamg. At tbe time when thepassion lor painting plucipu-- waa iu-

lanssljr dsreloped iutbia olty, a cynic ob-served that, ' Of plaenoaa and doctors thereis mi end." lie alluded to tbe multitudeof "saw b.,m s" yearly graduated in suite of

";,lt v"'"""" than It kuiiWBWlial to dolulll u. ,,. ,,,,., lLe ,,nmt unanimously eiitertaiunl that thebest cortcciiou uf thu evil latoimiat thihtaiidnid of (jiiallthaiiou. Kcduct !,

(uantiiy and improve thequality oi thesupply.-.- Nt w uk Hon

OlM' MktkTol.

'J'hcrt' U a railroad man w ho has a nurdmethod of raising money that 1m peculiurto himself lie has un diamond to put inhioik when lin k Mi UK"ist him, ilh It(i nerally down, ami - in. o resort is ttuorigtatfl om. Dollar by dollar his moneygoc across tin a lKard ami dropsVtth lO' iiniful Into the tin boxlliil there it an nul tn all thinir, even toa railroad man' wants iu front of a farolav out, Mint w hen the laM likcucMM of i hiUoddfHH oX I.llM'rty han been placed on aceor seven the Mor fi How im-- a deatpairUiU gtlttff at his eoiiipaiiiou- - at the i. ir--

ami at the dealer, and thru rvaches up andfates out his fa 1m teeth. The dealer kVmhim a ft in k of white chip', umt the playKoeon Tin e tet t h are a mmusit iiHiia'ly.ami i lie fellow ipiiii with MWBgll aii adto at LaaaJ iwlceui his mant lea ton. ,

however, the masc-o- Ioms-- itscharm, and then for nwat k or two thevictim of rhatii-- has to live oil uapMMrlMaaa.1 Hut be'a fcport - - Anaconda

A Talaahlt lnnaerlit.The " Aluaandrian Codex,' often

to in Svripttirnl Ktiidica, is oue ufthe most valuable ami important manusi ripta of h.e red v. r it know u 'to u in exlatatice. It written int.reokon parch-- (

metil iu flncly formed umnul Utters andbi m Ithoul act m- -. it, .irk- - of aspiration orpa i - ls tu,-- ii tiiewopU. Its probablt)

date !. the latti r part of the sixth centuryAs early as lut'S it in kmw n to have Istgiiu tba library of the luitrian h of Alexan-dria. It was tent to KnJaud hs a pr.tot'huile- - 1 In CnlluH l.cari in lo.t?and is noat in th- Hritixh mu-tui-


Page 2: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. · 2015. 6. 2. · kvkrt pvblhrid afternoon j j the hawaiian star. except sunday. t ci cents a month vw. w--. w... 4 in aiiv.tnce. vol 111. honolulu, hawaiian islands,





II K Ji .iinhTi ink.

I. Id

Mil iiatim.He.1 Vi'r 111 Ailvunco. --

Pei Month In Ailviituf.

l'r Ytmr In Ailviinci. -





MMM ur matMat tad rfnlr lYrtlilngi nn l obiiilneil at tlm pttbUoMlon otBoe,

iwerura prompt inertkm nilHMM1 !)' delivered lit tin' MMMM

. MBct bM II m.


It Wlllll small that themtnbtfl of the Citizens'

Gttrd should he required to pur-

chase their badges. Deputy Mar-

shal Brown took this view of the

ease and assumes the personal re-

sponsibility Of providing the min-

ute men ot with stars.


The tender! for material for thenew water works system will be

opened on September nth. it to

understood the bidders will includeScotch. Knglish and American iron

mongers. Time is one of the main

essentials in laying the new watersystem, and for this reason it is

not unlikely an American bid,

other things being equal, will be

accepted. It is to be hoped theGovernment will take the speediest

means to the desired end in thepresent case by awarding the con-

tract for piping to the firm thatcan deliver it first.

In expressing this hope it is easy

to eliminate sentiment and politics.

If the order is placed in the UnitedStates, shipment will be made with-

in a fortnight and the material for

this new Government work will be

delivered from San Francisco in-

side of sixtv days. Thus work on

the new main and pumplamay oeguu uyol" November. In construction three miles, and the breadth somewhat

a considerable Internally

term of employment will be givento ll i iiiiipai aiiv vi L.u'i iue.t jiskilled and unskilled labor. It willalso be necessary to have unite a

quantity of material worked up by- -

home firms, which will meet furtherlabor demands.

is assume that, neces- - thesities considered, to greatmade by

likerrS i"-- - ftr- - "---" re- -be

as low as European bids, andmuch more desirable from the Ha-

waiian Standpoint. To avoid thechances of another water famine,

the government probably nothesitate in placing the contract inthe nearest port, which will guar-

antee both the early renewal ofpublicactivity in works ami tue

completion of tbe new water sys-

tem before the arrival of nextyear's shortage.



H l.t(,rlral An Old lintIntereattnn Story Motee Hawaii

iin.l KIluueH.

It is not the geologist alone who takeninterest in volcanoes. The extra-ortlinar-

power displayed in theiroperations, the tremendous and

phenomena wilh which theireruptions are freimenily accompanied,the devastation which their floods ofred-h- lava and their showersof ashes occasionally effect, all tendawaken and to exercise the imagin-ative faculty in The ancients,with their love of jiersonilication, werecontent to represent them as the sceneof some struggle between an-

tagonistic or as the prison of someindignant deity; hut the mordern worldlooks at them differently, and if it could

done, would slice them into sectionsas a cook slices an onion, and so exhibitbefore our eyes layer by layer of theirinterior, showing their mode growth

the constituents of which they areformed. Volcanoes an attractivestudy, whether we them as anflOfAv! illustration ol how the great paitof the earth's i rust was at one time laiddown, or as a exhibition of naturalmagnificence and power.

Ten or eleven years ago ProfessorJudd published his able work on Vol- -

ranoes, whirh work formed the mostimportant treatise on the subject thathail lill then appeared. According tohim, the three essential conditions onwhich the production of volcanic phenomena seemed to depend were, firstlythe existence certain apertures orrracks commiiiiii atiug between the in

le, ior and the surface the earth:secondly the presence of matter in ahighly heated condition beneath thesurface: and thirdly, the existence ofgreat iiiantiiies of water imprisoned intbe regions whirh water,

as steam, gives to IhoselOtive phenomena whirh we associatewilh (he rxislrlire of volrailoes. Itraiinut be said that subsequent investi-gations, into the subjt-e- t have made anyessential rhanges iieressary in thisstatement of the condilions uponwhirh volcanii- phenomena depend; butour knowledge of the detailed workingof volcanoes has lieen largely added to,and by none BUM! so than the veteranAmerican scientist, llr. James 1. Uana,on his volume on the Volcanoes of theHawaiian or Sandwich Islands.

Hum iniiiniin. it eeed imrdiy be mUterm a mill eroblualue In tiir Nmii

Pm lite, anil lire known as the tWpuMIr

of HnWHii. from the name of the Jirin- -

OtBMI iund of the (Trap. The, nr,

mill, however, feintUerri remembeie!by the imme ..f Btsdwieh bdande, ihelinnie ;iveii to them liy t'aj.tain I 'ook

after Lord Siin.lwiili, who WM lit thattune first Lord of the Ail mil sit . The

island were MM to have bflCB first ilis- -

ootered In 1841, ami to imve been re

dltootrtred by Captain t ook In i"s. Hn.i

there, in the following JiiBr. lie hisI, fa narlahlna at the liniiils of the- - - .

natives.The ishinils kppMW to be WBOlly

in formation, ami are still the sen!

of the largest ami most nrtive volcanoes

in the world. The two highestiiiiiH. both volcaiiir, are Maiinu Kea anilMauiiH-l.on- . in the inland of Hawaii,

betflff, renpei lively 18V6M ami 18,679 in

al.ltude. nil the eastern s1oh. of

Muuna-lo- a is the tnarv. lions i rater ol

Kilaiiea, the Inrtjost active vohanoexisting.

This i rater differ! from MMlb n thatof Vesuvius ill havinu no enclosingcone, lieinn lutt Mr. liana rulls a '.it-- .

rater,' that is. a crater rarroondedmoetly by vertical wails, mm Ifeteiwalls made Ol Ibe Marl horizontaladgM of stratitkd . 'The

history of these volcanoes.' says Mr.

liana, is such as has been supplied by

no other vulcanic region. Oommonl) itis the eruption that dfSWI attention to

the volcano: the course of the lloiv,

the characteristics of the lava, and thedevastations of the fiery stream and the

eaitlniiakes. make up nine-tenth- s of all

the published facts. At Kilama. on the

I'ontrary. it is a history of the (MMT

working of the volcano: of the autreinellls and changes that lake plac e With-I- n

the crater over the various parts of

the great area where come into view

the outlets of the subterraneanand of these events as steps in

Ihe line of progress from its emptiedcondition after a great eruption till

ready again for an outbreak. In VHUvhm, the crater may be accessible for a

time after a discharge: but in

general, long before the time of eniplion, the vapors and cinder ejection!make access to the bottom impouil le.

The crater of .Etna is far away fromhabitation!, and it has therefore no

regular series of interior investigations,kilaiiea alone is always accessible.'

It is difficult, without a diagram, togive the reader an idea of what the im- -

I ' i.r'.ler of hTilaueaSt iellt,ti, j8 14,000 fool olie actually me

s like. Itsvery nearly

theof the new system less. The form of the crater












is peculiar. If one were to dig a Utilel - i &1 mmI mmmI.1 nal m

r iioie in iiic a,.,.....,, ...i.p,...,.shape, say thiee yards by two. and a

foot in depth, then into the middle of

this hole sink a large flower-po- t till therim was level with the bottom of theexcavation something like the shapeof the crater of Kilauea would be ob-

tained. When the crater is. so to speak,It safe to empty, that is, during collapse

the bids be that follows a eruption the height

the American Mann- - of ihe vertieal exteriorr, f, H, ; mntrt will crater is something


OeMlTiptlve anil'it









walls of I hi'000 feet. At

this depth there is a moiv or less levelplatform, called the Black Ledge, allaround the central pil. wblch pit is inItm tnm .nil from four to six hundrediAm, Tim extent lie he on. rh

area covered by llie crater, and Ihe,height of ihe surrounding walls, abovethe bottom of it, alford excellent feoilities for observation. Although thecrater is so large, its level above the seais not much over 4U00 feet, or similarthat of Vesuvius. Even when ihecrater is ready for an eruption, it is safeto stand on the brink of the great piland watch the boiling caldrons, andsweeping , and violent butharmless tlowing-cones- .

The action for the liquid lava is ordin-

arily so quiet and regular that all partsof the great open arena may he trav-

ersed with safety; and the margines ofthe liery lakes, if the heat is notgreat, may be made a sleeping place forthe night with only this possibility,that the lava may well up and spillover. This spilling over may be thesending away of a stream for a mile ortwo across the crater's bottom: but,standing a little to one side, it does uodamage, and the next day the fresh

may be walked Uon. Thus Die

crater may be followed in all its interiorchanges month after month. There is

terrible sublimity in the quiet work ofthe mighty forces, and also somethingalluring in the free ticket offered to allcomers.

For the details and history of the ob-

servations which have been made fromtime to time on this and other of theHawaiian "volcanoes, by scientific .nen.missionaries, and travellers, we mustrefer the reader to Mr. Dana's pages.The general course of the phenomena inthe crater of Kilauea may, howeve, bes ated. As alr. ady has apit within a pit the lower pit whenempty being about four hundred feetbelow the other. Kruptions on a largescale appear to have taken place aboutonce in every eight or nine years. Inthe course ol these eruptions immensevolumes of lava are discharged, runinn. for miles and miles across Iheisland. Then comes the period of comparative quiescence, when ihe emptiedrater begins mice more to be lillnd. it

would appear that the molten rook,heaved up from a great depth under-ground, gradually gathers in tile lowerpit of the crater, the bottom of whirhgoes on rising till it reaches the level ofthe black Ledge, when of course it hasa tendency to spill over. his processlakes some years. Then comes the timewhi n, by the introduction peiuaps of astream of water after a rainy seasoninto the underground sea of boilingrock, un eruption is brought about. Thewater reui lies the molten rock throughcrevices and other openings in theearth, and when ihere, is immediatelyconverted into vapor, which vapor ex-

pands, and by its expansive forcecuu.-r- s great explosions, which explo-sions must of course find vent at Ihemouth of the crater, and so we havethe mountain in a stale of eruptionfountains of lava spouting hundreds offret in ihe air, and roveiing Ihe districtaround with Us scoria- and ashes andlava beds.

At other times the accumulated l.tvain the neck of the crates finds utulet bya siibteraiiean passage, and in this way

ihe crater is niiially emptied. In ihereareiats, tbere occurred one of Ummoutbu-hk- and 'down plunges.' It whsoreredni hy a succession ol hi avvearth. junke. cnhnii nling on Thursdaythe N Of April in a lime! of lerrilhviolence. W ith the on uvrenee of tliisgieal shoek. tishnres weie opened fromthe south end of Kilau. a miuiIi-mii- I

ward for a dbjtanee of tlutlepn Bill!.Simnltaaarailj with the violent ihock,a decline began in the lires of Kilau. a.

and that very same night 'the liquidlavas had disappeared from nil ihecones and were conllncd to the lakes:by Saturday night all the lake! wereemptied tsoepi the Oreat Lebei fleetly,by Sunday night, the .lib, the Ur atbake had lost its laias. anilall was darkness and quirt. Whereihe lava went to is unknown.' A

MbMCJOenl Obeaver, referring to thisstrange phenomenon, thus vividly dMcrihes it 'Suddenly, one day. the greaterpart of the lava thiol sank down, or felldown, a deDtb of about live bundledfeet, to the level where wc now walked,

The wonderful lale was plain tons as we ;i

examined the details on the spot. Itw as as though a and di led mil

had fallen in at the middle, I grOWnleaving a part of the circumference b.mdown. Inn dinging at Ihe outside of the




The Hoard of Hogietration for theisland of Oahu will be in session at theold Legislative Hall, Judiciary Building,

from !l to 11 o'clock a. m, and from 4 toli o'clock p. in. every day. from Monday,

August '.'Tth. nntll further notice.C, T, RODOBR8,ANTONIO PERRY.L. 1). KELUPIO.

Hoard of Ri gi.-i ration. Island .if lahu.4;i5-- tf

Board of Examiners

The Board of Examiners for specialrights of Buff rag! to he granted by IheMinister of Interior in conformity withArticle 1 of the Constitution, will be insession at the old Legislative Hall, Judi-ciary Building, from Monday, August27th, until further notice. Hours: II to

a. m. and 4 to I) p. in.EDWARD TOW8E,CARL BUSCHJAST,K. I. COTTER

4SS-- tf

Amendment to Regulation I of

Rulea and Regulation! for

Oaths nnd Elections.-

Regulation dated July Hth, IBM,

defining the Regietering District! andPreoinoU; is amended in lofarai relatesto the first District, comprising Puna,Hiioand Samakoa, bland of Hawaii, soas to to read as follows:

Kikst PfUtCINCT All the District of Punaexcepting Keaau and Ulaa. VotingPlace Pohoiki Court House.

Bboond Pbbowot The landi of Keaauand Ola! in Puna, and that portion ofBllo extending front the boundary of

of I 1'lllia to t b,d of lie ,1 ii ( i III





Voting i'laoe Court House in IliloThird Precinct Extending from the

bed if the Honolii Qlllcb to the bed ofthe Kawainui Oulch, Voting PlaceI'apaikou School House.

Fourth Precinct Extending from thebed of the Kawainui Ghlloh to the bedof the Walkaumalo Quloh. VotingPlace School House.

FIFTH PrkcincT Extendlug from tbebed of the Walkaumalo Quloh to thebed of the Kaula Oulch. VotingPlace Court House, Laupahoehoe.

Sixth Pueci.nct Extending from thebed of the Kaula Gulch to the bed ofthe Kalopa Quloh. iKuliu Quloh) Vot-

ing Plare Kaoho School House.

Seventh Precinct Extending fromthe bed of the Kalopa Quloh to thebed of the M.ilanahae Quloh, VotingPlace Honokaa Court House.

Eighth Prrcinot Extending from thebed of the Malanahae Gllloh to Iheb lUiidary ot Kohala. Voting PlaceSchool House, Kukuihaele.

(Signed) BANFOHD B, DOLE,President.

Approved:(Signed FRANCIS 11. HATCH,

Minister of Foreign Affaire.Appproved

(Signed! .1. A. KING.Minister of the Interior.

Approved.'(Signed) S. M. DAMON,

Minister of Finance.Approved:

(Signed) WILLIAM O. smith.Attorney General.

Honolulu, August JT, 1884,437-- lt



HolderH of water privilege!, or tbosepaying water are bereby notifiedlliat (he liour.s for irrigation purposesare from 7 to 8 o'rloek a. in. anil .', to II

o'otook p. tri.A. BBOWK,

Supt. Honolulu Waterworks.Approved: J. A. KINli.

Minister of tbe Interior.OHire Honolulu Waterworks.

Honolulu, Ma) 88, 1884.Br7tf



Owing to tbe drought and scarcity ofwater, tbe residents above Judd streetare requested to OO 11eOt what water theyin iv require for bomebold purposes be-

fore H o'clock a. 111.

ANDREW BBOWN,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Honolulu. II. 1., July id, 1884,1114-- tf


New AirltuU.TlieS. s. (iii, lie brought to HollkUr

& l'o. a lar-- Hliipnienl of Manila iursffOOl boliit of the inoM celebrated

of thai I'biee, which they are nowohYring fur sale, either in bond i'

mil I, at thlratofO ooratf of Fori amItorOMIlt st reels. ;iU7- -t

Tin best weekly new -- paper publinlieilin the Republic is lite Hawaiian S'iah.Kt.ej. your friend bfOfjd POttodi Sendthem a ropy.

I Mi-- . HAWAIIAN iU'AK. TUESDAY, At'OrfVl U, i94

hange in the mime of ourcorporation does not change

inn polic) hi cutting, we'restill giving the public the benelit id ;in awful rut in prices,Don'1 lose light "I this fart.

Don't you experience) a thirstsometimes that water pbesn'tquench? You crave something

soui . We have the remedy for









ah of


nl a thirst in ''Sassa-It'- s

a cool, refresh- -


likeTrv it

Sodn Water, wil b

ice 1 cam, and fla i ir--

crushed si rawben ies,

Honolulu, the onlyplace to obtain it within aioomiles is at our fountain. Thisis a fact

" What C'i ingress 1 lasA new pamphlet. S canhave iint' without asking,



slS'--.- .l-T VI


Wehsvean tdee that tberecoiiMilrr.'ilili' nrtistio mute Iviiujdormant in our midHt, which onlyrequire! bringing out

With tins in view woported some verv inwtnnllunil Hooks on Ali f. si.





have un-

live littleIk llh .

The M of ktcfing fawn Mm,The Art of Landscape Fainting- in Water Cato:s,

The Art of Ficwer Painting,

System of Water Color Painting,

Marine Painiing in Oils,

ami many otberf on flinVrentto)irn. Thtre is no Itetter ftiu- -

cator than a close itudy ofhim l in ocder to enable tli

!(;'. nn:r to t;trt in tlie ritfhtrti-reotio- a

in hU '(Torts to repro-duo- e

w hat he veee in nature,we Hujru':-- t a perusal of theseit t It- treatise, . . .

mm bros.HOTEL


Schutzen Masquerade.

If vou want to have the besttime you ever had in your life,get ready for the SchuteiiChili Masquerade Hall MondaySeptember 3rd, 1894. . . .


Hood '5 CuresSharp Pains

Short Creath, Heart Trouble, Rheumatism.

iff. L. H. PaUie


"I have liwil here In Orogua tor the pasttwenty (TteWli Mid SMt oi mi" have been aTery great suHerer from iumntimiiiorrrhi'uuimitui. i havo alio bad what iim doctorcalled heart dUeasi', wiiU shurtue i u( breathand sharp paUMUl the left llda. 1 da kded to takeIftMMl'f flurtafftrtllai awl rttfftrt i had linuhedthree buttlei I was la battu health Ulaa I hadbeen fur years. 1 do not have any pain uowtsleep well, anil uo woman ot my aga

Enjoys Better Healththan I. At home on tbe ranOQ I not 'inly attendto my badly bouMworlL but last sunuMi Iaiiad for and raUkad four oowa. l uo not feelthat 1 nai W half eiu uh in praise of

Hood'a SarsaparillaHkh. 1.. M. lMvr, Ka rli'i'wk, iin inn.

Hood's iiiis pranpl ud y

M!f luac-lluii- bulU by nil Urutttiib. 1:0Uobrun i n ii Co.

Wholenule An uls.

ffiliwlllt, Atfftttt I,


Hll ult wchave all the


l n reph to out s ofwould say that we

(roods vou ask (or,In iiiusl nl llie cases the pricesyou quote an- - inn regular prices!but im some of the items ourprices are lower than von menlion, and wc shall ol COUIte K'v"vim the benefit of the reducedrates.

Razors and StropsWe arc glad vmi have decidedto Ivy our new "set blade" razors,and patent swing strops, as inthe country ever man has to dohis own shaving and as shavingbecomes a pleasure with these"tools'' WC know you will hae a

large demand lor them, in re-- 1

t" Lawn Sprinklerswe Will say that we have sent a

very simple one, Which cannotwear out nr gel out nl order, theprice you see is low, ami they;will on iri lOu wi U K.

Pocket Knives Wc sent!what you 01 der in t his lineand will sav that we have latelyreceived a line assortment so canlurnish anything in this line fromi; cents ti tsd.DO each. Yes, we

have tin Clausa Knives,have sold them Iot a year, eitherinsets or single bread knives.Our stock nl Butcher andfiuntinp; Knives is also com-

plete.Soan As miu did not sav

how many hat s you wished to theloo His., we are sending one caseeach 42 ?o 6oand 70 bars toinn lbs. e cany a heavy stockol this article and, as vou willnotice, it is a first grade Laun-dry Soap, and we have put. it inat a very low figure.

We regret that you got. "nip-ped" hi hat ' bargain" inFence W.ire and note thatin future vmi w ill come to usand get a first class article. Wethought when vou told us of your"buy that before it had been uplung you wun Id see you had a"sell."

In closing let us say that wehave a large and varied slocknl I lard ware. Ship Chandlery,Paints nils, and leather, andwhen Idling ottr orders willalways charge the lowest prices.

Truly Y i nit's

E. 0. Hall & Son,




ic ResidenceLatel oooupted by

Mr. A. J. Carjtwright,Situated o:i Corner of Lunalllo anil

Keeaumolcu Streets, Mukiki.

For further particulars applyBrucr Cartwrioht

Trustee,,U4 H'

402, 404HAVS





Recent arrivals have broughtus a lu sh and complete stock ofall sizes and grades of WIRECLOTH; suitable lor

NETTING, both in

galvanized ami brass. Also alarge stock ot POULTRY NETflNG, galvanized and of differ-

ent meshes. Our stock ol thesegoods is absolutely the largestand best in I Ionolulu.

TOOLS incomplete sets or to suit the pur-

chaser.Same with

TOOLS. I1ELLOWS, Anvils,etc of all sizes and grades.

Splendid assortment of FENCEWIRE and STAPLES alwaysim hand,

Our general stock ol mer-

chandise is complete in everydetail.



Sale I



on good real estate security. Also twovery desirable HOUSKS FOR SALEuKm easy terms.

Apply for particularsTHE HAWAIIAN SAFE DEPOSIT


408 Fobt Street, Honolulu.187-t- f

Carriages.yeew i'rm

PHAETON, canopy $225PHAETON, basket, canopy, 50PHAETON, folding 125CABRIOLET, large and

roomy, 350SURREY, platform 350PHAETON, English, finely

finished, 400SKELETON CART, strong

and light, 50HONOLULU CUTUN--

















Of the Latest Patterns.

Bird Cagesfor Cantriee Kod l'arrots a I, urge Assortment

Vacuum OilersPot All Kinds of Machinery. Peed oil of

any density, automatically, by visible drops, rapidlyor slowly us may be required. Will teed from onedrop in ten minutes to a steady stream of oil. Oilingby hand wastes enough oil to pay for all necessaryoilers in a short lime.










a z --or im Kssssi n





Etc., Etc.

609 and 611 KingTelephones:




As the ladies ofthis city haveshown . such athorough appre-

ciation of our ex-

tremely low pri-

ces on Soap andCamelliue, we

rvnow add anotherarticle of real

i merit to the list.This is the

Lubin's Rice Powderat 50c a hox, former price $1.25. Nochromos, but double value for your moneyevery time.

Headquarters for lfine Goods at lowest prices.


MOTCheap and Doubtful

BUTPure and Reliable







Page 3: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. · 2015. 6. 2. · kvkrt pvblhrid afternoon j j the hawaiian star. except sunday. t ci cents a month vw. w--. w... 4 in aiiv.tnce. vol 111. honolulu, hawaiian islands,




" If Tlt. Thhifn la True"- - "vlSTSlaSrai ' I'a " - Howler and Chilton

Will " Etc., Etc.

It is hirlily amusing to hear some oftlie few hangetR-o- n of the defunct and will

forever buried monarchy talk politicss. They stand around the

corners, in front of the fruit stands, or W.on the cooling side of a saloon door andtalk politics in a manner that would put andHulmncedista to shame. And they saymany things. When the brick masons theon the tower of Babel got up one finemorning and found their tongues allcriss-cros- they were in a terrible pre-

dicament from all accounts. But ifthose same brick masons were to wakeup in Honolulu about now and hear theagglomeration of sentiment exploded,contra views enunciated and hurdy- -

gurdy, disconnected, inconsistent pother orexploded by the followers of the oldregime, they would doubtless decidethat their experience at Babylon deserved but an obscure position in history,

Among the expressions of severala few may be treated

in this connection. R. W. Wilcox isquoted as expressing his views of the Thesituation. When the Mariposa arrived fulllast Thursday he addressed his remarksmore especially to Mr. Cleveland, say-ing that he had always regarded thePresident of the great Republic as a manof highest honor, but "if these things be HEtrue," he must fail in the opinion.Sunday he was talking like a Japanese;it was war. lie would spring into the Sickarena, tight, and light hard.

Mr. Bowler doeB not believe these"fake" stories of recognition. Theywere manufactured out of the wholecloth. He said yesterday that he wouldwait until the SOth when a differentstory would lie heard. He has full con-

fidence in the efforts of the RoyaliBt.Commission dispatched to Washington. ago,

Mr. C. W. Ashford has expressedhimself at least once within the postthirty-si- hours. At that time, unfor-tunately, he flew off at the handle and himspoiled the whole works. He has con-

ceded the one point, but is, perhaps, atrifle sore on the situation and, happily,will never uiake a whole-soule- d sup-

porter of the present Administration,from all indications. He fully appre-

ciates great strength on the one handand a weak following on the other, casehowever, which probably doea much tocool any ardor he may possess for apolitical fight on republican lines.

Mr. Creighton, bo far as known, has hisnot expressed himself directly, though ofthe inference is drown from variouscircumstances that he has concededevery point to the republicans and willfall into line at the first opening, assoon as the astonishment, or whatso-ever it may be called, has worked itselfoff. He has been accused of wearingan American League button by certainof his friends in the Government party,but. however good will may be, Mr.Creighton has not so added to his per-


appearance as yet.Testa, the "Fat Boy," continues to

hail hacks and berate such occupants ashappen to be native employees of the onGovernment. He quietly informs themthat they will "bite the dust" some day. heIn this expression he is probably tryingto say "eat stones" as the saidto the band boys.

W. R. Chilton, the barber, is positive dothat the Republic has not been recog-

nized and that Mr. Cleveland will yetrestore Lilioukalani. He said lastnight that the letter of President Cleve-land.- to

President Dole ami the addressof Minister Willis contained nothing Aappertaining to tecognition. It wasmerely an approval of the course takenby Minister Willis on July 6th. He hadconsulted a lawyer in Philadelphia allabout what an olrlcial recognition was.The Holtwiua hail turned traitor, hesaiil, and so had others in the scare, Hewould not believe the Republic was rec-

ognized until he had seen it in blackand white signed by Minister Willis.Mr. .Chiltou said further that the bUnited States would either directly orindirectly bring about restoration. Ifthey did not command the Republicansto step down and out the Royalistswould put them out. In either casethe United States would be responsiblefor it in first starting the thing.

Messrs. Neumann and Gulick saynothing. Unlike most of their partythese gentlemen look matters in theface betimes. They have both followedevents with considerable interest and,of late, have lost no great time in theor-izing. They concede defeat, ao far asAmerican interference is concerned, anddo it gracefully. They are both des-

tined to become solid Republicans inthe future if the Hawaiian Republicanswill let them.

Little Jacobgon, the late house-bo- y atSans Souci Bays that he is proud of thefact that he iB not an American citizen,since so much dishonor has fallen uponthat country from its action in recog-

nizing the Republic of Hawaii.On Bethel street Monday evening a

crowd of natives were talking of thesituation. They were Royalists. Fromthe Bentiments exptesaed it was clearthey had completely lost hope of restora"tion. They spoke of annexation and a

declared that their chance in the out-

look was union with the American Re-

public. A paper to that end, addressedto President Cleveland, was suggestedand all agreed to sign it and to encour-age signatures.

This is a part of the record. A smallvolumn might be written treating thedifferences in individual opinion, andlack of opinion, among Royalists at thepresent time.

War on the Bllg-at- i

One of Mr. Schaefer's correspondentsin Kona writes dowu that the larvaesent up by Mr. Maiuden to prey uponthe coffee is proving wonderfully suc-

cessful. The tree upon which the ex-

periment was Hindi- - has been cleared ofthe blight and the larvae is rapidly in-

creasing. Sheriff Williams, of Hilo,also writes that the pest is giving wayIn fore the remedy, and it is hoped thecoffee lands jh that neighborhood willeooa be clear of the blignt.


A Hardware llnu.e T Begin 0tfrnt limit

at Once.A new hardware store for Honoluluthe next item upon the list of enter-

prises started sinro the beginning ofgood government in January IBM, Thebuilding to lie occupied is at the cor-

ner of v d Nuuanu streets, theproperty of H. .(. Nolte. Work offitting it up began this morning and

be pushed forward as rapidly ns

possible.The new house will be a branch of

T. (larrett & Company, extensivehardware dealers of San Francisco,

will be operated by Mr. ('. K.

who arrived in the Islands bylast Australia.

Mr. McVeigh is an old Islander hav-

ing been an employee of the KahiiluiRailroad Company some years ago, andentertains high hopes for the futuresuccess of his undertaking.

The stock carrietl by the new house,which will include hardware andmachinery, will amount ts M.lKin

$60,ii00. Having incorporated a

part of the stock of Messrs. White &

Ritman, (jiieen street dealers, whowere formerly agents for Garrett &

Company, the new house has already apart of its Vrafes on hand; anil by thenext two or three merchantmen reach-ing tlrfs port the remainder is expected.

establishment will doubtless be inblast in the course of a few weeks.



an. Out of Whack Generally At

tlie Prlann Himpitnl The f'naeIn Statu QaOi

Monday afternoon Deputy - MarshalBrown removed Arthur White, theyoung man charged with shoot-

ing the negro Wood some weeksfrom his sick bed at Wnikiki to the

prison hospital. When White whs ar-

rested it was upon two charges and re-

quired a bond of $1000 in each to secureliberty.

When the trial came on one of thecharges was dismissed, but White wasbound over to the Circuit Court under$12000 bonds. His partner in the cigarbusiness. Ed. Hopkins, and C. Phillipwent security for the amount.

Nothing further was heard until thewas called in the Circuit ("nurt and

White failed to appear. A certiiicatefrom Dr. Brodie stating that the defend-ant was unable to attend on account of

eyes was on file. A postponementthe case was agreed to, but the prose

cution required stronger bonds thanwere offered in the first place. This Mr.

Neumann, attorney for defendant,promised, but it seems that no move hasbeen made toward the required end.

The immediate reason for this secondarrest was the failure of White to fur-

nish a satisfactory bond. Mr. Hopkinswas, at the time of the visit of tlieofficers, preparing to take White from

home at Waikiki to the yueen'nHospital.

Deputy-Marsha- Brown slated thisafternoon that White had been arrested

a mittimus from the court, havingfailed to strengthen his bonds, anil that

would be taken good care of at thehospital at the jail.

Mr. Neumann, attorney for White,was also seen and stated that he would

nothing in the way of securing otherbondsmen until the health of his clienthad improved. Dr. Hrodie is attendii gWhite at the prison hospital.


Native Watchman shnnts n Chinamanat Haiiula.

A Chinaman was shot through theknee by John Pahia, a native police-

man, at Hauulu Sunday night. Ithad been noticed that a few boards wereremoved from the side of a warehouseand the Deputy-Sherif- f stationed l'al.iunear the place to Watch developemeuts.

Late in the night a Chinaman wasseen approaching the building. On

ing ordered to halt he started to runaway and was shot as stated. Thewounded man was brought to the citylast night and is now in Hospital.


Mrs. Dr. Goto and children arrivedfrom Japan by the Belgic Mondaymorning.

The Boards of Examiners and Regis-

tration will sit in Honolulu each daythis week.

V. Knudsen and Mrs. McLaughlinleft by the Belgic for San Francisco thisafternoon.

Major Wodehouse and family havepostponed their trip to Maui until thenext Claudine.

Miss Liddiard, a star in the AmericanVaudeville Company, was a passengerby the Belgic for San Francisco.

In the District Court this morningSing Wo, a Chinaman, paid B0 for hav-

ing been found with opium in his pos-


Nut Prom l iii,'- - Cave.

It iB believed that the water unalizedby Dr. Lyons w., not taken from Klin'scave at all but from a hole alongside,

place subject to entirely differentphysical conditions from the wuters ofthe cave itself. The hole or well re-

ferred to is on the Makai end of thecave, has stood open for years and is

inhabited by fish and vegetation. Thatit should coutain germs is not improb-able, but none of the same naturalcauses exist witli regard to the watersof the cave proper. Samples will betaken from tlie lakes in h few ilnys andthoroUKbly analyzed when a differentresult is anticipated

i Heiiaug was found guilty ofkeeping a disorderly house by JudgeKobertHou Monday and sentenced Inpay a line of $75 and costs, SJI 46, Theother defendants in the French casewere discharged.

Dr. E. I,. Hutchinson, the dentist, is

at present in lionokua, Hawaii, andand will make a tour of the Island be-

fore returning to Honolulu. Heto remain Ul Hilo about two



OMEtnivn or TIIK HIIOUEUMFOB i in It A 1 1. WAY.

The CitnlrMi-ln- Kmplof. III. llun Workmen ltiilci,-mleli- nl ttii-


Within the past few days nuiiiernn-inqilirie- s

have been made at thin officeas to the probable KMOB of Mr. Dilllng.ham for importing InbofaTS fof the newrailroad to Waianac when there arescores of idle woikiuen on thestreets. The quest Oil was Milnnilteil loMr. Dillingham this morning whoanswered it in the following words:

"I commenced to agitate (lie rnilro.nlscheme in 1885, and have always beena friend to the laboring man. The roadfrom Honolulu to Pearl City and KwaMill was built by Workmen of thiscountry when 1 could have gotten skil-led laborers who were experts in thebusiness abroad. 1 desired to help ourlaboring men along and in that Instancegave them the work even at a sacritit eto myself and those interested with me.Most of the material for thai road wasbought here w hen I could have don"much better abroad.

"Well, so much for that. In 1 80S, I

went Kant, spending over thirteenmonths in America and England, to t

raise money to put the road through (otCahuku. It was almost an impos-

dbility; no one desired lo undertake it

At last heard ol an insurance com-pany in England which guaranteedbonds, I visited it.They entertained my proposition, Mid ajman was sent out here to look the mat-- ,

lerup. He returned and reported fa- -

vorablv, when the couipanv agreed toinsure the principal and interest mi$:!,000,000, .' per cent, bonds, whichwere also to have been placed by themat Very near par.

"But just three days afterward, inNew York, I received a telegram fromMr. Thurston at San Francisco stalingthai the revolution had taken place andeverything Wan in a state of unrest.That exploded all of my plans and I

Came home."After my return I met .Mr. Peek,

who wanted the contract to build theroad. The plans were satisfactory andnegotiations wore opened We askedthe Provisional t ioveriunenl to guar-

antee interest at per cent, on thebonds, but in its provisional oharfl 'torthe Government did not think it rightlo assume the obligation. But had theyseen lit to do so, u contract might havebeen made with Mr. Peek binding thecontractor to purchase all material here,and to employ all laborers necessary lorthe construction ol the road in thiscountry.

"Mr. Feck then asked to hco what hecould do and he was given ten monthsin which to lalse the money. The res',is known, Mr. Feek has put his ownmoney into the scheme and has securedenough outside t;i prosecute the work.We consider too that he has done re-

markably well tit this season of financialdepression in the United States.

"He has a contract to deliver us n

tailroad extending from F.wa mill toKaliuku, subject to our specificationsand the approval of the company andtheir engineer, for which he is to re-

ceive rj per cent, bonds at par, and is lofinish the same within two years andthree months. U will thus appearthat Mr. Feek us contractor has notonly the right to purchase material andemploy labor at the best possible

but it is a dutv to himself andthose interested w ith hiln toso financieras to make every dollar possible out ofthe project; audit is perfectly naturalto presume that the best advantagescould he reached by contractingwhore he is aide to gel his money.

"It is if fact that is know n to everyonethat I and those interested with me havenot left a stone unturnedsince the inception til this selienicnow almost ten vears ago to obtain thenecessary funds by placing tlie bondsourselves for the completion of the pro-

jected line. The obstacles which haveprevented the successful issue ol ourpersonal efforts is already loo wellknown to require further explanation.

If our compiiny, us owners of thefranchise) were to delay ihe extension ofthe line until such time as they mighthe successful in placing the bondsthemselves and raise the moneyto enable them to build the line fortlieiruwu profit and the benefit Of localdealers ill material required and do-

mestic labor, a just complaint mightthen be made t hat this franchise grantedby the public was being abused by.Iii... for hi 1. eluls illslelul of ,'tviiiir

the public the benefit of the extendedK)ftd at the earliest prftOtloftblfl nionit'iit.

lTrnir exiHtinic oircuiiiHtancfri (liepresent conlitu'tor nf tho OotnpMiy'lline IioIiJh the niune rightl anl privi-

leges enjoyed by any other coutructor,viz.; To furnish BverytMiMi rtqolMdeoiiHistent with the terms of the 00Htraet, leaving the Company no voiofl inthe matter in tpiestio'i, until the workin completed ami offered for ueeeptaiu-e- .

However, 1 understand that il the in-

tention of Mr. Keek to employ in thiscountry all manual labor ed.Kxperts in hndge, rock tndeatth workand track laying will he employed orthe work will he let out to them by h libcontract, and these men, in such case,will employ their own laborers.

After this contract is . hushed, if weextend the road farther or all the wayaround the island, let those who nowcomplain of the ( 'ompuny's mode of pro-

Ohsse all material and einpluy all biborwithin the of the llawniiuuRepublic.

To CMC .MSH IMSElfeetually yi t gently, WBSA LOStivS Ofbill io US, Of the bluod is impureor lUwggisb, to parmanenUy tiabl-tu-

I pet Ion, to awaken the kidneysand liver to a bealthy activity, witboulIrritating w weaking then, tobeadacbes, oolds or use SyrupFigs.

l'rofessiu Adelsiun leavefur Japan by the in

ijHJ. riAW ai-Ia- ATAm TUBSUaY, AtfOKAT 28,


ll.'H inslim's circus will arrive benfrom YufcotaUBi. In Oi tuber.

Prof. or Braillei's musicals rilltake plnee Sji m .lav evening.

The Hawaiian Spot (Niiieii will meetat the Motel at 7:110 (rl luck thisevening.

as'l'he time hi opening of t hilm t 'ollege

Ium bam ohsngad i" Monday. SeptemberI Oth,

The oftta of W, H. Ootaltor, fobbify,hM btm commit It'll for trial At tbc Clr- -

00.11 Court.- -

One t hmiHiui'l JftpftUWt .filion're willle.ivf Kobt ft bout Rtotetnber iwi. fofHo iiltilu.


Arthur Fitzgerald is peddling canesfor tlie soil soap man ami dodging theways of more trouble.

The concert at Kitimit Square lastevening was much appreciated by a

large number of visitors.

The Honolulu Social DnMa Club willgive their lirst dance of the series at theBOOtthrSh Thistle Club hall this evening.

Captain May of the Hyacinth was In-

troduced to members of the Hovern-men- t

by roiumissioner llawea, Monday.

Attention is directed t the li- -t Of lo be given away at the gehutteti'Inb's neeqoeradi ball advertised in to- -

day'i S a it.

Representatives of two hardwarehouses of San Francisco are here lorthe purpose of tendering for the new

pumping plant.

The American Vail leville Companywlli(.h nare 0B ,, evening ofjuiv M, iH attended and has nine i

pieces in Japan.

The store house on Fort street formerly occupied by Lindsey, the jeweler, isbeing litted up for Melnernev's comprole slock of shoes.

.lames F. Morgan sell the ferniand palms belonging to Major Wodeshouse ul the residence adjoining the

on next Wednesday morning,



DOWAIX cask.

j.iniii, oTlatas Breaeli s r I'i I

Matter inry Discharged Inri- -

tlentitl Causes,

The now fnmoui case of ThomasNoit 71, A. McDowell hr.s been tpmshedby the withdrawal of by plaintiffItt Bald oaUS0e It will be rememberedthat when the Miowera went on thereef oil this port in October last. 'apt.McDowell offerred to Moat her withSamson poles. Hut he didn't Qoel her,and w hat is tpiite BJ much did not payhi- lieutenants for services performedin the undertaking. claimed $66

and sued for that amount. The casecame up in the District Court and was

lO favor of McDowell, the de- -

fendantt after which appeal was tak n

to the Circuit t.'oiirt. The withdrawalAforementioned settles the matter, however, as well as the claims of several otherparties interested with Not! who havebeen awaiting (be result of the suit todecide in the matter of pressing theirclaims. There was. however, a divisionof sentiment between the plaintiff and

V. A. Kinney, his attorney in thefinal disposition of the matter. Thelatter lias tiled a motion that Nott benot allowed to withdraw

He introduces atl affidavit representingthat the cause in question wai ft teatcase whieh numbers of poor peoplesimilarly Interested were watching withgreat interest. Tin. so p rsous hail alsobeen employed in the rain attempt to

the ship and, being poor, hadthrown a heavy expense upon the at-

torney who had undertaken the prose- -cution. In final support of the motionthe attorney allsges that pi i ttifT Notthad been bought off by the defendantfor the purpose "f discouraging theother parties from pressing their claims.

In the case of John K iss vs. ClarenceV. M .efarhuie, a suit for damages, the

jury has returned n verdict for theplaintiff, awarding 10 damages. Anappeal has been noted.

The case ol Julia I. vs. JoaoF. Bouse, breach of promise ol mar-riage, A soil lo recover 2(KK) is on in

the Circuit Court before Judge,Whiting.

The ease of Ptllpe Lopes vs. AntonioOuelhOi assumpsit, was decided by thejury in the t uviut t our Monday evening in favor oi plaintiff, awarding thesum of 1861. Mr. Davidsoni attorneyfur defendant, noted exceptions t,i tlieverdlot and gave notice (or a new trial.

Wben tin' jury iii the Frtotaa case badbeen drawn tbii morning Judge Whii-In-

thanked tin' rernainlng muldismissed them fur tin remainder ,f theterm.


II, Will Milk, Tour nl II,..

Werid.I'i it. Adelstein iii leave nest Tues-- 1

day fur Mf S. S. UhilS sftetspending soma tunc in Japan and Ihloabe will poBtiue bis toor of the worisland go "it lo India i'ii routs), visitingSingapore, Java nnd Ueylon, where i.ewill spend the Be expects toapeud the HpriiiK in Kvpt mi l M eHoly Land, an! arrive In ltal ii-

UmS during tiie lUMOMr,Ilia stuy of I free month, on tlie

tay u inncli longer li

Metropolitan Meat Co.


Wholesale 2 Retail Butchers


Navy Contractors.G. J. WALLER, Manager.

l ednre lind capital in this country oi has been une of tin-i- -- t e

tu Hike up ill,-l- nds for sui li able nl all btl travels, and it is withextent loa and we will be ready to oon- - sJnqtr regrel that be departs. But beskier with favor a preposition to pnr-- 1 hopes to return Ui the near luture and





dispelfofefi nf

Hsinuel willste.nuer












mr i.Aiiiiit noMFAfcf inn 31


i ii ut i'Ii iiiHnti t'nimn Itslenee in leeerei to in iietaincii iii tateHee i Ins

Ml Ike

The subject of tutnre labor for theplantations of the Islands havingreived considerable discussion at III!

hand- - of the community during the pasttee. weeks, Hie Stmi today made specialefforts to incorporate the subject and toascertain exactly w hat was being done.Hired inquiry of Ihe Seereiary of Iht

iil.mlers Labor Supply I o. revealedIhe following facts, which go to showthat the company is making efforts totill Ihe demand for other than Asiaticib ir in the cane fields :

OntheMthof stay, I8M. at a meet-ing of Ihe Planters' Labor and SupplyCompany it was resolved that Mr.Hutchinson w ho was about to visit the

r. 'res oc insirueieil lo inquire liotll mIhe Azores and Madeira as to the pos-

lihtlltyof procuring further ImnlgflIi hi from those island-- . He is also toascertain the probable cost of gelling!'in in here and the arrangements fortransportation to be made

tor the expense Incurred in conduct-ing the investigation. Mr. Hutchinsonwns to be paid by the Plan lers' Laborand Supply Co. lie was also instructedto on nmunioats with Mr. II. F. Gladeat Bremen in ease of informationwhich he is unable to furnishbeing required and lo report assoon lis possible the result of his il,- -

quints, ihe Secretary was Instructed I

to address a letter to Mr. Hutchinson I

embodying these facts which w as doneon May tVlhi

Mf. Hutchinson lefi for the Aaoreson June 1st. via Vancouver and SanFrancisco. His Itrip across the con- -

tlnent, WBS delayed by thestrike. therefore no report has beenreceived from him as yet. but it is expecle I bv the Alameda on August 80th.


W. G. Hall reached port al 2:80this afternoon,

The Belgic is ichednl tM IMlVt' Ut 8o'clock tJii afternoon.

The barkentine Plant Captain Dow,from Layson eland was telephoned al

:.u tins site rnoon.There Were 00 Chinese aboard the

Belgic this trip. The Japs for this porthave been put in quarantine lor livedays.

The Claudine for Maui ami Honokaa.the Mtkahals fi r Kauai aiel the Mokolilfir Molokiti. Lahaina and Lanal will allleave at " o'clock this afternoon.

The sealing schooner Bowhead arriv-ed at San Francisco from the Japan seaAugust tl, with 1404 skins on board.Captain .Moves was very lucky this yearin his hunting, but. unfortunately, the!Bowlu ad sprung a leak in March and1she was Obliged to put into Yokohamafor repairs. lad it riot been for this

the Bowhead would have!had tine of the biggest catches of theseat-on- . As it is, the catch is a verygood eric and will repay Hill Heridt, theBowhead's owner, bansomely fot hisventure.



From the Orient, per S S Belgio, Ang27 J LaserUS, Mrs Goto and three chil-dren, K L Doroh, V (! Bmith and .12


l,i I It 11 BBS.

Tuesday, Aug 88,

Stinr Claudlne( Cameron, for etsul.sunr Uokolli. McClreator, for Mulo-

kni 11ml Litnai.Sunr Mikiiluil i. I Iiil'IiiiiiI. fur N'lwih

will, Koloa, EleelSf llakavrell, rValmea,and Etekalia,

O s s Belgio, Walker, fur BanKrauciaoo,


Boh B N Ciiatle, fur San Franolsoo

icssri.s in POBt,N A V A I . VK.HKKI.H.

II Ii M BHyseinlbs, Hay, Baqulmalt.MKItl II A N IM K.N.

Bktne B N Castle, Ran PVaucisooBark HI' RMbet, Morrison, Bsn PranalaBr bk AlaXAiulrs, Barfleld llewoastla,Itk. Bents, Tiemann, Liverpool,tV. S. Tiiltait. Mlnliin. Ni'wiwllu,itk C. l. Bryant, sm, Praocisoo,Itk Velooltr, Uartin, BonaItk Royal Tar, Kennedy, Newoasuaitr pk Uimaru, Brown, Newesstle,

Ki n;n.N v, M l.s RXfEOTKB,Sofa tllen A, Bsn Prsnels PnsBktns Plantar, Laysan Island, Aug 80III, Melrose, Newcastle, Aus ;ioItk Paul uaHiberg. Breroea, NiIlk,, . Aujrlik Bouteubeek, Liven. I. Nov







is oreptvred t da all kinds ofartiitlo Ikiok, Jul) and Newa-pape- r

printing at fair prices.


Boolti. Pwnphtotot i 9Ml Pftptrs,ti Hills, DodgOT! I'ttt'l ami

Itill lleuilH, ButintMH uud VtiiUtllagOvdH, Th ltl'lH. IVnarrHIIIH, t(!. , .

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail

GROCERSUS Full Street.

Uuth TelcphotiL-.- s 22. P. O. 110x470

Til ICOSOIM I VA usercue on

Reincarnationwill be given by

Mre M. A. THIRDS .1

Al Post, Hall, Nuunuii Mi .

ftelDAi lit I. MM.. HO, II.rill commence at B p. H


Masperafle : Ball !

iiivcn bv tin

International Schutzen Club.

At Old Armory Hall,Bsratanla Mrest,

Monday, Sept. 3d.w

(rntl, j'.,r bb commem promptlyal H n m

BiVSTy masker il requested to In- OH

m as to make this the march of iheseason

j Olle bill those masked w ill he allow, don the Hour until Sites all have un-masked.

No musk must he removed until prizesare aw arded. Anyone doing so w ill bebarred from prize competition. .1.

These lilies will he rigidly enforced.PKIZES.

Just read them over, and J.w ill have them in some prominentstore window, w inch will be announcedIII Ihe natter, so ,,n can bm Iham aaw,. and it you don't s they are themost beautiful and sersicahle that were I

given well, call us . You needooi oe asnameu to say that you wonthem at the Bohutaen Club Ball; theywill ha a credit lo vou and to us. Thbesl of all la, ihey will be awarded "fair,ul" I lie juilges are unknow n .1

.inn w ill make then Iteclsioil w lule allare en niasoue. Al the hoiiinl ,.r n ir.nur,,11 w ill please assemble at the nlatform.when the winning parties will be called00 W poslume and the prises awardedthen anil there. The winner mUSl thenunmask in ihe presence of nil, so everyone can see who wins.

LADIES' PRIZES,Fiiist Prize.

Best dressed lady oearactari A hand-some silk dress pattern. M

Ski UNO PUgg,Second-bes- t dressed ladv character: a

superb album.Third Pates.

Funniest female character I hie Turk--isn piusii rug, iu reets

Beoond-- i anniest female obaractei mehull di en Hiler spoons.

Best sustained female character: Thefinest pair o( shoes in tow n. It theydon't tit. the judges will tell vou where A.

to get t item onangttd.Best "hard nmes" ladv costume: Five

pound box purest Frenon candy.GEN rLEMBN'H I'klZKs. f,

First Vw.k.Finest dressed male clu.rai'ter: Pana-

ma bat.Second Mm st tlresseil male character:

One-ha- lf dozen silver spoons.Fanciest dressed male character: Box

(KiO) finest Havana Cigars.Second fanciest dressed male charac

ter: t me coal oil stove.Best "hard times" male character:

( ue bed rug.Tickets lor sale al Smith's Shoe Store

and the Elite toe Cream Parlors.Everybody come and have the best

time VOU ever bad on the Islands,Everybody is Invited from the Presidentdown.

Prizes cm be seen at the store of M, S.Levey on Port street.

Prizes, besides those advertised, willbe distributed by the Judges on theevening 01 the ball. I87td

Both tho method and results whenSyrup f Figl is taken; it is pleasantml refreshing to the taste, and actsSolly yet promptly on tlie Kidneys,

Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-'.:-

cflcctually, dispell colds, bead-he- s

and fevers and cures habitualonstipntion. Byrup of Figs is thenly remedy of its kind ever

pleajnng to tho tasto and ac-- j

t ii le to llio stomach, promjit inits action and truly henefieiiil in Its!fleets, prepared only from the mosthealthy and agresstbla substaaoea, itsmany excellent (jualities commend itlo gu and have mailo it tho mostpopular remedy known.

Syrup of PigH is for wile in 50cent bottles by all lotding drag-(.ist- s.

Auy rcliuhlo dnUgM whomay not have it on hand will pro-

cure it promptly for tiny one whon i In s to try iu llo not accept anysubsUtuto,



HOBRON DRUG CO.t I, . .1. 1,1, tul'llla.




is prtpjtrad tn manufacture snjr thinsin its hue.

Souvenir Spoils a Specialty

Ainu OH litt ml a l int- BtoOk ofmportd Jewelry everything

in tin' luti Ht dntigni

H. il. Itiix. .'all Mm. Tel.7. Kurt Slriet. is.

ISLAaO OBWBM Promptly Attendsd to.

E.A. JACOBSONir- kt'i'l on Ml ttt K. ('THIS PAPER i. K 1. flllr llii;

Aguiics h apd 88 Uercbatnt'H ExobLvajift, m.Pr .lit Ibco, Minn- roiitttu-t- lor ruhi-- .

tlilnu ki. b iniule tor It. U


or stoMMtV.


SlAK Agent Hilo

UKORUK H" in Agent, Wsitiiku

HOWARD IIITi'lIi 'It Kam Men Imat si


fori si


CECIL lIl'.tiWNI'll M.rulmnt St

ft, i PARKS.II Kanliuinanilil St.

Wild. I A M POflTBttIS K i hull, in i. St.


Hot mid Cold It ilk' Ill King St.


Kurt SI OppUSlss I 'lull Slahles. J


MISS M. MlirllKI.I.Fort and Ileretantn St.

MISS it N liKF.F.NWLI.I..M i Port si

FUKllUKi. ANIJ UfHOLSl fc.Kfc.Hh,


BOPP4 Co; King st


Fort St.. IsppOslte Pantheon Stables


BiBHor a i n.Firemen fand. l.'iiniim und t.iiif

CASTLK t COOKftAct i hi, Allium Ne miglaad Mutual


K GOMKf4011 Fort St.


l:U Fi.rt St


CHA8. I. INI,Efrrasnu St.


hl'.l HANTSathaer, Pfofsrsssori

PACIFICE. 11 y VTbltsrs, llatiager

ROYALHawaii,, Munni't.

COMbUUICIALKleoune, Baattsasssf,

PANTHEON,1iii, Dodd, ProfA

vtl KKINAky SUKtil-.ONS- .

It IK W AT. V, S.Infirmary KM Kin- - St,

WATCItMAKfc KS..1 Kltl tiKlt.

Pert St., oornsr Me bant.


'.INI Me n hunt St.



Ferns and PalmsAT AlICTIOX.

Wednesday, August 29th,!At Hi o'oloek, a. in.

M tlie residence of S1AJ. .1. II. W( IDE.HOUSE, Rioliards street, adjoinins; theHawaiian Until. 1 will sell at PublicAuction, ii choice ami rare lot of

FeriiB, Palms, Etc.

.IAS. P, UOROAN,Anctioneer.



- 1 AttOtlotl.un mstni.tiij by Mil. ii. O, IfACAYAMA (tin loooaal "I lrjmiturri, to I

ell ut PubUsi A lift at histlt'lK'f, I'lilm-i- Sijui.r.-- , iiiljniii-iu-

Hw Optra noOM,

FRIDAY, Al(J. 31,At 10 ti. iu.

All j is Fuiiutun- ami Bffaotl

0?nctTilm f

Pillar Exlensicn Table,It. W. Dlnlnj I'luii W Btdaboard,

I in.- It. W. Mini-M- 'lt.NlriH.iiiOne Mapla hi U Badroom Hat,


Siii-I- .. Oak Hr.Nt.a.1. Mi Mpiito Net.tSpring stud Hair Hattnua

I Oil Painting 'Volcano'Hv 'l'a wt 1111

laitrtf' rontr ami Small Kuj;.Mapla Wttfttrahe, 8 Chlldreu'i Cota,

Hattau Onniraj t'liainlfii..-- ami jiin,I Hiple ComblBttlAfl ( hitianiri

pannn PtaiOi pbonjf teffonii .

Maplt- StMivtarv. Maoranwy,mem Tut. unit t hair,

Oai oUnpleii

Set Encyclopedia Britannica '

2a Voluuuw;

Vliatiitt. JaiaiifM' pwunli aii.l l'urita,ifiunnMi Clooki, Cfockttyt

t'utli'iv ninl I'latsslwun--IrUaOM A IsUbbN rtowing Mh. Iiiir',


sTtnabmp Batrrs and Ktii Urn rjaaaaaS, '

nssi anil Bsda, rn,itrSad akUIUTHi

Mint ia, leu Bus,

1 lfill- - I'i irrli ifcc-- " J

BallMSai Sail Hit.Bruit,-- , asssls tn nrnar,

t taarriags Uvraa, Wte. to., las,

y l,iuw- will la iiail fur iiiaaHitaaltalTBuRaVOaVi (ran leu ,. tot p. m,

LEWIS J. LEVEY.Ital tl Aucittoiiawr.

II. W. SCHMIDT I sons.


Kurt Street. Urn,, ilulu.

Nassjsp A.lvcrl laemetita,. Vulice.

In future all bills for undertaking willtattle on ptesentaiion. We are

compelled to resort to this rule on ac-count of the Inability to collect themajority ol our undertaking bills afterthe funeral la over

WILLIAMS HHOS.,:M Ki. A William, Mgr.

Situation Widitcd .

1U a Norwegian girl, with good re-

commendations.Knqiiire. Mutiiul Telephone No. S14

4:- t- Iw.

To Let.a a

( 'onimodioiis cottage adjoining theAfong residence on Ntiuaiiu avenue.

Apply toMRS. a AFo.Mi.

KH if Waikiki.

For Sale.porner lot at Panaboa I0D b M0 feat, it...,.,.

contains parlor, illnnlim room, t Iirraan U rni. ins, I, nth renin lint aiel cnlil atrr.sub. -- tun ami earrlets bonas, ste.

The are well lanl nut in trait aniliirnameniiil Irtas.

l or aildn-s- A. It.. tils office.SSI 1


A ls. si.hl.wati h. I rilal aflel liooiiAiikusi M, on Fort, between School andKing streeis 'I he finder w ill be rewardedby hating the same with

WILLIAMS BBOsV18881 109 and King St.

Oahu College

Fnnabon : Preparatory School

ill 4rn .In

SEPT, 1011),

"The World do move."Vint ao does tin tiim:4.kkSERVICE, Oi has. MountsIts snessns;ers an Colamltsj m- -

!. ii ssill delltcr piifk-ce- a

Bp to SOIIm, iii weight)Mtsj meaaasjei qnteker iimn ti

an) other neihed, und muchcheaper loo.

Don't be a Clam.". ilsne iimi uraq i,, uaiiiKIhe IMessenyrer Service,

I.. 11. JOHNSON, Msussrr.Muliml T,.,.,l, ., Miy. n,. 'r,.it.,,H .


And bo In thoFront Rank. .


CIITJt iimi Bt. U. I,,.,,wheel on en.) terMe, . . .




Call for catalogueand information attlie RAMBLER Agen-cy, 107 King street.4JTif

Criterion SaloonJOHN W I ELAND


always mi draught,

2 For 25 Cents.Ftne Wines mid I.iiUois, Oysters

bjr Kvery Stoauier, I lister C'oek- -

taiis i, Bpaoialt',

L. H. Dkk, I'ropietor.

Look Out 1 1 1

It Might

Strike You!II it dotafull nil llie Ciiliforuia 1'etal

Company and ss4cl yourI At MSj l.ltl. .

A Ireal, Hiipply bus just urrive,!ex bsjSSttttM S. ti. M.liKlt.



COMPANTl nr. yueen iimi Nuuanu sts.)

or riliK U, telephones No 121.

I'rnmiii Doll very,

BEAYER SALOON.Fort St.ect. - Opposite Wilder & Co.

II. J. MOLTB, Proti'r.Kii Cbusj I. un- aa. ssrvad uli C'or7a

Watei B la tar Ala or alilk.

tsT" kcrs' Reiiuisitcs a bpecialty

Page 4: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. · 2015. 6. 2. · kvkrt pvblhrid afternoon j j the hawaiian star. except sunday. t ci cents a month vw. w--. w... 4 in aiiv.tnce. vol 111. honolulu, hawaiian islands,


The Stot i off the DMWMMtol Miirtlrr In aP inluHod SaliMin.

Mr. Ariicr haw known nil the pioneer ofthe wct MdWMI friend of that pittniwnjtie tiiruro In wont em Malory, AVUd Hill.Hp VTM within half n doMB a'ea of Billwhen Jack Met 'anil shot him in the backof the brail in :t leHil txl million. He tell-

the Mnty more niinntrly than it haw everbwn kOM In print.

To pMtphrUM the quuitit wortlin of theobi pioneer, the killintf Ml about in thiawaj Bill at il Ml i anil orrupieU t lie samecabin tOgttaMf at DeftdWOOd in 187H. HillMint into camp with h notoriety he bad:been MCQjQtriB In all the border town, liewa a gJMlblM by profession and ft tle;ier- -

ndo by nature. lie Wftfl the Miret fthot...i.U .. ..(,.! I !.. u.t It.. I.o.l Ki.i.n '

iimi'Miai 01 inn"" n " n ihuijlaw and was afterward marshal ofAbilene when thnt little tit y bad almost ashard a name. He had killed so many mm Tired at

be bad lost the count. So when br An sahl a ipinrt

rode Into DoftdWOOd, with bis long yellow-hai-

pouring down on his shoulders, bitsombrero cocked sideways on bis brad andwith the ivory handled ptfttolft Ltt their bol-


IWtaglng at either side, people wereMltttaUf very rtHTtfiii.

Hut Hill was a man to be feared ratherthan He was an Inveteratecanlplnytr and cheated and robbedat I lie tableswith the pleasantest nn,ee imaginable. Henud MiCanll bee. tine chum- - and bati hedtogether in A cabin. Met null had Jttlt aabad a character as Hill, but be had neverthe opportunities to prove it, and If he hadhe would probably hart bora dead btfuftUeailwood came into existence. At anyrate, he and Hill used to play brace ftgftltmevery OM tboj i oald got to put his legs un-

der the table with them. White this MOO

W of nMUttJ was ROUIfl CM Dill and bispartner pretended to Im perfect atrangtntOeach other.

One day they were at t heir usual trickswith a irreetihorn in a canvas saloon on thoData Street, Met 'anil broke out fend quitthe gfeUlfe. Direct ly lie came up to BUI andsaid, "Say, Hill, initne a quarter to buy adrink." Hill looked up at him as if he hadnever seen him before, "Don't know you,"he said "I guess you're irood at the bar."McC'aull went to the bar and asked fur adrink, but the barkeeper, thinking he wasjoking, wouldn't let him have it.

Then Met 'anil sulked feboOt the Move fora ltt tie. Finally be went to Hill again andsaid;

"Gimme !W cents. Hill: T want to got ameal.'' And Bill, Stilt carrying out fell roleof stranger, said, with pretended bent, "(Jotoh for jour meal.'

t WcCaull's face flushed. He was not wilyenotun to sec what Hill ffM driving at.He w ent Straight out of the saloon down tohis cabin anil got ft nix shOOtef, When heeame back, be had it rocked in his coatpocket with bis band upon it. He walkedright up to Hill, and quick as a Hash stuckthe muzzle of the gun against Hill's headand pulled the trigger. There was a leapof lire from the barrel, a resounding reportand Wild Hill fell over with his face amongthe poker chips, stone dead.

MoCfeOU was arrested and tried before ft

miners' court and acquitted, for the storyhe told wan a plausible one. Hut one day,when in his cups, he boast til of thedecd.Det relives investigated his story nnd. foundit false, and eventually he was hanged.Denver Republican.

An All Aroaad tn.In a western Katisji- paper there is an ad-

vertisement of ft 8JB9J leman who has a faithiu his works that inspires him to declare heIs good nil round newspaper infes' fendbays that he is out of a job. If what i.enay-i- s true society should bailee irs head.Here ii a man who can, if he lives up to hisftnnounoenient, write a poem, weigh corn,discuss the tarplT, umpire a ball u'niiir. re-

port a wedding, SftW woikI, preach the ,

beat a lawer, describe a tire so that hisI dots Will shea their wraps, make a dob;lar do the work of in, shine at. a soiree, ail-- j

lress it hurt icult oral SOClet y, measure calico,abuse the Liquor habit, test vrbiskji subSQtlbe to charity, go without meals, attaeksilver, demand bimetallism, sneer at snob-bery, wear diamonds, InTSIlC advertise-ments, overlook scandal, praise prize babies,delight pumpkin raisers, minister to tlioafflicted, heal the disgruntled, right to a1finish, set type, mold opinion, sweep theolllce, move the world, scorn the flesh andlbs dftvih. Ihh everything, feel everything,SSt everything, kuow everything and doeverything ou this whirHng footstool at!a modest salary and support a famil).When a real "all round newspaper man" isout of a job the blush of shame shouldhog for t he elevator and mount the cheekof ungrateful civilization at once. KansasCity Star.

The I'rlvate'n I.ttuiettt.There is one teat lire of Uncle .Sam's mili-

tary service which hinders a great manymen from entering it The law provides!that a private who has served 10 years with-out promotion cannot again The)theory is that a man who has not provedhimself good enough for promotion in thattime is useleHS.

"But," said a soldier gloomily, "that is,dreadfully unjust, for you know ouly a Ufflr

ited number can la1 promoted anyway, andthere are thousands and thousands of firstclass, sober, earnest and oompeteut privateswho nerve out their LO years and don't vtpromoted simply because there are noteuotih vucHiicies made ahead. Now,there's, my it-- - I'll he thrown out nextyear without u hindnesa or a calling of anykind. I'm only lilt and love soldiering andhave given good aud satisfactory Hervice.But now- I've gut to begin life all overagain, ai, d 1 have no trade." New YorkHerald.

Tlie lim Out .! Wurk.To thOM overtaken by adversity my nd

vice Is, bo temperate, keep in good iptfiUand do not under any clrcimistanct's deHpair. He suro to go t.i btd early, as aperson overtaken by misfortune requiremore nt than at any other time. Behurt' to eut solid food and plenty of it, M itin neoeeHWJ to keep up strength. Lookforward, and never look baekward. and remember the world was creuted for allhuman things' alike, and that it is capableof providing you a good living, which willsurely In- obtainable by working in thelight direction. Tlie biggest fortunes havegrown from small Uglnnings, as doesthe oak grow from n small acorn. Industry. ueiBUl mranos and pluck will cause aman, however greet tin) misfortune whichmay have overtaken him, to rise, phcnlx-liko- ,

from the aebei and snatch victoryout of defeat.-Hen- ry t'luwa.

An Cane.A woman in fioorgia was tried a

oourt on the charge of obtaining monounder false preii uses Aclearcune appearsto kave been made out against her, butbar lawyer secured her dlerihirsjs witbootdenying a single allegation aud withoutealling a single witness la herHe simply aked the prosecutor whetherhe could iwaat that the defendant was notof sound mind, anil on the answer liclngin the negative the judge ordered thewoman's discharge and b et tired the proset utor for bringing a case Into court Inwhich the pfueeeutflff eouM not take oathas to the mental capacity of the defend-ant A t Ian ta onstltutlon.

The s.iThe Sudees are a band of African wo-

men w ho have gone to India in great minibers and have found employment as Htok-

is and sailora on tlie steamers plying lo-

cally in the Kast Indian water. Theyare noted for their strength and also fortheir turbulence, but they do w ith npparSjBt ''i'" work that often Is tOO much forthe nardisst men. They are veritable Am-

azons ami submit themselves to QueenSophia, and to her only. In the West In-

dian islands the couliug of nt earners Uusually done by hlaek women, who carrythe coal In great baskets on t In

Dp the steep plauks to thij bunkers of theship- - Kxchauge.

Tim rvucllnti of roiiiaimva Is forbidden bytim Koran; bmea popular Mm are naveiput In writing unions .M1.lu1111nml.1n4, but(trv posittxl fruni MM ulvry i. II. r lu auotlmr.


, Dm.Silent In a lily tent,

Dead, thf bandit 11m.

Uvr hi in lh( whHH IfifM bent,Shutting out the kf.

OM m nil htoifaHitftf foM,When thuanft wind blow

You tna we bun hrre-t- he bohlKohher of the ne.

Btrnnae the f:iip thnt hirmttht him herThus to ll" amid

AH tho r dearId this lily hid

Tet how J't It wnip thai hft.Folded In thh bloom.

Sleep in dentil rt lumej Iwe

Within boMf toinbl-- Frank leniwter Sherman.

The Knrmt-r'p- t Kenolve.

j Fr.n an adverts In a fifty IBftgftftldft

Of Mine new patent medicine tiny cnlled It

lin dnsi'rt n In- nin l kind i

Per them whose Inclination! for toworkwurut her poor.

SSSttM i" me that that's the at af? fr me togo nn buy

For that yottftfe SOS C mine to t ike an aort o'make him spry.

He needs ft lauror brsclo np when daytimecomes around,

intbonah when Qsh Isnnnin k' he's prettyalii k an ooiiad.

Idutmo why It hi that 1h ktn tak" a bftferf KtinAn walk from ten lo twenty miles an think

he's havin fun.But wheti there! tuthtn for to d that! In the

pluwlii lineHe doSSfeH evca seem to have thf a mptoni' ftf

a spine.

He'll take in all the picnics, au he'll work likeall posseted

At pOShm NUBS for country trirl, SWt neverbftS no ch''t

When 't conies 10 toajifii up the ftft or frutherinIn the wheat --

The very idenut 'that eeems to knock him offhis feet.

An so I think I'll go to town an sample thatthere stuff

An me hiK buy a lot for Tom one bottle ain'tnought

Ten doses may sutTlce to put an feVefftfeU maoIn trim;

But, Tom- - 1 think 111 hafter get ft dozen qufertlfur him.

Harper's Bazar.

The Trlcka or Time.When I go to net on a horse, seeI ain't so )TOUOf as I used to be.I can't vault into the saddle quiteAs easy as one that is apryer might laI'm as at iff as one that low rheumai iz;

This la the trick of old Time it is!

Wiien I look into the gtSSSi 1 seo1 ain't so yoUJUJ ns I ttasd to be.Fur at my eves there are lint s thnt meet.By some I have heard 'em called "ci o feCttBut how did net 'em? I ll bet a d meIt's another of them old trlcka of Time.

When try to read in a tiook, see1 ain't so young as I used to be.If want to know what it's all about,1 vow, must take my stftsSSS Otttl

It amazes DM that I'm In this llx.But Time Is a "terror for playing us tricks.

When ro to taTttSh my pate, I see1 ain't so young a$ 1 used to be.I declare, it makes mo feel appalledTo find that I'm uctiinu very baldlNow, what did the trickster Time want withThe hair of a fellow like old John Smith?

There's a heap of thlns that mako me see1 ain't so young as I used to be.But after ftWhile I'll bit by bittiet to be sorter resigned to it.Anyhow, tftin't bO use to bawl-Ti- me

plays the same old tricks on alllSusie 11 Best

The Source of Song.

Too much we poets bIuk of love, you say;You bid us pitch our books in higher key.

We look, we UstSO with our souls and prayTo learn If such there he.

Not slug of love? Then we tntist close our eye.And ears to every sweetest sight and bound;

For love hath many witnesses LhfttrlSftiE'en from the very round.

Upon the apple's ciieek the blushes glow.Brought thither by the kiss of wind aud sun.

Tho sea calls to the little streams, and lo!They answer every one.

With iweetwt mufic frt)in the boagbl above,The happy mated birds tho irboli day loiitf

Give rue a triad that 'lis lovoThai tills the world with ontC.

Not uiutf of love, when over nil belowIt rehens from mora tlil niifbt, from night

till morn?Atom loved atom M gone, aud so

The worlds were iforii,

Sot ting of that strange power that thrills theheart

To wildest rapture, inaken It strong and gladfThat sometimes in a life's utl too heavy part

Keep men from going mad.

You speak iu vain. No power 'gainst this canmove.

As long M earth by mortal feur. Is trod.And this is truest truth who nii.s of love

Will sing of Ciod.

And never a song, howver greet or true,80 well the poet's heritage ran prove.

As the heart's simple song, so uM, o new.The Bomz of love.

Caiiolta I'erry.

He TtmrouKh.In lawful pursuits, whatever you

a mansion or mending a shoe--Be

honestly earnest la all of yovr work,Never uttenintliii: ilaln duty to blilrk.Whether you climb, dig, delve or burrow.Do each thing completely; always be thorough.Slipshod expedients avoid as a snare;Perform every task with painstaking care.Negligent methods won't bear the world's teat;Give it, unstinting, always your best.Whether you labor with head or with ng

a tiook or tilling the land-- Do

everything well; as well as you can.No more Is expected by God or by man.No lesa w ill lUfAos for your own sell' respectOr save you from sting of willful neglect.The purest of pleasure can only be foundIn virtuous effort, healthful and Hound.This truest of maxims cherish and nursu --

"Work is a blessing, and ease but a curse."W. Thomson.

The Land of Kebt.Here lies nn old woman who always whs tired.For the lived in a house where help was not

hired.Her last wurds on earth were: "Dear friends,

am goingWhere nothing ain't done, nor churning,-SWilUttAnd everything there will bejust tOrAV VflsbssFor where they don't eat there's no washing uf

usbeal311 he where loved anthems will always be ring-

ing,But having no voice I'll get rid of the singing.Don't mourn for inu now, and don't rnouru for

me never.For I'm going to do uotbing forever and ever!"

Newburyport Uwrald.

rereverttnce.The heights by great men reached mul kept

Were Dot ai tamed by htidden flight,But tluy, while their compuulunit slept,

Were tuilintf upward lu the night.Longfellow.

Martyrdom.To be a martyr, one need not Lie hanged.Or be beheaded by one sudden strokjkRather he must live out bis weary life.

-- Walter Mulona.

A ... . Order.Mine. Newricbfc I want a lirt class

aage to Havre.The Agent of the Staninrtl Liue Yet,

ma 'am.Mine. Newriche And I insist uun hav-

ing a smooth passage, no inattur what itcosts, -- Chicago Record. -

A Uorrlble Thought.Misa Amiable That's Miss Hastings.

She isn't pretty, hut her face grows ou you,I think.

Miss Sharptungue Does itf Well, Ittbould be very eorry for It to grow on me.

St Wf cannot afford tlie time necessaryfor masticating our fund properly and in- -

corporating it thoroughly with saliva, itwould be better to take nothing but brothsand similar foods. The bm Of water andother liquids as lubricators in not to lie

A womau says that a man can po:atvuthe physical strength of a Samson, but hecuunot help to take down the pictures forthe annual apring claaoiug without feelingcompletely exhausted with but labor.



Commission Merchants

rile null - . Co.Agents; & Often

. . '.Queen St. HONOLULU. H.







is prepared t, lo nil kin, Is ofiirtistir B,,"k, Job nn,l News-paper


printing it fair prlow.


Books. Pamphlets. Legal Tapers.Hand Hills. Dodger, Letter amihill Heads, HusineKs anil Visiting'""anls, Tiekets, l'roixraniH. etc. . .



store.603 FORT STREET,

prepared to manufacture anythingIn its line.

Souvenir Spoons a Specialty.

Also on h: ,1,1 a Fine Stoek ofImported Jewelry everythingin the Intent design!

m Mat. Tel.Fort Street. 4tX

Island Ohdkrs Promptly Attended to.

E. A. JACOBSONMetropolitan Meat Co.


Wholesale S Retail Butchers


Navy Contractors.f. I. WALLER. Mnnnger.

BEAYER SALOON.Fort St.eet. - Opposite Wilder & Co.

il. J. XOITK, Prop'r.First-Clas- Lunchefl served with Ten, Coffee

tioda Watei (iinner Ale or All IU.

HTSmokers' Requisites a Specialty


Hilo to

a SPLENDIDway through

1H HAWAIIAN SI AM, H'F.SU AttOWfitT 98, i8m.

T. B. MURRAY,Carriage Wagon



Trimming,Nhati.v Dunk,

iAll work nurmnt Of tlit- Mtti Hive nie

irtnl mtil bf i on lured.

No. 44 King Street.Mnnml li'lepliin,'


Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets, - - $9,000,000

iia m beaa KPtKHntod igMttsof tn nvaMiaaay Wi re new r,',ly Ut frtvet Insur- -

aeon Rt l he loWMl rai,'. it PVMBIVM,

H, w. sen Mil IT SONS.


KNUINKS, St'OAH htttXt, BotUEM),

Coolers, Iron, Brass and I.kah


htnohlnerj of Even Desert pti on Itadeffder. Pftrtlottlftt nttention pun! to Ships

Job work exeeutl at Shin tniMee

H. MAY &Wholesale and Retail

98 Fort Si reel.Roth Telephone 22. P. O. Box 470


in nCAYENNE lanli


s u c k e isare grown in Florida and produce thefinest fruit in the world. Correspondenoe solicited,


44ft-8- m Orlando. Florida.

Pacific Brass Foundry



STEAM COCKS, and nil other littin(or pipe on band,

Honolulu Steam Rice Mill,

battled RtOC .or nale in Quantities to

J. A. HOPPER. Prop'r.Port Street, Honolulu.


For theVolcanoNature's Grandest Wonder.

The Popular and Scenic Route



-- IS BY

mm Coin s

Al STEAMER KINAU.Fitted with Klectric Lights and Bells. Courteous and Attentive Service


Kinau Leaves

at Hilo and



TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS,Arriving Thursday Sunday Mornings.



Volcano30 Miles

Passengers are Conveyed in Carriages,Over Macadamized Road, running most ol

a Dense Tropical Forest- - a ride aloneworth the trip.








at thk Office,St reels

For the Round Trip, Fifty Dollars.For Further Inhumation, CA1 i

Corner Furl and Queen


,1,11.1 BoUl Mid Nnntna stiwt".


WineS r BrandiesOuter Cocktails a Specialty.

E. N. REQTJA,8Mtf Mmmm1.

Hawaiian Wine Co.,Kkank BroWH, Miik,

M and 80 hterohnat St., Honolulu, H. tThn Republic hnittg Rortirod, wo trt

tm i epnrvd to sell at

Annexation Prices- -Till! HK.ST (IF

Wines,Ales cuitlSftpifita,t wholesnln. No ooiin sold at rntelli


Club Stables Co.S. F. GRAHAM. Manai;eb.

Liver?, M aud Sale Stables.

Fort Street, Between Hotelami Berataaia,


Cor. King and Bethel Bta,


Commercial Saloon.BARRY KLEMME, Mgr.

Gamer Nuiiumi utid Hen'tJiniu Stieots,Honolulu.

The Only BNSrting House in Town.

O. 1. SS. a specialty

LOHENGRIN LAGER BEER,always on draught,

two glasses for 25 cents.

Bi'-- t of Wines, Liquors and Cigars alwayi4001 r

JAS. F. MORGAN.No. 45 Queen Street,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker.

Special attention given to theuaiKtlUiL; ol

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonds

paper ever published in

Try ii lor three months.

dollar. American money

dollar ou


will it to you. One

question hat

mind to the

Hawaiian is how

money. One

of the WEEKLYthrown away on


will tret tnd

two kinds

PETER high, &

OFFICE and IflU, Alakea

j. T.Queen Street Stores,


Hafdware, Crockery, Saddlery

FANCY GOODSof all (ipwriptlons.

Fort Street StoreNo. IO.





India Linen and FeraianEmbroidery, in 11 yard nieees

lion, an and Kmhroidery,Oriental, l'latte, and other lacea, in

white, cream and black,Chiffon Lace, all colors,

Lnce Net, cream and black,

Striped and Check Dimity,Wide Japanese Crepe, white and colr'dWhite, Cream and lilack Surah Silk.

White and Cream Silk Crepe,

Navy and Cream Serge,

Suez and Tennis Flannel.The J, "Equipoise" waistPrima Donna and P. D. Coreets,Ladies' Mack Hose.

HYMAN BROS.Importers ot end Wholesale Dealers in



58 Street Honolulu.

214 California St.. San FranclRco. Cal.


All the Tear Bound


505 POET STREETHoth Telephones, 130.

for the Best

Weekly News

the Hawaiian Islands.

It will cost you just a

taken at par.

expect to get a

Weekly StarDollar lor months.

now agitate! the public

exclusion of the tariff and

to get the worth ol your

Star will be worth hun- -

other publications.

payments 1 all

very well, but the


FOR naturally

tllars worth.



dollar invested in three month's sub- -


WEEKLYWEEKLY Star is satisfied il you will pay once a

quarter, in advance, of course. A common, ordinary

U, S. or Hawaiian dollar, sometimes called a cart-

wheel and sometimes the ''Almighty," will pay lor

three month's subscription to the Weekly Star,

Even DavsiSTAR. This word by itself looks lone-

some. So did the "Lone Star"

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a member ot the brightest constellation old Mother

Earth has ever known. The Star" ol Hawaii

there don't

or three



nnoHs-Millc- r




looking out for are the "Annexation Star" and the

WEEKLY STAR, The former we arc bound to have

in time, and the latter costs just One Dollar lor three

months. Take them both. You will have to, sooner

or later.


OH and


you lorget it. There are

Stars" but those we are


CO, Proprietors.

Richards, near Quten St., Honolulu


Prompt Attention to all Orders. tklkphones: jJjJjJ

Give the Baby


Aeritii tor tlie




COTTON CRAPES,Figured nnd Solid Colon,

Cotton and Duck,For Drenses in White nnd Cronni

Fancy Figured DimitiesAnd Figured MuatilM

A Perfect NutrimentFon GROWING CHILORtN.


rmt Itie Aaril. bikIIn Aeato I line., mwttii Waatlaa m.enNes.


Best Foodfor Hand-fe- d Infants.

ovn nonK fr ,ho iintraetwof moth en,," Tlie Cmr nmi Frpd- -Inn orinOin(.,",v,H Ik' ninlliKlrMt any sddfWt, DpOfl nnjiitst.




IlnwiiHiin iMlflllflM.



A New Assortment of

CHALLIESA M Wool nnd Silk Sn n d, in lilit and

I jnrk Ground,An Immense AHSortment f

WHITE DRESS GOODSStripes and Plaids.

New Jet and Silk Passimenterie Trimmings.



having secured the EXCLUSIVE AGENCY for the Hawaii-an Islands for the Krajewski Patent Sugar Cane Crush

er, are now prepared to receive orders lor the same, to bedelivered in time (or the next crop.

This machine, which has been invented but a lew years, hasbeen adopted by a great number ol cane sugar manufacturers,especially in Cuba, where it was first put to trial and where itbecame extremely popular. Nearly one-thir- ol the whole sugarcrop made in Cuba is being made with the assistance of thesecrushers. These crushers have also proved a great success in

other West Indian Islands, and Louisiana, as can be seen by testimonials on hand.

These crushers when attached to any cane mill will increaseits capacity by from 50 to 100 per cent; will improve extraction;will regulate feed of the mill. We have three of these machinesin the way. For further particulars enquire at the


Wrought Steel Ranges, ChilledIron Cooking Stoves.HOUSEKEEPING GOODS:

Agate V are (White, Gray and Nickel-plated- , PumpsWater and Son Pipes, Water Closets aud Urinals, RubberHose, and Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tubs nnd Steel Sinks,O. S. Gutteia and Leaders, Slice' Iron Copper, Zincand Lead, Leao Pipe and Pipe Fittings.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet IronWork.




aj - ii i


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

East Loknek PoKT and Kim; STREET.

New Oouda i hy Wmj I'ncki-- l (mn tin- I inn Mutt jimI KWOBfFreab California ProdW DJ avarj Hiiinr. All oidcn luillilull) i.tluiliu tand gooda delivered to any part of the city free of charge.

Inland ordera Folimted. trulixliii lit n gi.aieiiltd. lalephona No. 94Pol Offloe Box No. 14S