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Damon Life Group 11.20.11

The Power of One

A one cent per case increase of Coca-cola would being the company $45 million/yr

A one cent-per-gallon increase in the price of jet fuel increases Delta Airline’s costs by $25M/yr

A one cent increase in the hourly wage for all the employees of Home Depot amounts to $6.5 M/yr

If Krispy Cream increased the cost of a donut by one penny, the company would increase profits by $27M

When Pennies Join Forces

How did you get the penny you are holding right now?

Did you “do” anything to get it?

The combined power of pennies are like the combined power of spiritual gifts

Look what happens when God’s people combine their gifts

Who has the best penny?

Every member of the Body has a gift and every member is called to a ministry function appointed by the Lord

Today: Rekindling Our Gifts

Have you ever noticed that sometimes gifts come in strange packages?

In fact, we don’t see them as gifts at all!

Sometimes what we view as a problem, God used it as a gift (Genesis 50:20)$feature=related

Today, we begin to read a personal letter form Paul to Timothy in which Paul challenges him to rekindle the fire of his faith and use what God has given him

Pray God will reveal to you this hour what gift He has given you that must be rekindled for His glory

Today: Kick off II Timothy

Sent to Timothy & Titus,

but the message was

intended for the church

Writes mainly about

the work at the church

at Ephesus

Paul tells Timothy to

stay in Ephesus

Really to his friend,


Paul writes more about

himself and his own


Ask Timothy to come to

him in Rome as quickly

as he can

I Timothy II Timothy


Paul writes this letter from prison in Rome around 64/65 AD (1-2 years after his first letter)

Winter is approaching

Been in prison in Rome before (from about 60-62AD), but was able to live in his own room

Christians had always been in Rome (Acts 2:11)

Rome is the biggest city in the world at this time (about 1M people)

About 20 years later Jews kicked out of Rome (Acts 18:2) and so there was a much smaller church presence in Rome (much of the church were Jews at that time)

Paul wrote his letter to the church in Rome around 57 AD and can tell by the last chapter of Romans that Jews were back in the city, but Paul still preached to the Jews in Rome (Acts 28:17-28) around 60 AD

Paul had many friends in Rome and leaves around 62 AD

Around 64 AD, Nero (Roman Emperor) killed a great number of Christians in Rome

Now that he is under arrest back in Rome as he writes 2 Timothy, many of his friends had been killed and the others were scared to death to come visit

When Paul finally arrives in court, and permitted to speak, he boldly preaches the Good News (4:16) and many believed – there was a new beginning for the Christians in Rome

Nero beheads Paul around 67 AD

Paul’s Letter to Timothy & Us

Today, let’s break down these

first 7 verses

Pray God will make clear the

gift He has given you that

must be rekindled for His


Also, let’s pray for a spirit of


Read 2 Timothy 1:1-7

Greeting & Intro

“Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, in keeping with the promise

of life that is in Christ Jesus, To Timothy, my dear son: Grace, mercy, and peace

form God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.” (2 Tim. 1:1-2)

V.1 - As he did in 1 Tim, Paul begins by establishing his

apostolic authority

He is writing according to the will of God (not on his on whim)

Paul understood he had a role to play in God’s plan to reach

the world – his was that of an apostle

Do you know what your role is?

“teach-er, by the will of God”, “pray-er, by the will of God”,

“encourage-er, by the will of God”, “support-er, by the will of God”

The Promise of Life in Christ

V.1 (cont) “in keeping with the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus” was a different greeting for Paul


It was important to Paul to write of the promise of the life found in Christ because he knew he was facing death (2 Tim. 4:6)

He knew he was on death row and there is a sense of urgency and passion as he pens his final letter

The 3-Fold Chord of God’s Grace,

Mercy, & Peace

V.2 makes clear who Paul is directing the letter to and then offers a fairly unique greeting “Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord”

Let’s take a look at how this greeting is unique…

Let’s start at the top of Paul’s writings – Romans and work our way down, looking at each greeting

Why do you think the letters written to the pastors adds “mercy”?

Why might ministers need even more mercy than others?

Spurgeon on the need for Mercy

“Did you ever notice this one thing about Christian ministers, that they need even more mercy than other people? Although everybody needs mercy, ministers need it more than anybody else; and so we do, for if we are not faithful, we shall be greater sinners even than our hearers, and it needs much grace for us always to be faithful, and much mercy will be required to cover our shortcomings. So I shall take those three things to myself: ‘Grace, mercy, and peace.’ You may have the two, ‘Grace and peace,’ but I need mercy more than any of you; so I take it from my Lord’s loving hand, and I will trust, and not be afraid, despite all my shortcomings, and feebleness, and blunders, and mistakes, in the course of my whole ministry.” (Spurgeon)

Thanking God

V.3-5 – gives us insight on some of what is precious as he reflects on his life –

His Spiritual Family

Timothy, a beloved son

My forefathers

Paul’s prayer time

Remembered Timothy night and day

He had a prayer list and he prayed unceasingly

V.4 mentions Timothy’s tears – probably Paul remembering the tears Timothy shed when Paul left the last time

Again, see v.4-5 – what filled Paul with joy?

Ever wondered where your thoughts will turn when you know it is your last…

What will you measure success by?

What will bring you great joy?

Creating a Heritage of Faith

Timothy and his family came from the ancient city of Lystra

Paul visited on his 1st Missionary Journey

When there, God used Paul & Barnabus to miraculously heal of crippled man – the people began to praise Paul and Banabus as Greek gods

Paul pushes back and the crowd turned on Paul and stoned him (miraculously, he lived Acts 14)

On Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey he came to Lystra again and met Timothy who has a mother who believed and a father who was Greek (Acts 16:1)

Timothy’s home life was less than ideal (as the head of the home was not a believer), but his mom and grandmother passed on the heritage of their faith to him

“…now lives in you also”

After linking he heritage of Paul’s own faith to his forefathers and Timothy’s to his grandmother and mother, he raises the bar of expectation

As Paul was about to leave this life, he wanted Timothy to know that the responsibility to carrying the message of the Gospel would fall on his shoulders

The word Paul used to describe Timothy’s “sincere faith” translate “unhypocritical faith” – faith that is NOT AN ACT

Paul tells Timothy these things to lead him to the next point he is about to make in vv.6-7

“For this reason…”

“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us

power, love and self-discipline.” (vv.6-7)

Timothy was a gifted, and important man for the kingdom of God, however, he had a timid streak in him

When you look at 1 & 2 Tim, you will find no less than 25 different places Paul encourages Timothy to BE BOLD, not shy away from confrontation

Paul, on the other hand, had no problem confronting others (anyone who would publically rebuke Peter was a confronting kind of guy (Gal. 2:11-21)

Paul knew Timothy had a shepherd’s tender heart, but he needed him to be BOLD and overcome the timidity that was necessary to protect the flock

According to Ps 23, what comforts us?

BE BOLD, in the Lord

Some people who appear to be bold are really just full of bluster – they may be an “in your face” kind of person not out of being BOLD, but out of insecurity

What Paul is talking about here, is BOLDNESS that is sourced in the Lord

Timothy/God’s people has the very Spirit of God alive in us!

This Spirit is not timid, but is one of POWER, LOVE, and SELF-DISCIPLINE

It is important to note that God does not express His gifts to us as if we were robots

When He gives a gift, there is an element that needs the cooperation of your will – your desire, drive, commitment, boldness to fulfill the purpose of God’s will

We can’t sit back passively and “wait for God” to use us!

Perhaps God is waiting on us…to stir up the gifts He has already given

Stir up

This has the idea of stirring up a fire to keep it burning bright and strong

A fire left to itself will always burn out

God desires for us to take an active role in rekindling the gifts He has given

The Greek word here is anazopureo (stir up) – “to kindle afresh” or “to keep in full flame”

Paul has personally laid hands on Timothy and is reminding him of the gifts he already has that he must “keep in full flame”

God has not given us a Spirit of fear…

How is it that Timothy can be bold?

God has given him a spirit of POWER, LOVE, & SELF-DISCIPLINE

We all wrestle with FEAR

Let me read some passages from the Bible on fear and you tell me the theme

Ps 23:4, Ps 27:1, Ps 118:6, 2 Tim 1:7, Ps 115:11, Ps 103:17, Ps 112:1, Deut 31:6, 1 Chron 28:20, Ps 56:3-4, Is 41:10, Is 41:13, Is 54:4, Matt 10:28, Rom 8:15, I Cor 16:13, Heb 13:5-6, 1 Pet 3:13-14, 1 Jn 4:18

So first, we must understand that fear is not of God – His perfect love casts out fear

A Spirit of Power, Love, & Self-Discipline

Second, we must understand what being in Him has given us – power, love, & self-discipline

Power – His love backs our work

Love – Jesus expressed His power in how much He loved & served others (Jn 13 – knowing he Father had placed all things in His hands…Jesus did what?)

Self-control – the Greek word here refers to a mind that is calm, not panicked or confused, and does not rush in when we are in a fearful situation


In short, BOLDNESS matters – without it, we can not fulfill God’s call for our lives

God has not put you on this earth to make money, buy a house, raise 2.5 children, and send them to college, and tuck away money for retirement

He has placed you where you are and gifted you with very specific gifts that He needs you to boldly use to reach a needy and fearful world

Rekindle the gifts He has given you

Fear & timidity will keep you from using your gifts – take hold of His power, love, and calm thinking to overcome fear as this is the spirit He has given you (He is WITH you) - fulfill The Great Commission

“All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt 28:18-20)

Homework - See Handout “Rekindle

Your Gift(s)”

Life Group Involvement

“All to service, some to leadership”

Participate in another church


Participate in a community service


Participate in a mission trip

Do an anonymous, random act of

kindness for someone

December 1, 2011 @ 7:00

Last Week: Contentment & Godliness

Our Attitude “under the yoke” - If your boss is a tyrant, work for them with respect as to bring honor to Christ (vv.1-2)

Avoid false teachers and teachings of our culture – it is NOT about what YOU can gain by following Jesus (vv.3-5)

“When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” – D. Bonhoeffer

Learn to be content with God’s provision (vv.6-10)

Fulfillment = G+C (v.6)

The things of this world are temporal (v.7)

God’s provision leads to contentment (v.8)

Chasing the things of this world leads you to sin (vv.9-10)

Hope in God rather than money (v.17)

Practice generosity (v.18)

Live today with anticipation of an eternal compensation (v.19)

EDIG – Eternal Deposit Insured by God