the harry potter alliance


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Maria Al Mushcab


This report will be an overview on The Harry Potter organization. This organization is becoming a global influence on many fans of the J.K Rowling Harry Potter Chronicles. It’s creating wonder activist that care about issues beyond themselves. It undertakes issues that are affecting many individuals with different qualities; issues such as, human rights, gay rights, sexism, body image and many more. Donors from across the globe contribute massively in this organization.

“The Weapon We Have Is Love”

INTRODUCTION The Harry Potter Alliance is a non-profit organization that was founded by the comedian Andrew Slack in 2005, and co-founded by Paul DeGeorge and Seth Soulstein. It is said that Seth “grows a lot of garlic, with which he makes a mean Kimchi” (The Harry Potter Alliance, 2015). The HPA addresses issues that are commonly seen in the modern world such as but not limited to: human rights, mental issues, body image, gay rights, climate change etc. It utilizes its widespread resources to engage millions of fans through their mission for a better world. They make activism more reachable worldwide, through stories (The Harry Potter Alliance, 2015). One of the major and most donors in HPA is the well-known author John Green. “John contributed matching funds to our equality FTW 2014 and HPA10 fundraisers” (The Harry Potter Alliance, 2015). Other donors have also played a significant role in supporting the organization, for instance; Vidcon, Ford Foundation, and Ashoka (The Harry Potter Alliance, 2015). This organization is very dear to my heart for many reasons. I chose this specific NGO because a represents one of the many great things in my childhood. Harry Potter has impacted my life as child, and it still has. When I first heard about this organization, I was extremely thrilled to see the massive success and reputation this organization has established. This report will follow up on some of the recent events, campaigns, and fundraisers that were done. It will also be discussing some of the available programs that millions of individuals sin up for; moreover, we will look over some of its financial reports and how this organization is creating an impact.


The HPA is a unique type pf first-hand non-profit organization. All who work with the organization are producers of services themselves. The money they compile from various volunteering programs, fundraisers, donations, and self-produced merchandise makes it feasible for them to provide education, training, and areas to teach the supporters how to become “civically engaged activists” ( The Harry Potter Alliance, 2015) situated by “ advocacy, service, and empowerment” ( The Harry Potter Alliance, 2015).


Since the HPA attracts fans from all over the world; the organization expanded its services and provided more programs and volunteer work. One successful program, The Granger Leadership Academy, that aims to teach its heroes how to become great leaders. It is an experience like no other. In order to help conceal itself from those that practice the dark arts, the Academy travels to a new location every year, and invites developing leaders from around the world to converge in one place for an intensive weekend training. (Granger Leaderhip Academy, 2014). Other than this program, fans who are interested in becoming a part of this advocacy could attend conferences, join volunteering programs, create and write their own chapter, and start up campaigns.


Along the trajectory of 2013-2014 the chapters written in HPA has increased from 114 to 249 chapters. They have also reached a worldwide representation that increased dramatically from 14 to 50 chapters joining them Brazil, England, Germany, Argentina, Vietnam, New Zealand, Wales, Ireland, Norway, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Scotland, and the Balkans wit he current members of Portugal, France, Canada, Australia, Belgium, Mexico, India, and the Netherlands (The Hary Potter Alliance, 2014). Not only they have flourished with their ideas of activism, but also expanded their staff and resources to create a more efficient organization. Financially, the donors make up 54% of the total net asset, followed by grants with 15%.


Based on all the information provided, The Harry Potter Alliance shows promising success in the future, it’s considered a very respectable organization that many have shared their love, time, money, and ideas in making the best out of what was once considered small, or unnoticeable.


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The Harry Potter Alliance. (2015). The Harry Potter Alliance. Retrieved February 1, 2017, from Thehpalliance:

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Granger Leaderhip Academy. (2014). Granger Leaderhip Academy. Retrieved February 1, 2017, from Grangerleadershipacademy:

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The Harry Potter Alliance. (2015). The Harry Potter Alliance. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from Thehpalliance:

The Harry Potter Alliance. (2015). The Harry Potter Alliance. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from Thehpalliance:

The Harry Potter Alliance. (2015). The Harry Potter Alliance. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from Thehpalliance:

The Hary Potter Alliance. (2014). The Harry Potter Alliance Annual Report. Retrieved February 1, 2017, from Annual Report:

Wikipedia. (2013). Harry Potter Alliance. Retrieved 2017, from