the goat and the camel

Upload: thamberaj-kumaraveloo

Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 The Goat and the Camel


    The Goat and The Camel

    A very good afternoon to the chairperson, the most honourable judges, the

    time keeper, teachers and my friends. I stand here today to tell you asimple story about The Goat and The Camel

    A goat and a camel were good friends. They always ate and drank

    together. They lived together happily.

    One day, the goat and the camel were talking in a field. They talked a lot

    and teased each other. The camel said ou are not as tall as I am. ou are

    also not clever as I am.! The goat did not want to lose, so he said, "hat is

    the use of being tall#! ou are not as agile as I am. !The goat and the

    camel carried on praising themselves as they walked.

    $inally, they reached an orchard. There were a lot of fruits in the trees in

    the orchard. The goat and the camel could not get into the orchard. There

    was a high fence around the orchard. The camel stretched his neck. %e

    began to eat the young leaves that were hanging over the fence. The goat

    tried to jump up to eat the young leaves. %e jumped up many times but he

    could not reach the leaves. The leaves were too high for him. The camel

    ate the young leaves all by himself. %e did not bother about the goat. %e

    did not even look at the goat.

    The goat was very sad. %e stood beside the fence and kept &uiet. The

    camel then looked at the goat and began to laugh loudly. %e said what is

    the matter, my friend# Isn't a tall body useful# The goat felt ashamed and

    did not say anything. %e looked around &uietly.

  • 8/10/2019 The Goat and the Camel
