the harbinger 34: super bowl and the coming war

THE HARBINGER - 34- By Luke "Today is Super Bowl Sunday and most Americans will gather together to eat, drink and be merry as we watch the apex, or more appropriately what I would consider our nadir, of our collective cultural achievement, complete with Madonna entertaining us at half-time. Most Americans and the church at large, don’t follow what is happening over there (in the Middle East). Most are eager to relax and watch their team battle it out on the grid iron. However, there is a dark shadow that hovers just out of sight, whispering that all is not well, as everyone who enters the stadium where the game will be played will have to go through a full body scanner. While we make merry, like the ancient Babylonian Kings, the hand-writing is on the wall. War is coming…" (LAMARZULLI) Ayatollah Khomeini, prior to his death, declared that the Jews deserved “divine retribution” because they are the “embodiment of filth. Making his intentions clear, he stated: “We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah. For patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let this land (Iran) burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.” Fomenting Middle East Aligns Nations According to Biblical Blueprint Syria, Iran, Russia, the USA & Israel - moving into position for Armageddon Feb 3, 2012 (Post Excerpt by Jonathan Bowen) The attempt by western powers and the Arab League to topple the Syrian regime has Russia threatening to veto any vote at the Security Council level in order to protect its interests in the Middle East. Iran is also causing consternation and raising temperatures in the Middle East, drawing the Biblically designated allies closer together.

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"Most are eager to relax and watch their team battle it out on the grid iron. However, there is a dark shadow that hovers just out of sight, ..."


Page 1: THE HARBINGER 34: Super Bowl and the Coming War


By Luke

"Today is Super Bowl Sunday and most Americans will gather together to

eat, drink and be merry as we watch the apex, or more appropriately

what I would consider our nadir, of our collective cultural achievement,

complete with Madonna entertaining us at half-time. Most Americans

and the church at large, don’t follow what is happening over there (in

the Middle East). Most are eager to relax and watch their team battle it

out on the grid iron. However, there is a dark shadow that hovers just

out of sight, whispering that all is not well, as everyone who enters the

stadium where the game will be played will have to go through a full

body scanner. While we make merry, like the ancient Babylonian

Kings, the hand-writing is on the wall. War is coming…"


Ayatollah Khomeini, prior to his death, declared that the Jews

deserved “divine retribution” because they are the “embodiment of filth.

Making his intentions clear, he stated: “We do not worship Iran, we

worship Allah. For patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let

this land (Iran) burn. I say let this land go up in smoke, provided Islam

emerges triumphant in the rest of the world.”

Fomenting Middle East Aligns Nations

According to Biblical Blueprint

Syria, Iran, Russia, the USA & Israel - moving into position for


Feb 3, 2012 (Post Excerpt by Jonathan Bowen)

The attempt by western powers and the Arab League to topple the

Syrian regime has Russia threatening to veto any vote at the Security

Council level in order to protect its interests in the Middle East. Iran is

also causing consternation and raising temperatures in the Middle

East, drawing the Biblically designated allies closer together.

Page 2: THE HARBINGER 34: Super Bowl and the Coming War

This week headlines around the world have been dominated by Syria. Russia

has also figured heavily into the headlines as opposing any UN action in Syria.

Running a close third has been Iran with the growth of its nuclear capabilities

which draws international eyes toward Israel and the fear that they will


The Attempt to Topple Syria

The Arab League resolution has called for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to

end the violence and hand over power to his deputy. However, Russia is not

going along with this, nor is it standing by while other act. CBC News

reported on February 1st,

International powers remain deadlocked on what to do in Syria. The

U.S. and some European powers favor the removal of al-Assad but

Russia and China apparently fear a regime change that might

threaten their long-term interests in the region.

Russia has been a long-standing ally of Syria, has an important naval

base in the Syrian port of Tartus and has been selling arms to Syria

for years.

Both Russia and China may also fear that a regime change in Syria

would embolden Western powers to do the same in Iran, which is a

major supplier of oil and natural gas to China and an ally of Russia.

Russia does not want regime change because it will “threaten their long-term

interests in the region”. The meaning of this is further elaborated by an

article entitled, “The Last Battle of the Cold War,” in the Wall Street Journal

which reported on January 31st, 2012:

Time and again at the United Nations, Moscow has declared the

sovereignty of the Assad regime a "red line"—and stated that it

would veto any resolution in the Security Council that would put it in


Mr. Putin is invested in Syria, as well as in other dictators in the

region. There are philosophical and ideological stakes at work here.

Mr. Putin has ridden the windfall of oil and gas revenues for a good

decade, buying off the middle classes, tranquilizing his country, and

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justifying his authoritarianism at home as the price of restoration of

grandeur and power abroad…

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has been emphatic that there

can be no repeat of Libya. By his lights, the green light given to

protect Libyan civilians had turned into a warrant for regime change.

Democracies are on a rampage, so the Russian custodians of power

insist, and a line has to be drawn in defense of an autocratic cabal of

nations. Russian history alternates long periods of quiescence with

sudden rebellions. The Putin autocracy was taking no chances.

The French Press reported yesterday that the Russian Foreign Minister

Sergei Lavrov said,

“I don’t think Russian policy is about asking people to step down.

Regime change is not our profession,”. Lavrov argued that while Mr. Assad

was not an ally of Moscow, it was not up to other nations to interfere.

Whether Mr. Assad can survive the “Arab Spring” or not we do not know for

sure. What we do know is that a regime friendly to Russia and hostile to

Israel will exist in the latter day. Russia has great interest in Mr. Assad’s

survival, and following the loss of Gaddafi as their ally, does not want to lose

another client state.

Page 4: THE HARBINGER 34: Super Bowl and the Coming War

Iranian Nuclear Threat Pulls Players Together

Running parallel to this is Russia’s protection of Iran, the “Persia” of Ezekiel

38 who is “with them” along with Libya. This is definitely “heating up” the

Middle East. Bloomberg reported on February 1st:

Israeli Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz said his

country must build up its military capabilities and be prepared to

strike if economic sanctions fail to prevent Iran from developing

nuclear weapons.

Israel must be “willing to deploy” its military assets because Iran may

be within a year of gaining nuclear weapons capability, Gantz said


“There is no doubt that Iran is striving for a bomb,” Gantz said. Its

activities “must be disrupted,” he said.

Speaking at the same conference, Israeli Military Intelligence chief Major-

General Aviv Kochavi was reported by the Jerusalem Post, to have said:

Iran can make bomb within a year; add to that 200,000 rockets and

missiles, this threatens Israel. Iran has created a stockpile of enriched

uranium that could be used to manufacture four nuclear weapons.

The French Press reported secret talks between the CIA and the Mossad in

the US this last week on this very issue. We read:

The head of Israel’s intelligence service paid a secret visit to

Washington last week to discuss Iran’s nuclear program, the CIA

director and a top U.S. lawmaker said Tuesday.

Mossad chief Tamir Pardo flew to the U.S. capital to consult with his

American counterparts amid speculation over a possible Israeli strike

against Iranian nuclear facilities, CIA director David Petraeus and

Senator Dianne Feinstein revealed at a congressional hearing.

The Bible paints a picture of the Merchants of Tarshish and the Young Lions

of siding with Israel and “pushing” against the power of the north in Daniel


And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him:

and the king of the north shall come against him….

Page 5: THE HARBINGER 34: Super Bowl and the Coming War

The “southern alliance” will be pro Israel, although unable to stop the

onslaught described in Ezekiel 38.

We look for a power more favorable to Israel to be driving the American bus

in the latter days. Canada’s Prime Minister has proven to be pro-Israel,

Britain is leaning this way, as are the Australians and the New Zealanders at

times. The USA has had drop in its support for Israel under Obama. Although

the current leadership of the CIA is exhorting Israel to hold back, the

Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney has different ideas:

"I believe the best way to have peace in the Middle East is not for us to

vacillate and to appease, but is to say we stand with our friend Israel,” he

said. “We are committed to a Jewish state in Israel; we will not have an inch

of difference between ourselves and our ally Israel.”

It will be interesting to see what transpires throughout the US Elections this

fall…. and also in Russia.

Beating the Swords into Plowshares

Russia’s focus on the Middle East is rooted in its future ambitions. Russia is

concerned about its military contracts and the billions of dollars tied up on

them. Reuters reported on January 31, 2012:

Russia is counting on President Bashar al-Assad keeping his grip on

power to see through potential arms contracts worth up to $6 billion

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and help Moscow reach a record defense export year, according to

the CAST think-tank…

Having lost tens of billions of dollars in arms contracts with Libya

after leader Muammar Gaddafi was ousted last year, Moscow is

looking to Damascus to maintain a foothold, both politically and

economically, in the region.

At stake for Russia, the world’s no. 2 arms exporter, is billions of

dollars in potential and current arms contracts with ally Syria,

including deliveries on an order of 24 MiG-29M2 fighter jets signed in


Syria, where Russia maintains a naval base, is also the only ally

Russia has left in the Middle East.

“(If Assad goes) Russia will lose everything,” CAST Director Ruslan

Pukhov said.

“Syria is one of Russia’s top five clients. Russia already concluded

with Syria contracts for $4 billion and has $2 billion more potential

contracts on the way,” Pukhov said.

Moscow-based CAST is Russia’s most respected defense and security

think-tank. Although it has good relations with the government it is


Page 7: THE HARBINGER 34: Super Bowl and the Coming War

We do not believe that Russia is as dependent on Syria as the CAST Director

believes. The scriptures paint a different picture. Ezekiel 38:4–5 speaks of a

military buildup in the region preparing for Armageddon:

And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring

thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them

clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers

and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya

with them; all of them with shield and helmet:

Daniel 11:40 echos the picture:

And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him:

and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind,

with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall

enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.

Joel 3:9-11 speaks of little gentile nations arming themselves thinking they

are strong:

Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the

mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:

Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into

spears: let the weak say, I am strong. Assemble yourselves, and come,

all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither

cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD.

We continue to watch the Bible in the News. ( End of Excerpt by Jonathan


Page 8: THE HARBINGER 34: Super Bowl and the Coming War

WWIII – Iran and the Bomb – War

is Coming… (Post excerpts by lamarzulli) February 3, 2012

Threatening Iran and attacking Iran will harm America,’ Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned in a defiant speech on Friday.

‘Sanctions will not have any impact on ‘our determination to continue our nuclear course’ and it will impose any threats ‘at the right time’, he added.

‘I have no fear of saying that we will back and help any nation or group that wants to confront and fight against the Zionist regime (Israel).’

Please read the above quotes taken from the article that I linked to. I believe that any reasonable person, can plainly see the writing on the wall as it were. War is coming.

Khomeimi has stated this “goal,” as well as President, Mahmoud Ahmedinejhad. War is coming to the region and from my perspective it is the fulfillment of prophecy that was written thousands of years ago. This war will be a game changer as I have stated numerous times.

This Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday and most Americans will gather together to eat, drink and be merry as we watch the apex, or more appropriately what I would consider our nadir, of our collective cultural

Page 9: THE HARBINGER 34: Super Bowl and the Coming War

achievement, complete with Madonna entertaining us at half-time. (Why not have Yo0-Yo Ma instead?) Most Americans and the church at large, don‟t follow what is happening over there. Most are eager to relax and watch their team battle it out on the grid iron. However, there is a dark shadow that hovers just out of sight, whispering that all is not well, as everyone who enters the stadium where the game will be played will have to go through a full body scanner. While we make merry, like the ancient Babylonian Kings, the hand-writing is on the wall. War is coming…

Hook In the Jaw? Warnings from Russia…

February 2, 2012

Syria: Russia warns against crossing ‘red line’

Syria: Russia warns against crossing „red line‟ – Adnkronos Security

Russia warned Arab leaders against crossing a “red line” in trying to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and said it wasn’t the job of the United Nations to dictate who stays in power and who goes.

The Middle East and Syria in particular, continues in the throes of the Arab Spring, as President Bashar al Assad desperately clings to the reigns of power. The region is plagues by ongoing sectarian strife and violence.

Russia has stated that an attack on Tehran, Iran, is like attacking Moscow. Now the (Russians) are stating that there is a redline in regard to Syria and if the UN, or anyone else crosses it, Russia will throw her weight to defend Assad. I pointed out this week that the battle lines are being drawn and this story is further confirmation of this. I can only help but think that this may be the hook in the jaw that the prophet Ezekiel refers to.

Page 10: THE HARBINGER 34: Super Bowl and the Coming War

I wrote in "Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural" that the US is not in prophecy because it is taken out either by a series of dirty nukes that came across our porous southern border in the late 1990′s, or by a real nuclear event or an EMP (Electro-magnetic Pulse weapon) The threat of an EMP is a very real one, and the Iranians will soon have the means to deploy one. They could retrofit an oil tanker creating a missile launcher and sail it close to our coast line and then launch the missile. We have had a series of politicians, Newt Gingrich for one, (I‟m not endorsing him just quoting the man!) that have warned of a very real threat of an EMP. It would essentially put us back in pre-industrial revolution times.

WWIII, unfortunately seems to be forming in front or our eyes. The situation in the Middle East is tenuous and unstable. As we see with the riots at an Egyptian soccer game, the slightest provocation is met with unmitigated violence. Russia is the 900 pound gorilla in the room and offsets the US presence in the region. I think the Russian bear is nibbling at the hook and soon it will be set in her jaw, drawing her into the fray that was written about 2600 years ago.

WWIII – More Battle Lines

January 31, 2012

Putin Guards Russia’s Mideast Influence in UN Snub of Assad Ouster Deman

Putin Guards Russia‟s Mideast Influence in UN Snub of Assad Ouster Demand – Bloomberg

Russia won’t back the U.S. and its Arab allies in a United Nations resolution to oust Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad as it seeks to defend

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its most important lever in the Middle East, said researchers from Moscow to London.

It would appear that battle lines are being drawn in the Middle East. On one side we have Iran, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and HAMAS, being backed by Russia and perhaps China. On the other we see the US and her allies demanding regime change both in Syria and in Iran.

The Russians have made it very clear that they will come to the aid of Iran if the US attempts to go to war with her. Some say that a covert war is already underway in Iran and that US military “boots on the ground” is inevitable. It would appear that the world is teetering on the verge of an all out war, and the consequences of this war will be devastating, and I believe will change the way we live here in the USA in ways that we can‟t even imagine.

Another player in the area is Pakistan as they have nukes and the country‟s government is unstable, as radical Islamist pose a real threat to staging a coupe. What would happen if that became a reality? How would India react?

Every day the region is pulled and tugged by a variety of events that further destabilize the Middle East. Consider the ongoing sectarian violence in Iraq. Week after week some zealot blows himelf or herself up and adds more victims to the growing body count. Consider that the Moslem Brotherhood has won the majority of seats in Egypt and now that it will control the government, it has threatened to have a closer look at the peace agreement that Egypt has with Israel. This statement can be interpreted to mean that the new Egypt will not honor the treaty…. big surprise there! How will this affect Israel and the region in general?

Iran has threatened to destroy Israel, to rid the world of the Zionist menace. It has no intention of stopping its nuclear ambitions and this combined with the Mullahs apocalyptic belief that the Imam Mahdi can only manifest in a time of chaos, is alarming to say the least. Iran wants to dominate the region and this has Saudi Arabia scrambling to by weapons from the US. The area is a hot bed of uncertainty as the 1300 year old schism between Sunni and Shia Moslem is once again in play .

When I awake in the morning, I wonder if today is the day in which an event will happen that will plunge the world into war. We see the moving of arms, troops, ships and planes. We hear the rhetoric and saber rattling from leaders throughout the Middle East. We see

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alliances broken and new ones formed. I believe that we are seeing the stage being set for prophecy, that has collected dust for thousands of years, to be fulfilled. I don‟t believe that this is business as usual, as the battle lines are being drawn.

(End of excerpts by LAMARZULLI)

The Harbinger - A Prophetic Week in Review, below are just a

few of the News Reports not commonly covered in the "main stream"

media over the past week - Jan 29th - Feb 5th. "A Harbinger -

anything that foreshadows a future event; omen; or sign, a forerunner,

that heralds a presage or portent, an indication of things to come." The

links below are "active" so pick and choose the ones you care to read.

"Audio Activated - Audio Conectate" has started posting the "The

Harbinger Week in Review" and other prophetic current events


--- For additional news, commentaries, editorials and in-

depth coverage related to Bible prophecy and end-time

events, please visit the followingFamily websites: "End Time

Info", and "People of the

Keys" for two very reliable alternative

media outlets.


'Iran can destroy Israel in 9 minutes'

Iran warns neighbors not to facilitate strike against it

Iran vows to attack any country used by 'enemies' to strike its soil

Iran launches new military exercises

Russia vetoes anti-Assad UN motion after preparing Special Forces for Syria

Russia, China veto UN resolution on Syria; US 'disgusted'

Slaughter in Syria as the UN continues to chatter

Tunisia expels Syrian ambassador over 'bloody massacre'

NATO: Missile shield plans proceed despite Russia

Egypt 'to put on trial foreign NGO workers'

Egyptian Gas Pipeline Blown Up for 12th Time

Euro zone loses patience with Greece

5.7 quake hits near Canada's Vancouver Island

Rising Australian floodwaters force mass evacuation


Americans talk about an Israeli strike on Iran, but prepare own offensive

UN nuclear inspectors barred from Iran site

Revolutionary Guard starts military exercise in Iran's south

Page 13: THE HARBINGER 34: Super Bowl and the Coming War

Israel, U.S. Divided Over Timing of Potential Military Strike Against Iran

Russia: UN vote on Syria resolution will end in scandal

Tens of thousands of Russians rally against Putin in Moscow

Congress Calls for Accelerated Use of Drones in U.S.

Germany's Power 'Is Causing Fear' in Europe

Christians 'face deportation' in Saudi Arabia


Iran warns world of coming great event

Iran: We will help 'cut out the cancer of Israel'

Khamenei: 'We'll back any nation wanting to fight the Zionist regime'

Ahmadinejad calls for new world order

Israel will not pull out of the next Middle East war until Hizbollah is annihilated

U.S. Worries Israel is about to Strike Iran

New York Times Predicts War Between Israel and Iran in 2012

Panetta Believes Israel Will Attack Iran In April, May or June

Former DEA Chief: Hezbollah Eyeing Southwest Border, ‘Hell to Pay in the Not Too Distant Future’

Jordan withdraws from Syria monitoring mission

Shin Bet chief: Iran trying to hit Israeli targets in response to attacks on nuclear scientists

Deja vu as Russia gas cuts hit eight more EU countries

Concerns grow over volcanic eruptions

What's erupting? Map of currently active volcanoes


Israeli Army Chief Says Nation Needs to Be Ready to Strike Iran

IDF Intel Chief: 200,000 Missiles Aimed at Israel

Israel Vice PM: Military strike can hit all of Iran's nuclear facilities

Israel: Iran's nuclear arms program is complete, its missiles can reach US

U.S. Intel: Iran could strike U.S. if threatened

US Nuclear Sub Heads Towards Persian Gulf

UN Security Council Discusses Syrian "Killing Machine"

Syria: Russia warns against crossing 'red line'

Russia says it will not stop arms sales to Syria

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood uses Palestinian Hamas as channel to Tehran

India bracing for limited conflict with pushy China, says top US intel official

Bank survey highlights EU economic gloom

UN panel says retool world economy for sustainability

Flesh-eating bug spread by coughs and sneezes spreading across the UK

Dead dolphin tally reaches 81 on Cape Cod

Massive die-off of fish in Philippines

7.1 Earthquake Shakes Vanuatu


U.S. bipartisan group urges upping military threat against Iran

Peres: Iran's 'evil' leaders must not be allowed to gain nuclear weapons

'Nuclear war risk' if Iran gets bomb

‘Global March to Jerusalem’: Pro-Palestinian Activists Planning Protests from Land, Air, & Sea

Mossad Chief Holds Secret U.S. Meetings On Iran Nuclear Threat, Senate Panel Reveals

Syria: West hopeful Russia will not stand in way of UN deal to remove Bashar al-Assad

Russia, China oppose 'forced regime change' in Syria

Page 14: THE HARBINGER 34: Super Bowl and the Coming War

Brotherhood would cancel Camp David Agreement, says Hezbollah official

Obama Administration holds talks with Muslim Brotherhood, speeds pace of aid to Egypt

American decline could worsen with focus on Iran and China

Europe May Be Planning 1.5 Trillion Euro Backstop Fund.

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Found in 37 U.S. States

Mind-reading breakthrough as brain scanners boast success

Alaska volcano lava dome forms, alert level raised

5.6 Shakes Indonesia

Bio-Engineered 'Bulletproof' Human Skin Reinforced With Spider Silk


'Israel sees narrowing window for Iran strike'

Iran, perceiving threat from West, willing to attack on U.S. soil, U.S. intelligence report finds

America Will Be at War with Iran Within One Year

UN resolution could spur Syria civil war, Russia warns

Assad masses loyal troops in Damascus after he was warned of a military coup

Assad may start regional war if UN tells him to step down – Gulf sources

White House: Assad's fall inevitable

Risk of 'Accidental' Gulf War on the Rise

Prosor: Israel Still Working Against PA Statehood Bid at UN

Americans Take Shelter in US Embassy in Cairo

Greece seeks bail-out deal 'this week' to avert catastrophe

Santorini volcano (Greece) strong seismic swarm continues, scientist speak out, finally

Scientists warn of huge quake east of Japan Trench

U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms


Iran ground force commander: U.S. wouldn't dare attack us

Iranian Aircraft Carriers in the Gulf of Mexico

Assad contains Syrian uprising for now, with credits for Russia and Iran

Russia seeks to slow UN action on Syria as fighting rages

Assad Unleashes Tanks after Arab League Suspends Mission

Proxy War in Syria Threatens Catastrophe for the Middle East

Pope calls for peace in Holy Land

EU: Pundits fear 'perfect storm' despite official optimism

In Case You Still Don't Get It, Here's Why A Greek Default Should Put Fear In Your Heart

Magnitude 6.3 earthquake shakes Peru more than 100 hurt

Sun Unleashes Strongest Flare Yet of 2012


US anticipates May as tentative date for clash with Iran. Floating SEALs base for Gulf

Pentagon Hopes to Develop 'Mother of All Bombs'

Ahmadinejad: 'West implanted Israel into Middle East to control oil'

Delay tactic: Iran upbeat on nuclear visit, delays EU bill

Israel, Palestinians exchange blame over talks

Syria army clashes with defectors near Damascus

Russia backs Assad, last friend in Arab world

Turkey and Russia develop strategic alliance

Strong Quake, Aftershocks Rattle Pacific

'Father' and 'Son' Ousted from the Trinity in New Bible Translations
