the ghrsst match-up database (mdb) status report jean-françois piollé (ifremer/cersat), craig...

The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al.

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST match-up database (MDB)Status report

Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT),

Craig Donlon (UKMet),

Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al.

Page 2: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

The GHRSST-PP MDB: Motivation• The original idea for a common shared MDB system was to have a

data resource that everyone working in GHRSST-PP could use to validate satellite SST data.

• Having a common shared resource means that groups at least start the validation from a common set of data which is not the case today.

• Each group maintains its own [different] set of MDB data QC’d by different rules and thus including different data. This is for historical and political reasons. From these different data sets it is not really possible to compare different SSES derivations or validation results as each database uses different QC and data content.

• The GHRSST-PP MDB should help to provide a better validation framework that will also deliver a scale of economy (1 database that everyone agrees with compared to many different systems)

• If we all start form the best common set of data then the assumptions made in the analysis during the validation process are fair.

Page 3: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

The GHRSST MDB : what is existing?• Specification exists in GDS for MDB definition, processing, content and data exchange format• Original plan was : RDACs to deliver MDB records to a central database (GHRSST MDB),

could be modified for RDAC’s to send a copy of their databases to be reformatted but there are issues

• Only one RDAC (Medspiration) delivering routinely MDB records based on GHRSST specifications

• One implementation of MDB dedicated to GHRSST product (independant on L2 provider) => limited to Medspiration data

• Failed to meet original requirements• What does this mean?

– Limited resources ort politically sensitive issues?– Not a priority for RDACs or GHRSST system? => matter of schedule– No adequacy to the need? => matter of specification to be address by Science Team– Not relevant?

• How can we continue/strengthen this effort ?

Page 4: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

The Medspiration MDB• Match-ups computed daily for all Medspiration datastreams (AVHRR & SEVIRI SAF O&SI products, AATSR, GAC/LAC, AMSRE,TMI)

• limited to Atlantic coverage (except for AATSR – Global)

• Use CORIOLIS as unique datastream for in situ (inc. GTS data)

•• Data available in NetCDF format


• Flexible multi-criteria extraction interface (to ascii/netcdf)


• Significant effort by Medspiration team and funding by ESA to provide open access to all users

• Major item of the upcoming European GMES Thematic Assembly Center (TAC) for SST (2008-2011)

Page 5: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

a GHRSST MDB : why?

• Computing SSES : why if already included by producer in L2P files?– Original motivation for a GHRSST MDB

– Double check? intercomparison?

– Required by the GHRSST-PP RAN project to verify the stability of SSES

– It may be not possible to compute accurate SSES from L2P content (if model depending on channels combination, cloud screening, nadir/dual view differences, anything related to sst retrieval process)

– What are respective responsabilities of GHRSST and L2 producers?• L2 providers : to provide accurate SSES

• GHRSST : control and feedback service to warn providers about bad SSES estimation

– Independant publication of sensor error statistics

• Other usages– Has proved to be valuable for intercomparison and making decision tree for data selection

when merging sensors (depending on area, season, retrieval conditions,…) => complementary even when SSES computed by L2 providers

– Bringing added value to or compared to other existing MDBs• Ancillary data : a reason why many user build their own MDB

– single access/format helps that process– Having ancillary data already filled in is also a benefit (although can not be exhaustive)

Page 6: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

Benefit on having a central MDB

• Develops a community for operational SSES development and verification• Required by the GHRSST-PP RAN• Provides easier access

– single point access (needs to be agreed as to what and how this is done)– Same retrieval procedure : formats, etc…

• Homogeneity – extremely important for understanding the quality of different satellite validation results

– standard variables : geolocation, main parameters– In situ source, if all match-ups produced from the same input data stream with the same

procedure• Quality control• Content• Matching rules and criteria

• Ancillary data can be added to each match-up (single effort for investment, single sources)

– Water vapour content (climatology or model or satellite)– Wind– Mixed layer estimation– ….

Page 7: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

Issues on having a central MDB

• Most of providers have their own MDB running

• No extra ressource available to duplicate investment for inclusion into a centralized database– Can be a huge task if all match-ups have to be produced at the same place

– Producing and delivering match-ups to GHRSST MDB

• Medspiration database was relying only on Coriolis

• Limited to content of GHRSST-PP files => lack information about BTs, Channels, etc…

• Need to consider the best format and data content. Perhaps this needs to be flexible?

Page 8: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

Populating a central MDB

• Two strategies

Computing all match-ups at a single place (Medspiration)

• unique in situ data stream (Coriolis,…)• consistent and homogeneous content (same level of quality control, same filtering, same inputs,…)• allows to compute proximity confidence (L2P content) dependant SSES• more in situ inputs (e.g. does not consider only GTS real-time data) => more match-ups (or less for unoperational sources : M-AERI, research cruises,…)

• optimal consistency• high cost in manpower/resources : managing several dataflows, performing colocation for all datasets, software maintenance, processing hardware,…• limited to L2P content (and ancillary data added afterward) => no radiances, TBs,…

Using match-ups as given by L2 providers

• which sources for in situ data? How can they be intercompared?• unconsistency and heterogeneity => which filtering? Quality control? • may be no information to compute proximity confidence (L2P content) dependant SSES

• richer (or poorer!) content• easier to manage• keeping database consistency may be difficult (updates, duplication,…)

Page 9: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

Issues with distributed contributors

• Updates– Two ways :

• Provide additionnal match-ups periodically => difficult to guarantee no duplication (has to be guaranteed by provider)

• Full dataset => requires removing all previous match-ups and storing the new dataset

– Provider has to guarantee the new datasets includes all the match-ups of the previous release

• No mix!!!

Page 10: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

Using match-ups from L2 providers vs computing them at the same central place

• Very heterogenous content

• Requires very flexible database structure => complex to build and maintain (many dependances on L2 providers)

MODIS• Brightness temperature for channel 14 (low and high gain),20,22,23,31,32,26,27,28,29• min/max/median/average/ values for each channel in 3x3 boxes• Reynolds SST

METOP• air temperature• wind speed and direction• water vapour content (climatology, model)• brightness temperature for channel 3.7,11,12• radiance for channel 0.6,0.9,1.2• sst algorithm information• cloud information• aerosols• ice• climatological information• min/max/mean/

AMSRE/TMI• satellite and in situ sst only

AVHRR PathFinder• brightness temperatures• reynolds sst• aerosols• air temperature• wind speed and direction• radiances• emissivity

Page 11: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

Summary• Is there a need for a central MDB?

– Do we need independant SSES estimation?

– Probably not in NRT but we do for the GHRSST-PP RAN effort at least for homegeneity testing

– May be seen as a simple assesment of native SSES (will not provide better ones but feedback to producer)

• How do we build that?– If the only need is for independant SSES publication, all match-ups

should be computed by a single MDB system using L2P and the same in situ data source => high cost, interest to be considered carefully

– If other needs (research, remote-sensing,…), we should use the match-ups computed by providers (likely richer content, historical data) => heterogenous content, reliability? But easier to manage (few processing)

Page 12: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

QuestionnaireAre you a L2 or L2P data provider Most of them but not all of them (who seems to find it more painfull to have to do it)

Do you compute your own L2 or L2P match-ups All L2/L2P providers

If you compute your own match-ups, how frequently do you update them L2/L2P providers => daily

Research => monthly

Do you need L2 or L2P match-ups?

If it is not for the validation of your own L2 or L2P products, for which purpose?

Some providers express need for double check/confirmation of their own SSES estimation

Others : SSES estimation, sensor characteriztion, data merging => need for ancillary data

If your compute match-ups, are you ready to make them available to everybody ?

Most of them

Some L2/L2P providers can not (need to compute match-ups in this case)

Do you mind putting a copy of your MDB at the GHRSST MDB (with proper acknowledgement/credits/…) in addition to any other access you may provide

Those that make them available agree on duplication at GHRSST MDB (though it may not be the purpose of GHRSST MDB if we seek complete independancy!!)

Do you expect the GHRSST MDB to compute match-ups from your L2P datasets (from its own in situ data stream) or just store your own match-ups and no others?

Question was ambiguous

It was about creating independant match-ups at GHRSST level (not using the L2/L2P providers match-ups)

Strongly related to objectives/independance level sought for GHRSST MDB

What service do you expect from the GHRSST MDB?A single access to the match-ups for all L2P datastreams?

Homegeneous format ?

More information associated with the match-ups (ancillary data,…)?

Finding SSES for each L2P dataset?

Search and extraction tools?

Some intercomparison tools (such as the graphical display of the HR-DDS systems, plots, maps,…)?

Credible and independant evaluation of L2Ps

Single access point, format, match-up criteria

Search/subsetting/extraction tools

Access to specific buoys/cruises

Integration with HR-DDS system

Some requirements contradictory with minimal goal of MDB (which is to provide independant SSES)

Page 13: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

Suggestion for the GHRSST MDB• GHRSST MDB will be redesigned for more flexibility in content and more independancy to Coriolis system

• Central MDB computes match-ups from L2P and in situ data => computing ressource to be investigated

• Other in situ sources than CORIOLIS can be considered if delivered in ARGO format (and not duplicating Coriolis/GTS/Argo…)

• Match-ups delivered periodically in netCDF format (and online from web interface)

=> Will allow SSES checking and intercomparison with homogeneous content

• L2/L2P providers are encouraged to complete the datasets with whatever information they have (brightness temperature,…)

• GHSST MDB will be able to add also ancillary data from other sources

=> Will make MDB more complete and comprehensive for wider use

Compute match-ups

Coriolis(inc.Argo, GTS,..)[ARGO format]


Other in situ sources

[ARGO format]

Match-ups[netCDF format]

Add ancillary


Ingest in database

Add L1/L2/ancillary


L2/L2P providers GHRSST MDB

Page 14: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne


• GDS section on MDB was initially introduced for exchange of MDB records between providers and MDB central archive

• Current status : no exchange in GHRSST system

• XML format for MDB records was suitable for flexible content and exchange, not for usage => add useless complexity and constraints

• Output format provided by Medspiration MDB is ascii and netCDF


• Suggest to remove the MDB requirement section

• Replace with description of output format (netCDF) and access means to central MDB (if any) => user manual level information (should not be in GDS at all ?)

Page 15: The GHRSST match-up database (MDB) Status report Jean-François Piollé (Ifremer/CERSAT), Craig Donlon (UKMet), Pierre Leborgne (Meteo-France) et al

The GHRSST Match-up Database (MDB) report

GHRSST-PP #8, 14-18 May 2007, Melbourne

The MDB in GMES context

• MDB listed as a main feature of the future European SST GDAC

• Will imply improvement and some redesign of the current Medspiration MDB, based on experience and usage during the last months– Will conform to GHRSST ST requirements => important to reach

agreement on MDB goals and design

– Add missing information

– Allow other input streams (for in situ and satellite)

• Works will only start end of 2008…