the green plan for hotels and motels a free, non-regulatory waste reduction program of the north...

The Green Plan For Hotels and Motels A Free, Non-regulatory Waste Reduction Program of The North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance

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Page 1: The Green Plan For Hotels and Motels A Free, Non-regulatory Waste Reduction Program of The North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental

The Green Plan For Hotels and Motels

A Free, Non-regulatory Waste Reduction Program of The North

Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental


Page 2: The Green Plan For Hotels and Motels A Free, Non-regulatory Waste Reduction Program of The North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental

“Going Green”, Hotel Facts:

The travel and tourism industry is the second largest employer in the U.S. after health care.

Hotels and motels purchase a variety of products and services that affect the environment.

The average hotel purchases more products in one week than 100 families will typically purchase in a year

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Green Hotel Facts:

Going green can increase occupancy rates. More than 85% of travelers interviewed indicated that they are likely to support companies that preserve the environment, and 43 million adults nationwide reported their willingness to spend up to 8% more for eco-travel.

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Green Hotel Facts: Green rooms are seen as cleaner and

healthier attract repeat clientele. Reducing waste and saving energy can save

thousands of dollars in waste disposal and energy costs by reducing the price of disposing contaminated containers and unused products and treating waste water.

Using less toxic products reduces potential employee hazards, hotel liability and environmental impact.

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Step1: Top Management Support

It is important to have top management support for your environmental program. By pledging support for the environmental program, management ensures its success.

Management should appoint a “Green Team” to develop and implement an environmental program. Support and input from management is extremely important.

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Step 2: Appoint a Green Team

Management should appoint a team leader, or “champion” to facilitate team meetings as well as other team communications and projects.

The “Green Team” should include all staff whose input is critical to making the program work.

The team’s main objective is to translate management’s environmental goals into implementation and purchasing strategies. They should begin by establishing objectives…………..

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Team Objectives:

The Green Team should begin by establishing objectives which could include the following activities:

* identifying target areas for green buying or environmental activities, identifying * identifying information gaps* create and confirm an action plan and discuss individual staff responsibilities.

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Step 2: Develop Your Mission

A policy or mission statement can serve as a direction-setting mechanism to identify the broad goals that your facility will pursue. Facilities often commit to the following principles:

Using fewer resources Generating less waste Continued………

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…..Develop your mission

Considering life-cycle costs of purchases Considering environmental criteria with other

business criteria (such as cost, functionality and availability)

Using percentage change goals instead of numerical targets.

Identifying deadlines. Setting attainable standards that require some

change in how you do business and how your vendors meet your needs.

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Sir Thomas Rhodes Inn and Resort Environmental Policy Statement

The Sir Thomas Rhodes Inn and Resort is committed to environmental excellence. In keeping with this policy, our inn’s objective is to practice environmental stewardship through waste reduction, recycling, and energy and water conservation. We strive to continually improve our environmental program while offering our guests the finest in comfort and accommodation.

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Step 3: Conduct a Waste Assessment

An on-site waste assessment can be conducted by staff or by an outside party. (NC DPPEA offers this as a free service.)

A comprehensive waste assessment should include a facility walk-through, a waste sort and the examination of facility records.

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The Facility Walk-through

In some instances, a facility may only need to do a walk-through to determine areas where waste may be reduced.

During the walk-through, examine every area where waste is produced – including places like the mail room, lounges, materials storage areas, offices, guest rooms and waste disposal areas.

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Things to Look For

Materials with waste-prevention, reduction or reuse potential such as junk mail, disposable products, packaging materials.

Materials that could be recycled, including cardboard, paper, metals and plastics

Materials that have composting potential like yard waste, food and other organics.

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Examining Facility Records

Look at purchasing, inventory, maintenance and operating records. These will provide invaluable information that will help to pinpoint potential problem areas.

Examine waste collection and disposal records. This will give you a baseline of information from which to set your waste reduction goals.

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Doing The “Dumpster Dive”

A waste sort (or “dumpster dive”) may be as simple as doing a visual inspection of your primary waste receptacle or it can be a thorough, hands-on separation of waste from garbage cans, recycling containers and the dumpster out back. Remember to wear safety equipment such as gloves and goggles if you decide to do a hands-on sort.

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Step 4: Establishing Goals

Now that you have assessed your waste situation, you have important information that will carry you to the next phase of your program…….Establishing your Goals.

Set percentage goals! You might want to aim at reducing waste by 10%, increase reuse by 10% and recycle 40%. However you set your goals, make them realistic.

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Step 5: Secure Recycling Markets

Address your needs with your current waste hauler or shop for recycling services available in your area.

Consult NC DPPEA’s Directory of Markets for Recyclable Materials online at

Organize your collection program giving regard to market requirements.

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Marketing Your Recyclables

Using the information you have gathered so far, consider these elements of your recycling collection program…….

How often should you collect materials? What types of containers will you need? Where will you place the material staging


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Contracting For Services

Make sure you consider all your options before signing a contract. Consider fees and payments. Will you pay? Break even?

Look at length of contract. Consider market loyalty. Be careful about combining waste hauling

and recycling contracts. Ask for references!!!

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Step 6: Setting Up a Collection and Storage System

Develop a materials flow plan. Should you collect from guest rooms? You may want to either have desk side bins

in the office or just a central collection area. Provide glass, metal and food collection

bins for the kitchen and behind the bar. Donate or compost food waste.

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Step 7: Establish an environmentally

friendly purchasing policy

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Step 8: Educate Your Staff and Promote Your Program

Establish a staff education program. Make waste reduction education an integral

part of orientation. Reinforce periodically. Keep staff informed of progress! Use motivational rewards and incentives. Promote your program to your guests and to

the public.

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Step 9: Evaluate Your Program

Keep accurate records. These figures may be used to calculate avoided costs, revenue and program efficiency.

Monitor your waste and recycling containers to see if they are being located and used efficiently.

Have a back-up plan in the event market situations and other factors change.

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Free Non-regulatory Waste Reduction Assistance

Contact North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance at (919) 715-6516 or (800) 763-0136

Visit our hospitality web site at

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Segments of this presentation were taken from publications entitled:

“Greening Your Property”, a Green Seal Guide by My Ton

“Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: A Step-by- Step Guide to Help Hotels and Motels

Manage Waste” prepared by Rhonda Sherman