the glad tidings of the truth


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The GLAD TIDINGS of the TRUTH Is joy to those who have received from the Father of the Truth the gift of acknowledging Him by the Power of the Word, Who has come from the Fullness and Who is in the figuration and the mind of the Father; He it is Who is called “The Deliverer,”


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Zekeniam Y’sra’al

( teacher of Y’sra’al)

Sherut haRitztzuy (the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the ( Atonement)

Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration


(HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be).


Father and son are one

My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16 This is MY NAME forever,

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Yâ-hwuah, Aluahiym of your father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Ya’aqob [Jacob], has sent me to you. This is my name forever,

and this is my memorial for generation to generation." and I appeared to Abraham, to Yitzchak, andto Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my name, Ya-hwuah, was not well known

(famous) to them.

The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav (Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear?

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)

(in His Name)

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[Yah -hoo-Wah]

is the Name of the Creator.

(Yâhuwshúa`) is His Son

[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"

means Set-apart, Pure.

(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"

Ruwach (Raukh (spirit)) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His

"Presence", pictured as the Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the

One Who "proceeds from the Father"

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Tehillim 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me secretly in His booth. In

the covering of His Tent He will hide me. On a Rock He raises me


is for you too!

Scripture speaks of a secret place where we can simply go, be alone,

be protected, pray, and hear from Yahuahshua. Knowing there is

such a place is a matter of faith. Going back time and again, that's a

matter of building a relationship. You need not have an advanced

degree in any subject, need not have memorized Scripture from

beginning to end, but instead be aware the Yâ-hwuah of Y’sra’al

has a place for each Jew and Gentile who will open their minds and

hearts to Him.

Mt 6:5-8

When you pray, you shall not be as the role-fakers, for they love to

stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets,

that they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have

received their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your

inner chamber, and having shut your door, pray to your Father

Who is in secret, and your Father Who sees in secret shall reward

you openly. In praying, don’t use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles

do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

Therefore don’t be like them, don't you see that your Father knows

what things you need before you ask Him.

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The truth in reality is visited in this secret place AND must be

shared by those who will live or else ... they will perish ... in


It is written

Lu 11:33

“No one, when he has lit a Lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a

basket, but on a stand, that those who come in may see the Light.

Tehillim. 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good,

your whole body is also full of Light; but when it is evil, your body

also is full of darkness. Therefore see whether the light that is in you

isn’t darkness. If therefore your whole body is full of Light, having

no part dark, it shall be wholly full of Light, as when the Lamp with

its bright shining gives you Light.”

The menorah is the only symbol created by Yâhuwshúa`

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With this in mind, heart soul and strength let us study together in

the Ruwach

And now brothers and sisters

Come out of the secret place bearing light!

who see it from afar. The Secret Place, here, shines a bit of light so

many can see from afar. The topics we have chosen are addressed to

Jew and Gentile together. We do this because that is what the Bible

does. This opens the window to make more sense of what Scripture

tells us!

In the secret place is plain language, something simple to read. This

is a mere starting place for deeper consideration.

The glad tidings of the Truth is joy to those who have received from

the Father of the Truth the gift of acknowledging Him by the

Power of the Word, Who has come from the Fullness and Who is

in the figuration and the mind of the Father; He it is Who is called

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Since that is the name of the work which He must do for the

redemption of those who have not acknowledged the Father. For

the name of the glad tidings is the manifestation of the hope

[“ ],

Since that is the discovery of those who seek Him, because the

Universe sought Him from whom it had come forth. You see, the

Universe had been inside of Him, that illimitable, incomprehensible

One, Who is better than every imagination.

This non-acknowledgment (ignorance) of the Father brought

about terror and fear. And terror became like a dense fog, so that

no one was able to see. Because of this, the Error became strong.

But it worked vainly on His material substance [the Universe],

because it did not acknowledge the Truth. It existed in a fashioned

form while it was being prepared, in power and in beauty, as the

equivalent of Truth. This then, was not a humiliation for Him, that

illimitable, inconceivable One. For this terror and this forgetfulness

and this figure of falsehood, they were as nothing, whereas this

established Truth is unchanging, unperturbed and completely


For this reason, do not take the Error too seriously. Thus, since it

has had no root [in reality (baseless)], it was in a blind fog as

regards the Father, engaged in preparing works and forgetfulnesses

and fears in order to, by these means, beguile those of the midst [of

the blind fog] and to make them captive. The forgetfulness of the

Error was not revealed to it. It did not become a light beside the

Father. Forgetfulness did not exist with the Father, although it

existed because of Him. What exists within Him is knowledge,

which has been revealed so that forgetfulness might be destroyed

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and that they might acknowledge the Father. Since forgetfulness

existed because they did not acknowledge the Father, if they then

come to acknowledge the Father, from that moment on

forgetfulness will cease to exist.

That is the glad tidings of Him Whom they seek, which He has

revealed to the mature through the mercies of the Father as the

hidden secret,

Through Him He enlightened those who were in darkness because

of forgetfulness. He enlightened them and gave them a Way. And

that Way is the Truth which He taught them. For this reason, the

Error was angry with Him, so it persecuted Him. It was distressed by

Him, so it made Him Powerless. He was nailed to a gallows-Tree. It

became a fruit of the acknowledgement of the Father. He [the

Father] did not, however, destroy them because they ate of it. He

rather caused those who ate of it to become joyful because of this


And as for Him, them He found within Himself, and Him they

found within themselves, that illimitable, incomprehensible One -

that perfect Father Who made the universe, by whom the Universe

exists, yet whom the Universe lacks, since He retained within

Himself their perfection, which He had not given to the universe.

The Father was not envious. What envy, indeed, exists between Him

and His members? For, even if the Age had received their

perfection, they would not have been able to approach the

perfection of the Father, because He retained their perfection

within Himself, giving it to them as a Way to return to Him and as

knowledge unique in perfection. He is the One Who set the

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Universe in order and by whom the Universe existed yet Whom the

Universe lacked. As One of whom some have no knowledge, He

desires that they acknowledge Him and that they love Him. For

what is it that the Universe lacked, if not the knowledge of the


He became a Guide, quiet and in leisure. In the middle of a school

He came and spoke the Word, as a Teacher. Those who were wise in

their own estimation came to put Him to the test. But He

discredited them as empty-headed people. They hated Him because

they were not wise men in reality. After all these, He came also to

the little children, to those who do possess the knowledge of the

Father. When they became strong they were taught the aspects of

the Father’s Face. They came to acknowledge and they were

recognized. They were honored and they gave honor.

[His Word – His name],

The scroll which was written in the imagination and in the mind of

the Father and which, from before the foundation of the Universe,

is within that incomprehensible part of Him.

This is the scroll which no one was found capable to take, since it

was reserved for Him Who would take it yet be slain.

[Disclosure 5: 9-12]

And they were singing a New Song, saying,

“Worthy are You to take the scroll and to open its seals, because

You were slaughtered, and You did redeem some from every tribe

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and tongue and people and heathen masses by Your blood for the

mighty One, And You did make them kings and priests to our

mighty One, and they shall reign over the earth!” And I saw, and I

heard the voice of many envoys around the throne and of the

living creatures and of the elders, and the number of them was ten-

thousands of ten-thousands and thousands of thousands;

“Worthy is the Lamb that has been slaughtered to receive the Force,

and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and esteem, and honor, and


No one was able to be manifested from those who believed in

deliverance as long as that scroll had not appeared. For this reason,

the compassionate, loyal Yâhuwshúa` was patient in His sufferings

until He took that scroll, since He knew that His death meant life

for many. Just as in the case of a will which has not yet been

opened while the fortune of the deceased master of the house is

hidden, so also it is in the legal case of the Universe which had

remained hidden as long as the Father of the Universe was unseen

and only One was within Himself, within Whom every space has its

source. For this reason Yâhuwshúa` manifested. He took that scroll

as His own. He was nailed to a gallows-tree. He affixed the edict of

the Father to the gallows-tree.

Oh, such a great lesson! He abases Himself even unto death, though

He is clothed in eternal life. Having divested Himself of these

perishable rags, He clothed Himself in incorruptibility, which no

one could possibly take from Him. When He entered into the

empty territory of fears, He passed before those who were stripped

by forgetfulness, being both acknowledgement and perfection,

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proclaiming the things that are in the heart of the Father, so that

He became the wisdom of those who have accepted instruction. But

those who are to be taught it, the living who are inscribed in the

scroll of the living, learn it for themselves, accepting instructions

from the Father, returning to Him again.

Since the perfection of the Universe is within the Father, it is

necessary for the Universe to ascend to Him. Therefore, if one

maintains the acknowledgement, he gets what belongs to him and

He draws him to Himself. For he who is not acknowledging is

deficient, and it is a great deficiency

Yâhuwshúa` said,

“If the flesh came to be alive because of the Raukh (spirit) (breath),

it is a marvel; but if the Raukh (spirit) came to exist because of the

body [of the convocation], it is a marvel of marvels! But as for Me,

I marvel at this: how this great host has settled for this poverty.”

Yshá`Yâhuw 41: 29,

For look! All of them are trouble, nothing! Their deeds are Raukh

(spirit) and their molten images are emptiness, which cause you to

be misled.

Tâ’ówm 29

Yâhuwshúa` said,

“If the flesh came to be alive because of the Raukh (spirit) (breath),

it is a marvel; but if the Raukh (spirit) came to exist because of the

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body [of the convocation], it is a marvel of marvels! But as for Me,

I marvel at this: how this great host has settled for this poverty.”

Yâhuwshúa` said,

“If your (religious) leaders say to you, ‘Look, the Kingdom [of Yâ-

hwuah] is in the heavens!’ then the birds of the heavens would

precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea!’ then the fish

would precede you. Rather, the Kingdom (Royalty) [of Yâ-hwuah]

is inside of you and it is outside of you. When you acknowledge

Him yourselves, then you will be acknowledged, and you will know

that you are sons of the living Father. But if you do not

acknowledge Him yourselves, then you are in poverty

and you shall be afflicted.”

Yshá`Yâhuw 48: 10


I have sold you into slavery, but not for silver – I have picked you

out from in the furnace of poverty;

Silver: or money. Affliction: humbling, busyness, poverty,

oppression, or misery.

Since he lacks that which will make him perfect. Since the perfection

of the Universe is within the Father, it is necessary for the Universe

to ascend to Him and for each one to get the things which are his.

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He registered them first, having prepared them to be given to those

who came from Him.

Those whose name He recognized first were called afterwards,

because the one who has the knowledge is he whose name the

Father has pronounced. For he whose name has not been called is

un-acknowledging. Indeed, how shall one heed if his name has not

been uttered? For he who remains not acknowledging until the end

is a creature of forgetfulness and will perish with it. If this were not

so, why don’t these wretches have a name, because they have no

voice? Hence, if one has acknowledgement, he is from above. If he

is called, he heeds, he responds, and he turns toward Him Who

called him and he ascends to Him and he acknowledges what He is

called. Since he has the acknowledgement, he does the will of Him

Who called him. He desires to please Him and he finds repose. He

accepts the name of Truth. He who thus is going to maintain

acknowledgement knows whence he came and whither he is going.

He acknowledges it like a person who, having become drunk, has

turned away from his drunkenness and having come to himself, has

restored what is his own.

He has turned many from the Error. He went before them to their

own stations, from which they departed when they erred because of

the depth of Him who contains every place, whereas there is

nothing which contains Him. It was a great wonder that they were

within the Father without recognizing Him and that they were able

to depart on their own, since they were not able to contain Him

and acknowledge Him within whom they were, for indeed His will

had not issued forth from Him. For He revealed it [His will] as a

knowledge with which all its offspring agree, namely, the

knowledge of the living scroll which He revealed to the Ages at last

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as His letters, displaying to them that these are not merely vowels

nor consonants, so that one may read them and think of

something void of meaning; on the contrary, they are letters which

convey the Truth. They are pronounced only when they are

acknowledged. Each letter is a perfect truth like a perfect scroll, for

they are letters written by the hand of the Unity (’Echâ´th), since

the Father wrote them for the Ages, so that they by means of His

letters might come to recognize the Father.

While His wisdom arbitrates on the Word [the name of


Disclosure 19: 13

And clothed about in a garment sprinkled all about in blood and

Yshá`Yâhuw 63: 1-6

“Who is this One Coming from ’Ethówm, with garments red from

the Sheepfold Enclosure (Bâtsrâ´h)?


`Âmówç 1: 12]

. “‘So I have sent out a fire against Teyman, and it will devour the

fortified palaces of Botzrah

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These were Edom’s chief cities. The nation of Edom was subjugated

by the Assyrians prior to 700 B.C. and made a wasteland in the 5th

century B.C., later to be taken over by the Nabateans.

This One, adorned in His apparel, striding forward in the greatness

of His strength?” “It is I, Who dictating correctly,

“Why is your apparel red, and Your garments like One treading in a

treading trough?” “I have trodden the winepress alone, but from the

peoples, there was no one with Me, so I treaded them in My anger,

and I trampled them in My fury, and it spattered their blood on My

garments so I have stained all of My apparel!

Because the Day of Vengeance is in My heart, and the Year of My

Redemptions has come,

and I looked but there was no one helping, so I caused Myself

desolation, and there was no one upholding, so My Sowing Arm

worked deliverance for Me, and My rage, it upheld Me,

so I trampled the peoples in My anger, and I made them drunk in

My wrath and I caused their body fluids (lit. juice) to descend down

to the Land!”

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(YirmYâ´huw 16: 16 )

See, I am sending for many fishermen, says Ya-hwuah, and they

shall fish them up;

] and afterward I shall send for many hunters, and they shall hunt

them from every mountain, and from every hill, and from out of

the holes bored into the rocky cliffs.

Fishermen: This is what Yâhuwshúa `was alluding to when He told

the literal fishermen who followed Him that He was now sending

them out as fishers of men. ( ) After they have fished: This

is the stage we have reached in the present day, for He is taking

many who were missionaries out of the Church, and thus

terminated the first stage of the job. Yâhuwshúa`’s parable of the

dragnet clarifies what the “hunters” will do. They will sort out the

unclean from the clean, and throw back the fish or other creatures

caught that are not kosher. ( ) I.e., those in the

gathered-out congregations that are fit for His consumption will be

preserved, and those who are not will become part of the only other

entity at the time, the Beast’s worldwide system which no one can

buy or sell without identifying with. The Hebrew form of the word

“hunt” is not the form that indicates “hunt for themselves”, i.e., to

enjoy the provision as their own sustenance. Thus they will not be

professional evangelists or pastors who make this their livelihood,

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but will be doing it for Ya-hwuah. Holes bored into the rocky cliffs:

where Yâ-hwuah had told YirmeYahuw to hide away his waist-sash

( ).

Disclosure 14: 17

And another envoy exited out of the Temple building of Ya-

hwuah, he also holding a sharp gathering hook.

Disclosure 14: 18.

Yet another envoy exited from the altar, the one holding authority

over the fire

[YchezqË´’l 28: 11-19];

And he called with a loud cry to the one holding the sharp

gathering hook, saying:

“Dispatch your sharp gathering hook, and gather the bunches of the

vine of the Land, because her grapes are fully ripe!”

Disclosure 14: 19.

And the envoy threw out his gathering hook into the Land, and

gathered the vine of the Land

Yshá`Yâhuw 17: 10-11,

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Because you forgot the mighty Ones of your salvation, and you did

not remember the Rock of your fortress! According to this

manner, you shall plant plantations of Pleasant ones

(Na`amâníym, but you shall sow the foreign vine: you shall plant

an unbelieving plantation, and an unbelieving seed.

Yshá`Yâhuw 17: 11,

On the day of your planting, you shall fence around it carefully,

and at the morning you shall make your posterity break out [in

leprosy]… The harvest is a pile on the day of the disease and

incurable pain.

Though in the day that ye plant ye shall be deceived, nonetheless if

you sow the Seed at daybreak, it shall spring up for a crop in the

Day in which you shall obtain an inheritance, and as a father of

man, you shall obtain an inheritance for your sons

YirmYâ´huw 2: 21,

Yet I had planted you a choice vine, all of it a reliable seed. How

then have you turned into the degenerate shoots of a foreign vine

to Me?

There is another pun here: “choice vine” is soreq, but it had turned

out to be surey (degenerate shoots).

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Tâ’ówm 40],

Yâhuwshúa` said,

“A (foreign) vine has been planted apart from the Father. Since it is

not strong, it will be pulled up by its roots and destroyed.”

And threw it into the great winepress of the fury of the mighty


Disclosure 14: 20.

And the winepress was trodden [by Yâhuwshúa`

Yshá`Yâhuw 63: 1-6


[MattithYâ´huw 22: 13]

The city [in Bâtsrâ´h], and blood came forth out of the winepress as

far as the bits of the horses, a thousand six hundred furlongs off

(184 miles)!

, and since His teaching expresses it, the acknowledgment of Him

has been revealed. His Honor is a Crown upon It. Since His joy

agrees with It, His Honor exalted it. It has revealed His Image. It has

obtained His rest. His Love took bodily form around it

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Yâhuwchânâ´n 1: 14,

1And the Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us, and we

perceived His Honor, an Honor as of the Sole-of-kin from a Father

full of favor and truth!

`Ivríym 1: 3

Who, being the Irradiator of His Honor and the Likeness of His

Essence [Numbers 12: 8 ], both bearing all things for the Word of

His Force, and having through Himself accomplished the cleansing

of our sins, He did sit down at the right-hand side of the Greatness

on high,

His trust embraced It. Thus the Word [Expression] of the Father

goes forth into the Universe, being the fruit of His heart and

expression of His will. It sustains the Universe. It chooses and also

takes the form of the Universe, purifying it, and causing it to return

to the Father and to the Mother [the Raukh (spirit) of Yâ-hwuah

(Phílippos 87)]. “Yâhuwshúa`” is of the utmost sweetness: The

Father opens His bosom, and His bosom is the Raukh (spirit) of the

Pure One [Yâhuwchânâ´n 1: 18, 3: 13].

She [the Raukh (spirit) of the Pure one] reveals His hidden Self

which is His Son, so that through the compassion of the Father the

Ages may acknowledge Him, end their wearying search for the

Father, and rest their selves within Him, knowing that this is the

Rest. After He had filled what was incomplete, He did away with the

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pattern. The pattern of it is the world, as that it served. For where

there is envy and strife, there is an incompleteness; but where there

is Unity, there is completeness; Since this incompleteness came

about because they did not acknowledge the Father, thus when

they acknowledge the Father, incompleteness, from that moment

on, will cease to exist. As one’s ignorance disappears when he gains

knowledge, and as darkness disappears when light appears, so also

incompleteness is eliminated by completeness. Certainly, from that

moment on, a pattern is no longer manifest, but will be dissolved in

fusion with Unity. For now their works lie scattered. In time Unity

will make the spaces complete. By means of Unity each one will

understand Itself. By means of acknowledgement it will purge itself

of differences with a view towards Unity, consuming matter within

itself like Fire and darkness by Light, death by Life.

Certainly, if these things have happened to each one of us, it is

fitting for us, surely, to consider the Universe so that the house

may be pure and quiet for Unity. It is like people who have moved

from a neighborhood, if they have some dishes around which are

not good, they usually break them. Nevertheless the householder

does not suffer a loss, but rejoices, for in the place of these defective

dishes there remain those which are completely perfect. For this

means the Justice which has come from above and which has

judged every person, is a drawn two-edged Sword cutting on this

side and that. When It manifested - I mean, the Word, Who is in

the heart of those who pronounce It, It was not merely a sound but

it had become a Body a great disturbance occurred among the

dishes, for some were emptied, others filled: some were provided

for, others were removed; some were purified, still others were

broken. All the spaces were shaken and disturbed for they had

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neither structure nor stability. Error was disturbed not knowing

what it should do. It was troubled; it lamented, it was beside itself

because it did not know anything. While knowledge, which is its

abolishment, approached it with all its offspring, Error becomes

empty, since there exists nothing within it.

Raukh (spirit)ally procreated by a Kiss (Phílippos 35, Proverbs 24:

26 )

The Truth appeared; all Its offspring recognized It - they actually

addressed the Father with an authority which is complete and which

joins them with the Father [Yâhuwchânâ´n 1: 12]. For each

(offspring) one loves the Truth because the Truth is the Mouth of

the Father [Yâhuwchânâ´n 8: 28, Deuteronomy 18: 14-19, contrast

Disclosure 13: 5]. His tongue is the Raukh (spirit) of the Pure One,

which joins him [the offspring] to the Truth attaching him to the

Mouth of the Father [Yâhuwshúa`] by His tongue [the Raukh

(spirit) of the Pure One] at the time he shall receive the Raukh

(spirit) of the Pure One.

This [Truth] is the Manifestation of the Father and His revelation to

His Ages. It revealed His hidden Self and explained Him. For who is

it who does exist if it is not the Father himself? All the spaces are

His offspring. They [His Ages] knew that they stem from Him as

children from a perfect Man. They knew that they had not yet

received form nor had they yet received a name, every one of which

the Father produces. If they at that time period accept formation

from His knowledge, though they are truly in Him they do not

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know Him. But the Father is perfect: He does know every space

which is within Him. If He pleases, He reveals anyone whom He

desires by giving him a form and by giving him a name; and He

does give him a name and cause him to come into existence

[meaning of Ya-hwuah]. Those who do not yet exist are ignorant

of Him Who created them. I do not say, then, that those who do

not yet exist are nothing. But they are within Him Who will desire

that they exist when He pleases, like the event which is going to

happen. On the one hand, He knows, before anything is revealed,

what He will produce. On the other hand, the fruit which has not

yet been revealed does not know anything, nor is it anything either.

Thus each space which, on its part, is in the Father comes from the

existent One, Who, on his behalf, has established it from the

nonexistent. [The Error is] he who does not exist at all, will never


What, then, is that which He wants him to think? “I am like the

shadows and phantoms of the night.” When morning comes, this

one knows that the fear which he had experienced was nothing.

Thus they were ignorant of the Father; He is the One Whom they

did not see. Since there had been fear and confusion and a lack of

confidence and doublemindedness and division, there were many

illusions which were conceived by it, the aforementioned [Error], as

well as empty ignorance; as though they were fast asleep and found

themselves a prey to troubled dreams. Either there [their illusions/

troubled dreams] is a place to which they flee, or they lack strength

as they come, having pursued unspecified things. Either they are

involved in inflicting blows, or they themselves receive bruises.

Either they are falling from high places, or they fly off through the

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air, though they have no wings at all. Other times, it is as if certain

people were trying to kill them, even though there is no one

pursuing them; or, they themselves are killing those beside them,

for they are stained by their blood. Until the moment when they

who are passing through all these things I mean they who have

experienced all these confusions awaken, they see nothing because

the dreams were nothing. It is thus that they who cast non-

acknowledgment (ignorance) from them as sleep do not consider it

[the illusions from the Error] to be anything, nor regard its

properties to be something real, but they renounce them like a

dream in the night and they consider the knowledge of the Father

to be the dawn. It is thus that each one has acted, as though he were

asleep, during the time when he was unacknowledging (ignorant)

and thus he comes to understand, as if he were awakening. And

happy is the man who comes to himself and awakens. Indeed,

blessed is He Who has opened the eyes of the blind.

Yisrâ’Ë´l the blind servant (Yshá`Yâhuw 42)

And the Raukh (spirit) came to him in haste when she raised him.

Having given its power to the One lying prone on the ground, it

placed him firmly on his feet, for he had not yet stood up. She gave

them the means of recognizing the knowledge of the Father and

the revelation of His Son. For when they saw it and listened to it,

she permitted them to take a taste of and to smell and to grasp the

beloved Son.

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He [the beloved Son] appeared, informing them of the Father, the

illimitable One. He inspired them with that which is in the mind,

while doing His will. Many accepted the Light and turned towards

Him. But material [carnal] men were alien to Him and did not

discern His having appeared nor recognize Him, for He came in the

likeness of flesh, yet nothing blocked His way because it was

incorruptible and unrestrainable [Dâ´niyyË´’l 11: 3]. Moreover,

while saying new things, speaking about what is in the heart of the

Father, He proclaimed the faultless Word. Light spoke through His

mouth, and His voice brought forth Life. He gave them

imagination and understanding and mercy and deliverance and the

Raukh (spirit) of strength derived from the limitlessness of the

Father and sweetness. He caused punishments and scourgings to

cease, for it was they which caused many in need of mercy to go

astray from Him in error and in chains so He mightily destroyed

them and derided them with knowledge. He became a Way for

those who went astray and knowledge to those who were ignorant,

a discovery for those who sought, and a support for those who

tremble, a pureness for those who were defiled.

He is the Shepherd who left behind the ninety-nine sheep which

had not strayed and went in search of that one which was lost. He

rejoiced when He had found it. For ninety-nine is an [incomplete]

number of the left hand, which holds it. The moment He finds the

one, however, the complete number is transferred to the Right

Hand. Thus it is with Him Who lacks the one, that is, the entire

Right Hand which draws that in which It is deficient, seizes it from

the left side and transfers it to the Right. In this way, then, the

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number becomes one hundred. This [complete] number

symbolizes the Father.

He labored even on the Shabbâ´th for the sheep which He found

fallen into the pit. He saved the life of that sheep, bringing it up

from the pit in order that you may understand fully what that

Shabbâ´th means, you who possess full understanding. It is a Day in

which it is not fitting that deliverance be idle, so that you may

speak of that Day of the heavens which has no night and of the

Shémesh [luminary orb] which does not set because It is perfect [2

Këph 1:19, Psalms 84: 11 ]. Say then in your heart that you are this

perfect Day and that within you dwells the Light which does not


Speak concerning the Truth to those who seek It and of

acknowledgement to those who, in their Error, have committed sin.

Make sure footed those who stumble and extend forth your hands

to the sick. Nourish the hungry and set at ease those who are

troubled. Foster men who love. Arouse up and awaken those who

sleep. This Understanding which encourages is for you. If the strong

follow this Way, they are even stronger. Turn your attention to

yourselves. Do not be concerned with other things, namely, that

which you have cast forth from yourselves, that which you have

dismissed. Do not return to them to eat them. Do not be moth-

eaten, do not be worm-eaten [Yshá`Yâhuw 51: 7-8], for you have

already shaken it off. Do not be a place of the adversary, for you

have already destroyed him. Do not strengthen your last obstacles,

because that is reprehensible. For the lawless one is nothing. He

harms himself more than the Law. For that [lawless] one does his

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[the adversary’s] works because he is a lawless person. But this One,

because He is a righteous Person, does His works among others. Do

the will of the Father, then, for you are from Him.

For the Father is sweet, and His will is good. He knows the things

that are yours, so that you may rest yourselves in them. For by the

fruits one recognizes the things that are yours, because they are of

the sons of the Father; and one recognizes His aroma, because you

originate from the favor of His Countenance. For this reason

[originating from the favor of His Countenance], the Father loved

His aroma so it manifests itself in every place: so when it is mixed

with matter, He gives His aroma to the Light; and within His rest

He causes it to ascend within every form and within every sound.

For there are no nostrils which smell the aroma, rather it is the

Raukh (spirit) which possesses the sense of smell and it draws it for

itself to itself and immerses into the aroma of the Father. He is,

indeed, the place for it! So He takes it to the place from which it has

come, in the initial aroma which is “cold”. It means something in a

physical form, resembling cold water which is [frozen] since it is in

soil which is not hard, of which those who see it think, “It is [firm]

earth.” Afterwards, it becomes soft again. If a breath is taken, it is

usually hot. The aromas, therefore, are cold from the separation.

For this reason, Ya-hwuah came and destroyed the separation and

He brought the hot Fullness of Love, so that the cold may not

return, but that the Unity of the Perfect Imagination may prevail.

This is the message of the Glad tidings: of the finding of the

Fullness for those who wait for the deliverance which comes from

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above, while their hope, for which they are waiting, is waiting. Of

them whose likeness is of the Light in which there is no shadow

[Ya`aqóv 1: 17], then, during that time period the Fullness is about

to come, the deficiency of matter, however, is not because of a

limitedness of the Father Who comes during the time period of the

deficiency. And yet no one is able to say that the incorruptible One

will come in this [limited] manner. But the depth of the Father is

increasing, and the imagination of Error is not with Him. It is a

matter of [those who are deficient] falling down and a matter of

being readily set upright at the finding of that One Who has come

to him who will turn back, for this turning back is called

“repentance”. For this reason, Incorruption [the Pure One] has

breathed. It followed him who has sinned in order that he may find

rest. For forgiveness is that which remains for the Light in the

deficiency, the Word of the Fullness. For the Physician hurries to

the place in which there is sickness, because that is the desire which

He has. The sick man is in a deficient condition, but he does not

hide himself because the Physician possesses that which he lacks. In

this manner the deficiency is filled by the Fullness, which has no

deficiency, which has given Itself out in order to fill the one who is

deficient, so that favor may remove him, then, from the place

which is deficient and has no favor. Because of this, a decrease

occurred in the area in which there is no favor, the area where the

one who is small, who is deficient, is captured.

He revealed Himself as a Fullness, that is, the finding of the Light of

Truth which has shined towards Him, because He is unchangeable.

For this reason, they who had been troubled speak about the

Anointed One among themselves, so that they [the deficient] may

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accept a return [repentance] and He may anoint them with the

ointment. The ointment is the pity of the Father, Who will have

mercy on them. But those whom He has anointed are those who

are mature. For the filled vessels are those which are customarily

used for anointing. But when an anointing is finished, the vessel is

usually empty, and the cause of its deficiency is the consumption of

its ointment. For then a breath is drawn only through the power

which he possesses. But the one who is without deficiency is one

who does not trust anyone besides Him nor who spills anything

out. Yet that which is deficient is filled again by the perfect Father.

He is good. He recognizes His plantings because He is the One who

has planted them in his Paradise (Pardë´ç – orchard-park). And His

Paradise is His place of rest.

This is the maturation in the imagination of the Father and these

[plantings] are the words of His reflection. Each one of His words is

the work of His will alone, within the revelation of His Word. Since

they were in the depth of His mind, the Word, Who was the First to

come forth, caused them to appear, along with an intellect which

speaks the unique Word by means of a silent favor. It was called

“imagination,” since they were in it before becoming manifest. It

happened, then, that He was the First to come forth at the

moment pleasing to the will of Him who desired it; and it is in the

will that the Father be at rest, and with Whom which He is pleased.

Nothing happens without Him, nor does anything occur without

the will of the Father. But His will is incomprehensible: His will is

His mark! So no one else can know it, nor is it possible for them to

concentrate on it in order to possess it. But that which He wishes

takes place at the moment He wishes it even if the view does not

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please anyone: it is Ya-hwuah’s will. For the Father knows the

beginning of them all as well as their end. For when their end

arrives, He will question them to their faces. The end, you see, is the

recognition of Him Who is hidden, that is, the Father, from Whom

the Beginning came forth and to Whom will return all who have

come from Him. For they were made manifest for the honor and

the joy of His name. And the name of the Father is the Son [Ya-

hwuah]. It is It Who, within the Beginning, gave a name to Him

Who came forth from Him [Yâhuwshúa`] It is the same One, and

It procreated Him for a Son. It gave Him His name which belonged

to Him [Ya-hwuah] – It is the Father, Who possesses everything

which exists around Him: He possesses the name, He possesses the

Son. It is possible for them to see Him [the Son]. The [Son’s] name,

however, is not visible, for it alone is the secret of the not visible

about to come to ears completely filled with It through the Father’s

agency. Moreover, as for the Father, His name has not been

pronounced, rather it is revealed through a Son. Thus, therefore,

the name is great.

The Father named the Son “Yâhuwshúa`”, though the Son

manifested the name of the Father “Ya-hwuah”

Who, then, has been able to pronounce a name for Him, this great

name, except Him alone to Whom the name belongs and the sons

of the name within whom the name of the Father is at rest, and

who themselves in turn are at rest in His name, since the Father has

no beginning? It is He alone Who engendered it for Himself as a

name in the Beginning before He had created the Ages, that the

name of the Father should be over their heads as an owner that is,

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the real name, which is secure by His authority and by His perfect

Power. For the name is not drawn from lexicons nor is His name

derived from common nomenclature, rather it is not visible. He

gave a name to Himself alone, because He alone saw it and because

He alone was capable of giving Himself a name. For him who does

not exist has no name. For what name would one give him who did

not exist? Nevertheless, He is Who exists also with His name

though He alone acknowledges it, and to Him alone the Father

gave a name. The Son is His name [Ya-hwuah (He causes to exist)].

He did not, therefore, keep it secretly hidden; rather, the Son came

into existence: He Himself gave a name to Him! The name, then, is

that of the Father, just as the name of the Father is the Son. For

otherwise, where would Compassion find a name outside of the

Father? But someone will probably say to his companion, “Who

would give a name to someone who existed before himself, as if,

indeed, children did not receive their name from one of those who

gave them birth?”

Above all, therefore, it is fitting for us to think this point over:

What is the name? [Yâhuwshúa`] It is the real name. It is, indeed,

the name which came from the Father, for it is He who owns the

name [Ya-hwuah]. He did not, you see, get the name on loan [e.g.

a theophoric component], as is in the case of others because of the

form in which each one of them is going to be created. This one,

therefore, is the authoritative name [Yâ´hu is the preterit/jussive

conjugation of “Ya-hwuah”]. There is no one else to whom He [the

Father] has given it. But it remained unnamed, unuttered, until the

moment when He, Who is perfect, pronounced it Himself; and it

was He alone Who was able to pronounce His name and to see it.

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When it pleased Him, then, that His Son should be His pronounced

name and when He gave this name to Him, He Who has come

from the depth spoke of His secrets, because He knew that the

Father was absolute Goodness [`Ivríym 9: 11]. For this reason,

indeed, He sent this particular One in order that He might speak

concerning the place and His place of rest from which He had come

forth, and that He might honor the Fullness, the greatness of His

name and the sweetness of His Father.

Each one who wills to speak concerning the place from which he

has come forth, and for the region from which he received his

essential being, he will hasten to return once again. And he needs

from that place the place where he was because he tasted of that

place, as he was nourished and grew. And His own place of rest is

His Fullness. All the offspring from the Father, therefore, are

Fullnesses, and all His offspring have their roots in the One Who

caused them all to grow from Himself. He appointed a limit. They,

therefore, become manifest individually in order that they might

exist by their own imagination, for that Place to which they extend

their imaginations to be their Root, which lifts them upward

through all heights to the Father. They reach His Head, which is rest

for them, and they remain there near to It so that they say that

they have participated in His Face by means of kisses. But these of

this kind were not manifest, because they have not risen above

themselves. Neither have they been deprived of the honor of the

Father nor have they imagined Him as small, nor bitter, nor angry,

but as absolutely good, unperturbed, sweet, knowing all the spaces

before they came into existence and having no need of instruction.

Such ones are they who possess from above something of this

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immeasurable Greatness, as they strain towards that unique and

perfect One Who exists there for them. And they do not go down

to Sh’ówl. They have neither envy nor moaning, nor is death within

them. Instead, they rest in Him Who rests, without wearying

themselves or becoming involved in the search for Truth. Rather,

they, indeed, are the Truth, and the Father is in them, and they are

in the Father, since they are perfect, inseparable from Him Who is

truly good. They lack nothing in any way, but they are given rest

and are refreshed by the Raukh (spirit), so they listen to their Root.

They have leisure for themselves, they are within Whom one will

find his Root, and he will suffer no loss to his self.

Such is the place of the blessed ones; this is their place. As for the

remaining ones, therefore, may they know, about their place, that

it does not suit me to say anything more, after having been in the

Place of rest. But He is the One in Whom I shall be, in order to

devote myself, at all times, to the Father of the Universe and to the

true brothers, those upon whom the love of the Father is lavished,

and in whose midst nothing of Him is lacking. It is they who

manifest themselves truly, since they are in that true and eternal

Life and speak of the perfect Light filled by the Seed of the Father

[the name of Yâhuwshúa`], even which is in his heart and by the

Fullness, while his Raukh (spirit) rejoices in It and praises Him in

Whom It was, because the Father is good. And His sons are perfect

and worthy of His name, because He is the Father. Sons of this kind

are those whom He loves.

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In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Yâhuwshúa` passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on

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us, O Yâ-hwuah, [thou] Ben David. An Yâhuwshúa` stood still, and called them, and said, what will ye that I shall do unto you they say

unto Him, Yâ-hwuah, that our eyes may be opened. So Yâhuwshúa` had compassion [on them], and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours shalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of Yâ-hwuah

keiYAH nätzräya

Remember me and pray for me that Yâ-hwuah will be gracious

unto me and be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against

him. Peace be to them that read and that hear these things and to

their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel

Vineyard, though worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of the Ruwach (Raukh (spirit)ual work): what a scandal is it for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received from

the Ruwach HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He who preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is

guilty of the most infamous sacrilege

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