the geography of morphological convergence in the radiations … · 2020. 1. 5. · (,sdmean p 3 p...

vol. 184, no. 5 the american naturalist november 2014 E-Article The Geography of Morphological Convergence in the Radiations of Pacific Sebastes Rockfishes Travis Ingram 1, * and Yoshiaki Kai 2 1. Department of Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand; 2. Maizuru Fisheries Research Station, Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto University, Nagahama, Maizuru, Kyoto 625-0086, Japan Submitted August 15, 2013; Accepted May 8, 2014; Electronically published October 6, 2014 Online enhancement: appendix. Dryad data: abstract: The evolution of convergent phenotypes in lineages subject to similar selective pressures is a common feature of adaptive radiation. In geographically replicated radiations, repeated convergence occurs between clades occupying distinct regions or islands. Alternatively, a clade may repeatedly reach the same adaptive peaks in broadscale sympatry, resulting in extensive convergence within a region. Rockfish (Sebastes sp.) have radiated in both the northeast and northwest Pacific, allowing tests of the extent and geographic pattern of convergence in a marine environment. We used a suite of phylogenetically informed methods to test for morphological convergence in rockfish. We ex- amined patterns of faunal similarity using nearest neighbor distances in morphospace and the frequency of morphologically similar yet dis- tantly related species pairs. The extent of convergence both between regions and within the northeast Pacific exceeds the expectation under a Brownian motion null model, although constraints on trait space could account for the similarity. We then used a recently developed method (SURFACE) to identify adaptive peak shifts in Sebastes evo- lutionary history. We found that the majority of convergent peak shifts occur within the northeast Pacific rather than between regions and that the signal of peak shifts is strongest for traits related to trophic morphology. Pacific rockfish thus demonstrate a tendency toward mor- phological convergence within one of the two broad geographic regions in which they have diversified. Keywords: adaptive radiation, clade-wide convergence, Hansen model, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model, replicated radiation, SURFACE. Introduction The convergent evolution of similar phenotypes in response to shared ecological conditions provides powerful evidence for natural selection and is a hallmark of many adaptive radiations (Schluter 2000; Losos 2010). In extreme cases, replicated adaptive radiation occurs when clades diversifying independently in multiple regions produce similar sets of convergent species, implying that the radiations have a * Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]. Am. Nat. 2014. Vol. 184, pp. E115–E131. 2014 by The University of Chicago. 0003-0147/2014/18405-54903$15.00. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1086/678053 strong deterministic component (Schluter 1990, 2000). The study of replicated radiation has focused on islands and island-like habitats such as young lakes, where similar en- vironments and a wealth of available resources relative to the number of competing species can set the stage for col- onizing lineages to diversify into the same niches on each island (Kocher et al. 1993; Losos et al. 1998; Chiba 2004; Gillespie 2004; Mahler et al. 2013). Convergence between lineages occupying larger regions such as continents or oceans, including classic examples of matched pairs of mar- supial and eutherian mammals (Springer et al. 2004), is well established, but replicated radiation across entire clades has rarely been tested or demonstrated in continental or marine faunas. Instead, an alternative outcome—convergence of multiple lineages within a shared region—has recently been demonstrated in continental (Kozak et al. 2009), marine (Rutschmann et al. 2011; Fre ´de ´rich et al. 2013), and large lacustrine (Muschick et al. 2012) radiations, with pheno- typically similar lineages often occurring in broad sympatry. These outcomes—clade-wide convergence between or within regions—present alternative geographic contexts in which convergence can take place. Advances in comparative methods and increased avail- ability of molecular phylogenetic trees are making possible targeted tests for convergence in clades undergoing adap- tive radiation. Historically, phylogenetic approaches have compared the statistical pattern of faunal similarity to null distributions, initially obtained by randomization and later by simulation under evolutionary null models such as Brownian motion (e.g., Cody and Mooney 1978; Ricklefs and Travis 1980; Muschick et al. 2012). These methods do not incorporate processes that can result in deterministic convergence, such as adaptation toward the same opti- mum trait values, often represented as multivariate peaks on a macroevolutionary adaptive landscape (Simpson 1953; Hansen 2012). Comparative methods based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model have been used to represent evolutionary dynamics that include a stochastic compo-

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Page 1: The Geography of Morphological Convergence in the Radiations … · 2020. 1. 5. · (,SDmean p 3 p 0.05) on the time of the most recent common ancestor of Sebastes alutus in the North

vol. 184, no. 5 the american naturalist november 2014


The Geography of Morphological Convergence in

the Radiations of Pacific Sebastes Rockfishes

Travis Ingram1,* and Yoshiaki Kai2

1. Department of Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand; 2. Maizuru Fisheries Research Station, Field ScienceEducation and Research Center, Kyoto University, Nagahama, Maizuru, Kyoto 625-0086, Japan

Submitted August 15, 2013; Accepted May 8, 2014; Electronically published October 6, 2014

Online enhancement: appendix. Dryad data:

abstract: The evolution of convergent phenotypes in lineages subjectto similar selective pressures is a common feature of adaptive radiation.In geographically replicated radiations, repeated convergence occursbetween clades occupying distinct regions or islands. Alternatively, aclade may repeatedly reach the same adaptive peaks in broadscalesympatry, resulting in extensive convergence within a region. Rockfish(Sebastes sp.) have radiated in both the northeast and northwest Pacific,allowing tests of the extent and geographic pattern of convergence ina marine environment. We used a suite of phylogenetically informedmethods to test for morphological convergence in rockfish. We ex-amined patterns of faunal similarity using nearest neighbor distancesin morphospace and the frequency of morphologically similar yet dis-tantly related species pairs. The extent of convergence both betweenregions and within the northeast Pacific exceeds the expectation undera Brownian motion null model, although constraints on trait spacecould account for the similarity. We then used a recently developedmethod (SURFACE) to identify adaptive peak shifts in Sebastes evo-lutionary history. We found that the majority of convergent peak shiftsoccur within the northeast Pacific rather than between regions andthat the signal of peak shifts is strongest for traits related to trophicmorphology. Pacific rockfish thus demonstrate a tendency toward mor-phological convergence within one of the two broad geographic regionsin which they have diversified.

Keywords: adaptive radiation, clade-wide convergence, Hansenmodel, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model, replicated radiation, SURFACE.


The convergent evolution of similar phenotypes in responseto shared ecological conditions provides powerful evidencefor natural selection and is a hallmark of many adaptiveradiations (Schluter 2000; Losos 2010). In extreme cases,replicated adaptive radiation occurs when clades diversifyingindependently in multiple regions produce similar sets ofconvergent species, implying that the radiations have a

* Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected].

Am. Nat. 2014. Vol. 184, pp. E115–E131. � 2014 by The University of Chicago.

0003-0147/2014/18405-54903$15.00. All rights reserved.

DOI: 10.1086/678053

strong deterministic component (Schluter 1990, 2000). Thestudy of replicated radiation has focused on islands andisland-like habitats such as young lakes, where similar en-vironments and a wealth of available resources relative tothe number of competing species can set the stage for col-onizing lineages to diversify into the same niches on eachisland (Kocher et al. 1993; Losos et al. 1998; Chiba 2004;Gillespie 2004; Mahler et al. 2013). Convergence betweenlineages occupying larger regions such as continents oroceans, including classic examples of matched pairs of mar-supial and eutherian mammals (Springer et al. 2004), is wellestablished, but replicated radiation across entire clades hasrarely been tested or demonstrated in continental or marinefaunas. Instead, an alternative outcome—convergence ofmultiple lineages within a shared region—has recently beendemonstrated in continental (Kozak et al. 2009), marine(Rutschmann et al. 2011; Frederich et al. 2013), and largelacustrine (Muschick et al. 2012) radiations, with pheno-typically similar lineages often occurring in broad sympatry.These outcomes—clade-wide convergence between orwithin regions—present alternative geographic contexts inwhich convergence can take place.

Advances in comparative methods and increased avail-ability of molecular phylogenetic trees are making possibletargeted tests for convergence in clades undergoing adap-tive radiation. Historically, phylogenetic approaches havecompared the statistical pattern of faunal similarity to nulldistributions, initially obtained by randomization and laterby simulation under evolutionary null models such asBrownian motion (e.g., Cody and Mooney 1978; Ricklefsand Travis 1980; Muschick et al. 2012). These methods donot incorporate processes that can result in deterministicconvergence, such as adaptation toward the same opti-mum trait values, often represented as multivariate peakson a macroevolutionary adaptive landscape (Simpson1953; Hansen 2012). Comparative methods based on theOrnstein-Uhlenbeck model have been used to representevolutionary dynamics that include a stochastic compo-

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nent and deterministic adaptation toward one or morepeaks (Hansen 1997; Butler and King 2004; Beaulieu etal. 2012). Most such approaches require an a priori hy-pothesis about which lineages are convergent, but exten-sions of this method allow convergent peak shifts to beidentified using only a tree and data for multiple phe-notypic traits (Ingram and Mahler 2013; Mahler et al.2013). The resulting model includes estimates of the po-sitions of the multivariate trait optima and can thus beregarded as an approximation of a macroevolutionaryadaptive landscape. The inferred positions of peak shiftson the tree can be combined with reconstructed biogeo-graphic histories of the clade to infer the geographic con-text of convergence (Mahler and Ingram 2014) and to testfor clade-wide convergence either between geographicallyreplicated radiations or within regions.

Rockfish of the genus Sebastes living in the North PacificOcean are an excellent system in which to test for clade-wide convergence between and within regions in a marineenvironment. With approximately 110 species worldwide,including 96 described species in the northern PacificOcean, this diverse genus is a dominant component of thenorthern temperate ichthyofauna (Nakabo and Kai 2013).At least 62 species occur exclusively in the northeast Pacific(NEP), while 28 are restricted to the northwest Pacific(NWP), and 5 have a trans-Pacific (TP) distribution. Dis-persal out of the North Pacific has resulted in small num-bers of species endemic to the Gulf of California (treatedhere as distinct from the NEP), the Atlantic Ocean, andthe Southern Hemisphere. Since their Miocene origin(Hyde and Vetter 2007), rockfish have undergone rapidlineage diversification, accompanied by extensive diversi-fication in resource use, habitat, and ecologically relevantmorphology. Species vary in adult depth habitat (shallowsubtidal to 1500 m), in the use of benthic habitats versusthe water column, and in the extent of feeding on zoo-plankton, larger invertebrates, or fishes (reflected introphic position inferred using stable nitrogen isotope ra-tios). This ecological variation is accompanied by variationin body size (17–108 cm maximum total length), trophicmorphology such as gill raker number and length, andelements of body and fin shapes (Love et al. 2002; Ingramand Shurin 2009; Ingram 2011).

While a quantitative appraisal of the extent of mor-phological convergence in Sebastes has yet to be carriedout, the taxonomic history of the genus suggests that con-vergence may be common. Several previously recognizedgroupings within rockfish (variably designated genera orsubgenera), identified on the basis of external morphology,contained species from both the NEP and the NWP (Ma-tsubara 1943; Chen 1985; Kendall Jr. 2000), implying fre-quent dispersal between regions. However, later molecularstudies clearly demonstrated that most of these groups

were polyphyletic, consisting of NEP and NWP speciesthat were distantly related despite their phenotypic resem-blance (Kai et al. 2003; Hyde and Vetter 2007), and thatdispersal between regions was relatively rare. Each regionis home to substantial clades that have diversified in situ,and the NEP in particular contains multiple lineages thathave independently arrived at similar ecological strategies(such as benthic vs. open-water habitat use; Love et al.2002). This makes clade-wide convergence both betweenand within oceanic regions plausible outcomes in the ra-diations of Sebastes in the North Pacific.

Here, we use molecular phylogenies, measurements ofmorphological traits with putative links to ecology, andstatistical and model-based comparative analyses to ask towhat extent convergence has occurred between and withinregions in Pacific Sebastes. We show that while some con-vergence between regions is evident, most cases of con-vergence occur between lineages within the northeastPacific.


Phylogeny Reconstruction

The most complete phylogenetic treatment of Sebastes todate was presented by Hyde and Vetter (2007), who se-quenced seven mitochondrial (cytochrome b [cyt b], cy-tochrome oxidase 1 [cox1], 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, tRNAproline, tRNA threonine, and the control region) and twonuclear (RAG2 and ITS1) genes from 99 Sebastes speciesand four outgroup taxa. To this alignment, we added nineadditional species from the NWP, four of which are mem-bers of species complexes that were only recently resolvedas valid species (Sebastes cheni, Sebastes ventricosus, Sebastesnudus, and Sebastes zonatus; Kai and Nakabo 2008, 2013;Muto et al. 2011) and five of which had not been includedin previous treatments (Sebastes koreanus, Sebastes nivosus,Sebastes longispinis, Sebastes itinus, and Sebastes wakiyai).We used existing mitochondrial DNA sequences for mostof these additional species (Kai and Nakabo 2008, 2013;Muto et al. 2011) and added new sequences for S. itinus(gene, GenBank accession no.: cyt b, AB826452; cox1,AB826455; 12S rRNA, AB826456; 16S rRNA, AB826453;tRNAs and the control region, AB826454). Tissue suitablefor DNA extraction was not available for S. wakiyai, sowe incorporated this species in the tree using a topologicalconstraint (see below). Sequences were manually alignedto Hyde and Vetter’s (2007) alignment, with unrepresentedgenes coded as missing data. Thus, we were able to includeall currently described species in the northern Pacific, withthe exception of Sebastes varispinis in the NEP, which lackssequence data and is known from only juvenile specimens.

We inferred time-calibrated phylogenetic trees of Se-

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bastes and its relatives using Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) analysis with the program BEAST (Drummondet al. 2012). We set priors on three calibration points todate the phylogeny. We set a strong normal prior( , SD p 0.05) on the time of the most recentmean p 3common ancestor of Sebastes alutus in the North Pacificand Sebastes norvegicus in the North Atlantic, based onthe opening of the Bering Strait ca. 3 Ma (Hyde and Vetter2007). We set a weak exponential prior (mean p 8) witha minimum age (offset) of 8 Myr on the most recentcommon ancestor of all extant Sebastes, consistent bothwith the age of fossil Sebastes from the upper Miocene(Jordan and Gilbert 1920) and with previous estimates ofthe crown age of Sebastes (Hyde and Vetter 2007). Finally,we set a weak normal prior on the root age (mean p 30,SD p 6.5) based on the distribution of divergence timeestimates (95% credible interval [CI] 17–43 Myr) betweenSebastes and the most distantly related outgroup, Sebas-tolobus alascanus, from a much broader phylogenetic studyof actinopterygian fishes with 36 fossil calibrations (Nearet al. 2012). We note that age estimates are expected tobe dominated by the strong prior on the S. alutus–S. nor-vegicus divergence. To include S. wakiyai in the tree despiteits lack of sequence data, we constrained it to be sister toSebastes steindachneri, which is believed to be its closestrelative (Barsukov 1981). As we have no information aboutthe divergence date between these species, branching timeswere sampled from the tree prior, and the uncertainty inthis branching time was thus incorporated into the pos-terior distribution of trees. As a starting tree, we used themaximum clade credibility (MCC) tree from a previousanalysis (Ingram 2011) of Hyde and Vetter’s (2007) align-ment, ensuring that constraints were satisfied, and insertedthe additional species into the tree near their suspected orknown relatives.

Sequences were partitioned by gene, with the two tRNAgenes grouped into one partition. We used PartitionFinder(Lanfear et al. 2012) to assess support for partitioning eachprotein coding gene into codons 1�2 and codon 3 (thiswas supported for each of cyt b, cox1, and RAG2) and toidentify the best substitution model for each partition us-ing the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Favoredmodels varied by partition, including GTR (cyt b codon3, RAG2 codon 3), HKY (control region), K80 (16SrRNA), and TN93 with estimated (cyt b codons 1�2, ITS1,cox1 codon 3) or equal (tRNA pro � tRNA thr, RAG2codons 1�2, cox1 codons 1�2) base frequencies. Mito-chondrial gene 12S rRNA was best fit by a GTR modelwith equal base frequencies, but we found that the pa-rameters of this model could not be sampled effectivelyeven over 30 million generations, so we substituted thenext best model (K80, DBIC p 1.1). Gamma-distributedrate heterogeneity (which we implemented with four rate

categories) was supported for all partitions; a proportionof invariant sites was supported for all but cox1 codon 3.

We ran eight MCMC analyses of 30 million generationseach, sampling every 2,500 generations. We used the pro-gram Tracer to assess convergence, determining that allevolutionary parameters and likelihoods had convergedbetween runs and that sampling was well mixed (effectivesample size of at least 200 for all parameters of interest).We conservatively discarded the first one-sixth of each runas burn-in, leaving 10,000 samples per run. We thenthinned each tree sample by a factor of 40 before com-bining trees from the eight runs for a combined sampleof 1,000 trees from the posterior distribution. We used theTreeAnnotator utility to identify the maximum clade cred-ibility tree—the tree from this sample with the maximumsummed posterior probabilities of nodes—and to computebranch lengths from the mean node heights across sampledtrees (fig. A1; figs. A1–A5 available online). We also tookevery tenth tree from this sample to obtain a subsampleof 100 trees, which we used in our morphological analysesto account for phylogenetic uncertainty.

For all subsequent analyses, we pruned the four out-group taxa and 10 Sebastes species from regions other thanthe NEP or the NWP: four endemic to the Gulf of Cali-fornia (and isolated from the main NEP fauna), four inthe Atlantic (S. norvegicus and three close relatives), andtwo in the Southern Hemisphere. We also removed twocryptic NEP species that had not been described at thetime morphological data collection began: Sebastes min-iatus “Type 2” (later named Sebastes crocotulus; Hyde etal. 2008) and Sebastes saxicola “N.” Our categorization ofspecies as NEP, NWP, or TP followed Love et al. (2002),modified to account for the subsequent recognition thatSebastes aleutianus and Sebastes ciliatus are restricted tothe NEP, while their recently distinguished sister species(Sebastes melanostictus and Sebastes variabilis, respectively)have TP distributions (Orr and Blackburn 2004; Orr andHawkins 2008). The three additional TP species that haveat least part of their range in both the NEP and NWP areS. alutus, Sebastes borealis, and Sebastes glaucus (Love etal. 2002). Our pruned tree thus included 95 species: 62NEP, 28 NWP, and 5 TP (fig. 1). The alignment file, thefull MCC tree, and the pruned MCC tree have been de-posited in TreeBase (study accession no. S15834).

Morphospace Construction

We measured 683 individual rockfish, primarily museumspecimens but also including carcasses and whole fish ob-tained from research and commercial fishing vessels. Thesesamples represented 94 species, with 1–45 individuals mea-sured per species (mean 7.2) and most species (180%)represented by 4–10 individuals. T. Ingram measured all

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Figure 1: Maximum clade credibility (MCC) phylogeny of Sebastes rockfishes, depicting geographic distribution and results of the SURFACEanalysis. Branch colors show regime assignments in the fitted model (white p ancestral regimes; grayscale p nonconvergent regimes; col-ors p convergent regimes), and circles beside species names indicate geographic regions (inset map: black p northeast Pacific [NEP];gray p trans-Pacific; white p northwest Pacific [NWP]). Photographs show examples of species identified as belonging to three convergentregimes, two that demonstrate convergence within the NEP and one that demonstrates between-region convergence. Note that maximumtotal length and gill raker traits, which load most strongly on phylogenetic principal components 1 and 2, are not represented in thesephotos and that photos were chosen based on availability and do not represent the most convergent species pair in each regime (see fig.3C, 3D). Photos by T. Ingram and O. L. Lau.

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Table 1: Loadings for the first four components of the phy-logenetic principal component analysis (pPCA) carried outusing the maximum clade credibility phylogeny

Character pPC1 pPC2 pPC3 pPC4

Max. total length .97 .23 .04 .00Body depth .31 �.03 �.59 �.47Body width .32 �.13 �.66 �.19Eye width �.17 .40 �.64 .34Upper jaw length .39 �.32 �.71 .27Lower jaw length .33 �.15 �.68 .45Gill raker no. �.42 .69 .29 �.09Gill raker length �.42 .89 �.12 �.04Pectoral fin length �.10 �.07 �.26 �.37Pectoral fin width .22 �.33 �.44 �.75

Variance explained (%) 55.2 24.7 8.6 4.4

Note: Boldface indicates traits used to interpret the axes.

NEP specimens and a subset of NWP specimens, while Y.Kai measured the majority of NWP specimens; we madeevery effort to ensure that measurements were taken con-sistently by both measurers. We added published mea-surements for the holotype and the paratype of Sebastesrufinanus (Lea and Fitch 1972), which is abundant butrarely collected in the NEP, to bring the total to 95 species.Measurements included a suite of characters known orsuspected to be relevant to the ecology of rockfish or otherteleost fishes. These include total length (TL) as a measureof overall body size and maximum body depth and bodywidth at the operculum as measures of body shape. Rel-ative elongation tends to increase with depth habitat andreliance on pelagic prey in rockfish (Valentin et al. 2002;Ingram and Shurin 2009; Ingram 2011) and in fish com-munities in general (Neat and Campbell 2013). Pectoralfin shape (length and width) is often related to swimmingspeed and maneuverability (Walker and Westneat 2002;Kane and Higham 2012). The size of the eye is likely toreflect differences in sensory environment, such as depthhabitat, and diurnal versus nocturnal activity (Warrant andLocket 2004; Goatley and Bellwood 2009; Ingram 2011).Traits related more directly to foraging ability are upperand lower jaw lengths, gill raker number, and longest gillraker length (Wright et al. 1983; Wainwright and Richard1995; Carroll et al. 2004), with longer and more numerousgill rakers predictive of rockfish species feeding on smaller,low-trophic-position prey (Ingram and Shurin 2009; In-gram 2011). We averaged measurements of the left andright sides of the body for bilateral traits and natural logtransformed all traits prior to analysis. Some traits couldnot be measured on certain specimens, but all traits wererepresented for all species.

To identify size-independent axes of trait variation, wecalculated residual values from phylogenetic regressions ofeach log-transformed trait against logTL. For each trait,we first calculated species mean values, as well as speciesmean TL, after excluding any individuals unmeasured forthat trait. We then used the function phyl.resid in the Rpackage phytools (Revell 2012) to estimate the phyloge-netically correct regression equation while simultaneouslyoptimizing the scaling parameter l to avoid bias due tonon-Brownian evolution (Revell 2009). We used the re-siduals from this regression as species’ size-adjusted traitvalues. As the specimens we were able to measure, largelycollected by fishing boats or museums, were potentiallynonrandom samples with regard to species’ typical adultsizes, we substituted log-transformed published maximumTL values (Love et al. 2002; Froese and Pauly 2013) as ameasure of body size. While maximum sizes are subjectto the effects of sampling intensity and extreme obser-vations, in taxa with indeterminate growth and no cleardelineation between subadults and adults, maximum size

can be a more appropriate measure of adult size thansampled body sizes (e.g., Stephens and Wiens 2009; Hen-dry et al. 2014).

We reduced the dimensionality of the morphologicaldata by carrying out a phylogenetic principal componentsanalysis (pPCA) on the covariance matrix of the speciestrait data (maximum TL and nine size-corrected traits)while simultaneously optimizing l (Revell 2009, 2012).We note that one trait (gill raker number) is meristic ratherthan metric but that it is variable enough that speciesmeans were effectively continuous and approximately nor-mally distributed; as for the other traits, log-transformedvalues can still be interpreted as proportional differences.We retained the first four axes, which had interpretablecorrelations with the original trait values (loadings 1 0.5)and associations with ecology (see below), and cumula-tively explained 93% of the variation in the data (table 1).To account for phylogenetic uncertainty in the construc-tion of morphospace and the analyses of convergence, werepeated both the size correction and the pPCA for eachof the 100 phylogenetic trees, producing 100 trait data sets.While signs of loadings were occasionally reversed, inter-pretation of the pPCA axes was highly similar across trees(data available on request). Data files with raw individualdata, species mean residual trait values, and species pPCAscores have been deposited in the Dryad Digital Reposi-tory: (Ingram andKai 2014).

Associations between Morphology and Ecology

To confirm relationships that have previously been iden-tified between subsets of this morphological data set andaspects of species’ ecology, we used phylogenetic multipleregression to ask whether the four pPCA axes predict twoimportant ecological dimensions: mean trophic position

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Table 2: Phylogenetic multiple regressions predicting rockfishecology from morphological traits

TraitEstimate(95% CI)

RI(95% CIphylo)


Trophic position:pPC1 .53 (.22, .84) .98 (.95, .99) 100pPC2 �.32(�.74, .09) .51 (.37, .71) 53pPC3 �.08 (�.80, .64) .24 (.23, .27) 0pPC4 .17 (�.65, .99) .25 (.23, .28) 0

Depth habitat:pPC1 1.20 (�.93, 3.32) .38 (.34, .53) 14pPC2 4.59 (1.24, 7.93) .92 (.75, .98) 100pPC3 2.24 (�3.56, 8.03) .30 (.26, .43) 0pPC4 9.99 (2.24, 17.75) .89 (.81, .96) 100

Note: Trophic position is species mean trophic position, estimated from

stable nitrogen isotopes relative to food web baseline values, and depth

habitat is the square root transformed midpoint adult depth (data from

Ingram 2011). Parameter estimates are model averaged, and relative im-

portance (RI) sums the Akaike weights of the models containing the pa-

rameter. The 95% confidence interval (CI) for RI comes from the range of

values across 100 trees from the posterior distribution, and the percentage

of trees is that for which the parameter was retained in the model with the

lowest corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion.

and adult depth habitat. We used trophic position anddepth data from Ingram (2011); these data represent 44and 66 NEP species, respectively (directly comparable dataare not readily available for the NWP species). We usedthe pgls function in the R package caper to fit multipleregression models predicting each ecological axis from thefour morphological axes (without interactions), after firstremoving from the tree species that lacked ecological data.We then used the MuMIn R package to calculate theAkaike’s Information Criterion corrected for finite samplesize (AICc) for each model nested within the full modeland to calculate model-averaged parameter estimates andconfidence intervals, using the subset averaging technique.We also calculated relative importance (RI) for each traitas the sum of the Akaike weights for all models containingthat term (Burnham and Anderson 2002). We repeatedthe phylogenetic multiple regression and model averagingfor each of the 100 trees and associated trait data sets andrecorded for each trait the range of RI values and thefrequency with which the trait was in the best-fitting model(table 2).

Phenotypic Similarity of Rockfish Faunas

We used two statistical approaches to quantify the extentof convergence in Sebastes. First, we measured the mor-phological similarity of the rockfish faunas in the NEP andNWP to evaluate whether two faunas contain exceptionallysimilar sets of species (Schluter 2000). We quantified thephenotypic similarity between each pair of species as theirEuclidean distance in the four-dimensional morphospaceobtained from the pPCA (Ricklefs and Travis 1980) andidentified for each species its nearest neighbor (with thelowest Euclidean distance) in the other region. We thencalculated mean nearest neighbor distances (MNNDs) byaveraging these nearest neighbor distances across all spe-cies in the NEP (MNNDNEP) and in the NWP (MNNDNWP)and then averaging these two values to obtain the meannearest neighbor distance as an overall measure of simi-larity between the regions (Mahler et al. 2013). We ex-cluded TP species that occur in both regions and wouldcount as their own nearest neighbor, but results were qual-itatively unchanged when TP species were included.

This nearest neighbor approach is appropriate for testsof clade-wide convergence between regions or for con-vergence between distinct clades that occur within thesame region (Kozak et al. 2009; Rutschmann et al. 2011).However, in cases where we hypothesize that multiple lin-eages within a single clade have converged on the sameparts of morphospace, an alternative method is required.Muschick et al. (2012) devised such a test based on com-paring phenotypic and phylogenetic distances betweenspecies, which they used to show widespread convergence

in Lake Tanganyika cichlids. This approach visualizes thepattern of trait divergence over time by plotting Euclideandistances between all pairs of species against their phy-logenetic distance or the age of their most recent commonancestor. If convergence between distantly related lineagesis common, this figure should contain many pairs of phy-logenetically distant but phenotypically similar species inthe lower right corner of the panel. Following Muschicket al. (2012), we divided this pairwise distance plot intohexagonal bins and counted the number of points in eachbin. We first scaled the maximum phylogenetic distanceto 1 to allow comparison among trees with different rootages and then divided this axis into six bins. We also sep-arated the points into those representing two species inthe NEP, two species in the NWP, or one species in eachregion, while ignoring the five TP species. This allowed usto explore between- and within-region convergence in ashared analytic framework.

To test whether either measure of convergence—theMNND or the number of points in pairwise distance binsrepresenting convergence—exceeded the expectation bychance, we compared them to the same measures simu-lated under null models that lack deterministic conver-gence. We started with Brownian motion (BM), a standardstochastic evolutionary model in which trait evolution fol-lows a random walk with a constant rate of nondirectionalchange (j2). We also considered a simple Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) model in which stochastic evolution iscombined with deterministic attraction to a single opti-mum v with force a. The tendency toward the optimum

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in this OU1 model has the effect of overwriting the signalof earlier evolutionary change and can produce similarspecies simply through constraints on trait diversification(Hansen 1997). We estimated the maximum likelihoodrate parameters under each model (j2 for BM, j2 and a

for OU1) separately for each trait using the ouch packagein R (Butler and King 2004). We then simulated 999 datasets under each of the BM and OU1 models to generatenull morphospaces to compare with the observed mor-phospace. We repeated this model fitting and simulationfor each of the 100 trees from the posterior distribution.We also considered as an alternative null model an earlyburst model in which the rate of Brownian evolution de-clines exponentially over time (Harmon et al. 2010). Wefit the early burst model to each trait using the R packagegeiger (ver. 1.99-4; Harmon et al. 2008), but as it receivedno support, we did not use it for subsequent analyses.

We used these null morphospaces to ask whether therockfish faunas showed more convergence than expectedby chance. We preserved the assignment of species toregions and compared the observed measures of conver-gence that incorporate geography to null distributions. Wecalculated the one-tailed significance of the nearest neigh-bor statistic as the proportion of null MNND values lessthan or equal to the observed value. For the pairwise dis-tance analysis, we compared the number of points in eachhexagonal bin to the distributions obtained after repeatingthe binning procedure on the data sets simulated underBM and OU1. We compared values to both the 2.5th and97.5th percentiles of the null distributions, as we mightexpect a significant excess of points in some bins to beassociated with a significant deficit of points in other bins.If the data contain significantly more points in the binsrepresenting phenotypically similar but phylogeneticallydistant species, then this indicates a greater degree of con-vergence than expected by chance. We repeated these anal-yses for each of the 100 trees and associated data sets; wereport the proportion of significant tests across all treesto evaluate the sensitivity of results to phylogeneticuncertainty.

Macroevolutionary Models of Convergent Peak Shifts

To evaluate whether any phenotypic similarity in rockfishcan be explained by lineages converging on the same adap-tive peaks, we used the recently developed comparativemethod SURFACE (Ingram and Mahler 2013; Mahler andIngram 2014). SURFACE uses a stepwise AIC routine (Al-faro et al. 2009; Thomas and Freckleton 2012) to fit Han-sen models: OU models with multiple optima in whichshifts between evolutionary regimes are “painted” onto thebranches of a phylogenetic tree (Hansen 1997; Butler andKing 2004; Beaulieu et al. 2012). A novel feature of this

method is that by taking as input only the phylogeny andmultidimensional phenotypic data, it can identify cases ofconvergence across a clade while avoiding potential biasesassociated with the subjective a priori designations of can-didate convergent taxa. While this approach does not es-timate an adaptive landscape per se (i.e., the relationshipbetween fitness and trait values across the entire traitspace), Hansen models can be interpreted as representingshifts between adaptive peaks (Hansen 1997, 2012), andthe ability of SURFACE to recover such models withouta priori specification of peak shifts make it the best currentapproach to recovering macroevolutionary adaptive land-scapes from comparative data. We refer to peak shifts ona macroevolutionary adaptive landscape in what follows,but the models can also be interpreted as shifts betweenevolutionary regimes without assuming a landscape.

SURFACE consists of a “forward” stepwise phase, inwhich peak shifts are added to the tree, followed by a“backward” phase, which identifies shifts that are towardthe same peaks (for a detailed explanation and discussionof statistical performance, see Ingram and Mahler 2013).The starting point is the OU1 model fit in ouch, withmaximum likelihood used to estimate j2, a, and v for eachof the traits. The four log likelihoods are added,m p 4under the assumption that j2 and a are uncorrelated acrosstraits and used to calculate the AICc. The AICc balancesmodel fit (likelihood) against complexity (number of pa-rameters) while accounting for finite sample size. For ourpurposes, the sample size is equal to m times the numberof species (95), and the number of parameters is p p

. Term k is the number of peak shifts, count-′k � m(k � 2)ing an ancestral shift at the base of the clade, and k ′ is thenumber of peaks. Peak shifts apply to all traits, while term

accounts for estimates of each of the k ′ optima,′m(k � 2)plus an estimate of j2 and a for each trait. Each step ofthe forward phase of SURFACE adds one new shift to anew peak (optimum), resulting in a more complex Hansenmodel (with k and k ′ both increasing by one). For eachbranch of the tree, a candidate model is generated byadding a peak shift that affects that branch and its de-scendant branches. The AICc of each candidate model iscalculated by adding log likelihoods as before, and a peakshift is placed on whichever branch, if any, provides thegreatest improvement (decrease in AICc) over the previousmodel. This shift is retained in subsequent models, andthe process of adding peaks is iterated until the AICc ceasesto improve.

The Hansen model returned by the forward phase hask peak shifts on the tree, each toward a unique peak rep-resented by an optimum for each trait. The backwardphase tests whether the model improves further if groupsof peaks are collapsed into k ′ ! k convergent peaks. Col-lapsing a pair of peaks can improve the AICc because it

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decreases the number of optima estimated (by m), thussimplifying the inferred adaptive landscape while the num-ber of shifts remains the same. Candidate models are gen-erated by collapsing one pair of peaks at a time into asingle convergent peak. Pairwise collapses that improvethe AICc are incorporated into the model, with a clusteringalgorithm used to identify clusters of peaks that can becollapsed without conflict (Ingram and Mahler 2013). Thissecond stepwise process is iterated, with additional peakshifts potentially being incorporated into previously col-lapsed peaks, until the AICc again stops improving. Thedifference in AICc between the models returned by theforward and backward phases, DAICcconv, provides an in-dication of how much accounting for convergence im-proved overall model performance. The change in AICcthroughout the analysis can also be visualized and parti-tioned among traits to examine how much each trait con-tributed to the model fit (Mahler and Ingram 2014).

The final model identified by SURFACE has k shifts tok ′ ≤ k adaptive peaks. The extent of convergence in thismodel can be quantified using Dk, the extent to whichaccounting for convergence simplifies the adaptive land-scape by reducing the number of peaks: Dk p k � k ′. Wealso report an alternative measure, the number of casesof convergence cc (note that this differs from the statisticc described in Ingram and Mahler 2013). Cases of con-vergence cc is the number of pairs of peak shifts that areto the same peak: where n is a vector of the number ofshifts per peak,

ncc p .� ( )2

For example, a peak that was reached by two shifts featuresa single case of convergence (cc p 1), while for a peakreached by three shifts, cc p 3 (pairwise combinations ofshifts 1–2, 1–3, and 2–3). The advantage of this measureis that it allows each case of pairwise convergence to beassigned to a category based on its geographic context, sothat cc can be partitioned into within-region and between-region convergences (Mahler and Ingram 2014).

We reconstructed the ancestral geography of lineagesthat underwent peak shifts using stochastic character map-ping (Huelsenbeck et al. 2003), treating geography as abinary state (NEP or NWP). Rather than treat the five TPspecies as a separate category, we accounted for the am-biguity in their region by randomly assigning the regionof each TP species as either NEP or NWP prior to gen-erating each geographic history. We generated 100 historiesfor the MCC tree using the function make.simmap in theR package phytools (Revell 2012). We classified the ge-ography of each branch that contained a peak shift in theHansen model based on whether the reconstruction placedthe end of the branch in the NEP or the NWP. While the

peak shift placed by SURFACE is constrained to occur atthe beginning of the branch, transitions in stochastic char-acter maps can occur at any point, so the most appropriatecomparison is whether the branch includes a shift or not(Mahler and Ingram 2014). We classified each case of pair-wise convergence based on the geographic status of thetwo branches and counted the number of between-regioncases (ccTP) that involved one lineage in each region andthe number of within-region cases with both lineages inthe NEP (ccNEP) or NWP (ccNWP). We averaged these valuesacross the 100 stochastic character maps to account forcases in which the geographic location of peak shifts wasambiguous.

We used a null model approach to test whether anymeasure of convergence (Dk, cc, ccNEP, ccNWP, or ccTP) wasgreater than expected by chance. This is necessary becauseSURFACE may fit some number of shifts to data generatedunder a model that lacks convergence (Ingram and Mahler2013). We used three null models that lack deterministicconvergence: BM, OU1, and a nonconvergent Hansen nullmodel. The latter model is derived from the final step ofthe forward phase of SURFACE and accounts for both thepresence of peak shifts and the extent of variation amongoptima, while breaking up any tendency for optima tocluster in trait space beyond a random expectation. Foreach simulation under the Hansen null model, the optimav are resampled from normal distributions, with the meanand standard deviation of the optima estimated from thefinal step of the forward stage of SURFACE (Ingram andMahler 2013). We calculated this mean and standard de-viation after excluding one outlier optimum (13 standarddeviations from the mean) that would have inflated thevariances in simulated data sets. We ran SURFACE on 99data sets simulated on the MCC tree under each of thethree null models and recalculated the measures of con-vergence for each analysis. We infer a significantly greaterextent of convergence than expected by chance if fewerthan 5% of the null values of the statistic meet or exceedthe observed value. Simulations assessing the power torecover a true indicate that this test has good powerDk 1 0to detect nonrandom convergence given a moderatelysized tree (at least 64 taxa) and data for multiple traits(Ingram and Mahler 2013).

Estimating uncertainty in the measures of convergencein the final Hansen model is complicated by the depen-dence of SURFACE on a stepwise algorithm and a singletree topology. Confidence intervals can be obtained for theparameters describing the evolutionary process using aparametric bootstrap approach (Butler and King 2004),simulating under and then reestimating the fitted Hansenmodel many times, but this does not reveal uncertaintyin the broader convergence parameters. We used a relatedbootstrap approach in which we simulated data sets under

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the fitted Hansen model and ran SURFACE on the sim-ulated data sets, allowing us to recalculate all convergenceparameters. We also incorporated phylogenetic uncertaintyby first running SURFACE on each of the 100 trees fromthe posterior distribution and calculating convergence pa-rameters for each (generating 100 stochastic charactermaps per tree for the geographic parameters). We alsoobtained a total of 500 bootstrap estimates of the con-vergence parameters by running SURFACE on five datasets simulated under each of the 100 fitted Hansen models.


Phylogeny Reconstruction

The phylogeny that resulted from the BEAST analysis wasgenerally consistent with previous estimates of the Sebastestree (Hyde and Vetter 2007), including the recovery of aclade of 51 species exclusive to the NEP (ignoring lineagesthat dispersed to the Southern Hemisphere and the Gulfof California) and a clade of 19 species exclusive to theNWP (figs. 1, A1). The early divergences differ somewhatfrom Hyde and Vetter’s (2007) tree, but we nonethelesscorroborate earlier findings that dispersal between regionsis relatively rare and that substantial clades are endemicto one region or the other. After pruning to exclude non-Sebastes outgroups, the MCC tree had a root age of 8.35Myr, with a range of 8.00–10.35 Myr across the 100 trees.

Morphospace Construction

Rockfish maximum total length varies over almost an or-der of magnitude, from Sebastes rufinanus at 17 cm toSebastes borealis at 108 cm (Love et al. 2002; Froese andPauly 2013). The pPCA revealed major axes of trait var-iation generally similar to a previous study that used asubset of the present data (Ingram and Shurin 2009): pPC1had strong positive loadings with maximum TL andweaker negative loadings with gill raker length and gillraker number; pPC2 loaded positively with gill raker num-ber and length and, to a lesser extent, with eye width;pPC3 loaded negatively with body width and depth, eyewidth, jaw length, and pectoral fin width; and pPC4 loadednegatively with pectoral fin width and body depth andpositively with lower jaw length. The pPCA axes 1–4 ex-plained 55.2%, 24.7%, 8.6%, and 4.4% of the variation inmorphology among species, respectively, for a total of92.9% of morphological variance explained (table 1).

Associations between Morphology and Ecology

As previously demonstrated (Ingram 2011), several mor-phological traits are associated with mean trophic position

and adult depth habitat in NEP rockfish (table 2). Trophicposition was consistently associated with pPC1 (RI p0.98), with higher trophic positions associated with largerbody size and shorter and less numerous gill rakers. Cor-responding to gill raker number and length, pPC2 showeda weaker, negative association with trophic position (RI p0.51), which was included in the preferred model for ap-proximately half of the trees. Depth habitat was positivelyassociated with both pPC2 (RI p 0.92) and pPC4 (RI p0.89), both of which were retained in the preferred modelfor all 100 trees. Deeper habitats were associated withlonger, more numerous gill rakers and larger eyes (pPC2)as well as with narrower bodies and pectoral fins andlonger jaws (pPC4). These results are broadly consistentwith a trait-by-trait analysis of NEP rockfish morphology-ecology associations using this data set (Ingram 2011).

Phenotypic Similarity of Rockfish Faunas

The BM model was moderately favored over the OU1model when evidence was weighed across traits (DAICc p4.5), as well as for each trait considered individually (pPC1:DAICc p 0.25; pPC2: DAICc p 5.3; pPC3: DAICc p 4.3;pPC4: DAICc p 1.3). However, as the magnitude of thedifference was relatively small for some traits, and as theOU1 model was favored over BM for 60 of 100 trees fromthe posterior distribution, we use both BM and OU1 asnull models in the analyses that follow. The early burstmodel was never supported (in each case, the estimate ofthe rate decline parameter was zero, so it reduced to BM),and we therefore did not give it further consideration.

Rockfish from the NEP and NWP occupied similarregions of morphospace, with a few exceptions (see “Dis-cussion”; fig. 2A–2C). The mean nearest neighbor distancein morphospace between species and their closest coun-terparts in the opposite region was lower than expectedunder a Brownian motion null model, indicating signifi-cant faunal similarity (fig. A2; MNND p 0.28, P p .021).This result was driven by a strong tendency for NEP speciesto have more similar species in the NWP than expectedby chance (MNNDNEP p 0.27, P p .002), whereas NWPspecies did not have more similar NEP species than ex-pected (MNNDNWP p 0.29, P p .21). Compared to theOU1 model, the degree of matching was no longer greaterthan expected by chance overall (P p .45), although itstill approached significance for MNNDNEP (P p .075).These results were consistent across trees, with the overallMNND significantly smaller than expected (P ! .05) forall 100 of the trees when using the BM null model butfor none of the 100 trees when using the OU1 model. Theresults were similar for MNNDNEP (BM: significant for 100of 100 trees; OU1: significant for 1 of 100 trees).

Pairwise distance contrasts also revealed morphological

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0.5 A













−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0










−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0








−1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0








Figure 2: A–C, Convex hulls illustrating the volume of morphospace occupied by Sebastes species in the northeast Pacific (black outlines)and northwest Pacific (white outlines). Trans-Pacific species are indicated by gray circles and are not included in either convex hull. D–F,Positions of optima inferred by SURFACE in morphospace (large circles) compared to species mean trait values as in A–C (small circles).Color represents convergent regimes, and grayscale represents nonconvergent regimes in the fitted Hansen model (see also fig. 1). Theposition of one optimum, which is outside the range of the trait data for phylogenetic principal components 2–4 (pPC2–pPC4), is indicatedby arrows.

similarity of species in different regions and within theNEP (fig. 3). Hexagonal bins representing low morpho-logical distance and high phylogenetic distance were gen-erally overrepresented compared to the expectation underthe BM null model, and in some cases, the observed valuesfell above the 97.5th percentile of the null distribution (fig.3B–3D, red cells and black asterisks at lower right). Therewas also a tendency toward an overrepresentation of mor-phologically divergent close relatives, while cells corre-sponding to highly divergent distant relatives and to highlysimilar close relatives tended to be underrepresented rel-ative to BM. As with the MNND analysis, these resultswere no longer exceptional when compared to the OU1model (fig. A3). Across 100 trees, these patterns were againsimilar: compared to the BM null model, bins representingconvergence were often significantly overrepresented inthe pairwise distance plots between regions and within theNEP but not within the NWP or compared to the OU1null model.

Macroevolutionary Models of Convergent Peak Shifts

The Hansen model returned by the SURFACE analysis ofthe MCC tree included k p 16 peak shifts and a total ofk ′ p 10 peaks, 5 of which were reached by multiple peakshifts (figs. 1, 2; table 3). The measures of convergencewere Dk p 6, based on the extent of simplification of theinferred adaptive landscape (k � k ′), and cc p 9, basedon the number of pairs of convergent peak shifts. TheAICc improved by 82.5 units during the forward phaseand by another 49.4 units during the backward phase. Byfar, the largest contribution to the AICc improvementcame from pPC2, with a moderate contribution frompPC4 and little contribution from pPC1 or pPC3 (fig. 4).Estimates of the attraction parameter a ranged from 0.32to 2.02 across traits; converted to the more intuitive phy-logenetic half-life (t1/2), this corresponds to expected timesof 0.34–2.11 Myr to evolve halfway toward an optimum(table A1, available online).

While this result implies a number of convergent peak

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al D



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1







Phylogenetic Distance




al D



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1







Phylogenetic Distance





* *


*** *

* *


*0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1






2.5 B


Figure 3: Morphological and phylogenetic distances between rockfish species. A, All pairwise distances between species. B, Proportion ofBrownian motion (BM) simulations in which the number of pairs falling into each hexagonal bin exceeds the observed data, where redcolors indicate bins containing more pairs in the observed data than expected. Asterisks indicate bins where the density falls outside the95% confidence interval expected under BM. C, D, As above but separated into pairwise distance contrasts between northeast Pacific (NEP)and northwest Pacific (NWP) species (trans-Pacific [TP]; C) and between NEP species only (D), with the positions of the species illustratedin figure 1 depicted with colored symbols.

shifts in North Pacific Sebastes, most of this convergenceoccurred within the NEP rather than between regions. Bycombining the shift positions in the tree inferred by SUR-FACE with the biogeographic histories generated with sto-chastic character mapping, we obtained estimates of

convergent shifts occurring within the NEP,cc p 8.0NEP

compared to ccNWP p 0.0 within the NWP and ccTP p 1.0case of between-region convergence.

The number of peak shifts k p 16 in the model fittedto the rockfish data was somewhat larger than expectedunder BM (mean knull p 10.8, P p .09) and significantlygreater than expected under the OU1 null model (mean

, P p .02), while the nonconvergent Hansenk p 8.7null

null model successfully accounted for the observed num-ber of peak shifts (mean knull p 15.6, P p .50). The extentof convergence was higher than expected by chance, reach-ing significance for some but not all combinations of con-vergence parameter and null model. Evidence for conver-gence greater than expected was slightly stronger for cc(BM null model: P p .05; OU1: P p .03; nonconvergent

Hansen: P p .05) than for Dk (BM: P p .09; OU1: P p.05; nonconvergent Hansen: P p .19). The number ofcases of between-region convergence did not differ fromthe null expectation, while the number of cases within theNEP was higher than under any null model (all P p .02).The extent to which the model performance improvedduring the backward phase of SURFACE, DAICcconv, wasalso greater than expected under the null models (BM:P p .01; OU1: P p .01; nonconvergent Hansen: P p.05). Examination of 95% confidence intervals obtainedvia parametric bootstrapping on the MCC tree yieldedconclusions similar to the results of the null model tests(table 3).

Results of the SURFACE analysis varied across the sam-ple of trees from the posterior distribution. Measured asthe proportion of pairs of species whose regime assignment(same vs. different regimes) is consistent between trees(Ingram and Mahler 2013), the pairwise similarity of theSURFACE fit between trees averaged 90% (range 62%–100%). When phylogenetic uncertainty was incorporated

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0 10 15







Number of Regimes∆A


CombinedPC1PC2PC3PC4 ∆k





Figure 4: Change in the corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion(AICc) during the forward (left-to-right) and backward (right-to-left) phases of SURFACE analysis. The black line shows the overallimprovement in the AICc at each step, and the colored lines showthe partial AIC (�2 logL plus one-quarter of the penalty, scaled toan initial AICc of zero) for each of the four traits, demonstratingthe contribution of each trait to the overall improvement in theAICc. The dashed lines indicate the AICc for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck1 (OU1) and Brownian motion (BM) models; Dk and DAICcconv, thedifference in corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion between mod-els, are indicated to facilitate interpretation of table 3.

Table 3: Results of the SURFACE analysis of rockfish data using the maximum clade credibility(MCC) phylogeny and comparisons to three null models

Parameter Estimate 95% CIMCC 95% CIphylo p(BM) p(OU1) p(HNC)

No. shifts (k) 16 11.5–20 10–20 .09 .02 .50Convergence (Dk) 6 2–8.5 1–8 .09 .05 .19Pairwise cases (cc) 9 2–13.5 1–11 .05 .03 .05ccTP 1.0 0–4.9 0–5 .71 .67 .74ccNEP 8.0 1–9.5 0–8.5 .01 .01 .02ccNWP .0 0–1 0–1 1.00 1.00 1.00DAICcconv 49.4 13.4–66.2 4.2–63.9 .01 .01 .05

Note: Here, CIMCC is the approximate 95% confidence interval from 100 parametric bootstraps of the maximum

clade credibility (MCC) tree, and CIphylo is from 5 bootstraps for each of the 100 trees. P values are the proportion

of values greater than or equal to the MCC estimate (which is included in both numerator and denominator) after

running SURFACE on 99 data sets simulated under each null model. BM p Brownian motion; OU p Ornstein-

Uhlenbeck; HNC p nonconvergent Hansen; TP p trans-Pacific; NEP p northeast Pacific; NWP p northwest Pacific;

DAICc p difference in corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion between models.

into the parametric bootstrap simulations, the 95% con-fidence intervals around the convergence parameter esti-mates were generally similar to those obtained for theMCC tree. However, the fact that SURFACE inferred sub-stantially less convergence for a subset of trees meant thatwhile the intervals for Dk and cc excluded zero, the intervalfor ccNEP did not (table 3; fig. A4). By comparing the fre-quency with which each pair of species was assigned tothe same regime across 100 trees, we could identify thoselineages that were consistently identified as convergent andthose where the support for convergent peak shifts variedwith the topology of the tree (fig. A5).


Sebastes rockfish lineages have evolved convergent mor-phology multiple times as they have radiated throughoutthe North Pacific. While we did find some evidence thatthe radiations in the NEP and NWP are partly replicated,we found stronger support for a history of convergentadaptive evolution among lineages within the NEP.

The rockfish faunas in the NEP and NWP showedgreater similarity to one another (i.e., lower mean nearestneighbor distance in morphospace) than expected undera Brownian motion null model. Interestingly, the extentof matching was asymmetric: NEP species tend to haveclose counterparts in the NWP, while NWP species didnot have more similar species in the NEP than expected.This asymmetry may result from differences betweenregions in the occupancy of morphospace (see below). Thestatistical similarity of the sets of phenotypes in the twofaunas may be attributed either to deterministic conver-gence or to chance similarity resulting from stochastic evo-lution in a low-dimensional or constrained trait space(Stayton 2008). In fact, we found that the degree of match-ing did not exceed the expectation under an OU1 model,

although the result still approached significance for theNEP. These results were generally corroborated by the pair-wise contrast approach, which showed more convergentpairs of species in different regions than expected underthe BM null model but not under the OU1 null model.

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While the BM model was favored over OU1, at least forthe MCC tree, the fact that a model that imposes con-straints on trait space can account for the observed sta-tistical similarity precludes us from confidently inferringcladewide convergence between regions and makes it im-portant to consider the fit of alternative explanatorymodels.

Our analysis using SURFACE places the statistical pat-terns of the nearest neighbor and pairwise contrast anal-yses into a mechanistic framework by incorporating a pro-cess that can result in convergence: adaptation to multipleadaptive peaks. We found that models with convergentpeak shifts strongly outperformed nonconvergent modelsand that measures of convergence generally exceeded theexpectation under the BM, OU1, or Hansen null modelthat accounted for the presence of nonconvergent peakshifts. To the extent that the positions of optimum traitvalues in Hansen models can be interpreted as adaptivepeaks, this suggests that morphological diversification inrockfish is better described by evolution on a Simpsonianmacroevolutionary landscape than by stochastic evolution,where any convergence results from constraints on traitspace. Traits varied in the extent to which they contributedto the fit of the model. Model improvement as peaks wereadded in the first phase of SURFACE was dictated largelyby improvement to the likelihood for pPC2 (gill rakernumber and length) and, to a lesser extent, pPC4, whileall traits contributed during the second phase in whichconvergent peaks were identified. Gill raker number andlength are strongly associated with dietary niche in NEProckfish (Ingram and Shurin 2009; Ingram 2011), althoughpPC2 was not as strongly associated with trophic positionas pPC1, which loaded on body size as well as gill rakers.Both pPC2 and pPC4 predicted depth habitat in NEP rock-fish, suggesting that the morphological traits that showedsupport for convergent peak shifts have ties to both trophicecology and habitat (table 2).

The results of the SURFACE analysis should be consid-ered in light of several caveats associated with this ap-proach. This method takes advantage of stepwise AICc asa computationally tractable way to explore parameterspace (Alfaro et al. 2009), but this makes the final modeldependent on the order in which peak shifts and cases ofconvergence are added. This can make the inferred Hansenmodel sensitive to the tree topology, as indicated by thevariation in measures of convergence across the posteriordistribution of trees (fig. A4). SURFACE makes the sim-plifying assumptions that the rates of stochastic evolutionj2 and adaptation a are constant across the tree and thatthese parameters do not covary between traits. Violationsof the constant-a assumption can lead to inference ofoptima quite distant from species trait values, and wefound that one optimum (estimated for a peak occupied

only by Sebastes longispinis) fell well outside the range ofPC2–PC4 (fig. 2D–DF). Models that allow heterogeneityin a and j2 among peaks are now available (Beaulieu etal. 2012) but have yet to be combined with approachesthat identify the positions of peak shifts, and it may notprove possible to distinguish among alternative models(e.g., change in the optimum, a or j2) for very smallsubclades. The assumption of independence of the evo-lutionary parameters among traits is likely to be at leastapproximately valid given that the morphospace was ob-tained from a phylogenetic PCA, although this procedureonly ensures that the axes are orthogonal under the l

transformation of the BM model. While true multivariatemethods for fitting OU models are becoming available(Bartoszek et al. 2012), they are not currently integratedwith an algorithm that can identify peak shifts.

By combining SURFACE’s reconstructed history of peakshifts with the inference of ancestral geography using sto-chastic character mapping, we were able to estimate the extentof within- and between-region convergence. SURFACE iden-tified only a single case of convergence between lineages inthe NEP and NWP, involving the pelagic clades containingSebastes ovalis (NEP) and Sebastes owstoni (NWP). A fewother cases of between-region convergence were occasionallyidentified across the sample of trees (fig. A4; e.g., block ofgray squares in the lower center of fig. A5 representing benthicclades in both regions), but there was no support for excep-tional between-region convergence. This is somewhat sur-prising given that unrelated lineages in each region were oncegrouped together on the basis of morphology, although thesegroupings were based in part on traits such as head spinationthat were not measured here and are of unknown ecologicalfunction. In general, NWP lineages were rarely identified asconvergent, with no evidence for within-NWP convergenceand weak evidence for between-region convergence.

Instead of replicated radiation, we found the somewhatsurprising result that convergence within the NEP wasrather common, with eight cases of convergence betweenNEP lineages in the SURFACE result for the MCC tree.These included four benthic lineages that occur in rela-tively shallow habitats: Sebastes ruberrimus, Sebastes gilli,and the named subclades Sebastichthyes (including Sebastesserriceps) and Pteropodus (including Sebastes caurinus). Ad-ditionally, deeper-living and generally smaller-bodied lin-eages including Sebastes semicinctus and Sebastes rosenblattiwere identified as sharing an adaptive peak, as were theless obviously similar Sebastes constellatus and Sebastes pau-cispinis. The identity of the convergent lineages variedacross the distribution of trees, but convergence withinthe NEP was generally supported. The SURFACE resultsare consistent with the pairwise distance analysis, whichshowed an excess of morphologically similar but distantlyrelated pairs of species in the NEP compared to the ex-

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pectation under BM but not in the NWP. In combinationwith the SURFACE results and the asymmetry in the near-est neighbor analysis, where NWP species less frequentlyhad a counterpart in the NEP than vice versa, this suggeststhat the regions differ in their tendency to reach conver-gent adaptive peaks.

Environmental differences between the northeast andnorthwest Pacific may account for the observed differencesin the extent of convergence. The NEP and NWP rockfishfaunas show some differences in their occupancy of mor-phospace (fig. 2). Several related species in the NWP (es-pecially Sebastes hubbsi, Sebastes koreanus, Sebastes longi-spinis, and Sebastes nudus) occupy a region of trait spacewith no counterpart in the NEP, corresponding to smallmaximum TL and few, short gill rakers (average pPC1 andvery low pPC2; fig. 2A). This specialist benthic phenotypeis associated with the use of sea grasses as habitat by adultindividuals, whereas in the NEP, sea grasses are used pri-marily as nursery habitats following the recruitment ofjuvenile rockfish from their pelagic larval phase. The NEPcontains multiple benthic lineages as discussed above, butthese tend to be larger bodied or use deeper habitats. Thespecialist NWP phenotype appears highly derived relativeto the inferred ancestral peak representing pelagic specieswith long, numerous gill rakers such as Sebastes pinniger(although the caveats associated with the stepwise algo-rithm also limit our confidence in ancestral peaks iden-tified by SURFACE). Otherwise, NWP rockfish generallyoccupy a subset of the morphospace occupied by the morediverse NEP fauna (fig. 1A–1C). Differences in the dis-parity and extent of convergence between regions mayarise in part from variation in the diversity and abundanceof potential competitors. The NWP contains representa-tives of the three genera most closely related to Sebastes(Helicolenus, Hozukius, and Sebastiscus), all of which areabsent from the NEP. Further, ecologically similar speciessuch as groupers (e.g., Epinephelus spp.) are more abun-dant and diverse in the NWP than in the NEP (Froeseand Pauly 2013). Ecological opportunity for rockfish maythus have been greater in the NEP than in the NWP, withlineages free to undergo more frequent niche shifts thatresulted in convergence in morphospace.

These results provide an interesting contrast to a recentstudy that used a similar set of analyses to investigateconvergence in Greater Antillean anole lizards (Anolis sp.).Mahler et al. (2013) confirmed that Anolis radiations arestrongly replicated across islands and showed that this fau-nal similarity is best explained by a history of frequentshifts between shared adaptive peaks that loosely corre-spond to microhabitat specialist “ecomorphs” (Losos et al.1998). In contrast, within-island convergence is rare: thesame ecomorph rarely evolves more than once on an island(Mahler and Ingram 2014), and the rate of trait evolution

consequently slows down as niche space on an island be-comes saturated (Mahler et al. 2010). This pattern con-trasts with NEP rockfish, which show no signs of a slow-down in evolutionary rates, consistent with the continuedoccurrence of peak shifts in this region. It is unknownwhy certain traits show evolutionary slowdowns while oth-ers do not (Harmon et al. 2010), but one possibility isthat characteristics involved in trophic interactions ormacrohabitat preference are governed by a more dynamicadaptive landscape. The traits showing both evolutionaryslowdowns and convergence in anoles (size and relativelimb length; Mahler et al. 2010; Mahler and Ingram 2014)relate primarily to structural microhabitats (e.g., perchheight and diameter), the distribution of which may berelatively constant. In contrast, the rockfish traits analyzedhere, which relate to diet and depth macrohabitat, andmeasures of climatic macrohabitat in anoles (Hertz et al.2013) do not show evolutionary slowdowns. In rockfish,divergence on the depth gradient appears to be particularlyimportant for within-region speciation (Hyde et al. 2008;Ingram 2011; Muto et al. 2013; Venerus et al. 2013); ifthis divergence is driven in part by competition withinspecies, it may facilitate shifts even to niches already oc-cupied by more distantly related lineages in the same re-gion. The possibility that taxa, traits, and niche axes maydiffer predictably in the tempo of their diversification isintriguing and warrants further theoretical and empiricalinvestigation.

The replicated evolution of similar phenotypes in dif-ferent regions has long been taken as strong evidence forthe ability of natural selection to shape organisms to theirenvironments. We found only limited evidence for con-vergence between the largely independent radiations ofSebastes in the northeast and northwest Pacific, suggestingeither that morphological diversification is not governedby adaptive processes or that the regions are not suffi-ciently similar to produce matched sets of species. Instead,we found that most cases of convergence occurred withinthe northeast Pacific, the region where rockfish have di-versified most extensively. The possibility of replicated orparallel adaptive radiation within regions has recently re-ceived attention in several systems (Kozak et al. 2009;Rutschmann et al. 2011; Muschick et al. 2012; Frederichet al. 2013). It is not immediately clear why lineages oc-curring in broad sympatry would show such convergence,as we might expect niche incumbency to limit diversifi-cation into niches already occupied by another lineage’s(Algar et al. 2012), unless the lineages had diverged suf-ficiently in additional, unmeasured ecological dimensions.If this diversification occurred during periods when cladeswere isolated from one another, the implication is thatspecies interactions do not limit the clades from expandingto occupy the same geographic ranges (Wiens 2011). Some

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theory has recently begun to explain the conditions underwhich interacting species may evolve to be more similarrather than more different and how such similar sets ofspecies may emerge either in sympatry or in allopatry(Scheffer and van Nes 2006). Whether this process or dif-ferentiation in niche dimensions not associated with thetraits studied here explains the convergence of rockfishlineages within the NEP remains to be seen.

The analyses we describe here indicate that convergentshifts between adaptive peaks are a feature of morphologicalevolution in Sebastes radiations, with some indication ofclade-wide convergence within the northeast Pacific. Rock-fish provide an example of widespread within-region con-vergence in a marine environment and highlight the abilityof macroevolutionary models to reveal the dynamics of con-vergence in adaptive radiations.


T.I. was funded by postgraduate and postdoctoral awardsfrom the National Science and Engineering ResearchCouncil of Canada. We thank H. Imamura, T. Kawai, M.Love, K. Maslenikov, M. McCrea, K. Sakai, H. J. Walker,M. Yabe, and K. L. Yamanaka for arranging access to rock-fish specimens and J. B. Losos, D. L. Mahler, and tworeviewers for helpful comments that improved themanuscript.

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Associate Editor: David N. ReznickEditor: Troy Day

A freckled rockfish (Sebastes lentiginosus). Photo credit: Travis Ingram and On Lee Lau.