the glenville ~ercury the glenville ~ercury thal chnatmu vacation st:artf friday 11t 5 p. m.: elldl...

Mercury-411216-1.jpg The Glenville ThaL Chnatmu Vacation St:artf Friday 11t 5 p. m.: Elldl Moodt.y. Jan. 5 Student Newf paper--Gienville State Teachers CoUege-Publiahed Weekly COUEGE HOST TO WVIP 2 -DAY MEETING W•ll.,._a, Poto.-c: SlaW. Con· I.'Ot'd and tM Uniyeftity thand bon- on. at lbe Wnt Vitai.U. lefiat4o P.,.., eonfne.nN at Salem, Tbundar aacl Friday. Cecil Galnifl, \\ ' bleycan.. wa1 f!)«Ud ,.,.Went. Kauay, Potomac: S&aw, riH ptetident. and Fnnus a.ieb, Uni..ntt1, seere- The Untwconlty will b6 host to the tOaf•rnce Mit fear. lin. E. P. Benlflrt, of Concoold, waa t.cult.r dvts.r. Thoug:h war new& i& '311 obout ua, I, as Jlr Uident o! the fltudent OOdy, would like: this opportunity to express my ai hopes tha t student and faculty o( CSTG will enjoy c::omln.c CMistma1 as. much as they have in the past yean. We- are now in the gre,t- cn erifiJ our eountT)• h'a!l ever ";tn u•ed, but this is not a reuon to uu11e us not to enjoy mu to the utmost. Tltis erisi\, 1hould cause us to Cbri.t.- ma!l even more than usual, be- e-ause we need to keep the spirit of ·.friendship and love in all of us to help us to eome out victor- ious. T o all of you, for the. eoming vaeation, I wish a llf'TT)' rna!, and may it be one never to be Fidler. Audience Hoan Report J Stucleat FederatiOD Meetiaa, Talks on Postwe Amid an air of patriatl$m occ..., ioned by tbe singi nl' of "Amerlca," a of alltgianu to the 8af .. nd the singing of 1 'Gpd Bl eu studuts and faculty in auem- bly Wednt"!oday: (1) Heard a report: of the recent student federation meeting at Weat Virginia Tech, (2) listened to a plea for funds for tbe World Student S.rviee OJ'I'Ilnisstion, and (8) enjoyed talks and othet featu"a _pre:eented 1n . c.onneetion with the week'& proKJ'&m on pod posture. Sb.t$-&..-. deleptea. npl'elltfttlnc nirw an.t.nded th tw<Hla.y «''ftftllltioll. con.c- npntMated .,.,. WeUqu, DPls and Elkln*t Sltepbnod. Coacord, Potomac State, tN UninnjtJ, Salem. and MALES p •l.!, rc- memtt.n of l.he and their faculty '\o.IILWAJJa. advber •• they ]H)Hd lor a '" j&aat after vialtinc t.he plant af the ... Clarkabure £nc'ravlna Compan,: n home fl'C)m Salem, wber.e tbey FILE SELECFIVE SERVICE REPORTS RoJ&Iea BuJf William!! read a ...,. on tbe of the Fed- eration and Donsell Betti &poke of 11 fund to be used by the World Student Serriee orp.niutioa in students in E\li'Ope aDd Asia prepare themulves to be lead· ers in the futan and pluded. for loeal eontribcUou Betta said &bat the had been set et 1100,000. Upon motion from the floor by o ... vid Fitzpatrick, al!conded by GUT Stalnaker, ltudents voted to eoUoc.t donations at the next auembiJ. ....._ 01', P. L BeN, head of die Unl· ScbDol of Jourult.'l., told chl ... at t*e haaqa.c. Tlllar.ed&J atpt at do Bowl ttaat .. are W2.lltq f or thit pa._ pt lO k na4t, J'Ol to be pod." Dr ...... .,._h .... oYtl' •tion W'BLK. C\ubba .... 8.:7\I'J L. AU. for.u lutrurtor in aociaJ .telencu Ia tbe CoU..., now Salem Col1tp lftUQNr, wu t.o&lt.· .-er at the baeqvet.. whld. pre· ceded the WVIPA .... " tn (Coalland •• ..,. I) S INGING TO BE THURSDAY aU4!'nded the ann-.1 2.-y con!eren« of the WVIPA. Photo la by Charl.t Henry, manacer of the plant, when thll 11'QDP watehad lbe eom:plete pro-- en:ti"'' al pittar. to ainc: half-ton• eqnrin1. Left to riPt, LinD B. Rltk- man. adviur, Bona Harlan, Kliae BUlb, P'raneet Jlycon, Cirul•• Wilton, J.ack Stalnalle.r, Arnold Steorta. WWla.• Wb.ttle.r. Will Dedicate Yearbook to Dr. E. G. Rohrbough, Who Has Enviable Rocord As Teuber, Administrator By- J'amea Heater The 1942 issue of tbe "'Kanawbaehn" will be dedicated. to Dr. E. G. Kohrboqb, president of the College. it ia announced by the otalf. Dr. Rohrboqh. aoa of lhe late.-------- --- WUIIalll B. Rohrt.ou,h allCI A ... I'D I DU ... -r:o BE Rollrboach. ud ... born Ill lAJIII" lftlll1 1 1 aad Am- beam• coa· n«Wd Clt'lrriUt .ti\Je it 1rU a pNpariiU>I'f 1daooL kiP work plu a r.. Ia edutaUoa. Tbet .,... in 1901, •'-n be eam• bt.Te &I a lHehT. lA t 105, ba ob- i.alntd a INn of NMate tor on• )'Ur to aNDd ft.arvard UDiYenlty, Eddie Chapman, of Hurrieane, e where btl re-Ni•d his ll.utrtr of 'frill be the Arta in Jun•, 1 901J. Ht taUfhl pest tnor tolotrt .. or th• choral a JMr at Gln.tlle, and then was at c1ua ift asaembl)• Tb11nday "hu a focal palnt for all..t.Ddeal I bt Fatrynont ont J«.r u'Uident. thy preMnt lhetr ChrlltmM Oaa· ticlrw pro.,... Thui'WIII¥ D J He ,.turned co Clett'l•ill• Ia Ule tall tata. •·Child by Cloker h•ad'-t.eb foDowiq tiM Gltn· of 1108 u praMipa.l Gt Glnvllle KiJ'k, under lbe dirtct.ion of Mia c=::: .. S&at• School. Ill tile, Or lkrtha £. Ols.n, inJtrurtor in th• t\PU w:U ftm&ln oa lllltU P'rl- LroH _, eal S.l.u.rdar ud the hU :!."The Infarrt Child" by Pietro A. am• ... on tb• -:_., at .,en 1 The band will 'Play oat of P'lti- toVt.b of tlw ..-thed tnttaft- Jloflri)oQJh hat wa._tt:bcd the more'• muchu. « LoulJ ltn· qf \ht' Coller• h -orn lhe Old Srec-bl eonJitinc of , II.U 1 lJI . the tlMtr to ha Jru.nt aiP. Wlth •I· quarutt wW be aunr bJ will m011t ..,.1'7 ad.dilion ealhnc- for an Jun .. Wlbon, Jne Bin.,.an. Katy rls rra V K I Kall Uwlt adan•iotl ol the ('llmput lt.e1f. Ue Adam1, Ella, Eddie Cbapman1 Hall.' Com- lw.• Mea tb.c Colltle le.ftl'\hll!n Itt Hutn, Billi e- Bennett_ and m t.e.n. wUJ ... mble Ill froal or t.b.e 11r"OI'rln1 froom a on ... yeu to a tw-o- Pell aalutt . will be 1tul .,"* lbto\r carols u )·ear cOUI'It' and then. Ia 19;10, \o • led by Dun _u. Whitt' and mM't': to thf" ,.,._, where.. .tcer all .,..nthw A. B. acrlptUrll! readang Will be by Presl· Nl a"' Btrrtha d!:!J'I'M, G. Robrboucb- la formatloa Asked For b)o L B. Honhey ; Abo R...,. .... Em-ollmoat Fia- naker. Loyd Stout, John Ty10n, Willia.m 0. Fo1'ftl R White. EqeJJ.e Cbarle6 E. Wibon, C. Llo7d harl, Roy R. Burke. Harold B. Burke, William Enrin, B. J. Mc- Croskey. Also requuted .-.. th11. mtnt bJ de.ases for fall and 19111. Tht report Dean H. Labu White in all ucept l'llOJ'It cirla. In the the pllt year were 57 girls. This nr the ncmbcr lnrreued to 6.&. The numbe:r of fuU-time male WiUlam Whetsell nplained tbe purpose ot "Good Posture Week'' and deftned corT'Ic:l posture u ".cood bodJ mH'blniu." He named fatlrae. lmpro,er elotlling, and shoe• im· prope.rlJ 6tted aa the three motlt im· portant facton afrectine posture. Catberlne Withen IIPOke oa "Ways of lmprovinc Posture,'' anW. pve dernoutrationa, with the b4IP of R. B. llcQuain and Bilb• BeD.• nett. of and poor poaute. Sol .Le'rin. in a talk OD tlte "£11- aentiab of Good Posture," said that of tbe mudes of the healtb as well as to pod a.P,_,... weak, ftat, and mi.c:ellaoeous typH. Atcordinl' to Bowles, the chief dam- age to feet il eaued when allowiDC Infants, JOUnpttn of the twelYe to !oar1een ace group, to wear im- properly &tt.ed •hou. Joe: Marra pointed oa.t that eor- re:ctive exerciaes are helpful to stronc, healthy, indiYiduab a we:U a& to the weak and broken-down. Be explained the dlft'erent eserc:ises to be ulf!d in c-oneetin work; nsmely, pauive, active, r.siltlve, and aulstive. 1tuden11 in the Collqe no• ia 110, College May Gi':e , .... urn .. , ,., both m•• ••d Course to Butld women has dropped lTOm 422 to 298. Civilian Morale H.4,. GET JOBS _ _ _ / wfU IEUI I'"'UP dll.l'inr. He retnembered the Ubn.ry when A actio will also be sung by Roan· Tbt> rocnm WIt.. lerc>ad of h ••• In Room 107 u "a .. Gati\ilr. lhrr J..«oe Holll.npworth The pW:ement bureau of Semi· td d h Sl am.all c.oUeeuon of book• rlu, a lane wiD b. &_'!lomput.l6L djl (Mlnn,) State Tueben Gleaville State Teachers Collep may offu a generAl course- dincted to...-d the buildinl' up of ci...nian morale, ennouneu Dean H. Laban Whit<. ue. f \.h enftt. lt the colltt-doa of Concnalonal RMonb". Glevdk hit:b school and l(t'ade lep hu placed te.• per eent of all Tb: Coll•l• fum· ••rollment tn bl• "iU be: cautt at. the for pomtioDJ ia the put. m!Md thll! Ur\ts; the Wut. Pf:nn daJ• a• ... ,ean-t:l)' .... ta. \ f1ve yean. the •=l:::t :r: : The courae unde.r eonaidftation M!1ulted from a recommendation made by the Commdaion Oft Col- leges and Civniaa Defense- reentb' nhrh<l li CJrno Pl an T rip to Canada, New York City around 100. He on11 •print when an ann011acem•nc. trtu made that If c.b IPri"l' teno allrotlmt'nt ruc:hed !6C., •ould be' dl1· mlutd th lint cla.J o1 )fay 10 every Ollt could 1'0 !ishinc. The! fiablnr that eta,. .. s ,pltndid, for tbe eaal was Dr. E. C. RohrbotlJ'h, president of reaehl'd. the CQUeae. and Mn. Rohrboucf! There bKD efcbt othe:r .,..11J probably In""' lbe latter pari. of "KIInaW'hathena" ia the bltlory of t his .. at for C1nada, a. 1ebooL The Jean lhe:r .. ·erlt where theJ are p1anal .. to lptDd publlshltd ud the penona to whom part of t.tWr ChriAmu YUatlon. t.he1 were dedkated ere aa followa: They are planninc t.o Yilit Barrit, llitll, Loult Bennett; 11a, W. J. wtdcb ls ne.J" Camp Borden, 'Wbere Roldea : lft16, F' Rqoa; t922. their lOft, E. G. RohrboQI'h. lr .• ls N. Shackelford: 112.4, !Mra. upeded 1o be In cbarae of tM Tor· Louts B.nnetl: 1&!6, C. 1(. Bennett; onto Dally Star'• lnte.r- lttt. Un. E'. C. Roh!'boqb.; 1987. tcta. llr. Rohrbourh, A. B. 'BB. Geom mont.ha &C'O joln-.1 the newa ---<>--- of the: Dall)' $ta.1'. abo are plaanl-. to •l•lt In Ne• CltJ on Uaelr return trip horn Canada.. ark; Many Activities Planned .- - dcfenae. a.. Ia AdYaD.ced Fint-Aid I obe Ludwick Glah plant, Other Tbe commision urged that abort WUJ Be Offered 'lf'hout SPGnHI lU from Lodme.,., counM: in ci't'llian deferue training, Ju naary 15 Index nd W1the:n, 26 from Nor· fire preve:ntion for a ir 1'1id ward· ___ \ mantown, 2'1 hom Cox:a Mi lls and ens, fire auxlliary units, emergency As a f't'aa lt of its Roll ():all. the Ne.,..beme, 34 from Troy, lJnn and serriee for ci'fililan protec- ou ... r Gouot 1 of tb"\ A mer-- Baldwin, U from Tanner, 64 from tion and volunteer nune-s' alcka be •• Bed CniM has 11 membe:rshi'p of Gilmer. 1'7 from Stout's Mills, 28 otJered. lh and may move. up to 650 whe.n (Continued on Pal'e 4) Beuu1e of lac.k of equipment and lnal tabulalion• are. made, it i 1 an- instNcton, t.bese coursea unnot- be QOUD«d bJ the chapter chalr{"an, RED ClOSS BUllETIN but a ceneral course for , BUllETIN Red C.r... cb1pter tl1it aft.emoon r.port receipt o( a 'r>O :ath contribution from the Loelll No.. stO, United Construction em Orpnblna Committee whkh Ia made up of tbe State Road employee In Gilmer Oount.y. Glenn Is treasurer. Thlt ia the flral major contribution to be receiYed In the taew war relief drive which opena ...... The Gilmer County chapter of building civilian morele may be Uu.• Amerk-u.n Red Cross has been given, ss y• Dun W.hite. a.uic'ned a 11500 quota •• ite ahare In the nation's turrent •ar THIRD MONTH'S NYA TIME fund drive. it •as learne.d here REPORTS FILED FOR PAYMENT the pest vteek. lmmedlately upon reeelpt of a telegr<am from Notional Red Croas choirman 1 Norman H. Davit, Mn. Blair Cainer, touaty chairman, to.lled a metinr of the Joul board ond e.ffe:cted • plan for launch· lng a house-to-house c-:anvat.S Student NY A time- reports lor the third month, November 12 16 Dec- ember 12, ban been obetked and sent to the State NY A olftce. Time cuds lor the founh month will be distributed thia week. throurhout the cou..ntJ. Lin n B. Hickman, .Mertury ad- B .. lr Gainer. and by the nec::u- Roll tall ch•irmen ud their viser, will ao to Grantmlle Thun- .ecretal")', Miss Irma L. Weat. wt'rken wUI bto asked to conduct day ewnlnl' to lead .a. panel 630 me:mbll!nhipJ tht drive on a similar 'Plan as the aion on "Problll!m& of the School the roll cella In re· ont rettntly used. The county Paper" and speak at a dlaner Jpon- and are fair ly well dia- cht.l'et will re-tain 15 per cent of sored by Max Ward, adriaer. aad , From Glenville came 214, tbe Jtoll e:etlon• tor local war ft'- the st&ff me:mben of the Clarion, a 1roup e:mploye member- lief upenditllf't'S. student publie-ation of the eontrtbutlon of $24.75 from -------------1 Calhouo. Countr School

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The Glenville ~ercury ThaL Chnatmu Vacation St:artf Friday 11t 5 p. m.: Elldl

Moodt.y. Jan. 5

Student Newfpaper--Gienville State Teachers CoUege-Publiahed Weekly



W•ll.,._a, Poto.-c: SlaW. Con· I.'Ot'd and tM Uniyeftity thand bon­on. at lbe Wnt Vitai.U. Jnt~r-col· lefiat4o P.,.., eonfne.nN at Salem, Tbundar aacl Friday.

Cecil Galnifl, \\' bleycan.. wa1 f!)«Ud ,.,.Went. Rt'b~cta Kauay, Potomac: S&aw, riH ptetident. and Fnnus a.ieb, Uni..ntt1, seere­~·treuurw. The Untwconlty will b6 host to the tOaf•rnce Mit fear. lin. E. P. Benlflrt, of Concoold, waa !~boRn t.cult.r dvts.r.

Thoug:h war new& i& '311 obout ua, I, as JlrUident o! the fltudent OOdy, would like: this opportunity to express my hopes that student and faculty o( CSTG will enjoy tb~ c::omln.c CMistma1 as. much as they have in the past yean. We- are now in the gre,t­cn erifiJ our eountT)• h'a!l ever ";tnu•ed, but this is not a reuon to uu11e us not to enjoy Christ~ mu to the utmost. Tltis erisi\, 1hould cause us to ~njoy Cbri.t.­ma!l even more than usual, be­e-ause we need to keep the spirit of ·.friendship and love in all of us to help us to eome out victor­ious. T o all of you, for the. eoming vaeation, I wish a llf'TT)' Christ~ rna!, and may it be one never to be fo~¥Gtten.-Robert. Fidler.

Audience Hoan Report J Stucleat FederatiOD Meetiaa,

Talks on Postwe

Amid an air of patriatl$m occ..., ioned by tbe singi nl' of "Amerlca," a of alltgianu to the 8af .. nd the singing of 1'Gpd Bleu ~a." studuts and faculty in auem­bly Wednt"!oday: (1) Heard a report: of the recent student federation meeting at Weat Virginia Tech, (2) listened to a plea for funds for tbe World Student S.rviee OJ'I'Ilnisstion, and (8) enjoyed talks and othet featu"a _pre:eented 1n . c.onneetion with the week'& proKJ'&m on pod posture. Sb.t$-&..-. deleptea. npl'elltfttlnc

nirw ~n..,... an.t.nded th tw<Hla.y «''ftftllltioll. con.c- npntMated .,.,. WeUqu, DPls and Elkln*t Sltepbnod. Coacord, Potomac State, tN UninnjtJ, Salem. and

MALES p ~~ured, •l.!, rc- memtt.n of l.he ll~ury t~fl' and their faculty '\o.IILWAJJa. advber •• they ]H)Hd lor a '" j&aat after vialtinc t.he plant af the ... Clarkabure £nc'ravlna Compan,: n rout~~ home fl'C)m Salem, wber.e tbey FILE SELECFIVE


RoJ&Iea BuJf William!! read a ...,. ~ort on tbe hirhli~ht.a of the Fed­eration meetin~. and Donsell Betti &poke of 11 fund to be used by the World Student Serriee orp.niutioa in helpln~ students in E\li'Ope aDd Asia prepare themulves to be lead· ers in the futan and pluded. for loeal eontribcUou Betta said &bat the ~oat had been set et 1100,000. Upon motion from the floor by o ... vid Fitzpatrick, al!conded by GUT Stalnaker, ltudents voted to eoUoc.t donations at the next auembiJ.

....._ 01', P. L BeN, head of die Unl· ·~ ScbDol of Jourult.'l., told• chl ... at t*e haaqa.c. Tlllar.ed&J atpt at do Bowl ttaat ~ .. are W2.lltq for thit pa._ pt lO k na4t, J'Ol to be pod."

Dr ...... .,._h .... oYtl' •tion W'BLK. C\ubba ....

8.:7\I'J L. AU. for.u lutrurtor in aociaJ .telencu Ia tbe CoU..., now Salem Col1tp lftUQNr, wu t.o&lt.· .-er at the baeqvet.. whld. pre· ceded the WVIPA .... " tn

(Coalland •• ..,. I)


aU4!'nded the ann-.1 2.-y con!eren« of the WVIPA. Photo la by Charl.t Henry, manacer of the plant, when thll 11'QDP watehad lbe eom:plete pro-­en:ti"'' al pittar. to ainc: half-ton• eqnrin1. Left to riPt, LinD B. Rltk­man. adviur, Bona Harlan, Kliae BUlb, P'raneet Jlycon, Cirul•• Wilton, J.ack Stalnalle.r, Arnold Steorta. WWla.• Wb.ttle.r.

Will Dedicate Yearbook to Dr. E. G. Rohrbough, Who Has Enviable

Rocord As Teuber, Administrator By- J'amea Heater

The 1942 issue of tbe "'Kanawbaehn" will be dedicated. to Dr. E. G. Kohrboqb, president of the College. it ia announced by the otalf.

Dr. Rohrboqh. aoa of lhe late.-----------WUIIalll B. Rohrt.ou,h allCI A ... I'D I DU ... -r:o BE

Rollrboach. ud ... born Ill lAJIII" lftlll1 11

aad Am- beam• coa· n«Wd Clt'lrriUt .ti\Je it 1rU a pNpariiU>I'f 1daooL ~ kiP ~ehool work plu a r.. Ia edutaUoa.

Tbet .,... in 1901, •'-n be eam• bt.Te &I a lHehT. lA t 105, ba ob­i.alntd a INn of NMate tor on• )'Ur to aNDd ft.arvard UDiYenlty, Eddie Chapman, of Hurrieane, e

where btl re-Ni•d his ll.utrtr of fon~~er Colle~e. -'.lld~e. 'frill be the Arta d~ in Jun•, 1 901J. Ht taUfhl pest tnor tolotrt .. or th• choral a JMr at Gln.tlle, and then was at c1ua ift asaembl)• Tb11nday "hu

a focal palnt for all..t.Ddeal I bt Fatrynont ont J«.r u'Uident. thy preMnt lhetr ChrlltmM Oaa· ticlrw pro.,... Thui'WIII¥ D J He ,.turned co Clett'l•ill• Ia Ule tall tata. •·Child Je~us," by Cloker ~d h•ad'-t.eb foDowiq tiM Gltn· of 1108 u praMipa.l Gt Glnvllle KiJ'k, under lbe dirtct.ion of Mia .,~! c=::: .. ~=~ S&at• S~maal School. Ill tile, Or lkrtha £ . Ols.n, inJtrurtor in mu~c. th• t\PU w:U ftm&ln oa lllltU P'rl- Bobr\o~ -;:d~;"kd£:n!::."'.:! ::~c c~r:n: A~~! ;;I"O~~he;:~ cb~M LroH _, eal S.l.u.rdar ud the po~haH.:. hU ~~~t :!."The Infarrt Child" by Pietro A.

am• a~r'ftQOt\ ... ~ on tb• -:_., at ;~• .,en 1

The band will 'Play oat of P'lti-CIUII~ toVt.b of tlw ..-thed tnttaft- Jloflri)oQJh hat wa._tt:bcd the more'• muchu.

« T~U: ~~~~~~ LoulJ ltn· qf \ht' Coller• h -orn lhe Old Srec-bl numbe~ eonJitinc of , II.U 1 lJI . the tlMtr to ha Jru.nt aiP. Wlth •I· doubl~~:~ quarutt wW be aunr bJ

~~ad the~ .~~~&a will !~,.,!: m011t ..,.1'7 ad.dilion ealhnc- for an Jun .. Wlbon, Jne Bin.,.an. Katy rls rra V K I Kall Uwlt adan•iotl ol the ('llmput lt.e1f. Ue Adam1, Ella, Eddie Cbapman1

~.. f~om ·~-:aw.:r• Hall.' Com- lw.• Mea tb.c Colltle le.ftl'\hll!n Itt Jam~ Hutn, Billie- Bennett_ and m t.e.n. wUJ ... mble Ill froal or t.b.e 11r"OI'rln1 froom a on ... yeu to a tw-o- Pell McCartn~. Fl•~ aalutt . will be

11~ 1tul .,"* lbto\r carols u tb~ )·ear cOUI'It' and then. Ia 19;10, \o • led by Dun _u. ~ban Whitt' and mM't': to thf" ,.,._, where.. .tcer all fo~,~r.,...r ~ne.-, .,..nthw ~be A. B. acrlptUrll! readang Will be by Presl· Nl a"' ~tabled, Btrrtha d!:!J'I'M, ~'!flt\f-· G. Robrboucb-

laformatloa Asked For b)o L B. Honhey ; Abo R...,. ....

Em-ollmoat Fia-

naker. Loyd Stout, John Ty10n, Willia.m 0 . Fo1'ftl R White. EqeJJ.e Cbarle6 E. Wibon, C. Llo7d harl, Roy R. Burke. Harold B. Burke, William Enrin, B. J. Mc­Croskey.

Also requuted .-.. th11. mtnt bJ de.ases for fall

and 19111. Tht report Dean H. Labu White

in all ~ups ucept l'llOJ'It cirla. In the the pllt year were 57 girls. This }·nr the ncmbcr lnrreued to 6.&.

The numbe:r of fuU-time male

WiUlam Whetsell nplained tbe purpose ot "Good Posture Week'' and deftned corT'Ic:l posture u ".cood bodJ mH'blniu." He named fatlrae. lmpro,er elotlling, and shoe• im· prope.rlJ 6tted aa the three motlt im· portant facton afrectine posture.

Catberlne Withen IIPOke oa "Ways of lmprovinc Posture,'' anW. pve dernoutrationa, with the b4IP of R. B. llcQuain and Bilb• BeD.• nett. of ~ood and poor poaute.

Sol .Le'rin. in a talk OD tlte "£11-aentiab of Good Posture," said that

of tbe mudes of the abdo"CD~~~ .~~ healtb as well as to pod a.P,_,...

weak, ftat , and mi.c:ellaoeous typH. Atcordinl' to Bowles, the chief dam­age to feet il eaued when allowiDC Infants, ~d JOUnpttn of the twelYe to !oar1een ace group, to wear im­properly &tt.ed •hou.

Joe: Marra pointed oa.t that eor­re:ctive exerciaes are helpful to stronc, healthy, indiYiduab a we:U a& to the weak and broken-down. Be explained the dlft'erent eserc:ises to be ulf!d in c-oneetin work; nsmely, pauive, active, r.siltlve, and aulstive.

1tuden11 in the Collqe no• ia 110, •

~:~r:~~ r':1t~e 2~~~0 T':.""fu~f-t~!~ College May Gi':e , .... urn .. , ,., both m•• ••d Course to Butld women has dropped lTOm 422 to 298. Civilian Morale

H.4,. GET JOBS _ _ _ /

~1.en wfU IEUI I'"'UP dll.l'inr. He retnembered the Ubn.ry when A actio will also be sung by Roan· Tbt> rocnm WIt.. lerc>ad of h ••• In Room 107 u "a r•th~r .. Gati\ilr. lhrr J..«oe Holll.npworth The pW:ement bureau of Semi·

td d h Sl am.all c.oUeeuon of book• rlu, a lane wiD b. &_'!lomput.l6L djl (Mlnn,) State Tueben Col~

Gleaville State Teachers Collep may offu a generAl course- dincted to...-d the buildinl' up of ci...nian morale, ennouneu Dean H. Laban Whit<.

~ ue. f \.h enftt. lt the colltt-doa of Concnalonal RMonb". Glevdk hit:b school and l(t'ade lep hu placed te.• per eent of all Sb)de.:~~:D~;, Tb: Coll•l• fum· rt~r ••rollment tn bl• ~ dader~U "iU be: cautt at. the c~ndidatu for pomtioDJ ia the put. m!Md thll! Ur\ts; the Wut. Pf:nn daJ• a• • t~u ... .r~~all , ,ean-t:l)' .... ta. \ f1ve yean.

the ~~tridt)'. :::;.::::::~:.~0~~-•=l:::t :r:: ----~----------------- The courae unde.r eonaidftation M!1ulted from a recommendation made by the Commdaion Oft Col­leges and Civniaa Defense- reentb'

nhrh<lliCJrno Plan T rip to Canada,

New York City

around 100. He ~caiJ.d on11 •print when an ann011acem•nc. trtu made that If c.b IPri"l' teno allrotlmt'nt ruc:hed !6C., ~ehool •ould be' dl1· mlutd th lint cla.J o1 )fay 10 every Ollt could 1'0 !ishinc. The! fiablnr that eta,. .. s ,pltndid, for tbe eaal was

Dr. E. C. RohrbotlJ'h, president of reaehl'd. the CQUeae. and Mn. Rohrboucf! There bKD efcbt othe:r .,..11J probably In""' lbe latter pari. of "KIInaW'hathena" ia the bltlory of t his .. at for Toro~tt.o, C1nada, a. 1ebooL The Jean lhe:r .. ·erlt where theJ are p1anal .. to lptDd publlshltd ud the penona to whom part of t.tWr ChriAmu YUatlon. t.he1 were dedkated ere aa followa:

They are planninc t.o Yilit Barrit, llitll, Loult Bennett; 11a, W. J . wtdcb ls ne.J" Camp Borden, 'Wbere Roldea : lft16, F' Rqoa; t922. their lOft, E. G. RohrboQI'h. lr .• ls N. Shackelford: 112.4, !Mra. upeded 1o be In cbarae of tM Tor· Louts B.nnetl: 1&!6, C. 1(. Bennett; onto Dally Star'• n~"IP"PPr lnte.r- lttt. Un. E'. C. Roh!'boqb.; 1987. tcta. llr. Rohrbourh, A. B. 'BB. Geom

mont.ha &C'O joln-.1 the newa ---<>---of the: Dall)' $ta.1'.

abo are plaanl-. to •l•lt In Ne• CltJ on Uaelr return trip horn Canada..

ark; Many Activities Planned ~~. o~.~ra!~y;:.i!::u:rt.c~<;;;~~ . - - dcfenae.

a.. Ia AdYaD.ced Fint-Aid I obe Ludwick Glah plant, Other ~ Tbe commision urged that abort WUJ Be Offered 'lf'hout SPGnHI inclu~e lU from Lodme.,., counM: in ci't'llian deferue training,

J u naary 15 Index nd W1the:n, 26 from Nor· fire preve:ntion for a ir 1'1id ward· ___ \ mantown, 2'1 hom Cox:a Mills and ens, fire auxlliary units, emergency

As a f't'aa lt of its Roll ():all. the Ne.,..beme, 34 from Troy, lJnn and ~ieal serriee for ci'fililan protec­ou ... r Gouot1 of tb"\ A mer-- Baldwin, U from Tanner, 64 from tion and volunteer nune-s' alcka be •• Bed CniM has 11 membe:rshi'p of Gilmer. 1'7 from Stout's Mills, 28 otJered. lh and may move. up to 650 whe.n (Continued on Pal'e 4) Beuu1e of lac.k of equipment and lnal tabulalion• are. made, it i1 an- instNcton, t.bese coursea unnot- be QOUD«d bJ the chapter chalr{"an, RED ClOSS BUllETIN o!fe.~d. but a ceneral course for

, BUllETIN Red C.r... cb1pter le~~oden tl1it

aft.emoon r.port receipt o( a 'r>O :ath contribution from the Loelll No.. stO, United Construction Work~

em Orpnblna Committee whkh Ia made up of tbe State Road employee In Gilmer Oount.y. Glenn Gar~tt Is treasurer. Thlt ia the flral major contribution to be receiYed In the taew war relief drive which ope na ......

The Gilmer County chapter of building civilian morele may be Uu.• Amerk-u.n Red Cross has been given, ss y• Dun W.hite. a.uic'ned a 11500 quota •• ite ahare In the nation's turrent •ar THIRD MONTH'S NYA TIME fund drive. it •as learne.d here REPORTS FILED FOR PAYMENT the pest vteek.

l mmedlately upon reeelpt of a telegr<am from Notional Red Croas choirman1 Norman H. Davit, Mn. Blair Cainer, touaty chairman, to.lled a metinr of the Joul board ond e.ffe:cted • plan for lau nch· lng a house-to-house c-:anvat.S

Student NY A time- reports lor the third month, November 12 16 Dec­ember 12, ban been obetked and sent to the State NY A olftce. Time cuds lor the founh month will be distributed thia week.

throurhout the cou..ntJ. Lin n B. Hickman, .Mertury ad-B .. lr Gainer. and by the nec::u- Roll tall ch•irmen ud their viser, will ao to Grantmlle Thun­.ecretal")', Miss Irma L. Weat. wt'rken wUI bto asked to conduct day ewnlnl' to lead .a. panel

630 me:mbll!nhipJ tht drive on a sim ilar 'Plan as the aion on "Problll!m& of the School the larce~ t roll cella In re· ont rettntly used. The county Paper" and speak at a dlaner Jpon-

and are fairly well dia- cht.l'et will re-tain 15 per cent of sored by Max Ward, adriaer. aad , From Glenville came 214, tbe Jtolle:etlon• tor local war ft'- the st&ff me:mben of the Clarion,

a 1roup e:mploye member- lief upenditllf't'S. -~kly student publie-ation of the eontrtbutlon of $24.75 from -------------1 Calhouo. Countr Ri~b School



THE GLENVILLE MERCURY ..,_ ~10<_..._'(! Col!?ode Pn>n ....

CDiel!lde Dl6est Production Staff

•t:•s D>rTOU ~ Ct.atU. ~ llTH'I ~a:r.- I:DITQR • Anokl ~,.. .. ft'AW PIIOT'OG'&.APJI.t:Z3 I'.Ulot ~"· 1llo1llia• Whte.ttr ADVDTUl.'OC .M.A~_u,EU N S r:r, Ctr¥ SWIIiilku c:u.ctri..&nos .IIIL-~4GU Jult Sta:DU.Lr

a.:,. w. ... B:n.b Goldu. \~ f' lhta111ou. au. Batt.:!. J • H ~ ILt td lt.&.rpc-r, D4nd Jbuton. Wilhut &al«r, .........,._ M , J.U SI.Ja,. Edwvd Pw.kftu, Bilk<• TaJkl..r-, .-uu.. WA.t-u, e.J,c. 9. Ct.rt W

'We Are ln This War-All In lr-AU the W;ry'


'Pf[EY ("A 1£, t: A1rt', W~ will ~onqurr-the AxiJ powcl'!. I Sintr tht bt:_,:.n.ninr Df the- t:njted l.&leJ of Am~rica Wtl' hA\' foua-ht thrn prl'vfo wa.n in order to get and (r,.«"d~m-.human li~es.. Fint or these battle.e •u fourht •••1o•t Enl'land AO "e couhl free ou~elves end ha-,. il'tt•dtJm. t-..•ut e.Amt tbe Ch·it War, fought that we rould umt ... and bfo! to pr-oted our freedom . Later we tD'UT d World War I and lhe rPa on was, once more to pro­lUI fr t dom fl>r maolond •od Jh~e. u we had li\'ed ' and a.e wt •ant~ to U\"c_ and J("t othent lin.

Oat' murt our freedom I! •t auk~ and we mu:!t fight to prote« Jl \\' e han ap~tted Japan the fint blow by being IJtlibb d m ehe: bade " h1le wr talked peace ter-m with them. At .ret tbt<y haT"e.n ' t betn able to conquer- China , so what thanet do ha\~e again t a great, aroused, res-

$t.~~ ot"~'):;~i;; f \'~~tj~~0:n !~11 ~;~~~~;;;!!3 a~dni~~~ lrttdom wilt •8'"ain be aafe.

But we mUll ever kup In mind what our U. S. President ba .. aid :

"Wt are now in lhi11 " 'a.r, We are all in it--all the way .•. Wt rnu!'t be aet to face a long • ·ar again.11t crafty and po"•er­f uJ bandJU ••. Th~ United Stales can accept no re! ult save YktofJ, final and C!omplete."-Brook Golden.

There'll Be Many Ponderings This Christmas Season

WH£R£ WJU.. you observe Christmas this yea r ? Alter the declantion or war the pa8t week, I asked myself th~L

quuUon. The Yult•Lide IC-&.IIOn Loc perhaps the mollt enjoyabl~ one on

the Am,.rfcan ulendar, ror it. h! t he anniveru=7 ol the birth of J u Ch.Ut. ·

From the oullonk ot things In the wor!ii today, it would be taft. lo IIA)" th~t muny an A meri~n /Outh will ob.erve the ann1v rury "1th a gun on hi.!!"' .-tk and a load on hi! mind.

TJmt- and agAin we ha,•e huddered to thi n.k lhat th ings we l! av" INtn fn th,.. orw~rte l~ would hnppen to us. We ha ted to admit thal we are part.ifr.lly into the war in Europe. Last week It happcnc: d : we '"ere plunged into the war before we reallz~tl what had happened. Frnm now on, oldiers will be ca1l t d ltJ 'lt"n·ke \\heth '"•r it be Qn Chri I mall or some olher They li\ ill b-a ve to give up that family tradition of being homtt on hfll(lma.- and ~ how th e Nazi and Ja panese war erflaton that we don't intend t.o be licked.

The recent flu tbu r.!!t of Japnn ha called to the fi eld some of thr nation'• b t wldltN, tht:Ae t~uldie~ being the common Amerkan you th . Paren t! ' heartt~ will be bleeding for their )'ounr bon "ho ha\'e bf't.n ca lled to aenice, but parents mutt remember that it would be better to have n little sor­row, to pay with a t~on-the !IUpremc sacr•ti c@-thitn to ha,•e the c:ounlry run b>~ men lfke Adolf n iUer aod others.

UO'At'\' r. whert.'\·e r we are, whether it be on lhe battle­fteld or In the hQme, hri.Atmail i -sti ll a.n anni\'en;ary- t h,e 1Ttl1 t. the world h~ ~\·rr known.-Enrle peneer.

Genuine Production of Wealth Education Is the Basis of

9JIAT " doc:ation U! lhc basis of genuine produdion of I vullh and the cultu ral level or th e: is the (oun­datlon u( ROOd bu!ltne~·· i" the belie! of Willi!l A . Sutton. IQptrmtendent of •ehool , Atlanta . Gn.

Bu m mfn who bear a large part of lhe educational lax burden are \·to~1' prone to lament the large expenditures for

::;::~~~~fu~~~aia~:!"':~e ~~~0a<!:d ~e:er~~~~h0o~t8f~d~ an curtailed. h \his a . ound policy?

Th• m.•uranc: .eal :.smJUl ha-9: found that in order to make mu~h out of U fn~uranre must be old in block oC $5000 or mort' \' ('ry !t\\ Pf"Op le o f the gradt-:s(.bool educational le-vel f&n atrurd 6000 pnlki ' The department !ftore doesn 't make h.s prtlflLs m 1br b&flfa{n ba-!~ me-n t. but on complete outfi of clothlnr It i! the p~oplt who through eduraUon b.a\·e n d thdr onomic and c:uh~o~ra l le\·e l that uu te le-

C~:~rt. ~~,.ih~"; ~~~;~~bi~t~,. :e"~ll~~~!~o ~~~!utbeis~h~~~~ o1 bwn and indu.!try to turn.

R.t •l~~ ndml" mor,- for education in \ht l" ... ate. we a.~ no\ uoiJ conlrtbtJting to the national pro_sJ)tril.)' but we are a o mamtalrunt: a ~t&aadard of linna tbat tn!I Ure more &k:~~~ r,r:~; ~are Of tht \·Omforb and IUXllrie.! Of life.-

--------We'll Sin& Wirh Deeper Devotion This Year

n'trel C"'it-­

t.unx to and bot' as iDt.H"·

ntww: u l!sf7 b.-<- tn. Lhtt Plltt.. Tll.l!ll«' 1'-l"Yt«'T. &nil bVd on .:i'lln­"7" f.n>m 4 3.0 onu.J 0 p.m. 10 t.llt< Con_.. lounct ••• Aft-er l •n:nDf: \b .anr Qltflit.btt: and lot'al pubUc op•nlotu t .. .J, ..,.ko Japs are tn for ou He-- of a nod hck· lftl' •• "

• • J., ... UUy i• b&dl. ;,. circ•latioo

a fhr a ---k i n '-eel Y ltb tJ.. n. . H.t.._.. Taylor a•cl D. B• br

•- t• be i • tlu._ir -•e.nlh .... ,... ... ....._,. r '-i4 a .11crou ,.,. cla:nee 11-r ••• Joe R .... er .. ia ·~on.

tbc fair Met. to V•r•- Mapl•, ,..,.,..... .. ., .. ,;., ... "Y••· oac~o~,,

~~- A• India.··, l~ proadly eli•• p~a,., .. ,.._r p&Jat•• ••••r" oo hi• f•c•,

~iadc-lflJ ,..on.ra.d biOI ht't height of r h-,ry u Bill 1\idd drv~ in f or a .V.ort ril:it .• Rpbut St.afnaku ma. .. H hU. nJghU) h1kes across th~ ri ,. to 51:1to 1... Cuto and the.n or l'lnt having to wom •· hoot the timt' . . Ceorgt' Tharp and Winsto-n Sht'lton take a w~ck­end off to v-Isi t Clay. and 1 !urn th•L ChariC!ston i.t jult "11 subU11b". . . .

S.bbie Doflialcl i .• all lit up •'· ter Boob .top• off to cle li•er two Mautiful op .... klen ... T .. qo••· tion of tba weelr. i1, " Wh,. are

J am• • Oot10• -· Bonoi• Normae ca.IIM Ro ... -. and Juliet!" ... Jaan McMil\iaa. formar 1todeet , aow enrolled at W e1t Virriaia T adr., .. i•ite bere to celobrate b•r ( "?" ) birthday• . . . BrooQ Colcle a aalll Doroth,. Qu een contia- to .. ...,, afta r dC.b tnaal . . .

Lllltan MoudC! Ue[ner .st.ays in her room 2nd w:ait.s fo r her priz~. the gnat "Duek ' ' . , . Sarah Mal­col.n anli..,R. !:lllflr :ue a rreat hc.lp to the ye"llbook os they !~nd most j ( tht'lr lfl)ar"' momenta work· lnr ~ r the b~tt~tlll"'nt Of it , . . F luh Pa.f71e flatU, "1 c:nn't Cool around ••lth the m~u :and do jus­tie~ to mY 01 ludlec .. ,

At th i& lir.1e thi.s. columnls:t. wl hu all of you a. \'ery :\Je rry Ohritma~ $1 nd a happy New Ye:ar. - T he ~l l!rc"O ry Stooge.

("all f<>r • natMtnaJ a...-uwn., undf'd br Dr. Cbrll!.f ~

m .or, p~t-nt t~( \'"*.le ['ni­

'rnsts, v:k.o U. an ~ted Col· l~to PN.!:., r"'C!It'»..k lffll"tt that :

.. Fqr tho rrtviS.i ~ • Q.ior u !tee 1nd1Yld~ umkr a duto­~lH.' i)"l.tem. . .,...,. rnun bot "&47 to pay a pri~ We canaol ~ 10 c~t aomer.binc for notbin~. U I our ;Jo~t in.sututioru are to !"'.Jn'1Ve- ~ c.rufl tut im~ by e:haft«t:d soda1 and t'C:On(\ftl~ ~n­dltio"l\l, we mo.n by our labor and ac:ri!' icr• ami our s pirit of co-up. l!ntn·t t:nCI'f)' l!ro\'e t.hat a do. m..-uc ~llb~tmy ean lrt\lHd be op­P.rut~ on a drmocratlc baais and thus c-an t'-K&pe the indurtrial di~ taot.orahlp impoM'd by tile tota.litar· Tbt r r art many ia n states. this g-eneral sb ll!.ment.

leg~.$ tln vl' lo!t leu than lc<g:dl. public Institutions tho~r undl!r prh·ate control, dr:1• eolle~s of arts and

I do not But aa earl)• rea,.-aJaenjbJ a! our- pe<tple "" n~eu.rr. H wt arf' to p-re! noe lllt pr-f,•dec-ed po ·ition our nalion Prtjoyt in thf: world WI:' have t(l be re:ady to mut th e ~t w 'cl! It eutalls. Our fa rclathcra assumed a g:reat rQ:pon«ibility In t.he:ir dt'\"'eJ. opment of the magni{i~en& exJ)('.r­lment o1 T hereby we enjoy Jf'""Ht pri-1-ilt'I<"L But we ~11 hut to lhc re.spon­

I · tbft n the u ntversiUi!:!-. The pt::tdtl nt teaehcn;' t otl!!gt'-S bavt' mon heavily. St.hooll ar ~olli!IJ"f!!

medkin , engine-ering anti applied I ;----===::::===---. •den~ havt' gained. ' II

Thoughts Jibilit;.

"Son1e tA the mining students af'e in tht' JL.tOl)'• Othen a re sn jQb&. U World War e~Cpui~nct~ is a guide in the pre11ent t'me·rc~nc:y,

Approximately 200 Persons Enjoy 3-Act Play Presented in the College Auditorium ,,.

S~j~y~ian:;:t:n •ntc~uetl by L~nard McCiein, literal!)· blew

of Entertainment up;~~~ tn~~~om, dane• teat.her.

By Burna Harlan plaJ'I!d by Roanna Gain t'r, appeared and requeatt:d her hand bn~t. Mrs. Simmons, played by Hele n Taylor, who ~hanged her mind ucry time the! eourt~e of e,enb eha npd. didn ' t know wh-at tO make of it. She aoon learned, howi'Yer, that Mr. Simmons had bHn taking dandns luaon~~ f rom ?d iu-Bloom.

Benr)' Simmons sucee.!ded in ar-­nnging a marria re: bet ... een his <n ughter and hia bu1ines.s r-rtner. Chf:Jitfr Binn t.)', in the! " Whole T()"•n't Talking-," prt'sented by Oh nimgohow Pla)•t'rs and Theta Al­ph.n O;al of Alpha Psi Omega of the Colitge. under thl' di~ct.ion ot Kath· leen Robertson, be:Iort: about 200 T he piny ended with a knock-em· people in the auditorium, Friday down drag-em-out fight among Bin­night. DC!)', Swift o. nd Shi elds. the lattu,

From the beginning to the end of plll )•c:d ~)' Rkhnrd R'lrper, a youns the th.ree-ac:t fnree, the nudienc:e bln nd frknd o f Ethel's. Letty Lytbe enjo)·ed gre::~t[y the e1Ton.s of He nry took Swift and Shielda awfty, leav~ Simmon~. pla)·cd by Robl'rt Stalr.a- ing Binney and Ethel to eomplet(! ke:r, to arr::~.ngl! the marriage of hi! Mr. Simmon!' wi~h. dau~rht er . Ethel. played by Lorl!ne Other chunacters in the play were : Lt vd.!!l Wolft', to hil'o bu!iM ss part- Taxi •!river, J ume! Dot3on; maid, nu. Chester Binner. playell by Eun ice Wilfong : Llh Wil~o n and Haywnrd Cro,e!. Sally Otis, friend! of EtheJ'a. Lois

Beeau!c Binot)' wu a §Iough)' Sht"Jine And Rt<bll ~gg: and Mf'l'. 'dreucd man, Si mn1ons mlt~l c up "" J aC'kSM. a neighbor, Lorrnine Cox. im ginA!')' lovt! :tlhir for him with E"ntertni mne lll before t he Ut:gi n·

* * * That Rhyme by Ft:aneu Myen

Studt'nt.a, whe-re'11 tbat vent' you write!

None has comt'l Into m-, alf/ht. Some is pr<~mlMd. Brlnr It on. And, othen, p~ate aend Ia a


• • • Two eontribuUona t'.llme this wtek. A rrad and dean do

speak :

• • * A pretty blond I so to aee Ewry r llence. I pt, Throurh hea t and eold and anow

I ~. . Weather hun•t stopped me yet. Sh!! hu blue t'Jel, a friendly

!mile, And shc'a eo very bold, So bold ahtl ca.IIJ me "undt>", And 1hc's only two yean old.

" Honest AIH!,.


Little J immie Wt'nt to ac.hool, Wht'rc he broke 'morl «.\Very rule. He teased and fought ond au t up

ti\Pt'nl .

Put pins on seen~. thrl!w wad• of pupera.

O!t h is tCII('hl!r rcmtH111tratrd

;----------,1 Lft ty L)'lh~. MO\!ie sUtt, played by nlng o ( tht• play and between aeta Anil [j nu ll)' bt' e~Ca!pt.rated .

Tht teaeher wrote hi s molher a

Ramblings Qn Radio Rhythms


William Wheeler , Jeek Stalnakar

We have wstcht'd the rising nf many promiting musicians this year , but thotoe drawing our nomi· nation for the all·!tJi r bllnd in­dude : Su:aphone, , J immy Dor­sey, Chnlie Barnet. Tt"x Ben<!ke (Glen Miller) , end Ben n)' Carl"'r: t:rumpC!tll, Fl:arry J amu. Ziggy El· man (T-. Doney). and R(lf Eltl­ridgt". (Gtnc Krup:.); trombones, Tnmm y DonH'y, Jack Teagardt' n : plano, Count Bassie: gulla.r, Charlie Christian (B. Goodm•,1) ;

bus, Bob Hs ggarty I Bob f"ros· by ) ; drumt. Cene Krupa ; \'Ot'OI· k~. F'nnk S1 natra (T . flor&ec)' ) and Marion Hc tton (C it.:n n MJI­Ier) . "

:Sot -fO Inn~ •ItO il) a bro.ade.a!lt. f rom Btrlin. it Wla3 reported that lll~arly one· tirth o( 'the boUM pub­lllhe:d 1n G~nn1r;ry the past year llt'~rt' on tht- Sl\ajc!c t of war. Flct­joc led the ssfblle~~.tions w•th thP Guma.n ll'&f\ibtion nf "Gone With th~ Wind .. , hl3h on the_ l ist. T IM­two boohf'.'Qmpf:lln~: Cor top ho n on: L~ Cvrm:rn)"'l mOlt popular pubUe•~M w~re th t' B1ble anti · llt'tn B:ansrf." . . .

8 ,1\( Bol Cf'.,aby will reconl tile m3ial hllckLroand for "lloli

Y I nn'', h.i• br<~tbC!l" 8 1ng'• new t>tCUJn- • • Arti<t- ha• will k­

c•a~ e $4!:11)0 (or pla)' ii'C Qbrb,!­

ma ~ nich~ at a .Print.# ptn.;r •. Boo Burn f't'~ all tbe joke..• fq, bu prnrram o:«pt tho•· • •J' h h •mt' Ler.lf'ft, Vao Bllr~n.


QUIPS llr A f'.'bo t;'.,m,fit' 9i. \'.a

W"~ ~ &HI cl tJw ~~oC' u~:-u·a~ral't­

naad• r:• .•

MllrJpe Da\'1$. The mo,•ie s lur- made t'Onalsted o( piano mu111le by Ml'f, A per~ni\l APJieArnnc:e in the town, Imogene Bennett, Mary L{!(t Hoi· and as Binney t'Xebimed thiU he had lingsworth a nd Dolores MeKinney. never !:ltlt'n her 1n h1a lil~he rushed Robert Fidll"r, bu1ineM mnna~r. in. Wh ilot she t'tnhntced Binney •nd 111id 1511 ticket!\ were sold to stu· proclaimed hlm as her lover, her den~ : 10 to ll· fl Cl ub men11Jers a nd

~~·~;;~;~~ ·~::~ ZibMY] In ('Yery wa)' Ooo~~:i are unrh•ai·

~d as Christ:naa gi:fb.. Unlike Cood or elothing or perCume, evttn pmE' fond toy&, boQka ha ,·e long 1!\'es, aometimu even longer Lhan

·i.he rtcipients. So go•ng amo ng our

~ HaywA rd Grove~ and Robert St.a.lnakc:r.

The Red Crou needs yonr help in t he eurrcnt- apecial drive for war reii~f fl.!nda.

n.>te, S!! .. :eatin~r that t he "tan hi& !!oat" Bt:t ! hould hi! mammA not aeo fit • Tho:u teneher hcnelC wou ld nt'

tu it. .. N:oxt d·Jy f rom moth"r ca me t hllt

l'rply; " My pcrmi.ffion to you I lfh•e

hcrei.Jy; To dust hla pants u:~til Lhey burn Every day h~ fal:a to /onrn ; Ju st like his Pa . he! i• a du b; You have to learn blm with a club; So piellft pou nd knowledte Into

him: I'd like to make aom ethinc out of .Jim. Pay no nttt'ntion lo hi• O..d-1'11 handle HIM . If he rete mad ...

H. L. W.

~ri;;~11b:k:h:u~;a~f"usi0~e~~e=-lect I----------------------!Why not. gh·e: lh"fl"r~t ulll! n Banning's " A

Students, Faculty Will Find Plethora Week In New \'ork"-t.o Wlllerma White; Hl!len Ho1Jdn.son's, ·•My • Ben Girl.t" lo Robert Fidler; Ra)' Studentl\ s nd JaeuHy wh o may

Of Fine Plays In New York This Season

L. Snel1'a ".\l onlteyland " to Elma .r;et 8~ (Hr 1u New York for their Emriclc; Ethe l Hut<!t on 'a '' Prcac:b~ Chrlttmna holiiiRY.I will find • pleth-er'l Wsfe," 10 Opal R olland: Don· or• of fine play! on Bro•dwuy aid (Aoley's "The Ne-w Way to boanl.-. Gtt Slim," to Brook ~~. GoldEn ; Ful· " )l acbet h" by .Maurice Evll nl, le r '1 " lady Ed itor ," to Frnocelf ata rr ing Mr. E\'llnl and J udith An·

=~~~~~!~?.'~:·:..~~ ~;!'~:,:::~ ~~~.; ~,:;;w:;l~~:~,.;:~I~;.~: Ht;u;;Yo"TI';: t:o::::·:! "~-ou~~e:~ pNJduction o( this in Lhe modern theater.

::~l w";l~;a~:;d ~~c!':t~~ ~:~~: "Sprin• Agllin." by babel I'Aish· er Whsunc; H. L. Menku·, ton •nd Bert-ram BlMk, ia amon~r "Xe~p•pe-r Days"-to Linn 8 the newe.L c.omedie.. Thla tomedy Jf ie:lmloan; any c ood Qo(lk Book to •lai r• Gta<e Georve and C. Aubrey C_.tnerlfle IJ oward ll clf\U i ar~; lr- Smith. the latter fe!tUrnhtl to vin S_ Cobb't "E'xit J..Aut.:hlnr" to Bro-1dway !or t.he finn. t ime in A u.dl•nre of ''T ho! Wbolt' Town'• t.hirte .. n }·Nn.

T allnn¥ ·• EdJ'al' SIOIWJn'• tht prnrlu t'tion, Ahce Doer )filltr't .. , Hav~ .. Tht: Wookt'J"," •t.aninr ~mund

Lond t:n~land" to Willa 81'11nd: Gwenn a.• A ;rnarl-ed \Uibo•t cap­R-oland P~:rtwu'• "Lo•~o An ~n. tc tb"' ffr,.t play obout th" Bat.­L .. ". -t.-t Bsll)" Wheeled , , .,. tJ,. e~f Lond~n. " "d Time lf•P.azme ltlrtr.a \\ o.,lf'• ·BI'"t'ro·~t·rt th,. A ct#'· 1'13f•· •·nn au11ient'e ea.n ,,,,_t it." to Kathlet:n Ro~r·~n: Dan~an ".A~rrk and Old !.11\~" b7 tf1net AdVtntar~ ~Utd CI)Od F.•'- Und.-y antt Cro\1..,. ·1a}i1'ff" J.,fl •. ,_, lbry CbarlvUf' Df•rMJ•, Bur Karif#U in IJo ~ln ll:lJUII rolt:.

Glad}" ~~ll~r'f •• Rrteun \Jah·' I Tb U. b Bn:ladwo, tunoie1t P .. J' in '!l.Jt .. It; Bnllb t O"Ul.eld; t:. P. 1U", aU about tw.-. ld lt"i rl o. who na~·~ ''Th~ TnJtb Abog_t :lie ;:o HI (ttr rnbin~ thelr "~'" n br11nd ,. , ('uk-ell" to ft. C~: PhF ffi.t 11~f'I"Wrry wtnt. McCitzlty'• .. Hust.and-.. Aze Dlffl. " Wat<'h on the Rhine," .,_.. He-r­re~ lt.. LM'f'n• Lt-wU Wotftr; .ft.. Mae Shtlmlin.. mu fit tb • a.-ard mme W•...dau-n't ''111 S r...-tt G• • .. lw•\ Amf'T'irab plliJ" '•I Lhe Thu .. 1Jf7 )1 -:r~ .. \oO ~ lbr- ,..... acd "The Com 1.1 Ort"fll ... b7 tr: • J..r. C. R tt•• tT•• •'JfoTJrw0<>4"' * UJDf ao '>f and lb.- but ph1y

by n Cori' i.a:n a uthor, etaring Ethel Bnr rymorr., •lre current at !he tin B«"k The.attr.

Worth Quoting

Satd PrP.s. f ranklin 0 . ROOM:· velt In hll r11dio addrc.p tht put Tue-day nll'ht:

* • Powerful a nd re.ourt'oful rans­

stera have bt:lndod ~ ~op.thtr to m11k1: war u!>(ln the wholt human race.. Th eir t.haUenr• ha• now bun flunr fit lht' Unlt:ed Sutea. . . .

We arl'" now '" thi11 wtr. We If* oaU in it--.11 lhe way. Evel')' .dql• man, woman a nd ehlld i1 • putnar In the moat tremendou11 undlfl'tak­fnr: qf ou r Amork:an hl,l01'7· . . .

We lA' 1r0Inr to win lM war and we a re nine to w-1n thf" peace tJ,at (oU~tWII-____ Dun Arno :SCIWiit ny, ~Ltd r~f lh•

l"nlvt~nltr of Teu. ttudent employ­"" !l' plactt 2000 Vlldfl'• c.ndusto in joba eac-h :vear.

Ova.r Burkhard. of 1M Cuman Depa:rtrt~V~t of tlw Ual­nnlty of M lna~.aota . Mn na 1 .. '­eat-Jon of a retvm '11 OM ''*•fl. e...-t"-ry·tltinr--Cerman" r .. u.,. ol WMM War d.ylJ.



Open ~ome Season ~itb 74·57 Victory A. f. ROHRBOUGH'S QUINTET =Pioneer~- - -- I KANSAS QUINTET Coach Rohrbough

OFF TO FAST START TO LEAD ~ Spo .. ts £haltc; .. I HERE THURSDAY To Be Soeaker at

FAIRMONT TEACHERS ALL THE WAY~ Charleston Clinic When t he GlenviJJe P ionHn tTot out on the floor T hul'!lday night, Pioneers Will Enterta ln Strong

t he)' wiU be piUing o. record of on~ defeat on th e loda.l court in ftve Southweatern Five In laat Coach A. F. ( "~:tte") R.Qhrbousch will be one of lhe prineipr~~~l speak­ers this Wl'tk~nd at a ba&keLball clin ic tn be hehl in Cha rle.!!lton under1 a u8picet of Morris Harvey COIII'ge.

Co-captains Sp;,ncer and Armstrong Score 18 and 13, Respectively; Freshman Jack

Conrad Tosses 15 Points

years aga inst th e s t:ro ng Southweste rn ('tigers; SaJem's T igers downed . Game B e fore Holid ay.s the P ioneers, 49--15, F ebruary 13, 1 9~ 0, alter t he White Wa\·e had troun ced them , 55 -37, eurliu in th e !eU.on. The Sa lem cagers will be­one of the Pioneus' tcughes.t foea in this cage campaign. With a M W Coach , John H. Moo re, So l<e m has four men back who st::o red 9 15 of th e

The G le~~itfemP~~~;et:So~~~n~dr~~h~~~~~h~~i~; last night .past year's 135

ll points. * * * * lnr de! t ' F · t' y· ht' T h 74 57 · t h fi t The A.!sociat ed Press reported toda y that Oregon State a nd Duke ~er::c~n~a~~r~fo~h! s~!so~~gPr:~~o~:5i:0 t his 'c~~test t~e ha..-e ag reed to play t he 'Rose Bowl' game a t Durham , N. C., inswad of 7joneers had won over St. Francis (Pa.) and lost to Youngs- Pasadena, Calif .. where it has been played every yen since 1916, ex­tow n (0. ); Fa irmont had chalked up victories over Bet hany, cept in 1918 and 1919. 'West Lib,erty, and Marietta (0 . ) , b u t had gone under a t Wes- This contest and the East-West .\ 11-Star ga me !cheduled for San Jeya n . Francisco were canceled c t the r•~qu est of' officials because o.f

Earle Spe ncer, cente r, was hight1 the nationaJ emerge ncy.

:re r b~~~~:. 16 s~~~~~~t!adfr~:~,:,Sad~ FIRST POSTURE Although nothing d e fin i~ is ! ow: rep!rts indicate that Billy Kar-center, got 15. and Bob Armstro-ng, anton is, ! ull baek of C<olcord, a nd J oe Marra, guard from Cb rk.sburg, h-"' f Orward a nd co-captain, ac- WEEK PROGRAM :may be honor ed wlu~n the ~ 11-slate fo otball selections are announced ! or ~outed fo r 13. the season of lj41.

too~0baco~~cebo!::::n~o~t thf:r::;~~ t ·HELD ON CAMPUS Car~~ =o~:c;~i:;~:~e~~o~~r y':~~ct~~~Y ~:~~r~he"~1e:!~t ~~\~s ~~ wil h 19; Walt Owens tallied 14. !rom morrow n ight in Ch:.rlesto n. lais guard position. lZ Students Honored With Russell Hardman , former student and Pioneer athlete , has been

.Te:;nk~ean~a';.~~ k~~ ;~~:des~a~::~ Special Recognition i Talks ~i;::~e::r n~~u~!~~~i~~e:o hoo:'~e!::~ ~; ::~ ~i~ c;:~eec~~;:e ;:r~~ all~-~;: 8a personal fou ls o ~team, the Featured In Aaaembly preMnt.

· neers scored in t he first ! ew sec- Morris Harvey lost to the St . Fdancia Red Flashes, 64-38, last night. coa ds and were never seriously With the selecton of six girls a nd Last night e gainrt Fairmont, Bob Annstrong and Earle Spencer had 'lllrutened , by fifteen at t;he s ix boys, excluding members of t he a perfe-ct record at t he fo ul line; Armstro ng made 7, Spencer 6. .haU a nd j umping to a 17-point lead corrective gym nastics cla!IS, who rer- * * * * before the fina l whistle. Glenville re!ented the nea rest to the correct RA MBLINGS: Former Pioneers and ot hers see n last night at t he unk 26 goa ls a nd 22 of 34 fou ls; posture in the College, "Good Pos- game were Coach John W. Mowrey and five of his Sutton high baske t.­Fainnont hit the hoop !or 14 buckets ture 1Week" eame to a d ose t he past ball pl:ayen; Coach and Mrs. Paul Fulks o! Weston ; Coach and Mrs. a nd collected 29 of· 40 frt!e throws. Saturday wit h impr oveme nt in pos- Harold Burke of Troy.

Two Beekley f reshmen, J es:se Li lly. tu re in general among s tuden ts and Always in the !bleachers when the Pioneers play a t home, and o!ten f orward , a nd J oe Rodriguet, guard , facu lty as a resu lt o! t he week's p1·o· on dis tant bleachers, ma~· be seen t \'fO in terested fans in Dr. and Mrs. were in t he starting Glenville f ive gra m. E . G. Rohr bough, who hav e per hap swatch ed as ma ny , maybe more with Speneer, Annstron.g, and Bill 0 ! the number selected, s ix were basketball games t han o.n y t wo persons in Glenville, exclud ing the W hetsell. For both teams, 20 men fre shn1en , two were sophomores, und coach, maybe. f eature'(( in t be ¥D ring, ele..-en for three were j uniors. T hey are : Fresh- Rema rk--ed a student : " President Rohrbough sure knows his basket.­t.he White Wa\'e. including veterans men : Virginia lllarsh, RichW"ood ; ·lxall teams; you can 't ment ion a club he doesn ' t know something about." F orest White , J oe Marra, J ack l\l ilu, Doris McClung, Summen\'i lle ; Ma· It was inte resting to note th11.t a former Glenville and a former

~'!. d!:s::denB e::hcekr ~:::d, Jack :i:er~oGI:::i~ie ;G~~~;il~e:~:e~~ T~~: ~a~::~tM:~~ ~~~:~:~-;~~;~: a;tc;~7!:~not~ci: ~~~~:ti:s~ t he GSTC

G.:~riiie b~ . ~~~~~~rsd3 40 60_

74 ne~~pah:~!;:s :Ro~~~ue~it:::te~.len· Spe~!:~~ goal of the season on the home court was made by Earle

Fairmont .. . . .. . 12 26 43- 57 ville; Sue Brown , Glen ville; •~d At one time, third quarter to be. exact, three · of Glenville High T he line-ups : Pauline Burke, ICeda t"Ville. School's las t year 's B champions were in the game ! or Glen\·ille State-

GJea.,ille P u .1Fairrnont Ph Jun iortl: Willia m Kr, fer, Weston ; , Conr.:~ d , R tt."i.l a nd Luzader.

Jl e will spuk on " The F aat- Break 0 £-fense" FridA)' at 2 :30 p.m. and will di;u::ua bonnds and held-ball

l n the J ourt.h gnme on the sche· dule the Pioneus will mee1. one of their toughu t (oes, Soutbwe.stern College, of Winfi eld, Ka n , T hun dny night on the local floor as a eon­cl u ~io n to the pre- ChristmAS tiJt.A. ti tuations. the c<;!nler-jum p a nd IU T he g ame will begin at s p.m. POMibill t ies 1tnd offe naive and de-

The Southwenern Builders fU' t' ! ·e four-shot situation~ Satur­on a tou.r of th e East and will mee\ day mo rn ing al ~ o'cloek.

some of the 'eli te' of the quintets in Phillip Univers it)·, Reker Univer­s ity, Washbu rn College, a nd Murrar State Teachers. T hree West Vir-

Other ~peakers will be Rex Pylu frnm A lderaon~ Broaddu.e, J oe D11 her, of Mol'dil: Han·ey, Obick Dll,.i~

Dunn),' Levett, Harold Cunnl n~rham

of W. &: L. , :1nd Wilfred B Ntel, a

~;:~ ~e;,msGI::~-i: ~e~ l u~e;~ ~:~shna~~ triclr-shnt a rt iJL Morris Harve)', ~He . 19. Se..-ual of Morrill R arvey t:lngl l"S wit.h

t hese teams have won or participated in the National Jntercolleghtte T ou rna ments held in Ka nsns City. Southweste rn defeated the Pioneers in th(' national tournament in 1939. again in 19-40.

The Pioneen will return to Glen-

Southwester n Friday night.

Enrotlme n1 figu res at t he Un1-venity of Micbipn show 'l.n incn uet o f 150 '!"Omen over- laat, wi t.b 787 fewer men studena.

ville the day 11 f ter Chris tmas and • BuJ Defense Bon.ds rsnd Starnpe. again j ump into prac t ice to p~pare ;----------., liar the Al umni , who wll play her" the la st week of DecenWer, a nd four confer ence 'killers' the t irst half of January; Ald ~rson-Broaddus, 'l way , a nd Con«~rd , Salem, and Wesleyan here. ---The Museum of MiddJe Ameri· ca n Resear ch of Tu lane Uni.enity has the wor ld's f inest eolleetio11' of Maya 11 rt f acts.

-<>-* Buy Defense Bonds a nd Stamps.

Merry Christmas,



Pool and Billiards

A clean start means a

right start ... And that

means starting a savings ArmstronJC,! 131Pence,! 19 a nd Arthur Short , Do"othy. ~---------------------

~~~:r. e l ~~ ~~~~:r~t rco. f ~ so;~~o~y P~:!urc:r~~:~i~~ ;;~ ns:;~; PICTURES RECEIVED

~ri~~~~.2 .It i i;~\~!!• ,\v .) , 2 1° ciass_tbe. Jllel!lber!J of which display· J ~ -!;~~~~;~~~~[;.~~51-~~~;~,;:~~;;;;:&';:&~IL-l White. ! zl Hawkins. e: 4 ed posture posters in prominenl ....

account in

Marr.a . 2 :&I J ohnson, 2 l places on the cam 'JU!, ga,·e talks in Af k ~~:~d~ e 1~ ~!~';~ c~. c : \1 1lri~us class room~ nntl presented a sna JlS~:t - ~\:~t;;:,e u.snder

THE KANAWHA UNION BANK t:~bd:r • .It ; lj Muth , C 1 ~~:~·;~da:;~mLiy on go9d, postur e. ~~e -~~c~:::sha~~:•;" ~b':~!. oubmil•r.d, , C>oclotm"'

w~eie~. e g -o--- incl uding VllriOU il campus activities. I;-----------: Member Federal O<t! pO•it 1aauranee Corporation

7.i 57 TWO UNDEFEATED st~~:~~·:;ott::~ ~::;::;· =~:· simple Cotys Sets ~~==::==================~ SALEM COLLEGE LEAGUE QUINTETS ond • pd" wilt b• glv'" to tho Evening In Paris I·

holdoc of tho onop•hoto ·"'""d. Pictu res retai ned will be plll.Ced i,!l Chocolates In All

HOST TO WVIP Brown and Lamb Teams Win SizeS and Prices Two in Two ; Levin, Steorh C )) S d 1 2-DAY MEETING Are ' T;ed o ege tu ents. Kaywoodie Pipes

WE WISH YOU A Ronson Lighters Intram ural b<l!ketball opened the

( Continued From Page 1) •past week wi ~h i.wo teams still un-the W::.ldo ballroom. Musie Will ! by defeated, two tied in victor ies a nd Buck Shaffer's orchestra. lo&Ses. a nd t wo \\;th no victories.

" Any woman will have to be [a r St eryl Brown's and Warren Lamb's better tha n a man in t he same po- t ea ms are undef eated. Sol Levi n's ~i lion to gain equ~ l recogn ition/ ' and Ar nold Steorb' teams ha\'e one Slid Mrs. Rose Meredi th, editor o f :md one, Fr:~. nk Bowles' and J ohn the Salem Rera ltl . when outl ining f'ryrJ tt's qu in tets h:we yet to win. the role of women in journalism Brown 's tea m ran rampan t over





Tob'lcco and Cigarettes


Dial Glenville, 2891

T hursday afternoon. Fryatt 's Tuesday night, 59-36, and f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Representatives from eig ht col- Ste orts ' team topped Bowle3' tea.m,

Je~s agreed that censorship of the 2 7-20. America n 'Press was :. n'l!3tter of de- Brown 's c:lgers won an easy ''ic­J: ree oi 11tr ictn e~s in ;t pa nel dis- tory over Bowles ' te~a m Wednesday eussion. There were some differences night. 5 1-2 5, !or a second victory of opi nion conce rn ing the means w.ith no defeats !or the week. that shou ld he used to cenM r in- Lamb's t'i!am nosc;d out Levi n's in f ormation of importance to the a hard-f ought contest. T he lead enemy. changed hands nt least two times,

Pu bli city and pictures ''ere dis- a nd the !iml score was 3 1-28. by Edwo. rd C. Keefe, of Mus- b's battlers won their second

College . Ne""' London, 0 . victo r)" Thursday night , 48-22, and of we lcome were gh•en ha mkd Steorts' team its first de-

We Wish the Students a~d Faculty

a very Merry Christmas. and a

Prosperous New'Year.


We Thank Ydu For"Your Patronage

L>· DeAn Olive r Iken berry, Denver !ea t. Le,·in r-ave Frya~t his second ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mit chell , Sa lem stude nt body pres i- defeat Thu rsday, 25-18. dent. Gnd Madge Con)•ers, editor of H igh scorers a re Ste1·yl Brown t he Salem Green and Wh ite. Or. S. 52, Warren La mb 29, Sol k \·i n 23. 0 . Bond, S::tlem Colleg-e pl'fl;ident. and Cl;tl"l'nte H inkle :!0. gave t he invocatio n. --o- --

J en e Richa.rdso n, Sa lem co-ed. NEW SC IE NCE HALL IS ~ang at""three of the J11 ee till J!''li. She ONE-FOURTH COMPL ETED wu accompanied a t the pbno h )' Ma rtha :U:uhews. TJ11: new sci t·nce hall may be com-

Other hig hligh l:s or the meeting pleted by M a1• 30 ~ f the neceS£UT}' included a ten in the Stude nt Uninn st eel for door~. CIUII I'I'l!t. e tc. c;;~n Bu ilding T hursday n fte-rnoon and obt.a.ined, contracto r$. said t.he pnst dep.artmental di$cuSlliona Friday week. A !l )'i'l, how1vu , u.nt rnctors mo rn ing. ho ,•e not been al> l!! @:et uny com-

Delegates ! rom Gl~ rwil le ' -isit eJ l)a ~ y to t:lke otdcr8 for the ! tel'! mu-~ t he Clarksb11r2" Pu ltlishing Co1upn ny .

n nd the Cl!i rksiJ UI'g Engra\•insr Twent)·-fi ve ntl!'n a r ot. w.:n1onl! and F'ridny a ! temoo n. have e~n~p l e te~ fl l.out one-f ourth ~f

Re pre!entat ives to the; con fNe ncc ~he ltu •ldmg. I ~un~er, a re now .la)'·

I fram Clen••ille included Burns Hnr- lng s.ewer.s, sn •l 1Pell, wate r h ne!. la n. KlinP Bus h, J .1ck St:ah ke.r, 1!-t{". \\' Diiam WhN!ler, Chnrle" " un .. Contrnctol"" •c,ter day were t• a nd Arnold Steor l.!c<, ~tu dcnb , md lrtlle perw rt.--d ,,..-cause students.

Linn B. Hickmnn, - fat'u l t~ n•h r. ;~~~7~g htl~~n;o(~ ... d::~~ ;n h•n ,• l·coA •tb

Members "r the Holy Rolle.r 1'1. Vero na ~l a l'd ' fall They said attended the YWC.~ Sunday . lhnt a pair u! ~:o ••e s had been foun cl

pers in a body.

- Buy Defense Bond! and Stam

i n the s:.v. s'h.,J and would b(o re· lu rm•d wl~~ ~~ the ownc.>r cn lled for them.




To the Students and the Faculty

of ,Glenville State Teachers




of Course I t's really not mut h of ill problem ­deeiding how to go home for the • H olidily5. J ust foUo w the crowd ­your trowd - and you're I W'e to find

yourseil aboard a Greyhound Su~r­

Coilch. O r if you'd nther 1it dotm and fis: ure the matter out carefully, logia lly, practically, you11 end up the a.ame p~e - ror the big saving


Ot)e· W•y Rd.-Trip Wetlon . . . S .65 S l .20 Buckhann on , 1. 10 2 .00 Elkin. - .. , , 2. 10 3.60 Richwood . 3.15 5.70 Clarlu.bu r r , 1. 15 2 .10 More• ntown , 2. t 5 3.90 P itubure h ... 3 .9 0 7. 05 Spence-r . . .95 1.15 P• rker obur.: . 2.05 3. 70 Clende nin 1.75 3 . 15 Charl e. oton Z. lS 3.90 Hunt:n1'1 0n . 3. t5 5.70 Bluefi eld , .. 5.70 10.30 Winf.!On S. J.ern 6.95 1 2...55 Ci ne inn•ti 5.40 9 .75 Clenlat>d 5.60 10.10





T e ll$ State O steopath 'T h e P r ice of Liberty Is

Eterna l V igilance'

YOU'RE THE ONE With Bonnie Bake r -:a nd Tommy

Tu eker's Orchestra T u e1. and W ed., Dec . 16 and 17

Canterbury Club Members Present

For Annual P arry

Born to ).fr. and Mrs. Ray E.

Coming Events

For Exce llent Barber Service by Ba rber

Co lle g e G r a duate• Stop at


Ope ra tors : J o hn Sta lna ker a nd Howa rd Beaa



• Wholesale Feed

and Fruits

• •

One Day O nly , Thur 1.1 Oeo;: . 18 AnnP Shirley ln


Gibone}' of Pittsburgh, a son, Mrs. Giboney is the former MiM Bc.ubh Wian t, daughter of Mrs. Maud Wiant of Sand F ork and the l'il'to i\till:t rd B. Wi~tnt . Mr. Giboney, A.B .

'34, is employe-d by Westinghouse ~=========~ Con1 pany. Formerly he taught in i"

W e Recommend Fruita For Your Health, Especially

W est Virr in ia Apples.

• Tanner High School. Mrs. Giboney is ll former student. . ~---

One regular adu lt. ticket 11ccom- F our pro!eMors of physics at Cor· panied by a l Oe Defense Savings nell Un iversi ty hu\·e left the campus Stamp is good for T WO admissions to t-ake defense positions. at the Picturela nd ~heatre on Tues-days and Thun:days. Defense Savings Stop a t the

~~:;:::. may be purchaed at the LOG CA BIN RESTAUR ANT

• For Dinners, Sandwic hes, MERRY CHRISTMA S! Soft Drinks

@@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J@J :=::;;;;;:::~;:;~::;:~ MERRY CHRISTMAS




Glenville Shoe Shop The Plao;:e to H a•e O ld Shoe1 Repai..e,d a nd to~ Buy Ne.w Onet

Spend Your Leisure Time at


• Soft D rink•. C icarette1,



and a HAPPY

NEW YEAR to you all!



Clarksburg, W. Va.

The Conrad Hotel and Restaurant

Wishes You a Merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year

Students! We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy

New Year.


RESTAURANT The Place Where Student. Come

I Red Cross Roll Call Goes Over 500 Mark ; Many Activit ies Piaruuid

C«tiffoMl. £.S.Wnps­.,{th thtiTbct!(th&ht - ,u.rdyounaqcoo....:l oldqaimtttnoin.Look (ot tt\.c I.E..S. T11 on lampt)'VVbuy;a~&ood ll&kt -...d bctl(r valuo ,

-I·E·S• Monongahela


We Wish You A MERRY




• a. B. STORE

Rudde ll Reed , Owner

Main Street

By Frances Myers :he West Virginia Inter-c.

leg1'(1.te Prl'u ~ciation was ..,. ganizt:d t)'•enty }'Nrs ago at Sat.. Colll'gl', the site of thh year"1 ~eting • . . Rebert Stewart, aeDI lOr at Concord, attE:ndod the t'ODo It-renee four coruecu; ive run. which ia unwual for a ltudenL He aat UI'OM tht' table f rom m• at s preu luncheon here two yeara ago, and again at Salem this year, qui tc by accident .•• An infonnal }n.lf hour of t bap talk in the Salem Green and White t~ffice with e.ditort J o11ephine J~n­kin~. Fairmont, and Madge Con­yen, Salem, was both plea!ant­and inspiring.

* Convening- wit..b a group Ill

fae ulty advinn, eacb (rom a dlf­f.-ren t collegto, was an interesf:i q j:tl!time . . . Willia m Wheeler t erved on the plau. committee (or next year's convention , .. lf.n. Rose Meredith struck home witb fteveral remarks : "Bre.athes a woman witll

soul so dead, Who nev-er to herself hath said. 'J'd like to be a journalist'?"

Her advice to prospet t ive jotll'­nalist.s was to "Look ahead. Think, plan, and dream, and have hitb in your dreams ; but good eommo11 .s tnae and judgment must be the tiasia: )"our pbns will always be o·nly plans. "

• * " Dr. P. r. Reed expren ed a un.i-verstl hope when, alter announe­ing his title " What Tomol'1'0w'l J ournaJism Will Bne to Offe-r.'' be added, " more than thi"rty dol­Ian a week." Dr. Reed wa..s pr~ e nt a t the fi rst meeting o( the WV IPA twenty rear& ago.

*· * • Worth rem embering also wu

Dr. Reed's suggestion tMt. we "are sta:ndinr be:tore pad.lod:ed ptes. ~- i to get the keys. '"'rhe st udent e nters collep with a stri11g (lome say on a .shoestring) and leaves with maDJ'

ken. Many are brJu, some- ail~

ver, and some gold. Journali&~~

of tomorrow b;as a position wait­ing for~ yo u to put ke}'l on }'OUt educatioral ke)•ring."

Mr. Renry Ash a.sid, "Dictators appreeiate th!:! Amtrican WillY of li.fe. T hey took tM trouble lo de­clare war on w.''

* Boy Oelc!.nse Bond.s and St.ampa.

TY P EWRITERS - Ror al. Remi .. -ton , Und erwood aad Coro na : AM· in r M•d•i•e• , c •• h Re.,-i.te.n, R.a­tal M•c:IUae.s and Safu.

c..EORCE W . SM IT H. Oe.ale.r l lZ Ma.ia A..-e., We.ton , W . Va.



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