the hartford republican. (hartford, ky) 1905-08-04 [p...

= TRAINING CHILD BURGLARS Newost Devices of the Modern Criu Inal SchoolsReason for Establishments It lias long beef kriowu that the modern thief or burglar trains children very carefully for nefari ous work Only tin other duy a trainer of young thieves wan sent to prison and such nixes art COU tinually cropping upsays the London Mail Most ingenious are the methods practiced by professionals to teach their pupils the art of hill glary Mere youngsters make ex ei Heat subjects and as it is ob viously of importance nut to make a noise when burgling till lads are now taught to slide face down ward on the balustrade It has been discovered that in order to accustom them to this mode of descent special spirit shiijNd balustrades sue sometimes eon structed and before the pupil is pronounced llnished he must be able to slide down a variety of these balustrades like greased lightning Another common practice among the burgling fraternity is that of getting orders to view Ieii ty houses front various house I agents A number of clever bur- glaries are worked this way lHcssed up as a country squire the master visits numbers of i house agents gels orders to view certain houses generally in tee ¬ races as there if he has a plan of the interior of one house he has a i key to the whole terrace t He irccordingly looks over the 1house gIIIa prim of the interior A few days afterward his pupils enter the empty house fuel making their wily along the roofs enter whichever house hay 1 bleu selected In the meantime r t thesquirepatrnlsthehauseoutside ¬ sonitled and when the coast is clear he signals usually by strik ing matches so that the boys in i side know whether theyrail safely come out with the spoil One match means alls well two matches danger A well laluwu Scotland IItI olllcial a short time agti 1lleltd a clever capture in this way He noticed a man piN in mouth t walking up and down a street in the west end of London anti con tinually striping matches to light Ilispipe Strange to say however no smoke emanated from the pipe and thkiking something was wrong the detective concealed himself and awaited develop ments A few minutes later the man struck another match and 11111 trice a buy about 12 years old tune out front the front door of an j unoccupied house bearing on his shoulders a sack with sticks of endt I < a rat anil at once detained the ltd In whose sack under the wood wits found reel iOMW worth of jew els The country squire endeav tllllIHI 1S011 him but it was afterward i discovered that the bucolic gen tleman wits a wellknown ticket if leave man As a general lIIIloltl penal servitude men are till founders of thieves schools idealizing that as they are too well known to the 1011111Ih chances of eon tinuing II felonious emcee in a successful manner are very slight they have perforce to procure un derstudies Accordingly by enlarging on i the profits accruing from bury glories and pocket picking they have little ditlleulty in getting Jolcif boys with evil propen sities Weeks and weeks tar then spent in instructing the novice in their new trade The initial lessons are generally devoted to the lIt of picking pockets CAN TRESPASS BY PHONE LongDintnnce Breach of the Peace Determined by Kansas City Judge The invention of new machinery devices processes is continually l tbringing up new questions of law puzzling judges lawyers and lay- men soliloquize tin Philadelphia Public Ledger The trolley brought its problems the sub- marines when they are used t for commercial purposes will n undoubtedly pose the law ¬ makers the power of modern guns on menofwar has made ob ¬ UJI s and when the balloon shall br come a paswuger vehicle what wisdom will frame the rukKof tint road or the law of trespass lust now the law relating to the telephone is of interest What constitutes a breach of jwace by phone Judge Brady of Kansas City huts just decided such a case which by reason of its romantic connection appeals to all Wal ¬ ter Clark had proposed to a maid ¬ en and had been rejected He re- newed ¬ the proposal over the tele ¬ phone called up the fair ono sew ¬ eral times and was turned down He was not dismayed but called in the morning and in the afternoon and in the dewey eve and sometimes at night The doors may be barred and a re ¬ jected suitor kept out lint how is the telephone to be guarded Judge Brady took these questions under consideration and ruled that after a girl had rejected a man slit had the inalienable right to have him stay njwted and that the use of the telephone could and should IK classed as a style of importunity amounting to a breach of peace The theory of the law in these decisons is this It would be a breach of the pearl if the suitor should annoy the young woman with his presence and the fact that the telephone was used dues not modify the net our UN respon ¬ perfor11lingthe sense and an indication thai when the jteople of the Tinted States shall all have universal wireless connection a man iu New York who calls an enemy in San Francisco a hard name bv wireless will hold himself liable though the costs of prosecution would be prohibitive HOW TO MAKE A BATTERY Stiff Piece of Paper and a Common Tea Tray Are All That IsI Necessary Cut a stilt piece of paper into an oval or a circle of nearly they sire of a common tea tray Fasten to it two upright handles one on each end both made of paper and attach by means of soothing wax j fays the San Francisco Chron- icle Xow take any common tin tea tray that you may be able to bor row in the house and lay it on tlio top of two glasses These will furnish the insulation tlornugllly ¬ can possibly be Then lay it on till table and brush it violently with a common clothesbrush you spread a piece of silk or IfI Ixr sheet under it so much 11lIlIal1Ihe electric Lift it from the table lay it on the tea tray and U a curlier of it with the 1m II NlIaI your linger or witji a Aspllikwillleapoutft0luit Now you have an electric hut tery in a most simple form lly rubbing the jxiper as often as it loses its electricity it is possible Levden tllI jar can be made by filling a tumbler half full with shot and sticking an iron or silver spoon into it By letting the j pparks from the tIll tray leap eon finally to the spoon the tumbler jar finally will accumulate much electricity that It will be extreme ly uncomfortable to get a shock from it N Ready to SideStep ouldI think he is pound to be the pian ¬ hittlf tile future Mr Grudge Exactly I wish 1 knew in which place Cleveland Leader Clergymans SelfSacrifice Theparishof St Stephens Port sea contains a population of 14 1100 jMople a large church but no clergy house and no endowment It is said that Hew Guy Landon accepted the vicarage on the oller of an income of nil year yeztalkin Second CookOIl we was dis cussin the mistress problem I Puck I PLAY BASEBALL BY NIGHT In Dawson City Game Is Called at Elgbt lu the Evening Theater Begins at Ten P M John Sciidder McLain of Mimic apolis in his recent book Alaska and the Klondike says of a fa mous arctic city Dawsou has a good theater an athletic club- house for winter Spurts and tutu letic grounds well prepared for baseball cricket and tennis A peculiar institution is the town crier known as Uncle John who parades the streets with megaphone an improvement on a I bell and announces the hour and place of forthcoming events The long summer days simplify i arrangements of this character materially The baseball crank and the ollice boy are nut 0111I pelted to devise excilses for the neglect of their business iu the middle of t he afternoon to witness a baseball game The game dues not begin until eight oclock in the evening and I he t heclter rccogniz lug it as a still competitor dos tint ring up its curtain until ten oclock This means of nines that the play Is nut over until llMtll 1111 oclock in the morning but inasmuch as the night is nearl- y as light as the day no iiirnnvrit iince is suffered on that account Dawson lies north of the Iii I II degree of north latitude and ixpe ricnees as wide differences of tem perature probably as are known in any inhabited portion of the globe The thermometer regis died lilt degrees above xero a few days before our arrival and two days of our stay iincomforta hlv hot at middav In the winter fill oily ill below Isllot I wPtwrule x pericnceAnd yet thesourdoughsiwell seasoned residents Mr McLain continues speak with real enthu siasm of the winter climate It is all right here in winter said one except when it moderates some times and the hinnratmire rises j to lii or lull below You see it feels penI land catch cold TYPHOID CAN BE AVOIDED I Water Supply Is Whole Secret of StAvI hog Off Disease Blame Health Board Typhoid is an unnecessary evil II is like hind government civil in difference is responsible for one us for the other As a matter of in dividual warning there is little to shy says McClures lIi gmi zinc Find out where your water conies from and unless the community i guards the general health by fur uishing a pure drinking supply guard your own by boiling the wa i ter Ilont allow OMII vaults or j sewage accessible to dies to exist near where you live Theres a board of health in your turn if I its worthless there s a law re gaidingnnisaiices that isnt Go to your doctor promptly on suspi Hon if you have any reason till suppose that you hint contracted i the disease It is no ailment to parley with If you know of a case that the attending physician has j IPI1ItldPIIIIIII but not to till health department report it your self He wont like that hilt it will be good fur him Yon pry taxes to get grand water and to have the laws enforced one of the best prey iventives against typhoid is the pernicious municipal activity which gets what it pays for After tllllI fever a great expense like land and Chicago or to eI less expense like Lorain I genre is largely a mutter of in telligent working citizenship Edward the Shrewd Commenting on the fact that King Edwards father used to be referred to as Allxrt theGood a Preach writer says that the pres ¬ Nit sovereign of Great Britain should be Palled Edward the Shrewd The writer adds Sine his accession to the throne King Edward has not made in in ¬ ternationalaffairs a single mifi take which is more than can be said for his nephew and nephew inlaw of Germany and Hussia Transplanting Salmon I The department of marine and I fisheries at Ottawa lately shipped j MOOOO eggs of the Atlanti I salmon to be nlantcd in Van x rIF 1 V Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Dr Kings New Discovery I For c A Cure Perfect 1ONUMITIUN THIS REMEDY IILung freeI Is Sure to OIV- BSatisfaction IEnS CREAM BALM lit + rrlrlnt mm It rItMhIM HIDtttrt nud liinli thiilfMilmtlimlii liriiiii Itrmvm iitiirrh- IlllllllrlVP IIWHY llClllll CATARRH I u i HEADI pnnx t lb lPhMIIOI II +t rm tln Iw PA o limt 1111 tall ar + e ArnatU r- b1111x11f71n1n GN6 i < KIY lllIOTIints Mkir e Nnr NinVnrV u BEST FOR THE- BOWELS If TOahrentteenhrattbvtn T mntof tb bowel ererdpm7 Iu r w ll be Keep your bow U oiMnslid ewe rm in tu phtp of violent pnldeapo1 poltotv lttiaoir c The mootkett eatlcit mot prfft way ut keeping tb Dowel tin r andclean it > ult- oCANDY CATHARTIC I EAT EM LIKE CANDY rleunt rlatahle > Tate OnJ rm Good X Tr Sirk n lfrkn nriirr I1 S i M feet per boi Write for Ire latepb and > oSI leton health AJJrei 411 Sterling Remedy Compini Chkigo or Nt Tort KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Oliver isliiiid wiilcrs The 111- j erts think brit Atlantic salmon will do well in thoist sii tels DODGING REAL QUESTION h She Did Not Question Ladys Reputa tlon It Wits the Jelly That Didnt Suit 4 A lady who inteiiileil to give a diiiiiti to some friends at whirls the piece de resisluiuf was to he duck shut by her I II 11 ha lid on till slimes of easteriiMarvland tie Icided thin none lint the very best jelly should le served us an ao < oiiiiiininicnt to the dainty fa 1I elates Colliers Weekly gOIrtollBIWlflwlI I where one pays a iiiarter apiece stockI 11m asparagus at seasons the year The jelly the clerk of feretl her did not appear to be just whit she wantd so she surest ed another variety flat inadam said the clerk haughtily this in the very best jelly you can bur li is made by Mrs llChlill of Hiooklyn theIjnr 4 Ive never heard of ilt meek 1111I HIIIV o you guar ¬ antee it Y Seeingthat hiscustomer was ex j tremely mild of manner and per laps to be easily rattled smiled In a tiu1i thlllIIkI fiuarantee repeated haughtily than ever madam WI dont lave to guarantee Mrs Ouggins jelly UPI name is enough This lady madam has aI reputation 0 1 have no doubt of that Im sure broke in the mildmannered lady with a heightened color Im not questioning the ladys reputation it was the jelly I as ¬ sure you Stramje A man who worked for a llrm en ¬ gaged in the manufacture of bo ¬ gus antiques testified in his suit to recover wages that lie did good honest work Philadelphia Pub lic Ledger Pleasantly Effective I Never in the way no trouble to carry easy to take pleasant and never failing in results are DeWitts Little Early Risers These famous little pills are a certain guarantee against headache biliousness torpid j liver and all of the ills resulting j from constipation They tonic and strengthen the liver Cure TnunJ dice Sold by Z Wayne Griffin Bro Henry C WattrsonsLetters EuropeWill A Leading FeatureI coi Journal During 1905 There will be many other attractive departments nil going to make u complete Newnpptr Mall Hates Dally CourierJournal 1 Yr 6 Dnllyniid Sundry 1 Yr 8 Weekly 1 Yr t COURIKKJUUKNAI + COMPANY LOUISyiUH KY By u Special ArrniiRemt you tjr can net time IIARTFORD REPUBLICAN unit the WKLY COURIERJOURNAL Lntlt ono yu0r tur only 150 Th a Is Inc ca < h subscrlptlnnn only enmblnInn i- RRIuntiCA n0ee 1 Subscribe for TUB HAUTFOUD Rl PUBLI- CAN ¬ SI 00 por year in advance oo ooooosoo at BIG FOUR r The Hwt Line to JJ j ChicagoToledo Q I I i Detroit jj Cleveland JJ A I And all other points liast j- j information cheerfully furI nishtni on application at City f t Ticket OfJiCl Big Four Not r I2iJ Fourth avenue or write to J S J GATES I I GlIl1 Agent Passenger DeptI IlIu willl Ky d J An manII We want a in this locality to sell the WHEELER gI We can offer ex- ceptional ¬ induce ¬ ments to someone who commands a j horse and wagon and can devote his time to advancing the sales of our product Energetic men find our proposition a moneymaker Ca- pable ¬ of de velo p meh t into a permanent- and profitable businessWRITE AT ONC- EWheelerWII3anMiqCo 72 and 74 Wabash Ave iCIC400 + EJ a S6jI < 1tn M ITT I i Sours BARNET SMITH TTOKNBYS T LAW IIAKIFOKIt KY- Wlllir ciWpln lririilm loulM nllthrpnuttx Oklotinit tiiljnl nl H Himi it tlrftfi nil f in rtnr 111114 Spwlnl ill tuition Blvr n to nil IoInp1I- h IIIt rntlilliiim mill tin Prnrtlrviif emu Iniilanil Itml Kutntv Lne Npainllra oniivn llrniln AN KillMliitf = FRANK L FELIX Atto neyatLaw lllllITOIIU ItY Will irurilm Mo iiriifiwliiii In Ohio And nil liilnliitfniiiiitjr mid In tlix Cunrt nl tpN nle Crlmlnnl + I iIIIJln 0 CHAS M CROWS LAWYERa HAHTKOHII 0K VIII prmMii Ida prnfwluu In nil Itiw urln et Ohio nnil Hiliilnlnir nnniilmiin llii the root if AIWM Nl rr IQxtlntlunrrtrrntyrtlndnNl liimtln Kinl tu mlr Oi ii + nmrxrurflatk- rtnndlruurIre + Tlnumi illir nprnrlra n JNO B WILSON AlTOHNKy AT LAZY HARTPOltD KY SfinlMlnttHtOiiii vitro fn iiilli tlnnii uiNkliiff nlNtrnrMdralroKulxrllehllr lot nn 0dlnnoHhnldpnhlrgnxtR to tturuey at Law IlAinroui KY MitITo proapirIttxIdl li XltHt IllMI 1r nth roeatf Ullvn rt hb1nantr IIlIk r fl I IIKIVHIN KIlMll 111111 HEAVRIN WOODWARD C c 1 IlaotlNO Kt KI1I trnitl lhHr iriitn lin lit nil Wr itirtii OIIUA flan omri > ni door to Imnk ol llurifnnl W H BARNES Attorney at Law AMtriirvry ATTOIIXKV lUHiiomi Kv Will prni tlrv M priifmlun In nil tin r 01 iihliiiinlMinltmimiiilMniiil luthfugt 7 ppfMU ffrtrt HtlvKtl11 Willie rfllHJ ti- liUnlBMn miriKiMl t bUittrr iVilM > lnn rlltr nlNrylnralHhalr YANCY L MOSLEY TTOKNEY T LAW IInrtfinl Kentucky U Cbl 11a i mr irrr llrif mitinl Hunk CO YEARS I TRADC I Arlene irndlna tkrtrh And dmPllo mr puteklr ucerlAln our iipinldii free w ether an nroiilliin U proh blr twl iit Mi romrnull ii n atnHlfonntldentlal HANDBOOK onraitnta itnt tm OIot prncj fur itrurm ten to lAn Co recital rpfilol rlr 0 alii ii I IIF nfleniiac limrutl Tarnii 13 a f none umce O4 V It Yahlnaton IJ PROCURED AND model llmr mi IU Sloth trMl ipp UnlUd tUtM l Ual Offle WASHINGTON D C COMPANY lie flhl IPI EXPERIENCE MARKSI otirewlthoutrocharreinthe rltanI nrweAealeteMUN OCrCNDCDwnd rrlurfFne COUNTRIESJlIui tiIWtt ROUGH RIVER- TELEPHONE Talk belritf cheap oifldCiIiliMY 1 ir you should plttllnil hone folks where you can buy your own phones and build your own linen and be in talking distance with the whole count ty and business points generally by only paying a reasonable rent to the Rough River Telephone Company or they will be nt the whole expense if you say so We connect with all In ¬ partlcuoI nezri as 1i 8 jCria 9 t

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Page 1: The Hartford republican. (Hartford, KY) 1905-08-04 [p ] · races as there if he has a plan of the interior of one house he has a i key


Newost Devices of the Modern CriuInal SchoolsReason for


It lias long beef kriowu that themodern thief or burglar trainschildren very carefully for nefarious work Only tin other duy atrainer of young thieves wan sentto prison and such nixes art COU

tinually cropping upsays theLondon Mail

Most ingenious are the methodspracticed by professionals toteach their pupils the art of hillglary Mere youngsters make ex

ei Heat subjects and as it is obviously of importance nut to makea noise when burgling till ladsare now taught to slide face downward on the balustrade It hasbeen discovered that in order toaccustom them to this mode ofdescent special spirit shiijNdbalustrades sue sometimes eonstructed and before the pupil ispronounced llnished he must beable to slide down a variety ofthese balustrades like greasedlightning

Another common practiceamong the burgling fraternity isthat of getting orders to viewIeii ty houses front various house

I agents A number of clever bur-glaries are worked this waylHcssed up as a country squirethe master visits numbers of

i house agents gels orders to viewcertain houses generally in tee ¬

races as there if he has a plan ofthe interior of one house he has a

i key to the whole terracet He irccordingly looks over the

1house gIIIa prim of the interiorA few days afterward

his pupils enter the empty housefuel making their wily along theroofs enter whichever house hay

1 bleu selected In the meantime

rt thesquirepatrnlsthehauseoutside ¬

sonitled and when the coast isclear he signals usually by striking matches so that the boys in

i side know whether theyrail safelycome out with the spoil Onematch means alls well twomatches danger

A well laluwu Scotland IItIolllcial a short time agti 1lleltd aclever capture in this way Henoticed a man piN in mouth

t walking up and down a street inthe west end of London anti continually striping matches to lightIlispipe Strange to say howeverno smoke emanated from the pipeand thkiking something waswrong the detective concealedhimself and awaited developments A few minutes later theman struck another match and11111 trice a buy about 12 years oldtune out front the front door of an

j unoccupied house bearing on hisshoulders a sack with sticks ofendtI < a ratanil at once detained the ltd Inwhose sack under the wood witsfound reel iOMW worth of jewels The country squire endeavtllllIHI1S011 him but it was afterward

i discovered that the bucolic gentleman wits a wellknown ticketif leave man

As a general lIIIloltl penalservitude men are till founders ofthieves schools idealizingthat as they are too well knownto the 1011111Ih chances of eontinuing II felonious emcee in asuccessful manner are very slightthey have perforce to procure understudies

Accordingly by enlarging oni the profits accruing from bury

glories and pocket picking theyhave little ditlleulty in gettingJolcif boys with evil propensities Weeks and weeks tar thenspent in instructing the novicein their new trade The initiallessons are generally devoted tothe lIt of picking pockets


LongDintnnce Breach of the PeaceDetermined by Kansas

City Judge

The invention of new machinerydevices processes is continually

l tbringing up new questions of lawpuzzling judges lawyers and lay-men soliloquize tin PhiladelphiaPublic Ledger The trolleybrought its problems the sub-

marines when they are usedt for commercial purposes will

n undoubtedly pose the law ¬

makers the power of modernguns on menofwar has made ob ¬

UJIsand when the balloon shall brcome a paswuger vehicle whatwisdom will frame the rukKof tintroad or the law of trespass

lust now the law relating to thetelephone is of interest Whatconstitutes a breach of jwace byphone Judge Brady of KansasCity huts just decided such a casewhich by reason of its romanticconnection appeals to all Wal ¬

ter Clark had proposed to a maid ¬

en and had been rejected He re-


the proposal over the tele ¬

phone called up the fair ono sew ¬

eral times and was turneddown He was not dismayed but

called in the morning and in theafternoon and in the dewey eveand sometimes at night Thedoors may be barred and a re¬

jected suitor kept out lint how isthe telephone to be guardedJudge Brady took these questionsunder consideration and ruledthat after a girl had rejected aman slit had the inalienable right

to have him stay njwted andthat the use of the telephonecould and should IK classed as astyle of importunity amounting toa breach of peace

The theory of the law in thesedecisons is this It would be abreach of the pearl if the suitorshould annoy the young womanwith his presence and the factthat the telephone was used duesnot modify the net our UN respon ¬

perfor11lingthesense and an indication thaiwhen the jteople of the TintedStates shall all have universalwireless connection a man iuNew York who calls an enemy inSan Francisco a hard name bvwireless will hold himself liable

though the costs of prosecutionwould be prohibitive


Stiff Piece of Paper and a CommonTea Tray Are All That IsINecessary

Cut a stilt piece of paper intoan oval or a circle of nearly theysire of a common tea tray Fastento it two upright handles one oneach end both made of paper andattach by means of soothing wax j

fays the San Francisco Chron-icle

Xow take any common tin teatray that you may be able to borrow in the house and lay it on tliotop of two glasses These willfurnish the insulation

tlornugllly ¬

can possibly be Then lay it ontill table and brush it violentlywith a common clothesbrushyou spread a piece of silk or IfIIxr sheet under it so much

11lIlIal1Iheelectric Lift it from the tablelay it on the tea tray and U

a curlier of it with the 1m IINlIaIyour linger or witji a

Aspllikwillleapoutft0luitNow you have an electric hut

tery in a most simple form llyrubbing the jxiper as often as itloses its electricity it is possible

LevdentllI jar can bemade by filling a tumbler half fullwith shot and sticking an iron orsilver spoon into it By letting the j

pparks from the tIll tray leap eonfinally to the spoon the tumblerjar finally will accumulate muchelectricity that It will be extremely uncomfortable to get a shockfrom it


Ready to SideStepouldIthink he is pound to be the pian ¬

hittlf tile futureMr Grudge Exactly I wish 1

knew in which place ClevelandLeader

Clergymans SelfSacrificeTheparishof St Stephens Port

sea contains a population of 141100 jMople a large church but noclergy house and no endowmentIt is said that Hew Guy Landonaccepted the vicarage on the ollerof an income of nil year

yeztalkinSecond CookOIl we was dis

cussin the mistress problemI



In Dawson City Game Is Called atElgbt lu the Evening Theater

Begins at Ten P M

John Sciidder McLain of Mimicapolis in his recent book Alaskaand the Klondike says of a famous arctic city Dawsou has agood theater an athletic club-

house for winter Spurts and tutu

letic grounds well prepared forbaseball cricket and tennis Apeculiar institution is the towncrier known as Uncle Johnwho parades the streets withmegaphone an improvement on a I

bell and announces the hour andplace of forthcoming eventsThe long summer days simplify i

arrangements of this charactermaterially The baseball crankand the ollice boy are nut 0111Ipelted to devise excilses for theneglect of their business iu themiddle of t he afternoon to witnessa baseball game The game duesnot begin until eight oclock in theevening and I he t heclter rccognizlug it as a still competitor dostint ring up its curtain until tenoclock This means of ninesthat the play Is nut over untilllMtll 1111 oclock in the morningbut inasmuch as the night is nearl-y as light as the day no iiirnnvritiince is suffered on that account

Dawson lies north of the Iii I II

degree of north latitude and ixpericnees as wide differences of temperature probably as are knownin any inhabited portion of theglobe The thermometer regisdied lilt degrees above xero a fewdays before our arrival and twodays of our stay iincomfortahlv hot at middav In the winterfill oily ill below Isllot I wPtwrule x

pericnceAndyet thesourdoughsiwell

seasoned residents Mr McLaincontinues speak with real enthusiasm of the winter climate It isall right here in winter said oneexcept when it moderates sometimes and the hinnratmire rises


to lii or lull below You see it feelspenIland catch cold


Water Supply Is Whole Secret of StAvIhog Off Disease Blame

Health Board

Typhoid is an unnecessary evilII is like hind government civil indifference is responsible for one usfor the other As a matter of individual warning there is little toshy says McClures lIi gmi zincFind out where your water coniesfrom and unless the community i

guards the general health by furuishing a pure drinking supplyguard your own by boiling the wa i

ter Ilont allow OMII vaults or j

sewage accessible to dies to existnear where you live Theres aboard of health in your turn if I

its worthless there s a law regaidingnnisaiices that isnt Go toyour doctor promptly on suspiHon if you have any reason tillsuppose that you hint contracted i

the disease It is no ailment toparley with If you know of a casethat the attending physician has j

IPI1ItldPIIIIIII but not to tillhealth department report it your

self He wont like that hilt it willbe good fur him Yon pry taxes toget grand water and to have thelaws enforced one of the best prey

iventives against typhoid is thepernicious municipal activity

which gets what it pays for AftertllllIfever a great expense likeland and Chicago or to eIless expense like Lorain Igenre is largely a mutter of intelligent working citizenship

Edward the ShrewdCommenting on the fact that

King Edwards father used to bereferred to as Allxrt theGooda Preach writer says that the pres ¬

Nit sovereign of Great Britainshould be Palled Edward theShrewd The writer addsSine his accession to the throne

King Edward has not made in in ¬

ternationalaffairs a single mifitake which is more than can besaid for his nephew and nephewinlaw of Germany and Hussia

Transplanting Salmon I

The department of marine and I

fisheries at Ottawa lately shipped j

MOOOO eggs of the Atlanti I

salmon to be nlantcd in Van

x rIF 1 V

Nothing has ever equalled itNothing can ever surpass it

Dr KingsNew Discovery

I For cA




IILungfreeIIs Sure to



lit + rrlrlnt mmIt rItMhIM HIDtttrt nudliinli thiilfMilmtlimliiliriiiii Itrmvm iitiirrh-IlllllllrlVP IIWHY llClllll




HEADIpnnx t lb lPhMIIOI II + t rm tln Iw PA olimt 1111 tall ar+ e ArnatU r-

b1111x11f71n1n GN6 i <KIY lllIOTIints Mkir e Nnr NinVnrV



If TOahrentteenhrattbvtn T mntof tbbowel ererdpm7 Iu r w ll be Keep yourbow U oiMnslid ewe rm in tu phtp ofviolent pnldeapo1 poltotv lttiaoir c The

mootkett eatlcit mot prfft way ut keepingtb Dowel tin r andclean it > ult-



EAT EM LIKE CANDYrleunt rlatahle > Tate OnJ rm

Good X Tr Sirk n lfrkn nriirr I1 S iM feet per boi Write for Ire latepb and > oSIleton health AJJrei 411

Sterling Remedy Compini Chkigo or Nt Tort


Oliver isliiiid wiilcrs The 111-

j erts think brit Atlantic salmonwill do well in thoist sii tels


She Did Not Question Ladys Reputatlon It Wits the Jelly That

Didnt Suit4

A lady who inteiiileil to give adiiiiiti to some friends at whirlsthe piece de resisluiuf was to heduck shut by her I II 11 ha lid on tillslimes of easteriiMarvland tie

Icided thin none lint the very bestjelly should le served us an ao< oiiiiiininicnt to the dainty fa 1Ielates Colliers Weekly

gOIrtollBIWlflwlI I

where one pays a iiiarter apiecestockI11m asparagus at seasonsthe year The jelly the clerk of

feretl her did not appear to be justwhit she wantd so she surested another variety

flat inadam said the clerkhaughtily this in the very best

jelly you can bur li is made byMrs llChlill of HiooklyntheIjnr 4

Ive never heard of ilt meek1111IHIIIV o you guar ¬

antee it Y

Seeingthat hiscustomer was ex j

tremely mild of manner and perlaps to be easily rattledsmiled In a tiu1i thlllIIkIfiuarantee repeated

haughtily than ever madam WIdont lave to guarantee MrsOuggins jelly UPI name isenough This lady madam has aI

reputation0 1 have no doubt of that Im

sure broke in the mildmanneredlady with a heightened colorIm not questioning the ladys

reputation it was the jelly I as ¬

sure you

StramjeA man who worked for a llrm en ¬

gaged in the manufacture of bo ¬

gus antiques testified in his suit torecover wages that lie did goodhonest work Philadelphia Public Ledger

Pleasantly Effective I

Never in the way no trouble tocarry easy to take pleasant andnever failing in results are DeWittsLittle Early Risers These famouslittle pills are a certain guaranteeagainst headache biliousness torpid j

liver and all of the ills resulting j

from constipation They tonic andstrengthen the liver Cure TnunJdice Sold by Z Wayne GriffinBro




A Leading FeatureI

coi JournalDuring 1905

There will be many other attractivedepartments nil going to make u

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RRIuntiCA n0ee1




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oo ooooosoo at

BIG FOURr The Hwt Line toJJj ChicagoToledo



i Detroit jj


I And all other points liast j-

j information cheerfully furInishtni on application at City f

t Ticket OfJiCl Big Four Not r

I2iJ Fourth avenue or write to JS J GATES I

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IlIu willl Ky d



manIIWe want ain this locality to sell

the WHEELERgIWe can offer ex-


induce ¬

ments to someonewho commands a


horse and wagon andcan devote his timeto advancing thesales of our product

Energetic menfind our propositiona moneymaker Ca-


of develo p meh tinto a permanent-and profitablebusinessWRITE



72 and 74 Wabash Ave


EJ a S6jI < 1tn

M ITT I i Sours



Wlllir ciWpln lririilm loulM nllthrpnuttxOklotinit tiiljnl nl H Himi it tlrftfi nil f in rtnr 111114Spwlnl ill tuition Blvr n to nil IoInp1I-h IIIt rntlilliiim mill tin Prnrtlrviif emuIniilanil Itml Kutntv Lne Npainllra oniivnllrniln AN KillMliitf


Atto neyatLawlllllITOIIU ItY

Will irurilm Mo iiriifiwliiii In Ohio And nilliilnliitfniiiiitjr mid In tlix Cunrt nl tpN nleCrlmlnnl +

I iIIIJln0



VIII prmMii Ida prnfwluu In nil Itiw urlnet Ohio nnil Hiliilnlnir nnniilmiin llii the rootif AIWM Nl rr IQxtlntlunrrtrrntyrtlndnNlliimtln Kinl tu mlr Oi ii + nmrxrurflatk-rtnndlruurIre + Tlnumi illir nprnrlra



SfinlMlnttHtOiiii vitro fn iiilli tlnnii uiNkliiffnlNtrnrMdralroKulxrllehllr lot nn



tturuey at LawIlAinroui KYMitIToproapirIttxIdl li XltHt IllMI 1rnth roeatf Ullvn rt hb1nantr IIlIk

rfl I IIKIVHIN KIlMll 111111


C c1

IlaotlNO KtKI1I trnitl lhHr iriitn lin lit nil Wr itirtiiOIIUAflan omri > ni door to Imnk ol llurifnnl

W H BARNESAttorney at Law

AMtriirvry ATTOIIXKVlUHiiomi Kv

Will prni tlrv M priifmlun In nil tin r01iihliiiinlMinltmimiiilMniiil luthfugt 7ppfMU ffrtrt HtlvKtl11 Willie rfllHJ ti-

liUnlBMn miriKiMl t bUittrr iVilM > lnnrlltr nlNrylnralHhalr


IInrtfinl KentuckyUCbl11ai mr irrr llrif mitinl Hunk


TRADC IArlene irndlna tkrtrh And dmPllo mr

puteklr ucerlAln our iipinldii free w ether annroiilliin U proh blr twl iit Mi romrnullii n atnHlfonntldentlal HANDBOOK onraitntaitnt tm OIot prncj fur itrurm ten to

lAn Co recitalrpfilol

rlr0 alii ii I IIF nfleniiac limrutl Tarnii 13 a

fnone umce O4 V It Yahlnaton IJ



IU Sloth trMl ipp UnlUd tUtM l Ual OffleWASHINGTON D C


lie flhl IPI






Talk belritf cheap oifldCiIiliMY 1 ir

you should plttllnil hone folkswhere you can buy your own phonesand build your own linen and be intalking distance with the whole countty and business points generally byonly paying a reasonable rent to theRough River Telephone Company orthey will be nt the whole expense ifyou say so We connect with all In ¬

partlcuoInezri as 1i 8 jCria 9 t