the godfather - film history

Erika Gregorio The Godfather 1)Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening. The Godfather is about a family in the mafia world. Don Vito, who is one of the heads in this world, is known as the godfather. Everyone who knows him goes to him in search for help. Every thing was fine, until the others head of the New York mafia, asked Don Vito if he wanted to get involve in the drug business. Don Vito denies the possibility to join the business, for he believes that is a dirty business. Just after that, he sends his loyal bodyguard to spy on them, and got killed. This is

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Page 1: The Godfather - Film History

Erika Gregorio

The Godfather

1) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.

The Godfather is about a family in the

mafia world. Don Vito, who is one of the

heads in this world, is known as the

godfather. Everyone who knows him goes

to him in search for help. Every thing was

fine, until the others head of the New York

mafia, asked Don Vito if he wanted to get

involve in the drug business. Don Vito

denies the possibility to join the business, for he believes that is a dirty

business. Just after that, he sends his loyal bodyguard to spy on them, and

got killed. This is the start to frequent attacks on Don Vito’s family and

himself. He was about to die from a shooting meant to kill him.

Don Vito did not want his youngest son to get into the business, but he did

and he manages to kill the ones that had to do with his father’s murder

attempt. Michel, who’s the youngest son, takes the responsibility to manage

his father’s business. At first Sonny, the eldest kid takes the responsibility to

manage his father’s business, but after his death his brother takes charge.

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Michael becomes the next godfather, after the death of his father, who is

now respected, as his father was.

The Godfather is a filmed directed by

Francis Coppola in 1972. This story is

based on Mario Puzo’s novel. This

filmed had eleven nominations in the

Academy Awards; however, it won

three: Best picture, Best Actor for Marlon Brando, and Best Adapted

Screenplay. According to what was said in class, the Godfather shows the

bad guys as an anti-hero’s, which means that the bad guys are really good

guys and people “ root for them despite that they are criminals and

murderers.” The number of murders on screen is approximately of 23 cases.

Most of the scenes include food.

2) Find a related article and summarize the content.

In the 1920’s most of the public’s attention was put and captured by fictional

and real life mafiosos. These mafiosos consisted of people who were seen as

ruthless and violent, who maintain their honor and dignity. They were

considered “outlaw heroes of the wild west,” they were a small part of

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Italian immigrants, most of them coming from the south of the Italy. As a

result “the mafia,” a group of gangster, have been easily related to Italian

culture. Such linked was also the result from Francis’ Coppola film based

on called “The Godfather,” based on Mario Puzo’s book. The Godfather was

very welcome and praised that as a result won

an Oscar in 1972.

Most of the first ever gangster movies were

during the great depression era. So most of

these would portrait the economic situation

many people lived in or on real life mafia

leaders by then. Movies such as “little Caesar,”

“ The Public Enemy,” “Scarface,” and so on,

most of the main actors in these movies were Italian Americans. To Francis

The Godfather is like a Shakespearean tale, for says that the story is like a


Just after 1942 people were more attracted to villain movies than heroes

gangsters so Hollywood opted to produced Nazis and Monsters films than

gangsters. In 1950 it was decided that organized crimes were going to be

investigated and talked publically. So television came along and gave a great

opportunity to “hero mobsters” for people to know about them and

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testimonies about them. As a result of this television “opportunity,” Mario

Puzo wrote “The Godfather.” According to its critics the Godfather “looks at

mafia from inside out”. And it also portraits contradiction for the main

character is very lovely to his family but “ruthless towards his enemies.”

The production of the Godfather brought many unpleasant faces on Italian or

Italian descendent people, because they were been linked to the mafia.

Therefore they tried to stop the screening of the Godfather.

3) Apply the article to the film screened in class.  

The Godfather depicts the story of a mafia family, which has Italian

background. Don Vito is Italian, but his sons are Italian- Americans.

Although Don Vito is not a mean guy, nor his son, they do killed for dignity

and for wrongdoings. This is a contradiction, but it is the truth. They are not

going around and killing for fun, but they do kill the mean guys. They are

ruthless towards the ones that betray them. But they are very loving to their

family. Don Vito is always showing love to their kids, he looks at them as a

proud father. However, when it comes to business Michael, who is very

passive, can even send to kill. He has all the characteristics of his father,

passionate but firm.

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According to the article this filmed looks at mafia from inside out, for you

can see how they betray each other and also how it is to be in a mafia family.

This film is not only about how they work their business, but how the family

works together, how is it when someone in the family gets hurt, who takes

responsibility, and etc.

4) Write a critical analysis of the film.

I now understand why some Italian people were outrage of mafia’s film.

According to them there were a bad assimilation of Italian families, and it

was not fair for them, who were going on the right track, to be seen as

having to do something with

the mafia. However, this film

portrays this closeness that

Italian families are very known

for. They are very close to their


Although this family lives in the United States, they still maintain their

traditions. I like the scene were Michael gets marry to the Caecilian girl. In

the long shot of the wedding you could see that they all are seated in a circle

while Michael and his wife serves them food. Or the courtship Michael did

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to his wife before getting married. These situations were new to him, who

was raised in a modern city like New York.

This filmed was well directed and acted otherwise it wouldn’t have been

nominated to 11 awards. It was a shamed that the mother, Don Vito, did not

say much in the movie. I would have liked to see her perspective, how she

feels, if she feels as Kay, Michael’s second wife and real love.

CHECKLIST FOR PLAGIARISM 1) ( x ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.2) (x  ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly explain that in the paper.3) ( x ) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used indentation and citation within the text.4) ( x ) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in the text of the paper.5) (x  ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.6) (x  ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.7) (x  ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality.8) ( x ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research and ideas used in my paper.Name: Erika Gregorio  Date: 05/11/14