the great green wall programmeinstitutional arrangement national agency for the great green wall...

THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMME National Agency for the Great Green Wall

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Page 1: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the



National Agency for the Great Green Wall

Page 2: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

Background Desertification is one of the major

environmental challenges in Nigeriathreatening the livelihoods of over40million people.

The most affected States are Adamawa,Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Jigawa, Kano,Katsina, Kebbi, Sokoto, Yobe and Yobe.These States constitute about 35% of theCountry’s total land area

Page 3: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

Nigerian Great Green Wall Programme (GGW)

Implementation of GGW Commenced in 2013

The programme involves among others, Establishment of Greenwall or shelterbelt

from Kebbi State in Northwest to Borno State in Northeast, a distance of 1,500km and 15km across.

Sensitization and awareness campaign Promotion of dryland agricultural

technology Provision of water for irrigation and

domestic uses Development of Grazing resources Promotion of alternative and sustainable

sources of energy Promotion of alternative means of

livelihoods Creation of enabling environment for the

development of agro-based industries

Page 4: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

Institutional Arrangement

National Agency for the Great Green Wall

NAGGW was established by an Act ofParliament in 2015 with a mandate toimplement the GGW programme.

National Council on Great Green Wall

The Council is the Governing body for theAgency and provides policy direction for theprogramme implementation among others.

State Implementation Committee

The Committee is to coordinate theimplementation of the programme at Statelevel.

Local Government ImplementationCommittee

The Committee is to coordinate theimplementation of the programme at LocalGovernment and Community levels.

Page 5: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

Operational Activities & Achievements (2013 to Date)

1. Baseline Studies of the Operational area Corridor Mapping Environmental Impact Assessment Perception survey Communication strategy Sand Dune Identification and Mapping Oases Identification and Mapping

2. Community Mobilization, Sensitization and Awareness Campaign

Stakeholder Fora School outreach programme Establishment of Land of Peace and

Friendship among people Sustained Radio and television Jingles in

English, Hausa, Fulfulde and Kanuri Development and distribution of IEC

materials including posters and handbills Feature articles in Newspapers

3. Afforestation Production of Five Million Assorted forest and

fruit tree Seedlings Establishment of 415km shelterbelt Establishment of 135ha community woodlots Establishment of 235ha community orchards Establishment of 92 community tree nurseries Identification of over 500 farmers to be trained

and participate in the on farm natural regeneration project

Page 6: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

Operational Activities & Achievements (2013 to Date)

4. Promotion of Alternative Livelihoods

Construction of 5 Skill Acquisition centers for training of unemployed youths in various trades such as carpentry, tailoring, bee keeping, electrical and electronic works, computer maintenance etc

Formation of Community Based Associations in each of the 138 communities to manage the Field Investments.

Procurement and distribution of 200,000 improved date palm seedlings to farmers to enhance their income.

Establishment of 138ha vegetable garden.

Page 7: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

Operational Activities & Achievement (2013 – Date)

Rural Infrastructure Provision of 157 solar and wind powered

boreholes to ameliorate the impact of drought.

6. Employment Generation 498 youths trained and engaged as forest

guards About 50,610 engaged in planting and

other related activities About 1,099 engaged in drilling of


Page 8: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the


Sensitization, Awareness and Community Mobilization

Electronic and Print Media Campaigns Advocacy visits to States and LGAs Provision and distribution of IEC Materials Drama and Road Show School Outreach Programme

2. Promotion of Alternative Livelihoods

Establishment of 1,280ha Community vegetable garden

Development of Alternative Livelihood Framework

Furnishing and equipping of 5 Skill Acquisition Centers

Construction of 6 Skill acquisition centers Training community members on off-farm

activities and trades

Page 9: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

2016 Projects……………….cont

3. Popularization of Alternative and Improved Sources of Rural energy

Procurement and distribution of 100,000 improved woodstoves, solar cookers, and solar lanterns

Pilot project on Biogas Training of youths in fabrication of improved

woodstoves and digesters

4. Sustainable land Resources Management and Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands

Sand dune and Oases identification, mapping and development of management framework

Pilot Project on Community based Fodder production farms in Gombe, Zamfara, Adamawa, Sokoto, borno, Yobe, Jigawa and Katsina States (50ha/State)

Page 10: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

2016 Projects……………….cont

5. Sustainable Supply of Water to Ameliorate the Impact of Drought

Construction of 85 Solar Powered Boreholes Construction of 22 tube wells Baseline Survey and Engineering Design of Run-off

and Flood water Harvesting structure Construction of 9 Artesian wells in Borno, Yobe and

Jigawa States

6. Afforestation and Forestry Related Activities

Establishment of 22 Plant Nurseries Procurement of Gum Arabic Seedlings and Improves

Fruit Tree Seedlings Establishment of 509km shelterbelt Establishment of 372ha woodlot Establishment of 335ha orchard Fencing of shelterbelts, woodlots and orchards

7. Field Offices Establishment of 11 GGW State offices

Page 11: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

2016 Projects……………………..cont

8. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Establishment of GIS Laboratory

Establishment of Agency’s Library

Drought and Desertification Assessment and vulnerability mapping

Procurement and installation of 5 Automatic Weather Stations

Page 12: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

Challenges Vandalization of

boreholes and otherinvestments in someareas.

Insurgency in someStates .

Difficulty in accessingland in some states.

Low level ofenvironmentalawareness

Page 13: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the

Way Forward Intensified mobilization

and sensitization campaigns

Strengthening partnerships with states, local government areas and local communities

Enhancing collaboration with development partners to improve funding.

Page 14: THE GREAT GREEN WALL PROGRAMMEInstitutional Arrangement National Agency for the Great Green Wall NAGGW was established by an Act of Parliament in 2015 with a mandate to implement the