the gig guide issue 12

NEWS: What’s happening on the Kent music scene | REVIEWS: We check out your music NOT TO BE MISSED: Top events in Kent | PLUS: Your regular 2 months of Kent gig listings. KENT’S No.1 FREE MUSIC MAGAZINE Issue 12 / December - January

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Page 1: The Gig Guide Issue 12

NEWS: What’s happening on the Kent music scene | REVIEWS: We check out your music

NOT TO BE MISSED: Top events in Kent | PLUS: Your regular 2 months of Kent gig listings.

K E N T ’ S N o . 1 F R E E M U S I C M A G A Z I N E

Issue 12 / December - January

Page 2: The Gig Guide Issue 12



32 High Street, Deal, CT14 6HE Tel: (01304) 369115

Deal’s friendly high-street music bar

Sun 3rdFri 8th

Sun 10thFri 15th

Sun 17thFri 22nd

- (TBC)- (TBC)- (TBC)- Zero Tolerance- Heroes- Any Other


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Sat 30thSun 31st

- Slug Pixies- Police Squad- Martin

Jonathan- Donna- (TBC)

Fri 4thSat 5th

Sun 6thFri 11th

Sun 13thFri 18th

Sun 20thSun 27th

- Tapestry- As Is Now- Archive- Zero Tolerance- Scandal- User Friendly- Mixed Emotions- Martin Jonathan

Page 3: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p3

Meet the Team...


Stuart Keeler

Welcome to Issue 12 of

The Gig Guide, which

sees us say goodbye to

2009 and welcome in the new


This year we’ve seen Kent play

host to some very big names

with the likes of Paul Weller, The Specials, Bowling

For Soup, The Kooks and The Enemy all appearing

at venues in the county. The Gig Guide can also

reveal that this trend does not appear to be slowing

as we head into 2010, with Lostprophets set to play

the Winter Gardens in February! (Look out for our

February / March edition which will include an

interview with the band.)

This issue you can find interviews with the fantastic

Dogs, and Bluetones as well as profiles about new

bands including General Fiasco, who I had the

pleasure of seeing recently when they supported

The Enemy in Folkestone’s Leas Cliff Hall.

We’ll be back in 2010 with more great music news,

meanwhile enjoy the festive season and I’d like to

wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas!

[email protected]

Phillip Moore

is looking differently.

Abby Kedwell [email protected]

is rallying for Folkestone’s music


Wayne Elvin

is having amnesia and deja vu at thesame time. I think I’ve rememberedthis before!

Joe Fendt Sales

is excited about gigging with DOGS.

Jo Lawford [email protected]

is looking forward to christmas.

Michael Lake [email protected]

is recovering from illness.

Richard Batchelor

is passing the time.

Contact Details

email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01843 282515

Fax: 01843 282501



Facebook: Search for ‘The Gig Guide Magazine’



The Gig Guide

GC Publishing Ltd

Westwood Business Park

Strasbourg Street

Margate, Kent


For advertising enquiries, contact Joe Fendt;

Telephone: 07969198189

email: [email protected]

Page 4: The Gig Guide Issue 12

For future bookings, contact Martin direct at:[email protected]

December 2009

January 2010

Please check the websitefor January listings

Saturday 5thSaturday 12th

Sunday 13thFriday 18th

Sunday 20thWednesday 23rd

Thursday 24thSaturday 26th

Sunday 27thThursday 31st

- Wheelwrights, Dover- Three Cups, Dover- Cullins Yard, Dover- New Inn, Deal- Park Inn, Dover- Cambridge Arms, Deal- Cullins Yard, Dover- Admiral Harvey, Dover- New Inn, Deal- Cullins Yard, Dover

(call venue to Book tickets)

Page 5: The Gig Guide Issue 12


December - January | The Gig Guide | p5

F e a t u r e s

Paul Weller...............................7The mod legend comes to Kent forintimate show.

Interview: Dogs........................9We bought you the news last issue,now we speak to DOGS as they cometo Margate.

A massive musical movement.12Jo Lawford investigates the work ofBBC Introducing and their quest todiscover and promote new talent.

Profile: Kit Curtis....................15New and unique 1967 soul from ChrisCoates.

Interview: Bluetones..............17Following their Margate show, MarkMorriss chats to us.

Profile: General Fiasco............21Up and coming young rockerssupporting The Enemy on tour.

Give Folkestone What itWants.....................................33Abby Kedwell looks into newhappenings at Stones Bar, Folkestone.

R e g u l a r s



Music Reviews........................35

Not to be Missed.....................39

Caught in the Act....................40




17 21


Page 6: The Gig Guide Issue 12

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p6 | The Gig Guide | December - January


Lostprophets coming to Margate

The Winter Gardens continue to pull in the big names with Welsh

rockers Lostprophets appearing early next year.

After several sold

out shows in the

last couple of


have announced a UK tour

for next year. The band

release their fourth album

‘The Betrayed’ on 18th

January 2010 which

includes the top 20 single

‘It’s Not The End of The

World, But I Can See It

From Here’.

‘The Betrayed’ was recorded in several locations and studios in Los Angeles, with a few false

starts where the band scrapped various recordings with different producers. Eventually, a trip

back to their native Wales and original rehearsal rooms in Cardiff saw the group re-invigorated

and energised and on their return to the US things came together quickly. Bassist Stuart

Richardson took on production and mixing duties (alongside Justin Hopfer with whom he’d

previously worked with on Welsh rock act Attack Attack) for the first time and the band have

created their most ambitious and accomplished album to date.

February 9th is the date to pencil into your diaries when the band visit Margate’s Winter

Gardens, with tickets priced at £22.50 (plus a service charge).

You may purchase tickets in person at the box office, or by calling 01843 292795 / 01843


Page 7: The Gig Guide Issue 12

News: Paul Weller in Margate

December - January | The Gig Guide | p7

Following an appearance earlier this

year headlining at Paddock Wood’s

Hop Farm Festival, Paul Weller is set

to play at Margate’s Winter Gardens on

10th December as part of his

widespread UK tour.

Having been part of such

genre defining and

influential bands as The Jam

and The Style Council, Paul

still continues to make

waves in the music world

with his own solo material. The album

‘22 dreams’ is a window into Paul’s life

and a very personal project for him.

Reaching #1 in the UK album chart upon

release, it seems there is no stopping

this ‘modfather’ from producing hit after

hit.‘22 Dreams’

Page 8: The Gig Guide Issue 12 11 Dover Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3HD

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Page 9: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Interview: DOGS

December - January | The Gig Guide | p9

“The fans are always mad though whereverwe are, there is a great bunch that call

themselves the Kent massiveas it goes.”

DOGS are a band you simply have to see. Taking less than two years toattract the interest of the major labels, the London-based five-piece areback on the road with new guitarist Kevin Iverson on board (who recently

left local band Springtide Cavalry as reported in our last issue).

Still relative newcomers to Kent, the band are playing in our neck of the woodsnot once but twice this winter, having already played Margate’s Westcoast Bar andset to appear at Tunbridge Wells Forum on 30th January.

With new material, a new album on the way and gigs in the pipeline, The GigGuide were eager to discover more so we stopped for a chat with frontmanJohnny Cooke to find out what they have planned for 2010.

Page 10: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Interview: DOGS

p10 | The Gig Guide | December - January

You must have been inundated withapplicants to fill the post of newguitarist. What factors made you decideon Kevin Iverson?

“Well Rikki said he thought he had it whenhe saw him tuning up at the audition, theway he hit the strings. For me it was thepassion he played with, i saw it immediately,he’s burning in there. He’s also a lovely blokeand quite a funny f**ker too.”

Speaking of Kevin; you’ve got your firstgig with the new line up soon, how is hefitting in?

“Like mint sauce on lamb.”

It’s been over two years since therelease of ‘Tall Stories From Under theTable’, when can we expect to see afollow up?

“We dearly hope to have a new album outnext year, a few corporate hurdles to jumpfirst, but it will be a great record.”

Both “published & real stories” are saidto be influential factors behind your lastalbum, will these be a driving forcebehind a new album again?

“There’s stories everywhere, we’re all incountless stories, little fables, tragedies,romances, smut. Life’s a story in all it’s timeframes and from every perspective andstructured tapestries of events are the way iprefer to write lyrics, rather than merelythrowing paint at a canvas.”

Your song ‘Let it Lay’ featured PaulWeller, what was it like working withThe Modfather himself?

“Quite surreal to start with, then gloriouswatching him on the piano effortlesslyjamming to our tune, then we got leathereddown the pub.”

We’re looking forward to your gigs inKent (Nov and Jan), have you everplayed Kent before and are you excited?

“I don’t know my county boundaries verywell, we probably have played in Kent butcouldn’t be sure. But i can tell you we areeven more excited to be playing in Kent thanwe were to play Hampshire.”

Where’s been your favourite venue toplay and where have you experiencedthe maddest fans?

“The big festivals are a buzz and the RoyalAlbert Hall and Ally Pally were special in theirway, but i think that The 100 Club on OxfordStreet is our home from home. We’ve hadthree amazing gigs there. The fans are


Page 11: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p11

always mad though wherever we are, there isa great bunch that call themselves the Kentmassive as it goes.”

Where did the name DOGS come from?“Simply a deep love of Dogs.”

What’s the strangest thing to everhappen at one of your gigs?

“One springs to mind where a fan pinchedmy shoes while we were playing.”

Have you got any plans lined up for2010? Any tours on the cards?

“We’ll be looking to record and release ourthird record and tour it as much as possible,we don’t want to rest, we’re itching to getout.”

You are due to record new material inthe amazing Black Barn Studios, wheresome impressive names have appeared.Are you excited at this prospect?

“Not really, Weller did us the favour oflending us his studio before and we we’repretty excited then, now we feel morecomfortable around those sort ofsurroundings, and we’ve got a job to do,we’re focused.”

What are your influences, both in life andin music?

“Horrid question. Our influences are rootedand always growing with us. People withprinciples, passion and reason. Ourrelationships with others, lovers and mates.The Pixies for being enormous, anonymous,

sublime, and skint.”

Did Kevin have to go through a bandinitiation before officially becoming amember?


You have been quoted as having“possibly the largest undergroundfollowing in the UK”. That is quite aclaim, how do you feel about that?

“Very pleased with ourselves.”

The Gig Guide 6!Favourite Bar Snack?

“Scampi Fries.”

Myspace, Twitter, Facebook orMyTwitFace?


What’s the biggest animal you could takeon in unarmed combat?

“A Sheep.”

What would be your message to theworld?

“God is Dead, laters.”

Any Pet hates?“Bald parrots in small cages. their owners.”

Tea or Coffee?“Toffee.”

Page 12: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Feature: A Massive Musical Movement

p12 | The Gig Guide | December - January

Let me start by telling you a bit aboutBBC Kent Introducing for those of youwho don’t know them. It’s a radio show

dedicated to Kent’s growing musical talent,which goes out live every Sunday on BBCRadio Kent.

The show is an extension of what the BBChas been trying to do for a while which is toget new unsigned local bands moreexposure and to introduce them to a wideraudience all over the UK.

It has now been running for over a year andcelebrated their first birthday at the newQuarterhouse Venue in Folkestone on FridayMarch 6th.

The gig got off to a flying start with theElephants playing main stage followed byKids Love Lies. Other bands that performedwere Tom Williams & The Boat, Seven StoryDown and Floors and Walls. Further actsincluded Mr Basista and MC Spooka to caterfor the DJ and MC fans that attended.

The evening came to a close with Outa CityCommittee performing in the main bar andNick Harrison closing the main stage. The event was a great success for everyoneand had over 500 people attending.

The birthday bash was not just to celebratetheir first birthday but was also to helplaunch their project to make Kent asuccessful musical hub of talent. The ideacame from BBC Kent Introducing’s very ownpresenter Jim Bursey.

Jim and the team Tom Kirkby and JacobRickard have been championing Kent’s localmusic for a year now on this very show andwant to see Kent’s talent get the successand recognition it deserves from theindustry.

In Jim’s opinion Kent is a huge county full ofvarious pockets of brilliant individual musicalactivity, but it is not centralised around oneplace, like Manchester or Liverpool forexample, that revolves around their citycentres.

Jim says, “I’m a big believer in communityand what you can achieve when you getthat community working towards the sameoutcome. We’ve got so much talent in Kentand loads of passionate people who aredesperate for the music scene here to beexciting on a national level as well as a locallevel. So if we all work together, rather thanpurely on individual successes, and focusthe attention in one place, whether that bephysical or even online, then we can makethe Kent music scene the best in thecountry”.

BY JO [email protected]

Tom Williams and the BoatPlaying the introducing stage at Radio 1’s BigWeekend in 2008.

Page 13: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p13

He believes that by focusing all the talent inone area such as BBC Kent Introducing itwould be easier for the music industry tofind what they are looking for and to makesure everyone gets a fair chance. The talentis here it just needs focusing.

Question is could it work?

Maybe. For example many acts haveachieved great success by joining up withother bands from their area and creating abuzz that the music industry is desperate totap in to.

Some of the most successful bands alreadydo this and it works. Tom Williams & TheBoat, Seven Story Down, Brigadier Ambroseand several others have already achievednumerous national radio plays and evenMaida Vale sessions.

A new movement created by Chatham’s ownLupen Crook and Driver from Burn PaperTigers called the Medway Non LeagueExtreme was also formed with the sameissue in mind. It’s a collection of Medwaybands that play regular gigs with an aim toraising their profile and also the scene in thearea.

So it appears that what the BBC is trying todo could already be working its just amatter of time before it all comes togetherto create something the industry just has totake notice of.

Further success stories include Folkestoneband Elephants and North Kent band KidsLove Lies. Both bands have recorded MaidaVale session for Huw Stephens on Radio 1already this year and both will be played theBBC Introducing stage at Radio 1’s BigWeekend in Swindon on May 10th. This isno small achievement to get two Kent bandsonto that line-up.

Medway bands Lupen Crook and theMurderbirds, Let Our Enemies Beware andUpCDownC have also received success suchas national reviews and radio plays.UpCDownC recorded a session at Maida Vale

too. This helps to prove the talent is hereand helps to back up what the BBC guys aresaying.

Another way of helping to produce this‘buzz’ is the BBC Kent Introducing tour. Theplan is to take this to every venue in Kenthitting at least 12 venues a month. Prettyimpressive don’t you think? With all thishard work the tour should reach newaudiences and help increase income andexposure for the bands, therefore creatingmore of an opportunity for them to getnoticed and hopefully signed.This then means more signed bands in thearea which will then create the muchneeded buzz and in turn will draw attentionfrom the industry bods. This will also bringpeople to the area to listen to these bandsand also the new unsigned acts supportingthem.

All this together will make people sit up andtake notice of the talent coming out of Kentand will help to make the area an excellentsource for new talent.Thus realising the dream and then thissuccess should breed success, or that’s theidea anyway.

So in order to make this work the guysneed all the support they can get.To find out how to become a part of makingKent one of the most valuable resources theindustry has go and let thebuzz begin.

Maida Vale veterans UpCDownC

Page 14: The Gig Guide Issue 12
Page 15: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p15

Profile: Kit Curtis

Climb aboard as Kent’s latest (and some say

greatest) soul protagonists, Kit Curtis & the

Scene, take another trip on the ‘Big Soul Train’

bound for Memphis and Detroit, via London’s

Soho! Fully laden with a cargo of the hottest,

the funkiest soul and R&B dance classics, a trip

on the ‘Big Soul Train’ is, according to Kit,

guaranteed to have audiences “dancin’ ‘til they

drop with a whole lotta hip shakin’, soul

breakin’, earth quakin’ rhythm and driving horn

riffs, topped off with a big fat slab of screaming

Hammond”. Now that’s what we call maximum


Led by former Rubber Biscuit frontman Chris

Coates in the guise of his alter ego, the

charismatic and irrepressible Mr Curtis, Kit

Curtis & the Scene offer the authentic sight

and sound of London’s vibrant R&B club scene,

circa 1967, Taking their inspiration from the

energetic performance style of Anglo/American

soul legend Geno Washington, Kit and his band

play a heady mix of 60s black American soul

dance classics from the iconic Motown and Stax

labels by artists such as Marvin Gaye, Junior

Walker, The Capitols and Otis Redding.

Kit’s backing band, The Scene, is a six strong

R&B powerhouse that includes some of the

South East’s most talented musicians. Bearing

stage names in keeping with the band’s entirely

retro image, the line up includes jazz musicians

Matt ‘Mateus Rose’ Miles (Rubber Biscuit) and

Peter ‘Cookie’ Cook on saxophones, Hammond

virtuoso and composer Nick ‘The Professor’

Peck (In the Pocket) and session bassist Harry

‘the Hat’ Evangelou. The Line up is completed

by local rock legend Miles ‘Milospilo’ Cookman

(Kelly’s Heros, The Miles Cookman Band) on

guitar and Rubber Biscuit’s original drummer

David ‘Dangerous Dave’ Hunnissett.

For bookings

telephone; 01227 281916

or email; [email protected]

And remember (as the man himself is always

keen to remind us)... in Kit’s world it’s always



Page 16: The Gig Guide Issue 12

46 Dover Road, Walmer, CT14 7JW - 01304 366677

The Cambridge Arms

• Live music, most weekends.

• Draught lagers, bottles, cider & stout

only £2.50 a pint on live music nights.

• Pizza, baguettes & bruschetta available

seven days a week.

• Real ales

• Pool, darts & bar billiards

December January

Friday 4thSunday 13thFriday 18th

Wednesday 23rdThursday 31st

- The Fix- Roger Betts - Cultured Pearl- Martin Jonathan- Peacock Suit

Saturday 16thSunday 24th

- Tapestry- Andy Mack

December January

• Cosy, friendly atmosphere

• Fully stocked bar, with a good selection

of real ales, lagers, spirits and wines

• Large beer garden

110 Lower Road, River

Dover, CT17 0RQ

Tel: 01304 822509 / 07788 588825


Live music throughout June & July...

Friday 4th

Friday 11th

Friday 18th

Sunday 27th

- Zero Tolerance

- Heroes

- Red, Hot & Blue

- Go Bob

Friday 8th

Friday 15th

Friday 22nd

Friday 29th

- Rise

- Eyelash Guilt

- Shameful Behaviour

- Zero Tolerance

Page 17: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p17

Interview: The Bluetones

the bluetones

The brit-pop superstars returned to rockThe brit-pop superstars returned to rock

Margate’s Westcoast Bar this November.Margate’s Westcoast Bar this November.

We caught up with frontman Mark Morriss for aWe caught up with frontman Mark Morriss for a

chat about Strictly, Utensils and dried Squirrels!chat about Strictly, Utensils and dried Squirrels!

Page 18: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Interview: The Bluetones

p18 | The Gig Guide | December - January

What made you choose the name‘The Bluetones’? There certainlydoesn’t seem to be much melancholyin your songs!

“After much deliberation, it was theonly name that we didn’t all hate, sowe’re stuck with it now.”

I’ve heard speculation that a newalbum is on the way early 2010, canyou confirm or elaborate on this forus?

“I am happy to confirm that there willindeed be a new Bluetones album inSpring 2010. For various reasons(fatherhood for 75% of their band beingchief among them) it has been almost 3years since our last album. We shan’t betaking this long again though. Promise.”

Are there any burning ambitionsyou’re desperate to achieve?

“I think it goes without saying that tobe crowned King or Queen of StrictlyCome Dancing is a burning ambitionamong most Z-list celebrities. Usincluded.”

What’s the best & worst part ofbeing in The Bluetones?

“Well, the hours are pretty goo. Flexi-time really… and there are no downpoints at all. We live in a musicalShangri-la of our own devising. Envy us.”

What would you say has been yourfavourite or most memorable gigover the years?

“Too many to mention really. Weenjoy different nights for differentreasons, though personally the first timewe played in Tokyo was certainlymemorable. It felt that suddenly whatwas once our hobby was very much areal living dream job.”

What music are you listening to atthe moment, and what bands canyou recommend?

“At the moment I am listening to aband called Married To The Sea fromLiverpool. Apart from that I have spentthe last couple of months completely

Adam Devlin, Photo by Peter W Hill

“If British men/womencontinue to choose to pickup guitars and have a bitof a jingle jangle then I

suppose there will alwaysbe a Britpop sound.”

Page 19: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p19

engrossed in On The Beach by NeilYoung.”

Given the opportunity, who wouldyou most like to work with in themusic industry?

“Without a doubt it would be Prince.Or Mr Prince as Eds called him at TheBrits.”

Do you think the ‘britpop’ sound hasgone for good or do you believe wewill see a resurgence sometime?

“If British men/women continue tochoose to pick up guitars and have a bitof a jingle jangle then I suppose therewill always be a Britpop sound, as youput it.”

Have you ever been thrown out of abar/hotel/public place? If so, whatwas it for?

“Good heavens, no. ”

Who has the best, and who has theworst dress sense in the band?

“I would have to say that we are allpretty much as bad as one another.Although not as bad as we used to be, Ittook a good few years for us to get thewhole baggy look out of our collectivesystem, and it is only relatively recentlythat we have all been buying clotheswhich actually fit.”

Tell us something no-one else knowsabout The Bluetones.

“We are incredibly considerate lovers.”

What was the last CD you bought?“Julian Casablancas’ “Phrazes For The


Every band seems to have a joker….so who is it in yours?

“Well once, whilst on tour… Eds, ourker-azzzzy drummer left a teaspoon inthe utensil groove designated for forks.

Believe me, this is typical of some of thenutty things us loons get up to.”

Does anyone in the band collectanything?

“Scott collects dried squirrels. Adamcollects human scalps. Eds collects theorange jelly centres from Jaffa Cakes…whilst I collect broken dreams.”

The Gig Guide 6

Favourite Bar Snack?“Bacon Fries. Frazzles for the posher

palette. ”

Myspace, Twitter, Facebook orMyTwitFace?

“All of the above.”

What’s the biggest animal you couldtake on in unarmed combat?

“E.T. Does that count?”

What would be your message to theworld?

“Don’t judge me… love me.”

Any pet hates?“I can’t abide Auf Weidersehn, Pet.

Does that count?”

Tea or Coffee?“Ooh tea please, chuck. Milk no


Mark Morriss, Photo by Peter W Hill

Page 20: The Gig Guide Issue 12

YEWYEW TREETREE Mill Hill, DealMill Hill, Deal

Saturday 5thFriday 11th

Saturday 12thSaturday 19th

Sunday 20thWednesday 23rd

Sunday 27th

Thursday 31st

- Elbert Felc- The Fabulous 6T’s- Jerry C- The Relics (Pink Floyd tribute)- Broken with Charlie- Sparky & Chef- Black Satin Band- Elbert Felc (New Years Eve)

Saturday 2ndSaturday 9th

Saturday 15thSaturday 23rdSaturday 30th

- Interseptors- The Barflys- Jerry C- Up All Night- Broken


December 2009

January 2010

Phone: 01304 373189 / email: [email protected]

The Live RoomThe Live RoomDanes Hill, Gillingham, ME7 2TYDanes Hill, Gillingham, ME7 2TY

Tel: 07905 440433 / email: [email protected]

Under New Management!

Bar serving until 12.30amBar serving until 12.30am

on Friday's & Saturday'son Friday's & Saturday'sHot & Cold food counterHot & Cold food counter

from Dec 5thfrom Dec 5th

Upcoming shows at “The Live Room”

December 2009Sat 5th, 19:30 - The Throwbacks / Learning Curve

January 2010Sat 9th, 21:00 - Live ‘n’ Kickin’

Sat 23rd, 21:00 - The Geoff Everett BandFri 29th, 21:00 - The Bad Pennies

Page 21: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p21

Review: General Fiasco

Relative newcomers onto the scene, withtheir debut single only being releasedthis time last year, General Fiasco are

already being tipped as a band to watch inthe very near future by many in the industry.

Having supported bands such as TheWombats, One Night Only, The PigeonDetectives and The Enemy, the band arealready being well received and have alsoappeared as part of the BBC’s Electric Promsline-up in 2008. It was their support for TheEnemy that had brought them to Kent asthey played Folkestone's Leas Cliff Hall on22nd November.

If you were to look at the band withouthearing a single note, you would easily beforgiven for thinking that such young faceswould not be able to produce the raw andpowerful songs that emanate from their

stage presence. A feature much akin to TheEnemy who have already proved themselveswell, and are taking General Fiasco underthe wing as they tour the UK.

The Fiasco sound is one that is strong yetmelodious, attracting an impressive crowd asthey warmed the stage for the main act andreceiving plenty of applause for their efforts.Every song was well received and seemed tokeep the attentive crowd entertained as theband’s energy allowed their sound to fill theroom.

Look out for an album release soon and tryand catch them live, for this is where theyreally shine, adding an extra depth to theirsound.


Page 22: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Tel: 01304 367510 - 90 Manor Road, Deal, CT14 9DB

DecemberDecember JanuaryJanuary

Sunday 3rdSunday 10thSunday 17thSunday 24thSunday 31st

- Louise Kenny- Steve Adams- Ainsley- Francesca- Annie Love

Sunday 6th Sunday 13thFriday 18th

Sunday 20thThursday 24th

Sunday 27th

- Zoe- Kaiya- Mixed Emotions- Farli- Billy Brown- Karis

The Admiral Keppel

• Live music every Sunday • Live Football • Drink Promotions

• Selection of Real Ales & Lagers • Real Deal Scooter Club

• Large Car Park • Garden with smoking terrace

Page 23: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p23


Your definitive what’s on guide for Kent, during December &Your definitive what’s on guide for Kent, during December & January.January.

The Gig Guide Listings

On the following pages you will find our comprehensive gig listings for December &January, letting you know exactly what’s going on in Kent.

Listings appear in date order in the following format:

Band or EventVenue, Location of Venue

...and are divided into sub-sections (of Music, Comedy or Theatre) within each day.

Multiple artists will be listed alphabetically unless the event line-up is known, whereby the headlinerwill be listed first with support bands following in brackets. i.e...

Headline Band (+ Band2 / Band3 / etc.)Venue, Location of Venue

Events are usually £5 or under (payable on door) and start at 7:30 pm.(Unusual start times, cost or special conditions will be detailed in brackets where known).

Listings in Italics, represent show titles/events and NOT artists.

All listings correct at time of going to press, please double check with venue to avoid disappointment.

Submit your gigs online at:Submit your gigs online at:

Alternatively, you may email your list to [email protected]

Page 24: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


p24 | The Gig Guide | December - January

Tuesday 1st December


BodegasThe Red Lion, Charing Heath

The Jive AcesBrook Theatre,Chatham, 8 pm, £12

Wednesday 2nd December


Jimmy McGhie (+ Rob Rouse/ Matt Blaize)

Exchange Studio,Maidstone, 8 pm, £10

Mel HarrisAngel Inn, Addington

String WhistleThe Man of Kent, Rochester


Peter PanWinter Gardens, Margate

Thursday 3rd December


Bulldog DuoShip Centurion, Whitstable

HeroesNeptune Inn, Dymchurch

Kid Harpoon (+ SmokeFairies / Krissy and TheJackdaws) (Bang! Bang!presents)

The Farmhouse,Canterbury, £6

Paul Clifford’s CrowtailThe Man of Kent, Rochester

Rockin’ On Heaven’s DoorLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone


Cabaret of CuriositiesBrook Theatre,Chatham, 7:30, £8

Peter PanWinter Gardens, Margate

Friday 4th December


Carey, Rathbone & BellRoyal Marines Club, Deal

Electric BeatlesHole in the Roof, Deal

EustonThe Hope, St Margarets

EZIO (The Bubble Club)Horsebridge Centre,Whitstable, £8.50

Kayley WellerThree Horseshoes, Mongeham

Kentish Kreme: Best KentBands

The Gulbenkian,Canterbury, £10

Kev ReynoldsTartar Frigate, Broadstairs

Shameful BehaviourWhite Hart, Cuxton

TapestryThe New Inn, Deal

The FixCambridge Arms, Deal

The FlingAngel Inn, Addington

The Slug PixiesThe East Kent, Whitstable

Thee Waltons (Supper Club)The Farmhouse, Canterbury

WezThe Britannia, Margate

Zero ToleranceDublin Man O’ War, River


Chekhov’s ShortsExchange Studio,Maidstone, 7:30 pm, £10

Peter PanWinter Gardens, Margate

Saturday 5th December


As Is NowThe New Inn, Deal

Bitten By MonkeysThe Beauty of Bath, Sittingbourne, 9 pm

Chris Field: Elvis AmericanDream

Chatham Town FCCrazy Train

Britannia Inn, MargateHeroes

Folkestone Railway ClubKai McKenzie

Sutton Vale Country Club, DealMartin Jonathan

Wheelwrights Arms, DoverThe James Taylor Quartet

The Farmhouse,Canterbury, £15

The Learning Curve / TheThrowbacks

Plough & Chequers, GillinghamThe Pasadena Roof Orchestra

The Gulbenkian,Canterbury, £16

The Slug PixiesChurchill Tavern, Ramsgate

Tony MartinCoach & Horses, Deal


Peter PanWinter Gardens, Margate

Snow White and the SevenDwarfs

The Hazlitt Theatre, Maidstone,11 am/2 pm/6 pm, £12.50

Sunday 6th December


Antiques RoadshoeThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

ArchiveThe New Inn, Deal

Hot RatsGordon House Hotel, Rochester

Mel HarrisCoach & Horses, Deal

Michael Jackson TributeHole in the Roof,Deal, £7.50 Ticket only

User FriendlyHorse & Groom, Ramsgate

ZoeThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Page 25: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

If you would like to add your gigs, email: [email protected]

December - January | The Gig Guide | p25


Peter PanWinter Gardens, Margate

Monday 7th December


Bubble BandBarnaby Rudge, Broadstairs

Gren BartleyThe Barge, Gillingham

Hobo Jones and the JunkyardDogs

The Walnut Tree, MaidstoneThe Zen Bicycle Band

The Louis Armstrong, Dover


A Toymaker’s ChristmasThe Gulbenkian, Canterbury,10:30 am, £10

Tuesday 8th December


Lee Mack, Going OutThe Gulbenkian, Canterbury


A Toymaker’s ChristmasThe Gulbenkian, Canterbury,10:30 am, £10

Wednesday 9th December


The Funnyside Comedy ClubThe Gulbenkian, Canterbury, 8:30 pm, £9.80


Keith JamesThe Man of Kent, Rochester

King Size SlimThe Barge, Gillingham

Royal Marines ChristmasSpectacular

Leas Cliff Hall, FolkestoneRuss Davey

Angel Inn, Addington


A Toymaker’s ChristmasThe Gulbenkian, Canterbury,10:30 am, £10

Thursday 10th December


ArchiveCarpenters Arms, Eastling

Decades of Soul TourLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

Mel HarrisShip Centurion, Whitstable

Open Harp SurgeryThe Man of Kent, Rochester

Paul WellerWinter Gardens, Margate

The Donn Barcott Band44Two Club, Gillingham


A Toymaker’s ChristmasThe Gulbenkian, Canterbury,10:30 am, £10

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,1:30 pm/7 pm, £12/£15

Friday 11th December


Adam KnightThe Kings Arms, Headcorn

ArchiveThe Rising Sun, Deal

As Is NowDolphin Inn, Lydd

BodegasWagon At Hale, Chatham

Comfyporn (LoungeOriginals)

The Farmhouse, CanterburyEddie Wheeler

Three Horseshoes, Mongeham

EquilibriumThe Star, Ashford

HeroesDublin Man O’ War, River

Kingsdown BandThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

Landlord Tenant ActAngel Inn, Addington

OGWAThe Beauty of Bath, Sittingbourne, 9 pm

One Jump AheadSidedoor, Eastbourne

The HoochiesThe East Kent, Whitstable

User FriendlyBritannia Inn, Margate

Wilson FordTartar Frigate, Broadstairs

Zero ToleranceThe New Inn, Deal


AladdinCentral Theatre,Chatham, 7 pm, £12.50-£15

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,6:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,10 am/1:30 pm, £12

Saturday 12th December


As Is NowThe Long Hop, Sittingbourne

BreedThe Britannia, Margate

CharlieThree Horseshoes, Mongeham

DJ FormatThe Farmhouse,Canterbury, £6

Four Worlds CollideThe Beauty of Bath, Sittingbourne, 9 pm

HeroesSutton Vale Country Club, Deal

Martin JonathanThe Three Cups, Dover

Shameful BehaviourThe Frenchman, Folkestone

Page 26: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


p26 | The Gig Guide | December - January

Stipe (REM Tribute)Exchange Studio,Maidstone, 7:30 pm, £12

Tony MartinCoach & Horses, Deal

User FriendlyThe Park Inn, Dover

Vagabond WheelsThe Bowl, Hastingleigh

Vince Vortex & TheCucumbers

The Druids Arms, Maidstone


AladdinCentral Theatre,Chatham, 2 pm/5:30 pm, £14.50-£17

Strangeface, A ChristmasCarol

The Gulbenkian, Canterbury,2 pm/7:15 pm, £10

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/4:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,2 pm/5:30 pm, £15

Sunday 13th December


Go ApeHole in the Roof, Deal

HeroesThe Queen Phillipa Hotel, Queenborough

Hot RatsDuke of Cumberland, Whitstable

KaiyaThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Martin JonathanCullins Yard, Dover

Roger BettsCambridge Arms, Deal

ScandalThe New Inn, Deal

Vince MartynThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal


AladdinCentral Theatre,Chatham, 5:30 pm, £14.50-£18.50

Merry Xmas Everybody ‘09Tour

Leas Cliff Hall, FolkestoneStrangeface, A ChristmasCarol

The Gulbenkian,Canterbury, 3 pm, £10

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/4:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

Monday 14th December


Lee Mack, Going OutThe Gulbenkian, Canterbury


HullabalooThe Walnut Tree, Maidstone

Sally Ironmonger / Hot RatsThe Barge, Gillingham

The Jones BoysBarnaby Rudge, Broadstairs


AladdinCentral Theatre,Chatham, 7 pm, £12.50-£15

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,10 am/1:30 pm, £12

Tuesday 15th December


A Midsummer Nights DreamThe Tower Theatre,Folkestone, 6 pm

AladdinCentral Theatre,Chatham, 7 pm, £12.50-£15

Strangeface, A ChristmasCarol

The Gulbenkian, Canterbury,1 pm/7:15 pm, £10

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,10 am/1:30 pm, £12

Wednesday 16th December


Green DieselThe Man of Kent, Rochester

HeroesThe Seahorse Inn, Greatstone

SimoneAngel Inn, Addington


AladdinCentral Theatre,Chatham, 7 pm, £12.50-£15

Strangeface, A ChristmasCarol

The Gulbenkian,Canterbury, 7:15 pm, £10

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,10 am/1:30 pm, £12

Thursday 17th December


As Is NowNeptune Inn, Dymchurch

Landlord Tenant ActShip Centurion, Whitstable


AladdinCentral Theatre,Chatham, 7 pm, £12.50-£15

Strangeface, A ChristmasCarol

The Gulbenkian,Canterbury, 2 pm, £10

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,10 am/1:30 pm, £12

Page 27: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

If you would like to add your gigs, email: [email protected]

December - January | The Gig Guide | p27

Friday 18th December


As Is NowFleur-de-Lis, Sandwich

Blue Rhythm KingsHorsebridge Centre,Whitstable, £8

BodegasThe East Kent, Whitstable

Crazy TrainKing Edward VII, Margate

Cultured PearlCambridge Arms, Deal

Drew & The CrewThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

InterseptorsHole in the Roof, Deal

Landlord Tenant ActTartar Frigate, Broadstairs

LicksWagon At Hale, Chatham

Mixed EmotionsThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Red, Hot & BlueDublin Man O’ War, River

Tortilla ArmyThe Britannia, Margate

TurmoilThe Star, Ashford

User FriendlyThe New Inn, Deal

Wilson FordAngel Inn, Addington

Without The BlueThree Horseshoes, Mongeham


Cinderella Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

The Lost ChristmasExchange Studio, Maidstone5 pm/8 pm, £6.50

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/6:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,10 am/7 pm, £12/£15

Saturday 19th December


As Is NowBritannia Inn, Margate

BrokenThe Railway Hotel, Ashford

Crazy TrainChurchill Tavern, Ramsgate

Get CarterThe Louis Armstrong, Dover

Shameful BehaviourCaptain Howey, Greatstone

The Singing LoinsThe Barge, Gillingham

The Slug PixiesBeauty of Bath, Sittingbourne

The Trouser Trumpets (AVery Trouser TrumpetsChristmas)

Horsebridge Centre,Whitstable, £7.50

Tony MartinCoach & Horses, Deal


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,11 am/3 pm/7 pm, £14.50-£18.50

Cinderella Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

The Lost ChristmasExchange Studio, Maidstone11 am/2 pm/5 pm, £6.50

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/4:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,2 pm/5:30 pm, £15

Sunday 20th December


BrokenYew Tree Inn, Deal

FarliThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Get CarterOld House at Home, Queenborough

Hot RatsChestfield Barn, Whitstable

Kingsdown BandHole in the Roof, Deal

Learning CurveThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

Martin JonathanThe Park Inn, Dover

Mixed EmotionsThe New Inn, Deal

The Slug PixiesThe Queen Phillipa Hotel, Queenborough

Thom CakebreadBar Vasa, Folkestone


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,2 pm/5:30 pm, £14.50-£18.50

Cinderella Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

OliverWinter Gardens, Margate

The Lost ChristmasExchange Studio, Maidstone11 am/2 pm/5 pm, £6.50

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/4:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

Monday 21st December


Any Other BusinessThe Walnut Tree, Maidstone

HeroesThe George Hotel, Ashford

Moveable FeastThe Barge, Gillingham

The Chimney BoysBarnaby Rudge, Broadstairs


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,2 pm/7 pm, £14.50-£18.50

Cinderella Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

OliverWinter Gardens, Margate

Page 28: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


p28 | The Gig Guide | December - January

The Lost ChristmasExchange Studio, Maidstone2 pm/6 pm, £6.50

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/4:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,2 pm/7 pm, £15

Tuesday 22nd December


CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

OliverWinter Gardens, Margate


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,2 pm/5:30 pm, £14.50-£18.50

The Lost ChristmasExchange Studio, Maidstone2 pm/6 pm, £6.50

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/6:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,2 pm/7 pm, £15

Wednesday 23rd December


Crew of TwoAngel Inn, Addington

Martin JonathanCambridge Arms, Deal


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,2 pm/7 pm, £14.50-£18.50

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

OliverWinter Gardens, Margate

The Lost ChristmasExchange Studio, Maidstone2 pm/6 pm, £6.50

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/4:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,2 pm/7 pm, £15

Thursday 24th December


Billy BrownThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Everywhere MenThe Britannia, Margate

Kai McKenzieHole in the Roof,Deal, 4-6 pm

Martin JonathanCullins Yard, Dover

Shameful BehaviourThe Alexandra Hotel, Chatham


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,2 pm/5:30 pm, £14.50-£18.50

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

The Lost ChristmasExchange Studio, Maidstone11 am/2 pm/6 pm, £6.50

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,11:30 am/3 pm/6:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,2 pm, £15

Friday 25th December

Merry Christmasfrom all at

The Gig Guide!

Saturday 26th December


Andy MackThree Horseshoes, Mongeham

EK1Hole in the Roof,Deal, 4-6 pm

Job KnockeyThe Britannia, Margate

Martin JonathanThe Admiral Harvey, Dover


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,2 pm/5:30 pm, £14.50-£18.50

OliverWinter Gardens, Margate

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,2 pm/5:30 pm, £15

Sunday 27th December


Go BobDublin Man O’ War, River

Hot RatsBell and Jorrocks, Frittenden

KarisThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

Martin JonathanThe New Inn, Deal

Rags to RichesCoach & Horses, Deal

Shameful BehaviourOld House at Home, Queenborough

The Slug PixiesHorse & Groom, Ramsgate

Yellow HouseThe Britannia, Margate


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,11 am/3 pm/7 pm,£14.50-£18.50

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

OliverWinter Gardens, Margate

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/4:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

The Snow QueenThe Theatre Royal, Margate,2 pm/5:30 pm, £15

Page 29: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

If you would like to add your gigs, email: [email protected]

December - January | The Gig Guide | p29

Monday 28th December


BlackstarThe Walnut Tree, Maidstone

Green DieselBarnaby Rudge, Broadstairs

The Chimney BoysThe Barge, Gillingham


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,2 pm/5:30 pm, £14.50-£18.50

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

OliverWinter Gardens, Margate

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/4:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

Tuesday 29th December


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,11 am/3 pm/7 pm,£14.50-£18.50

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

OliverWinter Gardens, Margate

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/4:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

Wednesday 30th December


Run VTAngel Inn, Addington

The Chimney BoysThe Man of Kent, Rochester


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,2 pm/5:30 pm, £14.50-£17

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

OliverWinter Gardens, Margate

The Railway ChildrenBrook Theatre, Chatham,1 pm/4:30 pm, £10.50/£9.50

Thursday 31st December


ArchiveThe Spitfire, West Malling

BreedThe Britannia, Margate

Cellar 39The Beauty of Bath, Sittingbourne, 9 pm

Disco; Bad Taste Party (60’s,70’s, 80’s, 90’s)

Coach & Horses, DealDisco (Open House)

Hole in the Roof, DealMartin Jonathan (Bookingrequired)

Cullins Yard, DoverPeacock Suit

Cambridge Arms, DealVince Martyn

The Clarendon Hotel, DealVince Vortex & TheCucumbers

Earls, Maidstone


AladdinCentral Theatre, Chatham,2 pm/5:30 pm, £12.50-£17

Friday 1st January


AladdinThe Tower Theatre,Folkestone, 2 pm, £10

Saturday 2nd January


Craig SheridanDeal Rowing Club

SuspectsThe Britannia, Margate

The Slug PixiesThe Red Lion, Ramsgate


AladdinThe Tower Theatre,Folkestone, 2 pm/7 pm, £10

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

Sunday 3rd January


Adam KnightHoverspeed Club, Ramsgate

ArchiveThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

HeroesHorse & Groom, Ramsgate

Louise KennyThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

ModfathersEarls, Maidstone


AladdinThe Tower Theatre,Folkestone, 2 pm, £10

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

Monday 4th January


Keith JamesThe Barge, Gillingham

Luke J Dorman & The DarkHorses

Barnaby Rudge, BroadstairsThe Zen Bicycle Band

The Louis Armstrong, Dover

Page 30: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

All listings are correct at time of going to press, please double check with venues to avoid disappointment.


p30 | The Gig Guide | December - January

Tuesday 5th January


AladdinThe Tower Theatre,Folkestone, 7 pm, £8

Wednesday 6th January


AladdinThe Tower Theatre,Folkestone, 7 pm, £8

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

Thursday 7th January


AladdinThe Tower Theatre,Folkestone, 7 pm, £8

Friday 8th January


BodegasThe Rose, Broadstairs

HeroesBritannia Inn, Margate

RiseDublin Man O’ War, River

Sarah BanksThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

Supper ClubThe Farmhouse, Canterbury


AladdinThe Tower Theatre,Folkestone, 7 pm, £10

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

Saturday 9th January


Electric ExperienceThe Britannia, Margate

Roger HumphriesPlough & Chequers, Gillingham


AladdinThe Tower Theatre,Folkestone, 2 pm/7 pm, £10

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

Scrooge – The Panto!The Sinden Theatre,Tenterden, 3 pm, £10/£7

Sunday 10th January


Danny & MazHole in the Roof, Deal

Hot RatsNeptunes Hall, Broadstairs

Kingsdown BandThe Clarendon Hotel, Deal

Steve AdamsThe Admiral Keppel, Deal


AladdinThe Tower Theatre,Folkestone, 2 pm, £10

CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

Monday 11th January


Keith JamesBarnaby Rudge, Broadstairs

Paul Clifford’s CrowtailThe Barge, Gillingham

Wednesday 13th January


Luke J.Dorman & The DarkHorses

The Man of Kent, Rochester

Thursday 14th January


CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

Friday 15th January


Eyelash GuiltDublin Man O’ War, River

HeroesThe George Hotel, Ashford

Where’s My Thing?The Britannia, Margate

Zero ToleranceThe New Inn, Deal


CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

Saturday 16th January


BodegasEarls, Maidstone

HeroesThe Flying Horse, Ramsgate

Shameful BehaviourThe Park Inn, Dover

TapestryCambridge Arms, Deal

The Slug PixiesThe Louis Armstrong, Dover

The ThrowbacksCoach & Horses, Whitstable

ZambuThe Britannia, Margate

Page 31: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Don’t forget live music at The Admiral Keppel, Manor Road, Deal

If you would like to add your gigs, email: [email protected]

December - January | The Gig Guide | p31


CinderellaLeas Cliff Hall, Folkestone

Sunday 17th January


AinsleyThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

HeroesThe New Inn, Deal

Monday 18th January


PhoenixBarnaby Rudge, Broadstairs

The Jones BoysThe Barge, Gillingham

Wednesday 20th January


ArchiveDeal Hoy, Deal

Moveable FeastThe Man of Kent, Rochester

Friday 22nd January


Any Other BusinessThe New Inn, Deal

HeroesGolden Arrow, Cheriton

Shameful BehaviourDublin Man O’ War, River

Takin’ OffThe Farmhouse, Canterbury

Saturday 23rd January


Live ‘n’ Kickin’The Britannia, Margate

Lounge OriginalsThe Farmhouse, Canterbury

Shameful BehaviourTwo Brewers, Rochester

SupersonicThe Star, Ashford

The Geoff Everett bandPlough & Chequers, Gillingham

The Slug PixiesThe New Inn, Deal

Sunday 24th January


Andy MackCambridge Arms, Deal

BodegasOld House at Home, Queenborough

FrancescaThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

The Police SquadThe New Inn, Deal

Monday 25th January


Davey SlaterThe Barge, Gillingham

Moveable FeastBarnaby Rudge, Broadstairs

Phoenix Soul BandHole in the Roof, Deal

Wednesday 27th January


Porch Swing BluesThe Man of Kent, Rochester

Thursday 28th January


Shameful BehaviourThe Walnut Tree, East Farleigh

Friday 29th January


As Is NowThe Britannia, Margate

Craig SheridanHole in the Roof, Deal

Kingsdown BandHole in the Roof, Deal

Martin JonathanThe New Inn, Deal

Shameful BehaviourThe Firs Club, Cheriton

Zero ToleranceDublin Man O’ War, River

Saturday 30th January


[re:fried] DJ’sThe Farmhouse, Canterbury

ArchiveChurchill Tavern, Ramsgate

BrokenYew Tree Inn, Deal

DonnaThe New Inn, Deal

JLSWinter Gardens, Margate

Shameful BehaviourSir John Falstaff, Dover

Surf Dude GrandadThe Britannia, Margate

TheGuestsThe Spitfire, West Malling

Sunday 31st January


Annie LoveThe Admiral Keppel, Deal

The Slug PixiesOld House at Home, Queenborough


The Princess and the Pea(Proteus Theatre Company)

The Theatre Royal,Margate, 3 pm

Page 32: The Gig Guide Issue 12

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Once listed, your gigs will not only be viewable by everyone whosearches the database, but will also make it into the corresponding issueof The Gig Guide Magazine... it’s the easiest way to submit your listings!

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Page 33: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Abby Kedwell: Give Folkestone What it Wants

December - January | The Gig Guide | p33


Anew revolution is going to take Folkestoneby storm; Stones Bar is the new home toFolkestone’s ultimate entertainment venue.

First impressions, Stones looks much the same,a lick of paint, new staff and few new additionsand some would say “nothings changed” but theywould be so very wrong. Never judge a book byits cover, as the saying goes. It’s what’s going onbehind the scenes that we should be takingnotice of. Stones is being stripped of it’s slightlytainted past and is being used as a blankcanvass from now on. Everything from Drum andBass and Dubstep to Indie, Disco nights andgreat up and coming bands. Stones is offering aneclectic mix of music for all tastes.

The owner has said “The bigger the following thebigger the internal changes will be. Its anexciting venture that will hopefully changepeoples minds about Stones Bar and it will beknown as a buzzing place to go to enjoy musicand a fun atmosphere”

Rumour has it, if the new line up of eventsbrings in the crowds Stones will up its game andstart to open in the day. The idea being that itwould be a relaxing and chilled out place to go toenjoy a drink and maybe some sort of snacks.Beanbags, Wii, TV’s and much more besides. Butthis is if the party goers of Folkestone do theirbit and come along to the planned nights.

It’s great to see that even in the darkest part ofthe recession people are still trying. Folkestonehas its fair share of pubs and some are slowlybut surely disappearing which is leaving a limitedamount of “Fun pubs” to visit. I have asked afew people their thoughts on Stones Bar, somemay need a little more convincing than others;

“I don’t go to Stones because of the amount ofpeople that have taken over in the past fewyears. You don’t know who’s in there from oneday to the next. Saying that though, I wish themall the best and I will be attending some of thenew events that are being advertised”

“It sounds great. Something for everyone”

“I have heard fantastic things about the peoplebehind the new opening of Stones and I for oneam quite excited. Watch this space, I think thatStones will surprise you”

“Same old, same old really! Would be nice to beproven wrong though. The ideas that they haveare different.”

Personally I think that Folkestone needs an allrounder entertainment venue that isn’t toocliquey, somewhere that has a wide range ofmusic, electric ambience and passionate peoplebehind it. Lets not kid ourselves, people havetried and failed to make it a successful place togo but I think this time Stones will pull out allthe stops and make it happen.

If you know any good bands that would want toplay at Stones, or you want to go along on aTuesday to have a jam with like minded peoplethen please contact: [email protected]





- Karaoke nights - Jam Nights- Anything goes Wednesday- Band Night- Mixtape Indie Night- Frequency- Chill day

Page 34: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December January

139 Mongeham Rd, Great Mongeham, Deal, Kent, CT14 9LL / Tel: (01304) 375812

The Three Horseshoes, Great Mongeham

Friday 4thFriday 11th

Saturday 12thFriday 18thFriday 25th

Saturday 26thThursday 31st

- Kayley Weller- Eddie Wheeler- Charlie- Without The Blue- (TBC)- Andy Mack (3-6 pm)

- New Years Eve Party Plus... Karaoke every Sunday!

Please contact us forfurther details ofJanuary events.

We wish all our Customers a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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Live Performance - Studio - Location - Press & Promotional

[email protected]

Tel: 01304 373436 / 07846 771325

Page 35: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p35

Music Reviews

Gig Guide Verdict:

Gig Guide Verdict:

Richard Batchelor takes a look at some of your CD’s...

To get your music featured, please send a copy to:The Gig Guide, GC Publishing Ltd, Westwood Business Park,

Strasbourg Street, Margate, Kent, CT9 4JJ

The Quays are a rock/pop quintet from London with one mission, bring

back great Britpop! Listening to the Quays Is like Oasis and Blur performing on

the same stage and having Ash and the Foo Fighters crash the party halfway

through. Lead vocalist Lauren does a wonderful job keeping up when the sound

gets heavier on tracks ‘Millionaire’ and ‘Mother Midnight’ and the tone is just

perfect on other stand-out tracks ‘Little Miss Mitty’ and ‘Forever and a Day’.

If Britpop is due a second coming I hope The Quays are right up in the

front running, if you have a case of the winter blues and are looking for a cure,

you have just found it. A great album from a great band.

Band: The QuaysTitle: This Is You...Format: Album (12 Tracks)


The DirectionS are a four piece rock band from Maidstone formed by front

man Chris Brown in 2007. As the first track kicks in I can hear a definite Foo

Fighters influence, but that’s the last thing on my mind as I listen, Chris

Brown’s written a song about Hitler and Stalin having a night out on the town!

In a sea of sentimental love songs that currently dominate the Top 40 chart,

it’s great to hear someone write about such subject... it’s certainly my favourite

song about a fascist dictator!

Four great rock songs follow suit and while not tackling such a subject as

the leader of the 3rd Reich are all great songs. ‘Stop, Drop and Roll’ and ‘Killing

Time’ had me thinking of The Bluetones. This is a great start from a Promising

band. Gig Guides favourites are: ‘H*tlers Revenge’ and ‘Stop, Drop and Roll’.

Band: DirectionSTitle: For UseFormat: Mini Album (5 Tracks)


Having graduated from Christchurch

University’s Commercial Music

course, Richard Batchelor knows a

thing or two about music.

Here, he casts his expert eye over the

material of Kent-based artists and

provides his thoughts on your music


Page 36: The Gig Guide Issue 12

p36 | The Gig Guide | December - January

Music Reviews

To get your music featured, please send a copy to:The Gig Guide, GC Publishing Ltd, Westwood Business Park,

Strasbourg Street, Margate, Kent, CT9 4JJ

Gig Guide Verdict:

Gig Guide Verdict:

There are certain bands who when asked what music genre they fit into will

say Rock, Pop, R&B etc. Then there are SpyGenius, a band who refuse this

need to be pigeonholed under a certain category and rather take several, put

them into a giant musical blender and the results are fantastic to hear. First

track ‘Didgen’s Rise’ is a perfect example of this and probably my favourite

song on the album.

It’s not all music madness, I was very fond of the lovely harmonies on ‘This

Morning After’ and ‘First Do No Harm’, showing a softer side to Peter Watts

song craft and writing. It’s great to hear a band with so much invention willing

to throw away the rulebooks of verse, bridge, chorus and two guitars, bass and

drums by just going nuts! More Please!

Band: SpyGeniusTitle: Red LoungeFormat: Album (12 Tracks)

Link: /

UpCDownC have been making a name for themselves lately with a number

of local performances. After seeing them live recently its great to hear that

they have been able to take all the energy and sound that you hear live and

place it onto a CD. Intro and following track ‘The Tavern’ and ‘Black Lodge’ set

the tone for the album; thumping and chugging guitar riffs that want to break

your speakers!

The Fantastically named ‘Def Zepplin’ and ‘Dad Rock’ also keep the album

chugging along, the album is largely instrumental with a few screams bringing

home the power. If you’re looking for a good musical way to spend 27 and a ½

minutes you can’t go wrong with UpCDownC, extra kudos points for the great

album artwork!

Band: UpCDownCTitle: FirewolfFormat: Album (8 Tracks)

Link: /

Gig Guide Verdict:

You don’t even have to listen to the Welcome To The Empire Club to tellwhat The Concrete Gods are all about, tracks such as ‘Just Like Churchill’,‘London’s Dead’ and ‘Boring British Town’ sum them up perfectly, a very Britishband who happen to be writing great British songs. The Concrete Gods comeacross as a cross between The Jam, The Sex Pistols and Stiff Little Fingers inmany of the songs on this record and its great to see a band wanting to revivethis kind of sound that has made British music so great. Front man DaveHayman’s vocals and lyrics is the perfect for the match for the distorted guitartone, the album also contains a cracking cover of Pulps ‘Common People’.

This is an almost breathless 40 minute wild ride of a record, oddly thoughtprovoking in some places and witty in many others but most of all, utterlyfantastic. Concrete Gods we salute you!

Band: The Concrete GodsTitle: Welcome To The Empire ClubFormat: Album (21 Tracks)


Page 37: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p37

To get your music featured, please send a copy to:The Gig Guide, GC Publishing Ltd, Westwood Business Park,

Strasbourg Street, Margate, Kent, CT9 4JJ

Gig Guide Verdict:

Gig Guide Verdict:

In the first of two EP reviews in this edition, ‘Great Fears and Curious

Dictions’ is the 2nd EP from the guys. From their name, I was expecting

something heavy, so I was surprised to hear a beautiful blend of acoustic folk

that they’ve truly made their own. There is a strong element of story telling in

the song writing, particularly ‘Pirate’s Wife’ and ‘Beauties and Beasts’, any fans

of Seth Lakeman or Richard Thompson will enjoy this a lot.

I grew up listening to a lot of Folk artists from the 60s and 70s and it’s

great to see bands telling real stories with songs and keeping folk music alive.

There were so many beautiful moments from this EP and as it’s free to

download from their website, you have no excuse. It’s bands like Lupen Crook

and the Murderbirds that make me love music. Go check them out, now!.

Band: Lupen Crook and the MurderbirdsTitle: Great Fears And Curious DictionsFormat: EP (5 Tracks)

Link: /

The second EP review of Lupen Crook and the Murder Birds sees the bandreturn with the same cracking folk sound that made their 1st EP so wonderful.They have gone a bit darker in sound for their 3rd EP, but still retain the art ofthe storytelling in the song writing that makes them so memorable.‘Sunshine Devils’ and ‘Devils Son’ as you can imagine carry dark elements andlyrics and they continue to go from strength to strength as the EP carries onand they continue to explore a darker edge to their sound.

Lupen Crook and the Murder Birds are fast becoming one of my favouritebands of the year, I now have all of their EP’s and as all of the money spent onCurse Of The Mirror Wicked goes to the bands charity YoungMinds on a donate-what-you-can basis there really is no excuse. I’ll say it once and I’ll say itagain, go check them out, now!

Band: Lupen Crook and the MurderbirdsTitle: Curse Of The Mirror WickedFormat: EP (6 Tracks)

Link: /

Gig Guide Verdict:

Packed with 13 tracks from prestigious Kent bands, this compilation serves tooffer a high quality slice of what Kent has to offer the music industry. Themusic is varied and covers many different styles, but all deserve attention andare brought together well on this one CD. The opener, a track from TheLovedays (‘When the Lights Went Out’) shows what a talented songwriter BenJones is, whilst other artists such as David Migden and Hydraponic offer moreunique sounds that are not commonly heard in the venues around the county.A beautiful song from The Ambience titled ‘Centre of the Park’ finishes off thiscollection wonderfully.

Gig Guide favourites; ‘Girls Are In Charge’ (What Would Jesus Drive) & ‘Centreof the Park’ (The Ambience).

Band: Various ArtistsTitle: Kent Bands Compilation (Make Some Noise Records)Format: Album (13 Tracks)


Page 38: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Sandwich Road (A258), Hacklinge, Deal, CT14 [email protected]

The Coach & HorsesFREEHOUSE

01304 617063

Sunday Roast - Fine Wines - Cask Ales & Ciders - Parties & Functions

Live Music - Large Garden - Car Park and Disabled Access

Roadside Country Inn - Warm Friendly Atmosphere - Families Welcome

Forthcoming Events

Please check website or call for further listings

Saturday 5th December

Sunday 6th December

Saturday 12th December

Saturday 19th December

Sunday 27th December

Thursday 31st December

- Tony Martin (8 pm)

- Mel Harris (60’s tribute, 8 pm)

- Tony Martin (8 pm)

- Tony Martin (8 pm)

- Rags 2 Riches (8 pm)

- Disco; ‘Bad Taste Party’

(60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s)

Page 39: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p39

Not To Be Missed:

Maidstone-based new band 'White Bone

Rattle' have just been signed to the

independent ‘Redbreast’ record label.

The band, made up of four brothers have caused a

real buzz of excitement surrounding their music

which perfectly encapsulates the classic rock

sounds of bands such as The Cult and Led


The Animal Farm (a top Artist Management &

Development firm) have also taken them onboard

and have high aims to push the band in the right


You can check out our review of their debut EP

‘The Green Hour’ in this issue and we look forward

to seeing more material from them in the future.

White Bone Rattle

Album Launch

The quirky funk rockers from Ramsgate;Spygenius, are on the verge of releasingtheir latest album to the public.

Entitled ‘Red Lounge’, the band are said to bereally pleased with the album and think it is agreat improvement on their previous offering(‘Songs From The Devil’s Typist’ - which wasreviewed by The Gig Guide back in Februaryreceiving an impressive 9/10).

The official launch for the new album is dueto take place at Casey's, Canterbury onWednesday 13th January.

Check out the music reviews in this issue tosee what we thought of the album.

Page 40: The Gig Guide Issue 12

p40 | The Gig Guide | December - January

Caught in the Act

Sean Hardy, The OFfice Bar (Folkestone),

5th November, by Natalie Fendt

Dogs, Dirty South (Lewisham),

24th October, by Natalie Fendt

The Specials, Winter Gardens (Margate),

7th November, by Natalie Fendt

Zebrahead, Winter Gardens (Margate),21st October, by Stuart Keeler

Hot Rats, Gravelines Festival(France), July, by Sarah Jayne Tye

Heroes, New Inn (Deal), 1stNovember, by Andrea Hutchens

Page 41: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p41

The Zen Bicycle Band, Belgium Cafe

(Ramsgate), 18th August, by Kim Fletcher

Coronal Mass Ejection, The Alma

(Deal), 31st October, by Dave Smith

The Novels, The Loft (Maidstone),

111th November, by Dave Smith

Bowling For Soup, Winter Gardens(Margate), 21st October, by Stuart Keeler

The Leftovers, Winter Garden (Margate),21st October, by Stuart Keeler

MC Lars, Winter Gardens (Margate),21st October, by Stuart Keeler

Page 42: The Gig Guide Issue 12

No.1 for Live Music in Thanet!THE BRITANNIA INN

Fort Hill, Margate


(01843) 223269

December 2009

January 2010

PLUS... ‘Jam Night’ every 2nd Thursday, ‘Music Quiz Night’ every 4th Thursday of each month

AND... Live music Sundays from 6-9pm

We are proud to host the following acts:

Fri 4th

Sat 5th

Fri 11th

Sat 12th

Fri 18th

- Wez

- Crazy Train

- User Friendly

- Breed

- Tortilla Army

Sat 19th

Thur 24th

Sat 26th

Sun 27th

Thur 31st

- As Is Now

- Everywhere Men

- Job Knockey

- Yellow House

- Breed

Sat 2th

Fri 8th

Sat 9th

Fri 15th

- Suspects

- Heroes

- Electric


- Where’s My


Sat 16th

Fri 22nd

Sat 23rd

Fri 29th

Sat 30th

- Zambu


- Live ‘n’ Kickin’

- As Is Now

- Surf Dude


Live Music, Function Room available to hire forWeddings, Parties, Conferences

and Meetings, Food served Friday to Sunday, Please call for details.

Forthcoming Events:

Christmas Eve(December 24th)

New Years Eve(December 31st)

- Karaoke Disco

- Mixed Emotions(Open House)

126 West Street, Deal - 01304 369349

Page 43: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p43






20 Questions to test your musical knowledge!

Q1. Who had a hit in 1984 with ‘99 Red Balloons’?

Q2. Which popstar was actor Emilio Estevezformerly married to?

Q3. In the song ‘The Twelve Days Of Christmas’,what was given on the 12th day?

Q4. The Dutch Duo of Ray Slijngaard and AnitaDels, who had 8 top ten hits in the 90s, werebetter known by what name?

Q5. What was the name of the first ventriloquist’sdummy to have a top ten hit in the UK charts?

Q6. The Scandanavian pop group Aqua had a hitsingle about which doctor?

Q7. What does the word ‘forte’ mean in music?Soft, Fast or Loud?

Q8. What was the name of the band All Saints’number one ?

Q9. As in the music shop, what do the letters HMVstand for?

Q10. With which band was David Lee Roth leadvocalist in the 1980s?

Q11. Who had a hit in 1991 with ‘Move AnyMountain’?

Q12. What was the common age of Jimi Hendrix,Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison when they died?

Q13. Which group got it’s name from a US spyplane?

Q14. Which Tori Amos song was remixed byArmand Van Helden for a hit single in 1997?

Q15. Which instrument does the leader of anorchestra play?

Q16. What was Blondie’s first UK number one hitsingle?

Q17. What was the name of the 80s band of whichNorman Cook (Fatboy Slim) was a memberof?

Q18. Which singing duo were originally called Tomand Jerry?

Q19. Which band perform the theme tune to theTV show ‘Friends’?

Q20. What nationality was ‘Saturday Night’ singerWhigfield?

Answers on p45

Page 44: The Gig Guide Issue 12

p44 | The Gig Guide | December - January


If you would like to place a completely free classified advert in our next edition,

email [email protected]


Young rock band 15/16 year old, now done 4 pub gigs & party, looking

for vocalist/rhythm guitar or both, have singer at the moment but

wishes to move to guitar practice together twice a month. Gigs have

been in the Sevenoaks area at the moment we are more interested in

getting our sound right rather than gigs, music is ZZ Top/Status

Quo/T-Rex/Blues/Metallica/Lynyrd Skynyrd and more. If you are just

starting out come and make your mistakes with us we are only

taking the occasional gig!

contact the manager... 07879550224

WANTED: Heavy Metal Female Singer/Performer

Maidstone based band seek a female singer that can really rock out andcan sing Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Metallica etc.

Rock voice essential. Ability to perform essential.

The band (both male and female, age range 20s and 30s) are all excellentmusicians and will be playing festivals and venues from spring 2010onwards. Rehearsals will start in January 2010. Some original music willbe written and included in the set.

[email protected]

Lead Vocalist Needed For Blues Band

Newly formed blues band require a testifyin' leadsinger to belt out the tunes. We will be playing songs by The Allman Brothers,Robert Johnson, Muddy Waters, Albert King, BookerT., etc. plus some blues-rock tunes (Hendrix, Stonesetc.). Own transport essential, own equipment adefinite bonus! (Rehearsals are in Maidstone area).

email Steve at... [email protected]

Female Singer - Loose Change

We are currently seeking a female singer to commit to the band.

Must be competent and be able to work out harmonies for herself.

Must have transport and be prepared to perform 80-90 gigs per year

including a whistle stop tour of Ireland (long weekend) in October.

email: [email protected]

Mature male Singer/Front man required

North kent based band require a singer/front man withkeen interest in 60's and 70's music, Elvis, Roy Orbison,Cliff Richard, some Beatles (If we must) and Mavericksetc. Band members range from mid forties upward soanyone below that age would be frowned upon as wecould end up looking very ancient. We are a fun band thatonly want to gig a couple of times a month.

If interested, contact Peter with a brief description of yourinterests and/or experience at: [email protected]

Singer wanted

For rock/function covers band based in margate.

The band are friendly and easy going but we do like to be asprofessional as possible and we are looking for someone withcommitment to the band.

If you want to know more contact me for a chat. It’s chris on07811453254.

Bass or Rhythm guitar player wanted please.We are a Dartford based bandWe are in our 40’s to 60’s age but that doesn't matter . We are looking for a bass player or a guitar player who canplay all the shadows stuff plus a bit ofElvis/Orbiron/Buddy/Chuck, etc. please email if peter at... [email protected]

Ukulele players

Ukulele players wanted by same to form group similar to the Uke

Orchestra of G.B. Must be able to sing or at least carry a tune or

harmony. View gigs, fun, fame! No age restriction. I am Thanet

based and can be seen on YouTube, channel name Ukuleleric.

email Eric at... [email protected]

Hammond or Keys Player

Required with synth for jazz funk band.Nothing too serious due to work commitments but would begigging a couple of times a month at the most.If your into jazz and funk and want to have some fun then get intouch. a good personality is required but you must be able to takedirection.

Folkestone - Telephone: 07766 837189

Page 45: The Gig Guide Issue 12

December - January | The Gig Guide | p45

Quiz Answers:

Q1. Nena / Q2. Paula Abdul / Q3. Twelve Drummers Drumming / Q4. 2 Unlimited / Q5. Orville / Q6. Dr Jones / Q7. Loud / Q8. ‘Pure Shores’ / Q9. His Masters Voice / Q10. Van

Halen / Q11. The Shamen / Q12. 27 / Q13. U2 / Q14. Professional Widow / Q15. Violin / Q16. Heart Of Glass / Q17. The Housemartins / Q18. Simon and Garfunkel / Q19. The

Rembrandts / Q20. Danish

Drummer percussionist needed

Modern folk act looking for someone withdedication, either a drummer or percussionist.We have a set of songs ready to go with the rightperson, with the view to gigs and festivals in 2010.John - [email protected]

Fiddle player required

For giging Folk Rock group, aged between 20's -

30's, an albums worth of original material, gigs

waiting in the London area.

Influences: Fairport Convention, Steeleye Span,

Pentangle, etc. You can hear our material on our

myspace page:

Mat Fowler

Tel: 07789802163

Guitarist / Singer needs rock n roll band

Hi, I'm new in Rochester and looking to form or joinband playing rock ‘n’ roll to hard rock.

I'm practising at the local jam nights most nights.

I have transport and gear.

Adam07810 534 805 [email protected]

Brass Players Wanted

Trumpet and Trombone players required for jazz funk band.

Nothing too serious due to work commitments but would be

gigging a couple of times a month at the most.

If your into jazz and funk and want to have some fun then get in

touch. a good personality is required but you must be able to take


Folkestone - Telephone: 07766 837189

Versatile female drummer seeks band or dep work.

I’m looking to join an established working/gigging

band, preferably a club/function or rock and roll

band. I have many years of experience, own

transport, good gear and can offer backing vocals

if required. I’m a steady drummer, with great time

keeping and a team player. I use a drum workshop

5 piece kit and am ready to commit to the right

band. I currently work freelance.

Telephone: 01634 328999








MATTHEW SYKES, TEL: 07753206992

Bassist Needed

We're a metal band looking for a bassist,we've just found our vocalist and can’t wait toget gigging again. So if your inspired by the

likes of Maiden and Priest please get in touchCheck out the demo on our myspace[email protected]

Metal Bassist Wanted

Bassist needed to complete the line-up of metalband playing a mix of southern, sludge, thrashand death metal. Recordings available on request.

Age pref: 20-30 but not essential. Practices oncea week, normally around Ashford or Canterbury.

Contact: [email protected]

Page 46: The Gig Guide Issue 12

p46 | The Gig Guide | December - January




PLUS:PLUS: Music Reviews, Venue Profiles, Live Music & Two Months Gig Listings!

Also this issue:

Coventry’s finest talk about

their new album & Soupe de Jour!The latest on Kent’s summer festivals, featuring Red List Live, Lounge on the

Farm, Sellindge & The Hop Farm.

Issue 8

April - May

Advertising Opportunities

Want to advertise in Kent’sNo. 1 music magazine?



Issue 9 / June - July


Your guide to what’s on in Kent

Your guide to what’s on in Kent

PLUS:PLUS: Hop Farm Ticket Giveaway, Win a Marshall Amp and Filthy Dukes talk electro!

T H E K O O K ST H E K O O K SLive in MargateLive in MargateBrightons finest indie superstars head to the Winter Gardens

FESTIVAL FRENZY the lowdown on Kent’s vibrant festival scene | WIN Studio time!

WIN Small Faces & STC goodies! | PLUS!... 2 months Gig listings | Kent music news

K E N T ’ S N o . 1 F R E E M U S I C M A G A Z I N E

Issue 10 / August -

HOWZAT!James Morrison atCanterbury’s Cricket Ground.

We catch up with James and

newcommers Vagabond for a chat,during their tour.

NEWS: What’s happening on the Kent music scene | REVIEWS: We check out your music

NOT TO BE MISSED: Top events in Kent | PLUS: Your regular 2 months of Kent gig listings.

K E N T ’ S N o . 1 F R E E M U S I C M A G A Z I N E

Issue 11 / October -

The 2-tone legends prepare to hit Margate for

their 30th Anniversary tour!

Also in this issue... Archie Wah Wahs, Bowling For Soup, The Kingsdown Band, Them Is Me

NEWS: What’s happening on the Kent music scene | REVIEWS: We check out your music

NOT TO BE MISSED: Top events in Kent | PLUS: Your regular 2 months of Kent gig listings.

K E N T ’ S N o . 1 F R E E M U S I C M A G A Z I N E

Issue 12 / December -

Be it Artist, Venue, Studio, Rehearsal room,Manufacturer or Retail Store; we’ve got some

great advertising opportunities for Quarter, Halfand Full page spaces.

Distributed widely across Kent to venues,education establishments, shops, libraries, touristinformation offices, and other public spaces, our

ever growing circulation means your name will be

seen far and wide.

Call Joe Fendt for more details on01843 282526 / 07969 198189.


Page 47: The Gig Guide Issue 12

Live Music

@ The Clarendon HotelDeal

Every Sunday afternoon from 4pm

Gig Listings:

51/55 Beach Street, Deal, Kent, CT14 6HYTelephone: 01304 374748 Fax: 01304 371116

Email: [email protected]

Also, live Jazz every Thursday evening.

December January

Sunday 6th -

Friday 11th -

Sunday 13th -

Friday 18th -

Sunday 20th -

Thursday 31st -

Antiques Roadshow

Kingsdown Band

Vince Martyn

Drew & The Crew

Learning Curve

Vince Martyn

Sunday 3rd -

Friday 8th -

Sunday 10th -

Sunday 17th -


Sarrah Banks

Kingsdown Band


Page 48: The Gig Guide Issue 12

The Soul BarHote l - Cafe - Bar

42 Queen Street, Deal, CT14 6EY - Tel: (01304) 374839

[email protected]

Hole in the Roof

December January

• Situated only a 5 minute walk away from Deal Seafront and Town Centre

• Traditional home-cooked food, including premier country Sunday lunch

• Three Course Specials • Function Room for hire

• Comfortable accomodation; single, twin, double & family rooms available

Live music events at The Hole in the Roof... (7pm Sunday & 9pm Friday)

Friday 4thSunday 13thFriday 18th

Sunday 20thChristmas Eve

(Thursday 24th)

Boxing Day(Saturday 26th)

New Years’ Eve(Thursday 31st)

- Electric Beatles- Go Ape- Interseptors- Kingsdown Band- Kai McKenzie

(4-6 pm)

- EK1(4-6 pm)

- Disco(open house)

Sunday 10thTuesday 26th

Friday 29th

- Danny & Maz- Phoenix Soul Band- Kingsdown Band

Plus Karaoke, every second Thursday from 7pm

Special Event!on December 6th

Michael Jackson tributeBy ticket only.Tickets £7.50